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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1906)
4. T." iae g -L-i ,UL-' 1J 1 - 1 ., ,"" : .. . : '" :" new today; L- I V-. Ill I STANDING OF A BANK At bantfe rewur"fce'",i nAXnviaJ statement, is ovioenca 01 na nmrera'-ability to mtnin lt affair euocaa'tly. . -i- , ; 1 Tba ratio f lncrao rpreMitfli IncTseuaed fflclanoy and BbllUy to baa- dlo your buatnaaa at !& puaineas or ih other customers baa" boon banai-. ( Wa Invito conaldai-tlon of our laat atteroent, a. copy Of whJcli will b sent you on. roquoat..', ' '. Pcrtlni Msf Compani of Orc?oa 8. E. oof' 84 and Oak eta. . rbone - Tl BESJ. I. roHSN....v.........".v-5f12;i 1L L. PITTOCK ,......,..Ylee-rleot b. lck paet.....-..'. .-... Secretary J. t). OLTAvrt-vv.....e.Aaslstant Secretary $1,250 Adjoining" Railway addition td and near Montavilla rail ;Toad station. ' Terms . -r--balance $15 per-month and : ; interest -. . . B. M. LblSBard " 1 aV-"Vi'-nK- ftf -CnmmrcJllllIa. J"tt.X-Zi1r'iJljE,1'r d- 1 - wa would Ilka to corraapond wltb rollahle ' 01 wllcUnoer-OI .40inmCawwa4-r. jtaa fiifj n".7.: .Trr t"lB -who will" 'fentiwri to-rarank aa-wm Announcement or iood ami .: eia-1 linmbor Bxohana; Bnlldlsa:, So . . omd aad stark atraota, whera any ona intareated In thla dlatrlct may aocura ' fra llterxturo and Information pertain In; to Hood River and Moaier fruit lundw--..--. .... .-, n, ;.'- i , Xd O. Mayor, formerly with R. L. - - rate, ha ben placet In chare;. 1 . Cheap Acrcane v T"Jlrj..V. . , T , I T-rrw rremnnt and l -Torty-aecoirdf at at aa naa IrvlnvlArt llKu nV Bora. I ntreeta, near Irvlngton; 1369 per acre. j!.n0ldStorK , . Tba aaaa who paya rant for tea yeara aere nearly the erlclnal coat of the property and In most raaae tba approrlatkoa la anore taaa the lutereat oc tba lnraameot. Tba - EAST MIiH baa the atoat ROMRfl, haa the GREATMT aopiinitlon, la erowlna' the moat RAPIPI.T. and tba CRKATEB PORTLAKD . MUST atid WILL be. there. " Uoiladay's-Additlbn la the (akrapb1eal center of the city, and - le tke -moat DRHIRABI.B realdeoce dlatrlct. and much of thla will, become BIKlNKSd l propertx- lo not ovarlook tbeao FACTS vara making arranfreaienta., and call and lb epect the property, for aeelaj la. bcllarlnf . , The Oregon Real Estate Company - o TBira at., awota a, -roruano. vrrg on. THURSDAY SPECIAL J3v Lamont & Harris Thom Mala S03. 107 aixta'att" C CfVI Flva-acre tract, two mllea eaat of ay ww Mt xabor reeervolr.- - t tWVl lt on Northmp, near Twentieth w atreet. (MflA Full lot. Marahall, near Twenty VdWVi fojrtj, ,treet . Cornar. lot. :tTwanty.flftliTr and , ivv johnaon aLreeta. Elrbt-room-htraie on Flan- der.- bel eJrwenty-flrat -aa--Twcoty.aecono Btreetav $5250 Kla;ht-room modern houao on Twanty-thtrd atroet neax Mar ahall. Klccant - bona. nlne roomr. $8500 corner lot, "vVEATirERTREPORTr Three email low preaauie areaa are Bated la .weetL one Ja central orer aoutbern Ariaona. another orerllea tbe rcclon weca rha eoaar and Caacade mount a Tna and The third la renin r ! erer axwtbera Allwrte. Motwlthatasdtnc tlila ! -wtaattlad oonalltkm. air .weather contluuea - eaerywhara alone the Pacific elope. The tem- teratme reetarday in tbe aorlli I'aclflc atatea . ware from ta te HO dramee above aoraul. Iha warmeet weather erearrad la waetera Oregou, where tna mailmen trmperatorea reaged 4w fwaea and 92 dagreae. Tbe blgb preaaura . area yeatenla ever toe Mlmiuil eallre la ad- - aaaring anntaeaetward. and It la central rUWTIF morning erer Mlaaourt. The Chlcege dlaturn r a oca haa moved to the lower lake regloa. aad It haa canaed general ralna la the aortheaatera port ion ef the Halted Hiatea. - a The ladtcatloaa are far geoerally fair weather , ta thla dlatrlct tonight and Tbaraday. It will Iw cooler Thnreday la weatere Oreaoa and weat- era Waahraaton. and continue warm eaat of tbe t'eerede ovmnla Ina. ' ObaervaUoae UkeO at t .' m . Paelfle tlnx: v - '. Temp.- - matinee - Max. Mia. Preclp. Faker city. Oreeon.: TS 40 .0 . JMoaton, Maaaachnaeta.....a m - 4) - - . - - - Mrage, liltrjote-.i.n,., tit ae) . . 1 .tit IVaeer, Tolorado A2 40 .,0 Kanaaa City, Mlaaoarl...... M 9 . .0 l Angelee. California.... A. M - ,0 ew Orleana, Lontalaaa.... Td M4 - .0 w York, New York e a T. Portland, Oregon. HO " fwi r .0 Roaeburg. Oregoa. M 4 - .0 Hr. Lotini. Miaaoort. r. tvr-e .- 40 s Halt Ike. Cub 74 Mr-' ..0 Kaa Iranrlana. California.. DO no . .0 Ppnkana,. Waahlngtoa. 0j0 t 4 4d ' .0 Taeoraa. Waahington at no .0 Walla, Walla. Waahlnetoa . . M M ' jh eeimfie. . c.-, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Arrhitr rllaaer. ' -" Annta Anderawl. n 1 Charlee R. Cook. Xf: Mcatta R. ealtk. 19. Wadding Cardo, W. Q. Bmttk Ca.. WtH Ingtea bldg, oor. Foorth aad Waahlagtea eta. Mtaa Bertha Martin, room 111 Allaky bldg. 'tamping end dee needlework : .leaaone fftrea. BIRTHS. 4iRAVrw May . to Mr. and Mra. Char lea H. rrarea, ewr Ma I Wiry arcane, a daughter. . WIHTH May . to Mr. and Mra. Herman "ulh. 41 Faaf Teelftb atreet. a daughter. tm.l.r'WKVI. KitMay 4. to Mr. and Mra. tbrtileih HaiUrwerler., 0, Kalelgh atreet,. a Itallghfer; . . HI'KM KtfHv t. to Mr, and Mra. Walter I. ineer, e A"h atret-t. a eon. deaths: . WAnKIWMlie VA"nwed WatlJnd" aifed I ' j at ,-urnee Te enty-flritf and ft her lock airretn; I t ' erchod In accfrlent. . , MikHr-r iy a. A Ihort F. Kordeea. aged 4 lb veera. Aal (m. -If-wr enrwt atreet: ranee nraemlc feai.ulatuea. Burial at Brerrlew erect tar. IdUU d d III Alto HI I t UNDERTAKERS. Edward Holmsn at Co.. the teadlna turn) director, hove lb ImI UblUkiarat, Ibtri 8neet goods, tea iDMt vehicles -nd VIflbNl se's'd' eTneahr"a . - wefw$)y aaaBJftala,4"JlaJP",4 restate, 626 and $80, - The Imt wood ;od made, front 111 t 1211. Parlor. r aad (21 Third street, raasr aWiiaoa, Pvrtlaad, Otaaoa. 