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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 10RTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 16.'U.:3. t : -it : READY TO FLOAT GEO. IV; ELDER : Engineers in Charge Await Only Abatement of the Prevail' ; v ing High Winds. - LEAKS ARE STOPPED v , PUMPS ARE PREPARED Captgln Bsker "Declares Elder Cut Be; Floated Clear of Rock's in Two ; . Hoiirt If Wind Abatea and Pumps Can Be Started. ; ' .'. . If the fatea are propltloua tha eteain "r Georga "VrV Elder-wl-be afloat-, by 8aturdajrjr Sunday. Tha final attempt to- raise- tha sunken vessel i to be made, on ona of theaa day a, crovldlna all conditions .are favorable., Captain it. w. Baker of Detroit, who la euperin tending operations at Oobla, arrived in Portland this morning.- H was. in con--eultatton with JSdward -A. BeeiB,rdle 1 trict forecaster of tha United Btatea weathef bureau, for aoma . jtlnre -thla . nornlnn, seeking Information, relative to tha prospects of a moderation of the blah wind that haa prevailed . for sev eral days. Inasmuch aa no forecast 'r in made mora than 24 hours In advance, -' Mr. Beale waa1 unabla to prophesy defi nitely meteorological conditions on the , laat daya of the' Week, but. gave It aa hie opinion that the weather might be .favorable on theaa daya -Captain Baker branded aa falaa and without foundation the published re-, port that a mutiny haa occurred among Ene membera of big wrecking crew. - "At no time have I a can mora inter feat displayed or men working more . harroonloualy together, " aald Captain I, ,i jjjttr ! thH ' 'tnOele) " IHftlOyMl 1 1 wT worlt-ot-xaiaing the. Elder. Every man .- la anxious to aee tha stearrler afloat and - work him.- AUof tha leak in tha bottom have beea. effectually itpj?ne4 JnApotblng-.low-remaina for jjjki&e. to the blah water and oonaequent In- rT. creaae In the-atrangth of the current tha tide does not assist ua in our oper ation -The wind haa bean unfavorable and until It ahlfta to tha north or J!aacrnorthwest I would not attempt to aurtl tha pumpe. 1 expect to reauma opera- " trorie Friday or BaTu relay and u nothing r-r--unforeseen Intervenea wilt 'hnva the Elder In tha dry dock without great dlf- ficully. Tha 'centrifugal pumpa will J lower the water in tha hold at the rate of two feet an hour, and if ahould not " taka over two" Jjourald float tha steamer " dear Of tha rocks. Captain Baker received; a. message from his chief aealatant - thla morning that tt waa blowing a gale at Oobln, with no signs of abatement Baker n La-tO Gable -tontght. r-r r r CONCERT ON BOARD. af " yannrta Add ta may . City melUf rand. . ' When the steamer Manchuria arrived In Ban . Francisco last Saturday, aha -"handed to the general finance committee -of the-city a relief fund of .2.S00. Her paiiscngera bad read in the Japanese newspapers of tha needs ef tha aufferv , Ing people. Half way arrosa tha pacific - several of the paaaengers conceived the -'idea f.-givlng Jk.benflt concert. Mu BltiTrBtnmnts were found, "Bin gins; "" passengera tuned their volcea ' and on .-th twelfth; day the concert waa given on tha promenade deck of the great llner.-TW?keto--jwere sold and a contri bution was taken, every ona on board sitting tn trie rtinrt . Among Uio passengera of .: tha Man- - ehuria te arrive- ' ln-- Portland thla niorTitng"rwaa'"' A. V; r. Honey man - ef - Plalnfleld,-New- Jersey.- who headed a party of eight eastern tourlata. Mr. Honeyman Is the editor of the New ' " Jersey I -aw .Journal. The J party haa been touring tha orient for tha past ; two months. .. . SEAMEN COMPLAIN. Crew of Snip aValgate Say Thaw Do Wot : T : stave Oood-.Tood. ' . - -A delegation nf era icq, from. thaBrlt. 