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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1906)
. .. JTHEIoREGOFsAILYJOURN . 903, ., -- ass kid i:ee;.:aii ai:d aee attell H ERE IS THE LATEST IN ' FIGHT -TO A DM EDITED BYJ.JUJ10RAN s:on: Formsr Surprises EveryboUy" by His Fins Form nd Nearly Scored a' Decision. POOR SHOWING OF TOREN BEATENIf : ENGLISH TEAM THE EIGHTH (Josraal Bpedsl gervtoe.) Loa Angelee, May II. It required all of the cleveeneaa at AtteQts command to ward off defeat at the hands of Kid Herman In last night's contest before tbe Pacific AthleUo dub. Referee Kyten called the contest a draw at the end of 20 round . Herman surprised every body by his remarkable cleverness, and forced the fighting considerably. Attell rallied In the last two rounds, thereby gaining a draw. Herman waa not sat isfied with the decision.: ,. ' -1 1. - ) ' Made io SPORTDOM Ore Grays a dozen : shades and wavese. The fashionable . . browns - ' 7 Outings fabrics for . t. Showing Made by England's Dis tance Runner at Athens ; -. Disappointing. Ladies' Day Proved Too Much o an Attraction for the Young Twirler. ' 1 1' AMERICA'S STARS AND ' BRITISH MAY HOLD MEET "National Game of United States Will rSSbti Be PJaye4 Irr GretrH!nt Devotees of Sports Teams Are Be ing Organised for the Season. ,, (Journal Sped! errlee.l. London. May 1. The wonderful sue, eesa of the American atbletea at Athene " has been fruitful topic of conversation In sporting circles.-la the. same conneo- : tion the disappointing showing of tba Kngllsh athletes baa caused estonisn : men t. It was known that tba Americans . had a very strong team, but It was not , fceliavad - that there waa aucb marked superiority as the. gamea have developed. Tba defeat of tba Kngllah diatanoa run ners was particularly disappointing. There is low talk among Kngllah ath- lrtes of arrsnrlnir a meeting between picked- teame-ofBrtttsh and American Uiletes. preWy- li-th United tUatea. lfrweuld probably-ha-surprlaing it tba schema did not take definite abapa upon . the return of the atbletea from Athens. The fact that -the great Marathon race did not go to the Americans la aome balm to British pride, tbougb Canada, - Instead or tba mother country, did score " thswlnlh the biggest : event of -the gttJH0B, asssaJl in Baglaaa. I have "a rTnim'vWiTITrnelrecently - of Hi1l.millniik fnr hnnrTf" in y-rglrir Weil, the Biithih Koothall association has been formed, and the call of rstrlke" .. and "ball", soon will be heard In tba ,land.: . - ' 7" Thepeople -who-are introducing the Erne are most of them English foot- Uera, A. K. Kennedy, connected with the successful Woolwtoh Arsenal team, f.; being .tba leading mover.-. . Teams .have already been arranged for at .Woolwich, . . Tottenham, Chelsea -and several other places, while applications from over ...4S men . who., wish to .'play . the gams harva been received. In addition a- seps ""Tatars ssoclatlonr le"to"te-tormed among - le ot so much lovs for America or the American national gamahat baa led to .7 this determined effort to Introduce base ball Into tba land of the Britons. - But . - the realisation haa come to the. sport s r men that cricket la too slow and too . long, and, moreover, that baseball with Ita magnificent fielding makes better cricketers. It Is Instanced that In Aus "" trails, nearly fevery first-class orlckater - Is a base bail player, and that the sue . cess of the Australian cricket team In England was in large measure due " to - ' the proficiency In fielding which- - they hsd- aoquired at -baawhsH Many,, at tempts have been made before, to In. ' . , troduce the game Into England, but ...these attempte .have been made, by . . Americana, and on ' that account wars , ., not successful.. .. ...i. - Tims Zs Opportune But the time fs more opportune now for a faster and more exciting game than cricket. The.numoer rf -tmfhrlehed and drawn matches In cricket has caused .' . the public to rather tire of the national -game and last year the remark of an ' r American humorist made before a crowd - of Kngllshmen passed absolutely with out rebuke. The American said to ons ' of bis friends: "Say, BUI. do you re member that game "of cricket we went . to see at Lord's just before the Spanish American wart Wall, they- finished It yesterday." "' . A story Hlustratlvs of tba long-drawn "out nature of soma of the matches is well Illustrated by a story told In , one pf the muslo halls. . A traveler atopped atCjsJjLtt.lallcounU1 the station-master and the porter play Ing ciliket. The station-master was fowling --snoT-sis 4he traveler- had - an :. hour's wait for his train he asked per ew4 "sysBa''aVwWSsV - j.a VI as sfla-aasf -tfcsa. T1 S SI i sea. ; StT nisi all tnrtw ITT fxHrls- 9MU Tb tatton-nuutr danced about In (In, myinr. "MUter, I am clad - yxnr Tain. "Thtx- iwiow tiaa dmti hi-tot concerted action of the football players. tha hocky ana latrroe wnn and othrr - athUtloaUy-lncUnad : that- baseball win be permanently established. . c- rapars STot OptlnUstlo. ' Some of the papers Inclined to tba view that the Invasion will not be sue ressfuL They admit that the game la fast, but think that ths Briton is too phlegmatic and too careful of hla dignity to enter,-Into the spirit or tne thing with the necessary self-abandonment. - Crloket, they say, with Ita dreamy in terest, suits the Briton better than the . hectlo excitement or baseball. Tbey all admtf that a tittle practice at baseball would make better cricketers and bet ter fielders. One paper says: "Only . those who havs seen an American base- - bailer catch a hard drive with one and a half fingers of hla left hand turning ' at ths aama time a back aomersault, can . realise tba marvelous expertness of the baaeballera. . We should'-1 have fewer drawn games at cricket If ws could all . catch like that."' Of course we rsn never ' be like- them, but let US' be aa like them aa we're able to be." It Is suggested . that with the advent of baseball the . aDclent illustrated Jokes of the Amer . lean, office boy. 'fans" with accommo ... dating reports of ths death of his va . rlous relatives to hla employer In or :. der. to get ths afternoon to see the y gamer wllf -find a. ready sale in England. ' Wrestling as Arleta XaU.. ' This evening st Arleta hall there will . be s catch-as-estrh-can wrestling bout . between Harold Blmmona and Ed Mor- rlsaly for a side bet of 1100, best two out of three falls. " 2or Show Zatrtes. ' "fcerefved at Hudson's Oun Store. Tt Tblrd street. Get Information there and make your entries. . Dsnny Hoffman playsd a nice game en Ms first appearance with the New York Highlanders. , -. ANNUAL DOG SHOW t . hit m te runt a 0 Uktmrmttlom n4 suke eetrM aowst ; STODBos s evv stobk.; '' lie Ihlr Mreet ' " , ,77 '.....j tbjs cuwh max zx ; ' ' X 7: -.1 v '. .-". ,: - ;y-r- - . fr -1 ..:.-- '-' rt f I - , vf i-W. I4L1 ' 1 J " " I '.. . ill ' - I .iti. nmu at.llllM. I i ' pyrrrssassss who was third ia the Marathfin faXC M I . 1?'. ' v on the rteht is Meyer Prinjrtein, who "won the long, jump. ' , - J. f - -, . ; i : 1 . V :: rnUM WnllMAfl nnimirnn rum , .. - - -,'.-:-.-- : -tv 1 1 1 1 I H ! If 1 1 Ml IX - r- ... I iiiiii i iii ii ii i mill i mil I Mill " M T I Til " urst uame o? our xne rugei - . Hill I I IIIII - lilfl-IX O I-,- rar,ra Wall. I V - M II 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 H 1 1 - III! I I II 1 s-r""" p .wfw. i . aw.T I s ssta ssssa. a m am-a-aai. i PtaveQ M fttCh " II ilia I iccn. ncvct-i w -- i . ... . '-""Wi -f-l- -a- - -. , -Z .1. Uill nr-lrla Ouaetlnn - I WIllrTnY rllr . 