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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1906)
.....L..J:.. THE OREGON DILY -JOURNAU- PORTLAND,. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 12..lgQg. ' - 1 BUSINESS-CHANCI Ion Hii rru mill Vraoe tar reach. B-rar leas of building doing business of a") aooutmy. umubi uiim, buh. gnimi"i, ice ereem, twkur end small Una of groerU(4 man rant: on main nrm u nruian. ICS, ear WuL' - r--, , . BOOMINO-BOl'SB, CO raama. all furalshed and I- occupied, food income, brick bulMIng, cloa - In: this la a snap; (1,000. Boon 12. S4SN .-, atorrisca st,-. ------ - t-. . . wi SMALL drug alar In cnuatry town lor eal M eomnetltlon: anlendld locatloa TO a aoeior -- r- larg wealthy farming country.- Vov r(wt apply so Kotermuad, Ursula raas, urea"". GILT-EDGED UTOCKH AT YOCB OWN PB1CB. Bow ef wit client, having on band mora of Uu OailMMil Mlaino Company- atoch than they wish to carry, hav authorised M , I aiapoae of ssaBS nej warn ; - sow, sayon - wanllnf la laveet la thla atoek will do wall - to call apoa a bator buying lwhere, aa wa art) going to aau regaruiB ve ' . ajila a awwt nmnMtff to hold. - ' Wa alao bare a taw am all block f the Hurat - AnsnaiJe Switch and 81 anal Co Bi nana atock - that w will- ell aa tuna aa It laata, at raat aacridca: nun of toe MB r obv Ullul ... 1..-A A.AMAA " I-uU particular at 908 Ckiodnoofu bll.. Portland, Oregoa. DBitoaiRTfl iMvmTintT- 18,000 Tb only drugstore la oollaf , tow la tk valley, dome good DOAoeea. r. rucus. 14.V, tint at. Et - MEHOHA-NTn, ATT UN Tl ON -..:r av aieaiianc opening - la TaiUat . MERCHANTS with aniall maana 43,000 will : baadl a splendid paying country atorax clear r--m onr u avery montn. ion cannot -. llna anything better. rTrtcHS. ih nrt st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CITY PBOPEBTY . - Flaw arms, tare baa, bara, abundance of - xruit, i a era or grouna, caoic aocouua wa ..elope or Mount Tanpr. hor. irn bo 6-room saw Bandar! porcolatB plumb. - Inc. piped for (aa. Mills faot around; par " 5 BMata (200 down, balanc axmlhly pay menu; ar will trad. -room Bew cottage Die location. vora aivui tiiwrj mmu on aey irruii. Nlc boma, 100x100 (round, la Sunnilde; bMD at 88,600. Bualoaa lots . aa Grand ar., ar Al der at. 8-room boa, 100x100 ground, ornamental traaa and Bowara ; a nlc honta. 8 blocka from Waihloatoo at., waat alda) might tak aoaa Saiallar pro party a part aayt IlKiOOO. 6-raoai aaw tnodara eottag, waat atdat I1.MM. - rina nodara bona, la Hortk Portland; a -room aaw atadara bona, all la fln order. r' 100x100 (roand, vary eta nlc locatloa, clooa la. - Eaat Ankaaf at.; (8.&00. a-room saw nodara aoaa. all ebole. East lark a., atat aalaar at I ta nnn. tvf . V ajwua hAtiaa. Aa IGaat 12th at aAtna i locatloa, aaar Ankanr aarllna; 18,000. d-rovm naat aottaa. aa Eaat Yamhill at.. M.i, nt ?A m , avma, 1 HO1 ' Breon naaajonaTaj Moft, on men- 1.. 4 catd! a aoaa at I2.B00. I - td.fi00 iArga coraar lot. fin aw ujudara i " rowm bouaa, cloaa la, oa Ankany carllna. Hi.000 Fine- Ura modarav boma. 100x100 ' . " fnaad, ebolc location, fiorth Portlaad. v. a-room eottaga, naar at nd ! tal anaaai fl.iou. j X: -W. Choir) Tacaat lota. - --r box too taat-oa Kaat ' AakniT.'atoaa ta. oxioo Caat, Hawtborna Park.' . w?SiS? 100x100, Portland Halkbta. : - , - Iota, -Eaat 12th and Taylor at. BBN'KLB s BABRIAON, , ' 21T Ablngtoa kldg. . roTnrblaxIa irmtaa4Twrt,--fdti' and Waaco at.. - atouaoar r ar. jl 121, varv avauwaa. COB SAIa T0 arraat abont 00 am plowad . land, a boat aw acr onarr caitiTatton. ' ra .. Improramaata, wcat alda, 8. P. B. R. atatlon at on ooraar of (arm; thla la on of th boat boy laJPnlk Mnnti: prir .Ti par art malr-payowat t- tlaw of aala, balanr (mmXCOB. BAXA PB TBADK Homaataid tallnonlab. 1 to 6 yar at 4 par cent, roc further in formation call oa or addraar J. D. Wlaa, Bnna Vlata, uragon. rOB BAIJt e-rdom mtUg a Vt 80x120. . .oa MiarrU at., aaar Dnloat ar. Pkoo Mala " -ted. . v . 00 ACRES. mil aoath of Oroabam; IS acre aa. lna atat odaaiUaatloav-tw la nca- b clard rdr for tb plow for (10 per act; tbr ar BOO paar troaa. T raar old: thU at Tory fin fruit or potato land. Will aril -.- fur (1.900 oa easy rerma, ar win axchanxa : (or lty propartr D 108, car Journal. .... TWO full lot and boo, Pattoh a.,- North Aibtaa, I1.2M; aaay tarma. Inqulra Low. - (ardt, ti Park. at. CHBAt BOHIS la Woodlawa. 401. ........ Call ep Eaat aVroom' Bona bolir With Tha beat efaia. tarlal, artlatlrally daalaaod, doubl llnrd. ca . aaant collar floor, f arnac. aaodara bathroom and plnmbinf, letd woed for all Inald work, with flu affahal) Uln flntah. dlnlna room panalad op to th . plata-rall, bonaa ' tinted througbont ready for nee, at a price . Ia tbaa It caa be duplicated for. lot eon etdered It belnf tha moat choice locatloa In Rolladay and Irrlnfton addition; corner of eaat Fifteenth and Hancock eta. Caaa. U Una, ornoa poon mmn aa; laat 128. ' tiooo 18 PER CENT an 7ur InrMtment,' or . a epleadld boma. If yoo car to occupy It: brlnga a Income of (38 per month at alt '. tlmee: thoroughly modern 5-room eottaga, full brick baaementl lot 80x100; fruit trees, flow- , era and lawn; mTMtigai nnica; aooa terms. OWa-t LOTS (VhtlOO feet) la PUdrooat, (800. (400 ad (300, alley II feet; beat mourn ear errlc b) th city I car Mar Second and Washing ton ata. every a to d.mlnuteai agent . aa tb around Try week-dey; office corner 'Bflltn aau wnraaw a 1 is. 7 Tax xj v? -at-oan car. Bee riedmont; bar your Iota today, ears . ar Inauilmeat; wa will help you bnlld a -aaay tarmai - rtoll rentfnrTfWT- brio yoo build It in piedmont. ' (KTESTMENT CO.. - Mala (Tl. 844 Stark at. 00 today- aad aa that beaatlfnl 8-raom hoosa oa Unloa r. modera m arery way. Inelnd ' Ing fireplace, aad richly tinted; easy term a. Be owner tail. 868 Union ar, M. Phoa Baat 848. BBMT BUT ON BABTH iln comer, 88x100 . feet, oaraer Xast 88tli aad TamhIU. 