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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1906)
1 jztZ THE ."OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, yORTIr4T3,t -WEDNESDAY II AY USE-DREDGE fOUMEPORTLRUDlTPARflDISE IV. S. LADD- It .Will Probably Play Important Part fir Making East Sid TO r GREAT AMOUNT OF WORK TO BE DONE po''n V s Work Progrewing at " Hawthorn if i Slough and - Between East Alder v ; H '-,1 4rJJ- - and - East .Morrison Street-Bull Run Pipe Line Under DUcutiion.- EVENING, MAY 13, ' i;.J. . : : . .. . . ... ' - ' ' - . , MMPSSMSemjMSMMaMMMMWSSISW)'yi , , - .- S" V s - .--' . ;--(.J..; -x ;---.:: -;-v. ,' i -..- i s, " .- " --v . . ' ' 1 i $ -.A i, .1 k V , 1 ' ; r rzr ry ' Friday always ' been . th hous kpra clMiilna day-Juat much as . Monday la waabday and Saturday Dak' Jn day. and tba Initiative On Hundred, realising- this wladom of Ions ' expert, ence, has abided by the rholoa.- Friday 'of this week baa been eclared cleaotns that day the active work of beautifying the city of Portland win be mentuwa. At 1 o'clock, - after the children ha vo been "property-Impressed with the hn- . oortance of tba matter, tney win oe ""T fr. nhpn fnf tt?S da Shd SOIlt their hnmas """The" sense " of -th' brine iussui.d'TeaJCwinJbe Inside - rather than from the outside and tnus to accomplish better and more lasting resultSL -No one la to be compelled' to . take part In the movement, but It Is erjecll,.that al aented. to. the boys and glrls their senae of Interest and pride will be so strong -: that they will eagerly wish to help. -Children will be instructed to begin st their owa doors first in tbe work of cleanllnesa. They" must burn all burn "s "Sbl axtlclesrcollectTiH-collectabl -aad rings, broken crockery.- and - sll ' such - , rubbish ahould be piled In boxes or sacka on the atreet curb where they msy be easily collected by the teams which will ga therthem after- o'clock, The chit- , , dren may Jaurn and collect all afternoon : but moat have -the work dona by o'clock. As the boys wilt probably do " the most active work in cleaning, every girl Ja asked to jtlant floweiln.the lawn If there la one, in a flower pot if , .j. there Jn't,,an4 Jn a tin cn If there la no. pottery. . Later there will be prises given for thia work among I the . glrla, and the prettiest lawn or piece of , lawn will receive a Just reward. There will be 'prises for-big strips andS little strips that all msy have a like chance. This la only the smart beginning of ' "What the Initiative One Hundred plana to do before it Is through. Lawn curbs -will en. be encouraged and boulevards will follow. The hills will be ten-seed ---snd great things will result from this ; start.- This will take years, -bwt-the or ganlsatlon has faith - that when the . t homes and yards are cleaned up the no one will be able to endure to see the - - uobeauUful things that now exlat In the -' .-- - ,-' Zslaad City OoauneBoememt. " " (SpeeUI Inssatch to Tbe loarnsL) ' Island City, Or., Idsy 1. The com- mencrmer.t exercises of the Island City . high school , will, take place tomorrow evening; for which occasion an excel lent program has "been arranged. Ths valedictory will be delivered by kilns Netta Kiddle. An address will be de ' livrred by State Superintendent Acker smb. Ravv-'-Mr. - King of La Grande will- preach the .baccalurestcatrmoji - Sunday morning; . pajrmeata if desired aad jr will GEVA COLUMBIA! ' t i Always Reliable jj' WrltU ruarft&tot wltn 0wrf mihiai, iUir diM or C7Uadr from th Col COLUMBIA BUILDING aaia -Globe & Rulgcr'5 Fire Ins. Co. , Assets Over $4,000,000 " : Scrplas to Policyholders, alter paying San Francisco Losses, ;. . over $i.4oa.oo -; 'j- . The "plob Ru'rers- will pay every dollar of legal liability In San Franclsoo. and will be able to meet Its obligation nut of its surplus without dlslurblM Its WK-urltles in any way, and., te Its losses In n. .T7r -V!Tr 2?. i".he nstgers"' hss decided to Immediately de posit 150,000 In t nited States ffofernment bonds with the state treae-. Iirer of Orea-on for the sole protection of the policy-holders In this slate It la needless to mention that a company that can pay lta San Francisco' losses and comply with the stringent Insurance Isws of Oregon at thia time is not only more than solvent, but Is entitled to the support of a large business. PUFFER, BURQARD & CO. St WASBXBwTOV T, rOBlXABS, OB. , : - - Near the East End pf the Steel Bridge. r ' i - c - - '- j V'-' . " ' . . ' i . 