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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1906)
. li , , I. MORNING. MAY IV lCoi. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTI, AND, SUNDAY CHILD DURiJS TO DE'lTl! RFFIIRF OTIIFR'!! FVFS wki vim iiiwiiikii u kmu :Caught in Hay Mow of Burning; Barnr.Little . 'Lizzie : Walker Is Cremated While . Women WatchHer. Die, , "Vast aid 9yataaa. -- ITrsr pped In th hay-flllod. loft of a 'i burning barn.Usl Walker, to 4-year-old daughter of Mr. , and Mrs, Conrctd "Walker, of S40 Rodney .. avenue, i '. cremated- alive .yaterday afternoon be- fore tlia eves of her mother, who atood - . in the yard below powrless to aave her ' V child. , Willi Schaeffer. the (-year-old j son of. Qoorge Behaef fer. In .whos barn 77," the f ire occurred, risked his -own life In the flames trying to save hi little playmate -And' barely eacaprd meeting v' her fate by climbing front tbe loft on j a rickety ladder. The lad proved lilin1 alf a, hero worthy of one far more .advanced In years. - j . -The two families 11 va 'on adjoining; premises and the little girl and boy "" V! Wfr Playtnr ln "the ; hay-loft.- The ,, lower pari of tbe barn wet . locked, and ,1he only means of Ingress or egress waa through a window, reached by a ladder, i up which -both children had climbed. n some way the two children got some X matches and took them with them Into the loft. - Just how the fire was started ' the lad will - not tell. - But suddenly --flamea - flashed through the-- hay - as though it was so much powder. ' Willie .-'.wii near the window bytJls realized tk"dher ofhla companion, who waa "bn-tJie ppoaltealde-of the Sort. "Come quick. Lint, or we will be burned." tho llttlo fellow cried. ' V., Llzsle, In a ponle of rrlgnt. sank upon 1 - the hay and began to cry.-. Sh waa too -.l;1';?-j,",,, .?iftw!U SSgUg-! TS -,--tha - hid -ran-to-her, seised lier by th1t the east end of the Morrison street .nil, n .iri.ii arum nw w ,wi window. - She waa n unusually, heavy , H'na ir n?r mp, aim nrr wnym pwypn too .Jnuch iortkfeJlttlaiieru,-jrThe flames spread bo rapidly and the heat became so Intense thst he had to loose -ihls hold and run to the window, Hnlf y8, ladder and be (ran to cry for Jielp.- Mrs; . Walkerjndhla jmnjnothjvjTiBhd out "., . "I.lssle'a In the fire," sobbed the'llt- izilf',now.:" . . - - The cries jf the little: slrl.eouldb 1 heard and her frantic mother rushed fot -- the ladder. Before she could resch lit . v; flames burst out through th window, ,y'r. 1-yg.Jwriai. to reacjthjariatiA. cn-. In a frenay of agony.- the mothor. Tr-threw fmrrwom-n" and a iiuiulwi ef ..'s: children had to stand -nd watch th , fa piea conaunie . th, OlUl, glrLMrev, " Sohaeffer thought for a time her older - . son, Henrx was In -tfi-srn- also,-and - 'She was prostrated with grief. Men In the neighborhood rushed "to . .th scene as soon as the fir -was dls- -the cbHd.l'he entire iipper portion .of .-"the barn was destroyed and- th lower - portion waa burned out. Th flame - spread'1 o a tat ant cot tea bark of th Inw atvt . burned -.the roof off -it.T"A - left In th oottag by ehHd " - who,charfe- It had ben placed, was rescued by its mother and suffered no ...larrn :. , . ;t .... .; ;, ,.. , SAYS HUSBAND DOES . NOT PROVIDE" FflRHFR ;'srlV rnUilUC rvn.nCn L Joaf ph TEllla )ceterday.fllfidan an - swer 'In th circuit ..court to th com : plaint of Ooldl R. Ellla. who is asking for a divorce. Mra. Kill a declarea that