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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1906)
V . ; -j .... . f I THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL," PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1SC3,' T OF WAY IS NORTH BEND HEH C0f,lPLEIfO -zzzzzzzzzzizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-, 1 u z j -Toivn Topics I k;f Macs mt. , Deputy County Clerk C CTRoee Issued marriage license to ft couple late yes-' ...terday. afternoon, thus making. May ..11' 1806, one of the moat Important dates . In an out t the ordinary romance. The lloenae wu lssusd to. Joel Neal Rhorer -r of vallejo. California, and Mary Acnes Lance of this city, both the contracting "'r parties being deaf and dumb. ' They had 1V never met until Juat a short time before the llcenae was Issued, but had been eorre ; ' r ftpondlng for several 1 months. ' Their names were given to-each Other by a i; "mutual friend. Mr. Rhorer and Mlas Lance are to be married next Wednes- dy.; -, ;.,, - .v.-r-"':-:;v ' ' New Arrivals In. Hart. Schaffner Marx fine made suits ' juet received. It you have been h the habit of coming '.' here all we need tell you Is Vat the fresh stock of men's new double and , single breasted three-piece suits re-.- reived, last week Is the handsomest we've ever hadthe prices are very rea- unable, too. IfoU"ar not acquainted ! Safe-Deposit Vaults have) become a 375 Washington Street Hill " Railroad Concludes Plans " 'for Deep Cut Across th . Penlnaula.-- - real- necessity, They . afford you 7 protection against burglars, against firs and against flood.'-' Our vaults are among the finest and strong ' est. Charges are ; very reasonable. Will Extend Cordial Welcome to " Delegates to Development - -' - Convention. -!. " MffiEH WORKMEN ARE ALREADY PREPARINQ FOR TASK PROMINENT MEN WILL BE ON THE PROGRAM . with b place, a look at the garments proveXhe worth -and popular ltyof- the clothes. Samuel Rosenblatt Co.. reliable clothiers. Third and Morrison streets. 1 1. Our success In the tailoring business is because of our broad plan of giving - good values alt the year with no Intent of making big profits. We make any ; suit In the house to your measure for . I2S. This Is something no other house . In the city will do.,, Come In and look our stock ever ' before , placing your order so you can compare our 'stock and work with others, as we will save you from IB to $10 or don't place your order. '- Unique. Tailoring Co., lot Stark, between . Fifth and. Sixth. The Lents grange at Its session yes terday afternoon .devoted a portion-of Jts time to the discussion of, the pend ing constitutional amendments.. Mrs. -Ida Porter-Boyey spoke in favornt the qua! suffrage amendment.' J.- C. Mc- -Crew also' indorsed thla amendment and : then opened ft discussion on the taxation of franchises. Mrs. Lucia Faxon Addl ton eloquently favored the granting of suffrage to women and presented the claims of the local option laws. The burning ont of an electric luse In the store occupied by the Portland Elee- trio Works, at 151, Stark street, last anight caused ma alum oUtre.lg Jbe. sent In fmm. that pleee, Ike burning fuie pedestrians think the whole store .WM in.1 names, no damage was aurierea save th breaking of the glass In the. front '.door, which Was done by th firemen to r gam entrance . to the : plans. s-g ----- , i IT The report of the appraisers who"" ex amined into the value of the-estate of the late Mrs. Louise Warnr wis Tiled ' yesterday In the county court by Henry wagner, aaminisiraior or tne estate. The report showed the estate - to- be 'worth tlM.t04. The-appraisers were Paul Van Fridagh, Joseph Heller and Elliott Habersham. Mrs Wagner was ft -daughter "orTIenry WelhhaxdT IhrTaT millionaire pioneer brewer. In sr letter to M.