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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 9 1806. ) MANY HABITUAL DRINKERS; BECOME INSANE CROOK COUriTY IS -V AS RESULT OF PROHIBITION M BAY- CITY . PROGRESSING the Stomach . - : i ; : ; 1 ' . .: : ,. . ..; , - Order Forbidding-Sale of Liquors Makes - a Great Cruslvof Busi ness in San Fancisco Many of the Crazed Committed. lu Francisco. May t. One pulUrl nnrijr unlookad tor rcault attanded ';" proclamation of Mayor- SchmHal cioainr aaioons and forblddlrn tha aulol 4mjuo,. Many Habitual drlnkra,-aud . oanly deprived of thair aceuatomed umuiant, . wara driyen tamporarl'y in- aana. . ... - , It la atatad at tha "'Park amr-ehqy hoapltaJ that up to )at Sunday .nlsbt '.and for aavarat day pravloua 4nnanlty caaaa axamlned par day bad bern 40. ', i Tha eruab. of bualnaas was ao reat that - the examining doctors' bad thamaelvaa ; ' to commit ptler(ta. It being- utterly Im poaalble to put tha matter through the rouuna cnanneis. . . . ., I - Accord ln to Dr. Ltwltr of the emer- . Bency aervloe tha period of acuta mania 1 - for-:eaaa-4ndueed by totat abattncnca f from alcoholic llquora la it houra. ' Att "tha and of that time the patient either! Deoomea normal again or hopaleaaly In aana. Aa the lunacy eaaee hare been ehlpped out if the cltyto.ay)uma a faataa Grangera Union Building, tioliater, ; posalbie no reaulta ar at hand a to - the number elaeaad as incurable of tha number- that have returned as normal. Among the number of lneana are In cluded nany 'dope flanda, whoaa weak ened ayatema coUapaed when tha atlmr ulus of their dally drug was taken away. STATE HATCHERIES FOR PROPAGATION OF SALMON (Special Dtepetck ta Tba JearaaL) Albany, Or., May t A a tat a hatchery for . the propagation of. salmon haa re- t-Jnstabllahedat Elk City on the T equina, river. This was dbneby W, D. Hewitt, aaalatlng the etate llah warden andean aaalstant. " On Returning from tha bay country they apeSt a short time In Albany. Thla morning they went to the Breitenbruah rlrer on the re a tern branch of tba Corvallla ft'ICaat ern railroad, whera they are to eatab ' llah another hatchery. Racka will be installed and placed ecroaa the river; In rtheae the propagation of the aaltnon "will -Tekarplare." '""r - Thla -will aupply the Bantlam river - with aorae of tha flneat flab In the world -and no doubt trill be of value to the uprriJWJllamette generally."- . r If ' 1II- Majestic XIPMSOiiED FOR FIKDInB REAL TREASURE TROVE Spaniard Finds Pot of Cold and 7 ,t Gett Him Into All Kino's' 4, - ' -of T foubl (Jnarnef Special Serrlra.l ' Madrid May . I.Ike a fairy tale is the slory publlahed In fha Madrid preaa ' this week ef the sudden wealth acquired : 9 r:. , : .. .. - " w ' v ,rww , r-r-m,, ..e,,- ,rri tion will Brine Fortune tot Nothing will cure Indigestion mat. - ' , ? 1 .1 - the ntnmiirh n re.--.- T.j., , . f . . . . ' . I l - THOUSANDS OF ACRES ' i ; " t . i M. I : T.: Adapted for wheat ' . ' 1 ' ' - 1 ' v ;- il '; ; r ' ' v ;;:J':r' j I ! 1 V""' ! 1 'l'ductSvncit' IncrcaseV and" Methods i 1 i . : (( ., . .. .... . :., :J? S. U ......-: y. .w ' , s--.;v-. Jamct Donahue Fountain at Market and Battery Streets, San Trandaco, ' " ,1 J Ellis' ;: -H':tff2li!fl I U s . ;nii r,...,.,.,r , . , , ' J- tfr3SttiHMMiafc Wtk"s i. Wt . W( weeW eaueeeWSOW; California, Showing Effect :p-Shock. 