, . .-; 4 ; THE OREGON' - DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND FRIDAY ' EVENING; MAY 11,' 1C03. 1 : i - - XLHIRD-ST, CNow Ooenl irftT-IL.. . - - : ' : ." ,. - - - ' ';- - . ' - IRTHS CAUSE FAILURE- Visits of Stork Altogether Too Frequent for Insurance Con" ; ;"cern in Bay State. , ASKS COMMISSIONER r TO WIND UP AFFAIRS -Estimate Come Under Actual Births, "Forcing Company to Quit Business . Between JFUtyJand - Sixty JTboiu and Dollars Outstanding. ' (Joornal BpcUI BtTTk.) Boaton, May 11 Because the actual 1 aaaashuectts haa promt! - greatly in exceas of tha estimated birth "rata ri which It experts have) figured -tha American Birth Inmnmc company of Maaaachuatta haa found It Impossi ble to do business at a profit ' Tha company la sard to be unique In tha United States, Although still ad vent, accordlna; to - tha statement of offlcera of tha company, and abla In . pay outstanding- clalma, . tha company found Itself drifting ao rapidly toward Insolvency that application! waa made to the Insurance commtssloaor to hava -Ha affaire wound up. ... The amount art inauranca paid on tha birth of a child varied from ISO to Bey era! hundred . dollar, according to the amount of assessment paid, land figur ing on tha baala of normah birth) rata 0 1AIIY : . r : r : Tb Perfect Food" ; -V: , Baked 'crisp and brown, every grain of the ffialteH wheat ;a wifer-like flake, " Malta-Vita is the most' : healthful food in the world. "There is no otherv food so , good tjo eat, sp appetizing,, so delicious. -Ko-.otiier iooA has that delicate, satisfying Malta-Vita taste. vFor those who have eaten Malta-Vita a perfecFlreaifast is next to impossible without it. JAnd it's just as good at any other time. Try some today with milk, cream or fruit All grocera sell Malta-Vita v - r experts declare that the amount tf bus! neaa dona ahould have been sufficient to jihow a handsome-profit. At the present time there la aald to he out atanding aome 150,000 to $40,000 Inaur ance. .... . v HELD tHREE YEARS -v AWAITING SENTENCE (Ppeelal Dispatch to Tli Journal) 1 Walla .Walla,Waalw May 11. Oacar Bradnhaw, convicted of murdering Peter Nelson, a -Swede harvest hand, in a box ear at Pnnoo nearly four years ago, will be taken to Fasco Monday to appear In the superior court or Franklin county for resentence.- r - Bradshaw'a case haa been1 one of tha moat unique In tha history of the atata. Soon after hla conviction and sentence to -dcath.the records inhis case dla appeared and for three rears , ha haa bce.n.Onflned In tha Waila-Walla eounty r Jail for aafekeeplng. - He- waa taken to Paaco twice before for resentencing, but through-. aome terhnlratJaw point tha death aentenqo - haa never been pro nounced "again. .' BRlDGrC0NTRACT$ARE- GIVEN SALLLAKElFIRM (Bneolnl PltnatrHtn The Jnunul.) f Walla Walla. - Wash., May - U.-r-The county cnmmlaalonere yesterday awanl- ed to P. 8. aterday Co., a Salt Iake firm, the contract for building two steel brldg-ea cross the TOuchet.: l" X. Hunt waa awarded the contract for tha care of the county poor during the coming yearr hla bid being 11,100.. ' Ballroe d Aa-eat Piosaotaal - - 4Knrlal DlaMtek to Tn Joarnal.l Walla Wallar Wash., May 11. E. I Thompson, formerly agent for the O. R. N. at Pomeroy, haa been promoted to the Walla Walla office., taking the place of W. C. Dibble, wno takes the position of chief clerk in the uptown office. - : .