The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 09, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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S v Anti-Flannel t Brigade
Portland Pastors and .Teaches Them It
: Is Sinful To Be Weak., ;
"Verily, verily. I say unto you, except
- . a nan ref rela from wearing flannels he
'.cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.'"
' That la Profeaeor Flynn'S' revised ver
alon of the family text '-. .' '
1 ' IM uf essor ' W, Peri WynB mi Mr
- Xoulse Maolntyre have come toTort
' land aa physical evangelists, aa opposed
' to spiritual avangellst declaring -that
poor health la a crime and not a mis
fortune at this stage i f , -civilisation.
Sunken chests and rounded., a houldera
- fare a sign of wilful ignoranoa, and people
muat be educated. ' They bare come -to
'. Portland to convert the city and have
made an excellent atart in winning it
minister- 7 VT' v
" , Ministers Are Wen
1- These ministers believe , in Spreading
1 the goapel Of phraical etrength ana will
, proceed to help -in converting the whole
town. .They have agreed, to rtee at an
' early hour every morning and to appear
. for rollcall at I o'clock to go through
their "one. two, three.. four" exercleea
- Thla aaorning they, eat and listened paa
..lvely taMr.rJynu whtlgjie robbed
then of their prerogative of scalding
. and preaching.- They all agreed to be--,
oni chesty, and morf than that to make
tIwnfiiitt-kMty and . to do
thla a commlUeo .-waar appointed to-ar
-range for passing the good work along:
- - Dr. J. Whitcomb. Brougher 'was made
a. chairman, representing the Baptist de
nomination, and the others were Rev. E.
J N. Allen. 'Presbyterian; Rev. Mr.' Ham,
Congregationalism Rav."H.G.' Shaffer,
United ' Brethren; Rev. Mr. 'Abbott,
- Methodist; Rev. A. A. Winter. Evangel-
-Rev, g, B MurkUy. riirlsTTMll
je' ati mrtaV-
; ' A mass meeting for men and women
both will be held at the White Temple
- ' at ( o'clock next Tuesday, which -will
- be addressed by Professor Flynn, Mrs.
Maclntyre and several of the pastors.
.'. Demonstrations will follow for the men
- " and women In separata rooms by Mr.
', Flynn and Mrs. Mclntyre. A similar
- . - . - ..... a. -
, , ....... - . - ' . -''- r
'.' ' ' " (Jenrnsl per1l BerTi:.)
Chicago, May
penter', who before her marriage
,w Rosalie SturgM, lswaktnr a determined
effort to 'aave the Tradera" ' Insurance
Y company, despite a receiver, and pay all
clalme, at least all Ban Franclaco xlalma
; In full. - Today aha came from her horns
" tn Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, to whtl
' could be done. '
"Heirs of this Sturges estate certainly
Youngsters Will i . Run Cross
'i Country From Oregon City;
It y to Portland.
One Hundred Thirty Boys Will Pr
tkipate in Event - After -Passing
Phyiical Examination Before ,Ph7
: itcUnTrephy for.Wlruien.1 '
The wagon, road between Portland and
llf be TacrTreUy hut for an huur-andJih,,
, a quarter oa me aiiernoon or eaturaay,
"May 1. The particular function that
. , wUl warm up this thoroughfare will be
, a grammar school relay race. parUcl
. pated In by II boys from each-of 1
Portland schools. . .
"... . Tha.boya will be dropped . along In
..: bunches a mil apart earlier in tha aft-
emoon and tha race will be pulled off in
' relays of a mile each. Tha dust wUl
"' begin to fly at I o'clock sharp from the
' front of Oregon City bank. Mayor
v Charles H. Caufleld will quit clipping
coupons long enough to atart off the
: f race. The boyer will cross tha Willam
' etta on the auspenslon bridge at Seventh
- street, will go through Bolton and along
. tha main traveled road to Oswego, then
along the Macadam road, coming into
t tha city through Macadam. Hood, Water
and Columbia streets, and down Fourth
" street to tha T. M. C. A. building.
