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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1906)
THE 'OREGON' DAILY .JOURNAL. . PORTLAND. ; MONDAY EVENINO, MAY 7, 1CCJ. I TODAY ADVANCE IN FLOUR ?! GETS HEARER . 4 r 1 w-"-mww. Position of .M arke'tVery Strong1! But Prices Are Being Held Back.' -. i ADVANCE OF" ONE CENT, . I . -: MADE-TODAY IN .WHEAT Berrv SunnlijRther Short on Ac - r r 7 ' i count of Late Arrival of Train From South Advance in Soda Crackers e-Viewt on Wool Art Far Apart. "" ' Front Street.' Mar 7. The nrlnrlnal tea ' tnre of th Portlaad wboleaal Birtrtl to- It; are: -,, ,. i lour -advance- get Boree, , 1 i Wheat market a rent higher. 1 . Berry supplies are very ebnrt. ; r ftrm, bnt UncbM'4. u ' . rUtlll no poultry coming. . - . ' Somewhat 4a II too to veal. -'... .... 1'rxeead saga, firm for r-cr - " Rhubarb la down a .notch, . Another advance la od erackete. ' Two can eabbege la during morning. Ton in potatoes' Is getting batter. Roma enlona going to tar north, .Buyers far apart la views of wool. Flour Admae Sets Hearer. ' "T Whit ao changes ar ahowa la floor vaL ih bod, tb piarktt la la nark stronger boettlon. All aluca t Jhat prior should be higher tbaa preeet figure, but anna cetu Hilling ta booet the price at thla tlm ao account ot tha reccut illaaalar It l lYln ..rleoo JNo matter l-lb,Jugat Bound mar. aaia avnee their quoutlona all around oa account of tha m la fortune at Saa Franclaeo, Portland la going to bold bark 11 prim -aa long aa poaalbla, Tbe preaaat poallloa - trf tba wheat market mn that Boor pricee iMMld; be 10 ta 15e a barrel, higher than ow. , Moor handlers In talking of the alt- - nation ear tnat - an adranc In thai market ' wilt rarely b Bad. . Whether tha rkw will price la thla countri . aa well .- la Rnrooe "the Portland .market la todaf 1 ' a buahel higher all around. - fnopllea of "ralley" ar imiH ntat i ejnotat tlcm In tlint i tlx acarcelr tie made. Borne " mlltera are, pajlng m aouia at ia aaaall aupalli eld Tb. ailllatarf altuatloa eoatlaaa to abow latprorement. but change were and In Tikie today.. .. : r"""""" Sdrry tupalltr Ara- Tary iTt.-- -. There wa aa extreme ehortage la enn. pllea of berrle along rront atreet today. -YraterdaT'a berry arHrala fr.wi Ih arnith wei iii epry pow ihrrw ivtmanr-TsT mm .were old to hawkara at SO and One a crate. Tuday'a awrnlDg traM front th aeath did not amra on tin and will not be In be for Jt ; thla afternoon. Tht - will- throw-"prc-' an ia airawaMnan an aw market, and ahould taw train b lata then th market may hold It awn. . Otherwla look out. " w. Twa car of cabbag were 'unloaded thla morning, florae came from Tea Angelee and yeeo4a good wudlthr.rIodayiprlc la oome aoauing inia. -j r. A good ran of Hood River ttrawborrlea u expected In tbto market during .the next few i.4jr iT1r' arf-h1pmin- to tti Sound brought Boo 1 box. the Mm a thla market 1 laat aen. ?Wlth the axtra axponw -f eblp. "blng to. I he north thla la th beat market A good thing for growera ta 'remember. .