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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1906)
V .... - V .? - lev "4v THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND' . SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 13, is:i - v . ... - ; : 1 ' 'HERE have bean a numbtr or things to occupy the mind 01 -ooiety devote es- -during th irTO farther w . past the roof readily dol soclet rd on . again it robe o galety.Thouih the pall bu not been entirely removed and alt arc still Interested In aiding the un fortunate, the fact that Immediate help e not bo urgent and the entire, sacrifice ' of one's time not necessary give room ' for brlrhter . thouahts. A number of guests from Out of town have been the center of entertaining the past .week, - and an effort la being made to entertain T.the Calif ornlana that they may forget their awful experiences. Miss Ball of San Francisco, Miss Ball of Berkeley r and Miss Brown of Oakand are three Calif ornlana, who have been much en. i tertained. ' ' The new Interest In Mr. Flynn' health talks and the proposed crusade In thlr favor am one the people of the city has ' . enlisted a' large and varied assortment of oeoDle. Foremost, among those In the campaign are the society matrons. Thursday afternoon an Invited company ' met at th home of Mrs. K. W. Corbett ' to hear the matter discussed and -the 1 next day at Mrs. William Ladd's home. , : J4ext week a number- of other homes will be open far these lectures, among ; them Mrs. A. K. Rockey s, The Ball-Whalley wedding Tuesday ' even Ins- was easily the leading social .occurrence of the week. Several small luiwheqrte and dinners were given fee amaJL The Burrell dance will be a leading event this weejr. The Bern ; ; - nardt productions called dot fashionable assemblages and many prominent out- eT town guests vfre hrt f ttnflancs. : W moat prominent event In society i .laat week, was . tbt marriage ..of Miss ' Charlotte Whalley -and Bert (Charles "Ball, at I o'clock last Tuesday evening. One of the most fashionable assemblies -"-of the -year gathered: at St. Stephen's -chapel, -whinh-waa-inassed with snow oaus ior. , ina ... occasion.. no v.- a... at. Ramsey read the ceremony and Carl Denton, organist of Trinity church, played the wedding march. - - : The usher were Edward OrHe, TenryTealT Whalley'Wataon ana Henry Connor. - As the Lohengnn bridal hymn ; wee playedthey preceded the wedding party to the altar. The bridesmaids. Miss Helen Eaatham and Mlaa Katharine ' BalL the brldegroom'a sister from Berkeley, followed them, and the matron afhonor. Mrav-gtapfaon Applabv-oi coma preceded the bride. The bride's gown was an elegant Chinese satin bro " cade trimmed with tulle and lace. Her ll long-yell., reachrigL.tOJlha-JIn.: ofL ber ' .; train, wag caught to :. her,, hair.-: with -orange blossoms and she carried an ex ejuialte bouquet of lilies of the valley and fern. She was given In marriage .by ber mother. Mrs. Lavlnls Whalley, Mrs. Appleby, who was married In Ta- . coma a few . weeks ago , with . Visa ; Whalley as maid of honor,, wore pink ', chiffon voile over pink silk and carried a shower or pink Bridesmaid rosea The two.,JrldoinUs were in dainty gowns of whKe boblnet over pink silk and carried Bridesmaid roses. John - - - carson attended the Driaeirooro. Among the family party were the bride's three sisters, Mrs. William' T, , Wuir. Mrs. X. Frank Watson .and Mrs. Herbert Huson. A reception followed at the family residence at 191 West , Park for the relatives and a few lm- - mediate friends. The home waa deco rated with pink flowering hawthorns ; and pink and white , roses. Pouring tea In the dining-room at a table decked ' with Bride roses, were Mrs. Donald Mo- r.Kay, Mrs. P. FJ Morey, Mrs. Curtis Strong and Mrs. Charles F. Bee be. Mrs. " Whalley in black silk trimmed with white. hndlauJrecTed.