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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1906)
-t- THE OREGON , SUNDAY JOURNAU PORTLAND, SUNDAY t MORNING; MAY'-IS, 1S05. rh.-4r 0 DAYS MORCTO REGIST nr V MAY.1S' J. B. IN YE, Manager,;; MENU" axasi ajtd mausna. Xhstar Salad. Quean Ottvaa hrimp Salad. tl Ploklaa, Crab Salad. Badlahea. r iLattue Baad. Tout! g Onions. j ' Fetatoe salad, . Praah Tomato a. Chow Chow, ( - I;;- OVW, Vv:::!.. Chicken Oumbo. Consomm.e. , - Clam Chowdsni ' TXUM. '" Baked Salmon, Mallra d'TloteU " Boiled Salman, Uollandalae, : , ., .". . l --i-r IODJS. -v- 1 1 , 'V,- -t:ti ""L.- " THE WE IV ST. 101WS HOTEL , v , : , t t ' " ' 4 'i ' t 1 ' 1111' ' 1 U I . 1 y' -i lililll 1 5! I V I KILL CHlLDREfl TO ? , s i . n?c I n r 1 1 q 1 1 1 o v-i Q4 tu P-n a i pptq III UIIIIIIU UUIII IU IIIIL UflLLLU ULIUI T SDISMRGEDtWPlfc --r-After Being'- Out - Four--Hours They Are Unable to Reach r ziJ:I..A'Agreemeptw:-:-:ZZ iCHTUFoaJiCQurrTAU FOUR FOR CONVICTION Former - Portland J Policeman Tried . for Contributing to Delinquency of Fifteen-Year iOltflCiRrilSoflrwm --" Hare to Be Tried Again. - rr- Tha - Jury- In - ths u of R. - P. Mc- Qihnds, Jtaranerly n Portland patrolmen. 'Was discharged ,at..J:alalB.tght bjr Judge Sears, having failed to come to come to an agreement. 3he !Totowas elgtlf" froF" acquittal and four for con.. - vlcllon. Tba Jury, had stood thus far tour hours.. .. , . . - - : MeOlnnla was - charged t with having contributed to tha delinquency of Kitty Moore, aged U years. Ha waa arretted n-the,evsnlng of March 1 by -Police Captains Bruin and Blover, who declared that they saw him sitting with the girl on Portland Heights. ' . The"lury retired from ths court room . .'at J;H p. m., the case having been, sub mlttcd without argument. Deputy Dis trict Attorney Moaer appeared for tha atata and C M. Idlemaa and H. M. Tom llnaon wars tha defendant's counsels- ' A (sensation waa sprung during) tha trial, yesterday when E. Roblneon, a wltnesa.for tha defendant, took tha stand and at ones declared that Captain "- of police .Patrick- Bruin tad threatened ,V arrest him If his name did not ap pear on a certain paper, tha name of "whlctrtlia wltneaa did not understand. Judas Boara promptly atopped , tha - tela and ordered Bruin to the for.'" . . "Thla court can defend, ltaelf." curtly tfrtnarTcea JudsS Bfars. as he "ordrred bothttoDiusoaana jruia..iQmaK . - - - statement.! The polica captain aald ha told Robinson that If he did not ap- near whan subpoenaed ha would be ar- rated,.put Brutn denied JhatJhsald "ae would ' niake the arreat. - Kra. MoOtnnle told tha court that aha had also heard Bruin tell Roblneon he would sTrest hlw tf.hts nam e Waa. noil on tha paper. Judge Bears decided that of Bruln'a alleged threat tha police oap ' tain mlrht wo without being fined. i Tha wltneesea who- taatlfled.yeetarday afternoon. -were Thomae N. Dunbar, who aid that - MeOlnnla had alwaye borne a) good reputation; airs. Anna MeOlnnla, who said that aha was with her hus band on ona evening when it waa charged v MeOlnnla waa with Kitty Moore: B. Robinson, who declared that tha Moore gtrl had a bad reputation, and Dr. W. T. WllUamaon, who aald that MeOlnnla had L always been known aa an uprlaht man. uMra. IL Dornelfe, who told the police captain where MeOlnnla might ba found 1 when ha was arretted, took tha stand In rebuttal, after, the cloee of tha de fense's testimony. She denied haying talked to tha patrolman on March I re garding her husband. "CAPITAI PAID - : RESERVE, Mi Canadian Bank Commerce x announces its removal v , . : v to nrsr premises in the ' , , Lumber Exchange Building " "." "o tne Second and i Catherine . In. Jh Belated. Voters..r ..' Town- Suspends - Business for v One Day to Clean Up " Streets and Yards. 