1 block . from oarllne: aQ Street and aewer aaseaa . menta Bald, high and sightly: only1 (1.000 If takes hi week; worth 28 per cent mar. . Patterson Stewart, 1000H Belmont at. WAKB I'Pt Oat borne I Wbat'i th mat ter with yen T (280 eaab, than (20 par month ' will pat 70a la poeeeaaton of a Bne 5-room ' cottage, coraer lot, In Sannyalde. Pattenoa d Stewart, 1000V4 Btlmoat sL ST. JOflNS, THB HOMB Or TUB ' MANUFACTURER. 1 bar th follow Ug propart that mast be aold t once; 8 lota, 80x100, rlTr view, 8 blocks P. O., aa aoa - resldane ,Vt for 38; aalr 3B cash r I amtred. is Ma, (r.8M. - T? B. a RUBLBBBT. ' 108 Jereey t., St. Job. VAX0N JARK Is bow aa tb msrketi lorn at adraaga prloaa, " according to Impmramenta. -T Thee lota ar mostly In ealtlTatton, larvl d alahtlr. aa a aood graded street, cloaa t nd alghtly, aa a good - ad IMooa arbool at gaed 10-room arbool at Xanta. Be tar to any aart of Portland: water free: terms. V, as, awai...., v., leHW, viwia. Tk MoaBt aoott ear, a. BA BO A I N Lota fronting on and aear bonloTard aad atstloni easy term. Call whit eetug 1 block waat Arbor Led atattoa. A 0REAT BIO SNAP t bar 8 full lot 160100, eaat of AH s. avore tract, near St. Helen' ball, worth (18.000, for (N.008 caah If taken at one. , Apply B. H. Bloaaoo, 818 Obamhor of Ooov marc. -. . 1 W VWTT WCOTH ' Lota ta thla alahtly tract rr cheap aad a ay tarma; graded echooL good car am-T- - ca, crty watat, good anil, payroll, fir pro tection, tele la. Apply B. Browa, 4 PowaU . near 88th. Phone Ballwood' 108, FINE loll In Bellwnod Terr Feaaonabl for - cash: 8 In a bnnrb. or will dtrlB. R. Brown, 844 Powell. Bear ath. Pbon' Bellwood 10 v rt)R MALE Lot. 48x108, T-roam modera hou. sxjiiio. nwn uauueia aonaa. I 1 arlo lJUs Apply 8JH4 I S. I ' 1 I - 7 walking aistaaee Third sr. (1,800 Beautiful let with alee fruit treea, B-room nonae, arranred for two fanUle. rement basement, garnen, on a earnnea, fien In.- bath, hot and cold water) easy terms; tb cheapest place "0 th market. 1 J . , rvtAttsa aal r s ;A ' 4 ' ''.-' . ". . . , ?OR- 8ALE REALTESTATET .. baroains. When dlsauated with old real estate win give tha lire one a eaU. Wa bara alaaa - etoree. (140 up; grocery stores. Invoice; res taurants, lode 1iig ljuiiae. U..8U1 aadmlsss) -arr kind if u'a ami ioi. 101 NO 8) DKaUtST.- AM ataaiaoa sl. FOB SALS CHEAP 8 snd T-mom boajesa) mod ern; part eaab. 8T OarOeld are. -,-Tsae woodlawa car. raone East aoaa. 8-ROOM bouaa and lo0xl00. a Baat 14th at. for (ao. If yoa want a aaapr look thla 1 ap o, U too, . car journal. . . - " BKIXWOfiD LOTS. (9 dow aad (S a month; from 8TB to 8300. Bellwood Townslte Co . R. P. Palmer, manager, I'bon Bask 4704. 810.000 WILL bur 80x138. centrally located, Income (3. 160 per year; paya 8 par cent oa 8.10,000; I lila property elrauld treble ta vain in the aest 10 yea re, being better socurlly . than any kank, and three times better tbaa loaning money on real estate, ssra. noonae. svoh Btajiioa. corner umnernsi, Ainioa. i-BOOM - cottar. - bath, oat iefferaou t.r room over store. 1 corner Htoat and Jefferaon. else store for rent; 811 per month each. Ap ply room a, iojvi iuii ax. t SNAP 4-room largo Cottage, lot 80x00.. close In, o east aide; price (8.100.' term. -r 18 uurnaid at. Mala 7010. FOR SALE No. 821. ear. of C1F and 12th ata.. Portland. Oregon: no agent. Daniel Gaby, -vaaoouvor,-- waaomgroa. -t-a .....u. FOB SALE AT A BAaWAUt- A 8n atock range, containing about !.!" acr ; all under fane; sunstad brg, Oregon, ea S. P. B. R.i thla la one of ' the beet stock In th county) I alee have a Bother good stock range containing J. aau acres, wnicn win. tie soia si a vary w trice. For particular addrea J. B. Sathor lln. owner, ttoeeburg.. oregosk' ' . . BAVB too a bouse for rant? If so, list It with a. W caa reat It at ooe. Beat Blda Baal Batata Co.. 40T Hawthorn are. . FOB 8ALB 4 beautiful Iota,' 80x100, Columbia, iteigpte; Bne orchard, 4-room tankhouso, wau and windmill; newly fenced: ldVal euburbaa home; excellent car serrlce; (1.8U0; murtgag aouu, a years; 11.200 act, part caan, part iraa. . uwner, Aaaree joe, car journal. (0,000 OH lem to loan on ml aetata. Mata aoa. . 818 tMcnaercUl block. ONB B-room and on B-rooa modera bona, near ttigaiand acbooi.t Bee owner, 4Ie Mildred ave. j term. . . . . (2.500 ELBOANTLT flnlahed 8 root bow cot- ' trago, 114 -acre or ground,- 1 Clock rrom ear; a bargain. Inqulr Oak tiro atatlon. L. W, IielalM.rdt.- - - HIGHLAND BBAL EBTATEI . BBALTI, BKNTAL8. IN8UBAN0B, 1 iijiajiina. Bualn entrusted to mr car wflT promptly attended to. J. E, BI'IKM. NOTABT PUBLIC. " Phono Woodlawa 82. - 10S8 Unloa are.. North.' " Portland, Oregon. HOIBK8 built, sy payments; lot any part ax try. main avoa. via uommercial Block, CQB'EB. Ull hdldaJot irtriowFaBai id 810 permoutH." i Mnlfsa hldg. Vsrnou Portland Property - 1 T-room bona, with baaement and aood bara, lot 80x100, oa Missouri ar., S blocka rrom canine; a ana residence; price (2,M0i wi e 1 uown. oaiance ao per moQLO. y THB HOMB BitOKEItAGB CO Boom 8 Breed bldg., .Third and Wsshlng-toa. St. Jchns Prcrcrty y. 8 Iot,- blocka troaa poatofooa, at (MO per wt, 4-rrom bonaa, 14-block frota earllti,' lot ot'iiuu; price ecsiv. - - 8-reom house, it blocka from echoolbouse, S lota 60xl00:s Dries ll.fliO. . Johna etstlon, t lota BOxloO, with bath and adorn 'tuivuguovil, ui Itw er.eiHX Lota ta South St. Jobna t'MO ill not thla proparty caa b tMugbt oav aaay tarma. Call THB ROME BROKERAGE CO., . ' Boom 8 Breeds tldg. Third and Wsshlngtoa. meat, south "nd IIoodr"KtTaTallry,- Oregon; price -uu. - auMiroaa a, csr journal. IP TOU want to build la a cboic residence tract, close in, with aod cr rvic, building reatrlctlona, as loon prohibition, larg lghtlr lota. 18-foot alleys, wide etreeta and broad areuac. balld in Piedmont. - .... . Let a aak yoa to Piedmont: W feel ssrd H yeu will only see Piedmont yod will la all probahUlty want to build there. Wa eell lot for caah or on tb installment plan, aad will help' you build oa ay terms. INVESTMENT CO., slain 871. . . . ... 