1 k - 1 ' ! ' " -v j 1 , . -.-Jt.x r? , 1 i-4 Some. Rubbish at Willamette Iron Works. , REVEIIGEftCilllSES EiRClFLOfe fSalem Man Break From Demo- cratic Party Becausa of , ' Ancient Grurge. NO STAMPEDE HAS FOLLOWED HIS ACT Circumstances Point to the Fact That " Present - Certain Political , Strength "ol the Bolter Is Strictly Limited to On .Vote. .. .-V fjjL... '.Overjoyed . to find a single ray of light in the political outlook,' the Ore gonlan ' .laat Monday - - made much of the declaration - of P.. II. D'Arcy of Salem that, ; although a Democrat, he would work and rote for James Wlthv- combe for-gaverhhrr- inclcSshta SOMETHING NO OTHERS i MANUFACTURETHE . 14 001 RECORD Tnn-frff.-ennranTiur oxma rut zxmm zbxso OS OOZjITMBZA. mXCOBDS. . . . . ... ' r 011 ad hear them demonstrated. They ' are , more distinct i aad natural thaa any other make ma chine. glv a 'liberal aUowaace oa your -'I -. -- r ITS THE BESTl' Z7I WASHINGTON ST. WMBwrnBaxxxaxixsgxaaaw D'Arcy made much of himself, for he I I tooa a nm column or newspaper epore to' conceifThe real reason why he fs opposing Governor Chamberlain. ." Mi1." D'Arcy Is not -niled with disgust because of ths methods f the sunDort- or: ""'.f because he wss born-4n Englsnd.-arsi no-one knows thst fact better than P. it. D'Arcy of Salem. The truth of : the matter Is that D'Arcy Is Inspired by a political grudge. No matter whom the Republicans named at their primaries It wss certain that D'Arcy would bolt his party ticket.-'He had threatened to do just this thing, and therefore hi flop , occasioned no surprise In : tbe Chamberlain camp. , , ; - The story of what caused "DArcy's defection dates back .eight years., and concern the-bitter-enmity-elt- by-that gentleman toward " Frank W." Durbln. then sheriff of Marlon county, but now I secretary or tne state board or agri culture. Jn 18S D'Arcy was a candi date for circuit judge tn the district that Includes Marion county. After an exciting contest he was beaten by Zl votes. There was trouble over the count,-and -on -October-14,- 1191, true bills were returned at Salem against P., H. D'Arcy and six others for "un lawfully altering tbs tally, sheets re turned by the election board of Monitor, Buttevllle end. Mount - Angst . precincts snd writing with a pen on the tally sheet the name of P. H. D'Arcy, candidate- for circuit judge, third Judicial district." ' ' - i"-rr ..- -"" ; Pin f ISJ Durbln premptly plaeed Pi 1L D'Arcy under arrest. DArey-wfnsyd-to-ftlfTedT give .bonds and wanted to be released on nis own recognisance, i nnerin imroin Insisted on doing his duty, but not de siring to humiliate D'Arcy kept him in custody by sitting up sll nlghtvwlth him .instead 'of locking him up. Since that time D'Arcy hss hated TJurblh. - D'Arcy was never tried. . One of the seven menindlcted turned state's evi dence, but .the trial" of the first" cas settled sll the rest, for the court dis missed the defendant on the ground that the testimony of the witness who had turned state's evidence was not suffl- clentlv corroborated. The dismissal of ths other esses soon followed. , After that D'Arcy - fought Durbln at every turn of the road.- D'Arcy insist ed on dictating Democratic politics tn Marlon county. With . each disappoint ment ia talked of Jumping ths traces, snd each passing year found him grow ing jnore . and - more ,; disgruntled. ' A year a go he got the . blow -that caused Mm to sharpen a' knife for Governor Chamberlain.. The state board of agri culture chose as Its secretary his hated enemy, Ftsnk W. Durbln. D'Arcy blamed Governor Chamberlain for-the triumph of Durbln and swore revenge. That Is why v he la - now for Wlthyeoipb. - Nol stampede has followed, his'- announce ment, and -s far as can be aecertalnrd his present certain political strength is limited to one vote. r WILL APPOINf NEW - r BUILDING INSPECTOR .