-'J.-Rotey-traeUng passenger- agent of the . Gould lines. H. E. Kneedham of Los-Angeles says the San Francisco disaster In no way nnJQted Xok Angel e7 and not flollarl -worth of -damage -was suffered- front earthquake -In Los Angeles. Mr. Kneed hm-iW -,"neglg-i-i he ' tinfflc flefaftment ofthe Rock Island xauway. and la weU. knewn 4a Portland - railroad men. . . Race Bulclde. President Roosevelt's - theories of- race auloide will b a Harked from the point of view of ft student of evolution, before th People's Forum, In - Selllng-Hlrsch hall, this -evening at o'clock. The speaker will be 8. B. Rtggen, who la the disciple of Malthua, the world's foremost exponent of race suicide. There will be open discussion. -"i Admission fr. ... Mr. L. Saken. the Ttddlsh tmpereon ator, is making ft favorable impression on " his ' audience at' the Western Academy of Music Mr. BaJuta depicts five different languages, the orthodox Jew, th high priest, th Russian bsr - barian, th brutal governor and the suffering Jew. He will give a per formance this evening in the same halL - William A.- Finn began ft suit ' yes terday against -the - Oregon . Water Power A Railway . company for $11,000 damages. - The plaintiff allege that on -Beptember-lt-hrwftsworklng'Tor th companv at a laborer at Caxadero, helnf engnged In dam work. A cable In a part "or the machinery used hroke and is said -to hav hit Finn in th jaw, . Sam " Veatch, chairman of " the" griev- ' x way Conductors of , America, yesterday -- - said Utsi 60 conductors who resided In - BanFranclSo lost "everything in the fir. Th-erder has made -up parse of nearly" to.0t-ftnd- xpectt to" reach bers. Dr. BrougheTs topic. Whit Tempi. Sunday 10:10, "Exodus: A Plagued King and ft Peculiar People"; T:I0. "Who Is the Bigger Fool, . the Man or the Woman r a . -The Knights and Ladle of Security Centennial council have moved to" th new Knights of Pythias hall. Eleventh Diamonds The cause"of the unusu ally large number of Dia naonds -recently- soldbyus in many instances, can .be : directly t.r aced rto-theiF-su--2 perior " quality and - theT ex- perrselectiori" "used through-: out in . all ., our - buying . of . ' Gems. . . t - Prospective .Diimo n d purchasers would do well to" call and inspect "our unusu ally large - and varied as sortment ; - . Inspection ; always wel-come.- Prices Most Reasonable The G. HeltRemper CoL Jeweler aad SUvexmlths, - SM WASJmiOTOaT ST. Lowest Prired Jewelry House for IlJgh-Orade Ooods. Price Most easoaabl. Oregon Trust and Savings Dank SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS, PORTLAND. OR. BEBNHARDT In the. cruel' glare of daylight,' amid the . most unpromising -' stage setting, Sarah Bernhardt more than ever proved her wonderful power and charm yester day' afternoon. To the hundreds gath ered to see her the Armory looked more bleak and uninviting than usual, and aa the rain began to sound loud an the glaaa roof signs of Impatience and even of doubt were evident.' . But when the red curtains were pulled aside and after a abort preliminary dialogue Madame Bernhardt appeared, all unpleaslng ex ternalities were-forgotten.-- Doubt, was removed and the certainty that a real, alive Camilla was being presented not only by a great actress but a great worn? an" hwaha-nuairrce-peuoouna, i From tle moment of her first appear ance in . wonderful clinging robe of the demi-monde to the great death scene at the end there was not a straying eye or an unllstenlna- ear. The- storr t Camllle wan familiar to almost every one there, yet almost the entire audience carried translations.