The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 10, 1906, Image 1

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' Journal Circulation
Showers tonight ! Friday showers
.nd. cooler; outheeatcrly winds, "Ti ,
yOL.-V.- NO. 56. -
on mm a wo rwi
V ' ', ' ' ' ' ' ' ., :'.'-!,L.r ; . ' , ,' ' " V ' ".' . ... 1 r t . . , . , ;
. -:-r. --rf-r s::t v b - , , ...,, , ii In . lermtm r An nrkir .. ant
Czar Nicholas Formally Declares
Opened-rls Be&nninG of Popular Uov- ! -rr irru ruv nnAirr
ernment for SlaysVinter; Palace
Scene; of Day's Ceremonies-Populace
Cheers Procession of Deputies.
(jMrtul lMUt llOTTkW.) ,
St .Petersburg, May 10. Ths session
. pf the" first parliamentary body In the
history of l:usla . wu opened at the
, winter palace' y the csar today, v It
Imperial splendor and at the lima time
' a, demonstration of the tact that the
, government ta determined not to abro
gate, completely Ita power of dictating
7 to-the- people-- Many thouaanda of peo-
pla from all perta of the -country had
- rome to St. Petersburg to wltneaa the
WgynejTwompKnytnr thr-oprotng of the
. nrst national sssembly,or douma.
tTlili'll HIIII IHI.Iir wel11
" t a- Llfyrjjr: aA i a '' L -asmfc-W-s"
on everything of a auspicious nature
.that might be going on In any part of
the city, particularly around I the im-
1 palace , and the "Tsui Id palace.
The atreeta between the two . palaces
were- carefully guarded by a large force
of troops and police to prevent any at
tempt upon the life of theesar on his
- way-tor- arkff rom "the -parliament bnlld
1ng. - Outalde of the cordon -of .troops
-thousand -of people erowded-the atreeta
" eager to catch a glimpse of the 'csar
'- and fata brilliant aulte , - ,
-' -.t Smperor'a. Arrival? .
The caar arrived from Peterhof "at
? "' Win ' n'rlnrk' anil went .M'. ihe win Vr .
. palace In a cutters The csarlna went
to the palaoe In a carriage..
. .1 Te peuma were aung In all the churches
at "II" o'clocK.: AC 12:10 O'clock members
, of the douraa and bureauoracy arrived
-"-'at the winter ptUace, the deputies gath--
peror, ' greeted lhe deputies . afid pro
claimed tfie'.douma. In. sesaloni reading
art adrlreaa-rThe deputteg repaired to
Taurlda palace . after the address aruV
the- proceselon" "was loudly-cheered by
the-populace.---t-;-;'- " -.-'t--V-- --
V ;, i x he csar and psarina, followed by the
- coort.' ' army, navy and church officials,
' entered the halt the palace. Every
( thing' was arranged with the- Idea of
Impressing - the deputies with the
glamour and - strength of the bureau.
.cracy. The ceremonies began with a
1 : To Dewn. Then came the legal procea
i. slon. . Couriers carried the dlamond--'-
studded scepter." The caar was seated
'in the center of an Ivory throne. The
C scene. rivaled anything ever -witnessed
4n .15 1. Petersburg. ; ; ' :;
' 1 Am Zajrol t7 Oaar. ". ';"" 7
; .'- Tht peasants were not disturbed by
J the display of pomp - and ' splendor.
Bureaucrats and courtiers applauded the
czar's addreeav The-peasants were not
"" demonstrative."- The caar appeared to be
. in good health, but showed age. - His
' address dealt in generalities. The dep.
uttes were silent and their atUtude Is
considered an Insult to the csar by the '
T7 ' ; rjoarnat pefhlt-Brlee. .
an ' Prancieco, Mays 10. Sam Has
- kell. veara old. la at the Oakland police
-lslatlon and -hia-pathetlo llttla-atnryJa
' rtnly pne or thousands enai'iea uu irrej
. morning of April lS. He "says,hls Tath
" er's name is Jack Haskell,-and - they
" lived near Jonea and Market streeta '
"When the earthquake carae," the boy
. says. "I ran out of the house and up the
street. I stood around an hour or two,
but could not find papa or mamma and
went back - upstairs to our reoras. I
' found them on the floor under a great
.(Joartttl ISpeelal ierrirt.) '" '. ''
Gsn Francisco. May 10 Twenty-five
i property-owners Interested in real es-
Ute in the burned Chinese quarter have
met and organised an" Improvement club,
the ob.iect of which la to secure tha
, n building of Chinatown on the old ait.
