The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 08, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Mexican Government Corrimls-
T sions American Soldier . of : ;;
- - Fortune to Exterminate : !
T ' r .t r1 Savages In Sonora. ;
l h (Jooniil BptcUl Service.) '
" T El : I'm.- TexMay -T he Mexican
government haa commissioned 'Dr.Lo-
riuo Bolda. an American soldier of for-
-tuna, to rid Bonora of the Yaaul In-
- (liana. Ha proposes to do so br Plt-lnorsaianiarnnefln-n
- -baa gone Into tha mountain wllda with
" his first command. Han-Pollard and
' eamul Holenateln bain tila lleuten
" ante, both old Indian fighters, and ths
latter a Cuban Insurgent officer.- Bolda
; .will organise from 600 to too Plmaa and
Oputaa for his campaign. . With them
'b will hare 40 or S Americans, , who
,' will command. --.-'.... .'.--. -. . ..-
Dr. Bolda la a graduate' of the Cali
fornia Medical -achooL To meet : the
.Yequts on an equal footing the troopa
; will live aa 'tha Taaula do and will
-' travel in the mountalna unmountod and
Hinenoumbered. by suppliea - They are
authorised to klU beef In any part of
. the state and get food at any place
where they can aeeoro It. give vouchers
to the owners, which will be paid by the
government when presented. When a
" band of Taqula la encountered no "quar
ter will be taken; henceforth It la to be
a war of extermination.
-ft h nh lrfCotmelr-tirant" Frant
cniac lu hbw mecinc rtanway
te Tkm Journal.)
6. Till van-
fower company waa laat nlfht voted a
Si-year franchise to onerate within thla
alty. The ordinance vfequlrea that the
iompany must accept the franchise by
depositing 11,000 In cash with the elty
.by noen of Monday. May IL If Um de
posit la not made by that data the ooun
ell will be open for other propositions. --i-Tha
Oentreitaj-ehahalla eempany wai
brcanUed-last fail, to build. aa Inter-
urban line between tha two elUes.
Thfranchla jrantedlaat n!ht la
llberst In that no tax n the earnlnfS U
DroDoaed. Rapreeentatlvea of the com-
pany have claimed lta Intention to be to
.construct the road at aa early a date
as possible. A through line to Taooma
and Portland la also promised. r--
(BpMlil DlsiMtea te Ttui 7arasL . ' l
Albany, Or, May t. On March 7 last
W. J. Tumldg-e of Crabtree filed his
i declaration In .the office of the county
1 clerk claiming; and appropriating to hlro
". self .certain water rights on Crabtree
creek and Roaring river. .He aought to
have tha etreame declared a 'public ntglPtlM.iy Incompetent thalThey Tiave r to be
way for the floating of logs and other
" materials. . ;.
. Tha filing of this application raised
Sach a storm of protest that- threata of
violence - were openly made : against
' On aoooanf of tha hostility displayed
-fcy-'the neighbors aad owners of tha
lands adjacent to end bordering the
" - creek and river-Turnldga has abandoned
' kla project and filed a disclaimer in
which be surrenders his intention, -of
tnaklng tha improvements -necaaaary aa
j provided by law. .' : .
. (Special Dtspetcb te Tke losnud.)
Taooma, Weak, May t. The next Re
publican a lata con vention will take
plane In Tacomai No other city la' an
active competitor for the honor, and
""must of tha siate'commlrtee Yavor'the
.city, while a, few want It at Seattle or
Walla- Walla... Tha matter, will be de
cided at the state committee meeting at
Beattle May 2s. The apportionment of
riKlBH-mto. mhl -T.hMA ATI hS JSSl
presidential vote, and four delegatea-at-.
large will be allowed each county. --
t - - (BpSeUI DtopeUh te The jenraal.)
Joseph; Or-May I. Tha district Sun
- Bay school convention waa held at
Joseph-; Sunday, H. B. Davldhlser pre-
aiding. Papers were read by Mrs C It
r Wheeler, Mrs. Oeorga Cole, H. B. David-
User, Mrs. A. M. Hall, Mra H. 8.
