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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1906)
;. ' L 1 THE OREGON ' SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. MAY.' 11, 1CC3. T ' i", - 4- JG0F DEVOTEES SMPPECTHftE DISeUSSfflfeArFAYORITE DRIVE H. C. Bowers and Will '; iam Castleman, Fol v lowers of the Festive BalLHave. Each Won a Match in Their Golf Competition - Th fin weatbsr of ths peat few week bis caused th golf anthuslasts r turn out 1n numtwn tcr punus their favorite - sport In -chasing th . elusive Ths qualify Ins- rounds for ths spring - : tournament were completed last wee and ths knockout competitions . began yesterday. . . --' - Ths Waverly links are the most plo "turesqu In the west and afford ths golfers ver opportunity for following . their sport. jr" Everysesson atwaverly brings Its 7 Incidents, peculiar games,' odd matches j and noted game. ThU-season M not " far under way until two - well-known ' devotees of the ancient game, H. C Bowers . and William Castleman, "dls-r- puted each other's Ability in driving ths festive sphere. Mr. Castleman -admitted Mr.. Bowers' eminent superiority ss a . high-grade hotel host, and in turn, Mr. Bowers acknowledged that Mr. CseUe ' ; man had few. If any, peers In ths realms , frequented by tenor singers. Both sre ' true - statements. Mr. Bowers la too " well known to- require a. reference even 1 In a gulf gams. .-Mr; Castleman has- been --tir Portland about it montha.-hsv .0 Ing come here for his health. Those who know htm Intimately and they are '. few can testify to his ability as a - , singer. His Superiors In ths world are - few. and ths few are famous. . i ' But this la getting away from the golf match, f Mr. .Castleman challenged Mr. Bowers. Ha was accepted. The first ' gams was In On at toman's rarefi The second match favored Bowers, lecTdaurTiig . 1 " men's convention In this city .In Juner- . While ths result of the coming match -.1lB-,hasd tn-conjeeture; -there are warn ber- -of golf era who are not afraid to venture the opinion that Bowera ought , to turn up the victor. Ths reasons are AUTO GOSSIP OF Congressman Hearst .Has. Pur . ; chased Thorras Iyer for r: Work in San Francisco. , AMERICANS USINO " IT LOCAL MACHINES ABROAD '. Percy -Pierce Only Representative of . This . Country in , j International Races In Europe, Sailed Last Wees Brief Items of the Tracks. j unt.or tti iit purchasers of a Thomas "Flyer" In New York Is William Randolph Hearst. Mr. Hearst wished a car. as he expressed it, "reliable and fsst and capable of the great amount of work I want to do In San Francisco." Accordingly Mr. Hearst ordsred a ' Thomas and tt will be - shipped to ths coast. " , - - - Tf A tt ypracl tcal-rnertr" 16 iuchan affair as ths two-gallon test of the J . Automobile Club of America Is that It eluilsr dr.b'trs .tnthe. ways.of econo- mixlngfucl.' This knowledge. Is useful ometimes when there Is but very little left to carry a car to the neat piaoe of upply. . - . " , - v One virtue that surf beach racing has is -that of Introducing new .bloOd -Into the game, for men will venture to drive Ljat spe et .pn the packed andjOfth asa- -sTftfi w Iro would not' Qnterfor w track -r-.raoa, I. R.; Bristol, who won the tour . Ing car -championship at the Atlantic City, tournament with the 40-41 Great ; Arrow, and beat oat both domestic and foreign cars of high horsepower. Is a prominent restauranteur of New Tork ' and a newcomer In ths sport He drove . his maldan race at Ormond. With plenty of beach racing there Is apt to be plenty of high-class amateur sport --)..