A resolution waa passed Instructing a
.-r, RnH ally appointed committee to confer
'with-tha Chinatown committee and do
all in its power to secure and prevent
a removal to gnother part' of the city
-, ' ": - . ... . i ' . ...
(Wiiiwdstoa Siiresa ef The Journal.) - '
' . "r Washington,' .Maj 10.--Th-secrets ry
of the Interior has asked for proposals
for furnishing T.J09 to l,00 barrels of
portlsnd cement -for use In the Okano
gan and Umatilla projects.'-- Bids will
be opened In Portland June 1. .
.v -'
,' (Joeratl Bpeelal Service.)
Wllkesbarre, Pa.. May JO. Seventy
per cent of tho miners responded when
the mines resumed operstlons today.
Th-re was no discrimination and all
old employes were rt hired. - - - . ,
- ":;v,.
etmrtlers. - When Nicholas left the hall
the deputies showed him no homage.
Luncheon was served and the deputies
then proceeded to , Taurlda palace.
Many deputies express the opinion
that the douma promises to be vested
with real legislative powet. - Tha nar'a
entry Into the city .was the flret since
Bloody Sunday, It months ago, but waa
accomplished so quietly that no excite,
ment prevailed. Police , .and military
guards made the trip comparatively
safe. . .-' . -
r .. Ceremony Is Srtef .
.Tha actual opening ceremony we
r aoiiverea a snari
for political prisoners and the abolition
of martial law. After a brief reference
to the sentiments .which had prompted
htm- -to-srire-te-hls people A -net lenat-aa1
sembly and after having pointed out tne
duties 'of- the first parliamentary body
of the empire be '.declared the session
formally opened. ."' ''
The opening session of the doura was
quite short President Petrunkovlch oe-
llvered an address ..and submitted a
number of communications from the im
perial government. Including a plan for
the reorganization of the flnanoes of the
cotrntry. Boon after . that-the first
meeting was adjourned. ,.
Thr trrst national assembly Is woU-e
pec tad to accomplish - much. The sin
cerity -.of the government' la caning the
foody- together is questioned and the Idea
that the whole affair la cut a tnee naa
gained ground since the dismissal of M.
yjttjL 4ndthe Installation of reactlon-
arlea at trie neim or aiiairs. iiBirusi
ta also excited-by -the 'provision, that
the' caar- mtry dhieolve the parliament
and order new elections, but doe not
make provision Jfoa -tha lime whea the
new parliament, shall assemble.
.iiLiJ'BsgiBataa of laaeeey.''-
But the all ImporUnt fact It that a
representative- form- of govern ment for
the Russian people, has now become an
established fact and with this as
foundation upon which' to begin, work
the task of developing Its powers and
Increasing its prerogative la a matter
for the genlua of the people to work out.
It la manifested, however, that this task
must - be accomplished in the face of
government oppoaltlon. . .
- The Taurlda palace, where, at least
for "the present. , the sessions of the
douma will be held, waa built In 1783,
end waa presented by- the Empress
Catherine II to Prince Potemkln. the
"hero of Taurus," after the conqueat of
the Crimea, i When . the prince died in
174 It became crown property and haa
since been used as an exhibition build
ing. It was completely remodeled-tor
the purpose of making it suitable as
a parliament building. .
big chimney that carae down through
the roof. f - - '
"I called to them, but they did' nM
nwerma ,ndlhen I phII '
them opt. -but couldn't. Then. I -.tried
to take the bricks off or thembut.the
chunks were so big and heavy I couldn't
lift them. Then I ran out on the street
to get .some help, but could get nobody.