- Aaotbor Adeaaoa i loda Oiwakara. ' . FoUowlng tb recent advance nr V . ton on pod cracker In three-pound oartona and ae in ouia gooaa, local mannfactnrera today . announced a rlea- of . He a pound In on and two-pound carton. "The advance ' I due tlrely, to the recent advance la BonrTlnr4 Tiw a Wo) tuA '- Vlewa of wool bnyora and aelhtm are tar, ther apart than oeer nd In cwiaeqaence . - ther I bnt little doing In thl braaeh of the market at preaeeit. Bnyera will not of for ever Hoe for beat valley wool aad from tbla price th ealu fang dewa to S3-for th Banie aullty. ' . . ... Taa te Vtatoa wattlag Setter. thilone-! the polato market la getting : r belter, A alight Improefment I noted In the demand from the south and If ahlpmenta In tht db-ctloa do not become - too heavy within the next few day dealer expect a . Impeorement here. , r The onion market'! rather tlnw on account the amall atock. " A email government r order for northern Alhaka wa fllled by - a jlgethhu-ld--. - fomawbat - Xfeller Ton - la Tal, T, - - Ia tb .dreaaed ... vat .market the ton la omewbat duller on account of . th aeevler aupplle dwlng . th praeloa wek. Seven cent llh very top of today' market. Weather erudition ar ale agalnat tb price at thla tlm. The- dreaeed bega aarket-remaln-Tniood Twmiotrr-wrfw-TecwnM-T maim. rrir mm - i ee iraae para in following price to " Front atreet. Price pall producer ar .lea regular eommbraloaa: reran. Tlaaf a( Teed tl-llitfrii,i Tic- Kr.Z-'", r .r I te . BA?';K,-'d- as le4. fSt eOi bnw. lag. f2S.M. . - COBM Wboto. tXTOOj craeked. ffl.0t per RTR 1.SB per ewt. ' - " ; -OATBPTodacara prlcw If. I whit. Hb.mi fry- txT.OO. . FLOUR New aerara Orecoa patent. f aon atralght. f3.40A3.5O; eiport, MIO: ' valley, fa.lUI: graham,- Ua. fS.SO: wbol wheat. S3.": rye. 50. f 00; be lee. f2.V. - MILLTUFF8Braa. . flT.80 per toot mid . rlllnaa. tzS.OO; abort, coon J-y, f20.00; city. fut.on: chop, HAT Produce ra' pclre -Ttmjtliv. Will a men ' valley, fancy, f 10.0nQlS.0O; ordinary, fl.ooa 00; etera Oregoa. f14.00flS.00 mixed. fa.n0f.00t clover. fS.00O.00: grain, fl.ftom f.oOi cbt ' f.0S. w Batter, Xggv aad JFeurtry, . BUTTtR FAT F. . fc..- Portland wmI cream, lvei oar. 1H. -- BliTTBR aty rraamery, 90e; onhrldd fancy. BOc; orllnary. MHo; tora lSrieido. r IUU8 No. 1. rreah Oregon, candled. ISA i ftc CHSWaWWawwrnn aata. lao, . Young America, 18c i .cbodUar, lSei California flata, 13 He. - POULTRt Mixed ehlchn. 14H per Ih; fancy bean. . 16c.. Ih; rnoator. old, l'l . per- - lh tF.,3cJ per 11)1 frya. 2A Br lb: broiler. SV per lb: duck. IA IT per Ibf gaa. II per lb; rnrxry UmiTe . per fb: dreeaed. fie r lbf qnaba, fxtsaf.0 aer doai pureoo. S.0u par aoa. Kepa. ..Waal .sad KUa.....;. ; OP Contrartx.-1900 ..prop.. lOQIQa pat I Ik. I IM .11 AMMfl. HUH H. Wool lo ellpV alley, eoarae to madlam, 3c; fin. J6c: tern Or torn, UOZOe. f0HAlW New, eOejXOHc. tHKH'KKlKS brn. ISCiSO eb abort want, tsaeoe eech; medlnm Wool, 0o4)TM b bag wool. TScet 1.00 aaea. - TA1XOW Prle. par la, 3V04c tta. f aad .7mTM,RARK-9evplb. HIDE" Iwr. N. 1. m ant an. MHO ITU per lh dry kip, N. 1. 