-jUaest4 irs- Mulr. .wore, yellow brocage -sin . Mrs. Watson whits silk with lavendar r L garnitures and Mm. Huson black lace. Moat of the guests at the wedding were gowned decollete. Mr. and. MraB&U left-foe A-weddlngl c trip with their destination unknown to 4r: their Trlends."Tney will be at home after June J at their Bewomn.JUl. Fourteenth and Harrison streets. . Ttieie ha been much entertalntng f Of 1 the bride since the announcement of her engagement last f alL She has for a - long time been one of the most popular girls la the younger set. , ;. Mrs, - Ella E. Steel entertained at ;' luncheon Friday noon In honor of her : eon, Luther F. Steel, who left the same evening for Salt Lake City, where he is to be married next Tuesday to Miss ' Mary Talbott Of that city. The luncheon party waa made up largely of those who accompanied the bridegroom to his wed- ding. Red -rosea were -used In decora- ' , tloa In the reception-room; and In the dining-room white rosea were on the table. Pretty service and a tempting menu helped make the occasion a de- : llghtful one. Besides Mr. Steel and his . mother, there were present Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wick. Dr. William Wick, Dr. and Mrs. Alan -Welch Smith. Mr. and-Mra W. W. Cotton and Mrs. Collins-wood. The Cottons and Mrs. Collins-wood will bs -guests at the wedding and Dr. Wick .will be best man. Miss Anna-yPInley. r who Is to be the maid of honor, left the week before. Miss Talbott's father was formerly pastor of Taylor Street Metho dist church and went to Salt-Lake City to take charge of the mission work of ,rtah, V.,, - - . - i 1 w r The dance given by the Rosartan club of the Dominican -church at the Irvlng- : r-ton -club last 'Thursday evening .was a rt success. AboytjIOO were In st- - tendance and all were, lavish In their 'praises of the beauty" Of the "nail and ; the hospitality of the young hostessea Th room was decorated chiefly In pale ; r blue and white, the club colors, and the - huge fireplaces were filled with large bunches ; of snowballs and dogwood. ' Punch waa served from an Inviting Book on the verandah. The patronesses for the evening were Mrs. Marcus J. Dela- - hunt, Mrs. H. A Moser, Mrs. T. J. King and Mrs.. 3. J. Sharkey. The girls form- " " ing the. committee on general arrange merits for the dance were Miss Eleanor Moore. Miss Alice Healy. Miss Minnie Shetland. Miss. Anna Smith. Miss Kate fnlllnan, Mies Mae Smith, Miss Nellie Tip sndWUrttninjt Hlf rns. . : . - - Miss Florenre Virginia Holllster en tertained 10 of her friends with a danc ing party Saturday evening at Larowe hall In honor of her sixteenth birthday, tier gneets were Catharine ,0Hara. Laura Korell, Anita Bennett,. Mildred Fuller, Mildred Orlndstaff. Edna Bus sell, Janet Noble, Sadie Jackson. Martha ds Barolaa. Marguerite -Bchwah. Oer. aldlne Coureen, Derethy Newhall. Lfl. Hams, Louise Qleaaoiu Kennra Kloster- tmaffnT t?retcben ". Klssterman, Blumauer. Margaret Bates, Frank Kor ell, BUI - Huggins. Walter Gleason, Oeorge Stanley. Jack Alexander,- Ken neth McAlpln,. Harold' Tucker, Roland Chapman, Harlow Moore, Colvllle Klch oson. Ronald Maokensle, 'Arthur Nlo olaL Rcbert Davis, Julian Hughes. Hen ry, Buchner,- Owen Summers, Arthur Oeiury. Charles Dunham, Cormls Buck ley. Harold Buckley, Otto Mattern. Ed ward Ewsthara.. Tom 'Word Jr., Fred Krlbba. Harry Van Zandt, Lswls Thomp son and Otta Bradley. . . A very eneeeeaful shirt waist dancing party was given .by "Misses Myrtle B. Long, and .Anna O. Long. Thursday evening at Artisans' new. halU The partyoonslsted Of 10 . couplea The young women looked very attractive In their dainty , white shirt . waist suits, aB44h. me a..wore white--ahlrt.walats and duck trousers. The decorations consisted of palms 'and streamers of red crepe se Ber and shaded lights. presented s, vary picturesque scene Rt f reshments were srved tn - th Teceptlon room, which was decorated with pink crepe paper and palms. The program consisted of 18 numbers, music being furnished by Everest's orchestra, and every number waa thoroughly enjoyed. Ths patronesses were Mrs. A. Newby and Mrs. E. Long.