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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1906)
.... .. . r. - --i.' couNTRy-i-ANpisvBECor-'nrJ THE-TIMEr-- !.'' " t " "r GOOD EVEHIHG .v. ,.' - THE -WEATHEHj Showers tonight Wednesday clear ing and warmer; westerly winds." Journal Circulation Yesterday 1 i Was VOL. V.' NO. 60' ii if.. :Williri .LA, DRESS AH TELEGKAPH e , -System of ElectUEyterurban Lines, liHaL - M.J... n.J IISd. . Speed. T,he Oregon letr.l&,,JUllway, come pany, J' 400,000 corporation, end the Interurban Land company, n auxiliary .corporation, filed articles of lncorpor. -41o today In thaMultnomah county to be the holding company for the Wtl lamett Valley company -and tha W1I lametta 'Valley Traction company,- cor- poratlona originally . -ptnenOted by rhoTnar.8heTldan;ArLWelcwam-later4Thr--1nterurbaii Land com pan -trHfw- 4c Chmbr and Moffat A "WB)te. " Hie new oinnyvt'Wtli the Moffat White ayndleate as lta back- ; era. will conatruct and operate the road from- Portland to Balwrn, -TherrH t aaujUUarjt xorapanlea. ln- cjudlng- the aand cdmpany, an expreea company, a. tele graph and telephone comnany. and posalbly otner oraaniaa tlona for carrying oa the extanalve hufttnrns of a complete ayatem of elec- 1c, toterurban- Hnea' In the WlUmaette vlly. wlth the moat moderif. equipment, htKtl " pend anit .aaervlca which- the bulldcra aay will rival any eaatern elec-trlc- tnierurban oad.""vV1THam : HturC representing Moffat White of New TorK. came to Portland a few daya ago to attend, to the organlxatlon of the new company and the taking over of the business of the original corporations. -. Two Klllloa aad a, Xeif . , The Incorporators of the Oregon Elec tric L Hallway company are - Thomas BooU Brooke. H. is. Corbett and R. -W. T,ewla. The capital atock la i:,500,000. The purpoaea of i the corporation, aa stated In the articles, are to conatruct a system-of railways, single or dou- - bio track, from a point -near the north boundary line or the city of Portland In a southerly ulrection and across the Willamette, river to and through the -city of Salem, to a point at or near the southern boundary of Koseburg, to op INVESTIGATE UTilOH PACIFIG "COAiigrasiiiPj ntrttaU Commerce iCornmi 8idn to L6ok Into Wyoming - . .: ... (Joemal Special Berries'.) fT' ' Omaha, Neb May 4Vnder. recent resolutions of congress the Interstate commerce commission will Investigate the relations between the Union Pacific Railroad company and the Union Pacific Coal company. - Complaints ; are being prepared by Attorney Elmer K. Thomas, representing the . Sioux City Rock Springs Coal . ' company. ' Attorney Thdmas,Jn a formal mariner, presenfod the casa to the commission last week In Chicago and was lnatructed to file complaints. It la alleged the railroad company, through a subsidiary corpora tion, holds a monopoly in the -coal buai ness of Wyortlng. . r r'i, .v .'"1 Charges of discrimination and unlaw- "fut combination will be made.: The com plaining company owns mlnea within (09 feet of the Union FacMa tracks and lieges that after many futile - efforts to ship coal It was Informed last fall by the railroad company that the Inter- . venlng land belongs to the Union Pa- . ctfle Coal company, to which It aaaerts the land has been transferred to pre vent the building of a connecting track. !AM1SWI'T.HYUMBE?IS 1 Jamea Wlthycombe, In explaining why he lived In Oregon 1 7. years and voted at three presidential electlona before taking out. natuinlitntlon papers, de- vlnivs hat 'he labored under the Im pression that his father's declaration of .intention ' hsd mnde ihlm eligible to vote. " However, he makes no mention of th fsct thst his two brothers be came cltlsens long before he did.. According to his own story, James Wllhyrombe took out his pifpers'As mun as a doubt sroia la his mind aa to bis erate, ,, locomotives a.nd motor .cars, erect poies ana eiectnc wires, operate tele phone and - telegraph lines and electric power plant, to ' manufacture and use gas, electricity, steam and-compressed amusement; to own and -operate steam boats on the Columbia, Willamette and other rlvera and on- the Pacific oceanvr Kas Manifold mrpose. a Nominal capital - of -13,000, poratedir,ryr8nifmi,1 vr:A? JMrnwrnrt Margaret White, 'lta purpose Is to ac quire and deal. In all klnda of lands, lay out-townattea and additional farm lands, build .