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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1906)
AV- THE rtPirr.nH pATT.v JQUItNAI XRTLANDfV SATURDAy'-EVENINO, lAY- I2-yl8C3. "V -.,-1- -l - . - - 1 ' IN! I , , , , NEW TODAY.- OPBITXVKNINGS JteiLLecXompan; . 7r-V -- Incorporated) - - " Capital tsojoo. riiy fbi. Kwbn of ths Fortls-d Btoek kur OUR SUCCESS In obtalnlna auirk riulti for clients Iwhenihe" desire to bujsell ortenanfw REAL ESTATE. STOCKS. BONOS, -MINING INVESTMENTS, ETU In duo to tha splendid facilities wo bars tor reaching and bring-lnn- together the -touyarayand seUsra ; r 7 oTrxcss. : Wow Tort FhlladBtoaia, Boston Washing-toa, 9. O. Portland v jmtsbarf ' HOME OFFICE Our PORTLAND OFFICE la onn of the most thoroughly equipped and cem- trally located fnun An this city. Call and aeo va and you will bo convinced that we are In a Dosltion to oorvo your Tlio bent advantage. NOW V,,:.;- ""If you hare 'any broper'ty to sell. LIST lt-with ua and .Ond ' quickly wo get results. .. " . When you want a rood Investment, be asaured of SATISFACTION by mak ing; your wants known- to ua. - Posslbly-you -hava aomo proparty you . would Ilk to exchange. If ao, give ua a trial. It will prove, to you hat our method are modern. V IMPORTANT , Should you have MINING STOCK, of ANY kind, BRINO It to ua. Wo can dispose of It for you. Never jnlnd whether you think It worthleaa or not . tSKK US. - - Room a t. It, 11. I J Lafayette Bldg., 7 'tn and Washington flta. vEort land REAL ESTATE TQ-XXCHAjrOB TO 77 ay t " a REAL ESTATE B. M. L0Mi3ARD 'lit - Chamfer Of Commerce, Portland. Oregon, or care Cosmoa Club. San Fran claco. California. v OUR CERTIFICATES Issued to Small Investors In amouwta of i end no to tlOt wt t jfrr cent, Intereat payable aemi-annually'7 are the beat form of inveatment offered, combining availability and abaoluto -enfetx Ym -re -InvUfd- to cell on ua for Information. " Northwestern --Guarantee 1 &Trust Company (eoond Tloor) r amber Baeaaage Bldg. San-Francisco 14 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon, or care Cosmoa Club, Ban Fran cieco, California. WeHavea Bond Issue " Nettlns: the Investor -& Per Cent " vn 1,1." ,nVTro n"n.;rfTv rlpal at the given perfoda of from one to five yeara. One half of thla laaue ha a already been placed with local Inveatora. The ewurity Is ample and roekes - an .Ideal mveBUncnt .rot Idle -fjndalt CaiL-ani niOUttt?-Of 1 1 Q0.and. UBSJU. see ua for Information. JtlTweslffrjiiiJuaxajitefe rjfiLJInistCompany-- ( Second Tloor) X, am bar Zxohange Bldg. $1,250 Adjoining Railway- addition to and near Montavilla rail - road station.- - - ' -7 1 ' Terms $100 Cash . balance $15 per month and ; , , ... .- interest 7. " B. M. Lombard 814 Chamber of Comhierce. Tbe J. C. Lee Company WsA Ftatp VUI trfieUV 7 u. in. Luiviuniw "NOBLTHWESTEKN MUTUAL LIFE ' . OF atttWAOKIE, WltOOMW. Circumstances change. Changed - circumstances create unexpected 7 requirements. Northwestern Pol icies are adjustable tp contingen '7' c-e Impossible to foresee at time ': , of application.;. ISeToLcckwood Oar relleykeUen Aj-1 t.ta4 &Son Ooaira itit., rertlaaaV OragM. ZrNOXTIIRUP STKtL I ' , . irlM leth eat -gOtk-Stl." rr i . Hatk aide ml ilml.) 33x100, $1630, Easy terms e1r met at. rba Mala .' ITUT KEEP THE "DONT Will NEED THINGS" AND y v ::- - r ' ' ' 11 " NEUU'ODA V I A Per Cent INTEREST r-. THE Sayings Bank OF THE) TITLE" GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY- Pay j?er cent on Certificates of De posit. .. -, vlrigs (tnter - t oompounded sew! annually). Pars 1-oer cent on dally talancea of check accounts. - .-. ' '" Banking houra. ..... .. . . a. ta. to p. m. Saturdays 1 . j. .v., - . P- m Saturday eyenlnga (to receive deposit only), 8 to oclocK. t .1 r-.' """ - 240 rWashlngton Street commnv raoovs -''- Portland, Oregon ; : "100xl()0 Xart Tweaty-f oartk atreeta, n.w. corner; very dealrable. ' Improved atreeta, cement aldewalka; water,-gae and sewer; tanas. BaMrLombardj tli CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - Residence Lots CLOSE . IN ' 7 " Cement' walka," parked" srreet7 sewer and water, on East Thirtieth, one block north of Hawthorne avenue; neighbor hood' of beautiful homes. Easy--terns. For sale by owner,' . Geo. iB. AVaggfoner tit FalHnir IBldg. Phone Main 8181. - QOOD-HOME -roomsvitm--Eaat-uchr!'near-BleTantl street at 11.760; full loU f lne yard. An other. g-rooma;re'"blockafaTtlir,T tt.SBO. ' ; " -: - HARTM AN & THOMPSON ZCttAUBZH Or COMMERCE. ST. JOHNS, OREGON tgBCXAI If taken at once; loSTO feet on Jeraey atret, In the center of th buslneea dletrlct," f or f 9,ZOOr Lerma o. MTrmxBBmT, -- 1IH Jersey street, St. Johns. Johnson eVrooaa konse. Offered f o -a ttm days only at taig prloe. "KIINSEUlT 60S Oonunerolal Block If You Wt to Sell Quick, List . Your Proprty With r--TrlE - COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT CO. uUg- s. aT WEATHER REPORT. tral tbU lariilntf vnr aoutbrra Alhrrta and a trnn rta at Jav jrf .ura