4 SCHOOL CHILDREN DO & THEIR SHARE OF WORK. All Stores, Saloona and Offices Clow During Day and Everybody Oeti taiy-Wlth-the-hoTetV?aioTii Haul Away DeM. In tha "clean-elty campaign that has struck Portland and other progressive gHilaa inf -O.'aaon.-'Pha-DeBlea baa aet the pacer Prtday-f this weak, y proala - mat loo ef tb mayor ant-ue Bueinea Mn'a auoclatlon, all stores, saloons ana offices ' wars closed, tho school children wars- dismissed and tha forenoon devoted to a general cleaning up of tha city. . Thlrty wagons . were required nearly all day to haul away tha refuse, and a new city dump waa started. J. 8. McDonald, eeoretaxy of Tha Dalles- Bualness Men's aaeoclatlon. waa a Portland vlaltor yeaUrday. Dasorlb lng ths cleanlng-up campaign ha said: "Tha work waa tha reault of cooper- maor. cit counclUand school board. Every ators and saloon In tha city waa closed for half a day, excepting the drug stores. Ths cltlsens got out with rakes and shovels. Tha achool chil dren were formed 'In brtgadea and did a vaat amount of . good work. Every street, yard and vacant lot was cleaned; Even ths grass and weeds la formerly neglected streets were removed by the roots. Arrangements had been made for alF tha watna neceasary." About SO wagona wars sngaged in hauling the refuae away There waa plenty to atart a Una new city dump. Tha city look a better. Tha people feel, so proud of tha improved appearance of -things trarmrww'-rotng tu try to asep me cftyclean: AI" loon" "a h 1 1" h water In the Columbia river - aubeldea wa are going to clean the waterfront. - Thla will bs made Jntoecltjr'sj frontyard. it1 will no longe?Ta used aa a plaoa for depoalting refuaa." - Tha Dallea BualneaS Men's aaaoola. tin has formed a stronr organitanon ind a fund of aooul"17,00(Ta year-liasf been sabacrtbedr-Tonne purpoaa or car rying on- a carefully planned campaign for immigration and industrial devel opment." v . ' MITCHELL IS DENIED . RELEASE ON BAIL (Siwclit DUpatcb to Tke Joarn(L . ' Seattle, Wash., May II. Proaecutttig Attorney Mackintosh today auoceeded In having Superior Judge Prater deny ths application Of Oeorga Mitchell, the alayer of Creffleld, the Holy Roller, for ball. Mitchell must remain In Jail until-hie trial. Ha waa arraigned this morning on information charging mur der in ths first degree, but was given until nsxt Batvrday to plead. - UP, 110,000.006 M.100,000 corner of - Stark Streets Atrocious Xrime Committed by "' Superstitious Peasants In"" Siberian Village. PLAGUE HAD REDUCED . VILLAGE TO POVERTY Follow Advice Given by Local Quack Who Preyed UponJTheir Ignorance and Seven, Including Three Women, ' . By Malcolm Clarke. " (Copyricht, "Heant Vewe Srrlo, by --Wtre'te Tbe Joarui.) -BerlliC May 11. The moat atrocious crime that has occurred In- Siberia atnea tha famoua caaa of tha brothers Ka laaohnlkoff la about to bs Investigated ' Sevan peaaanta of ths neighboring village of Kobuilka and "thraa . woman are about to ba put on trial on a charge of sacrificing a number of children in order to appease the wrath of an imaginary god of pestilence. Tha Siberian plague had destroyed vulagera cattle yeas after yeapi Tl vmagwajrducao-povrty-rand inany of Its Inhabltanta were obliged to migrate "to thelowna.' --A local quack who earned a living by making children Invulnerable to the evil eye," advised, tha tnuahlks that "until blood had been shsd and a church raised upon tt'!.he village would oon 1 tinna to tibyjjeiUlenoe and ba hinted even worse terrors." -Ths panlo-atrlcken peaaanta underatood thla to mean that a church should ba. built upon a foundation of human beings. as was,- dona by their ancss(ora in heathen times. A man named Glaanuoff offered" to aacrlflce ona of hla seven children and his example waa followed by the local blackamlth. JThe two . children were killed at