- Those present were: Misses Anna V. Newbv. Virginia D. Newby. Edith Burn. L. Gates, Carrie Mankerts, Amy Church ley, Tot Taggrt Margaret McNeil. Net tle Hogsett, Edith Stan 1. Mysle Sharp, Muriel Bonneau. Mary- Sharkey, Minnie Hand. Mary Hand. Dora Bonneau, Jean Dunbar. Mary Scott. Helen Byrne, Mol ly Fltsgerald. Helen Bradley, Tessle Howard. Nina Thomas. Helen Bradbury, Vernon Gradon. E. Mankerts, M. Meyer, Rosa 8chrowder. Ollle Shannon: C. V. Crawford, H. B. Williams, Herman Hlngley, H. Hucke, W, I.. Jamison, Jack Adams, Oeorge Hargia, Ed McCabe, Victor Balentine, Ray Mead. Oscar Ol sen, Walter Bcott, Pete Barrett, Oeorge Dixon. Will Scott, Oeorge Keller. Joe McMahon, Ed Bonneau, George Sharkey, R. F. Wlcklund. M. Howard, Mr.-Allen, Lloyd French. Mr. Hall, Mr. Owens. Mr. Holowell, WlUls Vinson, RudoIpTi Vler guts, Chester Peterson. H. E. Burroughs uiri neorsre M. Allen. r-v- Mra' J.'C."taiIot Klng SnfertaJfie Ihe Pan-Hellenic society Friday afternoon at ber MountTabor noma, the rooms were decorated -with snowballs and ori ental popples. ' The afternoon . waa passed Informally with' faneywork and chat, and Miss lienors wituams sang and Miss Ooddard gave a reading. The members of - the society.- all of whom have been members of college sororities, are Mrs. R. L, Donald. Mlsa Jessie Ood dard, Mrsr-L. H. -Plnkham, Mrs. R, A. Letter, Mrs. J. B-- Kerr. Miss Elisabeth Sears, Miss Wood Johnson, Mrs. Otis Wight the Misses Fargo, Mrs. Tucker, Mrs. Alan Welch Smith. Mra Frank B. Riley, Miss Delaney. Miss - Alice Ben son, Miss Tower, Mra Oeorge Haskell Marsh. Mra. Arthur Cully, Mrs. MoVay, Miss Lenore Williams, Mlaa Nellie Wll Hams. Miss Florence Klehle and Mrs. XMF r : Mrs. Sanderson Reed la now the guest of her cousin, Mra Walter B. Tyler of Third avenue and West Adams' street In. Los Angelea . Mrs. Tyler4 has Issued Invitations for a tea In ber honor Wed - nesdsy afternoon. The Los . Aaralea aLssassssssssssssssssWMsssslsai , - . , f . t. - . ' ' ' L. :. - I r-vVrt t . - - W " ! 't .:; 1 - L. ""aft ..--u' I 1 -. v -A V ; JL ;;v c : ' F vfi;ft I vfi 5: ; "5 : ViS V5 :M4f0fl'rr' ; 1 '') Vp?-VVVV?ifi'" VVriiV 1 "v F - 1 'r V v f --' . ' - ',... . : . -ZL, , -. MiJEteOLJlftliiftinpr Z ' - - Times gives 'Mrs. Reed complimentary mention In the following terms: "Mrs. Reed spent her girlhood In this city and will be well remembered as Miss Lu bell Felt, who waa one of the popular Tr'0-111- J1 ter'or'MlBs ClagTs FelL whs lives here wllR her aunt. Miss Gibbon. Mrs.ReeI and her many friends Will be glad to welcome them bothj. The appearance of Mlsa Flora Flelsoh- ner In recital program last week with Miss Anna Dick was the occasion' of much congratulation among her young friends, a large number ' of whom at tended. ' Miss Fletsohner ' Is extremely popular among the young- people and Is the - leader of ber set. ' She entertains much and Is a favorite with her guests aa well as with many of the -older host essea Her voloe la sweet and she. Is often invited to sing for her friends. A party or those who will attend the Steele-Talbot wedding In Salt Lake City left last evening on a private car. They will arrive at the Talbot home In Mon day morning in time for ne bridal dln- aes In. the eventngevnd w4H--ettewd-tho4 wedding ine nexj vening. ALUlt iUI moment Mra -Alan Welch Smith joined uiuuivui jaaim. -awu , sn. 11 diiiiui JV1IWU 1 - ' ' . . t i mmiuou the paity whluli was maaeupofMrrTtns'. Mr. "and Mrs. F. A. Henry. Mr. and I am W. W. Wlck- and Dr. William Wick, The party will return Immediately after the marriage.