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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1906)
.1 BLOCK BOOK NOV Insurance . ; Companies - Invest) ;-'gatingQualityjvof - Their : Risks in Portland. RESULT MAY AFFECT v. ; , ALL PROPERTY OWNERS "r. If Risks Are Not Justified by- Pre 'i'"; miurrt Income Reduction In Num. : j , ber and Amount May Be Expected ...,' at Early Date, '."'.',.," 'i'. To Ttetrrmtpe - whrther-tt -not- the ' premiums receive!. Justify the risks ihc -' i, 'art assuming upon property .In. the city ; -' of PortJand tn yarlouInurnc com panics having agencies in the city are preparing -"black books.",., showing . the .relative amounts. of risks and premiums . by each building In the city upon ' which. . insurance Is carried. This wOrX'has ''.: -'been going, on for some time past., It ,. 'K was not undertaken because at the ; . vers blow to Insurance caused by 'the -1. Sain Francisco Are,-It Is. aald.1 but ':H v being hastened On -that account - ; What the result ef the compilation of -, these books wilt be, no one Is prepared .. , to aajr at this tiroa--However, -It -4 un ' derstood that if the figures show the . :. companies, to b carrying rink too great in proportion to tneir premium incomes w from the property In question, there will , .' be an immediate redaction in. risks. This means that the companies will re ,.russ-4v-earry muck- - insurance or -PoTtlsniT'pror'erty" as , they have been will not be ahle to secure polloles hi the amounts he has been accustomed to. .' In short It means, it Is said by Insur . ;ance authorities,'-that he will not be .. able to properly cover bis property by .; Insurance without dlfBcuIty. . ' , It has always been the ci'wtnrQ ttt com J Is n lee iocagxSWXja!inUu:t,JiMm. Shnwlrs- 7n mminllt of Iholr IndlvlHn.l She ss batJta -- "- to to prepare a more comprehensive book. . hnwlnsUthajjsks jandjBrjemlum Incomes of aU companies that futureInsurrice way be figured en this broader and more r " extensive baals. A book -of this sort was prepared In "'ftea'Ta'nelacbr'bttr'lfW8ii''destroyed''oy' ; Are, andas - consequence r the " com- pantos there ore -facing sv aerloua prop. . lent. To guard against such a eontln-awcy-Itv-tBis etty the book wllr be made hi -duplicate. . - - . DEPUTY FERGUSON MAKES-TAX-REPORT .-: The ; following report -was made.", to Bherlff Thomas Word yesterday by J. W. Ferguson, chief deputy "sheriff In . the tax .collecting department, showing the -condition of the county's -taxee-at - the-close -of bus iness April 40 Debit, io roll ; Sheriffs assessments ... . Penalty collected -t Interest collected tl,07.m.ll4 1.7.S4SI 1,.2S -7S.SS Tutsi, rrr: v '. V - Credit. ; Paid to treasurer.,.. . . . . .ll.HT,t0& TS35 Rebats allowed ...-.-, SM4S.S1- iirrors and double assess- menta.:... ....... ... ;.i .... , 4S.Slt.4Mf Unpaid 14. 607.1254 Total Jt:.oao.m.27jj SEAMAN HAD NARROW"-! j ESCAPE FROM DEATH "tt1 ' : "' i i in.f" .' "': ' " " Carl Cramer,' a seaman of the German ship Kmlle. narrowly escaped "death at t o'clock last night In the terminal yard by being crushed -between two . freight . cars. j-. - : -L. , Cramer was returning to his ship at Mercer dock with three companions and wss in the act of passing between two boxcars of a train that was being made - tip. - Cramer wss In the lead, and when be wss pajt..way, across ths track the "hip 'and Injuring him Internally. ' The -unfortunate man s companions dragged Mm from beneath the cars and the pof lice station was notified of the accident. -Patrol, Driver. Isasri and Desk -Officer 1 Parker responded with the patrol wagon, .In which they removed -Cramer tp the luavivat. ved the man will ree MAYOR LANE - When it eomes to maklna; Portland the City Beautiful. Mayor Lane comes forward with ejlthuMasra and s;lves"Wls ideas and wants other people's Ideas 1n return. On this imbject his honor ts always will Ins: te talk, and yesterday he talked In this wise; . ' . "I have In my possession . 