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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1906)
1 - edco of srclucg will re c oc?iis ec onbmjr in tiioite; pricecj I The Boot v in Quality Tho Moot op en to economy will profit by theoe jvery special o Most people like the .best for the least cost. !" If you are one of them the best thing you can do is to make this bright, up-to-date store your trading place if you have not already done so. Those -who are regular, patrons of-this store know what it meant when we say, larger stocks, better values and better selections than ever before values, quality, styles and satisfaction are the main ; factors in the store's increased business.' Our patrons are entitled to and shall have the best for the least money. No store in this or any other city shall beat , us on' those lines. .' Every week findl newr models on display nothing really Worthy appears that doe not have it showing in . thia itorer A charming variety of tailored models in circular -gored; styles are now being shown in all the moat wanted materials and colors: special values ' at 2.60, f 3.50, f4.50, f-5.50, f 6.KO anl , f ..... . .f T.50 ft W rr f or WaUri'g Skirts il)U.lV fully worth 87.50 -Al . Fine Panama, in bine and black, neatly plaited of circutar iroredr also srayBkirts in pla inixture in" a variety of shades; made by good- skirt makers and pertect in tit and tinisn: nrnmen'm anil millrlWrflt vll- (fP i ' ues at 1 ... V aisaa f $5.00 tm tt A forWalH'gr Skirts 10OU fuUy worth $9.50 ""Newest selection of novelty Skirts, in plaids and grays; plaited, kilted or circular gored , style j -also, black and ' navy 'Panamas and J Serges; -jieatly tailored ;. and perfect fitting; splendid selection -to choose from; -women s . and misye''-splendid, values CA at v v. u u . WASH SKIRTS in white' and dark colors; " excellent selection, fl.OO," f 1.50, ' f 1.90. 2.25, f 2.50 and ............. f 2.90 I l.V . ' TheYe Suits at the price are aimply beautiful, comprising-as they do everything. that Ja-nem-and up-to-date. The materials are checks' and plaids, in medium and light gray suitings, also Panamas in Alice blue, -old rose, reseda,1 navy, black and the stylish grays; made in Eton, pony, bolero and Jacket styles' in tailored and trimmed effects. . r';; : y ,; 1 rU-- ' " 'T'lizf.'!:. 50 Tailored Walking Suits at $10.50 and 012.50 Made of the season's most desirable materials, jacket and pony coat effects, with plaited or gored t circular skirts. - . - --j- ' r Short Box Coats 05.QQ Fancy mixtures and plaids velvet collar, strictly all wool materials, nicely tailored, best $7.50 valaes. - , Cravenette Raincoats $12.50 Women's fine Cravenette, Coats, in plaited and full box' styles, in tan, olive, Oxford and mixtures. These are some of the best we nave ever ottered.. Smart Tourist Coats Jnchejcks indplaidSjjn all sorts of combinations of the season's popular colors, fjrlengths wi oacfcs; practical garments specially priceTar?S.50, f 10.50,"f IZ.SOniFflKOO; ... ' Covert Coats A Complete showing of this popular garment in pony and tight-fitting styles, lined or unlined; priced at M50, fS.OO, 6.50, fT.BO and f lO.50.-f - 7 , , ) - 7 -r ists Five grades that are perfect beauties, made from heavy-weight JapaneseJUlRT-some .tie made small or large pleats, others are handsomely" embroidered ; f 2.25; f 2.5Qr f 2.Or-f 3U,f Fine Chajnbrav Waiatiin plain blue. and tan colors ;three-tyles, at... ............. 1.25 ....... "1.1.:: ' th full u ' .1 a . as .. 55 s with-iJVC- .... i VXCW to. ifiiii i.t vwc; i..-.-i---X.