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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1906)
THE ""OREGON. DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENlNG7"ltAY"IBt"ISC3. 12. TRANSFER AND HAULINO. iiH.S, stasu) ass fBrnltsrs MM, paasis mdr lor slipping ' eelppsu! " week MnrM; Urge. tor brk nr-srt w.rebwa. (at " Offic 18 lret M. .Mais 4t. TBI I1WIAUI vihibui ill" Mi vw. nr. nil Ik sad Oak ata 1 bulilt cheeks) tram botl a reelosae eireet te aetlaatJaal can tbssWor voM rush sod essay u at senate. Private Excesses 88." C O. TIC. office M rtrat t., between 8tr 4 Oat ts., phone B9S; piano aaa furniture m4 aaa Bscse or shipping; coaesoai . . brte warehouse with Mpuih lra saiwa, . Feast a a Clsf sts. "OBKOOll TBaNSrtB CO.. f-txaw Ms la SS. Hsavy k 18 Wort Slats. aUag aa4 aft aHeST SPCClab DCL1VBBT N. 8001 WMk lagtea - )Vm Mala SB. . - EXPNK88 aal hauling. . cheep and rllabla. - J. I. freeman. Phone Main WIRE AND IRON WORKS. - BAST PORTLAND FENCE WIRB WORKS, 1M B. Water at. Phone Beat 121. DEMOCRATIC CHANCES GOOD -1 : EASTERN OREGOIi Colonel Robert A. ; Miller SayS ; Prospects Are Bright for En r tire State Ticket. " ; . : Colonel Robert A- Miller, .Democratic nomine for attorney-general, -who baa . been campaigning In : eastern Oregon -'With-. Governor Chamberlain, .baa re- Jurned to Portland very much elated . over the prospects for the reelection of the governor and for .the- rest of, the state ticket, -Colonel Miller was with v the governor at Haines, Sumpter. Baker '" City and Ontario. - ": 1 1 - 'in each of then places." said Colonel Miller, "the . governor's reception was .., nthuaiaatio and Is rue crowds were In attendance at the meetings. One of the "-"most notable -features tn the'csmpatgn ; ' Is the entire absence of partisan poll- tics.- Ths Voter Is voting for the man regardless of party affiliations. "Governor Chamberlain seems to bet very much stronger in tnat section man when ha made the race four years ago. Ml appointment of Hon. Thomas -Q Halley to the supreme bench of Oregon ' wet with special favor- the part -ef the people of eastern Oregon." - Wnen asked what he found' the situa tion to J JBJtttiaJla Janitns. fiaarlw. tjoloael Miller nnli. "Ilei wlici tlier ItVa Tor hit. Urarln and1 .It is safe, to predict- for blm an. un. usually large jrotejn that part of the v . state. .- . "Hon. J. IX Matlock, the candidate for alalia.. treaaurer. Is.. at rou . kn p w. a n oi d Oregon pioneer and has relatives In sev- ; eral parts of eastern Oregon who are all : prominent cftlsens, . and this together ' with his sterllngMntcgrlty will sdd to his majority. . .; "It Jafeneral!y recognlied thatjthe ticket is an exceptionally strong one, as . is adding to the general strength of the 'Colonel Miller will open the campaign In, Multnomah county by speaking at i tn. Johne Baturoay nig WILL BE GRADUATED V ' 77? FROM M. t. T. IN JUNE ' Friends In Portland of Henry 8. Mears have, received an announcement that he will be graduated from the Massachu setts Institute of Technology in June. " t fe.r, Henry S. Mears. - MreargjweJtJwnlnOTUaoilJ .having secured hia early education her ant ktna nrenarMl tn ntip tha ...rn :;J..,. ..'institution of learning In tha Portland .j sjesdemy. . Ha took th mining engineer ing course) and has made a record for himself la his class.- ' - - "MYSTERIOUS BILLY" . MAKES FIRM DENIAL "Mysterious Billy" Smith positively :-"la that th "Cockney Kid" waa erer . prornleed ;oo. to be paid at hla (Smith's) piece for' slugging work he , might have dona at Rainier two weeks s go, when tha reform leader, J. C. f Fisher, was severely beaten by a thug. i It waa credited to th "Cockney Kid" I that In bla confession to Rainier uu j thoritlea, in the presence of U. C. Hart J man. a -Portland detective, Hunday, ho j atated ha was to have received 1200- for hla work In slugging Fisher, and that - Uth money was te be given him at the j Atlantic Cafe, owned by Smith, on Third , .J street, between Pin and-Oak streets. 