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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1906)
X- .A... f i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, : PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 9, UZX 14 TODAY'S Present" Promise It for Very Heavy Produc tion of Fruits in the Entire Northweet . Hood . River, Apples Are In Very Good Shape ttetrajaMpffc,,. JOURNAL'S : DAILY - SUFFERS REACTION flAY-SEPTfalBER A tour: TIPS ON MARKETS -e 1 . . 1 t . ' .' - i . ...,., i '' ' ' MARKETS GOOD PROf.llSt FOR ? r APPLE CROP "Reports 1 From Hood River and Rogue .River Indicate In- ;. :i. U tlcrease in Produ'ctioru GRAiN MARKET SHOWING , ADVANCES ALL THROUGH five Car o Bnanm-Arrive .in a TCr"eeii""tuf "Excellent Condition Art Finri-Hop Holders re Still Waiting for Higher Pricee. , ; Trent Street. May S. The print-few! feature tt tb Portland wholesale markets today an: - Apple crop, promisee heavy, . : . ' . . , Karly local berries to ba abort. T""'" J. ' KIt rsrs men banaoaa sirrr. T - Kansnss llrm. He advanced '- Halted barley otic on bhrherv- Own (rain price are higher. ' Wheat ahowlnf another advance. . ' far near potatoes la -dne Hatarday.' (trance mirtrt crlmbtnr blghoc. I .emon advance with nrnvler demaad. ' Pried nearhee are le higher.' " V ' Another -rmr rMtge tn from the euth. "- Ho holders all II awaiting 1tik-. Nnad-auppilea cause another break. Slightly .lieilw raa of Columbia eaunon. .- ' Apple Ores Tromlaal Hsavy. ; . '- All wt IwHiillw nnw point t a vera heavy product loa of appee In the Pacific north .west, snd'--eperlelly- In regoat. Report front i earniue annum ass lint Is pmapmita , fnr, Iramnn- rrop of llila fruit wero nfrer nti-r - titan nn Jotin A. BU of Ball t o., wne twrwramf tola mural n( from an extrntlelr trip. ; tlirourk aurora ttrvaoa. aa.ra tnere la .eTey JWn. t(i lHrelhaL Unr pntrlnrtlini nf-applra . at. Hood BiTer ttila araann will ha a word hrrakvr. Crop condltlona mere are tha brut tn years'.'. Mr. Hrll aaya tltat there will r "nomrwaat tit -n-- slmrtaaa n-eert Hon River atraniierrlea. hat tne later mw la likely to ; ?m--WTt.ia6tt4n - were mi nee nr rna onto anap.- anr pnt Bnu hrana Mere will alao be abort, but the lae - v plaatbur la abmrkx to ailaantaae, The etraw lierrjr rrop at Tlie iiallea will be ahorter." . n.p.,,,. v.l.l l.f Tl. J.u.rn.l from fonlll- em urecoa ttiatoate that tne fruit rrop there will ha far greater InandJaat aeaaoa. Tba frosts -Ihtnnad oat a eaoaUlerahle amount f the frnti. - t the wnaMtr. rroor the preamt tnrtlook. wt'.l be- faeuaerlor tajhat of raoenL jeara. -p-:.r ' ;""'- Berry Market Is ftulta Tina.. ' There waa a ebortanrni soppllea of Call fnrnla atrawhwrlea today and tha market la ' ruasMerahly flrnvf" all aronnd. But SO eratM of the Hollar earlety were due on oday train, """and throe are heM 30e hlaher than the Jeaala Tarlety. Abmrt TO eratea of southern Orecon tierriea arrlTed In durlna the SDornlnc and mM at IV a rte for Kretr Borne off irrade ator'ke hlrh arflred lain yesTenlay afTtrowoo; aoid as low as lie. . v . .' Flea Cars of Bananas Arrive, " Ftve MWf tistninssrsine la' during lie Biornlnf ever the northern eoute. . Btorks were In tu best shape reelred tn this market fur - some time. No rlpea arrived, and tt wilt aa,aral Sa,a kefiiao imd tilmnpnta ran he ntaae . The nrtf-e la He a pound klcuer with tfitTtuar- aet very firm aerannt of -the warmer, weather and today's . vabjes .era boot Sie a rasa hlitier. Orsnaos are. firmer for nsTels, with wnppllee small orleo anost Slo. burner. . t. . .jr.-. Pried pearhs sre. enoted le pound h!fbee .todar on arrouur of the shorter sunpiiea. Another car of rabbace arrived tn from Los Angeles this momlne. yuallty araraav I'rhe not so ..firm. -. -... Advanoss ia tha Orals Market. Wheat ia sboat "le" s binhel blsber todar wlto "he better demand front millers and the stronger holding by producers. tra la alee hlaher. likewise oata. 'TW lonii - nal's predict iona of an advance of SOe a t -o tn rolled barley materialised late yesterday afternoon,- Market firmer all. around. - - Bettor Ena M Oolnmbia Salnv Beports from the lower and npper river thla warning ssy Hial inees in a allsht Impenaiminl . In tba run of salmon. Snppllea. however, ace . ,etlll too small for local freak markets.