5 to IS Ih. lei aVv lf- Me. 1. anoer a id, iwi mttea Bine, ateera, oand. to lb nd orer. tofjliei ow. t AA . FraHa and Ttgatoblaa. - - POTATOBIt Beat parted.. 90eefl per ckl aroducer' orlc for ear lota. 10c per cwt; ordi nary. TASe; producer' prlc. oc aw po tatoe. per lb. nlea, 12 9'itl.l; orangea, fuaouc: (tag ana ewua. eon, w '! ft to lb. Sei ealf, aoaad, naoer IS lb, lie; Irm, aaealtod. I lea.1 enjla. le weeib toeat Eoca-hlde. aalted. each. fl.tRdJl.rsi dry, eech. BI.00dM.30l colt hldo. Seooei goec kla. SemanTa. aaea. lOdJloci Vngwa. e-i. tSei ONIONB Jowiing pnew-rreon, nok l, gtt.OO; produeer' prlc. Ho. 1. 12.60: No, t. Si- ..rtir act I no aer ih: onion aaia, Te. riiFSH FRl'lTS A I ..fancy navel. ft.oO; needling, ta.7: Mediterran ean. fA0Oj .banan, Sc per Th; lemon, rl.otc. f.l.SO'per box; fancy, fVOO4.28 por box) lime. Mxlcaa, pr 100; tengerlaas, . . j-, -;-; 'S MARKETS JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPOMMARKEIS odjv, X By yfTB. Olsfkd Company. '.It ; d Durliif; tup pant wea. tna egg - riiarkot haa stiffened -up aome- ' d what-owlnf to tha fact that 4 d speculators were buying- for . 4 d atoraf purpoaea. There 1 a . 4 d alight advance over laat week - 4 auotatlona and th market today. d d atanda If and ItH cents. We 4 d expect to see these prices main- 4 d talned until tha atoraga stops. ; 4 4b Poultry receipts oontlnua very 4 lLwht and prices very firm. There . 4 Is practically no change over , d laat week's-quotatlona. Broiler 4 versclna- 1 pounds ac - In rood demand. " i : -. Owing to - the warm weatner 4 and heavy recelpto, accompanied by lighter demand, me areaaea 4- meat market has weakened con' 4 d' aldarsbly during the pan wfte.k 4 This Is the time of the Tear d 4 when the butcher prefer to draw 4 d . from the cold storage stock of . 4 4 ' packing-houaes (or their4 dally . 4 4 - want, -.-lnUd - of - buying -on -4 rront atreet. Asa result prices 4 are lower and receipts clean. up 4 jlowly. : . ; , a . ... . -, , - II W; pineapple. Mexican, 4.B0; Hawaiian, .oo: Oregon atrawbarrlaa, Sua lb; California. fl.lsatM.T6 pee crate. - VBUETARLKS Turnip, w, Toe par ear) rarrota. 'do 075c Met; beet. BOcOli-OO pat aaekj Oregon radlahaa, SOe doai cabbage. Califor nia, 2 V) per cwt; ball pepper, BOo. par lb; California torn toe. f2.2sa2.tO; pars nip. octil 0T; atrlag bean, 10c; eau lldowar, f3.23 ' par crate; green peeii f par. 11' ; boraeradiah. fQTe per lb; artichoke. TV per- doe. ( bothoaaa let tuce, fl.SO01.T5 box: relerr. 25e down; rranberrle. JeraefB, fU.OOt per bhl; to bar and Tillamook, flOOu; apro. C Ifimla. TflSc per lb: Oregaa. 6ioX)e per doaea banrhea; Valla " Walla. fl.ZS per bor; tti. ter UTrtnacbr TBefJfl.OO -per-"": creea oalon. Oregoa, ll'-ie doaea buacbaa; California -cuonmrwra Il.li4j2.00 ao a.,. DkllO rBUITb Apple, eaiorate4. 134 Ida lb: aprtcota. ISftllie per lb: pnrbea, 10V,ii M par lbi aaeka, Ha per Ih lea: Krone. M ta 40. Tttet H drop an ecu alt teen tta emaller ale: Br. California Mark. 0OT per lb; California white, (In per Ih: date, goldaa. te. per lb) farda, fl.Sft per la-lb bo. ; . ( : eraoarlaa, Vata, Cta. K?.?a.uJd W.10;&1. 