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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1906)
'.A- -TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 9. 1SC3. IME LEAD III ea.sassaasBaBaas sfc.aaswsi aaa aaaa 1 ... Torn ?cj!3 - xosioxrs AKvizxxrri. ...... .....Fethee O'Hire's Benefit . "The California Olrta"- "Tli Inelde HmoS" "iriir .... Empire l.vrlo "The Llehtheiue Robbery .'! the Seeker" Ursad ......... ....... .Yu"le III The Bros receipts of the priori so- -elelyg- weekly concert last night in . Arlon hall war turned ovar tq the re lief committee for tha benefit of tha ' Ban Francisco suffsrcrs. - Lsst night's concert wii a complete auceaaa in at tendance and In the clleno of thi .numbers presented. Mrs. Ann Sheldon . sang, severs! selections and the Phil- harmonic quartet,- Norwegian - Singing society, Graham Hodadon and tha Arlon mala chorus ware among the attraction. I" Chief of Police W. ' jrhotchWlaiTof Ravenna, Ohio, has written Chief Orlts mecher.that Lewla D. Husley, whose failure to obtain money sent ' blm at Portland or to write his mother caused ' the belief that he had met with harm, has returned horns. The letter was - dated - May 4. - F. X Sanford. Park Place, - Oregon, lnformdthe police last night that he met Huxley at Third snd . Bnrnalde streets two weeks ago - and that Huxley at that time wa in good "health but homesick. V I ' Deputy District Attorney Ous C. Mo ser yesterday filed an Information tit the' circuit court against Xing W. Baker and Adolph Johnaon, who conduct a saloon st tha corner of Third and Taylor streets, charging' them with allowing a female under the ag of tl years to , remain In their resort. The complain ing witness is Pauline Wyman, aged It years,' and H ie Id he was in the saloon- on April Si. Presiding Judge Bears . this morning set the cases for trial for May 14 i l ORGANIZATION Suffragist Havt Working Plans : That Cover Every County T IrTthiTState7. -TT""-" TEACH LESSONS TO A ALL POLITICAL PARTIES Not Only r Do They Make Poll of Voters, but Alto Take Complete - Census of the Opinions of Women on the Question." .' . Mart In1 Men. an organisation of the , First Baptist church, gave a banquet and debate at' the- Watte .Tempi laat night. .The subject dlscussd was. "R. solved. That the business-man-is m greaterbenefactorjthan the professlonsi man." A leer on S. Dresser, It W. Stone and C IL Kopf were the Judges and the decision wss awarded to the negative .The pastor. Dr. J. Whit comb Brougher, ' gave a short taU on the purposesof the clam. "Hon. 'Sllva 'HelmannofJajuAOtonlou rwr1s"lnT,ortlnd as the guest .of Snl Taul nf Ilia Ore Importing pany. Mr. Helmann is a prominent poll- snd is also the president of th Texas Btate Fair association. His .visit to Portland' has to do. with tha ststa fair and tha Edgewood Distilling company Cincinnati of which ha is the presl ' dent - '..' ' : .-' ' County Judge Lionel B. Webster yea. tarday appointed C- H.-Woodwa rd, W. F. Fleldner and Martin Winch to act as appralssrs of th estate of the late I .out Blumauer, whose w'H has. been ''filed in the county court "By the terms of the will, th widow gets sll of ths estate excepting 12S. Five dollars each waa allowed a aieter, three brothers and ;;th father of the deceswdr: ' HetmrBergeTTthe H-year-oldT gdopted .... .daughter of Mr. r-id Mrs. Robert Berger. . who disappeared from iter horn Monday J'ah iwasf auM.ISltardar by Peputr! Sheriff Kelley. Sh had been hiding in - Th moat, perfect political -organisation in Oregon today is that maintained by the Equal Suffragists., .. Th head quarter in th Stearns building in this city Is in- touch with county -organisations In vry on of. the' IS counties of Oregon, and ha ramification -xtnd- 'ing.lnto every precinct 'In .the state. Over Its precinct organisations ar al ready organised and in splendid work ing order. "Besides local speakers ant) workers, the following field campaigners era now scattered throughout th vari ous .parts of th a