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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY ; TOTTRNAt,'. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. . MAY 8. 1SC3. X3 WIIOTSlllEllTEST BiimiflG lELSOU " ESSICKBLAUKSTHE SPORTING-GOSSIP .- ft f BALL-PLAYER- frisky: SEALS OFZTHE DAY V - j.. -ei r-i ants Prove-Too . Fait forlthe Every Branch of Sports Touched Presence of Baseball Season Re Fighting " Dane Pursues New ' Game of . . Rioko During r -' Working Hours. views Question of Who Is Playw Under ParkeWil '. son's Command. " Upon for Benefit of Jour- - -;: ' nal Readers; the Star. : - -1 Jr.,, tit I MITCHELL AND JS WEEN E Y SL0SS0N WAS DEFEATED BY JACOB SCHAEFER WACNER AND LAJOIE : NELSON SAYS ATTELL IS J CLEVER LITTLE FELLOW vv IN THE LIMELIGHT ' PLAY BRILLIANT BALL f , i ii i ii m I, b 1 . .ii. ; : i ; - ; : - . , , . , . . i , &2cmzm - vjr-- wfcuci I TAIIIIG i r i n I it - lf f'-V ' Ei' Spencer, Wheeler, Wilion, Irwin and Gothnauer Wer Not In Customary Form and .SJdlnny Henley Had a .- Bad Timt With Speedy -Giants. .. Porttani a. Sen Francisco-., . Batteries Esslck and McLeen; Hen . ley and : Wilson. "i There was something wrong with the Seals yesterday. The Giants wrt ur- HuaijaTTygoodr and'look , advantage of v every mi sous mad by the Vlaltora. If yesterday'e ' performance' of7 the Sap " ""Frencleeo" Seals la.; a sample of rthelr best work, then a aeries of thalr work , . must of poor flavor. - The teem 1a badly shaken up. Mohler Is absent and so are Sohofleld, 8trt, Wal. dron and Shea.. ... " ''" Tha Seals did not show anjr spirit yesterdsy. Tha earns was dull, abound ed lrt stupid ploys and errors and wss J' etlens a s jcroquet. game a ti0ol4, maids' convention on' a" hot summer aft. "' ernoon.' At times the Seals didn't know where to throw the ball, but whenever they did toss the sphere Jt went la the wrong direction. Wheeler wae'ott . . throwing and IrwIfrana'Gochnsuer didX not pier up to their customary snap. Twice ths Seals had. tha besee-filled, yet milil iinl leajatar the waeessaey M tiring the side. . r The came to paea. In the second Inning. . With two on bases pa yre Householder the farewell, and tri fielding It te; third to eateh-the lleat-footad-Co- lumbla lad Wheeler threw over Irwln'a bead and Moore-completed the circuit. Absse on balla tonabuaArtlawod . by hits by. McHala and Sweeney, netted another tally; ' - . . In the third Inning McCredle singled ' to center and, although the, ball - went -- through- penor'8-iegs.. being only parr tially stopped, the official scorer regis- aered ,4xiule XotLtbe J-jurtJ Wait-' acored- easily a moment later on A long fly from McLean's bat. In the fourth Eselck was given first -tm an error by Wheeler, advanced by McHalo'a naorlflre and , sent.home on Mitchell's safe drive.. . . , . 'Hera the scoring ended, geveral times Beamsbfnea aangeroua, put were . put out of the going by fast fielding. - The day waa rather sultry and It was . difficult for the .players to put any life , Into the 'came. '-"The fane were over cheated and their few outbursts came 1 rem ehe-ood -worlr-ttnn-Tby "Moore, " Sweeney,, Donahue and Mitchell. -,. - Tha Seala will meet the Olanta again today. ' The "Official score! - - -,...4,-:;:'--. PORTUAND. . . , ' . AB. R. H. PO. A. H. Mcllale, ef. 0 1 , . Kweeney, as. 4 . 0 i I Mitchell, lb. .i...... 4 1 It ' Hendereon-lf. 4 I McCredle, Tt. ....... 