- ' ' It Is believed by those who saw It perform on the beach at Atlantic City. .; that the special front-driving racer of Walter Christie is capabla of doing a ' jinlle In 10 seconds, under favorable clr ' cumetances. j ;-.. ' . a'''' v " ,e r r -'::-"." . ' Crsnk shafts and axles are the auto ' mobile parts requiring the largest time to perfect and the number1, of these It 1s posstbls to turn out In a 'plant every -week Is generally what limits th. out ' ' 1ut . . . 6--- ' " Th ttirnc6f th tide senms to be at Jiand. While European touring has been " Steadily Increasing among the automo blllsts of this country, American ears " nsv not been f smttlsr sights on ' for eign roads. Except In the cases of men Identified with the Industry, nesrly all those making Irtng trips abroad havs CoastipdLted? To be cojnpletely cured of Con- ifixttiom and the countless cornpll- cations it causes Seltzer Aperient An effervescent laxative, which , establishes regularity,1 cures heart burn, biliousness, etc. "j .. ' , Sixty year of . cures. , At year drerfflets r . , bysisillroai T Tarrant Co, 44 Heaeea Btiwa . Mew gerk S3HEG0ll(ITRY- Take Tarrant A I... sV H. C. Bowers and William CasUeman, Qolf Devotees, Srupped While Dis- sjMSBKaaWkSBtaKsaaau(ww -it- i t ti -m naj-a- -rsnr" mmyis wswsr a. i nm kwmmmtmmm''''1 . .... ..... CussInsrTbeiFMigouTaitcfc : -tt- real ability to handle a a not the term most generall y understood outside of golf circles will make him master of tn situation, Cattleman will risk his -repntae.'JH uu"-ths "teo'ti' whatever that means.- In the last gams Castleman used Allen Wright's dubs. been prone to use foreign cars. ' Now this class of particular buyers are dis covering that th continued purohaae of foreign cars is mostly an expensive fad. A number of prominent men. formerly patrons of French " cars.- have - picked American winners and already tfley have -ttetun" 'to- fhtroauchnTabfoacr''Tr Vsnderbllt Barton ef Nsw Tork, who has Just sailed for Europe, took with him a OraLAjrow,of 40 horeepower. In which he proposes to make a tour of several thousand miles. Others equally promi nent are preparing to follow Mr. - Bar ton's move, and before fall ths people of Europe win be quite familiar with, ths best American ears.- ' 1 ""Snobba r declare, if ther lsn"t more hot air thaiv ver about automoblllng. Bobbs Well, ye-es. Tou see there are more cars sgog and more air-coollhg engines heating the air. - Trifling as th- subject may seem to some in comparison witty-mechanical points, - there. Is 'noting ot more vital Importance In automobile construction than an efficient lubricating service. Ths l nai fMiii mulling will linl out proper lubrication. In this respect th American builders havs had nothing to lsarn - from foreign cars for some time, and the variety of oiling systems la surprising. Th greatest dirrtcuity has been to get a uniform feed and the proper distribution to the different parts and In the best American cars some rar Inventive Ingenuity is manifested hi this effort On th bteamshlp Patricia, for Ham burg, . leaving Hoboken May S. sailed Percy Pierce of Buffalo, ths only man who will represent America In the big International tours abroad this summer. He la entered first for the Herkomer trophy in Germany and then for the CUroultJEuropaan.lnJ'xasca, OREGON ELKS DOWNED r BY THE IRVINGTONS The Inrlngton teem defeated the Ore gon Elks yesterday on th Holladay dla- mond byh scors of S"t-jl.' Thq llnruyT Inrlngton. "" Positions. Oregon Elks. Trainor T . e .: . . . iTjr.McAHen . .p. Fltsgerald p..... Barette Phillips ss... ...... Boaught Barnes lb. Kelly Qenson, R. .......tb Much Klrkland. F .lb.........;... Paul ..If Jennings '.