7" , i . , ... . I .waited, on. Britlah Con quantity of food served and tha trcat- meat accorded tnem -on tue voyage. They did not recite any specific, tales of cruelty but declared that they- had bevn ----threatened by the officers. - The Bailors also-maintained that the scales used to - correct. Captain Griffiths tn an Interview -declared thla morning that tha men were i exceptionally, well treated and that the T Galgate has always borne tha reputa tion of furnishing an excellent quality of food to her crew. '." "There la not a Britisher among tha : able aeamen constituting the crew," aald the captain. "Prom the outset they ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Uver Pills. Must Bear Signature) of Asa PacSiaslla Wrapper (Mew. rciiusAcii. ' rBiBuzims. roi Biussmts roRTexnsuYu. ret coxstipatioi. reisAuoy sui. , rc Txtccariiiici twrsi iieisei sMWM. TagwaMa . . , . . ... ' fTavy saaaU save ae e . aa taka aa swfaaa s a, ' . i CAOTERS CURS SICK NSADACHE. showed tT disinclination W VorK Their schedule of ratlona call a for a pound of fresh or earned beef dally or aa equal quantity of aalt pork.- .There ia no re atrlction placed on the amount of bread and they are allowed a pound of sugar a week Jn addition to vegetables, The truth of the matter ia that thla eoast la a verl UVlei Mecca Tor TUT seauieig Tlie boarding-house keepers Immediately upon arrival Inform -them LtuU they can secure 16 by shipping from here Irustead of ft which they are paid now. ' It waa with tha expectation of forcing -me to pay, them off that they lodged the com plaint with the Britlah consul. Blckneae ia ona Of tha methods they use to escape working. . I bad ata who alleged they were airk at ona time." - included in tha cargo of the Oalgata ia (,1(0 barrels of cement, ISO ateel beams, ?2 steel rails, 144 bundles of fishplates and 1.000 casks of China clay, Mrs. Griffiths, tha wife of tha cap tain, accompanlea her husband on all of hla voyages and ta quite adept In tha art of navigation. . 8 he waa horrified to learn of tha San Francisco dlsaatsr. The ves- hael waa laid up In Oakland creek for over a year and tha captain ana bin wire had a -number of frlenda residing la the Bay City, ' MAY COME HERE. Biggest Bulling jw-essel i world Kay Local shippers received word this morning that It was possible that tha Rs-O. Rihmre.-the largest, sailing tn sel In the World, would cdme to Port land. ., ',. Thla' German '. 'berk which wia launched In Germany la February, ia to sail shortly from . Bremen to New Tork to load a full cargo Of case oil for Jansn. Bha la a five-master. 441 feet In length, with a Width of 14 feet f inches and a draft of "24 feet rnchee Her displacement is, approximately. 11,. 850 tons, giving a gross burden of about 1.000 tons. - Bha is' a sailing vessel, hut la fitted with triple-expansion 1,000 borse-pawe. engines which . under fa vorable circumstances, even when fully leaded, will't enable her to make from to 7 knbtastinder. steam. ., . i. BOAT RUN DOWN. gt earner Ooa,ta Bla Crashes Xato risa- taf Sxaaak gear Aatoria. . r ' It la reported that the steamer Coata "Rfca on her" way- to "AstorlaMohday ollldedwtthllabing smack manned by Henri and Matt Humlnaati. Tha latter clung to -the boat and . wna aaved, but hla brother waa undoubtedly drowned. A I'oiilliia l the nllut n tllg CostrTttcXnihV'amarBoat'Wn her lights burning and tha occupants af tha craft were asleep. The body 'of tha drowned man haa not been recovered. It fa likely that the authorltiea will make- aa investigation. "MART Astoria. May Is. Arrived at I and left., up At, 7 a. jn.- Steamer Grace Dol lar, from. Ban Francisco.' Left up at SUP.. a, Wl -.British Kerlr Pwvynn tr, rived down at lL:l?aVjn Steamer Bee Outside at :66 a. in. Steamer Barra cout, from San Francisco. . Ontslda at T a. m.' A Vthrea-masted" schooner, Ban Pedro,. May .IS. Arrived Bark- AatoTiatMaVlS.rri iah' from Portlands left, up at K:30 from Ran Dlero. , p- m. Steamer Bee, - St. Helens, May 1. Passed at 10 a. m. Italian ship Caterlna ' Accama and schooner Mabel Gale.