4 this city, 'f Smith said today that the yarn told ,by Jimmy Remington, known as th -;t?ocknr Kid," waa a fabrication pur and almpls and that all h ver had , ,' to do with Remington waa to give him th pries of a meal now and then for t errands don about th saloon. ' - 7 - T r -riiii. II 3 Excursion Rates East- J Th Canadian Pacific has announced a ?J wry low round-trip rat to New Haven, Conn, for th Knights of Columbua con f ventlon. Tlcketa will be limited to 10 I days and good for stopovers. Da tea of I sale May Id, St and J. For full partto- til ara call on or address F. R. Johnson, ' F. P. A.. Portland. Or. . aBOWTjro aoibi ajtb fatjis. :r Mrs. Josl Sumner. Bremond, Tex., t writes, Axirll It, 1801: "I hav used I aUard's Bnow Liniment in my family , for thre years, 1 would not be with- it in the bouse. I hav uaed It on any littl girl for (rowing pains and . SM-oe la nor knees, It cured her right f sway. t have also used It for frost bit- tn feet, with good success. If is th t Liniment I ever used. Z6o, too and '11. Bold by Woodard. Clarke A Co. -C TODAY'S-MARKETS GRAIN EXCHANGE A NECESSITY Trader Say This City It Proper pPlac for Establishment at . This Tfme7 IT IS NOW PORTLAND - AGAINST PUGETSOUND WEIchever Place First Secures Place -Win n the tad Lack of Of- ficial Quotation Hss Hurt" This Market in Wheat Shipment. ' . rronl Street, -May 18.-The principal feat ure of th rortiaas toiiii k Wheat xcbng la wastes, - Flour advance get nearer, -. roBdltlnna unsettled in aucar. . r i -- -Elli firm, but ancnangea. Sllcbtly weaker tea la poultry.. . ,,.: Spring lamb duller for dreeed. I C'kNM half rent lover. ,. Tlrrrd kMt in lower. ' VmI arrlvala laereaainc asala. rolattea lower wit amall evnaas. Mnlcaa llnf la great rappir. Cabhaa market la varatofked. - AppW Mil it hlcbrr flfwa. Hop market J,fOBlBar . l """" VkaajTbakaage Is WaaU,- l mt,-mt mr vrala irkane I ene of the erring aeoda ef-the grla liMlmtry ef tae.Pa clfle nortkiovf at the prewnt siemrat. At Ihla tin tber ta se ornciai. qwwaiKni grala ta tk rarlfle aortawaai, mwera dcips grat ' a busbal oa lw aima grad ( kut. ka iMdlne wheathlPPlBg port -r fc P.rtfi raat. PortUnd U look. ...Imu mrmn ..arkata for UDOU'a. Pr' loaa. the aarthiraaka and Jlra at 8 Frao elace there waa a grata eirkaaa that city, but for years ba grata trad of that ?triberernD5TWTSK .lir. Th. tkualnaa there laal that It la bow aadrntood that It wlU ant ha continued. As the leading shipper ef grala and tha renter- of the Industry of the Paelfle oaat. ' th trad bnvea this ta the ime gt baay aad argaBla aa en-bang whare ae- rurmtm Botatlona a M.Mat-Ttn mj. v flh tarmera aad prodaceru this would dtot a boot,, aa at th Dreamt time thy are wiinoui otftrlal quotation at any tim. - It la Im oailhle for Bnyeae - to glr a- abaolately correct qaotatioa ea grala. for there is bod. Zzehaaae Tali Boom Olty. - nJl 'imaVeliraBiiiBw?? ternta of thla city than can b aaen on th aurfaea. tt would y hrrtthyi .nine at aurh aad aurh a tta-ure la Portland. It would maa. aald on ar ta ursw v7ra tnHT-. that wa -wttt d.llnrr at mnr time otthe year, and would know mon tli In adTanee what we will bar to nay. It would meaa, saya the aam ourr, th.r miitara will be le a soaltloa -te all flew fur future delivery oa much safer .baala . t mwii. aaa jthla is Itself would atlm tha trad km. Grala. man IntWTUwed todV aptak wU of the project, and many at tbm are In feror ef ealllag a meotlag t ee tablUh the eihacs. ' Hevaral bar already IsnKled their, latentloa f berlnt a abtmber hlp. for one eaya: "If wa do sot start aa ea ehaoge of thla kind- ta Portland aomoee oa the aoaad will, Tbwe will ba a grain ai- cbaage oa th north Parlfle eaaat -wltaia a yar. Ta queatioa la waere.'-- --v-h- '--- ; . riear Adeaaea (Jotting JTaarer. Praaant eatHllrlona la th grala trad iodl cat that It will not b leag bfr there la an advance. la ftour - ortcea. The recent aa vanrea ta wheat nere have put the erlee a beyond the'baata for flour, and miliar ar looktBg inr a way to get out. , - T OeadttieBa TneettM la tugar. from aajlafartucr. Tha aTr aerllo of 75c renorted and nredlrted by The Jmrroal yea. terday waa somewhat of ' aurprla to" the trad en aeenuat of Ita largna. Tb Initial cut waa mud by th WeaUra Bnaar Beflnlng company. Thla ntovemeat waa followed a few mlautaa later by a similar annouacanitnt by ta Callfornls Rawallaa Bngar Reflalnc eemnaay.. The latter la the Bew Independent concern, aad la la a poalttoa te do nm eattlnt Itaalf. 