244 Stark at. . FOR SALE House and lot 8t Mount Tabor, prettyman atauoa, s.ouo;. email caaa pay meat, balance la 100 equal monthly par. mania; noaaasaloa Immediately. Inqulr TlO Chamber of Oonimerc. SOB. SALE 180 acre patented timber; la one o-room oouse anu lot ieixin; a oargain. Inqulr SOT Morel at., Eaat Portland. , I1.40O NEAT 8-room cottar, laro Borch. concrete basement. -lot 8d2-8xlu0 owner 1419 Knowin ave Aroor ieug, eaaea Borthweat of atatloa. HOVER, an river from Portland. Located an. dr N. r. irrigating aitca ana en new north bank railroad; fruit goea oa tb market three week earlier tbaa In any ether eerf Ion. eoro mending highest price; dally ateamers from roruano aai oy ta evtat, xtovar una - Co., Hover, Washington. .- . ... . , ACBE TRACTS I .. OUB-BPaKaALTT-18 ACBB fBAOTSt- Full-Slaid atreeta, water to ch acr. TFBhfB (10 PEB ACBB CASH " - (10 tEB ACKB PER MONTH. - TM W W JtneaslcVell 84 th ia-eSaaT Tisy the aam Be far th lot man pays.- Ttl It lot maa I your nelchbor. but h ta re jtrlctedin majority of feature Uitl ailkt ,iuDuruso juimo. Opea Wedueaday and Saturday avsnliiga. 0. CHTRCHILL CO., 110 Second at. ia LOTS (80x100 feet) In Piedmont. (300, (400 aad B&UO, alley a 18 reetl beet utmrbaa car ear vie ta tb city; car leave Hecond and Waahlngtoa ata. every 8 to 4 mlnnt; agent on th ground every week-day; of tie corner Kllllngsworth and Williams avee.( tska U or St. Jobna car. See Piedmont; buy roar lota today, caah ir Installment) w. . will help yon build oa aaay tarn. . . v i - 7 Quit renting:- oar our own boma.: Let an help you build It In PIEDMONT. . , INVESTMENT, CO., , Mala 871. . 844 Stark at. DO TOU want to any city lot or creagt tf o, see Baat Hide Heal cerate uo. Kaai sine property specialty. 407 Hawthorne are., near Grand. Pbon Eaat 1087. MUST acrfflc 8-root cottage. 8 lota; no re. oaaDM orrer re rosea, in suourDa. AQ'iraes P 8. cr Journal. - - (4,ano HANDROMB tram, brand bow, well ar- rangea,- all moo era improveraente, an cor. ner. Ninth and Bchnrler, Holladay' addi tion: beat bur on market at price I08 Fourth. f Phone Pad 80 8128, or Mala BDOO. fl,ev riice ry vtwa cvtuiawf oaia, fee and eleetrlcllgbta, Mable street be weea Hamilton are. and Seymour, 1 block from B car and school, Booth Portland; tarma. - lannlr Snd roorth. Pbon Pteld 2124. Bealdnc, Mala 8000. - BUILD boo, easy psrmerttf : lotafornlahi f deslrvd. Miliar, a 1 a tximmerciai bldg. 6-ACBR9 No. 1 land. 1 mile from lstrte lln. 10 0 miles east of Portland ; this m Ms. 1 lead, lay well and easy tn clear or STBvel, . 111 w aa we iws 10 or 80 acres at 1 win eell a. (08 per scr ear Journal. n every asy form. O 108, IBvlNOTpN Obolceet section, cloa to earlln; owner wrtu eu Bi lovely Bom tor (it, I no caah; If yoa hav th money, batter aea this. Rartmaa Tbompeoa, Chamber f Commerce. ON BBOADWAT Beantlfnt bomst every bhm. em improvement ; lot ootioo; t ,oo take thl. Hart man at Toe m peon. SBASIDB HOMB . A splendid 8-ronra hotia (hard Snlahed) and 00 acre of land t Tioga, Long Beech. There is no better house on the beach. Thl property la on the ridge overlooking' the Farlfle ocean. It coat over 84.000. The owner will aell for (1.00O If taken at once. B. U. Bioasom, i unstfr si touimeice. &-SC FOB BALE On of tb finest ft v room cot- FOK BAI.n tm or tb tag yoa ersc saw f. full baaement, Jaraa a , wlndowa. neat and d. nr oniy a,Z"o; bath, Irr noma, fin lsrir clean; lot 50x100; xcl. lent neighborhood; (TOO down, ha lane long time. . E. Rnamer, 819 Allsky bldg". wH bolld to ymir plana; esey per mental get first choice 1 ear ar boulevard. Zalla Uoaaett, voaiay wrsaa auttroa, si, eaaa car, . 1 ' ' . ' - ; '.. j.' ' rORSALXwAlTESTATEr Good Bargains IB minute'" Walk from poatofflr osorh t xeiM) root modern cottaee ana Darn, roi fWriOT T4l.Tor (5.000: -termi: - W have lore In three ann t Ana ro CITV Willi 8e car far to either of them for (108 to par lot oa vary easy tarma, at 8 par aaar wit tor caan. . - . COVkll at SON, 1S7H Firat at ONLT (2,800 Larg 7 room modera booaa wrth 8 loU; assy term. Mt. Scott -carlloa. Ar ia ta. T4 Fly at. , (8.000 A BEAUTIFUL AOaacr tract. U cleared , and fenced, cloaa In, on out 11. toady for piatting. (4,7(10 A krrely horn of 8 scree on earlln good building. , tin rehard, extra good soil a-eent far. , (1.600 Chicken ranch. SVt'mlle eatr well . improveor oast monar-maiar at it ais us th county. , , OBIWDT-MELRATH CO., 215V, Morrlaoa t.-, 11.800 B-BOOM bouaa and bara. two 80x100 - lota, wear school, lvo fet from rrllBl9raa. Uagemana A Blanchard. 81 Fifth at. . LA8T OPPORTtTNITT Of It kind m St. Johna Full alaed lout (323: 810 down. (10 par month. Buy now bator tny ar gone. BAILSMAN It BLANCBAD.. 81 Fifth at. (10.000 WEST SIPB corner, closs tn, earning .12 par eaoU.. Uagemana a Blanchard, - pi - rum t. . -; - AT TOWB OWN TKRMlatust-t--old at ony BWdatj lfi-minute ca almoat jmvi nute car ride: central Alblna: don't mis tuis opporiuuty to (si uua igant aoaa si b Bargain. . . afOTTEB. a, W.KrNBIB. Boom Sra).2io Commercial blk.. Second' and Washington ata. Pbon Pd8c. 8278. WB bar few very Bn residence lot for aala oa InatallnwBt plan. Call owner. Pbon nwqiivs low. " FOR SALEFARMS. i etva .aa - . ah . iwaov rasm wo am luaui a.vw 18 mile from th elty of Portland; a good . 8-room bouaa, porch and pan try, amukahouao, -wodhouao. S Urge barn, orchard. 80 aoro unaer cujuveiioa. Balance nearly au csraiwa, , 8 seres beaverdam land; lay oa food county , road. K. F. I. at the door. 14 ml lea from good store, i milaa to railroad; good teem of harass, haraeea and. wagons and bark, goats. . oowa. hogs and all farming imple ments; pric 88,000; on tarma 11 wsntaa. " A aood bualnaaa and bulldine la good f tmetnes locality, T milaa from th city, on line road and crossroad, aoneiaiing ex eomoi. natloa storehouse and residence, 8 living reoaua and cloeeta. larg porch frcfrt na hack good wall of watxnn. back porcix- good -brick collar,- good baroTchicken -house and ' corral. 