IZh'r husband treatod herJcruelBr but b i denies the charge. On January . HOC, . Miss Goldle R. Heitler was married to Joaeph T. Elljs. The bride waa only 5 MoiiraalWanf5AdsAre , 1 1 n a ttreefcrowd, a weeklago, four Journal readers" "rubbed elbowa. All were in a hurry they were not; acquainted with each other they never saw each other beforeand in a few seconds each' had: forgotten the existence of the other three. One lived in the northern, end of the city, one in the southern, one in the eastern and the other in the western. ----- i - -" ... -rv y But within one. week from the time these Journal j readers'T'rubbed elbows" these"thmgs" have- hVppenedT ,-!-- , . ..I':.,, - 1....v. . :;-t '...k, - .. No. 1: Buys a House from No. 2 No. 2 Buys a Plot No. 3 Buys a Piano from No. ji No.H Buys a Hqfse from No. 1 Wo. I Buys a Book-case from No. 3 No.2 Buys an Automobile from No A l, Each man has found three-valuable-aequaintanef r each has taken part in three business transactions six want ads have introduced these four men,' each to every . other, and negotiated six business deals.' 'r ' j , t Thus every week, In all parts of the city Journal -jwant ads are "bringing people r together"; influencing and negotiating business deals of all sorts, from the ex- X 'change of a book for a cane, to the exchange of a store in the city for a farm in the country. '' Rafe Five Cenfs a Line JThY-jQuraaOringa than 100,000 people each day. After th fire waa over It-waa. learned that Henry Schaeffer, who was thought to hav been In the burning barn, waa xafe with hlg father, who had taken him over t6 tow n. . . . . . ' , "' Coroner Vlnlev waa railed and tArtk I rharce oflhe remains of lit Cla LinlV ralkeF.TaocIdedrha.tt0-lnqutsrtt;'" .r7T kT. i TtavA would be necessary. The loaa on the Th. Ina. k. barn -and cottye was bout,lltO. . .V-. x; IMPROVING LINES. ' ' . .';.' P?0 Pompaay mparai ftt laMr. , ikuwi am mmwt ana. kj .. n;i ' Th Portland Rail way "company: has Installed, heavy curved .steel (crossings at th Intersection 'of Union and .Holla day avenues, thereby connecting all the lines of this company on the east aide, except th O. W, P. lines.' Th objer of ttila work waa chiefly to arrange for an all east aide service if at any Urn that ahould became necessary by reaaon of th disabling of either th steel bridge er - the-Burnslde , street- bridge. Tha operating department of -th -company has urged this Improvement for soma lima. -tAUNCHEtMNMUNEr Hew Steam,, xrasap irarlaf- Compl. woa at Bnpple's Shipyard. Tteewteajntrtaiapa dr The maclilneiy fur thu HHtmer will arrive from the east next week and Tiv June 1 w launched. Th Kltaap ia-being- built for service on Puget aound by th Kit sap Couflty , Transportation - company. The Supple yard will, begin at once the conKr" uOTIoir 6f "a Z 6 0-foot 1doET."7W7 Ieadoetter Wtlhuiso -bulld a dock 4o connect with thin one, -which will give a - continuous -dork feetlong.xrf tendlnslrotn.YamhUlstret? ta tha Mocrlson street bridge. EAST SIDE NOTES. dlsiticl-ajopg Jeljponttree$be- tween- Sunnyslde and Mt- Tabor ts more than holdtnat.ita own In the home-bulld- Ingtlda- tlvat la now at Hood "In' Port And. At ..Thirty-slxtfj; street - and : Bast Belmont mora than two doseo . large homes may be seen within a' distance of two blocks. . j i t The "Mount Tabor Push Club haa been reorganised and Is doing very effective work, as shown by the large suburban homes going up In that local ity: The club " meete ,very Monday night. -.