4 18 1 ' Mcleao, c; .f -j4-"I 1 -' a Moore, lb. 4 - 1 T I lnnohuer 2b. I 0 4 - Eaalck. p. . 1 1J. l - i o 4 lTptala SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. PO. A. K. " Fpeneer,er; t 4 s-e- Wheeler. Jb. Hlldebrand. if. Irwin, lb. . .. .. ...i 4 ti-ii-,.v.: 1 1 'Householder, rf. ...J 4 Williams, lb 4 Uochnuuer. as, t Wilson, C , ....k,... 4 - Henley,. p. 4 ..TotsJa. 14 - o ; a.J4., CORE BT. INNINGS... Portland . . 4 11 0 0 0 0 t Hits . . ........0 8 I S 0 1 0 0 Ban Francisco ....0 0000000 0 e -. Hlta 1 tltMU -r-4 riSUMMART, Ktiwk-fmt TTr' KitKlck I : brH?n''y. v Trt mT-wePnrTWKdr Km n Franciaco. 11. Bases on balls Off Ks- elck. 4; off Henley, S. Btolen base . j iore. inrte-Dee nit mcA-reuiB jju I. nlu- Ra-'ck to Rweenev to Mitchell, gerriBce hit MHelei Tme-of -game One hour and 10 minutes. Lnipi jerrine 1 t PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Won. -' Lost PC. Ban Francisco; lxs Angeles ., Portland . . . . , Fresno . . . . . . OHklnnd . . . . , Heattle .. . , .. . , tii senses .14 .11 .l . 7 . .444 .41 .417 .150 I 14 11 '0 , . Trouble In Seattle. . Iftnedal Ulspatrb te The Jearaat.t ' ' i Seattle, Wahi.. May . On account of Rockenfleld, Frary and Blsnkenshlp jiot being In yssterday's game, as the e : ault of a jolly old ."toot" on Monday "night, the Oaklandera managed to win ' the game ou foiTr hlta. . .Heatle ma) four costly errors. Score: .: . r-r R. H." K. . Seattle ...'....0000 1 1 02 4 'Oakland . ...... .01 000 1 0 0 0 1 -4 0 Bstterie C. Hall and Hansen; Catas and Bliss. Umpire Knell. . . ' . . AMERICAN LEAGUE. 6nJxstP.C Philadelphia . . ...... ,.11 . , I . Wajibleaton ......... 1 1 1 ..19 netro'.t .. ... v. 10 1 New Tork . ...... .10---0 - .2 let-eland. . . ....... ... 1 . .&" " fit. I,oi;ls niii 0 , 10 .474 rhlcsro r-y nirl 0 -.47 1 , Boston . . ..A ......... 6, 14 .241, 'At Boston. R. H. E 11 20 1 Phllsdelplila . . ......... YlAetnn . - . . . . . . . . 4-1-1 Batteries "oakley and Bchreck; Tar neblll and Graham. . - AW-TOr-". R.H.C Waehtngton . i ....'.ie.S It New Vrk . v 1 1 7 Batteries Kltnon and Klttredge; fl )l'n lrv Kletnow. ANNUAL DOaSHOW LIfJ AT SO to tVKf . . Oe( . InfersuitWHi . sad Stake, eatrtes Bnw , .HUPao s ami. SToar. (i r . ' iie Tbh-4 street. ' ' tMiitliat t'LOSfc'MAt a. -. " st Kennel Club to Hold Special Meeting Thia EvenintpyachrClubHeld Smoker Last Night and Decided to Hold Series of Races.-' -.- i The first -smoker of 'tha ..seassei ' was held dt ths rooms of the Oregon Yaoht Club Jest .evening, jL A .Jars;, crowdwas present and a. portion of the evening dyvAjUQ-Jujlneia , It waa da elded , to hold races on Memorial- day and to aak the Portland flowing club and launchownrra of Portland to. par ticipate. . Suitable, cups - will be- given to tha winners. Ten days after Memo rial day the yacht ;elub will -hold an outing down ' the river for members only, leaving ' here on Baturdey after noon and returning Sunday evening. --------- '" e -""" -" Columbia nine-wnd the High school team Will meet this afternoon' on the Multnomah" diamond. " " "-" '" .. s "' . ' In the billiard tournament at Chicago last nlghi Qeorge Blosson was dereated by Jacob Schsefer. 100 to, 496. J he hi eh run. for. the gaaie.was made by 8chaeer with 101 jSloenon'e best-eor waa US. son . a iliy In their last game Hopewell defeated n wm.i.- t 1 1. of I . to V Woods stniok o'bt '. a. 