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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1906)
J.. - -r 13 . -.. - J! --.---1X.-1-- J- -1L I li-i. 1. .1 . . - -U--!-P-WBI , , .J.-IU I ---- ' - -, (' " -, ; : ; - ; : . -4- : i ' : i . "" Till IverythlagTa iL, ' .....-C - Jj DOG FANCIERS AND THEIRGDSSJP Coming Bench Show in Portland Will Terminate the Coast , , ' I';."' Circuit. "V ' . ' "TCH. EDGECOTETPEER IS : VInNEk-A1 VANCOUVER 1.! Promoter! of British. Columbia Show List Wek Made Social 'Future v Prominent Victoria. ' Show Cornea Next; Then Seattle an'd Portland. , . The annuel shew vt the Portland Kennel dub. Incorporated, whirl" will be held. May SQ-Juno 1. will terminate I the voaat circuit of bench shows for ' the spring: The show which ended laat . Slight . at . Vancouver, British Columbia, .waa pronounced succesh every way,, aa there were more entries, more peo ple In attendance and more dogs on ex hibition than, at enyprevloue ahow held ': there. . , - - - .- Ma tor -J.-Tlt."1 Taylor, who Judged all -, claaaea there, and who wimuage PrT J of the claaaea at the local ahow, at tea .t tiat. tlieauaUty ..ot-jUwa-waa-hiah .ami "that the club la to be congratulated on 'file successful ahow. The only Portland , log on - exhibition there ' waa Ch. . Edgecote , Peer, . the : well-known ;bull I terrier, beloiiging -tn-Fi-sjUt- Ji. Watklns, 1 and he won first prise in all claaaea Id ' which he 'competed. ' " ' . . f foture of the British Columbia ehow waa the social aide of it. and one "fTeoon''iuS fTcrs.'Ttna. jnctions-. when the leading ,; society ladies served tea in-the baleonlee 11 yfxloo Jt j ng n e Ban in wnicn tne anow , waa held".' Th)a"TcuTOm-wlilt'li la prevalent at all the large eastern shows and . It adds much to the. shows -and , should be inaugurated at the .local ahow , . . 1 . t - . . . '" " ! .. . . 1 J TIM!, nwnin, wiujiki wm -iwiu ' which waa greatly enjoyed. r "?" -. -: The next ahow on the circuit will he - held -at Victoria commencing next- Wed-. neaday and will run through the week.' ' Jt will be Judged by H. T. Payne of San r rtclBoo and from reports received It -will - be ;' the -moat ueceaaful ;how In the club'a history. The entry list la larga andr splendid and- costly trophies . and many fine canines will be on hand .oofnpet, tor,.- UitBtunnn-., ;' eattto'g Bla- Show." 1 Following the Victoria show will come ' the annual ahow of the Seattle Dog ' "anclers association, which will ba held in Seattle-four daye.atartlng May It. This will be a great ahow and many trip to the sound city wKa -their prtae winning dogs to try to win out against all comers. . The Seattle club is to b ' "congratulated upon-giving - this - show under the conditions in which they are . doing... Laat year there were two shows there,- one under tu old esters Kennel - league rules -and the other under ' tin , rules of ths national association, the . American Kennel club. This year the fanciers have got together and the ahow . will -be held under - American Kennel ' ,club rules which meana that a win there '-will be recognised all over the -United 'States and the points there won will go toward the necessary 10 for a cham pionship in ths K. C. The Seattle show will probably be at least a three point show. It -will be Judged by James Colo of Kansas City, who Is known to ' 1 one of the ben Judges In ths west find who is probabry the best all-rounder In the west. Mr. Cole' successfully Judged the Lo Angeles show in that - city last month.- - ' Portland will send about It or i dogs to the Seattle avent. . , - rortlaad Win BsJUbit. 