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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1906)
X"' AS ... I . . i ; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 12. 1908. If FURNITURE FACTORIES. CHKOoN rvraMar KiHfMtrlii Cmhw - Maanfaatsraas , sf farsliara ,JJJMIJ rt'HMTI'tl fessurmrturlnf u4 aperlsl ei " L, Bsvessky's farsttar factory. (TO Freed at. GROCERS.-- W A nn A MB A CO.. what INfM M fmctarars sad emASUa.loa star cheats. , Foartk : ' aad Oak eta. ... . .' ALLS 4 LK WIS. eommtartoa sad prods . Fml e4 Davis at.. Portias. Or. GASOLINE ENGINES. Stationary and ajarlal Uttlr-prrtH . rmaeli base eJtne . Mooch. (UW aeooao-saaa . eaeewi lacaes sno Bun. 181-4-8 Morrlaoa at. HAY AND GRAIN." ". L L. COOPER A - CO. Potatoes, feed and flosr. 12 I slao arm. Phooe Kaal toiT. HOTELS. BOTKL Pmrtlaed, Aswrteaa puis 8. 89 per Say, BELVBDERB; Boropeea plea; 4th sad Akaa sts. TUB BROWN-tlrssd sd Hswthorn vcs HARDWARE.- Portlaad Hardware C. aoilctta atiuHaalty t oaete prices. 1(3 let at., cor, imc. ie. INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHJTB. Or las BIBB. . JAB. Mel. WOOD, employer liability saw tn dlvldaal seddent enrety heads ef fit klsds, . Pant 47. 80S- McKay tld. e i i ; -e LOCKSMITH. J, R. BtCHARMON.-kirkamltt Bad BS7 stomaid.. Paris 10ft. MUSICAL. SMIL THIELBOBN. prrpll ef SBTCIK. vtatla teacher,- Mtadla ISP) s1th. - Tat. Mala MANDOLIN, f-nftar, bsnto laaanaa. Prat. B. A. smith. S4 iztn at. Mat 4ws. MONEY TO LOAN. . H0NF.T TO LOAM ' Oa Improved or for bunding . ps'snsas. for from 2 to 10 year' time, with priTllege to repay an or fart of loss sftev 4 wo await. loan lunwd fro a plan and money sdveaced - a building ,., Baw.tgmfsu.TBmru.;mAf utd ,. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Afcst . 212 8trt at. Aajr aalarled aaiptoye. was-arar, an kl aoto, wltkoot mortpaco Month. Vt MTontk. Woe. , kftfl 00 gappy to a dlS.aa or n0 or $S.M tJB.OO Repay to ma 8.65 or .I3.3S or 11. M 15-00Kcpay to na i .0 or M OO or t-00 210 UrKay bldf. cKkPIDBNTIAL- loana oa aahuie. Inroraaa pollctea, piaaoa, faraltur. wareboo ro aelpta. ate.; any daeerTlrg person aay aacnr a Lheral adranee. rapaylnf ay eaay waakl or Ifioathly Inatallmanta. ' NEW F.HA lAN TBrT COktPAIfT, , Jod Ablngtoa bldd . . -xnieT-trAXcerr8ALA.tED teopxe And others npoa their own name'' without security: cheapest rste. saalcat payments; "-office nr 3 pHnipar cm: yr jrtrif . wtoner by pettlnp our terms first. -TOLWAS, S2S AMimakidav.audl,Thlrdat. HEADQrABTEBS FOR BALART LOANS Money can . D Dorrowea om soar paraaoui t,ar-Ht:a,ftx la'ar a.j. '43 fohwk. bldt... ror.. Third a MONBT to loan oaTirsl. peraoaal sad collateral HMrlif anelal attention to chattel Bsort- pares; note boarht.. - is. W. Fallot, - Fentoo pld.. M Blstk St. , "RIORLT reapectabl plae wkar Udlos aad Eis aaa borrow monsy na-dlsmnnrts and wiry. Collataral Loan Ban. See Wask IXMa St. I'nono Black It. MONRT to tnaa on Clsciamss coonty land. . K. P. and P. B. Riley, Bus -Ckamber ' Cota- LOWEST rate en fnralttna and plaaos. Bast- mraXoaa Cow 449 Sbrrlock bldf. rscide 3118. MONET TO LOAN on all kinds of aecarlty. Wllllamt HolL rooai S, WaahUgtoa bWg. riO LOiS-SuBu" U: t on chattel. sacBrlty, R. A. frame. 614 the Marqnam. WILL loan IS. 000 or less oa rasl estst sacorlty I I par' aaat, Farrtngtoa. (IS Cbsmbsr of . CuiUMTOSo SIO.nrsT TOL0AH 1m-smamr-r-atitt- oa city fimperty at . t par scat. . . 403 CoBjnjerclal .Mr. MAGNETIC HEALING. KERTOCSKE8S and foactloasl tmobles post. tleaty corort; conaoltatloa frra. U H. Bart, IBS Saoanth at... Mala 4178.. OSTEOPATHS. PBS. AP11 WIR IHBtTPV-tS-T-J bldr., Third aad Washington sts. . Mala S4A. Ezsmlaatloa free. . Pboa 'PR. P1EBCB, ostenpata. TthrstkNi aad the aow light, im Tklrd at Pboa Pacific K47. IS d MA-WKb AKIH bid. Pboa PaciS 1889. MACHINERY. . TO H H. C ALBEB 0. Second-hand machinery, . aawnllla, ate. Sid Crand . BIPPBLT aV MTERS. mscblnlat aad olee trtciaa: alectrtc derstors, electrical mehln ry sad (aaolia engines a specialty. 234 ' Oak at. Phoaa Mala 120. MONUMENTS. WETJ A KTNOSLXT. 2M First at.. Fertlaad'k - leading marble and rraalta works. -i V v PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.; wlnoow-f laas aad glaslng. 13S First at. Pboa li IllNyST MILLBR A CO., Second ind Taylnr- Wallpaper, paint, ell at market prices; free dellery. - PHOTOGRAPHS. -CLOSINO sal ofttclat photographic Ttrws riposlttoe, aneTenlr postcards, view booba, etc.. rrestjy raomera price. Erpoaltton ("tore. :m Morrlaoa at. PRINTING. TUB MODERN PBIWTEHT Artlatie printing, ta Bnssel bldf.,' ronftk sad afittrteeaT Pbaa Paetfle KM. AXHERSON A PUNIWAT COMPART, prlatlag. Htkorrapalaa. blaak kooka. Pkoae Male IT. ' Bod Aider as, WEI-TH, PATIS A CABKON Prmtla that pays tne payor. Roema dog and, MM Staarn Bldf- Slsfb aad Morrlooa. Paon Main 4I4T. PLUMPERS. tWNKBRBBBa - A B ADEMAf HER, aesltary piemkaiB,- a reerta at. . aota A CO., asltary prambara. VII S riad. bee. la aaa Balaaoa. vragoa raoae maia an. -riNHIOty Bfrn A TO.9M Third at. Pboae Matb tsoa.' Plnmbees and beating saglaeore. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. M. aM'Tl.kR " Concord bldf I MalalBTS. RUBBER STAMPS. p r STAMP WOP g. AloW at. pkoae Mala tie; rsnwer Mamoa, seals. tectl. iMgraae, - trad eaorka; sand gat eaUloaee K Sa, ROOFINQ. riH BOoriNO, iTittorlB. ra patriae aad taaatai tobMiur. I. Loall. tit Jaffiraia aC SECOND-HAND GOODS. SOODB'B PvTBlrar Boaao BlfHeat ptia paid for aasoBd-kaBd fnraltara. . lid lacoad at, raoa Partn . J - SCALP TREATMENT. BAT. fallttia aatr, daadrart traatX; aaaaipaa' lo. UBlraiiatf. chiropody, faca arark. ktra. . St. V BLJBf . - ABO mm n. raoa rarti sa. SCALP aad . fara Baaaay. manlrnrlafi ataat . .v .... . u ...i i . .pll.l.a II II Grand taratr bide -Mala tall. Boara, :S0 t . , ' SHOWCASES AND ' FIXTURES. BBOWAdES of awy dcaerlpttot: baa, kat - aad atnro dctara aad to rdr - Taa- Lata aUaafaetarlof Oo.. Portlaad. SIGN PAINTERS. SOU) BION8, window lettarisg. emtk he a ear. HnunlMl mlMtrte . I .TIB . b1CBB St all I.,' klnda made eulrkly. . Foot. Rlelear, Flftk f d- X?relt. . Pbvof Eichsag ad. t W. P. BBROBB WW. B T,alll . 'Bipao . t "iUH ""tflf -STREET-pAyiNQr WFARBEN Oroatractloa O.. ttrcot pa, d walk aad croajloc. : Tit OrraoaJaa klda. THB BarbOT Aapkatt Partaf Oa. PortlaaA Office ano woremtaf aia. f SAFES.' MEBOLD SATE! ALWAYS . BELIABUt aot IB XHLB 1. NOTIOB BB DOCBeyo aacae. ' 0ro.rittara.4 Kepalra I'koao Mala Mo, aaka B. barla. Aaaot. M Tklrd at. TRAN3FER AND HAULING. EM. tli dv nr ofalnnln aa1 ahlooad: aB Work aoaraataod; larta. Botory brick. flra-aroat Brarikaaaa far atorafo. Office IM riraa at, O. aL Olaas. IVoaa Mala MT. TH" BAoHtAAB a OMNIBUS TBAKSfBB CO.J car. Bixtk ad oak at.; oaHaire caecaa froai kotel or aaaMoae dlraat to doatlaattoa; paaabitara tbaralor aaotd ruak ni aaea at aopota. - Print Bickaac . a O. PICB, afflr as rin, ,t., fcctweoa Btark anal aad packed for skipping; coaiaMHllos aricK wareBooa wiia aaparaia roa Promt aad Clay ata. OBItaON TBANSrBB .CO.. M Itortk Slitk. Pbo Mala as. Hoary kaolln iu aioraca. f'OST 8PKC1AL OoLITEST Na. 10014 TELEPHOliESr wsy- TaUpkces M BB f act qriaf saw. paay. SS Fifth TQWEL SUPPLY CLRAIt T0WE14 DAILY Comb, brssb. enaa. SI par Bsoath. Portlaad Lanodrr aad Towel Sapply Co., Hlath aad Coock. Phoaa. 41a. TYPEWRITERS. MBW trot writ era. all make, rented, eald' and repaired Cos at Aaeaey. Sit Stcrk. Tel. 140T. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. BAST PORTLAND FENGB A wftlB WORKS, ISO E. Water at." Phone Enat Kit. - . INJURED - BY . STEAfJER Nomoetr-6trke-Pler, Srn.ashtng It and Closing Structure ;: r-. to Traffic. (Bpeelal Ptspatca t Tbe JooraaL- "Xbrln. May II. A. J. Wast la tit Portland to arrang for rroalrs on tht toll brldra across tha ChWalla rlvor, which .waaf hadly damaged by tha atsam-1 cr Norwood atrlklus tha pier v faw-dayp aro. Tha steamer.waa golna; up tha liver to tha Aberdeen .Lumber ac Bhlngla codhpany's mill and .attempted to s throush on the north aide of tha .draw. but owing; to tha strong; . flood tide tha currant carried tha boat to tha aouth aide f the central pior. Captain Mar tin, aeelns the dancer,', triad to back off and then to drop anchor, but too lata, as the currant was too atrone; for him, and tha v easel crashed Into tha cement plera .and damaced ..them -so badly that tha bridge waa rendered un- Kgafe. ; LAter tha Injured pier fell oyer into tne water. Alb cbnvenlenca to tha reaidenta of firrath Aberdeen and Coamoponlla. as tha eleo. trio cars cannot run Into the aouth gld ua urvusni suit agajnat ilia owners aofthe Norwoodlsnd- C,ptaln anarun ior aajnagea in lndnunToi tlt.OOd. It Is expected that tha hrM Win be QuCof commlBslon from one to rre monina. BRIDGE WORKERS G0ON - STRIKE AT SPRINGFIELD (BpeeUI Dixie tch to The lonroml.V - Eugene, Or., May 1 J. About JO of tha men employed in tha building of tha Southern Peel f to company's new bridge across the Willamette river at Spring field want out on a atrtkeyesterday, de manding nigner wages, -rney had been receiving i a day, but asked for IJ.60. Engineer C 8. Freeland, who baa charge of tha work, offered them Sl.Se but they rejected tha offer and refused to work further, leaving s force of only six or eight men. . Engineer Freelsnd has sent to Port land for mora men and expects that there will be no great delay with tha work. -' -. . " Most Of the men were working on the pier In the middle of tha' river. If the necessary men are secured tha pier will be ftnlahed within a few daya and then the ateel superstructure will be nut In ti place. Trains will probably bo running over ths bridge by the middle of June. PIONEER DIES AT HIS HOME-NEAR HARNEY (Special Dispatch to The IoemaI.