- -. ; ' Beginning" Tuesday"- morning th Woodlawjtf A iherti nnwnwaf, van i run sootlniver-the-Bteet orldge-an turn" via the Burnsido, mil the new rails relaidlon-lr'tjJon. .avenue.... It years old. Ellis J gave his age as 2 years. pThe PTtd " returned to her mutl Lf(fr two-nd 'one half mohtha, deol wr ing that Ellis would not provide for herj Several times th wife la said to have left home to return to her parents, but each time the troubles are said, to have been patched over. - At last Mrs. Ellis left and -did not return. , -To. a, friend she- aald that soon after-th wed ding her husband offered her "two bits to get my clothea and provide for th household.' . .;-", Introducers- from No. 3 M GEO. 17. ELDER 18 N OTtFLO ATED - Water Flowing - Over, -Rail Pre vents Attempt Being Made . - --..-r'at Scheduled. , , FURTHER PLANS MADE TO ACCOMPLISH TASK Steamera Arriving From San Fran cisco Bring Heavy Cargoes From Way Ports and Large Number , of Passengers From Bay City. Onee again the attempt to raise the flrn' W rM.r haa hiaii - Th, U I. U, . . . UIU.I WWII "i" 1 ii" . i . . L. . i . 1. , - j , ... ,---- that th water waa coming in too faat over the- raiL -- Captain Peteraon - re- f turned from Ooble yesterday and for-. warded to Captain Baker Urge -quantity of canvas to be used in correcting" this difficulty. It is not belleyed that operations will bet commenced until the middle of , the week. , . CEMENT TRADE BRISK, Twelve sup Xafaced to Carry Parroaa aa rraaoUoo. - . 'in ah past two weeks it ahlpa have been engaged to carry cement to San Francisco, and more ar to follow. The latest charter to b-cloaed 1 for the British steamer Frsnkby to convey S.600 tonsof Pdrtland cement from Antwerp to San Francisco. Th .Frankby la a vessel of l,61 tona register, and waa In yraa arly la Marrn.-"-' AlfredTucker, - manager of Meyer, Wilson Co., aays regarding" th re building of ir Francleco: "It la absurd In th extrem forny-ene-at all familiar with th actuation to deolsre that San Francisco will not be- lreconatructedThe i spirit of atlll lives aod in an lncreaiuiy anon nun in. city by th Golden Oat will rise from The "knocker la abroad, and I am sur- sriBPfl tq lu'iir men who should ki BtTr nuouuclmt iniit 1" will', lane is years or longer to rebuild San Francisco, or that the city la doomed forever, Th beat Indication .of the Intention of lm- lnedlatel3r-rehbimattn: the-strtrken cty-4a the number of veaaela chartered to carry cement there.V You can say for me-thst any a t bat . 10-yeara will h reQUlred-for r-f building San . Franclaco are .absolutely -.IwlthOut foundation and not warranted Tbv the facta. San Franclaco fa and will continue to ba th leading ctty on th foaatJV. USES MOOTS CflATR. kipper ofTkshoone Berwick Ukas tol Travel U Style. lif you saw th skipper of' a gaanlTne' schooner directing th navigation of his vessel- from- a Morrtaasy-chlT nd handling the wheel - comfortably en- -scohccdTn' Che biFlght greert cushions of thaf same chair, what would you think? ' Tha gasoline schooner Berwick "arrived fn port yesterday from San Francisco nil docked at-the foot of j Oakstreet.i occupying a prominent position on ne ec-K was captain x.augneii- most vatnahle posweaalon. - a Morrln -chalrv saved from the tfrrlble 1 earthquake and fire... Passing towboat and ateamer cap tains xlanced enviously at thla latest marin luxury ad alghed at th parsi mony of their employer. he Berwick arrived at a. m. aTter 1 - days' - trip - from the Bay City. Particularly rough weather 'was en countered and progress was conse-quentlysToW.