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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1906)
,' , X5 TUX - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,- -PORTLAND," WEDNESDAY -EVENlNO."MAYT 0 , 1CC3. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ;- Three Special Bargains 11800 80x100, 6-room bout with aleov i lng -room, porcelain bath and blocks ' from tu; Wnt lrvlngioa. between Jlbcinp- , , oa ilia Tillamook; good terms. , l,m 8M, acre all Budrr cultivation. ,- T-room kouM. good bare, cellar, chicken- nous ih corral, i a era la attawverncev srr la araln-j-li anra srshssd.. saalate ; fruit, J Jersey i-uw.. too chickens; fsrs oa commutation tickets about be; SCO teeh, remeinder oa lima, V par cent. Si. 400 New g-room bouaa, X Iota, barn anil "-e4ilchen-houe. water. - bathhouse and barn. 8 blocks from earllne 5 faro; I TOO cash, re- . Biaindsr an tlma, 8 Pr cant. Watch uar special bargains which W will suveriiae verr wek. , -Hctchklss & -Wood1--- - 212 Allsky bldg.. Third gad Morrison. $2,650 MODERN 6 room nous, very choir location, caat aide; tar ma to auir. m. a Lee, aa Sixth at. . Phou PselSc 68. CORNER aad Inald lot In Fox C'haaa addition. 82(10; 810 down aad 810 per-monib. Vrnu carllnc 8 blocks. 818 McKay bldf. Portland Propertr "1 T-room bona, "with basement and good barn, lot ftoxluo. oa Missouri are., t Mock from carllnc; a 8n residence- prlca 82.800; . only f loo down, balance, per moum. Room Big-dea bids.. Third aad WashlngtogT AT TOUR OWN TERMS Must 1m aeld at on, modern 7 -room residence, almost new: -ln-mtnut -r ride; Central Albtiia Don't miss -thla opportunity to get ., thla - elegant ouw tarait,- T -Boemi 208-210 Commercial blk., Second Bad Weaning toe. - Phone Paclae 2273. r ; , St. Johns Property I lota, 't blocks toon, pof tofSc. it 350 per lot. . 4-room hoaa. H - block, from . car.Una, . lot 80x100; arte geoo; Lnoa kniM. 81 'Block Wom gChoomoeSP. I loU bOllOO; price $1,050.- 8-room boom, i nwss n-om c"ui. -.. Johns station, 2 iota BoxKh), with bath and awwtsva thrrihehoul : nrirJT 81.050. lot la South St. Johns 820 and Bp; thla ornoertr aaa ba bought B easy Term, van TFt HOME BROKERAGE CO.. Room Brda bids.. Third aad Washington. 80AO 4-ROOM boasa and lot 1Mb blocka from ear oa Cnlon aes.; sell oa Instatlineatd. Wash ington A Oregon Realty C, ii asb- inatoai. at. - - 2,880 Bt'TB 8-reom Bew and strictly modern - bouaa, Juet acroaa atel brlla, aoraer, arat ' elaaa arery way, walking dtatance. rooma all laraa with, all modern lmncoramenta; thla FOR SAX OR TRADE Homestead relinquish ' meat, south and Hood River valley, Oregon; price 1200. Address K. ear -Journal. VANCOUTER AVE.- Thla IROxlSS with alley In rear and sewer paid, offered thla week for 81.880; term. uau, sua uomsarrciai. m CORNER lot In Holladaya addlttoa, aouthweet , eeaaea 181h 4 Haneoek sts., for sal Tar I mewlHll ebasi (lira: ffir nrlca Lee, 3 Sixth at. - - Phona Paclfl 88. S-WOOlal wmi aaar falsa aavaaiai. yard. 80x100 lot. fruit trsea. , ebrubbery. . ... . kuu ai nui. trma. L W. 1. Day A Ca.. leBV Fourth st, room 8a. in arnajt Mae eeritM aeA station: No. 1 aoll. fin view; thla Is choice anrg and, will ba - sol for email price ol gist per acr, r on eoantj raaeV-SOA- from ata-i tma electrte uue; can oa-nwignt oa emaj terms; 10 scree- fenced ; will dlvld sad sell la amaU tescta;- 8128 per acre. - .W. 4. Day Co., 1064 Fourth art., room 8. - - -EI.EOANT quarter block, eor. Eat Twmty- -aiatn arm - bt w.r-t-r ww ttoiw Inqurr 238 Waaklsg tua at. - -41 'aiT what irm waatr gBBO buy a new t room plastered couajr. baaement lot 80(100. on carl In. Bear be 11 wood. Ji. J. welser, zxita Morrison -at, 1 " ..... ... ItrflMI. - " Tbra bouaea, brick ' baaemanta. ." largg Jotl west eiae, rent few per monin ; uly 84.8no, UKNfctS AVftARRUON, . 817 Ablngt. Btag. '-i MI'ST BE - SOLO BT MAT 14TH. . " ' Owner ' going real ha tiered hi aew . T room home, modern In every detail, full -7bf coneenteac. - gaa end -leetiinty,- bath - and tnllet upataira, toilet aowaataira, ce ment ' bare meat, eratianary tuba, ry larga rloeet attic all flnlnbed. on btucfc from ear, Bannyald. (3.200 : 81,000 cash, term ;- on balance. Seeing thla is the auly way W Judgn. ... 5 - BENKLB A HARR1S0M, 21T Ablngton Begg. . aty Property rao$ block,' I Booaee with T and 10 rooma, ra. oa Moatgomery at.,- IB minute' ja ik from bear to f ci t rf r 1 1 . 9Wi bi bargain win aut isa King. We hire many aplendld ntt la Vernon at gr to gib sows, oaianc ao ro gs per month. We sbM bars very ale baya it St. Johns and ueaereotr para AHina, Bear eerharn; wilt build to gull,, COVER SON, r- . -. . . . left First at. FOR SALE FARMS. 2T ACRES. jUcaly situated; 180 acta hi eutll 4 vatwa, 120 acre alasbed and newly fenced for awts ar sbeen. about 900 acrea ooeo lend In paatur; trm plna 18,000 seres f free raug on tb west: good school 4 mil from r house I -barai eas e aewly abedded 8 . side; granary, biaegemita aaop, a awsiunr bouses, us a T-room and one a 4-room, borua; : ' - - woodshed, smokehouse, 8 benbousaa and a . . new cbk-kea park; 2 creeks run through the farm, beside numerous eprtng! 7H gnllea to county seat, '4 mllea to railroad by enmity road and tW miles straight acroaa, a -tout, farm I well fenced and croaa-fenced, aoll rli-h black loam I none batter l. and Hi farn ' ' .lana la hi' a high Ms is of cultlvatloa; fetclr ' grew 10H feet last year, had th beat crop around ber; hare 88 head of eattl and 2U - carrea. 1HO bead of sheeD and 80 lambs. 7 bead o horses sad 2 coda, i atandl.uf bce.i. . . j arming .implements: . vn oiouer, i mower and rake, eeeder. 