8 fnfl Vita all In aood bearlna fruit. ollhouaa and tank,, and good atock . of good nd grocorl) reason for selling, not alle -to-attend to tha business) If said at one pne a.xuo. .., -; - A" good 8-room" modern 'bouaa on foil lot 80x100, nlc set to rose bu shea .in tb front. ton walks, ate. 1 West Hort St.. between T224 -BfidiMi-niEa. JttJr00iJtmlf told saavfuArjaBl J tmt, intn-ia8 una.'M iu'Sb.boi Bnder culttvatiour 2 good orchards, - H -aer In tin garden with oleket fence, a goud 8-room bouse, 9 porch, flrepuic, ' a fair barn, x machinery abed. Small ehop, wood house, mllkhona, cblrken-hous with 1 acr of chick corral, ever-running water through It. plsc fencd and croaa fenced, good spring ai nons witn pump in it, running waier mx Mitchell wsron. 8 bead cow. 8 heifer. chicken, and all . neeeseary tool ouch as seed oa places some beaverdam land, a good milk rout; R. F. D. mail aad pbon ta th house: mil to school, 3V, mile from tb beat (tor tn th county and 21 mil front Portland) (3,000, term. m tO aeraa. 80 acres creek bottom. 10 aero "He red. a fair 4-room bona, bara and ether building, email lamiiy orcnara, gooa wen "water" at "boas -nd : fin creek "througli-Th pUo. 800.000 feet yellow pin on tb aorth old creek 1 oa a good county road. mil to good school, cloaa to aawmlll, 8 miles from eond atnra and creamer : nric 81.000. 80 seres adjoining thl place, 17 acres in eulttvs- -tlon a good frm bouaa and. barjl and. eutar bolldlngs. good hearing orchard;- H aille to acBooi, 114--mile to lowi rivr.i pr itrwa would take city proper l m part. "i A enod 8-room modern boosa on full lot. BO1IO0: nlc: Bet to mee buabe In th front 1 ton walk, etc.; West Hoyt st betwoea 22.1 and 28d. .... Prtc (8,600 j tarma tf sold . QUlck,.. .; ,. . ., . A fufl 80x108 da us-BdwnnaBjBYeuui hens, cement sldewsika, o Bawthorn are. prtc (6,000. , - - a . . . . . a... . . - . nwiM a rota inn nuiiainxv boo w , wa,.. fronting Wat and Front ata., (16,000; good tnrtmcnt. ' I hav a number of good and Sn resi dence and bnelnee properties In til part of th city. dlffareat price. . Pleas call and examine list If yoa- think f buying; K will psy you. SIS CoouuercUf bldg., id and rTashT 180 aero on th Whit Balm on river. 0 mile back; cboic apple land, partly' logged off. large springe and land nearly level; aomo food timber left on thla tract; river run hrongb th place. If yon want something in th LAND OF BED APPLES don't overlook thla plao. .. Prloe (20 par aer. - 00 acre, SVs mile Booth of Mooter I 8 acre nnder cultivation. 10 more easily cleared; all tUlabt. cboic a pel land. Prlo (34 per aer. - .,. . . 80 acres, dtt mile from Bond River; 48 acre under cultivation and about 20 acre In orchard. - also tree tn fall bearing, Ba aas saa la 1 amis haga-amd. aainsuUiUnBaa Irrl sat I. ration tlltch rr inrrntga TP p11 rrfAv 1178 per acr. 200 ecre in Dongla county, naer Oaklaad an 40 eeree and cultlvatton, 100 ecree lev nd 100 scree rolling, soma fruit; aprtng and two rood wells on the Dlac: B-room tiotia," foftff barw and ejrrmlld7ns-rTBBr- roe wtrh th place 00 bead of sheep, good Teeni. S cows, chickens, turkeya, all farm lmpl. menta. frica ai nor sera tn 19 acrtracaitliIotorOB JhalB-. stallment plan: ground cleared, planted to treea, cared for far ftvo years: small pay ment down, baianca la aaoathly - payment) lnveatlxat thl. Uet aoma of our lltaratura iplaiBln( It.- , . la.1 Vf 1 L. 1. n as sanv, . T8 Sixth St. - 88 ACBES, d milaa from Oregon City, 9 mile rrom ew Era: xa acre an aer cultivation, young orchard. T-room hou, barn and asveraj outer bnlldlng. all fenced; a splendid bom for 82,200; good terms. 8H acr. about 11 mile from elty, adjoin ing small town: 8-room bonee, aaveral other buildings, 4 acre of Bplendld orchard, all kind of fruit, all ander faaosi connected by wslk from depot; (2,600, good ter ma; a splendid bom. " . OTTO A CROCKETT, aBVi Wnshlngton t. ACRE8 aaar station, far to Portland 8 1-8 cental Ba a o-room booso. run osseineui, good well, young orchard, 8,000 atrawberry planta, all under fence; splendid bom cheap; would consider trad for bona and tot in Portland. ' a ' v And several fhr well Improved aad wall located small place en good term. Also farms snd ranchea of all descriptions, OTTO ST CROCKETT,' - - - 8461 Wsshingtoo St. ' FARM O0 farma for eat. om 1 acr aa. ea aa before hiivln. Bast Bids Beat Batata Co, 407 Hawthorne ave. . STAMP bring to-page catalogu of eosmrry tnds. Borr-Paddna Co., 880 Broadway. Oak nd. Cal NOTICE to Homeeeeker and lnvtoT I Bar choice wheat farms. In largs or smsll trsata, nTheTMWArooas- Etght-M1r country, la Worrow oounty. d-rlct where'foilure waa "never knowa, whore yon eta boy 8 bom tt . reeeonabl prlca, ea easy term, which will make yon from 10 to 26 per osat ea your Investment. - . - I hav alas enm vary rhatc atock farm, - cheap. ' Too will do yoareelve aa injustice If yoa buy elsewhere without lavaetlgstlng this asetloa of Oregoa, Addrea M0BE ASHBAUUH, ' , . Bl Eetate. . -. Elght-AIII. Metrow Ooasty, Orsgea. FOR SALE A good atock ranch of 800 seres In eastern Oregon; Bits of good water snd wood; might trade for ( smaller place that la good and heady to church- and ertienl. -For particulars addreea Boa 88, Loo Bock, Oregoa. . r ' 840 PER A0BB IBS acre, an trait farm, la .. Yamhill county, well Improved 1 boose, bara and fruit dryer; goad place for stock) rus. ring water; B acres e lea red, 80 In varloo hinds of fruit; plenty of wood; rural null or phone. A bargain If Bold soon. E. 0. Bobertsoa, 70 Eaat Sixth North. - 80 AOBES- aaHrvotod, 6-roots boo, horn, Chlcken-boos. well at souse snd in pasture, orap sll In. fsmily jBrrhard, B good horse, 8 - oowa, cbltkeaa. I farm wagon. 1 eprtrg : wagso, lots 4V gncd farm toole. well fenced; Ihta place Is s bsrrsin at $.1,800; 8 mile . of Portland. AJvar Aivotd. 188 MorrU . BOB It, ' - ' r .' FOR SALE -FARMS. FARMS FOR BIT B na rrcnivna- (2,10040 seres, 11 mile sst of Tan eoover. tn Oraaa valley. 1 mil from Comm. : bla river, 2V mile from boatlaoding, ea main county road, mil to school; B. P. .. ood graveled toad, 20 acre cleared, 4 - acre bearing orchard, 8 scrag timber, balanc nelly cleared; all level, S good living - gorlne.- heat of hleear 11. 1 .K. w.nuv w wu larma. fenced. 