-cf. ...... Oayner, R. ..rfri Oayner, F. Oenaon, O. ...... McLauchlan . ,. Klrkland, H. , . ARLETA BEATEN BY THE ALBINA PLAYERS The Alblnaa put the Arletas put of business yssterdsy to th tups of to I. Llnsup: Alblnaa,. ... Positions. n'w Arletas. Mac rum Macrum Meach ...P ft Allison . Furgison . . . ,c. lb F. Spencer lb ..... Petereon . . . Thorn peon . Smith 3b t Evans I tlie - - AM 4 4 Mollis . Dlrgus Col lens cfT. ..i. Duglas Mttchell .rf. ..... ..... J ones WAVERLY LADS GIVE ., DRUBBING TO STEPHENS Waverly won from th Stephens' Addi tion nine yesterday 10 to S. Tho-llneupt Waverly. Positions. Btephens. Nelson .......... .p. .... ...P. DetemDle Dutch .....e ....V. .;; Day Canll Coff Eater .....,1b . . . . Morrow Jameston ....... . vnusDariiin C. Nelsom Adams Kllg .". James ;.-,4 .If.. i. Painter .tt. . .... H. Detempls ..rfs..... Block INDIANS SCALP THE- FOXY LITTLE BROWNIES -Tbe -Indian defeated ths Brownies yesterday by the score of i to 4., Lineup: H. Lytl (capt.)...'.p........ Lewis Holmes , miiim K. Lytle. ,1b , ,. cole Frohman lb ,. Alexander Grant ...... ...... ...... Bhaw Foster lb. Burns Ran ford (.. If ...... Chntterton Cook , Holllck Klngnle rf.. , . UaJl aMrh)N .... j . . f 1 J.' .;j si: "J9JMSLl'f.. UvTtiSXkih Tws amcKiy siayea. ana ttisw ine singer nafl s anyjn-ranui in- terfered .with. Jila . anatomy,hno -his excuse for loslnsr. It )a certain, however, that every da vles knvwn to "gulf wlllH broughr"tnto play at the next meeting of these per- lormsrs. . PLAY F00R-GAf,lES- '!t.-f-,StfJltJ:li. In Y,.M. C. A. Grammar League TeamsjStruggla) for Su.- - . premaoyT-Yesterday . t FIVE CLUBS HAVE A PERFECT STANDING BjrooklynrHihlandrMtrTsborrClln " ton Kelly" and Ockley Green'Are porting a Percentage of s Tl sand Results of Games Yesterday. LTht grammar school boys played four games yesterday and did fairly good work on th diamond. Th closest gams waa -between Mount Tabor and Haw thorne, being S to S In favor of th former. The other scorea were one sided. The scores and lineups follow; At Davis and Twslfth Streets. ' Ladd. Ockley Green, tU BarettA ,c..,Mha.. Brown' Allen ............p M';..i-Deady Schuman .... . . . . .lb. ...?,. . Johnson Jonas' ...::.....': tv . .. Hffpkinrf ' Cites r. . . r.-. , . . ,IS, fin J1 . . . r Vosper Perkins . . . . . . . . . . ss ..... N .... , Edner Lynch ............If............ Blddle Arnold ........... ........ Chrlatson Rssvss i rf n Redman At mis-hlaad Field. Atkinson, 8. Highland. 19, Penaoi Flshar WllUmi...i n .Rhymer .... Clarke Tuerck lb Hascher ...;rr;r.b Mitchell Maloney Hill iuiivy ................... Pealler Rosenberg If........ Atterbury Toomey ,cf Allison Erlckson ..i rf Beatman At Portland Field. Clinton Kelly, 18. ' : , Couch, t Blegried e..,,M.... Walters Trogen p 'Merrick Bchwlchenberg .. ,.se... . . . . .. Warren C Sater.. ,1b.... J Hardl O. Sater... ,.lbv .,. Blbe Jones . . , .lb. ..Batchelor (capt) Wllaon ...If Brtstow Orossmueler cf . , ........ . . Beech Dahl ., rf.. Day Chester R. Clark, umpire. '. At Stawthora Field. Mount Tabor, 8. .-t Hawthorn. 8. Moodle .....c. ........ Montaaua Gravelle p Davis Olaen .vs. r?TTi- i lb. . . . . . t ; Graham Osborn Holden Prltchard ........ ,8b.. . Herrchler Garner T, -, ......... ss Turner Watson v. .If ..Lawson Morland Young ......... Brlggs Vsnsat rf Kellogg, MeKtnnan WOODSTOCK CAPTURES "AN EXCITING GAME WrVMlltnrk defeated Irlilt In am - oHtlng game of basebsll by th scor of 8 to 7. Th gam was a pitchers' bat tle. Th lineup: Woodstoek. " - Arista. Zwald . ......c. Hanovan U Smith. p....Wrlght W. McCrura. ...... lb Virgil Ford lb.... Rupaul Kendel ....... v . .se. ........ . Foster C Porter..'. lb.-. .C Smith F. Porter. ...... ..If...... Mrers Bates ' i cf.. Lenn Watson ...... i..,rf..... Bled Y. M. C. A. GRAMMAR LEAGUE. PJaysd Won. r.r. Brooklyn Highland . I ML Tabor I : i t i - t.fMHr 1 009 1.009 1.000 l.ono , . . .009 Clinton Kelly Ockley Oreen Hawthorn . 1 I 1 a I'ld , . . ;v:::;: i rAvnu .l Atkinson Williams .00 ii)ewiis SCHOOL LADS GARRISOU Finisii DEATS GlAWtS - Portland Took a Balloon Atten tion in Last Two Innings and ".: ' Seals Won but. - HENDERSON LOSES HIS - L-Z' N E R VETO WARDS END With Score Two to Nothing in Favor . of Locals at End of Seventh, Vis. itors Get Busy and Bat Out Four Runs in, Eighth and Ninth. San Francisco 4, Portland 8. ' - Batteries---Wheeler snd Wilson; Hen- aersoa ami juoi,ean. Henderson pitched gilt-edge ball yes terday for seyen Innings, not even allow ing a solitary hit. but In the eighth Inning bis support got ragged, and with two -Juicy hits ths Seals mads two runs and tied ths score. In the ninth inning San Francisco drove In two mors runs, and what looked Ilka easy money for Portland for seven innings was changed In a second to a dull counterfeit curren cy. .. .-. - ;' Portland, as . usual,, started out a champions. . In the third . inning - ths Giants took a fins liking to Wheeler's shoots, and In. a twinkling three well directed hits,, had sent .. two . runners across ths home plate. That was the- end of Portland's scoring, as Wheeler aettled down and pitched beautiful" ball, only being touched twice afterwards, and then In the seventh Inning for two hits. 7 , .--.. -..- All this time Henderson we twirling f the finest kind of-balUrUr men In regular order. In the eighth inning Donahue i and Sweeney' brok Into the game and mis cued. This upet Henderson, and be fore ha could locate his former control the scors wis tied. When ths ninth came, Henderson was-tlll unsteady, and the Seals quickly batted in two mors runs do nothing In her half of the 7astcTia.piT tf. . Hn..Afi atniflr nil t miw Km 1 m waa-notKIng r prVspirTMereirTBuT what is shown- la th score. PORTLAND. ABl B. Hi PO. A. E McHale, cf. . e .....i., I A Sweeney, ss. Mitchell, .lb. v ' McCredle. rf. 0 141 McLean, c ..i.. 1 I t I Moore, lb. ... 4 e imnliiii. il Henderson, franco, -ir. -i Totals . .i...l - StS 7r AB. R. It PO. A. B. I . I 12 1-9 Wheeler. D. I 0 1 1 0 0 Hlldebrsnd. If. , 4 11 6 Irwin, lb.' S -e 1 Householder, rf.. ..... 4 1 14 Williams, lb. ........ 4.0 . 0 8 Gochnauer, SS. ...... S 0J 0 I 1,- 1,6 10 4:1 Henley, ct ...i...... s i i v -m. a . --r a "ToUls t-.. ..-., IS. -4. -4 -sO SCORE BT INNINGS, Portland Hlta . . 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 1 .0 11001 0 4 Ban-Franclaeo ....0 0 0 0 1 0 1 S-JI1U. ..;., 0 8 .. SUMMART. Struck out By Henderson, by Wheeler, 1. Bases on balls Off Hen derson, I; off Wheeler, 8. - Left on bases Portland. 