The raca wilt be under-the direction
of I H. Myers, director of physical
culture at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium,
. assisted by the following committee:
f. rr. 3. R. WeatherbT. Rodnev T.,
All Ran' Down
' In tbe apriog-wthat to tha condition of
. thornandg whose , tystems hay not
' thrown off the impurities! aocumalated
j.7 daring the winter blood hamorg that
; are. now causing pimplee, boil and
- - r other eraptione, lou of appetite), bilious
tami. indigestion, and other stomach
trouble!, ' dull headaches and wek,
:tired, languid feelings.
p Jlood.' Sareaparilla remove ail these
c; humors, cures all these troubles ; reno-vmt-;rstrrhgtliens
and tones the wnole
; ystera. This is the testimonj of thou
, sands annually. ..'.,'.,".
Z-- Accept so-sabstitoUiot-li "' " ' r
Hood's iSarsaparllla
Insiitt on having flood's. - Get it today,
la liquid or tablet form.' 100 Doses 1.
Swoops- Down rUpon
meeting for the east aide residents will
be held at the Cumberland Presbyterian
church Wadneadav-eveninav
Professor' Flynn and his co-worker
give lectures to Interest people In tnedlt
cal cvmnaatloa '
Ten'uf Hie moat prominent homes IS
lha city hava been thrown open to their
lectures and the attendance- will be by
Invitation only. Uri. lL W. Corbett a
home will, bo the Dlaoa for the first lc
ture at t:!9 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
lira - William Ladd'a homo will " t
thrown open -on Fridayrend "Mrsr-A. EJ-
Rockev's the following Tuesday. At
theea rjarlor meetings ten lecturer will
be given preparatory to the work at the
f . M. C A. gymnasium." Mr.'- Flynn and
Mra Maclntyre will bo advance agents
for their -own, work, which win rouow
in the ahapa of aeven special lessons Jn
medical gymnaatlo work. These les
sons will be free to i those who -take
out membership In the association gym-
nasium. . y- ; . .-
Will Olve Special lesson.
The special lessons for men and
woman vlll hadvti at the T. M. C. A.
and Y.-Wi-C. A. One of the Indirect
results looked for In the Introduction
of thla work la the enforced realisation
nf the need -of .a ermnaslum at the T.
W fT.'A.. that the young women mat
not ha confined only to such little ath-
letlo work as the facilities of the rasn'a
a-vmnaeium can SDare them.
..Professor. Flynn and Mrs.. Maclntyre
and their .corpa "of teachers have Just
arrived from San 'Franclaco. where,
after a thrilling escape .from- the
eleventh ' etory-of th(r- hotl -thJ
wtei'h In lease oeaJnlng mil I n
i,A-ivigflThyr1iav girwn the leo-
tures In many of the leaUllil Ullu
the eaat usuallr In connection with
churches or-Christian associations, and
have ' met : with great oucceaa - Their
special lessons give Instructions as to
the care of the eyes, the ears, the diges
tion and many points of general health
which shQUld be general knowledge,,
do not 'want' the company which our
Mrartnbhard--CaraTherelpajto--fcuTid to gu uut ut
existence,-and- especially without paying
its lossea in the I Ban . Frtncleoo .fire,"
aha said. Her- husband came over with
her . and . they are Interviewing other
atockboldera She holds a' very large
block of Traders' a took,. - i.v
" It is said other stockholders would
flivor-almoat -aay- plan . that- would per
mit the Tradera to continue' or at least
cease without a blemish , upon Ua career.
Dr. X Iv Hewitt. A." it Orilley and WIU
S. Hala . - - ..
Rodney I Olisan, tr. X R. Weatherby
and H W. ' Stone., hava contributed a
beautiful silver trophy cup which will
be presented- to the winning team by
Mayor Lane, chairman of tha Judges.
The boys on the ftrsf four or fiver re
lays from Portland south will bo sent
out on the Fulton cars, others will ba
posts in automobiles, and atlll others
will be carried up tha river In launches.
Mr. Myers will follow the race on a
bicycle -and has arranged a telephone
system to have the progress of the race
bulletined at the YM.jCU building.
There will be at least 130 boys in the
race' and It la expected that It will be
watched with a great deal, of Interest
from all polnta along the Una - - --
Every boy registering for tha contest
will be examined by a phyateiair-aa-to
tha soundness of hla heart and lungs.
fluwusl Spstlil gtinra.) 1
Memphis Ttnn.. Mar About tao
delegates were present here today when
Grand Chief Stone called the biennial
convention of the Brotherhood of Lq.
comotlve Englheexi to order-for the
'eeksljcsslon. There- are also
present more thanZSUo -Vlirtormvwhw
are mostly members of the ladles aux
iliary. Those present represent lead
ing railroads In all parts of the United
Statea, Canada and Mexico.