"Then the fire came and I got scared
and ran. Some people gave me" some
thing to eat,, and next morning I went
back to find the rooms, but the- ptacej
had burned. , ,
''What we want Is" a Chinese quarter
constructed on a thoroughly sanitary
plan, ald Secretary Brown. We do
not-want to- be discriminated-against
and intend. If possible, to' prevent, tha
changing of location of the oriental
quarter." . ' . - ,...
Several Chinese merchants were pres
ent at. tha meeting, -Including .represen
tatives of the-Blx Companies, and they
resented a petition In favor of being
allowed to remain on the old site.
(JnttraatVaperlal Servlse.)
- Senta Crus,- Mxy 10. Th bodyf Xj,
B. Chapman, who was drowned In the
San Lorenzo ' river yesterday, has not
been recovered. - His hat has been
found. ' Everything Indicates that he lost
his life while attempting to assist Miss
McKay. Parties are still sesrchlng the
river..-. . . -.. , ,- ... ...
- (Jnersal "pedal Herrtca t . ,
..Berlin. May 10. Three hundred thou
sand men will, be affected In the strike
f the metal Industries In Qermany,
belnnln frtilsy. . , , .-...-
n.;m 1 ;? " nn ii imvn n ni.wjiKiH ;-n-ii-.,.v.w-,vV'.-:
UUU1" - ' 11 ? il I WI 11 fll 1 W VIUL 7i :
e llf Mil . HI IIHI I HI ' . A I '
--law- - - .' a tt.- r "f . -a- Ji
- (Joanwl Special Rerrir.) .
fit. Petersburg May 10. The
w -.czar's entrance Into . the capital e
e . today from Peterhof - was the e
e first time In IS months that ' s)
eNtcholas baa beeirlir StrvPeteree
a ourg. The caar arrived at 11:10,
e o'clock on tha imperial . yacht. e
landing at the dock In front of e)
e Jthe winter palace, avoiding the 7e
e neresslty. of- paaalng through, tha 4
e streeta. The csarlna went to the e
Vpalace ln. .carriage. Immediately 4
after the ceremony their majes-
e ?itie returned to Peterhof," where a
e they will spend-the summer. - - e
-WW s e e lfers I
Mining Town of Mitchell Is
stroved .' Thirtv Families J-
. s -j - .
1, Are - Destitute -Other L
' ' Villages Threatened.
t . (Special Dispatch te Tse JosrsaL)
Seattle, Wash., May 10. The mlhlng
town-otJBerlln, on the Great Northern
eellroad abeut Si-mllasagiron-acfleattlei,
waa -completely wiped out yesterday by
flames from forest flres,Thlrty fsmU
lies were! left-shelterless, losing -veryr
thing Lputthe. clothes they had on their
backa. ..' , .' "'
- The - Great -Korthern ixrt-.hia
morning that wires are down above Ber
lin .' aqd . It ' la believed Madison Hot
Springs, Skyhomlah and other places
are. on fire, t The rstlroad has sent a
glnea have-been equipped-with long line
fife hbse and are fighting the fire In
many places along the line In an effort
to save bridges and section-houses, t
--.Tha bridge at Berlin, was. aflame yes
terday and tha rescue erew sent with
the engine and caboose to rescue women
and chlldrervMn Berlin had'to fight the
flames on the structure before the train
could safely tmit , ' f
The fire is sweeping down the can'
yon. of the " Skyhomlah river and de
stroying ' everything lie Its -path. Men
are on the mountain sides biasing trees
to try to stop the progress of . the
flames.' Every building la Berlin ' has
bean swept out and women and children
are huddled together on the river banks,
while the men are- fighting fire, . -.
The loss at Berltntcannot be ascer
tained.-- Berlin Is a starting , point 'for
mines In the mountelns. The fsct. that
there has been no rain- for weeka and
everything la dry makes the progress of
the flames essy. ,
M Skyhomlah the coal bunkers, depot
and many - buildings belonging to the
Oreat -Northern are on fire this nwrn
Ing. The loae will be heavy, .