tat: "Miss Mary N. Chase,' Coos county; Miss Mary C. C. Branford, eastern Oregon;. ' Miss Clara Berwick Colby," Mlselaure Gregg,' Linn county; Mrs. Emma S. Davoe, Mrs. Helen Harford, Miss Gall Laughlln. Jnsephln county; Miss Laura Clay, Marion county; Miss Kats Gordon, in chars of th Portland work; Rev. Anna H. Shaw, In charge of tha field .work; Miss Alio 8 ton Blaokwell, Miss Lucy Anthony,' Miss Mary S. Anthony, who, by th' way. ls T"Vrs old, snd ths last of th orlgtnLrmpus -Anthony family. In making a poll of th voter,- as is usually don by th political parti, the women go a step, farther and . take a complete census of th statu of th Th abi i uffraglata hav arranced fir"! itlug Buiiaa"mttrTTTne'et Ple'a forum, where Rev. nm H. Bhw VMiM kdeW on th -question of female suffrage. Th ltaUtoJAAntcmla.Uutfrata public meetings every Sunday at S:IOj O'clock p. m at th. uelllg theatre, be glnnlng May II and eewtlwulng wntil the day before th election, uklri, Id- Portr-Boyerr -who I - tit charg of th literary bureau, aays that every successful candidate for a stat office In th recent primary election, In either- party- Is - In favor -of -equal suffrage. ' The auffragtats held an anthuslastlo j meeting last night at Peninsular. The : speakers wer Mrs. Boyer and "Miss! blackwelL .... -. . . r-w -! POOR FARM JNMATE- AMONG-THE MISSING the-brush, at ths foot jf Arthti She admitted having been advised by older children to becom a truant, but willingly want back home snd promised not to repeat her conduct ur-etrkl1 law par1 ' A. Bi Tung-tf-Sn Francisco -hfl com to Portland to live and la at 2 Harrisotr street. Mr. Young cam to - Oregon across tha-plalns-in-IISJ - as a member of the emigrant scort of that year, - commanded . by Captain Msdoreim Crawford, and In which the deceased senator, Joseph KDolpbr was an orncer, snd-his brother, Cyrus A. Dolph. an enlisted man. Replying to an invitation to visit this city from Dr- L. Rlcen, Maxim Gorky, the celebrated - Rusalan novelist, has written thst hejs unable to say when "he wIircome to Portland, but will let it be known In advance whan h does so. Dr. Rlcen thinks that the San Fran cisco earthquak may caus Gorky to chant his plans end com her Instead 1 of going to-tho- California city. - Th Title Guarantee V Trust company . will enlarge and Improve It quarters In the Commercial building at Second trend Washington streets The partitions bet we tuwprantffl- thl rooms of th Canadian Bank of Com merce will be" removed and the latter Inatitution will be moved to th Brook- Glsy building at Second and Stark - streets. '' - . ' y . .. . ' offlc-ot County Clerk- Frank- S.- Fields. The. canrui steK 4 lin.O0O.Th pur poe of th new-corporation la to de velop Oregon on land. " Steamship Noma City sails direct for San Francisco and Los Angeles' fiatur- lav t n fn. Cabin 111 an1 III (1- The funeral of th late W. B. Chrla-t eteerxs. II -and 111.-meals and barth 'nae'nwaahMrom thkr Third stfet.- yestwday-afUrnoon. Rev.-Charles W. 'Hays of the Marahall Street Preaby ' terlsn chnrh offllated. Exalted Ruler , Dr. Harry F. McKay ' aaalsted -in thai all colors, al ritual work. Th burial waa-at River---view -cemetery and -a lerrer number of friends' of th family, were present - This evening Will be ladles' night at th Elks club. - All Elks have been in vited to bring their wives, sisters and other women friend to ths elubhouss this evening. De Csprlo's orchestra ha been engaged and th magnificent col lection of steins will be on exhibition. . "Down South In Dlle" was th sub ject of a lecture last night at the Fourth Presbyterlsn church by Rev. W. T. Jor dan. The address wss the last of a series given -by the South Portland Li brary aaaorlationr'Th entire series has been S success. - - Roses! Roses!! - Roees!!! Wi have many thousands of choice ' bushss on hand th good, old roaes and new nov elties. Call and. se them at our tree yard, Front and Yamhill streets. Get o-jr rose catalogue. Portland Seed Co. .. Article of Incorporation for th Lang lol Oil company hav been filed In th American Restaurant c. .. . Cor. Third sad Couch 8te."J;rj ; ..pnn dat at irtoTr Xtae 10, Siloed Tomatoes. .... 