During - tha following sessions It Is
expected that much business relative
to tha order will be transacted. The
relatione of the brotherhood with tha
other organisations of ' railroad em
ployee will . be exhaustively discussed
and- the advantages. If any, offered by -I
closer alliance will bo considered.
Today's business constated Of the ap
pointment of committees on credentials
and organisation and arranging the de
tails of the subsequent days' meetings.
All tha national officers were present.
Peoria Is making a strong bid for tba
next biennial convention. Cleveland
and Wheeling are also mentioned In tha
same connection, but the . Indications
are that the Illinois city leads tha race.
rSpecWm. patch te The iMraal.)
Olympla, 1 Wash., May . A special
Northern - Pacific train - - conststln of
Three tourist sleepers and two- bag
gage cars will leave Vancouver, Wash
ington, tomorrow morning with SO chil
dren from the school for feeble minded.
in charge oz M. tr. Kincaid, chairman of
the board of . control. - Thev will run
the special all the way to Medical Uike,
vvssnington,-wnere the- new-school - Is.
located. - i- .
Italian Strikers Blot,
(Journal Spetiil Servle. I s .
Rome, May S. Cotton workera nfra"
herlng 10.000 are out on atrtke at Turin.
Troops sent to preserve order have been
attacked and atoned, many of them
being wounded. .Reinforced by'cavalrv
the soldiers charged and trampled down
the mnt. -.'.-.
Ss Obstlaa
(Joarnal gpertal Service, t t -.
Constantinople, May . The sultan
still rfust to withdraw troops from I
C. A. Stone; very iiice ...... $60
Jas. A.' Gray .......,......$75
Erriesf'Cablef "77 ... .$85
Lf ght & Co." . . ;y i i ... . $100
Hinze, 'almost new....... .$125
Clarendon, used 3 months. $137
Bailey, very, nice ; . . ; , . $165
Willard, very fine.... ... .$175
li -you can 'use. one. of above
'ou can't "get1 herfr . too ,soonr or
theyf. may - be gone. ' Easy , pay-
New Pianos
. "All the nice new piahos bought
for -the4. Sherman, Oay & Co.
opening now offered by us at a
big reduction Included . in.the
list is the Knabe, Smith & Barnes;
Conover, Everett, Packard, Fisch-H
err Kingsbury, Ludwigp Hard
man ;na-in'any..others. ' Piano
certificates accepted as part pay
ment you will never, have an
otberpportunityjbuy a lano
anrrgreater bargain "thannow.
You had better call todayrTasy
terms, - -"- - - J- r-
ttaiualier Cu;
. Corner Sixth and Morrison.
(Continued from Page Ona) '
four largo pumps of immenae capacity.
When tha aides are -covered with can
vas Xhe pumps will be set to .work and
watep pumped from the main deck. 'It
water- on tha main deck and the Elder
wlH--be-41ghtenel In Jthat amount before
tomorrow. . Cleared of . that a eight on
her main deck the stranded vessel will
beihejd to the rock only by the weight
of the water Inert61dTrriS-DnVe:
that the immense volume- or water an
her hold will ba pumped out by Saturday
morning, when tha old ateamer is ex
peotad to .right hereelf In condition for
her voyage to Portland. The-work of
reclaiming the aged - vessel that was
abandoned In her distress by "both own
era eiwh-lnauranca: AintterwHtera - la- inJ
charge of Captain H. WBaJter of De
troit, who has had wide' experience In
reclaiming wrecks On the great lakes
and on the Atlantic ooaat He Is posi
tive that he will raise the vessel Satur
day and arrive In Portland with her
early next week. He and all who are
working on the vessel are Arm In the
belief that aha will again resume the
run she had for 31 years.
r Condition Is Desperate.
" Though confidentthe vessel will be
raised, Captain Baker admlta that her.
of raising Mr "has beep retarded by tha
eddlea and currents which abound In
the river at that point. One hundred
feet to the starboard side of the ateamer
llnea. were dropped to a depth of 100
fathoms, or (00 feet, and no bottom was
discovered. - Between that point -and
where the submerged vessel lies there
abound large rocka that reach to within
lf feefof the surface. .The bow of the
boat rests over 100 feet of water, while
a .current PI from eight to ten miles an
hour races alongside ner:t)n--ncr port
side the stream bristles with huge rocks,
which rise menacingly above the sur
face. Approach - by-Other - vessels to
assist Id raising her Is accordingly pre-
uarloua and . the only ona to 1 venture
close to the wreck la tha tug Resolute,
which moves the scows and pontoons
that cluster around the Elder.