- --- i ' MRS. JEFFERSON DAVIS ILL FROM HEART FAILURE Celebration of Eightieth Birth day Followed by, Several Sinking Spells. r '. : ; Joaral gpedal Berrle.) New York, May 11. Mrs. Jeffersor Pavla Ilea critically ill at her apart menta In the Hotel Glrard In thla city and her daughter, Mrs. J. Addison Hayes, la hurrying hare from Detroit Mra. Davla for many yeara haa been a sufferer from heart falIureTh(jriy.i naxtt wnornava Teen in nex employ tori yeaTa-haTrTfTwaya been near with tank of oxygen at nee the present troubla began. :j On Monday Mrs. Daria-aLle!elnsleil tier' eightieth birthday. In tha afternoon accompanied by her malda, she took long; drive through-Central park. When she got bark to the "hotel ahe complained of feeling III and grew rapidly worae. A doctor waa aummoned. He admin i-latered oxygen and powerful res tore- uvea and Mra. Davis was soon reatln more comfortably.- Since then ahe haa bndaeverljilnking spell VICTIM OF CAVE-IN IS EXPECTED TO DIE (Saeelal Dtopatek to Tie Joonui.l Walla Walla, Wash., May 11. Harry Griffith, victim of a cave-in at the stone quarries Of the Walla Walla. Construa tlon company at Dixie early yesterday morning, is expected to die. Orl ff ith suffered a broken arm. a badly fractured leg and five-broken rlba, bealdes Inter nal injuries. v The accident occurred luat aa t ne crew waa fixing a blast. Orlt flth and two other men were caught beneath-aoout tnree tona or rbek and dirt. ' Griffith's ' companions eacaped with saver cuts and bruises. - WAtLA WALLA COUNTY. T REBEKAHS ASSEMBLE fKperl.l Pliptteh is The Jimrnal.) Walla . Walla. Waah.. - May 1 1. Tha district assembly of Rebekah lodges of walla walla county will meet at -OO Fellows' tempts this -evening.- Bee Hive and Narclsaa lodgea of thla city will join In entertaining members of thit lodges from" Preeeott, Waltaburg and Dixie, who will arrive In the olty on special trains tonight About 109 out Side . Rebekah a are expected to be in attendance. The .meeting will, be fol lowed by a banquet. , , - TEACHERS' EXAMS TO - BE HELD IN OLYMPIA geelal DUpstcfe e Tie Joem.I V . , Olympla, Wash., May 11. Uxamlrla- t Ion of appllcanta for state papers will be hald at ths office of th state school superintendent In this city at t a. in. June 20, !. rollowing la ths pro gram: - : Juns 10 Morning, history of educa tion-.- geometry r- afternoon, - general-history and civics. . June II Morning, bookkeeping and geology; afternoon,; toolngy and botany. June 12 Morning, physiology and rhetoric. v We certainly a ; hurrah," thanks " tottie : smokers ot Fortland. They simply : big thihgS; but what happened topped the rec ord. Come in; again if you're around our way Trya-PAbMA-DE-eUBA-BOUQUETr5c-- BOX OF 50, WATCH DEMANDS AN ACCOUNTING OF TRACT SOCIETY FUNDS Sensation Caused by Inquisitive Preacher Who Demands ; ; ; Detailed Report. ' , (Jearaal 8pedl Brrtca.) ' , New tork. May 11 Dr. Henry A Stlnsonv paator of the" Manhattan Con gregatlonal church, has caused a sensa tlon among members of ths American Tract society by demanding something like . a detailed report of tha receipts ajod expenditures of iiia oruiisatlonr- When the report and secretary were presented at tha annual meeting ef the organisation Stln aon surprised those who were present PT "dinting out that the reporta gave very little real information aa to the finances of the institution. Especially, he derlarexJ.' dld the reports' fall to show tha coet of the society's publishing buat- neaa or the Income from the society's Nassau street building, and- he thought I that member, theae flgurea. After soma debate It waa decided ta refer the-whole matter to tha executive committee, Wild Korse Z.odf Delegates, i .8Delal Dlssatrh to Tha Joara.l t Athena, Or., May ll. The following delegates have been - elected . from Athena Wild Horse lodge No. 71 to at tend the grand lodge convention, which will be held in Portland May 21 and IS: M. I Watts, O. W dross and H. O. worthlngton. - The . delegates from Mlgnonetta lodge No, S are Mlas May uroaa. Mra. h. u. worthlngton and Mrs, M. L. Watts. , ' AMVWBWMXTW. STAR THEATRE VTtI OV w.