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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1906)
4 4 THK-OREGON-DAILY-JOURNAUPORTLANi,EDNESDAYEVENINrAY.I8C3.T 'NEW TODAYr OR. j . CHECKS .'V ImM la hustnaea transactions should deposited' promptly tsrnptsilo oftse esusss - loss mt rash wt kept la stors er office. Um na Mi ara frequent when held to stag before oepueiiing. par safety ef both open account with the . OLDEST TBTOT COMPAXY OBEOO-f end deposit -oftsa. , i . In Buoineoo 19 Yean .it . 4 Reoourceo Over $1,500,000 J Portland Trosl Company of Orcson . I. eor. M b Oak Ma. Fboae Ex, TX IV'I fYinFV. . .1 ...president H. "l." PITTOCK ..v... v.. r.VIc-?" B. LEE PAGET...... 5MT!,rI J.O. KLTBA....... AsslataBt Secretary Portland TREALT ESTATE to szomuroa fob Sail Francisco REAL, ESTATE B. M: LOMBARD 114 Chamber of Conmwct, Portland, Oregon, or car Coaraoa Club, Saa Fran cisco, California. - - . - - -,; - , - . JIOPOaTT A1TP OU. B. fit LOMBARD tl rnsmttcc.jMLjaiiiure -'Dreaoiu-or. Oxtmoiu-Xir xara.iQatnoa JClub8sJi.xjiar.I Cisco, California. WATER FRONT : TOR BALE 1,100 feet waterfront. ..-cloa to St. Johna; -a flna aawmlil propo rtion; eaay terma; good, high land. Call for full Information at room 51$ Jdaxquam building. J fl. TAYLOR. EXTRAORDINARY Highly improvsd wilLxmclte valley ranch of HO acres;, SIS acree Id grain, all fenced: lo ested tin nil from railroad. -Price eery low am terms can na a4. BEST TAX FOSBEN, ' Boom 1, 181 Mimm it. Mots We wast Improved and unimproved real aetata, also business rfeaiim af all kinds. List with OS If you dealrs results. OXTM CMTITIOiTM mviD TO MLAia. UTTEaTOmS In amounta of St and up. net par cent Interest, payable semi-annually. Thee rertlfleates are barked by drat - mort rarta, dollar for dollar; combining avail ability and absolute safety; Call - or write for Information. -" 2f ortAsreaterm Ouaraate At True Co, Lumbsr Kxihanre Building fBecond Floor) Piwoni and Stark 8 to. SOUTH SUNN YSIDE ' Ten Score ivota Mold Teatarday Prlcea 2450 to tn0. Only S60 cuh needed. Now ia the time to gat your future home alta on peautlful Hawthorne ' fcvenua. -- - s HARTMAN &TH0MPS0N CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ; ftTOP PAYING DENT I will eell you a beautiful 4-roora hoiMte, barn and other improvementa. In Upper Alblna 01,300. s1'ou can pay me f 200 cash, balance In two years. , I alao hare a uran-new 4-rootn houae, newly flnlabed. with two lota. Price 91300 170 cah, balance can be paid 'B,a tit per month. I also have noma vacant lota at 1200 piece. Two blocka from car line. Part ---retail, balance can be paid at f i a month - nn each lot; city water. Oal 1 m J. R, TRVMAW, roeui a)0, ljBbbebrf J., Toinejf ecoTKf and Waahtngton. Take el ara tor on Washington street aide. ....... Near two electric llnea, cheap and on eaaxerina. CEDERBERGH - 1 Commercial - Block, pecond . and v asnlngton Btreeta. Within Walking Distance :.92,750 lOOxlPOJccLandJKptlse on Caruthers st, near Front st, 92,80O Corner lot, 50x63 feet, on 10th near foothills. 92,000Lot; ' 33x90 feet, on , College st, near HHh. F. ABRAHAM, 113 2d St THURSDAY SPECIAL By Lamont & Harris . noma Mala SOS. 107U Blith Bt. r CVl Five-acre tract, two mllea eaat Of - ay rr 4f xarwir reaervoir. 91AM It oa Northrupi near Twentieth -ayaww gtreet. : : OlfYt The meal lot on Portland WlW Hatch!, &ll0, en corner. JVVA Corner lot, Twenty-fifth . and swAVv Johnaon Btreeta. $3850 $5250 I6CC0 Rlght-ronm houae on Flan- dera, between Twenty-first and Twenty-eecond atreeta. Klght-room modern houae on Twenty-third atreet near Mar shall. Eight-room modern rouse on Jrvlnc near Ilau Fcras Farms Farms From two acree to lt.000 acre. Rome Of them elegHntly located and . well lm i) roved, Keaaonable . rrtcea and aood terma. unu m t.nia,at,i i, yh vaanina;ion atreeb , , a v lo aartHaast mrtMr 4tk aed Waacal 41 i'atke C 8. cart Jotuael. CASH San Francisco RealEstatCn IK ACRES NEW TODAY." ACREAGE tl Dfir 43d and rtmoat u.'3 Pr ": - of Irvtnrtnn. X RU. car JtHtrtiftl. WEATHER REPORT. Light ralaa rll generally yesterday and Uat ala-bt In tlx aorta Pacirio statss. Thy haia BOW aracttrall mimiI mnA IhU nwnlxr 11. hi rmsts orcurrsd In southsrn and assisrn Ora-oa nd la Idaho. A low umair. in, tm rratral ow wastsra Nsbrasks. and a aproodary tl- tornancs la Bolrd .north of Montasa. HIU ptTssura arras ara rmttrat Mt,n.Orfiroii and tba Vlrlnlas. I.lfbt rains srs iwporird ni ins Missouri and Hpiwr Mississippi allr,. " " ' I'... .11. pntnii; vuvwuvtw I." atatra. The traprratorrs east of th Rorky SMnintaina ara ahora normal, with tba bmsi markrd dnartura la Kansas. NV hnsks. Iowa. IUIuola, Wisconsin. . Mlnaasota and tba Iakotas. Tba aondlilnna ara farorabla for fair and warawr wratbrr In Ibis district Thursdsy.- lrt rsdrd by llaiht ahowrrs tnntaht In northwnt Orvaoa and wostrrn Washlwrtna. Ti will ha shsrp frosts tonlaht amwnsrs aast of th Casrad moantalna, snd llflit frosts ara Indi cated for aouthernl Oregon. - uoscttbiiods taata at a a. on.. I'ariric uius; . . Taaas atatlons. - -, l m ... Uln. Prsoln. Bsker City. Oreaoa. ....... 4H S2 Bflston. MiassrhuseTls.,'... M tilrtiro, ll!inol.:.iU.iV M Itenrar. Oolorsdo Ksnsas Cltr. Mlasonri. : .Jt J ,. M ' .. M M -.. M M 4 6d 2 42 na 4 ' M 44 M 44 42 M l-am Anaelrs, (sllfornla... New Orleans. Loulsliaa... New Torh, New York..... Portland. Oragoa.. ........ 'Rosehnrg. Orrgon. ........ At. Loots. Missouri.,..,.: ftslt lke. Utah. ......... Dan rraaclaeo. California. .0 23 .JO :.t ! -.12 .0 .14 .12 .e , 4 M IU an IKI M M -, M Rpotane, Wsnhlngtoa...,. Tseoma. ' Washington. Walla Walla. Waahlngtea. Washington. D. C...i,... MARRIAGE LICENSES. B. Wslkoskl, : Harts Zaberka. 20; Jsaxea Hesly, M; Ksthrya Wstars. 31. . X Jisnrs H. Jarkaon, 4A; Hetra tonner, It. I'arnsndo Fergoala,' Sa; Anna t'olllos, M, R. D. Balender, 1: Ethel Maria BobsrU.US. T. J. dels. 25: Jallette Ashley, 22. Albert 1. Becker, 2a; Martha A. Hoffmaa. i. - P. B. James. 