Speetl DUpetrh K-'Tke JaaraeL)
Baker City. Or., May 10. Uovernor
George E. Chamberlain arrived et Baker
Cltv at noon today and wss met at the
train hy a committee of prominent cltl
sens and escorted to a hotel. His' ad
mirers lit Baker City are giving him an
enthusiasts reception this- afternoon,
The governor, accompanied by promi
nent Baker City citlaena. will go to
Haines this evening, where' he will
speak. At Huntington tomorrow night
he wlrl hold a gigantic rally and d
dreaa tha voter of Baker county at the
opera-house at Baker ' City Saturday
night. ' ' .. :- .
Jo tVelte asoeaded.
IJaoaaal Soeelal Semee.t
Chicago, May 10. Joseph llter haa
been suspended from membership ' .on
the Chicago board of trade for failure
to pay bills against him for services
rendered during his spectacular wlttat
oorntt eight years ace, . .
-I 'i '
-ef Ok J
W taU'
Russian- Parliament Hall," St'Peters-
" burit'.r Inwhichtfie "douriiiineet.
B ef ore t the speaker's desk; is ' a
carved .eagle. - ;. - -.-;
af '.--jr, 4':ii'X: :
I v.
. . .... ;.r ' ... l : ' , i ,-
More; Money, In.' San,, Francisco
NowTharit'Ahy TTme in Its
History . Deposits ' Ex --V-
- ceecl Withdrawals, , V;
(Journal Special scrrfr.) ,
San Francisco, May 10. The- financial
situation -is growing brighter -each day.
The 121.000.000 cash held by .the banks
previous to the fire has been augmented
by" large .additional - payments, -while
dally deposits exceed withdrawals. There
Is $5,000,000 lying idle In the mint for
which there Is no immediate una.
The discovery that papers and the
money In the vsults of the Bank of Cali
fornia' krSlnUCt lead to TM belter that
all the, vaults will be found In good con
dition. When' the banks open June 1
the city will have more money than at
tlsaa In Its history,
The announcement of Assessor Dodge
that. lie will radura assessment In the
burnt district , to a - nominal amount
baaed-on the se.vlscd alQeS'of land haa
been recetved with vavoTr-' -This year'a
roll . will : probably show a , decreased
valuation .of . 8200.000,000. .
.With tha completion of five cooking
planta in, the relief section from which
warm meals can be aerved for II cents.
a great saving In the cosr-of relief will
be accomplished. From 18.000 to 80,000
will be. fed from these places. By the
addition of a . meal ticket system ; "re
peaters" wW be eliminated and workmen
encouraged to buy their own meals. '
been located by the board of health at
which many refugee are being treated.
All refugeea at the Presidio are being
vaccinated and the Inoculation wilt be
extended. If the health conditions war
rant it. - In some cases, vaccination la
being performed at the point '- of the
bgyoueU .. -- i -
e -T e
1 (Journal Rpeeial Service.) ."'"
St.' Petersburg. May 10. Mem-
d ' bera 6f the douma and bureau- - e
cracy arrived at the winter-palace a
e shortly after noon. The deputies i 4
i gathered ta the- emperor's room. - e
- Tho - pcaaant - deputies - seemed - e
d unawed while viewing the splen- e
e dor of the palace room. : e
d v ' The opening of parliament was w
4 X a splendid pageant, marked by e
d pomp and- panoply. '.The emperor"-"1
greeted the ..deputies and pro- e
a ; claimed the douma in- session e
e end read an addreaa, sfter whlche)
e the deputies repaired to Taurlda e
e palace. . . . .
; ': ", -.- ; - e
Comes to Portland From Penn-
sylvania -No - One r Meets
: Her and She Will Neither
- Talk Nor Eat.