- But as the action quickened few followed -th. i-nr. awd Bemnardt'a voice.. Bern. . ; . . . . i i . ' 1 I i Ityvaded-ererytktng-fhatbfc by word was no longer 'felt. Tears, and Alder trU. and to oelebrate th vest will give ft whist party, Ice cream social and dance next Monday evening. May 14.. The commltteha made ex tensiv' preparations." - : - - JameaTtellly of (St - Johnson street reoorted to. Chief of Police Orltsmachor last nis-ht that th neighborhood - liH which he llvOk U Infested with a per- mnr, nr- pereone who- mailctOTlBlT" kill chickens ftnd leave their dead bodies lying about yards and coops. He says that last night some person .entered his chicken yard and cut the heads off of a dosen prise chickens he was raising and left their bodies scattered about the -yar4 . . . - f-'-prtdBnt -BrFr-Mntkey-of--the"S6tiUl inr-vTce-n?esTdents of the Oregon, De- velonment lea cue. will represent the State league as on of th speakers mt the Farmers" and Shippers' congress. held under th ausploes of the W 11 lam ette Development league at North Bend, May U and 24. , ' Water through hose for sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or washing porches or windows, must be paid for In advance and used only between th hours of and e, m. and I and p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. , If used contrary to these rules, or- wftste- IWiyr'K"WttD-no-1.r. Onen todar. Sunday, from 10 till the great E. W. Moor studlOr-Elks' building, Seventh and Stark. Our gallery Is open during tnes hours lor tne ao commodatlon of those who cannot come during th busy day of th week. This gallery Is noted for the excellence of Its photographic productions. . - .."- us -. . -. --.. - Trollev Outings Today on O. W. P. To "Qreaham It oents, all points east of Oresham to and Including Estacada to ceqts round -trip Dinner -at-Hotel J Katacada. la cents, cars leave jnrai ana j Alder atreeta 7 0. ;L11X O anwlUO. 1:4ft, :44rlU5 pnt. - TirheU os al In waiting-room. - Dr. Short has arranged - to- giv ' th people of this pity ft visible Ideajpf . thft torirrof thraTaaclaoo' earthquake by delivering an illustrated lectur to nlght. Flfty--flYelylwglwiU: b thrown upon ft large screen by an artist In this hualnesa at.tha Taylor 8tret. Methodlat church. . Westchester Fir Insurance Co. of New Tork. established 1817. We have advice from our San Francisco general agent that all losses in recent fire will be paid promptly and In fulL Adjusters on ground. F. O. North rup aV Co.. resi dent agent. Commercial block. - - Evergreen Sanitarium, 140 Corbett street. A quiet home, for th sick of both sexes and women in confinement. In charge of graduate nurses from Bel- levue and Polyclinic, New 'Tork. Splendidly- furnished rooms - nd urgerr in connection. -Telephone Main ItOO. . The Travelers' Protective association. district of Oregon and Washington, con tributed tl.000 toward the relief of San Francisco - sufferers. Th money was paid to th secretary of the Travelers' Protective association of San Francisco. Flowering Plants. Now I th tlm to set out that bed of flowering plants. W have it full line of all suitable plants for summer and fall blooms price low. Telephone or call Portland Seed Co Front and Yamhill streets. Trolley Trips; on O, WP. Today. To Oregon City and Canemah Park, i cents round trip. Dancing afternoon and even Intf. "T3wrlevr Fir nr Alder streets on th odd hour and every 40 minutes. Ticket on sal' in waiting-room. . . This will remind you that now is th tlm to hav your hair mattresses reno vated and returned the earn day. Phone Main 474. - The Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metsger, proprietor. . , -Th ftreat Northern Railway- com