40 .or . 50 pounds of seeds of the everlasting- pea; which i shall take the greatest pleasure In distributing- among the citlsnns of . Portland who desire to plant them. The everlasting- pea thrives remarkably well in this country. The flowers are of alt CLERK HELPS HIM CONTRACTOR LOSES WORK If Charles Jlullman had not been an 1 ,L. employe pt the. city of Portland when . .. .he aided W.- C. Sorsby In making out . - Ms estimates for the removal of the I lrvlngfm standplpe, Portland would be ' . 11.11 1 better on, Mr. Sorsby -would have secured the contract snd D. D. Clarke, '--mgtoror nf the water board, would still -hve lerk -in Ma omce that ba - r teems highly. : f - It was a pecnllar atste of, affairs that , l developed at an adjourned meeting of the water board yesterday afternoon. '. i. Hnm time ago the board decided to re v . move the trvlngton standplpe1 to lo- --rlatlo more favorably situated for the handling of the Increased water sup ; .lv needed. Advertisements calling for -. i... blda for the Work brought return from .. .... fve ennlrmrtors and -these bids were ".' imhx1 uport yesterday afternoon. In ubmlilliig-the .bids Khalneer D. P. "Jrk Informed the members of the tmard thut an employe of his office had ; elded the lowest bidder Jn . making up iis estimate. V't rl oat satUOetl tbat'tae young tiii EfJTIRE STATE IS HDUSTRIAL-FAIRSUCCESSFUL Foremost Corporations and Firms Displays Made in Oregon Every Business Street Portland ts to have the first: ."show window", exposition that has ever be?n given on the Paclne coast. The end r- hflr mairTfifcneurTiT7sntv a few wcene- ago by the Admen's league of thia city end toy theses gue propoed -t-tha-jtQtB: merclal. brganlxatlonswhlch 'Indorse! the idea. . Biine then-4! has been takon up. most energetically throughout' the state and a -widespread campiiign of publicity for the benefit of Oregon-made goods" harieenirfleaIThr-eTrht' Bury I. Paaent,-President Ad Men's Tesgue bltlon-wlll be In- the store windows "f the prlnclpst streets, where space has lieeTnMlTHTngd ty the' cuiiiiiilttee v'be- Admen'e league and turned over to the ppllcants for exhibit space. From all In d lea 'on sJee x h I bl awlll .be. M area t uccosa. : StspUyg Seedy- BatarOay. T he-dlsplays-a re -te-ba- ready by next Baturdny morning, the ltth. The xhiWHoh will contrhue until afVirdav, May it, .The features of the -week Will be dally parades by bauds of music, an entertainment on Tuesday night at the JS.. a. Armory, and parade of tbo nTsnnfsT-nrTTrs ttv yr1sy,'yT" Is evpsct. that thts exhibition will attract more attention to Oregon manufactured -articles thair anything of the kind that has ever been -attempted, for the reason that the exhibits many of them work ing displays and demonstrations Illus trating the processes of producing the good hi re -placed;-ss-one nrlirht .say, tn 154" very pain 01 the thnssands ot'peo- ple. who throng the streets dally, and hence, being In tne windows, are where the passerby may read as he runs. Following 4Sva Incomplete list ox the sxhiiiiis and the ehlhjtor; Stoves Portland move Works. Hair Mattresses Edwards A Co. Bank Books and Lithographs Bush ong Co, Songs and Sheet Jiuslc June McMIl len Ordwsy. ,i Trout - Flies w. F. Bacchus. Felt Bhos and .Woolen Hats Edward Poetsch. Bosp Preaton - Manufacturing " com. n v ' -r Working - Exhibit r Qas - Mantels- Western Mantel company. Elaborate- Floral Decoration Oregon Life Insurance company. Flour Diamond Roller: Mills. .. " Benson's Bitters C. A. Benson.. Baking Powders C. M. Eppley. - Marble and Granite Northwest Oran Jte company. , i.i Drawings V. 3. Hicks. . l . Bculptgre M. F. Nellson. Asbestos . Goods Otllen-Chambers compsny. . Wliholt Springs Exhibit Logus 4 Qoodfellow. aiiUPft.Jia.inj iy v t oi I Souvenir Cards Mann Beach. Drawings Ed D. Hurley, Lents, Ore' gon, Coos County Products R.