1 ' i Y V 1 : " ' ' I . i . Y: ' ' ' THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 10,VlC3. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 12.600 ELEQANTLT Bnlsbed 9 room Mf cot trage, 114 acrea ef (round. 1 bloch (rum (! a bargain. Inquire Oak Urove talloa. U W. Beluhardt. A CHOICE bomeetead In Waaeo county to rtUa aulsh (or price of Improvement, writ at :' ouc to 10S Worth Sherman at.. Albany. Or. HIUHLAND REAL JCSTATK! REALTX. RENTALS. INoXBANCE, i. ViKr -. COLLBCTIOKS. . Buslneee entrusted to my ear will ba . promptly attended to. J. B. BriKR, NOTAKI Pl'BLIO. . ' - f PhoOfl..Wodtau,h B2. - Ut3 L'aloa aV.7Korta- - Portland, Oregon. HOUSK mitif. eaay paymcnta: lots any part of ettyv- Main kvfiS. &la Dotamsrclal -Moe. IP YOU want la birthi .In a- clinics residence tract, cloaa In. vita good car eervlc. building ," . reetrlctloua, saloon prohibition, large sightly lots, 16-foot alleys, wide etreeta and broad avenue, build In, I'ladinont. . lt na aak your to nee Piedmont. W feel . assured It you will only M Piedmont 70a : will In all probability want to build Intra. ' Wi aril Iota for caah or on the Installment plan, and will help yon build on eaay teraaa. Main 871. . . ' 84tUrk at., .88,600 BUYS niodem bouaaa on N. 16th at. Be M. a. Lee. Ba Sixth at. PhoutPalflc 60. COR'KR and tnatda lot In fm Chaee addition. '. 2X; $10 down and 1 10 per month. Vernoo "-! car Una blocka. 614 McaUy bld. ' . I f -room brmaa. with baaamant and aood ' barn, lot 60x1 U0, on Mlaaourl ar.. 1 blocka from rarllno; a flna realdrnre; price 12.600; ' only -1.V down, balanr I2ft par month. . '. THR HOMB BKOKERAOB CO, Room ' Brocdrn bid(., Tblrd and Waahtnfto. y St Jehus. Property - ' ' lota, S block fro poatofSca, at 9350 PT lot. - '- a-room fcouaa, H block 1 (rant emrllna, lot '60xlW; prlr S0O. - - ' - - b-ro bo.iac,;2J4 block ftoav keboottouaa, I luta 60il0; prlc II .660. 4 8 room houaa. 1H blocka trom Month it. Johiia atatloa. t lota 60xli)0. wit bats and modern taroufhout; nrlra fl.tKO. Ixita In Booth St. Jobn 62M and np; thla proparty can ba bouht oa aaay tar ma. , Call " T1IR HOMfc BROKERAGE CO..Y -"Room 0 Braadaa bld(.. Third aad Waahlnftoa. ''" f)50 4-ROOM. bona and lot k blocka fron1 car oa inlon ara.; acil on uiauumcnia. warn- Inatua It. X TOR BALE OR TRAtlE lfomeataad rcllnqulah mont, autb aad Hood Rlrcr rallay, Orrfoa: - prlc - ('Jut, Addreaa K, - car Joaraal. BEST) tray oa th a( fld Ba building loU " on attb and 46th at a., Juat 1 block of Han - tlioroa ar, tarllna; prlc 3I)0; tcraw. 10 . nr month. M. E. Laa, 83 BUta aU Phoua - I'aclfte 6. -r VANCOUVER ATBW-ThU 160x122 with alley In rear aud aawer paid, offered thla wark for .$l,&if teraia.JKlnaaU, BOB OetBmarclal blk. . INCOMB. , . - Thr Dona, brl-k baaementa, lart lot. 'onljr 61,6ai. HENKLB HARRiSO. .VY-,.. ..T..VMagtoB. BWf, 6-ROOM modern bona on, Manroorlta ara.: air ' yard; price only 62,660; tartu to antt. M. t. ' La. S Sixth at. Phon Fadfle 6. . lr-Y'OU 'want to build la a ebolc realdenca tract, cloaa In, with food car aarrtc. building atTk-t lona. : aaioon, nrohlbltloa. Jars aixntiT luia. IS-foot alley. wll atrcaia and broad IT" 11a aak tou- ro aaa Piedmont.- W eal aaaured If yon will only aea Piedmont yoa will In all probability want to build there. , --We aril tota-foe aaah -oa- oa th. Inatxdlmant plan. and win help yon wind as aar terma. - - - ivvvvWrv Mara 871. 244 Stark at. , MUST-RE-SOLD -BY -MAX- 14TrL- Onoer going teat baa offered hla aew - . T-rooin "home, modem la azery detail, full of onvenlaaeaa. gaa- and electricity, hath uaod Lillet - npatalra. lot let - OewaataKa 1 1 mont" tiaaptnent. stationary tune. Terr lar '.L cloaot. attic all flnlahed: one Mock -from V ear. Bnnnyeld. 8,2nn; 8t?MX eaab, terma - en ha lam. Beetnf thla la th only way ta - HENKLR HARRISON, .. V ; 1T Ablngton Bldg.. .. ' v A. Great Snap ; - POR SAME Pin home, chean. a aar ear- aiente; aa B-rooaa houae. fmlt tree aad ahrubbery. corner lot, TOO Eaat lath at., ; cor. - Rhlnr- take- Bellwood -cart - lady - will ahow Tlattor today and tomorrow: owner' . renreeentatWe on premkM; oaly $1,600; terma eaay; muat aell. LOT near L carllne; full aiae: aay terma, 610 down and $10 per month. Alao eaa ea Bharer at., between Valoa and William ar. Pboo . Kat KIT. . FOR BALK Hour and lot at Meant Tabor, I'rettrman atatloa. 63.600 email caah nay. - ment, balance la 100 equal monthly pay. - menta: nowMalon Immediately. Inqulr 710 -Chamber of vowmerc. - 0OOI1 8-mom boua,- bath, . large cloeeta. fmlt. lawn, ahrabbary. garden, BOxltB lot, 1 block n ceriine. ei wur; iine im m srgeia, e terma: will go quickly.. The Coatlneutal . tie.,- 2 Btara .-...... - ... d-ROOM hooe and lot 188x100 feet, IS fruit . tree, barn and chicken yard, la neat real d"nc part t Lanta; prlc 1,0M: part caah. " tall or addreaa Ira KUborn, Lenta, Oregon. iiHiNSR lotflTllrtO. hUwka from car, eaat airte mean aiiq nuica iv jau, journal. FOR SALEFARMS. PARM 300 farm for aal. from I acre ap. Sea a before buying. Eaat Bid Baal Batata Co.. 40T Hawthorn a. .- . -r - 11 1.1 .... 