The old "vessel lies only- partly-aub-
mergearwtth:: herjort side high above
the water a edge. She leans heavily on
her starboard aide, which is cornel
cleteiy submerged. . iter -steel null is
hedly corrugated and tons of machinery
with wnicn sue is equipped era oeuovsd
to be rusted and damaged beyond possible-repair.
- -
. (Joaraal IpePlal Servlee.l
Constantinople, May t. The German
ship Odysseus, seised by Turkey recently-under
false pretenses, has been
taken by the Baron Rlerberateln from
under the Turkish guns. A few Ger
man sailors aided .the rbaron. Turkey
" .' Caasatt Sails foe Europe. ,
' tJnorsat Suertal SwtU.
New Tork, May . A. JCassatt.
president of tie Pennsylvania' Railroad
company, sailed for - Europe- on the
steamship Baltlo today, acoompanled by
Mra Cassatt. Thsy plan to remain
abroad about six weeks, and moat of
the time will be spent In Pari a
moee maeleotea Mayor.
.. ' -' (Journal Special Bervlee.
- Kansas City, -.Kan, - May i. W, W.
Rosa,-Democrat, who was -ousted as
mayor by the state auprema court for
n on -enforcement of the prohibition law,
la reelected mayor by nearly 1,000 plu
rality at a special election held here
yesterday., ,
. . r . Try
r Dr-Graves
Tooth Powder
It is the most effectivfjlooth pre
servative and cleanser made.
Use-iHor health and. economy
leaves delicious afterjaste. Ask
your dentist. , ;.r."
' la bandy snetal cans er bottlea. SSe
I . sj sMi-ga-asa.Ms.a.asa. . i
.. i .
Examination ; of Witnesses at
Vancouver..! Proceeding
Slowly Before McCredie.
r ;,;,': A ; ;,
Of More "Than" a Scorertut Three
Have Been Before Court and Sev--erai
Day Mutt Elapse Before Cie
. It Concluded. ' .,.",-.
' (Speelsl Dhpstrh to The JoeratL) - -VBCPuyerWash.
MZ , Tbeult
of the Portland at Seattle Railway com
pany against-the Columbia Valley Rail
way company to compel the latter . to
either give up certain rights of .way or
ahow reason why It should retain the
same, now being, heard before Superior
Judge .McCredleJ la by far tha most
Interesting and Important case to come
to trial In the greatest railway fight
ever taking place In the northwest, out
of thr 10 or more witnesses to be ex
amined only three hava .been before the
court.' ... -.. .
The flrsf witness yesterday was N. D.
Miller, chief engineer of the Portland
Seattle Railway company, :11a' told In
a straightforward way of what the com
pany had done and - the work' now
mapped out- The next witness waa
James B. Kerr, aaslstant secretary of
the Portland eV Seattle and one of Its
attorneys. He told of the organisation
of -Ihe comDany and gave general In
formation as to what it Intended to do.
With the testimony of Mr. Kerr the Hill
company rested Its case nd Senator
E. M. Rands, secretary of tha Columbia
Valley company,1 waa put en the witness
stand. .- " ' '.
Senator Rand admitted openly that
the Columbia Valley company n
Harrtman lnrtrratton;-giVrng--ther-ruimee
f Fred O.- Reighley and J. F. Boyle,
partners of Harrlman. as tha principal
stockholders .The court adjourned with
Senator Rana on tha witness standi
Tills illumine.
e rose- eaemlnation
alow are
the witnesses
being ex
la evnerted
it will be
Frlday before arguments are
menced. - - - - - - ' - . - - -
- Teaterday and today's session brought
forth an array of legal talent For the
Columbia there were George W. Staple-
toBWudga M-Pipean Wr B.stow
1rt ae Unit A." Sakatelab .Tamsa fi
Kerr, T. R. Reed, O. K. Avery and A.
MUler. - ;
(Journal Special Service.) --..