-1lL-i4r We are showing Jariety of pretty styles in white andcoloredwash materials, in. Russian, French and other pretty effects, in Vf" A' siies 2 to ll years, at prices from. $4.50 down to as low as.7.VtijUC: New Percale 'era . Special Values at By tar the best values in the city at this price. - Tomorrow we place on sale, a special lot of "home-made Wrappers that are positive bar gains, cut in the latest style, of good, wearing Quality percale, in all the best colors and pat- iterns; the warn Is made ' with fined caniuiu: bTmgrndutfl"iteevtsrThe'fclrt,,Tur,fun- nrT" fim-rhfrt-1 r itli ill i n flniiwm tpu wnulil I gladly pay S1.Z5 tor .these our fljl fill special price Monday and Tuesday.... I. V VI ThispTeeKo; Specials at: tUe Bargain- Square -Fine Lawn ' Kimonos "and Dressing SacquesT" 6Sc values at...........,.....,-..........48e Women's Wash Skirts, plain chambray and stripe aearauckcr ; special values Trtvt T5 OuldrehV -StrawHata. all7 white", with wide rims and satin bands, 50c values for.....35e r Kimonos, made from fine organdie, with large floral designs; $1.25 values .ee "Sunbonheta For women, misses and tables, veryDest "gradVa ani fulf" lines of c6Torir"25c worth" SillirPetticoats: Your choice &f -150 Silk -Petticoats, p-fflade in a variety- of styles , of extra" quality of taffeta silks, in all the best colors both' plain and jchangeable; -good vales "at $65.. On tf C-Q A sale this week at. .....epOey U Handsome 5Vaistsf-All New:Styles, Plenty of Whites 10; Styles of White Lawn Waists JPretty styles, elegant values and perfect fitting Waistspmade-of-good quality sheer-white- Tawn? some with lace insertion, others" of embroidery and others -plain with ..tailored tucks; fl.OO, f 1.25, f 1.50, f 1.75. . . :. ineTCMteJLingerieiWaists 3 TrTmmedwTth lace and embroidery, long or short sleeves, fine dainty materials; $1.75, fl.OO, mm vk . ka . .. ... .... i ' ? Vei Special fc ' - l Today's announcement contains most unusual offerings in good dependable Tab, le Linens. The extreme low prices will ly bring you here if you read this announcement."-Shrewd, sensible shoppers these days are guided by quality of goods and prices, and the fact that bur linen sales are continually increasing is proof positive that you'll find better valaes her than elsewhere, .- . -'-,,. ......4.. ; - .,. .;,.; ... .. .f . 1 Bleached and Unbleached Damask - 62-inch all linen bleached Damask, in pretty new patterns. Un usual values at...... . . ...... .; .; .. ; ... .t. 68-inch .all linen bleached Damask, in great assortment . of de - signsr; Special, per yard.'. . r.4.ij77.77T.v;v. ..7..". ..75 22-inch Napkins, to match.r Per dozen .TTrr. , . .'. . . . . ; . .$2.50 72-inch all linen bleached Damask; well worth $1.00 a yard. Specially priced at.' .V. . .... . . j. :. . .". . . . . , . . ...... . . .' . 85 22-inch Napkins, to match. 'Per dofen.'.w.......'. . V; . . .$2.50 72-inch all linen bleached Damask, beautiful designs ; well worth , . $1.25. Our leader at, per yard J. r ................... . Sl.OO ', 24-inch Napkins, to match. ' Per dozen . . . .... ...... . .$3.50 Cream colored Table Cloth, splendid "wearing quality, in pretty dice patterns, finished wjth neat. border good large size, 66x88- inch. Great values at, each.. Bleached Napkins . Great values , per kins.-.-Unusual-values at. per dozen ,?.?1.00 0-inch all linen bleached Dam 'ask Napkins. Best to be had, ' at, per dozen....'. ... .. $1.25 ' 21-inch all linen bleached Dam-, , . ask .Napkins. Unequaled val ues at . ............. . $1.50 23-inch all linen bleached Dam ask Napkins.-- Good values-atT- -values at, each; !10 . ; X'T3A t , per dozen $2.25 Huck TowelsT Towels. dozen 20x40-inch hemmed Huck Towels,, with red borders. Un equaled values at, each, 15; per dozen , .