The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 11, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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-- . t
Bone of Contention Between
--Oregon-and -Washington
Constantly Chaiiging-
Island Is Said to Hav Been in Cbn
stant Motion and ' Alteration of
V Form ' for Hundred- Years
Z aiiid-. Ulaud; Mb principal Island , of
, . th Columbia river figuring In Ibi
boundary line controversy between, the
(.;atata 6f Washington and Oregon, earn
to hold tti world's record' aa travel
. Ing body of land; Careful aurvaya prova
i that It ku-mnwd four ml)i in tha nasi
l- year a. and -data aacarad from earUrl
.' ; tnapa of the mouth of tha river Indicate
t. ini it naa irmruiwo .morw man
Vthat dlstanca in .the pat century. . It
la one of tb moat changeable, shifting
' Inland known. It la aald, bavin a; been
"Tin a, constant tat of motion and aiter-
Nation -of form- and etae for a hundred
yeara or mre. It haa explored the
; water of the river mouth from a posl-
tlon near Point' Adams lo a location-at
. tha present time near tha point of Cape
Disappointment. It la atlll moving. It
I a claimed,, ateadiljr and rapidly toward
., tha Washington shore,' Unless the
boundary dlaputa la settled within the
i next quarter of a -century the I aland
trlda fair la settle the-queation-of it
"t"6wnergWg-Ttalf by moving nrer grid
becoming a portion of the. Waablngton
; mainland.
. . Botk State Claim It,.
yyti ownerahip'of the letand has been
''. disputed by Oregon and Washington
for the paat 21 yeara or mora. - each
mate i Induing It." Oregon elalma tha
rnTirrTHT'y iim inns1 m'si ii
if He'l'lTW afnd" IIHIlMU'd 1 ndTran
""T wtlhln" Oregon territory! - Washington,
on the' other1 hand, elalma the Una runa
't :' near the jetty and aouth ahora. bringing
!:8and tsland within' Washington terrl
: ' tory. vh Wtee shifting of the Island
and the, channel of the river that haa
ri; given rise- To" The boundary dispute. The
- , '-. quetlonv la one' of Importance to both
, atata. .because it .involves fishing .rights
vaiued -at mill
you aref going to get before you incur any expense.
-Come where the best-eloth-ts -made-lip- In the-4esi
J u. style J. ComeTwhere you
ahdsee" wriaV isthe t mbsriecommg7TC6mee .
- - and see : ourhandsomeS P R I IM Q S U I TS "
And learn hovirrnacrr suit
910, ?12, ?15,
We've Everything That Men and Boys Wear
" L "
Just what you are looking
for. It keeps your lunch
cool and fresh. t
tlon la, to' which atata do these rights
belong, -or tinder whose control are
theyt It la evidence In relation to the
correct location of tha line) that tha spe
cial boundary commissions will take In
thla and other Oregon cltie beginning
early in June next. A -decision In favor
of one atata or tha other la of Impor
ts nc also, because each atata elalma
taxes from the disputed territory and
.neither ea collect. Wheat tha anaUar 1
settled, the cueetton will then arise-aa
te whether or not the winning state
will be able to collect back taxes.
A hlsterv of tha movements of Band
island and the channel of the rtytf. is
Interesting. The first-map of the mouth
of tha Columbia, made In 1711 by AO
mlral Vancouver, shows bo Iland.Th
next; maae oy Bir B.awara v
1M, shows a email Island off folptl
Adama on. the Oregon aide. Two cban-1
nela are ahown, one running no . ui
the Island and out by Cape Disappoint
ment, the other running aouUT of the
lslandT" Amao-oniSt sho
a larger!
Island, ahorter and wider, lying at right
angles to. Ita posttloo ,tn JS and at a
point directly north oY Clatsop aplt.
There are two channels' but the main one
i... switched to sooth of the Island.
in tha. island la itiown In a half
moon " shape f arfup toward Capo Dle
sppolntment. - Jn 1S there) were -two
188 the island I ahown to have moved
far up Into tha tnouth of Baser a oay.
map. that of 10 J, shows a
largeytslarid Just east of the point Of
ppointment. ;tha lsiana naving
up, Into the bar.