pany has Isaued ft brilliantly, eolored folder announcing th Inauguration of It new Oriental . Limited between Bt Paul and Seattle. ' B. E. Parker haa filed ft petition de claring that he will be an Independent candidate at th coming election- for the office of constable of th East Bid Hustle court, t '-.. .:, , Prls wait. Cedar Park tonight; dancing afternoon and ( evening. ' Late Warren Godbey of Ills Hoi gat ave nue la reported missing by his wife IN "CAMILLE" real tears,' were being shed all over the house as- the pathos and tragedy of the shadowed life wesa made vivid. Mo one needed to understand the rapid flow of the foreign tongue;'' all was made clearer than words by the wonderful action. , . - ; -,- Camilla has been called Bernhardt' greatest- role; she showed .the keen, ap preciation that has -made it so. Her dainty, tender love making ' and it was really youthful her J light flippancy with an underlying current of 'Serious ness; her Intense suffering all were done with X slight repression that was welcome after the overdone Cftmjl that is usually served. The crowd followed, breathless, her struggles through the death -seen at th end end gav av-eym. pathetic gasp of relaxation as she final ly sank into Armand's arms dead. - Th madame was recalled again and gain and responded each time with the same gracious smile: . and after the third act, which called- for th supreme effort of aJU she showed ft pretty dis appointment as the curtain went P a her alone. Some hand-clannlna- at in. PPortuqemimeath the ftat Ion, wftft mant. aUshtlyr - - Bernhardt won Portland unreservedly In two great plays. and mother,--Oodbey wa employed by th City Si Suburban Transfer com pany. After dinner yesterday he left hi home nd did not -return to work. He did not go home last night' His wlf and mother are greatly worried. Th man had ft considerable amount of money on hi person at th tlm he dis appeared. V r I LoopiheLoop. Exsurslon to Qorval- lla, via Albany, Sunday, May 10, by Pros pect camp. No. JU0, W. O. W. Trains leCve- Union deo a. mj fbarp.-'rRouml trip 1.0. . Butser's lawn fertiliser rejuvenates lawn grass got gold medal at th fair. HI Front, betweeaJT "uhlU anfl TaTlr, I Watches, diamond and jewelry on easy payments, tl down and SO cents per week. All mainsprings tl; all watches eleaned IL Metsger Co, 111 Sixth t. Ladles desiring ehampoolng. manicur ing, hair dyed or touched up, facial and scalp massage, done at their home or 11-11 Lewis building, phone Main 1510. Relatives of - Michael and Catherine Grady hav learned that they escaped to Oakland" when "-th-San Francisco earth quakt occurred ftn are safe Slabwood delivered In Bell wood, LTI per load; in Milwaukee, (1.00 per load. East Sid Mill 4 Lumber Co. Pbon Bast 177. - T Cheap Cleamnc . Sal - en Plants. Bedding plants a specialty, at green houses, t7 William avenue. Oeo. Beta, florist - Ws ar tin selling eye glasses at IL ft perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Metsger VCo, ill BUth street VtSaf 611'and gasoline for "stoves and r-r-i ItrtOWUH. Phons - Main ll J. Red Tank Oil First lrU " ' - " Oglesby Toung for circuit judge,- de partment No. t, Democratie nomine. . ' t"" J. NT6r!stol will raov to (00 Wash ington, comer Lownsdais street, TJilsTleirBosjl-FtnHlaii fto4r-Ot!i Ipg Co- 44( Sherlock building.