22i A utile Braley. tl. K. A. Jenkins. Mr Pearl Dolpb, M, ) a. Rarkharst. Hllsartoo. OrMon. M: Bhoda 11. Maoldlng, 24. riptor Rosea, 29; Hlltna .Waatnna, g-- -VH - s I 4.;.-.a I i Wedding -Cayosv-rW;.'''. amlrh A-r Wsahr lagtoa bid., cor. Fourth and Waahlngtea ate. - Miss Bertha Martin, room 112 Alleky nldf. Stamping arsd na needlework; lessons glrea. BIRTHS. U. io Mr" nT-Mrr - . Julia . SJiMBbeclaXLJuriu luJdTTK' jKLKRaMay IS. to MrA sn4X(tA&lMtT( r Brrrn. IM MarahalL slrl. UNO May la. to Mr. and Mrs. Oaorf s King. Una E..t Tamhlll. trL IN It W BY Hayljoilr. and Mra. W. T. Nowbya I" H12 Fast Clliao, glrL HOblJDAT May 12, to Mr. ana Hra. rred Hslllday, TOO Oaatsnbeia sreooe, girl. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Chtldraa at Mr. Monroe. aoB Blzrhr, asaaalai. Bslph and Elisabeth Walpola, East Pine and Bast Thirteenth, naeaales. . Marl Brslgon. 686 Rlitn, ajraaUa. Mary MrCormlck, 47HI, Sorthrup. measles. vera aaa ueorge uw, J 'jot nasi aiaer, easlea. DEATHS. YOIINO May 14. Catherine A. Toang. OA years. in aai xweaty-unin, Taimur aearc ois esse. WALK Msy 12, Rney Cnong Walk. 82 years,, at. Vincent's hospital, abdominal sarcoma. THOMl'aOK Mayv J,-rTbwBsoa, 20 -years, !I50H Alder, scots pneumonia. W ANSON May 16. Nellie awansoa, 11 years. nt. Vincent s aospusi, peritonuia, 8TRHMAN May 14. Harsh B. Btehmaa, Port land sanitarium, heart failure. BF.IX May 16. Edwin Bell, SO years. 119 Eaat Twelfth, senility. WACKF.R May 12, Ellsabsti Wacker. 0 years, - aeo Rodney aeenva, bur aed to death. UNDERTAKERS. Edward Hoi man aV Co., the leading funeral directors, hers the finest estsbllshnwnt,. the dnest ' goods, the toast Tehlclee end tba most rsasonabls prices. Fine Itroadcloth-etnrered caskets, (2B and ao. The Onest wood goods made, from 012 to 020. . Parlors S20 and 222 Third street, corner hiajoo, , perUapd, Oregosu i - J. P. Plnler A Ron. fnnersl directors and maatmars,- corner Third and Msdlsoa atrsatai urocer or county eoroaeg. Tslepboaa Mala v. Denning, McEntee AV Ollbangb, andertskers and embalmers; atodera la every detail. BeTsnth and 11 as. Mala 430. Lady assistant. , A. B. Rsmstack, andertaker and emnalmer, Ksst Thlrtssath aad tmatille are. " Phoas Bell, wood TL BJTIETlrW CIMITIBT. RInale araeaa 210. rsmlle lots ITS to 21.000. The only eemeterr la Portlaad which ner petnally malnulna and cares for lots, for full laforautloa apply, to W. B- Mackeasle. Was. center aiecg, city.' W. M. Ladd. president. -SEAlr-ESTATE-TRANSFERS:- Joha H. Bcbaaii and wlfa to Joha P. Bom at al. 2, block 4, Nor Ik Irr- uwitea -r. B. U. A abler and wlfa to 'Jennie A. Robeson, north 20 feat of lot 0. block .87.-Beat- Portland .r.mrrT7Tv .tv B. E. Wsbb aad hesbsnd to Joha A. . , Orsrsa. loU 1 and 2. black 0, Webb a . ' addition V. A. G. Her and wlfa to Ellen lota BS and BeVArlatav I'ark. William Loebeke and wife ta Barillahi Poyeer. beginning at southeast corner Bonk llUt. Pass ) 1.100 W. Rhlndler and wife to Sarlllah Poyaerr parcel land beginning at son tli west " corner of tract deeded to Ora Balrd be 8onhU Miller........ ' . l.SOO Cbarlss M. Csrtwrlgbt aad wife to N. P. Norenaoa at al., 14 acres la Thomas Carter's and wife donation' land claim,, section 4. township 1 aoBtb.,yangal. east . f. Aoc M. B. Thompson aad wife to Oeorss M. Taylor and wife, asst H of Jota 1 aad 2. block 82. Central Alblna 2.200 Joseph P. Qnlrk te Frederl. k B. Rtaward, lots e ami T, block xa, Houaday s addltlaa -.iinnlmunnrn, 10 Rermaa Matsger, trustee, to Mrs, Cat a- erioe M. Adama, tot 11, bierk , Heeer- Tolr Perk 1G0 J. J. Roes and wife to B. J. Weinman, , weat 1-8 of lots 4,(6 aad 8. block 36, Ruanralda 1.400 B. B. liolmee and wife to W. H. I.ytle, lots 1, 2. 8. 4 and 17. block 40. Penln- nmr sauiiKJSl no. . omi Same ta C B. Haerrer.; tuts 16 and 10, block 4fl Peninsular addition !n. 4 ' 2Z0 C. B. Bnell and wife to Aagnsta Wle- " rarht, enhdlrlsloa T of lot 2, block Portland Homestesd . . . 600 Joseph Bebsde and wlfa ta J. P. Rcbsde, ' west letl feat or mt , snd esst 1 2-3 feet of lot A, block 2, Alblna .... 1 Ira B. Plllabnry-te Oeorge O. Borer, . eaet H of lota 8 and 8, block , Hawthorne Park 4.000 Msrgaret Elder to Monel T. Twin tog, - lot It, block 02. Multnomah ,... -'825 Frledrlrh Lather aad wife to John W, 4 Kennedy, west- H -of eonth H f north. east V aortswest 14 of section 21. Jk, . .townebin 1 annth. ranae 2 eaet. 1. 000 Apartment' Building company to Johaa A. Kallstrom. lot 0. block 100. city... 0,600 Bollla P. Tags to W. R. Hoover, lots I snd 2. block 0, Holladay Park addl- . tloa 1.000 Barry H; Pratt and wife to Lawrence ' J. A. Re Mem. west H of lota 0 aad 7. block I, McMlllea'a addition........ ' 1 Oeorge Rcbwara and wife to C Rogers, lots 22 and 20, block 1, Corona Park , 100 James W. Beatly end wlfa te Ranwel We- Relck end wife, lota 1, t and 8, " -block ea, fnlreraltr Park. ...,;......; "lTS 0. U Chapel and wife to Q. H. Thinbar, - -bit 2. block 1, Bt. Johna Helghta.,.. 1 William H, Smith and wife to Richard Kunn. lota I aad 4, block 60. Ceark a srtd It loo 10.000 eaat A loam and wife te Mary Veraenren, . . . .lot 0. block 00, pealasular addltloa Elisabeth" P.' "h 'aeilwoeei' -4e Jeaat acstt. lot A block 44.' Hell wood. . . 893 210 L. Oame ta Martha Bell, lot 7, btock 40, Hellwnod ,. B. I As bin and wlfa to J. M. Rrown. Ma 44 and 40. block 2, M sit noma h Park " Ellia B. Metscer and husband to Prank E. nihbs, lot 0, block B, Meaat Hood addition .". 1 Alfa Preleler and hnsband V Rafah A. Meer. lot 2, block 4. RlreraloV sddl- Thomsa' Beckmsn and 'wlfa "ta t'.'wfJ Adamana at si., TA16O feet off asst end f fct (, black 100, Caratbera' tto 100 1T8 1,050 0.0001 . Rooiuoa Muss B.000 realestate transfers: W. Oopaland to O. Petersen. 