-docks, -warehouses, Humes,' acquire, wster rights, engage in mining or the business of-gas, steam, clectrle ' lighting, vfrrigation; to Import goofla,'The principal place of business of both - corporations wilt be In . Port land. 1 The 'papera .mt drawn by J. N, Toai and cover nearly every: line ot dtveiopment axtlvlty, now . open In . the piclnonorthweat. ' ; i ,.--'; , " The company la Incorporated in ac cordance with plana, mapped out when Moffat V White took over the project cf the Willamette Valley Traction com pany soma months ago. through negotlr atlona carried on by Kaank Robertson, and placed - the wholeSwoJectin:the hands of "3rat6w "at" 'Chambers,"" since whlclr time ihe-cHy council of Portland has been wrestling, with the question of a franchise on- Front street asked for by botb tho Willamette Valley and t'nlted Railways companies. The rights of way1 for the road 'between Portland and Salem hnve been secured, and about four miles of grading la dona between Balem and Chemawa. The ayndleate has subscribed the entire amount of stock needful to finance and ejuip .the road between- Portland and Salem. GRANDPAS ARE SUFFERING 1R00P Epidemic Shows aiReversaLof Form In Missoula and At- ' rr .tackt Old Peopled? ztc- T tSpecltl Dlapatch'te Tha, Joarnai Anaconda, Mont., May IS. Whooping cough Is showing a 'complete - reversal of form In Anaconda this season, Sev eral cases have been reported where the children of the household have es caped, but ere' compelled to sit up at night" with their parents and grand parents to feed them cough mixtures and soothing sy rups. .-, J , The motherof Attony Jr WV Jtmti has '."joined with her grandchildren' In the chorus of whoops that make merry the - midnight hours. '.'Joseph rAinslea and his wife both . have the malady. J. H. Collins, another grandparent, has been compelled to loaa a week's, work at the machine shops ' because of the racking, tearing cough that -will not be denied, keeping him awake at night and tormenting his waking hours. "And to think of. lt, me a man past seventy, having that kid's dlseaae that I ought to have had when 1 waa a boy back in Iowal ..-Darned If I don't think. I'm getting younger Instead "of older every day," says Mr. Collins disgust edly to his friends when telling. his troubles. , ,,. . v, .-, , .. .-,: : . standing aa a voter. He attaches no Importance to the fact that the doubt and a deelre to go to tha legislature were of simultaneous origin. To his Ides It Is sufficient to state" that ha made his eMtsenshlp sure by becoming tiet ursllsed 6n April 14, 1IIKS. Other Wlthycombea removed' the doubt much earlier. John Wlthycombe, brother, of James, took out naturalisa tion papers In February. 1M0. Thomas Wlthrombo Jr. another hretner, wns naturalised oa June 4. ltts. Kvsn tha CITIZENSH PORTLAND, OREGON, ; TUESDAY EVENING, MAY ; A -;: 1 AmSriraf, 1 r'""'"" mur T-ll Vjj 'C.: From left ORE IK' Amounts on Hand .... ... . iiii ssa'4. . a a -. 1 il l 1 11 11 .1 ...........w. 1 u. ... W ,,,. sj..ias ! W. incp,, 71 s w w ReliefTCmmlttjae Denies ; Reports for Months Yet tomplamts anceNo Limit to Height of - -,t'. - (Journal Special 8TTtrei rSan Francisco, May 15. Total sub scriptions to the relief fund to date are - S6.028J32.75. The committee says that more moneys is - urgently needed and denies the reports' of large amounts on hand for relief purposes. The work of concentrating refugees in relief camrja ia srozressing rapid ly and now feeding atations are being established -daily.- Relief campa will probably continue to exist for several The resort that tro'oDS will release control of the situation June 1 if not YCTlneav But unaouDteaiy tney-wiit oe taken away at. an. earlyTaate ana she work transferred - tos the - Ked - cross society. .." L' , .. ''.',-... . 5 ' The adjusting committee- or-unaeiv writers - thia morning ' commenced ; th work of fitting up. Offices In Ve frry. bundThgTwhlch-they rinoc5Upyo Monday. i" This ; moriilpg-ahS adjusting committee went ino executive Oakland for ths. purpose , of continuing tharappui tluninenfof large losses .'