Templetoa, Mra 3. B. Houck and Mr. C.
O. Cowing. ; in tha evening there were
, axerolsea by tha children and a talk by
Slav. H. B. Tampletoa
T T (Jnel gpUl Rervtr..) .
f ConstanUnople, May it la reported
.that Turkish troops are being masaed
en tha Egyptian frontier with a-view to
the Invasion of Egypt should England
carry out bar threatened naval demon-
atratloa. . . .
. - -- - ...
' (Jearaal Spwtel bnM.) ;
; Parte, May . I. Further counting of
the election reaulta ahowe Increaaed
government galna Ont of tl conatita
nclea tha government haa carried til
and tha opposition 111. In Iff districts
there will bo reballotlng. Tha reealt is
nailed aa aa approval .of tha ohurch
- sepa ration policy.
; WUstaalay Zs Appointed.
. Waahlngton, May t.-Edward A. Win-
Stan lay baa been appointed reoeiver of
public moneys at Missoula, Montana,
, Ta draw tha fire out of a burnt beafl
a out without I saving a soar, or ta ours
bolls, sores, tetter, eosema and all skin
snd scalp dlseaaea, uae DeWitt's Witch
Haaal Reive, A speolfU for pllea Oet
the geautna- Jo remedy eauees auoh
apaedy rellet Aak tor DeWitt's the
genuine. ; , r.,.,,.. ...,;,.'..
v A few small biscuits easily;, mad cr! with "i
Rpyal Baking "Powdcn Mal AthcmJ.
smaU a? small round as a napkin" ring.
7;Mixr; arid Jbake-just before tt 4 meala
Serve hot. :
I othmgi - better -
thaii- thesfclittle hot
Tand honeYmarmaladc or jam.rT:
) You must use" Royal Baking Powder
tbge t : them" ngh tr:r
r tCon tinned frcn raaw-Ona.)
killed. Aa the lose was not from Jin,
there will bo no Insurance, and I am ad
vised by Governor Pardee that help will
be needed for those who suffered finan
Whha no account wai
runnlna free, ret a fair Idea can be had !
April Hth to tha Isth the people were
carried free and 1,000 eara containing
paaaengera were moved aa follows:
In sleeping ears to other cities. .. " 7, 84
In . tha movement of this enormous
number of cars and people there were
no aocldenta , From April 1U to May
Ith tha road, carried 1SS.000 paying paa
aengera - About 116,000 of these went
to points adjacent te San Francisco, the
balance farther on and out of tha state.
These, figures would . indicate that tha
hovsrtng near and will, unleea somsthtng
greater number of entusl , residents -axe
unforeaeen happens) relocate and estab
lish themselves Jn - Ban Frind son, j
:r Oeaeral maliaf -'Wox.
On laat Saturday 'it was estimated
that 150,000 people were furnished ra
tions. The largest camps are now at
tha Presidio and- In tha park; Cooking
on the streets Is still practically unl
vsrssl, but la- vwt alowly changing as
chimneys and temporary atructures are
erected, - The work -of furnishing relief
is now in tha hands of General Oreely of
tha array and - Mr. xevlne of the Kea
Cross society. There haa been enormous
waate. which.' in the very nature of
things, wss - inevitable, but -tha work
of distribution is now fsst being sys-
tematlsed. There aj-e liable. However,
to be soms casea overlooked' If particu
lar attention is not given to them, as
there are some people who are ao hope-
looked after under all circumstance.
Still there Is no other way of handling
this tremendous problem than through
soms system. There has been consider
able fraud practiced In getting supplies,
but this is being dealt with, and win. I
think, practically cease. I do not think
there la any danger or xeroin I wouia
urge' moat strongly" that yon maintain
your i praetlos of aendlng only what
Major Davol orders. . . :
The condition of soma of tha cloth
ing sent ta soms instances passes be
lief. , I am thankful to say that none
of It was sent from Oregon.