14 seres beginning at aouib Has of couaty rtmti and extending asst ana west a-- tweea sections T snl la. towasblp 1 lLamkwJ'' -3 aaat TCaroliiie Torkelsoa to Christian Torkel- ano. west on free of lot a. Diocs i, Hl,nhMl' addition 1 ! Tntkrlsua to Caroline Torkel. son. east i lest ot Jot Pj..Plorg yiw sine aiMluo B. V. HiintrJ To Prank Laror. aast 'i of lots T and a. block 1, Central Alblna. and west H- at alley adjolnloa aaioa on eaat J. P. Kennedy and wlfa to Alice C. WIN Hams, eaat H or Iota 0 and . block . SIMM, Hawthorne Park. Anna Altmaa to C. W. Altaian. HO acres la sections 5 and S, townslilp 1 north, rsnge t esst P. M. Nhsdrtnck and wife to W. V. John son, lots 8 and 4. block S, St. Johns Heights add! I km t Walter Frasar Burrell, traates. and wlfa , to Albert A. Smith, lot T. block 14; 0.000 1.000 200 lots 10 and IX. block W lots 7 to-1. 18. subdivision B f block 2n; lot n. subdlTlslon A of block o; lots 1 and ' 2. 'snbdlTlslon B of block SO; lot 7. anbdlTlsloa B of block 84, South Port land -. t- ' a. H. Tbosnsa ta Kathertaa O'Kell. lota . 1 and d. block 230. Holladay'a addition lames Ahernetby and wlfa to Charlotte l. Cypher stid huaband, lot 2, block lrilaegly'Highland. .. .77. .... .7. . . . '.' Ar . Kllle and wlfa ta Harry Oittalb man. lot a. block 1, anbdlTlsloa C of M. Pat ton's tract 000 4TS 730 K.-.JV TlttUnaa and, wifs To lev.- tote Kl to f ,-blora ear lois 1 to 18. Mock 47. PenlDsular addltloa Me. 4 1.000 George W. Brown to Joha Johnson, lot v 0. block 0. rrelys.. ....... . 100 franc Is A. Ball and wlfa to Mra. Rnaie . lmoa. lots 10 aad IT, .block 0. Panto-.. . anlar addltloa. .w . 1 L. P. .Hansen and wife to D. B. Keasey. - . weet S2 feet of lot T. block' 0. Green- way. ,.........'...........".... 1 Wesley Miller and wife to W. H. Patter ,T ' son. lot 1. block R, Rhelby'a aubdlrlaloa of block 20, Bouth Portland. . . 8J0 Antoa Tiller and wlfa to W. H. DbtIss, lot 0. block 16.. Parsdlse Rprlnrs.4 1.600 Oak Park Land company te J. J. Seiners, - ' ... esst H, of lot 4. block 0. Oak Park : " -addltloa ...;.......-..;if-"l James P. Pslllnr and. wife to f.itimt 0. " Robinson, lot 24. North Rt. Johns ..ore Sheriff to It. Woir. arest H of lots 4 r - and 0. block 0. Third Electric addition . ST Get year Insurance and abstracts to resLeatste from the Title Guarantee A Trust company, 240 Washington street, corner Recand. NOTICE. BIWI WANTED Notice is hereby given that . sealed bids will be received np to 10 e'rlwk a. ns "f Jnna - Ttoa, - by the-wwniy eonrt of Crook county. Orseon. for tba awnstractloa r snd completion at -a courthouse building at prrnevilie. Oregon, according to me plans ano specifications thereof mads by W. 11. Pngb, - architect, Kalera, Oregon, That such plans-and speclfJcattona can he examined at tba office af W. D. Pugh, Ralem, Oregon, from Msy 12. to Msy IT, and at the i urlwtlle )ro fr M.y sa 4 Jons 2. 1800. Said bids ta be accompanied by the check as provided ia said specifications, and ae a leu snd marked "Bids for Conrtbonse." ' snd sddresned to J. J. Rihltb. clerK Crook , county, Oregon, at PrmevtUe. Oregon. . Ths court raeervea ibe ligbt te reject any and ah bids. . . By order of tba ejnrt. ' ' . . J. J. 8MTTR. ' - CterlCrok County, Orrgoa. , NOTICE of hearing and settlement ef Onal ee- count. In the connty court of the atate of Oregon, for the connty of Maltnomeit. Ia tba matter of the the rotate or Joha u imnneii, lie- eened.-fte a hereby given that ths -;n- derslened. Martin Riley, eiecntor of the estate of John O'Dnnnell. deceased, baa Olod ' his Onal account and report ea such ex sen us lnThe -trmnTT cimrT nf Ths aratr ef Oregw. r - foe the county or Mnltnomsh. ana that said C-ronrt py order duly made has appointed Trl dav, rhe eighth day-of June, mod, at Ilia - hour of 0;!o e'etnek 1n the forenoon of eatd . (lay, and the courtroom af ssld court In the dty of' Portland, connty of Multnomah and . state of Oregon, as -the time and place for th . hearing of object ions to said Onal account and -report. If any Ibers he.-enO-tho-eottlemetil I thereof, . MART1M RILET, Eiecntor. . E. H.'rsnslln. attorney. Dated and nrat mHlshod, Msy aecoad. 1000. OPPICE DIRBnRSIMO ' QUARTERMARTER, Portland, Oregon. April 1ft. 1908. Reeled propose la, - In rrtpltrate, wfll be received here . nntll 11 -o'clock a. as.. Pacific time. May IT. Iftfa), for 8.000 tone of eata and 0.600 -tone bsy,'" for delivery at-Restela,--Wash. j Portland. Or., or other promtceat railroad points. Informstlon - aad blank proposals - fnrnlahed at This office on application. Ttie t'nlted Rtarea reeervee the right to accept . or reject any er ell bide or any part thereof. Envelopes eoatslnlng proposals shonld be In duraed 'Pronossls for flsts and Hay" and addressed to Major Alfred M. Palmer, Qnar- termaater Unite ted Rtataa Arr r. TH H W r-R. Ladd-cai of Portland, la now esea for stork. write J. A. Putney, superintendent, Bylvea, Or. Bates 8 cent a per day. "' MEETINO NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBORS Something Dcln? BETTER COME I WoRRIRGTOM lDOS, KeT4.- a. h "SVe" ea ,"B4aaea tloa this IWadneedayl aaaalna. 8 o'clock. Burt hard bldg.. Work In M. M. degree. All M. M. cor dis! It Invited. Br order W. 81. t. BT BICHkfOKD, ccretary. If. W; Ai Kiel ansa Camp, 0,488. Bneets Wednesday evening, Allsky bldg.. Third and Morrison eta. . garni Ml LB. rvnewrlttea letters, sddresslng. , mailing, ate Clrcalai Lattae Osw Hk Atsrk T-et. SelR taOsV- LOST AND FOUND. LOUT At rulton, one hay boras, white spot forehead, on right hind legt-vory thin;- r wsrd at 800 Grand are. Forbee A Russell. HELP WANTED MALE. ALERMRM WANTED goe aaa ef the largest aurssrlea la the west; cash advanced weekly! good territory open. Addreaa Washing toe Nursery Co., Topnenlsh, Wash. - MEM and women to leara barber trade la eight wseks; grsdustse earn from 010 to 125 weekly: expert Instruct ore; catalogue free. Mooter Ryateta.ef Colleges, 00 North reurtb at., Portland.. AGEMTB WANTED to aell annerlor, high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; rssh weekly; write todsy for choice of tor. rltory. Capital City Nursery Company, Balesa, ; Oregon. BARNER8 and raddlemskera wanting good