4 horse steel harrow, rofllng dlak barrojr, wagons, back, hay rack, grind - - - stone, aulky plow aad 2 oM: walking plows. 14 Inch; clod maaber, bay fort aad ropea and -. pulleys and carriage for track la bams; 2 garden nearly all planted, early garden ready . ..... m. t eei they areolh picketed In from fowbs; heuled 23 load of manure on larra garden : thai sprbur: 4 acrea of orebard. apples, peaie. ' plains, prune, cherries, grapes and fins wild ' blackberry patch on fsrm; Isrge maple sbsd tree la front of house; are milking 10 rows at present; telephone la the 'neighborhood, esn connect at any tlma; crop all n aud " " look fine; expect another banner crop. ; Prlca - $18,000; term to suit purcbaasr. , ' SO kcref. 8rat-cliea lend; 22 t 20 acres 1 under ealtlratloa. 2 good orchards, H sera m fin garden with picket fence; a good 8-room bouse. 2 porches, fireplace: a fair barn, machinery shed, small shop, wood houae. mllkbons.- chlchea-bows with 1 acr of ' chk-kea corral, ever-running water through ft; place fenced and eros-f eneed : good apriug at mm with pamp la It, running water at ' barn, span borate, harneea and Bew Mitchell wagon. 8 head rows, 8 aelfers. chkkena, aud all ascaassry toole auch aa need on place; - som beaeerdsm land: a good milk route: ft F. D. mall sad phono In th boose: H . n,ia to school, SV4 miles from th beet tore ' - - m th county aad 21 mllea from Port laud; ; ; 83.000. term"-... . -,- - -.. ' I have number of good aad fin residence , . and buslaeea proper' iee la all parts of city st different prlcea. Please call aad examine list I . - w will pay vwa If yo think f baying. W WV WPK, tlv Commercial bid., "" Cor. Second aad Waahiagtaa ata. TE WHO I8U TO MAKE MOM EX INVE8TI, A'gfe1.aera farm. mllea sat. I on of tho tlcheet farming communltle In th , ' at it, where land sella- at 8100 per acre end ap: all fenced, nearly all in eultlve '. tloa; or i0 acrea la wheat, oat, bar-. ' r e. corn, notatoea aad boos, over 100 acrea timothy, ebveer and slfalfa: Tit acres good '- timber, balsnea paaruret er i0 head of stork; good 1o-raom- resldear. 8 large barns, ftrat-elaa dairy aad rraamery plant, mod r ara machinery; plec - ail Mocked and t" equipped! Bew rsllwsr In course of con- stinettoa: Isra, auitshia for plotting tow a " lots or rrbiayi no other each place In the state; best aay thing your eye ever gaaed for further particulars, photographic news. ThSTdCKM T-AWUPACfJ COMPAST, Vr , l aw 9 rrav at. FARMS snA farm for aal. from 1 acre as. j,a at befora hurttrg. East Slda Raal CaUts Co, 40T Bawthorae Ben. a- 110 ACRES. 25 cleared, soma beaverdam. bnaaa. barn, orcberd. 2 creeks; 10 ml lee west w Fortlsnd. W mgren, ayaverinu, roaia a. TAMP bring 8 pag eafVlogne f -Sjiunrry isnda. Sqrr rgddna C-. 800 Broadway, Oak land, Cel. ; F0R SALE FARMS. '-..''LaM'Br Salc'.'v " 1! CLACKAMAS COUNTY. " "' 228 Acreclat) cultivated, all fenced: 4 I acres lu guod orchard, govd Bouaa aud barn, r on cduutv road: tSt.M per sere: one hall 1 Mi Aorea 1 u, mile aest or Canhr. oa .county xud. 28 acres cultivated. 8 acrea aiialied. SO fruit , its. I1V1DC water, fair I - bulldlugci 83.0UU. - - ... 40 Acrea a miles grom uregoa t Itr: 23 acres eultlisted sad In - arsla. 10 scras I slaauad. 8 acr we lit good timber., fa is bull. -mge,1uving , water, am, i norss, aiaall wagon, aud 411 farming Implements; S3.800. ' 60 Acrea 20 a .Tea cultivated, 4 mllra from Oregon t'ltr. living wstsr, a buildings: ...... . .uuv j l .. i m . .iwi ai.iHnj uvw, vmimavw w yvr ril(, - .-81 Acre-2V4 mllea. iroinOrgoa Xlty. a 6 ores cultivated; 20 acrea slashed, amall oues-and bsrn, good orcberd; $2,000;- on half down, balance 8 per cent. s - 2d Acre 8 mllea from Oregon City,' 12 acrea cleared, B scree (laahed, good bouag aad barn, living wstr; 82,400. . 104 Acres 8 seres cultivated. 10 acres slsabed, balance bruab and timber, . sj! seacea, no DUlluings; pnev i,any. Also a large number of Improved fatmg, located' in varloOa part of the county. Otbee farm aad timber land fur sals. OHKllON CITY Tltl'ST CO, Osrd Bldg., Oregon City, Ore rrgoa. CUOICH FARMS FOR BALE OR EXCHAMGR aa.W0 Uood i dairy or stork raiMb. 311 acres; SO acres cleared, good new bouse, 3 barns, ar-Teral springs b place, urge out ranee: 12 miles from .Vsacoavr-- 81.000 Nice lltll farm, 4 miles from Waabeusal, 20 acres. IB acres cleared,. 4 acres aood mixed orebard. aond D-room houae. T bsrnTbi52r 100 Icfei adJolalngT tto . Usprorft: - atenia. ai.raai . s ' 80.000 rtu bottom land farm, on Lewis -river. 20 aillee roia Portland, good- boat aervlce; all level, 80 acre utMler cultteatiun. 'all fenced, nlenlr aood oak. asb and fir tliu ' ber, 8 acre mixed orchard, S good 8-rooia . Bouses a larga barm, dairy ana etuer OUIIH luss: 20 cows so with Discs. , 85.000 lot) seres, 4 ejilies from Colnmbuv river; I'larke county, waah.; 79 sere clcerod. . som tiuibrr, . balance eaally cleared; . good 8-room bouse, large barn, small creek near , 20 head -cattle. 14 1 milch cows, som bogs, s rRirivai, . Dig silo, IfM'Cyupr, ail compivie, .binder niower. rake. 2 wagon, all kinds of farm machinery, bouaebold farniture; thla la a aplendld buy: bast of aoll; will glte -terms; guaranteed as adrerttoed; ace ftr 1 87.000 Fine No-acre farm,. 8 mile from , Tanconrcr; all kteel bottom land, OA acre rieered, bslsnc seeded, 18 acres good ur-!- chard. S-etory 8-room houa larga barn; aoru . luiplemente gn with place. . 