- : .Astoria, May It. Condition of ' tmt bar it I t m., moderate; wind, south west r -weather, cloudy PROGRAM ARRANGED -" v FOR KELLY BENEFIT An entertaining program fias been prepared Vj the local Telegraphera'- anrf Ion for tha benefit - to ba given at tba Helllg theatre Friday night for the par ents of Leonard Kelly, the young telegrapher who " recently committed aulctde while deranged mentally after the stress of work at Ban Francisco fol lowing the earthquake. He waa the sole aupport ot hla old parents, - and - th. union of which he waa a member la trying to aid then! financially. The pro gram follows: - : , Selection ....". ..Full Helllg Orchestra (U Marcus, accompanist.) Selection "11 Trovatore" Verdi Warren Ladles' Mandolin Club,, (Direction Senor Palacloa) Soprano eolo "An Irish Folk Song".. Mlsa Elisabeth Harwaa. (Mrs. Alden H. Beals. accompanist) Monologue "Obliging His Landlord".. Claude Illekn. JJfurnished- bjr -Gillespie 8chool of Ex- FBaaa- sofon-Sona from HybrlaTTfie" prrBdivBi Cretan" . . . . .7."". Blt(rtt - nr.- WilllarriTrfnmTngr Dramatic monologue The GreenKyad-!- Monater v. . mvmgsiuns ; Mlag It 1L Bode. - iXlollaoloJ.J.J-..-i. . Selected Miss Cornelia - waraer. Soprano solo "O Come W ith Me In the - Summer Night . . .Van der Stucken Plavlet "The Little Glrl"..R. H. Pnvls Baby Jr.hnson. Clayton Burnaon, Wil liam M. Kasmus and G. Lester Paul. Baritone, rolo v ,.. Selected t J. Adrian Epping. (Mies Motile Reynolds, accompanist.) Soprano solo "Tontght" Zardo Miss Ethel M. Lytle. -Reading "The .King's Pnrdon". . . Msud Wilder Goodwin - Miss Mae Bell Names. (Instructor Emerson System Oratory.) Vocal solo , Selected Frank Hennessy. Bugle cells V. Selected -Messrs-. Cooper and. Ilarry.. Tickets are on eala at "Woodard, Clarke 4b Co., Gravea Music store, J. K. GUI at Co., T. M. C A..', and PoaUl Tele graph office. Tickets may be exchanged for reserved aeata at tha Helllg box of fice. ; T " :- 7 , RHODES ARRANGES FOR . STUDENTS'. CONFERENCE State Secretary I. B. Rhodea of the Toumg Men s Christ larb Association re turned' yesterday from a visit through the Y. M. C. A. -field of Oregon , and Idaho. He la highly pleased with the advance that the organisation has made during the past ..few. montha. New buildings are -to ba erected at Eugene, Oregon City, Baker City, Astoria, Cald well and Lewis ton. . The work has al ready beeri pushed well under--wy-n tha new T. M. C. A. building at Oregon Agricultural college. Secretary Rhodes haa also arraryred for the Pacific northwest student con ference, which meets at Oearhart. Ore gon, on June It-Si. He predlcta that thla series of meetings will be as largely attended aa those of last yeac He has secured tha presence of the following speakers and Isadora for ths conference: " E. .T. Cotton, associatar secretary for eign department. International commit tee. New Tork City; IL W. Stone; gen eral secretary Young Men's Christian Association, Portland; A. 8. Allen, gen eral secretary Toons- Men's -Christian Assoclstlon. Sewttle; Rev. J. W. Brough er. First Baptist church, Portland: Rev. J. M. rn. Second Baptist church. Bar at tier W. M. Ladd. Portland; Bono Hutchinson, religious - work director, Toung 1 Men's - Christian Association, Portland; President 8. B. t -Penrose, Whitman college, walla Walla; Iva B. Rhodes, gtata gecretaxy. . NE NOTES. v j AT-THE-THEATRES. ,... Successful Baker Stock. Oenrf K Btkor Mid s would give yea s oxl ux-k,- na M more tttta kept hi word. Tb fin, lot et plmymn who r putting ea Irlnce Karl" this werk at the lUkr Uiastr Irn piotlug their "nwrlu bayood a doubt. Thry kTa aMs la intmadiate bit with sverrbody woo has visited the theatra. k'rldas -ulbt ia aiTnlr nlsl.' haii a pie tare of Kdgsr Ha am glvta to eacb peiaoa a 'the auairave. ' . "The 'Little Minister." ,T' The eeoad werk'a bill of the Baker stork will be To Utile MlnliMr," Harris's visy. No oo.ln tbs world wae has sera (bis satirist drsais eaa forget it. It rearbn tbs kart ia s way that few plays ever hare. It was Maud AdaaM' bst limit, and it drew tha largest crowds ef th first famous srasos of stock at tbs Baker. It epeas Suwlar nattnes. May SO. . East Lynne Sunday. . : Cast Lyase will be given at tae Empire for ese week, opening Bandar afternooa and even ing. -This great revival of . the fanoua old play has ' bees Immensely