lobs In the country, address Chsa. ,U Mastic A -Co.. wholesale leather. Front aad Oak strata, Portland. Oregon, A BARB opportunity for a man with soros 1 capital; tnvestigsts and yea will (tire Invest. C 110.. rare. Journal, -1 1-- WANTED Reltsbls aewspapar csnvaaser; steady 1 post tloa for right party; 'city end country workr u Mia t a I va refeceucee, AOdraaa e. - J. I WANTED Ternlehera. machine and bench bands. Oregon Faralrure Mfg. Oe., Maeaaaa COS A. . CNIOK HOTEL; 01 North Birth St. Re test Ronma, 01.26 np; room with hoard, 84.60 up, moms renovated; excellent table board. As- DRCG clerk wasted. H 120, care Journal. FOC R harness makers wanted at ones; wsges ' 02 6O per day.. Otorty A CsmpbeTtr Taiunu- veer Bv-O. W A N T E f Electric light lineman. Washing, tea Water Power Co., Rpoksns. Waaklngtoa. WAtTTt) rVwrs tor factory work good wages, stesdy employment. Apply at ence. Ames. Hsiris-Hrrllle Compear, Flftk aad Davis ata. ','' t CAM use 0 good live life er accident In anrsace saea. JO te 11 a. 210 Columbia blk. ' - HARMF.sK-MAF.KRa wantlfig good lobe la the country, address Charles L. Ma stick A C.,, wholesale lesUier, , yrotit Usk iu., rsrt lsnd, Oregoa. . 1 ' RVow.ran jrvn.iLni WANTED Boy for general ef Bee work : stesdf place for good key, U, K, (M$, fl3 toa- , , J. .. 4: HELP WANTEDMALE. TRAVELING salesmen ess materially bicrssse . their income by hsvlng sa interview with tlie ad, erf leer; no esmplss to carry. Address la oonnaence, n jii. -ajra Journal. A YOITNO man with 8100 who Is already nmyeo caa reara er aa excellent opportunity is Increase bis lacoma by addressing M la. vsTS) - journal. UMH-CLAHR men already employed caa In creese their Income br alvlna ns the benefit of tbetr scuiia intsnco sad Influence; confliicn- .' iisi intarvMiw.. Auureas is iu, cars journal. WANTED Wstrhmsker to buy out good-paying watch and optical business; best Iocs tloa la ' the booming town of Hums, or.; reason for selling, sickness; no old goods; business two years old. W. T. Rmlth, real aatata. Burns. Or. WANTED immediately, for our Dullth factory. - 16 harness piece workers; light workmen preferred. Inquire Msrshsll-Wslls " Hsrdwsre Co., Fifth aad Piae ata., city. B0T8. reliable, about 10 o IT years f age. Apply enperlateadeat's of Oca, Olds, Wort man A King. t TOt'S'l mm to learn the detective business; good opportunity; psld whlls learning. Lack - Box 7. Phone Mala 6016. -" - WANTED Brlaht young man to learn weav. --tngr-Bisst he - strong. C'aJl befors 0 a. Mwtnwcai iiug ruras, iaj vnion am, WANTED- For t'nlted SUtea army, able-bodied rltiifo of Inltrd suit, of "good character and temnarata habits, who can spssk. read and write English. Apply to Recruiting Of. fleer. Aiasworth blk.. Third aad Oak at., Portlsnd, Oregon, . WANTED experienced furniture packers. Ed - wards Co- iVL .First at. . EDGERMAN, 08 60; planermsa. 82.60; roll war msn. 02.26; isborers. 82 .26; only good,- mra; - no fee. 700 Uaniuaaa bltlg. .. - WANTED A man that can aell real estate t work on com in las lore-or taks Interest h old- established real estate aad" brokerage busi ness. This is a anap for right ataa. Address X 28.. esre Journal. . - BOY about 10 for office, with .know lei! is of stenogrsphy and typewriting. 0. I. A 8. Co., K10 Rberlork bldg. ' WANTED Boy to wash - bottles. Apply at once; crane nrjs ai n. lain st. WANTED 1 strong bora. 00 per week. rront. eorner uavia. BALOOM must he sold, owner .leaving Hty; no reasonable offer rem aed. rail eg nuts at. ...HELPJYANTED- FEMALE. GIRLS WANTED Apply Btandard Factory No. 8. Grand avaand EasteTeylor it. BANREN'B LADIKK AGENCT. 843H Wsshlng- tna at., ear. Heventn. apstavs. . I nous Mala 2602. Fsmsle bslp wantad. Dta .gaa- .0Uhaaux! WAMTED Good German girl to take charge of houae: money ae object. Call at - 482 WaaMngton. .. ..... ... WANTED Girls for factory work; rood wages. ateedy employoient. . Apply at once. -Ames. Hnrrls-Keriile company. Fifth and Davis EXPERIENCED GIRLI'eranted at 2CS Everett ta attend storey Call -10- a. as. WANTED Experienced wsttresase at once. Ho hart -Curt la, 14th and Jef feraoa Mb. WANTED Waltara or waitresses. T72 Barter. -et.- - - - INGLE naa wants a housekeeper; wagea 840 per month. Harry Peat. P, O Boa 4T. COOK 8 in the dty. 080; betels and hoarding '. bouses, best of wsges, housework, 026; wslt. rss,. no limit: dishwashers sad other bslp. Tne Home Leaiee' Agency, leovt rourta at, upstairs. WANTED First-lass working private hotel. Call 488 Alder at. beuaeh leeper. ' lSth. WANTED 8 glrla te wrap aoep. Luckel. Khtf . A Cake Reap Co.. 040 Rood t- GIRL wanted to assist In housework, at 080 Lovejoy .at. .- WANTED flirt to do general housework on farm, 0 In family; ae children; gopO wages. J. D. Logsn, Toledo, Or. WANTED A good woman cook., restsursnt. 02 Sixth at. Wataoa'a WANTED Waitress for country hotel: also - stenographer for cltv. Mrs. Wilson's Ladles' Agency. 2WI ,Morrlsen st. Pacific 010t MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED 'Two unencumbered gentle men and one lady . solicitor to represent - aa Aid reliable banking-bouse ' In thla ' city, ta aell deposit contracts; liberal com mission; re f err sees. . M It. care Journal. BELP wanted and supplied, male or female. R. G. Drake. 206 Waahlngtea St. Pacific 1870. WANTED At ' White Reims, Wash., 30 etrawberry picket. - Addreaa C. P, Hood Rlrer. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MAMr2ft-goaopiiexnuice, sal seta's sales-- man. with vaera' auaxj wlabea .osHra...wlUv resaonalhla fin Aouresa a csre journal. POSITION by a msn who Is willing te work at fair salary. Addreaa X 10, care Journal. WANTED By gentleman of experience, dty collecting for Biercsntlle hones; beat ef "refer. X a, care Journal. WANTED Middle-aged naa of good habits 'and soma , experience -In the retell business -would like position with noma good wholesale, retell r commlssloa bouse; references gives. X 7, cere Journal. YOUNG man. 21 years old. energetic, .would like position aa timekeeper, or work ea secret operation for railroad or other corpora- - tVm; good references; reeeonshte salary te start with. X 28. csre Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE AN EA8TERN anrse wsnts esses; so objection to coatsgtoua work; charges reasonable; hos pital refereacee. M 10, cars Journal. PRERRMAKER Experienced, wants enrage . . a, . . wruw, V -CK way. u. nru, . . OTENfHlRAPHBR. nnderstsndtng general office work, desires posit loo; best rerersncee. X, 8, csrs Journal. A -TOt'NO girl wsnta post tloa aa chambermaid. X 27, care Journal.- EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER desires ner. msnent t position at once la imbue , of nee. option of public work; salary 112 par wsek. PsHOc 1004. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents; something new; good setler: big wages. 208 McKay bldg. AGENTS WANTED to sell our hlrt-grsds Bttr serj stock; essb advanced weekly; big eoaa missions and premiums: write today.. Address Cbce Nursery Ce., Beiem, Oregoa. ; WANTED Energetic and competent scents to represent as la all parte of tba Borthwsetl esahvweeklr. Cspltsl City Nursery Co. WANTED Bpeclel ealeemea for the big Oregoa Nursery compear; liberal -eommlsslon; outfit ' free; choice territory. Write to the Oregoa Nursery f.. Rslem. Oregon. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THB Portlsnd Employment Co., 206 14 Morrtaoa at. Phone PadOc 220. . . BANREN'B EMPLOTMEXT OFFICE FOB MEN. 98 M. Second at. Phone Mala 1020. BIO roCR EMP. AGENCY Help enpplled free. 10 North Second at. Pbane Mala 1010. iRI.E EMPLOYMENT AGBNCT. 104 BerBslde at. Phone Mais 701. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT H01RE8. COTTAGER; FLATS. RoOMING-rTOl REH, STORES. ETC Oar rental department bssr been ealsrgrd and provided with sddltlnaslLatsrf. Wa Invite Hating frnntf . LANDLORDS, offer narsonsl attention-to arid -continuous siipervlsloa ever all property Intrusted te our iHJBTLAKO TRrST COMPAMT OP OREGON. f.&ftg,Mit.ikiti, fftoai Ex. 12. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTKD AT ONCE 4 or sVreota -swttage. with a or 0 101s. on canine; ears nurer waitmgi - B. 1. Gelaer, 221 'Morrison st. . Pbeoe Pa. rifle 844. . '' ' 1 WANTED Improved farms 10 to 20 miles fasni l-ortisnd. near H asM. elation; win tray aorsrs. 'cattle, sheen. farinlnsT lmiilcmsttta and croo: hare buyer, wallliig. Adilress B J tielssr. 221 Morrisoa at., Portland. Oregon, WANTED Lot or ejuarter block oa Grsad ave. or I aha ave., near Esst Morrison et. aiust be reaaenable. M 82. care Journal. WANTED Lot la exchange for equity la 0 or 7 -room bouse. Phons East 8641. WANTRD TO Pt'RCHARH. -Fifty or 100 acree within the dty Umlta ef Portland, or near by, te eubdlvtde bile very cheep building lota, or would consider ' a tract near Portland aultable for aubdlvtdtaa Into lota aa -a eummer resort. Price mnsl he state In the reply. . Aaawer Box X 2-M care Journal. WANTED FINANCIAL. fl.nno TO LOAN on dty property. Henkle A Iisrrlsou, 2IT Ahlngtoa bldg. U WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. i. N. MORGAN, oteaeer apraysr aad white wssoex. 1111 B.SSX ojss. ueassmner use aeme B. N. Morgaa; 11 years la koalasee PAINTING, svraylng aad whitewashing trees, basements, barns, docks, etc.; lergeat gasoline spraying outfit oa the eoeet. M. G. Morgaa A Co., 822 I'aloa ave. Phooe East 81T. BIGHERT CA8B PRICE PAID for furniture la any quantity; alao take aeme en eomrolealee and guarantee, beat reeuite. The. Portland Aaetloa Rooms. A. flchuback, prup.. Ill First at. Phone Mb1b6036. . . ' . , WANTED The' rare ef a nicely furnished house during ths summer by a young couple with out children: ceo give beet of references. Address A. E. Vaa Etna. 281 East S2d sr. HIGHEST cash price paid for second-bud goods.- Psoas Bast ei7T. - in union ave. - JOHN RABLR, manafactarae ef Improved ce ment posts, waterproor. lasting, airong. ctiessi plea as investlgste; a speclslty of I ence nosta. Routbssst corner kaa Msdlsoa aad uatoa ave.. Port laud. Or. SPOT CASH. '. . Tar furniture snd bouse hold gaoda. . PHONB MAIN 0060. . WHO IS M. G. MORGAN A CO. t W1tWirX-rT;-RCT,Ti-os-TRAPB'MT-m.n THING. WErtTBRN ' BALVAGR CO, 821 - 020 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 7M. WANTED Round bone. 1.000 to 1.100 Bounds: 4 state rjctce- Cleeae. Oregoa, Boa 08, R. F. D. WTt WILL BrY your fnrnltara any old rime. westsra Bsirsga ue., ezi wssningxsn si. mRNTTTHrrnuroueWI35 I wdrry. luaa. tlfl .nnevJuat Ebons I'a- . .-1a " 1 '--'! " . ATTENTION. Dairymen r ' Addreaa Ws.' Reed. Proehatel, Wash., for timothy pssture through flood season ; barn and ether sccomDsods lions; nine miles east of Vancouver. -v. WOULD like te buy confectionery business or rent suitshie location xor earns, it 1, ssrs Joaraal.'r: ---,. . .w . WANTED 8 mall second band steamer trunk. X 10, care Journal. WANTED A rolling -chair for aa hrraHd. addreee to 1; a, care Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THR RICHELIEU 88H NORTH SIXTH ST. r. le-sx ami iur niaieru. iiriin iroi auu dbibb. THB GRAND. 46 North Third st Bosom for gentlemen ai. per week ana up. HOTEL ROTAL. 1ns Fourth at., only half Mock from Washington; brick building; elec. trie lights, bstha.. steam heat;. Ulenbona Mala 8284;. thorouglily renovsted and under acw , management: rooms by day, week or month st reasonshte ratea; always open and traa s left Is solicited. Mra. M. E. Looney, manager. THE KING. 4100 JefferSoa St. Nicely furalahed rooms, with gaa or -electric light, beat aad - bathe, la new building, 89.60 aad 010 -per -auaatkv,..'.. - . FOR RENT Furnished room with eoaaectlac vmKu eoq I'.'.l, PVW BOIBW. BVaUUIDI VISW( BW other roomers. - 878 Kerby at,, Alblna. FURNISHED and nnfurnlshed 1e - tin bldg.. Frrst aad Pine ata. FOR RENT Furnished room ; gentlemen pre- rerr-en. sot a.ssr i;sjy sr.. net, mvenia SSa Eighth ate. . Phoei Eaet 102. ' FOR RENT 1 furnished- housekeeping -flats. 