Preparation ar being made for the
joint meeting tonight of tha Multnomah
.and Toung Men's Democratic cjubs at
the headquarter of .the county central
committee at 127 Seventh etreek. The
principal speaker will be Colonel C E.
8.. Wood. 1 Short addresses wTI be mado
by some of tha candidate for county
offleee. -The. headquarters are large and
tha aeatlng capacity will accommodate
several hundred people. The publio haa
been 'invited to attend. - , ,
E. B. MeFarliand and 8. L. Oilman
have - purchased, through Nash ft Mon-
The -lafat
moved far
aTt04TrffUlawiaiueatit'tBwia t rioy'tfrMarri-a
Tuaiaun academy., - i ne pnoe pun
S1S.000 .The academy hae owned the
ground about 10 yeara. - The value haa
advanced . In the last few', years from
100 to IJ.ZIO per acre. The tract, will
be laid out In suburban residence prop-
erty by tha new ow
..Does the.artyinjXTWIe.ajja4joouUI JatltanaiJ!2se:
where, and how?
can try. uhdiff erent styit
goodness yow:an get f
?18, $20 or $25.
. .. - v..-AIfD-....J
Season is on. Buy a new'
And enjoy It. Old wheela taken
v , In exchange. ,
With all conveniences. . Wa are
headquartera for
. Supplies. Tires; Batteries,
Lamps,-Horns, etc.
STREET r? ; -
One dollar wag tha sum awarded to
Mra, Emily Wyfinow thla morning by a
Jury-in-Judged Cleland's department of
tha clrcultycourt. She had sued A. D.
Moodla and several others for ll.tOO
for havfng cut. several limbs from elm
trees ih front of her raaldsnoa atlhu
eoraer of . Twentieth and Johnson
Styeeta. . ,
yAccordlng to Oregon law,' a-plaintiff
1 1 ( n ttm i1,m,,aa rm r 1
costs to tha same extent aa tha damages
awarded, when leaa than 150. In this
case Moodle will pay but II for dam
agea and tl for coats; the remaining
oMti will have to be paid by the plaln-
tiff. Thrao-of-the -tnoet -prominent- law
firms In 'the atate were retained aa
counsel for Mra Know.
In tha original suit, Moodle, Who Is a
house mover, was but " Of flv de
fends n la, the others being Andrew
District Attorney. Manning Asks
.That CoronerFinley Hold
. ' ;. Investigation.
Dlstrlot Attorney- Manning, alter, an
Investigation of tha circumstances sur
rounding tha death of A.. Watland. who
waa supposed to have been killed by. a
streetcar while) : Intoxicated, haa in
atructed .Coroner Flnley to hold an in
Quest Thla action waa taken bv the
request of tha Bisters of the dead man.
who-assarted their belief that be waa
Police Bergeant Jones, who made an
Investigation ; the night that Watland
4 met - Ma - death, expreesed i the opinion
that there) might have been foul play.
Tha desire of the relatlvea that an-ln-
queat be held, la dua largely to the as
sertion or J. Evana, with whom Wat
land lived, i, :
It waa aaaerted by Evana that - Wat-
land worked all day Sunday with him on
lng Intoxication. . lie said. also, that a
aaloonman- and ' another i person not
named had in for met him that at 11
o'clock at night 'Watland was aober.
Jbut that at .11:18 o clock, when car
No. lit atarted Into town from Bheri
look avenaetandlColtonatref tihewaa
reported to have been aO drunk that he
"I do not believe tha man could have
got ao drunk In II minutes,-aald
Evans. ' "Moreover, I know that ha had
trouble with membera of a acow gang
near Msrtln'a dock and hd been threi
ened by several of them."
Largest Meet Ever Held Outside
of London Eva Booth Pre- t
siding Officer.
- - J - enmel Special gervlre.) c
"New Tork. May 11. Hundreda of offi
cers and leaders of the Salvation Army
from throughout thla country and Can
ada have gathered In the metropolis for
the largeat congress the organisation
aver haa held outside of London. ' The
congress will laat five days,' and a pro
gram replete" with Tnterestlnar-featurea
haa bean arranged. -
- In the -Hippodrome Sunday .evening a
great maaa meeting will be held for too
benefit of the San Franciaco sufferers.