The finance committee ssy they want
nothing but money, that they can buy
tha suppllee -ther need belter than any
on alas can and that money la their
great need. On Saturday laat they had
In kanil aiut nromlaed about tt.I15.0OQ.
RrmiiiM MmmlitM mHtlnn ware ha-I
In, hnM tn datarmina unon aoma elan I
of f Inariciar relier. DrTevina favors
ths following:
Trse-Feed TBeeMyawVnoTTBi
fast -as poaalblo make thoes who oan.
work for their own subsistence.
RAtAnA-wlTfYinhrtr tfiA. whti o.n work.
P.ylny thm wage. mnA l.t th.iw buy
their own suppllea
Third Aid those
"w6"U lost
by getting them
tools,- furniture, etc.
new outfits
Thla policy Seems to be a good one.
In line with thla polloy restaurants are
being established at which-, rneale -Can
bo secured for IS -cents. ' - v'
.,. Vombew Ulad,
It is the general consensus of opinion
of those thoroughly familiar with tha
situation that many more people have
been killed than have-yet been reported.
It has been impossible as yst to make
any regular and thorough aearek- of the
ruins, and there are undoubtedly many
bodies beneath the debris which have
net yet been found.
Health oondltions are now normal.
but there are indications of typhoid.
Strenuous efforts are being made to get
the in-shape and -Increase the
aupply of water. It la to be hoped that
epidemics can bo prevented. .
Of the schools 42 are gone; 41 left
Four hundred and twelve classes are
out (00 in. They Intend to cars for the
classes out In tente.
Calamity Teaches Xessoa.
This awful calamity has a lesson for
us In Portland ws would do well to
heed. Ths earthquake did great dam
age, as It did In Oakland, Banta Rosa,
tha fire that annihilated San Francisco,
and ths pity of it is that modern science
has demonstrated that both causes can
be -guarded against. While we are free
from ths earthquake shock, wo are sub
ject to conflagration that could wlpa us
out. .From the north end of the city
to ths south, on bath sides, a train la
practically laid ready at all times (o
swiftly carry the fire throughout the
entire distance. On the rtverront rafts
or logs block tha efforts of ths flrebest
On the eaat slds ths elsvated roadway
is ins swiit carrier or destruction.
The city,' except In tha matter of
health and In a few other minor par
ticulars, exsrclses no control over the
character or kind of tralldlngs srected.
Fire limits are extended, but within
theas limits buildings that are but fur
naces are erected. In the faos of tha
general good tha Individual must give
way and there ahould be soms c6mmlt
tee appointed by some responsible body
and furnlahed funds sufficient? to enable
them to employ the. moat competent ad
viser ta prepare some plaa ta mala
biscuits with -butter
tnls city safer and minimise the possU
blllty-of a great conflagration. A furat
claas lira department la a neoeaslty, but
It haa bsan my observation that a pre
ventive is better than a cure. A com
paratively small amount spent In the
first Instance may save not only mil
Hone of money, but nntold misery la tha
ruiur . --irriiJi.-w
Tit. K. A. J. MtcBeBlrrhd wan in
tea of TQlnn-1
deetsrs and assses la
cisoo, presented a detailed report of the
work of Ills oorps In the destroyed city.
After giving a history -of tha conditions
fomdtbere--n.e-sny nla s;
The physicians- of tha party reoeivea
at 1 aiwereat aistnns
of ths Presidio trimtari? reservai
Drs. Swsnson, Spencer, Oavey, Coffin an,
Blldarbaok. - Hickman and Morrla , re
ported to Captain Rand, who had charge
of ths Eaat Cantonment hospital.- They
received Instructions and. at first their
work waa that of sanitary lnspeotora.