.,'.. J ... Slsdonteat Expressed. "V .1', Forty two losses are already appor tioned to subcommittees for adjustment; Smaller, losses, are being Iff t entirely to individual companies, and while the managers state that they - are paying many small losses, much discontent . is SIXTEEN MINERS ARE. INJURED IN EXPLOSION i tJooraal Special Scrvics.) Shenandoah, Pa., May. IS. Sixteen miners at tha Pennsylvania, and Read ing 3pal Iron. company. were mora, or less senousyr. nurx, several imuy is thought, by the explosion of gas.. ( ,. SEATTLE HAS NOT YET -k' , v QUIT COAST LEAGUE ..... ... .-- ' ...4. Seattle, Wash.. May IS. Seattle has ndt withdrawn from the Coast league- m far aa ia known here. -Jim A anew - left to attend tha meeting firmly determined to pull out of the Coast eague.. but no Word to thitt effect has coma from him. IP PAPERS father, .'Thomas Wlthycombe ' Sr., who was a trifle dilatory himself, beat Jsmes to the naturalisation office by ft daya, taking out his papers on April I, 18. 80 far as known James Is tha only Wlthyrombe who aver aspired to a sest In the legislature. Why did Jamea wait until 188, 11 years after hs had reached the voting age, to take the eimple step that make JMtlxenshlp certain? That Is the question, but-It Should be rlesrly undfrstoiod thst no prises will be given for correct anawara. . , to right they are;.' HenryH. Rogers, IS NEEDED ATBAYZCITY of Large PeoDle MustBe Fed Over Insur- Buildings; shown at the manner- In. which tha underwriters are conducting Insurance affairs. . . , The Joint committee on building laws has decided JLo place no limit to the height of class A structures facing on streets ISO feet wide. On streets (0 to 100 feet -wide buildings shall not ex ceed 200 feet. On streets less than SO feet wide buildings ahaTT not exceed on and a half times the width of tho street. Frame buildings are limited to it feet In height., Km Sodlaa JUoorered. the opening of - banks, reconstruction work, on a, large scale is held in abey anca, .-i Ati present 20.000 men are at wuik 'In Hie 'buniej aisiiUA. bur tins forcewtirtMrtrelsled In anothrl-dar.' byjwhlch time most of the banks, will be opened for business, and more cash available, r,. . ' , , v Six : bodiea "were unearthed rulna vl :'.Jomes . yesterday, It .Is . ex pected that the deaUi-'llst wlU. ba.aug ntented.' dally; byi these discoveries. ,-i I privates Ha:ll and -errl weather of Company C. First ; California guards. wie ui-den snest on lift I'liarsw of 'In suiting' women' last" night. . A court- martini wui' rpiiow. ,-. , f) ' -?Two thousand -cars; of goods for locsl business hoise are on tlie"; tracks of the. Southern t Pacific alone, ready ta stock temporary stores as soon as they can be built.. a " TRADERS' INSURANCE V 5 ; ' COMPANY' TO RESUME '- ' ' ... ywil 8olalr BcrVlee.) Chtcago, May IS. The Traders" In surance company's receiver Is to-b dis charged. The company's San Francisco losses will, be paid In full, according to the announcement made- today. It Is predicted, the company will be revived and ''continue In business after the re ceiver Is ; discharged. "The directors will pay the assessments of the stock holders, who refuse to pay. Experts sre working. t find tha exact losses.- Tha Traders' loss In , San Francisco la RAILROAD MINE SALE PRONOUNCED A FAKE (Juaraal tperlal Serrtee.l , . Wsshlngton, . May IS. The cry ' of "fake" has been raised" against the Baltimore A Oho railroad In the matter of the alleged sale of Hs coal properties. The charge has been made to President Roosevelt by W. P. Rice 6f New'Tork snd referred to Charles R. Hughes, the government attorney in tha railroad In vestigation, pending.- ' - . - ALUMINUM SCABBARDS : TO SUPERSEDE STEEL ,, , ' Umirsal Special Swvlce.l ': Springfield. Masa.b May IS. Alumi num scsbbards . will supersede steel, wood and leather patterns In tha t'nlted army, the war department having adopted a sesmless aluminum scab bard, Invented by Dr. F. A. Bragg, a Spring field dentist. At tests In the United States armories In this city and Rock Island, Illinois, the elttmtnum scabbard outclassed all srabbarda now In service, in svsrv oarUcuUx. . ... , , ' ' ' 'V ; ; ' ' 15. 