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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1906)
inz: i in ii ii- -Liu-1 i urn i-i ' ' , i,.r- i - , , -. IVIFE IS MURDERED James McPartland Under Arrest ;Tin New York Charged With staying., Mrr Hopferr ! SERVED SEVEN YEARS T FOR SIMILAR CRIME Aged Husband of Woman telle Tale That v Chill - Blood Assailant ' 1 Giant in Suture and Made Desper- "ate Resistance. . ' . r --(BfoUl JH.p.tfh r t. Wti to Tta Jcarsal) New York, May . ii, James stcr-an -Un.aalnt-1 "MaTufs,TcrlnJnal on the records of. the county- wu arrested ' ihl morning after a desperate struggle , wit three policemen, charged with the murder of Mrs.. Lena Hopfer of No. 221 ' East- Seventy-fifth, street. Aa to Mo partlands fate there can be little doubt. He has -sllready served seven' years'--in Sing Sing as the reaurt ot the death of a beggar woman who had been aeaaulted by him and died, from the effecta of bar . treatment-. Thla caso. In' which, be .was -winght red-handed.-- was similar to- the OKI cane. McPartland is in tne Tomos '. without counsel, charged with murder. -Against htm la the testimony of his . le-year-old daughter..-Mary. that he re turned to hie home st 4 o'clock In the morning and demanded another suit of rlethes- wtth -the-remark: "I'Ve - juet killed a woman." -- McPartland changed his clothes, bor- row cd 28 ecnte from his wlfr, hi 1 in tha er-f-a, way oi a nouse two ooors away from hla home and. was found there sev- Of --aebfHL r- . - McPartland laughed aa he signed bis Sams to the statement that he was not guilty of murder In the court' of Coroner srrrimu. He am net .miu to rm tne gnumiuy ur 1116 crime It 'KTcK"Ke was charged. He Ignored the shivering -old ma UfrQ-rhaefeanil of tha i iara.1 woman who had just told a tale that chilled the blood of every man In the courtroom who had heard It. --, Tha criminal annals of New York con tain few records more repulsive in detail than that of the murder this morning . of Mrs. Hopfer, tha-wife of the care taker of the building at 26e.East Ssv . enty-slxth street. August Hoprer,- the 'Teyearold ' husband of the '' murdered women, told the following story on the stand: . t .. . "McPartland was employed two days ago Jia watchman-aa the bouse-was be . lng rebuilt.. . Tha first day -he seemed ail right, but yesterday ; he called at our rooms on the second floor of the -4ts- mantled building and asked me If I had 'that the place had. been locateil-by liurg- litre, and he wanted to frighten them oft ' if they- came." that night. -" I gave him the only weapon X had, an old army . platol, and he took It away. At 1:10 o clock thla uwMtln s- some flije" ra pped on our door and when I asked who It Awas MePartlaijd ordered me to open the door, lie scarcely waited for an . an- ... swer, but. burst Into the place and, with an -oatb, grabbed me by - the--throat, flang me on the bed and knocked me un- conscious. When at last be left the place Hopfer, who waa scarcely able to move on ac count of a rheumatlq attack, reached the aide of his wife and found her dead choked to deattu ' He limped Tff'tho window and shouted tor help. , It was then nearly 1 o'clock. McPartland stood in the doorway and cvlled back: "If you ' do not stop I'll go back and- kill you. years of age. -j- .- , .. ' Mrs. Hopfer, his victim, waa about 41 years of age. The crime for which lie Partland was sent to Sing Sing for seven years was almost exactly similar to the one for which he la now awaiting - trial.-.-, t-.- - -.'-. EMBEZZLER ADAHS' TRIAL BEGINS AT SEATTLE Lrrnnrnnniinr i 1 -udfHafrfwfr'T afe-Oemtrr nderAdvieemeot -and De nies Motion to Quash. - ffllMeiatl DlMMtck tat The) JMmeli ei-Wwh.7rTh-trial--or ; II 40.O00 while acting as cashier of the United gtates 'assay, off g"" the first Stp being taken in the federal court this morning when a demurreyi , rnea yesteraay in tne united States . court addresaed to each of the ls counts In the indictment ' wastaken under advisement by Judge Han ford and a motion to quash trie action was denied by the court. The demurrer alleged that the allegations contained In - the Indictment to the effect that part of the gold duet alleged to have been embeacled wma. Improperly, given . and baaed on mere conclusion, aa the dust was in. the custody tit the government for the pnrpose of being .converted Into coin of the United States for account of parties unknown and therefore cold not be considered by the court as property of the United States. That the. counts charging the defendant with embeisle ment failed to set forth any offense ' against the statutes, as the defendant to hsve been guilty ef embesxlement must Jiave had actual possession or custody of the dust as an officer ot the gov ernment, and any euatody ha may have bad of the dust waa merely in the ca pacity of an-employe of the assayer, who was the government officer In e tual poasession of the dust. ... EARTHQUAKE' CURES BAD CASE OFHEAB, TDISEASE (8pUimatatPbrUaa4Wlrt'tnTbe Joura.U San Francisco, May 12. The story of the astonishing eure of former United ftatas Senator A. J. WllJIams Is being told by his friends In the Union League club.