--'Th schooner left Astoria Friday morning at IS o'clock,' - "The Berwick cam In ballast and -will load a refrigerating plantfor. RDa Hume . Co.. at . Rogue . river... Captain t'aughell resided with - hla family at Greenwich and Ruchan'an street in San Franclaco, and the chair was the only article of furniture he managed to save from the wreck of his home. . COSTA RICA ARRIVES. . I Briny tarr Oarfo and Majy Passii- fW-Iwavln rra.Boiaoo. The ateamer CostaRlca, arrived, from Sari Franclaco last' evening and tied up at Alnsworth dock. - - Owlnar to a delay In petting away from' the Bay City she was over a day behind her schedule ttni in aiimuTrIMrnptMnrKiaBton rt porta fine weather prevailed on th-n-4 The ateamer "Harold Dollar also ar. rived from - San Francisco last night, and docked at- th foot of Oak atreet. TThere were 14 pasnengers In tha first cabin, and 10 In the ateerag. She brought up a small cargo, consisting of egga and oil. LOG RAFT NOT FOUND. Dersliot Bnmofe of Timber SU11 Xeaao Ooaatwls hipping'. '"'Nothing' haa been heard of th dere lict log raft loet by th ateamer Francla H. Leggett off Crescent City. The Lggett arrived at Astoria Frldsy with the Intention of towing the log raft an chored there to San Francisco. She re ceived orders to again proceed . to aea and search for th raft. -A close look out is being kept for th derelict and there I much uneasiness among the captalna of-veasela engaged In tha coast wise trad owing to th danger of a collision. The lost raft constitutes a great' menace to navigation and every ffort la being put forth to local It, FOREIGN SHIPS COMING. Tare Tsla Kaklaf Talr Way Vp i; IUv From Astoria. Ths iBrttlsh -bark-Procyon and 'the ttallsn ship Cater Ina Acvaiiie. botli fiom Hamburg with cargoes consigned to Meyer, Wilson A Co., arrived at Astoria yesterday afternoon. Tha British ship Oalgate from Rotterdam with a cargo for Balfour, Quthrl Co. also crossed the bar late In th afternoon. All three vessels will com, up th river today. RATES HIGHER. Tariff Oa lumWr nlpmaata So XTp by Zapa aaa Bonads. Rates for lumber shipments hav son up by leapa and bounds sine th Ban Franclaco disaster. Th schooner lease Red waa chartered yesterday to load lumber on th sound for Callao at SOB, and another vessel has been en gaged to take a cargo of lumber to Free- mantle, W t it Auatra 1 la. at it d. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Th City of Topeka of th 'Pacific Coast Steamship company,, will replace cargo ogeneral merchajndjaaand S8 i One of the 1 Best Proofs - W hav had of th merita "Of th Shnr On"- Kyeglasa Is th following true lnci- --dent: On of our patients whom we had fitted to pair of "Shur Ons" was riding hla - bicycle th mother day with a package in on hand and 11 n umbrella In th other, when hla wheel atruck a groov- iiv-tlincar track while turning a corner and -he went one way, th wheel another, th package an--other, the umbrella another """and hla hat another," whll- . hla "Shur On" Eyaglassea . jemalned on hla now We ar prescnlblng many - of this Justly, popular eye - glass. -- - ' ... . , Oregon Optical Cor ,i. k. c .A. sua. the Bteamer Cottage City for on - trip on th' Alaska ran. She Is to sail from Seattle on. May li at p.' ra. Th ateamer Alliance will not sail for -) Coos Bay and' Eureka,-as, scheduled on May 17. but Will b held'untll th 19th for th excursion