The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 10, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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'.'.. mmmwtmw tMwt - mm - XT V rJ TT -JL Vjl . - ' ,
f:1:'---- i -; viM Oregon .
;r v: ;pl4,lyl &UUUUUUUUlJ; - ' for summbr wear
7 Sft fci- '.J TO YOUR
'ir'ia MEASURE
, . . ,T rt'tyT, .v,,.;...;,? -;- rMii ; V '. WM&SSeA - . . , - . r 1 I .'
;";';:N r:'lJ'J':V' V;;;'"v';-": School Ue4 as 'Oregon Relief HoapttaL '. - . " 'Y'...'': V x-' , .' - " ' .'A, , . V .'
You can't name the storeno matterho w much ypu
ay-favor:it w
that willstand the teat side: beside-with-ourTrgobds
and prices. v :- . ,' -'l - 'f-ip: -V"
Official Reports Show Great
. ' ( Amount of Work Done by
( Oregon Boys. '
Nerly On Thoound Patients Cared
Praia Excellent Service Given.
. V . . : j - .: " .-. .
. j The hospital corps of the Third rest
tnent, - Orefon- National Guard, . which
7;'tu; sent to Saa Tranelsso to open a
' .relief hospital, has completed Its work
and the Oron Relief hospital haa been
. rlosed. A report of the closlna and of
, the work done by the Nattonat-Ouard
boys following the disaster haa been
- - received by the chairman of the Oregon
. - relief committee and by Adjutant-Gen-
i eral Flnser. . The reports come - from
-Captain W. E. Cmrll, irho wag In charge
, of the work.
. - The Oregon hospital was the only one,
It la reported, to close its work with
-i mW -hills paid and with no outstanding
obligations whatever. ' The work ac
complished by the corps is highly aatls-
" fsctory to Iht commltuw and tn nriyml
Flnser.. On the day of the closing. May
' e, a number of (he health commissioners
. of Baa-Francisco -called upon Captain
Carll and his .coterie of workers and
wera lavish la their praise of the work
' of the corps. In all t(7 patients were
Vared for In the medical, surgical and
dispensary departments. -Of this Bum-
ber only three died. Besides, 100 refu-
; gees were- provided with foodf -clothing
and bedding by the hospital corp"s,
t ' - -- upi quu export., 7:T.r;
' The hospital was open from April It
, i to May . - The nurses detailed .to the
' hospital were In charge of Miss Bwen
. on of the Good Samaritan hospital in
Portland - and - their work is praised
highly by Captain CarlL - In his report
' to General Flnser Captain Carll says
' the work was hard and condition were
- adverse, but' the officers and men' of
the corps did their duty cheerfully and
faithfully and are deserving of special
mention for their labors. The following
- report made by Captain Carll to Dr.
James W. Ward, president of the .San
Francisco health commission, shows In
'' detail the. work accomplished by the
Oregon contingent: "
" "I have the honor to report to you
that the Oregon relief hospital has been
cloied. All patients hare bean trans-
. lerred. to other inatltntlona In rompU
.. anoa with" the order of your commission.
- ,- from AprU U to May I. 10, there'was
. treated la the hospital 66 medical and 10
surgical cases; in the dispensary, 4
- - medical and 1ST surgical cases. Three
"patlenta were brought' to the Institution
wheals extremis, died, and were turned
-gTygver to the city uudertakerr Aside rrom
- - the hospital casea we furnished food and
, gees. J have -thle. day turned overThe
5 The head of the house
' can find a new headpiece
7 here that will be the
Tcrowning "glory of his
X new uit-
Give your head a rest
' here are the light-weight
,tbpiearihTevery' kind -
that's good
Soft Hats tp f 4. -Straw
Sailors SI to
fs. t
i Manila : Braid f 1.50
to f3.50. ; ::
Panamas 94 to $8. ';
f CiiKUhnPioD '
, Men's and Boys' Outfitters,
t 1M and 16S Third Street
Mohawk Building.
- Trlsi
dispensary," together With all ' supplies
on hand, to the pharmacists - lent by
your commission to conduct th same.-- I
enclose Inventory of stock on hand. All
commissary, bedding;, hospital
appliances, etc.. I hare this day turned
vr to -Captain - Oliver, 'chler quarter
master of the fifth section. All out
A.47ft mr- ttttT 1,1 u I rwtm
"nemWinSra.- pfo-
vlalons, carriage hire, have been paid
and so far as I .know there are no un
paid obligations of this Institution.