-R. Robin '"6regon' Dalfy Jou rnaTproceTtsirof making a newspaper. Journal Publishing T Cutler W0ULB PLANT FLOWERS IN ALL shades of ths rainbow. -The plant Is not noxious In any respect, but It will kilt Out the -bull thlstle-anit cockle bwr plants that nave proved, to be. so ob noxious In this section of the country. ;l should also recommend the setting out of fir hedges along our streets wherever there are boulevards. How much nicer it Would be-for people to plant such inexpensive shrubbery than to let the rss grow' up In unsightly splotches. T"ir trees suitable" for hedges may be planted at a cost of cents each. "Oregon dogwood Is a tree that should FIGURE; hsd no' Intention ef' doing anything wrongs sald Mf.. Chtrke. "Mr. Itull man.haslbeenan employe of my omen for some time and when he told me that he bad aided r. florsby in making up his estimate he ssld ' that It was his Intention to go Into partnership with thst -man If he secured the contract. I expla'lned iVmrrii'thar he .had viola ted the provisions of the city charter and He handed me his; resignation.' ; Mr. Clarke's explanation created con sternation. . M.ayor Lane, reached for a copy of the city charter and read the provisions specifying thst' no city em ploye .should In sny.vsy endeavor to bid on work : to be performed -for . the cityr-The discussion that- followed lasted long, for there, seemed to be some doubt In the tnlnds.of the members of the board as. te whether, the contract shniilrt t. t lo. Ih. n..t tytg.t der tir tbeework should be readvertlsed. It was nnnlly decided to award .the emitraet to the Htandsrd Construction eomjmn tut ll.30. Sorsby s bid was tl,J6. . . ; LTtf E oreconsundayjouknai 'Portland,- sunday mornwu.- mayw j WORKING TO T.1AKE Will Have Creditable Winddw Goods Will Be Exhibited on... Enthusiasm Is Aroused. - Bottled Pllkiee Knight Tacking com pany. Furniture Oregon Furniture Manu- faHirlng company. . . ' Haras, - Bneoni Uird Pacific States racxuig cumpany. , 8tonewsre- T.-8, .Manp. Paper Boxes Pprtand Paper company. Hrooms Zann brothers.. Rice Exhibit Portland . Rice Milling company. ' . - Cowboy Buddies and- Rldtnf Outfits George Lawrence pumpany. Woolen ,ao'ls .and lfMnuracturea Prnrtuots Ctiai lea Cipey. evator-t-Brown .Portable Elevajpr com pany. -' .'....-.. .. .. Poultry Feed Acme Milling com, pany.. t ; - Coffees," Etc -Wadhams Kerr Bros. Clay Modeling.. Etc. K. 8. Ballardi C'eriHjs Albert Bros.' . Milling com pany.' . ' - Nattresses-rend .Material Tonslng Mroa. . :' i. " LW ashing Machine Hunt Kemp. Y Curiea Jlair , mattresses rurmno Curled Hilr factory. . . - " V . . Hop Btove John McKinney. ' Woolen Goods Oregon City Manu facturing company. '" : iv . liogglng Machine Willamette Iron Steel works. , Violins, Etc. R, C Rider.- - -.-t r Flour and Cereals Portland Flouring Mill. '' Coffees,-Spices, i;tc. Closset It Dev- ers. . Metal PoHehr f)tr R. T. WSrte. Collective Exhibit Cottage Orove Com m'c rcTaTciuDT Whlte.Rlver Flour Allen ft Iwls Fancy Leather Goods W. sier at Co. --- - - : . - "Only Weeder" Only . Weeder peny. Mount Hood soap Mount ltooj tjoap pnmnnnv. . . i & Co. JbuiuUi Bag company. Working Exhibit Statlac, Collection Coffees . and Spices PorT- lsnd Coffee Spice company. Flntlng Exhibit Oregon Plating works; - -' - - Musical Instruments and-Furniture-) W. R. McCord. Butcher Supplies B. Berkenwald ft I Co. - i ApxonaSewing. Ele Manufacturing company. Blankets .and Robes Union company. Bottled Beer Portlsnd Brewing com. Pnyr i Coffees, . .Bpices.. wards company. - ' RicTcle Carrier Bievcle Carrler'tom'. puny. ElngTiifd-iTTSpT? Coffee A Spice company. 