EM Authority to Impress.
iTctoo had authority to tmprwa
the service of any person and they
superintended in this manner the dig
ging of trenches and the construction
of latsrlnsa and observed that order and
cleanliness were - maintained la their
tent eamps. They also conducted a re
ll.f ataUon and-vUltedtb.B alok acd
gave a dispensary service. - Their work
waa of a most vajuatle characters-Captain
Rand has many times spoken of it
to me In the most approving terms. -
- -The asm genera service waa main
tained at Harbor View camp, which waa
under tha charge of captain Davidson.
Here v Dr. McKeohnle, . Or. MoCusksr,
Dr. Barber and Dr. Ellis gave a splendid
service. . Ths dlstrlot Is a very Urge
ons-and occupied by ths poorer elasses.
and It was only by the exercise of firm j
discipline and maintaining a very mgn
efficiency -of service that thla splendid
body of young physicians succeeded In
preventing much sickness and contagion
In their-camp. It mueta remembered
that at least 8,000 Or 6,000 refugees were
in camp Immediately adjacent to thla
hospital. In all there , were probably
10,000 refugeea in tha Presidio district
iry-r-K-f yxoapttal Ogtirtsatlmv----. wi-.-"Altnough
a full report will-be given
of tha work of tha hospital corps of ths
O. N. Q It will not be out of plscs to
say at this" tlmethat under-Major
Sternberg, Captain' Carll and Captain
Wright a very remarkable hospital or
ganisation wss effected almoat In a
alngls day, which enabled this body of
men to convert a achoolhouae, the Wll
merdlng Technical school at tha Potrero,
into-a busy modem hoapltal -where they
were enabled to give outdoor relief to
an average of 100 patients a day and
at the ssms Urns receiving ta well-
equipped wards about 100
"Colonel Torney detailed me Monds
of the United States Army Hospital
Harbor Vlewsanaturlnni.wMcTr was
deatgnated by him aa tha receiving hos
pital .for all contagious diseases In the
oity of San Francisco, except smallpox,
The piece we. .formerly a pleasure re
aort with batbhousM and pavilions for
dsncrng. - Tha bathhousee, about 100 In
number, were converted into-ilttlo wards
to receive children sick with diphtheria.
scarlet - fever, ohickenpox, mumpe and
eryalpelas. -. Each disease waa Isolated
in a different batb pavilion.
The - targe dancing pavilion at tha
other snd of ths grounds and away from
the bath bouses was converted into a
large hospital. It was partitioned Into
Six wards, each capable of containing
40 cases or 140 In all. Only .cases of
msaslaa were received In this pavilion.
On Saturday laat I took tha first step
to Install a tent- hoapltal in on of the
large rectangular spaces to receive cases
of typhoid fever, which are beginning to
The tent Hospital wiu oe capable or
harboring 140 cases of typhoid. Each
ward will consist of four hospital tenta.
otaced end to end, and each tent will
accommodate alx patients or 14 patients
to a ward. ' . All sswage will be swept
Into the bay.'' The wards will be floored
and the outlay for this hospital of 140
.is will cost lsss than 11.000. or to
be exact. $2.11 for each patient. Tent-
age, of course, .-will be prqylded by
requisition by tha United Btatea array.
- Vo Disease Epidemic
Af tha pressnt time there ia na dis
ease epldemlo In Ban Francisco. Harbor
nUEBawriuin i sa:
epldemlo pulse. Contagious diseases are
not abnormal In numbers but the condi
tions are at pressnt highly favorebla tor
their propagation and spreia ana tne
numbers will Increase steadily. The
examination of tha water of San Fran-.
Cisco demonstrates the presence or colon
bacillus and the bacillus of Eberth,
which of courss implies that tha water
supply has been infected by sswsgs. It
is aula likely thai me surnos inreotion
and contamination will affect the broken
water malne for soms tlms to corns.
Th rwnorts of snldemlos of small
pox and bubonic plagus are false, mis
leading and miecnievoua u is xne
a roimn iracraaBXTT.