8p!iu waiMiteb to Theooraaiy of Disbandment. IIUIl I III I UL V Whitman CoUege. WaUa Walla. .. .- . ; .-..-v. 77. " r Waah., Myt The first-lnterooll -. - . . , ., , , - -v;;.:. u . . ' s:. "sr rs "i. .7." fresno fails to draw Oregon 'Varsity InS -"Shows Washingtonlans How to Play National Game. . LELAND HURD PITCHED SPLENDID BASEBALL Spectators Enjoyed " the Contest HugelrothPitcheTSBeintto , Fins Trim sndMansgTng- to Crawl .Out of Countless Tight Situations. (Special Dleseteh te The Jowal.t University of Oregon. Eugens. Or. May 11 Ths Pullman college ' baseball nine, which have been taking things their -own -way - lately throughout - the country, ran onto a sidetrack, yesterday when they met the- Oregon ball nine In the first of two gamea, for the local team took .the game away by the Score of S to 1. The game was s many-fea- tured sffalr wlllr honors tfl Pullmtn showed up to- exctrtlBnt-advmn tagos The -Washington teem mede run In the first chapter and had the bases -occupied many times, but Leland I fAn . 1F"i1fl Tan aTI OUT ft I Vggs p awsenMSenrsBvrejg w s w 1 sp w every alme....JL was not until the fourth Inning that an Oregon man saw first base, and -not- until -ths fifth that a run was scored. . .The stcondgsme l being played today, with Beck and Kelly the batteries for' Oregon and - Helm - and Thompaonjor Pullman. TJiescort W. A. C. Brown, lb TrlDlet.; 2b et,; Nleson, cf . . weiier. id.. Myers, If Thompson, c. Garrett, rf..,. Norley, as..,. McCully, p... ToUls " U.- OF O. ' AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Hathaway, 3b. 4 13 4 3 1 Paine, lb V A . 4 V lit 0 0 0 f'l 0 I H Brown, rf . . , . . . Kelly, c. .,... t.nandler. If.... Hobbs, tb...... Johnson, cf. ... KouKn. ss Hurd, p..,r. ,., ''Thtals"; f .?.-.'.-. M-.-S - 37 17 4 8UMMART. : Famed runs W. A. C. 1: Oregon.. 2, Struck out My McCully. ; T Hurd, 4 Lett en bsses W. A: C, 4; Oregon. 5. Basse on-ball-Off Hurd. S. . uouoie lay Johnson to Kelly: . Stolen bases lissen, Wener. chandler, - Pains (2). Two-bass hit Paine. Sacrifice hits Brown. TrlDlet. Garrett. Peine . and jobnson. Passed bsll Thompson. FINAL GAMES WILLrBE - - PLAYED TOMORROW The laat of the league gamea at ths Multnomah club 'will be played tomor rom morning between the Iriah Giants and Tanlgana at 10 o'clock and the Colts and Flehball at 11:13 o'clock. Ths games will be played on M. A. A. C.' diamond. There la one postponed game to be played, that being a match between the mh Giants . and the cons. will be pulled off a week from tomor row. . It. la understood - that . the Flehballs have been doing k lot of Secret practice for their game tomorrow with ths Colts and the result msv he' a surprise. Ths wagers, howsver, ere n'of great valire. Here is the standing of Abe league: ' Won. LoU i P. C. Irish Qlsnts n.... 3 1 " .78 Colts it.... 3 60 Tanlxnne ,, t .101) .000 1-ishbaUs AB. H. H. PO. A. E. 2 1 g 1 3 0 0 1 1 0 S I 0 0 4 0 I T 0 1 4 i : o o.o 0-0 10-O-0 5 0 1 10 0 0 0 1 10 10 1 0 Z 0 1, 7 un--'.-!Sil . ' V-1 . UT If it ' " J "t ' rteiJLsVWarSiX I. Walla Walla was played yestsrday be tween" Whitman-and tha-Unlveralty, of Washington, resulting In a victory for the Seattle boya with a acore of 3 to I. The game was very close -and exciting and' st- times very-spectacalar;1'- Bmlth pitched, ideal ball for. the university, only striking out three men but also al lowing Only thres htts, and no bases on balls. . Dutcher for Whitman - also pitched s good game, striking out 11 men but being hammered for t safe hits by the university, one of them be ing a three-bagger by Teats. Whitman made but two errors,- while Washing ton had six chalked up against them, and both of Whltman'a rune were due to errors-Summanroftheitame- by trmlngs: ' - -R. H.B. 