-v Pint Appeartnee of tha Headed by Wills Celllna,' la . in iiuw nnrnr, In The Basket Is eoitMftloa with" a aood vinSerllta hill Inelodlng Lurlaa BaHiilopl. Kllml Barltaa. i esoapt mm, 10a. WESTERN ACADEMY OF MUSIC Beeaaa aad Morrlsoa ata. , U IAXXV ' ef New York, wllUaeaetr la i ' , MhiYllirOte tares ittwla ff " aaaalaa ' tt.faA a.alul fA A -"""- w'-taaaj. aov W V"WS, KTWTTTVV rree rree Kvery night this week. Includ ing B under, ladles will be admit-v ted and furnished skates abso lutely FREK. . A cool and com fortable rink. wi cziOea rvn 10. Apollo Rink began business in Portland-With V $2.50. FOR THE OPENING OF OUR STORE NO. 408, LOCATED AT FIFTH TONIGHT "SAPPHO -taaWa'- :7 TH B ARMORY, Portland. Or. This will positively be the last chance to see the world's greatest actress in the greatest of all her plays. BAKER. THEATRE OFO. !.. BAKRR. MAKAOIs. B-a Now o Sala Onaelna of T1R BAKXB TKZATU ITQOX OOHTAHT Stock gaao. Sunday Malluea, May 13, la ' - miehard BtanallaU's Sraat Baooaaa " 'raiKOK KABL" s At.t, TH OLD raVORITKH MATIME PBTf ia ine, IAo and Sle tVIXINO PRIl'Eo loe. tac-rsne and froc geeara loar Baao Basts How. GRAND THEATRE Week of May T. ' m ' SJvMlial, Kw Caaland' Owa CoaMdlaa. flraea BTnntiagtea Compear. .Deweea WattleM, Uatte latara. The Twe Seta. Kaatar XaraU Xaff, raadliaaf s Bt'MMRR PRICE) KTMlnaa, Sandara and aolldadn, l"c. e aad SOe; Mt. Inees, loe to anr- aoat. eieapt hosaa. UYRIC THEATRE tvary tviaa?- farUaad'a fafmlnr Houaa, oaaattaaal Xaattaal Drama, . The Lighthouse Robbery , IN rOCB ACT. ' FOLLOW . TH rnoWI-.C0XTIJU0t . I PfRFORMAXCK. , AdmiMloa, Hki Keaarrtd aWata, SOe, : IT WILL PLEASE AND WASHINGTON STS. J .... .... tour: Com' TONIGHT . a'.'.-' a . . . SAPPHO Tomorrow Matinee, May 12 ' . . CAMILLE NO PERFORMANCE! PRICES $3.00, $2.00,. $1.00 Baseball . I.'. . ATHX.ITI0 1ABK. Oornar Taka aad Tweaty.feerth. ' -- , XAT I, , 10, 11, II, la. SanTrancisco vs. Portland Oamaa Celled M a. m. Dally, ' Oamaa Called 10 a. a), aadaya. ' Xadlea' Day, frlta. .j, , ' ASKIIVOaT, te, . SMARD8TAND. Sfie. CHILDBEIt, 10c i BOX MATI. tBe. . .... Empire Theatre ltth aad starrtaoa. Pbeaa Mala 11T. MII.TON W rartlaad'i RKAMAN. Maaacer. rafular flayaaasa.i . Toiltaht. All WmM Matins. MaturA.- UACK-SWAIN CO. IS THK URKAT UtLQ, DRAIIATIO lUCCKiUI, "THE INSIDE TBACK" sty -OIJV R tOB- B yBeH i A ItMtig reallatla ploy. , A story of ta trlfn and ertmj Jurtloe and retrlhattoe) seattflfnl aeenerjr; sxeellent o.mpan.T. F.renlng (irtcaa. 10c, 8oc, SSc, , 6Uc; Mat- ior iw, ino, wr. Xeat Waak ;, Starting Innday KaUaeay 1KB WOlli." . t I Airo 9 . rt' . LX7. I . I 8ATURDAY-NIOHT waaunstoa fciiiK IUUUC Hals 1. Tomorrow aad uaa'ay Xlghta. Kay If-la, 10 MP- , .,(.... 4 -jPillsbury Pictures UAH .. . ; - ' rnAKt'ivw ' '.' lARTHQCAKR i. , ... . Afin r(BK B0DtTED BT TUB-LATEST IMFIOTKIt Erectric Sceneoscops Xvery Tlow rally Eiphlaod ay aa Kya-Wlt. . sua Taoeo Heturao Tsaoa watto Iho rite Waa Baglag. POrtLAR PRICFUAdnlta. : eatldrea. lie-any plaoa la Itie tka.tr. oata aa tale Ralarday SMraJng-at lae Beltlg, T BAKU THIAT1E T.mhlll and Third (la. '-fOreev Theatre to.. Uo. I.. Haa.r. Mar. Mala !r. Tha laat horlewpM h..w tna a-., aon. Krerr nlskl tb to woak, Siatlooo luuj. "Itolden Uala ftrat." TIG CALITCMA C i Rrtmrnl of tn and ajoalr; pro ItnaKiao aolllo mrim, , Too r" l kiM. Sat ardor aiatlnoe, I sr. : , t-iih priro. Je. Jkf. ao, i .. alah. n-tl nor : aiakti loa I bum' toe fcw k 7