Commander "feva Booth will Conduct the
big meeting, and In It will "sing the
song of love and tell tha atory of the
broken heart.T A irvlngeroaa wlllba
formed' aa Miss Booth sings, and 2rt0
women, wearing white; will coma on
to tha stage at Intervals and arrange
themselves in the form of a cross. ,
- The regular sessions of the congress
will be held in Salvation Army hall.
Other meetlnga of special Interest are
to be given at midnight tomorrow night
in theatre on tha Bowery and In Heir
aid 8quar.fo1lowiTir'-toi-chllght--pro-
cessions: Tnes will Be regular
tlon "meeUhgsr"
gna it is expected -that I
many converts will be made.
With tha -advent of . spring Norrls A
Ttows'a el reus cama-to Portland. It-fa
r a good show and bears all the earmarks
i of tha time-honored clrcua The ele
t thants.-thej -clowna,- tha -red7 lemonade,
tha toy balloon, the candy man and tha
small .boy . were all there. The aide
ahow with Ita big anakea, skeleton man,
fat woman and tattooed wonder drew
large crowds Into tha smaller tents be
fore the main exposition waa opened,.
The menagerie waa aa complete aa one
could expect with a traveling aggrega
tion and contained tha usual assortment
of animals. -The equeatrlan acta were
numerous and varied. The beautiful
Oregon weather had tha effect of bring
ing out more people than the tent would
hold and everybody appeared satisfied.
The trained animals attracted tno atten
tlon of grown-up people as well aa chil
dren. The usual street parade la an ap
pendage of the Norrls & Rowe clrcua
Madam Sarah Bernhardt failed to ar.
rive thla morning on a special train
aa waa expected, but will .reach ' Port
len4 late -this efternoon -on the-regular
train from Seattle.- She will appear nt
' the Armory tonlg ht In "WspphA" and tii-
. morrow afternoon tn jCamllie. .
The maaame a. oaggage car -arrived
thla morning, attached te a special
freight that came down from 8eaK&.
Tha early arrival of thia car enabled
those In charge of tf"to transfer - her
things to the Armory and get them In
readiness f - the night's performance.
President Wilbur of - the Portland
Rowing club received word today from
Dan i Murphy, the ' former Portland
coach and. thia yr'a coach at Stan
ford, that he will arrive In thla city on
Monday to take up his work at the
club. Mr. Murphy will have full charge
of the crews and will remain with the
Portland Rowing f-lub 'until after the
northwest' regatta,-scheduled' -for about
the middle of July. Tst year the re-
gatti waa held- at vfctoria, but thla
yenr Nelson the aceno of the
.conteate. .Victoria, Vancouver, Nelson
,and Portland cluba ,wlll compete. ,-
Johnson and Comla Annln, employee of
Moodle: Ell la R. Clarv and A. M. Brian
nan. Mr.- Clary ... waa ihe, owner of. the
house moved and Mr. Bliannon waa the
deputy city engineer who Issued tha
permit to Moodle to move tha atructure.
The house waa moved .uctooer si, iw,
and--while passing the Snow home sev
eral limbs were sawed from tha trees.
Judge Cleland granted a nonsuit to
Mr. Clary-and Mr. Shannon, who were
represented by Attorneys 'Henry E. Mc
Ginn and Frank Schlegel. The court
hM that the two above-named - de
fendants had aothlng at all to do with
the elm cutting. W. M. Davis arid B. C.
pencer , wars, counsel .ior thohouee
C. IE. 8. Wood and Wallsoe McCamant
made the argumenta before - tha Jury
this morning for the plaintiff, while
yv. M. Davla spoka for tha defendants.
- If you grow old the fault's in you,
So look within and find -tt,. .
Then seeing what you've got to do,
You'll do It and not mind it '
All would live long, ; but "none would
be old! - What contradictions are
sorted at, every turn) All would be
healthy, yet disregard nature'a almpleat
rules; all would be fair, yet wantonly
undermine the digestion; all would-be
magnetic, yet allow themselves to be-
coma lriiiabla.Thy-thrcadbare-qudta-
tlon apropoa "A woman la aa young
she looks and a man as young aa ha
feels,' Is given utterly disregarding the
fact that art. albeit, aklllfully applied,
bears but faint semblance to rhe youth
it aimllatea and tha test is in how
square are the ahoulders, how muoh en
nymant In phy pllillrtlnri hOW mUCh
mate -not-only 4ha mOid but
. Books have been written, and read, on
the prevention and cure of old age and
tha elasticity of age la a subject which
Interests all alike: the old because they
because tney ar oaing Dome resist
tha deal re and effort of many to grow
old beautifully and the pathos of thta
Is there has bean no choice gracefully
If you will, but grow old you must.