8S.0U0 80 acre farm, all teeel.' swal and loam, all fenced. -60 acrea cleared, small err hard. eod 8-room . boas, larra barn: U mile to town. 10 mile from Vancouver. A , rtoiii-'ii''.i m unMiwa blalj i via, S.VSH Wasbmgtaa at., PortUad. Aad 800 Mala at., Vancoover. Waah FARMS AWPJ FAB V Lit fig- about 10 aerea under cultivation, ' nearly alt rolling, place well watered, about $) worth f good saw timber on the place, Jin creek bottom: would make a flna dairy- rsncb; lwj mllea to erore. B F.- D. and telepbon -line near, aood -road. Pric gl.dw 80 acrea In Clarke county, 24 miles from.: l.a tamss; wo acrea under cultivation, an tlUsbl,abntit laera In eCThard a nd a mall with the place. T head nf stork, good-work Horse, plenty, of- water. buUdlag sr neerly I 1h'v: ,'r ih .Tiw tjew,'Tyhoui wati.t, au WUil&iSiiJi Prlcw 82.800. no. a - ' .. s. IB Columbia county. 8 tulles from IWracrea. Gobi; 20 acrea tinder cultivation 100 acres level, remslnlmr rolling: aoll loam and creek bottom; 2 creeks, 2 wells snd springs on the place; about 800 bearing fruit tree. T-room hoaaa that cost $3.0on. barn that cost $l.noo; buildings all good: 22 bead of stock. 2 bora and about 8 onsen-chickens and. all farm maeblaeay 8 -arltk the. plaoe: this . Uvinm J taiag gooo. rric ss.taaj; aair rasn. 24 acres In.. Doagias county, 1 mil from Tonealla; IB acre la cultivation, balance timber; snen bearing fruit, good houae, bar aad outbuilding!, team, row andall - fsrm Implements, furniture and eeerv thing goea with the plica Pile 81.0W terma. : - 60 acrea, 8H mllea from Mosrer; 8 acre In vntrrrBteswv ev-inee-a)ree--teweewrwiei-vte able. Bear school, plenty of water, on county road; thla b snap; 1st oa UU you about It. rTtce gi.gun; - terms. UAEtTTTUXSO W BHI, 7S Sixth at. KnTirxi I Hmneaeekara aad loTeiaore 1 has choice wheat fsrms. in larga or small tracts. In- tbnow- Tsmaus rignr-etuer ronncry, iu - Morrow ooottty. a district where failure wag Bever known, wner you can ouy a noma at a ressonabla nrlc. on asy terms, which will make you from 10 to 28 per cent on your lBvetmnt.' . " v ' - " 7" " t bse slso some eery ebole stock fsrms. cheep. Yea will do yenrselTegn ln)uertc If yo buy elecwhere without IBrsstlgsting this aactloa of Oregon. Address . atOSB ASRBALwU. f ' . ' , - -' , Real Bstats. -- ' - Bight-Mil,- Morrow County, Oregon. FOR SALE A good stock ranch of BOO acres In eastern Oregon; Kits, or gooa water end wood; might trade for S smaller place that Is goad snd hsndy to church grid school. For particulars address Bog M, Loos Kock. Oregon. ..... $40 PER ACRE 12S sere. (In fruit farm, la Tsmatn-eounry. wcu imptoteu; nrejse, nsrn and fruit dryer; good place for stock; run ning wstor; S6 acr cleared, .80 la varloua kinds of fruit; plenty af wood; rural mall r phoa,-. A -bargain If sold soon. E,C Bobsrtaon, 70 Bast 81tb North. 160 ACRES m Curry couerty, $8 par acre. Own- r, aui rum si. 28" ACRES tick-" mad a") to) crop, good teem. wsgon, bsrnesa. new 868 bsck, good act term tenslls, bousa furniture. 8 cows. 70 chicken; immadlat poaseeiloo. I. II. Chalker, li roe ham. , , ' ' '. ' DON'T MISS THESE TWO BARGAINS. 87,000 One of th nicest AO-acre farms, fullr eonlDDed." 11 mllea from Portland. 84.800 A flna 00-acra place. IS mllea from Portland:,. tin, anil, ngw-bnlliiingsf-411 eat plaoe, all around, near the city. F. FUCHS. 14Bij rlnit lt. FOR SALE TIMBER. cr Wa bar cash buyers for larga and small tracts of good timber IB Oregon. Washlngtea or Callforaia. -... Pbon If ata 8S08. 817-1 Fentoa bldg. CERTIFIED acrlD. an slM prices. . w. si. JHowsu, 8S8 Caambar eg Csm- FOR SALB 8.008 acre tlsaher land on good logging stresm IB Oregon: will rut IBO.OOO.tiou feet of choice yellow fir. Call for parttca It.r at room 81 B Marquam bldg. J. 8. Taylor. 18 SECTIONS Of good timber land, nearly all. m one poo t, cruiaw boot -utooo-.ww rest -per ' quarter; nesr tldewster; a good Investmeut- K ivi, car journal. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR SALE-Ue 16 band, matched, b'sgdsom nay carriage xesm, gooo sctien not a ends, eery- deelrsble; a bay gelding, has style, good Vwka and action, and should ba fast; six others with twenty, flnlab and apeed, and all strictly totting bred; a flna Ken-tnefcr-bred, bey saddle mare. Call oa H. L. Miller. Irelngton track, and look them over snd ride after them. O.-.Jf. Larrsbe. 8814 Third at. . i . . . FOR SALE A work slngl or double: weigh about 1.60O. 2KS East Morrison St. FOR SALE 2 7-year-old geldings, weight 600 lb, each. Corner Water and Montgomery. FOR SALE Team, 2.00Q povndVl. 1 tram. SMM0 aounus, sua l e,nep norae, - i . aoued. Pbons East 8f4.. 2W Rnesetl st. TO EXCHANGE, S LOTS, corner. Highland, e.. ....... .... .8 goo lt on ssT a ana htevena 8 2f Kurnltnro rooaw. rlose In ...... ......$ RtK) Runabout auto; snap .....-..$ 2-'-0 4-room cottage, modera .....81.2SO Tsrma - to suit. C. A. MYERS. 228 Second St. HOTEL property la a good lie stera -Oregon towa to axensnga tor a good memlng-booe or saloon. What lisrs you got! Coma -la and let u tell yog about It. . 81111 seres nntmprored land In Tlltemonk cmnty to eiebeng for acreeg or resldeac property: bwih thla up If you went It. - NORTH WEST LAND COMPANY, 208 eoodnoagb bldg. , " : " spot cash. Fotufaraltare end boneehold rood. , , PHO.NB uain iul ExrHAltfJB in acre at Pock wood; groom pieerrrea nous, remiir orchard, 1 norse,. 1 cow, waron, fsrm Implemrnta, bnnaehold goods, -chickens, etc. t value (2.0HO; will take residence s sowuat Of 81.200 as pari par. Wlm. Third at. , , . i t' -'-' " ' ' TO EXCHANGE. f I will exchange 7 If res right at-ststton on , V. w. v. carl l tie. only T miles sat, w drov. value 81.400. 1071b Third at. - . roR 8AI.R or etchnnge, lend for city prop erty, mm i. jth at. aorta. EX CH ANUS or sell -bedstssd with boa mat tress, air-tight heater, drfil) Jiga..jWMr.i cblue.nxui- Alain 524. TO EX('HAiE A hot-air bestsWor .smsl eookatuvs. H 118, ear Journal. 