ultDdiIroin T't.h nnrtli i- ward to Ijke pniirrkw. ine r.roaitnr cne- TnniHrirn eiw wr awiia ATtaBttFataw ibi a blab prMore arra n nmvingjaiana rmia off tha ikorth C.IIfornl. roaal. Tbena Condi. tlooa tare eanavd llibt te aiodaratrlr bvr abowcra and thnnderatorme tm tb. Parlse alnpa aad ffaerally fatr untlw ntt of tb. Rocky aioantalna. It ta anirh cler la aaatn-a Wa.h Inaton. aarthara Idaho, Utah and Arlaona. and aonvapondincly waraicr la tha lake Kgloa aad appr Oblo vallry. Tbe ladlcatloaa are for geaarally fatr weather la thla dl.trlct tonlgbt and ffnadar with hrp fnau tonlfht raat of the Caacade BonbUIn and erobaliiy ligat rroata la axpoaae pianra in tba IntrHar of wntara Orrsoa and WMtara Wa.hlnfton. - It will ha warajat Sued. J. . ObaarTaUone takaa at t a. m., I'aclSe rhaet lamp. ataaona . aiai. Raeae CUT. Oregoa. .... TO Boatoe. MaaHcbuaatta 81 Chlcaco, Illlaola T4 Danvar, Colorado....;...,.. T Kama City, Mtaaoeri.Tr Lot Atiflea. California..,, 64 mm llrlMns. Imlalana. . . 74 Mia. PraHp. 44 .0 ee .a SO. ...0 -. , T ftn .o N.w York, Sew Xorfc M ; .4 Portlaad. Orvgoa S4 ' . 60 Iwbnrt. Otaoa.... M 4 Ht. Loila, Uliwoori... S4 ... 4 Halt Mke, Utah SO Bt Ran Praarlwro. California. .04 ' , AO .14 .03 .03 .0 T . T apokana; Waahlngtoa 70 : . Tirrnii, Waahlnatoa M 4S .M Walla Walla, Waaalngtee.; Ta - - - e Waahlngtoa. D. O t T MARRIAOE XICENSES. - Joha Loathe, Bolbraok, Or. foe. l Tt Trl'.T& D. DeraraU. 44: Mettle Brown. So. Wedding Carda. O. Unlth Co.. Wa.h. laatee blue.. orrTrU"aad WaahtngtSBr-atc Mlaa Brrtha Martin, room M Allaky bid. Stamping and Sue a dlrwork; leana glwa BIRTHS. ANPKRSOS Eraaat aad UIHe, MO FalUsg atrat, a eon. . i ' ' , ANKKKHON i'lrKa sad. Oora. -3MM TJnloa SARTWCH Jotia and tdlth. 10BB. Baat Tbir teanth etraat, a eoa FUNERAL NOTICES. WAU.S May 13. WOO, lla Mar Walla. aa4 44 rira. wlfa of Archibald Walla, and motha ef Etnl, Mar, Bar B.. Hnah P. and Ctar Mr, W. Walla, of this city, rrleada ara raapart fully- lorjtad t" attend ' the fnnvral vrvtrea toaorrow (SnadaTk at tbp rirat Bap. ttat rbar-h. at t p. m. The ramalna will he - taa to Ilia rtuMaiiaiaaa UNDERTAKERS. A. B namatofw, endartakar aad ainbalmar, taat Tnlrtaeata aad Umatilla afa. ' f houa B.U- waad tl. , I 1 $2,200 feetT Banoook " and WORRY -UNDERTAKERS- Edward Holmaa A re., the trading foarral dlwtora, ha.a tb. fuaat raubllabnwat, tba lurat suoda. tba goaat TaaU'lra hud tba oxxt raawaahlv prlcae. Fin broadckitbonuM capita, . tSS. and ISO. The Saaat wood guoda oMde. from 112 to fcflJ. I'.rlora 230 and fl Third atrrat. cunn Balmva, Portlaad, Orrgoa. - - ' - 4 . J. P. llnlvr a Bon. funeral dlraetora and anihalmtrra. TMnl ud Midlaea atraeta. Ofdnr of eounty coroaor. Talepbona Mala S. Intanlna, M?Kntee Gllbeeah. nndartakara aad aotlwlmarai akKlara la eer eotaHi aad Plua. Mala M. Lady aaatount. Clark BpOf for kam . BITUTIXW CEMITI1T. Slnala araaaa tlO. K.mllr lota ITS to I1.0O0. Tha - vol aemettfy la Portland which ' par avtlially malnulna aad earre for Iota, tat full Information apply to W. it. Mackenala, War. rantrr block, city. W. M. Ladd, praaldant. - - REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS. Merchant.' ' Inre.tmn( Trait tTanr - to- wunm inrr-n 'Yuc: aofith "dJltlon Battle I. Ward to Mary B Hoiiinganaaa, part of kt 3, block 1. Portland lluaie ataad i Patrick M. Carraa to Leonard Kaarnar,' lola I to a, ao to 17, block . Point i 1.B0Q Portland Treat eompany te Wllda Bock- aiu at at., lot. 4, DlocK a. Byrnee ad.lltlon : BO T50 W. U. Cole dad wife to Wllda Burkmaa at aL. tat a. hkx-k a. rf.mino. Ida M. Pettlnaer to1 W. A. Burchall. lot 6. bkvk B. Smith's anhdlTtalnn . too W. 1. Whereat te F. T. Walln. lot block S. Lincoln Park adrflllao E. V. Petal oo te Nad .s.laoe. lot a. blork II, Alblna Homaetaad S00 Sama to. C. V. Brans, lota 1, S and 3, block 11, aame addition .: SOO H.wihurn. aetata to Mercantile Traat mraatmant compaay, blocka I, I and . Vrk - l.m L. D. Cnrtla to P. M. Praaare. waot U . f lot 13, block 8. Willamette Boele-v rard Achm . . aim J. L. Harimaa at aL te C. -M- Bailey. ' - 10 is ana 1, Dmck S3, A. L. Miner a add I lion '. . 1 lyl'la M. Warnor at al. to Hattla I. ward, part of lot 3. block T, Portland Hemaateait . Nrw,0. L. Gllham nd Tlf. to n.rrf TrRrocn .1 ai lot 13, block 3, 011- ham'a tUnmA aHfltttmt ' t Klna- aetata to Frank I. Ball. aet 6 .-.-' racr or lot Jo. block tl, Klng'a Beeond -addition . ..r.. . . -tn W. C. Wolfe end wife to W. O. Chase. J - Kiia ana 8. block S. Flrat Electric William A. MacRaa.' traata7 te Oeonre "' mm. m, xi one- ta, eioce S, ; Cay a ad.lllnl, rrrTrrr. .- Itl U.Ih--jAtaerirea -inreatmanr "amubL fo Juhn r. Hiiililay'. "aouivarriH."r of icx m. mock 10, Willamette H.lchla eddltloa SOO nlreralty Land mmpany In 0. A. Rhea, lola 1. 3 and 3. block 43, fnlT.ralty' Park . TOO John W."rilnk and wife to J. A. Brad- "ro k n ti-7 and .block 4.Z Rorhana . . ". i"! . : . . 00 B. Qnackcnbuah. truatae. to Harsh j. - 'f?' lot 20, black , Sereraace -addition (00 S. Quackenbnah, trust, et al. 