Boston, May . A quarrel baa broken
out between-the children- cf -Joeeph Jef
ferson, the actor, and the widow over
the estate. Mra Jefferson ia appearing
fti pomt here terdeft-Hd her: clalm.BHThyztheaTrtman llnea- - Overlandr traf-4
told a story in court with tears, of her
husband's care, of her during her life
time and of tha provisions in bis will
and expressed a determination to en
force' the wishes of her husband. The
sale of Jefferson's pictures netted SZss,-
000 and the children claim that tha pro-
- ceeda. should go to;thera Instead of to
their mother.
' v..;"; .' ,
(JnarsSl Bpecfsl Srv1c.)
Manila, May S. On motion of Com
missioner Cameron Forbee, the Philip
plnea commission decided to aend a tele
gram to Secretary Taf t recommending
the acceptance of tha bid of Speyer A
Co. for construction of a railway sys
tem in the Philippines. The bidder and
the government mutually eliminated
several objectionable features contained
In the original bid. The commission is
now satisfied with all the proposed
terms except the period of construction,
which It thinks unnecessarily - long..- -
(JoursaT Special Serriee.) " "'.'
Ithaca, N. T, May . Although Cor
nell university has a student enrollment
of more than 1. 000, the university fac
ulty is unable to flnd a single student
proficient enough in English literature
to-beawarded .the Browning prise, a
ma goin mnoai given ny.tjm.ei-i
aor Hiram Carson . to the student who
should' write the best competitive essay
on the great English poet and author.
Several eiys wers submitted, but none
were ep' to the- standard. -so the priae-
wm not be awarded thla year.
' (Jooraal Special Servire.)
Washington,. May . Senator Flint
today Introduced In the senate a Joint
resolution appropriating 1600,000 addi
tional for tha relief of San Franclaco
earthquake sufferers, the money to be
expended In purchasing and dlstrlbut
Ing quartermaster's, and commissary
Two Million Little
Children Starving
Poor and Rich: Alike .Suffer From
"" Lack of Good Food.
'We notice that John Spargo, In Ms
new book, "The Bitter Cry of the Chll.
dren."- says no less than two million
American children between the ages of
Ave and fourteen are victims oi chronic
under-feeding.. They are the easy prey
of disease, nervous. Irritable, -weakened
both physically and mentally, and
unfit- for that perfect development
which Nature Intended for them.
Mr. Spargo apeaka particularly of the
children of the pomybut what. be aays
Is, In thousands of raseST true of the
children. of the wealthy and the-comfortably
well-to-do. . Many children -wh,
have "all they can eat" are really un
derfed. For the food which they are
given Is not food from which they can
get the nutrition they need.
There la no other food, ao far we
know. so nutritious, so strengthening
for children aa MalU-VUa, the perfect
malted whole-wheat food. Thla Is not
only because Malta-Vita Is so rich In
all the nutrition .the .body needs for
sustaining health and strength. More
Important ty rar is me rart.tnac the
nutrition o .the malted wheat' Is so
easily dlgeeted and assimilated that all
its life-giving elements are taken up
by the 'system,-forming rich, red blood
In abundance and giving growth and
Igor to body and brain.- Malta-Vlti
i Insurance of perfect health for chil
dren. And it Is so good te eatl
All srocera, - , . -
Our second shipment of Boys' -Wash Suits has arrived, and
, includes some of the prettiest pattern and neatest stylet to be
"seen this year. Mothers with small boys to clothe will find it
; greatly to their advantage to see this line of suits, al the prices '
are In perfect harmony' with the quality. ' 7 , ' '. "
Russian Blouse Suita-r
Blouse Suitfl--; t::'rr.z:-
. . : . ages 3 to 8. . . : :
All Style's of
Visit of Harrlman to Seattle Hat
LIZ Np Significance With San
Francisco Situation. 1
Union ! Pacific Sending ' Oregon as
Much of Its Trade as It Can IH-
f-r verf TemporarlljPr-MstropolisWfll
I y v -
Not Be Deserted.
' Uoaraal gpstlal Service.) ;
New Tork. May . In the Wall
Street Journal, officials of the' Union
Pacific aay tha earnings in freight
tram5JanJ"rrf'TiJlar,ter rrarna for the
past two weeks have shown a consid-
erable affect from tha deatruoaon-pf
Ban - Francisco -and -"from - the large
amount of free transportation given
flo for the transpaclfld'traaee 1e ex
pected to be moving freely and in norI
mal volume about the middle of this
month, but It la undoubtedly true tha
Union Pactflo Is sending aa much of
it to Portland as can be diverted from
San Franclaco. This. iaa temporary
arrangement, as """ Harrlman has ' an
nounced " that - he - Intend - te hold all
Dossible trade at the Golden Gate.