40- ACBK8 ait-land la-Marten aauBryt wmr will axebsag - for - roumlog-houss. Inaulrs, Be BlxtB St. j ... i EXCHANGE. "' Wanted' to eivhaxge, som enole Isnd. am- Braygd. .ehj to portisndV OQ Ine level road, DC a large trsct of laud, well locateiL la the valley, snltsbl for g (tuck ranab. bat caa job offer : . UENKLB ft HARRISON. 217 Ablngton bldg. ., '- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BILLIARD AND POOL tables far rat of tar sale on eaay payments. T THE BBO'RWICK-B ALKaT COIXENDEB CO. 48 Third at., PertlaBd, - FOR BALE OR RENT NEW AND SECOND HAND BBWIN0 MACHINES. STANDARD BKWINQ MACHINE AOENCX. B. D. JONEB, 280 YAMHILL ST. .. - WE nead furniture and will par foil ram. . Phoo Pacific TS8. Weetera Salvsge C, 27 Washington st. WggTKRM REOON MININO dt MILLINCt CO. heediusrters; stack for sale and tnfurasa at 206 Plrat St. Phone Wain lo26. BOOKS bought. Bold and exchanged at the . Old Book Star. 228 Yamhill st, - SHOWCASES. AS D FIXTURES made to order: . aecond-hand goods tor Ml. Cartoon' A Kail, atrom, 2 Coach si, Pbons Clay 871. SHOW caasa, Cormiers, Siturea boagbt, sold or , exchanged. . Weetera Salvage Co., 82T Wasn. lugton at. Pseld 788. ' - WE print your -nam e 60 nlUng aarda. snopar six snd style, 8St 20 business esrds,. 81. A. W. Sebms la Co., 228 First. PortUad. - Or. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATTO CURB- 'Sara wff rfaaamatlam. Bold by all draggtsta. - FOR SALE Second-hand nprlrht boiler, eult i abla for woodssw. Foater h Klalaer. Flftk and Everett sts. : " - , i FOR SALE Portabls 6 a. p. ngln ndboller; gusrsncsea; on tnira its tsiu liia. C BL Plg- gott, lswyer, 4 Mulkey bldg. TENTS. TENTS FOR SALF B3coBd-hand, small and big on, no to 80x130. a. u. rue lent Awalag. C4 107 Third t4 Portland, Or.- SPI.KNIXD lot of dsaugsd sawing machines. Wheeler A Wilson, ninger. uomestia ana at here. 8- g. Blgel, 88B Matrlasa at., Msr- -qusm Diug. F0R SALE Oaod TloloucelV), eheap" ' Inqut-e jf Boblnaon, tooml JltieseL "ldg. four th and Morrison. PIANO.- Msthoahek arraare grand, roeeweod aae. cost shjw: nnce si ZD. v. n. riggon. BAROA1N IN RANCH 20. acrea claand, 20 cows, b bulldlag. 8tiOO, V" 'f ''J" Tnl. TOR SALE OR EXCHANGE J Kilers piano ecrtlDcatsa; . 1 poo-sad l goo. ACxorees a. lis), car journal. ' A" 8TERV-WHEEL steamer of I3S Bet tntta. -ready fc wamilonf slso- werl other - sei a no m.B... ror lurtner prciaisniionB ana torlo-Teee-l. I. sieoroe-g Bush A Coi ------- ----- - - - FOR S A LBV New fsvnlrura of 8-room boose; a bargain at 8470. 2X7 rourta at. t . . BAKERY fixtures for ssigxbaap If taken at ones. . cell Faclfle lOa, FOR SALT KHt't TTl . iionnT rw, Eaat Mth aad horse, barnsss; B cows. - Helgst. -- rr)K -g.i.E ort - ExcrtAMOs xn- kin household goods. . Kroa. A fried man, . Front tt; Pacific 28. V 248 I FOB BALE A tlna Angora-lUygoat4-jtA1 , disc ana &et uoucBvSis., FOR SALE A certificate on Ellera . PlsnO Bousa. Address O 125. car Journal. FOR. SALB OR TRADE for cow. pretty blsck r P" yesrs old. good life, perfectly sound. CIITT8 Montana are. , . 1 i FRTSH cow and calf for sale 800 Front at. PERSONAL MADAM R ANNA LDCKET -Principal of ih American Beauty Parlors, giree scientlfle trcstmeat for removing ' wrinkles . and, facial blemishes with the ' French paster also , Mms. Harrow's famous rem. die. ; Electric and sapor hatha given. . Patients received, with treatment, . noard " and room. Satisfaction gusrsnteed. ; Testl monlsls from lesdlng physlclsns. Salts 18 Lsngua Hntal, Sixth aad Wsahlngtoa ata. THB WADB CORSET. 409 Matruuo; bast JS.4t, J. 1 e TES, Palm Xableta mak you alep perfectly; they cor nervousness sad make yon 'strongi price 60c a box, 8 boxes $2 BO; guaranteed. Alt drujglstav or addrosa Brooke Drug C SI North Third st, PortUad. Oiwgoa BALM OF FIOS for all ferns! d Bsst xwlssont. SUITS pressed whll yon wait. BOa. Indies' aklrta pressed. 60c. Gilbert, I06M. Sixth at next to Quelle. Phone t-aa-ide JOM. . Jiu'rt'.OritET. BBIASOM. tbg FootJSpectallet.. SdOti Weahfogton St. Boou 804, , 8or feet mane amino. .... . . - . r - BINS CHOONd. Importer af CMneee root medl. clnos; sell Chine tea that Is. rertala cur for sll dismiss. , 181 BosoaA box. XamblU and Taylor. DETFCTIYB AGENCY Cnnfldentlel tareetx. galtoaei Bsparta- aaade en say- IndtvAataM Bess r property; missing relstleee located : - osa ornrs oiiecTea. caarge reaeewanre; eir t MmnMu. mnltr-t rwil ftfaana fleteerlTe I BACKACHE and kidney r Madder dteeaws - cured wttk Oregon aerbsf trial ata -Bar 10s la stamp. Plummsr. 260 Third St. WET FEET ar dana-eroao. . la abaolately waterproof. WbfM blachtag ar- ANY man or women caa ba strong snd happy by using Serine PITIa. the erect toxrlef1 price - $1 a box. 8 boxes 88. with fall guarantee, - Addree er call J. A. Clemeasoa. druggist, car. Second aad Yamhill sts.. Portland. Oe. HIGH-GRADE portrait: apeetal offer tor few day; cabinet else, card or folder. IB the , I"; cuslltr and Work the best. a. M. Steeene. 