Havlna to lay upon my bed for 14
days from a severely bruised leg, I only
fgoiud-.J'.ll.f when I used a bottle of
Ballard a Bnow Liniment t can cheer
fully recommend It aa the beet medi
cine for bruleea ever eent to the afflict
ed. It haa now beeome a poslttve nenee
elty upon myself. . D. R. Byrne, mer
chent. noverevll1e,'Txaa, 35a, 0e and
e30ldrby Woodard, Clark eVCe,
- lor4igi
Scores -of Abie-Bodied Men Of
fered Employment but Con-
, tractors Unable to Secure .
Help at San Francisco. .
(Special Dispatch to The to-real.)
' San Frencteoo, May I. -Blasting of ths
ruins . On ' Market street that was - re
sumed yesterday .; waa continued - this
morning. A strong wind la blowing,
cracking and rendering mora dangerous
numoes ui waua. .
- Hunderda .of additional men went to
work this morning clearing the-debrla
The demand for earpentera exceeds ths
Supply. Many of thoae anxloua to begin-H
the construction of temporary buildings
today are being unable to hire men.
Many refuse to work so long as they are
supplied .with food, and sleeping quar
ters, but with a better systematlsation
and diatributioa of supplies. In which the
able-bodied men will be eliminated, it
la sxpected scorea now loafing will be
forced to work. . 'x
The health , board has again issued a
warning to' take ths strictest sanitary
preoautlona. . , 't r I !
. The Dally News, tha last paper pub
llshed In San Francisco and tha first to
re-establish in tha city, laaued yester
day, without outslda help, Saturday's
issue having been sent to Oakland.
V City Funds Xxhansted.
The municipal fund for cleaning tha
streets is almoat exhausted and unleas
additional -funds are provided work will
have to stop within ths past four days.
A number of Banks opened for business
today, Tha - Red Cross - reports -ample
food on hand and no suffering In pros
pact for the Immediate future. -
Fire whioh necessitated tha ' calling
out of 100 bluejackets and marinas sta
tioned -along the waterfront: and for a
time threatened ths. aavedjorOnn nf tha
elty front sxteudlng from Uuluu street
to Second andBrannaa that oocurred
aflx.jfiatamay.,ws a il naTn siwi "f a nariii s
oombustlon In a large brick building at
Filbert and Ransoms streets, occupied
by the Gibraltar warehouse, having Its
origin among thousands of rolls of wall-
hours and gained great . headway. .A
strong northwest wind spread the flames
to ruins of adjacent frame bulldlnga
All along the waterfront ships moored
at the docks lay in tha path of tha fir
and their - destruction seemed Imminent,
Among tha vessels threatened wars the
Pacific " Coast Steamehip company's
steamers Curacao and Umatilla, tha Pa
elflo Mail Steamer City of Para, Japan
as liner Nippon- Maru, Oceanic- eteara-
er Sonoma." United BtatM war 'vessels
Chicago, .Boston. Burnald and Prince
ton. . -' .
! tJoomal Boeetal Servt-ai
Washington, May Tha senate has
paaaed the Culbertson antl-paas amend
ment ta the. railroad rat bill, making
It a mlademeanor and providing a pen
alty for any railroad whioh gives free
transportation to any, one but Its own,
employee, minianra, iomui ox nos
pltaia, charitable institutions and
of Ilka character. ' 1 -
Tha house adopted an order making
the pure food- naturalisation- bUla privi
leged matters and providing a night
session for ths consideration of tha bill
to codify ths criminal laws.
Uwnil goeelar gerviM.I t-
New-Tork, May I. A cable from
London ears: "The latest rumor aa to
tha whareabouts of Father Oapon op
pears in the Koho de Paris, which says
that he- Is in London enjoying himself
upon the money earned aa a spy in the
service of ths Russian secret pouce.
Wew York, May 1. The grand Jury
has begun Investigating the purchase of
supplies by the Mutual Life Insurance
company. Jerome said Jbat Fields was
willing to appear as a witnesa Three
employes Of the Mutual Life were examined.--
f-' - ' . -
-" Uearaal Special Bervtse.)