10 SUeed On cambers lOe, Toung Onloas 5 Cora Beef Xaah wits Voaehed agr - 15e Oodflsh aaUs, Oram Saao. ....... IB) ifotk aad Bean.......,. .....16 Steamed X.1U1 STeok Clams, Draws Batter .20 Clam Bouillon with Toast ..15e . rrted Shad loo, BtaUbut i ........ 1 B 'Salmon ...15e Bpagkettl with Che, Salla....lB - gtrawhTTie aad Cream 10 Strawberry Short Cake ........... 10 trawnerry n ...... M,.r . b aalua, la Cream ...,10e Coff Bread aad Satter aad retateee with an m Judg Ralph Dement, a former : e State Senator John .H-. Mitchell. .. 4 ha . mysteriously - disappeared e from th county poor farm. Th - last Superintendent D. D. Jack-" .son saw of th aged attorney In-ey-Tnate-wag-oTr-th -night" of the ' prlmariea. At that tlm Judg Dement was discussing - tha merits of th new prlmsry law and telling at th olden .Mr in ' which gold . circulated freely when delegate wr selected for - county and state conventions. - Those upon whom Judg D- mnt first began his - lectur " ere said to have grown weary of llatenlng to the discourse, so left th speaker and went to bed. - ) Dement started in search of a ) tr anAtenea That th lest A - - w-w. - . .- ... r- him. . Dement .was at one tlm mu- ntetpal Judge of Portland and Is on' of the' bestknown-Df -ithee) local old school attorneys. - ' e) eeTw " nlaces ha a been only 6tnctdentof ... - ... Z ... ... . 1 many that stand out on ner travels. -Ram r-RafrtaTT-Rafflar:tTre have kizm .. .Mr v-soctai ay quantity. Book of instructions only 250. Port land Seed Co.." Front and Tamhlll streets. Butser's lawn fertiliser rejuvenate th shabby lawn: his swt peas and lawn grass got gold medal at th fair, til Front, between Tamhlll and Taylor. Watch, diamond and . Jwlry on ay payment 11 down and IS cants par week. All mainsprings ll; all watches cleaned L. Metsger A Co., Ill Sixth at Wedding Invitations, class announce ments, calling cards, eta : Proper form nd latest styles. A Win 8. Hawk Co, Third sUeet , , Cheap Clearance- JJale - on Pfants. Bedding plants a specialty, at green houses, I IT .Williams avenu. Oeo. Beta, florist Wanted Boy and girl for both our candy and cracker factories. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co Eleventh and Da via. We are etm sailing y glasses at II, a perfect fit sua ran teed or money re funded. Mtsgr A Co., ill Sixth trt Coal oil and gasolin for" stoves and auton'-rter Phone Main 1112, -- Red Tsnk Oil Co., 141 First street C B. Walborn, furnitur repairing, nol- lshlng. packing, shipping. 7skXiak.lLl . - Dr. Hawk hss returned. 9i-t Or. gen lan building. -.Telephone Main 1112. "Duatlees Roads." Portland Road Oil ing Co., 441 Sherlock bullding.. Panama Hatter, til Fourth afreet ' Largest in ,th World. News - department Carl Jones,- the cigar man.- Fourth, and Washington: "W Mil The Journal for I cant." ';' ' . i ' - Milwaukl Country Club. . Memphis and Leulsvlll raeea. Take Sellwood snj4preonJ2lljrcsrs SUlrstl ana Aiar. ' Bref erred Bvek Oaamed Crdodsa ; AUea lwls' Beat Brand, SoU AgenU for the "VI'Ianstf " Sewing Machines-15 ModeU-Slfl to $35 Each Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order New MonlInsLowet Price 2d Floor ,.-lt-. ---- 8000 Men's Shirts Loiv Priced IT' ' ' A Y i L if i ii ! ' M r Men's .! M ..: tac L II Opportunity Is offered today for economical men to sup ply their Summer shirt want at a big saving All the best atylet1 In all gradea are includedTake advantage 200. dozen men's best quality' madras Golf Shirts in all the newest - designs snd Colorings, made coat .style,' cuffs, attached pr de tached, air sices: every shirt fegulsr 51.50 value: Cf .IA your choice st this low price .....vie 17 100 doren men's white plaited Golf Shirts, very' natty, all sizes; oest aj.uu values; your cnoice at mis iow price.. v.. fine quality imported madras Golf Shirts, made coat style, at- tied or detached cutis, oeautuui styles m large ; fr s - kq vsttety; regular Si.00 vslues; your choice St.. V e Men's fine madrss snd Oxford Golf Shirts in plsin and fancy colors; best $1.00 values, on sale at this special price,,.. 