802 Goddaoagb - bldg Fifth aad YamhllL LADIES' Turkish bathe, masssga, hydrlatrie parlors; strictly 8rt -class pise for ladle - only. , Flat A. 681 Washington St., be twee 16th and I7tb sts. HOI.DEN-S RHET'MATIO CURB Sura ears for rheumstlsm. Sold by all drugglata. MANLY etfor reetored by Dr. Roberts' Nsrej Globule, Oa month s treatmeat, $2: 8 month bs. 86; seat securely eeeled try man. its. Woods rd. Clarke A Cow. PortlaaA, Or. Ageata. Tl'RKISH BATHSv 808 Oregnnlaa bldg. ladles dsya. gentlemen sights. Mala 1888. DB. O. V, KKTCHCM car promptly art eats dbossoa. kidney, nervowa. akin and apecUl female trouble. Call or writ,. Offlc 17Hi ' Third; st., cor. Yamhill. -Pbon Pacific 2229. DR. U. T. COLE, 848 Bsst 8d tt. msrerslty cases; dlsessss of women. Phone Tabor 11L "FORBIDDEN FRCTT," "A Osy t-arfcerta." story of a Sisv 'Fsnny Bin." "Agws,M "Womsa of P Irs. "60c each: list da. A W. Srhmala Co.. 228 First at. DISEASES OF WOMEN eaccsssfully tree ted: 4 maternity rass eared for. private bospltsl; trained nnrsos: eonsslUlloB fee. Dr. At wood.. 86014 Morrison. SL. room S. Hood 885., MARRY It suited: Join ur eorlety: we bse hundreds nf members wlio wlsb to marry ; many wealthy. M Raseet bldg. . SCHOOL book aad all krntts af books boogM. sold aad sackasged. Joaaa Book Stars, 281 Aider st. DOIX-8 ROSPITAI Besatrlag aad dressing. 8S1 Tssxkltl at. TWO Tormg ledlee gle ' selestlflc meeeage, manicuring sed peflicuring. ij out in ., between Morrison and Aider. M.M ETHEL WAirETl--. I45H Sixth St. ANT IsSr' bsrlng femsf trwnhles. mental of Rh rales l, Is Invited to cell en. Mr. r Mae. hetwten I sad S . m.. Tuasdey end . . . . Mtm .'ini . a, . . oeturuaTBa aa si eiitaea V. iswaau i;i;-i)Ci. voaii:- mm PERSONAL. WAVTTCD To bear from som poor girl or - willow - mdy xrtstrlmotilally lucUud; am 8J ' years; no trllisrs need apply, Jooeph M. - Lerrel.- general delivery; Portland, Oregon. .ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, SOB Commercial blk.. Secoed aad Wsablngtos ta. Phona Msla 842. 4 J. S.- WI NOH RATE R. attnroev-at-lew tary. mi wssaitigton bldg. Phone ran DC zaxr AUTOMOBILES. 3oT ET A COOK Motor Cse Co.. P'eaath aad Alder A rents -for- Csdlllsa. - l1er.-roslH Arrow . and Stea-Dary motorsarai ms efalnes rented, repa Ired snd stored. - - ' : 4 ART- EMPORIUM. PROFESSOR R. MAT METER. , 848 Alder. Portrait' aad landsesp srtlst and teeeaer. ;srj. -ARCHITECTS. H. H. MBNOBS. Architect. "118 Second at. BLANK-BOOK . MAKERS. B0WB, DATIS A KTLHAlf, 108-111 Becond ex. Blast book msnufsetarersi agents for Jons Improved Looos-Lasf ledgers; ee tho aa Bursts leaf, the beet B th market. . . ,. - ASSAYERS. flASTIN- OTANIDB EXTRACTION CO.. aad Montana A may OMcs. - 184) Morrison t. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. Largest bntchere' supply hqusr 8 lbs rosst. SATHS MASSAGE.- YOUNG Isdy glrss rspor, alcohol snd medics te-J barb. Parlor 27, 2tMH -Stark St. - - . , THB SNOWDBif BATH ROOMS, 2874 Aider St., between 4tb and Btn run ana vapor nauia, .masaage. electricity. . Pbon Main i vn.o....-,-r. . , t( '21' JX'.'. ,"LT i ana xun bsiob. Tb Idsn-ba, 301 Sk Third at. MISS -RAYMOND gives baths and massage treatnwnta. TO vosmaa, gooH Morrison at.. 2 LADIKS Hath, ' face and scalp maaaage. E0 Fifth, bet. Taylor snd Sslmon. COLLECTION AGNCYT DOES aur am ow roa monsrl W collrjet bed debta .of -all- krnde. North weotoi Lew A CoIUctlo Co.. IIS Grand ar.. rooma i an 16. Cltlerns' Rank bldg. Out thla oat, . Pbon. Eaat-C04IL- j " CIGARS AND TOB ACC( If. A. OCKST A COc . U. Distributor cF . " .. ... FINE CIGAHS. . . Portland. Orogog, CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST., - ALWAYS C0K8ULTTHB BEST, t . T , PROP. K. KHIMO. V" ASTRAL DBAll TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. - NO CHABOB IF NOT SATISFIED WHEN BEADING IS OYER YOU TO BE JCDGB. I DO HE 1x8) BY SOLEMNLY AGREE AND GUAHANTKK to mak no chsrgs If I fall to cell yon by xiato. In full, nsme of your friends. nemle or rivals. I prom la to tell whether your" has bend, wife or sweetheart Is trn or talae: tell yon bow to win the - lov of tb on you moot desire, even though miles, away: bow to succeed In business. speculstion, lawsuits; bow to marry the one -at reus ebeltsi hnw to inslu yumn. UeklthT "and vitality. Hetnoee evil Influence, cures drink habits, locates treaaorea, cures all Bervona dlsesse. How ca I bar good lock -How can I aucceed la buslnemf - :" -, -" IIow caa I make my borne happy T How can I conquer my enemies 1 IIow csn I marry the on I cboot . IIow can I marry wellf How ran I conquer my rival ? Row ca I busks sny on love met ' ., i How' cas I get a good position! How csn I remove bad lnducncssl -flnvrnn I control any oot- iHow. can JL ?, dHHeptme IhJtBlbl Jl I , How can T settl my quarrelT . - How cas I hold my husband s Iot How can I keep my wlfe'e toret .' HOURS. 10 to S DAILY AND SUNDAY. Permanently Located In nis Own. Borne. - PROF. B. KHIMO, ,. - No. SSo llfth aU eor. Madlaoa at. - MRS. BTEYENS, Pertlsnds lesdlng pslmtst. gse-aaa- sisieeoy opp. Ho BYERDINO A FABRELL. produce aad eommls. stoa aserebaata. 148 Front aw Portlsad. Ob Fboae Mala ITS. CARPEx' CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaalng Co.. largeet pleat a the emtsx. Lortng aad Bsrdlag sts-., tele phone Bsst 240 Carpeta cleened, reStted. sewed and laid; both ateam aad latest oas- raeaeg sir process: r- seating mattreaae aad ratbera a specialty. . SAN1TABY carpet cleaalng. auction snd com pressed an? com hi aed: carpets cleaned en Soor without removal. Mala 5084. . Mala Wo. 1.- HUNTER, steam carpet and msttreaa cleaner. BfiO Jefferson.- - Pbon Main 214. COAL AND WOOD. CHUBCHLBY BROS, bse re more from foot Dsns St. to 4X0 Kearney at., near lltbi Is - bow tha targost woodysrd In th tty, carry lag all klad at wood aad eoaL Msla Ml. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers ta tocdwsod. seal and greea ad dry slabweod. SL R. aad Al blaa a., t blocka east af fsrry. Beat 87A -r WESTBBS) Ford A Fa. I Co.. Front, betwee Gllesa aad Boyt, dealers In sit ktads of bone coal Bad blacks ml tb aw la , Msla 101A STEEL BRIDOB rt' SL -OO. 7eeleee In -ooel. eurdwwad aad dry slsbwood. Phono Baat 484. 