1. P. Flsley ft Sea-fnneeel directors and rmbeimere, eoraee Third and Madisoa atresia. liriM A MM U ll, ft. . I Donning. McEntee ft Ollbaugh. .undertaker I ad embsTmrrs; avodera Ii iwi d-tart. Bevssia-4 aavi auuaiiajri m , aj ad flaa. Mala 430. Lad aaatataa. A. B. Haaiatock, andartakar aod aabalaiar, Eaat Tblrtaaatb a ad tauUlta aaa. Pboaa laU- aUTXXTIIIW CEMXTXBX. 1 Macl (ri'ra f to.' Faaill lota 7S ta l.0oax Tba oal a-Batara' la IMrllaad wblb Bar- Ktnallj nalntaloa and caraa fur lota. ror full foroiatlaa apiili to W. H. blackaittia. Wor- aaatar blork Htr W. bfl. Ladd. praaldaat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. TVIIIIaia T. Kradr and wlfa to Oarar II. - M-lllnfor,- ancth If fat tract , to. M'Mi t riwa . . l, ,u, ,.i ...... PaHnV Hralty as luvaalmaat company la.. r.iia.tawia K. Kciir, au IX aaa la, block a. Uraiiart Park X90 Klrarrlf r (utr aaaortatloa to Krnaat v . wantja, lot ST. aacuoa loo. ma . 15 U'M. Darla and wlfa to Mil At Kaiaar, lot Itk kk Cratral .AIMaa Oil Pkll 'oir and wlfa to Jullua Low. lota 14, la, blork I, tL Mm rr- -addltioa . ' 1 TrWx Kaha at aL to Cbarlea Kuhn. , ,wr, ni r ,..' a Gartruda S. Bowara to fVrnarrto a Cuban,-. inc., lot I la aorta M or 4oorl dwi -k.'rliy ...JT .000 B. R. Noble and wlfa to J. T. Booth. -. land Mouaaataad - ..i. . 000 Sf-arltr DaTlnaa A Truat company to Jaan II. Unruhr. hit 1. block 2S&. 1 kjo-h' adrttlW-i . t . . J , - I Joarpb tSihn and wlfa to Blmoa Hoi-li- rriit, lot . btocK lis, stasaaoa- aai. tlnn r. .. 1.000 J. Henry Hchada and wlfa to Anfuata winrwbt. auhdlTUIon . 1. tot z. . blork Portkad Homeatcad AaaocU- llta tract " tw ' WTIhur frttatna and wlfa to O. E. Thadoi M. Glaaa at aL te Wary H. . Waltara. lot J. bkx-k tola 10. a. block 43. clti 0D Polly K. Miller ta U Klmea Mltcball. T eaat TO f lot S, bluk 1. Mount Tabor Villa Annra 1,000 Panltwular Real Eatal oynaamy to lohiartili Hi-al Eatat company, lota ; IS to 23. blork T, Pent nan tar addition. 1 i-T S.. t cd wife to D. F. Kaolty. hit it. lii.k 10 rara view r.itonneirr anr- ao. Iota l. 2. a. Kattl N. Dawaon and hnanand to Mary -1 rm - m nl - tot- Tnt--at--r-Tnr -. aam ddUloa-77T.7Trrrr. ...... . : . . ' Too Kettle N. Dawaoa to Alva Klnea, lot 11. block 43. Vernon i Vjrta K. M iil and hnaband .to Otie F.. Fanner, fctta 12, 13, 14, 10, bioci a, Hl.hljnd Park addltioa. 1J0O John T. IlMloa nd wlfa to Mary. Bclerr" - mt a. block it, nianiano.. - Taleatlne Baritar and wlfa to Anaala . .: l'nrk ........ W0 Will. Pnrdy end wife to M. T. Barker, aama property . loo A. 1. Will and wlfa to lliarlea W. kel. . -tmr and wife, lot s, Dlw- s, uroiaer a addltioa ............... .............. 1. 000 William Bartlatt-and wife to F.W. JUadtwlter, cottonwood timber o . Vdeof- BaVtlett pTIT.7TTr: a . . a. r..u v i K. F. Day and wife to Julia Drel. aiajmldei, waai'' r iota 11 Pioca raurar a inmnia acurlly f aalnaa k Truat company " lo K. K. Baster, mi I, , Diocn no, flmich'a addltk 10 if Ttunverford and wifa -to Roaa Uea. parcel lana nrrinmni norm line Hnlladar ae TIKI feot went ef weet,j -line Kaat Twentr-elahib etreet. -Ludwla Olaaa and wife to John A. , Back, lota It. 12, block 1. HUblaud ., 150 BOA Format M. Ayrra and wife to W. O. - -Ulhaoa, lot 16, block -10. Laorelwood. ft 00 WlllUia Reldt and wife, to Toomae A...1 , Pone, lota 1. 1, 1. , block 17, Mc- ' - Mllle-Sreihtlttoir -i : . . i, : -. 1 Gcorara W. Jefreott and wife to John K. . Her(. lot 4. block 1, Tahoralde ,-v W Arleta tnd company to Annua 8. Wi"l- ; ler, lot S, block 10. Arleta Park o. i. , 100 Genrt-e W. Gordon Jr. and wlfa to ' Arthtr Brock, lot IS. block I. Midway ' Annrl addition ''"W."' P. H. Marlay and wife to T. f. Mc . Paalel. lota S and 4. blork 1. Colum bia Helahta . 1 - Oct roar Inenranea and abetraeta ta real eatata from the Title Oeeraatee Truat eoaapaay, MO Waahlnatoa atreet. corner Bmorid. NOTICE. 1 vnrira of tiaarlna and aettlement ef final ac count. in inn cooniy rnun 01 im aia.v Ore eon. for tbe eouety er moiinoman. in ma mailer of the eatata of John O'Donnell, de eeaei Kotlca la hereby Mim that the n- deralraed. Martin Riley, executor of ihe lata of John O Donne I . decenard. haa filed bla Inal account and report aa each eiecut. ' in tba county court of tbe aute ef Ore on. !-for tbe aounty of Multnomah, and that aald "court by order duly made haa appointed Frl- Kniie of a:lw o'clock ia the forenoon of aH 4jU iha courtroom ol aam court m tna 3r1iT"Of " PorHaad. county Multeomah -n4 etate of oream, aa tne urn, ann piece inr in henrlnc of object tona to aald fmal account and -xaoort. aad ttia aettlement thereof. MAP.TTX RILKT. Kxacator. T. Tf. ranalln. attorney. Dated "and Brat nn.Mli iiatMO, May aecoad. 1VO. MAMtiii ivrrrrn Portland. Oreavm. Mar t Itmd, taalad .hida.-jalU. ne . racr lred at tbe office of tbe acBool clerk, cuy nan. np to U D. rrttlay. May S5, IOOA. for heat- j lug I bull A wnllBln the r a f Ride hi vh achnol Idlng. Plana of the building and apeclll- dc. aeeaBt-t n- urcmtecfa ofllce. RH4-aar -Third -at, n bidder w requrated to auhmit piana ana aoedncetlana for the aald heating and anitiatin - - All - ronoeale muat . be rompanled by a certified check for 10 per eent ef the amount of propoaal.. The echool board reeerrea tbe right to re ject my and all nine. THOMAS J. JONEH. Arebltect, i inaauiK - . will eommuDlcate wit bla parenta and re llere the anilely of bla mother he will not be forced to retnrn home. 1 10.00 reward for an reliable Informattoa regarding thla party. W. M. Lewreneoa. Downey. Idaho. lOtber papera plraae copy ) - t aTHRRBT aire notice that t hare eold my half lnterrnt re Watktna Broa. groorry to motha'rvthTwatkijis." THK W. N. Ladd ran yon ranch, S mllea weat of Portland, la now open for atork. Bee or ' write i. AirPatney, eneerlntaadeait,-Syleaa, Or. Ratee B centa per any. MEETINO NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBORS Something Dcing- TOfllGBTt- BETTER COME V . n.iT-vn.w A 1 1 a, V . a will glee a lad lea' choice dance In their ka.I In tne Atington oiog. on , aurauay ereuiug May 10. Admiewioa 15c. , LOSV AND FOUND. LOST In -trinity of Third or Fourth ate., bet, Yamhill and Park block a. or la Park blocka. amall Mack puree containing ail the money belonging te a Ban -Franrleco refugee, ate- turn to Joaraal ef ore. - Howard. a LOUT A pair 'of opera ataaaea, la Berk, epp. fruit etana.. on rortiana itcignia, near op aerratory; ample reward. Pboue Eaat 264, LAHT Brlndle bail terrier male pup: "Suider "i earn rloaely crooned; . Ilreiiae l.SI(v l"hene aart oeji.