soceesrui sll tba) Seesoa, a no tpseUi ' cars has been gives ts mike sll 4wage--aettlnss true ta -tha original Ideas ef tli author, and the scenery Is c lelljr lavUb. . "A Mesaage From Mars," Th eooedr, "A Message fram Mara.' Is wltkib 41svld rroctnr, ona nf tlie yery.jonaplcn ous snd promlalng young actor. Is sppearlng e tli star, will be presented hers t tbs H11lg.. theatre next Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday- and Thursday Bights, -Msy, SI, " W,- Itl snd Si,- wbea tbs play -will ba placed before ' local tuatr-goers )ust ths same ss it was during Its. three rear' ran la Londoa snd two years la New York" elty. This play was brought out la London. Tbs ssthor ef It, however, Richard ttasthonv; is as AmerVaa. After Its long sa4 successful ran ta Londoa, it ' waa .brought to America, when- it proved as- snceeaaful ss It did in Looilon. The sdvaar sala of nests will ones next rriday aiemlng st 10 ' clock st the Ueulg theatre. The World," Scenic Play. Tbfr are severs! seenea' la "The World" which Is drawing Urge bouses to tbe Empire this week, ' notable among which is tbs scras aboard s big Atlantic liner which closes with the burning of tbe ship ssd sa immense ex plosion, , daabteg her- te pieces. fmaditly afterward there are two mld-oeesa scenes wl'h storm effects snd survivors floating ea debris f-" 1h PT fi4 S g" rT-""T --f hlr lakes place from a passing snip m toe au- tkaca." ' .," . ' ... VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. At the Lyric. la tbe prentatioa of tbe pretty rural drama "Miss Checkers, tbs Watf." tha I. Trie atork ebmpsny seems to hsvs struck a popular chord with tha- theatre-going people, judging from the Urge pftrosag the play Is attract, lug to this popular playhouse. Thc prndne Uun'ls' cleaa and cleverly ,actd iod ennracM nanr rnniiing situaoone. as wen a 70a ewengs ronv?iy "W rrrv tk orrtritir' oT-r eTtreax -or seriouaaess. . Thla play should be sees te be properly appreciated. At the Grand.' AHraham Lincoln's sddrees at the dedication of the .cemetery at Gettral-org is gives at tbe tall haa. Besides Lincoln, Mr. Osllahaa im pereonstes to th Ufe' sil the Important rulers of tbs world today, ss well ss several fa moo cbrsrtrs whs dld during th last -cautery. Th act la unions end educational. ' It ta wmm. Jt?lwnk "ta l""1"" At the Star.: To tt"e wb want to laugh (he best 4vlr to-gtvs-is go to tba ata IhW M ind M 4b ahow there. TlK 8tar stock oompanr ass s eoroedr show from end to end. There Is a Isnsh In every line, ssd wbea there era no more hagas- poaefrl there- -are ' nusleat num bers. 1 This is h combination which la difficult to surpsss. : Th management also shows pie. tares of tbe destruction ef Sas rrsnelsea by earthquake-aad fir.. '-- .- --VVants 50 or 100 Acres, -r- A gentleman who had very large in terests- In San Francisco,' but haa Trow decided to locate In Portland, deairss to purchase 50 or 100 acres within tha city limits, which he can- divide into build ing lots. He would consider a tract of land near Portlsnd which he could mske Info a summer resort. HisTadvertlse- ment. is on. tbe classified.-pae. under "Wanted Real Eatate.'1 r : ; . a Mirrnri ncasarzTT. ' Having to lay upon my bed for 14 days from a severely bruised leg, I only found - relief when I used a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment. I csn cheer fully recommend it ss ths best mod I- y cine for bruises ever sent to the afflict ed. It has now become a positive neces sity 'upon myself. D. R. Byrnes, mer chant, Doversvllle, Texas, 25o. SOe and 1.00. Sold by Woodard. Clarke A Co. funn; money All 'work guaranteed for -eii year Lady attendant always present AJ) wortc-don- absolutely with mil pain- -by specialists of , front lLjo JO years' ax- pesrlfinpflas Gold Fillings. Bridge Work, Oold Crowns, Artificial Teeth. BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS tSIM Morrison Bt.. Opp. Meier ek Frank - ; and PoatofOca. - . UXP8ECEDENTED SUCCESS "Of C. Gee Wo The Great Chinese l Doctor : At No. I62J First