Among the contributions yesterday
was one of $50 by Gralnhandlers union
No. 2(1 of Alblna. Through a mistake
eenta. The employes of the ismlth
tttanlT f.umUr L'nniiiiiiiy nf Hixwl Itltei
lief fund. .- ..
Came .to. Oregon n . Early Days
t" arid Leaves Widow and
" Many Relatives. . :' "'
BfUi Mtptca e Tie Joernl.) -
Dayton, Or., May 10. -John Baxter,
an aged pregon pioneer, . died at -his
ona herejfesJrdj9Waaornin
anusaingum county, onto. seorttary z.
'-i 4k .. 'f'-y '- '- ::' V': : :.- yy :-; :
-John Baxter.
1114, and married Harriet Snencer In
April, 1139. They lived In Ohio seven
years when they moved to-Wlnoonnln,
Mvrng- there Tlyeuis. , ' . . . '
From Wisconsin they went to M lu
ng- from thr KTTJayton.
Oregon, in 19. being Ave-months on
thwaywHhk-leama Tbey. settled
on a farm four miles from Dayton.
where they lived until a few years a go
when they moved into .the town. His
widow, aged (S years, survives him and
he leaves eight living children, Ave sons
and three daughters, IS grandchildren.
irreat grandchildren and one Jf the
fifth, generation.
Eleven years ago he united with the
Primitive Baptists, and Elder Mathews
of Salem will conduct the funeral
services from the family home this
uday, Kay IS.
Another popular f 1.60 excursion - to
Seaside via the A. AC. R. R. will leave
tne union depot next Sunday at S a. m.
Ticket sales limited to seating capacity
01 train. Tickets oft sale at 24 Alder
street during the week-end at union de
pot Sunday morning. For information
telephone C.-Ar-Stewart,, agent. Mala
" Knights of Oolumbas,
The O. R. It N. announces a very low
round trip-rate to New Haven, Conn.,
account' Knights of Columbus conven
tion, ticket on sal May 14, IB and 2t
Pirtlmilxra by asking at city ticket of
fice, Third and Washington streets.
gold Visas te America.
' (JohtmI Special Servlea.) .
Berlin, Msy 10. Otto Henftenleben.
formerly a clerk In the government de
partment here, and Conrad, a mechanic,
have been found guilty of treason and
sentenced to four and three years' penal
servitude, respectively, for selling plans
of submarine .mines to representatives
of tK A merican leaaHon. 1 '
No ptll Is as pleasant and positive at
DeWltt's Little Early Risers. . Thsse
fsmous little pills axe so mild and ef
fective that children, delicate ladlea and
week people enjoy their cleansing ef
fect, while Strong people say they art
tha beat liver nlL sold. Kever crip.
Unknown Steamer Locates Dan-
,-- - - - -
-- gerous Menace to Nav ' ;
Steamer Arrives Prom San Francisco
gars and Two Hundred Tans of
General Merchandise,
::. -.
Captain R. J. Dunham of the ateamer
Roanoke, which urlved here from -San
Francisco at 4 o'clock thla morning,
reports that when about 100 : miles
south-of Eureka he passed -a steamer
wfththraf tnntpw ' whlcn-war Tost
by the Francis H. Leggett The weather
was, very ' thick and th Identity of the
Vessel could not be ascertained, but shs
signaled by means of ber f of horn that
the derelict raft had been picked w.
The steamer .Francis-!!. " Leggett was
steaming out of Eureka as the Roanoke
was entering that harbor. Th master
of the former steamer Informed Cap
tain Dunham that he believed the raft
had been located. Th raft was lost
several vessels were sent in quest of
It, aa it presented a dangerous menace
to navigation, . .'. v' "
The JRoanok docked at Columbia No.
t and Immediately 'proceeded to unload
her cargo, consisting of 200 tons of
gsneral merchandise. There were 111
passenger on board, one of the largest
passenger lists In some time. Good
weather was encountered -on the- entire
trip and had It not bean for two days
required for .inspection at San Fran
cisco the vessel would have arrived
her on time, it Is the intention, to
have the Roanoke sail tomorrow at sun
set...- Bh will, touch at all of bar regu
lar ports of call -and expects to sail
from San Francisco for San Pedro on
her regular sailing date.
