The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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    I i -
, -
T0; T1!(E l;EfViL
East Sld Resident Startkd by
' Fusillade of Shots About ;
Herbert ' B. " Jackson Creates
Reign of Terror Before His
Capture Is Efected. r
Local Presbyterians Not Worried
Judge Ryan States That Inten.
Fortune frrGems Rescued -From
Sanrartclsco Brought 7 "
" il l to Portland. ' .
CaptaIivLof Detectives Declares!
CapilaUsttjyilL BuHd Big Pl&rt
" - In Portland for That -'r".."7Xi
Purpose.-r - -
Ovar Statements of Dr.
, Carter. 'f;::T; .
7tIon ts to Give All Present at I
: . , Killing a Slice, v i v
He Did Not Masquerade to
"TCatch" McGinnSsT
" Numerou Report of Affair Mad to
v Police, but Officer Fail to, Solve
.the Mystery Investigation Will
1 Be Made Immediately. " ' v,
Board Streetcar Going at Full Speed
and ; After J Attacking Motorman
Plunge Off of Car and. ' Lying
' Acroia Track Invite Car to Run.
Outbreak' of Noted Easterner Against
; Westmineter Confeision of Faith
-Calla Forth Only Pity and Not
Angry Condemnation..
Thoe Whose Name Were Left" Out
of Original List Are Being Added
a Fat as Proof 14 Received That
"They Are Entjtled to a Share. f
Leather. Bag ' Containing . Tbem I
Charred and Gold Banda Are Tar
nished ; but Precious Stone Are
Found Unmarked by Flame. ' " , ,
Mrs. Dornsife . Create Interest, by
Alleging She Waa Threatened With
" Death If She- Gave Testimony Dur-
Black Sands of Oregon Coast Being
Investigated -By New; Discovery
v Enough Gold Can Be Removed to
Make Project Profitable.
- ing the TriaL
inSAUE Oil. J
: t
- -T- . I www aaapiBBBBBBMaBBB t . , ;- yj-j I i.-iaijj,).,!.
midnight -in the -vicinity of Kast Burn -
' . w- ' - - .- . 1
distinct ' pistol' shots -were linrd
-lowed f toy ti- brief 'screaming---of
woman. The ahotj .were fired at Inler
s vel, four in quirk succession and two
, ': minutes afterward three more a block
distant from the first shooting. ' .
" " Many parsons living In the neighbor
" hood of Kast Kurnitde and East Ankeny
streets were arouad from slrep by the
first , four ehols. ' All wss than- qniet
: . for mlniit, wha a woman screamed.
' Thla occurre on Thirteenth-street be
i. t ween- Eas t Anken y. and Eas t-Burns Ida
- -. streets, -Soon afterwards three other
:A shots , were heard In tha direction of
Fourteenth- and - East -Ankeny -streets,
Several persons ran- to their front doors
il'Jt, were to sea who did the
i- shooting. 7 ,. "... :.,.. ..
'A: man giving the name, of Oreggnnn
led llis details of .the occurrence to
a few-ypasssngera,. on a MontAVllla car
till morning.. Ho aatd be lived near the
anion at Tntv-monil atreet and waa
I'etTrrmtrgrtmaTimvta'ttr-tiiaT' ntstrf
When near-Eighth and Cast Burnsld ; the manlso gave a yelV and dived head
streets he heard shooting a few blocks 1 f fat. through a glass -window. Seeing
7 above Oreggson said that he went Into; the grave dlggera at. work, he ran np and
.-:r: the middle of the street and at about I announced that he waa about to ex-t-"'"'
.f.t, r ihi nt fn. i.iii ' frmnlata-them, Thay grappled with
ha rould aea three persons en the cement
walk. ureggson believes one was a
woman, vii"n he arnvM. at liMh r
, . stieei he neard a woman, scresm twice.
direction of Ankeny street. . Boon after
ward there were three other shots la the
distance, and then quiet. t
- John F. Parrott, who la-a property I
i...CJwnr it: Eas t. Thirteenth. -And BuroBiae
atreet a, said this morning (net he w
aroused few minutes after midnight
. f thla morning by a shot from a revolver,
, . which-waa followed by three there In
Quick succession.,-Hfc want-to. bla frowt.
window buti'ould sea nothing of the
..: persona -Who jlld the shooting, but ha-
. waa .alarmed a minute afterward by
what mlgHt . have been t-' vnmliHi
scream. A lew minutes sfter this three
.. teenth street No person can ba found
.in the. neighborhood who went upon, the
atreet to lnveatlgat the causa for the
. fusillade. ij...: -.V- ..