8 08 per month. Inquire 022 rootna each. Seventh at. FOR BENT A large, nicely furnished front roonii nvwiem eonveniencee. 14 xsst lata st. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL. PUadera and Seventh Kootns, housekeeping snd . trsnslent; eoa ' vsnlent) prVcee rossoosbls. $1.29 WEEK Bp. eleaa, furnished bousekeep. nace beat. 203 Btanton at. U car! (1.60 PER WEEK Large, dean, furnished boaaekseplng-rooms; laundry and bath. 104 b. a ..k B .1.. SLEEPTMO ' and bouaekeeplng-rooms for rent. " tv - T CTTW-.e - i. ah oo-,ir W-.l. I THB GBAHAM, 046 Wssb. Rooass 1.T6 par - week; housekeeping, 02.60 per week and up, BouAekEEPING tents er rooms: fruit and shade trsss. Lawla and Clark Ci Grounds. Mt, Tabor. Phone East 4128. BLEEPING and houaekeeplng rooms. J'tju.84T riflh at. , Linda FI'RMIRHED rooms for housekeeping ta anttea of two. br and $10 ner month per suite. 088 Hood at. Phone Paciae 1429. 1 FURNISHED honsefeeep tng-rontna for rent; uss ox pnonw nua ostn. oil I siississippT ava. VERY deelrahle housekeeping reosas at The Hall. 414 Fifth at. ' 1 1 ROOMS AND BOARD. THE HESPERIAN Select family hotel; hot and cold water, s rears heat, electric llghte, hath and phone; reasonable. 688 Morrison. Phone Main 1388. NICELY furnished front parlor, with board for - two, $20 each; nlde room. 118 each. 442 Jefferson at. Main 8426. FOR RENT HOUSES. 4-ROOM cottage, bath. 828 Jefferson st. 8 rooms ever store, corner Stent and Jefferson, alee store for rent; 811 per mouth-each.. Ap ' ply room 8. 183. Fifth et NEAT a-roata bouse, furnished, bath, plans, fruit, ate. ea car line; owner te retain one .'outside room, aed will take two sseals per day ea rent If dealred; Christian family pre ferred; price 20 per awnth, M 10, ears ' Journal. KADDERlV TRANSFER CO.. prompt and re 1 liable plane and furnltare-mnvers; also stnr age., fhooe Wsla 180. . OfOce 110 W.Thlrfl. THE CONTINENTAL COMTANY INSURANCE. RENTALS.' SEE LIST. ROU8B to rent hi, Reiiwood. Emeaana A Em . moos, attorneys at law, 808 Wsshlagta. 0-ROOM new modern bouse,- lares corner lot. , fruit snd berries. 460 E. 84th St., 018 month; Hawthorne ava. car. 401 Commercial blk. MEW BHidera 0 reran rottaxe. 446 Valoa are., north. $20. Phone East 4A2. FURNISHED nr-unfarnlabed 4-room kstuae at Midway, Ono Ellis at. Phone' Valoa 2122, 08 aad 1 10, Includlsg inter. QUARTER Mock, 8-room bouse, hall, pantry, . porcelain hath, electric light, gaa, fruit and flowera; 1 blocks from Highland acboel, I block from 1 carllnee, Amlnute eervtee; onlr .16 mlnates from center ef city; klgk and 'slxhtly; 020. Phone Scott 8307. 4 MEW ronma. hath, phone, ststlesary tuba and basement; Mt. aeon una. on veaum eicg. KEATEST AMD PRETTIEST new bungalow) VJ I t..b Ue ImH M, 1 I.a k.l water, bsth,'' electric wired, large yard. Phone Main AM8, A ROOM modern bona, good Iocs t Ion, 10th snd Fast Couch, call 681 Oak at. . Phone Esst 14V. . Ifonr.RN fursjehed Oi East 076, j I2U. Phsae t " FOR RENT HOUSES. a.....,., e .., .i, .e..,, - n.i ae' i-aea HOIiaE8 TO RENT In all parte of the dty. Phone Peclfle Au. M. E. Lee. 8 Hlxth ek "TOR'RENTTXATS MODFBN 6 room Rst, Including gss snd steal range; shades on nlnduns. 2ua llaiasy. MttliERN 8-roora fist, tnrhidlng gss and steel rsnge; shades oa windows. Ktsj nalsay at. 0-RCKIM fist. Including basement, telephone, wa ler. 016.60; no sins 11 children.. 628 Mill st. FOR BENT Two 0-room flats er one 10-mom - with electric light, phone snd bsth. fur Blshed or nnfurnlshed. . Pbons East 006.1. BM AU, flat, completely furnished for house keeping; pleno. phone, hath, basement snd J atd. rossoosbls. 828 14tb. Phons Mslu 86.8. FLATS For BENT en the weat aide, from ( , to 10 rooms. M. B, Lee, 03 sMxth st. Paoae Pacific- 61. i HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI i TURE FOR SALS. ALL THB FURNnTRE of the flellwood hotel for sale at a bargain.' Hotel for rent. 1674 Eaet 10th at.. Bellweod. FURNITURE of well-furnished T-roona houae.' gss, hath, braemeat, rent $25. west aide, 10 minutes' wslk treat Hotel Portland. Fboae Mat -eeia, FOR RENTov-STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE rooms. BBfurnlahed aad aample ' -rooms fag teat. Goedaeaga rater. . bid. . Apply ale, DESK ROOM, well located, rant 87.60 a mouth. Addreaa K. 114, csre Journal. -. , - r PART of shop to rent, suitable 'for painter cr plumber. 808 Fourth St. FOR RENT Small (tore er efflee-rooea. Stark at. 060 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALB Hardware ' and house furnishing ' bus rn ess; central Iocs t toe 1b goad business town; Isrgs country trade. Addreee si 112. care Journal. FOR BALE Meat market;- bustncsS aad 8x. turea; 10 atonths' lease oa building. Bast 4268. Address 810 East Sixth St., aorth., ear, ' Falling. . . . . FOR SALE A new stock of gnu st ies; bargeia: aa -excellent - location: ow tiring from business. 010 Jeferson . at. AM up-to-dsts retail grocery stock and Sirurea in tne nest suhurb or 1'orTLSAO, Adarsss m ISO, care Journal. - . GOOD paying restaursntl most aell ea account of slrkneoa; un reasonable offer rvruscd. 40 North Sixth st.-"- FOR OALFJ Gasoline wood saw: stesdy work I bnalnras chance; mual aell on acount ef other nnslnellST"'TST- l'wlilW"Srvo -. mm Hi 1 FOR 8AT.R Established aswspsper and Job of- ncs; terms ressoosbis. Bog 8. , Maraaaeia, Oregoa, " BAKERY for sale In a good lively town, doing - a dear rash counter trade. . Addreaa IS., C. - P., Rainier. Oregoa, ... A I.IVaVi-BTTewtngrirtlBnd'nsmeea.