1 . -. V - The local show will follow Seattle and . will cnd the. clrcull as the earthquake .,.aDd.ftre-riil the Hum rraaeiaoo Kennel club out of bMBlwees for the time be Ing. Their show waa to have been held the - -week following Portland, which """would 1 'jnno V "to 9 liwluslvp, and bp I , rsngements hsd already, been made to - have- George "Kaprr-of Gomeran.1, Eng land, who Is considered the best all around Judge In the world, rtn ths li(lff J8g. Portland's show will ba Judged by two of the leading American Judges, Major J. M. Taylor of Rutherford, New Jersey, 1 and John Bradshaw of San ' Francisco. - Mr. Bradshaw will Judge all terriers and collies and Major Taylor will Judge ; all other classes and both Judges will , place tha mixed specials. ' - The benching this year will be of the ' latest Improved pattern and will be done by SpratPs Patent. Limited, a firm which rioce that line of work all over America. Their benching consists of wire bench log placed on-orsetnnd under each dog Is placed "8anltas" disinfectant, which keeps the ahow clean at all times. With ths Increased local Interest and ' the recent Importations bf high-priced ' dogs It looks-aa If Portland will have the largest show of the whole northwest circuit and the most successful one. Flllit fans of Boston hops to see six round bouts la the Hub In the near future. . , ... r- -- -' .. ;:....,vi. ' ;.?: mm & A. M. Crilley. Who Hai Charge of ihe Y. M. C.!X.Orammar School Ball League. , , ." ' ' I - f ;1 ; LlHiuitlClulx-EniovPapr Chase---Tennis at- irvington forxiana rairs, etors seal : Amateur Garpee-Racing. ''Yachting, .Rowing NAUGHTOfJ WRITES lllTDl Kid Herman Did Great Damage to Attell With a Right ' - - Kidney Blow. t MANY OBITUARIES UPON sCQ'a-FJGHTSTATUS Nearly Every Critic in the Country Hag Pawed Comment on the Fight Trust Earthquake Haa Reconciled - Many What tha Outlook la. Br W.-VT. Xaurhton. Special nispstea by tesssd Wire to The Taras1) Han rranclsro. May 12. Tha content between Abe Attell and "Kid' Herman at Loa Angeles last night went the full 10' rounds and Referee Charles Eyton called It a draw. . . Reading the details of the event aa they, eame' ln round- by round over the wire,' it seemed to me that Herman would gain tba,:jdecleton, but from the fact that he did not If must be Inferred Hi ill AtTglTfYoTTe'd ub credits' in sxear snape during the laat few rounds, --rtn"-Totrml8r ttWaa aTerye ven'af- fair. ,C It appeared to be - a fast and clever . bit . of glove, play between two pugilistic Jumplng-Jacks. Then Herman took to rushing. In the fifteenth "round Attell was hammered until he was weak and limp against the-ropca. 'Attell was still the worse for wear in the sixteenth mundi but together, and an thlng nt dkMese4 the head. . Herman did a great deal of damage with a Tight kidney blow. .rnUJoQbtuarls. If there happens to be a sports critic this side of rire Island who hasn't writ ten an obituary, or sung a dirge, over the taarng of Ban. Francisco aa a pu. I ginstie-cemer tne- right-trust-out here would like to hear from him. To the Individual . who has controlled his emo tions, to the extent named, the trust Intends to forward a souvenir banket of fire relics. ' 'r :-T - "' i As for those who have drawn large yon their pathoa In telling how com pletely Ban Francisco has been sponaed orr the puglllatla map the trust simply says. "Walt and we'll show you." James J. Coffroth. .who. It, will be admitted, haa made his mark aa a pro moter., and -money-getter, - declares that San Francisco will be up- to Its eyes In matchmaking again within a coupls of months . He was always a sanguine rooster, this Coffroth. and he Is willing to be quoted to the effect that a roushn g fistic attractlon-on the Fourth f July is something mors stable' than a poet's Imtn.. .