4m :y ; :. ; -mMm-t ' V ial : i afaiafcfr?: Edlfadermann'a Bakery at Holliater, Theatre and City Hall, San Francisco. by Andara Opnsale. A.peaaant of CON mehar da Oreja. Struck by the peculiar appearance of a pirve of atone eticklng nut ef the ground near hla houae. he dug and brought to light an earthenware pot full of gold coll. ' Andrea took Into hla confidence hie wife, .brother and. elater-ln-law, and It waa decided that tha ' matter muat be kept quiet. , a few daya later the two men aet out' for thla city and aold their troasure "for some tl.OOS. -In order to allay the suaplclons Of ahould write his brother a letter, eaylng that he had won the money in a lottery. But. unfortunately, the women concerned rould not keep the atory of their won derful lurk quiet, and aa Boon as the atory leeked out Andrea received a vlalt from a lawyer who claimed halt the pro e) . ' - . . - .V- S' . . , ? " f V J ' ' j V J , s ' - i " ? . -: v - s iw fa - -V'i- ; ' , . ' ' ! - : .a ,. . Kn wwiti vivmcs aciuvu auu i, v - . . : - - 1 , i tur o soil l undrooa ro-). - - - v ' ' ' ' - ' , - " I of Firming Become Improved, - T f Building in the Background. ! tT H-Wv; mxf&rxiip In the Busies District o! San Francisco, Fairmount Hotel in Distance J ,v.'Vr7;!.-;'..-' ; Center. ' n " "ill ' California. Wrecke by Earthquake. ' i i i 'W '"01 ceeds en behalf of the landlord, to which the latter-la '.entitled -by the law of Spain. .. At flrat Andrea denied all knowledge of the find. "but. Involving hlmaelf after ward In contradictlona. he had to make a clean breaat of the effalr and pay up. But' his trouble did not end here. He was aummoned before a magietrate on a charge of concealing treaaure trove. He Waa convicted and aatit to jail for ill montha, while the others concerned got off with sentence of two monthe eavti for aid' eealment of the treeaure. Moat dlaflgurlng skin eruptions, scrof ula, pimples, raahes. etc., are due to Impure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters la a im.Maiw tklwt t rnt. Makes erou clear-eyed, elear-tfralned. elear-akinoed. mm Mecchantar' Exchange and . theVKoht .; . v ; -fer. 1 a.. ? J K mirr ".lawlnujmaai ,- f r i..nii"'liiinero--rrTA'-Y UNCLE SAM S NAVY YARD IS LOOTED BY THIEVES Coppr Pipe and Other Supplies - Stored Offer Temptation :.. ...:.. ' to Robbers. . ( Jeeraal Special STTl.e. ) Waahingtqn, May . The navy Jla. partment haa come to the conclusion that eomethlng must be done without delay to . protect a large quantity of valuable materlsireonslsung mosTly-6Ttfifftlv,U,,t "nd dur,n present year copper pipe. now.atored In the open at the navy yard at Brooklyn. The com mandant of tha Vard haa sent a apeclal report to Washington complaining that he haa not the facilities to properly pro tect thla material Jtrom thloiea. j It la ihoughr-iharorawuit tan bert' paaaed among people of that claaa that the material was acceaalble and there have been a number of thefta with aa many- more'Mcltlng pursuits of the thieves. Recently a marine offlcer waa accl- hla revolver while chasing persona who had designs upon. tha material, and some time ego orij of the aentrlea killed a maw who waa taught carrying off vail ble pIpmg.TTt wag recommended by the- secretary, on the strength or reports from- Brooklyn,-that a large building to cost 1 190.000 and to bo used aa a cop persmith's shop should be erected at the yard, but the house naVal committee, which has been considering the estl matea. cut down thla Item. - H-tenowonsldered important to furnish a storage plant to be built of ateel of dimensions aufflclent to take care of material of thla kind, and not leave It as an Invltatlnn to thieves. It la estimated that such a building would cost 120,000. - v - - CLUB WOMEN MEETING AT. PORT. TOWN SEND tjoarnal Special Senm.) - rort Townaend, Wash., May . Many visitors-are