1 acre en.ut M.h.,H aood 8-room bonss. large barn, 8 bouses, 89 head cattle, 14 milch oowa, several hogs, souis ""-". gwoo siio witn cottar; vrytnuf complete; cream separator cost 1240: binder. .mower, rake,', sll farm machinery that is aeetieq on a. ranch) glvs terus. 1 - 140 acre, 30 mile from Portland; S acres cleared, 140 acre almoat level, tUur a re 40 ' cVrrL slly cleared, creek, S aprtnga, d tulle from railroad, baat of black loam . Boil; price (8 par aoret thla la a snap) parti leaving ountry; . good till. 80- acre 4 aullea from Waabougal, dark oounty. Washington; 70 acres in fln atata of cultivation, .11 fenoed. U Isvel, IV, -story 18-room boassiln 8ns sUspo, good Bow bara SOiM), variety orchard, 8 good living springs, water la house, 1 team worth (aSO, . pouy, 80 bead cattle, IS oowa, all kinds of farm machinery, . cream separator, R. F. D. : price 88.000 for farm, or 7.000 Including all per sonal property; will dlvld place; terms H - caah. balanc term: thl 1 one of th beet buys o tha market; guaraateed aa ad rartlaed. (8.2O0 B scea, 14 mile frnra Portland; SO. aara e levied. ' I1 ' acre flrtT-clsse or chard, full bearing, mostly apples; sll fenced, all level, good T-room bouse, goad bara,' 1H Y milsa to railroad atatloa, mil to achooL 1 B. P. 0., mala county- road, good - team horaeaT wagon, - hirneeS. mowcr take, -all kind of farm Implements, all new; S cows, V calves. 4 bog. 60 chicken, poor, . household furultur; will give terms; thl IS .. a beautiful place: beat of Bull. -..?r. . WASHINGTON djOKEGON BEALTT -CO., ' BDaVj Waahlngtoa at.. Boom 12. Portland. Or., - and 800 Mala St., Vaacourer, Wash, FOB FABMBttB - WHO WANT TP VfgE aiuiB.t msabi 4 (1 1 ssil, inn la iasa this Is the best wheat land la the north west, producing sa -high aa 60 buahela of wheat to the acre, and caa ba bought on - very aaay -tarma; two crop will pay for the -1. FTJCHS, 14H First St. 118 ACBB!. SB Cleared. om beaverdam, bona. para, orcsaru, m creese; 10 .miles .weal si Portland. Wlngren, Beavartos, routs 8. FARMERS Do yoa want n good plsc 1 mil from on of th best colleges In th stale 1 Then buy this 80-ser farm, in high atat of cultivation, at Newberg, for 88.6001 (2.2J0 caah, balanc 8 per cent. If yon want la Us, a ilf wttbont worry and let rou chfl- , drea acquire the beet of. sduoatioa, doa't - F.' FUCHSV 148 V, Pint at, - FOB BALM 800-aero farm, at a bargain: IS mi lee eaat Eugene, 4H mile 8. P. railroad atartoo, H mil chool; BO 'acres orchard, oa McKlnst river bottom, loamy soli, mostly T -year-old .Ppltsenburg .apples. wsU-Jmprovad.- graveled road- to Eugena, good hou, barn, etc. f telepbon. dally stage and mall, few fine "bearing 25-year-old sppl' treeaf frlch (18,000; y term, low Interest, or will trade for rortiaad , property. Adore u. ingnom. r-ugene, uregon. .. . . . OOOD FARMS AT BARGArN PRICKS. f 1,600 36 H acres, rich soil, running water. horse, chicken, tool and lmple- . . menta; very eeey tarma, r sxenanga tot dry property. . 84. 600 881 aero. 8 mile from Oregon City I one of th beet place la Clackamas county. (4,800 BO acre of cboic land, new build ing, 14 mile from Portland; a snap. (8.800100 acre, beat of olL new bulld- Inga; Base el.eelA -at - ta wrtlea tO foruana: very y term. (7,808' On of th beet and nicest farm. 11 , mile from Portland, fully equipped; lg Ipyely hoQit, 120,006 The beat 8S-acr farm in tb valley) Improvement alone coat (10.000) 1 there at no other plaeo a cheap a thla, and caa b bought oa very aaay ' tsrma. tf yeu want a good farm, small or large, T . p. FTJCHS, 14PH-Pint ' t,- (4A AN ACBB for th best farm tn Yamhill county; practicauy au in ciuuvaiioa; tnia must ba aold st once; terms, - Hagemaaa al Blanchard, 81 Fifth st. 84.76008 ACBE8 of oll that cannot he beaten RtirvsvD! mbbi rviiroeaj w nun iraa rvri. ndj arep law Eagsnuaa Blaachsrd, 81 Fifth st. -FOR-S ALETIMB ER: : WBhvcsh bayra lor large, aad amall trscta of good timber In Oregon. Waahlnatoa ar California. Phons Msla 8808. SIM Frnbra bide. CBRTIF1ED arrlp, ny rise niece 1 price. W. W. Hwu, 888 Chamber f Co HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOB SALB A work bora, slngls or double; weighs snout 1.000. xhs Eaat Momeoa st. FOR SALE Team, 8.000 pounds; 1 team, 8.800 pounds, sua 1 cheap noree, l.auu pounds. Pbon But 8643. 838 Buaaell at, , TEAM good drangbt bore, weigh 9,800, only (276V Call Sunday or addrea E. VV. Aylaworth, Ore sham, Orsgon. (278 WORK team, harness, weight abont 8.000. cell aooa xoo wsstungtoa st. r. uoujo. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE W hav an established buslnes hare la thla city, coaaattlng of hotel and ssloon, nicely Iocs ted, with 2 year leaa. that w ar authorised to sxchangs for either elty or country property; this business will stand tha closest Inspection, snd bo boom prices ssked nor will be allowed, ad bo mortgaged .property taken. Now, if yon ar seeking something good, bar I roar chance, but If you ar seeking information yoa might aa wail stay at bom; thl 1 oar busln, ' A - Bnto7 urs 1aa 820 "acrea of good limine ln.Donalaa ctmnlr natantad.. that ho WlliBlo. tkeiia ngsforsomgt?oilJi slALLir.R M . f ATlIfLl toOirgonlasldgjJa. and of. about equaTvalne; therefore If yoo y. genllemea Blghla.. Msla I8&B. wish to retire rrom some good nasi nee na will take good timber,- at its actual vain, cell and see oa or writ us what yon have) toek most b cleau, to b worth firat coat at goods r no, triflera seed apply. Thee sad many ethar ran be had by call ing apoa na. .NORTH WEST LAND COMPANT, te ' Ooodnongh bldg.. Portland. Oregoa. FOB THBirfr PEOPLE WHO W ANT A ., lams-B. - 9 LOTH, cornor, RlghlsBd. son 828 ) 2fV0 luot on (8tB sna Stevens Furniture 8 roans, class Runabout auto: aaao ... s 4-room cottage, modern 11.260 Will take plumbing, ptaatsrlng r carpenter work la exchange a part psjmesit( balAaoa 810 per asonth. - C. A, MTtBS, 928 Second at. VXCHANOB. Wanted to exchange, soma fholc lead, lm arovad, cloa to Portland, on fine level road, for a large tract of land, well located, ta th valley, suitable far a (lock raaea. What a yea affrl HBNKLB RABRI80N, . 