Quota Starvation Kates andXo Money
- . - - Bat Vain Ttma. "'J' '
Illustrative of the enterprise of th
French shipowners - Is the information
received tn this city that they are of
fering carriers for th round trip at ST
to ' 8 shillings per ton. By quoting
these rates they keep their vessels mov
ing all th lime and the loss In freight
1 i mora than . made .up in lhe - time
rained. TTnder'thla arrangement the
rate Is practically xo anuungs xrom
Portland to the United Kingdom, which
la lower than tha rat fixed by th ship
owners' combine last year, 'ins mree
vessels of the number chartered for th
round .trip to clear from thla port are
Amlral Ceclle, - l.STt tons, ana - xne
Turgot. 1.7 7 S "toBM. These shlpa aradue
to arrive bere with their car goaaarly
In September and after discharging will
load grain for Europ.
Captain Wehrllch of tha lighthouse
inspection service returned from Seat
tle last evening, -wner ne naa iom u
superintend the docking of the light
house tender Heather at Moran's ship
yard. Th Heather came oft the dock
yesterday and it la expected that shs
will be back in commission about th
middle of next week. -
Forest fires la th vicinity or west-
port burnt out the teiegrapn line to
Astoria tnis morning una m . v.
th weather bureau lookout at jNonn
Head waa not obtainable until nearly
10 o'clock. Th break in th line was
easily repaired and connection with the
local weather bureau In the custom
house resumed arter several nours oe-
'Unitd Statee Inspector FulUr and
Edwards left for Astoria last night to
inspect th steamer Jamea B. stepnens
and will Return thla evening. .
Astoria. May lO.-ArrWed
down dur
in the nlaht
ateamer Csaiina.
San Francisco, May - dto.
rs Haroia . ioiiar una nwiwnm, v
Portland. Arrived, steamer Dalay Mitch
ell, from Portland. Arrived yesterday,
steamer Caacad. from Portland. , .
Astoria, May . Arrivea ai ana ten
up at 7:80 p. m.l ateamer Roanoke, from
Port IjOS Angeles and way ports. Sailed
at I '0 m.,-teamer Breakwateiv for
San Francisco and way porta Arrived
down at 4:60 p. m., achooner Alvena.
Astoria. May 10. condition oi ins
bar at S a. m., smooth; light west wind;
weather clear. , .
Senator OKormaa Dying.
r Unaraal KneeUI Serrlee.)
Washington, way-iv.-
Senator Arthur
Pus Gorman of Maryland la critically
111 and It is feared he la neartng tha
end. Ha haa been sick for several
month from a complication Of-ailments.
: .r ' - .
Don't place too much ronfldenc in a
man who has been awtndled by you. ,
.-'We have a splendid line of
light fabrics woven for.uS by
our- Oregon Manufacturers,
the - Oregon City-Woolen
MillsCIi J ;'::"Y
"doien "shades ' and
weaves " of gray and - a few
-light-brown-effects These -
fine Oregon wool, . carded, 1
dyed, spun and woven with
in an hour's ride of home.
W-Cwfll be-glad to show.
you these fabrics. Many of
th" but drrssfri it INfw
York City .buy-, these -same.
the . same loom and pay l.
' twice what we ask you.
To your measure 817 to
830. - ,
-r-For -BSwe-wlll maker
pair of trousers to your
measure from- a firm well
woven Oregon fabric
I This is by 40 per cent the I
best - trousers value ever
offered in Portland. Dox
ens of "patterns. , , ....
Articles of Incorporation Filed at
Baker City for New Line
From Huntington.
flD4Clftt aMfHMtCk jrllS" flMaTBSS)l. ' " """
1 Baker cnyrorv Marie Araeiee -of
incorporation the NAflriWestern Hall-
road company were filed with the county
c1rxyeterday afteruuon. The Inoort
poratora . ara. .employes . ofih Oregon
Short Lin railroad. Th railroad Is
controlled by- th Harrlman Interests.
Th capital stock of th new road is
$1,000,000 and tha principal place of
business Huntington.
Thla road will run from Huntington
down th Snake river to Lewlston, a
distance of 150 miles, tapping a? rich
mining country. Tha line will be built
partly on th Oregon side and. partly
on tha Idaho aide of th Snake river.