-raTidly i expanding, can naa from $3,000 te 010 000 additional eapiteL Anewer with particulars -aa to what baela would be willing te eugeae upon tf Iu veal Iga tloa ptoaea aafisfsctery. - Ad o re as u Lil, care joumsi. DON'T come here first, bat don't buy year dty property, fruit and garden land, wheat, stock -tor dslry-reaebee sntll you see us. North . Wsst Lsnd (fK. 200 Gocdnoagb bldg. P. S. We also hare buatneaa ckascs-i of $n kind. aad-ea leees yen right. N. W. L, 0a 8360 BUYS grocery etore r lee ring $T . dsy." Call at 20S Morrison, room 4. LA RIB or smsll rooming-houses for ss Is oa terma by H. B. Blgley, room 00, 227 Waabtngtasj at, - - - . . PORTLAND auburbsB erugatore far aakv - Ad dreee B 4, eare Journal. SPOT CASH. For rural rare and household rosda. . ,. PHONB MAIM 0888. JTRrTB .aavqulch about teeeut Important oe- velopmente of the Hurst Auroasaf te Switch A Blgnal re.: buy stock berore big ad m , mt num .-., eve mifimy e ti. . FOR SALB Stork of tnerchandlae In a email country town; will Invoice about 02.600; aver . age eales 04O per dsy; good Iocs tlou-for a live, up-to-date man; aaay terma; eauee of selling, other busloess laveetmeats. K. 110, care Jeurnal. ... SMALL drug store in country tow for eale; no competition; splendid lorstlon for a dortor; ' largo wealthy farming country. For reference apply to Rotermand, Grants Psaa, Oregoa. FOR SALB AT A SACRIFICE The Busna Vista ferry. Including 10 lots, OOxJan. with ' small dwelling. Price $1,000. . Will mrl Imj and one lot foe OOno. Call on or ad dress J. D. Wins. Burns Vista. Or. A 80-ROOM house for sale, doing good bast fine location; cheap rent and lease. Ill First at. LONG-EST A RLIRHE1V steam eleanlag Snd dye Ing plant for sale cheap: doing good beetneea; Ill health cause for selling. . Address M 01, r cars Journal. , 08-BOOMS . 46 I "Oaae. aniieet time; tear is strictly saslnsaa -See by- a business naa. Addreae 11 Aorta tearu at. UP-TO-DATE man with sblllty to msnsge a large wood work tux plant can make a con nection with high -els ss firm; must have or ennrrrt g.l.noo. Adiliess for lalsntae I cere Journal. .,- THB rifht man with from $5 000 to $10 000 Tan- secure treasnrerslilp of going BiaBofactur Ing punt. : M 18. cars Journal.. . HALF interest In ground-floor real estate and - employment efflce; - ctvssa. 100 - Morrison, room 4. FOR SALE, 64.500 A goad bnstneaa paying 16 per cent end ever aa ip vestment ; east aide, close In; owners must sell at ones . en account of 8a. Frsndscn Ore. t hold other property. Fboae PadSe 2278. FOR SALE. Confectionery, dgar and Ira cream -stand with restaurant In oonnectloa; will aell all or a part to suit. 801 Second St., The Dallea, Oregoa. - WBO IS M. O. MORGAN CO. I REAL ESTATE BUSINESS Fine office" on ground floor; is one of the beat suburbs of Portland; earnings from $200 to $400 per month: I must. leara about Jane 1. X 0, cere Journal. . .. FOR SALE -General attire 1n good valley town, doles' pars-is Business; resl estate and atnrk about $10,000: ,Mnat sell en account of 111 . beelth. Addreaa H 107. care Journal. SALOON MUST IRE SOLD, owner leaving dty; no reasonsble of frr -refused. Cell 08 Sixth st. EXCHANGE , ' mercantile business, snertai nnee: a nice .Me.ite,e mtftf W lin.l.M. tMSln,. ftU IOCS. Um, In m Maw hiilTitlns. In rnrtlandl t want to retire fro a business; will trade foj a gOOU term; ov-rriwe yi-nr urn an,i -i-i-e- llon In your answer. Addreaa X 30; care Journal. WATER POWER AND MILL81TKR Sawmill. In Klickitat connty. Wssh.I 100 ' acree of. . land 1 fine power; equipments -nil . readr for opcratlnu, - V " Klonrlng -mill In Linn connty; 1-story -i hillldlnx; eoulpment complete; - I houses aad good barn; 12 acree with ssme. A fins pportunlty: $3 Son, If taken thla month. .- PACIFIC POWER CO., . ; Main 042. 800 Cosnmerclsl Blk, Ol.OoO BUYS a good aalooa, heart of dty. $4.(ns buys the beat rooming house la ejty. - $1,800 wilt take a 48-room beuse, full of tensnts; very low rent. I Several other good prrrposltVons, OTTO A CROt'KETT 246 Wsshlngtoa. WANTED To besr frsrs psrty Interested la Stsrting flrsnjISlie anu eocieTV paperi oa.v ficiiltiee for doing ssnjs. Addreaa X 28. cars Journal. - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. l. ano NEW and snooern 0-room house In fJUTfSrySine, Wiw .,,,,,1 T--I , ei.'.M . t I ment. reeaslndet monthly. Cell at 101 Third St. 8NAP-$diva--0 lotf. Arnom house, fruit ami berries: ana axil Iroea Vrtgoa Vll. sa sJVi eare Jeuasl . j FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $a.T.W 20 ACRES. IS acres In cultivation, good T room house, bsrn. elitrken-bouss, large er t chard. Call at 107 Third et. - . ga Mel W uiodera-s-rootiT -houasj -oo Faat ' Morrison mt.f assy tsriua. Callat - 107 J-) Third at. ' FOR HAI.K -4 beautiful lole, 6lt HS. Ortttmhts - Heights; fine orchard, 4-roora tankbouse, well " and windmill: newly fenced; Ideal euburheti ' . horns; exi-ellent csr service; $1.8u0; raortgsae , goto. 1 years; $1,200 net, part cash, part Irsde. On-her. Address hi 104, eare Journal. , $1,000. r F. TV 6-room hones la Wood lawn; half cash. . Csll at 107 Third at. . . ACRB TRACTS! OUR SPECIALTY IS ACRE TBACMf if Full-Olasd streets, wster te each aera.;, " -. " : TEBMS-llO PER ACHE CASH ' -tlO PER, ACRB PER MONTH. Ton go te Ihess seres en the same car,' ay the aame 6c fare the lot ataa pays. The ot n Is your neighbor, but be la re stricted la majority of features that make a true anburban home. - -- - . Opea Wedneeday and Saturday evenings. - C," CHURCHILL C0.7 IN0,: , 110 Secoad at. ; N DO yotf want te bor dty lota er acreage! if : so. see East Side Real Batata .Co. Esst Bid i property a specialty. 407 Hawthorne are,, : near Grand. Phooe Eaat 1067. 04.OCO HAN DOOM B horns, brand new, wall ar ranged, all modern Improvementa, One onr ner. Ninth and Schuyler, Holladay'a addl. - tloa; beet-bay on msrkst st price. 200 Fourth, Phone Paciae 2125, or Mais 8890. -- --. 61.200 Nice new 4-room cottsss: hath. gss. and electrla llgbta, - Mable atreet he- tweea Hamilton ava. and Beymour, 1 block from 0 car and school. South Portland; terms, Inniilra 200 Fourth. Phone Paclflo 1124? , Resilience, Main 8800. 