- The ex-senator sometime ago re tired from business - with a , fat for tune and occupied handsome apartments at the Palace hotel. But life waa. not ' all rosea, for the doctor' told him he was suffering from a severe esse of heart disease and he grew worse unt der treatment. 1 -- , , So serious was hla condition that, before the earthquake, he was forbid den te walk tip even one flight of stairs and his- diet was carefully prescribed, nly the simplest and least exciting edibles being given him.- On the day of the earthquake, when fire menaced the Palace hotel. Senator Williams walked up and down several fltshie af atalra seven times, rescued a iurg part of his belongings and now eats everything up to corned beef and Cubbage, -. A Touch of Earthquake and a When- a man etande cloee to a greet picture he is better qualified to tell of the detalli directly "before him than to give a comprehensive description of the whole. I felt the Irresistible, awe-In spiring force - of - tha - earthquake - that Shook the California coast for hundreds of miles, and was in San Francisco when wsves of flames were " undoing the patient work of half a century of build ers. Others had far .more experience, but I am not envious.. In this time of peace, that has followed the days of terror I tell my little story and am con tent . ; On the morning of the earthquake I was at home in a two-story frame build ing at Belmont. 2f milea 'from San Francisco.- Something awoke us a few seconds before the shock, and as X ny blinking In the light of early morning it seemed that suddenly a great storm struck the house. The bed. jpoved Jlk a hammock; every timber In the house was f mnmg t instinctive! if for -tne next room in which our two little boys were sleeping. 1 ran Into the room of our little girl. ' It was. like walking the deck of a yacht in a storm, except that the wind seemed beneath me. I did not have time to get fright ened.. My daughter sat .up In bed and salted. "Is this the end of the world?" Not oelng eure of anything- at that par ticular moment I didn't -say no. '- The Jarring . and ewaylng continued. I"stood at the window and saw the mule and the two horses' on ths plsoe run wildly by the house, the three of them side by side for company and moving like a team. I could hear the crashing sound of things, falling. .Thirty feet away was a pile of brick and from this pile came an uncanny grinding noise ss the; movement of the ground- rubbed brick against brick. At last the quake ended. . The seismograph man reported that If lasted li arrnnria. nut If. he had Id 21 minutes I wouldn't have dis puted him. - - ---' - t -mwinrsil all over I. found that my wife had been steadying the folding bed for fear It would close up and crush our boys to death. Awakened from a sound sleep by a n earthquake the dan- 3a thought. . If any Carnegie medal ever comes to my. home I know now 'whose ugma n ,wlll bear. The quake toppled over-two chimneys. sending one through the roof, but luck- Uy not breaking the ceiling, made, the piano do a two-step,- one foot backward and then, one forward, and upset twe Incubators - in an outbuilding. One of these machines, which was In operation, took fire, and my father-in-law got to It lust in time to smother the flames. - I wss working on the Bulletin and took ny usual morning train expecting to get to town. , The wires were down, and no one knew what had tiappened In San Francisco. At San Mateo we found a warehouse transformed Into scattered heaps of brick and aeveral brick build ings with ragged tops end shattered sides.- Between towns we saw -people tanii'rr lllng and In some Instances waving at the train, which, to. them was evidence that the rest of the? world hed not been blotted out. . At MUlbrae Both ende of the big power-house wsre gone The tralnnpanrsiowty-aionf-Tintii -we reached-Ban Bruno, and there we were stalled, J 4 miles from San Francisco. t-. After waiting impatiently for a quar- CHIEF'S MEN BREAK BACK OF H00DLU1 -. I Three " Gangs ; of Toughs LlSmashad In , TwoMonths-- lW!lIj!PZi?iZp!?.1 v. Chief of Police Orltgmacher several weeks age determined to rid the city of the gangs of hoodlums that - lnfeet certain districts! .He reports that excel lent work has been done by patrolmen in thla respect, but that there Is yet more to do. There waa gang In Sun- nyslde, another out on Mllwaukte street. stm another on tne i east siae - near Union avenue and East Burnslde etreet, and Upper and Lower Alblna were full of them. '-.. llgdCbUf-fcilrllimsrhir. .determined fh.t nnri.r the ifaji 44-yeass would be -arrested en eight and turned over to Judge Fraser, and thsre wss not a day In the week that a batch of unruly boya were not aant to the Juvenile court Within the last two months three dis tinct gangs of toughs in upper and iiowar Alhlna hsve neen nn iMl-tO'lalLwae the notorlouaacow.