$1.50 16x43-inch '. hemmed " Huck Towels, plain white. Unusual per "dozen T;. ;. . . 77. . . . . $1.00 We Want to Show You Our Way of Fitting the Feet c There's but one thing we ask of you, and we ask it for your own good,, and that is to allow us to show you the difference in our method Of fitting your feet from what you have been accustomed to at other stores- It is almost criminal to complain of corns and sore feet Every ill "of the foot is caused by imperfect fitting shoes. We show you so -conclusively that I there is no room for doubt and with out any outlay on your part, for we do hot ask you to buy. How ever, we have many good shoes priced low for Monday: Main Floor Shoe Department ' Women's hand-made Oxfords; -worth $3.00, at. $1.09 VVpmenVPatent Colt. T.S1.99 Women's Patent Kidv$1.00 Women's new-Gun-metal V.$1.00 Women's Vici Kid... .$1.00 Women's Chocolate 1 Vici $1.09 Women's Tan Russia. .$1.09 Women's - hand-made Shoes; worth . $3. Mon day . . $ 1.09 Women's $3.50 Oxfords. Monday '....$2.50 Boys' $2.50 and $2.75 Shoes; Monday $1.70 Girls' $2.50 Oxfords. ' Monday .$1.45 JEieJBa5emenjLShoeMarketJss usuaK.,, I...... HALF PRICE ' : ....... ... , r m. Summer Silks for Summer JVeatlier '':;-::-FFP Thousands of Yards of . - r; -.i jJapand China Now on Sale at Prices That Cannot Be Duplicated embroidered dots, . also pin r dots , and fifp small designs...,, Unequaled .values, at'.,. .)s. We are going to do a bigger silk business than ever before. Well give you such choice silks and charge you so little for them that you can't resist buying. It certainly is not policy for you to buy elsewhere when you can get such fine silk bargains at Roberts Bros. BELOW WE QUOTE A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS: ' 1. Atr23-i-Japanese-Wash"Silkrfun20lnches wide,, strictly all pure silk, comes in all colors, plenty of cream and black.': Unequaled quality at. .'. ..... .-. ..... XOv At 39 Fancy Printed Japanese Wash Silks, in a great assortment of pretty patterns, ab solutely fast colors, will wash like linen, all size, dots 'and neat small figures,- in a big va riety of colors; best 50c grade. Spe daily priced for this sale at. ..... ... .. OsS At eOFigured lap Silk.-full 24 inches wldgr-widgrfine-soft-weaverall-pure-silk.-comes in :onws-4nreamHakgrund-trr-fleat Ar5OnteraalutirSilk7TuTT0Tnch"e wide, all pure silk, one of the newest and pret- .tiest.thingsfor.summer. waists and .gowns, comes in cream withj rich floral de CA- signs. Exceptional values at.. ..OUU At : 50 China . Wash SUk. ' full ' 20 inches wide, ' large " variety of patterns in neat " pin checks, stripes and dots, all .colors. - EH Unsurpassed quality at..............OUL At 48 Japanese Wash Silks, full 27 inches grade. . Specially priced for this sale , AQa at.................................lUW SHE AND WOOL EOLIENNE $1.00 A TABD jQne-of the linestrand-nostrbeautifut-ofralL-hejiew Ja I ,f ! f . . .... . . - t...,.. A1! T1 I. I clinging weave, reversioie nmsn, comes in ail tne most aesjraDie coiors, vuce jdiuc, rcscua, green,-steel and silver grayrold rose, champagne, nile green, lavender, pink; cream and black, most desirable f the new weaves for evening year; sold elsewhere from $1.35 AA to $1.75 a yard. Our special price. vlaUU , . . ru s: : Special Showing Pongee Silks In plain and embroidered dots) largest ' va- Shan Tung hand-made Tongee, "wears for riety in Portland.Prices Jrangetf .AA verV rfF'f $15Q grade. - IIQ from 35 toTTrrrrrr. . : . ....... 