'M e and Fowler I. Tha Half Mwm would like-a came I win -gnv teaWl linaiT I'-yeKWWTlge In the city for nest-Sunday. Ws will g1e games, three weeks.hftcl,..i.'U Kast S287. -- WoK. manager. - - TTii-aon"fthV'an""rHnclseo ball club gave out the following venter day? j-J'Recent - events hays made It necessary for the arbiters of faahion to estsbllsh clothes rules for earthquake parties- The residents of Ban Frsnrisco were recently sore put to 1t. to know -4-JiiwrTrnatTTo wear at TReir Ilttla Amo tion. Besides some of - them couldn't find the clothes. Rarthqiinke styles in l-eostume-arrtndeHj-B necessity. They Include Tuxedo coats worn, over bed blankets for Indie; and sml-pnjmns topped.OUfT-with a lamp shade for geo- and a costume- constating of a standun collar and a pair of peek-a-boo socks will not be worn by gentlemen after o'elock In " the evening. Jjidiea must positively not appear In cutaways." - : ..,a : The Portland Ktnnef dub wm hold a speclsT meeting this evening for the pur pose--f -asslgnlng-th-4roph!ea to-the different breeds of dogs that will be ntared In the shbw. ' Ja'rk Doyle has arrived In Des Moines and will play first base ss well ns act aa manager of the team. "v ' - ; "Bull" Smith has landed In St. Paul by the way of Pittsburg snd Chicago. He will play In the '' outneld for the Saints. : a Happy Jack" Chesbro of the New Tork Americans, la certainly getting h!4 ao far lb la season - e- ,- s . : - T : - The Boston Americana have added one more heavy hitting game to their credit. Thla ttme ths Highlanders were the vic tims, the Pilgrims making 23 hits. . .''.. e e,( Tha Indianapolis and Minneapolis ball teams have been Indicted, by the grand jury fur playtn r'BandiiybaTClriiTirie Ilooslcr capital. i r It looks aa though "organised ball" cats very little figure with the Tti-Stnte league, Apparently they don't -ea re whether they -"em"- oe, "am .ftot.'1: -,Th i-agite liipJaylnglCej:lialtUiarcrail The circuit and everyone looka lot close race. .' . rjLl Little Kock got i bid start In the Southern league. -The team lost 11 oat of 11 games. ; - There - will r be racing- at the Kenll worth track. Buffalo, from June 4 to July 7. Among the stakes announced are the Buffalo Derby, with a guaran teed value of $3,600, and the Niagara Handicap, also 13.600, - : ,, , - ' There were qiflte a number who con sidered the American team sent to Athena a weak one, but the results show that the committee picked ss great a team as ever upheld the honors of the stars and stripes In any contests abroad. " ' a r T'.'K".'- Colonel Jack Chlnn. chairman of the new Kentucky racing, commission ap pointed by the governor, says that two tracks- ennnot operate at the Same time In' the Blue Grass, state. , --' - The heirs of Geofge K. Smith (Pitts burg Phil) have received 11. 114.1)00 of the 13,260.000 left by the noted plunger. Th remainder will, - be distributed among. them as soon as Justice Fin gers Id of New Tork signs a decree of nnaj accounting.- - Lx The annual championehlp- ton rnement e of tha Iielawaro State Trap Shooters' league opens today at Wilmington and will continue ever tomorrow. - . . ' e " a'. ,. '; Tha, meeting " of '"th Metropolitan Jockey club at Jamaica concludes today and tomorrow the game will be switched to ths Belmont track, to continue nine days LI - -j I aul Viae Wtaaere,- - (Hpeclal DlapatPk te The -Jnam. I. f St. Paul. Or.. May I. The ball teem from thla place went io Brooks Sunday snd defeated the team of that place by the acore of 11 to 1L The heavy batting of the home team won the - game, to gather with Plcard'e good work In, tha bos. Raymond, t the local catcher, did some fine throwing to bases. The line up of St. Paul was:' O. Fsber,rtght field; Mills.