4: San Francisco, 4. Two- base hits Sweeney, Householder. Pass ed ball McLean. Stolen bases Mo- Irwln. Gochnauer, Double plays ns; McCredle to her Br Hender- Householder to William Sweeney. Hit br Ditcher By Mender son 1. Balks Henderson 8. Time of runt One hour and 88 minutes. I'm- pira-rPerrln. , . -, . l FIFTEEN-INNING GAME - WAS SPLENDIDLY PLAYED Th splendid 18-lnnlng contest be tween ' Portland academy and Columbia university nines yesterday- attracted no little comment among th fans who wit aessed th contest. Th Journal- today publishes ths official scor of th gam,' ttr trmrms Tans -mi see wnat asuii man dialn.h maUhr-Ths-rriiaT-scoM war 6 to I In Portland Aoademy's favor, j -77 PORTLAND ACADEltT. "i7! AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Phereoivif ', W - ir fz I 'l Houston, 3b. ........ - 0 i 8 T8 0 Clarke. rfc-R N. Myers. Jones, lb, BrownH P. Myers, lb. Hlgglnv C Corbett, O. Totals ......18 8 18 48 1 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. ' AB. R. H. PO. A. E. O. Moors, e .8 t 14 8 0 MoKtv. 2b 7 C Moore, p C Moore, p. . , s Albright, If. Looney, lb. .......... J Ford, 8b. 8 Rarrr. a 8 Welngerber,. rf. . , 8 J Dockstadsr, of. 8 1 Totals ..4 4 48 14 8 . ... No on out when winning run scored. . SCORE BT INNINGS. P. A. .......I18lll 8 Hits'. ..,881I11118 IS C V. .......2 '' -Hits .-. ...81l0l8O-l 0 - SUMMART. ' ' .. Struck out By Reed. 1; by C Moore, 18. Bases on balls Off Reed, ; off C Moor. I. Two-baa hits Jones, Mc Kay 1. Three-base hit N. Myers. Dou ble plsys T. My ere (unssslsted): - T. Myers to Jones. Bacrlflee hlts Mcpher son. M. Mysrs. 7 Stolon bases O. Moor 8. Albright, Looner 8, Ford, Reed, Jones. Hit by pitched ball O. Moor." Left on bases P. A-, 18; Columbia, I. Umpire Rankin. - v - . SIXTEEN TO ONE WAS 1 IN FAVOR OF BROWNIES The Portland Brownie defeated the California ' Juniors . yestsrdsy 8 to u Th Ilnsupi - Brownlas. California Juniors. Moltsen ....... .. Honey Lewla 7V..,..,....P .... Bishop Shaw s Ireland Cols . ,)........ .lb.. ....... Michel Alexander ........ lb. ..,...,. Hoff Burns .......... .8b... Dudley Cummlngs ...... .cf ......... , Domey Chatterton .If....,,... Hayaea Hall rf......... Hasklns PACinC C0ASTXEAGUET . fv Won.' 14 Lost - 11 , 1? PC .78 ,78 .444 .JJ San Francisco I xia Angeles Portland . , . . . . . .11 ..14 l" Twino , ,tsse rti1 Oakland . , ............ Fresno ,11 5: 15 .85 rf. T w e Cff. ...... - 1 X . o I... 4 0 1 17 ,SfJfsAU s ( FHESKO HAriAEES TO EEAT r.:oRLEYs mm Fisher's Once Haughty Tigers Eat Up the Angels lit a Five - to-Three Match. : (Special Dispatch by leased Wtre to The tarsal) Los Angeles, May II. Miks Fisher's aggregation of ball tossers from Frssno managed to win a. gams from th An gola today. - Wolters, th regular right nelder -of ths Raisin Pickers wsa brought In from right-field -to do.' the pitching and ' his - good performance helped not a little to win ths gam for Fresno..., . . . Jr t Although Los Angeles made a run in each of th last three innings the gams ended with a score of 6 to t against them. Th scor: ; ; .-r FRESNO. . . ' . ' . ' . AB. R. It. Pa A. E. Doyle, cf. , 4 1 1 1 o Casey,-1 br-.v.v.. . . i 4 ""0 "0 "1 S t McLaughlin. It ..... 8 1 ' 0 1 0 0 Kan. - .......... 4 4 1 S 4 0 Twitiwouu. rf. rr x oe' Delmss, lb .. 4 SOU Arrelaaes, lb. ....... 4 0 0 0 Hogaa, c. 4 111 Wolters. n.. 4 1 S I Totals ........... .It 6 t 17, IS 1 LOS ANGELES. ' ' . . , ' AB. R. H. PO. A. E. fiasnSrJ Cf. ........ 10 11 0 0 ifjiis i ... ... a a r o Brashear. lb. . 4 0 11 Cravath, rf. ......... 