8 aay the loboer. Their Inaaea yester day have made tham wiae. Ke rhaBgea thla morning. The decline waa caused by a fight, and not aa a aevere fluctuation la th aat. - .r- Asptos sWU at Signer Frioa - There are a few boxes of apples along th street-tx'ajr . that' ar commanding higher price.. For Jane y Wlnreapa the trad n air- ariUnaroujl.2l5o.jn02..1?J , Xmer Fetas ef Other Markets, Meltcaa Jlmea are ta large supply; ts of noor eteek with prices showing wlo rnc.t CibMet a evai tBBBi.ri aaa ?riea-et generally lower. ; Bering lamb are dowa tie rot dreased today. . Val reeelpta aeavier, pne aauit. Dieaard boga He hwi, w III! recent drops la llvaatnfk. " ." ' Est are firm, sat aachanged. . .llshtljr weaker feeling In poultry. Soata sailing s fractloa off. . Others predict decUae. . .Receipt mall. . - Petatoea are lower.-with m!1 estside csll. Ke buying for shipment juat new. Hep KsrkM Is Femuial. Sal ef a few bale are, reported la tha nop market between d'alera. Holders ar firmer la their view. The general altnatlon t thaa summed by the New York Producers' price rarreut: - IJttla If seythlBg sew baa developed la the market the paat week, owing te actual scarcity of available sunplle and the continued firm B ea ta part ef holders. BualBeaa oa the local market ha teen practically at a stand atll. Values easnot be shaded, and ae bnM nra of any eoaap aueeee eaa be reported. The am thing might almoat be said of tb thre eoaat atat, what few hop there are left ara being held at aurh prohibitive prlrea that: a sales have bea eossnmmated. In thla tat tnsve scattering Iota have bees kaadled at from 10 to lie. We anderatand from reliable nr that l.auO bales will cover what I left la grower' hand la the state ef New York. State growers ara complaining of a great many mlaalng till in the eld Tarda, aad there la Bom talk of plowing nn. Th growing crop oa the Pacific roaat la reported te continue to lonk with everything la favor of a larg yield. Advice from Rurnpe report th crops trery backward, both In England and an the continent on account ef frost and eoM weather."- - Slate.-mon, cbotre. per lb....,...4...1iU State, 1BH6, good te prime.. ...... ..... .1011 State, llkiR, common te fair......,...,,. el g State. 1S04, pT lb..... Sit fart fir coaat, tfXKS, choice, per Th 14tr) Pacific eoaat, lOOS, good te prime, ..... .12Q 13 Parlfle coaat, Tfifio. common to fair, per Pj II Vmeitt mat. ittOj, pt lb SA10 nal. Receipt for werk. ............. . K74 Receipt from September 1-. .10S.H4 .104,170 Hcipts me time Mat veer, ri porta to Rump for week.., 1 1 port a from September ! Eiporta aasM time la at year Importe for wek Import tret Setitemner 1... ImnorM m time last rear 2Xfl 4. 112(1 s.(M4 14T 1T2IHI SUM Th trade pays th rouowing priree to rrmit atreet. Irles paid Sfeducere ara lass ragslar 'erala, runrr aad Td. WHRAT Club. TIOTV; red Batatas. Hd TOr; blucMem. Tc; valley, Tfie.' - RA RLE Y Fred, $24. OU; rolled, 28.00Qa.00; brewliig. 124.00, C0KS Who. $24.50; erarked, I25.B0 per ton. ' ' " RTR 4)1. B per ewt,-' - --- OATS Producer' price "So. 1 white, 120.00 JKIOii; gray. $2SnQ2.00. t'lXH'R New eaatrra Oregon pateata, 1 0OQ Mi : atralshta, M eca-'t-W: eip-"-!, 1 nij valli-rl HM; graham, Vs. $a.HO wbols wheat, $3 711: rr. nna. fA.oo; balea, $2 7. MIIXSTrrKS Rran, $17,110 per ton; mid dllnsa, $'.3I.U0; abnrn. country. $20.00: city, $1 no: chop.' $1.00((H1 io. H A T Producer' prtr Tinmthe, Willamett valley, fancy, $10.Oif; 12.00; srdlnary, JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS-ON. MARKETS d By Shark. Game A Graham. 4. Lemons are in strong demand 4) and strictly fancy at bringing d $5.50 per case with no prospect d of a decline; in fact, with warmer d weather near at - hand. ' the 0 chsnces ara' they . Will go still 4' higher. - Oranges are also very 4 firm and Jn good demand. Wash- 4 -tngton - faney naveia Bringing 13.16. Bananaa ara higher. . . . Very few eggs are being re- celved on the street and the price la apparently well estab lished at Journal quotations. e .Hogs not quits so much in de mand, - although most dealers' d have found ready market for all 4 d cwnsignmeTrts;-'-"tmbs .ara on 4 d the toboggan and strictly fancy e veal is the only kind that should . e he ahlpned. - ' e 00: eaaters Oregon, ' 114 OftlS 00 mixed. U.ooeit.oo: flow. As.0OttS.O0: grala. ts.