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 9 S 4 ,44 4-til W 0 0 3 - Washington Whitman , . The lineup of jthe two teams was ss follows: j Whitman. ' . Washington. At ubi -u...uu.p.,.u.uu.i Smith Brown c... L. Teats Sutherland ...... .lb. ..,... O'Brien Reser . n 3b. ... . . McDonald Rlgeby, R. Teats Schmidt . , Andrews Perlnger If , Tegtmelr Basse tt ........., .t. ........ . Dean Morgan . j. .. rr O" Neil 1-Mrphy -TJmpireBTrcner- HAWTHORNE D0WNS.-1 HEiATKmSONztADS In the T. M. C. A.' Grammar School tea rue yesterday the Ha wthomes- de- feaied Atklnsi 1 to l. Ths lineup: Tu rner .nm pj-n-rTueroev-Maieny Kellogg, Montague. . o Gillespie Prehn -tjt.AXl,-JtjM--Rnn'n' Holden ...........2b.......... Malony Herschler ....... .8b. .......... Tooney Graham,.,..,.... Penson Brtggs .. ...........rf... ... Harreschen Lawson If.. ., Rosenberg Mundell .cf,. itiiinitt Stuart BASEBALL ON THE CHEMAWA DIAMOND .-'''''' r' ... i ? (Iperiil rHkpetcb to The Joorsal.) Chemswa, Or., May 13. Today the second Chemawa ball team play the Mute School 'team on the Chemawa grounds. On Monday the redakins' first team will cross hata with . the strong I Pullman aggregation, who have been taking scalps all along the Willamette. The Indiana have - whetted, up their knives, have . taken j brace and-, are ready for the fray. . " On Wednesday the Indians will play the bore of Willamette university at Chemawa and . a close game is antici pated. , TEN-PI 1 MATCH HAS ;T " BEEN DECLARED OFF Ths tan pin mstch between Dr. Me- Grsth. of Seattle and Kruse, the crack, has been declared, off, . McQrath having left for Seattle orrbuslness. The matuh .waa to have taken place Sunday afternoon at - the Oregon alleys and would have been a close one aa these two ten pin stars have met twiee before. each man having a victory to his credit. Kruse, however, ssys he Is willing to meet any local player "who may desire the match ss S salve to the' disappoint ment of the fans through the calling off of the Mi-O rath match. . OBOWIsTV ACaTSS lsTI-,AaV- Mrs. Joels Ptimner,' Bremond. Ter.. writes. April 1, l03: "I have used Ballard's Know Liniment In my fsmlly for three yesrs. 1 would not be with out It In the house. I have used tt on my little girl for growing pains and aches gin her knees. It cured he right swsy. 1 have also used It for frost bit ten feet, with good success. It Is the beet liniment I ever used." 38a, 40c and 11.06. t;old byVoodard. Clarke Co. FRESNO FAILS TO DRAW ANYTHING LIKE A CROWD Mori ey Displeased "Over Small At - tendance at Raisin City and Says That It Must Be DroppedJim Ac cuses Bert of Being Silent. ' The Lo Angeles Examiner has been keeping close tab on the ball situation In the Coast league thle season. In recent lsaue there Is "an "appeal" to the Los Angeleir,hhito turnjout and-oup- port the team and not to be dependent upon ' charity from the east. ' Hare le what 1t says 1n part: Much depends upon the support glvsn ths team this week and the loyal fans should do everything possible to swell the attendance end show -the--boys-who havs given us two pennants In three yeare that they are appreciated. Some good old-time rooting la In order. The earthquake was a blow to the league and a week ago two stubs were via. U V "UV WVIU came - from tne east that a fund hern c-TaisefftTythe touetoair- men -of Diner leagues to assist ins suiisrers in the Coast - league and the - association held together. If