- -arwan, I A IMT From Srlraa. Mat S, 1 aorrel ma ret hlaaed gaea, n white ' turn to C Roblueea, 8lrae. Urrgoa. Lfwrr Oerdoa eetter pup, tare meatba eld. ward. Main 2M. Be LOftT 1 dapple-eray borer, ab'wl around with core, toretop ciippea. 1'Boae racist p .'iceelra reeard. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY. "9, LOST AND FOUND. LlftT-al ewt-lle-gray borne, ebod all arennd with Vork. forrtop rllpfird. welgha 1,440. Pboae Pacllle tV4, reerlre reward. MWT Ona billhook coolslslng Fulton 4 Wood C. - bllle - and - etetemeate, 1 laurr please phone Psclfic 994. HELP WANTED---MALE. WANTEIV For United BUtaa rmr, able-bodied . unmarried bm between agea of Si and 85. - ritlarna ot I nltad Hlalna. of food character and temperate habile, who can apeak, -read and write Engllah. Apply to Keeruiting ui crr, Atnaworth Ulk., lhlrd aad Oak eta., Purtlaad, Oregon. ALRBMBN WANTED For M et tbe Urgeet auraeriae m the weec; eaaa aaraacea waeaiyi gtod territory epea. Addreae WaAtUugtua K uraery Co.. Toppenlah, Waab. - WANTED (eood aaddle band: muat be good tamiwr: ete-ilr job: can wake f-4 to . per week. - Addraee C. E. Cogfaball. Mll.d City. . Montana. . ' " WANTED Man to work for cripple who gore In wbeel chair aeillng amall articira; per day. F. Culrrr, C24 Oanteobela are. - - MFN aad women to leer barber trade ta eight -weekat areduatee - eera -rrom fia te weekly? expert - Inetraeteeai eatalogoe free. Moklcr aratrai oi veuefea, aa noria aenria at., Portland. " , BOY WANTED te aprtnkle lawn. Apply be-4 fore a o clock ia rne morning -er arter aj o'clock ta tbe craning at 733 Flandere et. AGENTS WANTED. te cell euperlor. high-grade , anreery atocfc ; -aemplete outfit (urnlahed freet aeea-reekiyi write toaey toe re nice -or ter ritory. Capital City N uraery Oempanj, Baleat. Oragoa. . ,. . --, . . WANTED S flrat-rlaaa eollcttora who bar bad eiperience ia meaaa-Te-neaee raamwiii,; aaiary and commlaaloa to right part lea. 3U6 aecoad at. HARNEBB and raddlemekere wanting good toba In tbe country, eddreeo cnaa. l-. Maaing ei Co.. wholeeale leather. Front and Oak aire la, IflCtlKala OT9(0n a " "" " ' r - ' " '" ' ' ! ' A RARE opportunity for a man with aotne capital; Inraaflgate aad yea will aura ureet, C 110, care JouraaL WANTED We want te eoatract for 200 to 9U0 good Chtneee or Japaneae te labor In turpen tine woode. and at raiiroea aao aewmui worx aura labor for a term or raara. jaeaaoa uim her Co.. Lockbart, Coring ton county, Alabama. WANTED Reliable aewapeper caaeaaaeri ateady poaitioa ror naht party) eity ana eoantry work; muat giro refeiencee. Adtwet Agent, Vancourar, Waak. WANTED Tarnlahcra. machine and bench banda. . Oregon Furaltara Mfg. Co., Macadam 4 , . . .. MEN AND WOMEN AGENTS wanted: can make from M to xo par day. fa a do I jsoret ty Co., Sua CnJoa Are. North. , 3 , DRUG clerk wanted. H 126", care Journal. WANTED Two nrartlcal electric II meat be good elimhera 42 130. care Journal. WANTED Boy about IT) ateady work. ; 48 rront at., earner uavia. . - WANTED Fh-et-claaa earrUgr-pa Inter. A. iP. jsrieoa, loe L'niea are. BARNE86-MAKERS ' wlahlng good Joba In ite. d,lre I'h.rle. 1 Me.Hcfc A Co.c whoVreale leather, Front and Oak eta.. rortiano. WANTED A few good hnoeepalntera. Charlea tonuaoa, ill aaat Aaaeny et. - - WANTED-pigh-claaa yoang man to fill re- aponainie-poeition muat narre annw nvnnav. which will be eecured aa a haala of A par cent: hlghent refereoeea required. Addreaa K 106, care JouraaL WANTED Mae to auaage oewmilt and tog ging camp; muat be atrletly -Brat claea end hare from f2.000 to th.OOO; good eatery: ia- eantment a, i wred. Addreae K 10B, Journal. - WANTED Bright young man. who caa furnlah caah bond ot $100 for higb-elaee poattlon; muat hare goad refereoeea. Addreae k 10, care - Journal. - WANTED Young man now employed to work extra hour for rrenoaalble concern: only thoae with good reference and who mingle with good people need ana war; the right party can materially Increaee 'Bla Income. Addreaa k- li7, rare Journal. STOP WORKtVfe for other at email ealary; learn a buntneee tbt pay and he Imieoemlenf . Write Spokane Optical College, Spokane, Waeh. - - A BOY with wheel for delWertea. ' Cbarlea Coop er Boo. tailor, bsv. miru at., apeiaire. WANTED Woodturner; asm cabinet-maker, I'nloa Store Fixture Co., 126 Eaat Sixth et. BOYS ever 18 wanted ta poll nalla: wagec f l-pee-dey- Apply- tO-newi- building on Xortbrup near-2lat ate . i : FTRETt, a-) pusiereia wiBTedr-" Apply at new building on North rnp at. near 2lat at. A'GOOD TAILOR'S preiacr." Charle Coopey Son. tailor. 8AI Third et.. upaulra. WANTED Reepeceeble boy of shout IT to learn the Borlat baslneae. Eaat 22d aad Mor rleirn, op p. rie cemetery. . WAN TED Errand boy - 11. care Journal. la- wboleeale-houae. K HELP WANTED FEMALE." HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 843 U Wsshlng. .tof) IL. fptr SeTentb npalalrsraoeMata 2602. Temale help wanted. THE HOME LADIES' AGENCY Open Sua day a end erenlnge, -188) Fourth at. Fhoae Mala 8826. EXPERIENCED GIRL wanted at Sft Ererett to attend etore. Call 10 a. m. . GIRL 0B WOMAN to do cooking at Baamaaa botel. 