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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1906)
i is s ii- - - i esssevssssBBSi in ii - i- hi 4 '1 .THEOREGON Sunday" journai; portl' and- Sunday morning." may is flllCIPAL ASSOCIATIOiJ' 1 J lI That Tired Fcolinfl Thai cornea to yon every ipriaf U a that yoor blood it wanting In 'vitality. Just aa plmplee and other emp- lUbni ar lugni thatOUt Diooa ia un- pcurev- "Assures Him in Personal Letter That ; He Has Kent-'AllfePolitical Promises ""arid " 1st , ; - Worthyfof: Fullest Support Bhsrlff Word , has .received the f ollowlng letter. 'v from the Munici pal association: "The Portland Mu s nlclpal aaaoclation - two - years ego - Indorsed you aa Ha candidate . 1 (or sheriff oi Multnomah county. Many of tha friends of tha aaaoclation assured us then that yoor pledge to enforce tha law could not be depehaca up "Having careful! J observed yo ' duct of tba dutlea of your office alnca you entered upon them wa now wish to - assure you that u has Been a matter oi great satisfaction to us that you have carried out your promise to enforce the .; law according to your oath or ocrice. . "We remember that when you took ;' chirti o( tha aherlfra off too of tbla county public gambling waa wide' open. One, at least, of tha ..large gambling ' houses of this city waa at that time rec- '' egnised aa a center of large political - power, while an army of gambler, con fidence men and social parasites rorcnoa ; a. class of Influence and prestige In the city absorbing the earnings of producers and wage earners and depriving women .. and children of theJiecessltieo and com forts of life., "Through the Vigorous administration of your office these conditions bare been '? entirely changed.: The publlo gambling - houses are all closed; gamblers and con fidence men hare left the city and there rims been a correspondent diminution of Knd "defelcatio'ilt whloh plaeee tne ;clty Of Portland In a moie-fl taring position among uie ciui o i r history, while the conditions of her busi ness were never more encouraging, dera- onstratlng beyond any question Uiat an open town Is not essential to material progress. This, was not . accomplished without .great opposition from . the olasses assailed, as well as from aome Influential citlssns and officials whose ration vou had a right to expect Nor la this alL The element of personal sacrifice on your part has been eonsplc. nous.' - Itepes tertly you have advanced eyout of your own runos to-oairy eases through the courts, to secure wit nesses and to guard property neeessar n uiud in suDDresslng gambling. - Not hava vour aotivlUes in this direction dl verted vour energies from the other iiniiM or vour office, for. we have the uunnM of snanv leading cltlaena, who are well Informed on the subject,. hat the aherlfra office of this oounty has never been administered In a' more busi ness-like and careful manner man nnaer tha nmunt incumbent, especially In the collection 01 taxes ana nanaung ex fnnda. "Your present platform promising to try to do better In the future than you have In the past gives us. every conn dence that, should you be reelected to the high office you now htfld the Inter est e of all classes or eiusens win oe safeguarded and properly administered so far as they appertain to your office, and we therefore again tender you our indorsement and also assure you of our most heartv support in the campaign for your reelection, xours jaimimiy. One of tha neat lcta of expsrience hmd obwrratronTaThat Hood'e Saraa- parilla always ramorea That njea xeci- llng,- give - aew Wa,-new wurmgo, strength and animation J cleanses mo toiooa, clean me complexion, uuum uy the whole rvstem. "T Xhig U one of the reaaona why Hood'a .Xfiaraaparffla la the Beat Spring Medicine. - Accept no anbstitate I or - Hood's Saroaparilla Insiat on having Hood's. Get It today. In liauld or tablet form. ' 100 Doaea f 1. "President. --HN-BAHfr a s. "Secretary. J, MMLLISTER, -- "Superintendent, WILL GO TO INSANE ASYLUM .'. Seeking "the man who had committed '-a murder in the White House' and hop .:v lng to lad bin with tho aid of a lighted .-lantern,' which light she declared waa ' "the Father, Bon and Holy Ghost In "'. ''one,. Mrs. I ,C Ames was arrested . yesterday by Patrolman E. Burke. ' She ' will be sent to the Insane asylum today. Mrs.- Ames Jaa -eolored woman.