- fcs fnaHt e akaaa Of . sr wr sr iaa 1 1 x nraiMiir i go to Morrls' restaurant t 111 Experienced - Panama Hatter, Fourth street Woo star, th fruit king. Milwaukl Country Club. ' Memphis and Louisville races, - Take Sellwood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. . ' - v r MAINLY PERSONALT Ex-Governor T. T. Oeer la at th Perkins. ' . ' . Albert Johnson, managing editor of th - Tftcomft News, was ft visitor Jn. this city yesterday, ii cam to meet hi mother and sister, who hav never before been west and will make their horn on th coast George Dennlson, who wW on ef th commissioners of the California, build ing during the Lewis and Clark fair in this city, will arrive In Portland early this week to visit Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hog for a fewi day. TAYLOR STREET T ; - METHODIST EPI.C0PAL . . 1 CHURCH - wliANCI8 BURQKTTB SHORT,. Preftching lt:IO. The American Sabbath 11:10 ............... .Sunday school (:10 Epworth League FreftohUg TOO. San Francisco Ruins 1 - Illustrated ' . .' soTXrr--B) . Ruined Building. Settled Streets, gaping earth. homeless . multitude. Ore Modem Bevastatto. Beyond Deeorlptloa. v. igust e Seen. - - Suit Brought Ag-ainst Western Tim ber Company for Condemnation of Land for Which Railroad Will Not Pay Pries Demandtd. plat right of way 10Q faet wlda across the peninsula has been purchased y-ft--HlU- malnlng-deale-wers- closed in the past week by M. E. Thompson of Taooma, right-of-way agent for th Northern Pacific. Suit haa been brought lp the state circuit court to condemn ft right of way - across- ground owned by .-the Western Timber ; company - fronting - on th ' Willamette river at th drydock sit for th Portland tk Seattle com' pany bridge. The timber company, hy. John Par-. son, , few months ago bought It acre at th east and of th proposed bridge it zor 121.000. It was said th com pany - had' plan - for . ereotlng . a. large sawmill. The railroad company. "after final decision waa mad regarding the location of th bridge, made - proposal to purchase a, right of way through tha ground.- Th Western Timber company fixed ft prloe of f 50.260 for that portion of th ground desired for th road,Th railroad oompany declined to pay this prloe and brought ft suit to' condemn and eecur -an appraisement at th value. The -timber company yesterday filed an answer setting forth that th land desired by1 the railroad company is especially valuable for ft aawmtll It and that -the owner ar entitled to th prtc asked. , Frvparlng for Aettv Work. ' Th Hill line hav had a fore of 1 W encleaf lnsha tntlro-firln jcrpBSLtbe, Insula In psspansilnn Tns nagipnlng worfc" on the ' cut. which it-i proposed to make -to ft depth of IS. to to feet deep and tOO feet wide at th top. Th only obstructions now remaining on th ground are house on- the . properties formerly owned by Hardy, Mo. Epper son, Marcy, Fenton. Butler, Miller, Mc Laod, Cbowalng, Simmon -yand two others. . All these buildings will be re moved, leaving ft clear stretch" from th Willamette river to ' Columbia slough, - nearly two mile. - Th oom pany haa . built ft number, of shanties near th Willamette river to be used for bunknousea, toolhou and black- -smlth--shopS-lnxonnctlon with excava tion and bridge work, k, . Optlona JUT JPftk' Mr.' Thompson In the last few days has taken options on ft number of piece of property outside the 1 00-foot strip and midway between Maegly June Uon and tha . WUlamtt-river.- Thee ropertie and the price ar aa tol - ows: House ana lot oi jonn iiacivinney, E0 feet east of th JOO-foot limit tl.400; Mrs. Natersred's eight-room house and lot Tt by 100 feet west of th strip and north of McKlnney property, I4,bo; Is acres and an eight-room hous owned by Mr Edgerton. adjoining the trio. 17.000. Th company ha also. acquired all of th Heppner addition, on the west elds of th atrip, and ft large part 01 diock , eaax ox tns sinp. Th uses to which th railroad 'com pany may put these properties I, pus- allnc ths neignoora. in rront or Mrs. Natersted1 lot th railroad cut will, ntihoowho