the Lob Angeles baae- r ball lovers want ' baseball they should sh01V It 1 byi,"Wlss,lW r w)ssBIbw4(svT1w Los Angeles should not be dependent upon . the charity of the east; . let the fane gather and ahow some of the old Interest which "Inspires ths prayers- end" helps make the leagna-nrsuccesa. Fisher's team has not been aeea st should bs an- attraction. Most of the games In . Fresno . were close and - the series this week will be hard fought The Angels are off well and give prom ise or holding a safe - position in tne front of the . procession during the league race. The receipts In Fresno were anything but good and stamp the raisin town aa unsatisfactory for - baseball. On the opening day the receipts were 3S3.I0, This was a big crowd for Fresno and the next day but 343.26 turned up In the box office. Then followed a 343 day and 343 gate. Saturday 373 were the re ceipts and Sunday 3332.2S was taken in. The only real excitement came the dos ing day. - Friday Bernard had made the remark before some of the elty fathers that such a bunt town as Fresno had no business In a peanut league.- This was awful and Immediately the mob gath ered. People who usually go to bed at sundown remained up as late as 7:30 to condsssri thla-raacal Bernard." A com mittee of prominent cltlsena called Upon the learned editors of the town and the next day-the little eenter fielder broke Into tha editorial columns. . ."An Imitation ball player." '"Not good enough .for a bush league.1 "Getting - money under false pre tenses." , ,'.'.., j. . "A disgrace to California and en east ern WOlf.'' -': " '"-""- : "A saphead cheese." :r -- ocaLLThese were some, of the' nice "things said about Bernard. Sunday the blggeat crowd of the week turned out to roast, and Bernard intenda applying for a bonua for drawing an extra large crowd. "The future policy of tbe league will be decided soon," aald Manager Morley. "tt Is certain we cannot retain Fresno. The total receipts, last week amounted to 3(72. of, which we received 1300, our guarantee." The expenses 'of a ball team will run close to 3200 a day and when the weekly receipts for two clubs do not reaah 3700 tha poor bualnesa nollcy of retaining aoamiWjeooU seen at gmuuw. "Bert has accused me of trying- to break up the league. This Is rather an unjust accusation considering that I sent telegram after telegram to Bert and re ceived no reply until 12 daye after the earthquake. I hid aft option on a piece of property on which I Intended building a park, but not bearing from Bert let the option expire. . : , SEALS MAKE FOUR RUNS IN EIGHTH INNING Unta-Fatal Period 77TbrehHad Pitched Splendid -BaU but After -; Two Wr Down He Couldn't Keep the Ball Out of Harm V Way. Ban Francisco 4. Portland 1. Battertes lUtt and Wilson, ' TMran and ' McLean. Tba Giants had th game won yes terday, but tt didn't stay won. - It was ladles' day and the grandstand was- re splendent la a thousand colors - Every time s ball was thrown or batted, there was a movement of colors, a hurried bunch of "ohs" and If all didn't go well there were a thousand sighs and theh soma. .This was kept up for nine In nings and It worked with the celerity and preolilon of a Swiss movement for InnlW11 si nt j Hal us the llffahf SI 1 SI. ssrwsfie psssssrsajsss SMSSareaawagr- s may of all concerned, just as everybody was certain that another victory waa to hs. wrlttenln the book Of books, some thing happened to the. deception oil In Toren's valuable -rf linger"- and it was all off with the Giants. Then It was that . the - Giants- got their roasting. Toren Is no longer a hero. He left the box at the end of tbs first half or the eighth wearing a heavy sorrow, and the din