l ." Kmma A. Albrirs wajpglly separated
ahe teatlftedhad- tried to get her sen
to the Insane aaylum about, two weeks
ago when" she was nervous because she
-bad -not eard f rom a daughtcr-wri'
In San Francisco.' Mrs. Albera aald that
her, husband's efforts to send her to
the asylum constituted the climax of
t years of cruel treatment- Judge Cleland
r granted Mrs. Alberaithe care of two of
" her four children and ordered tha former
'i husband to par alimony of 121 a month.
r ' After two years of wedded Ufa Eva
Hm ri;v Rhea
- H M. Stokes alleged that j Mattle
Stokes hsd treated htm cruelly and he
"was allowed" a divorce. They were mar
rled last September." - v
Tha sum of 120 a month alimony . waa
allowed Maria Ballatore, who waa dl
'Terced from -OoatanaTBaHatoTa.' Tha
mother was allowed tha -cars f their
two children. , ' v
A. J. Jones was divorced f romv Mrs.
M. Jones. . They hadbeert' married t 4
'years. - . , - ":
Mary McCoy, was freed f torn Claude
t-au-Meadeaought to Jbtainadli.
' vorce rrom Meade, but as the
"plaintiff, did not offer any corroborative
' testimony, the prayer of the complaint
. .waa not allowed. He alleged unkind and
cruel 1 treatment;
" A benefit performance will be given
at the Heillg theatre under the auspices
of the Commerclsl Telegraphers' Union
of Amerlcai-Frlday - evening.- May 1 .
Tha proceeds will be given to the par
ents of the late Leonard T, Kelly, who
are old and were left destitute by. his
-death. The full Heillg orchestra, . L.
Marcus of Ban Francisco, accompanist,
will take part The following well
known people are on the program: J.
Adrian Epplng, William M. Rasmus,
Miss Mollis Reynolds,: U. Lester Paul,
Miss Cornelia Barker, Benor Palaclo's
mandolin ' quartet, Frank ,'Henneasy,
Miss M. M. Bode, Miss M. Evelyn Hur
ley. Claud Hicks. Dr. William A. Cum
mlng, Miss Ethel M. Lytle. Miss Elisabeth-Hsrwas,
Miss Bell Mae Names.
, A 'full dress rehearsal will bo held
at 1 o'clock on the afternoon of the per
. f ormance at the- theatre and all inter
ested are asked to be present.'
-. 'J: ii i i
! ' (Joarnsl Rpedal Service.) '" v
- Freeport, III., May 12. Dr. William
Livingston, aged it. died last night. Hla
. portrait-.waa -.published ln.MoClura's
magaslrie" aa John"D;" Rockefeller'a
father. Many believe he waa the mag-'
nate s parent , -
" ' (Jenraai Rmctat ervle.) '
- Chicago, May if. Tha Oeneral Paper
company haa advlaed ita paper mllla
' that it baa withdrawn aa a selling
agent The trade will be supplied dl
- rect Contracts will ba filled by Indi
vidual mille. i.
! Kelso's Saw Superintendent,
7" (Special rtepetrh te Tbe Joorail.)
Keleo. Waeh.r May II At the recent
' meeting of the school board Professor
K. W. Bmlts of Granada, Minnesota,
waa elected superintendent of the city
'schools. The course of study will be
advanced until a regular High school
g" established. . Professor Sroltg Is a
graduate of MacAUster college. St. Paul,
aad baa had six yeara' expatanc
Johrnl ?pjj.t VfTtf ' J
f of adventures Herbert B.. Jcliiua.wu
p4.ur4 by grave-dlggera Ihla afternoon
In Roaedaie cemetery aad tied to a tomb-
stnn a. tint 11 . tba pollca arrived.
He la.
wildly' Insane and created a reign of
terror all tha, way out. from, 'Sixteenth
atreet . to tha cemetery. . , Jackson ran
amuck near Flgueroa and Sixteenth
etreets and frightened a number .' of
people. --...-':.'.,.-. i ,.. .'i ...- :.:.::..-.. -t. ..-
After prowling: around thrfront yarda
of private realdencea ha saw a car. made
a dash for It, and climbed aboard while
It - was going- atf full speed. . Ha, at
tempted .to throw the motorman prr,
when t he conductor Jran to hla. aid and
a struggle followed,-the maniac finally
running through tha car and plunging
off tha reetvplaiform.