atteni the , invention. Ths niB-naJd, r T8 feet deep, ftnd almUif TaUamer JUllanc will leave Portland for depth In front of th Edgerton acre- Coos bay May It at 1 o'clock In the age, whll In front of th McKlnney lot It will be to I set deep, xn oniy solu tion offered Is that th properties may hav been acquired to provide for pos sible street "vacations. It, la reported that Mr. Thompson haa proposed that peninsula people withdraw their oppo sition to th proposed out In exchange for th construction of ft boulevard along each side thereof, and steel bridges across th out to connect all streets and road that may be Inter sected by th gash. Th property-own ers ar said to hav received this prop-ositlcm-favorably, and ,nar Baklo, vurtfaer objection t th rail mal rnm- pany's plana. SUFFRAGISTS-HOL - REGULAR - MEETING Th-)igonsulufrilk0OIln Hon" held it regular meeting yesterday afternoon at the house of Mr. Mauory. Mrs. Henry-Waldo Co. occupied th chair. A unanimous vote of thank was passed to The Oregon Journal for Its editorial of last Friday on aqual uffrage. Mra. Co announced that at th meeting to be held In the Hellig theatre at t:10 o'clock thl aft ernoon ther will be addresses by Dr. K. L. House, Rev. Anns. H. Shaw and Mra. Mary C. C 'Bradford, with fine music; th following Sunday, May to. Dr. Ford will speak, and on May 17 Dr. S. 8. TVIs. Encouraging report wr glvn by Dr. Abbl C French, Mr.-Ablga41 Soott Dunlway, Dr. Esther C. Pohl, Mis Lucy B. Anthony, Dr. Annie Jeffrey Myers, Dr. Thompson and others. TRAVELING MEN ARE - TO WORK FOR WORD The Traveling Men'a Tom Word dull haa opened up beadauartera In room US and ,. fit, . Lumbermen's l Exchange building, Second and Stark streets, and will carry on an 'active campaign for Mr. Word from now until th election Aa waa th - case when Word waa a candidate for sheriff before, the Travel Ing Men's elub work will be an Import ant featur In the campaign. For Sale Bargains . Ill tons hop wire, f II ton. tl tons "Remnant" plow atI eablea. . IsO.OOl feet different atses pip lag. 100 tona pulleys, shafting. te Metal, scrap Iron and junk of' all descriptions bought M. BARDE & SON Awa usAsr. v' It la Expected That" Oyer Two Thouaand People ,whl Be In At . tendance Interest la Aroused in . Movement Throughout Sute. - - LCitlnofKoj-thBn4. jtre making preparations to entertain 1,000 people they expect to-visrlrthat-tilty- May 13 and 14. The occasion that call for the visit of man people to North Bend Is the Coos County Development conven tion, whloh will be attended by farmer ana snippers. Th Interests f western Oregon haV been .promoted and made prominent by a number of .development convention held in the interior of the state under the auspices of ths -Willamette - Valley Jbeague or commercial clubs. Six such convention hav already been held In the state and the publicity given them has greatly aided In advertising Oregon. The people of Coos' bay hav taken a great deal of Interest In these conven tions and at each of them delegates were present at great expense, for It was usually necessary to travel long - dis tance by water or stage. Will B of Interest. It Is expected that the gathering at North Bend will be one of more Interest than any ever held in the etate outside of Portland, for leading transportation men and- others -who are Interested In the development of the state hav signi fied their Intention ef being present. Thousanda of Invitation hav been sent out by th committee in charge of ar rangements. The season of the year is particularly auspicious. - ; - The convention will be called to order w ad nssitay- Mas ft, at 10 i'nloeki whs mum mill b dillMinX by Louts J. Simpson, mayor-of " North