Washington, D. C, May I. -Governor
Ida csbles from Manila the sympathy, of
Filipinos and American residents on "ac
count of tha San Francisco disaster and
states that- funds ha -been contributed
by all nationalities In the Islands. . -
(Jooraal gpeelal Rarvlee.)
Constantinople, May . Nedjim Eddln"
Bey, procurator-general of Tripoli, waa
today murdered by AH Bhamyl Pasha,
former- military governor of Bcutarl,
who seised tha procurator by the throat,
choking and biting him until be was
dead. ;--.r-r;
r .", '-' Card f Taaaka,
' Wo wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks to the many friend a, and es-
lembars of - ths - Fra
ternal Brotherhood for the material help
and ' sympathy extended ln-our lata
bereavement. ' -
- Oregon City, May I. ,
greatest . outre ge to "perpetrate such
wanton cruelty upon- a seoeole alreadv
afflicted -beyond all' human endurance.- "
Those in ths party were: '
Dootors-'-Dr. K. A. 3. Mackensier" Dr.
Coffman, Dr. McCusker. Dr. McKechnle,
Dr, Bllderbsok, Dr. Norris, Dr. Marcel
lus. Dr. Oavey, Dr.'Dammaach, Dr. Ellis,
Dr. W. T. Spencer, Dr. Swenson, Dr.
Hickman, Dr. R. B. Boals, Dr. Ralph W.
Matson. Dr. Otis B. Wight. Dr. Joeeoh
Sternberg, Dr. A. L Berkely, Dr. Carll,
Dr. J. R. Barber, Dr. Maria EquL
Karaes Miss "Comport, Miss Davay,
Mra Hurst. Miss Orton, Miss Stanpher,
Mlaa Flemmlng, Miss Cronin, - Mra
O'DonnelL Miss Copeland, Miss 'O'Con
nor, Miss McDonald,1 Miss Reldy,;Mlss
Swenson,' Miss Maxwell, Mlaa Mae
Welch, Mlaa Oell Laughlln, Miss H.
Godfrey, Miss B. ecott. v . ,
mm 1 1 A r II 1 II III I L I J
ttou. The flie taaed Sereely for a coupla-oXJ Jt'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M t it-
Wedding -Presents
....... - . ..... K'--W, ! .'
"Useful gad. ornamental Give them Water Set, a
. Berry Bowl or a Fruit Dish.' Buy it bow,, and we
...) rtll deliver when wanted-"1"-" 7" :T '
Berry , BowV 7rinch .
Tumblers. 9-ounce,: aet of '6..
I Water Pitcher, . star design ', . .
Water Pitcher, " tankard. . . .w.
Nappy, ' J-mtu ., ,
Spoon - Tray ,.,......:............
Vase, l4-inchr beautiful cut. .,,,
Tumblers, champagne, aet of 6.. 4..,..
Tumblers, champagne, aet oi 6........
Whisky Glasses set of 6......,....o
vt : t.
Cleans white shoes; Ttppliea
dries quickly, leaving a beautiful white cpat.
Watch our prices I Ws gave
Welch! f .Grape Juice, large...
Wlch'a Crane Tuica. email
Bicarbonate Of Soda, pound....,..,,,..........
Epsom Salts, pound. ........ .......'.....,. 1
Rochelle Salts, pound .,...17d
Wood Alcohol. 8-ounce bottle... ......... 'T
Wood Alcohol, 16-ounce bottle.. 1S
Seidlits Powders, 6 for...... 8?
Buffalo Lithia Water..T.iir.;...............-w4e
Pluto Water, special........ ..........22
i a a a as sm. niima . m i t
Prosecuting Attorney Betfna'Ac.
tlon That Will Determine Fu-
ture-of Harriman'e
Quo -Warranto - Proceeding Are
7 Brought Against Colombia Valley
Company and Will Be Argued Be-
r; fore Judge McCredle, y.