-third base; r. Raymond. ehortstop;Fsber, center fleld;Vtvstt, iirst oaae-, ncara, pitcner; coyie, sec ond base; Murton, Isft field; H. Ray mond, fatcher. - - - . 1 frefeereA- Steel Oaaaed Oooda. All in at Lewie' Beet Brand.' , I . 1 j ,iv c- vy a -m 4 ' X ? J, -mi - : 6n "Vesl ffla Picture ShowaXatchet-Matty-Fitxger j BELLEVUE BALL NINE DOWNS fflTH!TIIRfliEllSste Stulti and Beckett's ' Curves Were Too Much f or. the CoruZi stellation Wonders. (Speritl niwatrh to The Jonrnal. ' Bellavue,. Or., May . Bcllevue. de feated the North Stars here yesterday In a fast game.-- D. Nickell and W. Rus sell ' of the Betlevue team plsyed with the Stars; each received a lilt and they scored all three runs. . The score: . . . BE1.LEVVE. ail r. h. po. a. b. Morrlw. c, 11,1 1,1 1 iirjjTOTTx, prTT.. . .1 0-0 Stow. If 11 Duerst. lb. '..... 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 1- 1 C. Rueaell,, rf. 4 . 1 ' 0 .f Wttti ,-; . ....... 4 0-tO .i. ni una, irr. ........ jj :o Berket-t, cf.-p. , .' 4 0 'o Runnel, lb. . . . 77'. . . . at 0 0 ' F?' Slulls. ss. ........ 1 0 0 Boolcp. na. , , , ; 0 0 Griffith, cf. .1 . 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I. 0 Totals 18 I i i? II I NORTH STARS, ririch. p.: IX Nlikell. c 4 Farmer, lb. ......... f W, Rnnsenl, 2b 4 V. Runxel, rf. 4 1110 10 0 0 T 1-1 1111 1 0 0 0 1 ! Bronaon, If. 4 1-1 0 0 1 nflri-itUr-iirr, 4 OjiJ.i4--4 1 rterMt,-ns. ....... 4 1 2 1 - 0 sautt f.-ct--. H"l trr t Totals i- . . .17- 1 4 27 10 ' 0 -T5 SCORE BY INMNOS. Bellevue .141 2 0 -X-0-S-- 6 Hits . . .."..,...0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 6 Nrth Stars ;,.-...-. 0-0 U 0 0 - Hits .-. . ....1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 ' r SUMMARY. . " Earned runs Bellevue." 1: " Stars. !. Stolen bases Bellevue, 5; Htarn, S. hhscs on Dans uir nturts, 1; off Beck ett, 1; off Ulrlch, 2. s-ltruck out By Ptults, 0; by Beckett. 2; by I'lrlch, . Two-base .hits Bellevue, 2; ' Stars, 1. Three-ban hit Duerst. Left on bases Hellevue. 12; Stars, 9, Panned ball Morris. Wild pitch Beckett. Time of game One hour .and S minutes. Umpire M. Nickell. . Scorer Grower.- 1 - NATIONAL LEAGUE. : Won. Lost. P.C. New Tork . ........ Chicago . . Ph lla del phla, , .' . . . Pittsburg . . ....... ....14 1 ....! 7 . 11 1 ..-.11 10 ,.io 1 j .727 .et .624 - ,455 r Ronton .- . ....... .-.w St Itils . ............ ii 0 14 -i-ll .421 Cincinnati - .SliO .200 Brooklyn At Xrooklym. . --: . - -, - " R. H. E. New Tork ................... .6 7 J Brooklyn . 4 ..... , 41 2 - 0 Batteries McQInnlty and Marnhall; canT6n7TirfIn-ryrtina-RlTTfr -X'mplre 01W. . ; At Pittsburg. , . . - - R. H. E. Pittsburg , . L&LJ .... J 11 Chlcngo 5 1 Batteries lever end Gibsons- Brown; Wicker and Kllng. - - . A rhiUdelphla. " " ' " R H E Philadelphia-. . .... , ...... . ,'if . . l' - i S Boston. . t 10-1 -Batteries t- Plttinger, Richie and Doolrtv Llnderman and Needham. V" plres Emnlle and Conaty. PULLMAN NINE WILL " TACKLE WILLAMETTE L"' (Bitlil Uapetck to Tbe'-Joernal.) -. . ; Willamette University, Salem,' Or.; May 0. The besebsll team . of the WaihlngUm Agricultural college Pulman will play the Willamette unl versify tesm today and tomorrow on the Willamette diamond. The Washington aggregation Is the , college team In Washington 'and Idaho and Is making a tiara fight for the northwest ,. t " .i-jihajj (a..sw V.