-gang of Alblna. Chief Orltsmacher says the clearing work will go on until hoodlum'ysJier alleged Ji Wm TBTbrtlsndT win oe only a remem- brance. Tbe chief attributes much of ths suc cess in "killing off the hoodlums" re cently attained - to the manner In whloh parents are received by Judge Fraser of the Juvenile court and Judge Cameron of the municipal court Parents are given to understand that unreasonable pleadings for unruly- children will "hav little weight PLUMBERS' STRIKE IN , SPOKANE: IS AVERTED . w m e w w www www - t - ' -- ' Spokane, Wash., May It. The threat ened strike of the Plumbers' union was averted yesterday when the demanda of the union were granted by tbe master plumbers. ' - 1 Of the - eix demands made by the union -only two were of any Importance. These were to the effect that no master plumber should crork on any Job where more than two fixtures are to be in stalled; and- that no apprentice be al lowed to work except with a Journey man plumber. Tbe Starkey Plumbing company, la tha-only-Crm. holding out agalnet the demands of the union.. and- It is thought It will be compelled to grant the de mand short 1 TWO HUNDRED FORTY 7" DOLLARS. AND DRUNK When William Johnson awakes this mornlig In ths city Jail he will probably thank a watchful policemen for picking him up before he had squandered 124V that he had earned ss a cook up in the vicinity of Kelso, Wsshtngtom When Policeman Ed Brothers ran across John son last night the. man. waa Intoxicated. He eialmed ihat .ha had been hit upon the head. . , -. , t - - Tesierdaya Baseball. , National: .At Chicago Chicago I, Brooklyn 9. At Cincinnati Cincinnati I. New York J. 11 Inning. At St Louis St Louis I, Boston I. At Pittsburg- Pittsburg 1, Philadelphia 4. American: At Philadelphia Phlladel phta 4. Chicago 0, At Washington- Washlhgton 0, Detroit 4. "At New Tork New York -6, 'Cleveland , ll innings. At Boston Boston J, BU Louis THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY BrJOHNtTAYLOFf-WAUDORK' ter of en hour. Judge frojitrof the' Pan Francisco superior court and I decided to foot it a, way in the hope of picking up a ride -on a wagon. Before we had gone half a mile there was another quake. The ground rose and fell, and tha telegraph poles moved to and fro like a man waving hla arm from the elbow. The oeattered pedestrians along the track came closer together. No one waited for introductions. - Everybody waa everybody's friend, The ehock Soon passed, and we kept on trudging.. otun over sunken track where the rails were twisted. Many vehicles west by on the road bound cityward, but all were filled to overflowing.- We found the Stone station at Holy -Cross a., wreck. . AH the high 'monuments In the cemetery-were down, - Other .cemeteries had fared as bad! r. Judge Troutt had been talking of an lmDortaat caee that he was to hear that morning, but new' he began to doubt of his sblllty to reach the city ,lnie-mio wondered wTiat tne JalUtrnsys would say. . . The outer track at Cypress Lawn was hsnglng In the air, where It was left when, the bank caved -away.- Boon we began to meet refugees. The city wss ablase, they said; the -city hall was gone: thousands of people - Baa - neen killed. We shook our bead. "City nan Is a wreck. Judge.", cried another.; "Not one stone - is left -on -another.? --Judge Trout ssld "Pshaw," and kepton walk ing. "It may ba bad," hs remarked, but It can't be so bad aa that.-' Boon we met people fleeing in wagons with their household goods.. "Seven thousand people killed," ' cried one. "Go back. The city, is t doomed." We kept on trudging. "I'm going to put up at tne St. Nicholas tonight." said Judge Troutt. Just within the chy limits we found a big-wagon, the driver of which was taking passengers our way for 2S cents each. Fourteen of ua wedged ourselves I"'" "t" m we went. IBS. dense smoks of the fires down town clouded. the.sfcT and the iw. was a -lurid, I glaring eye tael iooKeaai us mrouau an unearthly veil. We rode three miles, and then the driver refused to go fsr thsr We got out and walked onward; for we hat still three miles to SO and filled with people leaving the city, -Fro- quen pllea of bricks snawhattered win dows anddoora htnted of the greater f havoc wrougmui)ylha earthfluakepwji' . town, where lodging bouses naa some times been built in a hurry. The people were strangely quiet. Biieni women hurried by. - There wrs no. well ing . or -creaming although everybody knew that not far away the flame were leaping from block to block. ; Often I had oeen a - dosen-hysterical women at single thousand dollar fire, but here there were none.