St, Cor. Morrison 4v muileedlsg ststasMnta te the sfnietesL 1 gssrsste s template, ssfs sad UsUag cere b tae auickssi pusstble time, sad at tbe Isweat eoet pseaibl for sesest ss seceee. fol traatm'St. I ears etrrn. ssthma. bng, threat, riMsmattam. seivusassss, etamaifc. kldaey and Inef meabosd. f EMALA - TROUBLES AND ALL BEIT ATS DISEASES. - . kfy resMdles sre barmlees; msigasiS af rests, t.rb. bad ssd bark speeially aeleeted ad Imparted direct by tree the Bstsesar it too aat ' at mrrtn dox-t celat. DEL ATS ARE DAXOEROtia tf yee eanaot eelL writ for symptee btsah ami carealsr. lorloee 4 cents Is 'me. . . OOSSnTTATTOX tRER. The ft W Cbinee Mad ! Oalagt ' rirst an., Tjaewer siaiiia.u. smiiaas, va. j CMtcHraTgai-a tnausw tm mmm m mis bmhm i Htk lie fIMn. Take a eehee. B.rea Mee. abatiel.a mm4 laaM ttmm. S.f mt Sriaalil. w m aiae a. r.rMikn, Tnt aa. Ill M'liM rW I.elM,'. 1 K w le MakSk ltrntHSMU shiw siiaMaaa . iMwai rait.i ra 1 t aeHICHrJTint-a MNOLa.-aa! MM. rnrntt VELVET SECRET ISlITiREE TO YOU THE LONGER THE LESSER After many years of study and practice s the cure for all forms of coaatipation. it Coaatipation. ot mean, said the Virginia Uocti -that this si a fake ourell. gnaranbeed to nii. guaranteed aothei pill which aeitner do I mean Juat anothat pUl which one thing a apctflo which never fails. that thy perforin their satoxal function. tlk-b Birr falls. nta uoctor to several of us eousaga annonnctng bat reltevea irn mediately sad ia a short time curse CosanipsUon. THE II0RE THE LESS aapsall enery. and mskss life a burdeni it th body too weak to resist them, , . . THE VELVET WORKER Dont shufBe along with this great, burdcnl Wh en a mantlTver L-IFE -and titeklduers You get up ia the WORTH LIVIITG good nigot's sip, wna a sent sppatlte for break healthy relish for each mouthful, and when you go smells good and you that everytning ts so oeauutut ana that it is so good to live. No man or woman with torpid Uver. ooustipatad bowels snd poisoned braia and Barvea ever tee la like that. Goto druseist and set a bottle of a fair 1 you and the remedy is not all It at Doner tnout auasuon or argument. . la S cents. To any leader who sends us hla er her name aad address with five stamps to oover postage expenses, we will at once mil a full aixe SSeent bottle of Chass'a Constipation Tablet, the velvet worker that cares. Not a sample, mind, but a full-srte XVcent bottle. Let us prove It-to you. Writ today, ad fl regains 1 CHASE MrO. CO.- Sit Taraea Are. ' Braeklin. Now Yiriu saw. w ' Wtt" 7WTTT7,"iT'T6'lt -, - - iiTiiCMreirecininPMrc -fl r I H i -lL -l'-ylt sM VH M I HHHHhrH ,1,1 ,,..-, ......r,,.;, .a..a.N 0..a .v,---, , fiMVESTIGATE. mm AlwoIolOnarantetoPajJUiU PLISH IT. If rou have violated th law ef health L Is anderramlng your system, come to us it roe are weaa., gloomy ana oespenneni, nsv eserxy; unable to concentret your thoughts, 4 onc sor. treatment 'Will stop slldeslns snd f- you to strength- snd- nestth. . wsV bav eurad THOSE WHO HATf. Bekb STsArrOTHTZTi BT TITgriLLrD SrKCtAJJSTg ABE EABVE8ITY REQUESTED TO IlfVESTIOATE OtTR 1TETHOD AMD TEEMS WITHOUT PELAT. WHICH HAD IHET SOKE Uf TUB BEOIBXUta W0UU HATB SATED IHEK TIMS ABB' MOsTET. r rT . .AHbIFErONG-GURE-FOR- BLOOD yoiSOKT. SXIH DISEASES. SORES, UXCERS. STRICTURE, TAsMCOCTXE. HTDRO CELE, KERVOUS DECTLUE, WKAXaEsA, BILES OB CHBOXIO DISEASES OF THE XXt-XETS- AMO FROSTATE. r-- . - - : . - - - SPEC! AX DIB EASES Newly-contracted sml rhronle esses eared. AD homing trctilng end inflammation fopped in x4 honra: cures effected 1n 1 daya. WT COVER THE Eg XIRB riELS Or SPECIAI. AMD CHBOXIO, DEE. SEATED, COMPLICATED DISEASES. We do not offer you any IBEX TRIAL TREATMEWTS. ELECTRIC BELTS, WORTH- I.IB tl.luBB, or ouirr aemi nnmni others may vry them, they cannot Imitate im Luiuut iwsiiu uuuu i located here 2S years. We do sot adeertis all tbe remits of years of rip experience, gained In th tratmnt ef many thousands ef pstients. W give you our skill snd sblllty ta th treatment nt dlaeaeea of men fnr s fair fee. which nay be paid In any