&Ot) 0.00; cheat. l!t.0a . . Batter, Zgga aad eultry.' BL'TTCB PAT a", e. b. Portland Sweet cream. IHSc; sour. lHr. . HI TTKK Cltj creamery, 90c; ontalde fancy, ; ordinary, 17Ur; etor. lB4r. S luvb .it. i xreaa uregon, cauaira. ivv lHc. - CHEESK Nw full cream, flat. nu14c; Tftung America. 4m91A: Cheddar. l&Wfciltc:' ftllfnrtila flatr. IZUttlHo j-- 4 1'OI I.TRY Mixed chickens. 14Mc par lb: faney hena, lHilne lb( roojtrra, old. 12VkC1.Sc Kr iu, aiaga. jx per id; rrya, zc rtllrra, 2So. ner in: eld-ducks. 17e nee lb: aiirlug dnrka, 18 per lb; geeee, H)ift12c per lb; tnrkaya, ! pr lb; dreaiwd, 22323 per lh: aqnaba, f2.TBaa.00 per doi; plgeoia, WOO per .. . . . Hop, Wool aad Kid, HOPS CoBtracta. lona chid' 1o1101& nar lb; 10US Orreon. 12Hli:tc. WOOI-lOua din Vallrir. mora to mxllnm. 2V: an. 3ic; eaatcra Oregon. 0t21c piimAiH aew, '"itlfKCPHKINS gbrarftif, '152nc,"el'DX lh6rTT""rfflclal 'llfektofg prlceaT' raul, 2Ttr; medlam wool, fi0tT3c each; long wool. 7opI$1.0ii each. . JAIAflW Prlm.-ner lb. aUel4c: No. S and artaeer 2t2U iti rim HAKk i"Jc nee ie. HIDgS Drr. No. 1. 18 Iba and un. 1SUO ITHe per lb; dry kip, No. 1, S te IS lb. 14c; t Stl', gnu n" JC Ilia ana orer, loo l ie : cm auuod. uuder la Ua. 11c: greon. unaalted, lc leai cull. 1c per lh kraa; boraehldea. salted, each, $1.2ftl.76 dry, each, 1.Kitl.S0; colt hide. 2i&0e; goat kln. common, each, - 1001.1; Angora, each, 2V rruiu aad Tgtahia. . "A price for car lota. SOc per ewt; orill nary. TSi.0r; producer', price, SOc; ' new ri"t-T, B.f.t'ir If,. - ONIONS Jobbing Driee-Orreon. K. f. $10: producers' prior. No. 1, $2 23; No. 1, $2.00; lens, ec per in; new California, ic; garlic, 8Uc pr lbr onion seta, Tc. FRESH FRL'ITS Apple. $2.503.00; orangaa. raney aareL, a.7.oo: aeeailns $2.7(1; kledlterranun. $S. la; bananas, 5c pe tb; lemons, choice. M.0ifl4.fi0 per boa: fancy, 5noB5.28 per box: llmee, Meilcan, 7ftc per KJ; tanaerlnea, : nineaDDle. norimtr 4.w Ilawallaa,- $6.00: Oreeon atrawbrrrles, 10c per. . lbu.. California. $l-25tl.&0 pet crate: aotweberHea. Hla tor ner lb: eh err lea. tl.2ntl.A0 V KOKT A RLEA Turnip, new. 7Sc per Bark: e recta, mmlit per aackJ)eet; WVj$I.OO per sea: trregon raaianea, sue per ooa: eaobage, California. n.2K12.RO ner ewt: bell nenner. IS pee lb; Meilcaa tomatoea, $2 252 50, paranipa. ticit.uu; aatns -neana, iw; csuii. flower, $1.00 per do; California peaa, 600 rlh; Oregon. lIHe per lb; borseradlah. rlt per lb: artichoke, 7Se per doa: hotbonae leiiuce,.. i.2nqfi.'o ' per oax; cranoerriea, Jener. $14.00 ner bhl: Coos bay and Till. mook, $10.00; anpsiagua, California. ' Tfise per lb; Oregon. BOdtOOe per doa bunches; Wails walla, $1,211 per. box; squash. 1 14c; spinach. The per bos; greea anions, Oregon. 2HcM"c pee dos hanche; Oregon encumbers, fl.xovl 1.S0 per dos. ', i--.- DRIKD- kKI'ITS Apple.' evaporatad. -130 loe per in; apricots. I3gl8e per lh; peaches, 12013UC per lb: sacks, fee per lb leas; prune, 90 to 40. THr; He drop oa each elxteentb mailer else: figs.' California black, St7c lh; California white. Sc- per- Ibr date, goldes, Se per lb; frd. I1.U pw 15-Jb bi , Orsesri, JTuta Ets. ST"OAR Sack basla Pnh. SS.SOr- nowderefl $5.18; frna grannUled, $A Oft: dry granulated. I so. to: conr. a, beet era on la tea, S4.s extra C. 14.56: eolderl C. 4.4ft: D vellow. $4 6r- bhla Mte; efehy, 2oc; boses, oe ad Tanee on sacs Daaia, lea aw per ewt ror cam, 19 day; maple. 14rtl5e par lh. (AboT price anulr to aalea ef tea than car lots. - Car lots st special prices subject to itf-rnBTiorta. HONEY $.1 SO per crate. , - COF1-EB Pack hrand. $18.M. SALT Coarse Half ground. 100s, $7.00 per ton; table, dairy, one. $11.00; 100a. $10.75: im ported Liverpool. 