-r at. W V . M . I tdlseHLitaxjAmsjilULh chareiDlftnshiD. " The ; Pullman lads de- Teated the atroner feamof-the-tnrVer rlty of Idaho -by a scbre of 4 to' 1, and gave the Whitman college "team an awful .'drubbing.' and held the. Spokane egun team duwn lo a. scoi'V of ttO7, Both' of these games with Willamette will be hard contests, for the Oregon ball - tonsera..iave - not ' yet suffered- a defeat this season and have defeated the strong team representing the XJnl- ve fvi ty-of - Oreaon Simpson . and Rhodee will form the battery for. Willamette In today's con test, - . ." r- r- -.- RUNmsuMMARTF COUNTRY'S RACE TRACKS ( Jnurnal Speetal Service. ) ; "New ;YoTfc, - May- 0. Jamaica.' race-results: t ,--BTTa.-;.'..:-.-' Five furlongs, gelling Rundance won. Clements , second, Higginbotbam third; time, 1:01 1-t. .' ; ' : - Mile and a sixteenth Yorkshire Lad won. Jack McKeon aecond. Sir Brlllar third; time, 1:41 -. - - - - y Six " furlongs Pater won. Cresslna second, Esoteric third; time, 1:14 1-1. The Montague stakes, mile and a six teenth Inquisitor won, Ormondes' Right second. Phil French third; time, 1:4 S-t. ' " - Five furlongs, selling J,ord of the Forest won, Rye aecond, "Cassandra 4ti4mI t'InflGt' a FlveJurlonga Tanager. wonEcon- omy -second, Aurolln third; .time, 1:01 1-t. . . -: . At Memphis. Joriuii Special Semes.) ' Memphis. May 0. Montgomery Park fVcffeauTHIL ' " - Five-and a half - furlonga, selling SeSrjjh , Ma - won. Little Red ' second, Four and a half Xnxlongs 8ter3tis won, Lavernlta second. Miss Cesarin tntriTrttme, 0:4. Mile and an eighth Lancastrian won. Nine second, Joe Lesser third; time. 1:65. . - - The. Arkanass handicap, one mils Charlatan won, Charley second, Harry Bcott third; time, 1:42. . Mile and a sixteenth, selling Invlncl ble won. Forehand second, Martlus third; time. 1:1$. Five and a half furlongs, selling Lidf , Henrietta won,: Rodolfo second. Dan McKenna third; time, 1:014. At bonlayUle Track." '"? - - Uoornal Special SerTlee.) ' ' Louisville. May 0. Resulta of races Six furlongs The Minks won. Ship wreck second. Lady. Carol third;; time, 1:10 v- - Four ' and a half furlongs Warner Orlswold won,-Grombbol second, King Leopold third; time, 0:60 1-0. . Six- furlonga Clifton Forge won. Hector second, - Mandator - third time, 1:10. ...'-': - The Debutante stakes, f 1.000-added, four furlongsr Llllle Turner won, -wing- ling second, Alanle third; .time, 0:41 3-6. Mller handicap King's Daughter won, BelUndlanFaecond.Brancaa..thlrdL time, 1:41 1-8, )- - Six furlongs,-.-selling Malleable won, Minnehaha second,, t-Dr. . Mack third; time, Iil7 1-1. Mlle, selling JBavolre , Falre won. Reticent - second, - Swift - Wing - third; time, 1:44 l-. - - - , - CIGAR BASEBALL NINE ' READY FOR THE SEASON The" Schiller baseball' teanf has bean organised for the season' of 1100 add la now ready to meet any team In the stats of Oregon, and all teams desliiAg a game and a first-class attraction, ad dress Cr Schiller, manager, care Schiller Cigar company, Portland, Oregon. - The team Is fitted out In gray' uni forms with maroon caps and stockings. The club le deelrous of arranging games Ironxlthrnugh the 1 S tS tS. .Ih tm wl slat of the following well-known play ers: Siavln,' catcher; Slcbels and R. Par. rott, pitchers: Newell, shortstop; A, Par- rott, nrst base; Johnson,- second, base; Fay, 'third base; ' Oliver, left' field: Chapln, ceQter fleldnQardner, right Bold. ! 