-,.-'-' i .,. .. - 0 - T- " eJSSBBSSlBSBaaSBBBBBS t "A new city building Inspector-will probably be appointed "early tn June. Thomss Mann, the present Incumbent. Is serving under temporary appointment and does not wish to hold -the office after any one has been placed on the eligible list by the civil service commis sion.,, j .... ; : . . ;- i. ; On May 18 an examination for build ing. Inspector will be given by the civil service commission,' and. If any. of the five applicants now on ihe Hat paaa the tests being prepared, the permanent appointment will fallow quickly. The salary, of .building inspector Is IIS a month, and-one of the principal require ments is that the applicant for the po sition shall have had five yearn' actual experience as an architect, contractor or superintendent of 'construction. ; Feel languid, weak, run-down? Ilend BcheT Stomach "off"f Just a pin In rase of lasy liver. Burdock Blood Hit ters tones liver and stomach, promote digestion, purines, the blood. ' Preferred Stock Canaed stood. , v Allen A Vwl'. Best Brand. . , . v-' as Bids Department. The dredge W. 8. Ladd. belonging to the Port -of Portland, will probably be rused In'roaklhgTBiTUlS oh thTeasrstd. -At-tha. Jis eilng J.lasttliht jt the East Side Improvement association Whitney L. Boise reported that an effort is being mads to get the dredge for this work and he had no doubt the effort would prove successful. The fill between East Alder and - East Morrison- streete-wss reported to be nearly completed. There was some criticism of this till, on ths ground that It was not deep enough. The low ground between Eaat Alder and East Washington streets will be filled next. The work of filling the Hawthorn lough on Grand avenue baa progressed satisfactorily. Ths width of the nil is now about 0 feet."-"; --. . The proposed new pip line to Bull Run river came tip - for discussion. It was explained by Pr. Raftety that eatl mates of the cost of this work would be published In a short time, after which the association .could-better determine if It were advisable to Insist upon this Improvement. , . - DISEASE-FEARED, loag-h : Ksaaee la Tal Bea-ard, SayUsldaass. . ! From the neighborhood of Hawthorne slough comes a- persistent complaint Kast- Third street is a serious menace iol ths healti: of th es muclliiDrt street sewer is emptying a portion of lta contents into It This sewer has re cently, been rsised sbout 1 feet snd In 1 falsing W hrnltma- n niimhas nt places and Is now dlschsrglng a smsu quentity of sewage In seversl places along Us route. ; . A greenish-yellow " cu m -rovers -1 he surface of the" water In several plates. Within the past year there have been two fires of old wooden buildings resting on piling along 'this slough. The 4rfm Eipahar-of . tba buildlnsi burned wtumps of piling have fallen In the water and quantities of all kinds of nittHlah fisva bun nnDtlld into -the .i,,h with the rrniint of hot drv WMt hr ft Is thought that thla slonah Is apt to become a disease-breeder of the worst type. At sny. rata, it is regaraea as most unsightly. - PAS MORE FOR WATER, Jfonat Tabor Appolat Committee to As certain the Beaaoa. The Mount Tabor Improvement elation appointed a committee to Inquire why . that part of Mount Tabor In the city of Portland was charged more for water than other parts of tbe city.- The statement was made that the Mount Tf- bor Water company had promised to charge eltv-Tatse for water If ths Port land Water company- would supply the Mount - Tabor - company, with Bull Run water. Dr. -C. H.i Raf fety of the water committee -was - present and mad the statement, that his understsndlng wa that all that part of Mount Tabor now in the city of Portland was to get the same rate for 'water that prevailed tn the City proper.