0 ACRES No. 1 land. 1 mile from electric Mne, 10 miles aast of Portland; thla Is No, 1 land. : " lsys well and easy to clear: there la bo rock or gravel. I will Bell 8, 10 or 20 scree at r $08 per sere oa vary aaay terms. D 108, -care Journal. FOR SALE 0T0 acree; about 400 acres plowed lsnd. about 2S0 scree nndrr cultlvBtlon. fslr imprOTsments. west side, 8. P. R. R. atatlon at one corner ef farm; thla la one of the best buys la Polk county:' price $26 ae acre; small payment at time of Bale, balance from -l m 0 years at 0 er -eeot. Per further In-"" formation call aa or address t. D. Wins, r Buens Ylsta, Oregoa. -I - 20 ACRES. mile eouth ef G re-bam: 12 acres in tine state or cnitivatioB. baisnce csa 1ms cleared ready for the plow for $10 per acre; there are 600 pear trees, T yesre old: this .Is very fine trait or potato land. Will sail - for $1,200 oa essy tsrtns. er will exchange for city property. . D 108, care JooraaL . 60 todsy and'' sag that beautiful 8-rsom boat 082, UbJob. ort.wSwi'llOOO. Ba-MA alrwWa. BABGAINS. - - Whew disgnsted with old reel estate men. give the live enea a call. WS have cigar stores, $140 up: grocery stores. Invoice; res, taoraata, lodging houses, all sixes aud prlcea ; all kinds of land and Iota. ,, YOUNG A DEMENT, j MSOlSOn St - FOR BALE CHEAP 0 aad T-room era I part eeab. 870 GarAeld are. Woodlasra ear. Pbons East 064L 1 t-RXU boos aad ant AOxiaOeav 8aat 141k atar for only 089". If yea want a anap. look tuie -"' np quick. D 180. care JoarnaL . IE LL WOOD LOTa. $3 dowssnd $8 a month! none East Toa. $10,000 WILL buy 00x180, rentrally located. . Income $2,180 par year: pars 0 per cent ea . 088.000; thla property ebon Id treble m value In the next 10 yeara. bstng bstteC security .than any bank, and three times better than loaning money, oa real estate. Mra. Bounds, 108 Stanton, corner Commercial,, Alblna. 10 ACRES with A room house; lsrge hern, cisterns, yoang orchard and herrlea: all la 'cultivation, George Clark, Gray 'a .crossing, . Mount Scott line. Inquire at store. 0-ROOM house, ball, pantry, porcelain -bath. electric light, gaa. . fruit aad flowers; g blocks from Highland school. 1 block to 2 csr. llnea. 0 minute service, only 15 minutes front .center et dty; high aad sightly; 82.860: part: cash, baisnce aa time. Phone Scott 30T. Compelled to Sell IN ST. JOHNS, ' 1 btock, doe la. overlooking the riven -i. 10 lots st $120 per lota close In. IN PORTLAND. t bouses. In different locations for sale; fiy.. itnwe fin per month.. THE HOME BROKERAGE CO.. Room 0 Recedes bldg., Third and Wsshlngtoa, FINE half block on East Swth to be sold eheept a snow to make fcnn in six weeks. - rattersoB si Stewsrt. HmO Belmont St. 0-ROOM bouee, an flill lot. $1,800; $800 dowa. 016 aaontbly. Phone East 7a.- GOOD 0-rootn house and lot with plenty ot fruit aaa bowers, in good location, on Salmon st.t owner loavlng city, will sell for 01. 100. Fettereoa A Stewart, 1000 Bel- mont at. I. . -. KICB SUBURBAN HOME- - 0 acree of rich aoll. all la cultivation, aew I 0-room plastered bouse, harn,chlcken-hootJ, . re. iron ireve, sirs w nernea. a screa id iiain, 1 1 1 an -vww. in cnicKsns ; inia piece ib oniy blocks from errllne:-price- 0A8""!- terme.- FOR SALE Lot In Arleta Park No, A $125: $78 papering and painting, baisnce terms to . ault; work la Ot. Johns. Bog 70, St. Johns. Orrfi si.- . ...... - - -, - - 1 MORE aew 8 room onltsges. sll complete. Also aew barbey-shop for rent; choice build-.. ing rots ror ssio on insiaiimenta. oce owner. Joe Nash. Nsshvllls plslli rsrHne. ia the white bouee. CORNER and Inside Sot la Fox Chsse addltloa. 820O; gio dowa and $10 per month. Va carllne 8 blocke. 610 Mcsisy bldg. - FOR 8 A IX Me. R2i, car. ef Clay and 11th ata.. Portlaad. Oregon: no sgssts. , Daalal Oaby, Ysaeouvae, Wsshlngtoa. $1.100 NEW 4-room house, plaatarad. 1 1-1 seres In cultivation: ea the O. W. P. carllne. 1 blocks from Gilbert station. Call at 107 Third at. . FOB SALB AT A BAROAIM A An stock range, aontaislsg shout 1.800 A acres; ell seder fear; situated aaa Boss , burg, Oregoa. on 0. P. Re B thle Is esve of . the heat stock range la the eouatyi I also have aaotbsr good stock range eeatalnlng 1.410 acres, which will be eeld at a eery low Rea. For particulars addreaa J. tL Butanes. , aw am, Roesburg. Oregoa. ' - HA VB yn s heass far rsntt If aa. Hat It with us. We csa rent It at eace. . But Side Baal Batata Oa 407 Baw thorns ave. MODERN 6 room houae, lot 60x110, on carllne. 02.100. 026 Esst Gltsaa at. - FOR BALE OR TRADE Romeeteed raUnquiab. . ment, south end Hood Rivar valley, Oregon; : price, $200, Addreee K, care Journal. FOR SALE Hons and lot at Mount Tabor, Prettyman atatlon, $8.6001 small rssh pay. ment, balance la 100 equal aaonthly par men t a ; ooaeesaion Immediately. laqulre 710 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALR160 seres patented timber;1 ale - ona a-room house and lot 100x12(1; a bargain. ' 4 Inqulrs 887 Morris St., East, Portland. FOR BALE Omasa house t a anap. owner. 1188 East Madison at. I squire 11.100 10 ACRES. cleared fenced, soma . fruit: near 11 endow brack . on the O. W. P. carllne. Call at 107 Third at. BOVER, B rlrer from Portland. Located aa-, dee N. P. Irrigating ditch aad on new north . bank railroad; fruit goes OS ths market three -weeks sarlier thsa ta Bay ether aeetloa, come mantling highest prices; dally steamers front ' Portlsnd. Bala by the owners, Bovas Lead Co., Hot sr. Washington. I CAM sell homes cheeper thsa anyone; vseant lots on Broadway and Union a see. Phone East 4018. . FAXON PARK la aow oa the market: lor at acreage prlcea, according to Improvements. , Lota OOtSPO $100, 1110,' 1Bj '--'"" - , Iota lfv,20 IIOO, 210, 8228 . Leta inovaoo $580, $420, $460 - Theao lota are mostly In cultivation, tevst and sightly, ea a good graded street, does te ' good 10-raosn school at Lenta, 0c fare te aa - part ef Portland: water free; terms. 0. B. ADDITOM, Owner, Leata, Oregoa. . -" - Teka Meuat Scott ear, , Oe. FOR SALE 0-room honss, lot 60-. I no, price $2.850. No. 858 Fargo St., near I'nlon are. KI.KOANT qusrler block, e-ic. Esst Twenty. rinta sna p-sar toiicn. ery , oeairaoi Usa. latuko Ki ,WssAlA(ta o i