( -Burns. Or May 11. Wllllsm D. Buchanan, an old aad respected pioneer Of this county, died at his home near Harney Thursday night, after a. severs Illness of spotted fever, aged TT years. Tha deceased creased the plains with an os team In lift, settling In the Ortnd Ronde valley, ths family coming to this county In lids, where be has since resided. He leavee an aged widow, besides two aons. joeeps. wand Oeorge L., In this county snd a son, William, at Baker City. Tha fdneraj was conducted nnder tha auspices of tha Burns lodge No. 7, A. F. and A, M. . To tBStaJl 1 Bawmlll. tSpeclal Plspateb' to The journal.) -Baker -City. Or., May 11. Albert Lenta will lnsbtll a big sawmill and planing plant In Washing toevsTwlah sJmmk six miles from Baker. Tha mill when It la Installed grill haVs .a ..capacity of Jo.OOd foot of lumber a 'day and tiro, plant will be equipped for' turning out fell kinds of finished materials. ,....-. TODAY'S S ' . A SHARP RISE III Increase : in Demand Caused Heavy Advance in Portland r7r Market Quotations.Ti NAVEL ORANGES ARE , t BOOSTED THIRTY CENTS Mnnnt Tahor Strswbefries Sell High Full Car in ; FromaliforolA Eggs Still In Tone but Pries Is StAtionery.. ' Promt atrlat. Mar IX. The principal features ef tha Portland wnotesa markets today arev Sharp leavaus. Orange market higher for nsrehv. Still another . decllud la ekeea. .- Mount Tabor berries sell high. . ' Fall car of California strsw berries la. Eggs-sre stiff bat nnehsnged. . Weaker undertone In Tea L , - Potato proapocts not good at present. Ltmaa Ksrkot Saowa Adrsao. . . : ' Tharo wam s ewrv shsro sdrsaee la the local Ismoa market today following an nuaaual -rla in the valnes la CallfornU. Sapplles tbert ere not nearly ap to the glgnras gleea eat some time ago, sad ths result that warmer wests boosted the rrtce." ' Tn-rhle trarrct trlplo X lemons are. nxuy : quolao m nun u-m case, bat Boms few sales et tuis graue an, reported aa kw aa H. Ckolce lemon are rang ing such signer, rrospscta aow ars tor mr- !-::LEf- J ,iJiikiaiiu4..Aa flrssras drs Boosted. It -rest Sue -a. box to lay- aowa orange ia this market today. ..Thar wsa. an adranc of loo la tha price la tb eouth. sad oa seoount ad tha lauaesa af thaeeseoa atocka sow eouilug la this direct loa ars pot amler tee. This means aa sdattloeal adraavoof 16e s eaa. Froot ith come reports of very small snppiiea of BSTcle, sad It will not be long belurs this raxlely.llL.aeWlWMil1 Xeaat Tabor Barrios kail High. isil nisriei J ket irn-flrlrdn t today eeeeeVT- mfmi'-cYrtif ut"vuauc i kuw lugsue t i,n h tmla market thus fsr this season. Tb price paid wss sue s uo, tbts he In a tha hlrh flrnr for' the - sssseei (or this else of frult-J!a eon them Orefon berries arrlred this Krong. - The rain la tbl sut daring tb week ceased ths shortage, A fall ear wss doe la - from OaHforala - daring - the Bnornlng. ' Tbe train was serersl boors late aad tbe early trade wss considerably disap pointed. - Prices' remata aaehsBged. Look for a drop tha eoojeag wesk oa local fralt. Mr. Uosklnsreprsejita,trre of. large California skippers, ssld this morning that tbe crop -of that stats will he shorter then anticipated aer- weather.- .- - ; - -. : Cherry receipts .are Incremates considerably sod Uu -e ttS dSAoA- sreat- lmnroveiaent hi anallty .. The market, bow has sows Terr good supplies of California cauliflower, which finds a ready Bala at ft a dosen. Aaparegus sapplles mnch has Tier, bnt-d emend ts dally, i f g"Tvt snd top jtrlces sre- still being slanslsed. Pat utu ubiiibibib stun wuuug till Aaotber Prop .la Chases. " ' A farther deeilns of He a pound, followmg tbe droo of tha am ma amount pasteramy. made Id the cneoss market along the street thla morn big. Reeripts are consldsrsbly'- Qoallty Is not what It saoaM or is Creamery batter maintain, a vary rood aa dertone. Demand fully ap to eopplles, el thrash the latter are lnrreaetng. Country store batter bss Indifferent demand. Price vary erea for asms Duality. As yet bat little out side demand. - , . Egg sir Ira la are rather small today and de mand Is folly ss rood ss yesterdays- Nineteen rent la the bottorf of the market today. Soma few sales a fraction higher. . Market looks flu Weaker Undertone in Teal. Although Teal receipts are not so heavy as I few dayr ago, tb undertone or the market Is rsther week snd some few aalee bare been made at si decline," The trade, although not beaTlly overstocked. Is net eager to boy at tup figures. Very good tone la regard to dreamed Boca, pnee the earn, VTaaaaatBi PsstaatsB 9 gtasTBB. Aw, 9mA. Vrhe Immediate future the potato trad dose not aatlrtnst soy remarkable Changs la the present situation. The srrlTals h the aouth are. somewhat larger than immediate re eatraments snd tne price la easier, slthoagb aachsnged. The Isteoess of the river season In California will la all probability cause a better demand for Oregon potatoes daring the latter part ef tbe present month snd during June. Home speculator are- baying small lots aa this prospect - Uenerally baUered that there wiU sdemend jnr Hthe goofl Oregon potatoes nwonsQ!d. .Onl"ng.aotel,. ofter.irlthlKUi mora man t. Ltraiera.. boi nth amoleaal aad retail baying a paring ly onBthts account. The trade pare the following prices to Front i: Mueatem, TSe: valley. TOe. BARLEY Feed. $24.00 i rolled. $25 003X)0 -dt.e. CORN Whole, $.80t Cracked, $25 50 per "R Tit tW- -ewtr- . OATS .Producer' prlce JIol- white, t2.00 eso.00: gray, $2.00 29.00. FLOUR Net ew eaatern Oreeoo aetantm. se anal S.P3: errsigata, ao.auaox.; export, S3 1U Taller, sa.55: grab am. Us. S3 50: whols wfceat as in- rre. HOa. (5.00; be lee. $2.T. MILLSTt'FFB Braa. $17.50 per toe; mld- dllara, g'in.ou: snorts, nanr, ao.oOi city, kill Ml? rhno. I1S.OO21 M. ' HAT Prodacere' price rlmotriy. Winsmette valley, fancy. glO.ooaisno; ordinary, $7,004 pno; eaa tars - Oregon, $14.0rirjl5.on; mll.if. $.500OSi ever. IS.00OS.00: grsta, $g.