Bend. E. Hofer of Salem will follow with an address on 'The Development League and Its Work." J. W. Bennett of Marsh field will respond for Coo bay and B. F. Jones of Independence will talk of the commerce of- Taqutna bay harbor. "8)nlaw Harbor and Its Com merce" will be th subject of an add res by Charles A. Hardy of Eugene.''rrT-. - On -Wednesday afternoon J. B. Lafer, secretary of the Portland board of trad, will speak on "Doing Things- and "For ty Feet ofWater-on the BarL will b th subject of an address by ex-Governor T. T. Oeer. William Kramer of 11 - snsiswlsn - rtW TIIf!l Wilt tU&CUMW infJ 999fJ PsT uid how will extend greetings from Yamhill. The afternoon session will close with an ad drees on "Competitive Market for th Willamette -Valley Farmer" by M. L. Jones of Brooks - Following is th rest 0f rT.r.. i. y rug ram la DetaCL Wednesday . Evening "Xhit nf - the Earthquake Belt" Henry Weetbrook. Oregon City. Transportation company; "What Oregon Is Getting and How We Ar Getting It" Tom .Richardson. itrt-landr-Th Harriman Systenr-nd Ore gon,'' William McMurray. rortiana. Thursday, I a. m., excursion over Coo bay and harbor; It noon, clambake, bar., becue and crab boll at park; I p. m., band concert at park: p. m., banquet to delegates and grand ball. Th uaual reduced rate win b given evening. SAYS HER HUSBAND MADE HER SPLIT THE WOOD MlnnldD?wWantslDiv " cause of This and Other Unkind Acts. Alleging that her husband never spoke wklud word -to her duilug thlr uisnied' llf. Mlnni Dow yesterday sued O. W. Dow for- s divorc. Sh allege- that sh had. to split th wood for th fires 45,,L?'lIlJui!!iL Tyf i?! during the coldesfpart of last winter Dow left her without food or money zor a lone time, and that If It had not been for the neighbors' kindness sne - wouia hav greatly suffered. When ft did come home, sh declare, he only pro vided her with fat pork and potatoes. Mrs. Dow says that her husband Is th owner of a cooper shop In Albany and 114 acres of Linn county land. Al though ah sute that his annual in come I 11,600, ah ssys he has never given her any money sine th day be led her to th altar and caused ber nsme to be changed. She avers that on April ahe waa forced to leave him and come to Portland to work. Judga Bears ordered Dow to appear in court on June to enow cause why he should not giv-- Mr.-Dow tilt-suit money end 1150 for support during the pendenoy of th caa. and that the prop erty owned by htm b not transferred to another. Th Dow were married In Eugene, Oregon, October T. l0t. A. B. Cone alleges that Margie cone left him on November 10, 110S. and went to Ban Francisco and became a vaude ville aetrees. He want ft divorce. Th couple were - married in Stockton,- Cali fornia. May 1. l0t. - - A. F. Neunert haa sued Mlnft Neunerx for ft divorce. They were married In this city April 14. 104. and Mr. Neu-. nert is said to nave.qaserien nsr cew horn March 1. 105. TO MEET DEMOCRATS (bpeetal Dlapetck te The. Joeraal.) Salem. Or. Mar 11. The Republican central committee has refused to meet th Democrats in a Joint canvas of Marlon county. Th Democratic legis lative ticket is strong and will wage on of fh fiercest campaigns on record In th -county. - County Chairman w. H. Downina of th Democratio camp will arrange th date for his speakers. BEGINS SUIT BECAUSE " HE WANTS THE MONEY Through Attorney Claud Strahmn, O. P. Keller yesterday began -ft suit In th circuit court against F. ft. Bloch bergsr. Th defendant Is sued for tl. tOO. It Is charged that on -November St. 1104. Keller sold Jttochberger 41 bares of stock la la 0rmaa Publish- M SOTS IP MT ,, .- -, : . . .- . .' ' .'..'