'to ftamnd Xear, kit 81. block 3; lot 7, block 8. - -aasne addltl.v..v.-vi is. ; . .-. . ' I.OM R. E. L. Slmmona and wife te B. Kar 'ski et aL. wt H of eaat it ef lota ., I and 9. hlmk A9 alhln. . . e AOA Portland Treat eompany to Charles A, nieeiiit. ma e end a. Mock jk. aoh.. .- -dlrtslne- lote- 3. -,.-- and t, ; tract D. -Bmttb'a addltkm. ::. : t B. Lefdaa and' Rebimann.' lota 3. 3 and 1. block a Uaadrick'a aildltloe... ...... . ... . . . Carolina Rtronr te Amadee M. Bmlth. 4 17 acrea beainnlna at cast line of 1 - maple .treat, extended TK3 feet north. o minntca waat or wlttLnorth aia of RIvsrsMs infiiu Iinw. O. McBJnrr and wlfete Tlieaaaa Fanell. wast V, ef lota J and 3, block ' 341 Bast Portland , 3.000 WlllUm Farrall te aeme, .lot 1. black , 31, Beat Portland. ... 1 Thorn.. Fanwll te William Farrall, part of lota T and a block 104, Baat Port land ,1 Charlae" Anderaon an ' wlfa M Anrnat Andaraon. lota 11 and 12. block B. Kaat " Portland Halghfa. . . 777.". . . . .77777. . . "l.MO Kmtl Mnahlle and wlfa to George H. te uaorae M. : - Thompson, lot S, block 4. Barerl..,.. MlcharT O'Brien and wife to Romaa' AM? "'wlt'bOil'S StvhblpnHop.'' ipP?bBb" OffOBs' ir 10. 11 and IX Block I. Laah'a addition , Max Loeb te .Robert A. Preeton, lot 4. block 103, Et ptland g. N'ewbnry aad wife to Marrbaata' In- 4.830 3.350 real mailt - it Trnat company," Vt 6 and '" sooth 4 ef lot , block 23, Holladay a -addition . . J F.' Frank" WB'ane . hd' wffa ' ftl PraticW if. MrKrnn.. lota 30 to US. block 5, and . . lot BO,, block 10, .Northern Hill addl- "tlon F. R. Cbown to A. B. Nnnn, nndlylded H et anntb H of' anntbeaet of aae - - firm U, township 3 north,- raaga 1 waat . W. T. White to aame. aame property..:. Ernest House and wlfa to William M. Oremry. eaat H of northeast 14 ef section 32, township 3 north, range 1 west, eiopt 3ft acVaa Phoenix Land rwipany te W. C. Wolfe, lots 47 and dsTblock 8. Flrat Electric addition ...1 Charley Job nana and wife to John Jtorell. I foot off waat line ef eaat H ef lot 3. block 333. Baleh'e addition Jimes W. Beakey and wlfa to Charley- Johnano n.l wire, waat 3 Teet or lot '5. block 320.-Baler. ad.IlflonV7T7T7. . . V.I , wm , law. v. we. s ,u. m, block 323.- Balck'a addltloa Jacob F. Wheeler aad wife te William R-ldt. aooih H of snathes at 1, ef blork ' Tl. raai-aroriiaiw ilbonuu FarrelLle-JLC XarrelL weat 34 feet or eaat n or-Tota 1 aan z. Mora ins .m sniHii s-i block 104. East Portland. rail, lota 7 and . and eaat H ef lota W. T. Iled and wlfa to Roman Catholic arehblanop of dloceee or Ore son. 2.1M - seres In sections 4 and 7. township 1 north, range 1 eaat Land eompany Co O. M. Bnrdln, lot . block 81, City View Park Elmer E. Boyd and wife to Marine T. Boyd. Ma 1 and 3. block 3, Northwest Mount Tabor Qi.iles A. Fnbr te Balyatore Amato et al.. bit I and north IT feat ef lot 3. block 123. Stephens' addition Rlrsm IrfHlecer and wife to William L. l.jno 423 1TB I.3S0 Kaa. Vita t and t, Brookdale. .... -I.7B0 Thomas W, Marshall and wife to William L. Naah. lota 35 and M. Brnnkdale.... t.900 ReenrUy gaylnta A Trnat eompany to .Amanda Kslsonr lot 3. block T. Blrer- view snhdlTlaloo. ,........ 300 Mont M. Meodenhall and wife to Boy P. ' Spronse. 10 a (Tea beglnnlnc at north- wt,r of lot g. seetlosi 11. town. ahln I aonth. ranre 1 eaat 10 Riv P. Bpronae and wlfa te Hiram F. " Uterenaon. same pmtrty, I IS. M. Davis and husband te Kdwtn X- Moore. Vita 13 and I, block, 3, High-, " land eboo!hon addition 330 Rherlff te Nellie O. Ranaoa, lot 13, block 4. Highland 7.... TT Oat ymrr Insnrance and abatraeta to real estata from the Title Guarantee A Trnat company, 340 Washington straot. corner Second. NOTICE. BllMl WANTED Notice le kerahy giaaa that ' aealed b!da will be received up te 10 o'clock a. m. of June 3, lOOd, by tbe xoaatzuDanct ef Crook county, Oregon, for tha uonetructlne . Prlperllle. Orrgoa." according to tha plana and apaclflcatlons thereof aiada by W. u Pagb, eroMteet. Salem. Oreroa. last such plans aad apse 11 lea tlon eaa he examined at the office ef W. D. Ph, Salem, Oregon, rrem may u. 10 aisy ji, ana at the office ef Journal Publishing eompany In Portland. Oregon, from May IS to May 87, inor). and at the office of the eounty clerk le Prlne-rllle. Oregon, from Msy 2 to iat , 1906. - Said blda to be accompanied by the cheek as nrerlded la as Id specif lest Ions, and ' aealed and marked "Blda for Onurthonaa." and addressed to J. J. Smith, Hark Crook county, Oregon, at Prlneyllle, Oregon. Tha court reaeryae tbe right to" reject any and ah blda. '' " By order ef the eoert. J.J, 8MTTff Clark Crook Coonty. Oragoa. NOTICIT. Cetoeem who left bara or paid deposl'a will pleaM rail before May Sfith for aame. aa wa are retiring from business Jane ' 1 end eaa not be responsible after above date. PORTLAND MILLINKHT BTOKB. IF CHARM n LAWRFNftOrt of TJkrwaey. Idaho, will enmmanlcate with hie parenta aad re lieve the aailetr ef bla anther he will not be forced to return boms. $10.00 reward for aay rellahla Information regarding thla party. jW. M. Iwrenaoa, Downey 4 Ida he, ,(0th papers plaasa eopy. ABOuTTHEjlCATtX GET THINGS?" A JUUIV -NOTICEv- NOTICB of Aopolntmeot of Executrix and ta Claimants: In tha euuntv court of tha atat. of Oregoa for tha county of Multnomah, la .