917 Ablngtoa bldg. - - . . SPOT CASH. Fat furniture and household rood. , PBONB MAIN 86M... TO EXCHANGE. FOB EALB or exrhang. land for city prop erty. soS B. Jth at. north. PriRTLl rTDTBou s and lot for ranch In White Salmoa or Moaler fruit belts; glv full par tlculara. M 80, car Journal, , FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BIIXIABD AND POOL tobies tor reat to aala en easy psymentt. TUB- BBUNHVYICK-BALKB COLLENOEB CO. 4 Third at.. Portlaad. . FOB SALE OB RENT NRW AND SECOND - HAND SBWINO MACHINES. STANDARD KKWINO MACUINB AQINCK. B. D, JONE4, 280 TAMHIXL ST. , WE aeed furniture and will pay foil val 'S3 Phone PaclBe 70S. Wee Ura Salvage 827 Waahlngtoa at A STERN-WHEEL steamer ef IBS net tone, . ready for commission; also several ether eel snd tugs. 1 For further specification aad wiToruiBTiou appty- TO' treorg B. xiusn m t iiw., win oiara at. . WESTERN OREGON MINING MILLING CO. hadiuarter atock for sals and lBformatloa at first at. Phoa Main 1S28. ' ' BOOKS bought, said and exchanged at . tb Old Book Store. 228 Yamhill aC SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES mad to order! assad band goods for 'sal. Carlaoa ) KslW Strom. Stu) ' Couch St. Phoa Clay 871. SHOW cases, couutsi a, Sxturasr tannxhl. sold 41J f xcbMtdAWtern. Si I sugioa su ra Paciflo 7SS. BOLDBN'B RHEUMATIC CURB--Bur aara for raeasuiism. Bold by all druggattst - POR 'BALE Second-hand nprlrht boiler, suit, able for woodw, foster K Is leer. Fifth and Everett sts. FOR SALE Portable 8 b. p. engln snd boiler) guaranteed; .an third It value.-O. H. Pig gott, Uwyer, 4 Mulkey bldg. SPLENDID lot of dsmWed sewing machinea, - Wheeler Wilson, Slngsr.. Domeatlq and .others. S. 8. BlgsL 838 MarrUqa t. Mar quam bldg. PIANO, . Mathushek sqnare (rand, esse, eoat $Rr,0; . pric (126. C. H. - lawyer, 4 Mulkey bldg. - Piggott, BABOAIN IN BANCH 90 acre cleared. 90 aleahed; four mlllloa yellow 8r; 8 cow. 8 horse. wagon, bsrneaa,-. farm utensils, building. (4,000. Terms. I 120,- Jouraal, WE print yon, aaaae-ew SO ealttnr cards,' wen It - sms sno sryie. soe xno ntfsinees earns, A, W. Schmala Co., 928 First.' Portland. FOB SALE New .furniture of B-roota boa a bargala at 8478. 287 Fourth St. FOR SALE Nest road wagon, ' almost new: bora.' harness; 8 cow , . East - (6th and Roigat. - a,.li-- FOB - SALB OR EXCHANGE All kind - ef - household goods. Kroa 4V Friedman, 243 Front t, Vacloe 28. f FOR BALE A tin Anrora- Billyfoatf T"""g I mat ana s;aai ixmcn aia. FOR SALE Oood freak gentla. alia owa. Olbba. i . J , 84 16 SAFES at a bargsla; dlffsrsnt slss. all new; must be aold this week. Call at 263-267 - Front st. ----- -.-. PINB boat with sail, cheap. Him, 800 First St. caa A, hf. ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA. 99 volnmea, first -class condition ; also 80 vohin boua ouad - Scribner's and Harper'. - Apply JSO King UTbooJU!lL MiiL. mornings FOR' SALB Set "of allvarsmith tools snd - Jeweler 'e aatnt desk Uthes-aad -all too la. -ataaa ano oavar, materia t. etc., tor (SO; 840 -Best py Bk 1 water, Oregon. FOR S A LBV A 8x80-lnch lath. 84. . . , J Pbon Eaat WILL glvs away two good hou saa, to b - wrecked and movedf cheap nulldlng matariaL McCoy, 871 ft Morrison. Paciflo 1671. HOLES - AND OOPHERS DESTROYED by Whitney's rodent torpedo. Fullr' tested at " Lewis sad .Clark sxposltioai deatroy all anl- paas unsoiiineT narrow. y.gjog.-sail , city - suroesv- 'antra aBa.atarae ts. 1 - FOB 6ALLrg- Jerswy- eow-,- 8 gsllons milk vmuj, u. " -e 1 ,iauu ..'a as eewisa . comatory. neas mata uev FOB BALE Freeh cow And calf, or will ev. Cheng n for driving horW. pay cash difference; price n. vtraaningtoa uregou iteity i.t ' BOO lit Waahlngtoa at.. rtland. Or; FOB BALK Fin rnaewood nprlght t Weher, eeieooio eaainiiion; praJUCll7oqr"wn nrjee - sov araer bv. HA RDM AN plana for pale; wa! nt .npright, a) Alder at. nearty new; to sett lb aetata Bt'I.I-TERRIEB pap far Mia. Fourth st. at 919 PERSONAL. MADAME ANNA LUCKEY Principal of tb American Beauty Pari gives aclantia treatment for removln wTtnkl. and facial blemishes with the - French paste; alao Mme. Harrow's fsmous remedlaa. Electric and vapor' hath given. Fatlente received, with treatment, board and room, Satts'artloa guaranteed. Testi monial from leading phyalrlana. Salt IS Langs Hotel, sUxth aad Waahlngtoa eta. THB WADB CORSET, 408V siorrlaoa; boat mad. . i YES. Palm Tablet make yoa Bleep asarfoetly they -euro Bervanass-nd eask yea trog pric 80c a box, 8 boxes (2.60; guaranteed. 611 druggtata, or address Brooke Drug Cav, 87 orth Third St.. Portland. Oregoa. . BI'ITS piswaad WhTIyon waltTTlOe. Ladle exirta preaeeo:. noc. - uiinertr itn4 Btxta st Bert to goiir- FBJn T tdfag a8. no srsafsv srstiuis i.a s-ue ..-... uao wssningtoa sr. hoou ao. aor leel maae souna, , r-.- BINO CHOONO, tmportor of Ctlnao root medi cine: sills Chinese tea that I carts In cur for all disss saa. 181 Secoad set. Yamhill and Taylor. DETBCTITa ' AOBNCT Coafldeatlal inveeVt- gstloaa; reports msd oa ay tndividusl bast. Kes er proparty; mleelng rsls trees located) d debts collected: charge reasoaahlsi eor . reepondonc aoltclted. Orego -. Detoetive - a-rvfev, offlre 814-81S ColumM kldg. 888 Washlsgto at,' Pho Mai 8818. ANY- man or woman can bo troag and happy , by slng Serine Pills tha great tootet price it box. 8 boxes (8, with fall guarantee., ddree ar Mil J. A. CImeasoa. druggist, or. Secoad aad Yamhill sts.. Portlaad. Or. BIGH-OBADB portraits! netl effer for few asy; csnin sis, car as or 10 to era, is ror 81: suslltr snd work the best. & M. Steven. 80S Ooodsoufh bldg Fifth aad Yamhill . . LADIES' Turkish baths, msssags, hydriatrl parlor; strictly Srstltae place fof ladle only. Flat A, 661 Wsshlaglo St.. betweea lth and 17tb ata. . BOLDKN'N BQBTTM ATIO CURB rr rheumatism. Bold by all druggist. MANLY ruror restored br Dr (i lob lea. 0a Dsosrhe treat men treatment, (St 9 ly SMled by aaalL A Co.. Portlaad. Or. , months, 8ot seat secure agesta, woodsrd, Clsrks ladle DR. Q. V. KETCH CM euro promptly private ataoaeea, kidney, nervoaa. ekla aod apeciai fentsla trauhlea. Call ar wrlta. Office 1 70 la Paclfle 9228. intra at., cor. lambiu. 