... , ; . We have a large varlety o! tylesnjrcolor In Suiti and -: Skirts which will be placed on sale Monday morning at -. remarkably lowpHces. Call and see them. Tailor-Made iiSuits at Half Price $18.00 Suits, at... $20.00 Suits at. . . . $25.00 Suits at.... $30.00 Suits at.,.i $40.00 Suits at. ... J9. Oj 00 00 120 15.00 20.00 Jacket Sale Every Jacket in the house ' at Half Price. Now Is your chance--dwi't miss tt $1etsJ?oCrk::$5.00: MILLINER SPECIALTY EeBeColwell iVmmmit fats SSI. SM, IU Third si,, ear. Jefferse, Blr Stor of Uttls Prlca -PKI0X8 WlXt"aV TOW "SH OX STXXT POLLAJU TaXITf tValimU KRnxnai Bxax-BAsnia nwnu la atUW pee- lb par saejnrLATXo gnu, m It IBS SBT gaajrVXATZO tVOAX l.l I skra stesaella eleased emraets .........a ( Bks aew t-row eeod ralalns t lbs sew s-ciuwe hnse hfaaeateis t.......S8e l-t eas KsTal baking powder edt Croaae a Biackwell'e ellee ell, ot settles.. sfre 1-lb pkf Aral BamsMr aoda S l-fml eas laser table arrap. 0e H-aI eas faaer table arra. ............. .KM lbe Prearb prenee ...............16e Vbraddad Wheat blaeait, per kg 10 S lee ixmwiana nee raner Earlf Jane Feae, tec . .SOa js b.rt Boil Lr.D!Ul.T h o oiuTlb pkg.. eareiBte la ell......... as eeaav eolM, par .,.. ....SOo . ear pas.. 10a PJaet plrnie bane, per lb ........lie Beet eottase haau ibenelaaet par lb lie 8hrdad coraaaat, per lb ..1S Hare-wbeet loar, per seek (1.04 Breteb eats, pet pkg lOe Peetam eareal, per pkg .......soe rll'e Kaptha soap, per bar .Se Beat asrt-wbeat finer, par eaek ......fl.OO Java Mecbe eortee (reeaiar tSe) se W bos soda crackers (a boat 10 lba( aoe Knsllah Bmkfaet tea, pr lb .......ISe Panrr Onnpowtfer taa (resvjar tSe) ........Ik Brakes Java Onftee. per lb v..... 10 raeeda Blaeait. per pkg s Tiger cream ilOe alaa)....... ..,,,,.. - - " e Bast Side Betiverlee Teesdays aad. rrllas. phowb msj aea. rs.omo 9EABTKZirr. London & Lancashire f Ire InsuranctComp'y. Of LIVEKPOOU ENGLAND. Temsemry Ortoe.l414tk at., OahlssJ, Wst. MACDONAXO, alAKAOBB. , n eoapaay aaaeanee by table freei lirerpnnl that It will ose . nbaey froai WU offlre ta wet demaaos growing cat ef Bas marlees are, tbereby tea Ting It United kutee aaaeta Intact. , WU. MACDONALD, stanagar. PACIFIC ORAIN CO.. Ageata KTZBXTT r 00. Bealdeat AraaU, OkajoVar sf Oeamere Blag., Bertlaad, Oregea. Orient Insurance Co. Of XABTrOBB ' Aimoaaees that an reeagBlsed loaaas St las rreaeieee will be mt promptly. . U. alACDONALD, Maaarer. JOHK P. BBARKBT A CO.. l.lti. Chamber or OoaaoMree Bldf., Portlaad, Or. L. J. 001.DSMIT8, Affnt. AMagte Bids. Fine Dental Work VryModfs.lPrioa;' Orewm and Bride Work Specialty. -Alt Work Fully Guaranteed. - Solid Oold Crowns wna . . , . . . . . . .". . . S4.00 i'.".,.'."Illll!!';2lSo Bridge Work Full Set Teeth OppeeAbe BUers Ing company, valued at tl.tOO. Bloeh berger paid for th ahare In Stock ef the Evening Oold Mining company. It la alleged that th defendant declared that the mining shares could be sold for tha above-named aura, but If not. Block berger I said to hav premised that within six months after November tt. 104. he would 'convert them.' Into cash or return tha shares In ths publishing Company. Keller wast tha money. - - V 1 ( L TOIXOWK Tatopboa 'fjjT -"; "' r BUdg. Dress Skirt Bargains 'Manufacturers' Sample Une of Dress Skirts on sale ' - Monday morning, all col- -ors and styles; worth up X .to $8.50 Your choice ; $3.95 Shirtwaist Bargains Extra Special Monday ,--alTour $2 and $255 WaislaT Go at $1.49 lLfghoraJlat5. ( $1,25 on Grays a dozen : shades and weaves. The fashionable browii5-- Oating-fabrics for two-piece smts; ' Gun dub checks. Herringbone weaves TO YOUR MEASURE TO and all made in Oregon from Oregon WOOL. z::v:: From -the sheep V back to the man's backno middle- man's uresr 30 a- v . . - f.