4 V ...4..'. GOLFERS. -END- ROUNDS AT WAVERLY First Knockout Competition Will Be Held 6n Saturday Those z Who Hkve Qualified. " - -The' nuallfylngroundln the spring handicap tournament for the president's cup, , which has -extended, over the past four weeljs, .was completed last Satur day, and the records show that out of about 40 contestants the following men wlth their: net scores have -qualified: Linthlcum (1, Webb 11, Young 88, Tron son 83,-Lewls $l.Murphy 7T, Wright 11, VooTtitas - tt.i : On. next Saturday. the first round of the. knock-out competition . match play Is - to be - played between - these men. Tronson,"' with a handicap of 8, plays Voorhlea; Webb, with a handicap of 8. plays Linthlcum; Wright, with a handi cap of 1, plays Lewis; Murphy, with a handicap of T. plays- Young. - The four winners -qualifying In this round play the semi-finals oh May 10, and the final wimiarJiuiyeA.MaT, 10. . Tha next tournament to be held in Portland will occur on June 14ri( and 14. at which time-ths stats champion ship tournament will be held. , WTtTTmWbWIsIN :drubs-blairtteam 7)fnecTia uiftc te Tb" TKbit m a n Col 1 e getJV a.) laWalla, Wash., May I. In a one-sided game Whitman wallopedTBlaiF'Busthesa col legs" of" Spokane yesterday; score J" II to 4. This easily makes up for the de feat which the Missionaries received from Blair last week at Spokane when the score was 4 to 1. - Yesterday Blair was pounded by Whitman for 17 aafe hits, Captain Dutcher alone aecur ing five out of six times at bat, two of them beUig three-baggers. Rlgsby who pitched for Whitman only allowed three or four aafe hlta. and two runa. In the last ftvo Innings Schmidt waa pat In the box for .Whitman and allowed two more runs for the Spokane delega tion. . The game was comparatively free from errors and at times quite exciting In spite of the one-sided score. D, Burlesque and-White did the twirling for Blair,' and Rlgsby and Schmidt for Whitman. Whitman's next games will be with the . University of Wsshlngton, whose .team will be played In Walla Walla , on Friday and Saturday of this wees,-, t i.-.-u" TRUNK MAKERS LOSE V : l FIRST. GAM TO GUNNERS -In their last .'game the Northwest Gun company defeated the Trunk com pany nine by the score of I to i. This Is. the first defeat this year for the Trunk company. " Both teams showed up In fine form and excepting a few errors they played faat ball. The Northwest Oun company would like to bear from some outside towns for gnmtg for any date outside of May 17. A'fldresa Mana ger W- R. Heales at 111 Third street, or telephone Main 2001... The lineup: . Riddle ......p.......... Harnden Httsman ........ .c. ....... . , Jameson Pool .lb. .0 Darnor F.merlck . ......... lb . ......... Brown Fleming lbr-. .... . . . , . Day Safer, ... , McCleanan Smith i- .....rf. ......... Buttler Brown ........... .cf . .. . .. . . .. Oalts McElwaln .If. . .Van Northwlck Northwest Oun Co 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Trunk CoT..Tr.: 0 0 tT"D" 9T9-f . Boa Show antrlea..' . Received at Hudson's Gun Store, no Third street. Oet Information there end QUALIFYING make your ntrlta. -- ; ' - , , . - National League and Many Other Devotee's Think That the Dutch ' man Has. It on the'Fiwchmajit on La.Juat Comparison.; . ' ' Now that the bsseball' season ts here. the Old question as to who is the great est Diayer In the world will be revived. - Volumes' have' been written on the relative merits of La Jole end Wsgnor and more volumea will be written again this season. Both ol a vers hsve strong adherents. To'thona-who have never seen thsmen in act Iw-La'-JoU is the vbea u . ideal player, but keen Judges of tha aport are openly divided as to the merits of the men.- - -. - A NaUonal leaguer will tell you that Wagner la Incomparably better than La Jole. while a followervof the' American league la not alow In pointing to the superior merlta of the big Frenchman. 60 far as betting ability is concerned there te Ilttla to choose between the men. Both are topnotohers In thla respect., ., But when It cornea , to playing the field, running bases and usefulness Wag ner Is far superior to- La Jole, says an exchange. " , ,' .. The big Frenchman Is a great enough second baseman, but hs Is not 1n 1t with Wagner whon it CP" ..e.runo.'ns' bases, and outaide of playing ' sri.lu9"base Wagner Is much better" In any position than La Jala, culler to those who have-ojacie an IdeaT of La Jole, but It Is true. ' Hans Wsgner la undoubtedly -one of Tn-rTreatesnrt-U'eri Hie game liss eri'i known. He Is a-grest batsman, an . in comparable flelder or outfielder, and one of the best base runners the. gams has wr known; besides he has good whip and -can-wing them. afq'aaOecpnd to Vio man in the prof eeeion, - La Jole rnaturar grace i wnat makes him-such a favorite.- There, Is a touch of- the artistic In everything that the Frenchman attempts - With La Jole every move Is a living picture.' "v ... ' . . , .... . - 1 The big Dutchman ia a lumbering. awk ward runnerr batter and flelder. nut he gets results, and, that is what la wanted of a ball player! the same, as or a man ltiany other caning. ,- Ths only ; point where some 'experts think Wagner Is lacking Is In sameness. Burrthesr" are wrongtir tbts surmise; Wagner haa ehown that he can play un der dlf floultle aaweU. it any man. Another point In which,; Wagner exssle I Jole is that he Is nearly always1 in the- game. La Jole; on the contrary, seldom goes through a season without losing at least a month's time. One season It Is a bad leg. and another sea son it Is another ailment, l '- , The big Dutchman seldom mlssee a day. He ts alwaya in the game and can nlav anv Doeltlon. As to La joiee gameness, mere' le 1 luat aa much doubt as there Is to Wag- ner's;- - One day in St Louis I .a jole turned a trick that wee not entirely courageous The. Frenchman' waa hot' feeling at his best. His team waa struggling for the cennant. Cleveland was ' playing HL Loula and they.jieeded the game. Powell was pitching for the .-Browns, and toward the end of the game three of the Blues got on baaes. There were two men -out and. It was La Jote'a turn to bat. Powell had been making the Frenchman look cheap. . Napoleon, In stead of taking his' chance at bat. took a drink of water, returned to the bench and sent Thoney np. - Powell fanned Thoney and Cleveland lost a game that hurt its pennant chancse--aad which La Jola.