0B SOON FUEL CO. All kind af coel aad 808 Aids St. Fboao MSHS SB. BOX snd 'planer 1 wisjd. Stsndsrd WnodCo. Tmmedlsle delivery, pbon Esat 2316. CROCKERY AND ' GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE miekeir and rra Begels A Oe.. 100 to 1r8 Fffthcor. Stack at. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBUBN A FLO YD--Carpenters. Jotnor and srrUg work. 88 Sth at. l-bona PsdBs 1108. B. HENDERSON Carpentering and fobbing -. promptly ttended to. Residence 8AS Mllwsn kl et. Best 2H8. - - - I CHIROPRACTIC cafes. ; THE OFFICE 28 Weahlngtoa St. yaow Mala , ITU . Sasnai Ytcaeaiu, . , - CLEANING AND DYEING. Portland Steam Cleaning A Pyclng Workai ana ttcal bait la coanecttoa. 211 4th. Paelfl BUT. CLOTHES eteaaed and preeeed 81 per raoatb. Colqu Tailoring Co.. 847 Wsshlagton aC B. W. Tt'RNER. nrofesartoaal eer sad ilsiaar. a eeirereoa ec. rhoQC MS1B. 2S1A. honeMJlB DRESSMAKING. prRINO the month of Mar wa win make a J r-gvil r $n suit for 112. a regulsr 112 suit iur iu, a reiiuisr n for s: satterartioa gusrsateed. Mine. Paldwlu. 2&S Sixth st EATON suits 88. sblrtwststs 83: children's rlothes a specialty. 24 Esst Morrlsoa st. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. STORTHWEST ELECTBICAL ' BNOINBERINO Company. 84 SVventh st., Portland. O. K. for . everything 1b the slecurlcsl lloa, Phoa Mala lanaV .. .' .. ,. . . . PAC1FIO ELE0TBIC CO. Engineers, eontrao. tor, repalrsre. electric wiring, supplies. 84 First eor. Stark. Mala 668. B. H. Tate. mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Faralrare Maaaractarlng Ceaapaav Manufsctureca of furalsara far tho toad. Pertlan. Or. FCBNITHRE atsanfacturlna snd snectsl L. Baeenaky's ferpllure factory. 870 Front st. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-air furnace sev fuel. I. 0. Bayee Farnsee Co.. 258 Second. Msla 461. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS.1- PORTLAND WIBB A Flsndera St., eor. 8d. IRON WORK: Pboa Mala Soon. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., , wholesale- grocers. msa . facturers snd umatssiva marchsata. . FenrtA -aad-Oak at. . ' . - - . ALLEN' A LEWIS, commission sad prodace mee. ehsnta. Front ssd Da via sts.. Portlsad. Or. GASOLINE ENGINES. - Btatloasry and msrlaoi -Little Special" tasollns laanoh. $188 asooed-kand slsotrl laacbea snd bulls. BE1ERSON MACHINERY CO.,; -182-44 Morrison st. ' HAY AJWDRAIN. E. L. COOPER . A CO. Potatoes. '-feed aad flour.' 128 imloa eve. Phone East 1617. HOTELS." 1 - HARDWARE. ro aoiialts tnnltr ta quote price, ito let t . cor. Alder. Msla 1884. INSURANCE. ISAAC tWBtia. firs lassraa bldg. , , JAS. Mel. WOOD, mploeors' HsblHty aad la, dividual accident enrety bonds af all klada, ' Pbon 47. 802 McKay bldg. XQCKSMITHI i. H. RICHARDSON, lock.oiltt and rspslling. 287 Burnslde. Tadflc 1068. - MACHINERY. THB BT. O. ALBBTt Cry-Smoud-hau - aawmtlla, st. - 248 Graad a to. BIPPBLY A MYBrTS, maehlnlem and leo . trtclarst electric sleratora. eleetrtcsl macblB ery and gasollns sugtnee s spscialty. 824 Osk st. Pbon Msla IR20. MONUMENTS. BED A KINGSLEY, 28S First at.. Pert Is ad's lesdlng marble snd grsnlt works. MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHORN, pupil at SEVCIK, rtotla teacher. Studio 186 Sixth. Tsl. Mala SvttS. MANDOLIN, gnltsr. bgnio lessons. Prof. B. A. Smith. 254 I2tb St. Main 4703. . 11 ' i is OSTEOPATHS. I DRS. A DIT A NflgTHRTP 418 14 1' bldg.. Third aad Wssblngtoa ata, Pbon Mala 848. Bxamlnatloo fro. THB very best Isdy osteopath In town. Dr, L O. Johnao. suits Is. Selllag-Burorb bldg. DR. PIERCE, oeteopsth, rlbratlon snd fhs sew light. 61 H Third st. Pbon Pacific 847. DRS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN. 408-4 Marleay bldg. Pbons Pacific 18X8. Res, tbs Fill. , MONEY TO LOAN. -TO LAB- -On Improved city property or for butldtng pnrnoses. for from 8 to 10 yesrs' time, with privilege to repay all ar part of loaa after two year. Lea a a giroeed-from pie ' and money sdvsneed ss building prograaassi mortgace taken up sad replseed. -. FRED H. STRONG. Flnsocial Agsnt. ' 242 Stark at. - - STAB-lAW--crrr- lerled employe, -.-agg-enrner., can gt note. rltbpnr mortg a Montn. U Month. Weeg I MOO Repay to aa $I3."8 ar $ nf or 88.39 23 00 Repay to sa t 6 66 or $3.88 or $1.66 $18.00 Repay' ---$ 4.00 or 1X00 Of $1.00 210 McKay bkg. CONFIDENTIAL loans an aalarlea. Insarsaca . policies, pianos, furniture, wareboaa re ceipt, etc. any deaervlng person msy secure a liberal advance repaying by easy weekly or monthly Installments. NEW BBA LOAN A TRrST COMPANY, 4 SOB Ablngton bldg MONEY ADTANCED SALARIED PEOPLE Aad others anon their own name without -curlty; cheapest rate, esetest payments: sffleea, In 63 prlncipsl cities; aav yoniaalf money by ret11ng our term Bret. TOLMAN, 223 Abiagtoa bldg.. 1064 Third St. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. 1 Money ca be browed on eser payment plan, lowa.t rat-s: itrlrtly confidential, j . . CRESCENT LOAN CO..' -V-' 42S Mobswk bldg., cor. Third d .Morriaoa. MONEY to loaa on real, personal snd collateral my; sneeiei sttsatioa to cneTi.i eiori- ;. aote bought. C. Pallet. B04A fges: y ratoa bldg.. t4 Sixth at.- --,- - HIGHLY resnectsble pise where ladle an geaf caa boerow money on diamond, snd Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. 288 Wash Ingtonat. PboCM Black 71, MON'SrY- to loan n Clackamas county Isnds. B. F. 'gad F. B. Riley. 