- For . several weeks sKeaaTpeen'wiakTtiB' about tbe . streets during the daytime carrying a lighted lantern on her arm. ' She waa . continually, mumbling, and oftentimes would search through the offices of the courthouse for the "mur derer." Of ten she-would atop and talk. to " strangers" regarding religion.- She was violent at times. Yesterday she said that she waa 10 years old and that she was born In Germany. - When she learned that she waa to be sent to the asylum, Mrs. Ames de- Inm Hha said that "the Lord would provide for her 'while the was In Salem." , - INCREASED POSTAL FilCILUIES- Cearln Takes Up the Matter of Larger Force for Ore- gon Towns. "WESTERN PLACES GROW " " . FASTER THAN EASTERN ,. Every Place in the State and Every f !. Karal Delivery Route la Increasing Its 'Buiineaa at . an Enormous . ' Rae. - . ; fwishinrtom Bnresa ef The ioornsLT I Washlngton.'D. C.rMay 12. Comnly-T lng with the recent request Of Post master Mlato of Portland, Postmaster Sprout of Ontario and other Oregon post ' masters,' Senator Gearln has taken up with,, tha postofftce deparUnaai-the.aub.l ttonel- postal facllltle for the handling of business in the Oregon 10WI1S, -"Federal of fielala." asid thane 'to the department today, "apparently do mot realise that Oregon towns grow at a rate far exceeding Jhat- maintained by tbeder-settled" communities of the east, where the gain in population Is nearer the regulsr gain in population of the nation, while the towns of Oregon re gaining at a rata hard to believe by tboee not personally In touch, with the Conditions there, .,, "Every city, town and hamlet, and very rural delivery route la dally carry ing an Increased msil business, and the rapid adjustment is required in order to "keep pace with the growth." Failure to provide ror this Increase 6t business means Inconvenience to every patron of the federal mails In every locality la the -.state. "I would like to have yon look Into , theae statements and arrange to add to the faculties of Portland, Ontario and other towns, and for the remarkable In crease In population In the rural com munities served by free delivery-routes." Department officials are interested, ! and ' will secure more , Information . In prompt efforts which they are appar ently Asking' to fulfill the request of ' Senator Oearln... ' ANOTHER REVOLUTION IS OK . IN SANTO DOMINGO TO WRIGATE 17EST END DBS ATE Elwood Mead, the Government Expert, to Be Sent Here This . Summer to investigate ' CEARIN SECURES ACTION BY SECRETARY WILSON Senate Committee to Add Funda to House Bill to - Conduct Work "'"Trout Fry to Ba Placed" In Two Lakea at Head of Applegate. (Wsshlagtsa Boress ef The JeoraaL) . Washington, May II. Elwood Mead, the-irrigation and drainage expert of the agricultural department will go to Pregfrhntrl'iffmfoefnyTyg through Senator Gearln at the instance of the Portland board ' of trade. - The board Instituted the movement to Inves tigate the possibilities -of Irrigation In the western half of the state, and Mr. Mead joined In the movement "On the or- der Of bis superiors. - Secretary Wilson personally la interested, and wants yid petitions compiled with. - - - Senator? Oeartn a f ter av-conference wiin nenaior cmion-ana me senators from California,, Tenneasee and Arkan sas has secured a promise from the agricultural - committee.: of the senate that additional funde would be added In the senate to the house bill for the dared mat -u-jaa iwnjreiiiua jrom Hmrk-imiwiMil -Tl-iiii(-tiii-imir Th lglWng-IWerw wi not; coins ffonr therecTiuneH tlon fundV but from the general .govern ment fund. . - Senator Gearln has Induced the bu-. reau of fisheries to grant applications Navy Department Takes Action :- ta PreventTandlng ofTT bustering Parties. (Snfelsl Plspstch by Lfssed Wire to The lonreal) Wsshlngton. May 11. Reports have rear.hed the state, the or ganization of another , revolutionary movement directed against. the govern ment of President Caceree of Santo Do mingo. It Is understood that the island of Porto Rico Is the base' of Operations, and It is supposed that ex-Presidents Morales and Jlmlnes are the leaders of the movement.' Instructions have been sent to the Insular government at Porto Rico to take steps to carry out the neu trality laws which would prevent the organisation and departure of any hos tile expedition. Tne navy department upon receipt-of the advices from the state department cabled TteaCAflrnlrar runlsl),'"comm4na--' ant of the naval stetion at "TBan "Juan," and Commander Waller, commandant of the naval atatlon at Culebra, to cooper ate with the island authorities of .Porto Rico in - preserving neutrality. Com Tortroqt Try ta place TaTnn twd Takes at the headwaters of the Big Applegate liver in southwestern. Oregon, and Lost lake on the slope of Mount Hood. TO HELP CEARIN. ' enest to Believe Uaeola reopie. Waahlas'tsa aarsaef The Jenraal.t Washington, May 13. Secretary Hitchcock has complied with Senator Oearln'a request that action be .taken looking toward relief for people In Lin coln county In placing lands owned by Indiana In a position to bear part of the expense of local government. They have heretofore been untaxed,-and the-people of tho county,-which. Ja sparsely settled, have been compelled to carry a heavy burden. -. .- 1 The Indiana have had the protection of state' laws administered by the local authorities, yet have not paid taxes. The secretary proposes to Immediately order an investigation and promises to exhaust the possibilities of departmental action.. If relief Is not afforded by the department, the sens tor. will intoduoe a bill to secure relief by legislation. to aid settlers'..: i. OsaaraMhjrfrsss-Ti" ghermaif Settlers, snaTQIfl (Weefalnctoa Bnresn of The Joerasl.) Washington, May 12. Senator Oearln Is making progress with his measure to tmerrfiwtll'w lend, in commend of theProcuxa. relief orahatUara:of-She. squadron in Dominicanwmti vised of the report. His instructions arenisnrid beeurniTOi1frToraeiI6hTn" preventing the lending of g filibustering party at Santo Domingo from Porto BiCO. " ' , : COLUMBIA THEATRE TO . . BE , REBUILT AT ONCE (Speelsl Dispatch by Leased Wire to The'lnenel) New York, May 12. i. J. Gottlieb of San Francisco is In this city, conferring with Klaw A Erlanger relative to the reconstruction - of - the Columbia theatre in San Francisco, .and his opinions of conditions have been eagerly sought by managers with attractions booked as far west as the Psclflo coast next sea son. . .. ' .... Mr. Gottlieb has decided to rebuilt the Columbia at once. He le not, however, permitting himself to believe that the reconstruction of Ban Francisco Is a matter of only a few months,' and for one year at least he expects to have the syndicate "attractions In a - temporary structure of. wood and corrugated Iron. Meanwhile work will progress as rapidly as possible on the new permanent Co lumbia, which will probably be located several blocks distant from the old site. man eouatjrwbo have been caused muchi nconvehrencg'Bnfoublg with the titles 1 V""" sJ'HrAOTg? LX TTaWg,Fgle 1 of the Northern fsnlfln lanrts. Vnliiml. noua date itas been prepared, and a vast mass of matter 4e being erone through In order . to' bring It Jnto .condition, to permit of final presentation to congress In the form of a bill meeting the de mands of the situation. His bill origi nally as Introducsd will be modified In some particulars to'make It provide for the several classes of settlers mentioned In the special report made last year by .Special Agent T. B,, Neuhausen of the Interior department '. - MADE IN OREGON MAT 1911 TO 26(21 --. t MOUNTINGS ALWAYS STAY ON Our Particular Optical Work bears testimony of thousands of satisfied patrons. Our list shows it and many more ar fceing added from day to day. KANTSEUU INVISIELE BIFOCAL LENSES $3.59 PAIR "None bettet even at a greater price." -A, &-C.-Feldenheim tr ' porner Third and Waahington (Streets , 1 Diamond Importers Silversmiths Manufacturing Jeweleri TWO ACCUSEDTHIEVES . ARRESTED AT BINGHAM JfSeHsl Dispatch" to The Jooraai.) -Pendleton. Or., May 12. Two, robbers were arrested near Bingham Springs station today on a charge of robbing section houses at North Fork and Huron yesterday afternoon. They were arrested' by Sheriff Taylor. The. robbers were found asleep just above the station at Bingham. One of them attempted to draw a pistol. However, the sheriff was quicker than .they and relieved them of their weapons and other plunder. Among the things found were . three pistols, watches, rssors, purses and a large amount of ammunition, much of which was stolen at Huron and North Fork-section houses.' The prisoners are 1 now in -the county jail awaiting trial. INDIAN SKELETONS ON OLD BATTLEFIELD (IpeeUl Wspstch to The JoarssM Bandon, Or., May 11. While workmen were excavating in the main street to day laying water pipe,, two skeletons were unearthed. One Is