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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1906)
I, THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, - MAY, C3 ATTORHEY 17ATTS ESCAPES DEATH LO VERS OF MUSIC GATHER AT FESTIVAL Cancer Weighing Two and One Half Pound Removed From "..--r Hie.- BreasL- The Baseball season DELICATE OPERATION IS v " PRONOUNCED SUCCESSFUL Diacovery of Ciinceroug Growth En tirelv Due) to an Accident Another Month'a Delay Would Have Meant ' Death in Moat Horrible Form. for it and during e- i this week --' :- , 0PLAYvBALt:. j opened, reijared 1(1 te; 3 U yJ i r i u -i W or. ;c; -vr - Chontt and - . pecil Wtpatrh Te Jonrml.) Pullman, ' Wash.. May 9. The nt annual festival of the School of Muslo of he .Washington State epilog was decided success. The festival waa the blggrat event ever undertaken in mnaical i mi s-ei I al i at h 1 Mr mt gi gill alia Tit VlaagT "ejTl I i. 'gJ ' I IF I TrswPffe wbb BBBBSBjg fj s ei i sjssjueaeje)esaa- many lovers of muslo from all sections of cMtern . Wsshlngton and ; northern Idaho. There were vlaltora from QoWrnt H. Li Corbett Purchases Thirteen Hundred Acree in Har- w; n ey Cou nty,.' '.) RAILROAD WILL PASS C -THROUCH-THE DISTRICT "TrahiportatloDr andrrigatlon WiJl Traniform Swamp Land and Sage- bruah1 'Plain- Into DesirableProp- erty Worth Almost Fabulous Sum. nYS RIB TIMET -fnoraiE ... By purchase yesterday from' the "state . , of.. ,1,120. sere of swamp lands In the - Harney-valley H. '1 Corbett has added a largotract hla vaat holdings of "land' fn Harneyv county, file' owns the " French-Glenn ranch1 of ' 140,000 acres covering the entire water-ahed of the ' Bteln - mountains and , commanding every Inch "of the water of the BUtcen "'", river .and its many tributarlea. A- -From tlhe.Swa.mD.'.landa purchaaed from the state he. paid 11.17 per acre. For the French-Glenn ranch, purchased by hrm somemonthe ago from the heirs -of Peter French, he paid about $4.60 per - acrei It Is said that when the railroad new projected eaat and- . West 'through ' central Oregon by the Harriman- com panies Is built It Will paas close to-Jhe landa.. more ..than auadrupllng . their .-- value.- . - ., The state land board, by advertising ; for bids, aecured an advance of mora . than $2 per aore over the first offer re ceived for the swamp, landa. Borne-of . the land is tule marshes and-beaver dam ,i land. said to i be the moat fertile Japd ' ,; For Youriaricl y Old For All Ages I ' hbvrnty's , Cocoa j Ia drHcloas nourlchlcf; strengthening ; ni I 14 to dlzestloo and 'io er coco aude4 anywhere) or at any price.' I J . Tfce WALTER ff. LdWPfEV CO. Iwr.ey'g Chocolate Bwtboaa, (lostea, Maav ' I i i -i v 4.. , , I .Miyi, i . Portion of Audience at Pullman Musical dale. North Yakima, Rllenabufg - and Cle Elum T "and othcr polnta weat of ;tha center of the. atate. Choruaea 1 rorn the Cheney, Normal aohooUBpokanei Oakea dale, Roaallev- Palotme, Coultbrir COIfa and Lewlaton, Idaho, took part In the lug tun. State college.- ronaletlng of . 173 volcea, rendered Ha ndel'a oratorio, "The Meaalah," and a, grand chorua of mora In-tharworid whaa drained. Xlia-awamtj lanaa- Dougnt dv Mr. uorDeu yeaieraay are In aectlona JS. 14 and 1, townahlp t .aouth. range 2 eaat. , The northerly rtrnttg "Oftfitf land era-afcout J fflllPg aiiTHIi Tif Kui i n the comity of ilarnr V ' rutn aald to be the bed of an extinct aea and ia about 60 mllea long by 26 mllea wide. At the lower end of the valley la Mal heur lake, of which Harney Take ia a pai l, and' tlieae laikea aie'foi'iueil by the watera of the Bonner and BUtaen river, rising In the Stein mountaina and flow lng north, and the-Bllvlea river, rising w-the-Blue mountaina nd flowing east. The climate la the almoat rwlnlewa anm- mer of the aeml-arid region-of eastern Oregon and ' a- clear, bright - winter. Owing to the elevation and dryneaa of the air there la never oppressive - heat In Bummer Tior severe cold In winter. Burns ilea at an rlevallnn rrf 4.10tt jfeet and-the country ia practically flat, like the bed of the lake, covered chiefly with sagebrush, - .. " V ' It la aald in lmmenae grtiemerof -trrt gation la to be carried forward embrac ing practically th entire Corbetf prop ertlea and that nltimatelv a' larae nart gf Mho lnn(taw4tFtteTitnoid "wvaf v Tftftnala and dltohea. With' irrigation and rati transportation the properties wll be Itching pllea provoke profanity, bul proramty wen t enre tnetn. uoan a oint ment cures itching, bleeding or ' pro truding pllea after years of Buffering. At any drug atore. ' '- i,- .i, -..