- We changed our route a block and saw the Valencia street hotel with Its third story level with the sldewslk. A hundred persons hadper. Ished there, we were .told. -, Turning' Into Market street we saw the flames rising high from buildings v. -1 . . Muw.v - tVh.n wa nnarert iu,-iinit ill'-'- r- -. . - - ------ -- lneElTrcenoTaa--dteT7 looked.' wadiyTir its battered iront ana top and said. "X guess I won't stay there tonight, after alL" A few steps farther we caught eight of the Majestlo theatre, with a great circle gone out of Its Ninth- street wall. we etood ror a moment at Larkln and Market etreets. The army held the town, end soldiers were every where. . Mechanics' pavilion had been CAPTIVE EVADES HERJAILERS AgedM argaret- KHy Accuses Mrand Mrs. Green of Try- Ing to Secure Her Fortune. DETECTIVE IS IMPLORED TO TAKE HER AWAY Drops Note From Her Window Into Neighboring Yard and Officer Mlkea Investig Denied by Persons in the House. (Special Dlapateb byLaaerd Wlra to The Joaraal) New Tork. May 11. Held a prisoner for two years against her will, beaten tinoTKairiiUrveI,'as''she declares," Mrs. Margaret' Kelly, hi years old, and weal- and. Mrs. John Green, aim to prevent her from changing her will, managed to get word to tbe outside world today by casting a note from the window of her email rear room In tbe Oreen residence in the Bronx. -The note felt at the feet of Mrs. John Roscher, in tbe adjoining garden, who picked. It up, and as a result Captain Mannlon started an Investigation tonight with a view to releasing the old woman If she ie really a captive. The Oreen family betrayed the great est excitement when Detective Little called . there and declared. hie errand. The detective Insisted on seeing; the old woman, and he wia conducted to a email rear room, such aa a servant might use, but bare of all comforts. She eeemed overjoyed when she sew the detective. "Take me away from here," she Im plored."' '"Take me anywhere, to a hos pital even. These people are after my money. - They have kept me here for two years, beaten and half starved me." The Oreene vehemently dented they had ever-raised a hand against the aged woman and that she 'could go If the wlshed.-4.-. - .- ; ' . "Never beaten me," exclaimed Mrs. Kellyr --''Andwhat name, pray, do you give your action of last Sunday T- Did you not beat me then? Have I not tbo marks upon meT And as to my going le BwayrwhttlmdrT6rT41I ths mantfi spoke to on the etreet nesr here the only time that I succeeded In evading your vigilance that I waa insane and not to mind me? I tell you sir," ad dressing the detective, "they went me to die. They may beat mi when you go away, -so take me away --now. They won't even let any of my friends In to see me. I am aa much a prleoner aa If I wae In the penitentiary. The Orvene and Mrs, McCsbe stood st the door of the room -while the old woman, who had risen to a sitting posi tion In hsr excitement, wae arraigning them. They were silent, but when the detective, who assured Mrs. Kelly thst her esse would receive prompt attention. left tbe room they again denied her story. ' - Broogk Case IMsmlseed. Rainier, Or., May 13. The caee of Joe Brough, charged with being an accnm puce In the Fishes- sssault esse,-wee dlsitilssed, the ' prosecutor, Mv. K Kemp, not having appeared Agalnet Dash of Fire I urnru iniv ,i-.-i n mu people were Troltl'f in " end "6U't"""We were told they were eearchers for missing rel atives. I looked around. - The building next to the pavilion wae blase. In an other minute the fire had taken hold ot a wnerof the pavilion.-There waa no water, and the flames traveled feat. I was bent on getting to the BuUetln of fice, provided it were etill in existence. Judge Troutt and I took tha street back of the pavilion. We could see the city hall. It was not on the ground, but it eould hardly have been much more of a ruin. My companion went toward It to see -If there were anything left ot bis court-room chambers, whlls I pursued a circuitous route that I thought would taks me- to the office. After many da. tours I reached my goal. The building waa Intact, but acroee the street the Cal ifornia hotel had lost some of its cor nices. Upetalra In the Bulletin office all waa auiet.- A few members of the staff were there, but the rawaa no power to I 'otoofc,--al- wuys the ousiesi time qi our wj, the silence was oppressive. We eat around In the office or lingered near It foe hours. . All we needed to enable us to get out a paper was ..mechanical pow er, but, that we couldn't Set. . We saw the flames corse up Bush street almoet to Montgomery, heard the boom of dynamite and- saw tha .fire checked-at-that poinfcWe eew -the flamee take the Examiner .office and leap In. and out of the tall, tower-like Sprockets building. - Still theyt -were kept from crossing -Market' street-at that pont. We saw the fire coming up Kearny street ' from the north.' If ' It couldn't reach buildings from one direc tion , it came -at them from another. When the flames were a few blocks away and all Kearny street was doomed I went out Into the Western addition. Standing In a corner of Jefferson square I saw-another fire that had destroyed many, blocks of resldenceg at, wort .on, a building 