1 1 1 B 1 110 ACRES, xft cleared, anm hearerdam. hoaaa. barn, orchard, 8 creek,; 10 mllee wet of Portland. Wlngran, Bearertou, route B. - -BTAMP tttlnga aTtitffrata1ogiie of country land. Barr-Paddoa Co., 860 Broadway, Oak- land. Cel. ; - - - NOTICE to Homeaaehar and iBTeatot I bar . choice wheat farma, la large or amall tract a, In the now faiuoti Eight-Mile country, la Morrow ennnty. a dlatrlct where failure wa v neeer known, where yoa eaa bny a home at a reaeonahl price, oa eaay teraaa, which will piak yoa from 10 t 29 per cent aa joar lnreatment. I ha alao nm Tery ebolc atock farm, cheap. Yoa will do yeureele aa Inluetled If yoa bny elaewhere without la'eetlgatlng thla aactloa of Oregon. Addreaa M0SE A8HBAUOH, '. i Real Eatate. ' rtght-MII.' Morrow Cea n ty, " Oregon. " : FOR BALE A good (fork reach of 800 aero In eaatern Oregon; lota at good water and wood; might trad for a entailer place that la good and handy ta church and acbooL for particular addreaa Box 84, Lena Rock, Oregoa. - - -- . . : 40 PER ACRE 126 Ti-a 8n frnlt farm, ta Yamhill aonnty, well tmprored; bonae, bara . and fruit dryer; good place tor atock;' run 1 nlng water; M acre cleared, 80 In rarlona klnda of frnlt; plenty of . wood; rural mall or phon. - A bargain If aold eooa. E. Q. . Robertana TO Eaat Sixth North. DON'T MIBS THESa) TWO BARGAINS. - $T.ono On of the alcant 60-acre farm, fully equipped, 11 mil trout Portland. -- 64. 600 A fin 60-ecr place, is mile froni Portland; fine anil, new bulldlngat the Cheap eat place, all aronad. near the city. p. rrens. I4v pirat at. FOR SALE TIMBER. "vMWcWantJImbaiv, ', w bare caah buyer for large aad imiTI . tract f iood timber in Oregoa, Waablagtoa fa : ar California. - - ; Gregg Eros.- . Phon Mala S20B. " ' SIT-I Pent bldg. ... 1 CERTirlED ecrln. any elae plaaaat- loweet 1 prlcea. W. O. Hewelt, BS8 Chaaxbai Oeaa- 18 SBCTIONS of good timber land, nearly all 1; In one body, ernlae abnr 8. 010,000 feet per quarter : near thlewater; a good laretmnt. K 12rt, care Journal. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. , FOR SALB A work bone, alngl or doable; welghe about LooO. . 2KB Eaat Morrison at. rOR SALE a T-rear-Md gelding, weight SOO Iba. each. CVarner Water aad Montgomery. JTOR BAI E Team, X iyo pminda; I team. I;MI I.iun'U, and. I rh' borar I.2g0 aoaad. boua 'El auiX JI Euaaell 1 U TO EXCHANGE. t LOTS, corner. Highland , . Lo on lath and Stevens ............. Furniture room, ekwe In , Runabout autu; aoV -room cottage, mudara . Traa to ault. ' C. A. MYERS. 28 Beeoad at no 85 8"0 I-0 1.3&0 HOTEL proparty In food lira saetern Oregon town to exchange for a (nod rooming-house or sal-u. What bar a you fat I Coma In ailO acrse unimproved land-la TttUnvoxt eoouty to exchange lor acreage or reeldeac property; look thla up If Ton want It. ( VKORTU WEMT LAST) COMPANT, tn Uoodnough bldg". POT CABH.. foe furnltara and boueebold good. PHONE MAIN 6665. EXCHANGE 10 acre at Bock wood; t-room plaatarod- nouaa. family- orchard, i horaa, 1 cow, wagon, farm tmplementa. bouaehold good, chick en. tc. J.-raIn (2,000; will tak realdenca to amount of (1,200 aa part pay. 10TH Third at. . FOR BALE or exebnnge, land for rlty prop- cru, 00a . t ui ai. noriu. 1 EXCHANGE or aell I badatead with box mat treaa, alr-tlght heater, drop-bead Dinger a ebla.' Phona Main 2S25. . ... .... BXCHANOB.r Wanted to xcbanga, aoai rholc land. Im- ?tot1. clo to Portland, on flna laral road. a- a large tract of land, well located, ta th taller, aultabla for a atock ran). What caa J.jmk offer? . ' . . UEAKUtl tlAtlKinun, 21T Ablngton bldg. ; IT ANTED Raorn afd board by young lady mualc laarlMHr who awn plana and wlabea . to glra one or more laeaona each .week a ; part payment for board. Phon Eaat 2J83. WANTED To exchange good United Htatea . patent, entire right worth from $2,000 to ', 66.000. for rare old Tin I In; muat ha in extra . good condition, fin mellow ton and blatory. Adilreae P. O. Box B.1. Dnfnr, Or. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BILLIARD AND POOL tablaa tor rant or for eala en eaar payment. . r - THB BRUMS WICK-BALRB rOLLENDBR. 00. " 4 Third t.. Portland. TOR BALB OR RENT NEW AND SECOND HAND SEWING MACHINES. STANDARD SEWINQ MACHINB AGENCY. B. D. JON SB, EDO TAMH1LL BT. . VI ad famltore aad will pay-fun Tara a. Phone Paelfle Tva, watr aairaga w, 2T Waahlogtoa at. . . WESTERN OREGON MINING MILLING CO. badtoartr atock ft eat and lalarmatlea at 208 -Tlrat at. Pbon Main 162B. BOORS bought, aold aad exchanged at th Old Book. Store. X2B YamhlU at. SHOWCASES AND riXTCRES made to order ) aeeond-band gooda for aal. Carlaoa Kail ; atroaa, 28 Couch at. Pboa Clay STL HOW Mte,-n tor bought, aold aa rchinged. ' Weatcrn BllTil Co.. 2T Waahrj KB Prtnt roar aama-aa flaaaUbxa aarahi,. Pioya alia and etyle. (Set JV) boalneae card, II. A. W. ehaxato Co.. S2B Elrat. Pertlaad. Or. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATTO CURB- - . rhenmatlaav Sold by an drugglat. FOR SALE Beetwd-fegnd vpricht boiler, ault . able for woodaaw. rfeatog Klelaex, rUU . and Everett eta. FOR 8ALB Partabl 8 b. p. angina and bailer; .urntd; . third IU Talaa.,.CB.CU gott, lawyer. 4 llulhey bldg. SPLENDID -lot of -damaged aewlng. machmeer Wheeler A Wllaon, Blnger. Domaatla and . ether. S. B. Blgel. 36 Mortlaea at., Mar .quam bldg. .-i.:.:.r;..... ; TOR BAI.K Good violoncello, cheap. - Imjitt-e 1 of Bnblnaon, room J 6, Buaael bldg.. Fourth . and Morrlaon, PIANO, Mathuahek aqua re grand,' roeewond caae, coat 660; price 6129. C. H. Flggolt, lawyer, 4 Mulkey bldg. . Bargain in ranch 20 acre cwecd. 120 alaahad; four million yellow 8r: S row,, 8 ' boreee. - wagon.