here for the annual conven tion of the Washington State Federation of Women's clubs, which will be In eee alon during the next few days under conditions perhaps more favorable for- a successful meeting than slnee the or ganisation. Walla Walla. Seattle. Ta coma. and other cities throughout the elate have sent good-slied delegations: The local clubs are especially strong, shd on them Involves, the work of en tertaining . the visitors. Their efforts hava proven an successful that every 1 visitor win be enieriaincti at a private house and will, therefore, be, put to no expense while In Port Townaend. The meeting will undoubtedly be tne largest In point of attendance of any yet held In Wasb.lngtoni-Women'a .clubs of atl kinds ere represented, end subjects ef Interest to women will ' be discussed. One of the matters to receive especial attention Is the work recently inaug urated in behalf of the blind. Bawmill Improvement. ' . . Spert.1 DtanatcB te Tbe Jonrnal., Baker City. Or., May . The Oregon Lumber company's big plant at South Baker haa Juat Installed a large double- - i log going ana coming, -several train-1 loads of eastern Oregon white pine logs ate sawed up every day and are piled up In the yard as lumber. 'Thla. mill cuta 110.000 feet of lumber dally. ship- Ping on an average of els car a oi lum- ber per day te Ute.east. edgedbnd saw. whlc)truta up ablU.BaUard'sjBndwJjinlment In my family I Py C. M. Hyekell. ; Madraa.. Or., May 6. From Antelope to Madraa. trayellntjr road,. -It- h. JO mllea one. way, and 46'io 6i mllea by other roada. The Portland man who Is hot acquainted with the route can make the trip within SO julles At the" aouthern city : limits of Antelope," Bur-dlrk.'-whn was drTvttigtTi Portland party, pulled up to avoid running over a small -boy who waa., croealng the road with a Bfx:lnch dog Kd by a two-Inch rope.-; , - - 'Bub,'1' aald Burdlck. solemnly, ''how fat is It to where we're going?" "I dunno," said the "boy. straining hard to hold back the dog. 1 He was the gallon' during the whole day who did not describe a different route to Mad raa and claim It waa within IS mllea. Whan we reached ihcre at-8. p m. the liveryman swore the 'team-had been driven milee I rnentlon these Inci dents to Illustrate the intangible quantity- of distance in -central Oregon. Of course natives who read thla will set up the: theory, that ,Lba Portland jnan wtopped - aeniei lime In ' Anlelwpw jaiwt went Into a place where they leaned on the counter, and each' man" rested his t left foot on a gas pipe borne on brack eta near the floor, with a large rtntttonn at each end, and sain pled a variety of liquids ,Oiat-were labeled "reoiln. i IU pnls, and"Krankfort, Kentucky." But. all dlHtam-es aaitlei tho various routpg tn Mnara 6hiv srt in rnvrirr Ilia 1 irliilr a ii J a 1 1 1 1 nf and th great development of agricul tural resources In northern Crook coun ty wttntn tne laat yesr. A year agn a anroairtrTn(5 agenTrepreentTng the Hftrrlman. lines went Into thla country to make a. report upon wh.c... the rail rood company, waa t.o eonaldee- the atl visablllty of an extension Into the Wli- low tek Misln. Herame back and re--i ported thathereweTenhej about t, 000 acres of tllluble lands, and upward of 19.000 acres at that time un der cultivation. Today It Is conclusive ly shown, thar there are In the basin 110.000 .acres-', under- cultivation, and that thla much much under-eatlmated region li.i. lands, capable of producing w'freaTaaaT reasonably eure, profit without Irrigation-- M'tth rrrtgatton-tha t-wrtm ven t u ally C0m In some way from the ample water supply of the Deschutes and other af reams Ihe cdunTry wilteco'ine'The source of many, fortunea for the Indus trious possessors of tha land. - jtifawn Townanipa- - - - Tha Tegton comprises about"! 