73c Men's 'pongeecolored" twilled Overihirtf, nicety made and COT finished, all aires; regular fl.OG values for this low price.. Boys' Golf Shirts in msdras and percale, two colors to match, lQ- , all sizes; great special value at this price .-........... rw Boys' msdrss Overshirts in plain and hnc? colors tan and "C. blues sll sizes; great vslue st the low price of, each.... AftJi; The-Meier-G) Frcnlx-Stc: "Vudor" Porch Shad2G3d n. r .v r. We are sole Portland a. Ktt J it n 1- Shades The bestorchp iiiau bvbt ptni on tne market Made of linden fiber strips Securely bound Well made and finTshed-',Vudor1fshTdes keep out the sun and still permit the air to circulated Four sies complete with ropes and pulleys ready for hanging If yon put them up yourself the prices are 50c each less than quoted here 4 ft. x 6 ft. long $2.75 eq. 6 ft. 6 ft. long $3.50 ea 8 ft. x 8 ft71ong'$4.5j ea. 10 ft. x 8 ft. long $6.50 ea. r SPECIALS IN THE BOOK STOFJt 'j ; Children's .Books-r-"The Woggle Bugi by Baumr 30 e copy ; -"Peter Teeter, 60e copy; Flrtwer Babies" 5e copy; Bill Nye's Comic History of the United States, 60e-copyrCamille.papef edition. - 104 copy Read. tin before Bernhardt tomes; "Roasts, " a new : toast book, paperless, leather 65e. -1,000 titles in sumnrer reading at 10e a copy. - 1 ' -y ";f"':--: Scholars' Sundsy school Bible, special at fi.OO.' ', '-.- . Up-to-date Letter Writer, great special value, 3Se copy, Hot-Wcathcr Housekeeping Helps Refngcrators at Very Lov Prices ' Two special lots of the celebrated White Mountain Refrigerators, made of kiln-dried lumber,' golden oak finish, well built, latest im provement, economical ice consumer great values: teiyS Modal onal "at Each Sll. Z5 Model cm sale at 6A7 Xacti Genuine "Philadelphia" Lawn Mowers solid blsde, 12-inch size, fully . guaranteed r the regular $5.50. oa sale at this CA. AO special low price of................................ ajTr"iT Rlui Flame1 Oil Stoves at very low prices Tfr51ror$2;6aHSg for $4.47 Each 3-fltiart lee 6, 8, Ift-qiiart ' jprinMnCqssch,j432c and ....... Complete stock ot screen uoorj, winaow-cTeenar rim Freezers, e-rcst value, each ........... Trunks and Traveling Bags - The largest and best stock of Trunks and Traveling Bags on the Pacific Coast Every desirable style and size , in all grades Js hv I : : eluded TThese special offerings must interest' travelers --.rr :; : rereiLjvatetsrooL painted Trunks; hardwood strips. steel clamps, heavy steel corners, clamps on top and bottom, brass lock, set-up tray with- hatbox; Kf.5....;...t56.l5 HeavTcinvis-covered-TruiAiJ 7 waterproof -paintedhsrdwoof"8!atr rtf.aliAP rrr i-lrtt h.lin rr fif-t-tin trav anf! eictr HfesA trivr 30-in., $8.75 val.t$r.40ea. 34-in.t $10val.t $8.45 ea. 23-inch full cowhide Suitcases, figured linen-lined, with C C . : Shirt foldrregular S7.00 value tor.t v'' v 24-inch Suitcase, full leather, moire-lined, with shirt fold, bra$S lock and patent strap listeners; tne.Dcst aiu.uu vaiues, CH l. on sale at this low price;,.. "May Saleswomen s Neckwear :37c White Neck Ruchings, six assorted patterns in neck lengths! -' . - regular 50c values, on sale at, per box.'...,...........,.....--. Lawn Undersleeves, puff style, with Venise and Valenciennes lace and em broidery insertion ; cuft trimmed with narrow lace edging KQ regular 85c values, on sale for. .................. v. ....(..eU.. Broken, lines of Bustef Brown Collars, pique and lawn, for Dutch neck T jfectsih.lindj.ncLcyf ideredi-QcAad 65c values....;. Embroidery band Tea Stocks, with long tab, batiste and Battenburg 4yAf : designs, in good varietvi gQc values fory,...' ; ;.. .0frC Allover Embroidery Collars, all sizes, 25c values.. ecru, Buitable for yokes; TalueiTTarlglng fWrn !i.L!5 to- $lU.Wt-en-aalA-a ......... -LargeCape Collar, in Venise and applique net top" Laces r- creamwhianjd special price ... . ... . .... ... ... . , , . . . ONE-HALF-PRICE Complete stock of Ostrich Peather Boa all lengths and colors. ! -. Entire Stock Robes Reduced MsaTiif'ce ft Wh'fe t"d Vet Rbes 'w prtty styee; veg- -ular- $7.