- Coffroth Tms made some kind of a proposal to the Mechanics Institute people, who own the site on which, he. fore the fire, stood - that . historic, pile. Mechanics pavilion.--It -was there that John lu Sullivan, Paddy 'Ryan, Jack Demnsey and' Jack Burke, Jim Jeffries and half a doxen would-be world's cham pions boxed. But a truce to reminis cences. Coffroth wants permission to I baud an arena --of suf f iclentr ttser -to ac commodate a 34-foot ring and a fight crowd. He promises to arrange his structure so that It will not interfere with the erection of a -permanent tnv provement on the old pavilion block. Coffroth believes that by July 4 there will ba barrels of money in circulation and that the time will be ripe for a re newal of Queenaberry gambols. , Both Woodard and Mechanics' pavilions being burned, the first thing is to secure house room for Tils ring stars and pa trons ' and this ' is ' ths ' problem ha is working on at preaent. He still retains control Of the Oolma arena, which he will use for" pugilistic affairs of ordi nary importancs.. . JTlra Pnltsd Tstrangs It Is a notorious fact- that the big rira acrnmnliahed wonders in the line of uniting pert i sons who had been long estranged. Be fore the blase : "strained HrelaUons but -feebly expreaaed the condition or. things In oow-i option with tne rigm tiui dT ar-mny nd Jim Cof f rota paftiour 1 f lar, were so much at outs that all kinds of bad results were feared by - their friends. When the flames were devouring San Francisco It waa Graney who. In nis buggy, drove Coffroth and his valuables to a place of safety. Both men have maintained a dignified silence In re gard 'to the fight trust squabbles ever since and It Is believed tnat saia squao bles. like many other things, went up In smoke. . It will aurprlse us all If there la any more friction In the fight trust. Waa Oraaey Talaii. Graney, who Is1 known, variously aa the "Honest BlacKsmiin.- tne unne Horaeshoer" and the "Village Cheatnut." hardly thinks thst there will be any thing very pretentious In the fight line until September . '1 expect to see a daylight event Ih the open air on Admission day," said Graney. "It will be a world's cham pionship. I don't understand why so many fellows swsy from Ban Francisco thought we had met our finish pugllla tlcallyrThey all give us credit for be ing game to the core In other respects. If you pick up an outside paper,, you, wll-aee lots or comment on ns way ws are setting aoout-'teDuiiains r city and restoring trade relations. Why, then, should we smother our love for ring sport? ATew "months from now this rj''Jj unlwrs" Ism grest'y ml taken the demand for high-class pugll Ism -will be keener - than - ever. Just tlrink trf-ie-pyroHhrawUba-for Ubor alone, -ones we fairly get. started with our new Ban' Francisco." Coffroth. It is understood, suit nanar- era after Sam Berger and Jack O'Brien for an open-air card on one 'of the big I holidays. Graney thinks Joe Oans ana j Battling Nelson the very best "attraction I which mil Id ba secured. What Is more. Graney believes he Is about the only one among nan rrsncisco s jnaicn makera who haa - It In his power- to bring these fsmous lightweights to gether, - The "little horseshoer"" relies upon the friendship which exists between Billy Nolan and. himself. Before the fire Graney had hopes of putting Nel-iwm-nd-tlans In Mw ring on July 4. Now he has his eye on. the match for September .. Pog Show Satrlea. Received,. st Wudson's Cul BtifeT"ll Third streev. Get lnfermativn-there smf X) THtf PREGONSUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY " "MORNING. - MAY ' 13. 