way tbe patient deelre. IXTESTIO ATB OUR METHODS AND LEAR If THAT WE ARE ALL WE CLAIM TO BE, AXS WHEX YOU PLACE TOUR CASE IX OUR HAXDS TOU ARE -SURE OT eSTXIXft THE, BEST TREATMENT THAT liSB fiUfliaintvaaiwai.. . npnt-S t) a. m. to I p. ta.' Evening. SOOWS'DISPENSMY "AaTfTAMHUX PERFECTHEALTIi makes mankind vquaj to sll emergencies at least etjual to the ordinary du ties of life. . In aeeking medical treatment there are certain qualtflcatlone that you should require of your attending physician. Ability, experience, skill and an established reputation- for REL.IABII.ITT W claim tha above requlrementav which are necessary for aucceasful treatment of dleeasea ef men. VARICOCELE .HYDROCELE WEAK ORGANS , NERVOUSNESS : CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON . RHEUMATISM V BLOOD AND SKIN - . - HEART ' LUNG -LIVER 1 KIDNEY - BLADDER AND URINARY DISEASES -We guarantee a Cure In Every-Case-We-Undf r-r take or Charge No Fee Tha dortnra of thla Institute are all regntar gradue'ea, hsvs had many yeatrs experience, have been known In Portland for II years, have a reputa tion ta maigtain, and will undertake no case unless certain a cure can be ef fected, r : ' All Medicines Free Until Cuiid Consultation free. Letters confident la t Instructive book fnr men, mailed free, in plain wrapper. . , ' ; If you cannot call at offlce, write for symptom blank. Home treatment aucceeeful. - ' ' . Office haura a. m. .to t p. m.; Sundays and holidays, IS a, m. to It. Dr. W.. Norton Davis & Co. n tXUrag arpeelsllsia la the sTortkwMt. . Offices ia Tan Xfsy BUteO, SVt ThlrS St Corner Pine, Portland, Or. JOURNAL WANT A WdNOEttrttTDISCOVEtr prominent Virginia physician has dissevered w caitea v-oass's (ustlpatioa Tablst. "I do to core every thing breads tbe pBl habi core every thing from pimple to Daralrsis. brseda tbe pU habiti" my rsmedy is a cure tor Hf taQUff tonenaT Ih AomKm mrmmm ba By gently tonetn It re to re them all. to health and SUssrUL ins aigesuve organs The more you taka ths lses you aad wnM voa nd one for you are cured, aiy effort all along waa to evoid the evil ef the ordinary rsmedy which pampers organs already weak and so makes the patient a alave to the pill. Raxnatsber Mature aspects every organ to do Its duty,'' Physiolans have long recognised the fact that aoa stiDation a at the bottom ef nsauiv diaeeea. it opeaa tbe doors ta all evfigerma and makss ; This new discovery is In small tablets, easily taken, and they are packed in wctch-abape bottles which fit the vast pocket. The tablet Is mOd. all vegetable, never gripes er injures the moat delicate organe. But it does th work I So naturally and soothingly thoy stimulats sad re relet snd strengtben that they have beaa nirsnsmen i urn uiue velvet worksrs. Be healthy, be strong, be happy. working properly, the bowels are ig propenytne poweis are regular I .neallh'. what n fsy tt IsxWllfee I morning faeiing reeted and bright after a een sppetite for break feet and a o out ths air all pour lungs with pleasure: ths sua shinca. th birds sing, your every sense is acute aad appreciative, the blood bounds through your veins, carrying life and activity to every minute cell and tissue, your hop are high, your mind clear, your spirits high, you step buoyant, and you thank God fcaeea - e Ceastloatles Tablets, sad If aftsr represented to Do, your druggist will ref ona watcn snaps Dotuee. mat nt tae va " I have never used Chase's Coastrpa tloni Tablets. Snd sncloss five stamae lor full sixedbdtUe.-..-v - " " My" drugurt aai them,?'" - ' .M.M,,. .... ..M. ..,, ....MM. Address MM .... ..M ....MM City......... auesaaa M atafy drQf Vaatt sale :gg fjas gas) fl JgAtl1iMR l MMf f tM KM f IHtt ItMMW H We Are Established 25 Years in Portland CONSULTATION ER E E A T i rJVRTM ft TH.' IT MPTlTTf0" aTssyt-wf - AUer-wt- FerUaad t CATED AILMENT FOR $12J0 FOR THE FEE. Come today. td the SUCCESSFUL Specialists -who number their PERFECT Cures by .the THOUSAND ! You want PERMANENT Cure! We can ACCOM- " and are souse Ions of s eeastsnt drsls which' before you become a nervous snd physlesi wreck.. oa arssms. atirsaid. lses smoitioa snd leek vim. visor snd vltslttr. com te us at orercom - !! weaknesses ssd poalUvoly reotor .1 " nt tf -rrik aim I treatment, trnr sas srs eur owe, Snd While our n perl or taethoda of treat meet. WE ARE sru;uuiTi is roxTLAND, bavins cheap. Inbrter treatment, but - T te S; Sondsys, a IT SIREEIS.