60a, $17.00; 100a. $1 fin; 224. $10.00; extra tine, bbU. 2a. 5a, 10a. $4JKt 5.SO: bulk. R20 lbs. $4.00195.00; sacks, 80s, n.M9e: l.l.ei wl tnrnp rock, $18.00 par ton; ov-m rocs, 7.i: urns. su.Trn ORAIN BAGS Calcutta, TH. RICK .Imperial Japas. lto. T76cr"R0; J, tiQSUc: New Orleans head. Tc: A lax. Be: t.Tote.-- nt BKAJts smalt white:-4.Sfrr lares -white: Se.oo; pink, $3. no; pajna, $9.00 l.1mar, $2rr- Mratcsn redr. 4ir. 1 :"" N( T Peaaats. Jumbo, te per lb: Vlrsinl SeflV,c per lb; roaated, 31e per lh: eoroanats. 868Me per dos; walnuts, lRigtlSHc per lb; plnesnts, WKYlr per lb: hickory nnt. lue per is; cneatnuta. rem, ioinc per id Mraatl -nut.- 14e- ner lb: Albert 14lSlo nei rbr-fincypecana. loiit. almond, 14Viti --- 1 faint. oi avmia, atev ROPF Pur Manila, 14 c; atandard, lSVie skal. lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatml-rCese, l$te per gal: water white, iron nma, 4c per gal; wooden, 174 per gal; headlight, 170-dsg, cases, 21 He per gal. GASOLINE SoVdrg, casts 94He per gal. Iron bbl. IKe per gal. BENZINE 63 deg, cases 88c per gal, ires bbl 1SV.C per gal. TI KI'ENTINR Is eases Me per gal; weodea bbla PHf per gal. WHITR LKAD Ton lot. Te per lb; 800-lb lota. c per lb; lest lota, sc per lb. WIRR WAllH. IT'arnt Bests at yz.BB. I.INKKFI1 OIL Pure raw, in fi-hhl lot. Me: 1-hbl lot. Mr: caaee. 6e per sal; genuine kettle. boiled, rases. 00e per gal; 8 bbl lota. Me: 1-bbl lot soe per gal; ground, caka. car lot. $20.00 per To; leaa toa car wia, a.w.uu per ion. strata, Ttsh aad Provision. FRESH MEATS Front streef Beef steer. Se pee lh; cow. S4c per lb; hogs, fancv, R4r; ordinary, THCtSc: poor. TiHTSc per lb; bulla. SQ3He per lb; veal, extra, Te per lh; ordinary, rle per lb: poor. Be per Tb; mutton. fancv. 9e per m: lamna. siw. HAMS. RACON. F.TC Portland pack tlocafl hams. 10 to 14 lbs. 144e per lb; 14 to 16 lbs, 14Me pee- IM- breakfaat naena,- jnM pr lb;, picnic, IflVk per lb; cot Use, 11114c per lb; reenlar hort clear, anamoked, 10. c ner lb; smoked. 11 tic per lb; clear baeka. unamoked. Otye per lb; imokeo. lr per in; union nana. 10 to IS lha; unamoked, Se 'per lb: amoked, Dc per lh: clear bellies, unsmnked. Ale per lb; smoked. 12c per lb; shoulders, little per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, lis, ISc pet lb: 8. 13c per lb; BO-lb tin. 12W per lh; team rendered. 10s, 12c per lb; Ba, 12Vi per lb: rompo'ind. 10a. 84c. .. . CAZMtEir BAljal'II .oinrania nrwi I-ID wiw. fl.ft); S-lb tall, S2.T&; fancy, l ib Sat, 4-lrt fa ner Sata. $1.18: faacy l-tt evakt, $2 73 Alaak tails pink, Bdbuc; red. si.ov; nominal 2a tail. $200. - - FISH Kes eee. Te- per in; aonnner, ee per Ibt ballbtr-B per Hi crab, $1.80 per 0: trlned b. Il'it per tb; catfish, Tc per lh; aalnwan. fYilnmhla river rhlnook. PC per lb: aterlhead. Tc per lb; herring. 8c per lb: nlc. Ss per lb; ahrlmp. 10c per in; perm, ne per lh? hlark cod. Tc per Tb: tomeod. Te per lh; allrer amelt, Te Per m; lobster. ISe per lb: fresh mackerel, ee per 10: rnvin, arc per doa: ahad. per lb: turgeon. 10c per lb. OTSTBRS Sboalwater bay, per gat, $2.28; per aark. $.1,711. CLAMS Hardahell,- per box, - fj.00; -rsnr clasu, $2.00 per box. - 1 Mar Choose rosiar. ' fjosrnal 8perll Servlre.t Olney, III.,- May 1$. The Democrats of tha . twenty-third congressional dis trict assembled in convention here to day to narrys a candldata for congress. All Indications point to Dr. M. D. Fos ter of this city as tha Poralnes. Chen neat accident . Insurance Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlo OIL Btons the Bain and heals the wound. vtll drug g lata sell tt " " , 1 ' J . SCAHTATTENTIOH PAID TO HOGS Market Is Receivjngj but Little Attention From Packing In- r-terests Now.-r'"- r RECEIPTS FAIR AND ' :l DEMAND VERY LIGHT Sheep and Lambs Are Moving Quite Well Thut Far Thia Week but ullness Ig ExpectedTjuring: Com- ing Few Day. . 7r' Pnrtlaad Cnloa Stork Tarda. . Mar 11-Un, stock receipts; y Hog. ' Cattle. Sheep. Today; V... Ion . 34 Wrek ago.......iB2. J,l2 Month ago... .. 10 t: 150 rr 30 Tfcr sgo...: ... . 