808 Chambor of Com- LOWEST rata on fumltur and piano. Eeet . era Loan C. 448 : h.rlock bldg. PacHe 21U. MONEY TO LOAN en all klnda of security. William Boll, room . Waahlngton bldg. TO LOAN Sums to cult on chattel ncnrlty. Bv-A. Pram,' 814 the Marouf m WILL loan $3,000 or lee on rest eetsts seenrlly at per cent. Farrlagtoa. SIB Chamber of xOrfft IBxxr"ixfxa - . - " "- ' PAINTS," OIL" AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH A CO. The Pmoer Pslst Oe l i window glnm gad glsslng. 188 first St. Phone 1324. BKNR8T MILLER A CO.. Second aad Taylor-. Well paper, aalat. all st market prwss; fre dellvary. ' -MAGNETIC HEALING. NrHVOlHr.!d anil uncllnnsl trouble noe. lively cured; coosaHe'tou f'.e. L. U. llsrt, 18 Soeenth et. Main 4I73- PHOTOGRAPHS. Cf OBING cat erg-Hal pbli-si aphle etew st ei Ion soavenlr Btwxeerds. view books. etc., grestly reduesd prlaeg, Slpasluw I Bear, 88 Momsea ss, oyiau mian, aiimma piesj o. SB per nsy. I 11 " FINANCIAL BANKS. . .1 -ill. UMITKO STATES BATIOBAt BABX .OF 0TLAND, 0BIO0B. , : m ' Northwest Cor. Third and Oak Bta, .' .r.,, tBrl Teeklsg Bulne. DRAFT IRHI KD Aeallsbl ta A' Cl"- et ?-!.."" Ules aad Larvp. Honxtons and altnlla. CoiUctloas Mads aa Taeorebls lr-v 5,;IZ;;X;-; .J, C. AlNgWOHTH IlJVT. jT't'. "r.B. LEA tAHbrs - . .x. ,t , a tl sv IdiUI - I C.oit.i OSSTA Established i "... 84. WKj.taaj.oo! Surplus sad asdlvlded pmats gSTroitaxi laUreet mm tl ZZ. y Ba slxchsugs Buslnem Trsneectrd. tATIMig rtKPARTMHNT. on UBMdcposita. Aeeouole opened r soma of 8H and upward. PortUad Braacb wag a u,.-.. Chamber of Commerce building. ' i "T-J1 Maeaaae.- J T HI RTritirM. IuMmI SfaeaaNO P"1 AII0"fnt Or-p0BTtljYD. M1l It Pa i ul OmTha a?r s? lT,Dl JTranafers enld en New York. B Teton. Chi can. BtvtoaK "i tafuZ. I!??!rQ " ,' Cloclpal polnta In th North-..! mi ?okSr.Jto ir",J" " ' a Londo. Pari.. BerHrt. Frsnkfoet-.; V-MtN. 81. ht SZllZ'.' C .peabage. . (V atlaala, LADD AT1XT0B. aUMBEBS-fErtabllshsd .. . .kfc'JiA.iW able tm. r.. -. .. . . venerium msoe ex is ooinr. rm (a . olgbtiens.l..a '" Is Buror nd sU point. In the Tn Louis DeneJ. V Telegrspble Trsoafers sold on New York. Wssbtnrton. Chic Idor. 5!.b.7I "n-'."d Mantsns and Brltl.b Colamhls. Bechsnge Stab St. an London. Paris. ailTiil J?.rw"0 : -.rj?'"rt. nongsona. M ""7 " r?" 0BTi.ABp. 0BEO0H, n W-r"-..v!v.,rivailrst- Traaaaota ltbV World.,,7 Ae.lUbb, TRUST COMPANIES. v' R bor urta0?.!) "irLHU 0BE0O fMSM&'ZJl-&-tMir9mt'mt tson tm Yu i. ,v ' ""!T .-erxiucsifo. or orar, gi to 4 per cent. Call fur book BENJ t rnnr ",a 41. - Pboae r""i"- CV"EW..... PmM.. - 8- LEB PAGET.. ..... Secretary - CEOUnlTg SAYIX0S A TBTTBT COBPAWT -J ".''JtSv. " 8rnrrl "hklng Business. " ' AcU ss ca m snauo usais in aii farts or tbs wnriav-- . A. tl xfitlJf ............President L. A. LEWIS, ...........First lea-Prealdent r "LLA.. ........ .Second Ylce-P;esldent B. 0. JUBITi..,,....:.,..v...,....Aeertr i L0EO. F. BL'SSELL. A.rlatant Cecretsrr ' V TBtJIumf. I" ?A,ra,EE TBUBT C0MPABT BANK. . Block. - Bond aad Mortgagee Boagbt aad Bold. latereet 0. W, WATMairmW tAHTAL.V'A: - '' - '. ..PrealflMt ' -.,"vo "in-. Elks Tsmple, Seeentb and Stark NOBTHWESTIBK 0TXABAXTEE A TRUST COMPAWT-Portlana. Orogen, Lttmbr Eirfaangs. , 8. ,. B. , ornar Second . snd Starh - Street .- iaeeeod - flsarl.-.-- . ' ' FISCAL AGENT FOB CORPORATIONS. '' ' State, County, Municipal snd Corporation Bon-! a bought and sold. New esterprlee argaaUH t - ' - - "d financed'. - Stock and bonds gusrsnteed. : - BONDS AND Offer Ollt-eMpeestnwatlaMjinlclpsl ' I "lxi5 OTJARABTEB TRUST C0MPABY 1 . M0BTGAGB LOANS an PortUad Rsl ; strsets D0Wnf.-0rKIlfi A CO, Wl5t ad wwim aaroonw a ' OBArir. PBOVISfONB. COTTOW, STOCKS AWD B01TDB ' WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. t CoBttnuon Market ' by" Meats "Wire."" Quirk Bervtc." BEFEREN'CES Lsdd A Ttlten. Bsak. r sis, aud Unlt4 Hiatal atlonsl " a-Ti..V pes SI iFf M0rtCIPAfc - SCHOOL AND CORPORATION- S - - V- - - Highest Returns to laeaator PORTLAND A NORTH WESTERN BOMB TBt MODERN PR1NTERY Artlstle prlnttag. 28 Russet bldg., Fourth and Morrison. Phaaa Paclfl LXA , : ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, prtattne. llthoaraBBina. blank books,. Pbons Mala 17. L 108 Aldsr st. .- . - ... WELCH. DAVIS A CABSON Printing - that pays -the payer. Beam BOB and 804 B teams Ding, nixta ana Morrwon. mons sisin sisi, PLUM3ER3. DONNERBEBO plnmbora. 84 A RADEMACHEB, sanitary Fourth st. Both pboaos. FOX A CO., satiltarr plumber. 231 Second, bet. Maia aad Balm.. treroa Pboa Mala SOUL. FINNIOAN BRO. A'CO. 288 Third at, Pbon . Afala SSOOl Plumb, ra jind heating engineers. PUBUC STENOGRAPHER. A. "bf. BUTr.F.R 24 Concord bldg. ; Main 187. RUBBER STAMPS. P C. STAMP W0RBS. 28 Alder t.. phone Msla xiu: rannor axamp. eeaia. etasciia, osggsgn, trad ebackst eend for atalogue . Mo. 84. -ROOFING. -TIN ROOFING, guttarlng. renSlrlng and geasrsl , yomnng. j. Losn. xia sexrersoo as. SECOND-HAND GOODS." SOODB'S Furniture Bone Blghest aetce neld I Tor-' wtuud bsnd fsisltmei 816 genuod -OCT Phone Pactrte 408. SCALP TREATMENT 0RAT. falltng bstr. dandruff treated: sksmpe. ing, manicuring, cniropooy. xse wr. mrs, B. F. Kyne, I6SH Fourth, ear.- Morrlsoa. Eoom -X. ro4 PdrltM T6S. SCALg-angl-feee mssssge. msaicnrlng; agent HIT II. V.Hi t. , . rima i . . . 11-12 Graad theatre bldg. Mate 8471. Hours, 8:30 to 4. . SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every inrrlpMou; bask, ba aad star Sxtare mad to order. The Lath Manufacturing Oa.. Portland. SIGN PAINTERS. BOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth baaaar. ---oconomleal electric signs sad slgaa of sll kinds msda quickly. Foater A Bleuwr. Flftk and Everett. Pbeaa Exchange Bo. , P. BEROEB A SON, SS4 Yamhill at.-Sign of sll kinds. Pbon Pacta t2A STREET PAVIN0. WARREN Const ructloa Co., street peeing. Mas. walks aad crossings. 