1003. JcwMPs, IPagef ' - ''- TV - " - A"-' ; ' ' ': ': . "'V'j '" ' " 1 - " -'J t y I - ' , ' - ' , - ! v'.: " '. :f f :. . f ;:, V 7 X :: I! ;: :::' : e:.;-..;.: v .. - 4. i't' " - ' ' J ' -?. . I ' ' ' X ' - V ' x . -I V- r '"' , : p it' A'' - ' - 'i - " ' ;,: " :r . X. " !- i T MRAND MRS. CAREY TREAT - - HUNT CLUB RIDERS At Finish of Paper 'Chase Yester- -lay Riders Were Entertained-- at Riverdale. ; The most popular paper chase run by the Hunt club-In a year - waa tha- one enjoyed' yesterday afternoon by tha big gest field ' of . the .season. Despite the threatening weather, a large crowd of horsemen turned out ' and Master of Hounds J. C. Mnehe took them In charge at Twenty-second and Johnson streets. The hares were F. O. Downing and R. H. Jenkins and they laid a per fect trail over Portlsnd - Heights, through which Mr. Mueho skillfully handled . ills .big-. fleldThs trail led '4a isPws'ws'f wl -ftaV- wssVeaaW-wsaVWwV of C. H., Carey. Upon the arrival of the huntsmen, Mr.' and airs. Carey set an. appeuaing jiuxcnwnicnjTa. jeartiiy. enjoyed. Before leaving for home, three cheers were : siTenlornJnrt":and-Mra. Carey, ideal ror a ride, sur- On the return' ride everybody was en thustostla over the splendid ride and .the hospitable - reception tendered the riders. Those who rode were: Mrs. F. O. Downing. Mrs. F. O. Buf- fum, Mra J. W.- Cruthers. Mrs. T. T. Strain. Mrs. Wood, Mr a. A. M. Cronln. Mrs. 8,- C Spencer. Mrs. Brunn. Mrs. Norton, Miss Glle, Mlsa Wrenn, Miss Flanders, Miss Anns unogren, . at. Laxarus, F. . O. Downing. Herbert Mor ton. J. IL Coughlan. T. S. McRath, James Nlcol, E. M. Eldrldgsr Br B. Ster ling, F. c. Kerr, Jack Keen, wiuiam Walters, IL L. Corbett, H. H. Herdman. James Alexander, V. 8. Howard, A. M. Cronln. J. W. Cruthers. Dr. E. Drake, J. C, Muehe. , . MISS SUTTON WILL . DEFEND HER TITLE (Special Dispatch by Letasd Wire to The Journal) Pasadena, May 12. Miss May Sutton will leave Pasadena this evening, bound first for New Tork and then for England. where this summer she will defend her right to be called the champion woman tennis player of the - world. . "If they beat me thla year they'll get a 'good run for their money anyway.', said Miss Sutton today. "Without brag- tlngrr thlnk-1 tan-say thatrTTUB in better form than I waa when I won the title last yeas.".. , , , , , While abroad Miss Sutton will defend three oupa,, two of which will become her personal i property If she wins them again. - She expects to return to Pasa dena. lnSptember ji,, Waal a Chuae. " THe' Tribunes would llks games' with teams from. It to 18 years of sgC The lineup: II. Scott, catcher; H. Scott, pitcher; V. D Martini, first base; R. Barrett, shortstop;,... De Martini, sec ond base; Husky, third base; Brown, center field; R. Barrett, right field; Berky, left field. . Call up telephone Main 4018; hours 8 to 1 o'clock p. m. R. Scott, manager. L- 1 -'-- j iNNUAt DOG SHOW . arar m u pm Oet Isforsuitlas rnut entries a. at J iirspgoas u sfQSS.. - "; ' ' 110 laird stmt. a xaixa cuiam max, a - "V - 4 rr,-ytmi-t--'. a-"'"" " - - - j. eWtMlt' J ' nsSMn ra. Leo Hahn's Ciamonda. One of the Fleetest Yachts on YACHTING SEASON WILD :X0P10N,MEM0lijlALDAY The Oregon Yacht club la planning a big program for -Memorial day. It is the scheme of the members to formally open the season on this dXte, and to make the affair one to attract all inter nsted, In aquatic sports ths Portlsnd RowTnf Eiuft . and the owfiera-of launches have been invited to partici pate in the events. Tha complete pro gram for tha outing will be announced later. ' It will be a -hard blow to James ft, Keene If Sysonby. is out of the running all this, season. ' . ' :EimiE-WIII:TO!