- barn eaa, farm ntanalta. ballding. ' 84.000. lar ma. 1 lzu, journal. A STERN-WHEEL steamer of 14 net tons ready for rommlaelon: alao eeeerat ether ree el end tugs. Por farther apeelflcatlon and ' Informattoa apply ta Ueorg 8. Bush A Co lac., X-txi stark at. . . FDR SALB New furniture of t-room bona: a bargain at 84TB. 2bT rourta t. v ' tv n LWr . rvmti wgva. - uw. t hoc, hararaa; B . cows. Eaat 86th aad - Holgate. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE All ktnda of hooerbold gooda. hroa A Frledrnka, - Z48 - rroot at. Paainc re. -. , FOR SALE A floe Angora Blllygoat; young. " hlat. and East Coach sta. FOR SALB A ' certificate on Filer Plan . . . . ... . , nous, jsouree v iaj, car ourna. FRE6H cow aad calf for sal. SOO Front at. FOR BALE 10.000 feet of 2 and 4-Inch eaat .- iron aoll pipe In large or amall ejuaatUlaa, J. -Lmo as nro.. iteiej rront at. 13 BATES at a bargain! different aiae. all new; muat he aold thla week. Call at : 263-267 Front at. i B. BHOWfiABEB for aala cheap.- 1'nton efBea, 4T nati intra sc. oetweea imn ana uaria. FOR BALK Good fresh gent I milk cow. B4 -trIMie- PERSONAL. MADAME ANNA LUCKEY i -. .. .. . . Principal of the American B"antf Parlora, girea actenTine ireatment na? removing wrinklea aad -facial blemlahee with the -6rearh.-patr:.aaoMm. . Karrow'a .faroona. remuiea. aiectrie ann --a:. por nerna.-giTin. Patient - raceleed, with treatment, board and room. Batlafartloa guaranteed. Teatl- ' monlala ream leading phralelaae. Balta 16 league Hotel, sixth ana naablngton at. THE WAPB CORSET. 400 H Morrlaoa; beat - maoe. , TEB. Palm Tabfcta make make yoa aleep pi feetly; la) aad make roe atroaat they core aereousi price 60c a box. bom 82 60; guaranteed. All drugglata, or addraea Brooke Drag c. ST Msrtb Third at., Portland. Oregon. IALM OP FIGS for an female dteeaaa. 824 Eaat Belmoat. Pboa But 4084. , SUITS proceed while yon wait. 60c. Ladlee4 emit prreeea. aye. uiiDeri, ios4 Blk IB St.. next to Qaell. Phone 1 aelS -DM. DR. WORLBT BENJAMIN, the Foot BnedallaL no waaninftoa ax. noou ao. Bora fact made aoanA -i - BING CHOONO. Importer of Cttoea mot medi cine; aeiie t sin Tea raat la certain cur for an dtaeae. 1B1 Second bet, VaaxhlU and Taylor. , . . DETFCTITB AGBNCT Ooaflointl a rareetV gatlona; reperta made en any Individual beat. Be or property; missing relative located; bad debt" collected: charge reasonable: eor. reepondeeor oli cited. Oregon - Detectle Berne, offlcee 814-918 folamhla Mdg 888 Waahlngton at. Phone Mala 6618. BACKACHB and kidney er Madder IIimiii Crea with Oregon keriw; trial at tat 10 atampa Plamamr. MO Third at. , WET PBBT ar dancerona, Webfeat BtXralsg a. .i . - 1 . ART many or woman eaa b strong end happy I, M - D.11 .W. . . ..." 81 a 'boa. 8 bne 66. with fall gaerantee. Addreaa er call 1. A. Clemeaaoa, druaglat, eor. Second and Tambm ate..- Portland" Or. HIGH-GRADB portrait: special after forfrw E , nmim , varua or roMiin. ia. ror "l aaauty ana wera th eaat. v M, leeena, mm HoodaancB Mda.. Fifth aad aaxhlii LADIES' Turkish hatha, maaaage, hydrtarrtc vmiwvwwi .iririi nrar-ci place tor wnie only. Flat A. 661, Washington at. batweea 14ta aad ITtb itaj BOLDEN'S RHRfthf ATTO CVRBUMWa rara tar MANLT elgar laatered by Dr. Roberta Nrr Olobatea. One aeoatVa treatmeat. $2t I arrantha, $B aent aeearely sealed by malL agnw. wenara. curk at Oa., portiaaa. ur. TTBRI8H BATHS, So Orefoaraa bldg.i ladlea aayn, gii 'ana aighta. aala IBaB. DR. G. KETCH CM rana promptly private dhaaaaa. ktdne. nrnnM akla and aneelal feinal traahle.. Ptt or will. -Offtee-470i-- miro sr., cor. ramhlll. Phen Plfie DR. M. T. COLB, S4B Esst 89d t. maternity ; niaaast or women, raoa Taaer ill. DISEASES OP WOMEN eecceesfnlly treated: msiernuy case rnrea rnn, prtrate Pxapirai; rained nureae: cnnsnl!a(V. fr. Dr. At wood. . B&ovh Hsrxlsva at.-uem A Phone Uovd BSo, PERSONAL. 'PORBIDDBN PBUIT,"' "A Oar Lotharaa," - "Htory ot a Blaae." ''Paaay Bill" aea. i "Wia ( rtre. 80 eech llata tn., A. W. Bchoaal Co.. 228 First at. MARRY If auHed: yola eur aorlety; we bare hundred of membere wbe wish ta marry; ' many wealthy. 24 Buaael bldg. - SCHOOL hooka aad atl ktnda af hooka aoagM. old and chaaged. Joaae Booh Btora. hl Alder t. DOLL'S HOSPITAL . Repairing aad draealng. ' 881 TamblB at. WINS ETHEL WARD, scalp and face apecUI- lat, pian IcMrlfitjnd. ,hUopoUy. Booia 26, -I4H Hlitb sL ' ' " ANT'Iady baring femata trtmhbta,-aiental -phyaicel, la lirrltad to oaU ea Mr. L. hllee. between and 8 p. m.. Tuaday and - Batnrdaya. at 4T8 Wllllama are.. Portland. WANTED T beer from aom podr girl or widow lady matrimonially inclined; am 64 - yean; aa trinera need apply. June pa M. Larel.' general drllrery, Portland, Oregon. XOUNO lady gtrea eetentlne maasage, mani curing ana neauuruig. - 14 Vt Bixia net. aw ana Ahife' . ir LULU KNOL1KH, maanetle healer, poaitlrely rorea rheumatlam. alao glrea electric hatha ana magnetic treatment, aoith anm sv., room IV and 12. ATTORNEYS. A. tl. TANNER, attorney. BOB Commercial blk., - Second ad Waablagtoa ita. Phone Mala 84B, t.' S. WINCHESTER, attorney -at -taw, notary. 80 Waahlngton bldg.- Pbona Part Be txtl. AUTOMOBILES. CO EY A COOK Motor Car C.. P'-mtb aad Alder Afeote for Cadlllae, Plarca. Great - Arrow ana aten-uuryea , moior-eani av Vblnea rented, repaired and stored. . ART EMPORIUM. PROPEBSOR R. MAX MBYER. B4B Aider. Portrait aad laadaeepe artist aad ARCHITECTS.' ' a n wamaM n,,,),,, socond at. ASSAYERS. OARTIN CYANIDB BXTBACTION OO and Montana Amay OfBce. IB MerHeoa a. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS.""' HOWH. DATIB At KIUBAM. I06-111 - Blank book mannfacturarat aaeata for - Impmeed Uoee Leaf ledger j ee th new -' Eureka leaf, the beat ea the market.- BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. L M&&KVWktJLJCQ-JW:1r9tt at, BATHS MASSAGE. YOFNG lady (tire Vapor, alcohol aad medicated -jMtba.l'arlec- XI. BoSM Btark aU.. MIR8 RAYMOND glra batba and maaaege treatmenta. The- Coamoa, 2o8 Morrlaoa at. THE SNOWDKN BATHROOMS, 28TH Alder it., between 4th and 6tb Tub and rapor oauia, maaaage, electricity. - Phone Mala 6086. 1XA IT1K Bxta, - fare and -aeela maaaage. zia sum, ucx. xayiuc.. ids oaiuioo. MIB8 BF.1J- GRANT, late of Baa Francisco. gireamaaaag ana aicoooi ruooing m xon Btark 6t..' noma IB and BO, Taeome; bouw. YOI'NG lady g tree maaaage treatment for rneumauam. vxn Biarn ai., parioraiw-aa. Tacom hooe. - , '" TWO yoang ladlee glee maaaage, tub and rapor hatha. J10 rourta at., cor, waaningion. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOE8 aay ana aw yoa money T W eotket bed debt of all klnda. Northweetera Law A . Collection Co.. -122 Oraad are., reeca i 16. Cltlaae' Bank kids. Gat Phone Eaat BOeS. CIGARS AND TOBACCO.' M. A. OUNST A CO OUtrtbatota cf FINB CIGARS. V ' ' ' Portland, Oregon. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. , ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST.. ; PROF. E. KHIMO, " ASTRAL DEAD TRANCB CLAfRTOTANT. NO CHARGE IF MOT SATISFIED WHEN BRA DING IB OVER YOU TO BR JUDUB. I DO HEHERX SOLEMNLY AGREB AND . OI'AKANTF.E to make no charge If I- fall to rail yoa, by name In full, namra ot . your - friend'. uemtee r riral. I promise to tell whether your buabaad, wife or aweetheart ta true or false; tell yoa bow to win the ; lore of the one yoa moat daeire, area though mi lea away; bow to succeed in bnalneaa, ' epeculatlon, lawautta; hew to marry the on ' ef your choloe; haw ta regain youth, health - and vitality. - Remorse art I influeacee, cures - drink habits, locate treasure, car all Berrona dlacaara. - How ia I have eood lock?- .. -How.aan. 1 auccecd In. bualnemT - llowcaol niaka my home happyr . How ran I conquer my rneiaie I 1 How can 1 marry , the one I chaoaat How caa I marry well? -Hew-eeu- 4-onuer my clralt ' ...... Kow caa I make aay one love met How caa t get a good poelttoaf : How . eaa 1 remove bad lnflucaceal . I control any onT -rliema t-nke dfetoat anea thleft ef et How caa I settle my quarrel f How can T hold my noaband lovaT How ran I kae mr wife's loreT To 8 DAILY AND SUNDAT. . HOi.RSV IffTo Pfcmsnently located In Hla Owa Hum. PROF. E. KH1MO. " KrTBS-FlflBht., or. MdloBgt? MRS. STEVENS. Pnrtlajid' leading palmist. astrologer and clairvoyant, l aeveata aL. app. Hetel Portland. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. KVERDINO A FAR R F.LI., prodac aad commie. cioa marcnaata. io Float su. rocuaao, am, Phone Mala 1TB. CARPEx CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest plant en the eoat, Lortng ana naming am., ni. phone Eaet 260 Carpet cleaned. nStted, cawed aad laid; both (teem aad lateet coea. ptnatd an? preeaee; . J rating aBattraasca aad ieatbera a apeclally. - SANITARY carpet deealng. eacrloa aad com pressed air combine; earnere cieaneej on noor without ramovaL Mala 6664. - Mala 6B00. 1 f. HUNTER, 'eteaia carpet cad mattrew cleeaer. 600 Jerrereoa. rnone mem si. COAL AND OD... CHURCHLEY BROS, bar remove In 4et Vevie at. IW w Rwrn., ,., , in., m Bow th larcaat woodyard la the city. carry Ins all klnda ef wood aad coeL Mala B3I. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer la Lord wo, anal sod greea sad dry aianwooa. a. an Mna v., block east af ferry. Eaat 674. WKBTERN Feed A Fact Ca..M Froat, betweea (111.. nd Hevt. del ir' ta an awe v hnu eo.u bA hUekamlth aaala. Phew Ma 181A , . . . STEEL BRIDOB FCBL CO. Pee lee in eo.l, eetdweud and dry aiaawoea. raoa iwm OBtOON FUEL CO. All kind oft ol aad weed. 80S A Mar at, Pboaa -Mala . BOX and putner wood. Standard Wood Co. Immediate delivery, rnone r.nei sjiiq. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE . crockery and giacawara. Prael, Begele A Co.. lot t 108 Fifth, cor. Btark at. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN A n.OTfV -Carpenter, tntnor asd carrlag work. BJ eta ax. raoae raciae six. B. HENDERSON Carpentering and Jobbing promptly attended to. sUsntaaea 60S Mllwae kle at. Eaat 2ew. CHIROPRACTIC CURES appendlrttle; s drag ar knife. Dr. B Beaaa, Ml Valaa art, Xsb WaUam 81, . . . . ... v 3 CAFES. 186 OPFK1B SN6 Warttartoa 4.r V TTL Samuel Vlgneaus. . j. CLEANINO AND DYEING. Portlaad Steam Oleaalng A Dyeing Werhai pre. . UcaJ hatter la onaeeOm. 211 iOk. PaeltM But. CLOTHES cleaned andpreeed 1 Pr month Ualqae Tallaciag Co., B4T Waahlogtoa at. H. W. TURNER, profeeelooal iyer aad slaaaar, BOB fefferaoa at.. Phon Mala B6IA DRESSMAKING. DURING -the month of May wa wtU make a regular $18 ault for 812. a regular 612 ault for 410. a regular $10 fur : eatlafaetloa guaranteed. Mute. Baldwin, 233 Sixth at. EATON ault 86, shirtwaist 8; childraa'a clothe specialty. 624 Eaat Morrlaoa at. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. VORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Company, 84 Seventh St., Portland. O. K. to vrrytUBeT la th aieetrloal Una. Pboaa Mala PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Bnaineere. torn, repairers, electric wiring, aupplleae 84 - First, eor. Btark. Mala B6B. B. H. Tate, a FURNITURE FAQTORIES. ORxtGON Farattare Maaaractann(Oompaar Pertlaad. Or. L. Raveaaky'a faraltur factory. 8T0 Froat at FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-atr fnrnacea a feL I. O. Bayer Faraace Co.. S66 BeeoaA Mala 441. 'ENCrlND-WIRE-WORKSr PORTLAND WIRR A Fsaadare ex., eor. Sd. IRON - WORKS I Pboaa Mala SUVA, ;7 -v GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., Wholeaale grocara, facturrra and eoaiailmlea aearcaaata. aad Oak at. FoartB ALLEN A LBWIS. eomaalmloa sad produce I Portland. enants. Froat ad pa via sta.. Or. -ASOLIte ENGINES.- Stationary and marts: - "LHtl Spectal" t - gasoline launch, $106. aaoond-haad alaaul saaatnea and hnlhfc BEIERBON MACHINERT CO, . , 182-44 ' Morrison at. HAY AMD GRAIN. E. L. .COOPER A CO Potato. - teed -aad - floor. 12 t nlon av. " Pbon Kaf-16T Hotels. HOTEL Portlaad, Amarieaa puaj 23.18 pa dap, BELVEDEBB; Eurapeaa plan; 4th aad Aide eta. THB BROWN Grand and Hawthorne va. HARDWARE.- Pertlaad Hardware C. - eetlclta uipHltr ta aaot price, w 1st st..cr. Aiaer. Mai 1X34. INSURANCE. ISA AO ta, WHITE,. On Inaaraaoa. SOB Itakaa J AS. Met. WOOD, employers' liability and la dividual accident surety bonda af all ktads, Phon 4T. 802 McKay bldg. LOCKSMITH. 2. rt. RICHARDSON, tockamltf aad repairing. tRT Buraald. PsHte 1088. MUSICAL. EMIL THIEt.HORN, pupil ef 8BYC1K, vlolla . teecaer. ataai two wxtn. Tel. ataia MAN DOU N,. guitar, baata laesona Prof, B. A. Bmltt. TKt H,h at . Mat. S7n f MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN ' Oa improved dty - property er for bunding purpose. - ror rroaa a- re io . yaata--wttfc privilege 6 iina ll er part fter tw year. Loaae epproved from plana and money -ad.ani'cd "is-tHilldlng progress; 'Sortgsge taken un and replaced. . FRED B. STRONG. Flsaaclal Agent. - 242 Stark L THB STAB LOAK CO. r Aay aalarled employe, -.'age-earaar. caa get as hla note, without mortgage . Month. H Month.' Week SKO OtV-Repay to a $18.68 er $ 6 er 86.86 $26.00 Repay to aa 6 8.66 er $6.66 er II OS 116.00 Repay to r- i 4.00 or $2.00 er $1.0 210 WcKsy hlt-g. CONFIDENTIAL loans on aalarlea. Insurance poll el ea, piano, fumitnrv, warchon r. celrts, eta. 1 sny deaervlng peraoa may eerure a liberal advance, repaying by eaay weekly er monthly lnatallmeata, - , - - -NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST CpilPAMT. SOS Ablngton bldg. ' ' : MONBT ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE Aad etbero a poo loetr awn aamec witboet aecnrlty: cbeapeet rate, ecalrat paymnts; afflcea la 66 principal rttlra; v yeanalf awaev hv cetiln our term Brat. TOLMAKLzu Ablagtoa bldg.. 10 W Third at. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. Money caa ba arrowed oa eksy payment plan, lowest ratee; strictly confidential. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 42S Mohawk bldg.. eor. Third aad Blorrlsoa. MONEY ta In a on real, personal and collateral eewrlty: sped si attention to chattel mnrt- fagea; Botes bought. C. T. f allot. 604-6 eatoa bldg., 84 Sixth at. - BIGHLT respectable plac where ladlee an gent caa borrow money on diamond and Jewelry. Collateral Loaa Baak, 2o Waaa- - lgtTB rt. Phone Black Tl. - . MONET to Van en Clack mae eoonty lands, B F. aad F. B. Blley. 808 Chamber ef Com- LOWEST rtea w furniture and piaaoe.. Eaat era Loaa Co.. 44 f hyrlock bldg. I'acln 1116. MONET TO f.OAN aa tit kind of aecortty. William Roll, room 6. Waahlngton bldg. TO LOAN Bum to cult ea chattel R. A. Frame, 614 the Marques. ' WILL lean 16.000 er lean wa ml eetare ecurlty st 6 per cent. Fairlagtoa. SIS CbambOT of Ootomesfw. ' . MAGNETIC HEALINO. MERVOl'SNBBB end functional trouble poal tlrely cured; conenltatlon free. L. H. Hart, I Seventh et. Main 4ITS. 1 .! .1 1 T OSTEOPATHS. DBS. AD'IX NORTH RtTP. dlB-IB-IT Dehna .biag.. Third and Waablagtoa ata Pha Mala Bs. Eiamiaerloea fr. THE very beet lady osteopath U Q. aalta 1A aWlltag-HuiecVteldg. aR. PIIRCR, aetannath, vibration nd the new light.' 61 Ttlrat. I Pbon P.tlfl B6T. PBS. OT11 A MABEL AKIN. dOB-4 Ma-teay kldg. PhOD Facia 189, ke. b AUU, ... :;L.. FINANCIAL BANKS.-" ?6a)aatsssi ThTTID STATES BATMBAL BABK OT IJ Morthwret Coc. - Tranaaatf n..k.n. - --- the Pnlted State aad Aorvpe. Hocwkonx and Manila. CelUetieae atada aa Farernhle T.rma. Fal?cat ...ST'O. AlhB WORTH Vlce-Praaluant W-JP J.iLlZ'l yice-Prealdent .R. LEA EARNKS Ca.hler. B. vY. BCHMEf Assistant Cashlr A. M. W BIGHT Aealatant Cashier MUL1L- npHE BAVX OF OAmOBBTAEatahllahad 1M4. Hand OfSoa.-Saa Fraaawaa. 01 if ore la. Capiui -paid . r, , , . .64.000, OUO.0OI Burplns and undivided proflta 8B.T70.HH 61 a uaraj Banking aad Exchange Bualaaa latere! ea time depoalta. . Acount opened for k.mi... a WM. A. MACRAE....... CIBST BATIONAi kiVX OF 0RXXABD, OBEOON. - . IY- .. . iMelgnated Depoaltory and Financial Age at af th Colted B -- Frealdenf. .aT L. MILIA Caahlar . W. FBWKTRK Amtatant Caahler.V.V'";ti!LVIeBen4-Aaalstant Caahlar. ... .B. F. BTBYB.Nt -Letter Credit Isaaedvallahle la Europe aad the Eastern State. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York. Boston. Chleaga, St, Louis, Bt, Panl, Omaha. Ban FrancTaoo and the principal point' ta th Northwest ' Sight and time bill draw In soma to ault a London. Parle, Berlin, Frenhfort-w he-Mata, Hoogk.iog, Yokohama. C?pahagea. ihilatUala, Stochholta, Bt Petersburg. Moscow, Enrich. , Honolulu. .... ' I -ADD. A TILTOaT, BABTtlRB (latnhllshsd la 1168.) Traneaeta a Oeaeral Banking Bualaeea. Collection mad t ail aolata eat iter . rtlS Letter f credit Uaned available In Euroce and all eolnta In the Calted -;ttee. Sight Exrhaaae , and Telegraphic Tranafera aold oa New Yorh. Washington. Chicago, St.. Loots, Denver. Omshs. Ssn ranclaco and Montana and Brltieh Colombia. Exchange aold an London. Parle. Berlin, Frankfort, Hongkong. Yokohama, Manila and Honolaln. MERCHANTS' KATIONAL BAJTX, POBTLAXD, OREOOaT. J. FRANK WATHllM . Palrt. B L. DIIKUAM. R. W. HOYT . ' r..M. Tianaaota a Ovaeral Banking. Bualaeea. Drafta aad Letters ef Credit issued A reliable AIIParta of the World. , CollecYlom c Specialty. TRUST COMPANIES. D0,'?,,t TRUST COMTiJnr 0B-0BX0OV A . uyib 61600100. General banking . sxenange .-BAVINOS ACCOUNTS. Tim eertl&catee, 8 to 4 per cent: sho $B0S t ever. SH ta par cent. Call tor book of "ILLUSTRATIONS aad Oak ate. Phone B. LEB PAGET... , Secretary SXOVjmr SAYTBOB TRUST OOatPAKT BM KorriMa Btreet, Pertlaad .Oragaa. Tranaacta a General nklag Bnalneaa. SAYINGS DEPArVTMENT. Intereat Alwed ea lime aad Barlaga -it. Acta a Traatae tor Estatee. DrafU 4 Utter af Credit J. m ...... ' - Available la All Parts ef the World. . . -i i. ,. , C., f- BS Piaeldeat L. A. LEWIS. ....... ,...Flr Yiee-Pre.1 - A. L. MILLA....f...,..Beeood Vlee-Piestdaat j' R. O. JUBITB ! eecretary - - - : - GEO. F. RUSSELL.. .......Altlatsot gecratary , , M TUB M0RT0A0B OTARANTEE A TRUST COMFAVT BABK. . ' !!...'' - General Banking and Truat Business Transacted. Interest Paid an Time Dcpodta. ,. 0. W. WAWBBtjmT...l?.tVt1'tV " wV'uiiTr. . . ;. .....TtaPr-Ul-t , , B. LOGAN HAY8. ...Assistant Secretary i Elks' Temple, Seventh and Stark Street. Pbona Main 164. . NORTHWESTERN STAKAKTZE TRTJST COxtTAKT Portland, Oragca. V Lunjbet. Exchange. B. E., cotnt Second aad Jurk Btrceta taecoad Ki'l ;Y FISCAL AGENT FOB CORPORATIONS. , " State, County, Municipal and Corpora t ion Bonda bought and sold.' Nsw atrprte erginlxal nd financed. Stocks and bona gwerantoed. . BONDS AND M 0X111 BR01. 11 tint Street, Pertlaad, Or. Offer Ollt-Edg lareatmenta ta "afnaldpal TpXTLB OTTARAVTEE A TRUST OOMPABT g MORTOAGB OBTO-AUB LOANS aa Portland Real tract kOWrara, SOrUXI CO. Wheat and ifUmMmmmAmi-mttmMmammimmMS aan-aBssssssasaBssV awd u vcixtecZp Starr sri . BRAIN, PBOYTBIONS. COTTON. STOCKS AVD BOXDaV ' - Y, WE DO A STRICTLT COhUtlBnlOB BUBIXEBS. 1 . Coatlaaoa Market by Private Wlr. Quick ServlM. . BEFKRENCEB Ladd A TUtoa. Baak. era, nd United Btnte Kstlonal Bank ef England. LOUIS X MTJOTCIPAL --SCHOOL; AND coaroBATioM Blghcct Bataraa ta Javeetm PORTLAND A NORTHWESTERN BOMB MACHINERY. TUB 8. O. ALBBB Co.. Bianad-ba sawmill, ate. 646 Graad ava. BIPPBLY A MYERS, maebtnsat aad .i.fti a . ...Tw, aiarrnn ry aad caaollae englnec a apeeUltf. Oak at. Pboa Mala 1626. . MONUMENTS. BID A E1!(5S1.ET. IBS lint St., Portland : leading marble and CTranltc worka. , 1 PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS; F. B, BEACH A CO. The Faint Co, I - rlndew-gla aad 1864. - ERNEST MILLER A CO.. Second aad Taylor . Wall paper,, paint, u at auraes aw are eanvery. PHOTOGRAPHS. .. CLOSING aale efflelal photograpbrc view xpoaltloa, ouvenir poeicara, vivw oo" etc, greatly reduced prlooa. EzpadUoa Store. 64BMorrleoB ' t. j PRINTING. ma MODRRN miNTERY Artistic Brlntisc. ' he Roeeel bldg.. Fearlb aad Manhwa. rsaas Fadfle 16B8. ARDRBSON A DUNIWAT COMFANT, printing, llthocranhlng. aiaak hooka. Fhea Mala 17. BOB Alder st. WELCH, DAVIS A CARSON Printing that . pays -the payer. Roome (08 ad 604 Staarne hlda Sixth aad-Morrlaoa. I'aon aiaia ii. PLUMBERS, DONNERBERO ' A RAOEMACHER, - eanltary phxi Foartb at. Both phone. w a m ..... , .ii as S.W.. nnrr r""-"i sin snd Baiatea.- uregoa rnone aaa sw. FINNIOAW BROS. A CO. B8 Third at. Pbom Mala isoo. riumoera ano aeaiing agiie. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER.' A. M. BUTLER SB Concord bldg.; Main I67S. RUBBER STAMPS. F. r. STAMP WORKS, 6rB Alder St., phone Mela 110: robber atampa, seals, ateaciis, uaggage, trade ebeekei Bend for catalogue Wa 18. -ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO. guttering, repslrtag aad general lobblnar j. Loell. gix, jerreree . .-. L-. , SECOND-HAND GOODS. AOODR'S Furnlrar Hoae Hlghnt price paid for Mcoud-hsud faraltur. 116 Aecoad at. Phone Pacific 40 X. . SCALP TREATMENT. ORAT. falling hair, daadraff treeted; ehampe. Ing, manicuring, cniropouy, ian wr. sir, B. F. Erne. I66H Voarth, nr. aaorrleea Room St. Pboee Pad 6 too. . SCALP aad far maaaage. manicuring; agent for nr. Chrtetloe' rraca toilet srucie. ll-lt Oraod tbsstre bldg. Mala 6411. Honrs, B:S0 to . ' SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. AH O WCA S B8 of evwry deecrtptlooi hssk, bat ad store Sxtaree.made re crder. fha Lath vMaaefaeturtna C. Portland. SIGN-PAINTERS. fioLU BIUNB. window lettering, cloth htnner. economlcel- clectrlei lrn and eigne ef all klnda made aalckly, Foater A Rlalaer, Fifth and Everett. Pkoae Exchange 86. W. F. BERORR A BON. M Tamhllt at, Slgsa - of all blade. Phone Pncinc ma. - - - STREET PAVING. WARRRN Coestracrlaa Co.. trvt pevtng, la. walk . aad creasing. TIB Oregoalaa bids. THB Berber Asphalt Pavtag Co. af Psrtiaad. Offtc ens wrcetr sia -SAFES. DIEBOI.n SAFES ALWAYS RELIABLE, not la TBI'BT. Norton aad Backsye Jacka. hfetsl JfSce Flxtaree. Repair. Phone Mala 1666. oh a B. Davie, Ag. BS Third at. PORTLAND SAFB CO.. nl agente for IIERJ RINO HAI.L-MABV1N Safee Bad MA SO A- WEBB Ileal Bat Oa'B Bank la fa. II Tvh it, 10RTXATD, 0BIO0. - -- : Third and Oak Bta. ."'