Refusing to touch a mouthful of food
or to utter a sound save the character-
Honed. MabeTTTood, an -year-old Indian
girl, who traveled across the entire con
tlnent: aloneandarrlved ln..Portland
early thia morning, has sat In the waiting-room,
of . the union "depot an aay IB
stubborn silence: r : r: :
, With-characteristic Indian stoicism
the." child endures' hunger, apparently
waiting for some .one of her own race
to'eome to her. Bhowtir have nothing
to do with white people and every effort
of the women of the Travelers' Aid com
mittee to learn something of her story
has been mat. with., a tony .alienee, The
committee" is keeping- ar watch on her
to see - that she ' does not strsy away.
What the-women-are to do with the girl
If aome .one does not appear to claim
her they are at a loss to determine.
Th i child vis rather 'pretty, well
dressed and evidently speaks and under
stands English. Alt that can be learned
ofihow she-got here and what ahe came
for waa gleaned from an Indian teacher
who-met the child on the train and man
aged to elicit a little information from
her. The teacher Informed -the -Travel-
era' -Aid committee .that the child comes
from the Carlisle Indian - school -in
Pennsylvania. -She waa put aboard the
train there by some of her relatives and
checked through to Portland to meet her
father, who is supposed to live some
where IrT Oregon. The little girl Is evi
dently In ill health -and presumably wss
sent. out to her father on that account.
As-near ss-the -teacher -was" able to
learn, the child herself does not kno
wnere ner ratner is supposed to be o
whether he was even notified that she!
wss coming to Portland to meet him,
Nothing canbeJearhed" TromT her aa to
who - or - where her - relative- are - In
Pennsylvania. f forts to get some trace
of the father: have proved unavailing.
Mr a. Haldwlrr .of the Travelers' Aid has
decided thst the- wily thing to do Is to
keep the child at the depot for a day or
ao in raae the father or some one know
ing him should appear there. . If the
father does 'not come and cannot be
located some disposition Of the girl will
hare to he made by the Travelers' Aid.
LlUln Mabel doesn't appear to be a
bit worried, but thoee looking after her
are, because ah won't eet and they do
not know how long It has been since she
did partake of rood.
J ' (laursal Speclar Service. ) " "
New Tork, May 10. District Attor
ney Jerome has subpoenaed President
Peshody of the Mutustf Jt.lfe to- apivear
before. . the ieclal 'graivd Jury.- It la
underatood ,'!' body win be a willing
witness. v i-- ..'
Republican Nominee
iiiKotl-Admitteil ' 'to
ship Until 1888,
in 18711
- James Wlthycomba, the Republican
nominee- for governor, Is an Englishman
by birth - and lived In Oregon; for - 17
years 'before -he- becam-a-American,
cltlsan. . He was born March SI. 1854.
near-Plymouth. England, and came to
this country with his parents while a
boy,The family settled In the Willam
ette valley In 1871 and -ever since -that
time- James Wlthycomba - has been a
resident-of -this state. - '
Not until April 14, 1S88. when he was
84 years of age, did James Wlthycomba
become naturalised. The record-of fits
natu raHsation 1 a trhe' found inthe
office of the. clerk of the. .United States
district-court In this clty.and-la as
follows: - " """'.- - - ' - -
"United States district court for- the
district of Oregon, April . 14. 188. ,
'In the matter of - the admission of
Jamea Wlthreombe to become a cltl
sen of the United States.
Standard Oil Infamy Exposed by a Former
Employe Who Confesses : to Bribing v
T't - lopP(ftHConce
. (Joarsal Special Service.) -- -
Chtcago,-May-10-R-M-Wllhoit of
Topeka, former Standard OIL agent, waa
the prlnclpaJPwItness to tho- Inveatlga-
tien--being made-hy-tha- Intetatat com.
merce commission today. lie. testified
that .the Standard OH company had or
dered htm to pay clerks In the employ
fQmUoncpnrnlng:mpetItprs. He
stated that the Standard Oil company
maintained by theae methods a com
plete espionage system throughout, the
country, . 1 - .
Wllhoit also gave Inside information
concerning the . grades of . oil . handled
by the Standard and sold to Its cus
tomers. He stated that several grades
were sold, which werejn reality of but
One grade. Hi aald:
"Water White. Perfection and Head
light oil,- the three grades of oil 1
handled, were all sold from the sam
tank. I know that I cheated but I
' ("pedal Dispatch to The Jooraal.)