4) 1 .U U J special at , ) 1 1 y A Great IrZay Sale of Women's jc ancy iiosiery : T' ' ' 300 Dozen Women's Fast Black and New Fancy Colored , Stockings, real 35c qualities. On sale tomorrow ' at Beal 3 5o Quality See Window Display - ... . a '' Far and away the largest. and best offering of the season. Many wonderjurtocking sales have taken place here in the 'past, but none to equalthis.r The enurjclproduct-of one of, the largest manufacturers in the country- secured at a fabulottsrpricFr: The different lots on. display in our Morrison Street Window. The Enormous Purchase Consists of Following- DifTerent Lots: lOOdozen fast black, full fashioned Hosiery, with, unbleached soles. 250 dozen allover lace lisle thread Hosiery, pretty designs. JOO dozen allover lace lisle thread Hosiery, new tan shades. 100 dozen black Hosiery, with silk embroidered insteps. 80 dozen lace lisle Hosiery, in th new grays. 100 dozen fast black Hosiery1, with, white polka dots." 150 dozen white Hosiery, plain or polka dots. 150 dozen imported navy blue Btockingsi All-offered -at the -wonderfuJlyowriyjoLpU.IluX O O Sale Tomorrow of J39.00 rfi Embroidered Robes at . . tp x?o .Handsomely embroidered Per sian Lawn Robes. -You cannot dresses fof summer wear-than these. .They are the r season's ; spring and summer -costumes i The- Waist" is "three quarters finished, daintily decoratM with handsomely embroidered front, cuffs, and collar. The i i -Skirt is virtuallyfinished-nO" dressmaking -necessary. Put-e-on 1 a' band and finish hem at the" bottom and 1 you ;have . a , stunning garment ready to " wear a practical garment that will make up properly and will launder. We advise an early call as they will not last long : at this price ; real $9.00 values. Specially priced ( 00 $6.00 Sample Embroidered Robes in a great assortment of stales, .notwa ajike-wilLgo on sale-, Monday at ... . , v.Half Price Iondayat-5 Laca-Fufly W Laces for trimming muslin -underwear, children's dresses and wrappers,! in point de. Paris, Normandy, Valenciennes and Eng- lish wash torchon laces, all bright new goods, latest patterns of -the season; values up to 10c, 15c yard. Specially. priced for this sale at . . .V. 5 - ALLOVER LACE--18 inchesl wide, in oriental and net effects, dainty patterns for shirtwaists and yokes,; white, cream and! ecru; best 75c and 85c values Specially priced for this sale at, yard ..V... ......,.,,.........45 . WOMEN'S KID GLOVES Worth Up to $1.75 Pair for 80 Pair j ' ' . This is a Clearance Sale of all our 2-clasp Kid Glorves, it Is a most exceptional sale ahd includes all sizes and colors ; values up . to $1.75 a pair. All at one price, pair....Jl....,....r.1l....80 Elbow Length Silk Gloves, plenty of-black, mode, red. brown, pongee. ? Moderately priced at, pair. . . . . i .. .$1.00 and $125- The Men's Section More exclusive things' for men can bV found iri this' store t j-thanrin most exclusive ftieHTstores, and the prices we quote are so mucn lower that they make the scale of comparison swing still further in bur direction. These special values fot) Monday and ruesday; - t Men's 50c en s Neckwear 25 Targe all silk four-in- hand ties in-'plauT'and fancy cobrs, also large Une'pf plaids ; regular 50c, 75c grades. gj Special Monday. ...... .UL Men's $1, $U5 Shirts 0 Full line of new golf shirts, made of madras and mohair, in large variety of colors; rcg "lar ..$1, $1.25 . grades. Special onday Men's 75c Underwear 1 50 New arrivals in men's cotton underwear, summerj weight, made of fine Egyptian and Sea Island cotton; reg. 75c Cft valsj Special Monday. uUt Boys 40c Waists 29 Boys' neat blouse WRists, made from fine madras and percale., in light and dark colors, striped and figured effects; rruhr 40c grade. Special sell- Tng price '.Monday. . . . 7.j s