. DRAFTS ISHUED AeatlahU In Atl Otlea f Traasactea. uyibui - nirjirarn w ama of $10 aad upward, Portland xUaix fiimiB.r( holldlne. .jAmlatanf Maaager nftvRfll W. HOYT . . ' . MIITlli 11bT "Tte. Oldaat Tt Co Southeaat caraa Third , L .TlPreildent ...Aaaistant BeereUrf Private Exchange, TS. f. 0. OOLTRA.... . 1 . . INVESTMENTS and Railroad Bonds. Writ ar ' Celt 40 Waablagtoa Street. Corner Second. a Eatate at Loweet JLate. xiuea laauxoo. m Furnished. Bteek Brokna. (Eatabllahsd 18BA) 102 Tblrd St., McKay Bldg.,- Portlaad, Oregoa. Soaa S. 4 and 8 La Fayatte bldg.. car. Al - aad Wash. Bu Pertlaad, Oregoa. - DIVIDEND BANK AND CORPORATION CMtafnTWllir - Ad T : TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH SBCTJR1TIBS, TRAN3FER AND HAULING. I APES, . piano ' aad furnltara movsd. packed ready for ahlpping and ahlppad; aR work warahow 'tor storage. - Of fir 126 Flraa-aci O. AL-Allaxv--a'hoae-Mala 64T. . - A coc. Sixth and Oak ate. Baggage cheehed from hotel or residence direct to deetlaatleai pasngm inrior ama raaa aao aaaag a oc at depot. Private Exchange 66. a O. PICK, eftlr 88 Flret St., between Start asd Oak ata., phone 608; pianos and furnlrar muted asd packed for shipping; com medio anca warenonee wita eeparal aea iwm Froat aad Clay eta. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 164 Berth sixth. . Phew Mala B. Heavy hailing and storage, POST SPECIAL DELITEBT Ha, 800 Was Ingtoa st Pboa Mala MX. TELEPHONES. - THE eely egctnetve telephone bonae. B.-R. Electric A Telapboae Maaafactarlag aem. peay. BS Fifth a. TOWEL SUPPLY.- CLEAN TOWELS MAILT Comb, brash, soap, II per- moethr Portland Laandry end Towel upply Co.. Ninth end Coach. Phono 41 : TYPEWRITERS. MEW typewriter, all make, seated. Bold aad repaired Coast Agency. 131 Btark. Tel. leof. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. AT bf.O-rt AUFV awtT.wJa-.tWl AV r en niAnvB 1 ABV m. TV aliwr BE. rMM aVH Hilt CONSTRUCTION BEGUN ON PUYALLUP VALLEY ROAD t Special Iiaptrh to The Journal. V . -Tacoma, May 10. Thla morninar th Puyallup Valley Electrld company began the .construction f -aft -electrle inter urban road from Tacoma to Puralluo. a distance of nine miles. It Is the In tention of the promoters to extend the line from Puyallup to Sumner. Ortlngr and perhaps to the eoal mining towne of Wllkeaon.' Carbonado, Fairfax, Burnett and Buckley tn the foothills in the eaat ern part of the county, The road to Puyallup will be completed this season. It will traverse a rich country and rail road men propheay it will be a money maker from the oiitaet. The promoters, who- are Puyallup and Taooma capital ist, figure on 11(0,009 building the line and equipping It with roHlng stock be tween Tacoma aad Puyallup. reward Offered for . 1 RECOVERY OF TEAM Y (Spectal Dlapatch t The Journal.! -The iMUlea. Or.. May- It. Sheriff Bex- ton today offered A reward of 131 for the recovery of a buggy - and team stolen from livery stable In this city last week. Dean ,ls the name of the man who ts'accuaed of the theft. Me la about IS years old. smooth-shaven and 6 feet 10 Inches hi height. Dean la "Quite talkative and claims to be aelling . damaged gooda from ' Ban FranclBco.- The aherlff will give Hi for the arrest of the man and 610 for the team and buggy. The team consists of a sorrel horse and roan mare. , . FOR POWDER FACTORY - ON NISQUALLY RIVER , (Rpeelal Plepari-h to Tb Journal.) ' Tacoma, May 10, Edatern and ril- fornla rapltallats, reported to represent the Judton Dynamite 6h Powder .com pany, have bought 1,700 aVc of find at the mouth et tire Manually river, upon which will be constructed a large poarder manufactory. Y1 property lies adjacent to the Bound and the Northern Pacific railroad runs near by. Edward Muggins, ColonM Frank Koas and Then, dore Holdonwho aold their land hold ings to th caplullnts," refuae to give out definite information, bat indirect statements made by them Indicate that A factory will ba constructed on the prepcrtv during; the, coming summer end fall wUun w: 1 rrjploy t t ' men,. RAISE 17ATEKSC: timioii ifi Land Bought Enabling- th - Building of Dam and Huge : Storage Reservoir. SIX IRRIGATION FIRMS COMBINE FOR PURCHASE Valuable. . Foothold Secured Upon DetiijieBYrAtnik by Local Citlidns Having Welfare of Country at Heart. .