718 Oregoakaa bldg. THB Barber Asphalt Paring Co, at PertlaBd. Office ess Wereeeter blk. SAFES. DIEBOLD-i SAFES ALWAYS RELIABLB, aot In TRUST. Nortoa snfl Buckes Jsrks. Metal .-(iraes riltwre. - Repairs. - Pbon Mara 1866. Joba B. Davis, Agent, 48 Third t. PORTLAND SAPs'Ce.T--anl-agntn for fTEB RI NO - H ALL-MAR VI N Ssres snd MANGA NESR Steel Safe Ov'e Baak Safea. 82 7th at. .TRANSFER AND HAULING. IAFES. piano and furnlrnr mora, aorbe) reedy for shipping snd shipped! R work - geeranteed: targe,- Sotory brick, flro-praef Wsrehous to storage. Offlc 128 Sirs a. C M. Oleea. Pboa Mala 847. -v.. . TBS BAGGAOR A OMNIBCS TBAN8FEH CO.. ear. Sixth and Oak ata. i baggage checked - from hotel or reeldeaca direct to deetlsstleai peeeager th ere fore ivoM rneh aad anaog Bsc st depot. Priest Btebsng SSL C. O. PICK, office as First st.. between Stark snd Oak at., pken 884); plsaoa and furniture moeed aad packed for shlpplngi eemmedloo orira warennnae wits aaparst are. Front 'snd Clay Ms. OR ) TWAVgrER CO.. 144 Borth Sixth. - Psoas k.M AA Heeey healing and tocsge Post 8PKCIAL nrtlYESY Ma. PVA Wash -ei ex- I ; " Tri: I h J B0 Vlce-Preeldest .V. W. H tlt l Csehhr .....B.W St HsC'd Aeelateoe f eahlev --r - r.--prt.- Ar- f ltdi. Rad 0fc. Saa FraaslaM, Oallforaia. 0BE00W.- rtoaaeUI AgsBt af the Catted S' casnier..,. J. w. xrwmx Second A a. latent Cssbler..,. .B. F. STEYSNS tne Esrera mates. Stockbulm, 8t. Peterahorg, Maseo-e. Enrich. In 1168. '.) Cnllertlons made at alt noinrs a rnltsd kcsao. "ontsns ana Brltl.b Colamhls. Berhsng sola roknhsma. Manila and-Munolulu B. U DCKHAM i. - Th. 01dt Troat C. , bnklng. Baohahg oa all parts ba Oreen.M of the world." of ILLUSTRATION. " Bos these! eecaev Third a lo per cent; .sort-call snarls Prlrst Exchange 7V , . If ,. SITTnrC WL.BVIAaet J.' 0. 00LTRA,..;.""..'x.JAeeiataBt Sicrvtsry 846 Morriaoa. Street.- Poetlsad. fWen. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intereat Allowed . Truste for Estate, lwaite f d Letters af Credit,- latereet Paid on Tim Pspoatt. - i.. - J.' - v - t' - fL - " r XV UIM 111 . . TlM.PeMldea4 .Awiiuat r-ecrsxara - - ... Btreeut.-- Pbtme- Maln-tBAr"-. . --r-- INVESTMENTS. ' nd Baflrosd, Bond. Writs er Call. 840 Washlngtea Street. Corner Seoead. Bstst at Lowest Batss. Titles IssureaL Farnlsbsd. Ah- Stoek Broaora. EaUblUbd 1SB. wwr, vesmoo. or fjommeree. ; (M. Bihar go-twaaid of Trade.! 'IBP TbUd 8t.;J'BcKgylcqf..' f orOsnxt J 'wta.m'mm"Am' Booms 8. d aad La F?ytt bldg.. . SlxtA -- 8Bd Wash. Sta, Portlaad. Oregon, r :': BTTT HANI COR1 DTYTTrENT"' BANK AND. CORPORATION Consistsot With Absoluts ' Ssfsty. TELEPH0NB A TELEGRAPH SECURITIES TOWEL 5UPPLYT CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, boss. u$l per month. - Portland Laundry aad Tow. Bspply Co., Ninth aad Cosik. Pko 41a. TYPEWRITERS. HEW typewriters. slTmakea. rested. aoM aad - Zlr4, Coa A gency. 281 Sterk. Tel. 1407. " WIRE AND IRON WORKS. 51 TVASD 'ENCB A WIBB WORKS, ' I30B. Water t. Pbon Enet 421. EXPLORER TOJnflJPI TO CLIMB f.!0UNT M'Kir.LEY Columbia University Professor Starts for Alaska to Scale Highest Peak; . (Journal Special Sorrlc.) Nary -TotaV Msg . Dr. FroderlcV A Cook, Antarctic explorer, and Professor Harachell c, Parker of . Columbia unl varalty will, start for Alaska thl. mMir snd attempt tha acAllng of Mount Mo- xvinioy. tjooa: mad a an unsuccessful at tempt fn 10J... when. h . raActtorl - height of 11.400 feet. Then tha nmitb. western : eMau.-s.ifce ...i j .- Thfi'ftrtie "tne" eastera slope will prob-" mvij vs Biiainpiea. . I r The ascent of Mount McKlnlev nag been attemptod by aorrml geological survey partien sltv-e 1888. - lt-ts - the -highest mountain fa North America and the most conspicuous of the Alaskan xango. is nrnted -t"to- 27401; T4dt i'u. a nmn two aumralta about two mllea apart. The plan to explore the groat aawuiicairr peas; naa neert the scheme of IT' I?- "aiscovgrvTof golq-ln" the Klondike. - PRINCE ARTHUR'S LAST- DAY VISITING MONTREAL (Joarnal Bpeclal Service.) Montreni. tiuebec. Maw Tht. ii.. final day of hlArralt In Canada.' was a busy one for Prlnco . ith... , . ConnauRhL. Prom the. time ha break fasted thla morning; till' the royal party' embarks oa. tlua atea-aahlp - Virainfan -tonight the day s program la one con tinuous succession of feat urea of- en tertainment. This . forenoon his royal hlgrhneas received a number of visitors and also found tlma for A drlre about the city. Luncheon was taken at the Hunt elub. - - This afternoon Prince Arthur and his party were present; at the formal opcnlnc of the annual Montreal horse show. The -oecaaion . waa-on of - the ¬ n-Oat brilliant socially that has ever taken place In Montreal. The Arena was thronged with the elite f the city,"" to which waa added distinguished par ties - Of -Visitors .from Torontov OUawa and other polnta. Prince Arthur la to be the cuest of Sir Montagu Allan at dinner tonight, and later the party will pay A second visit to the horse show,. The prince is delighted with the cordial reception with which he has met In his tour acroag . the dominion, and he , took frequent oece!on today to.oxpresa -htg--plea8ure to those whom he met. METHODISTS GATHER AT CITY OF VICTORIA ' (Journal Spedal Srrrlce ) Vlctorta. B. C. May . Many prom Inent divlncg and lay mem !. of th Methrxtlat church sre gathered In III City for the snntial rfrllleh t'oliitnbia conference. Th formal upenlng Ink- place In the Metropolian rhurc'i t -night, rr-1 lh sc.. Inns a i In for one week. 1 he i of the TV omen's . iion' i alan ri anntiai conreren'-e, i s b-lng held In (,'- --"nnlel ' - ealherlng v etr ,-i . .. I y number 1 1