8 town ships. Or - 50" square miles. : locally known as Willow creek basin, tha wheat oeit.or crookgrounty, It comprises the localities designated aa Agency Plains. Little Agency, Methodist If ill, gage Bruau riaf. -Hayatack, Culver and Iji monta. all lying east of the Deschutes river, and bounded on. the south by the Crooked river and on the north' by the range rf. basaltic- ajidlava-htlt' form ing the. wide, high plateau of which Shanlko la the capital. I. Practically all of Willow creek basin nas an elevation nf about .000 feet. In these IS townships there are 414,f ze ecrea, fully two thlrda of which Is goml farm land; even a larger proportion will be cultivated when the land taniel In this country make It worth 'while to do so. Ist year there waa In the neighborhood of 10,000 acree of land iu ....a iimtw . II inui, 1 1 1 H II gnuni.n; in fact, I. think that a conservative esti mate would place the acreage this year at about 110,000. Most of this Is plant ed tn wheat, the balance In oats and barley, The -Indications for a. big crop Uib,"eiiowfi thla season, ontll the cold spell in March, which froee out the growing wheat so that It waa necessary to re seed. But even with this. damage there will be -ttiflTt-F """"i IfMithtls nf grain raised In this territory Y . . . - at ... .. . , , f -Its possibilities. With even two thlrda of Ita land In cultivation, or 27(.- age nf 10 bushels tn tha acre, produce more man nnerman county.' some who have beao. over it say that there la -fully 700 square miles In the wheat belt, and that more than two thirds of it Is till able.. land Adapted to Wheat. - As to the production. It has been dem onstrated beyond a doubtthat this land ta adapted to wheat. Thirty bushels of wheat to the acre have been common in past year a. and as the country be comes settled and the nature of the soli is better understood its productiveness seems to Increase, although probably it Is the method of farming which haa Improved. The paat year, which waa the dryest year ever known here by the oldest reeldents, crops were almost a complete failure, but those old ers who had summer-fallowed --their lande got as high aa 21to t& .bushels to the acre, while In some other counties they did not ftet one fourth of that under similar circumstances- . Practically all of this country la tributary to Madras.- Of "course the business on half-way ground between this place -and Prinevllle goes to the latter place, because it Is a larger town and betteTlradTng point; bul' the liitfnral trend of the business Ta toward Madras, 't his town ta. altuated In the Willow creek basin, at the mouth of the gorge up which the Deschutes railroad will rn Water la obtained here at a depth of from It to it feet. FartllCT aouiii. acrois Crooked river, la the real Irrigation het. The Des chutes enterprises alone rover more than 400.0011 avrva.' Beginning at Bend almost m-t'jwtr limits, and" stretching on south for many miles. Is one of the finest bodies- ouEsUowpine timber In the United. States. Combined, the Irrigation, agricultural and timber possibilities are. attracting railroad bull, ts Into this great re- ti . l a omownra actus abtd facbtb. Mra. r Joel Sumner. Bremond, Tex., r. ir.. ai'iii- ,,, . v . . bib.w i write. Aprlt 1, 103: "1 have ....... i for tnree yeera.