-... LODGING HOUSE IS ' - DAMAGED BY FIRE Tlia-North Parit -res tauran t nd-room fng-houae, at 14 and 106 Seventh street, was .damaged- by fire laat nlghf. . For a time it looked h: though thntlre atructura would be wiped out, but the fire department aucceeded in extinguish ing the flames before- more than $200 worth of damage, had been done, r Tb fire started in the restaurant, presum ably from a detective flue, and apread rapidly up through the attic over the rooming-house. A acore or' more of roomers were In the place, but the odor of smoke warned them all in time for them to escape and save practically all their belongings. ' . ..l..u.,.,-,.-T.,.M,TO....,g...J,Jaj.-ijjLj FeitivaL , than 4JI voleea "rendered aeveral popu-laraelectloiialBcJudJngTrhaStar-Spangled Banner." - - i A f Uah. light of -thle big -chorua waa taken and' ahowa the amgerg-and a-por tlon of the vaat audience In -the armory. rampua. which waa packed with one or the largeit -.-7 avudlenceg- ever gathered there.- I.-.-,-.. ..-;.-.-,-:--. ; H07D0UBT lABOim HIS1IEW! Senator Cearin Writes Letter De- daring He Stands for State- t ment: Number OrieV- . FAVORS DIRECT VOTE JILITANDBY.RESULTjfh L either a eancer or a tumorr Tou Declares If - People Chooie Hlg Op ponent .Their Wish Should Be Re- nerterl' anrl tha I,'glalatiirn A p I tpectcq ana tna Agieiature c.Tf Accordingly. ' Hon. John Mi i Gearin la ' heartily"' in favor of the election of , United. States senators by a 'direct vote of the people. He Is a . strong advocate of ..'"ata tement No. r and desires the campaign for' hla election made on that- queatlon. Chair man Ales Rweek has just received a letter. from Senator Gearin in which he aaya: -" .. ... "It Ha a -question- -new t of the most vital Importance to the people whether or hot they" will" auataln' the primary law in its provisions enabling them to ef fectually indicate their choice for United States senator. And that la the great question upon which I wish this cam paign, as far as United . Statea aenator la concerned, ' to be made. . I am, and always - have -been was - long . prior - to the passage -of the law In favor of the principle of statement No. L I want that distinctly understood, and announced through such literature as you send out. When the returns are alt in. after the June election. If Bourne haa a majority over me, I want every Democrat in the legislature to vote for him on the first ballot If I have the majority over him 1 tMnklt-TantheL;ifu"tV..tlhtnepiitirfr.n. to vote for me. And that la tho whole question in . this campaign as (far aa senator is .concerned.-.., r-r-,- '.-jj; -- Chairman Bweek says that the position of Senator Gearin coincides with that of the state committee and he wants the- people-to- know-that the -Democratic organisation will aiK. au ...Democratic membera of the legislature to Vote for the people's choice for senator. -On hla recent trio thrnuvh the Wll. iamnttn vnllry-Chalrmanlflwtck .said -that he was told In almost every town that Jonathan Bonrne waa nominated by the Republicans for the sole reason that h? -was supposed to favor the election of senators by a direct vote of the people. - The Democratic organisation - wants the Issue .clearly made; that the next t'nlted. States senator shall" "be. . either Bourne or Gearin. , ' i , i - PROPHESIED CALAMITY DOES NOT TAKE PLACE . ' - : : . ', ' ' i - The prediction - of a': local .splrlraailst that . Portland . would be 'destroyed by earthquake . and lire between May ( and. I has been proven to be untrue, to the great relief of many who were really uneasy and not little frightened by the prophesied calamity. May t haa passed and the city still stands. - It haa not even so 'much as felt a quiver. - The medium . apparently " . got her aplrita mixed.. Her private tip .from the un seen world of ghosts was what would be called In racetrack parlance "a bum hunch." i . . - - -. '. - . - Many persona, while they pretended to have , no faith la tha prediction, wore careful to guard against being caught unawares and felt considerable anxiety for three days' time. Learning-a lr son from the San Franolare disaster that.' live electric wlrea Are the great, eat source of danger after an earth quake, not a few people have been- very careful for the past three nights to completely shut off the current from the wires In their houses and extinguish every vetlge of fire about the premises, so that '.If the shock came there would h wo danger of "wires setting fire to the Itctise. 1 , - - - Not a few have'nlept upon' an uneasy .lllow, started at any unusual noise and gone through the day expecting gome thing to happen. I . ' . ... Iter. Mr. Safer io Speak. Tlome TrttlrilfVg association rill hold Its regular meeting In the commit tee room of the city hull tomorrow aft ernoon at o'clock. - Rev. Daniel L. Ra dr, i. D.,- will make the addresa of the afternoon. Kvery one Interested In the beitermerrt of the home life Is -iwlftte-1 to be prevent. Children will bc"car'j Members of the medical fraternity aaaert that-not one man In 1,000 la af flicted with cancer of the breast, though cancerous growths of tne oreaat are common in women. --Attorney-John F, Watts is the one man in 1,000,- having been operated on for cancar at the North Fartfto sanatorium about Iwo. weeks ago. The case of Watta ia most peculiar and has excited considerable interest in aurgloal circles. The cancerous growth when removed weighed exactly two and one half pounds. One month's delay and an operation would have been lutlle hla life would have paid t he. penalty. The operation "waa performed toy Ir, W. F. AmoB, assisted by Dr. Robert C Coffey, the medical director of the sana torium. Dr. J. H. Brlatow and other physlciajiwer. present ,The. patient was under the Influence oc an anes thetic for three and one half hours and stood the ordeal remarkably well, being man in otherwise robust health. For aeveral day a afterward he was In a ertticarcondlllon; but at so time waa hla condition deemed dangerous. Bcntoleaj(fthecancer extended Into Watta" left arm. In order Mme atroy. the chance of the growth again fnrmlnv it waa IMOMIXrr tO' BDllt the arm of the patient open to the elbow and scrape both bone and muse lea. bo mucn trouble 'waa-experienced with the drain age from the wound tnai raDDjer tunes had to be Inserted under tne arm. xne tnat lie mm-., bea lor a snort time next that time. " That Watts"- llfe waa saved was -Turkish, bathhouae 'one Bight . when ' a friend- slapped him playfully on the breast and oomplimented him on his muscular de velopment. Aa.he, did go he felt a hard growth tmder the akin and fingered It. "What la thatrr he queried. v, . '"Oh. I don't -know." carelessly an swered the lawyer; 'Ifg been there for months." - ". "Wall. remarked hla friend. "I think naa oewer aee a uwwr nin wj. - Watts became apprehensive and con- mltmA m Ha Waa told .after - tarr examination had beea made thi had cancer of the breast, and that if he delayed the operation a month his life would, be JJie. forfeit. The. JarUurg: - -i...ini... the dlagnoala of the first was In every his business affairs ana underwent-the operation.,- ..--t.----'-- ' WOULD LICENSE ALL ' ' TROUT FISHERMEN At the next session of the state legis lature the Oregon Fish and Game Pro tective association will ask the law makers to pass a bill requiring every trout fisherman over If years of age to lake out a license, for which he shall pay the state $1 a year. This will per mit, the holder of the fioense to flab on any lake or stream In the state. The bill, which haa been drafted ana adopted by the association, further provides- that the money raised from tho license fees shall be devoted to the propagation of trout and stocking the streams of the state; with small - fry. The management of the entire matter shall be in the hands of a board of state commissioners sppolnted by the gov ernor. . . " Iti is the -plan to establish at least one' and perhaps 'several trout hatch eries in the state, whereat least 1,009, 000 trout shall be hatched each' year. LXbia -plan-is jTollowed in Calif ornIaT At the meeting of the association last night a resolution was adopted asking the legislature to paas a-blll making a uniform season In all the counties throughout the state for the killing of -htuclsg; Iflathe plan To make the neasrm-1 ffor killing-ducks from August. 1 to .Fst. J ruary.l, . ' j u Ease and Comfort. EAIXIS1WgyTry?'trotne"b"t neverso eagerly sought aa in these warm aaya. Discard your heavy clothing, replace it with one of our beautiful two or three- piece summer suits, linen rests, etc., and-enjoy. the pleasure of keeping cool. The style and snap of these garments appeal, to every clever dresser, and the minimum expense required for auob an outfit is a special favorable feature. Be aides, you.- can Indulge In the .habit Of dressing swell and up to the minute without an outlay of ready cash 'and pay for It In such an easy manner that will hardly be felt by you at alL Say, for Instance, at the rate of II a week. Our shoe section offers many snsppy things. in summer .footwear at reason able prices and its manager, Mr. D. J. Bock, has employed hla long experience in . the shoe justness to . collect every swagger, authoritative and favorite style in men a -. high-grade shoes, ana claims that - his department will more thsn double Its business thla season on account of tha varieties, qualities and prices - that . prevail tjtere. No cash. either. 1 Just (0 cents a weak. Eastern Outfitting Co... Washington and Tenth streets. .. COPPER COMPANY HAS ITS HEADQUARTERS HERE ; Headquarters of the Elr Consolidated Copper, company have been located In thla city. Thla company controls a number of valuable copper claims near Kly, White Pine eounty, Nevada. In view of the purchase of 61 per cent of the stock of the Nevada Consolidated for IIJ.000,000 by Guggenheim brother it Is anticipated that the adjacent prop erty of the Kly-Consoltdated will prove a valuable holding. v . ' Portland la well represented among the offlcera ef the Ely Consolidated, the president being P. Chappell Browne, a well-known local architect; the vice president William J. Klmmerman, of the urnwn tt ua; tne secretary u. m. Don nelly, late manager of the postsK-Telegraph, company of Butte, Montana Charles A. Iwls, one of the officers of the First National bank, , occupies "the office of treasurer. J. M. 'McPhee, well known in the mlflty'S world of Portland and Baker Cfty,? is the engineer and I j spend Bitting up and walking ardundnel ..- . . . ,. .' , -'. ... 11 .. ' J J" I Institution will be dally Increased from I v-r- "21. ' , .ix'ZJL j ' -: ;.. : 1 IMiiilliiiii With every Boy's Suit rBaebaUirUraforirpSui suitable for playing ball U -,r ' , '. , - ..:,....-.. . , .- ' '" , aJ -W- I V- I isrl -1 ; ( . WHEN TOU CAN GET' 'TZ'V'. ik' ' ', ;; "" T----'--v'-: -J- . ,. ., .... ... J ' II. If you will take a .few minutes to invetigatfe" the "New Method" Oat Range you will n ii - 1 : .1 j 'i '' r..l - . . . , luow tgc (as nronoyoij to impua-nc ux ii.a uiu-siic. wasLctiu . - c-... -i : 1 t' "' r REDUCE YOUR GAS BILLS DV YOU SAVE ONE-FOURTH. This savirigof 25 PER CENT in your ga bills will toon cover the coit of this ' ."New Method". Range. , Step in and examine this new invention, and you'll thank us for. calling-your attention to this money-saving( opportunity. r;; ''A'.lt l:, -V: ' 'IA i , ' . A.i .'....... i. M-J -I- ' ' ' - -.a.-.-.--'; - . . .aUL'' - "".- . Pay a 1 Little V "ocvuaTZ stLL6 if fda tra 173-175 First Street v FOR UESS MONEYl -. i ITS NEW PATENT BURNER IS GUARANTEED. , TOT?EDUCETHE CONSUMPTION OF OAS. - "New R AT ALL PRICES, FROM : Downcn "a: little 219-227 Ywm. mmmm sold; a a. ata..-. , .-, , -.y,;.-.. or i. THIRD ga-i ssjiiy j i r. taiigcs upon you, USING IDE Gas Ranges pt atTimc fHadcinOrcgonw Exposition Of ManQbctured Goods , toy 19th to 26th. 1 ror in tne nursery. v'jW; aPas.ot. yie(orgnlsatloa