1 Foflr Jewelry stores. 'the O. Heltkem per - company, Butterf laid Broe.,' Jaeaer Bros, and A. snd C Feldenhermer's- wH MchIveTiana0mTnVerml1&n!trfi to the four best manufacturing exhibits In the parade. The cups will be suitably ensraveo. - VACANT LOTS be tsksn Into consideration In beautify. Ing the city. These trees bloom twice every year and grow rapidly. I , do -not believe In Importing trees. Such a step is wot eiacessary in this- country. "fclvery vacant lot In-Portland should be plowed ami seeded down with ever lasting peas If the land cannot be used for other purposes.. J went to see our hills beautified? 'f We have the contour for a beautiful city. The cltlxens of Portland ran make It the most beautiful place in the. northwest. I am ready to do everything In my power to aid In the movement. . . CITY - CANNOT GET GOOD : M FOR ITS WORK Excellent Positions on Civil Ser .. vice List Are . Now Go ; ' " Ing Begging." r vy-; ;:-';r ' The city ot Portland is anxious te hire mn to serve as marine engineers, civil engineers and draughtsmen, and wants one building Inspector. These po sitions sre going begging, according to Civil Hervice .Commissioner Macl'her son.' ,... ... .... s ... "During the -month." ssld.Vr. Mac Pherson. "we will hold examinations for several responsible places. The salaries range from ISO to tltO per menth." Two exsmtnstlone have already bean announced to secure ellglbles for a place as building Inspector. .The position pays 1110 per month. No candidates ap seaeed fee egamlnatlon. 1 A" gaud wteam engineer ran draw 1168. Marine en glnecrafor the flnbot are wnrth from l to I10 ptr month, but the"men who cen astlsfsntorlly fill tba places-have .... h. 11. MCM9-1 m - - Paper Boxes V. C. a Beals.Oraaal kV Milling IU gfi.-jvv'-ofy -I . i O f:-:.r. rV, i - VT STORM DOES HOT PORTLAflD f OOLED 1 r ... An Aspirant for Queen'.. - I' 1 Etq. Pwlght-Ed-l , 1 1 1 Mt awed, , m ffifivi(Q) 'Be teioI y If we were A offer If we were to offer you ness and embarking in 8 uur picrcnanaisc is uciiivtiiu vw mfihh)whhiu juiums vui mun avuuuivi (ciiiiuuo! uiiinai ina far-reaching, r We want the chance to prove that we are genuine. Come here and learn of our credit system; examine our merchandise; compare it with' what you. may have seen elsewhere, and your Verdict will be in our favor or else there i tiftthinc in heih? firenuine.' ' . ' v ; . ; ' - ' ' Here Ollice Desks T7-"- 243 54-inch quartered oak Desk; regular foo.50. . this week 338 54-inch quartered oak roll-top T Desk; regular $60.00. " Speciat " rv this week 51.50 477 60-inch quartered oak roll-top .' Desk t regular $52.75. Special ' this week . ;.S43.T5 .435 50-inch -'golden - oall - uesK; regular o.jw. -rtrhr-week : 445-42-inch golden oak Desk . 466 50-inch flat-top Desk, oak jCQBches: ' ' 45i-Spring-edge Couch, full i iiiifii.Dir.iirtn; uir Kinn tnaL for years;! upholstered in . velours ...i ,l5.o6 irilii oil-tempered springs "and canvas bottorn .. , ,it , . t . . ' . " - """ ' I hltf ArtlPPg VUlUVHtVl - 574--Chiffonier in white trta- French bevel mirror and , hat box ...f 14.75 3023 White maple Chiffon- AtttV-r reneh oval mtr- ror, top 18x34, five'dfaw- ra.-...