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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1906)
fTHE-REGOfiAILY JOURN EMPLOYERS TO ROBBED HIS FAMILY LIVING John D. Brosseau Pads i Payrolls in Tiffany & Co., and Confesses His Misdeeds-Police rSayrThat-Total-Theft May Reach $100,000 (Joarsal Special Service.) ' New York, May 1J. For the second r v tlra within th year Tiffany Coi-hav been mads the victim, of a robbery. It is believed that morafhan 1 100,000 Tia --bean lost to the .firm through the latest -. -aeries of thefts. - John IX. Brosseau, a. "trusted employ of the bis Jewelry firm, -fa under arrest, having-" confessed- to - robbing; th firm Of thousands of dollars : by padding- payrolls. . He has been In . the employ of th company .for. it years, and was trusted. Implicitly. : v : - The person or persons who on May 4 last stole the celebrated - three "pear shaped dlamonda." worth 138,000, never 'were ajreated, and yesterday John B. "brosseau, self-confessed criminal In the KEEP IINT STYLE Tirsur c '-.-- fc, mnwm vmcn wmxttxu rtrrroovrrrnai - - t 'i"jMT I wsArraonxrrpTO iua qwm lLaf' mnnu wv VWCH WAS iwfc urATOTAJLOT ; HM TltoWAlCBl or DoLVAifsrj km :, M -'.' - - -i i SSv ' ill rOIlCEBlUL , i ....... uy f , t xf i I I - ... lLl 1' i Hi j "mi f.r-ya.!""'? i.'-aij3!l 1 I-- S3- i v ii ii.ii 1 1 I, I lil. II" I I H T JlltC t- - -r 1 i V 4 S 1 ll It i . . i r sir, i 4 JSiunniiiniiliiTimr John B. Brosaean, Accused or Robbing IffanyrXThree o Pear-Shaped Diamonds Missing. r-r-f. -latest theft, was questioned closely -by the police recardlna; the 106 crime. He " stoltdly aaaertpd "that: he had no part 1n that affair. But the police," neverthe leaa. have been Investigating that feat- ure of the case. ' Startllns as Jewel robbertea. In this , city have been, this lateat 'Theft aur paaaea them for deftness and ease. It will take several days to determine whether Jewels are Included in the taketi by Brosseau. Who Jived atNaL-H -Xnos avenue. : .1 ' The manner la which Brosaean worked imple.-lt wma so elmal that ne- body realised that "the firm . was being robbed. ' ' Brosseau - was . In absolute chare of the payroll and- of -the repair department. In which latter branch of th establishment thou,sands of dollars' worth of trema are handled every, day by workmen. - It was In this very de partment n a day when Broseeau was In personal charae, that the . "par shaped diamonds were stolen," With' Completion In'That Section of eraysT"MaJi7-large-1Frai liWlH; B 4. Rapidly Divided fr Into Drosaesu hired men. lie had power te dlscharae them. He handled all their ay. . And when he bargained with an expert repairer to perform certain work for, say 1(0 a week, he would put In a Mil xor n or ii no. .Keeping- xne surplus loot! himself . The firm Taever- suspected .him, Th remuneration or men capable-or band' Una the famous "Tiffany settina" Is ( very larre and he company never quar- reled about amounts so lona as patrons rot the work which made th house so prominent. In . this - manner -Broaaeau gradually accumulated large sums of money,; r'--r"T7..?!T.:rr'-r'.if. 7-.-t.