- Looks like an advance here. Bund supplies are glutting the msrket and as lee axe being made tooav as tow JK J pound. Today tt M mors a Questloa of selling ilia a price in the shad market. Hep' Keldsrs Await Higher Prion. There Is very little danger of the three Isrg eat holders of bops In this elate letting go under a lie - market at this time, The ei tresis - ntreagth of tba market and tne shortage la sup Itlles la giving holders much courage. Of tlie " general altnation the latest isaue of the New ir Producererieerenr-asys; . ; ; 'Xittle if snyliilng new Uss developed the - past week m the nop market, trading generally having- titled ooteT, the sheen re of stock to - work anoa baring been the principal eante About the anly offer In sa on the local market - eonemt of low. grade California boss, wklr are new sr lliflia: sod an oecaalonal lot of Ore . gone st 14(uiae. Wa bear of eae lot of very Poor .Qregousksvlng. sold .at. WViC OUa.tltB raciiic rnaaituere-aaai Inn ml lew wrad. lor, and aale of Harramento hope la alao reported at 7 Vie, - No business bss been re ported hi Oregon or Waablngton, aa available -slocks in inuae atafaa ire very ttmtted. Tie -tittle inquiry sbowu fca thla stats but week apgears to hsvs snbshled and we do not ber . any new bnannaa the past few dare." -"arste, tuns, choice, per lb. ..T. ...""... ..7712-ai I Slate, 1905. good to prime. .....;........10ill ,. State, 15, common to fab.........-.-:.. M4 a State. 14, per lb Hit - fartfle roast, lens, choice, pre lh.., , . .14t lit Pac4rteoaet;Mm, good to prtme.-t, r, .12 W rr,,- ,ins iwm, common in ran-, m...ii Pacific. coast, I M4, per lb.. S01O Balea. KT7 I0S.2S4 10a.K23 4411 4t.7t;i ai,4:: 31 1T.14M Receipts foe week ".'Receipts from itepteniber 1.,....,. i Rerelpts name time last year..... Rxnorte to P.unme for week...... j. Ripwls Xrom beptembee- tT-s-rri-rrr i Biports ssme tlnie hist year...... , ;J Imports for'wekr . .......-. ,,.A .Importa from Heitemher -t7-rr. . iIninflrte same tliae Isat tear d.wio J Tlie trade psys the following prices to Front I street.. Prices paid producers sre less regular k... eranu Plena sag Teed ( WHKAT Clnh, Tie: red Russian stent. 7ar:.vsllrr. V. ec! Mu BARLEV-Keed, tZ4.00: rolled, ri.O0vra6.00; I brewlne. k DOKSVJbobv-tMaOi erected. 2S.6S per KTB tl.M nor ewt. .OAT. Prerfoc-rV prlce- 'o. I white. $30 00 4tln.i: gray. .tZKiaat.("l.. JrWDg-ev eastern Owrns patents. $1 encl Sen: .trslchls. $S.40MJ0; Vipcet? $ 10-v1ley$-t.5S: grahim, Us, M M: wlmla wheat i MrLtrn'rrS Bran. $17.60 per to,, M. I dllnra. gKVOD: sliorts. iruj, $30X0- ellv f1fc ehov.. tia.onarllo. J MAT Proowrer ortee rinieftiv. Will, met, -f eelley, fanee, $10 ooajiano.. tl ni ;eo: ass tern Oregon. $14 eofjin no: mined 'jMlWlfJSOO: lever t8.0o.0O; grsla. $800 J$ 4i0j cheat, , . - . -. , ji.. , . Batter, trrs aatl Tsfiltra.' . . f BITTCR PAT T. e. k. Port la ssd weal .ftresm. lHc: sour, lV. . .. -- BLTTr.B C4ty ereamsry JTVi ontsloafaner iaoc; or Unary, lJV,r: sloce. 13H14c. 15008 No f fresh Oregon, candled. 1K CM! HSU Vew Pnll cream, flsta, 14.)v Ynnng Amerlra. I.Taldc; rheiklar, fie; tii' -.fornla flats. iai4e, - rot LTRY eh Irk ena, 14V, per Th; j fsnry hens. . in lb; roosters, old. iv ee Ihi stsgs. , IV per Ih; frja, Jrw t-er Tbt broilers.' "file per fbr docks. tne , . etITe per lb: geeae. He per fbi tsrkeys ieo)1Te iev B. gressed. lie per In; s,ioabs, S3.7t9j.wi - oar dee: pteenna, (3.0 aee doe. ens. West sag Kldaa. It rrps- rT lu'eVTL rt . "04s"5s P Ibl ltw Oregon. Ituei.V. WMMe lMe ell V slier, eoerae far saedrasa, BV; flne. Zir: eeatern Oregon, 2u4d31c- - nmm-New. aoeTmHe. . ' aHKVrali(sVShMrlnv R4ttne eeebt abort eel. W4l4tr esra: medtom wool. Aosb.t esab; lens nel. Iti tl.SO each. TlfiXiw fri:a, psg la, H $(. S sad . By Sherk, Gate It Graham. d The market haa been bare of a A banana for several daya until " thla morning-, when the -arrival, 4) d of aeveral cara t. relieved- the 4 - Stringency. Large arrlvala or4) a cabbage the '.latter part of the d) d week had the effect of depreaalng d) d the price on thla commodity and , d d flrat-olaaa atorlt haa been aelllfig 4 d-'t Tia'low ir $1.40 per hundred,: d d -Bhlpmenta of dreaaed meata of - d - all kinda have not been ao prenu- , d - ful thla week tip tt data and tha d d ' market la aomewhat atroriser d than laat reported. With, tha price d) dk the jpama., Tha aeraena ror d poultry ettll.oontlnuee and amp- w 4 pera are fettlng; top price! for- 4 -'11 .they,- aend in.1.". ; vTi dvv"dr-w CHITTIM BARK SHSe ar lb. BIDE Drr. he. 1. ) a' and an. Httt ITH par lb: era kip. No. U U 1ft lba. 4i; arr nil. N I, aM ib Ua: aalud.aloM. taera. noana, au wa ane evar. ivafiiei mlSei wises sad balls, suend. ae)li atp, M to 30 lbs.