-The bride and groom will go tn a roundabout way touting the Toaemlte valley before their return. - Mra Edward Baldwin who has re cently gone Into the Hopkins house. entertained with a luncheon at the golf links Wednesday for Miss Katharine Brown of Oakland, who la visiting Mra Walter Burrell. Bridge followed the luncheon. 'Covers were laid for II, and besides - Mrs. -Baldwin - and - the honor guest there were Mrs. Burrell, .Mrs. Wesley Ladd, Miss Susls Stott, Mra Charles E. Chenery, Mrs. - Morton Ins ley, Miss Montgomery, Mrs. Whitney L. Boise, Miss Josephl, Miss Heltshtt and Mrs. John Kollock. . . 1 . . 1 ; .. ' Mr." and Mra. F. S. Stanleyreturned the latter part of the week accompanied by Mr Stanley's father. L. C. Stanley, who will apend the summer with them here. The pleasure party which started.) ouc in xne uurien private car about two months ego met rather a disastrous ending. -The Stanleya were called away from the party while la Texas by the death of Mr. Stanleys mother at Chip pewa Falls, Wisconsin and -ths remain derlof the party reached San Francisco the night before the earthquake. 1, Miss Brown sad Miss Bull of San Francisco were the honor guests of Miss May Montgomery at a unique ob servatnry luncheon, given high In the air at the observatory on Portland Helghta Frldayi There were covers for IS, and at bridge afterward Mlsa Bull won the prise. - The other guests were Mra Walter Burrell. Miss Lewis. Miss Flanders,- Miss Louis s Flanders, Mlsa Orace "Warren, Mlaa Effie and Claire Houghton, Mlaa Has el Dolph and Miss ?-v v-w. - ; v . A pretty Informal affair of a week ago was ths flvs hundred party given by Miss Floranoe Walrath in honor of Mrs. Oeorge Delawan Peter,- one of the! spring brides. The occasion area 1 to introduce her to the Irvlngton peo ple who are to be her neighbors when she goes to her new borne on Broad way. In July.. Miss Margaret O'Connor won the prise. ',A dainty luncheon was sorted at the card tables. - W , Mrs, J. O. Alnswortb. entertained at dinner Thursday evening la honor of Mr. Aekerman of New Tork. Mr. Ack ermaa eame out to look ever San Fran cisco with Richard Pease of that city and Is spending a few days tn Portland. Mr. Aekerman and ,Mr, Pease spend their summers In Portland quite often. Mrs. AlnswortVs"gueets lesldei Aekerman and Mr. Pease' were Mr. and Mrs. John Shepard. Miss Hoyt, Miss Flanders and Mr. Alnsworth, ..--. r Mrs. - Charles Chenery - entertained her bridge club last week. There waa an extra table of friends Including Miss Katharine Ball, who is visiting here from Berkeley, and came p to attend her brother's wedding. Mlsa Ball waa the guest of Mrs. P. F. Morey at ber summer borne at Oswego ths latter part of the week.. ....- '' ' - Mrs. Ernest Laldlaw was the prise winner at the meeting of her bridge club last week. The members are Mra Otis Wight, Mrs. R. A. Letter, Mra Hugh Laldlaw, Mrs. Frank Branch Ri ley, Mra Walter Dole. Mrs. R. J. Chip man. ..Mrs. Oordoa Faddea and Mra. Ernest Laldlaw. ... . , " The Misses Effie and Claire Hough ton are - guests of their coneln, Mrs. Worier-ida-thia week. Mr. Ladd Is XaecteftalBot.-Frl4ay -though - she baa not yet made known the nature 01 spending the spring and summer at Hood River. - , , . , h;t.-: . Mra Edward Beathe Brooke enter tained at dinner at the golf links Wed nesday in honor of Henry Brooks of New Tork. Her guests were - Mr.- and Mrs. Robert Lewis, Mr. and Mra Stew art B. Linthloum, Miss Nan' Wood, and Scott Brooke.. - . v.