- the matter of the estate of B. Wlstar Mor- , ria, eeceaaed. Notice la hereby given that '-the nndenlgned baa beau duly appointed by the above .milled court eiecutrla of the last will aad testament of U. Wlstsr Morris, de ceased. All persona having claims agalnat ' tba estate ef aald deceased are hereby re aiile.4 to prase lit them with proper vouchers ', wlthla six months from tha date of thla notice, to tbe undersigned, executrix aa afore ' aald. at the office of Teal Minor, room 314 Wocoaatss atarh.- 4w- the city of- Psrtland, Multuum.a couaty, atata of Oregoa. Dated this fourteenth day of April, IDOtJ. C ' HANNAH BOUNEK VIORBIS. ' .' ExecotrU of tha Laat W1U ef B. Wlstar 1rst publlcatloa April 14, mod, Laat publlcaUoa May 13, 1006. TV W. i. Ladd eanyoa ranch, mllee waat ar rortiana, m now opea ror siora. n ur write J. A. Putney, superintendent. Sylvan, Or. Batea cents per day. MEETING NOTICES. TKA ldes. Ko. 101. A. F. 4 A. M. special coramtiniranon tots 1b B. A. degree) vlaltina brethrea eordlally Inviud. By oraar w. A- J. H Ah ULAN, Reeretary. MONDAY ev.nlng. May 14. Cantaaalal eeuncll. Knighfa and Ladlea of Beeurlty. will give a whl.t, lee cream aocisl aiid ' dance la tba ' new Knlghta of - Pytbtaa ball, corner ef Eleventh and Alder au. All are pramleed aa enjoyable time., Admteatua to aU la. only 15 eanta. v. M: ' W. A. Wiaiaiaaa Cami no. ,4e. tnret. r bldg.. Third aad WedtMeday evenlag, Allaky laorrisoa .ta. FACBIMtLB-typewrlttea lettere, addnaalng. maiung. etc. t ircttiar lustier m., e ours at. . Mala 3S4. 6EO. W. McOOT. Notary; domsstlc aad foreign patents; tran.marka. Ill atorriaoa at., room C. ' . ' "LOSV AND F0UN1X.7.7L LOST One bay horse, white .pot on fore salt, n aa rbrbt hlad leg, very thin. Reward at if-fl Grand ve.Forbae Jtnaaell. LOST Gold ehala necklace, -amethyat setting, between ateel bridge to Ankeey at. dowa ta Front- Phoae Eaat S30; receive reward. LOST Between Second, Waenlngtoav aad Third, MornaoBj warranty, urctfc rrue nmuR, eultable reward retnrn 115 Portland boule vard, fbone Scott 1008. or leave at Journal ALE8MEN WANTED Fee see ef the lareest nursarlcs la the west; caah advaaced weekly; mod territory open. Address Waahlngtoa ; Nuraery-Ce Tepnenlab. Wash. MKN and women te leara barber trade ta eight wseka; graduataa esra from 1S te 125 z weekly; expert Instrnctora; catalogee free. Mobler Byafem of Collegea, 88 North Fourth at., Portland. AGENTS WANTED to aetl an parlor, high-grade aureery stork ; complete outfit furnlaked freej caah weekly: write today far choice of tor. - rltory.- Capital City Nuraery Company, Batem, Oregon. HARNESS aad aaddlemaka waattng seed Joba laa. U Maatlck A In the country, eddf Chi Portland. Oregoa. A RABB annortnnlte for a ma a with capital; Investigate and yea will sore Invest. C. 110, ,-are JoorBaL W A.N TF. 1 -Betlabta newspapae as u 1 ssssi alaadl paaltlaa. (or tight party : . city and country . work: meat give references. Addreaa O. J. Agaat, Van coot sr. Waab. WANTED Tsrnlshers. machine end hsada. - Oregon Fwaltare Mfg. 0s Macadam UNION HOTEL., al Jtorth Sixth at. Bataa: - Baoma, II. op; room with hoard. 34.60 ap; rooBw-eaaevatas; eassllsat table beard. Aa '"detaea. .. - - DBCG jrierk waated. H ltd. care Journal. WANTED Boy about IT; steady work. Front at., corner 0s via. WANTED Flrat -eUas- carrlage-palata. Nelson. 1A4 Ualoa ave. A. P. WANTED Hlgb-claaa young ' anooetble ooaltlon: muat hi te n re. I tlon: moat have enuee money J whlclwwHl he. aeenred oa a Paiso. a per cent: highest references required. Addreaa K log, eara Journal. WANTED Mas te naaags aawmlll and log- Clng camp; must be atrlctly flrat class and ava from 12.000 to gf.000;good salary; In vestment seen red. Addreaa BT IOS, Journal. WANTED Bright young man who eaa fernlah eaeb bond of 3100 for hlgb-clsea position; muat have good referearea. Addreaa K 103, - care Journal. - WANTED Toana man now employed te work 10 1 extra brnire tir -reaoonalbla eoncera; only those with good rererencee ana wbo mitif is with eond neoDle need answer: the right -14a) party eaa materially Increase Bis Income. aanrpia a. iui , . . , . . uu, . ,. STOP" WOBKrW T-orber"iT--BTTi alT aaTa ryr ; raTtrir,tiiialiiaaa Out pays BTiO tarlndcWBrtentr Write. Bpokane- optical LOiiegs. apocana. Waah. MAN wanted with I lyi-lniasllgiti ever 1. for clerk ln "railroad office, (23 rT'F a 'i e.e Joairael. $350 pcr,dsy. ver.B.Cr Btorey a campteii1v.a(.xia1 WANTED Boya and gtrla. factory work. A marl. '- can Can Co.. foot 14tb St WANTED Good reliable man la a wwll-estab. Ilahed bualneaa that will ataad lnve.tlr.t1oa; 3l00 reoulrcd. Alvord A Alvord, 14 Mor rlaon et- WANTKD Electric light linemen. Washing, ton Water Power Co., Spokane, Waahlngtoa. WANTED Reepeetable boy of about IT to - learn tbe nor let bmdnaae. - East 22d aad Mor. rlaoa. epp. Lone Fir eemetary. WANTED Two boy, ages 14 to IS, willing - and needing work. Apply te MCAiiea a Mc Donnell. WA NTED Brlckaattara. Aadeveon Brickyard, Seventh and Rusasll ate, WMT-' " ; , ABVERIISINC zr Is hiehly ; utilitarian. " It makeriTiTs" newspaper more to' you than a mere news . papers-it turns 1t into a - means and medium 7' By-WMcliTott MayAccoii: gS777 get things, dispose of things, find people or find publicity, '' I - -r-ww---jfr-Tj.