Th work of construction will begin at
one, surveys having already been med.
ople Save
or i
eeds at Mesa. -
--It'a not words, but deeds . thatlprov
the merit. - - -
The deed of Doan'a Kidney PUla,
For Portland kidney sufferers, '
Hare made their local reputation.
. Proof Ilea in the testimony of Port
land people who have been cured to stay
cured. '
David Campbell, baker, of til North
Seventeenth street, and living at 170
Non&JClghteeejth, street. , gortlandQrai
says: n,very
a oi me siaiemeni i
made In February, 1101, concerning
Doan'a Kidney Pills Is not only true,
but having since been free from kldnry
trouble, I am.giad to aist that my
faith in Doan'a Kidney Pills I stronger
than ever. It Is now Ave or sis years
sinoe i negan to suner witn a lame and
aching back. . It waa so bad that I
could not stand the pain whsn bending
forward or straigntsntng. 1 tried vari
ous remedies and began doctors' treat
ment, but whatever relief I found waa
only temporary and often I could not
get any relief at alL Having read in
my home paper from JCngland that
Doan'a Kidney pills were strongly rec
ommended for such troublea 1 got a
supply at a local drug store. The first
boa helped me so that I kept on with
the treatment and when I had taken
ahont four- tHs not atnir or
trouble remained and I have had no re
currence elnoe. X have told these facts
in Vi testimonial published In ltot, and
am very glad of the opportunity now to
corroborate it."
For sale by sit dealers. Price 10 cents.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork,
sole sgents for the United Slates. ,
Remember th name IX) A-N S and
take bo taer. ; , " ,
At 5c Each iSBSra W. 'At 25c Each
nice for .corset covars. ::-7-
'i r ' Children's Extra Fine Elastic Ribbed
AT HP " Veiti; ill sites; nicely trimmad; no
- sleeves. . '
li rA .75 doien Indies' Vests, lisle thread.
AT rir long sleeves, high neck, nicely finished pants to match; all sises.
Standard yalues iOc ... . .
t r An extra special Jot of . Ladies'
I rip Vests, no sleeves, in a great range
SUV of stvlea. elersntlv trimmed with'
Ue'es. - ' 7" v-r f- r T"
At 15c Each
k a f fiT- L.'"-.Ladies' Mercerised Lisle
-At IOc Eachvr.;
sheer .garment,, very comfortable for warm
weather. -.Thoroughly absorbent, r- ;
- In many styles and
weight i suitable to the seaaoryat
lar prices. ;j ;. '' ( . .. ..
MnvAHERE IS A SNAP Several hun
- HP -dred samples of Ladies' Muslin and
'' Cambric Drawers and Corset Co v
chly Jtrimmed -iiuJace,, .ribbon, .beading arid:
embroidery. Not. a garment in
tnin Mie. tour tnuae wiuie
Special Discount
With Every Purchase
Don't Fall lo Do
Complete line of Dadics'n
eries and Housef urnishing Goods-at prices .that will
surpass anything that you have .been accustomed to.
Stranger Hires Wagon and Driver
TWho Is Rofeberj and Forced f.
to Haul Loot.
(peeUl Dispatefe Tke JearaeLI
Kelso, Wash., MsjlIO. Tuesdsy night
about t o'clock a atranger 'entered the
livery stable of J. T. Robertson and en
gaged a horse ana Duggy wun- nnver io
take hl'mrTdrvfia OMfraiT Rafting com-
nuf'i ramD about three mllea distant.
In Catlln, across th river from Kelso,
a man with a gun stopped th bug?
and ordered Downing, the driver, to hold
up bis handa. After taking his watob
and what money ha carried, the high
wayman climbed into th buggy and
ordered the driver to go to Bush's land
ing on tha Columbia river.
On the way sewer-al stops were made
at houses and . threatening language
used to procure matches. - At Bush's
landing on man alighted and began
digging. He soon unearthed what ap
peered to be two bags of coin and found
oaotrnra a cms asts VAiirs.,
frfra. Jsl Bumner, ..greeaend. ,:.Tx-;
writes April i, noz: . i nave usea
Ballard's Bnow Liniment tn any family
for three years, I would not be with
out it In the house. I have used it on
my little girl for . growing paina and
aches in her knees. It cured her right
sway. I have also used it for frost bit
ten feet, with good success. It Is th
best liniment I ever used." K, lOo and
11.00, Sold by Woodard, Clark Co.
med With Babv
-., . ,, ;,'',- . :
This particular line will appeal
appreciate dainty things., '
Children's Extra ' Fin '
White Ribbed Vests and
all sixes."