--7-:'. - Mrs. Walter SureU has issued Invi tations for a dance next Thursday In honor of her guest. Miss .Xathertbe Brown, of Oakland. . ...iL . . ." . ' : Mrs. Arthur C Mlnott entertained ber bridge club last Monday. eaawsawspas "I EVENTS OF THE WEEK - The reception given by the Ladies' Aid society of" Calvary Presbyterian church Friday-evening In honor of Dr. and Mra Ben-Exra Stiles Ely, the new pastor and his wife, was very largely attended by the prominent pastors of the city aitd member of the church and congregation. The reception waa given were aecorarea wnn wtij noren ori the season. Dr. and. Mrs: Ely received at the door, John -vBaln and Mlas Margaret Smith introducing them. The program Included - short welcomes by and Dr. J. Whltcomb Broughe.,fer the ministry or Portland. Additional re marks were made t Rew M. L Boozer,' a former member of Dr. Ely's congrega tion In hie church at Rockford, Illinois,. end by Drr E. - L. House. Mra Mae Dearborn Schwab and Mra-Lulu Dahl Miller sang pleasingly and were heartily. encored, and -the Portland: Male .quartet also gave numbers. Refreshments were - served In the dining-room! where a tabte was ar ranged in the form of a crosa In the center waa .a hu ge bowl f' wild roses and at the ends of the erossplece were plnk aweetpeas.ServrnF'Ices her were Mrs. F. U Fuller. Mrs. F. L Ball. Mra. Fabian Byerley and Mrs. Carrie Remmer. The young women of the church assisted In serving. ; . . j -. . The Illinois Study club met Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. Florence Sulli van at 547 Third street. The sublect for ThtTday wis Trances "WlUerd,' and Pr, , Lm a. jonnson, wno naa charge of the program, read a short sketch of her life and gave personal reminiscences. Mrs. Hlmes and - Dr.- Johnson read-;lha speeches of acceptance of Miss Wll lard's statue- when -presented to the United States senate and the house- of representative.- Marie C Brehm'a tribute to Miss Willard was read by Mrs. Nlna Larowe. - Mlsa-Irene lyna sang three songs, "My Aln Folk." "The Little Irish Olrl" and "Japanese Love Song." "Miss Ztporah Harris gave two violin solos, a Mosart sonata and "Mlgnon" (Ambrose Thomas). Mrs. Oliver Thornton played a piano solo and also the accompani ments for the slngera The next meet ing, Wednesday, May II, will be at the home of Mrs. W,. C. Jones on Bain street -and will be the last meeting of the year. At last week's meeting the absence of the president. Mra M. E. Worrell, waa much commented on as It was the first meeting shs had missed. ... f- Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Roberdtng of 110 Esst Fourteenth st reetnorthln..WQOd4 raTr,i- .eniertainejiapuniaerttttelr- irienas Hunosy m honor of the birthday of the their daughter Helen. Mrs, Fred A. Frlschkorn waa another honor guest. The afternoon and evening were passed pleasantly -with ramesl and music. A supper -wesv served by -the hostess. The guests present were-Mrand Mrs, Fred Frlschkorn, Mr. and Mrs. W M-Robard. rfcJJJudaMr.: and Mrs. Mid. T . Mr. and- Mrs. Oeorge Sheas, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bohmldt, Miss Helen Roberdtng, Mlsa Bertha Duda, .Miss Louise Hurlaux. Miss Josie Mickey, Miss - Betty Schmidt, Rufus Sealblnder. Eugene Hurlaux, P. Duda. Walter Schmidt, W, Roberdtng and M. Dolen. ; Mrs. Charlee H. Fanington'a mnstcal kindergarten appeared In, class be fort their mothers and friends at H Broad way Monday at 4 o'clock. The Bur row's method . was pleasingly demon strated In song and drill and the follow ing piano numbers rendered: . "Poor Robin Is Dead" Ellsworth) Margarita Burrell; "In the Month of May" (Francois Behr). Raymond Buck ley; "Goodnight, Mamma" (Ellsworth), Margaret De Bols; "Merry Butterflies,'' "Going to School," "The Robin's Song," "Boat Song." "Sprlngtlms" (Ellsworth). Margaret Snott; "Fitter. Patter, Come the Rain Drops," "The Clock," "The Cuckoo," 'The Three Bears," "Valse" (Ellsworth), Mary Cellars. ' - w ' The Sewing club of Ltncoln-Oerfteld corps met with Mra,. Freda Luscher In South' Portland -Tuesday. . The attend ance was good. -Mrs.