1906. SIXTEEN PAGES. mm , t i XT J tnr mMaUng th. anti-rhat ipu. nA William Rockefeller, John P. Archbold, W. K. Vanderbilt and H. O. Havemeyer." - 1 L, BAKDITS CAPTURED . . -AFTER DESPERATE : FIBHT WITH POSSE I (Snertal rHpatch to' Tts Jesrnal. S Vancouver, a. v... . may After . desperate light with a -detachment of thet--northwest L mounted pA'le. "'Her ., Corpft-ral - Fernle. the- Canadian Pacrlto raH- . road train robbera were, captured . 4 ", thla morning near Douglas lake, 0.jnlles.f rpm . Kamlpopa. CPw tain Beaver of the detectives 1 whjtv mar iw ms nvwun' um :that the men are tha deperadoea . wanted.. The youngeat member of the gang put up a desperate " right for freedom, and was shot ia the ing. . . ; ' The three men wllf be brou - to 1 Kamloopa. - -The posses . of the mounted police and men In charge of -the- bloodhounds have ' returned to Kamloopa. ; Rmarkab'le ; Showing of Crimi- fn - Fifty Murderers - Are " Caught and Pun!shed.: - Chlcsgo, May 15. A' "Time Table of Crlmeiu. Ch atlKQ CompUBdfromoff riciai records, was read to the Chicago presbytery' byi Attorney Clelana. The table shows : . r , " ; T 'Street disturbance every seconds. 1 ; Arrest by; police -every minutes. i Arrest' for drunkenness every 19 min utes.. ' . . , ' -'Assault and battery case every -It minutes. f- . New larceny case every It minutes." 1 Burglsry every t hours. . Hold-up every ' hours. . . ' Two suicides every day. J ' One murder each day. . -- ' ' ; Of the murderera.only 20 .Is ever apprehended and. only one In St punished. . .The table la complied from official records, and It la admitted) that they do' not take account of more, than half the crlmea. Cleland's address con sumed tha time scheduled for 20 arrests, six robberies and threa assaults ana batteries.',: , . .. ;V 7 These crimes are ' committed with thla frequency day and night through out tha year." continued Cleland. "Con templation of- these figures Is astound ing and enough to strike terror to the heart of every law-abiding and peaceful Cit!sen,.-' K,jv . "The mayor denies that we are en gulfed by. a tidal wave of crime. and calmly explains thst It Is merely a stream of crim whlcti descending as a result. of laslty on the part of the preceding city administration. . , SEVENTYrFIVE PERISrT IN NORTH SEA STORM ., - . . ... (Journal Seerid arTle.) . Berlin. May Three Oermsn sail ing vessels have, foundered In the hur- rh-Kne la the orth sea in the presentJ storm. . Tneir entire crews or 7 men are drowned. , ' ) "' ::. , ASK WOODMEN TO - , AID THEIR BRETHREN ( Joarnat Speelal arTloi. ) , Ssn Frsnclsco, May IS. J. O. Davta. state deputy of the Modern Woodmen, leavea tonight to vlait eaatern divisions Of the order to secure relief for the sffltcted members pf tha society In Saa Tinnr taiii r nrL. NIHIL I HULL ur CRII Frsnctsco.' it is pee lea toat S100.0U0 will be. MUeeted. - - 'r ' U ' Ul, wrn . A . eat ; sssasW ; '; '. ee t ai y ., - i w 1 m m w 1 r 'f ' 'A V nnfhin Ky IrH.fmj th," ,a,lrnanc tr. them' IS THERE A CONSPIRACY TO. DISCREDILPR ti mnrn - At. - Many Persons Who Know What Is Going On Behind Scenes. Say , Senators Waited for rtuhityi to Break Which:So-Called SurrenrJerAiTordedT7: :- (iesraal Snedal X. Washington, May 15-Senator Till man, speaking on a question of per- tonal privilege in the senate today, de nounced an alleged interview which appeared in 1 Washington newspaper quoting him as declaring that Aid rich had had - a conversation with him and Bailey and urged him to abandon negotiations with the presi dent and join Aldrich, "because youll be in the senate long after that man. has' left the""White House."' Tillman declared thathe had - given - out no tucn interview, ator has made such a rlisclaumer,v- s there a conspiracy In the senate to discredit 'the president . of ' the t'nlted States? . Many, person who knew.wliut was going, on- behind .4 the . scenes . In Washington last month are roaily ,t answer this question, in- .tha-anlrjnat lv, Fully three t weeks 1 ago- it t waa known that tha senhter waa waiting for antop POTjluftKi to Tirena 'wrtn- the 'chie; collapse of a flimsy derrick on the new Wells-Fargo building at Sixth and Oak streets this