to North Bend, where th Farm era', and Shippers' congress, tha Oregon Development league and the Cooa County Farmers' lnstitut ar scheduled for May i and , Th' Caacad Construction 'company, which waa . awarded th contract for furnishing rock for th Columbia river Jetty, will commence delivering- tha flrat of th week. Th Columbia. River-Construction company, th - other firm awarded a contract for rock, ha already started delivering. - The st earner Telegraph "of th Oregon it Washington Steam Navigation com pany will atart on her dally round trips to Astoria commencing Monday. Sh wllliieava.; her at.: T a. m,- and return every day . except Sunday at . t p. m. Th Telegraph la on of th fastest river boatfirrthe noun "MARINE NOTES. " AHuils, Muj II. Oeiidltlsn af lis bar at s p. m., smooth; wind southwest; weather clear. Arrived at 4:80 and left up at 7:40 a.'m.. steamer Harold Dollar, I rom"Ban" Fraricf acor'"XrTTveT"a t 'Vanct' left up at,S 'a., m., steamer Costa Rica, from- Ran Francisco. Salted ' at" S:1S earner - ElmoraclQi Tillamook. I Arrived down at a. m. and tailed at 1 p. m., steamer Roanoke, for-Port Los LAnaelea and wayporta. Arrived -at :lt p. m., British ship Qalgute, from Rotterdam. Outalde at 5. p. m., Brit Ish bark Procyon." frorrrWamburg1, and Italian- ahlP - CaterlnaAccame. from Hamburg via Honolulu. San Franclaco, May "II. t Sailed, ateamef Qrae Dollar, - for-Portland. SaIIed7Tterday." schooner.," AndjfJ, Ma hony, for Columbia river. . - UNIQUE SERVICE IS -PLANNED-FOREMEN The men's meeting at th T. M. C. A. this sfternoon Is to. be under the dlrefc-Ub. AND THE LAW IS BEING Myers lllfniiB rap Hps, w 1 1 ! - r .-..U 1 l , CI I-4T d. K Purnp-For Hot, Cold or Any Mixture. .. Runs Easy. Mechanical Agitator. Myers ' Faultless ". Sprayer for Shrubbery, , VoB I V '- '- ' Rose Bushes, Dairy, Stock and Hen Houses. I lK Tiir' . "-'rrt ''.' : ; ViTv r r: These Are th . v T V . PERFECT H t------- """1" ' : nPI l' r 7T. - BARREL -,," H - , 0 t -' Ml y SPRAYERS 11 - pzn - aMV: V (' 1 at, t- I yj V.:1"11... 7r ' - - of Their Kind' ( An Easy Cleaning Pump for Large -i I mm - , ....j, . , .. . Canadian Money Takco at Par: Filled by graduate and registered pharmacists, who .will devot their entire ttm to -thi work. r .-. .-. . 'Phon Eichang 11. W wtU call for and .deliver your prescription without extra charge, PrescriDtiGDS s Interesting Photograph News "W atand back of every , dollar'B worth of mar ehandla you buy of us and . W. want you to b a - aa,ttafied customer. " - ' Developing and printing every nagatlv a sep arate study quick work; moderate chars., ' '-Z--Z 4 iJ pow : axon rmxsa ! j.' ;. Eaatman'a Pyro Drlopr. . '''-'. ' . Saatman'a Elkonogen Developer.' : . . . ';. ,; , , Eaatman'a Hydrochlnon Dvloper. nr Tiros at so run cm-orr uinturi ust. Special Camera Offer. ; -txi 8nca Caraeraa ...,....... C6.00 e.oo. W will furnish . attcbmenta so that film packs can b used at, each .............................. v -' Xoa 1st W offer a limited supply "of film packs at JO per cent leas than Eastman Kodak Co.'s prices. - -. -ISo-MalliCountryrsJer w Cn n Re Acscpted-Qfc, Wr a' "representative of the. Qorrx Opllcal Co.."are authorised to aid such photographers who hav lost their, lenses by the 'Frisco disaster, oy furnishing-them with Goer tense -to -tis:-wtthotrt jeoat-ror--Hboral period of -time, or to aell iame on time Hatlafactory ldentlflcaUoa -and . credentials" will of couraa be necessary. WOODARD F0URTH tion of the