supposed to be that of an Indian, the other a white man. Tne present site of Bandon la on an old Indian battlefield and It Is no uncommon thing to uncover skeletons 'snd Indian relics wnen making excava- .n.. h KtilMlflVH. ' i ruttU ef Klsi lUu. Cottage Grove, Or., May II. The body t m1 M.jyie Hhlnn. who died In Port land recently, was shipped here yester day snd the .funeral took place today. Misa -flhlnn was well known here, and recently went to Portland In the employ Oi yam w, u. utnsni ( CREDIT FOR-r- YOUR . FRIENDS TOO I 1 M II II I V I f I mmm n to GOOD RLuCS' Sole Agento for Monarch Malleable Rangeo-The r .i - Rang WltH a Cafih Quarantee i ; - PRICES rARE RIGHT,. PAY-T MENTS ARE' LIGHT" 44-Piecc Scl $2.65 SPECIAL 6 Alt OlNNER;6ETS A 44-piece Dinner Set of white semi-porcelain, fancy patterns.. j Regular H50, thia week, the aet . fa.65 in Oregon" ; May 19:26 Are, You Prepared? 2500 Square Feet Added TO THE FLOOR SPACE OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT r-;.;- -'- - -:- last webe; more, room for tha display of our constantly increaaing atock of all that'a attractive, rellablo and aerviceable in tba lurnltnr line. Sa we' added an entire meizanlne floor in the north half of our atore. The volume of our buaineaa has indeed grown by leapa and bounds, and every customer we have added to the already large liat of regular purchaaera has reason to feel that thia ia "A Good Place to Trade." We want you to feel -the aame way, and with that purpose in view, we quote here : .. ' ' , '. This Week!s Special Inducements which, like all our goods and pricea, at all tlmea, will aUnd the teat of investigation and comparison. T;; 20c Mixing Bowls lie t-quart Mixing ,. Bowls of yel low earthen ' ware. Regu lar 10a This week special .....lie 25c Agate Frying Pn 17c Koval steei enamel ware -, Frying- Pans, Just the right - else for fry lng esrge for brealtxasT and any qulok aervtoa. Very durable. Reg ular 2Eo. Special thle week ....17o "Made in Oregon" May. 19-26 -ij-IsD - " We Are Preparing I vfl- MetalBed II M j "Sffcyijl - fk aiie, weir finuSedjn the follow- H v Jrftvft 1 ing colors: ' Maroon and gold; - wz- I "3? JT J lvl lights ordarkgreeit; and gold; - I laarCjj 29 3jC. "blueandg6ldrahd"cfeam and tirsG. A high-class bed, selling jj readily at : the; regular price "of: oravlad Reversible Art Rugs , annfadnrtr'. Cost II I i 'Here Is your opportunity to obtain-splendid Values at a price only possible under like conditions,--Tho manufacturers of whom the ruga were ordered did. not flll the order as. per Instruction We refused to accept them and after considerable correspondence be made a price sufficiently tempting for us to take them. We have Just removed them from the warehouse, where they were stored eub'eov to maker's orders, and are now offering quality ruga actually below our-otherwise regular cost price. :, . - , Moravian , Bevenrtble A, Bugs,, I244 Inchee; .regular-11.00.- tnis wees, wniio tney fQr last. These Rugs come aexeo-iaon Tk! regularLJ,0L ' This week, while they . last, each , r..$i.4o in attraettre patterns and wDl go raDldlv. therefore advise early shopping this week. We f Porch Furniture o- the eye aatiaf actory in aervice. tmexcelled in quality and style, and possessing evciy advantage to bo loiinn in aucft gooda at pricea that will move hundrcda of these-pieces thia week. For the Porch or Summer : ' Residence TVe are offering some splendid we- eoinhlnatlon suites. here one " exceDtlonally value, consisting of Quote good Folding Porch Settee $1.25 These settees are well made and fin' -Ished In attractive green, very dur able, yet light n weight; i feet JSx&aJ Tt! ,r ;25 : Settee, Arm Chair and Cocker They are made of maple, fin-' lahed light, red or green. Settee reed seat and bnek. - Arm chair and rocker, reed seats. Thia week, price per C f "J QO . suite of I plecee....P,;,yv Individual pieces can be had at their respective prices, Ire., set tee ea-ss, armchair at 93.40, rooksr at . - . y - Erdlnln, Stramrr fhiln .35 The frames are made of hard . maple. giving the chairs strength. They are adjustable to four positions and can be folded Into email space, 8 eat ' and back are one piece, made of heavy striped duck. A - handy article for the seaside or porch. Tou cannot beat thle if!?.". .n.T.h..7;-.TiT. ..ii 3S An Excellent Line of Harrimocksat Popular Prices ' hXx ri 1 iMv 5 UULS) We believe we have sold more haar-T mooks la the past