-t '-v- ADMIRAL IS ASKED JO- REMAIN IN THE NAVY (Jooraal apeetal Servle.) .. . Washington, May Though Rear Admiral -George A. Converse tomorrow reaches the age limit for active service and In the ordinary course of , event would b placed. on the retired Hat of the navy. It is probable that he will continue to perform the duties of chief of the bureau of navigation for some time to come. The president has so requested, the request being mad on th ground that hia continuance at the head of the bureau ,1s. demanded by th n 4 4f th sorvtoo. i . -. - , It " Is. Unusual for an officer of the navy to be asked to remain In active service after he has reached the retir ing age, and In th case of Admiral Converse It Is personal tribute to his high qualities and his long and efficient career as an officer. Admiral Converse already has the unusual record of hav ing filled no less than three bureau po sitions in ' succession,- besides having commanded one of the finest of th big battleships of th navy, the Illlrtols. Its Is native of Vermont and graduated from the naval academy In 1166. , ilili i Chocolate-Bonbons I are the most delicious and hav the Urxest sale of any la 'the world. r S la their making nothing la , used bat the choicest choce 7 flute, pure cane agar, finest nuts and fruj$v and , purest ex- L,- "tracU ol fruiu ana uowers. Ow thing pecsllar t Lvey's Candle bthat they ess b eatss treely they are sere and waiWaasaie. THE WALTER M. LOWNEY CO., ChocoUteand Cocoa Makers. JM5TpN,MAS." . i - ' ., ' J.VI -' - Ganadian iBank tGommerce ; announces its removal to aw premiss in tKs j ) I ' Lumtcr ; Exckange.. Building4 ' ; , oa the corner . Scconi-OnJ Stark Street. .... ....., . r, , ll ' , 1101'i noous Many Irrigation Projects in OrJ vOTTakng-ooresf-- 'RfcH Fields. WILL RECLAIM MANY . ACRES IN UMATILLA Smal Tracts. By Iiula R. Lorena. (SpeeUl DlapateT to Th JovraaL) . -. Pendleton,. Or., May It. Irrigation will do tnor to build up th atat of Oregon- and the west . In th - nex W 10 years than any other on thina.'Wher th land can be' used without Irrigation there are now rich fields of grain and various cropsTTnt where Jjrtlgatl6n is needed to produce ' results, th . great possibilities to be derived therefrom cannot be realised too soon. All through this' grand and glorious west great canals are being constructed, many of thenr by Independent concerns and many or mtm oy ine government. THE mirJ. ST. JOHNS HOTEL r, . jawasti ia.-.:v : ,. ' i - 1 V - ! V -V,V ' . a. fir;, .i,;!!!!;:- i Mi ' i 5- 2 i (i f.-iniii itoir.M. in, i.. ill-Airii.-.rti-.tltfi' PRIVATE pilUllGROOLl WW J' -V: . v : : CUISINE AND ; SERVlCEFIRST-CXASSfa--- ; ; w SPEC GIVEN-TO DINNER; PARTIES . -MENU, 4- Lobster Balad. Queen Olives. -Shrimp 8laL Dill Flokle. -- Crab Salad. Radlahe. Lettuce Baiaa.- Toung Onions. Tot to Salad, Free a XamatoeS... - ; t;now. . Chicken Oumb. Consomm. - : Clam Chwde. Baked Salmon, Maltr d'Hotel. 1 Bollad Haimon Holiandslav. . : :r . 'Ii .: sorrjv .. . -. . Chicken, Oyster Sauesk- Half Spring Chicken a la Poulett. Stewed Chicken. FamUy Styl, Calves' Brains, Breaded. . . Creole Sauce, Chicken Uver etr Broehett. - Veal Fricandelles with Mushrooms. Pineapple Fritters. Brandy SauoaT Toung Chicken with Erssinv - Prim Ribs of Beef an Jus. ' .; Loin o Pork,, Appl Sauo. .. Toung Veal, Brown Qravy. .L,1 :'. TslwaWAStBS. - ; Sugar Corn. " t Stewed Tomato. Sweat Peas. ' Imp.- Asparagus. String Beans. Toung Bplnaoh. , Nw Potatoes; In Cream. - ' Assorted Pies. . . - Strawberries - with Craam. . ". 7- Io Cream with Cake. --- . - . Sliced. Oranges. . Sliced Ptnpphv - Caf Nolr. . .. American and Swiss Cheese. Srvd from 11 a. m. to- p. as... nOrego.nthjerfl .arenow jtwaLrast project under way, one - in Klamath county and one - In : Umatilla - county, where thousands of acres of valuable land will b reclaimed. - " : When the good news of these projects going through-in the different localities in the country reaches the people. It is thoroughly appreciated by those who-) ar acquainted with . . th conditions which prevailed on-these barren lands before and who aire capable of under standing the wonderful results which wilt follow the announcement that the government wllr- construct a f 1.000.000 canal In the Immediate vicinity. . . 