& Wc have decided to discontinue our Boys' and Children's Department, which is one of the finest in the ' city The stock compnsesjeyery wanted style and fabric for little fel lows' wear, including BUSTER and RUSSIAN BLOUSE SUITS in ages 21 to 7 SINGLE and DOUBLE-BREAST-ED NORFOLKS in ages 6 to 16DOUBLE-BREASTED SCHOOL StJITSxOF THE FINEST GRADES On Sale THE-SUIT .BUV IAS MANY, SUITS AS YOlTCANOSESDCrTANOPf PORTUINITY-TO BAVE MONBY OCCURS BUT SEUDOM 85 - 'V".' OrW'eW'"W X.-., ;,..:---: the Willamette. 1RVINGT0N TENNIS COURTS IN FINE CONDITION Devotees of the Sport Displaying iJCeea Jnterestin Came on East Side. - Five courts out of six have been put In first-class . condition at the- Irving ton club, and the members are getting Into trim morning, afternoon and even ing. It - Is certain that the Irvlngton Commencing: -v.. . ' " r "(-.--.- . i" a., .ssiitsv,. ) .i n . s:a MB 87 'Third Street, Between Stark and Oak Nauehton Reviews the Past Week In Pugilisnrf -fammaL.Sch-Q0Li-ague Results -M".- A. "A. C. Downs Visiting Nine LocaFBalf ScoreT 0. A. C TEAn BEATS Corvallis Victorious on Track by " ,.One Hundred and Five to 'f "'. , 'A' Twenty-One. J. LAUNSBURY WAS STAR ; : ' MANF0R SALEM TEAM Agricultural Athletes .Were Jfl Tine Trim and Ran Away From Their Friends From the State Capital Smithaon Capturea luu-xara ivasn. .m , r , . '. (HnM-lat rtlUDstrs 1 1 Tb "jmraaLT CoTvalllsOr., May liiTha . track meet this afternoon between Oregon Ag ricultural college and Willamette uni versity-resulted in a victory ror cor vallis by lOt points; to il. .The events, men and time follow: 100-yard dash Smithaon, 6. 'A. C, first.' Schroder. O. A. c. secona. uray, W. Ui, third; time, 10 8-8. ; 220-yard - dash Beach. -Greenhaw, Schroder. t. - A. CU, first. .second and third :; time. If 1-8 440-yard - dash Baaoh, ttewajd- and Schroder. O. A. C. In order; time. 04 - 180-yard run Davolt first', Greenhaw, O. A. C, second, Forbes, W, V, third, time, 1:10 1-8 '.-.J ...; '-- Mile run Ooodrloh, " Wlnnlford,- Ovl- att. O.- A.-C.,- first, second-and third; time, 8:01. ' feet 6 Inches: three .Corvallis men Pole vault Swann, Burns, first and second. O.ZA C.", TLaunsbnry- W.iU, hlrd; distance, 10 feet 10 Inches. - Broad Jurnp-Swahn'r O.CXCT f IraC YT feeti inches. TiutisTmrTr-W;-TT, second, Rooper, O. A-"C., third. - . Shot put Launsbury. W, U IT feet tnoheSj-Flnn-nd-Tylev.-0-A-i, second and third. , . - .. . - Hammer throw Dunlap, Hall and Ty ler, O. A. C.i first, seoond and third; distance 118 feet, Inches.. -. Dlacus Iaun'abury, W. U., first. Dun- lap and Wllklns, O. A. C.,s second and third; 10J feet S Inches TlOyafd-Kurdia BclcTen,- swann and" Spires. O. A. C, first, second and third; time, 0:17 t-l. " 1 r S0-yard" rniralesrlisr1rsfttO?A.- C, Swann and Cathey, O. A. C, tied for second; time, 0:x7. . , : ' . 60-yard j) dash Swann. Schroder and 8mlthson.-0.-A. - C, first, seoond1 and thirds Uma, 8:08 4-8. - people will hold a club- tournament next month and as' this will be the occasion for tha members' to turn out to show their skin, each player is anxloua to be in the best possible condition when ths time arrives. . , . ( . . otne tlma ago there was a compari son of players made and throughout the entire Hat there, was not sn Irvlng ton woman mentioned. 'v No one seems to know the reason why the east gldegs were omitted. Some blamed 11 onto. Member J. H. Knight of h M. A. A. C. and others said that. Clyde Acherson waa responsible for It. Of course those two devotees of fair play had not the slightest thingto do- -with the-atteT4 and In Justice to them it may be aald that had either one prepared a list of good tennis . players, the east slds women would have been represented. What Is the matter with the playing 17ILLAMETTE Monday Morningf .at t50 rTHE SUIT Kates' y -J.A.HOIULN RELAY RACE WILL BE FEATURE Eight Riders Will Participate in : Relay , Event on Day of - : Hunt Club Meet. .. .' A ; IXADBETTER AND TANNER x in CHARGE OF-TEAMS Riders Will Go s Quarter and Re turn to Jake Up tha Flag Two Mile, .Three Eighths and Other Events WiU Carry Largs Fi'elda. . -Nothing ow the card of outdoor-sports this season will eclipse the annual' spring meet scheduled by the Portland Hunt club for June ?. It has been difficult task for the program framera In years past to add some one event of in terest out of the regular races, and in keeping with the efforts heretofore, made this year's program will have n relay race on for the afternoon. 'The relay race ought to be most In teresting, both from a rider's and apes- l.lnr'. .t..Hplnl . Th... 111 Yt tf teams In this. race.. oneln. chargaj- C. H. Leadbetter and the other looked after by . A. H. Tanner. Xeadbetter'a partners in the race will be- Ambrose Cronln. J. B. Alexander V and Scott Brooks. - In Judge Tanner's team . will be U U Leadbetter, William Walters and probably Hamilton Corbett. There- will be Judges at tha start, .quarter, half fans three quajtsss, A rUer from aaolr team will start In front of the grand- aasjiHa, riders who are waiting at the quarter pest - The flags must be delivered "wltlv-" in the limit of 100 feet. The first two . riders will return fo" 'tne -a tart "and alt,,l TIltH"tugr-agatflrfrom -the riders' who received them at the three quarter pole. In this way -the two miles the dls- tanca of the raceA; coverad.J.tH will keep the riders busy getting their horses stopped, turned back and round- Ing" Tnto startIngpsItlon" again' BOaa-" not to be late. A atiibborn horse 111 make It mighty Interesting for his rider and this is when the spectators will en- Joy the f un, 1 will be good to all t the Munt club members to know that, ths two-mile race will have the largest Sold In ..the history of the fled,.days. From what can be learned now, there will be about aeven entries for this avent. The three eighths and -Ave eighths dashea will also have very large fields. The 100-pound race will be the "heav iest" event on the card and th riders are already in training for the sporti No rider in this race win be allowed W carry any - Weight - He-must weigh In , at ZOO or over .or. else be barred from participating. All of the other races are being filled up In good faahlon. sOwhen June I comes there will be many doings - at - irvlngton . racetrack. . of Mlsa Carstena or ith the good rac quet work of Mrs. Cook? . The Irvlngron people intend to make the present seaann a banner one In ten. nla. . Among those who have been play ing -during the past week are: Mrs. Cook, Miss Fox, Mrs. Raley, lira. Soott, Miss Sutherland, Miss Bchafer, W. K. Bcott; W. A. Goes. Dtvt Bellinger, Rieh-- ard Wilder, Fred Andrews, Frank Stow, J. Raley. - Fdmund Morse. - Irving Rohr and A. B. McAlpln. This year Richard Wilder and Fred Andrews will" play aa a team. ' . Any Day Ex" cept Saturday flit ,. ' s - '. ; -L . ii II