ITery Portland H in hear tha
other aide of tha question, aa aet forth
by Dr. Fllnn and- Mra. Louise Macin-
tyre in their lecturea A Hundred-Year
iJutui9.Jbsinr .organised, one.fif ,theby-
lawa of which apparently la that "tio
member- ahaU -diernrl-rw-nTrhTihall
have become a - centenarian,'' and a
clause of which offers Immunity from
cranky Joints ao that the octogenarian
matrun-for jBvenaPprtland streetcar
and catch. 11.
Tha rneleganlly expreeeed - family
adage of "stick to your flannels until
they atlck to you" la entirely thrown
aside flannels ar tabooed. Exercise,
deep breathing, simple, frugal meals.
these things sound simple to- absurdity,
but the carrying f them - out" meana
physical elasticity. The -"how", 1 being
aet-. forth by these lecturers from, our
quondam Sarr Francisco, but there will
be many wha. will unwittingly - assume
the role of the lasy man who starved to
death In Florida.. . As he was -being
borne' to his- grave, ao the atory runa, a
farmer1 hailed them with a load Of corn,
the erstwhile corpse lifted hls head
wearily; and called, 'Is lit shelled r
"No," answered the farmer. "Drive on,"
ordered the sepulchral lonesr-""
Sot It will undoubtedly be with many
of those who listen contentedly to the
new thought aa offered. When their
favorite dlahea - are not allowed and
the commald la aternly JL'to walk." they
will aink back on .their ageing Journey
with tha laconic order, "Drive on."
Many a girl auffera from an ugly
blotched. Unhealthy complexion who
could cur the trouble completely by eat
Ing fruity drinking water end -taklna;- a
qolclt beauty hath every morning; The
alvg-tldeaIaTO sTlrflimnanhil bOdyTSTl
natural w
work of aending away poisonous
aubatances. Bathe the face every night
with warm water, a correct complexion
brush and par soap, rinsing, drying and
applying. -' -
l In place of glove garters many women
are ntting their elbow-length- all glove
with elastics, which hold them, beyond
any argument, from slipping down and
leaving a gap between them and the
aleevea. -The simplest -way is to whip
a laoo beading to the top of the glove,
holding the beading quite, full, thread It
with, narrow elastic, .which la fitted to
the arm In length, and stitch the ends
together. Lace and elastic will wash
as well as the gloves.
The bodkin la taking the place of the
needle In many party frocks for young
girls. A' dresa of. coarse Brussels net
which will be seen at a graduation 'has
the tucks-, formed by- baby ribbon run
through the double meshea of the net.