- 0r; ealf, suend. naoee IB lbs, tin; (roan, nnaalted; la .less: eons, le nee in isas; imrsrnia. SBitea, eaen. ft vi.(h arr,. eon, tl.O04tl.CO: eolfkldfe. , Saftus. aoa aklna. cummofi, aaok. 10lsei ".afar a. oars. acJ at.aa.. - - - , ..-..-.. . tnrts snd Taaetahlsa, . POTATOHs Boat sorted, V wt sark; prv diK-era' , price t.t nr its. e.1l7l(e pr ewt; ordinary, 7Ver"prodtirers prtee,- eoei aew noratoea. StiHSe aer Ih. UNIONS Joi.htna- pHce Oreroa. No. 1, (X.M frS.00; prodtinTa' prire. No. 1, fXtO; bo. . garlic, ifxiiir per lb; onion seta, 7e. fUKHU rKI ITS Applei, 2.S0tli: orangea, fanrji navel. ta.Min3.H!: seedling. I JJ: Medl terraneen. M IS: ; bauanaa.. &e per llrr b-roonv, rhoU-e. .l 0il.l.75 bus; fsnry, 4 2.-.4M ier hoi; limea, Mrvfcwn. par lOOr taogerlnea, tl.SA; plneapplea. Mevican, 14.80; HawalUa. $ o; h-egon atrawherrlea, lU'vl.lic per , lb; California. f.orl.7 per erate. SKUXXABLJJWIarnlun. neiv.TN- her sseki earrota. ev7oe saekl brela. WV Otl.OO ark: OregcHi radlnhea. 20c dos; cabbage, Califor nia. $a r,dJ 60 per rwt; bell pppra. frdc per lb: California - tomoloee. J.28i(0; pom nliia.; . atfing beans, lor; cau liflower, " 2 S --- par crata; green peas. Suae per Ih: korsersdlsh. dic per lb; srtlrbokes. Toe nr ..dos.; bothousa let fare. l.50vjti.TS best celery. JOe . doses; rrsnberriea. Jeraeyg, $14.00 " per bhlr Coot hay and Tillamook, tin no ! saparagiia, Cai- Tengwf1- vwoawe misj anmw p,a Tllril Wills. "fr.5B'"'Tef t"1 iitatr; fttj-T green onions. Orecon. 2Ue dosen bnncbes: Csllfornta enrumhers, ll.TCitfl.MI doaen, Ckiro rBUITS Aiples, evaporarear 1 IV lb: apiieota. inaiv r lb: pea'nea, ll'l 1iHi' mf ih. sstks. "so m Hi leas,, praiiea. 80 t,l 40. TMr; He drop on verb alvteenth msiler else; Srs. CsMfornla buck. StfTe per Ih; California white, ec .per lb: dates,, (olden, se ear tb fards. ti n see U-fb bos. - aoOAnV Seek basis Co be. fTAo; powderal. tS.SO; frnlt graanlsted, gattOl dry grasausted, 6.N0; roof. A, S.a; beet aranslated. gO.oO; extra C, IS.M; golden. C. tJ; O reUow, n.lO bbla. 10c: V, bhls, SBe noses, 0e ad ranee ea ssek basis, leas tBe ear awv for sash, U dsrsj maple, 14rlfte,.per lb (Above prices apply to sales et less than r lo" Oar Ha H HDNCY par crate. COFTEB Pseksts brsndV SIS SB. SALT Coaru Halt erouna. Km. ST 00 nae SALT Coar lent -table, dairy . w, ll "l IBOa, tl0.7t lav ported LIveroooL BOa. SIT.Ow: lOOs. Liverpool, nio.ouj $24a, lie.OO) sitra tne, bbla. 2a. ba. ion, $4,004); bulk, 330 lbs, t4.ou4lft.00-, sscks, MM, aDQiWei Uveriiool In ma roe. see loo; i.raok. g7.l lotls. St.T5. - . ttKAIM BAOB Calmtta. "TUav " " 7" RICB tmoerlal J ansa. Ma. 1. Set No. t. 4Sytrs New Orleana - hsad4ei aUasv-te Creida, Be- . , BRANS Small white. $4. SO; targ while. $4.00: pink, $3 00; bayoa, $8.00; Llmaa, $.X); Mexican reds. 4c. NUTS Pesnats. tambos. St pa V Virginia HO4e per roj veneieoj, - iyivi nor Ihi cocoa oats. aAOSOr per dos; w, tears. neeor ints. It ltISHa per lb; rdnsnnts. lOOUHe per lb; blrkory ants. lie oar lb: ebeatnuts. eastern, isajiae per in: Brsetl ants. 14e see lb; aiberto. Mfllte per Ih; fancy pecans, 13M01SHe alnoBca, 14 y,o IftTse, . rshrta, Osal Ofla, Zta. - , t -, ROPE Pore MaalU, 14e; standard, 1H1 slssl. He. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cnssa, tBVfcS pec gal; water whits. Iron bbm, 14c per gal; wooden, 17c nor gal) headlight. 110-dsg. Sssss. $1 Ve per gel. 0ASOL1NC. ee (eg. easse 34 Ha par gal, tree hhis 1Re ner eaL nsr rr's ti iig, sssss run psg til, trn hhla IRU, fun- esl. TUKPKNT1NC la csaaa Me per gal, wesdea bbla !tc pa gal. WHITE LEAD Tea lots. T4 per lb I ftOO-Ik Ms, Sc per lb; less lots. tUe ps lb. ' , . W1P.B NAILS Present bssls st ti. LINSmCD 01Lefnre raw. tn s-bbl lots. Sect I-hbl lot. Mel cssse, OSe per gsl; rennlns kettle. boiled, rsaes, Sfle per gs 1, n-oui ion .1 lets. S4i 1-nbl kit. BAe ner a-al: eronnd rake, ear lets, 130.00 per toal leas than ear lots, ggn.oo per sen. ; Msata, Flab sad rravtakau. . - : FRESH MSATb srebt street Beef .- stsees, 445c per lb; cows, 34Q pes lb; hogs, faacj. SAtibtwc; ordinary. Sr; poor, Ti37Vie pi Jh; boliaoltf rrff:per JP vcat.. extra. -4Q -por ID ordinal v. - mottoo. rancy, tew per 10; lamos, Vfjioe. BAMS.- BACON, ETC. Portlsnd psck (lorslt hams, 10 to 14 lbs, 144, per lb; 14 to Id lbs. 14Uc per 1: bresktaat naron. inVivIXOe per lb; picnic. 10Hc per lb; cottage, 10e per Ih; regular short dears, ansmoked. 10tt 9 lb; amohea, lis, -per tu, vtrar osraa, nnamosea, lOVke per Ih; smoked. II He pa lb; enloa bntta. 10 to It I be. ansmosea. se per id: s motes pari' lbCMesr beniss,; vmenioks, 11 per tt)I imiirt. tag ner id: snoniuers, ioeper id. U)CAlTVRlettle leafT ll,-ISe-i lb: ba. ISHe per lb; SO lb tins. flAte. per lb steam rendered. MOa. 13e par . lbtSs.J2i per Ih: compound. 10s. attc. CANNED SALMON Colsmhls rtvev, 1-lb tstbj, tl.SO; t-lb tails, $3To: fsnry, 1-lb lists, tl.tO; H-Ib fancy lata ll.Hj fancy 1-lb ovals, $3.7ftl Alaska Ulla. pink. aftOsi red. tLftO, avaslaal f. talL tSOti. PiSH kock end. Te aer lb; sounder, t par lb; hallbnt. Le per lb; crabs, $1.60 per dos; striped bass, 12H per lb; catfish, T pee lb; salmon, Columbia river Chinook, Se par lb) ateelheads. 7c per lb; herring. Sc .or lb; soles. to per lb; shrimps, 10 per lot perch. Be per lb; black cod, 7c rr H; tomeod, 7e per lb silver smelt, Te par lb; lobsters, IS par Ih; freeb nssckerei, se per K; ..erawrisn, soe par dos: alisd. 8st4r per lb: sturgeon; 10c per Ih. 0TSTIRS Sboslwstsr bar. ea asL teas. per aark, Sft.Tft. - CLAM" HsrdsheTt. par hog, " $3.00; raaef daaw, t3-00 per bog. . LAMB MARKET 25 CENTS LOWER IN YAMS ; . . r" .. '.. ' Larger Supplies Hurting the De mand Hogs Fifteen Cents ' Lower Cattle Dull. Pnrtland I'nlon Stockrsrda. Msy Livestock receipts: - - - r lloes. . CsttJa.. Hhe. n Tods ;"::.:, . i l. 1.1A3 viek SCO. 34 - nu -- l.tsi MMitb ago.. 4 , 2 ' in tear ago...,;.,.. 124 1. t.3na Kbeep reteinte sre still lneresslne-'-and .le- rasnd is nnt quite so guod. There Is prsi-' tlcslly no demand now for - Woof--sheeti aiyl th,y are not (rooted In tltcse enlumna. Spring Ismhs are eere etwee -and -weak -uodee- beavv arrivals snd todsy's price Is 3Ae lower. The nitlook for lsmhs, says the trade. ta net of the host, owing 10 Ike vary heavy supplies. cattle rcmiln slow bnt prices arc unchanged Willi the market Inactive. lloga are lAo lowar tod, r, ewlng to ni lower prices In the east and the recent nnr- rhaae hv local packers there.' Receipts 'here sre increasing, official tlvrtrtork prices: : t Hogs Rest eastern Oregon. $7.217.1'.: bhifkira sad Chins fsta, td.enCre.7ll; atorkers and feeders. $db"t0 . . . J 14 1..; beat rows snd krlfers, tt-Tt: Irht snd aieainm steers, gs an; ugnt rows. si70; stock era snd feeders. $a. X : htilla, $3.7ft. heepjiarllng. 4t4: lambs," Sc. 'i r --6.. w iAUb BARK ITATEMIVT rVsHnes ,..,t...a... k..tt47.nt m iaUac ...,.,..,..,, sw.iet.ri '- . ; r- , . .AT CL08IIIG . New York Stock Market Quite ,'Erratio During Session and ' r ' Some Decline.""'"" COLORADO FUEL TWO AND THREE QUARTERS UP General Tendency of Market la Up- IwardlbutllSellingPre8ure,Carriei Off Part of the. List Juit Before pnd-e-JFideral Smelters' Up. AmslgamsUd .'. ' tklCanaillatt .. .. ICaraapease Hnteltrr , . . bt. fanl Colorado Fuel rjniMouri rii-iirc,... Federal Smollort.. Metropolitan cotton Uli i. ...i W Woolen 1 Kork laland. nfd., W Norfolk. Hoothera - PaelBe. V. Steel do preferred... I'nlua 1-aclOc..,.., S Sugar; NET LOSSES. Atchison' ......... Haltimore Brooklyn 1 (4: Locomotlv ....... S Ontario A Was urn Vl'vausrivauia People' Uss ..... Heading 1 " Vsll. Street,' New York, Msy S Henry Clews hss mad the follow tog atatemeetl - : " "It la per ha pa not aufflrlently realised how great the decline In atocks haa been. Hlnre I lie nigh prices of 1U0A many of tha active eh s res have declined from AO to SO points. This hi s tremeitdiHis shiinksge. smonntlng to probaldy l,nisi.0isi,iMro, That auch s contraction coo Id take plaee wTinol"Tvolvlnf-sTndgl-Taltnr wortb noting la -remsrksble teatlmony of the Initerent eirenglk of our flnancinl altnation. It perh, ns ran no longer be saht that storks are. nndulr hlrh 'so lone aa tndnstrlal and-eommer- clal acllvlty continues at Ita present leveTT! Seenrltlee bar certainly receded, to a nwr nslutal level, ami Itquldstlon. If continued, ahonhl fol Knv hi other oiiartera where no re cession has yet rakemilace after abnormally hlh prb-ee. Hpeeulsclon In real estaia la atlll ... IH Tso per boii.lspec)UUr tlKf In the metallic indnetrtee. art alao selling too nigh lor arinnr would be heoeflrlsL Prices sll round, eoaia of living, wages, etc., are too high. Perhaps sncn rescrion may not be long postponeq. sua W 1 II itreet. with Its lien wnhlte iieiisl foresight Is dls- conntlng some of thess movements. The Stand ard Oil Investigation waa another shock, and the proof of railroad eollualoa la likely to atlmu lafe the demand for government railroad regtila tton.- Jt I flitlte safe l assert tuat Iks condU Hon of the market hss been vajnjy Improved lr recent res d 1ns 1 meat, and that many necnr.ltlcs sre now selling st s level offering rsssonsbls hidocemeats te careful Investors." - Res it ten at tha Close r- -v The-stork market suffered a, reaction Just previous to the rioeing Ttnlsr. J a most in stances thla "was not sufficient to make any material difference in the Hat, nnt soma raw Issues loei. wlfbj. 1 fracttonal lose. Th larg- 1 , est decline for lb day waa Tn brookub RapTdTI Transit, which was under pressure sll tnroogu th session sad railed the dsy with a decline of lia. point. Pedersl Smelter wss one of 11. mora active Issues and hiol a net gain st tits close of 1 points. - Colorado Fuel waa tits hope of the bulls and advanced rapidly during today's trading on heavy bnjlng -n-ders from the on 1 sloe. It closed 3s points over th price of yeateMsy. "-Mortey-raTesr st- llll lilgh, th calls today rahglng around 4 per cent. Cans dlan. Paclf le was veryjrtlvn and adranced j V point ever yesterday. The rloatng waa easier. tirriciai qootBTions: . - DESCRIPTION. AMslgamaled Copper Co. Armwon. com. AnC S'iar. com Am. Smelt., com. PaHlmnee A Ohio, com. Brooklyn Rapid Transit, t anaitisn I'acinc, com,-, Chi., Mil. A St: Paul... Chreaneske A Ohio.... Colo, Fuel A Iron, com. Erie, com Lonlavllle ft Nashville.. Metropolitan' Street By. Missouri Parine.,..,.'. Cotton Oil Pederal Smelters., !,ocomortve, . .. . Woolen e . . . Norfolk A Western, com N. Y.. Out. A West... Pennsylvania Ry P. 0.. U A 0. C Heading, com Kork Island, eouK.... cb preferred . . . , Southern PaolAc... I'nhm Purine, eors ,. Central lsther. com.. It, S. Steel Co., com mm nnHlinerTrin411rtnT I an I pn sntil hoti Jiaast; igasthsa hiuiZ lASUllbSH IMS'llWlH lt44 HO- 107J,llOHZ 2Hl aati si ui si Inntf'lMotZ 1l2hniZ imh liiTTt) inn I16TH ta r 67 m 49 "4 3H 4H M 42H 48 42 H 424s 144 144 148 144' 114 114 '114 114 PH4 bT'A POM, 01 u SlVfc 31 g h 81 H p l"0 tn'i m 6 0. 64 W 87 HX ST 8M HM S7 SS 4H 4SH 47 4S 1.15 l.TnH 1.1414 inn 4L R4 01 B4 KtlHlllllH 12N 120 Sb 25 3f 2ftH 64 4H 6.1 IMH 4H1 on. S4H 4 147ll148Thl4TT4 42 j 42 42- 43 4 41 SSTA 41 pee th4t..l'rrfrrred.,v,Vl?,;no!lH'7 n.e.,,,.. Total aale for day, 1.377. 800 ah s res. Coll money. 3QSH per erst.. a Wl LKESBARRE OBSERVES HUNDREDTH BIRTHDAY eabarrePa., May t. Elaborate preparations for Wilkeabarre a centen nial celebration have been In progress for, mony weeks pant, and today wit nenand their completion.- Earn train to day brought lta quota of vlnltora, and tomorrow people will arrive by excur sion loads. It la estimated that 15,000 people will be In attendance by toraor row noon. All bualneaa house and res idences are elaborately decorated with bunting and flags, and the parke amd atreeta are profusely lighted with col eyed elec.trlG lamps. Several large arches have been erected on the prin cipal thoroughfares, all handsomely decorated and. lighted, with": electricity. The celebration will Inat three days. and the program is replete with at tractive features In the way of parade, literary, exerclaee, athletic contests. band concerts end carnival eventa. FORGER USES NAME OF PENDLETON MERCHANT '(Sneelal Menatrh to Tb. Journal. 1 Pendleton. Or., May . Two forged check have been received In this city. nhn for S&O and one for $S8. both bear ing the name of R.'H. Wilcox, an Imple ment merchant of thla city. The checK for- MS wiia osshnd at l.a. nrandeJy. Lawyer F". H. Ivanhoe and the other waa cashed at Orand Junction, Indorsed by C. J. Blackburn. - It I not known ho forged the checks at thin time. Suspicion rents on a man who wne here a month ago but who haa left the city. Effort are being made to locate htm. .rJtT'-'. MONSTER STREET PARADED -THURSDAY AND fRIDAY -Jne of the attractive features of the Nort-le A How olrcua which comes to this city next Thursday and Friday will be the monster afreet parade. ,Thrn will he arorea or cages or rernriotia wild animals, hundred of beautiful horses of all coldra andlgcsJiugt rTphsntai ana airepy camera, gutty oreasro women and heavily caparisoned men, but above, all will be. the clowns. end the cslllope. Trtene. two latter features are what attract the children; alo many grnVn petiple. The parade will be le I by one of tlie bvst circus bands In merit. , , ., I Xonti in ued Coming of Damage Reports Adds to, Strength in Wheat Market.- . 1 LIVERPOOL IS BOTH; HIGHER AND LOWER Corn Fails to Hold Iu Strength of .Yesterday' and Closet Pown Tone in Oau Is Good With Both' Op tions Advanced. - V T T7 : 7RlTlulTTVI WHEAT T ALTJES. L a Close . Closav Close Gala MMM.. Wed. $ .2 - t .00 wvo. me. Msy.;:.v., July......; Heptombn., ..$ .81 Jill JtlH - g , -,.Jt ' .00H e ih Cbsrago. ' Mat t.'-Todsr's wheat msrkst opened generaUy higher, the. May being ap V and Ih July th same amount.' - rionteuirivr niiened nnchanged at 77c. - Opening eahle rrom. Liverpool were snout d -lower, and thli saa a allghtlr oepresslne Influeno oa the mar ket here. The latter Improvement' there wss a help. At the cloning today Liverpool swae d ap ror tn July. Msy waa somawlst weaker. fed a-wer than yesterday. imp reports sr still tn Influence wnira control thla msrkst. Advices froaa the growing crop eoattnn very conflicting, but the general impression seems to be tbst weetber condition sr not sll thst coo Id be desired. Dsmsge reports srs anil eomine rrom various sources. and then many re pel It ions Is pnttlng sons of ins i,angis saa sess mis ins anil ssmp. rnrelan crop odvtees are much ia Hoe with those of this country. - With th s.oepttoa of September thla market today closed either en chanted or e fraction lower than opening fly nresr There-b-a- Isrgee velum-ef trade In September and today's rlos found th price at 78c. Thai to an advance of o over yea terday close. The mum rls I shown m th May. . July wa not quit so- active today, but II closing waa fairly steady, e higher. 9asd Trading as Boaisn Olalsa. n IBS IfiSfgg rralll lint' IBrre-w-tf-vSW IHWT trading today. Tha rontlnned Improvement hi rlbuxlngonuence. nmaneeo la norn r and July, but 'sefltn ling pi era iii e carried them nerore tne flis. sad perk ooKasi wss 140 off at tha rlnabie. The data market stood its eronnd , during todsy'g trading and the msrkst closed bicher. The larger demand -for oata 4 heroin . the shorts out of the msrkst. May. closed 4s e hlshee.- wltb-Jnly H M, 5. 1 h lower nog marker ana tns aepreeara preereets m that line added te the weskness- provisions. - This .with the lsek or support by psrklng Interests eanaed tb market to clos with a decline: . ... - '.';. , Official quotstlonst . '.:'- -. ". WHBAT. . . - .... - ' nen. Hleh. T.OW. - Close. My. .....$ .si g .xaat $ ai $ .natt . $ .ai $ .m tpZ - .T9T4 .T9 " .72 TTS T7t 7717 .T Bept..., CORN.- Mar.. .47 , ' .47 .43' ti .47' juiy - -.OATS. ... -.3r ,.t2H J114 .31 . MEM PORK: May.';... July....... .83 M .2 .lS 1 Oft -Ti M f -TZT Av.e la.wi LIVERPOOL wRAIM MJARJUT, - Liverpool, May t, Offlclsl price: .. I - WHEAT., '"" "" fToas CloaT loee , C.als ...... . . U'ed. " Thnra.' Wea-' WeH Mttf i..u. Ss 8d"f Sa S'Ad Ir U4.J July SsTHd. tstfid ... d ROMINENT MEN ATTEND r -CHARITIES CONVENTION ;. ; , m r: '"" , ' (Journal Special Sorrlre.) Philadelphia, Pa.. May t. Several thousand delegates representing prac tically every atate and territory of the Union are gathered In Philadelphia for the thirty-third annual aeaelon of the national conference of Charltto and Correction. The formaT' opening takes place In the' Academy of Musle tonight, and the proceedlnga. of the conference will continue through the greater part of next Week.' The delib erations .will cover every known field of charitable endeavor. Among .. the men of prominence who 1 will take an active part In the conference are for mer' President ' Orvjrver Cleveland, Qov ernor Stoke of New jersey. Judge Jul- lan Vlack of the Ctilr go-JavsnH. courts William C Ball of Terra Haute. Ind., Alexander Johneon of New . York City and Ernest F. BickneM,' general auper Intendent of the Chicago c tyres u of charttlea. ' - Minneapolis haa sent a large delega tton here with an Invitation to hold the next eonf erno'--tn JhafcxltjTrJtjtiBS thejupportofhe entire northwest, and the invitation -probably will be ac cepted. , Thc CalRins Newspaper Syndicate To Subscribers of Orchard and Farm and The Pacific Miner t A smalt portion 'of the subscrip tion lists-of "Orchard nd FarmM"find "The' Pacific Miner'? wat destroyed m the great . lire which reduced - the greater part of ban franctsco to ashes. In order, however, to eliminate the possibility of names being over looked in the revision of the lists, every person wno nas oeen receiv infr either "Orchard and Frm" or "The Pacific Miner, or both, is ur- srently-requested to fill out the fol lowing blank and send it immediately to our rortland office. ;.xou carr at certain the exact date of your sub scrintion by referring to the printed sddress on the wrapper or cover page. but if you haven't rithcr.gueaa-at jt at neany as you can. coin puDiica tions will be issued on . the regular dates as heretofore. THE -CALKINS NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE. Portland Oregon. I Subscriber! for "ORCHARD AND FARM on (or about). V.v. And owe therefor ...... ..(if paid for leave blank.) , THE PACIFIC MINER- On (or abouO-.. nf w4V-thefeot-4 ifpai4 fof leave blank.) Name.. Tows. It t i flstc.......".'..... ........ TaVah V:, J61 THE ARMQ .TO.' ACCOMMODATE j NON-RESIDENTS Mail orders: will be received from outside pointiv when tccompanied by express money order,' postoffice money order or certified check" -nd stamped envelope for reply. The orders will be filled in order of their receipt and tickets ' mailed the purchasers Address" and make check payable to EILERS PIANO HOUSE, 351 WASHINGTON STREET, PORTLAND. SEATS NOW Oft SALE at Eilers Piano House 14vb end IhrflellirTheatre-uK Washington Batarday sad Baaday VlghtJlay lt-U, Mod FA MOV - Pilkbiiry Pictures . SAN ..FRANCISCO and rt a- PROpt'CRTj BT THI LATEST latPROVKP Electric "Sceneoicopyrrf. Every Tlew rally Explained by aa Eye-Wlb HI TaTit notnrs xaasa wnu ., .th.ftoe Wa Ragtag. '.. POPULAR PRICM aAdalt. floe; eklldrea. u .-Isc y piaee a ia usmv. , , Beets on aal. Saturday awralag at the Hdllg. ATHLITIO tAMM. Osnsv Tangka nad Twawty-fe ... Kir 1. 1, it, u, i u. , iSan Franciscovs.PorlIand Ladisa' Day, Ivaiay. . .-.. ' ADinaaioif, sm.--- -. GRANDSTAND. 28c. , 1 CHTLDRBN. le BOX SKATS, TBe. DIXIE FARMERS TO Company Forming to Prospect - for Oil and Cat ln.Basin -. . -and Valley. ' HEAVY .BASALTIC CAP X0VERSENTIRE FIELD Msde" Expert i Who - Mads - - Exarninatioa Pound Pronounced Indications of Csrburetted Hydro fen - and Pe- ' troleum but Says to Drill Deep. - fgp.rU I Dl.gst.h U Tb Journal) I Dixie, Wash.. Alar C R. Frasler anda number of other prominent farm ers of this ' district are arranging . to form" a atock company and commence) boring for oil "and gag on lands selected by Professor Samuel-Aughey, the Spo kane expert, who spent several days here two weeks ago Investigating the gaa ' and oil - proepeotav Profeesor Aughey yeaterday transmitted to Mr. Frasler his- reports that bear out hla former statement that undoubtedly gaa and oil- In commercial quantities, exlat in the Dixie basin and Dry creek valley. Profeseor Aughey's Ijivestigatlons car ried htm over a large territory in the Dry creek valley and everywhere he found pronounced Indications of car buretted hydrogen and petroleum. . The area examined by Aughey com mencea at A point one And one half mile south of this place and running edst, through the Dry creek valley and Its tributaries. The geological con struction . of this valley, Profeseor Aughey says, la aomewhat complex, but some of the features are clear and pro. nou need. : It la the heavy csrburetted gas thst exists in this section, being generated along with petroleum and owing - its origin -to -the. same causes. Asghey aays that a heavy cap of basalt ,, the oU-field- and. that-4t. w rill probably bar neceasary to drill a depth of not lees than 00 feet and perhapa 1.100. The first wellg will be sunk at a point Just south' of town st a cost of about tie, 000. The finest tndTcalionaof both oil and gas were found on the farm of Mrs. Jane Lamb, C R. Frasler, D. Eldredge, -Demaris boys and Henry Hckhoff. - , LARCENY CASE GOES' OVER UNTIL TUESDAY When thecSse ef Ernest Kngel and Orant Test, charged with Attempted larceny, from the person, wss called thje morning by Police fudge Cameron, a reoueat waa preferred by Attornev j - Hartry... E, McQlnrj for postponement antii iuesosy. ins lawyer aaaertea that his presence wss required In the federal court at 10 o'clock and that he would be busy for the remainder of the- week. .i . . ' Rrnest Brand. . representing - District I . I m. . I U . . I . L . n.iuiiivr sisuiiini, . saiu '-IIO. would D wiUins for a ppstponensnt until Tuea- Baseball SINK DEEP WELL .-., W0.R LO'S G REATEST-ARTI BERNHARDT " " lesiva- ; Friday Evening:, May 11 Saturday Matinee, May-12 NO PERFORMANCE ; PRICES $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 CIRCUaSDAYTl oriDTi-A-xT ri H xVef rr a Eri Lee v ' nn X,OOATD a ' mjft7iVA-OlJOVB motTinjs Tfiurs.rMay 1 0th Friday, May nth Pwformancmt 3 and 8 P. M. Daily S IwJ-tircn t?aet w4 Ca!ctniiM-i:t ASTOKlSaWtd sCMtATf Cansf rt0 Ae4aff f ifjrtimttl scubbti If Irtllai Ttakltrt M Basklsst lgk IMsra Smmb fll TrasM4 VwM ftMsti nwLtFitnT:::r sMOint UUi Ml HiUW w-Di.SHrk(l3)Fstiri7 Marvelous Picfcardls nia ii l ii us i Pretty EdsaMarett as. . a f i -- s abas vm mwm rm EVERYTHING NEW THIS YEAR Baker Theatre Oregon Thantr Oa, we. L. Bskar. Kg. Tamhlll and td St. Fkon Mala ISOT Th. Last Burlesque Show of tb Season, vary bight Thla Week, Matinee Batarday. - "Ooldea JUate g Best." " THE CALIFORNIA GIRLS Brinfutl of fun and- music; bretty girl, anil Immense vsodsvlUs , act. : Tw - rollicking jfnrieeqne. - -r. - Saturday matinee, toe, roc snc, toe; even- Ins- nrlca. 3bc. Boc. sue. - 75c. Sanu-dav Bight, apectai . c losing yerrnrmanre', alao am atrur nlaht. Dnn't miss the last Burleanue. eat Weak Tha Babar Tuatr Company "tibo Jkara. - Empire-Theatre-ls Morriaoa. MILTOlf W. -SEAWAX. Manager. . . Vertlaad'g Popular yisybsuaa, V. . ,,, ' 1. .,... Jim - --C MACK-SWAIN CO. IS THE GREAT' WELO- DRAMATI0 SUCCKMH, "THE INSIDE TRACK" By OUTER DOO BTRON. A strone res lis tie nlsr. v A store of In- trlgne snd crime; Justice snd - retribution; beautiful scenery; eioellent compear. Evening prices, lftc, 36c, Hoc, fruc Mat inee, nic, loc, ate. "to MIT WEKK "1HB IttlBU).'' GRAND THEATRE Week ef Msy T. rrsd Rlvsskal, New Eealand's . Owe Comsdtsn, wraee Hnntlngton a Oasnpnny, Dawson Whitlcle. UatU Sisters. Th Twe Bote. Master EaroU Hff. Orandlseoy. SCMVER PRICKS Kvntng. Stmrtara and bolldadya. Ills, Sue snd SOel mat- . liie to sny seat, except Boxes. LYRIC .THEATRE Xrary Aftei and Evening Rarllaad-a aowaiar jiouaa. tanaatlonal Rsatioai Drama, ' The Lighthouse Robbery FOIIeOrrTTIt'T-R'ow' PRRFORMANCR. Atlmlaalon, " 10c;., Reserved Bests, Zfie. lTeAIlHEATRE- WXIK 0T MAT T. j . .- , First Afpearance of fit - STAR STOCK OOMrART, - .... .'.Headed by Wllla A Collins, le - Mrt The Basket" te ' conneCtlee "Wit " 'gnne rtmdevlll- bill, Inctadlng liuelan Rarlgalnpl, Blind Rarltona. 10a te Any Beat Boas. lOe. LAVCNTHAL BQOft. WHOLESALES LIQL'OR DEALERS Formerly, et lOS-tll Ba erg men to Street, San Franclaco,' Cal. OT-tykS-WaabJiigtoatOaklamaV. OaLi Customer Kemiiung Bona coin or Cur rency by Expreegu . day. The reqirest waa granted by the court. k C ... A rumor wag current this morning that the charge may 4e dismissed with- IHIssmiHwsl "SAMLET JK. L-rirn mi. ST E ;"r w w nay 1 v. a .SAPPHO , CAMILLE SATURDAY NIOHT Ceniilne' Littie Liver pais. : Must Bear Signature of fee Fac-Slaalle Wrappne Bafcvsr. FOIIEiBACXL tn bhzikcss.. ;. roi iiuoutittn. FCI T6XPI9 LIYCRs ; rOI COKSTIPATIOR. rOISAUOW SUR. mi TKECOMPLUIOI tleSmU VMmm staai am Sssnsruet, . -TagwtSMgvw'a7eW; CURt 8l6K fiCADACHC' Have You Heard? Garter- a e , , m m 7 "AT v I of ths msny goodthlngsiws itiavs Tit offer the good people of Portland T - No? Well, thle will apprise you of 4 few"of " them; but wt'll be glad to ahow you and teir you about lots more theee are only ssmples. ' ..'.'; Avery Co, irf4re... ta Tatnio t, BBT. W1MU AMU AsTJC UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OP Q.GeeWo The Great Chinese Doctor At No. 162 J First St. Cor. Morrison , R mlstssdiag sutesMsts ta' U ffUctad. I guarante eompl.te, af sad lasting ror In the e.iiekest a-awlhle tlsas, sad at the ua4 BHSulhls. tne hnma asl ful treatment. I nr catarrh, asthma, bias. -throat, rheumatism, nervouaaeae. stem ash, liver, kidney snd lost manhood. rtMALS .TROUBLES AMD AU BEIT ATS DISEASES. . . wy . renMOlea srs barmls, sompossg f rents, karbe, bads sad bark, espeelallr sslaeted sd Imported direct by sa tram th Intacta ef China. IT T0U ABE ATTLIOTIB D0RT SZLAT. DtLAIS ARE DANGEROUS. If yes cannot ea 1 1, write far avmnress hi. -fc sad clrralar, . tneins 4 rents In stamu. . . a- uunauLXATlOR TIU,. fi . W Chinas Mdlela 0 ISSUI rirat St.. Oemav sti.,,1...- I..J 'nj aa Bwas. steatioa Uls aanae, .. 7 Jfit 4 trie V Captain of Detectives Bruin"" said he would vlggreualr oddoss. such v & a procedure. , . eevvjwaajs. ' '. '