24 ; 1.181 Packera are navlne hut a.. nt att-ntloat to the liog market tt the preaeut time. The re ceipt are quite heavy, and the inaUnea of purchaar br the meatmen la keaolne the ton of this market rather dull and weak. . . - u-rw m uemena nar aneep ana lamna to date this week, .and atorka that arrived hve been cleaned np at the market. Thla from secretary I'lummrr:. "It la bard to trll what will he doing In lamb la th near future, hut thus for tber baa been a demand, for all that ram, it is getting" rather, late In the- week for atorka. however, and th Indication ar that for th ret of the week th ton will ba dull. Likely b better early the coming week." Cattle ar not displaying mueh activity to day. Th tone ef th market continues alow, with prices unchanged from yesterday. Today st norse arrived in tne yard. Bos Beat eaaters Oregon. $7.00: Mocker and i hlna faia, $; storker and feed er. $e.ooad.2S. . Cattle -Beet esete Oregon -toe f l-Oifyi 4.50: -Jwat oows and helfera $3.00: light and medium ateera; $.).0): Uabt cqea. $2.&0; atock erader.$3.Wrwl iidfJ-T. hUKr.l AtJAK, HtVtHbU IN WHEAT MARKET Chicago Is Quite Strong Again - With Advances in All Lines Other Pits Up. 1 T RELATIVE WHEAT VALUES. Close Wed. Close . Close Oam -Wert. May....... July....... September. .$ .88 4 . .024 $ XK'H ,. .SO . .874 ' .00", Z .784 ,00'i, . .81 . .78 Cblcaco, May IS. Still another reversal ef rwro la BDowa in tne waeat market. Antiitienai damas reporta forced aym or me atvmr tn tht May to cover ud this rcsultea in s better ton. rn ether operation. ' - Opening cable wer nnt at an Dcmrragrng te th trade here. Liverpool being down for both option. There was no Improvement here until the market abroad begaa to strengthen. Ll Tar pool cloned a blgtier than th opanlog, bat unchanged from yeatrrday. SenUment in thla market le badly mixed, there being lust a atrong bulla among the leaders aa there are bear. May option la being nein witn eonaiaerahie care, Tooay'S cioauig bow a gain of c for th May nd July snd He for the September.. .- Other rits An Affected. - - The strength In the wheat "found an; Impeo'fl tone In other olta. Corn had a aharn adraui-e. tlia -closing of May being e np and In JuljU c. uaia wa quiet ior tne My witn closing figure nnchanaed rom Testerdsy. Jnly wa what tady. but the price movement was not e Urge a rn recent trading. May had a mi ru ber of aale at $1.1.88. July closed 3c higher. Official quotations: . . . . .. . ' WHRAT, ,.. .Open. L- My $ ..M July .80 Sept. .78'i High... Low.. a. ..84...83 f , .83'4 .80i .SIS .7 , ,7bi ... .wl CORN. May... July... .48 .BS :,JS .4 .47 - .!W1 OATS. -1 May.. July., Jia IJTgRPOOL ORAjy KARlflTr Lrverpeel, May 16 Official prices: "' ' ' ' " WHRAT. T- Opail Pine Wed. -fPeeer- May S 8fcd . a 8V.d S SVd July 7d , 7H4 Ss TVkd SPRING SOWN GRAIN GETS BENEFIT FROtr RAIN" Farmers Get Just What They De sire and Good Crops Are Now J Assured in Wasco County. " (Special niapatch to Th Journal.) Th Dalle. Or.. May 18. Rata fell very co- plonaly last alaht and today all over Wasco county, snd this will greatly aid th aprlng sowa grata. This fe-wbet the farmers desired, ad, with th unual moteSir of June, good crops are asaured. The fall grala waa quit generally oestrorea by tne late rroata in Marrh. but the rain ef the la at two dar Ilia revived th hope of th farmers la the lat aprlngowa .crop. ,WERE NOT SUFFERING., . Crops Around Cottags Orors jrot atari rj Sroath. , . :...'.. . (Special DtoDatcb to The Journal.) Cottage Grove, Or., May 1. There wa con. alderable rainfall here during th neat few day. Tb rain I welcome, although th grala wa not enfferlng -from drouth. Th tcrup arouna her err, in tine condition. anr the paatures are covered with green graaa. Even en .the hlxh hlllalde and motjnUlDa tber I bundanee-ef pssnire. , The miner In Bohemia are glad Is Mt rain whenever It 'come, as it mean more water for power during the latter part of th asm. mer. It M tbciisht that there will be abund ance of water thla year.- ImUcaUoae point-1 aiore ralnfsll here st this time. JOURNAL'S SPECIAL V REPORTS ON HOP CROP 4 Weather conditions - ara - most 4 4 favorable to the growing hop 4 crop. In both uregon and Wash- 4 4 tngton. In many parts, of tha 4 4 Willamette valley tha vines ars 4 4 growing faster than they can ba d 4 taken care, of. Only in a few In- 4 4 stances in tha state ara missing; 4 4 'hills noted. On the other hand 4 4 reports from .New Tork and 4) 4 European tardg inrllosts that ths 4 4 coming 'Crop will . ba a -badly,' 4 4 mixed ona and cortslderably ' 4 e lighter than a year ago. . 