Rosettes of ribbon at each shoulder are
the only other trimming. iSia drees is
mado over a white el Ik slip. - : ,
A layer Of tulle is worn over the low-
cut necks of many evening gowna, and
With thera are-used empire scarf a of
gausy materials, often embroidered with
ribbon and metayle threads. Some of
th-rioheet'newYe-vBnlng srirf sre or
white or tinted marabou or ostrich,
elaborated with medallions of lace, tulle
or chiffon. The hand-painted , gsuae
scarfs are afTll held in high favor. The
Egyptian vrllYlverd with sliver or gold
ir-hewm High strnTTtrnoTrirTiriihTo
shies. It la said not to tarnish as a re
sult of exposure to salt air. -
"XsTTiVflrhe approaches fd Iced tea It
ia well for tha tea to- he-piade early and
then' atralned from the leavea before
cooling; otherwlae the , tannin la mora
-than spt to. hurt. , Allow teaapoonrat
for -each member - jof1.lJW-:famUy; the
exT-a tfnn' "for the' pot" usually added
Is nht needed when- tea Is to be cold; It
will taster strong enough...: Let ' steep
three minutes, pour off and when quite
cold set In the Ice boa. Serve wltn
plenty of cracked ice end thin allrea
of lemon; things that la 'to be cold
should be really cold, and quantities of
Ice would have to be used If' the tea Is
served lukewarm. a
irTBfflhle-tJTAvesrone of tha beat
known Journalists In the aouth, ' and
who has recently launched a new dally
newspaper In Atlanta, haa withdrawn
from the race ftr Senator Bacon's aeal
la ibe-United Slate svnate.- -
eQeytYV-ir-r a Jf37u 7JE'
7S-' "' ' .""..V - and hich stamdl' rt
Sufferings oRt'bmanliOfld
At this time f life,
heavy drains . upon the
" ' the most wonderful of all
"this trying time and bring
Mrtl mora than a year aro I was unwell for the first time, and sine than I hav been eick all
Ihe tlm In soma way or other and aullered with painful and lrrerular periods. want to a sum
mer resort for my health and wa doctored all summer, but lo no tffect. t hav not been unwell
for two month ahd thought 1 would see If you oould do m any food. - I attend HI gh School
rid would not hk to mtss
Mr Diar Ma.' PrmcxAn: Some tlm fo I wrot lo you for advice, being troubled with
trrerular and painful periods and female troubles. j began .kl"g'. LYd'e P.. pinthsm'a Vacate. .
-bleCempeund and Uvw 'PlllradThlh Sanative Waah. and f am flad to say I am com
-pletely cured and have not had any sickness since. I wish to thank you for your kind advice
and shall recommend yonr medicine to my girl friends. M axiom Barbs, 101 BracewsQ Av
Nerth Adams, Mass. '- ..
-All young girls-are earnestly
Mrs. Plnkhtm Is daughter-ln
. direction, and since, ber. decease, she haa. beeo advising' sick
Thousands of women are well, strong and beautiful to-day because
. Mrs. Plnkham and followed her Instructions at thla critical time of
tion for, Proposed Play-
- house Syndicate.
(Journal Bpeelal Serrlce.)
New Tork, May 11. It U rumored In
well-informed elrclea that plana ar on
foot for the iormation of a theatrical
combination On an enormous scale, with
a capital of more than IJO.000.000.. The
firm of Klaw Brlancer figure con
spicuously in-, the proposed - plan, and
Ar Hayman.-who-ia-:now-on--hlaJway
liomXromJ!uropet wnije annrmportatlt
factor In the formation of the combina
tion, which will Include- the -preaent
theatrical ayndlcata, several large vau
devllle interests and western theatrical
corporations that ... are : not now allied
villi the trust. : . .
- inurpci, ,.,-.,,r-..Tra,pUlnc--I TO othutow icyui iwi-mtt me
flghtlDg the syndicate, needless to say.
will not be affiliated with the new en-
terpr je. Accord In g to one of t he pro-.
motors, the echeme nas been maturing
for several, years and la not. designed
to crush any of the Independent theatri
cal firms now doing business. It is
being organised to gain greater economy
JPerfectl : Malt " v ; :
Mal j well said to be "the soul of beer." It Is the life, the vitality, the substance of t
beer, and perfect beer is possible only wjth perfect malt.-- - - - - , , : i, .
Though perfect malt is ad absolute essential, no brewer, even with perfect malt, cah J -make
pure, high quality, wholesome beer without pure water, choicest hops and clean?..
machinery--all managed by experiencrrd brew-masters along -thoroughly scientific lines.
Pabst for sixty years has been the pioneer in perfecting the most highly scientific pro
cesses of brewing, and to-day he leads in the mannfactnre of th
-i Pabst Beer is made only
in c mim gets an me irooa oui
extractives than are found
-brewing- experience, makes
arldLft delicious. beverage.