(SmcUI Dlisateh te The Jooru.LV
Vancouver, Wash., May . The great
est legal nght In the history of north,
western railroad' building -. was today
started ht tha superior court hers, At
10 oolock arguments In tha quo war
ranto proceeding against ths Columbia
Valley company began. By the declsloa
reached In thla case hangs tha future of
Harrlman's oompany that is endeavor
ing to blooK the progress of tha North
ern Faolflo north bank Una
- Tha action was brought by Proseout
lng Attorney W: W. Bparks in the name
of the state of Waahlngton. It la
pected that It will take at .least two or
three daya 'for" both sides to complete
their - argumsnts - oeror Judge Mo
Credie. The case will draw forth man
of the highest rank In tha legal fra
ternity, as It is realised that this is tha
most Important point of the great fight
which haa been waged between the mil
and Harrimaa lntsreatsi during the last
-'. - I - '
' r Jeeral Sptelel Srvke.
St Petersburg, May a. Fear of 1
anti-Semetlo uprising at Ellsabethgrad
la causing alarm to ths government. Tha
Jews are aooused of murdering tha gov
ernor and oontemplatlng the aasaastna-
tloa of other governors. Th military
is patrolling the streets.
Aa armed band haa attacked the rail
way station at Tukum. yeaterday killing
several gendarmes. - Troops were went
in pursuit. t
. (Joeraal SdmUI Brvleen
New York, - May I. The fpolloa are
convinced that Charles t ISplsr, the
prominent business man. who'was found
murdered In his home "at New1 Brighton,
Staten Island, yesterday, oommltted
sulolde... Investigation shows that ha
wss Snanclslly embarrassed and was not
killed In a duel with burglars aa at
first "announced. Spier was said to be a
confidential agent of H. H. Rogers of
the Standard OU oompany.
-8seelet-4Mspetk--1. Th. IjwmII
Salem, Or., May I. The Ftrat Con
gregational church of this city which,
since the departure of Dr. W. C. Kart-
ner for Seattle, has had no regular pas
tor,- is on ths way to secure a leader.
The church has recently extended a oall
to the Rev. Edgar H. Frio of Cameron,
Missouri, to supply ths pulpit fas' ths
next three Sundays. He eomes highly
recommended. The First Congregational
ohurch la one of ths largest in ths city
and exerts a great deal of fbfluenoaj
(Joora.l fiPMtal Berrtat.) ;
Zlon City, till., May I. Overseer Vol-
Iva In his answer to Dowle's bill of
complaint-aaklng for' an injunction al
lowing him to regain former control
of Zlon City properties, states that
Dowle's farther administration 1 would
mean ths ruin of all Industrlea and tha
financial bankruptcy of ths church.
A general strike le planned , to take
effect in Zlon City If the injunction Is
granted. -'.;',' '";'. ? T
. t-Bogulaa. aaeaaL
..$8.50 f6.60
. .. . . $7.50 v 4.00
Colonial Goblets,
. $5.95 " M.25
Colonial Tumblers, 9-ox, set of 6.,... $3.50 '
Colonial Oaret, aet of 6. ..,..........$3.95 ,
Colonial Cocktails, set of 6. ....... ..$3 95
Colonial Wine, aet jof 6. ...... ....,
Colonial Decanters, et of 0.....J....
Colonial Whisky Glasses, aet of 0..,.
Colonial Water
with eaag
you 20 per cent on atandard original
.... ...... ..... . V
I Antiseptic Tooth
Dpcn a
Leave it where
Watch their cheeks grow niddy
with health and life.
are the jclnlyl Soda Cracken-:
the most nutritious food made
-from wheat, therefore the most,
wholesome food for children.