11 DR. M. T. CO LB, 848 Eaat SSd at.) matornity dlassasa of worn. . Phoa Tabor 111. FORBIDDE!! f rOJIT." "A Oar Lothario," "Story of )Hlv," 'Faany Hill." Ago-." Woma OffFIr.' 80c each; llata fro. A. W. Schmala Co., 928 Firat at. MARRY If suited: tola our society; ws have hundreds of member who wish to marry ; many wealthy. 24 Russet bldg. SCHOOL books sad all kinds sf books bought. old and exchanged. . eooae' aooa osora. nut y Alder at. DOIX'S HOSPITAL Repairing and dressing. 881 TamhIU SL Ml MS ETHEL WARD, scalp and face apeciai. 1st, manicuring and chiropody. , ana 23, 14814 Sixth st. IOPNO isdy give scientHc . uissssge. : Bisnl- curing and peoicuriag. last aixta set. siar riaoa and Aide-, ' - LULU ENGLISH, asaguatle healer, poaltlvaiy cure .-cheumallsm, a Lao give eietiric oatu aad ma 1 astir treatmnt. (61V. Mtfrtisoa at., 1001 U aad U, ra I no, oh- ak" k FINANCIAL BANKS. LTTED STATES BATI0BAL BANX OP JflBTT-ABTt, Cltnnt, ; ' ' '. ' ' J, NorthwetCor. Thu-T and Oek Sts. Hi. TT.Ia wiWOi B BNBBVB1 Varthl.e d 0KTH KB. HT VlcB-PraaltUat. LEA E A UN Assistsnt Cashier.. 4. a. WRIO THE BANS OP CAiTTOBBLV-Xatahtiahed 188. ' Ka8 OfSo," Saa laaSBM. O a ft ul "f1!"' t t.uou,ooo OOlBurplna aod andlvtded prodto (8.1 ... ! Oeoersl Banking and Exchange Business Transected. SAVlNtiS DRPAI m - . 1 B 1 , , " 1, lira ammn ouwnvee Intereet e Urn deposit. . AsautiuU eosnod too an. .. ... . Ibamnev Commerce tratlrrrng. - - f-iCBAB.'.-..i.-;..vtr Masagor. t. T. BUKTtHArt;L.......Aettau; Msaagsa CISX AMTOBAIi B4BK OF.POBTLAaHx. I L . llealsnatad Dedoaltorv snd sewtlsfT!. ".." : "-' Caahie...i.i ...J. W. NEWWrBtl , a!I 1 'etAnJr,VV C. ALVOBD Second Aaafetant Csahlar B. . BTBVS.18 Credit 4aeoed AvatlaMa la ems, aad the Ealura Stataa. . . - a. Etehang and Telegrsphle Transfer sold oa New York. Boston. Chicago, St. tasda, BV Psul.lOmaha. Saa Pranrltc aad. th principal pointa la the Northwest ts Lh "I ,.lm bli i'wa la same te snlt ea Loedos. Pria. Berlin. rrsaktOrt-A- b-htats, Hoagkoog. Yokohama, Cipenhagea, It Ati.ala. Stocklwtm, St, Petersburg, Mosoow. sUirldk, LAUD TTLTOM BAJTKEB8 fEetahllahad tn 11681 Troaaaeto a BVeaarai Banking Basin ess. CnllectioM ms 4 st sll aotnts w .svee. a. . ; term. Letters ef credit lamed avallsbte In Europe and aU points In the rnlted SI , ll ""cksnas end Teleavsshle Tranafera sold oo New York. Weahlnatoo. Chare so, at-eljoals, Denver. Omaha. San rasctsco aad Mimtana sad British Oolnmhla. Exchaags Bald oa London. Pari. Berllir. Frankfort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Honolslu. H IllCHABTB NATIONAL IBABX, POBTtABD, 0BEO0N. if T; raann VfBTBUn President R. W. HOYT. rvsinenc Traaaaeta . uv , vaenier w. nuiT., ,.awsiaBi lamia I a General Banking Bus in sea. Draft aad Lettare of Crodit laacod Avallabl f th World. Collection a Spaclaltyv- t All Part TRUST COMPANIES, h-l r.QBTLAaD TsnBT mat ww o owiw T r REBODRCES OVER gl.&OO 000. (leoeral TZl SA VINOS ACCOUNTS. Time eextlAcst. BV0O or aw. 114 to per cent. Vail lor book and Oak sats. Phone . HEN., f COHEN... .. B. LEE PAGET. .President .Secretary IEGrrBITT SATIBOS 4V TBTJBT COMPABY . a TrsnAaoaa.a omm.!....!.. omIaa . a Tim and Savings - '.its. Arts ss Trustee tor Estates, , CrafU r d Let tors ti OreeUt . AvsUsble In All Parte ef the World. : " ' - 9 r .4'M9-'" ..kt-... President L. A. LEWIS. ....T...e...Plrst : Yl-ProtdB A. U' MIUB..r.,..;...Becoaa Vlce-P.ealdeat . B. O. JUBlTZ OearwUry ' . OEO. F. BL'SSELL........ .Assistant Hecretsry - ' T MOBTOABE CH7ABAXTZE B TBtTST COaTPAlTT BABX. - ". " :, OaoarsJ Banking and Truat. Business Tranaacted. . Interest Paid ea Tim DsBuatts. , . , S. LOGAN HAY. ........ .Assistsnt Recretsry - 1 Elks' Temple, Seventh and Stark Streets, Phone Main 184. -- NOBTHWESTZBV OTABABTZX at TB TJST CO MP ANT Portlaad. Oragmv. Lumbar Exchange, S. B. cornor Second and Stark Straeta (mi a-tertar. inrve wnn BUU. Cotwty,Mlctp1 and Corporal loo' Bond and financed. Stock BONDS AND At Offer Oilt-Edge Inveatnientx In Municipal TPTTtX OtjABABTEE A TRUST COMPANY I MOBTGAOH LOANS a Portlaad Baal ' ' . s tracts pvowimfo. HOPBINS d CO- Tmtal i aVnsvm al ' flmnnA Vint BBAIN. PB0T7BI0BS. OWTOW. STOCKS AND BOBDaV WB SO A BTBIOTLY COMJs-lBiU BBBUIBBa. , . h ,. Oontlnuou Markets by Privste WIr. Quleh Servle. BEFXBENCXB Ladd A Tiltoo, Bahh. era, snd United Btates National. Bank apf EngUnd. . S QOBPOBATION BONDS. Bigheat Beturn to lKravor PORTLAND A NOBTHWESTBBN HOME TERS0NA1T" DISEASES OP WOMEN Prlvato maternity - hospital; cmlet location and special care. Dr. Atwrwd. ; Root Morrisoa sU room 8, Phona pMtaS4478 - -.- -.. "ATTORNEYS. A, H. TANNER, nttoraoy, BOS Commerctel blk.. Second snd Waahlngtoa ft, rust msin oaa, X a. wixnrMTtR. sttornavt-lsw.. notary. Bpyaahington Diag. rnone.racincyeii AUTOMOBILES. t COVEY A COOK Motor Car Co.. V-eonth and Alder Agents - Mr r-smiiao, - Trc. - vrs Arrow -d 8tve--Hrye motor-care; a chlnee rested, rensleed snd stored. -- KRT EMFORIUM. BPMVFB tAX MKTKB.. Ut Aides, Portrait aad lan dee p artist aad teacher. ARCHrrfccTS. H. H. MENOES. .Architect, 118 Second t. ASSAYERS. ARVIN CYANIDE E1TBACTION CO.. aad Moatso Amsy Offlc. 188 Morrisoa at. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. I HOWaV DAVIS A KliJIAM. aj lBlankbook manufacturer; "T rImprovd LBoae-Lsf ledger; b9-H BBcaad at. Tgeata for joae 1: " th aew " Eureka f." the beet ea tha mtrket. -l,-r" " CO.T BtM-srJB irveer- b - rpji"n pn x cd sftbt j sv -BATH IS M. ASSAGI I YOUNG 8dy glee vapor, alcohol snd medicated fvbi niArTparlor 97, 208 Stark st, MISS BAYM0ND five bath and mag traati enU, Th Coamoa, JOSt Morruoa sr. THB BNOWDEN BATH BOOMS. 27 H Aider St.. between 4th and Bta lun ana vapor natas, maaaage, electricity. Phona Main 6086. t LA DIRS Beth, far and scalp maesag. BOS Fifth, bet. Taylor sod Baimoa. MiSS BELL--4 BANT, -1st- Of Bw yTaat-co, tlvea maaaage asa eiconoi running at suat tark at,, roomn 18 aad 20, Tsouma house. YOUNG" lady give mssesge treatments tar rheumatism, susih Btarx St., parlurp Xl-Se. Tasoms boos. TWO young isdle glv massage, tub aad vapor batna. 