down before she1
Nowadays . rirlsare pushed
'to the limit, of their' endurance
both In school and society
They must make . a success
-even ' If they are forever
unfitted for, the larger school
: of life and debarred from
"the; happiness of. motherhood. ;;
when Justl ehferlng upon womanhood, nature'makbs
vitality, especlallyat each
tonlo restorative rnedlclros for women,
her safely info, strong, noble, beautiful womanhood.- . - ; 7
My Dia Mas. Pikxhami I write le see If yoU cn.ueft lorn
any time tt it U possible. Marios' darieb,
MtCT ParberTwriteiaiirfter, two years i . MrtlPinUiamatJ
Jaw of Lydla E; Plnkham. and for twenty-five years under her
and efficiency In handling the enormous
volume of business detail connected with
managlng-aad-bookinr It ""Will be ar
ranged on a corporation basis, in which
each of tha membera - will continue to
b Identified with hi present name andielred will be furnished by the clty-engl-'
Interests. -. Each individual will be pro- tneer.- ' ; ; j .'; t
tec ted aa to ma own portion of ihe com
mon pool. "Iti haa not 'yet. been, decided
where tha central off lea -of -the--new
truat will be.
Wkoll Shrap Printing- f or a Good Vlaaof
, The entire atock of stationery and
printing matter of our San Franciaco
store Is to be replaced at once. They
have no money . down there but plenty
of pianos. A responsible printing estab
lishment can secure an advantageoua
deal by addressing W. S. Gannon, care
Ellera Piano House, city, , -
The Bouth Portland Improvement as
sociation of Fulton took up the matter
at free man dellvetjr at Its meeting -laat
route win d msiitutea soout tne nrsi
of June. AO streets will have to be
named and the houses properly num
bered before the- frea delivery system
le Inaugurated. After lhat 'the Fulton
poetofflc will be discontinued end per
sons not complying with the regulations
In regard to numbering their houses
from eight-day malt. This means
ox ine Daner into the malt and insure
in any other malt. This.- conoled with
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer equaled as a nourishing tonic . T
Next In importance to eight-day malt is cleanliness, and we " '
. uiiKui very weu say jusi as important, for cleanliness is not only :
desirable but necessary In brewing the best beer.. And In this '- '
again Pabst excels. -The mammoth Pabst brewery in every dc f
partment is as clean as the cleanest kitchen and the beef froWn ' ' '
mash.tub to keg or bottle is never touched by human hands It ' 1
passes through. sterUired tubes and pipes Into hermetically i V
sealed stenUzed tafaks, and every known safeguard is established - ,
to prevent contamination. ,.., ... ' i . .
Pc Ingredients of Pabst Beer are the purest and best money "
can buy and it is given to the public, only when science and the
test of time show it to be perfect In, age, purity and strength ; ?; .
the best beer brewed. .
When Ordering. Coll for PabltlTitrillbboh Be
t J
Is twenty.
, . ....
monthiy . period
will tide a young girl over
I 1 1. riia 1 '
menU cur niC
MCrm Adama, M ass,
- yiuulissordvlce.
women free of, chargo. q
- they made a confidant of -tt
their livesT : , " ,
will have to come" tt the- Portl(fnt pcyt
offlqe foi their malt; Fulton iatAc '
will, however, be conflftaeaTiir wtwttonr
It Is desired that all' houses e num
bered by May 19. Any Information de-
Bjieclidjmmlttce waa-S-PDOinUd, ta
auggeBt Improvements to t t erchool
housa 4e tlte wt liool board. A commit
tee was named to'endeavor to secure tha
location of several fire alarm boxes. The "
Improvement of the roadn and the water
mains waa discussed. Another moetlns;
will-be beldncxfThursday venltig and '
weekly meetlnga will probably be ' ar
ranged. - r 'r' - : '- :-
A. J. Johnson. rnayer of 'Cor.vallia and
national bank examiner, la in Portland
on a tour . of inspection.- :'v
JI.-fr.''Binliftm of EUgeflysta't sena-
tor. ig Tr rne TwiTsenai.
"TIarveyjLUiowjVTnerlff -of Balte?
county, la at the Imperial. -
Slob 'Trotter la rortland.
T. T. Rlc of N6rtTiampton, England,
trultBrg "of note, arrived" 1n- Portland
thla morning en route -to Vancouver-
British Columbia. ' It la their first trip
through flrrgnn and both men aie da-
.llghted at . the, beautiful, scenery that
greets them everywhere. . They- walked ,
lo the roof of the Hotel Portland thla-T
morning to get a panoramlo view of the -
city. ' - i.i c - v:
that Pabst Beer contains -"
rrmr 4r.iV,o. a
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