(BpMlaD!spateB to Th. ?oaraal
Albany. Or. May I. Jamea Blldna
treaaurer- of thla county, has remitted
unn oonntyg share of th state tag tn
full to th stats treasurer, amounting in
all to tha sum Of tM7S. Taxes tn Una
vo been paid vary early iu tlie saaaon
and . only .a small-delinquent Hat re-
It was largely due to thla that
Treasurer Blklna wss able to remit Linn
oountya share la fulL- - - - -
Mrs. Sargent
Tna dear old lady was given op to
Is sow strong nd wall, without an ache or pain, thanks to the
Croat llfo-srlvlBf toalcstlmulant, Dufly's Puro Malt Whiskey.
I& 1
IP . .-r m
haa enabled hundreda of old men and
enjoy the blessings of -a healthy and
recommended by ministers of ths Oosp.l
nourishing, purest, health-giving tonto -
medicine. . it purines -tn niooo, -quick
ene the circulation, repairs snd builds
up - ins weaa ana aeoayea nerve, ana
tlaauee. and keeoa every orsan of the
body In a strong, healthy condition, so
as to resist the attacka of dlaease.
It ia abeolutelv rree from fusel oil
and Is the only whiskey recognised by
the ss a meaioina
Duffy's is ths only positlvs curs ana
yreventlvs of consumption, pneumonia,
ynpepsla, indigestion, grip, - malaria,
diseases of the throat and longs, and
all bowel and stomach trouble a ..
SIWiBi of eangOTons Imitetloae
and snbsUtntes. They are positively
harmful and are sola for profit oaly by
BBSorapnloas dealers. lVeok for the
trademark, th "Old Oaemlat." oa to
label, aad be certain th seal' eve the
eorh is nabroken. All druggists and
grocers, or direct, 11.00 a bottle, Pio
tnrtal medical booklet free, Duffy Malt
Whiskey Co KoeAsstev, Maw York.
This beautiful Cut-Stem Tableware is gold only at
our Qut Glass Department in Portland. Ws extend '
yoa a eordial invitation - to eall- and -inspect -tha
, stock, exclusive, and modestly priced. . -Tha
newest; moit exclusive nd richest Cut Glass
. , offered at very low prices:
' V BegTOa. wpeout
9-ouhce," aet of 6... $5.25 v, 4.10
IS viawa .of the stricken- city taken during' -
: . and after the fire.
5x7 Mountsd, SO each fa.OO par doaen,
;. 4x5 XOd each, fl.op per dozen.; -
patent medklnea and gundrlea. '
Murine Eye; Water; special..... ...;. ...39 .
Apenta Water, special......,..,... ,.,,, ....IT
Pond's Extract,-small ...... t... ...... .88
Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. pint. ......... 34
25c can Borated Tglcum Powder., ............ 4
Violet Toilet - Water, special... ...............16
ii.i.h 1 -u Tc- n at tn - na
Powder, 25c, now. ...........15
Aromatic loom wain, wortn tc, pow....M..aze
Whisk Broom, worth 25c, now.. .............. 12
Box for the
they can reach
- BFcciilt
dust tight.
moisturt proof packag.
( Jmraal pdl brttct.)
Nsw York, May t. In the book of
common worship Issued by the Presby
terian general aasembly the marriage
oereraocr omits - th - word obev and '
I leotne reference to worldly goods and -
Fref erred stock Oaaaed Ooods.
Allen Lewis Best Brand.
Priiises Diilfy's
dla by tha family doctor1, but sho
Y have act bad a doetot slna my
sickness and Z think tougji la tha best
medicin Z oan take for my old age, anS
for any one else, yoang e eld... , .'"... ,
"Before using your Pur Malt Wbis
key I was sick four springs running,'
and oar family doctor did not think I
could live any time; but slno using
your Malt Whiskey I have not been
alck a bed once, and am up and around
and quite smart. I have not had' a
doctor alnce my sickness, and I think
Duffy's Is the beat medicine that I can '
take tn my- old age, and for any one
else, young or old." MRS. LUCINDA.
SARGENT, Lynn, Mass. .
Malt WIMey
women to Base tha r.ntarv mark, and t
vlgoroua old age.- Duffy's la endorsed and-
and prescribed by doctors as the most
etlmulant and
invigortor known
- J ;