- but he thought the lo cal company had stipulated that- this reduction was not to sake place Immedl atelv.- - - VT. F. Prior and I". F. Dawson, the eommlttee who are to .inquire Into the matter, will make a report to the asso ciation at a meeting- next Monday night. PENINSULA ANGRY. Xadlgnatloa Oauaed by Beporta f oor BnltrHim Thrrr erjrnstdei aWwtndlgiiatroTrnKS 1 Daen i npffyeTth,t,eport--tBat- th san' j iury condltloir-of the Peninsula -wa bad. At meeting last night of the Unl verslty board of trad the subject was up for discussion. It was reported that the health officer visited that section last wcek;t that hejhad made a thorough Inspection of the.""premiss of a large number of houses and -reported -that University Park and Portsmouth are In better aanltary conditio then any other of the Portland suburbs. This meeting waa presided over by W. J. Peddicord. There waa a large at tendance. j r WOULD BE ANNEXED. THe Montavllla board of trade has de termined to agitate the question of an nexing Montavllla to Portland. , At a meeting last night It wss discussed, and the fact was brought out that a larga majorltrrof the-resldente --that Mac favored the project. Later the meeting took tn a political aspect, and was ad dressed by Messrs. Lewis, Fields, Stev ens. Webster end Barnes, all candidates for county - offices , on the Kepubllcanv ticket. - . , EAST SIDE NOTES. The ' Standard Box company Is build ing a ano-foot wharf addition - to tts plant. The wharf extends from East Ankeny street to the Burnsle street bridge. When completed this company will nave 600 feet of wharfage. - The wall of the burned brick building on Grand. avenue near East Pine street are a4d to be dangerous- Children playing around .this building are liable to be maimed Of killed by these wall falling with the first heavy gale.., The Portland Bash m Door company ha moved Into Its new building, cov ering one half of the block fronting I'nlon avenue between East Taylor and East Yamhill street. - The Portland on company Is making extensive Improvements on East fine street. A new six-Inch main is being laid esst along the street, beginning at Sixth. " - i! 1 CASTOR I A lor Infanta and Children. Tbs Tfci Yea Hin Alxayi E:.;ht Bear th ' Slgnatur of r-- - r- . I ., 'v.v..r-'. v- . ' :. ' I : 7 11 vre Pccst Line of - " 7- X . yj ' ' 1 we k6 ever s3ion at ' j f - l j f are now on sale No need - of payrng more for youf Spring Suit"" I Improved lop Dairy Sepior m mgnest i htt,is-;-v a LeWlS and JW' - lla Close Skimmer: T1 ZT I ?-fc p::tlieXIdsest?Z I ggFaiT 4 ir- ,Skimmer ; ' - -... ; . A I . i i i 1 i , , ,, ' -. -T;,; -.,-;.v- , it . - $15.00 TO BY BUYING SAYS GRANT COUNTY' " I FAVORS CHAMBERLAIN 1 believe thst Governor Chamberlain will carry Grant county at ths coming election. Especially is this true If h come into the-county during th cam paign and If Dr. Wltnycombe fall to come, or, if he doe come, fall to make a good Impression," ald P. F. Chandler of John Day this 'morning. Mr. Chand ler la the owner and editor of the Grant County New and 1 a Republican, Continuing.- he aald: "Governor Chamber lain la personally very popular In Grant and all his official acts havs pleased the people. It is hardly likely they will desire a change In , the governor's office." v - ' -. ATHLETIC FIELD , f WILL BE THEME ":. v.:.: : i. The problem of securing a permanent athletic field for. the Toung Men's Chrta- tlan association will b discussed at the members': congress , of ths association this evening. The report of th committee appointed at the last meeting will probably contain some definite plan. Other matters will com up for discus sion, smong them being the deslrahfllty of giving -series of moonlight sxcur slons. ' tl - , A - V H $25.00 SAVED AN IOWA NOW CAPITAL, PAID RESERVE. XL Canadian Bank announced - to nw premises In th , .U. Lumterv Exchange Building on tht Second and : - - , T X 11 till Firtt and Taylor UP. tlO.000.009 4,H0,O0 of Gommerce its. removal 1- v corner Stark Streets x .....