100 feet away, diagonally across the street. btt therer there, onlv a amairilfeamrltrTeT It served to put out this fire and saved hundreds of homes. - " " All night the flames held revel. From thlr1..tnrr liJn mit nn Tlne street. -Mm hses sin hour as they climbed the hills, or swept realstlessly along the level places from onl great -buirdmr'to-another. Again . . . . . Fir the Emporium, from Prager'a; theclty hall waa illuminated-a never before! It Was a time for the devils "to- dance, for the . world seemed . burning. Th long ' night ended, but still ths flamee rased. The Bulletin office had gone. and 1 hlped -s Yrterid cwrry some of Wi belongtnge out to the n-eBianx" every body was either moving or preparing to move. . Men narnesseo tnemaeivee with ropes and straps and dragged trunks through tbe etreets, For lack of better- vehicle - women Tmuea toy wagons heaped hjgh with treasured ef fects.. Everywhere In. the Western ad dition the -question was, 'Will the fire . .... . . . get .out- tnis- ear t Leaving the Presidio, I walked across the Valencia ..street stktlon and' took a refugee train home. As I passed through - the old,- familiar gate my 4-year-old boy, thinking of the treas urer thar-t-hadr-orterr. found for iitm among the office exchanges, greeted me with Ka mi Innnlra TUif AHV funny paperef, - -' ; - EXAMINErUFIRSUPAPER TO BE PRINTED IN 'FRISCO Sunday's " Issue Comes Out Jn .Temporary Building Erected I Since3heEarthqualce.: (Special Dlapateb by Leased Wire te The Journal) San Francisco, May 12. Tomorrow's Issue of the San Francisco Examiner win be printed In San Francisco. What that means may be better appreciated when It la realised that practically all of the machinery - had - to - be brought- by- ex. press from the east; two buildings had to be constructed, arrangements had to be made for light and power, and al the complex paraphernalia for not only nrlntlne- a newspaper, but distributing JjQtW.eUdad. to be-installed ontt-aH lillejaahaji.joureeKe.j.romine.i!ms. the old Examiner building went up in smoke and down In ruins. The Examiner's confidence In San Francisco, - which -waa-not shaken by the earthquake or fire, le stronger than sver, and to emphasise its faith In the future of San Francisco, the Examiner determined that it should be the first great newspaper to reestablish 114 plant in San Francisco, This determination has been carried out. Before the old Examinee had been destroyed, and while the flamee were still extending up Mission street toward It, messagee were already under way calling for typeeettlng, stereotype and press machinery, which were started for the Paclflo coast before there had been even time to pick oity a sits for the building they were to go in. The Examiner the 'first San Fran cisco' newspaper -salutes its readers from ita new offices en Spear and Poi sons streete. The offices are not or namental, but" they contain a complete newspaper plant and' they will be the home of the .paper until Its permanent building la ready. . "Stand fo ths Xalserl" . ' From the Manchester Chronicle. - The kaiser has expreesed a wish that when he psssea down the etreet people sitting must stand. A correspondent eende the following communication to a Berlin paper: ' -"At a quarter past nine thla morning I waa In Cnter den Linden, and In or der to rest awhile eat down on one of the - seats plsced at the sides of the center promenade. Very soon a police man who was stationed near the seat approached and summonsd me and the other occupante to stand up and re main atandlng two yards back from the seat. , "In reply to my question ' why he required me to do this," the policeman said, ."Because his majesty is coming." Shortly afterward the kaiser, accom panied by hie eslte,, rode past on horse back. AS far ee r could eee In both directions a policeman In uniform was stationed by each seat,' the occupants of which had been acquainted with the kaiser's wish .(or psrhaps order?) - to rise and stand two ysrds back. "I Inquired of the man, whom X took for a detective, .what was the reason of this new police measure, and was told, ' 'as persons, presumably social democrats, had repeatedly remained Sitting on the approach of the .kaiser; the present regulation had been made." . The World Xa Crast r ', From Punch. First Tramp Says In thla 'are paper as ow some or them millionaires works eight and. ten hours a any; i)& Second Tramp Ah, Itg a 'ard world 4r some poor blokes! t"Maa-"tt-n wVTr r"Z-HHjuite a number of authors and temi poured from the St. Francis, from ."V . M.t,nctl(m .rm ,1,0 mem- MORNING. MAY 13, 1803. TO HELP CUPID 1(1 SUrJUY-FRAflCE Movementf on Foot to Reform Marriage Laws and to Make -: --.'