- Williams, presi dent, called the members to order on a matter of spec ha business.' A special general order had been received . from the department president, Mra . Jennie B. Harding Of Oregon City, requesting aid for the order In San Francisco. The corps generously .responded and -voted tlO to be sent Immediately, the most of It being from the proceed! of the semi monthly Sewing club. Mra Luscher aerved luncheon at I o'clock. There was Instrumental and vocal muslo by way of entertainment. , - One of the earliest plonle luncheons Of the season was given In the woods on Portland Heights Wednesday even ing. Miss Ella Wllborn and ths Misses Mercy and Beulah Cameron were the hostesses for ths evening and they took about It guests out on th car and spread an early snpper under the treea On thels retur the bora of Mlas Wllborn for an even Ing of muslo. A pleasing reception tendered the new members of St. James' English Lutheran church last Wednesday evening was en Joyed by a large number of members and friend of the church, . The recap- x - r Ladies ; fjfl 7 7 ? '? r Womaivfl :,0utfitter8 'ML ..:.;Stl:;;. LcaJmg 'iJ,t' " ' Fourik anJ. Furriers. p T TT""" Morrison Sts EXTRA SPECI TAILOR-MAD Tan Covert and Mixtures, this spring season's Jackets? values -up to $7.00. r- " , CO QQ jmarTQw nnly On display in twirtuit featurea lit, style and wear most women say there Is no corset like the RAO. The Tapering Waist models give the new, stylish, rounded contour which vlll be ahown in the gown of every ' well-dressed woman this spring. See the R O "Waferl" Corset, xor wear wun ojwnwwif-nwv tioh-room waa jjrettily deoorated by the youn women-. ot , the- churota and-Pr Keefer, the musical director, arranged r. Interestlna musical and literary pro gram. The hew inemberV were welcomed by the pasiorr ana me -mwr-rw Mrs. P. A. 8 pence entertained at ber home. fIS Eaat Stark -street. Friday afternoon for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid society of the Third Presbyterian ehurcb. Assisting her were Mra Ltndsley, Mra Blngls. Mr. Oalbraith, Mrs. Corbln. Mlas Corbla. Mrs. Ewlng and Mrs. Benef iel. There were decora tions of white syrlnga, roses and Ore gon grape. Muslo- and refreshments passed ths time pleasantly. About 79 guests attended and a goodly sum was netted for- the society. - r WEDDINGS. A quiet bom wedding took place at ths bom of th bride' parents, corner of Thnrmaa and Nineteenth streets., on the afternoon of Thursday. May 11, jwhen Frank XJelavan Of Walla Walla, Wash ington, and Hiss Rose P. Palmer ware united In marriage. - Rev. H- Charles Punsmore performed the ceremony, in the presence of a few Invited guests. Intimate friends of the contracting -par-tiea. Mr. and Mra. Del even left on the train the same evening for their home la Walla-Walla. : Miss Estella Harvey and Charles Her bert Bchritt were married at the United Brethren manse Saturday, May t, by H.-C- Shaffer. Mlaa-Mary A.Schrttt, sister of the bridegroom, was ths brides maid and P. T. Clapper was the best man. Mr. and MYs. Schrlt will reside at Arcner rtaca.' .-. , '-. i, The wedding of Mis Beaya R. Smith and Charles R. Cook took place Tues day afternoon at 171 College street. Rev. Henry A. Barden officiating. 'The bride groom live In th city and th bride' home If Hv mile weaf of town, where they were received by their ftlende m th vnlng. . j run C. Poole of this city and William O. Kegler of Sealtie were mar- Professor Spitzner8 Recital. The Spltsner phllharmonlo fiocfty will aive a recital Mar It at the Holllg theatre; orchestra of Id pieces, quartets. trio and solo. - . (3 Utr- V".''TV-'V I tfi On Our Second Floor FOR THREE DAYS ONLY T: ailor Made' Suits Catchy. Sprine styles of 1906, fvqnisire ; values uu tu . Monday. Tuesday and I ' On Our Second Floor . ' FOR, THREE DAYS ONLY nnintf Tailor Made .This.means our new. Eton Suits, Fitting Suits, in fact all our rtew : $23.00.