At 95c
Of La die sV Vests."
Pants and Union. Suits
our usual popu
the lot worth less
mey last mi -try
YouOK?PPni at Portland's New
a bundle of blankets. ' Then entering
the buggy they oompelled Downing to
drive back to Catlln and up tha Cowllta
river to Castle Rock. Her they left
him .and . he . Immediately . atarted for
Kelso, where he arrived in th morn
ing. ' -
Two men giving their names aa Mack
George and Edward Burns were arrest
ed by Dr.' 'W." W. Webb opposite her
suspected of being the-thieves. -
t -r (Jeerssl Speelsl Sevlea.'.l'...
. Hamburg, May 10. Tha new Hamburg-American
''liner Kalserln Augusts
Victoria, the larcest ateamshln ever
bulTt7wMTrvnnTRusTasnc send-off
today on her departure on her maiden
trip to New Tork, . She carrlea a full
complement of passengers, together
with a number of the line's officials,
marine engineers and representatives of
the Vulcan Shipbuilding company..
Tha Kalserln August Victoria is of
18.100 tone gross register, aa against
th 13.17 tons of th Whit Star liner
Baltic, which heretofore haa had th dis
tinction of being' tn largest ateamshlp
afloat She is 700 feet long. 71 feet
beam, ha eight decks above th water
tin' and room for 4. H0 persons. Includ
ing the crew of S0 officers and men.
The ship haa 60 suites of rooms, a gym
nasium, speelsl telephone service and a
magnificent. pJmgarde
' ' " (Joorast special Serf lew.)
' Chattanooga,' Tenn May 10. The
delegatee M Sneral convention of
Ladies' High-Gride Silk
fiMttrrmrimmA Vmufm rlrw-
Irish laca mnA. rrnrhet mAr'm mtA
Standard, values up to 50c.
implea of I.atiics' Lawn and "
dmrtwaists, t greatest .
lea mwm-v aliAWfi
New York; values up to 12.00. Take your pick
for 98c. . .- :
The swellett range of Ladies' White
PeraianLawrr Waists rjossibla ito
producer anort - ana
ng sleeves,
those who
We sell Corsets that fit well
and wear well; every pair guar
teed. Corsets to fit any figure.-
We have secured from the grest fire
sale in the New York warehouse 5 '
cases of Thomson's Glove-Fittms!
COrtets, in black and drab only; regular value v
$3.00. Your choice for 95c. This is the best all- .
around Corset made: . . . .. ,-. . .. '-.
Just received by express Several "
: lots of Silk Gloves . and , Long ; H
siuf4ttsliibiaet.and. white.
A JHI 0. "'JKr apecials in Men a French -1
a I tlAI'- Kibbed Shirts and Drawers, colors
' .7 pink, blue, cream and. black; sum--mer
weight; regular vslue 75c.
90 dosen left of the celebrated
crnnt Hood Fsncv Percale-Sh
iff bosoms, separate cuffs; regular
Don't Worry
Watch Us Grow-
Department Store
cxxcxxo rasa.
th Southern Baptist church, th largest
delegated ecclesiastical body In the
world, which meets bera tomorrow, are .
arriving In great number on every In-,
coming traln Between T.SOO and S,OO0T7
delegatee ara expected to attend. No
aet program haa been arranged for th
convention, but all the church work,
which Include th three great nrganlsa
Hons of the Baptist Church South, tha
Horn Missionary society and the Sun- '"
day Schools Publication society, will be
reviewed.- Alt the prominent divine
and laymen of the church are expected -to
be pressnt at the convention, which
will continue in sshalon till neat Tues
day, An effort will be mad to have
th next convention meet in Norfolk of
Richmond during the Jamestown expo
sition. ' Th Xlnal decision, however, ,
not wlthr th-lresent-envention,- ,
Three new additions are being plat
ted to Bonansa, which haa a popular
tlon of too. - - '
For Sale Bargains
' . Ill tena hop wire, til ton. ,
II tona "Remnant" plow steel
cablee. .
ItO.OOQ feet different ataea pip
ing. - - . ,
I0nion pullenihtfUngeto
. Metala, scrap iron and Junk of
all descriptions bought,