(XViues-Tmaterrthispec1Tdw price . T-White(-pink,-bkie and laendesNet.RobeSflt thia- sea - - son's styles; regular $10.00 values on sahr for it V r White Dotted Ne$ and white and cream Lierre Robes, beautiful styles in ei j laiKe assortment all T'eaucca. tkand -bargains: ' $12.80 values at $ 8.00 each $16.50 values at 13.00 each $20.00 values at f 13.00 each $22.50 valuesat f 15.00 each $85.00 values at 929.0Q each $25.00 values at ? 16.50 eacfr Embraidered Batiste and hand-embroideTed Linea Robes. Our entire . stock at greatly, reduced prices this week Take advantage:- $.7.00 values at ? 3.98 each $20.00 values at 14.75 each $11.00 values at $ 7.50 each $25.00 values at $19.75 each' $12.50 values at $ 9.00 each $30.00 values at $22.00 each $18.00 values at $13.00 each $40.00 values at $32.50 each AT THE THEATRES. iBernhardt'i Strenuous, Life. Madame Sarah Bernhardt, who -will present "Sappho"" Frldajr nlgtit. and "Ca milla" Saturday afternoon at the Ar mory, doesn't car wher sh plays, and ha demonstrated the. fact, manyimea durtn-herfarwll -tor- f Amartea. .But , play I n SMn, t entgM'iLS" p.'.PPf 4 auditoriums ana oiner dui-oi-iiib-wjt Bhe and' her -company- went" Tyapotat train from New Tork to hlc and ran ir th curtain up on "t Border" within 44 - hour -ah : was rth only woman aueet at a million dollar din ner glvn Jf James Hasen Hyd In Niw York, and sh pis jed 1 times In T days In th Canadian provinces, snd It times In days In th New Kng-land states. - . Pillsbury Pictures at the Heilig. Th famous Pillsbury pictures of th terrlbl earthquake and fir at' San FranrUoo wlU be placed on exhibition, at th Heillt theatre next Saturday and Sunday nlhts. May It and 11. These wonderful pictures slv the best Illus tration of this awful calamity that were aver taken; many of them were obtained wrill th flames wer raln their wildest, and the devastation wrousht-by them Is most, vividly shown on th canvss by th latest Improved srenoscope. Tickets for- both alshts will be placed on sale next Saturday mornlnc at tha-box office of th HeCIa; theatre. Popular prices' will prevail, Adulta II -cents, children IS cents. - r. The Baker Opening. r! AS the day draws nesr fn"r the open ing of the Bsker stock company th publto realises that, an extremely en joyable stoclc sessoir Is about to besjln. There are still excellent sessnn seats to be had. but they are aolnt fast," and you should com early this week and ns the Ones you wsnt to occupy' all th season. Ths old rule will apply you enaS" yeur seat now. and pay for them e you use them each week. Th first bill will b "Prlnc Karl.' th play mad famous by Richard Mans field. Edgar Baum plays tht tltl role. , ' ' ' . ' " ' ---Neat Week at the Empire. The bit thrllllna scenic production, "Th 'Wlorld." will be given at th Em pire all next week, stsrtlna Sundsy mat inee. - Th seen ef thla novel produc tion la distinctly nsutlrwl and th action on of Intense dramatlo Interest. Th events mostly lake placa-.oaoarA big Atlantic liner. There sr Som most characteristic people represented, which give abundant play for. com edy. Th World" next , wlt - at the Empire -will doubtles meet with im mense success. "The Inside Track." Patrons of the Empire ar thla week enjoying Oliver Coud -Byron's-thrilling melodrama."Thrlnside 'Tracks-- fnlt of plot, action and Intense1 scepes, cou pled with much bright, laughing com edy. "Tha Inside Track" 'la on of tha best play seen her this season. It Is well worth a 'visit to tha cosy Empire some evening this week or Saturday mettwea , - ' .The End of Burlesque. Bvry one knows that this is the laat of 1 the big ' bur!stru- aeaaon at. the Baker, snd thousands of people who have enjoy-their popular-form -of amusement all aeaaon must now b content with something else. The Cali fornia Girls this week Is ths last com pany to com to Portland. Ther will be a matinee Saturday afternoon, and a snoial - closing perf orjnaae-, Saturday night.';. ..Saturday night 'will be known amateur night, and a prise la of fered for th beet amateur act appear ing on the bill. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. . "In the BaakeV "In the-Basket" I th nam of th rousing farce-comedy which th Star stock company Is presenting thl week. Those who hav eeen th fare declar that It Is th best warm -weather en tertainment they hav attended In sev eral .years. This week, besides th fare there are a number ef vaudeville act and th moving picture. Ballad ar also contributed, the principal on being "The, Burning of 'Frisco Town," the lstest sons on ths market "In th Baskrtr-givn-svry afternoon 'and twice .. each evening. ! - . .At the Grand. I talnment of th season One should at tend th Grand tht Week. Th Two Dots open the performance with an ac robatic. . act which surpass anything or th kind hitherto offered her by young women. Rlvenhall, -the' comedian from New . Zealand, has comedy work which has nvr. been of fared to an American audience before. . Th Gil lette Sister ar black-faced goblin girls with songs and dances. Dawson and Whitfield ar a brae of comedians. Grace Huntington and her associate glv a io-mlnut comedy, which' Is eomplst play. - At tha Lyric. Th majority ef peepl ar Inteeeeted In any wall written atory of th sea, and especially la thla true when th story has been dramatised and enacted by a ooaapao et capable aetose. "! Lighthouse Robbery." which is being offered by th Lyrlo stock company during th present week, I meeting with signal success, du to th .excel lent manner in which th production 1 being placed before th theatre-going public. AU should see "The Lighthouse Robbery." 1 " FARMER BADLY HURriN -RUNAWAY WHILE PLOWING Walla Walla. Wash.. Msy S. John Anderson, a prominent farmer residing north of Walla Walla, waa brought to Str-Mary'a hospital yesfrday wHH-haU '-nf, his light foot cut off: Anderson waa plowing yesterday morning when his team became scared and started to run. " Anderson was -drawn undr-th plow and his foot badly cut. He almost bled to death before he could be brought to Walla Walla." ---r, , ; CDICAGO PAINLESS .DENTISTS 303yS Wash. St, Cor Fifth St. 22-K Gold Crowns.. $3.00, fj.00 Bridge Teeth $3.00. $5.00 Oold FillinKar;T:;TiV.-:.$1.0O up Silver Fillings. .. ,4..50c Onr prarilee le limited in klsk-cres nek. Nolhlns knt the- heet. Examine.. tloa fre.-.. l?k.year fnareete. Benk refereae. Ope eeeslsa aad Snaaeya. rrr "BEST BY 23 YEARS TEST" Foe Sloaaach and Bowel trouble. Live er and Kidneys, and .all diseases Sue to Im pure blood or weak nerves Small sis (tsblets) JSc. large sue. SI 00. Al Drug gists' (in black boveat not. send tar FREE trial boa to B eT WaHvo- Herbs Cnmpaay . Cehieike. OWej, ee Sew freerlec. Cei. It's an Easy Thing to Do And a good thing to do. Paint - your fences and add year of sarvio to them, a wll as sddlng lots to thalr appear ance. Bay State Paint la good for erood or Iron fencing- Wood will' rot, and Iron rust, but our paint will atand storm and sunshine with Impunity. Tata bio pautt stoks. Fisherjhorsen & Co. PBOITT AJTS MOBBlSOaT ITS. WE HAVE NOW THE ' LARGEST COLLEC. . TION OF ORIERITAL - And-Carpeta ever shown- in our atore. 2 Sornyei3r rart pieces are among them.7rThey will be on exhibition all this week. ATIYEII BROS. 411 Washington SL ' TeL Mala tOSO. Bt 10th aava lltkv 0 . J....; : : .. .. ....... . .r . ........ '... Woodmere t Portlaad'a most beautiful suburb. tS jalaas front city ea the mt. soorr BAZX.WAT. - LOTS 1 M W - WW laT 0 $150 ID J3.C0 Jtvr , . DOWN - $3.00 A MONTH . 1 - 1 LOTS. ft . K a vwv " ' . .. 1 I , DOWN .j . . J3.C3 A MONTH X.ots Selllag Bapldly. Boat Walt, say Wow. BTBBT OOMTBirZBVOa XM 1 ; . Vake MS. SeotS ear, Plrai aad Alder rr s E