4'2 North 19th at. WANTED Experienced balrdrtsaar aad lenre. 160 Fifth at. GIRLS TO . WORK la candy factory: a lad .chocolate and cream dipper; steady em ployment and good was re. Pacta Coast Btacult Co., 12th aad Darla ate. WA NTED flood girl for general honae work. 128 14th at., bet wren Waahington and Alder GIRO for general honeework at 681 Schuyler Bcotc vena. , - WANTED Girl between 16 and 20 to lea cream at a danclag parte. Inquire 208 Second at. NEEDLE-WORK SALEBW0MAN Good poainon , to ldr of arpearence and acquainted te the city. ; Mexican Draw Work Co., (48 Morrteon.. x..l GIRL to' art type and feed preea. Annie nrlnf Ing department LuckeL -King A Cake 8uea to., aau riooo i. - WILL giro stenographer deakroom to attend office whea I am out. Room 818 Lumber Kg change; I ' ........ A COOK wanted; good wage. Phon East i nzo. WANTED-fllrt for plala houaewark. '' Apply 731 rooking aad light Sarler et. WANTED Experienced rhlld'e nurse; wares 2S. Mm. Wilson's ladles' K-muloymeut Agency,- 21H Morrlaoa. Pacific 610. CAMP COOKS, iy: waltresaea, Sii and room; housekeeper hi city. 830- The Horn Ladles' Agency, 16SV Fourth at., apetalre. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Flret-cleae cook and waiter for email hotel la Namna, Idaho; men er women; good waea to right party. Addreaa A. J. kreet. Tenneaaaee liotef. Fourth and Madisoa. 100 STRAWBERRY-PICKERS wanted. For Hood River, Oregoa. HELP wsntrd and supplied, male or Temale. R. G. Drake. 2nv. Waahington at. Pacific 1170, WANTED In wnoleeele-boTe, waene men or Women who bee bad exierlaea a billing lerk. K 122, car Jeuraai, ike Hie Dicti SITUATIONS "WANTED MAtE. YOI XO maa from Baa Franclaco wtahra poet. ' tloa ot eoaie kind; member M tannic and , L O. O. r. ledge: jclercu-aa. . k lift, care BXI'EKIENCED JANIIOK ranla poelllon; beat of reference, Addroaa 1 lltt, Cera Junta L . . . ' WANTED-r-Poltloa . a aortlon foreman on logging road; uuderatand putting In all kin da of aeitcbea: good rrferenc. Addreaa K Ho, rarr Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEM ALE 1 Yot NO lady want poet Hon la a etore or laundry. Call- S40 Fourth at., or Mala 8687. BESPECTABLE working girl wauta a pool, or to rare tor lion aa eoiupanioa to a lady children erenlnge for mom end board; can giro reference. - K Ion. car Jouroal. CITUATION Young lady aa raehler or clerk la grocery a lore. Mra. Wlleon' Ladle' Agency, 21S Morrlaoa. Pacific 610. WANTED AGENTS. AUKNTS Doa't eewd eaat, we ehlp from- Port. land. only autQi-ntic, accurately intiatrated - book - oa 'Prleeo- -dleeeteri uaeiiHaled - effer-i " write today. Weatera ofgee Imperial Pub- Uahlng Co.. 1040, Eaat Taylor at.. Pwrtuuid. WANTED Agente; anmethtng aew: good sailer : . big wage, J0 McKay bldg. - AGENTS WANTED to aell oar high-grade atw eery stock; ceh adranced weekly; big cunv miaaloae and premlume: write today. Addreaa Chlco Nureery Co.. Salem, Oregoa. WANTED Sereral flrat claaa solicitors, city or eeuntty; bls pay te right partlea; refer ence required. Addreaa H 120, re JouraaL WANTED Energetic and competent agente to repreeenr o in an parte or tne northwest; "cah weeklr7Taptt! CttylturaerT T. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES.- THE Portlaad Emnloymcat Co.. 200V Morrlaoa at. raw, raeine s-na. . ... HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. -FOR MEN. -16 N. Second at. Pboae Mate HUM. Bit FOUR EM P. AGENCY Help supplied free. IS North Second at."" Pheeje Mr to lli. ABI E EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, JS4 Buraslde , et. Pbone Main 7016. ' ' - WAITED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOt'SES. CO-"AOE. FLATS. ROOMING-HOI18ES. STORES. ETC.--Onr rental department bee been ealarged lin h aaa hatlBbBRiali tal attention to and entinnoua lloB TVitylirTptl'il'-" tul'elad ' aaa PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 8. E. cor. 8d and Oak eta. Phte Ex. IH WANTKD-T rent a T-room bouee. furnlehed and in good repair: aby good locality oa the eeat aide. 306 (ioodnough bldg, Pboae Pa cine 420. . WANTEDS - hewakeeplag-raoms - la - prirat rami! by maa and wire; not arer aa per week. K 117, care Jonrnl. - J WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Lot lo aaahaaga foe equity la - er T-room honae. . Phone Eaat (641. " WANTED At dacey froja 'owwee,ncome- bear ing eroptrtr; muat be good Inrefttment; hare caah bujef. e.J.T3etfr221 Mor- rieon at. - ANTED MISCELLANEOUS E. N. MOftGAN, pioneer-sprayer and whlte waaher. Call Eaat 6248. Remember tbe name E. N. Morgaa; 11 year la bualseaa la Portlaad. FAINTING, apraylng and whitewashing trees. . baerments. berne. dock, etc: birgeet gaeollne I spraying outfit oa the.coaat. M. 0. Morgaa Co., sal unioa are. raoae x-aai on. BIOHEST CASH PRICE PAID tor Turn I ti e la . any quantity ; alae take eama en eammlastoa and guarantee-, beet reanlts. The Portland A act kin Hooma A. Schabach prop., tit Flret aC Pboae Mela 86A6. x HIGHEST caah price, paid for eeeood hand goede. Pboae East dot 7. 126 Union are. WE WILL BUY, 8EI.L OR TRADE ANY OLD THING, ' WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. S27 J62 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 78S. JOHN H ABLE, manefactnrer ef ment pneta, waterproof, leatlng, strong, cheap; pleeae tnreetlgete; a eperlalty of fence ponta. Footheeat corner East Madisoa aad uatva are., Portland, Or. SPOT CASH. . For furniture and honae hold roods. PBONE MAIN 663. WANTED A second hand- peanut roaster: moat be In prefect condition . and reaemuble . la price. Adnrree T. A. R,. car JouraaL WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.l WANTED To bun raw boat for cash. Rtate price- end Jx- J,- ladlgsuv 1A4 HUrrman- WANTED Wagon that ran be used for ex prce pur pre, a; most be efroax end reaaoa. able. j. rYeemea. K Ererett et. WANTED Good second hand lathe and drlll- preaa. IS wrTI is other equipment eary for small machine-shop. K 128,- care a i Mir ue i. ... WANTED The care of a nicely furnished bona - during 410 ovtmmee -by- young eenple- with out cblldrea: ran giro beak of reference. Addreaa A. E. Tan Rmon. 281 Eaat 324 at. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms, good Incatloa; reaaenable rent. 1 inquire 151 Lowasdslt. near Morrlaoa. THE KINO, 808 Jarre reon St. Nicely furalshed roomer with aaa or electric light, beet aad hatha, ta aew build lag, 0 aad' 10 Bar month. . THE RICHELIEU. 8S NORTH SIXTH ST.. Elrgantly furalahed. ateem beet aad hatha. THE GRAND. 4(1 1 orth Third ct.a gentlemen 81.2S per week aad aa.- FOR RENT 2 large front roome for young men, with or wlihont board. Call 463 Sixth - at. Pbone Meht CallOa - - ROOMS, -nicely fomlahed and bath, with or without board. 431 Reran th st. ItYotWant an Employer or- E TOTJ CAN FIND HIM IN A' HURRY IF TOIJ ADVERTISE IN THE WANT COLUMNS OF THE JOURNAL ASK FOR - WHAT TOU WANTAND .ASK Emphatically, the juurnai, WILL, TELL TOUR WANTS TO MANY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE AS QUICK' LT AS TOU CAN TELL THEM PER SONALLY TO A DOZEN PEOPLE, YoMai!tlMord tbe Slow Way - onary or .Hector y I FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING 2 - ri BNISIifclt - hmmr hecBi e-teuae fceiJTf , eKvtrlc Tigrne; flft xoouth; I bath, gee ranee adults: refereures. The Gsrlsnd. tul Waah 4eHMa al - ear - loth.- Apply- between , 11 and 12:3o a. m. enly.. . ' . ICR RENT-rFurnlshed. houackccplng rootm. ,42S Stark st. r - 1 .. , : , t i -i i , HJREE HMRCKERptN0 Rt5foCieat, ,3116 Third t. THE MITCHELL. Flaade-e - aad Seeeatb . - - MwaovinD, - ama wiiaieju. a renieat; pricea reeeoaable. 11 5 WEEK ap clean, furatahed bouaekeeplng rooms, with yard, parlor, laundry, bath. fur. aeee beet toa Stantoa at. V ear. f 1 BO PER WEEK Large, clean. furalshea) hoaaekeephigoome: laundry and -bath, - 14 ' SbernMa. South Portland. IT1 ALDER Nice honeekeeplng-room;ga atoee, bath, phone, cloee uiiainea; rreeuaable. SLEEPING and ' for rent. See R. H. Ulgley, room kO. 221 M VVaahlDg- tea et. j -. THE GRAHAM. MS4 Waab. Kooma 1.TS per week ; bourkeepliv(. $250 per wrrk and ap. HOI 8EKEEP1NO tenia or room; fruit end bad tree.- Lci and Clark Camping fireund. Mount To bur. 1'hun Eaat 4128. S Fl nxISHKIl hniKeheepliig-roon)., 19 aer aaonlb, Imiulre 6;d Hrreutb at. - THE PRINCETON 2 furMlebed- hoiiaekeeplng. room, lKj iiorrtaoa St., near tbe bridge. FIRST 'floor.' airily IfnrnlBhed. complete fur bouaekeeplng Pbone Eaat 018. - ' - Fl'RMItHED bouaekeeplng and ntfriirulahed , S w e noiff.. . rirar ann win. ROOMS AND BOARD. ill ALDER T-aVgirirituf Parlor, "bath, pboae. board If dcefred.. walking distance. reeeoul.e ' price. - v '-.,' . 886 12TH Large front rooms; gaa. bath, phone. wsising otsranec; prirste lamuy aaa Borne comforts. . . ... WANTED Boarders and lodgers: Isrge front- room parlor ror I young men.- ZKI fourth sr. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. TTJRE FOR SALE. ALL THE Fl'RNITI'RE of tbe Hellwood hotel fiar sale at a bargain. Hotel for rent. '1474 East 18th at., Hellwood. FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. prompt aad re. lie " ""- " - ' -'" rnttrST lodrrn 8 iroom bouae, 16th aad Irving sis., 5o. I'hone MUD 701. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY 241 STARK ST. - ' INSURANCE. RENTALS. EES LIST. TWO MODERN HOIHE8 One-six roome, ona rnone main seoe. rorenooa. HOI UK to rent la Sellwond. Emmonc Eui mone. sttorerys-st law, 868 Waahington. ..." HOt'SES. -COTTAOES and moaning hoaaea foe - rent - or aale. Here- seme good bargains, Mra. Wllaon'a Agency, 291 H Morrlaoa st. Phono Forifie. 610. - TWO bouera. 104tb aad 1064 17th near Flan- oere at., at per month each. Inquire Lewea gsrdl, 21 Park St. , 6-ROOM new modern house, -large corner lot. iriit ann perr lea; a.ej r.. o4tn at., am monin; liae thorue. ate. ear- .402 Commercial blk, HOCSF.S FOB -RENT la all parte ef the city. sb . r.. ic wa Bixrtr at. 1'none ranae ev.r FOR" RENT FLATS." MODERN room flat. Including and ateel . ranga; shade on windows. '08 Hataey. - FOR RENT T-room modem new flat. 64TV Sixth St.. near Jsrkaon. Phoa Pacific 883. " A. H. Msegly. 210 Foorth at. " 6-ROOM flat newly papered, aortbweat euraer . 12th and 'Cast. Stark; rent reasonable.. - MODERN T-room upper flat. Isleet ronrenl. earee, 4814 N. Mnlb, Inquire 48 N. Park et. MODERN S-room fiat. Including gss snd steel rsnge; shade on windows. 2i Hslaey et. MODERN T-room npper fiat, la teat rocTenlenoea, aam narin .mnin. inquire sv orta t'era au 6-ROOM upper flat on 38lh and Belmont; al. mc,t compktely furnUhi-d: modern Improre. roents, K. Buetlkofrr. 87t4 Eaat Burnalde. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE rooms, anfaralahed noma aad earnpV room for reef. Geedoougb bklg. Apply eke - es tor. - . ... WANT TO SHARE OFriCE ROOM to reduce rxpenae; suiulils for say line, K 100, cere Journal. . , DESK ROOM, well located, rent 8T.&0 a Addrrea K 114, cere Journal. nth. PART ef a boo to rent, mutable for painter tr - pmmr.- gfia PWrrb t. - - " FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 84 acres. 