-had ha been- courageous-aa. aoma , - 1 ir-r-! " " " -1- r CIGAR P Costs only hialf as much as it .;-::-v-; -, is" worth." You get the quality .; . and -,6atisfactioni usually ".LisxK. pected -only in - at a cost of five cents. Smoke to' prove it " ''iLllJ1 1: . Get; It Jit Your Dealer's -it r.lASOrJ, EHRMAN & CO. : ' ... PttTtUTCII- 3 v . r W POnTLAND, - e 9 Attell Ig Working Like a Trojan in Pretjaration for His Coming Battla -r and Takea on Several Boxers a Oay Without Any Effort Whatever. ; (Jonmal rSneelaV Sevlue.) , -Vj.j . Los Angeles, Cal May 0. Battling ; Nlaon was In town today from Fair, view hot springs, where, he Is doing;., preliminary training. Bat le very en- ' thuslantlo about tha new training game nailed "mkn." The necesssry appa- tatus consists of a frame-work "oT"poles about 14 feet high from which is sus pendfd a . -pear-shaped punching beg hanging about a foot fromhe ground. Back of the players, on each, side,' la a, string, stretched horlsontaily and from this Is suspended a belL The object of tha game le to swing the bag in such a, way that It- will hit the opponents' string' snd ring the bell. Any number from two to twelve people can play in the game. Nelson saya that it has ' handball beaten to a finish and that It Is the greatest exerolae-and-mostenv tertalnlng paatlme he ever took pert In. Nelson had a faw nice things to say about Abe Attell this morning. - "He la a very clever Ilttla fellow." said Bat. ... 'Lota of people think that he haa not got a hard walloprthey Bay, toe-.-that-r snot nosslble to htire me. Well. I have met Abe ItFSnsTxoTonn-rrTrnd-I-- don't mind saying that the little boxer ews very well and his sunburned face la -as brown as a' berry. ' In a.. 'body to watch-Attell- do hie-train-Ink at Lewis gymnsslum in the after. " noon. There were a couple of three round hoiits that'"-were well worth" , climbing thn stairs to.. sa Firsts Abs look en-hla brother-Monte snd gave Mm plenty-to- keep hlm-syi-then- he went three rounds with Kid Barry and it waa tha Kid who waa glad to stop at tha end of. the third round.-. Abe seemed , bent nn disproving the reports ee to hie lack of a hard wallop-and he gave ' lis 'two lads a hustling time . tOk.e.ep from getting too much of a good thing. YOUNG PORTLAND TIGERS , DOWN THE STANFORDS The Young Portland - TlgOrs played the- Young Stanforda a cloae game yee terday, the score resulting Z to II in " fsvor of. the Tigers. George Sister, pitcher of the Tlgere. played a star - game. Catcher Kaurman or the Tigers and - Catcher Therkelson the " Stan- . fords both played good games. Willie Kerrigan officiated as-umpire. xne lineup: . -. . ' ' j- Tlgers. Stanfords. Kaufman ......... .0. ...... . Therkelson Slater .p. i.. ........ u)wn Moldsmith Bume Jonra ............ 1 o. ............. vain Burnett ,2b. . ........... Mler Dorney,,,,,..;, Cole Jsokson -mm ,.. .cf. Mlr - Clark .."... ,rf ,.,,,,,,, Jones Hamerslaw .......If. ; Master HERBOLD WILL C0ACH JHE OREGON AGRICS ' " " ' (Soerlal Ptopatrb to The Jearaal.) Corvallls. Or., May 0. Fred D. Her-, bold of Kugene was signed this morn ing aa eoach for the Oregon Agricult ural college football team for next sea son. Herbold was eoach here one year I and la an excellent man. Herbold Is In hi - ., , i.i.i,, .,... .,, I, - - ietnr"TodTiyT ten - cent cigars ; OREGON 4. J: