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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1906)
.1 ' 1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY ; , 180. PUK CAUSE OF -iWOREJELllt .. at- .Attempt to "Riie Steamer Elder TPostponed Until End"6f .M.-X: . . Week. rCAPTAIN ' PETERSON . r;rr y ? STILL f CONFIDEN Believe That Steamer Will Be Sue cessfully Raited Soon as New '.' Centrifugal Pump Connections Are Installed and' Tested.' . " It lila been found nwiiwrf to post pone again th ' attempt to false the " Uteamer aeorge W.' Klder until Baturdsy , r Sunday. Captain . H. Peterson, th ewinr of th sunken craft, mada a trip 10 uoble yesterday and after a consul Tatlon with Captain W. H. Baker, who 1a superintending . operations, decided not to try to get the vassal off the rocks . today at high tide as bad been planned. All tha . leaks Id the hull have been topped and tb. - only - dlffioulty en countered has been with the .caatrlfugal pumps installed to pump out me noia. -Captain Peterson said. this morning- that hi pump oonnsctlons baa proven aatlS' .factory and that-ha had shipped new --y ones t . Gobi this morning. It will -take a day to make' the tieceasary-re- .-.pairs and a. thorough test Of all the ap- , paratus will he made before the final at' tempt to raise the . vesseL Captain Peterson leaves for Gobi this afternoon .- to confer with Captain Baker. --"Everything - looks - most -1 avorabVa, said Peterson whan seen this morning, ."and 1-feel aura. that we will have no difficulty In raising the Elder. We want l Jto get .everything in -readineoa before at tempting to raise her, so I do not expect that Captain Baker will commence operations before the end' of the week. The pipe connections have proved faulty out it will not take over two day to . correct that difficulty." . . NOMECITYNPORTr krtagg rifty-Two rasseng-ara-- : mign rrom jay city. ; ntb-S-Bassenaer and .10:-ton of freight on baaxo, the .steam er-Nom1 City, Captain J. Hansen, arrived from -Ban mranclaca at i o'clock .this morning and docked at the-foot of Couch street. - Good weather marked the voyage and either trip waamade dn: schedule time. The - cargo-consisted of "new potatoes and hardwood. The steamer went to Van-"oouver.-Washlngton." thi morning to load. (00.000 rt of lumber and will also take on SOO.OOQ feet of ties at Stella, all "consigned to California portav- -OFFFOR-COOS-BAY. rawe-f Carrl4:Cargo and asaaa . ' ' gars for Ban rraaolsoo. "j'Th steamer Breakwater sailed at . o'clock this morning for Coo bay and nclseo. Overtlf paaaengara.1-, destined for Coos bay and California nrvnrpw WILL CURE. any case of; KIDNEY Lot BLADDER. DISEASE that is not beyond -the reach, of medicine. ' No . . medicine can do more. WIS CIVEI17T0CIE. B. Spletrel. 1204 N. Virginia 8t 'IvanrvilJ. lad., writes: orvilJe, In wa ww years I- was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me ranch pain and worry. I lost flesh and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely, I had three el the best physicians who did me no good and I was practically given up io ate. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended and the first bottle gave me gteat relief, and after taking the second bottle 'entirely tartST ' TWO SHIS, 50c AID ILM. "vroodaid, brli a vo a asuwore mim nzn TEDDY : ROOSEVELT; V " TRAINED BEAR, RIDES BICYCLE ------ ttrt&ZZiS--- TJJS-.mZZ: ' .: " ---sl v- '. . . .. .... : - mj & ,, v : " AW - r ' - - - 1 1 t - - ( , 1 - ; I ?: 4 , . , I -w o ' , III W; :':: f --v-- 't.-'. 1 . 1 -joo 1 Teddy, the Wonderful Bear. Norris & Row circus, which comes to Portland tomorrow for a ttahd" of tw6 days. Teddy la a glgantlo bear, and like the president for whomJh'e ia named, he leade r strenuous life. .,111 " greatest feat is riding a bicycle, which -he ac complishes at t every- performance. Me ooea other thing -which put him. in a class by himself and makes him superior to the ordinary, ran of bear. The circus will reach Portland from Oregon Cltv between t nda:30 n rlnt-K r tomorrow morning, the probable timet Deing tsmali Boys wui tnaraiora made up the passenger lfat. The most of the cargo . of general, merchandise was th surplus left by the ateamer Al ilanc. which. Balled Sunday hight. The Alliance carries ISO tons more freight double the number carried t by the Break water. . From a cursory inspec tion of the Bpreckel boat she appeared considerably larger than the California V Oregon Coaat Steamship company's vessel, but the Alliance can lay . claim to being, as F. P. Baumgartner- ex presses it, "the largest little ship ov th coast. BUSINESS IS GOOD. taanunlPTtJompaBlesJUcaiT Kaavy Bhipmanta of Tretght. . "' F. F. Connor, freight' traffic man ager of, the Paclflo Coast steamship company, passed through' Portland this morning n rout to- Seattle. He re port . that th business of the com pany Is moving along as smoothly as before the San Francisc fire,-an -that freight business from San Francisco northward will tax th capacity of the steamer as soon as th California merchant begin to receive their new stock. A seven-day service haa been established between Puget 'sound and San Francisco, th steamer leaving th.- former.: port every .Wednesday, and eIattef everyTuesaayr z "r COSTA RICA COMlNGr Carries - Batoning afambara of Orroa Xoepttal Brigade. a esn rTancTswr'rKffierTornaha: Steamship companr' -i steamer C Rica sailed from San Francisco ' yes terday with a fall carro of general merchandise It la .a3tpecteinb.-arrlvt here Friday. Th n.emDers or tn Ore gon hospital corps, who rendered. Inval uable - sarvic in caring- for' the sick and homeless victim . of th earth quake. took, passage- on th . vessel. Through th courtesy of th company. they are carried without charge. , - OFF THE : DRYDOCK. Ughthouse Tender Xaathar tow X7a- dergoiag Miaor mepairs.;. The llghthous tender Heather came off the drydor.k at Moran'a work at Beatti yesterday, but . there are still soma minor repair to be made before she will be in condition to be put back commission. Captain Wehrllch of the lighthouse Inspection servW-e 1 ex pected to return from the sound to morrow. .,.',... : ' " ; -v.. ; CZARINA SAILS.: teamar . Carrie Cargo of Orala for loatk Tallajo. Th steamer Csarlna saled laat night with 41. ( bushels of grain, consigned lo"tjTWrMcNar'S HOOT mUISHer Boutn Valleio. California, Th cargo . con. ststed of H.009 bag, which 1 one of th largest wheat shipments made In some time. ; '' , .- ; MARINE NOTES. Astoria, May . Condttlnn of the bar a a. m., modSrat; wind, northwest: weather, cloudy. . No shipping moving. .- Astoria, May I. Arrived at t and loft up at 4:19 p. m. Steamer Nome City, from Ban Francisco, , Astoria, Mr . Arrived down -at 11:11 a. m. Steamer Breakwater. READY IN AUGUST. Itwain e IrtOda JsJajCa lag Complatioa. It Is expected that the new steamer being constructed by th Portland Ship- huuaing company ror the roruana Transportttton company, to takiaae plac of th Iralda, formerly on the Raltiler-Portland ynn, will be completed about August-,4, Xha boilers and mav rzz!X " : r ebPg see jheclrcua unload and . Indulge in ecataryT'Amorg other things of Interest the Norris & How show claims to have notable equestrians, daring gymnasts. acrobats. 1 turn blera. yaultera, leapera. giant electrical revolving ladders, bi cycles .ridden on slender wire high in the air, a complete oomlo operetta given by io young women, picturesque costume- and scenery, . Japanese . swords- men, aerial bar - performer. -- double runny . clowns. hippodrome , race and iiymg ring.-. ehinary of th Iralda will be installed tn the new vessel a soon a th hull is completed. The new steamer measure 11-1 feet jm the water line, has a 1 foot beam and a depth of five feet. The by J. !L Johnston. . Herbert Holman, p resident of .th Portland Transport-1 tion company, haa not a yet selected a nam for th steamer-, but wlU glv this matter his early attention. AGED HILGARD MAN IS SUFFERING FROM WOUNDS - (Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.) Hilgard, Or., May . -Harry French, aged TTreara; who waa aaaltd Satur day night by Mike Carney, a logger, la lying In a precarious - condition at hi hut a a result of th wound received. Carney approached the' houae of Harry irrencn, a -poor man living in Hiigara, and battered down th door with a rock. Oatnlng admittance in thi way, he as saulted the old man, kicking him, Jump- ng on him-with 4ogglng boots and bat tered him in every conceivable Way, Carney was taken to I .a Grande for trial and pleaded not guilty yesterday. but he admitted being very drunk at th time. He wa bound over to appear be fore .the June term of court on the charge of aggravated assault, hi ball being fixed at J00. He wa unable to seen rr bonds and mti placed Tltt-Janr" MAY ESTABLISH WINE- FACTORY AT LA GRANDE 18iec'l. Dlipatch toIhJoarnl.l I rande, OJV MA; TTey of - Denver, " who ls a professional vinegar and win maker, is arranging to establish a factory in La Grande. Taking -- into- -consideratloa- th -larg aomige of apple her and with- the ex port trad in view th coast points from Alaska to California of fr almost an unlimited market, Th business men of La Grand and the fruit growers of the valley ere cooperating with Mr. Ripley In this proposition and It ia more than probable that th plant will be in opera tion Jor this season's crop. ANNUAL ROUNDUP OF PONIES IN UMATILLA (Speelal THapstelr to Th Journal.! - . Pendleton, Or., May t. Th great an nual event of rounding up between 1,004 and 4,000 ponlea will take place on the Umatilla Indian reservation, beginning tomorrow morning. Th Indian hav about 6,000 head of ponies: altogether, and th redman con sider thi about th greatest sport that he haa during th year. The corral into which th horse ar driven are situated on McKay creek and ar about 26 mile from Pendleton. Notwithstand ing th distance, a large number of Pen dleton people will attend. . . MILITARrWEDDINU A I WEST POINT ACADEMY (Jooratt Special Serviee.l West Point. N. T May . Mia May Florence Page and Lieutenant Oeora fl. Almond of th Twenty-second In fantry will be married at West Point r ;-.- - arJEBBOT - LWlll overeom indigestion and dysnep- 1; i jauiaL nw DDwiii ,uu oi ii,r and kidney complaints. - It is the- best blood onrioher and invlgerator Jn th world. It 1 purly vegaUbl. perfectly harmless and should you be a aufferar from dlaeae you will ua it if you ar d. K. Andrew, editor and man ager Cocoa and Rockledg New. Cocoa, Flaw write::l ha used L your Herbln In my family ana And it a moat excel lent medicine. . It effect upon mylf hav been A marked benefit Sold by Woodard. Clarke A Co. c T. (r. THE VELVET SECRET ISJF REE 1OJ0P V- -After many yeara of study and practice a prominent Virginia physician haa discovered th cure for all forma of Conat.patioH. It is called Chaae'e Constipation Tablet. "I do ididwi, aaia ine vu-guua uoctor to several of nia colleagues announcing lua "-that this la a take cure-all. anaranteed to care every thins from cimnlxa to n. Bslthar do I mean lust another pill which vdv in lug m apacjnc vnv.-n navar Kaua. that they parform their natural function, talieva Immediately and in a abort ton THEII0RE THE LESS aps all enery. and makes life a burden; it the body too weak to resist tbem. - THE VELVET WORKER ... sicBwnKi ajiv wiuv viim woraer. " - -- Dont shuffls along with this great burden I Be healthy, b strong, be happy. yr. LIFE WORTH LIVING vary minute ceu clear, your spirit that everything ia Mo man or woman with torpid liver, sonstlpatad bowel and poisoned brain and nerva wver feela like that.-- . Go to, your druggist and get a bottle of C aase'e Ceastloatlea Tablet, and if "after B fair trial you find the remedy la not all it 1 represented to be. yourdrugriat wilt refund money without aueatioa or argument. In watch shape bottle, that fit lb vast pocket. S3 coma- , . .--.;-,,. .. r , TRIAL OFFER To any reader who aends u hi or her name and addrea with five stamp to cover postage expense, we will at one mall a full aire iVoent bottle ef Chase' Constipation Tablets, th -velvet worker that caret. Not a sample, mind, but a fuil-eize 15-cent bottle. Let us prove it to you. Writ today, ad dressing chase Mrorco. r SSI Three Ave. ' Bretklya, Htm Yerk.' HonpstDefilings - antcedfurcs We axek no .mls1adinratate- " manta, deoeptlv proposition or false pwmlni Wt do aot yrom- -toe So ear your ease la ar shore time, kaowur n will take longer ' "out w guarantee- a - complete, safe and lasting cur In th quick est possible time,, without leav ing Injurlou after effecW in the aystem, and ' at - th lowest oost possible foe hontrkUlfu4-avnd successful treatment. We have ao fro or ehaap trial treatment. . ear Them to ell worthlaais etov our education and reputa tion ' condemning all such meth ods. W eare when other fall. MEN WHO NEED "Skillful aid Will find this institute thoroughly reliable, different from other so-called In stitute,'. 'medical concerns, or specialists' companies, You are just as safe In dealing with th Norton Devfs Company a with any state or national - bank. It haa long been established for the purpoaa of curing diseaa of man wbich baffle the aklll of. other. - Go at once. Ton ar safe In our out of th city should irrlt. in eonfi free. . Tou rlk no cash. Ha secrets All Medicines Free Until Cured W treat succesafully all nervous and, ' chronic diseases of -men; also -Weodrstomach, "heart, liver, kidaey andvthroartroabies.rr.."z? rr, - , - - : j i OT CAM niwm CTJatro . If you wish-foil1 can deposit th price of a cure in any" bank lri Portland, aid amount to be handed over to us when you are cured. Or you may pay u by weekly or monthly-installment if you prefer. Offlc hour t a. m. to t p. m.; Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to 11 m. Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Office in Van Noy Hotel, 52H Third St., Corner Pine. 'Portland, Or. jVASOBIT AsTD miOKBST KXSXCA& IglTlTUTl WK VMM sTOKTmwXST. atablikd In rortlaad la 188. We-Gure-M en-fOi """"Established 25 Years In Portland ISO PAY Come Today If yo have violated the lawa ef health n ere eonacioua of eoiutaat drala whlrh ia nnderoilnln your ayatan. enna to oa before yno beeoae a aervoiie aad physlral wre-a.i If yoa art weak, gloomy and deapoedeot. have had oreaine, depreaaed, la-k m bltloa and nprr, anabla to eoncentrau your thought, lark vim. visor aqd vitality, com to aa at eaeei our treatment will "top all draine aad overtime all weekneaaea and Dosltlvelr raatore won to atrenatb and health. Wa have mrd thmiaanrl--of k men. THOSB WHO HAVE BEEN DISAPPOINTED BY tTN8KII.LI)D' SPECIALISTS ARE EARNESTLY KEQUESTED 10 IMTE8TI0ATX 0U METHODS AKO TERMS WITH OUT DELAY, WHICH HAS THEY SOME IH THE BE01MKIMO WOULD KATE SAVED IHZM TXHI ABD MOKIY. :A LIFE UOINO CURE FOR - aroon POISOW. SKIsT DISEASES. SOBES. TLOZBS. STBICTVBE, VABICOCELE. HT- DBOCELE. MEBVOUS DEOLIME, WE AX f vinHITi AMD VaOSTATK. SPECIAL DISEASES Jiewly-eontrsrted kiTiag- FIELD Of SPECIAL AMD CHtOalO, DEET-SEATED, COMPLICATES DISEASES. WRITE It yos cannot call. All forrepn arienea etrlctlr- ennfldentUI and all re pi lea sent la slaia eaTelope. No sanna, caaea, latere or pht)rDb of patients publlskad ac W CHABOZ FOB CTBEB OBXY. W enr a Datirnt amitid aad well, ae that a will he entirely HtlnSed, and will nTr arttn have to he treated for the earn tmuhle 1BVESJIOATE AKD - LEAR THAT OUR 'WOBD IS S GOOD AS OUR BOND. OUR EIKANCTAL STANDINO IB SOLID AMD OUR LOBO EXPERIEHCE lit TREATINO SPECIAL DISEASES OF ME If IHBUBES YOtf OF MODERN, BCLEMTIFIO TBEATMENT THAT WILL ACCOMPLISH A CUBE. HOLK8 S a. m. to S p. aa. Erenlnsa. T to S; Sundaya. It k. m. -to 12 nooo. ST;LOUISutsKuD DISPENSARY oomirxB kcosts abtd tabohxx," wru roxraAVirs, obxoobt. chapel thla afteraoon. Ml Psg I a daughter of Brigadier-General John H. Page and a lstr of Mr F. C. Marshall of Wet Point.- Th reception will be given at th residence of Mr. Marshall. Mis Marjorle Pag, alater of th brld. Will be maid o' honor, and the brides maids will b Mis Louis Dameron of New Tork, Mis Fair of Warrenton, Vir ginia. Ml 'Webster of Chicago and Mis Marvin of .Washington. GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN TOSPEAIUXUMPTER " - (SnSeta) TJIapatcB t Tb Joaraal.) , clumpier. Or., May -. Governor George BL Chamberlain will apeak on tha leadlna? auestlons of th dsv at th opera house In this cifyi Saturday even ing. May 15. While th ddrea U in behalf of hi reelection or Lb Dem-i peralveta. breed the pill habit;" my remedy la a cure (or bv seniiv fonei tonein the diseativa or vans ma It raatoraa them all to aaalth and ttngta-. cures Constipation. . "The mor yon take the leas yon aeed anttl reu need Bona for you are cared. My effort all along was to a to id the evil of the ordinary remedy which pamper organ already weak and so makaa th patient a Slav to the pill. Remember Nature expects a vary organ to do itaduty.' Physician hev long racnrnUed th fact that con- .etlnatloa ia at the bottom of nearlv averv It open to door to all evil germ and make ;. - - ' This new discovery Is hi small tablets, easily taken, and they are packed ia watch-ehape bottle which fit the vest pocket. The tablet I mild, all vegetable, never gripaa or iniuraa the moat delicate organ. But it doea the work I So naturally and aoolhiogly they stimulate and rexulate and atrengthen that they have been When a man's liver is working properly, the bowels are regular and the kidneys are active and healthy, hat Jay it ia ts live. : Yon get up in the morning feeiing rested and bright after a good night' sleep, with a keen appetite for breakfast and a healthy relish for each mouthful, and when you (o out the air mella good and yo nil your long with pleasure) the eun ahtnee, the birds sing, your every eeaae ia. acuta and appreciative, th . blood bound through your vaina, carrying life and activity' to ana uaeue, your nopaa are mgn, your mind high, you atep buoyant, and you thank God ao beautiful and that it 'la ao rood to 11m. Ihave never uaedChaae'a Conattp tion Tahleta. and ancloaa five stansa tor full alsad botUe.-. ; ,:;."' My druggist sen them. , .- Mama -. -t- Addr m eeeee . City..... ............ My druggist Art il rasa,, .... , hand and lure of a cure.- Men who are -iM, Consultation an--adv-iee gtvl given away. , - - -f ..It. T I X . If halt, o- h . I CONSULTATION FREE CATED AILMENT FOR $12J0 FOR THE FEE. U1NUESS CURED to the SUCCESSFUL-Specialist when number their PERFECT Cures by the THOUSAND! You want a PERMANENT Cure !We carf ACCOM PLISH IT. HESS, PILES OB, CHBOVIO DISEASES OF ssd etimnle caaa eared. All lainilnf , itr-h- COVES THB- da aot evpeet pay fr ear aervleea aaleaa We 1 rrrm SAVE MONEY WlTrVTli All work guaranteed for tea year. Lady attendant alwaye preaent All work done atrsolutaly without pain by specialist t ' rora 11 to to year" as princ. Gold Fillings, Bridge Work. Gold Crowns, Artificial Teeth. COSTOirPAWtrSrOENTISTS tllH Morrison St Op p. Meier ek Flank and Poatofflca. ' . ooratlo ticket, tie will hav a larg an dlence of enthusiastic listener who wl!l go to bear him speak for bis mtrlu s a i speaker, a jtali, . . .. t TRANSPORTATION. -4 . 1 Weassw NOME ROUTE lomuinu aiubxa : BOim. .. From Beatti at.l pjn. forjtetchi-, ka, -Juneau, Skagway, White lloraa. Pawaon and Fairbanks. ... B. B. City of Seattle, May 1, 11, II. II. B. 8. Humboldt, Mty i. li. U. B, B. Cottage City (via flltka). May 4, 11. . AX.ASXA Bxcmtsioirg, , B. 8. fipokene, - June T-tii July August I. - -'- - ' tom Mat rmAsToxaoo sibzot. : From Seattle at S a. m. . " ?.' S. S. Umatilla. May I,- If: I. fl. S. Quean, May , tS; June . '" ' . B. S. City of Topeka, May IS." rortlaad Offloa, S4 Washlngnom St. . ; - Mau s a. ,: cr. ac in, Mi. tx Agt... C IX IXJNANN, O. P. A., -;--. ' 10 Market Bt.r San Francisco. Low Round Trip Rate EAST VIA RAILROAD Wew aTavei, Ooaau, aad raturm. f 91.10 KalshtS ' of Columbus meetlnr- Ticket en sale Mai 14. X, So. Betwra. Unit. A east Si. Bosto, Mae,' aaA return... ... 91.50 rhrtstl BeleBtlata' awetlns. - Ttrketa ea aala June a. e.. I. . aetara limit July 15. This makes sa' excellent eepnrtnntty tn -visit the f.r east at aoniln.l etpenie. These ticket re axn on all EHIS tralna. Ttrkete "1 els New Torfc City at alight Innvaa In rate, l.k la, tlrket aaent tn Pertiand or write. H. B- SMITH. Traveling rner.::aeRU IcniB R. H.. Alaaka bids. Seattle. ALASKA rasT AKO POPCIAS STEUsUHIPS , ' Lssv gaattl ',,;' ! 'jirrrHOTiiT'Tfiy is. : job e. ts. "WLM aiJ W, , uao j, , fm, ' ; "' . ' CAixnto "at -- ; : .- ' Reteblkaa. laaeaa. rteaglaf Bataaa, Skag way, Ceaaeeta with W Fj T. srata ler AtUa, (tawaaav Taaaaou- Maaae.. ets-r. ' W All Seatbaaatar Alaaka Peet. Call er aead forTrlf to Wenerral Alaaha fUadlaa Basketry Tste FJs.'? " :- .- CO..-I Sit Oak at. 'ortlr nr. I The- Dallesrr Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. i Boat leave Portland and Th .PaUes rdailyr aaoep t Bunoay. at-7 a. m . axrlv. ing aoout a p. m., carrying rreiajni ana rassengera. Splendid accommodations for outfit and .livestock. Dock Foot of Alder efc, PorWaaarToo. of Court St.. Th Ball. r" Phon Mate tie. Portlaa. North Pacific i-S. STEAMSHIP ROANOKE 2,500 ions, sails for SanFran- Cisco, Los Angeles and' Eureka Frlrfav 1aT 1 1 ' 94, lntu 7 r mil . . . - , f j " ' t Trr-trnr rtcrZZr9 Tt,fit-i-.i4l(iirOY in. iiiariwiuw tmu, ui Aiders .1'hone Mailt 1314. ii. Younsr, Ajjent. :' T - S.S. F. A. Kilburn for Coo Byu Eureka aad. Be rrrfe. Neat aallltig fram Portland, Saturday,- April SS. Meat sailing from Bas rraackwe, sioa.. April 2a. g. U oatSKOUOH. Agt, Oiaeawtc DaaS Bo. S. Phaae-aiai 11. l0' SPICES, j vwrrua, iut Fircnr:3EXTnjLaS( CLOSSCTttpZVniS C PORTUl0,OlrlQOpVa INJECTION "t eriLi. CUR GONORRHOEA and GLEET WITHOUT OTHER TREATMENT Sold by all Drugglot - Sml r-ll.hl. taiM. .A DrMlia aw rn kRS an (laid aMaalHa km, mmft I vltk aiaarikta. Tokeaeetbee. BVAms Bokatlualaaa mm Ila a ana. . r y, BnuiA m mm 4. la a, Pnxlanl . Teawaaoeiole A KcMaf h, .4I imv, re. tra at Ait. ToiiMua. a-ia m a Draaal" hlaer'hwlau Caw aiaiwa KcMre. ran M ra. j.p. Thoa Buffering from weak, neaaea whirh sap tb pleasures of life should take J uvea filla. One bo I will tell a story- of marvelous results. This medicine has mora Kjuvenatlng, yltallalog forre than haa ever en offeredT Kent ooat-naid ia nlaia naeknaa only on receipt of this adv. and SI. . Made by It originators ('. I. Hood Co.. prietora Hood's Haraaparilla. Iwelf. H .. prov l-2Ci a tSw -ee tteJ-e l " -a adtv, T ""J 1) tvr Nanr)r,k eraaa) .. .TRANSPORTATION. asaaaae.aaWiSa, V lTeaiejramArni sBBSB SBa, .- 3- -Trains io' the East Daily 3 a tkemtgii Pallmas ataadard and teortat alee. a-ere dally, to Oaibi, Cbleaao, Spokn ...i.i aiavDinaara an it, . uiiy. Through redlnleg ckalrtara (aeau tea ta I aloa neot . Cnlcaeo.PnrtUM an-.i.i " ;' Arrive.": the gatt via HuaHngton. dir. S II sat , Npoknn riyr foe Eaatera MMhlnstoe. .Walla ! Walla. . ' Lewlaton. Cnenr d'Aleae ar.d - '"..aortaara point., dally. S:llpta SOoaat Z '"'i"ai roe to caat vU Haatincto. daily .... SilSpia filSsat - . COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISIOif ' .For Aatnria and way polata, eoaaeeting wltk jeasier for Ilwaro aad North Beach. eteam ' ' HaaaalOi-Aea-at. -. bavaa S p. L Sally. " ;eept8oBdyi Satnrdav. 10 p. at. Arrive aboot g p. at., aaeept Siniday. s " i' YAMHiLt. River routb.-.' . n'"'' Oreeoa City aad YaU-.riv.i:. points, iteaoiara Rat aad M-odee, Aah-at. dork. .' Z" ', at-' dally, aaeept Bonder (water per. . Ittlag). Arrive . T:4 p., sa. Utlf. eaM -Suaday. I ' . - SHABB RIVER BOUTB. ' .Foe, Lawtatoa, Idahe.- aad way pot,ta feo RlparU, Wkh., eteearra Soekaae and Lewie. -tos, leave 5:40 a. as., ee npoa arrival Trala f0;, . e11' ept Satarda.. Arrive 4 p. a., dallr axeept Friday. . . Tiekat OfSee. Third ed Waealagtea a as. - . . Teletoaa Mala 111. . . .. ... -i"' Wt STINOER. City Tvket Agsak A. I ClAIO. Oeaaral Paaaaagar AgeaU WA2 SOUTH ; faloa Depot ' Leara. Orm-land Einrnee Tratna - . r for Salea. Boerbarg. A ah land, SavaBeato. Ofdea, Saa Fraaekw, Stork toa Arrlva. iJor-rrAaaretea.-- l .Paa Me Wemlhur. a.llr ..P Sunday with . trala for Mount Aagel, Sllvertna, -Brownavllle, Sprlnsneld, Wendllng aad Natnm.... g:to pat T4Baw Biipene paaaensf eon- Moant Ansel aad Sliver-" - too leesl.-, 4-1Bs M Baa tOrvatn paaaearee.,.... T-0 pat V 'S-.M pm Sharidaa paeeener 4:M pea . Waa rurant mini - saasenaw. morao vol ill is r -vanyv Liauy- exeepT eaaoay. - JEFFERSON-STREET STATIC!. For , Da 11a aad Intermediate points daRy 4:15 p. m. Arrive Portland 10 JO a. aa. for time aad rard of Oswago euborhaa traias apply atXIty Tlrket OfSee, or autie. Tvsrf t Eaatera potnta an Europe: alae 'J. rm n titMa nnnAlnhl snS A rim tr 1 1 a " City TirkeT OfSc "eorner"' Third aid-WaaST" Inartoa atreeta. Phone Mala TIE. - C. W. STINOER. A. t,. CEATO. r . . City Tiekat Agent. . IGes, aa.ASPVr:; MECARH OF TRAINS - Portlandt- Cnloa Depot - . "Deere. Arrtva Trllowatona Park-Kassas . . . . Clty-St. Lonis -Spaeial - for --f-. - - V Chehalla, Cantralla. Olyai- i fia-Oray-Harbor,'BontS . , ad, Taeotna. Seattle, Spo- ' . .t ... kaae, Lawiato. Batta, BI1-. ... ' lint, Dearer, Omaha. Ean- aaa Ctty, St. Loola and ' r Boatbeaat, dally .......... 8:80 ana . :0 paj y hotoi, oaiiy .......... Oeaat- LtonHedJeiee. li.hted, tor Taeoma Meartl. Snokan. Butt. Minora polla. St. . Paul .- sod ' the Eaat. dally 1:0 pas Tttea Pugef Boaad Llmlta. roe ruraaaont. Chehalla. Cen tra Ua. Tacenia aad Seattle 7 only, dally Twin Citv B.nraee for Ta 4:80 pas :5pw eoma, Seattle, Spokane, '(',...,'.';':. HaUoa. Botte. St. -Paul, , t. Mlnneapolla. Linenia, B. -- Joseph. Eenea City. Ona- ' ba. Bt. Loals, withoat ' rbaiMre of eara. Wraet eea- '...'.-.". septtoae for : all polats " Eaat sag Boatheaat. dally.. 1T48 pal 1:H pat A. D. CHARLTON, Aaawtaat Oeaaral Paa aeaser Agent, sng Morriaoa atraet, earaac Third. Portland. Oregea. .;-;-...:.... '.t. ... ,',..f- Astoria Columbfart!" River Railroad Co. -Caioa Depot- For Maygeni, Ratnter.nat. kanie, Woetpnrt. fAifwrn, Aatorla. Warrastoa. Fla veL Hammond. Fart' Btav- ena, Oearhart Par. iSeaade. dallr All tralna dally. J. C. MA TO. O. F. and P. A., Aatorta. Or. . o. A. atl wart, ( ammaraui ageat, Sa Alder street. Phoaa Mala SOS. - TMC OOStrwerfABLt WAX, '-- , 2 Overland Trains Dally 2 'The Orleatal Llmltad. Ike Fast Mad" "VIA SEATTLB AND SPOKANE, ' Dally. aVriv, Portland time seneaal , Te and from Spokane, tt. Paal. Mloneapolla. : Iialulh aad all polata Beat vU Seattle S:d a a . UeWpsa Tn sad fro St. Past. Mlnneapolla. Dalnth ' "' ' ' . and all potat Eaat via Bpoksae . S:IS Ps fieesat Mra S:0 aa North era Svaemahrp Oa. Bailing fma Seettle far Jape d Cblna porta and Manila, essrytsg sa aeagers aad rroight. . -' B. B. Ttaketa, TuSA T. "" " t f:TT? ,1,1 Mlnneaeta. Jaly.BS. NIPPON TT8EN XAIfKA ... gapaa Mall SteasMhlp Ce. , Shlaaae Mara will (all renal Seattle aboot May 18 for aa4 China parts, earrylag paaaeagara aad freight. . - - Fee tJrkets, rates, berf ! IW ear.. eaU aa ar addraee X. E-TOKSON, a . T. A, 1-1 TV '-4 k, tartlaad, Otaga. fhaa T r k.wMaaw n r IIP TTE C I r I a IM . i. i i t Cu.'$l - ... 1 I I. I