night and a rude wooden chapel hurriedly built over . their re mains. When the atory became known tha I "I1?!?iltiZ J i . a nelahhorlng. vlllaae raided tha -. culprits' houses, burned thm down and nearly killed tha mur- uerara. On arreata being made. It waa atated that two other children had disappeared, and H la believed that theaa also were sacrificed at aomo earlier date. BUY A PIECE OF BOLOGNA -AND DISPEL DARKNESS: CermaniProfaM'or Discovers Microbe in Peef Sausage - That Sheds light By Malcolm Clarke. - ' Berlin, May 12. Thrifty and literary uermana win. soon do able to atudv their favorite magatlnee and papers by sauaaga light. Professor Hana Mollsch of Prague has Just discovered that meat vary orten contains a Ilght-glvlng ml crobe a kind of bacteriological glow worm, and ha has even been able to read newspaper by ths light ahed b a beef sausage. The professor states that about 61 per cent of beef and SO per cent, of veal har bor thla microbe, which sends out a greenish white light' contrary to what might bs expected a microbe la not a symptom of decomposition, but la in fact never found In meat which Is ths least bit decayed. It seems that it flourishes beat fp fat meat, aa the professor discovered that tne light disappeared when the fat on the luminous sauaaga waa scraped away. out again anone xonn aa ins interior fat began to ooxe through. GAMBLING AT ECHO IS T CLOSED BY CRUSADE - - (Special PUpetra to rt Journal, i EchoOrMayJtf, Oambllng has bsan completely cloeed down at Kche as a rsul t of a craaaaa . that was stititM soms tlme ago by ths women's elubs of thla place. In this movement many men also assisted, closing all games.- ' -- District Attorney PBelpa wae"Tn the city today for ths purpose' of inves tigating gambling complaints,' and says that shouM games bs resumed ths per petrators will ba brought before ths grand Jury In Juns. ' - . CHARGED WITH SELLING . - , LIQUOR TO MINORS ' SprLl Dltpetrk to Tbe Jontasl.) Pendleton, Or., Mky 12. John Btahon of Holdman was arraigned before Judge Ellis, today on a charge or selling liquor to minora. Hs took tlma for pleading and bail waa set at $160, which hs gave. Mrs. 9. C. WHs la Safa i Bp0l DKpetfh to Tes Jnom.l. ) ' vr San Francisco, . May 12. Mrs. P. C. 11on la aafe at her home in- this city. Her residence was not injured in ths firs - - . . i-v. V i r-Ti i mi nil ilia PRWire DWHCROOM iiYt : ' " CUISINE AND SERVICE' FIRST-CLASS ' " ; : : . SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DINNER PARTIES , '..r : AUTOMOBILE SHBDS AND STABUES'POR HORSES nitlVAUKEE BUYS Official Announcement Is Made : of Sale by President R. A. '-vt.'. Hariow of Company.: CONSTRUCTION WORK T ; : IS TO BE RUSHED Yellowstone Park Road Is Also Ru- rtcLtQ-HaTtBeen Sold to Same People but Owners Refuse to Deny oF Confirm.TReport." '(Special Dispatch to The loanaLr I -HeIana,MQnt .Msyll. -A-defenlts and of f loial announcement has been railroad by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway oompajiy, or at least thereof, R. A- Harlow, president 'of the Montana company, being sponsor for the etatement -AS a part of tha don- traot for transfer, Mr. Harlow Is to have charge of ths affaira of tha St. Paul' in this state. Including general supervision and direction of all Us interests during the building period of two years, wntch it is expected will be required- to com plete ths line in Montana, s.t fc""Rtarthi hfiM"sMftw jam4" dent: and " board - of -direct ore -of the Montana company have bean elected to adjust .matters to" the new conditions. After a conference with President Earling of tha St. Paul, Mr. Harlow has announced that it Is . the Intention of ths St. Psul to let eontraota for con struction aa fist as surveys are definitely, settled upon, and thsse contracts will probably be for