4 Unless Portland Intends to Take Back Seat in Grain and Flour Business, an Exchange lor Buying areWng'TVIust BfEstabllshedr DULL TONE RULES STOCK lllllKET Early Trading in New York Is Rather - Slow and - Few" - Changes Are Made. "- ' SUGAR REFINING IS -: STAR FEATURE TODAY Initial Movement of Big List Waa Nominal All Gains Ars' Mad "tafer in i tha Daytaurfwo and a Quarter Points Up. - ; -v ; XET GAINS. ' Amalgamated Central Leather. Atcnuten Baltimore Canadian ........ Colorado fuel. .'. . . Bugar t Brooklyn .......... 8t. Paul ........ l Erie .,..; Mlaaourl Pacific... Locomotlvs ........ l'X Loulavlll K. Y. Caatral Woolan Ont. A Western;. Sorfolk Penmylvanla ..... ii Rock laland. ....... H U. S. Steal....,..- H Readlos Southern Parlfle.- . Luloa Faclflc, do pr(erTd. .... NET L088ES. CBesapease Wan Streef. New York. May IS BulUahaee Piled the stock market the latter part of tb day. .With tne exception of a few apeolaltws the early trading waa rather low aad generally around th figure of yaeterday'e rloetng. American Sugar Refining waa the atar feature of the day and had the bcavieat rle. It opened t nut maa uitie heawy eariy. uilrr it began to gala considerably oa large buying order from the eutsld nd th closing today haw wie.gau f S)k point etee tli-prleu on. At tbj cloalng today tb general market wa higher. The aperlaltlee were: Amalgamated Copper. 1 np; Loutavllle. It np; New York rrnuxL u.'Y upV sF.'pucS rate war altghtly Btlffer. V- ,"" .. " ' . Official qnonttona: OEScftirnoB Amal. Copper Co.... Aicnuon. com.,. Am.. Stiga'r, com. am U . i i , , i, i,x r as rom.. Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. t anadlan Pacific, com... cm.. Mil. a St. Paul. Chesapeake A Ohio.... Colo. Fuel A Iron. com.. Rrle, com..., lulsvtlW-A-NaahTlll..f Mteeonrt Pacific. yw Turk Cenr Federal 8mel(era. Cotton OH. Xerfolk Weet com. . .1 JO-VU-t P-rm-' iraala Hall " " ' I neaning. com ...... Roek Island, eom. do preferred.... Southern Pacific. I'nlon Pacific. Central Leather, eom. I B-Btrei ce. do preferred. woolen .Call money closed at 843M par coat. Total aalea for day. 861.400. 1-... jriTW TORX OOTTOsT lfJLRKZT. .' Kew York, May J8. Official cotton prices: " Open. Close. July 11. IS r.-f .11. ST December ...;.. 10.70 10.74 PORTUUTB BUTX STATEHXsTT, CI re ring Balance . ...'....,MJ.840.B7 ........ 88,780.01 BURNHAM COMING TO unrnrBEAUTi i z : ; : i v 108 V4 108 1108 108 T 38Vi 88U 88U 8hU I . FUUT7 ' (Journal Special Service.) Chicago, UU May 1. D. It Burn ham, the-well known architect, leaves Chicago today for Ban Francisco in re sponse to an Invitation to aid In plana for rebuilding thecity. He wilt maka a close Investigation Into tha question whether the effect of tha earthquake wag merely , to shake the buildings or to damage or destroy them by a fores coming directly from beneath.' Plana perfected "by " Mr.- Burnham two-years ago for making San- Pranclaco a "efty beautiful" will be dlscusaed with tha of ftctalw an business men of that ettv. MASSACRE OF CONVERTS" IS REPORTED IN CHINA TJournaT. Spsdsl Bervice.l Peking. May ll.i-Tha. French Catholic ported to have been massacred Saturday in Anhui province. Ths FTench govern ment la investigating. sVoOextberr Benamed. ' (Journal Special Service. ) Kast St. Louis. 111. May Con gressman W. A. Rodenbers; waa renom inated by acclamation at tha Repob- tjlcan congreaslonal convention of ths twenty-second -district- hero today. t Mrs. Jefferson Basis Xs Better. New Tork, May li. Mrs! Jefferson Darls Is much -better and her recovery Is expected. , ' LOOK! TZ?WZ5?T; WOODMERE WOODMERE Take Mount Scott Carj First and . , GEO. W. BRO WN-; . 203 FAILINO BUILDING,' v -- ---'r ;" . ' 'THIRD AND WASHINGJON' STS. '- Agent on Ground Sunday and Wek Days, Rain or Shine. , ,lr p :..-....'. ; More Every Year that uTrraaTi costs quality, and makes -healthful pakingJ25 ounces for 25c. Bead postal for " Rook of PreenU." - . JAQUES XlFC XQ,:zjl AGRICULTURAL ffxSURANCE CO. " 'T y Of Watwtown, N. Y. iir-.'ii.. : '. 