- OO--Sblid oak ' Chiffonier, golden finish, cast brass trimmings, five draw- DMilPEIi ARDOR fnclement Weather No ? Bat to Enthusiasts Who Gather to jGreeT Governor. ; ONTARIO IS SCENE ''Of BIG GATHERING Chamberlain Reviews Work of Past clause Greet . Hia ' Utterances ' Other 'Prominent Speakers. - i ' aiaclal Dlspsteh te The Joarssl.) -Ontarlor, pr., May It. Despite a frw rain Btomi""smd - the Incemenfweather one of the Isrgest cTCrWdi ever assembled In the operja-house iTeetd Governor Chamberlain and tne other" prominent speakers at "the grand Democratic rail held at this city Friday evening. The governor and other state candl dates were met at the train by a com mittee from the Ontario Democratic club and many - cltlsens with a brass band and escorted to the hotel, where they held an Informal reception. The meeting .at the opera-house was called to order by Mayor-X A Lackey after of sopg by. the school children.' He Introduced Seymour H. Bell as chair man of the meeting. ' ' Governor Chamberlain wss the first speaker and he was given marked atten tion, being frequently lntermpiea oy aoDlause. He reviewed his public ad. ministration of the affairs of ths state for the past four years, showing how well . he had' kept his ante-election pledges. He was followed by Robert Van Ollse, Democratic nomine tor lelnt representative of Mslheur and Harney counties, and F. M. Saxtor, candidate for Joint senator of Baker, Malheur and Harney-eountles. . Both these gentlemen pledged them selves to vote for the people's choice for United States senator. ' Tho next spesker wss J:' IT. Haley of Pendleton,-who wag. followed -by John enna nf BfltfltAiJflhoJudge Thomas a. Hslley was then Introduced and re ceived a hearty reception, as was also Robert A. Miller of Portland, candidate for attorney-general. . J. D. Matlock of Lane county was ths lsst speaker and his remarks were well received.. Seated on the atsge with the speakers were: County Judge BC Richardson, Commissioner O. W. Blanton, County Clerk W, O Tbornaon, --Sheriff - J.- E. Lawrence. Mayor J. A. Lackey, Colonel J. 8. Barrett, W. S. Dswrence, Demo cratic nominee for commissioner; Wil liam Morfltt, C. W. Msllett, Seymour H. Bslh'J. R- Bleckaty, Dr. R. O. Payne, Judge I W. Goodrich -of Vale, Judge John Howard of West fall and J. ' R. Gregg, editor of the Ontario Democrat. Alter the meeting the distinguished visitors were banqueted at the Carter house by the 'Ontario Democrat lo. club-. Several- . prominent - local Republicans were also present at the banquet United States Pocket Celled.' ' ;the entire .docket 6f. the t'nlted States circuit and 'diet slot courts wlli be - called by1-Judge Wtolverton at -1 w. 3 Swa 7 . . . a dock Mondag jaernlng, Msj vou the kind of Furniture sold in the kind of installment credit'offered by the average store we woujd something else. ' The strength of bur great success lies in the fact Are Some Special Klission Chairs end Rockers -S920 Rockers-weathered Dtst ipanikn leatiier; tern 7.. . '.. , .',. . 8603 VVcathcrcd Chair or Rocker, "uplWsTereJitv chase Spanish' leather, spring seat. ...... ..fS-T5 24 A Rocker vith heavy cane seat, finished weath- ered; strictly' Mission r. -.- .. ....... ..6.75 89M Rocker, weathered oak finish, spring seat, up- noisterea in ienmne roli - top L special 56.6Q roll - too r- . , . i: .... opcciai faT.Sfr rritlSp S21.O0 golden S Dining aVVU i3HfKwotdenakExtensl6ttmbwiiH6r- ithrA tnn .nH carved steel 633 Pedestal Table, with - waia, pretty 398 Very - pretty quartered oak, Exte ifery- pretty quartered oak, txtension.- able- hand polished. French - iiesit slides heavy , 7j RbuhdT6phaTlwuod atw.ou t, o-toot slides o-incn turned and fluted legs, hand- .--t: somely finishe'd .............. 75 -' ' 55S 6-too-Extension -Table, wade of fir and nice- . lyJinished BY SEATTLE Merchants of - Latter City Buy , Goods Here for Alaska . -":-t-- Trade) ' " . PORTLAND DEALERS GET ONLY SMALLER PROFITS Seattle Cetl Provtoionr Herf. SWpi .Them by War of Sound and Gets - Credit for Commerce, While Portland peoploJhave been sit ting aruund in scussin g the posstbtirrr of breaking- Into the Alaska te and securing a Just portion X the great volume, of trade of that country, a Seattle firm has quietly slipped Into the alt v.