three weeks than ay other two Bosses la the oity. We carry the tight lino from the lowest , prloed to the best possible makes. Ia our siscqon zor au ess. sow we eewm to have bit it right. We are therefore not surprised that those need of hammocks prefer, ours. " Xaaunooks without valines or ptnowf ' woven part measures C f - oaj a us. TV. a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 n n pi -- TTimmocTirwiTninwir?rnjiifr-M pillow; woven part measures 36x77: a serviceable and comfortable at f, AK hammock at " Hammocks with billow and wide val- .cossessina . auauur.. attractive- .j ness and everything reaulred ror comfort. An Ideal hammock-$2.50 I ...... ....!.,...,, ...... WINDOWS A splendid .line of hammocke Q Children's hammocks, excellently made and very attractive, aa well aa serv. iceaoia. Tne laeai nammoca ior ins baby. . -Splendid value $4.25 Half-DollarlYalues 25c We havj just unpacked 2S6 more pf - those cuspidors In cobalt blue and gold which we offered last Friday and Saturday. -- They are very attractive and serviceable. Worth too any- or. where. This week special Refrterator qulrers, Inspect ouir line. Refrigerators at all prices; yet, .quality, eta, considered, always lower than vise where. 43ofGaivanicd Pail$48c An unlimited quantity of .this useful article has Just been received and they ere worth the regular price of 30c , The 14 -quart else. For this o week special.. DEADLOCK OVER QUESTION OF TYPE OF. CAHAL Five for 8a-Level and Same Number for Lock Is Vote of the Committee. - - ' (SoeHsl Mspsteh by Uesed Wire to The Jearaal) Washington, May II. The committee on Interooean canals la in a deadlock on tK. aueation of the type of canal to be recommended. The question was takerrt up today, and the. vote showed five tor sea-level canal and five for the lock type recommended by the minority of the board of consulting engineers. There were two abssntees. Senators Oorman and Carmack. The latter telegraphed from Tenneasee. Instructing the chair man to count his vote for the sea-level type, which would have made a majority r.lnst the lock, csnal desired by . the administration. . After wrangling for. an hour over the- question of accepting the Vote of Senator Carmack, the com mittee adjourned until Wednesday next. There are three types of plans before the committee. Only two of these are being considered seriously, the sea-level canal, Indoreed by the majority of the board of consulting engineers, and the lock type referred to, which is Indorsed by, the administration, The third plan Is the Morgan type, which practically has been rejected by the committee. . 'Olympla '(Rrclsl ntspstcb o Tbs loorssl.) Olympla. Wash., May 12. Bhort-tlma options on Olympla resl estate are being leecured by Seattle parties. ' DR. B. E. WRIQHT PRETTY FACE, PLUMP CHEEKS, GOOD - r HEALTH, PLEASANT SMILE flEAN GOOD TEETH It ia just as easy to have pretty, serviceable teeth as a -mouth filled with stumps that -cannot chew your food properly. Indigestion and kindred evils are the result of bad teeth.. A little care and the services of a scientific, dentist from time to time will work wonders with your teeth and - general appearance. The - dentist -should -possess the greatest skill, all modern appliances and an ; unlimited jmountopatlcnceaAd these requisites are at your disposal at this office, and if it is your first visit to a strictly modern dental office, you will be surprised and delighted at the ease and freedom from pain with ..which every operation is-performed. DON'T WAIT, DO IT NOW r. DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST ' t4 WAsraraTOsT iTun, oomirxa urstTK ' . Offloe Hours i S a. m. to p. m.Ttan- to SiSO p. m. Sttadaya) t tel. raeae Itaia Silt. PRESIDENT OF MEXICAN RAILROAD AT MEDF0FTD .' (fneclitl TMspstpfe .to Tbe JoersslT ' Medfordr-Or.. May XI. A. A. Robfii een. president of the MesJcasv CeaUat railway, Is at Medfsrd In Ms private oaf, direct from bis home at Topeka, Kansas, visiting Med ford friends, accompanied by bis family.. He Jalourtng tha north west for the benefit of his daughter's healtlL-Arid will remain In Medford an other dayt4le-nnthuslastlo In his praise of the Rogue JfttvvrvaUey, which baa developed wonderfully since his laat visit here, especially In the orchard line. . ' Miss Oldna Okt Mr. Rssbe, this Is so mJ. essi , Toe sunt (Its roe time to consider. ' Mr. Rsshe Tee er yoa hivea't ' nach ts sperej have roal r---r