distances of from' 20 to 40 miles in order to aecure me eariy completion of conetruction - work. W. H. - Penf leld - has been appointed con structing engineer in charge of the work weatward from Harlowtown, from which olnt eastward actual construction work iss begun. ' " he Montana- eallraad connects si T . i ,i Brt xxrnx uai u vf i lu iiiv hui iiivi u a v v miles eaat of Helena, and runs to Lewls town In eewtral Montanar-tapptwg a, rich agricultural and minings section. - - Preaident Ft-Ai - Hall of - the- Yellow tone Park Railway company, now build ing in eastern Montana, refuses to con firm or "deny the report-that his road fofr j, peen taken over by Tthe Milwaukee in -view are being : taken, mis wouia glvs ths Milwaukee an entrance Into tbe park near Cooke City, Montana. ,. . . TIPTON GIRL CANNOT ' LEGALLY BE PARDONED : A.. . , ... - "" - (Kpwlnl DUpatch to The JoarnaL) Olympla, Wash... May 11. The attor. ney-general today ' advised Governor Mini tKt tia hat HA nnwar ta rrtnt a oondltlonaV pardonr-that- eonvlot-nou eligible 'to parole must be pardoned absolutely if at all. The opinion has reference to ths application for the par don of Myrtle Tipton, a 17-year-old girl, of Whitman County, who waa sentenced to aerve two yaara in tha penitentiary on a charge of horse stealing, but la being held in the House of the Good Shepherd at Spokane. Not having been in the penitentiary a year the girl is not eligible to parole. Ths attorney-general holds that ths parole law offers the only form of con ditional pardon, and a pardon such as ths governor desired could not legally be made. He suggests, however, that the ' governor may - exact the written promise from tha gtrl and bar parents that she will remain in the home and Tsswa teompigterpardon with that on-t derstandlng. GALLOWAY T0 SPEAK- :AT COTTAGE GROVE (Speoul Mspatrh te The Jnaraal. Cottage Grove, Or., May 1J. Charles Ttglloway . nemocratla wominee Tor cengreaa, Flrat district, will apeak to the voters of Cottars Grove Tuesday evening, Mar IS. An enthusiastic meeting-will be held and an are await ing Me coming with Interest COTTAGE GROVE BANK ELECTS ITS OFFICERS Cot I age Grove. Or-. May Bank of Cottage Grove, a local company, which waa Incorporated under the laws of Oregon with a paid-up capital of 1 14.000, has held Its first stockholders'. meeting and the .following offlcara were elected; President, W. IL Abrams; vice- ii'iiU ii iqma-i virt. . - --m-fi g"'". i .rrici' r- Like zp gpM Yaiuc fori gi WSiM "and" : y . ". :( Durable YOU FURNISH THE GIRL, BP TANS AND BLACKS - ALL WIDTHS AND SIZES Goodyear MADE-lN-OftEGON CARNIVAL HIAY ID preaident, Ben Lurch,. Qnttage. Grove; I casruery ti Koaa King; aaslslant asBS lor,. A. IL Keiao. YoncAUa, , , TT?TT TTCD TMTPTP TT WE FURNISH THE HOME 184 For All $3.00 Low Shoes Shoe Repair Corner Fourth and Yamhill. Y. M. C. The board of dlre ior ta as f.i'ows: W. II. lAhramo. Hn I.ur--h. 1. II. ( - ibera, Co - i ( -ovei C 1 . Chicken, Oyster Sauce. "," 1 ; Half Spring Chicken a la Pouletts, ' 8tewed Chicken, Family Style, - , Calves' Bralna, Braadsd, - . . . Creole Sauce. , Chicken Liver en Broohetta. ' Teal rrloandellea with Mushroonia, . Pineapple Prittera. Brand y SanpSk. -SOatfr Toung Chicken with Dressing. ' Prims Rjba of Beef an ua. ' Loin of Pork, Appls Sauoe. . Young Veal, Brown Oravy, . , TQTABT.mSL ' .. ' -l.'' . Sugar Corn. Stewed Tomato a. ' Sweot Peaa. ' apr-Asparagus, i 4 String Beans. -Toung Spinach,.!... -New Potatoes UvCreanu : .,r' 3 " Assorted Plea. j trawberriea with Cream.., ... lea Cream with- Oka. v Siloed Qranges. Sllcad.Plaeappla, .- .. 1 .-. 1 1 Cafa Noiiv . . ; . z American ad Swlas Cbsssa, .v" ' . .. i ' i. S , ; Served from 11 a, nu to t p. m. TTO - 186 FIRST ST. For All $3.50 Low Shoes A. Building Tonralla. I n i ' ' . . '. ' ',-',.