&0O .oo; meet, sn.uo. . Batter, Egg sad Poultry, . BUTTER FAT F. a. b. Portia ad wset cream, llle; sour, 1H. BUTTRR-Clty creamery, SOrt entrlde fancy. sue, oriioary, imv, -rm, Aosifimo. man No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled. IS. CHEESE New Fnll cream, fists. 14ai4ue' Toung America, ISVkOlaoi Cheddar, 16e Call. lorn la naia. 100. , .. POULTHT Mlied chickens. 14Me per lb fancy hens. lSe lb; roosters, old. He Me . tti; stsrs. lSe Der lb: frra 9Ae per .lb: broilers. Sflc per eld docks. 17 per in; spring aucas. Aeca-ew per id; geese, 10M2c per lb; turkeys. 1 per lb; dreesad. 22if2V per lb; squabs, $2.T5O80 per doe; pigeons, $2.00 per doe. ; Bepe, West sad Kid a. BOPS Contracts, 190S crop, 10l6u per lb; l0S Oregon, 121,41 18c. - WOOL loe c11p-.Valleyrepsrs TC atedlaai, S3c; fine, 25c; eeetern Oregon $03 21c in OH AIR New, g0t0He. ' SHERPSKINS Sheering. I510e eartli abort wool, xoqeue earn; meoitim wool. oej7o esah; .i. rffraisi isi ai a ALLOW Prise, per In. IH04et Re. 1 aad essar- CTHTTIM HARK lUOtt Mf lb. BIDES Drr. Na. 1, Is lb, sas ess- ISHJ ITt4 par lb; dry kip. Ne. 1. I te 15 Ibe. lc-, dry eelf, No. I, ander t lbs. last salted hide, steer, en and, SO lb snd ever, IvOllei caws, HHc: ategs ssd bells, suond. ae) kip, IS to 90 HM. Se; eelf, eoewd. easer li lea. 11c; Ereen. asaalted. le least culls, le ear lb less; orach Idea, salted, each. t1.25tJt.Tbi dry. mark, aA.n0411.e0-. eolt blfles. Zeleiaj. roal skins. eommoa. sarh. 10Q lfrcl ragora, eacfe, SkrS) 1 oo. , FroHs aai Tegetaklea. POTATOES Heat sorted. Soe pee asckt peo ducere' price for rsr kits, 03a70e per cwt; ordinary, TBA0cj prod oca rs' pries, doc; saw potatoes. 3He par lb. ONIONS JobbiBf price Oregon, No. 1, $2 50; producera' price. Nos 1, 11.2.1; No. S. $i.O0; garlic. HtQEIoc per lb; onloa sets, 7ee FttE,H rRCITS Apples, $2.30a; orsnges, fsncy nsvel. $.75a40; seedling. $2.75; kledl terraneair. $.1 15; bsnsass, be per lb; lemon, choice. $4.0oei4.0 box; fsacy, $5.0005.25 per bus; llmee. Mettcan, - per 100; teagermee, )', pineapple, Me, Iras, $4 50; Hawaiian. $.S 00; Oregon arrawherrtes, 12HQ20 per lb; Callfornle, $1.40Q1.TO per CfSU; gooaeWrlea, Serloe per lb. ' VE1STASI.KS Ternlps. sew. TSe pet ssck; carrot doaT5c sack: beets, sWeMl.aft per sack: Orernn raiHahes. She dos; rahhegs, Califor nia. $2 2.'t2 $0 per ewti bell peppers. SO per row in I Batons r ' Srala, F1ea anSreod r MARKETS JOURNAL'S DaVlY JIPS. ON MARKETS - r4 By Everding & -Fan-ell. . 4 We sra sorry to state that the e 'poultry market hero haa not been 4 much better than- It was last week. " We Rave bad tha market ' but very little poultry, and wars . It not for tha fact that retailers are - able to get . all ths frosen eastern hens and chloka they may require, the people of -this elty ' would - have to go without poul- 4 try. Good bens are aeUlng St 16c, ' d and springs at tSZSc. Ths mar- ket wants no springs of less than- It ounces to tha bird, however, , under any circumstances. It la getting la some every day or aot JhSt.STS tpo llght and a lot of e -trouble la experienced In getting" 4 rid of them., WJiat if wants-Ja. .are In good demand, old, at 17e and large, feathered young (three -to four pounds each) at ' SOo. ' Don't send sny unfeathered ducks -' of less than 1H' pound -to the blrd under 'any. clroumstancea. Ocese are in fair demand at lOo -on old and He on, young. Hen turka (alive) are firm at 1 8c, -- and fat dreeaed hen turha will - aell at UlSo. We trust that, poultry people will "go in": for . Jots of poultry thla season. .We of tne .northwest will want all you will raise, and at fine prices. ; jThe Wlllsmette valley must be- . come . the poultry center of this 'part of ths Union. '.- ' '' nips, - S0$1.00r string beans. - lOeieea liriowar. It no ner doaan; California Pea. B?c per lb; Oregon, 12H per lb; boree- raniMB, egj7e per id; srticnoee. ioc par wm. pr.nh.rrlM - Imrmmra A I A 11 ' ner nblt Cooa har aed TtTlamook. $!-. aatulrafue, . Cal ifornia. TCSc per Tbi. Oregoa, 6OQ80C per dosen bunches; Valla Walls. . $1 per box; aquman,- H4c; . splascn, .. .inc . per o"i green onlone. Oregon, lHtlie oos nancnas; ca 1 1 fr.PT, I MlmKr St T'.'.l '1 fKt CRIED PBl'ITS Apples, ersnorere iges IS Ibi sprlnatsi intglr P lbi peseke.' iit- ric per. in; macma, imv re www. ..-- SA fo -AA VIA iT. 1,' . mn .mi mH) etTteeath Orooartas,. Mats. Eta. tS.PO: trait rrsanlBted. 