- (Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.) oaeph. Or May 10. A dual of arrant Importance ..to . Joaenh-and aurroiindint " coumi y haa been eomummated at Jo epb, wherein thai alz ditch companies ra ' tiain; .water, from WaIIowa . rlvef for domestlo and Irrigation! purpoaea ba coma the owners of a tract ttt land at the. north anil lower- end of WaJlowa lhke, (neludlnc all the land on polh aides of Wallowa river where this stream flows from the laka. Th eon Bidaratlon for the sale was $5,000. ,-Wallowa lake la about five and on ; half mile rone and a half mil wide. . At no place are the banks alone; It, sides less1 than SB feet above the level of the lake; and the lower end is prac tically the same height, except where the river flows from it; and nature has made this canyon throufh. which the outlet flows very narrow. Y By this acquisition the water eoni panies have secured all the land ' re quired to raise Wallowa lake to any height desired up to 66 fact, and which, may be done for a comparatively small expense, and at the asm time have se cured agreementa with the nearesf ri parian owners covering -any damages -caused or to be caused by th raising of the water above Its present stage, " The -ditch companies have- at - this time a amal dam In the river, by whloh LUjb lake ! raised three to five feet above the average stage, but the store res- ervotr which, now may be' so economl c- meorpply-xtr-..wmtef rTaeaeF whole of Wallowa valley and still be In exhaustible. - ; ' From the standpoint of the publlo welfare there la another great feature In the sale. ; It Is that the companies ' thus securing this valuable foothold -on the destiny of a great deal of the farm ing community of the upper Wallowa valley are composed of local cttlsena, who have th welfare of the prater con- : turner at heart as well an persona gain, - AT THE THEATRES. Mme. Bernhardt'! Gowns. lladam Sarah Bernhardt, pho play ' Sappho" la the Armory Friday sight aad "Camilla" hatiiroay matinee,. Waara turn gown that wU! aetimUh and delight the womea of Portland. On et the hanrisomort of th Xamlll" gown la a nwhttlua la the eye tor detail peculiar to th French creator.- It la ef lustrous whit aatla, with, retard mhcldery la variegated pink Bowers, bached by their plentiful greaa follag. In this gown bar corsag fairly g lea ma with rare old point lac studded wlth-geaia weU act tad taste fully aalected. . " . 'Wonderful PiHsburjr pictures. Judging from th number ef tnqnlrte re garding the famoOi Plllabury picture of the Sen Vranciac earthquake and Bra, which are ta b shown at the ilvillg theatre next Satur day and Sunday aighta, May IB aad 18, a crowded booae will be la attendance. The tlckrta for both aighta will be placed ea Bale . next Saturday morning at the box of lice ef the Helllg. Popular price will prevail, . Adall 26 ccata, ehiidrca 10 cent. t; The World" Next Week. . Starting next Sunday matinee The World." a big melodrama fall of thrilling action and scenic wonder, will be give at the Eotptr an -week. The play-telle the- etory ef a young glrl'a flght for her right eatate against a villa law whom fata haa aud her gaardlaa. and who resorts to every eoacelTabl crime la order to wla hla aad. Y . , "The Inside . Track." rYY tf yoa ar la exarch of a good play by a . clever company of player ad on of th coxiest- -and - most- comfortable .. theatre, yon should go la th Empire Uila vw u4 ITh Inalde Track" preeentea By us aacx Swaia company. It telle the, atory ef gnat heart Intereat, dealing with the km ef a mlllcr'a pretty daughter Sag a rather happy. go-lucky young tan. The JLASt-fit Jthfl. Burlesque, Saturday sight will close "m TrVsi" hes- ana at the Baker. The California Clrax, who ar appearing thin week aa a Snal affeHng. la a good company In every particular.- Saturday tight will be amateur night and a great many local amateura have elgulned their lntaation f competing for the prise. ReheArsinj; "Prince KmtV,t The line-up, 800 strong, a, th Baker theatre Monday morning, when the aeeeoa eaat al for . the atock eaon opened, makaa It plala that nearly all the old patron ef the Baker will be seen la their old eat at the Brat per form a or aext Sunday afternoon. May 1. The rehearsal for "Prince Karl." th opening Mil. are now going on. -. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. "The Lighthouse -Robbery." i The Lyric atach company la offering a await Intereatlng pcoductkni cat atrmaoua ses-farlag life In "The LJgbthonee Rohhery," which le -being wrltneceed by a parked ha each aaatlaae hnd evening, which ia ufflelat reeemmeadatloa of th merit of th play. Th llliietrated aong aad. moving plctarea ar of a hrcter highly com amendable. , . t At the Grand. VlL.Il 1 lflxb-elaee vaudeville, th very Boat ea the - market. Is promlaed at the 6 rand, asd this theatre alwara live aa to II aroml. ' The bttl t one f tb bt In moy week. The head liner I Fred Rlvenhall. the eoaMdiaa from New Zealand, who le Bow an king hi Brt . tour of th trailed State aa th Sulllvaa A Coealdtne circuit. Grace Hnntlngtoa A Co. ' . preeent "Chcckmata." a lively little eotiedy.. a, i ...... ; v ' J-Y'YY'.: "InthBasket. " Ik A-.n,e,Ar A A A, ah tMtlaa a MisW tmTfm With wiitrti tb Rttff ttwrti mpnf taMkiTiff - . t ial k.iJl ak laa wmmm . . Than aaJwitJaT II W IITI ( 1WI UHI Tg- tei aw w . - - opened well Monday and every day snd sight alnc tbea haa deepened' the Impreealoa Ibat th Star stock eoapenr will uece throughout th hot weather period. Th enter. . taloment constat of a rousing fare, preceded by aa.ello of vaudeville tarn. .. . SUES TO FORCE FIRM TO COLLECT POLL T" . ' (Special rtlspatcb le The loornmi 1 Olvmpla, Waal" Mav 1 1'. l. T county attorney, began suit to '-v Uie"Ti'BI1ill tona itarrt. e r th aupcrlor court to c panr to h"1l "' r ' a.i-or the P';1 tx f : i n 1 nl f ' i