- Monday Tuesday. : and .Wednesday .-iiA ..... On Our . Third -Floor -FOR. MONDAY ONLY COATS riui FA4lZ our Fourth Street ..'Window. rTL. - On - Our - First - FOR MONDAY Stunnind- Street and Dress ttThe prettiest new effects that hare1eerrshownlo far this season will ' be included in A A aq this sale;valsLjip to$12. Tomorrow. 4)4et0' On 4ispTay in oufTilotrison Now Is In our cold etain color, rled Monday, May 1. in SeatU by Rev. FLWharton. ( . ' i MUSICAL NOTES. .An enjoyable musical affair was the evening recital tnusloale given by Miss Kathryne Llnehan, at. ber home, 411 Third street, in which she preeented ber pupil in piano and voloe. About 0 of the parenta and friend of th chUdren were Invited, and the program waa much enjoyed. ' Th house waa decorated pret tily for the occasion with pink rose and eweetbrler, and fern and rose were In th dining room, wber punch waa-served after, the program. - Misses Llna and Stella Llnehan and Miss Line ley. Morton assisted. . Each of -the per formers on the program waa presented with on of th original compositions of their teacher. Th following program was given: . Duet, (a) "Nanon." (b "My Mamma's Walts" (Streabog). Ruby McKay and Maple Robtnaon; "Journey to Elfland" (Krogmann). Gene Bpenoer; "On ths Shore" (Neldltnger), Mlaa Bessie Brled well; "Dorothy" (old English dance) (Seymour-Smith), Maple Robinson; "Rustlo Dance" (Howell). Ruby McKay; "Hush,- Little One" (Bevignanl). Mlas Myrtle Boston; "Barchetta" (Navln), Vera Hall; "Second Valse" (Ooddard), Mlaa Penney; (a) "Drink to Me Only With Tnlne Eyea' (Old English). ..(b) "Song of a Heart" (Tunfson), Jesse M. Mlchaelr-7-TTayeF From Roalnnr Otel lo". (Strakaeoh). Mays Frost: "Zug der Zwelga". (Orelg), Edna - Russell; -fa) "Hoffnung" (Louis Relohart), (b) "May Morning" (Dsnsi).Mlss Bertha Cronns; duet. "Dance Afrtcaino (John Francis Ollder), Misses Edythe and Ethelwynn Biiatowt a) "Allah" (Chadwlck). (b) -The Lass With ths Delicate Air" (Dr.' Thomas Arne), Mlsa Leona flan sum; "Sonata Pathatlqu" Beethoven), Edna Russell. .. The moat prominent and successful musical event In Albany took place Wed nesday evening In the United Presby terian ehuroh, that being the occasion of the opening recital of the S. O. Irv ine, D. D memorial organ. The Urge auditorium ef the ehurch was filled by tn-nTOWIC"-10Tlnr puollfl ofTAlbahy, who were highly pleased wtta the excellent program rendered. The - program was selsot, ths recital being by Carl Denton, organist and choir director of the Trin ity Episcopal church, of PorUand,-assisted by Mra E. W. Langdon, soprano of Albany and John Claire Montleth, fearlton of Portland. - -Each number was jT I .. E in novelty materials, u fen-rTT .p j D t R A Made Suits Pony. SuitsNTightz: suits ; values up to v . S" '7tL' JL Oe L O - Floot - ONLY I A L ' .-1 S. Hats Street Window. tte Time to Store -FURS -7'" storage vaults they keep lxt$x??: and life; constant attention- keeps themTreefrominothsf Remodeling and repairing 'of furs at greatly reduced prices. Any fur garment remodeled dur- ... ing summer. ' ' ' '.. Stored Free of Ckarge TVl iacie m Oregon LARGEST COLLEC- " " flON OF 0MERITA1L And Crpti ever shown In our tor. t; , Som very rara plecea are anions thenuv : They will bs on exhibition all this week. ATIYEDBROS. 411 Washington. SL : Tel. Main S060. yet' 10th n4 lltb. WEDDING AND VI5ITINO CARDS swaasassswasMsssssBesseaBsssssssaaassssBwas V.G. SMITHS Co; Washlagton Butldlnr Webber's Studio ManilnUa, Binle. flnllse lenlirn lluii suing for reeeptloas. ' Ar-nt (at Olbeoa tnitollna. ITS Alder. Kala VS. - heartily, received and encore wer will ingly responded to, , , . , . Dr. 8. O. Irvine, deceased, ' In whoa memory th organ -era 4 Installed and In- Continued en Pag Seventeen.)