43.80: dry graaaisred, $5.80 ePBf" Aj. J5.S0;. belrnutateU. $8 9i estrs- C, $$.80 goMea C. SJC: 0 yeOow. V 10; bbls. 0et H bbk). X6ea moras, 80s ad raaca an sack basis, leas S5 per swt for aasa. 15 dsys;mapla, l4aio per Ik. (Above price epply to sales at lee thaa ear kit. Car lots st speetmj price aabjMt t Sactaatlona.. . , HONEY $3.80 per- erera. COFFEB Package kraode. ' SlS.SS. - BALT Coarse Halt rroune. -e, FT. 08 ear ton; table, dairy,- BOs. $11 ow; ion. $10.75; 1m-tirta-UiiiWA. 80s, $17.0;- 100.- SIS BO; 224s, SlSOOi extra Co, bbls. 2. a,- las.44.80ej 8.80; bulk. 820 lbs, $4.CUS.0O; eacke, 00a, 80-fb rock. $7.00,00. sd-TTC . - . ORAIH BAOS Csarntta. THe. - RICB fmoerlel Japaav- Hv..-Set Je. tv lfaftHr: Naw . Or leans . keso, . 1I ajas. as; Creole. 5H. . ... P. RANK Small white, t-S4,04 large- wbtte. 60; ptnk.- $8.o; bsyoe, $5,Wt -Hbm, aewj Ahntntn eda SSAw. NUTS Peanuts, jumbos. Se per ?b Tlrglnta, Sti am e or im - roasted: - ,., - per lb: cocoa nut. WVeiOOc per dos; wa)ora. 15015H per m; pinsnnts. HKUJixe par id: memory awn, I0e per Ih; ekeataata, eaatern. IBOie per lb; all nets. 14c ner In: Albert, isoioe per lb; fancy peeaBS, laHOlSHet abxatads, MnS 16H. PeJats. Oos! Ofla. gtei- B0PB Pare Ma slim, 14S etaaaareV l$He A..1 11. - ... , ... - COAL onirearl or Astral Cases,. 1PH per gal; water white. ' iroa ma, tec par gai, woodaa. 17c par gal; headlight, 170-deg esaaa, 21 He per gal. ' ' GAHOLINK M-dcg, esses 24H per gal, tree Pia imc per -get.- ' BENZINE 63-deg, .eases xSe per gat bbla lftUe nar sal. ' - , ' TCRPENTINB la csssa S3 per gal. woodea bbla SSe per gsL . WHITE LEAD Tea tots.-TUe pev-ttl SOO-fk lou. Be per Jb; leas lots. ae par in. WIRB NAJUt Prement baals at $2.n . I.INflKEn OIL Para raw. la 8-bbl tats. Beet 1-hbl lot, 8Se; esses. 6Se per gal; renmrtns kettle- noitri, wis yrr pa, v-wa iw, r., ....... lot, 85e per gal: ground cake, ear lots. $20.08 par toa; leas f nas ear lots. - . ner Msats. Flak aad ProrHlana. FRESH MSATS ACront street Beet steera, 4S5e per lb; cows, 81 4c per n; nogs, fsacy. 8H9c; ordinary, 5c; poor, 77Hc per lb; bulla, 8)8He per lb;' veal, extra. 7c par lb; ordinary, Sc per lb; poor, 5c per lb; mutton, fsncy, 8t9e par lb; lsmbs, SOlOe. HAMS, BACON,, ISTC. Portland pack (local I bams, 10 to 14 lbs, 14,e per lb; 14 to IS lb. 14 he. pcr.'b: kraskfast bacoa,. iSHqzoe per lb: picnic. WHe per lb: cottage, 104 Par lb; regular abort clears, aasmoked. 10e per lb; smoked. 114 per lb; clear becks, aasmoked, 10He per lb; smoked. I1H Per lb; union butt a. pS te- IS Iba, anai'ikad.-Be pee- lk- amokad. Se J aiseked, 12c per lb; ebon Were, 10He per lb. T ' LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10a, 13c per lb; ft. 13HC per in; oo id tins, lmH per lb; an aim tasdsrad. taa. las pes l l as, ASH par lb; compound. 10s. 8Hc .. .- CANNRD SALMON Orlauillla t-fb tart. $1.80; J-lb telle. $2.75: fancy, l ib gats. $1.90; H -ro-fsacy as is, s; rancy i-in oean A asska tsir. plBaSeel90et-r4. m mo no FlBH Rock o7"Terf IB! (r.andsrs7oner lb: halibut. Be per lb; crabs, $1.30 per dos-. striped psss. IX H Pr is l aainaa, le par la; salmon, Ooltrmbla river Chinook, 9c per lb; eteelbssds. Te per Ibr berrliig. Be var lb: soles, Se per lb; shrimps, 10 per lb; perch. Be per lb; black cod, 7 rer lb; torocod. To per lb) liver smelt, Te per id: westers, loe per -lb; fresh mackerel. Be par lb; crawfish, 26e per dos; shad, 8c per lb; sturgrna, lOe per lb. OYSTERS Rhoalwater ,bsy, par gal. -$X.XI Bar aark. $.1.78. CLAMS Hards be H, per ' box, $2.00; eta ate, $2.00 par bos. . HOFFMAN EXPECTS TO GO :;jo Alternate Representative of Growers in Durst Hop Pool Has Good Record. : (Special Dlspstew a The Jburnal.) ' Foreet Orove. Or., May 12. J. N. Hoffman ef Forest-Orore, r wlwr wss selecfedsome time ago by tbe Durst bop pool aeaootaTlon ss al ternnte representstlve of Jlhe growers, will likely lesTS Hunday for London to anperlntend thm sate of Oreron bona. The Bssoclaiioa- hsd elected H. L. Iletits. theAurors banker to do Uleir DUBinaam, UUI am mn.iu.-wm diunriir-u diu " at borne.ila-sUernate. ilx. llolfmmn, waa non nee ana is now nissing preparation to lesve for . Kurop, . . Mr i Hoffman I rate of the largest hob growers of Washington county snd understands the conditions of the bop Bracket, baring studied and grows hops since 1KH2. Rs will have ebsrg at the Durat eoualgnmant of bopa. of which hs blmaelf baa a large ah ars snd will superintend Its sale la the London mar ket. Mr. Hoffman expects te be abroad about three months. . He-will ialttha aopflelda -of the old country and will slao spend some time In Antwerp, visiting with ths president of tb Brewers' sssoelstlua of Belgium, tn -whom frtende snd relatives hers In Wsshlngtoa coun ty have glrea bun letters of Introduction, els will be met in Portlaad oa Sunder by Mr. Thirst of California, who may slao ge to Lee don te kvk after tn caiitomia oops. - Mr. Hoffman has been a resident ef Forest Oeor for alHiut eight or ems years. Is s lawyer br nrprosaion sna nss niways worsea tor ths best Interests -ed welfare of rt'tshlngtoa eoonty ana Oregon. 'Boas Cleaning- Say. - , " " tTAwI"(B (DfeafMita'll "4-"TsT- foJ I M i Woodburn, Or., May "11. -The people of Woodburn hsvs been Urged by Mayor Poor man to aseemhle ori the etreetk on the afternoon of May 1 and" give, the city a thorough oleejiing ap. Prices in the Hryard Naref IN, THE WHEAT TT7 -,;..:.;; Chicago - Market Feels Some J Pressure From the" Bears-: - ane prices Close '.Off' cZ- BELIEVE GOVERNMENT v.'. REPORT IS DISCOUNTED Msy and September Drop a Half Cent - maouTyrSAkeitva Eighths Lower ' Than Friday ;f Coarse) drains Pojlow. Leader: C , BBLATITB .WHEAT TALUBS. Close Close '," Close Loss Bst. Frl. 1905. Bat. May..........t .HS . ,88Vj t -92H $ ,00H July..;...,... .80 ..81H Mil-: s-00 Beptsmbsr.... ..Tog .T9j ( .oeg 1 Chlcsge. May 12-rodaT's reaction or set- bark tn whast values wss quit natural Iu view of tb recent steady advsnee tb msrket bss shown during thepast wsek. That the reaction wss not daw to sny change hi eoedl tlna hi ahown by the eoattnnaac ef the daaas reports from vsrlous section. Tb principal wesknsas In today's market wss la the July, which elosed with a Bet loss for the day ef e a bushel from last night's figures. The My sad Hep tern bee were sold by Imas aa wall ss some of tha stronxer aborts ea account ef their late hesvy rises. - For two week tb wheat aiarfcet bss Shows e stesdy sdvsnce, and although tb trade wss st first sdvsrae to eeceotlnr the general run of dsmsge reports, some of - them were tskea ss facta and -The -trade UTff Its bed accordingly. With tbe steady advance In the msrket for two weeks, however, a peculators are getting mixed snd Boms of the most alisusuua heite ef a dap or so sgo are now bat lakswsrm la their trade. sad area Mat ef these ere getting eat, - OeTmmJnmnt Report Discounted. Do ring tbe week the aorernment named Its regular rep Slvlns 4ta nonniriou. of tha winter wheat st 81 sad the ares of winter best - la cultivation at 28.623.000 acres oa Mey-mr Tbuv-was-A par at ae abaatl.J18.Ota seres leas thaa tb eras aowa laat fall, and man tli uf a in lev alien leumtan u w eagreer-TArr year.. This report wss about ss sxpected by Jtho. general trader snd the belief Is that tbe report has been fully "oTsooum ted at Ting -ttme; C!oarse aralna followed verv elnselv dnrtnr the week after fhe wheat msrket, snd sdvsnces in the latter were instantly relt oy adaitranal strength la tbe latter.. Ths actios of today corn market wss wssk aad dull from the start with the largest movement In the Msy. The c losing shows a loss for the day f H la the Msy snd He la the Jury. Oats had but a fractional movement ourtag tb dsy snd the tone waa weak. Msy closed He low sr. with July down the same amount. ProilatOBe steeslvlssT Buppsrt "Th brevtsloav market ts sraht raeotTraf aoa- sinersDte support rrora tns pacssrs sna ngsm today. the pries M higher.. There was na weak nama apoaeast -at-mny -time today tn -tlrts-mar get, tne m pomt in notn Mar aaa jury using sds st the opening. Closlns flgurse sre about 18 t-olnts higher. r- V . - orricisi nuotstions: ' : . . .- :- . - wttbat.'---'- r -. Opea.'L High. Lew. ,Cleae. May ...... $ m J -lUS .SB July...... .gli- ,siI .so; .sou Sept... -. -n--MW " .79 TS 1 1 .TSH fx MISS PORBTT Mar. 18.18 v 15.27 1B.18 It St 16.40 Jalyr;.18r- 18.40 18.27 XJTXBPOOL OBAOr XAXXXT. ' Ursrpoel, May . II Official nrleesi . -....t.. WHEAT. .: ' - vii, v . Cloee .. , Close 0slB .!-., V.:. t-..r .r- gut. Frl. Bat. Way .....,......6e 8'-A Os SUd July Ss SHd 6s s d A GOOD BANK STATEMENT : ' " HASiO EFFECT - - ' ; New York Stock Market Loses Under Liquidation Smelter --r the Weak Feature. Ch -tkr.- Lenlsvllla Norfolk .. - 4 Woolen .v H 'SlOnt A Western... H HI People's Oes H Pennaylvsnla dtni Cntoa Paelne.. t-IO. S. Bteel- - V, de a NET GAINS. Amslgsmsted " H Mlesonrt PsclBe. AXicmno Central Leather, Wan Street. New York. Vfar 12. The bank statement of the sssoclsted banks waa all that could be desired bat this paper bss been discounted by the trade for several dsy snd bss prsctlcally mo affect upon today's trading In stocks. . Longs began liquidating early la the' eeealoa snd this ceased tbe ltot to lose. American Smelter wss ths wesk feature of today's msrket ano lost-ever a points rrom yesterday s price. H"lnin stocks were week with ths rest, In Ion PaclBc Vcalng d fn IT point snd BoutnerB racinc urouuiog ua aiuiba aam Friday's closing. Otnclsl quotation DakJCRIPTION. ; a Amal. Cofber Co Atchlwva. com . . . . . . . 108 89 " 1R5H 158 American Sugar, com. . . Am,, smelt., com...... Baltlmors A Ohio,, com Brooklyn Rapid Tranlt 1084 IW Canadian Pacific, eon Chi.. MIL A St. Paul.. Cbesspeeke A Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iroa. com 10H l(tH 68 4. 4.1 r.rie,-. . com .,.,..,,, Lonlsflll A NnahTllle... 148 Missouri Psctdc.... 98' New York Central. 141 Central Leather.. 41 82 87 Cotton oil. fiATURALEACTIOn COBN May...... .49 .49 . .48 July..... MSk - .4H- 4eyi - . OATS. r .". SS .SS ' """" Xt .FPt r... Al .81H .81l --nt Smelter SHI Brooklyn -H Canadian 1 I Baltlmors H essoeeke 8t. Paul T4 km . . AVi 1 tTA . -. . a f 1 I 1071, 1104 iiftTi PAH snaZ 89 ' IKlS L'lSH 1M 154H 155H 15,1 10(1- 109 10RH 88 H 83 M IfllH 181 lftVi 170 I70i2 ifH 5W tWH 8" B2 82 81 H 4.1 H 4al 42T4 1d lenid 145U nH 9 98 141 H 14$ 141 V? 42 -48H 42 Ail 88 ?ora.Jcon9UvSi nTTWooles ,ttt,i,.. 88 TTnl Has (olk-A-Kmster! 88 N. Y Ont. A West. Pennsylvania Ry . . .. P. O. L. A C. Co.. Reading, corn.-.-. 49 H 1HS 98 180 1 Rock Islsnd, com. . 28 Southern Pacific... 85 Union Pacific, com. , 1501 V. B. Steel not, eon do preferred 41 U ins Federal Smelters. .. 993 Tiff TOM im 1TATTMZTT, New Tork, Msy I2,r-Bank statement; -T f . Incresss. .......... ,,i....t,....$ $ P08.O78 do less TJ. S. T.254.0O0 Ixians . l,4on.4O0 Tgals 8ec1 ip,ni Ileonal ts . . M. ...... , , 12. 71 7 . 1 00 Circulation 165,690 fie rings .tl.0no.Tf2 . 1874.45 Balaner a Only three weeks till the last tjay Of ths campaign. 9HL89HLS8 40 Si 4BVI 4DH 1RAH 158Hll85H 9.1 98 93 l.llSll.llll.VlU 2 I 2841 282 sasI enHi rrii 150 ist H Va 41 CI 41 41 tonHllosH ins luOHIlOQH 99 Warm Weathr' ADDroach It Causing th Lemon Market to Range Sky- Oranges Are-Thirty -CerrtU: Cattle Prices Drop Fifty Cents on . a Curtailment of the Pack- . era' Demand. INTENSE WEAKNESS IN , ,' " , SPRING LAMB MARKET Values Drop Twenty-Five Cents With Very Heavy Arrivala ix. Local Yards Hogs ; Drop a . Quarter General Situation Looks Bad. - Portlaad tTploa Iteekyarda, May IX Uve. stock, receipts: .. wif", , . . , Bogs. Cattle. Sheen. Today .................... 100 2S0 ,eio Week ago. v; J' ' i ' ... Month ago..,...,..,.....,. IB - 100 235 Xear ego. .. SOU l.bOO All branches- of tbe Livestock market alio conaldarahl wsaknsaa today and there- was a general decline tn the prices. Receipts hi tbe yard wers very liberal , fur a Saturday, and this wss en of the principal rssaoos fur today' break la prices. . , . ' Of all market today the rattle Is showing the most intense wesknsss. . Parkers are f llkd ap wltk eontrsct stuff snd are pot ehla to aaa ethers except oa speculation, sad for these they are not able to pay wltbia He of format figure. , There waa slao considerable wea knees today la hogs for the ssm rsesea end prices are 2Se lewer. , , - . . - Sheep were held ' Just steady ' ander heavy arrivals, but lsmbs are very weak, 26c lower. Official livestock nrlrf I -Hogs--Beat eaaiern Oregon, . $7.00(97 J8: bloakere snd Chins rats, fs.ou; a toe sera aaa feederv $".2&e8.o0. . - -, - . CsUle Beet a Altera Oregoa etesre, $4.00a 40: beat cows snd bet fera,- $8.50; light -and msdlum steera, $3.oq; light cows, $2.50; stock. ers snd feeders. $8.00: bulls.' $2.68. . Sheep Shssrllngs. -4ffl4Hc; lambs, 4HQ8C. - 4- RAILROAD 17AR MAY- SOOJl Hill. Earlingjand Elliott Have Their Forces Gathered for --c ': : the Struggle. - - - (Special Dlspateh to TbeJouraaLf - - i 1 Butte. Mont,. May - It With three railroad presidents In .the -state on. secret missions, beaked y-K-foTmldshl array of expert engineers, maps and field notes, a merry war promises to break out In Montana at any hour. ' On ona aide will be aligned tha Great Northern and Northern Pacific "roads, cago, Milwaukee A St. Paul . railroad. f The Milwaukee "road" IS seeking; passage through tha stats to tha coast and the other two roads sra working aaalduoue ly to block the move. - - Presldent-A. J. Earllng of the Chl CAgc. MUwsuXba Ht Paul Is making a speedy trip In a carriage over the routs selected recently by his engineers. Ths movemente of tha president and his perty-are being jkept aa secret as possible.. J , President J. X. Hill of tha Great Northern la said to" bo personally . su perintending tha fight against the Mil waukee road. ' Prealdent Howard Elliott of the Northern Paclflo left St. Paul Wedneaday night for Biningm,-wher A conference with tha Hill party will be made. Railroad men .. throughout - the western country are anxiously watch-1 lng ths movements of tha three big men and speculating; as to the outcome of ths struggle. , . : , ATHLETIC COMMITTEE TO GIVE ENTERTAINMENTS - (Bpselsl Dispatch toi Tbe JouraaLy Forest , Grove, May 12. The athletic eommlttoa of Paclflo university has Ar ranged for, s course of., entertainments toJa.glYcn-dur1ng the iomlng-cxHeg-e year. The course will consist of three entertainments. Ths first will be given by the Lulu Tyler Gates - company. Mlas-Oatow TWwald-tre tho be laelle. 1st in the United States and will be as sisted 'by other skilled musicians. SEUERE BREAK lij LIVESTOCK glvenly- noted magrotftnt-who-glveg niftHs 6n payment of $15 down and $l hla exhlhltlona with tha aid of alee-1 nar month. V - his exhibitions with ths aid of eleo triclty, radium, etc The last t)f Jthecoursa w dered by ths. Dunbar male quartet and bell ringers. These promise to be very Interesting and entertaining. For many years past series of entertainments made up of the best talent In the United Statea have been given by the university athletio committee to help defray ths expenses Qf, the Athletics during, ths coming year. SOPHOMORES PLAN TO PUBLISH AN ANNUAL (flpeelsl tHspstch te The Journal.) Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash.. May 12. The sophomore class of Whit man college met yesterday evening and discussed plans for the annual which they expect to publish next year when they are Juniors This will be ths sec ond Annual ' published by A Whitman class, ths first' being, .published last year by the present senior class. Ths sophomores sleeted nQis Rachel Maad Mallory, otle of theJlr moat popular and talented members, to be editor-in-chief. Miss Mallory has been literary editor of tha college psper, the Pioneer, for a year And was edltor-ln-ohlef of- the sophomore number, which, was published this spring, as well aa president of tne Girls aieeclub thla year." Walter" C Eella was chosen manager of the an nual. He also has hsd considerable ex perience on ths Pioneer. , . .. .r- - Jr Cleaning: TJf CTiahalls.g " " - - (Special rlispstch to The Journal.) ChehaJIs; Wash., May 11. N. B. Coff msn, A. Donahoe snd I J. Stlcklln have been designated ss s committee by tha city council- to hsvs full charge of the annual clean-up of the city, which will bs made Friday, May It. - tranches will be, provided for ths workers who. help snd the work will be entered into with enthuslssm. - .-. rli . Tsw Btcrp Oonpany. - (Special Dispatch te Tbe Joernal.) ' Salem, Or., - May ' It. The Molsom Hop Farm company of Rlckreail, was lncorpom-ted yeetardawln the aeoret of state's office. The capital stock la 150.000 snd the principal office Is in Portland. The .organisers are: Albert J. Ray. Clifton N. McArthur and KaxI C, Bronsusja, ... .... ', frlE MOSt CHARMING OF ILL, PORTLAND'S SUBURBS CHOICE iOTS SI50.C3 - f3 DOWN, f3 A MONTH. - HOMES BUILT IN.; . ,.). , fflSl ' TO SUIT PURCHASERS AND SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. BE PRUDENT WHEN GOOD T CHANCES COME YOUR - WAY. ; - - - -r-r-:-r-J7: '; ; ? EYE-OPENING BARGAINS IN LOTS IN - . WOOiiECaE Lots $150 !Im 1 CASH' OR CREDIT YOU GET GREAT VALUE." 7TJ i 5ej- f - V AND EASY TERMS HAVE -i NDUGED- RAPI D-AND-EASY-- SELLING. JUST A FEW-l LOTS LEFT. GO OUT EARLY -TOMORROW. YOU WILL BE CHARMED WITH THE NATURAL BEAUTY OF " EVERY CONVENIENCE; best water; best electric cars psss through Woodmere every IS rninutesi faje. nvinujLesJroricz city; - schools. . churches. - telesr TAoneB,-"i1ectric : lights beirtzfni v ?A-11 . J , FT 1 a I J r iuumo eiracv im rcaintrca. - GEO. VV. BROWN 203 -Falling Biulding, Third and : - -Washington streets.- AGENT ON GROUND. SUN. . DAY AND WEEK DAY, RAIN OR SHINE. --r- TAHE MTe 5C0TT CAR , FIRST. AND ALDER STS. J- lr2alnsIn.ReaI; Estate S3rBO0 t-room, ndw house on East 14th at.; lot 100x100; on' easy payments. 8)4)000 k-roora house, with furnace and ' n replace: run cement Daeement; mod ern, up-to-date home; lot tOxtO; 00 r ner; one block Hawthorns ave.; lib eral terma will be given. 4.6O0 7-room house, Kast 20th and . Stark ata., modern home; liberal terms, 7-room, modern house on East 14th at; this Is a snap. Bl.SOO 7-room houeev with modern 1m- - provemenia, on jaouni ooott oar Jini - quarter block. ' llrSOO 10 acres; one-half cleared; cloea to car line; within flve.rsnt fare llmltl. halfcaglu. ta.eooisi acres; 18 cleared; close to city -on car line; half cash. $8005 acres, I cleared, with t-room - house: near car Una; half cash. .- eXBOO-T-J3,.Acrea.2Vi miles of .Oregon- . tuy; it seres cleared, with 4-room house and barn and Orchard; half cash, balance at t per cent. Choice residence trrtu wtthln cllp- per month. tevenson-Brown Co. 1 110 Second St HABEL HOOD'S FATHER A Indian Was . Taken Prisoner In i Battle in Lava- Beds In Early Eighties. ) (Specie! -IHspatPb te The Journal.) Chemawa, Or., May 11. Mabel Hood, the - little 8-year-old Indian girl whi 7 wks st Portland yeaterday In tha depot waiting-room In care of ths Travelers' Aid society,, stopped off at Chemawa with her father, Charles Hood.' a Mod 00 from the Klamath reserve, Mabel was sent to ths Carlisle Indian school, anc the climate not sgreatng with her she wss . sent home with a party of children In charge of one of ths teachers ofthS Carlisle School. " Bome "place In - Idahrr-Mabet-teft-ths"rrarrjr snd ' waa. .placed on tha cars In cars of ths conductor. And she was to be met sty' Portland on her eirrlval'by. rier XathapfC He . waa In Portland looking- for- her, but failed to find her until Inst evening. . Hood la a nephew of "Scar-Faced T Charlie":, and waa one of the Mod oos -who. was in the lava beds during ths Modoo wsr, snd was with his tribe taken to Indian Territory as prisoners of war.' In the early "eighties, he wa sent to the Carlisle school, where he remained for about five yeara. ( At the end of his term he returned to ths In dian Territory, where hs remained until a couple of years sgo,. when permission -was given the younger Modoc-to return to Abe Klamath agency. -He left last night-with. klAN daughter for the aouth. ' 1 .- jv ' ry;.' JTew SUvertoB Depot, ' I. ' (Special Plepatrb to The JournaLr' betrg placed on the ground for s inew - Southern Fnclfic depot which will be erected In Sllverton thisl summer,' snd, It Is expected thst work on thexaame will bs commenced wltbia few davys. ID vaureraia wmstoes, a4oatm.ou . r . :