1Tbonaa4otWWHtlarT" Tlia PoaalbLLLU.eathatabound-lorths upbuilding of permanent and valuable homes ar wonderful, and within a short - time the lands are dotted with fields of alfalfa, fruits , and various crops.: - The value of th construction of th government ditch - ln4Jmatllla- -county at this time In, that particular locality is but the beginning of th great .work which will be performed her from this time on. It is but the beginning In any me wnen land In all parts of the west, which has been considered .practically worthless will produce themost valuable crops. Th secretary or the Interior has ad vertised for bids for th construction of the dam of the East Umatilla- Irrigation project, the bids to be opened in Port land June 28. The bids include - esti mates on the construction of - 700.000 cubic yards of earth and gravel excava tion, S.000 -cubic yards f earth and rock excavation, S.O00 cublo yards 'of con crete and SS.000 cublo yards of rip-rap and rock fill work. . . ,. Will Bedeem Many Acrea.-.'; Th Umatilla project involves the re demption of approximately, 80.000 acrea of arid land. It was first; taken up In the summer of 10B, and- the rapidity with which the plans, have been rushed to -their present states speaks, well for the suoceas of the project. -: , After this, will follow the advertising for th 26-mlle feed canal, with a ca pacity, of. 300 cublo feet per second, to carry the noon waters or the Umatilla river to. the .Cold Springs reservoir. Next will . come - the main . irrigation canals leading the water from thai Cpld Springs dam to, the lands, and the com plicated lateral 'system ofdltches and pip lines to properly distribute to each farm-unit. r ..' , . Though , the Umatilla project is small compared - with- many . reclamation- serv ice projects, " the - hi gh' J productiveness of the land, which lies at less than too feet above sea level, will' cause farms to b quickly . subdivided into small tracts of from S to ' 10 acre , each. Echo, Hermlston and Umatilla ar 1hre town which promts, to become, flour ishing under th project, and . all of Umatilla county will be greatly bene fited. - .... , ... This land, as In most sections where th government is putting In ditches, with an adequate Irrigation supply, will not be surpassed In value and produc tiveness by any lands - this aid of southern California. iM , ""'." ' r " ; 4i-- x - Ubrary as Woodson. .. - (Spertal Dttch te Th JonrnaL) Woodburn. Or., May 11. Th Wom an's club ha aecured the amount neces sary to establish the free traveling li brary as sent out by the state and has opened a reading rom ovr th Bank, of Woodburn, . . A. , ... . JI(E SMJE.dPlF (EMWME . , . . . ,. , .,. - , .. . A CLEANING OUT SALEi: A-idMposal of evtiylliing in Uie lituse is -la pi URtesrttOPrnore. Ill tile list will be tound everything in the rlaasware family,' and in the list we may announce such prices as . , - ' ' SfiLsEcgll 20a and Big Berry Dishes at 10c to 15c oteTndiresuranfmen will do well to make note of this sale and supply their wants while figures are down to this bedrock: plane. -in tact WK AKJi bELUNli AT TJrli LOWEST JrKHJiCS THAT WILL BE OFFERED IN THIS :TOWN FOR llANY ? A DAY TO COMB. ? riiTninpiiiriTr1 vmcv fi a cc we bl.u ino inpbrior mbkch andisb ft V Eli 1 1 IlillU T iliij 1 -VLHijij OP AWY-KIND INOUR-B8TABUSHMENT x3Y THE:-WAYr5EEUSAB0UTHAT .,-,,,,;:.;. ... -, ... ake uuiluim u ok abo u t to .builu tL Telephone) Main 7 - . 1383; ; j (O CtUo DEALEJiNvAilKINDSpF ciADrnDEDSinr Oii Fellows Tecple First and Alicr Sts. HARDWARE, GARDEN" AND CARPENTERS TOOLS "AND CUTLERY, T,7AK1ID)S Jy U c I .toj InV 1 1 1 Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney tronble, hoping drifting towards Bright' a Disease, which ' is kidney trouble in one "it will wear away," are of its worst: forms. 'VI mm, itobslrreirularitres. strenirthens the urinarr orfirans"and Guilds uo thfTwd-attiMW of the kidneys so they wUlperfotm thel functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do sot.- and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to erery part of the body. causiHK uizziaczav oacaiauie, iiomtca crouDic siugKisa UTcr, rc;uiAucu i atuou. eiw If you hare any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY-CURE at once as it will cure a slight disorder in. a few ... days and prerent a J fatal malady. It is pleasaqtJtQ-tak& and benefits the whole system. .", ... ,..; ...,.... . .'- How to Find Out. 8. m. II Yea can easily fetarmln If your kidneys are out af order ky aottin; aside for 34 hours a' bottle of the nrin passed aooa ariaing;. If Upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has , a bricJr-dust sediment or small particles float about id It, your kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be takes at eaco. v , -1. ''-'?.'. Burhans Testifies Attar Pour, Yi Barhans of Carlisle Center, N. Y writes: G.B. "About too, rears age I wrote ywt atatug that I bad been twely cure f a sever kidney trenbl by taking Ua thaa tw seHI f Pclay'a Kldaay Cur. It entirely stea4 the rlc-4at aeSlsaaat sod rtla and ayaipteoia of USney eiaaaaa Slaepf ara. 1 am glad t ssy the have sever had a return f aay f the symptoms tfariag th Kssr ear that nav !, aaa 1 ana viauy earaa nnay eara. aa isartlly rcnasd relay's Kldaey Cur M aay tWta assa kidiMy. f bladder trela." yean Bear Kldaey Cur M aay MflWtag 1 Two Clzes, 50 Cents and $1.33. OLDlKD MC3EKDED by . WOODARD, . CLARKE I CO. AND AND . SKIDMORE DRUG CO. m JL, WW ;HKCarldcici km. iv 11 as Phone East; 24 4n WEI ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS, PROTECTION REGARD LESS OF "COMBINE- OR COMPETITION An Unequalcd Offer A set of our famous IIS False TEETH for SI O. Painless extraetlna fre with . thle offer. Exam ination and consultation fre. Crown end J3rldi work a specialty. Extraotlns. 10 cents , WI3E BR03.. Dentists , - . . xwxma an wnmiHoa. - -. -aula aoaa. ; , Oyen Brwiage and Sua ays. I The Tone and Design of wall 'Papers ; Are selected and fashioned by artists of artistic taste and SkilLEach style of paper is intended for certain uses and T6" harmonize with certain surroundings. We have had-, experience; we offer it to you -Buying of us means a wise ; V - selection and a money saving. We also sell - run -tkat woarr ooaca orr ana tajutisxxs too mit vsa. ZiFortland Paint & Wall Paper CoZ: 170 Second St I t TiyKin coLOBip kost1 ptcne Usla 4371 . aiTwzxa .xoaaisos aso tikkiu. stixxts. ; hm ? v RANK AHn flFFlfF MM VI 1 QjLJ WIRE Tuirs' r ; M 2l "Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn tcz ilr?, poultry rveinng, -ic PORTLAND VIRE ami VOIIS Phone Main 2000 83 FLANDEH3 ST I.'itr T. V.4