---Matrirnony Easy EVERY WOMAN IS WEDDED FOR SAKE OF HER DOT Leading Spiritt of Reform Commit tee Include Many of Foremost .4 Citiaent of the Republic New Lew ' Is Drafted for Presentation. ,. J . (Special Dttsatda-ay leased attend the . movement that la now en foot te reform the Frenob marriage law. It will not he at any rate because men and wdmen of position ' and Influence have failed to Identify themselves with It The Idea, of course, la to get rid of all' the restrictions and red-tapelsm that now make the business of getting married in France a matter of such Kin consc)onable time' and trouble, as well as .to put 'both psrtlss In the transac tion on an equal footing In the eyea of the. law and .with the' object ot bring- Ing the Whole matter definitely before the chamber of deputies, a committee has recently been formed inv Parle that is eminently representative of both the Intellect-and the. culture of FranceC-- " romlnent KM Sead. . Chisf of the "members of thle com mittee is. - perhaps. President Sere de Ttevleres; who Is supreme Judge of the French- oorraotlenai- eoort, and ; one of public-; The moving- aplrit-of the -reform movement Is, however, Maltre Henri Coulon. the distinguished advo cate and Jurist who for the last 25 yea i tTs" ewr'1iaa been dlieullng uiacllcally air . enort. a toward effecting drastic changes In the laws which at present regulate tho-tnarrlage 'eotractBV-U nuuuiiu . bera of the committee In the persons of Marcel Prevoat. who wrote the much discussed "Deml-Vlerges." the brothers Paul and -Victor Marguerite, Henri Batallle and Octave Mlrabeau, ; the - - - - dramaUatBrr-Madame -Avrttr de - Salnter Crplx, tbe renowned feminist and found ress of tne ouvre Liioeratnce; staaams Berteaux-Seguin, the Franoo-AmericaA writer, and editress, and Mile. Severities' the French high, priestess of emanolpa-, Hon for women, to name only a lie of the best-known members of the mar. rlage reform committee. - To Fmwl jre-to ttir TneommnieeTrhreTmo: bring a bllj- drafted by Maltre Cou lon before the. French chamber of dep uties Immediately after the coming elec tions or early In June next. ' - This bill will aim directly at enabling young men and women who have at tained the age of 21 and la, respectively, to marry without the coneent of their parents, and abolishing the exasperat ing and undignified ay stem of official dom which a-"Tjresent makee marriage so - severe - a trial. -r According - to the present law, of course, young-msn nn der i$ and girls under 21 cannot marry without the parental consent with the result, ae every one knows that prac tically every girl Is married for her "dot," that the details of the "court ship" are bossed by the relatives of both, and love generally put out of the question " altogether. Moreover, in France, declarations and Innumerable r unnecessary owuinenii nave to ue drawn up and signed, and even aa elder ly fiance of 40 has to gain the consent of the head ot his family before he is able to appear at the Mairle of his neighborhood with his bride. IS ACCUSED OF BRUTALLY " ABUSING HIS CHILO Hainietr7ManrzchargeIVWth4- 1-Chaining Boy -m StablSlvTth- out Food for Long Period. (Sieda! DUpateh te The Joqreal.) Rainier, Or., May. 12, ThaUiunane society le Investigating chargee made against C. Cornell, a teamster of this place, who Is accused of brugllyenilalng Ills 19yiaI'-Ulorsoti:Last ; Wedneeday evening Marshal Zweemer was notified that Cornell had the boy chained up In stable.. Taking a witness with him, Zweemer proceeded to Cornell's bom. Meeting Cornell he asksd him if ths re port was true. The latter boastlngly led him to the stable, where in a dirty manger alongside of several" horses eat the boy, chained In such a manner that he waa unable to He , down. A heavy Iron lumber chain waa. suspended from a beam overhead and fastened around the boy's bare neck with a padlock. Upon Inveetlaatton It was found thst the child had been kept a prisoner since the evening before, more than 24 hours In a sitting position, not a morsel of food having passed his Hps. The mar shal notified Mr. Gardner of- the Hu mane soolety,-who has taken tbe caee In hsnd. , . - Nelghbore are highly Indignant and Claim that they are frequently annoyed by the boy's crtea and screams caused by his father's treatment Cornell's wife secured a divorce, from htm two years ago." '.'.,.".. BIG CROWD WATCHES i.NElGHB0RH00D ROW Sixtl and Burnelde streets, called Captain Slover of the first night relief last night and requested that he eend a aquad of policemen and the patrol wagon to ar rest and take to the central station Fos ter Bradley, who reetdes In the Albany lodging house over the restaurant In which Louis-Works. The man waa ac cused by Louis of several crimes, rang ing In severity from common assault te attempted - highway - robbery. - "When Bradley was brought before Captain Blover at the etatlon Louis was thsre to explain matters. He began- by atat lng that Bradley had secreted himself In an alleyway between Louis' place of employment and an adjoining house; that he had atruck Louie a violent blow In the faoe and had attempted to , take money from hie pockets. Louis eould not show a sign of a mark Upon hla fees, neither was he eure