The visit of E. H. Harrlman to Se
attle has nothing to do with the San
Franclaco situation. , It does not mean
that Seattle has gained any - now Im
portance to tha Harrlman system. since
the fire. . - - ' -
Seattle is to be the third Harrlman
port - on the Pacific ocean - with - San
Franclaco first. . Portland ' second and
Seattle third. ,
It wlU probably be a great many
years before .the Harrlman line Into
Heattla haa assumed anywhere near the
importance of the Harrlman line Into
either of .the other porta
' (Joaraal Sneclsl Semes.! -
San Francisco, May t. What Is sup
posed to be tba remains of a. cadenaeeo.
a - San -Frajcisco axtistwasrf ound rln
the underbrush near the refugee camp
at Fort Maaoa. Identification waa made
by means of papers on the body. -the
corps being so Daaiy muuiaiea mat
Identification -was Impossible. It was
evidently a case of suicide. ' Cadenasso
lost every thing-h had In the earthquake
later tn ona of the refugee campa He
had been missing for some daye and
waa supposed to have gone ever te Oaa
amH.l TMsnatea tm Tks JtoanaLt
Klamath Falls. Or., May . In the
first election here under the new char
ter Alex Martin Jr. was chosen mayor.
and A. U Leavltt police judga Two of
the old and four new oouncUmen, favor
able to higher license and better law
enforcement,, were elected. ..
The Jury last night returned a ver
dict in the cue of George Sherman to
the effect that be met death by . a
weapon In hla own hand, either, acci
dentally or with suicidal Intent.
(Journal Snecta! Rerrtee.)
Washington, May . The war depart
ment announces that the president,- en
Taft's recommendation, will send a mes
sage to congress aaklng? for an - addi
tional 1500,000 for the San Franclaco
relief fund, making $1,000,000 all told
to be -appropriated by. the government.
' ' Operators Want Arbltntttoa. 7
- - (Joemet Special Service.)
Chicago, May . Bituminous opera
tors today discussed asking President
Roosevelt to appoint a commission to
arbitrate all questions at Issue. No ac
tion was taken. '
' wllfcalmlM Bxpeets Stork. r .;
iJoeraal Special Service.)
The Hague, May . Jueen"Wllhel
mlna is expecting the stork's visit. This
news la confirmed In court' eirclsa ,
.-' Fittsborg Bank Falls. T
(Joarnal Speelsl Servles.)
Pittsburg, May t. The Columbia Sav
Inga Trust company closed ita doors to
day on tha state banking commission
ers orasra . . -... j
Tesnvlua tm rptloa, .
,-tJoarnsVSpeelsl Servlea) 4
Naples, May-.-Mount Vesuvius
again disc oar glng sand and ashes. -
85 c to $3
Straw Sailor Linen
, z ; -as:
.This store's popularity as outfitters to children
ls-ihcreaeMorafanQW the gairoents
offered here are
prodoce they are stylish and well made of.
dependable fabrics.This summer s - displa;
the best we have ever made. Bring the children -here
for their , summer dresses. Prices will be
found to your liking, and the usual easy terms of
V Fifty Cents a Vcck ? v
"-;r:;:;-: re ypars for the asking. " - :
' San Francisco refugees now in" Portland"
can have the same credit arrangements they
formerly had with our San Francisco house.-
The Store Where
Pays to Look Around
'After looking through other stores' prices on Men's
or Boys', suits do not buy until you see ours. We -positively
ssve you from $3.50,to ?5,pD. We
carry a big stock of the newest patterns' MEN'S and
eral line of SHOES; also a full line of TRUNKS
.' and'SUIT CASES. :'.:.. .-1L.: :
; .r 18M83 First St; and 83 N. Third St,
t )
Are naturally more sought after and valued than those which have been
worn threadbare by continued eervtoa .
This is why our wall papering Is o justly admired. We Infuse erlg- '
Inallty Into our work. We do not give you the same pattern and color
that you will see in another houae around the corner. ' We alee eell . .
LJbrtlwd Paint & Wall PaperJCo
170 SCCOad SL Itks rtn.Fxntctoaii raowT -e Ulln 1871
& Crash Hats
best the lrianufacturers
Your Credit la Good