- i wuura mn wnirr OUv II n in nuun. A n. , . unvu un my little girl for growing pains and ache lii her knee. It cured her right away. I hove alao used It for frost bit ten fet. with good Sucre. It Is the host liniment I erer used." S! 10c and II. SO. .Sold br WoOdarU. Clarke A. Co. You ' can't reasonably expect that any weak stomach will regain its. strength - and ' itet well .when it is compelled to do the full work that a sound stomach should do. ' v You wouldn't-expectra: sickhorse to tfet well is compelled to do a full day's work every day of the week. Your stomach must have rest. : . But it isn't necessary to staroe your 'self in order, to rest your stomach." , Kodol Dyspepsia dltfe3tantlrwill dltfest-all ofnhe food you eat regardless -your stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Indigestion. Stomach. Flatulence, Headache, WaterTTTTT" Brash, Belching of Gas, Nausea, Gastritis, Heartburn" and all - troubles arising from indigestion and non-assimilation . of the food. :' ;:.V '" 'V:t?r I had dyspepsia In "duced In wellhf tolls pounds: Afttrruiln iw and one-half bottles of Kodol.7 1 was complftely cured and restored to- my usual welfht of 145 pound. , J. LUTHER JOHNSON. -,e., . Atfjr At Law, Cleburne. Tex. -KODOlr DICESTSWHAT-YOU EAT jy.TerM t"ee. 1 STOMAOH SWECT. I see ..o.kI.. s a. . J t, .i -1 aald ky Waeaaewr v'arke a Bei a amiaaiere giar oouipeaty; ; , glon,- and-, today four or five railroad Pemberlon.. Max Hundred .Days. iT. tng feasible routes through it: These projects will next receive 'attention. ) MCII RftftlfQ PflR-JTHE LIBRARY a.? . Collier's Self-Indexing; AnnuaV IMS Adlex, Felix Marriage and Divorce. ,::r--8OCl0LOQTf- -.;7 -... Reabury, Z Samuel Municipal Owner ship and Operation of Public Utilities in New York City. . , . sciENTE. ; . Gill. Jamea-rText Book on Naviga tion and Nautical Astronomy 1104. -V Maynard, C J. Methoda In . Mosa Study. 1906. - Tatt,' P.- O. Properties - of - Matter, 19S. " . - v. .'- ;. .... ' CSEFUL ARTS. Beldlng. A. 1 O. Commercial Corres pondence, . JS0J. .. r . V- Brooka. W. K-Oyster, l05r Cramer,-:!. 11., Uicknell. O. A. Chem Ical and MetaUurgJcaL-Handbook. 1903. Krehl, LodoTf von Principles , of CUnlrsI rnttology770r Mechnlkov, J. J. Immunity From In fective Diseaaes. - Souler-SrQeorge New Science and Practice ef Accounts. .' ' FINE ARTS. Brown, N. C. How to Make Batten- burg and Point Lace. Hodgson, F. T. Easy Leaaons In the Art of Practical Wood Carving, 10J. fjeland,-CS-'O: Elementary Metal -Wara, sessnd '"BdlUsnr GARDENING. T. (editor) Century Book Cook. E. of : Gardening. . .... aMT-BKTMITMTg. Garnler, Albert Scientific- Bllllarda. Unscott. Mrs. !L tB.) Bright Ideaa TdrEnlefla1hlhg7 ' LITERATURE. "" Abbott O. F. Ronga of Modern Greece. . I I A eBcTiyTaarOfesrela I trSh8laledyrjrf C W. Warr. Boyden, Mrs. E. M. B Intermittent Thoughts by Auntlo Em. Brandea, O. M. C Main Currents In Nineteenth Century Literature (vol VI). Brewster, W. T. (editor) Specimens of Narration. ' v Hsrbottle,T. B.; and-'-Dslbtsc, P. H. (comp.) Dictionary of Quotations (French and Italian). "- Hunt, Leigh Essays; edited by Ar thur Symons. Lawton, W. C Introduction to Claaslcal Greek Literature. Montaigne, M. E. do Essays; edited by Perclval Chubb. , t , Reed, "Myrtle Book of Clever Beasts, Smith, 8ydney-rWit and Wisdom. Swinburne,- A. C? Selection From Hla Poetical Worka: edited by R. H. Stoddard. ' ' " Van Dyke, H. J. Builders and Other Poems.. : VV - TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION, t ' Burdlck.A. "J. Mystic Mid-Region; the Deserts, of th Southwesti- Dwlght. It. O. Constantinople and Its Problems. . Col'llard, Francois On thelThreahoId of Central "Africa. ; MSnnfleld, M. F. and Manafleld, Mrs, B. (M.) Romantlo Ireland (vol ID... .