--a--:-.--.----'-S;.IL-r:--'i T - - . - - - r .--.i.i 1 mui , . , . mi .win 1. 111 ai and .in amnloi aaauli -aaaj'al 1 uaa a ebiaia I' HELP WANTalA MALiii.. I ILrrla-NarUla wmpaay. Fifth aad Darla I ' ' plisli FAT-TDIVT A-T--1H A-UT-f -A T-I - HELPWANTED MALE: 100 FIB EM EN and brakemea oa Oregoa and other rallroada; experlenoa aaaacaaaaryr Arc men I1UO, become englneera and aara 3300 aaonthly; brakemea 7. become eooduetare end earn 1150: noaltlona awaiting young men; at.te age; .end stamp: nsuw poaltioa pro feraed. Railway Assoclatloa, Dept. 44, 71 ' Brederlck at.. Baa rranrlaco. WANTED Bova for factory work: good wagee, ateady employment. Apply at once. - Amee Harris-Kevllle JPompasy, JTI.f tk. gd, ... Davla ata. ... I CAN oaa good live Ufa or accident to. euraace -aor- v to aa- a. -aa.y-w -veiumoiu blk. . . . - .- STENOGRAPHER, experienced hi lumber busl- Beea, fkw general offlce ' work. Address L log, esrs Journal. . . WANTED S practical ' aleetrle lineman) muat . be good cUmbera. Addraae L luo, - Journal. EAST lab for eood nlanerman. ga.eo nar-dsr. - at once; alao man to act np machlnea, Tod - aaarquam OMig. i. WASTED IT ONCE 30 laborers ef Caaadera! wagaa Bx.Sw par day.1 'Call at wBglnefring Denartment: ' Oregon Water Power A Rail way company, Flrat and Alder ta for partlcelaia. . -' -. - HARNESS-MAKERS wanting good toba la tha . country, addreaa txarira ju Maaucx at to.. wholesale leatlier, ' land, Oregoa. ', , , - front d Oak pta.(tJ,ort- ANT parson willing te distribute our aampleat $20.00 weekly. .. "Empire," 4 Wells at., Chi cago. IlllnoH. HELP WANTED FEMALE. hansen:s ladies agency, s3h waabtng- too at., ear. BeveBth. npaialrv Phoae Mala 2683. Female help waated. ' THE HOMI LADIES' AGENCY Open Boa. days and evealnge. lOOSk Fourth at. Pbooa Mala B82. BXPKBIENCED GIRL wanted at ITS Everett . to attend atora. Cell 10 .a. a. " " NEEDLE WORK SALESWOMAN Oood position . to lady of atpearance aad acnaalnted la tbp city. - Mealcaa IXawa War, je.. bee Minims WANTED Good Germea girl to take charge ef bouse;! mooey ae object. CaU at 433 Waabingtoa. - :- - -- - GIRLS for cleaning, experience required. Kourth aad HoyL sorting and labellBgr Be - Wadnama m Kerr Brae., GOOD woman cook fer restaurant. 404 North Sixth at. . . . , i -. ' GIRL te.erork la printing efllea. Apply at at. -- z XOUNQ girl for gaaaral hooaewerk. PbOBt weediawa 7B WANTED Salealadyr eee wbe has bad ex- rerlaace In erockery preferred. Addreaa L 10, care Journal. Stats experleaoe aad give - referei WANTFIWA yaang . boaaework; email - 3 tg Terser at. girl to .assist la general family. . Apply, morning. S MEN with teams for plowing and harrowing. Phone Pacific 234S. er apply MS Wash ington at. WANTED Good walat and aktrt help; alao ap- lreBtlc. 631H Montgomery at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. 100 STRAWBERRY-PICKERS wanted. Far ' further particulars addreaa F. B. Broalas, Hood Elver, Oregoa. - - - HELP wasted and anppMed. male er female. R. O.Praaf . aoott -Waahlngtoa. at. Paciaa-lg7i SITUATIONS WANTED MALE, WAN TED Poattloe - -aa- aactlen -foremaa - as logging rood; understand putting In all kinds of switches; good refereaae. Addreaa K 110, care JournaL WANTED Poaltioa aa atarlanary engineer; 14 yeara- experience; nnderetaada dyaamoa, laaa dry machinery: aatlsfacttoa guaraateed. Ad dr.aa WMi, -Bar see, St. Jokna, Oregon. " SITUATION wanted aa carpenter or helper by experienced man. Phone Eaat 8S2g. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WOMAN ef middle age wants work (good cook) for men In camp er ranch er amajl . hotel, couBtry. 15H4 North Sixth at, toon 38. YOCNO lady would like poaltioa as companion: wool a not enject to traveling. 114, io WANTED Poaltioa by young ladv etenngrapher: experlaaee 1 year; good references. Scott 4424. WANTEDAQENTS" WANTED Agents; aoroethlng saw; good sailer; 'S wesw. arm oiog. gflEXTS WAATED te aall -high grade .aery ttock: caah advanced weekly; big mlaatone aad premluma: write today. Addrsea Chlca Nnrsery Co.. Salem, Oregoa. , VBAKTW 1 repr caah weekly. Capital City Nursery Co. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES." THR Pnrtbad Employment Co., 306 Vk Morrison at. Phone Pacific 388. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0FFICB ' FOR MEN. 3d N. Second at - Phone Mala 1B2S. BIG FOUR EM P. AGENCY Hals euDnlted free. .10 Aorta Second at. Pbatw Mala 181ft. .- ABLI EMPIX1YMBNT AGENCY. 