that Bradley had attempted to pick hla pocket. , He was locked up for the night and a chsoge -of disorderly conduot placed against -hint. A crowd ct fully 200 peo ple were attracted to the scene during the episode, . - Portland Auction Rooms A. SCHUBACH, Prop. Auction Sales Fine Furniture at Private Resi , dencfe, Tomorrow at 10 a. tn, at f 847 Everett Street. -777-7"-- We sell "the furnishings "of 1 4-room residence for Mrs. Beauclalre. These furnishings are In excellent condition and certainly worthy of careful buyers attention. They consist of hlgh-ciass brass-trimmed metal beds, drsssars and commodes, carpete, lace curtains, por tieres, center stands, rockers. chairs, couches, wardrobes, fine kitchen and parlor furniture, etc.. etc. OPEN TOUR EYES. BE AN OWL and oome and se cure some of the bargains at 247 Everett street tomorrow at 10 a m Auctioneer. Auction-Sale Residence201' North Sixteenth, , Thursday Next, 10 a. m. , We sell for, Mrs. Ladock the furnish ings ef her 10-room residence. Including that magnificent dining-room suite -of QUARTERED OAK, 2-FOOT EXTEN SION - TABLE. CHAIRS and BUF FETT. MONARCH STEEL RANGE! quartered oak hand-pollahed, folding bed. svlth French plate mirror; Axmln stsr, Moqustte and Wilton ruga, 266.00 tavenport, elegant hall tree, a variety of dreasers and commodes; PIER MIR ROR, beautiful metal beds, T. Y. springs, mattresses and bed linen. Then there are the lace curtains, portieres, cen ter etande, rockers, couches, -etc, etc To mlee thle sale le to lose money. Be at 201 North Sixteenth etreet promptly at 10 a. m.. Thureday, May 17. Tou Know we go through the sale with a rush. We don't care- who gets the bar- aalns. -C L FORD, Auctioneer. Auction Sales Fvery Afternoon st 2 o'Clock at "the- PortlandAfcliiRolffis 211 First Street C. L. FORD, Auctioneer. AT" EHfaordinary Auction Sale At 211 First . Street, Tuesday Next, 2 p.m. Must Go Out JtKOaAK7:SlDSARlM"AS8lVifc- black walnut hall tree, with large French plate mirror; wall showcases, 600 folding settees, tflat-tdp deek,vtOe books, standard authors; 265 Davenport, gaa ranges, bedroom eultes, and a' gen eral assortment of good, substantial furniture. To miss-thie sale is to loss money. Be hers and chars 1n the bsr galns at t p. m., Tueaday at llli First etreet. C. X. FORD. Auctioneer. DROPS 700 FEET A Balloon Becomes Tired of Stay ; ing Up and Goes Down' - r.- Without Notice. r AERONAUTS FEEL NO , r - SENSATION DURING DROP Airship J Beached . After Seventy- rte Minutes ior KeerrTronr Being Blowrt Over Ocean. . V - - - (Special Dlapateb by Leased Wire te Tbe Joans!) Philadelphia,- May-12. To escape be ing blown out to sea. Alfred N. Chandler, the clubman and stoekbrokerwhe today made hls-rmaldea aerial . ascension, brought his balloon down upon the eslt marshes two mllee from the Atlentlo ooast and about four mllee from South Amboy, New Jersey. His landing plaoe was 72 miles from the gas works at Point Breese, from which he started, and the trip was made in one hour and 2f mlnutss. - Mr. Chandler and hla party got back In an automobile late tonight "Aside from tbe troublee of the voir unteer starters," hs said, "the alarming feature of the trip waa a sudden drop taken by the balloon when ovtr James town. New- Jereey.-- None of us can ex plain . what was the trouble, but the balloon when at the height of about 4,000 feet suddenly became tired of staying up and in leee than a minute dropped down to a height of , less than 700 feet, and might, have gone light on down to the earth had not Mr. Levee, who waa In the car, happened to look at the Instrument which, marked, the height of the balloon. "Every one In the car .waa at lunch and had stopped looking over, the side for a - time - when . Levee euddenly ehouted: 'Oreat Scott, look.' Every one looked and saw on the recording Instru ment a long straight Una running down ward, ahowing ' that the balloon was dropping like a piece of lead. One look over ihe-elde eho wed usrthat-we were falling right Into a little town and tbe of aracorg-bT men couja ne nrara ehoutlng-to us. We had not felt a single sensation. "Instantly we began throwing out baiiast, of which a great quantity had been carried, end the balloon calmly be gan to rise v again and soon attained the greeteet height of the trip, 7,000 feet. The eudden drop must, have been due to a condensing of gas. . This was at Jameetown, Nw Jersey. : . - "Except, for that the trip was un eventful. We landed at South Amboy, to prevent being blown out to sea. We but little difficulty. "We hope to start an aero club here and etudy the sky of Philadelphia wtth balloons." . . . u IMMENSE BREWERY FOR NEW BAY( CITY (Bpedsi Plaesteh by Leased Wire te Tbe Journal) San Francisco, May 12. Greater San Francisco is Ito have one of the largest ur.wirm iii mv uuuuirj, . who every-f uunc in it up pe ua most moaera siaso MINUTE A i c ; By J. TJflkca Auctioneer-- 1- dnesdayt, Fridays, m. Each Day Monday Y Sale rf: At Salesrodm; 