-PORTLAXD. OBEOOX. ADS PAY DEST -.S TRANSPORTATION. NOUE ROUTE wj.. S. SENATOR June I eaatw Tlokets Mew. bovtb. Prom Seattle at' for Ketchl-. kan, JunagU. - Shag way. White Uoraa, Daweon and Fairbanks. 8. a City of Seattle. May 11. II. II. I. a Humboldt, May 14. I. B. B. Cottage City (via Bltka). May IS. at.agsTA axrtTBunoMB. S. . apokane. June 1-lls July t-lt; August 1. ' TOM BAST raAJTCTBOO BOBBOT. Prom Seattle at am. , 8. & Umatilla. May S, If. So. ' . 8. 8. Queen, May , II; June t. " . a 8. City of Topeka, May II. . Portlaatd Ofnoe, S4S Washington Bt. atau as. . O. MC us, rasa, m r. Aft.- -CD. DUNANN, O. P. A, - - ' lf Mgrk,t st. Ban Pranelsee. Low Round Trip Rales BTew BUven, Oonm., and raturm. aoi.lO Kntgbt of Cplnmbn aieetlng. - Tickets es sals May S4. S, 2d. Rctura limit Anguat tt. Bostos, Kaaa,- and retara. ...,a91.r0 ' Chrlatlaa Scientist' meeting. . Tickets' 'sa sal Jane 4. ,e, I. Keturs. limit July If. Ibis makes sa excellent opportunity to visit th far st st notuln eisese. Theas ticket r good os all KHIa) train. Tickets good vis Kew Ynrtr City st Slight Increase la rate. Ag say ticket-Sgeai la. i-orusaa writs. H. B. SMITH, trsvellng I'.wugrr KRIS R. R . Alaaka Seattle. Agest, TELEGRAPH Paatast aa tha mivsr Tha only steamboat making a round trip -... Eactpt "'Sunday Between PORTLAND and ASTORIA T AaTl-WA-PnrTal - Jjeave 'Portlen av-mH Arrive Astoria 1:80 p. m. Lave A stnrin .......... Arrive Portland.'... T... s:f D. m. 1:00 p. m. . MOvS SERVED A LA CARTE Portland E.andingi Aides Stieet Book. B. SCOTT; Agent, Phone Main SIS. 99 The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. Boats leave ' PortlandT and The bailee dally, except Sunday, at T a, m.. arriv ing about S p. m., carrying freight and mgera. opienaia . acoommoaauons 'orOUtfltsand. livestock. t or Doin st tbs Dauas. Psoas Main !, Portland. AL . yAST AWD yortXAB STEAMSBlPa - ' tsm Bsattle ..r,f,.:;f TETTER SOB," May 18. SS: see C. It. "D0LPHIX," May S. SO; Juae 1. it Ss. CAixnra at """r " ' " Ketcblksa. Juaesn. Douglss, Dalaas. Skar wsy, Oonaects with W P. A T. roat tor At 11a. Dswsoa, Tsssaa. Nesaa, ate. . rot AD ftLetersAUk Torts. CaU or send for "Trip t Wonderful Alssaa," - 'lsdla Basketry." "Totem Poles." - TXE ALASKA a M. C0 Frssk JI Osk st. Wselsey Co., Ageats. Part tlssd. Or. S. S. F. A; K i 1 burn For Ceo Bay. Eareks sad Ssa Pranelae. ' ," " Bleat BaUlng from Portland, ' 7;L SATXTBUDAT, BEAT IS. " . P. L. OREENOUCH. Agt, Oeeeswlch Bash Bo. S. Paoa Msfca Ul. ;5P!CESr: DAinriOPCTiYDEn, FUTCnrC j EXTOXTS UMhtfiVsTty.- (HrBtttnivor. CrnrtStTwn.lrWCT CLOlSSET & DZYIH5 j PKHfTLANO. OM00N.1 Stomach troubles Positively Cured by "Naiure's Own Beme-dy. tVaxsrtt's NATIVE HEBBS.C casta you nothing ' 25c and 41 (containa Sight Draft far return of our si lie I d est euraAl At Onap gwaf 0 aeash aoaaek m Tna I Boer fs EE W - Basaarta Natrva Herbs Compeary Catasshua. taaee. r saw rrsai taste. Ia. INJECTION BR.OHJ ' WILL CURB GONORRHOEA an j GLEET WITHOUT OTHER T REATM EMT told try all 0riiC2wta 1P r rial, a) of Thosa sofferlng from weaa. neseet which asp the pleesnre life should Uke Jtrvea I'lll. tme b.