8-rofim house, barn. fru!t.sprlng watcf; Cornell "Voad: R. F. It. o. x. box Tin. -airs, lame Knnle. : FOR ENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT la city. 1V4 erree gardening. Inquire 80S Fourth. -Itable far TJUSINESSTCHANCEST A - LIVE, growing Portland bualneea, .rapWIy . expanding, can ass from 23.000 to 810 ai adilitloasl capital. Answer with psrttcnlara as to whst basis would he willing to eagsce npon it invrsTtraTion proree satlSfsctorj. ,d- a in, care journal. . - ' DON'T come here first, hut don't boy year city property, fruit and garden lead, wheat, stock,! or aniry rsncaea until you ere no. north Weat Land Co.. 206 Goodnougb bldg. P. S. " We ate hare bualneae chance, of all kinds, and caa locate yoa right. M. W. X. Co. WHO IB M. 0. MORGAN CO. 1 LAROH or small roomlng-houaee for aa le oa terme hr H. H.Hlgity, room 80. 227 1 Waahington at. - P0RTLAND anburbea dragatore for aata, e, cere eoaraei. SPOT CASH. , -. For furnltare and hnnaehold goeda, PHONE MAIN ft00. - WRITE ns quick about recent important de - rebutments ef tke Huret Automatic Switch A Signal Co.: buy atork before big advance. J. F. Hurst A Co., 206 McKay bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP One of the beat black smith and wagon shops la the Wlllsmrtts valley: stork and tools worth all wa aak for, Ihe same; other business" feaarvn for selling. For psrtlculsra addreaa .P. 0. hva , 220, Corvsllls. Or. , " FOR SAIJS A grocery- store, well Iocs ted; no eoooaate - te lse orer; stoca compieie; inn ' beat store la the city; would exchange fr-r limber, farm lends or deslrsble eily properly. a 117, cere Journal. FOR BALE -A SNAP. A complete reatsurant outfit. Including a " double raage. coffee nrn, gaa pistes and erery thlng nereaeery for a flratclaaa restaurant; location excellent. Pbone Eaat 288. SPECULATORS, write me for big bargains In Huret Switch atork before switch goes oa road. I am selling nng stock at a big die count. P. 0. Box 671. , - FOR SALE. ONE of the best togging Jobs oa the river, rlrht on the hank. IO.O00.000 feet fir, l.ono.Oiio " felled aad burked up: reeds msde, brand new donkey, es hies. logging tools snil camp eqnip- tion The. owner. rrrrrH rerymucahajliisUll.9O0cl.0 ACR to dlaooan of thla. but there are eood reaann. whlcb will be folly explained by phoning Eaat 283. , . FOR SALE-!-On account ef sickness. ' good pay. Ing bakery snd confectionery, 1n one ef the beat towns In state; no opposition: railroad building within twa mlla of towa. Lack ' JBea 144, Care, Of. ... .. . IS53.J Just the Place to Look for Spe cific and Condensed I V BUSINESS CHANCES. UEelTAIIBAeiVeeeV- topVwt. for ealr; . 2 years' lesae. Addreas K 120, eara Journal. Sli'KNtHH compel the selling of a ged paying resisursnt, oourectlunrry. rlgsrs. toiwarco and creaaa stand; will be sold cheap If takra at once. Address 11 128. tare Journal. FOR SALE 22-room roomlnghonae. rentrslly locstrd, all aew furniture; paying 4)100 Per auimth aow; could be made iu" pay bio": . will sell for a limited tlme'tiar o00i l"V -am) oown and balance monthly lor- 8Hr t caah I. -Call East 12M. 'Locafloo ST0l4,Eat Murrlaoa at, .. MONEY-MAKER la aa ' ealabllahrd tranafer and draiage bnalneaa. kluarll. 002 Com- 1 . tnerclal blk. . Mala 282. MANt-PACTCRING Leek tbto ap.. If yoa waiU a. ssfe bualneae es partner' snd requiring 114 prerlous experience to aiake 81W s muotn smslNrapllsl required. Call 24H14 Stark at. A SWELL . RKSTAI'RANT. completely fur , ntsheil. to. rent rhesp to a man ehu k surra " kow lo'couk sud rslrr te) ths very beet trade. (Only tbla kind need apply.) Jo71 Third St. .' '"-" " .' ." . -".- IF yon ha, a fooo snd wish to engage In a good psjlng buslnr will bear lumtlgstlon. - all or write - KSit, Jereey si,, St. John. Oregoa, p. 0j But 2:io.. FOR SALE leundrr In Jlral-claas rondlUpi'.. ?-vxf locstlonr. Call or address Mr. C. K. hompeoa. Waoduura. Or. OFFICEnaa eaa make Uh0 moo I lily a partner: small rapllal required; bank references. -.- 24MI, Slark St. - , . FOR BALE Hardware-ami bouae furnlaliliut . business; ceatrel Iocs t ion In good bualneea " town; Isrge country trade. Address K 112, cere Joumsl. . . v " . '. FOR HALE, cheep, for ceah. reetaursnt la good . location; only one la Hty ad doing well; ' gwd praapect- for ummer. For further In. - furiaatloa artilrea I M.. Allra- Kalamg L., Washington.. -. 1 GROCERY We bsre s ha re In for STBO: ale 1 IT Tin vinomar aetee all reen a no win pwyan 8I2.V a month. Call 24N Stark at. HOHSMIIORlNG and general rrpslr-shop for sale. ,ar- will exchange for amall term er ,-reaxe near Portland; abon well lorated and doing big bualneae. K 116. care JouraaL HOTEL for aele or leeee. m busy, pronperous town In OregCT. on "'Jriff. "! rjj' ''prVu " sell car lesae and sell furniture, or rent tilt.-log-room and kitchen. Pactlcolars at room "12. 24nt Morrlaoa et. - " - FOR SALE Stork of merrhamltee In a amalt ry town: win invoice about ai.maj: arer- age sslee 840 per day; good lore lion for a lire,' up-to-date mea; eesy terme; canoe of aelllnc. ether boalneea Inreslinenls. K 11U, care Journal. . arrrri mnrt rxiaxai a riMuiiIug'houas. ley. room 30. 227e Wsahingion at. RKSTAl' RANTS, renter or rlly; one IA , one for 8AA0 snd one for gl.TlSO: bsrgslus, every one. Cell 24i4 Stsrk st. v " NICE OPPORTUNITY FOR MAN AND WIFE 8700 Grocery snd home bakery, with n living roome, en First at.r doing a very good beslneee. If yea want a safe end money-mak ing bualneea, ma i m lea inia enanr V; r.t t. iae4- re SAIcDON for sal at a bargain; central location; .-terms to auit. .. laiuire 93 HlxlB at. -. I2.0O0 COUNTRY store: If yoty.-bsr ttle Oregon; H acre r round, bulldlnga. fine fruit treesi poatnrflce snd express office; r leering -OJCt. tM jer.jrnon.lli. .fc. Jnchaltn Frt sL ;fortsalerealtest AteT" CTTY PROPERTY , Fine btme, Isrge house. Kara, abundance of cfrulf, 1 sere of ground, choice location west slope or W, .nrrt cor 8-reoua new tnocjctn boaee. ooreelsla olumET Ing. piped for aaa. Vox! IS feet ground: any. menta I'iiK) down, balance monthly peyment'l . or. will trsde. . . B-roons new cottage, nice locatioa, weat alone Meant Tshor: sell on easy terms. Nice, heirfe. WOslOO greend, to Sunnysldei cbesp at 83.800, -.