208 First Street ' Commencing at 10 a. m. we will offer at public auction a One assortment of parlor Chairs and rockers, dining-room tablee and chairs,, blrdseye mapla dreas era, oak and enameled dressers, beds of every description bedding and table linen, center tables, toilet seta, pictures, drop-head sewing machines, couches, . loungee, rugs, carpete. mattings, French flats mirrors, wardrobes, kitchen safes, reaeurea, dlahss, utensils,, stesl ranges, gas ranges, oook stoves and complete r housekeeping outfits. Monday's Sals On .the Premises," 103 .Twelfth St, Corner Washington, at 2 '' p. m. . . ' ,; . "" i .. '''"''; 'i- THE FURNISHINQS OF MRS, CRA-. MER'S "HOUSE, COMPRISINa ELE GANT PARLOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS, ETC., mahogany rockers and chairs, select parlor set,-costly BRIC-A-BRAC CABINET, line BRUSSELS CARPETS throughout the house, porti Mondays, W y eres, lace curtalna and hangings, drop head sowing machine, oil paintings, fine center tables, chairs, rockers, etc - Tbe dining-room equipments comprise oak sideboard: golden -oak extenalon tables; with -chairs to matoh; china closets, China dishes and vases, pictures. - Ths . . -slseplng-room furnishings comprise oak bedroom set, fine springs -and mat tresses, bed lounge, toilet sets, rugs. wsrdrones,-lamps. - in tns will find steel range, gas stove, kltchon . promptly at I p? ol I On the Premises of Rev. H. W. - j 10 a. m. .; Reached by Mount 7 Tabor Cars; Off at Decker Sta---lltion; One Block West of West i. Avenue. -- 7 ' 1 Jgr. Pecker haa tnetructbd ue-4o sell - - all the furnishings of his dwelling, com- prising parlor and dining-room fittings. carpete. mattings, lace curtalna. lron beds, hair mattresses, center tables. " eight-day clock, exteneton table and chairs, oak dresser andoommodes couch, rockers, writing desk, toiletware,- dishes, utensils, portieres, stsel range, cook stove, parlor ' stove, fruit Jars, . 1mir eouinmants and all other fur- alshlngastc. thrniigaout-thl-lsfge - Wednesday's Sale At- Salesroom,- 208- First - StreeV at 10 a. nw Carpets, Furniture , and Stoves. "-1.. L :" ;r.. r: This large salesroom will be crowded with- Sno parlor f urn Wore, library -and - - dining-room -ofteot m.- bedroom farnlturi kitchen - equipments, - stsel -and - gas ranges, cook stoves, fine carpets and ruga, complete housekeeping out&ts. etc . : . "-'.'; " "; . '.;'. '.".' " '.' '. '.-.' " frldaySale-ii At . Salesroom, 208 First Street, . at 10 a. tiL, the Equipments and Fixtures of the Winter Garden. Comprising different else coffee urns, large COPPER KETTLES and pote, RE FRIGERATORS, PATENT SINKS for dish purposes, ELECTRIC FANS and DYNAMOS, gas hot cake platee and etovee, a full line restaurant dishes, ta bles, bentwood chairs, table linen, tow els, napkins, eutlery, -plate- glass mlr- rors, screens, stsel renge equipments, utensils, brass cuspidors, clocks and all . otnsr lurnisnings oi mn noiu "w ii Inrludlns- HALL SAFE-AND CASH-. TurninTtTR. Inlalii- linoleum.' etc. yOTTPWS pay 1 canToi lurur BXtures," : X"T-"WILS0N,- Auctioneer. By Baker & Son Wilton Carpets, Ardahan Rugs, fine Furniture Etc. ON TUESDAY NEXT ' Removed to BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE, comer'Alder and Park, ESPE CIALLY FOR THIS AUCTION. High- sst grade Wilton carpete, Axminster and Ardahan rues, lacs curtalna, SELECT LIBRARY FURNISHINGS In tables, Turkish eaey chslrs and rockers Jn gen uine leather, eeoretary-bookeaee, GOLDr. EN OAK DINING-ROOM FURNITURE, up-to-date designs; handsome Devon- " Sort, costly brass and iron bsds, sanl- iry folding bade, high-grade "Matoh less" felt and hair mattreasss, elegant . blrdseye maple dressers, chiffoniers and other bedroom furnishings; LARGE FAMILY SIZE REFRIGERATOR and gsneral kitchen furnishings; good hose, 'etc. Special Invitation is offered toper- . tlee furnishing to Inspect the goode to- -r morrow (Monday). Bale on Tueeday next at 10 a. m. ON THURSDAY NEXT. -ur-reguiaf ai day " for consign" ments of household goods and furnl- ture to be disposed of io the hlgheet bidder. (No old Junx received on any . terms.) . - ... . SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK "W have for orlvste ' ssle A CASH REGISTER AND VERY LARGE MIR- , ; OEa BAKER eV SON, ' . Practical Auctioneers. ard. The Van Francisco breweries lim ited, aa the corporation controlling the brewing establishments In this city le called, has decided to build as goon aa possible an establishment to cost at least 1 1.000,000. V It has not . yet been fully determined just where the' plant will be located. It le expected that-It will be nearly two yeera before the big brewery la in op eration, hut when it is ready lta ma chinery will be ao complete that no hu man hand will touch anything going to make up the beer from the time It starts, at- tha top of the brewery until it is feedy to be del sired tej eustomere. from the lower floor. Everything la to be aoae-px gravity.. ;. ; r ' ' .