morning may result In the d?ath of llarnld Wilde, a derrick hand employed" In the construction of the building. A two-top steel beam was being hoisted to the fourth, floor when the guy ; ropes - broke snd the derrick collapsed. Wilde waa struck on thu head by the falling beam, knocked through a platform on whioli ha waa standing to a walking board on the second floor, where he lodged. His heud wss split open and he sustained other Injuries that It Is feared are fats tin their nature. He Is now In Bl?linrsT15ospItHiTa preoarTduii condition. - " The accident occurred - shortly before 10 o'clock this.momtng. The derrick, consist!!! 6f two tiDriffht two-bv-aix beams supported 'by - a two-by-four brace and resting upon a light base, had been erected tn- the "northwest - earner of the fourth-floor to hoist the beam to the top of that floor. - The beam had been raised above the floor T of the fourth stu-y when the guy ropes sud denly parted.- The weight of the bum pulled the entire derrick- over. - It went down with a crash.-carrying everything before It. " Wilde was Standing op n light board platform in front of the hoist, and before., he could inqvt was strurk on the -back of thw head by a portion of tho fulling derrick. He was knocked through Ihe platform ':nd fell head first the distance of two floors to a running board across the stringers of tha second floor. He lay there, un conscious until fellow workmen .rushed to him and csrrled him thrmreh an adjoining lodging-house ia (lie police j M HURT (Continued on Frr T7 raw r - 1 'J i ;. v ,. 2 &efifatej ilCOflTROW m .... ' 'I ecuie. jyjjs .flo-csUed surrendwf on thj rate bill afforded his enemies . in , the senate their long wished ,- for ' oppor tunity. ..! . .... . . - ' If there' la a conspiracy yto "put tho president in a hole" both Bepubllcana and Democrats are . la It. The whale J performance of Saturday afternodn bore the earmarks of having, been prear ranged. Tha elder Republican senators who hare been chafing under tha presi dent's whip these many months-, knew w hat - Bena tora Till man v ana,.. Ballsy . (emocrats) were to do. ; , '.-. , ' EorBifir.BenatorMrilUam. U r.handler-alao-a Republican, waa aware of the plans of .the, Democnkts andx to-make -doubly sure of the game had prepared a there, waa. any qenal f Aha Story. bytb preaidept.-. Xhft -he j had . dickered with -Democrats and spoken disrespectfully qf such, Republican senators ,ss, Knox. Foraker .and Spooner.. The Uapi- wa carefully . set, ,with -the. hope, that soma. one-would-JHtoorr-wlth the- trigger." .' -" Senator -Carter-did .this. -for rmmed- -ately after his speech defending. Boose-, velt. Bailey and Tillman, opened up witti KaDle slHleinenls. :, ;, ,, t , . , ,' " ;- ' ."' i ' .. (Jearsal Special Serrlr 1 " . ' Washington, May IS. There Is a bod ing fear In the state department that congress will adjourn 'without passing a ertlsfactory law governing tha admis sion of Chinese Into the United States, and thdl; aa a result the boycott - mv American goods --will gather renewed force. -r mi the Chimes exclusion bilti , which hnvs been introduced are In the" house , committee on foreign affaire, where a subcommittee has spent some time. In, . their consideration, but -out of the hearings and conferences there hss come nothing thus fur, and Ihe prwipeet txrtnarTheHff"erTeslri' wit! ' ffrid " the- sum total of Its accomplishment represented by. naught' .M. There ia a. posslhllfly that the com mittee on foreign uffalrs, which hs the Chinese , ex' . msuer in .keeping, will report to Ihe houi brief bill eon tatnrng the ' mere provtstnns that here sfter offli-Uils of id,. I rilted States will be atdtloneO- lu. rt-lnti for tha axptsse purpnMe f iHiHKlna Judgment on the "eligibility" of IndlvUlual Clitnert 'who . desire to jromc to America. This will bo simply a skeleton, mess urs, and the only way In Which It oan be considered as a possible means of allaying friction between the cmnr,'s lies In the fae that with ths otrjelwls sUtloned In China ths Chinena t' ' seek" to s Iiieieftln will t, f the humlllalliin et beluir r when they rench the slmre i f . Steadard f I : i: ACTION Oil EXCLUSION - , ., .. -'-I --r-Tr-r- -y ' ' "' 11