184 Barmrtda at. Phone Main 7010. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOWES. COTTAGES, FLATS, ROOMING-HOUSES, STOKES, ETU. Our rental denartnMat haa been enlarged ' Sad provided with additional ataff. We Invite listing from LANDLORDS, offer personal attention te and continuous aupervlaloe ever all property tatraated te our rare. . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREOON. B. E. cor. 8d and Oak ata. Phone Ex. 73. WILL furnish typewriter and Bervtceg of prae . tlce girl for ass of furnished office L 111, cere Journal. ...... WANTED REAL ESTATE Is. 1 WANTED Lot In exch.Bga for equity la or f -room beaee. Phene East 8541. give location aad teuna. 1 100, care Journal. WANTED Good T-roora boose oa desirable bit Bear ateel bridge; atate price and location, Addreaa 1107. Sara Journal. WANTED Let or quarter block- on Oraad ave. or Union are., near Eaat Morrison at.; must reasonable. M 83, care Journal, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS B. N. MORGAN, pioneer sprayer aad white washer. Call Beat 8348, - Remember tbe name B. N. Marges; 11 yeara la baalaaaa In Portlaad. PAINTING, spraying and wbltewsshlng trees, , basements, berne, docks, etc.; largest gasoline s aprsylng outgt oa the eoa.t. M. U. Morgan a Co.. 123 Union ave. Phoae Baat SIT. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for farnttare la . any quantity; also take asms on commla1on and" guarantee beat raanlti. Tha Portland .Auction Rooms. A. Schubacb, prop.. Ill Flrat eu. - Phoae Mala 8d6d, WANTED Ths care of a sleety farnlahed home . dnrlne ths silmsaar br a ronM' flounla with. ent chlldrea : caw give (best -of referenceat I Address A. B, VaS Ernes, 381 Baat S2d at. 1 . I ma mm m - - m m m - mm mm m m , : WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST cash ptlea paid East Son. for - second-hand 110 Union ave. Phoae JOHN HABLB, manufacturer ef Improved ce ment posts, waterproof, lsstlng. strong, cheap; please tnveetlgate; a specialty et fence ousts. Boutbeaat eoraw Eaat Madtsoe aad I a to a waer nd7 ava., Porttei Or. - -'; -' i IP0T CASH - Far furniture and household goods, PHONE MAIN 6060. WHO 1SV X. 0. MORGAN CO. 1 - WANTbD To buy row host for,rash. State price and alse. .J. Landlgau, 184 Sharmaa. wb will buy. sell or trade any oij) . thing. western 8alvaur co, 827 . 82 washing i on. Pacific 78. WANTED Soda fountain or goose be cheap. Huby, 810 Eighth St., Vancouver, Waahlngtoa. WANTED Sound boraea, 1.000 and 1100 lbs.; atata price. I'teona, Oregon, Box 80, r. f. D. WANTED For the summer, two ; bouaekaepUig 1 . rooms 1b private family for quiet mlddle-aj t T .la is prlra. gllg,--care Jouiualr iiXAJ WINTBD One male and one "female Spits pap to ehia ta Parte; highest price paid for Pupa that suit, Campbell ft, Aadrsws, 378 ' l lftb at. - . -; FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOB RENT Fnrhlahed rooow, good locatloa; raaaqnable - rest. laqulre 161 LeWnsdale, Bear, Morrlaaa. THB KING, ana Jeffarson St Nicely furBlshed rooms, with gss or electric light, beat and beths. In new building, 89.50 and 10 par - awntk. THH RK HKUEIt 8NM NORTH SIXTH ST. Blegaatly furnlabad. ateam heat aad hatha THB GRAND, 481, North Third at Rooms for geatlemen 11.3ft per weak and ap. -4. ROOMS, aleely farnlahed aad bath, with or without board. 481 ftereatk at, - HOTEL ROYA. 1014 : Fourth at., -only half block from Waahlnatoa: brick bulldlns: alee. trie Ughta. hatha, ataam heaU. telephone Mala tuMP tuorangniy raaosatea ana nnoer new management: noma by day, week or month st eeeeoi,et,ie" aeteej eteyr open and traa- wr -tome,' manager FURNISHED rooms, pleaaant. 1 block from East Ankeny rarUae. Address 403 Baat Ash, Phoae Eaat 3011. ' FRONT alcove forabihed room, centrally lo cated, aultabla for bub aad wlfa or 3 gentle men, with er without board.. Pbooa Mala 804. " . . . ... FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB : MITCHELTa Flanders and Seventh ' Rooma, bcuackraphig and . traifalent; ron " vaadant; prlcae reaaoaable.', - - tl CS WEEK an. clren. ftrrnlshed-honaakaen. .rooms, with yard, parlor, laundry, bath, fur. Baca seat. Z03 suntoa at. u csr. $1.00 PER WEEK Large, clean, furnished Bouaraeepingooma; launory ana nam. .isa Sbermaa, South Portland..- 471 ALDER aUcekonsekegping-i gaa atove. bstlv . phone, cue to naais raaaoaabla. gXEBPTNG and Bouaekeeplngeome for ' rent. pet- a. Ulgl THB GRAHAM. 84BH Waab. Bawaaa 1.T8 per weak; bouaakeeplng, $3.80 pec week aad an. FURNISHED honeekeeplng -rooma. $ per ok n mim m .ti. -a B3B2siiXBee . J Uaaas- I F- "Poagy- vvnt sw wt UNFURMSHED awdera rooma en corner; 'no amsU children. Apply 81 Baat Sixth at., -Berth.- Phone Beat 1401. FURNISHED boneekeeptng-rooma far rent 807 MlMlaslppl ave., AlWaa; ass of sheae-asd ' bstb. - . UNFURNISHED ROOMSr 410 JEFFERSON 4 unfurnished rooms; bat gaa. 8 mlnntse from P. P.; no chlldrea. ROOMS AND BOARD. 