-x will tell a storr ef result. This mdlnln ks more v, vli- islng force than haa ever .. Si. wit-Tld In r.iu perksgs t S..V. an f ki. -a (". I. I '-! Co,. r-o. swXsswa W seaaymjmj mmsssssssmxmf TRANSPORT ATICII. aont? 3 Trains to the East Dally. Through Putlmsa standsrd ssd tnuHat sleep. Ing-cmr dally I Omaha, Chicago, Bpshae tourUt sleeDlngar dally t Easaas Uty. Through reoiiaioc enaircare (seaU tree) t " fast dally. , - . ' Uslos Depot-. . f Lev. Arrtva, Special far .E"t Hustlngton. dir. t:18 SBJ : W "er for Eaatera . wablngtoa. Wgll " Walla, - . "7 tebt.). Cnsur d'Alese sni " ' v lir,..Noh Point, dally. S IS a .OS am t S,tle thp Bast via Hsstlngtou, dally... S IS pa T:ll sm , COLCVBU R1TBB DITISIO. ver Astnrls and war solnts. oaaeetisg with iiwac ass nerta neeea. atea avws a a. i ah dillr i It k a Arrives Sender. - TAMHIT.f Bivva anrerw . f"? Osrtsav CrgoB-ty -end TsmklH rive .. Points, stesster Bgl sad Mndoe. A'kt. die. 2!?.T except aundsy (water per- Suoluy iT au' : ,: - -v: ''sitAKB ft ITER MO&TUi. " ''"' ,ror. tewlatou. Has, ssd wsy pel its from Rlparla. Wah., steamers Snokase end tewta- ' tos Icsve :0 s. m., or npoa. srrlvsl Trsln. No; 4. daily exrept Satardsy. Arrive 4 P. as. dsllr exeeni Prldav. w Ticket Offlce. Third ssd' Wirhsrtoa ts.T " Tephon Mala TIB. . v of: X- Tf0". Cltr Ticket Aaest, - -A. I CRAIO, Geau-al Passesser Agest, . EAST SOUTH Tnlna Depot. Overland Ei press Trains for Bsieat, atoaebutg. Aak las,. Sarralbeato. Ogdea, Sea rrasclaca, Stock tos Los Angalea. El Paaew. -wyW4sBe slal.ahfl m-a . asasmaamnmimmmssBBSBaags ar,ftllfj' "tftjllV rvtatOBrxMnT a4 noeonors dslly vxeept Snnday.. wtth- trals - fo Mount Angel. Sllvertos, Rrewnavlll. Sprlsgfleld, Weadllng snd Katroa.... S Eng.n paaaenger I enn- . 49 fat eT:l SBT " Wnsnr-Allfel aad Stiver- " f torvailla paaeengM',,.,.., 'TiWln - S:nOsi Sherldes psasesger 4:n is Eoreet Grave pamenger. M0:4B pm , S:M em 10 em -uliy. n Dally except nunsay, - -. rrrERSON-STREBT STATIOH." Per Delia and twt.i mediate sotsts dslly 14: IS p. m arrlt Portland 10:19 - a ! j It tlty TTTkJt OfBtT!? "lr trains Ticaet to rter point snt Eur; sis spaa. rhtn. H"iHluls ssd 11. City Ticket Office corner Third aad Wash. Ingtoa strrete. Psoas Msla TIE. fiW. STtVOEW. A. f.. rAM. ly Tlelet Cea. Faa- Agest. TIME.CARD of: fTRAINSl Rortlandt Tnlea Depot -' TeHewsteae Park-Kaasss rity-Bt. Lesla SpeeUI far Lesv. Arrtva, rh.hall. Centra Ha. la. uits. Pla. Cray's Barber, South . j Bead; Tscnms.- Settl. Se. kan.. Iwlatoa. Butt, nu ll ee. Denver. Omaks. Kas- aa City, St. Louis sad - - SauthMst. dally . ....... .S: Mortb Oast Limited. lee .--trie lighted, for Tsenms ." Seettle, Spokane. Butte,,. fwtiw at: Pnt aed e . 4:Ssst the Eat. dally ..-S:0Oem T.-Ot SSJ Pnret Soemd W silted. fee i.T naretnent. rh.hall. rew . trslla. Tacema ssd Seattle ' . only, dally 4:80 pa : S:M af Twla Cite Exprsss for Ts. ., corns. pesttl. Spokane. Helens, Butte, St. Psnl. . ... . . Minneaaolls, tineola. St. Joseph. Kansas tjlty. Oms- ;""J-.VT V-""""-"' ha.. Sty Louis. wit Boat . ,'. change ears,- . . : nertlons foe . sll . points . . . East ase Southeast. Sally.. M:4S sk 1:BSpai A.'D. rHARLTOM. Aaatetaat Oenerhl Pe senger Agent. SnS Morrlsos (trawt, earns. Third, Purtlaad. Orsgua. .. ' ... -. '. , V ' 1 iiRiveRaiIroac(:C6.; Tnlos IV Dot ' " Lsav. Arrtva.. For Maygers, Rainier. Clats- kasie, - wmpeev twtowr A. tori. WBrrentoa, Fla-- . - i f Vol, ' nmuwmd. --PerT'-Sre' ' ' - ne' T.earhart Plrk. SsldrB0 iat-TT M aS prees dally ......... IM pal S e SS All trsln dslly. J. C MA TO. a. t. aaafP. A.. Aswarto, Or. - C. - A. - 8TB W A RT. Ootnm etel Agest, Bta 'Aider street. Phsws Msla SOC TNK COasTOStyAatX WAX. 2 Overbad TrtlasDsSyO 'The Ortaatai Limited, th Past Mad-' VIA SEATTLB A"B SPOSAXB. DeJIy. - Ketly. La Arrlrs. Perfiaad Mm sjaals T ssd from Spohas. - u ' . . St. Paal. Mlsnespolls. , : Imlnth ssd all estate" " Bsst vie seaiiia S an m Tvmta) tisss saem TH sad frees Bt, Peat,' Mine, polls. Delnlb aad all aolats Bast ' via gpossae . ....... S tlpai S-WSsm va Xsrtaeew Sassassklp Osv Balling from Seattle lee Japa sag lain psrts ssd MsBite. sarrjlag p gesgers aad frelgkt,- - : - S. S. lHksta, lea X ' T a." a, - Miuaasote. ry -S.'- .-: 1 XTTTOX TTSE BA1SBA Ilapaa Man SteeaMhlp Cs.K . Tas Mar will sail ftoea Seattle lwl May sg for J-a so rhlsa Serb, eatrylag psassas' aad freight. goe tietets. rate, ieerh .. S een e aeMveea M. PTCEIOB. O. F. T. A. lST-a re,eews- H X ' ' ZZo.m. ' lee -T t try tbe ce-' Ives Oak.' PallM snd S p. i land 10 - ' ' -r ' ' T ' ' Leg. Arrive, ' . r . J. ... 'J .- zj. I A I it