1 Dillon, lb. ..I....... 4 Toman, lb. .......... 4 Eager, c .............. 4 Hall, p. ......v S 0 0 1 q - p y S Rosa, rf. 1 Totals . ...,,,,....10 1 1 8 IT 18 0 .. SCORE BT INNINGS. ' Los Angeles ....... S 0 11 18 Hits . . ., 1 000118 11 Fresno . , , O'O 8 0 8 0 0 0 t lilts . 1 0 1 4 1 0 0 0 87 , Stolen base Daehwood. ' Three-baaeJ hit uoyie. Two-pass nits Mogan, Brashear. Dillon. Sacrifice hit Kills. Left on baaea Lps Angeles, I; Fresno, 4. - Bases on balls Off mil, 1; off Wol ters, 4.- Struck out By Hall, . ' Dou bt plays Delmas to Eagan to Del mas; Hasan to Casey , to Delmas. .Wild pitch Wolters. . -. Tim of game On nour MJLCv4AJsQUlSH&- pACIFIC'VARSUMbAlff t The Multnomah club tiln smothWed Pacific university yesterday by th big gest scor of th season. 88 to 1. Th gam was so one-sided that a detailed account her would b tlreaome. Her Is what happened: . . PACIFIC. ' 17 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Cepple, - p. Moore, c . 4 0 11 18 .......... V A A 9 M I urut. cs. ........... Eagelson. 8b. ....... -- 1 4 0 18 11 or Hustonr Sparks, lb, SK 4 0 1 8 B 1 ... 4 ; 0 1 S 0 1 Via, 2b, ... .... AV A'S C. Huston, If. . 1 0 0 0 1 1 WarrL;... ...... .. o- o., I , o. . 8 Totals-. 88 84 I t M. A. A. C . ' AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Gray. I TIanWIe- ftl t ........... I 4 . Penton, -lb. -TriTi'- 9 S-S Trowbridge, lb. ..... T 8 Stott,. c ............ Holman. If, 8 S. Stockton. Jb.-rf. ..... 7 5 Ott, rf. ,11 Campbell, lb. ........ 8.8 GoodelL p. .......... 8 8 Morris, p. ........... 8 Thorn, p."..... 0"0" 8 11 0 8 TT- Totals ' ....40 88 81 17 17 8 SCORE BT INNINGS. HUt. "! VZiS MA; - c- ! ! if 1 ? 5 2 Hits .1 I 7 11 1 1 1 88 8UMMART. Struck out- By Coppl. 81 by Goodell, 1; by Morris, lj br .Thorn, 1. Bases on boll -Oft Copple, 1; off Ward, 8. Two base hits Coppls, Drake, O. Huston. Henkle, Stockton, Stott, Campbell. Three- baa hits ott, BUKKion, tiinua. uou bl plays Gray to Campbell to Trow bridge; Henkle to Campbell. Stolen bases Henkle I. Holman 8, Campbell 3, nrv. Riott. Ott. Eaxleaon. ; Via. Ward. Hit by pitched balls Copple. O. Huston. Passed ball Via. - - Wild pitches Cop ple, ; war a. i; uooaeu, i. innings Blrrnefl HJ coppie. oy nwa, i; uy '. Huston, ; by Goodell, 4; by Morris, Ethr&ffifcWfc. Tim of. game Two hour. Keith " - ns. s. ' Umpire Keith, FISHER THORSEN BOYS ; fc DOWN SIMONDS NINE f Slmonds - Manufacturing company played Flanr- T horse h. company, an In. tereatlng gams of basballyesterday afternoon on th Eighth and Hawthorn treet grounds, th latter winning 1 to 8. Th lineup: ' , Slmonds. , ' : Frsher. D. Erne......w..e. Barry McBadlllon ...... .P. .. ..P. Peterson Brown Stohr Wells .............. 8b. ......R. Powell Carlton ........ ss. ........ Salmon Houssr ...... .8b. ..... F. Powell Belleu ....... ,, ......... Good Klstner rf. ...... Chatterton Luders If ...W. Powell Umplr Gne FarrelLj RIVERSIDE OUTPLAYS SOUTH PORTLANDERS The Riverside toam defeated South. Portland yesterday afternoon In well played game 'by th scor of T to 8. Th feature of th gam was th play ing of Kennedy. Lineup.'- . - Kennedy . .... .c. ........ . . Crocker Turtohell . . . ...p. ... ... Bronaugh A. Day ........... .es. ...... .M. McCarl Bushong lb. Vincent gulllvan .... ..8b, i ..... Owens P". Day. ....... ...,8b... Strods .A. MeCsrlrw rrririrf .-. i irCr Bennett Brady....; .. .. v. . cf . . Wren n R. Bennett. ...... .If, ......... Wright Riverside .. 1888 8 7 10. 8 S. Portland. 