4T1 ALDER Large front parlor; bath, phone, board If desired; walking dial. ace; reaeoaable price. : 898 12TB Large froat rams,, gaa. bath, phoaa. walking distsoee; private family sad borne comforts. ' B0ABDERS wanted by lady owning country home oa Willamette river; access to boat and . oregoa city railway. 'Addreaa P. U. Box 14. NICBLY fnraiabed front parlor, with board for two. $20 each; aide room, $18 each. 443 Jefferson. - Mala at 25. . HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI- TURE FOR SALE. ALL THB FURNITURB of tha Sellwood betel tor aala at a bargala. Hotel fer rent. - 1874 East IBtb et SsUweod. . FVeVNITUR lit his.ment sent .38. wtet aide, 10 minutes' walk from Hotel Portland. Phone Mala 0413. -FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERI.Y TRANSFER CO., prompt and -re-llebla plne aad furnltore-ntovers; alao aror - age. - rtvmie Mata-loaa. Offlce-lltrN. Third: FOR RETT WAgtrn- g-roorh "bou.e, 18th and Irving ata. $S0. Phone Mala 701. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY ..... . W STA RK ST. - INSURANCB. RENTALS. 8KB UST. TWO MODERN HOUSES One six rooma, one aavaa rooma. Phone Mala 4404, forenoon. HOUSB te rent m Sellwood. Emmona 81 Em mons, attorney, at law, 808 WashlBgtoa. HOUSES, COTTAGES and rooming boosee for rent or aala. Hava some good bsrgalna. Mra Wilson's Agency 281 k Morrison at. Phone Paclfia 810. ' TWO hooaea. 104V, and loriti 17th near Fl.a , dera at., $18 per month each. Inquire Low.a gardt, 88 Park at. 8-BOOM new modern house. large corner bit, h at., 810 month; . fruit and berries. 400 E. 84th Hawthorns ave. car, 403 Commercial blk. NEW awriera, g room cottage. 448 Vswa ave., north. fJO. Phone East 403. S-ROOK cottage at Seaside, furnished com- Sleta; slaeplng-roota for 8.. Addreaa 831 Bast 4th at., or phone Baat 8062. . WELIFUmfigfTBD modern cottage, four of five rooms, bath, gaa aad phone. 358 Lincoln. NEW 8-room modern bouaa, 17th and Montgom ery ata., walking dl.tance, $20. Phone Pa Tlflc 844. R. J. Gelaer, 221 Vi Morrison at. FURNISHED or unfurnished 4-room house at Midway, 806 Ellis at. Phone Ualoa 2123. 88 and $10, Including water. FOR RENT FLATS. MOriRRN S-raora Bat, Including gaa and steel rafjgs; shades ea windows, 808 Halaey. FOR RENT-T-roem modern new flat, 847 4 Sixth at., near Jackson. Phoae Pacific SS07 A. H Msegly. 310 Fourth at. MODERN 7 -room upper flat, latent con veal- antes. 48Vs N. Ninth. laqulre 48 N. Park at. MODERN T-roora uppee flat, latest conveniences, 48 H North Ninth. Inquire 48 North Park at. 3-ROOM apper Bat oa 38th and Belmont; al most completely furnished; modera Improve, menra. R. Buetlkofsr, 878H Baat Burn.lde. MODERN S room list, all rooma tinted, gaa . rsna-e and chean rent: fifth and Grant ata Inquire Portland Trust company. MODERN 8-mmn flat. Including gaa and ateel range: ensiles on windows. 2"n Hsleey at. "wfFOR RENT FARMS. LABOR grata aad dairy fare la Willamette valler. near - lmndee. t, cheap; ,1ft0 acrsa'gmwlag graln4. 83 per, acre; hottas, barn, - running rwataia. great saaswMsCoy, 371 m Morrlaoa St.. . .. . 1 ' - IEGOTIATES A TRADE. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICB noma, narurnlshed rooma aad aample rooms fur rsat. Oeodaoagb bids. Apply sie ve tor. WANT TO SHARE OFFICB ROOM to reduce ; expense; aultabla fur any -line. K, 100, cars JournaL DESK ROOM, wall located,.rent FT. 00 a month. Addreaa K 114, care Journal. - PART af aho to rent, soltsbla for painter it plumber. 3(18 Fourth at. - FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT TO scree. 40 tillable. 0-roora bouaa. - J, fruit, J w. lis. Mr, A. Kaa. Beaisr-. ton, Oregon. FOR RENT In city, 3U' eras editable for gardening. Inquire 308 Fourth at. BUSINESS CHANCES. PO SALB. ON ST of the beat loaning joba oa tba river, right oa the ke,.k . I A oo, turn .. ei - . m. Xh I felled aad bucked' up: roods made,' brand-new d'" cj a Mrs, Ingrlng lla and ramp euulp i tor mr men trie ramn Ta now in am,,. To (liapoae of. thla. but there are good reasons, "hfch will ba fully explained by pboalng . . uv ww usx. rexrvLS Tsrr . buicb. j SICKNESS compels the selling ef a goad paying restaurant, confectionery, elxere. tobaceo aud Ice cream atnnd: will be sold cheap l( takaa at ones. Addrsea H 138. care Journal. FOR BALE LgBBdry la first-class eoadltfcm, good location. Call er address Mrs. C. R. . ThompaoB, Waodbura, Or. . . .. FOR BALD Hardware aad house fornlahlna business: rentrsl loaetloa fai rood buslneee town Urge aeuatry-.trede. Address K 113, - care Journal. , , SPECULATORS, wHte me for big big bargains tn -switch goes aa nursi nwitcn srocg Berate awltca read. I am sailing this ateck at a bla die. at. P.-O. Box 871. $328 BUYS restaurant clearing $10 day. Call at 1061, Morrlaor. room DRUGST0RB fer as let the only eas 1b good town of 700 people; B collegea: flret-eless opening for druggist; corner store, electrle ,Jlsta end telephoeet anil make eh sap rant; stock at Invoice; owner retiring. CaU at L dings tors. Mount AngeL. Oregoa.