Then a Santa. Monica, car cams along
and Jackeon tar down across the tracks
with his head on one rail and legs (cross
on the olher. When the big car atopped
a. few feet from him tha maniac Invited
tha motorman ta run over hlntm-H then
climbed on tne car.
' him and tied him to a tombstone.
I n " Spectacu larT Contest -Thi
Morning ; Local, Academicians
"" Play lIphiH Game to Victory. "
In a spectseular lS-lnnlng contest this
traa- fuirorfaiurs.-Tlla Columbia
boys ' started 'off wltlt ruab,- making
ta-Q runs In the first Inning on Moss
and two more In the second' on two hits
,te wn-4he awUbUaked-ahaXiHWF KHRnRHtUlQiUU
Portland academy worked uphill until
the : eighth, -'when - the tying run ' Cams
in. making tha score 4 all-in tha fif
teenth .inning. -McPherson was safe on
"Ian em
t i i,it ..i
d Clark
lilt eafelyr Reed fame up and drove in
the winning run with a pretty single.
.. . i n ii m i i - -
Testimony waa lnttoduced thla morn
ing In the county' court by Attorney
Rlchsrd Williams to show that the
business affairs of the estate of A. H.
buT: tim A In In " i
admlhlstratofof theestate.-Attorney
C. E. 8. Wood also testified this morn
ing thst a bill of aale conveying to
Mr. Xadd S70 shares In the Union Meat
company that were owned by Mr. John
eon were transferred to Mr. Ladd at tha
same, lime the trust deed waa mads out
The bill of ssle Was Introduced aa evi
dence; it was signed by Mr. Johnson.
During yesterday's session of the bear
ing, testimony was given by M. W.
Smith, I A. Lwts. Frank Klernah, B. I.
Cohen and Richard Williams, showing
hat at the time Mr. JLdd had to sell
-Joli uson'a debts, :
land property -was valued low. Attorney
A. C. Bmmona aald that he had examined
Mr. Ladd'a - management- of - the estate
several jreara. agajnd -found that ltbad
one, w, , k Koberts asm
that 'he had Investigated the estste In
1102 and found, everything all right
t Uoonial flpe1 gerviej.-
Icago. May 12. Tha Interstate com
merce commission hsa overruled the mo
tion of the Standard Oil company to ex
clude testimony regarding local matters.
F. S. Htbbs, the former Standard Oil
agent at Peoria, testified that the Stand
ard maintained a school for teaching
tricks to defeat competition. Machtnlats
were bribed to put injurious substances
In tha lubricating oil - of . Independent
eoncerna. 1 .
. Aa a reault of the testimony Of. Tuck
er, chairman, the members of thaXentral
Freight association may find themselves
in cdntempf of the - federals, supreme
court for violating an injunction by co
operation In fixing rates. Tucker testi
fied that the agents made the rate by
concensus of opinion. TAs attorney
general will be tsked to file papcra
agalnat the association members.
r. (Miertal rrrtrt te The Jenrnsl. -
Crntrnlla. Wash., May It. The J. P.
burned here about noon today.- The
"plants are nearly a total loss with
small Insurance. - The loss Is close to
110.000. The origin o the fire la un
known but Is supposed to have caught
from the engine room.
- Thia tr k srrtous loss to 'centralta
and surrounding towns aa-they were
dQlng an extensive repairing buslnesa
for alt the mllla In this vicinity., Tha
planta Hill ba rebuilt at once.
' (Josrasl Special aflcit
San " Francisco, May 12. The Joint
committee on special "session or the
legislature decided today. to Incorporate
in the new laws provisions for rebuild
ing the wharves, which were damaged
to the extent of 1400,000. and to make
provision for adequate fire protection
for the waterfront aa well aa meana to
pay tha National Guard lately In- the
The pastors of ' the Presbyterlsn
et.Hw.naf Iit' fcran f rrfy-wtaarafa?
turbed or disconcerted ovop tha -agita-
. . . .... .u
V" " ;l"B "
declarations of Dr. Samuel T. Carter on.
the truth of the Westminster confes
sion of faith. Ir.. Carter, a Jfew York
minister has addressed a, letter to the
general .assembly of the Presbyterian
church in which he saya that thla con
fession of fa 1th,. "la not tha truth of
Ood and Is an idol of man's invention,
as. truly as any worahlppel in .Delhi,
raking or Africa." , v .
- Rev. Charles W. HsvS. paatov of tha
Marahall street church, when asked
about thla. said: ."Dr. Carter ia mla
j taken If he calla tha confession of faith
an IdoL . Tha church recognises .that it
Is-the work of man. and may at times be
altered or" amended. It is tha funda
mental declaration of tba doctrines or
the church. It bears tha same rela
tion to the church as a constitution does
o a government- If ajnan Xlnda ne
ha should -Join some church thaj does
not tia, lti"
Occasionally. man gets auch Ideas
In ht head and goes off on a tangent."
said Rev. Henry H. Prstt,.- pastor of
Pcrbea-Preabyterlaa church. "I do not
heflev there la a ten(lyncylthr neri
or elsewhere to discard, or -amend-the
Westminster confession or rsitn, - A lew
contession. - .
-Rerr-Ar-JT-Montgomery! pastor ef the
Third Presbyterian church, aald:
. "Sometimes a man wanta to strike out
and do something new and original and
gain temporary notoriety. Thla.doaa not
bother ua In the weal any. We are too
busy jiera In extending our work. We
leave these things to these fellows In
the eaat It Is best to leave a 'fool to
his folly." -JrobablyZ per.Hnt of tha
menfher'"of the church' are absolutely
Bound on doctrine. - Now and then, soma
man geta bilious and stlra up something
like thla.'' " . 4
vDr. Carter is te his dotaga."wa!d
Rev. Dr. R. E, 8, Ely Jr., -pastor of
aUaMen of . hlntjajia. jrcj6yerrujft4j
ably no notice will be taken of hlra.
The church will . probably .keep silent
and pay no attention' to him out of re
spect for hlnr ss mn.'cr
Al Uteffens announced to Municipal
Court Clerk Frank cnnesy- this morn-
in I ing mat ne ws orerranwn iu mpw wx
his property at Shaver, and Commercial
streets for almost anything he - could
getr-a-he waa thoroughtydlagtiBted-
cauae of recent experiences in tha pollca
court. Mr,' Staff ens was arreated Wed
nesday on complaint of Mrs. Jennie
Crlger. who lives at ftTHoatwlek street,
on the charge of" abusive language. - in
the municipal court Thursday testimony
showed that, Steffens had become angry
because his- young wife visited Mrs.
liallslfe..caHedat tha Crlger home
0 Mr' -CrtaWa son
Judge Cameron-ordered Mra. Crlger to
lnstr.Ujrt"Mra. fiteffens not to visit her
home lit the future. Mrs. Crlger. then
had a state charge entered against Stef
fens of threatening to kill. - He .was
fined 110.
Before Jinteev Clfiland today was ar-
M- Oearln to atop tha work of excavat
ing the site for the new building to ba
erected by the defendant on the south
Ml enrner nt Thirteenth and Alder
K.W.. . ' i . .w, ...... ,.T.Tr , ... .ot,., .... 4
streets. Mr JVx(ghtwhQjs anageri?fTl
tbe Merchants' Marine exchange, avers
thst the digging hss caused a great deal
of .earth .belonging to Jkla impro ved prop-
fall, and he feara his houaa will-tumble
if tha excavating continues.
The proposed building to be erected
on the site named wilt be either a three-
store nnd rooms aUuoturrraraWfll, xllf Ac5,nSe'-
otel.. The defendant declares that
If the three-story building IS erected ad
ditional . stories will .be. added ta the
building within a few years. A
- (Jeeraal Special serrk.) , '. .
San FYanclsco, May 12. Tha execu
tive committee of thetlocal aeriea of
Eagles met this morning 'and arranged
for-the atabllahment of two tent cltlea
for tha shelter and relief tf members
of the order. " One will be at Oolden
Oate park and the other at Fortrero.
Fifty thousand dollars is at tha dis
posal of the committee. '
(Special Dlepeteta te Tbe JoerneD
- San Franoiacov-May ! Adrift off
Point Reyes In a stormy aea with a
V. .i. n wrA K mtwm nr Kmnln
was picked up thUnnornlng -by the tug
Dauntless and towea to port -Tne Em
pire sailed yesterday for Pugst sound.
(inarsil fpeelal (tenrlo. V
Wsnhlnrton.-D. C. May 12. Advicea
Indicate that a revolution of great mag
nitude la brewing In Santo Domingo,
The Jlmeneg party la preparing to selsa
tbe government. .. -v.
- Flagna af Catarylllara. -
(RmvIs1 Plipatch td The Jnornal.)
. Chehalls. Waslw.tay 11. The tent
caterplllars-ars very numerous In the
fruit trees In the Chehalls and Newatt
kum valleys and fruitgrowers are watf-
Ing an effective warfare against then.
Aside from thla hew danger which"
threatens the-fmlt crop a good yield
ta promised In this neighborhood, with
the exception of a few varletlea that
hlAaanmaa tna oasis'. , i
- :-;7';-,
":" -
(Special DUpitrh te The Jnonial.)'
"for llle'2oS I hi 6T O u ua w . irranKBmltK
over which, there haa.been so much, con-,
troversy since the published account
ot the decision of tha. county CQUrta of
Marion and Clackamas oountjea and city
council: of .Oregon. City 4. appeared . in
Wednesday's Journal, has not been paid
out and will not be until tba- claims are
nil In the hands of the committee and
have .been thoroughly Investigated. ;
- Judge Ryan states that tha sense of
the meeting .was to give the reward
lonly xto those who were on tha ground
and assisted In surrounding tha outlaw
when he was killed, and that no one will
be left -out of .the list or mention who
Is able t' prove that he "was there at
the time of 'tba killing, v.
Tha Hat; as published included-lonlz
the ones who were known to be there
and.-whose namea were remembered,
by tha ones who. made out the list
' No list .of tha ones who were present
at thai time was made out on" the ground
and it Is natural- that a,, few; should, be
forgotten among so many. .
The names of those who were left out
of the original list are being added aa
fast ss their claims are found to be lust,
but It Is out of tba question to divide
the reward among all who participated
all taking a -chance at tha big reward.
a waa any im mm bean lunlrr ennngfi
daauiiamjautiar.'ljyiJL''''e '"m"
,lnne h. wcu.M hs.vegenimagJrm
reward entire, no matter .how hard the
others had worked to effect tha-same
and. . ----- ---.
" (joacDSl Bpeclel BerTlce.) f .
Chicago, May 12. Evidence "that
promises to Involve in bribery-charges
state and county offlclala In all parte
of the country waa tendered to tha Inter
state commission by Monnett In the
8tandnndOil-tieartngr. Thecommission
It waa- not Interstate evidence. .
:'It tha StanflardTbrlbd tax , offlclala
may be Independent dealers have, too,"
aald tha- Standard attorney during the
discussion. - .' .
"Some Independents have been im
prIsb"nedtDut the Standard never al
lows Its officers to be. tried," retorted
'Monnett,. ""' r": "
Soclr BI.Mtrli feTThe'"JcrBsir
Castle Rock. Wash.;- May II. Tha
second debate between the Castle Rock
hand Kalama high schools was held at
Kalama last night aad resulted in. an
other victory , for Castle Rock. The
question debated was: .. - I
"Resolved. That tha United States
should hold no territory without' the
ultimate aim 01 tne eiatenooa.
IJbA-C8U-.Roclt. debaters were
Clarence Bemis, Mlas Kmma Ivea and
Earr Wrtght- Thcy had the affirmative.
O. R. Fields, contracting engineer for
the Rlsdon Iron Works of San Fran
cisco, arrived at the Portland - this
morning. He is here on business for
his firm. It Is understood 'that tha
Rlsdon - Iron Works will compete - for
caaa power plants. . . .
FflDlirD CVII C CI CfTtn "
rUn M t ri CAl LC-UCU I CU - -
POlima. May 12- Prlnee Peter Polo.
goroukoff and Professor. Oardescul were
elected vice-presidents by the douma to
day. The latter waa eleoted - to the
ul wera
Prince -Slmtlr Shahouakoy waa elected
aecretary. .
Faces Xtroeny Charge.
A warrant has been issued Jn the
municipal court for tha arrest of Wil
liam Gelt linger on the charge of larceny
by bailee of a diamond stud valued at
IllO.-Z Gettllnger' recently purchased a
diamond . stud from Loftus Brothers.
Ha sold" the dlnmond and refuses to
make good the Installments due."
(" K
JL M 1 11 Kit VaiaaV . r : v VMf" .
WlJifh ifmm
LAy Warwick' example' of trainfng girl who have to work for a living in the trade of gardening ha been
t;;' pHowed by Lord Woiseley', oni daughter and neirea to the ricountry, who haa started a ichool at her
-home t Clynde, where thia snapshot w taken, showing om of her pupil at worlu
y-'-r;....; :; .' 3 ., ' -
A little leather bag, burned until It
fine dust,-waa-.hided-ver-tha desk jot
the Hotel Portland thla morning to. Mrs.
8. Frauenthal of Seattle. This bag con
tained ; thousand of dollars worth of
her own and Miss, Hilda Frsuenthal's
Jewels; Jewels that, they had packed
hastily on tha morning of the Ban Fran
Cisco earthquake and left In tba great
safe at tha St Franola hotel' . . : . .
- Mrs. Frauenttkal's hands trembled as
ah took, tho burned baft and attempted
to pry opea the eaten,- Finally aha un
loosened It and. poured out the contents
upon, tha counter of the hotel. ' v ' " t
i-Mra. Frauenthal found each Jewel tin
damaged. Moat of tba aetttnga were In
good condition, although the gold and
platinum bands looked aa though they
had been- amoked 'over a sulphur furnace,
so black wera they. Tha many presents
which Miss Hilda Frauenthal bad re
ceived were all safe. -
Two purses, one silver and" tha other
gold,- wera bent from the af f ect or tha
heat and badly tarnished from- tha smoke
of the shriveling leather." A sealskin
bag that Mr a. Frauenthal - has carried
for year was eaten as . though soma
animal had been gnawing It - -
Mrs. Frauenthal and Miss Hilda Friu-
entha are In Portland purchasing a new
trousseau. Miss Frauenthal la to be
married on June I tdArtbUfTJlerShoTefr
ri" i " r if I, 1 1 r Mir ttniisssau nrssllons
at tha , SL. snolafxtTCTlllTrgiirw
when" the earthquake took place. This
trunk, with two others, waa dragged
down the stairs from the eighth story of
tha hotel to the atreet and there nlled
Tin to a wagon by Ralph Hopkins of Se
attle and Sydney Brunn of San Fran
cisco. "Tha ' driver was ' given word to
take them to the ferry at tha foot of
Market s.treet but-when he arrived there
ha found that he had loat tha trousseau
trunk. It waa never recovered and Miss
Frauenthal cams north' to purchase new
gowns.- ' ,:...., .i.-.. . ,
Z oy todged In Jafl. r-
----SpertS-P1iiiiH!li yy 1 U JnnmeD
Vancouver, Wash.. May . 12. Lester
day lodged In the county. Jail to await
day lodged in the county .Jail toawalt
a hearing before JudgeTMcCredle as to
whether or not h will be committed to
the state 'reform school. Young Mc-
Caverty has given the authorities much
trouble liavLnK.atolenblcyclea and other
articles. The trouble - aeema to be
largely because there Is no one to take
him in hand, . bis parents both being
defd. Soma time ago he was brought
up before the court . and - would have
seen ssnt te the reform school then but
for the influence of interested ones
who wanted to give the boy a chance.
Sentenced to JaU. ., . - ,
- H. T. Carey, tha erstwhile-Southern
Pacific brakeman, . waa sentenced to
serve four months in the connty Jail
by Judge Cameron i this morning. : Carey
waa convicted with larceny from tha
person of Harry Dixon: The men oc
cupied a room for a night at the Eagle
rooming-house; TTiTfd and Burnslde
streets. Carey got up early in the
morning and" tbok"'ll0 "belonging-ta
Dixon. He-waa arrested-with, 7.70 on
his person. r -
Toond Xdya Watch.
T. C. Earl of the East Side 8labwood
company at toe- foot-of East Ash-street
found this morning on Union avenue an
18-carat ladles' gold hiintlng-case watch
with black fob attachment and bosae
head pendant. Mr. Earl took the ar
ticlea to the police sutlon. This after
noon Mrs. Margaret Shlrlock called at
the station and oirdved ber property..
- David CamDbell. chief of the Portland
fire department, who Is also chief of. tha
I Pacific Coast Firemen a assoclatlor
whhrti - 4ateT - rrr - 'nehla
Pacific Coast Firemen's association, in
w, i ... .r" trt" ,i i ;
peal for fundaf Of-Wken San KraotoTHer raaiicious dog poisoner baa
Cisco fire fighters, received this morning
from Oeorge McAfbvy. chief at T.acomaJ
arxhacsr-for-ttBTO, "Which will be added
to tha fund
. Oeta One ear,
Albert L. Brown, atlas Albert Burns,
was senteneVd to one year'a imprison
ment at Hartley by Judge Woiverton
thla morning for having counterfeiting
apparatus In his possession. ' He was
arrested several months ago in a small
room at 402 y. Fourth street, wher be
and aeveral companions were smoking
opium. ' -. ;
The membership of the International
Typographical union la 47.244, Including
the allied crafts. ' Out of this total
membership 2K.22 are at the present
time working but eight hours a day.
Declaring ' that '. her- Ufa had been
wOuldcut 'ber heart out if she testified
in the cas. Mrs. Hatt la "Dornsife' was
an unwilling witness yesterday in tha
caaa of tha state against former Patrol
man B. P. McOlnnia. Before taking her
seat, aha said that aha wanted it under
stood that she could freely testify with
out being killed. . 'V ''
wTio threatened your . lifer asked
Judge Searsv ' . .'. ,.--r
"Well, a friend told" me that she heard
some - people had said they would cut
my naart out It I. testtriedv". replied Mrs.
Dornsife. " It waa aha who-piloted Po
lice Cabtalna Bruin and Elover to Port
land - Heights during the evening of
March S, where Mculnnls waa seen
talking to Kitty Moore, aged 16 yeana
MoOlnnla la now on trial charged with
contribu ting . to - tba delinquency - ot. the
girl.. ;.- ,J. ,r:. .. . " '
' During her testimony - Mrs. Dornsife
aald ah .thought Captain Bruin 'waa
dressed like a woman when the officials
saw McOtnnls with the girl. When
placed Ott the wUnesa stand Bruin. denied,
having beon dressed In feminine rai
ment Captain Bruin, who alao testified
yesterday afternoon, sa id" that when he
saw McOlnnia on the HoJghta tba patrol
man had his arm around the girl. Both
the girl and McOlnnia denied tHat state
mrnt. but the conirlnlning witness trs-
llflnd Itiat sna liail hsd frlandly rtila-
Heas wtta' She filwlsnn
to testify th"lsm6f nIn1gTne"niWTa"
t . . . . . . a .
when McOlnnia was arrested the patrol
man said: r - - ; ".-".: - " '
"I know I bare violated pollca rules,
but' I have done nothing criminaU?. -
The witness said that Mrs. Dornsife
had been down to tha police station and
told when McOlnnU waa to sea the girl.
McOlnniB- testlflecTthat- the4gtrt tiad
come to him" to have him meet Mrs.
Dornsife, whose husband, aha said, was
drunk and needed a lecture. He denied
all of the charges made against hlra,
and said that he thought Bruin walked
by him before- theei-rent. dressed tnfiei'1 tPt- goldV Tha
gar a of a woman. H. C-Ba(es, James
that McOlnnia' reDutatlon waa not of
I the beatwblleCountrFrult-JjiSBector 1
Richard Delch ana Dan Kellaher teatt-l
fled tha
MoOlnnla reputation, waa
to. -the. -Jury thla - Afternoon. DeputyiXelghton have .purchased.
uistrict Attorney Hoser and U, M. idle-man-r
the opposing punael.
e e e e e e
. ........
a 8pclll Plipntca t The Journal.)
a i-nnevjiie. ur., May iz. Alter
-bolng -Out 28 hours the Jury In
a the case, of-- George-. Millar re.
a turned al verdict of not guilty,
Miller killed Warren Curtis on
d theavwnlng of March t; HOT. 4
a near Burns, "Oregon. The evl-
4 . denca showed-that -ar pistol duet- 4
a between 1 -the two men -follow
a - accusations . by Miller,-accusing 4
Curtis of theft. Miller was.
cleared on the Inability of the a)
a prosecution to prove that he -
-fired the flrat shot- . ...e)
This is-th hlrdtrTa4 of the e
case, previous trials having been
in Harney county, from whence
the case waa taken to Malheur on
change of venue and from Mal
heur here. -..... -J
IQaat Eighth and-J3fiimont d 4est night
succeeded' in killing I'rince, a valuable
cocker spaniel belonging to J. D. Wolff.
An attempt waVaJsoniadeto poison a
prise dog-telnglg-fo-ounc11marrDiiK
Kellaher. People living . in the neigh
borhood who own valuable dogs threaten
to form a vigilance committee.
(Jeeraal Cpeclal BVrrlce.)
Los Angeles, May 12. The announce
ment 4s made that if Manager Morley
of the Loa Angeles Baseball club de
cides to drop out that Jim Jeffries- will
take the management if he can get the
franchise at a reasonabla price. ... -"
Three prominent capttaiista and mln-
lJ.t.nK Jtbe object of JnyeetlgaUng the
.Miuiuu- Si ifte oeos ei-olack Sana , 1
that exist along tha Oregon coast. They
are ready to erect a large plant at a,
eoat of $500,000 for the-extracUou of
gold from -these sands aa soon aa they ,"
determine for themaelvea that tba beds
are, large enough' to give them a supply
of sand for several yeara to come. They
will leave for tha Oreaon (out tnmar-
jow morning; .
William K: Green of Amsterdam. New '
Tork, . a . oapltallat - of - note; Frank D.