7. ... ir -.r?'.".' . - ixvootpogatad 1853.' ; - . 't Surplos to Policyholders, alter paying San Francisco losses, ; -ovcrlM.a.COO. -.-.' - Ths '"Agricultural" will pay every dollar of legal liability in San . iPranoiaoo and -will ,b abla to meat Ita obligations out -tQ$ tha surplua without disturbing Its aeourltles in-sny way. . ... ., , ,. fl BAXYtY O'wSTAX I i,v .rrrinur FRAK. SESSIONS k SCOH, Canterberry Biocl. Third and Washington its. i . - ' ' . , 10IHi:llorA108V110U ' .' " ' ' ' . ' VaTbTss- isTmimni is7it 1SS14 1 '. 'w, "wJiri mT'-J&K - ' ' a iiiif mm !mm .ss ss, cam sJ x - rfxiif J? . E 1401 181 14N lflosj I ; V. -i ' i i . .. 1 L eiAI L Sla, I ' i, i mrf e. i CoAanoCoKE WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD . . LESS OF "COMBINE" . OR COMPETITION An Unequalcd Offer A set of our famous Painless extractlna free with this offer. Exam tnatlon and consultation free. Crown and" Bridge work a specialty. Extracting, 6d cents - -- - ISITBROS., Demists- Z1 .. ksJm soasv NEW ROUND HOUSE AND V - SHOPS FOR LA GRANDE (Special Dxipatch to The Josnxl.) ' Xa .Orande,jOr., May IS. General Superintendent O'Brien spent - a - few hours In this city yesterday and viewed tha ground that Is to b occupied: by the new roundhouse and shops and stated that work -onthe bulldlngs-would -eom- couider-trj-rt: Ths irfftctsig of thai O. R. N. ara very- anxloua to have these Improvements in ba Grande com pleted at the earliest moment possible as the facllltlea now ara far behind tha demands of tha"1iroTk. "'--'-..- . '. FOftESTERS STATE COURt IN SESSION AT CONDON (Special- Dlapatch to 'The Journal.) Condon. Or., May It. The, State Grand Court of Foresters Is In annual session t this place today. The dele gates cams In en a special car Monday night and wera met by - tha cltlsens headed by Major Dunn and members of ther-city-councll. There are- about 100 delegates and members present. . ' This Is the first stats organisation of a fraternal nature aver to meet in Con don. The sessions of r tha court ars being held In tha local lodgeroom. LOOK! BARQAIN CARNIVAtil Bigots at Little Prices ST . 11. . . ' . . IS - v . nomci Duiit to auii ana, soia on. asy monthly payments.' Paying rent keepa yoM from owning your own horns. Stop the rent leak. Lots $150 $3.00 down, $3.00 a month. Batter buying chances will . never occur. .. Has every possible 'convenience of a suburb. Ideally located,. 25 minutes from city, on Mount Scott car-line, 1 fare S cents. Haa best of everything, and is healthful and beautiful.' GO OUT AND SEE. .. r ': '"i - ..', Take Mount Scott Car, First and Alder Sta. Alder St. Converis Every day in -every year comes, more housewives are jivinj up their ezhorbitant priced Baklnff Powders and turning to K C, the honest and IUIUIU fcV eVt, Xa UIC UWUCSk tUIU -. reliable, which has stood so well the test of years. They are find ing out that DAKIHC POWDER, one third the price of powder anvwnere near KC better, purer, more -7 1 - ChlcagOa 111.' an . eei;s- .i McKay Balldlnj Tinl5rris5rr Phone East. 244, IIS False TEETH for SIO.' TXTBS eUTD WASXIBOTOsT. Z Opaa STaaing-s aad Sundays. KALAMA COMPANY LOSES IN THE SUPREME COURT (Special Mapatcb law Journal) Olympls, Wash., May 16. Tha su preme . court yesterday reversed . tha lowar-courtofCowllts county In tha case of the Western Timber company, appellant, agalnat th KslamR River - Lumber, company The - effect f -1 h BupremScourt decree 110 JPPrnneQha.. kalama J&teXumbr xompanx la com- ply with a contract to sell a big tract of timber on tha Cowllts river to tha Western-Timber'. cumpgnnRti;R"StlPt lated price of 60,000. - '. FROSTEAUSESTJIGT TJAMAGETCTFRUnr" ' (Special Dispatch te Th Journal.) Baker City, Or.. May 18. Heavy frosfj la reported in most parte of thla county ' last night and haa caused treat damage to the fruit crop. Reporta of heavy loss ooma from Baker, Eagle and Plna valleys. It Is cold today and anotherj frost Is axpacted tonight - Creneraf Assembly at Sea Molsssv (Journal Special Serrics.) . a Moines, - May 1. The general assembly ''of " tia - Presbyterian-, church opened nera today. ! IN E 'T;u I A