Vancouver, B. C. May 10. So clue
haa -yet been received as to the where
abouts of the men who held , up and
robbed the Imperial limited. ' Posses
garegating 100 men. composed" of cow-
ys and .Indian trackers, era. now In
ursult. A number -of Vancouver and
Seattle detectives are alai on the scene.
The- rohbere undoubtedly -are the men
who robbed : the) Imperial limited near
Mission two years ago.- It 1 believed
to be Bill Miner's gang. The Canadian
Pacific has offered 85,00 reward, the
domlntan government. IS. 00i and the
provincial government 11.800. "
-Washington, May . 10. Secretary Met
calf, baa requested consreea-to appro
priate 888.000 additional for. the con
struction of an Immigrant station at
Angel ialand, San Francisco, .
Washington, May 10 A practically
complete sa-recment haa boen reache.1
on the tm -H I !!1 and n ,rcr 1
be suhmf' i ; V or '
th It.
for Governor Was
::-AniCTlcai. Cmzen-"-
Though He Came to
."Now at this time cornea the above '
named applicant and prays to be ad
mitted to become a eitlsen of the" United
States of. America, and it appearing to
the"court,from 'the testimony' or lfc"A.
Ooddard arid F. J. Barnes,- thaf atd,
appllcan t la In all "respects " dul y qual 1
fled and entitled to such admission, ac
cording to the laws -of congress regu- ,
luting the naturalisation of aliens, and
the said applicant upon his oath first
July administered, .now declare that he
will aupport tha constitution of the'
Unltad States and that he doth abso
lutely and entirely renounce and ab
jure" air allefrtanc and ridelttyto every"
foreign prince, potentate, sate and sov
erelgn,Ly whatever particularly t V to
torle. q.ueen of Greaf Bfltaln and Ire-i
land.'of whom he wa a- eubjootr
." la considered that aald
lames' Wlthycomba be and he hereby la .
admitted-- to become a cltisen of the
United States of America,-' :
did it. tinder their Instructions. The
Standard" Oireompany values a" man
only by the dirty work he does. Self
respect compelled me to ault. I used :
TcHecRlTTn bribing railroad employe." -
T . . . - ... . . ...
nuiioii ioia me commusion that the
Santa Fe railroad and other trunk lines
reduced tariff as glf ta to the Standard
OH company. , ' t
Wllhoit said--that tha Standard waa -satisfied
4f It got & per cent tit tits ort
trade, otherwise It cut price and killed
competition. He alleged that railroad
delayed - independent shipments - and
made long hauls, aiding th Standard In
destroying competition.
- -Subpoenas were Issued for nine Ohl
county treasurers to appear and produce
documentary evidence . during the, oil
hearing to show-ths. organisation and'
operation of the oil trust In Ohio. It in
charged that ell Usee for the Standard
subsidiary companies and supposed in
dependent companies are paid by one
man." . ; , r .. ..
.-:'J '. .-.. ' - - r -i
Relief . Committee Cutting town
the Number It Feeds De
' perate Burglars Caught.
(Joarsal 8prial Sarvice.)
San Francisco, May 10. As the re
salt of .a careful census of the refugees,'
the number fed by the relief committee
haa been out from t7.CI ilJ.H.
Today's rations . consist only of meat. ' .
vegetables and bread. . Next, week th '
distribution will be made every other
day. Employers are being urged to pay
laborers part of their wage ( day -to
enable them to buy food Instead of
aeeetjtjn; charity. In esse money la
unobtAlnable, employers ait asked to
give potce. which msy be used. as a
medlurt of n!wne. The BrotherhonI
of Painters' ta un ' ' lug to bulM tr.
porary fyur-roo. ,(' t"f Its
bers.- r' r"-" ' "
Til p'"lli-e I-ift lht f- lr-
daring' attempt -to r.h t
fhnng Y B"n. hl"-.-
fwf., 41 eonln'n- i vi.l'i.
I H, nun. ( j i
v. v-."