- opened -.headquarters and placed men here to buy food products from local merchants for shipment through the Seattle firms for Alaska consump tion. .,....' The local purchasing depot for the Seattle firm has been - opened by Mr. Merchant, a prominent merchant of the Puget aound city. .. He has rented quar ters at 10& Front street. and placed a Seattle man In charge. This man pro pones to buy eggs,, butter, veal and all sorts of food supplies from the local dealers, ship to Seattle and through the main firm there to Alaska. The reason f,6r the opening of the pur chasing depot here Is the Inability of Washington to supply' the demand for foodstuffs that, comes to Seattle from the far north. Mr. Merchant say thst not more than IS per cent of the eggs used in Alaska-business are supplied by Washington. The result is that the firms dealing In them or ths trade of that country have to seek them else where. Much the ssme condition pre vails in relation to other artlolea. of food, he claims- Ths resources of Ore gon are being drawn upon in .'conse quence. But the' Oregon dealer has to BSSHBSa : HE FOUND A BETTER PLACE TO BOARD Mr. J. wee not: rry well setUIUd with his room, ssd tlfe tsble wis ant the Try best, n ks bgss ratlng dsily the little (Ism. Sd ads la Ths Journal. One dar he found iiMt what he desired. Bs has changed his nosraing pise. Many Is The little Ida Jevael i like this appear, dally ROOMS AND BOARD ITl ALDER Lars ' front parlor; ' bath, . phoaw, board If aWredj walkiug distance! reasooaBj Satlfaotory beard, lodging and room art. VertliemeAta aD be found Is the wall pagoa ef The Journal alary da . . - the a vera re store we would belieartilv ashamed of ourselves. " i t Values for This finish, back upholstered.: a seed M wkb i .V.7. ;7t: : . ..eJR.TaV tpamsti jeatner.....aa4s.o X5 TablesiS rlaig (t pl.t3 11T T fMoot extension, solid "fair legs and easy fitting 504 i . . .'T: . . C. . ... f 21.50 EjtienKloit Tabf-with ror f 5.50 MONEY All work guaranteed for tea rears. Lady attendant - alwaye present All wort dons absoltrteiy wttheot pain by apeclaUata of XremlI-te 0jreare' ex perience. '.),-- -Gold- Fillings, -Brldgs - Work, . Gold Crowns, Arttnolal .Teeth. . BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS ItlH Morrison St., Opp. Melee Jk Frank and Poatofnoe. content - himself - with- the profits the middleman is willing .to. pay. while .the latter gets ths profite that might be secured by the local dealer If Portland enjoyed lta portion of the Alaska, trade. As one local business man expressed 4f. "Onv-rasTTharrt g-arsr aittm r kwmtia tanttng-wtrTie-Th Seattle" men are slip ping In, under their noses and "stealing their trade." v . - TWELVE NEW COMPANIES r ntFTHEIR''ARTICtES (Sniirlal Pitratrh tt Thf Frnrnal ) ...Salem.. Or. nr J. Articles of In corporation have been filed as follows: Empire - Lumber - company. . Limited; principal office, Ontario, Oregon; capital stock, 110,000; Incorporators, L, Adam, Elmer A. Clark and M. E. Thayer. . The American Bank V Trust company; principal office, Klamath Falls, Oregon) capital stock. 1100.000; Incorporators, Fred Melbase, ' William T. - Shlve end Charles'B. Worden. . ..'" 1-; The Ripley-Oregon Fruit-Food com pany; principal office. La Qrande, Ore- goni. capital , atock.- 1 40.000; lncorpora tors. W. . F. Ripley, L. Oldenburg and James Ireland. Llllard Irrigation company; principal office. Baker City, Oregon; capital stock. 15,000; - Incorporators, J. W. LHiard. Suean B. Ullard and Willis W. Llllard. The Rainbow Gold Platinum Mining company; . principal office, la Uranae, Oregon: capita I stock. 1760,000;- Incor porators,r E. A. Stephens, Allle BtephenaJ and Carrie C Stephens.- . The Molson Hop Farm Compsny, of Rickreall, Oregon; capital stock, 1 50,000; principal office, Portland. Oregon; In corporators, Alnert J. Kay, cmton n. McArthur and Earl C. Bronaugh. Sonford. Slit tt Co.; principal office. Shanlko, Oregon; capital Stock, 2S,000; Incorporators, A. C. Sanford, H. B. SU1 anit J. I - HsHlev. . Lanalols Oil company: principal of- JlC.e.Portian41pregon; espltsl stock. 1140,000; - , incorporators, -t isme - u. Spencer, E. E. Ooucher . and I. A, C Freund. ' ' -. . , ' , ' - - Guard Printing company; principal of fice, Eugene, Oregon; capital stock, 120, 000;' incorporators. .E. L.- Csmpbell, J. h. Csmpbell and Charles H. Fisher. 'Oregon Washington Railroad com pany; principal offloe. Portland. Oregon; capital ptock. $1,000,000; incorporators, W.JW. Cotton, William Crooks snd W. A. Robblns.- .' . . Corvallla Meat company; prlnclps'f of fice, Corvsllls. Oregon; capital atock, 15,000; Incorporators, J. C Hamrael, B. R. Brysnn and Oeorge F. Brown. - ' Lane-Berkwith company; principal of fice, Pendleton. Oregon; capital stock, 15,000: Incorporators, J. F. . Lane, 3, S. Beckwlth and Fred Fontaine. . Vrederlek W, Oood rich's Frogram. 1 Frederick W, oodjlchjrill jilsy the following - organ musio at St. iavid s church today. . i i . Morning Prelude, "Andantino" (Chau- Ivei ; 7 uxieriury. saainia M ninur (Batiste); poatlude, "March Pontifi .. ; ".-?ai J. ...,4fkV' feel like leaving this busi- C. :.i If " that, weare GENUINE. JJ - Week Iron Deds 42-inch golden ash Desk, ' -ton: regular $13.50.' Soecial ---this week ..............f 10.75 ;', --60S 4-6 Iron. Bed,' -with brass Tail : -' '. ' head and foot; ; 1 ' 1-16-inch- ' post . : . . , , . V. f7.50 JT74S Iron Bed, in . any color, ' I 1-16-inch post " and ? braM 706An Iron BedTiicontTnuous post, brass . spindles bead and toot, any color .........f 8.50 . . Dressers . 2550 Princess Dresser, golden-oak - birdseye maple ..and mahogany swell front. 18x36 French Dresser, mahogany, ( wHita maple and Facifrc oak finish,: 4x30 French bevel oattern mir ; a large . dresser at a low. WM prict .....f 19.00 ' Porch and Garden S IihireSHi are showing-1 com-. ; - - jnt lete line and would especial Iv call vour attention id the -Adirondack Silver Birch UBtie Furniture. Rockers, Chairs, 'Tables, - Settees, "in fact everything for porch, or lawn, and they are made to ttt all ages. - . C0VER3c bs 1 ntir atsuitierl varseV' -Covers: ws will send to txif ad-" dress - this handsome CORSET COVER, stamped n extra qual ity lingerie cloth, with -g. cotton to embroider, all JCx -TheHcedkcfaftShop One Uoor rvst of Haselwood t-rear SOIiellEN- blair;co. MAIBLZ AXO aAMITS , woaaj, ; ArtaStla swao- ; stents, mansn leuaie. Cemetery end building work anasatsetared frnaa the beet ef siarbla ssd srantts. CkMTwpeadesm ssd erders prompt 1 stteaded to- tut Ini Nidlsea UrtfflrWje PORT LAND ORB. OON E. E. PARKER nrssroaTBaart OsVarozsAn FOB , . 001TSTABUI, BAST FOBT. . UUrnJISTBICT. Mr. Barker has been a resident of Portlsnd for the neat 17 va formerly a member of the police de partment as patrolman and captain and mora recently an employ of ths Port- land Railway company.' ay con ability He possesses recognised ability to properly discharge the duties of the position he seeks and- ii eieciea win inonrnr to give the peo-' pie no cause to-regret that they; gup-' ported him. , . Evening Prelude,' 'The. -'Curfew'' (Mackenslc); offertory. "Toccsta in a1' (Dubois); postlude. "Grand Choeur in CORSET bo tov siaaiBOzsaBt . i ii au t vi ii J 11 cal" if, d Is, Tombeil