of the four bells was muslo. to- his ,a4aiunafta...SD9.ii,p.injn the organdled fanneases. - Both Toren and Hltt were doing splendid work In the box. Toren bad the better of the argument from the start. He was very effective and did not allow but one hit unta the eighth Inning. During thle time the Giants managed to . gat ' two" runs aoross the platsv one in the fourth -on Mitchell a hit and William's bad throw and one in ths seventh on McLean's .base -on belle and Moore s double. When the eighth Inning arrived- Gooh- nauer went out oh a foul pop to Mo- Sweeney's error gave Parke Wll son flfsLHiU eouia not setid one he-T lie Moore With two gone everything looked rosy for Portland. But: the clouds gathered when Spencer imea a xexa jeaguer over snori. Wheeler followed suit by popping one that Callff should - have had, but took on the bounce. Parke Wilson scored on thle mistake. Hlldebrand, the tricky, waited for free transportation to first and -"the. gloom got deeper.. .Toren. had tha - fidgets.- Charlie - Irwin - selected a gqpd-one and laced It Into aafe terri tory, scoring Boencer and Wheeler. Householder appeared-. wlthhis long stick and the ladles demanded a strike out, but JSjddle responded by sending the, first ball pltchsd to eenter field, 'scor ing Hlldebrand. Irwin tried to come home on the drive but was nipped at the plate on a good throw, by. McHala. The run was not needed., ho waver, four being, sufficient. " The Giants couldn't do anything In ths eighth or ninth, so ths story end- eth. Tha official, r"' ; , PORTLAND. .' , ' . i , -AB R. H. POt A B. Mortals, cr 3 .0101 Sweeney, ss. ......... 4 0 34 1 Mitchell, - 30.. 4-1-3-0-1 Callff, If 3-0 J 0 0 MoCredle, rf......... 8 0 0 0 0 .0 w.... ....... m A W A Moore. 3b 4 0 3 3 0 Donohue, 2b. 1-0 Toren, p.... 4 Totals 32 3 1 27.11 SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Spencer. cf, 4 111 0 3 11 3 - 0 Whe heeler. 2 b HUdebranLUf. i.i:ei.j:oi jxwin, an. tiouseholder, r: 4 0 1.1 0 Williams, lb ....... Gocbnauer, as........ 0 1 4 0 0 -T-S-l 3 8 0 wnson, a.... ........ 4 lr-l 8- 0 e Totals 34 4 irif" SCORB BT-INNINOa- San Francisco.. .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 Hits ..0 1000004 1 t SUMMARY; ' Struck out By Toren, 8j by Hltt, T. Left-on bases romand, 7; Ban Fran- Cisco, 6. Stolen base Irwin.- Two- base hit Moore. Double plays Hltt to Irwin. Toren to Mitchell to Moore. Sacrifice hits Wheeler and Callff. Time of game One hour and 40 minutes. GRAYSHARBOR CLUB : HAS INCORPORATED Aberdeen. Washw'May 12. The Grays Harbor Baseball association has been Incorporated' with a capital stock of 33,800 divided Into 700 shares at 38 share. Aberdeen Is the headquarters of the new company. The following offi cers have been elected: President, A. IL Griffin; vice-president, W. R. Mo- FarlanC; secretary and manager, R. P, Brown; treasurer, 8. k. Bowes. Theee officers are also directors, as wsll aa F. G. Footer of , Hoqulam and Nelll Cooney of Coemopolla. WILLIE HOPPE BREAKS " RECORD FOR HIGH RUN - - (Jnaraal Special iServlce.) " Chicago, May 12. Willie Hoppe. the billiard prodigy of the world, hroke the world's high run in 13.3-inch balk-IIne billiards last night by making the re markable run of 307. Louis Cure of Parle was the former holder of the record at 26S. Hoppe made' hla run during his match, with Behaefer, whom he defeated 800 to 103. Sutton defeated Cure In -the afternoon. Button's high run was 201, average 82 3-8; Cure's high run-was 124, average 8H. ' Fortunate BtOssonrlaas. "When I was a druggist, at Livonia. Mo.," writes T. J. Dwyer, now of Graya vllle. Mo., "three of my customers were permanently - cured, of consumption by rr. King's New Discovery, end ars well and strong today. One was trying to aell hie property and move to Arisona, but after using New Discovery a short time he found it unnecessary to do so. I regard Dr. .King's New Discovery ss the most wonaerrui medicine in existence Surest Cough and cold cure and Throat and Lung healer. - Guaranteed by Bkid- more iwug co. soq ana l. Trial aot- ue irse. , , AMERICAN LEAGUE.