0810 V 8 8 8 -F ' i ! i HARVARD DOWNS PENN IN TEN INNINGS (Special D1aBatti tr Leawd Wire to The Joaraal) Franklin Field, Philadelphia, May 12. In the closest gam Harvard and th University of Pennsylvania have played In 1 years the crimson nine triumphed her todsy by th scor of 4 to 1 after 10 Innings of desparat playing. The scor: i - Pennsylvania ,.. 100 00 ft 1 Harvard .......0 00000100 84 ' ".;aiw waats M nut ' Janu Ammw of th Seattle hMKAl1 eiub stopped off In this city yesterday en rout to San Francisco, where he will attend a meeting of th Coast learn tomorrow.- Agnew says that Seattl la anxious to quit the league. This meeting will determine th fal of tttjlSUt mw We ON It must come quickly '"' ; ' V Portland "must D (GifiilWDillJi Qoslng Days of Our Sprlnflllmc Rc . markaMc Selling Carnivd -' , . Just to show' what we mean by this w .',...'... ... . boldlysounce . . 'V - 1 1 -fft ava ' w am, 41 e st. All $8.00 anil Jraw , Suits...... All $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50 . Suits . ; ........ . . , . . . . . All $20.00, $25,00 arid $27.50 " Suits,,;. -f All $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 Pants, Jrjilflgr - now only .................... . ...v.74 ; " All $3.00 to $3.50 Hatsatest fashWtoor"AC . right up-to-date. . . . ..i; Sle S w w 1 Those Celebrated $1.00 Stiff Bosom Shirts. i n 7. HOW. . '' ' ....... f r-e. TSf " , ' Those Elegant Standard Stiff Bosom White . (ln Dress Linen Shirts, now ......... .,Uu v - Onr Shoe Dept, is II We have cut the life this part of the store, and persons seeking bargains fai footwear will positively find the best to be had at this great sale.' ( r -- - IT IS POSITIVE ! itrjpTAYI iffNOfATESMAN'SPAKEltlf IS GENUINE, AND le WI LIT " AMPLY"4 REWARD TIME AND PAINS. TT- TOE fflD M "SELLS IT Northwest Corner ir S.KZZXXXZSXSZSSXXXXXSZXZZZ: THE DAY'S SUMMARY :,--0N THE RACETRACKS HElSpMlal Leased Wire.) Nsw Tork. May 11 Today rac. i- gults at Belmont traoki Six furlong Sir Wilfred won. Pater second. Battle third.' Time. 1:14 8-6. -Four and a half furlongs Oran won, Toddles second. Jersey Lady third. Tim, 0:83 8-6. : -Ths Juvenile. 8-year-olds, five furlongs Demund won, George 8. Davis second, The, 8:8 4-S. Steeplechase, about two mile Good and-Plenty won. Ben Crockett second, A If or third. Tim. 4:8. Toboggan handicap, six " furlongs- Clark Griffith won. Tlpto second. . O ford third.. Tlm,l:U 8-S. . - .. Selling, on mil Champion won. f" qnm thM T - -r- - -. A loulsTlll Track. ... ,m Louisville. Mar 18. Today's summary Biz furlongs Rebounded won, Bara eeondL'W1nlsnle,d third. Time. 1:18 8-5. Four furlongs Betsy Blnfor6rWn, Dan Bradley eecond. Latnorp , third, Tim. :4 8-8. . - Oh mlleaconTgrwoHTItt"cTIVSTtr second.- Coruscate third.- Time, l:U l-a. kins won. Altuda second. Victoria B. third. Tims, :68 4-8. Steeplocha f uU - cours Manner won. Itacatlara second,. . Jodge Nolan third. Time, l:4. Six furlong Gold Zone won. Royal Legend second, Malleabl third. Time, 1:15 8-6. - On mile Captain Bush won. The Englishman second. Tinker third.. Time, 1:48 8-6. ' , - HALL DOES N0T ALL0W- HIT. TO OAKLANDERS ... .A " fSsedal Dtspeteh to The JosroaL) Beetle, Wash., May 18. Charlie Hall's pitching waa th feature of today's gams. Oakland did . not succeed In get ting a hit off him. Only two men on the Oakland team saw first base, on reached first' on 'a pass, th other was given a base on Russ Hall'. error. If it had not been ior tnia one pas on balls Hall's record would have been per fect and he ' would havp equaled . cy Young's - famous performance, r Scor hf tnnlnas: Beattl ! . r r --- it 8 - H1U , ...i., 1810 8.x 7 Oakland ......... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hlta 0 0 0 0 0 0 MBFOOTERS DOWN THE ; KING'S HEIGHTS NINE Th Webfoot : baseball - nine defeated the. King's Heights team at Wea.tKnd yesterday by a score of 14 to 6. .The umpire was very fair In his decisions. The line-up: - t Webfoot. King's Heights. Nelson c .-. Colgat Condtt ,....p......i. V Russell R. RossnthaU ss.. ...... ...... Stewart Hoehlen Basey F. Roaenthal. ...... lb...., Blokes Gevurts 3b Stubos Oherdorfer ....If.......... COII.i Wolf r7HTr Struebbles Kalhlsr ....... arf.a Wsahlnarto Wlaa Meet. (Special DMpatrk to The JeoraaL) Peal He, , May 18. In the track meet here today between Washington and Whitman collesea. the former wa Vic- 4 I ) : t 45, TOE and some people in . the gainers in these" . . . . , . ".' a f- e e u ......$9.75 $14.85 a Slapflhtcr lloiise almost out of everything in IT IS NOT JA MONKEY AP lEK-iWViiUAXinu, THEM FOR .THEIR . CHEAPER" First and TayloEjn JEFFRIES HAY PURCHASE LOS ANGELES FUISE A- Retired Champion May Taktj Up .'. the Reins Providing Moriey -7 T Drops Out. ! ' (Special Dispatch by Leaaed Wtr to The Jearaa1 Lmu Angeles, stay li Big Jim jeimea I being boosted as the raooessor to James Moriey as manager of tb Los Angeles baseball club. Tb big fallow haa bean, approached on . the . subject. Ltk th careful man that a is, he says he won't say- right ow whether he Is willing to take th Job or not, but will Wtflt US Ml What ttl leasus dljeutm Su at thalr msstiog Monday a tatlinU - I - Won't - say . that I win ana I won't say that I won't" said Jef fries this 7 morning. The - Pactflo Coast, leagu might ask ansxorbltant price for the franchise, so I "shall wait untit after the meeting Monday and then I will know lust how things stand. MorleyTi notour f TBSTeagn Tst-awdr h may not drop, out. so until altar, the . meeting of ths leagu Iwon' t know what to-do." - That la Jeffrie statement and basaball fana can read between th line enough to sea that be la perfectly willing to take the franchise and manage th team. If things turn out right.. -. , ' WHITMAN AND LA GRANDE WIN AT WALLA WALLA (Kpeetal Dtepatck to The JeoraaL) Wall Walla. Wash.. May 18. Whit man handily - beat the University of Washington on th college campus tnia afternoon by th scors of to 8. Soor by Innings; U. of W. ...'...... 1 t 08 Whitman . . . .....1 0 8 0 0,8 8 In one of th best games played on Walla Walla grounds this season La Grande defeated th Walla Walla Boost era this afternoon 4 to a - -. The feature waa th fln pitching of Betsel - of - La Grange, who held tb Booster down- to- f I v hits. .. . ,. ' JUNIORS TOO FAST FOR MULTIOMAKrrBOYS I jTh Juniors downed th Multnomah yesterday by th score sf 1 to 1 . Line up: . r ,( - -. - Junior. ' ' ; - 7 7 a Viltnomsh. K, Brodlgan u.... p."...,.... It Grayson F,' Stark ...,,.-J. Aharn P. Dealata, lb.,.....,,, II. Montag R. Shipley iih,J1 A. Kuha H. Young ...u..,.3b..,HM.M U. Dovlng A. D Ft aacq ..... .se. .. C Parker A. Hull ......l......lf-.. , W. Thompeon 1C. Rackatrand .....of..... M. Sax W. Anderson .......rf....... D. Maekalson NORTHWEST LEACUr. y , - Yesterday's score Gray II ; Butts, 8... . . r rm tlx The oTe of ferrad upum Paul t . r. tnt M MmethTl. " 'i-mwh sietlvrle"" i,-ieww.' I ' Ihtr .ikmm I ht to mll.f fee the in bw.i tou4 fas B -f