--- GOOD paying "restaurant; must aall ea account' - of ali knaea; tin raaaoaabla - offer refused, dot -North Sixth at. . -. FOB SALB A-aew-etech ef groceries: a good t . vxoejioBa. -iocsiuon; ewase- . tiring from business. 815 Jsfersoa at. MERCHANTS If yoa waat a Srat-claee open. ror general atore, don't fall to ara thla; it .1 vn.; uv nei icr opeirmg in tna vanev "Trim TtlTe(rTBea tHTy-sTrted-wtrh lobrfsT 8n Idcatlohr thrlMng town with two collegea; Srst-elsas . farming sad dairy country. Call and eaa for yourself. Apply at drugstore, Mt. AsgeL Or. - HALF Interest In a good reel estate efsce, cheep. ( 11 30314 Morrlaee, room d. IF yoa. hava $3,000 and wish re eagage J rLBeylng bualne..- will bear JavssUgat I Call er write losts Jersey at., St. Johns, Oregon.' P. 0. Box 235. AN ap-te-data retail grocery etoek and flxrarae ' in ne seat a 11 our 0 or rart una. Addraae K L 130, eara Journal. FOR BALPr Meet market; boalaese aad flt .. turee; 10 months' leass on building. Bss 42SZ Addreaa SIS Baat Sixth at.. Berth., cor, - ruling. - '- - r-WANT- deteellvsTwer bog 47. Poat, I WANT a lady with some money te take .Charge of a rooming-house. See H, H. Big ley, room SO, 2274 Waahlngtoa at. FOR SALB OaeoUne wood aaw; ateady work r al Boe per cord; clear 85 per day; a good - bualneaa chance: mftet eeU ea s count af ether baalaaaa. 731 Ualoa ava, aorta. . FOR SALB Bate bltahed newwpapar aad job f- ' See; terms raeaeaable. Bog 8, Manbneld, Oregoa, - BAKERY fjy ssUMjl Jt jt-Tel"ttWJ' ff Rainier, Oregoa. If yea have first-class bualsrss aMV lty. . yoa eaa aecura tor a reasons hi a nm a three fourths Interest la and aerre aa district manager el 1 process ei et aaw half present market value; emse -InvestlgatloB ksvlted: flrst-claes refer . . encre reiu1red. . Addreaa K 128,. Oregoa Journal. - -'... LOTS (tvftxlM feet) la Piedmont, 8300. $400 aad I5O0. alleys 18 feet; best eahurbaa ear service m the city: eara leave Beennd and 'Washington ata. every S te 4 mlnutea; agent en the -ground every week-day; office corner r Ktlllnraworth and WIDlama area.; lake U it St. Johna car. 8e Piedmont; bay year lots today, cash or Installment 1 we will help, you build oq . - eaay terme. .-. Visit ranting; own your own noma. Let aa nr--yea nmwr rr nr T-t rtrrrrTVT. 1 " Mala 871. . 344 Stark at. LIVE. growing Portland business, rapidly' - exosBdlng, - can eaa front 86. Ofs) Sio.utat aildltloral capital. Answer with psrtlcnlsra aa 16 WhSTT basis would ba willing to engage" npon If tnveattgartnn proves aatlsfactory. Ad- drees O 111, Cera Journal. DON'T came hers first b property, fruit and gardaa land, wheat, stock or dairy ranches until yea eee vs. North. West land Co.. 808 Ooodnough bldg. P. S. Ws alao hava bualneaa chance, ef all Blade, -' aad eaa locate yoa right. N. W. L Oe. WH0 IS M. 0. M0R0AN ft CO.! LA RGB -or - small reaming -hi terms hy II. H. Hlglry, Washington at. for aala ea - 80. 33TVk PORTLAND suburban dragatora tor aala, dress B e, care Journal. Ad SPOT CASH. Fer fnrnltnre snd honaehold : , PHONE MAIN 86M, IF T0U want te build ta a ehotca raaldance tract, close Jb. with good car service, bonding - restrictions, saloon prohibition, large alghtlv . lota, 18-foot alleya. wide st rests aad broad avenues, build la 11 ad moot. (.et na ask yoa to eee Piedmont. Ws feel aeeured If you will only see Piedmont yes will m all probability want ta but Id there. Wa aell lota for cash or on tbe Installment ' plan, aad will help yoa ha I Id ea easy terma. lavntaiaiajn in.. Mala 8T1. 844 Stark at. WRITE na quick shnat recant important de velopments ef ths Hurst Automatic Switch ft Signal Co. : buy stock before big adveacs. J. F. Hunt ft .Oe., 80S McKay bldg. . FOR SALE A grocery atore, wall located; ea account, le take ever; stock complete 1 the best atore In the (city: would etgeaange fog -timber, farm lands 'or dealrable dty proparty, G 11T, rare Journal.- FOR SALE A SNAP. -OUtflt;- douhle range, coffee Bra, gaa plates and every- - tning necessary ror a riret-eiase res tsar sat I location excellent. Phone Eaat 888. FOR SALB Stock f merchandise tn' a small coo o try town! will Invoice about $2,800; aver. are sales $tn per dsy; good location v or a live, up-to-date man: easy terms causa of selling, other buslneea iBveatmeata. kv 110, care Journal. i. . LOTS tnOxlOO feetl ha Psadmoat, $.100, 400 end $r00. alleya 18 feat: baat suburban ear" service tn tlie city: car. leave Second and Waahlngtoa sta. every 8 te 4 mlantaa; agent - on the ground every week-day; office corner Kllllngaworth and Wllllama eves.; take U ar St. Johns car. See Piedmont; buy your lots today, caah ' er Inatalltneut; we will help yea build ea easy terma. , - - Oult ranting; own your own horns. - Let M help yes bnlld It In PIEDMONT. INVESTMENT CO., Mala ATI. 344 Stark St. LONO-ESf AhMSTlEtr ateam 'cleaning and dys Ing plant for aale cheap; doing good bualne; 111 health causa for aelllng. Addreaa M 31, " cars Journal. Foa ft A LK Good paying bnelaeea of man's and chwhmg. rumatBmgs BBS anoas. Ad. I w,,veeM,j drssa A. ft L, . -"C T " ' aara Journal, 4- 1 I.. ,4 7