BaJvaffdrTArmy of ' thi city t and a unique aervloe has bn planned. Adjutant Loney will preaid at hainei rng and will be assisted by Major Walt .ni ahout bo other men., woman ai children, who are membera of th corps. There will be musio of all-tlhds-tha singing brigade, tha mal quartet, and brass hand eachbavlng a psrt, ENFORCED We Hsye a Big Stock Myers Improved Barrel Pump. ; Orchards. MM m SUINDAY, MAY 13 Ladies' Handbags Lln of Black Handbags, fitted com. plet with purs and card jcaaebras trimmrngs, assorted shade. Regular tl.0-- .... . Special 87c Bverythlriar for th amateur and professional photographer-Cameras, Flrmsv Pspers, Tripods, -to -r r Forty-yra-xprtnce, une " quated " facilities .and a clean rec ord fit us ' to' serv you to our mutual benefit. Invalid Obesity Belts and Elastic Hosiery On our own looms. Every thread fits. Send He Prlcca QtiotedHri-Spclal-Sales TO USERS OF GOERZTSTENS CLARKE & AND WASHINGTON STREETS The 1 irsual lntereitlng discussion groupa will com on at 4:1, th audi ence Jeln( divided into" two parts, on of them under 4he leadership of C. M. Wood discussing , llf problem tople, and th other presided over by A. .H. Smith discussing th queatlon whe'ther a -young-nan can get more good from an hour apent In th country on Sunday Must o! Spray Pumps, Hose, Nonles and All Rad Horticultural Commlt$lonr KtlH't Artlclm ( I-om The Evening Telegram. May1 8.) .' "LET US SPRAY" San Jose Scale Is Attacking " " Orchardlsta near Milwaukl whoa trees are covered with' San Jos scaJmuat either spray at one "or. submit to having: their . fruit trees cut down and burned by th County Fruit Inspector. Horticultural Commissioner James H. Reld. a published In Th Telegram, gave them a taste of what they might expect yesterday when1 inaugurated Ms eewVpelsw-for the f rminatloa of th San. Josw--acnl-by destroying - - wood, one of th oldest residents of this section. Mr. Bell wood had been repeatedly warned to spray After th orchard waa pretty- orchard save the remainder and agreed "Then the " CommTsslonor " anrTTitS defmtte -went aerws4ho-J foth Mlnthora tract, where furnished a breedtns; place for pests ot att sorts, yulct wora waa made of several of them, and th rest will go today. - Mr. Reld aaya that any amounlof spraying done by .wideawake urerMird- men does no twill - when neglected. The seal apreada with alarming rapidity, and on small : can Infect a whole orrhnra. K. K. A. enwooi may imiit to test the lai Myers Century fprsy Pump Hsnd f Power. Myers Bucket Pump. if II oil Phone Excbsze II ;dlark Grace if oicc A healthful, delicious beverag for weir folks .or sick, mad from salrtd Concord grapes and absolutely rre of preservatives. . Pint . .M..2M Qoart . .60 Chairs Sale Give your patient a , little sunshine tonic- ' good for any one but ' "mighty fine for the , , ,hutins. Every thread fits. for-measurement blanks and price list, CO. afternoon or at the men'a meetlns- at th . T. M. O. A. The meeting In th auditorium begins ' at S o'clock and. .la frea to.., Th Interlocking tower operators and switchmen of Indiana ar working for the paaaag of an eight-hour law. They aire now emclored II hours a day. I Other Spray Pump Trappings. IS THE WATCHWORD Trees in Vicinity of MilwauKle Tee - 4 - 4h - OT'hJd - of - 4C -B A Sella. hla trees, but Ignored th notices. welt thinned one-h - fit ooa decided to to uw the spray. several acres of deserted fruit trees any-of the-tree in tha.aectioo. ar POr.TLAr.D.'C r. . ) i . J