Hunter of Seattle, who is : connected
with-the Washington Trust company,
the gaa works and the telephone com- i
pany. and Henry , Lelshton of SeatU.
are tha threw men -who are ready ta put
their capital Into thla Oregon enter
prise, They have bought a new process
and a thorough test has proven to them
that they, can extract tha gold from
(his black sand at a profit sufficiently
great to warrant them ia erecting a
plant of tremendous else. They have
extracted, pure, gnM In an STperlmsnfal
plant from sand brought up from tha
coast In small .quantities. -.- v. ...... .
If they can find beds of -sufficient
magnitude, and they have been assured -that
they' will have no trouble on that
score, they ,wUL likely- erect -thelr-ex- -trading
Dlanl inZPortland. TThev rnuif-
fuel, i
ii net knws asUssail
San Franalaco and
Eailiajjd, affords al of these
AnnAHnnill... .! II .. t - V. . 1
opportunities and Hunry jLelghton waa"
authority for tha statemenrthta morn-'
ing that It was more than likely that
Portland would be the eoene af their
Operation.' : ' - ,.r;; ...i .. .. .. . ..
"T" The discovery of aprocees : "by which""'
pure gold, could profitably ba axtraetad 'w'-
from-blaraa-nW-been tha object-
of experimenters for many yeara. Tha
government, engineers and geologists
first learned of ie existence of gold in
these aands and may mllllonalree of
Imagination later Jtriedthenld- panning-
gold did not exist in- sufflolent quantity
r theoureau or mines and mineral
research of the United States s-eoloe-ical
lurveyTWriaucTea"xperImWta at the"
exposition last year by which gold In
considerable quantities was extracted.
-f- ; -l - i' '..
Elaborate j Preparations BeFng
Made for Governor's Recepil
tion at Baket-City.
("neclal DhiDktch te The Joaroal'r " :
Bs ker-ei ty, - May 1 . Great enthusi- .
asm has been aroused- among tha Demo
crats by Governor Chamberlain's visit
here. A large crowd greeted the Gov
ernor and partyhe being aocompanied
4-by Messrs. - Matlock and Miller, Thurs
day night, when be addressed tha people
of Haines. .Friday he apoka in Ontario,
where be waa also heartily greeted.
Thia morning tha governor returned
to . Baker City, where' ha took tba train
to Bumpter. He speaks at that place
at o'clock this afternoon and returns
here on tha evening train. A large party
1 Mart pe Aet)d th 1 at'3 4-aswrJBttisSptl)( - -
eluding all local candidates.. .'.:...."
Elaborate preparations are being
MMie-f oT-tha- gt)VBrnoTe rceptloahera
-this eveniMK. lie apeaka at tha opera
house tonight, after a grand-parade
and torchlight procession. .The gov
ernoT-iaamoftg"TrIenda while tn Baker
county... many-Republicans being . his
stanch supporters as well as members
of his own party.
(gperlil DUpatek to The JoeraeL)
Salem. Or., May 12. In Marion ooun-
ty seven preclncta will decide tha aaloon
question according to the local option
law, at the June election". Two petitions
have been filed with the county clerk.
one- from Horeb precinct, tho other in
cludes the preclncta of Sidney, Jttttr
son, Stay ton, Mebama, Marlon . and
Breltenbush. j
(Special pupatefe te The Jnanal
Woodburn, Or., May 12. Two saloon
keepers of Woodburn have been fined
125 each fcr having, their places ouen
after J, o'clock a. my . It la Mayor Poor-
man's intention . to enforce the ordl-.
nances relative to Saloons, especially
to Sunday traffic. ;
" " ( Jeureal IperUr ervle.V -Chicago,
May 12.. John Alexander
Dowlo la aald to be nearlng death. Ills
strength ia falling rapidly and dropsy
Is. said to have extended to the region
of the heart. A fatal termination of
tha disease is expected within a few
days. , . ,. .. ; ., ,
Imbler to Have Far. '
ISrerlnl Dtapatch re Tr icernal.t
I,a Grande, Of.. May 12 Imbler, the
enterprising little town Situated (.bout
1 miles from ;lhls city. Is to hsve a
park. It will cover about 1 or mors
acre, and Js dn a bend of the Orsnd
t R'lhils river, ea lh spot., of -ground,
where the old noted pine known
fjnnm Pine u-l to stand. The park wi
be named after this noted tree. W'j
1)1 be commenced at ome.on at"
navlllua and on the grounds. 0
Inanchrs end rowhosts
upon the rtver, snd trt a very f-
this will be made a very fin t
resort . ., . . - -