- ' HISTORY. ITrowning. Oacar Guelha and 'Chi bellinna. ' ' ' Johnston, R. M. Napoleonic Empire In Southern Italy (vol II). Lilly. W, 8. Renalesane Type. Phelps. -Albertr-l-oulaiaBaiiAmerlcaa Commonwealths. . . BIOGRAPHY. 4 Kipling. Rudyard Rudyard Kipling, a Criticism; by Richard Le Galllenn. , FICTION. -Burnham, Mrs. C. L. (R.) Dr, Lall- mer. -Burnham, Mrs. C. Ij. ( It V Wise Woman. . Couch. A. T. WulHer Mayor of Troy, t ralk. Mrs D. M. (M. ) Ogllvlea. v r "-A-O. Wheal ot. Life. I,. '. Servant of the Pub- Hone. f . - n 1 -nrlV Ie.ii'e. . rv An- tin I lot. ' '. T . D. (O ) lice: I r Cure is a perfect of the condition of Dyspepsia, Its worst form was re Iartns..Maarteo;Dorothe, . itoblns, Ellxabeth Dark Lantern. 7 . Salntlne. J. X B. Picclbla. . - Sand. Oeorge Master Mosaic Work era and the Devil's Pool. Satchel, William Toll "of tha Buah. s.VIf 1 Twgaw'llsjBesij ssj aj sa e Strong, -Mrs. I. - (O.) 01rl; From tRome: : . StuarfUMraRCMJ-!-- Mortah'S . Mourning. Ward. Mrs. E. S. (P.) Doctor. Zay. KS-FO Coffin, C Cv Following tha Flag. Coolldge, Suaan Mischiefs Thanks giving, .-..-..j'. ... ,jj. ' --.- 'Grover, -E-' O. Sunbonnet Baoles' Primer. - ... ... ,'...'.. ........ ... Lang. W. J. Secrts of tha Woods. 101 (Wood Folk series, vol. III. Long, -Wr-J.-Wllderneea- Ways. 1101 (Wood Folk BeHes. vol. IT). Parker, F. W. and Helm. N. U rude Robert's - Vlalt Unci Roberts geog raphy, vol. III). Potter,- Beatrlai Tale ef Peter- Rab bit. . . .-. Bpyri, lint. J (IDRIce aad Wleell. A Woman,- She la a woman, therefore I. a man. Insomuch a-Move herr-sCould I fator. Then I were more a man. Our natures ran Together, brimming full, not flooding" o'er ' "' " 1 The banka of life, and evermore will run In one fult stream until our-dsys are don.-- ; : : : '',. . . -'- She la a 'woman, but of spirit brave . To bear the loaa of girlhood s giddy dreams: : The regal mistress, ".or the yielding slave Of ..; her IdcaU-apurnlng that whlehj For that which ia. andTaaIir faiclea" -" : fall,'"" ' ; "; - ' - ' Smiling; tbs truth of lovs eutwelghe . tbera all. She looka through life, and with a baT- ance Just . . ' Weigh enew MeKthlBr-WteeMiBta-as. - they are The Uvea of others: in th common duat 'raataoeHe of the ruined star: Proua7 wimpiflde ill' femlntn-and sweet. No path can soil the whiteness or ier , feet. The steady candor of her gentl syes Strikes dead deceit, laughs vanity awsy; , ' She hath no room for petty Jealousies, Where faith and love, divide their , ' tender away. Of either x h 'owns the nobler pert: . Msn's honest brow and woman s raun ful heart. .' She la a woman, who. if lor were guide, ' Would climb to power, or in obecur t " content ' ' Sit down: accepting fate with changeless pride A reed In calmm wrnra srsfYTinv ....... bent.: . . . '."'":' ; . No pretty plaything. Ignorant ef life. But man'a true mother, end hie equat '. : MONSTER PETITION TO 1 SAVE TUCKER'S LIFE (Jnaraal gpeelal Service.) ' ' Boston. May . A moneter petition, aald to be -th largest of Its kind ver . known In this eountrr, will b present ed tomorrow to Governor Guild, asking him to exercise clemency In the eae of Charle U Tucker, th young man con vlcted of th murder of Mtae Mabel .. Page and sentenced to die In tha elec tric chair. It le eetlmeted that th pe tition bears th names of Tront -1.e to 100.000 persons. For several weeks past the counsel er tn ronoemnw have melntalned offlcea In Boa ton end n nearby eltlea The date set for Tek- er" execiiti"" le J"" 'CASTLE A TiiCV:: . . . . ...I . . .-..-'