- .Won. ','Vont, P.O. rniiaaeianisk a ii.ait.j .14 S .B3 Detroit - e - e e 11. j,- 8 .673 Cleveland. SB WuhlnvtAn . ,EB0 St. Louis ...... t...... 11 716 .524 New-York- 10 - . .600 Chlcago Boston .. It 431 . Af Cleveland - ' ' . ' R. H- B. Cleveland ................... 4 S 3 New York I 11 I Batteries Hess and Clark; Cbeabro, Newtoa and Klelnow. '' . 7t"7. - .. ',-. At Boston. . . V ' ' - '" 1 R.H. a et -Louis Boston ...... v 3 3 4 Batteries Smith and Rickey; Dinaen sad Graham. ; ' ,''' . -At WaahlBgtom. R7H.TD. Waahlngton .................. 0 4 4 Detroit 4 11 0 Batteries Hughes and Heydon; Mul- Hn and Schmidt. - - - NATIONAL LEAGUE, New York .1 . :.Sr .737 Chicago ....... ..It . . 8r ...... .433 Philadelphia-. ......... .13 .-..-10 .400 Pittsburg . ...... 11 11 .800 Boston 10 12 --'--.465 Bt Louis T If" .403 Cincinnati 13 ..30 Brooklyn i, ........... 13- ' 60 "'. ''..Al vmmtg. . - '-. " " i -- ; , .,, ',.,. ti, at-. Plttsborg 0 8 3 Philadelphia. !! 1 Batteries Phllllppl and Pens; Sparks and Dooln. Umpire Klenj. . At St. 2jals: St Louis ..... t;nioago ...................... iv e Batteries cgan ana nauo; wicKsr and Kllng." .... ' -.-r. .7... PACIFIC CQAST LEAGUE. Won. Lost. P.O. Sas Franc! 60 Los Angeles 1 8 .704 TPortiand 14 ... 10 r . Freano ..10 8 ..m...4.. S . . 17 - .870 Oakland 1 ,v - lift Seattle ... 21 .800 " ' ' Fresno Whitewashed. : Xos Angeles. ' May" " li. The- Angela ehut out Fresno yestsrday s te e. score: v- .- .. R.H. B. Los Angeles lOlvlltl f Fresno i . . . .0 S 999 0 - v. - A.r - V. K&sae. . WKi ft viewrjejar"-- i."!B isj umi i f'tsr fforsUd and. Hocan. - Umplr McDonald. SPORTING GOSSIP. The Seattle-Oakland game , wsa not played yesterday on account of rain. . Pennsylvania, and -Michigan will meet on tha nidtron daring the next two s sons. The first game wiu be pu yea at Philadelphia on November 17 tble year, and the aeoond In Chicago about thejame -tlme ji year later. This afternoon Jtfullnomah. will pUy the nine representing wasblngton coun ty's club en tbe local Club's diamond. On Tuesday afternoon next the' Pull. man team will play two eeven-innmg gamee en Multnomah, field. The first will be with M. A.--A.- Xr beginning at :Sn o'clock, and the second with the Portland high school nine at the comple tion of the first. . ... Kenneth Fenton was chosen laat even ing to captain the Multnomah club nine. Fenton la one of Stanford's star playera. in home fortha summer S. T Jaoobsos. representing North western university, and M. B. Levi ton. representing the University of Chicago, meet sr the CWcago-hesa-crob-today4w a contest .for .the "Weetenr-tntercol legt- ate -chess championship. s a : "Tacks" Parrott who has been play ing ball so long that he haa forgotten when he started, is with tne anAnto. nlo club this season. . - . - , . e e - ' . ' ' Six out of theelght-clube of the Eastern league have new men playing first base this season. . e . e '"' "..".I Johnny Lush of the Philadelphia Na tionals pltohed the first "no hit, no run" gams of the season- and Brooklyn was the victim. . . .. The annual meet of the Iowa, Tract Union association ia echeduled to take place today at Cedar Falls. The col leges Included In the association are Cornell. Penn, Coe, Fayette and the State Normal. 7 ' -7 - e e . .......... The third annual Interscholaatlo track end field meet, under the euepicee of the Indiana University Athletic associa tion, takes plana -this - afternoon as Bloomlngton. The meet glvee promise of being a great Success, as there are more entries and they are of a higher class than ever before. w 7. ' ' -7: 7 7 'S- ,K -,'. ' '- ' There are three Bannon brothers playing, ball at present. -Jimmy and George are with the Montreal club, of the Eastern league and Torn! la captalri of the Lynn team In the New. England league. """' '''' r A bill Is to be Introduced in the Louisiana 'legislature next week aiming to atop turf ware In New Orleane and to regulate the sport. The measure le modeled after the racing Uws ef Ken tucky and New York. e e A rile Latham'e Jacksonville team - la setting the pace In the South Atlantic league... . The Southern leegue teame have their work cut out for them In trying to head off Birmingham. '-.-. .' e ' It -hard to-4sll .what. Is the. trouble with ths Cincinnati Reds, unlsse It Is 1. the pitching staff. The team ap pears to be weak In the twirling depart ment. ' V ' '" Arrangements have been concluded for the Interstate association's south ern handicap tournament, which le to take place at Nashville next week under .two:piecersuits; Gun clulv checks Heirmgbone weaves TO YOlli MEASURE TO and alFinade in 2 Oregon from' Oregon .back to the man's back no : middle- it mans EUCSBUILDINQ- SEVENTH & STARK f the auspices- of - the Cumberland - Park Oun club. . a . ;.- . - . -' - Johnny Bates ie reported as doing . well with the Boston National league club. .'." , . j, . ' e - e . -. '- ' . :Cbjrtl .Nearxjol JuUlwsrtee .wsde. Sj good Impression among fight fnllnwars. on his first appearance In tha east, , when he defeated Jimmy Biigge at 1 Chelaea. .- . ; . - . 7; TRaCOTHCETESTO" JWEET-ArABERDEEIl. (BnecUl IHtpsteh te Tbe JearnaLi Aberdeen. Wash., May. 13. The first Track meet of the high Bohool track team will be held at old AthleUo park today; And will be between the Hoqulam Y. M. C A. team and the Aberdeen hlgh7 echool team, it will consist of 14 eventa. Including running, throwing of the dlecua, hammer throwing, running broad jump; running high lump, shotput, - pole vault, 120-yard high hurdle. 220-. yard low hurdle and relay race The meet Is given for practice and to create an interest In the state meet In Seattle on the 10th. This will be the first event - of the kind In thle place and will draw a large crowd of thoee Interested In thle kind of sport. THE TRIBUNES ARE 1 ' ANXIOUS FOR A GAME The Tribunes are anxious for a game - tomorrow morning with any team In tha city between the ages of 14 - and 18 yeara. Any team wishing a match can ' be accommodated by calling Op Main 4013, between and 7 o'clock p. m WL Scott, manager. - T. K. O. A.' Orammag agne. :.-'. Won. .Lost. F.C, Hawthorne .-....-1 z -Qrzia.OOOt: Brooklyn .....m.... 1 0 1,000 Mount Tabor . 1 0' 1,000 Clinton Kelly 1 - , 1.000 Highland .....m.. 10 1.000 Ockley Green ... ,. 1, .0" . 1,000 Wllllama Avenue ... e . 1 .000 FaUing ,..... 0 " t".000 ' lAdd .....m... 4 1 .000 Couch y J .too Atkinson v. 0 -1 -.000 The - Failing school nlns withdrew from the. league yesterday en account of tbe boys -not having time' to partici pate In the gamea. r . - - . 7 Grers starhor Ttotors. -t (Speclsl JMspstcb'te-Tks JooraaLT Aberdeen, Wash., May . 13. Grays Harbor wonyesterday'a match, lit. ths . sixth Inning. Rain Interfered with, the -game twice and It was called off in the eighth. Score:.- .. . n. ir. si Grays Harbor .................8 8.0 Butte.... ...........14 3 Batteries Butte. Schmidt and Swin dells;. Oraya Harbor, Law and Hurler. Attendance 400. - ' -7 ft - Is . ; ,7 ' iiv.. - .