-- - ... . -' " Bualoee lot aa Grand ava . sear Al- .. der et. ' 8-room bonae. ' 100x100 ground, ornamental t "tr,ra snd floweraTA nice bonee. 8 blocks" from Waahington si., weat side; might take some smaller property ee part pay; 116.000. 6 room aew modern . cottage, west aide: " 82.BOO. ' - Fine axodern, home. In North Portland; 88.500. B-mom new modern honae, all la 8ne. order, .100x100 ground, eery eholre Vocation, close In. oa Ksat Ankenr at. : . iK.SOO. 6 room' new ujodcrn bouse, all rbotcf, 14th St., near anxeny at.; fa.wu, W-room honae. rut Eaat 12th at.: rbolce locatkm, near Ankeny rarllne; f3.ono. 6-roinTi neat cottage, on East Ystnbtll St., weat of 224 at.) esse derma: ll.OOO. Broom nest cottars. 14 bbk-k. on Rich-, TTfiond" V'nT-tr.4no. ; a-reom nouae, wen conerroctea. pssemrnt. - concrete welksr- bsrn. 4 lots, brsutifully k " csled; a anan at $2,800." XH..VXV 1 jirse corner, lot. Bne new modern 8-room house, cloee Is. on Ankeny earlier , $15.000 Fine Urge modern home, tietxTOO ground, choice lorslion. North Portland. " K-ronm cottage, near east end ot ateel bridge: I.TS0. . - Choice vscsnt lots. . hoxioo feet on Esst Ankeny. cloee la.. ts .Vixino- feet. Hewtborne park -.-s..v-. iiorattOOv- Pnrtlsnrt Henrhta.- -. ; ; 2 lots, Ka.l 12ih aad Tar lor at. . . HRNKLE HAKRIKON. . 21 Tl. A Ding too . bldg 1 $1 2fto A NEAT 5 room bouse and t beautiful - lota: high end elghtly, well fenced aad alee g-irdrn hara and eoodebod. city water, on BI.Bno Good a -room bouee ami X Iota, aesr aeirhhorhood. $l.&of A "cnlrsetT'rsnrh Ihsr 1a the beat money-maker 00 the market for the right pertr; close to railway, H mile from city Itmtter JRrXDT-M ET.R A TTT-CO. ; - 243 Morrlaoa at. f . HOYER. np river from Portlaad. Located oa. der N. P. Irrigating ditch and eh new north ' bank railroad; fruit goes oa the market three waeke earlier thsa In aay other sectloa, rem- msndlng bigheet preet- detly strainers from . Portland. . Sale by the owurrs, Borer Lead Co.. Hover. Wsshlngtoa. 82.000 NEW, MODERN. 6-rnom honae oa 28tb at.: full lot: half rash, 107 Third st. . DO YOU want to bar city lots or acreage T It eo. eee Esst Bids Reel Estate Co. Eaat side " property a spedelty. 40T Hawthorne are., aesr Grand. Phone Bast 1087. $SO00 0H ACRES, 8 blocks from station. .. en ths 0. W. P.. alt In high atate of rul flvatlon: new 4-rooa . house (plastarsdl. 10TV, Third st. , . ", ' r ' ACRB TRACTS! . - 0C SPECIALTY IS ACRB T1ACTSI Fall-alsed etreet. water te each acre. Efet- PER ACRE CASH ' I0 PES ACRE, PER MONTH. . Yea re to the eeree ea tba aeat est. Cy tbs Sams Be fare tbe lot maa pays. The t maa e your" neighbor, but he le re strict ed tn maiorlty of -featarea that ataks '- true euberba home, - ; - Opes Wedaeaday and Satardsy evening. A C. CflURCHILL ft CO), IKtX '.--' "'. . ecood SC . , ; MUST sacrifice B room cottage. 6 lots; so raa eonsble offer refused; la suburbs. Addreaa - P 8. cere Journal. , . 8J.A0O MODERN' ,6-room house In '8uunyelde; lot 50x100; half cash. 10714 Third at. 14 .Dun Handaome buoe, brand new, well ar. ranged, all modern Improvementa, fin ror. ner,-Ninth and Schnyler. Holladay'a addl - tlon; beet bty on market at price. 20S Fetlrth, phone Peelna 2126, er Mala Jh0. $1,250 Nice new 4-room cottage; bsth, fas and electric lights. Msbls street be. weea Hamilton are. snd Seymour, I block from 8 car aad ehool. South Portland; term. Inquire 2nd Fourth, Pbone PaclSa 2121. ReeMeore. Main 8080. roan; an nieai pi. 1. . $H eaab, remainder monthly. lOTVk isiru I BUILD honae. eeey Bsrments: Jots tarnished If desired. Miller, 612 Commerctsl bldg. 20 ACRES. Beer Woodlawo. $4s per acre ell eleeft o4 ( lot apeculslloa. . lotli Xhlfd SU FOR SALE-lREAL ESTATE. . w-ACBHel-Nei I land.-t -write from elei-tilc itne,- 10 mllea east of Portlsnd: This hi No, 1 bind. " lsys well aud eaay te clear: there la a rot-k fir gravel. I will sell 8, 10 or 20, acres at -BOA per erre ea -eery-eeay. terma. D luV, ca re Joeresl. - - .-T 20 ACRES, mile aimth of Grealiam; 12 acree In fine stste of eiilllretton. ahalaitce caa be cleared reedr for the Plow for 810 ner acre: 1 i there -are AOQ pear trees, T yeara old; liila. . la very fine milt or ilato laud. Will aeil fde $1,200 on eeay teriee. inr wlll exrhaasa for city properly. D 108. car Journal. KEW 6-room house. $2,850; $v0 duwa, . $21 ' ' monthly. Owner, phone Eaat 875. , - TWO full lota and liouae. 1 Patton eve.. North Alhtoa, $1,250; eeey taraia. luqulr Lowca .- gsrdt, 83 Psrk et. .......... CHEAP- HOMES Iw Weodlswa. r Call p Eaat 4016. $1,500 BLOCK, near Union 4rr.; very fine rsaldrnce iToprrty; smsir cssk pay. ment. ' I0714 Third al. : . NEW 8-roum bou built Willi the best of us- 1 , terlal. rl latlcslly ilrslgued, douhls llnrd. ee - uent eelLi ftuur." fururee. modrrn bathroom . end plumbing, selected wood fie1 ell Inside - work, with f In jLEgshrtl stain flulah. dlnlnx- room paneled -up to -the plete-rall,- - iHwae-- ' tinted throughout -ready fee uee. at a price lesa thsn. If caa be duplicated (or, lot cen--aldered- It being tbe most rholre tucatloa In ' ""ttullsdar knd" Irvlngton additions;' tirnrr "f ' esst Fifteenth snd Hancock sts. ("haa. I.. - Rosa, of Are phone East 82; hums phone . East 128 . . 8T JOHNS , , Fractional block of greond, small' bouse, 1 Well located: will trade. , ' " ; HEVKI.R A H ARHIS0K, " ' ---'-'- 817 Ablnghm bUt... , - -V'-'- ---J- $3.jntl -New mtnlern 6 room booe on a full , lot and In Ihe floret reeldence district on ti.e east side; furnished If deelred; $.V dnsn, balanre esey monthly nevmenta. Plume touny Eaat r.HA. . During week Pacific 1833. . ' ' $2,00018 PER CENT n your tnveatmeni, or a aplemlld bonte. If yon cere to occupy It : L brings; sn Income of $23 per snontli at stl . tlaies; thorouahlr modem &-ronu cot less, rnll brick lisreinentr lot 100; fruit trees, fluw. ere snd Inwn: liireettrste quick; food terms. - Edwards, 402 Oregonisa bldg. $2.01111 T-ennm bouee; water, bsth. etc.. IV minutes', walk fnm P. it. : rood terms. Hsgrv maun A Blsuchard, 81 Fifth at. BAHOAINH. lawuited. with eltlTes! rslale (neb."' .give the live core -a call. - We here -elgnr , Stores. $140 np; grocery store, luvulee) rcs- tauranta, ladglng houses, sit sixes aad prlcess all kinds of lend sud lota. - - rot' N QA UKil E NT -; - y - -,-- - $1,800 m ACRES, near 1'ledmont. on Van eeuver see. 1U7H Third st. ..'.., - -v, thst basatlful 6 1 As3WJuinii Tua flrrnlsre. snd rlchlr tinted: csar term. See ewner- today, 662 L'aloa ave N, Phone $5,500 FOR 2 modern boaaee en North 18lh at.; Ihia la a fine karat Ion and a fine bur. M. E. , Lee, M Sixth St. I'hone Pacific 5U. 100 ACRES, h cases tead rellnqnlahnient for eeb: f iirn'ehed bonee. hern, on-Wan I. running wa- ter: cheap. Tbl la a bergs ia. U 103, cara Journal. . - . v - - - - $3.T50 20 ACRES. T mllea from Portland: 15 acres la coltiTarmn. aew . i-reum. aouse, gooq . hju-n.. other; nnthnltdln-: 4 acrr In orHisrd. feed well' 1 Ulceus rrom sea mm cerMne. IQT Third at. BUY 'all yeatr materials at the .Aanerloea Inn; yoa will eeee TB per cent: fine doors, win. CORNER lot.-BSxioof west side; Ides I Iocs - taoa for Bate. caw -Fseiaa- $40O CORNER LOT. oa 81 t at; small cash payment. lOtVk -Third at, - 209 FARMS, email trarta and lota: bargains ea w . r. electric line. u. . I'm. Oregoa. Take Moant Scott car. Be ' 81.800 WILL buy A modern 8-room eottsge - on nice lot. eeey walking dletaare. west side; . gas. wstcr, betb. etc.; eesy terms.,, Hsge- mane A Blanchard. 61 Fifth at.-r . $1,600 Vi ACRE aad 6-room bonse; St. John; . eoaeealeat to car. - 107H .Third fit. - ZZZZ ST. JOHNS, -THE HOME OF THE ' MANI'FACTl KER. . t have the followlag property that arsst . be sold at once: 8 Iota, BOxluO, river view. 4 blocks V. O., $3,000. . - . - t residence lot for $228; aaly $28 eask re quired. '.., - 12 loli, $I.1I50. r K. C. Ht'RLBERT. - IV, Jaraay at gt Johni, - . rOR BALE CHEAP 6 aad T-eonm ho-see; mod era; pert cash. 870 GsrBcId ava, Tsks ' Weodlawa car. Pboae Eaat 864 8-ROOM bonne and lot 6O1IOO, navEast 14th el., rot tml.i 88ott. ir ywu wane a eea up quirk. D ISO, care Joaraal. SEl.LWOOD LOT. 86 deem end 88 a month I . from $78 to $200. Sellwood Towaelte Ca H. P. Palaver, manager. Pboae East 4704. $10,006- WH.L bar- OOxlUS, rentrslly mealed. Income $2,160 per year: paya 6 per cent on $:I6.000; thla property should treble m vslue In I lie next 10 years, being belter aecurlty - than any beak, and three time better than "- loaning money on reel relate. Mre. Bounds, 2031 Stanton, corner Commerctsl, A Ibtna. LARGE 6-room mloalsl mltsge. $2,0nn; f $2l . - down, $20 monthly. Owser. pbone Eaat 076. FOR SALE Na. 821, cor. of Clay and 12th sts... Portlsnd. Oregon: ae. egret. Daalel Gaby, Yaneoever, Waahington, . - . - - FOskBATJI AT A ltihriXtw -. . A jae etock rgngs, containing shoot t Bea) ! all en tap f.M altnated B.aV" sVaSS.' - fcura. Oreeas- B P. B 1.1 thla to aae ! . , the beat stock ranges la Iks county I I alae have another good stock range eostslolsg 1.420 acres, which will be sold et a very low rrpHc.r For pxrOnilsr sddrew ir elr Bether; lis. aw oar.. Roaeburg, Oregoa. $60 CASH Is sn thst Is needed to got en of : thoee beentlful lot la South Snnnyeide, wa -Hawthorne are.: balance at $10 a month: take a look at this tract. Hartmea ft Thompson,- Chamber of . Commarcew-: - HAVE yoa a hoosa for rent? It so, list It with . na. Wr caa rent It at once. East Bids Baal Estate Co.. 407 Hawthorne are. ,' FOR SALE 4 beontlfnl Iota, 80x100. Columbia Heights; 6n orrbnrd, 4-ntnm tsnkbonse. welt and windmill; newly fenced: Irirsl suhnrbsn home; excellent car service; $1.Wiu; mortgage $i. $ years; $1,200 art, pert rssh. pert -trsde. Owner. Address K 104, care Journal. BEST kit buy ee the east side; fine building lota oa "44th and 43th sts.. Just 1 blo.k south of Hewtborne see. rarllne, ' for $2M recb, term $10 per month. M. X. Lea, 83 - Sixth at. -- - $2.500 ELEGANTLY finished 8-room new cot trsge, 1 H acres of ground. 1 block from csr; 'a bargain. Inquire Oak tirov sts tlon. L. W.' Relnhsrdt. DOUBLE year money by buying 16 acre oa , O. W. P. K. U. at $; -this Is bsrd times price and sure to -- sdrsnee. . Hsrtmsa ft Thompson. Chamber of Commerce. A CHOICE Imnvestesd In Wssco county to relln qnlsh for prlre of Improvements, write at " once to 106 North Sherman at., Albany, Or. IllfIHIIND REAL ESTATE! . " REALTY, RENTALS. INSURANCE, ' ' COLLECTIONS.' Bualneea enrniated to my- care will h promptly attended to. . - J. E.' SPIER. NOTARY FTBLIC.' " - Phooe Woodlawa 62. , 1083 L'nloa are.. North. Portlsnd, Orrgon. $300 ' CASH will get yen heme-la heaaflful lrvlinrion; balance $26 a month) this Is a bsrgaln. Ilrrtman A Tbompeon," Chamber "'of CoBimerce.' - -e, -,- WAKE IP! ttet borne: What' the mat.. . tee with yea 1 $250 raah, then $20 per month will put you In poser salon of a .fine S-moni .cottage, rornee lot, In Sonnvstne. Patterson ft Btrvrgrt. lflOOVh Belmont st. - . - , $775 WILL buy kit en East -43d at., aesr Hawthorne; fine high lota; this Is 6 snap, Patterson ft Blswsrt. loyOH Belmont st. BEST BUY ON EARTH Fine corner, BBvltwx feet, emtier Eaat 3Nth and Yamhill. 1 blork from csr line ; sll street snd sewer aaeee-' ttrt.' hlglt gnerglgltriyi only 6t.r) taken this week; worth 28 per rent more. Pstterson ft Stewart, 1000 Belmont at. $fl,iri OR leas to lean on real estate,' Mala .IP.VI. ,11,1 Commercial blork. . a Hot'SKS :mHry. s4r payment: Vila nt pert city. Mala Mi 81$ Commercial blodi. a.