110 sourtn sr., cor, . waaningio. MASSAGE, vapor and tub hatha, aalt glows. alcohol not run. xun iDiro. COLLECTION AGENCY." DOES 'any a w yoa asoosy 1 Ws oslstet bad debt of au Kinds. Horthweatera Low Collectio Co., 129 Grsnd ave.. rooms 14 end 16, Cltlaeae' Bask -- bldg. Cat thla oaa. Phoae Eaat 8046. WB COLLECT BAD DEBTS AND GET IN THB MONET. ' CITIZENS' LAW COLLECTION CO., CITIZENS' BANK Bt'ILDING. ROOM Id, 1221 GRAND AVE., PHONE EAST 8838. FA'RS ANDVTOBAl M. A. OCNST A CO - - DkitTlhators of FINB CIGAB. ttend. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVERDINO A FABBBLL, pssdoco aad commts. sioa sssrenaata. 10 vroax au. gertiaaev- us. Phoa Mala 178.- CARPE a', CLEANING. BTANDABD Carpet Cleaatng Co.. largeet Plaal e th. caaat, living -nd Rardtng at., tele phoa Baat 180 arpeta tleased. relit ted. Sewed nd Uld: both ateam sad latest oaa. J reeved air process; t.- ivatlng mttraasas aad tbera y apeclaltyv BAN1TABT carpet cleaning, (actio and m- praed tr combined; carpet 'ssanea an noa without removal. Mala oaa. Mala 820, I. - HntTt H, steam carpet ssd matt-sal dTeaner. 6ofj Jefferson. Phone Mala 814. CROCKERY AND OLASSWARS. r""IMUt smeksry aad faeewr. 1 as ba vi to Kd rat. s-s, ( y-v 4 BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. .... - - UHAT1H INNI ' EH SVSIlaMB WS Oil V, ' - oa Manila. Colleetioa MaAa a Feverasle lv'-v Vico-pMsldaat.. ....W. . J. t cashlar...., .......a. v. svnj j Aaalatant Cashier.. .W. A. S11J1-X fjairforato, .7Tt).le '6 'a . . , . i u . , aeDiiniimf. , r nmm ' ..u. a . i a earns ef (in aad Byword. . Peetiao sksaah BBIBBS '.:i -1- lloae - lal Aaaat al tka naltset ,. .-fc- R. U DURHAM n. 1a iiij hham . . . , -aeietaai tasniav : hanklna. Eaehanae. aa all ssrts ef the world. S to 4 per cent:' short-call special srtlnrate. of "ILLUSTBATIONB Southaaat aorae Thar Private Bxchang 78. 1 PITTOCB...... J. 0. OOLTRA.' ,.,:. .V'.vWPrBlBiat . .AeatstaBt sWtry 868 Morrison Btreet, Portland. Or, iiriwns nrpiitruiVT.' fiitsvaat ar flsar). cnspnDirtnVI ' bought aod sold. New otrjrie aswnis4 . and bead guaranteed. " - INVESTMENTS. and Railroad Bond. Writ ay CaB. J0 Wahlngta eMreed, Corns fooaad. - ..: Estate at Lowest Bats. .Title I a sail A. garnished. - - ' , Jtojtgjsofctrf, IaUbllbJr88S.lL ib rtihaB f frsm mstTt. - atosast - w, -sad S La FayUW-r cor. alxt .; sad Wash. Sts, Portlaad. Oregoa. C0BPOBATI0N STOCKS. Coawlatsat With Absolute Safety. ',: TELEPHONE A TBLBOBAPH SB0TJB1T1BB --; CLAIRVOYANTSAND-AtMXSTT - ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. PROF. E. KHIMO. ASTRAL DEAD TBANCB CLATBVOYANT- NO CMAROlt-tie-NO-SATiaMtB- WHBN-- BEADING IS OVER YOU TO BE JUDGE. I DO HEREBY BOLEMNLT,. AO BEE AMD- -GUARANTEE to make no charge it X fall to call yoa by name-In full, names of your r. friend. BASlies or rivala. I pro si las to -toil whether your bos band, wife or sweetheart to true or false; toll yoa how to wla th -. lov of th on yoa meat desire, eve though mile sway; how - to succeed In business. 2 IpccuTrtloh, TawsuIU; how to marry" the one . of your chedos; how to regaia youth, health nd vitality. , Bemevs vU InJueacss. ears ..drink hablm. Into tee trsur car ail -Bervoa diseases. How caa I hav good lack t - How caa I ucceed in basineatf "- - . How -ess I make my kosso ksnpy I -- Haw caa I eosqoer my anemias t . How can I marry the one I choosat . . How caa I merry weilT- '' How can I conquer my rlralt ':: "".'How caa I make any one lov mof How cs I set a aood aosittoat llu caa 1 leusnv bad tnOncucaaT" How-con I control nr an I How can I make distant ansa think 4 atst "" How can I aettl my ejuarrelT How caa I bold my husband' kvt How can I keep my wife's hrvaf HOURS.-10 to 8 DAILY AND SUNDAY.- Permanently Located In Hla Own Homo. ' PRor. E. KR1MO, No. 2nd Fifth St., cor. Madlaoa st. - MRS. STEVENS, - Portlaad' leading Salmlet, -astrologer and clairvoyant. 188 Seventh t opp. Hotel Portland. PROF. WALLACE, th great palmist, tslls yoa everything from the Plm; teachea palmistry; about marriage," Vva, huslnees; ' complete rrsdlnga 80c; acenrata aad truta- - fill. eUH Sixth t., Br Stark, . xoAirAimwot CHORCHLEY BROS, hav ressevsd fra Ibet Davts st. to 428 Ass rosy st,, aear 11th; ht I toasaa. tKsTa rd la Vh. alty. t - m tlla(, wood aad eooL Mala Bel ALBINA FCBL CO. Pea lev la seed seed. si ad grea and dry alahwood. a, B, aad A l. WE8TBBN Peed A FVol Co.. Front, belB Oil a d Royt. dslr la all hrsds mt sous cam aa Bssaasauia soaaa. Mala 1018. STEEL BB1DOB FUEL CO. Pea lee ta aol. ordwood aa ary sisba a. OBBOON FUEL CO All kinds of osei aad wood. 808 Alder st. phoa Mala SB. BOX and planer wood. Standard Wood Co. Immediate dellvory. Phoa Bast 1316. , . CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBUBN A rLOTO Carpenter, )oB-r aad carriag work, aa Ota a, raoa raoto hub. E. HENDERSON Carpentering and yobblna) promptly attended to, BoldB8 BOB Mliw kl at. Eaat 26A8.' ' CHIROPRACTIC CURES appendlrltia; no drag ft knlf. Drt Bva Hogaa. 01 unloa ava. Tel. w 0001a wo or, 1 ' ' 1 a CAFES. THB OFFICE 28 WsshlagtoB at., fhsqs Mala 771. Bsmuel Vlgaeaax. CLEANING AND DYEING. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Works: pre. tlcal batter In opanectiea. ji4.4jtiPlfl 8"t CLOTHES r leaned and presasd (1 per meat. (juajae- Tauortag Co.. est wsasiBgova e. R. W. TrBNEBr BrofBssloBsl err s 808 Jefferso st. Phoa Mala 2918. DRESSMAKIN0. EATON suats 83. sblrlwatata (3) chtldroa' clothe a Specialty. 084 East siorraeoa si. - - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST v ELECTRICAL BSOIMEBBIN) Company, 84 Boeetb at., PortUad. O, B. t everything la the eletrlol Uaaa, Phoo k.a Pacini) EI.BCT8I0 CO. Basil tors reParer. eleetvt wiring, aooniiea. a . First. or. Bterb.' Mai B H Ve. S r. FURNACT3. BOTNTOS wsrss-. f -a c a Beyer rarae- , ... . ' 1 Fi:r:cz a::d v. ' '! Wlt ! t, W. ( a t t t