10cTTT4 Ubl rac oa atck baala, lee Be per ewt for eaah, IB day. maple. 14415 par lb (Above price apply to ale af leee tbaa ear- vtt- leto e-t apatal turtuatlooa.1 PON FY ft. So per rrata. tjff g.lte-f'at'kaae-t ALTCbaree TTartT' ton: table, d.lrv. N. All Oit: ion. tlCTS ported Llvarpoid, BO, tlT.OOl -100 -SIS SOj X24. flBOOi extra fine. bhla. 9a. a, 10 f4.SnJ 5.90; bulk. 330 I he. f4.OOeI3.oO; aacka. Boa. 6SQSe; Liverpool Inmp re-, f 1MB art ten! 50-lh reek. fT.OO, 100. WVTB. . . ORA1M BAGS Oakeatta. THa. : RICB ImoeHal Janaa. No. 1. Bet Re. I. iOBiU.KextlkteaBa head. Tci A lax. Be: (.reole, BUe. BFANR--amall white.' B4JW: . larxe white.; pink, ft.00: bayoa. f5.00; Llmaa. f.0O; Meiican rena. ite. t '- lirT-Peanata. Jumbo. He pee lot Th-glftl. BitMH,a-ter-ll; ..roaatad. BOl4a-pr Ut coeiiaMita. MMtSOc nr do: walunm. 154II514 pee nr, plnanata. incline per lb: hickory ant. loe oer in: cotnnt. eaatern. loaine par mi Rreatl ant. '14 per Ih; fllbertn, I4Jl5o rer Iht fancy pee, 13HQlHc: almoada. ,41ij BOPf-ifur Manila, 1441 atoadard. HHi Meal. He. ' COAL OIL reorl at Aatral Canal 4H per gl; water whit, iron hbi,:- I4e par gal; wooden. IT nay gait headlight. ITO-dea. caee. UHc per rat - - umium He any, aaum wen pwr aa wai BINflNt de, eM Me AKId 1U. Me eal. par gal. traa TUHPIHTIW is erja-par wnooen nrtla axe nee eat WRITS LRAD Ton lot. t4 per thl BOO-th lota. Se per Ih: lew lots. 114 o per lb. ' WIKN nailii " leaeuv vaenf vi,-- "-f .INRKED OIL-Por raw. In B-bbl lots. BOc: T-hM Vat. Klc; cant. 5Ac per ral: prnalne kettle notled. eeeM, SO see aali S-bbi lor. B4e; 1 bhl lor, one per gai: gronno eaae. car vow, w.w per ton; lee tbaa car tot, ftn.00 per ton. Meet. Flak aad IVovtalon. KUB MBATn oot atreet lleef tr. ai 5c ner lb: cow. 3t4 or lb: bo, fancr. SHiaBc; ordlaery. Be; poor, TI7Vac per Ih; Bulla, avfiyio per in; veai. extra. ,IC per ID; ordinary, . oc per lb; poor. Be per lb; mutton, fancy, SOBe. per lb; lamb. BOlOc. BAMS, BACON, STO. Portland par ( local t hama, 10 to 14 Ih. 144 per lb; 14 to Is lb. ItMc per lb; braakfaat bacon, ldti20c per lb: picnic. lOHo per lb; cottace, 10t4 per lh; regular hort clear, nnsmoked. 104 per lb; noted. U4.e per lb: clear backa, onamoted, 10H per Ih; amoked. 11 W per lb; Union butta, 10 to IS tt, aamoad, B per lb: mnked, S par lb; clear belllea, nnamoked. 11 par Ih; moked, Uc per lb; shouldera. 10H per lb. - LOCAL - LARD Kettle:: erarV---t.-- lte ncr Ih: 6. I3V.C per Ih; 50 lb Hoe.- 1214 pef lb; team - rendered. 10a, - 13c nor- lb; fta, 12H par lb: enmponnd. 10. Hp. tAnnftU BJlunvp vwiumoii riwr, a-io taiia fl.SO; t-lb tulle. t2.T5; fancy, l ib data. fl.BO; Vi-IB rancy at. i.m: rancy i-m ovaia, Alaak tatla. pink. BSOBOoi red, fl.BOi nwDlaei i. tall, fnoo. ... I-iRH Rock end. Ye ner Htt Bounder. Se no Ikfc hal1"- " - IK. italu gl rj nX At- trlped b. 1H per lb: calfiab. Tepetlb; I )HMn-4Wmwariver enroooa. ac per in; ateelhean. 7c per id; o erring, oo tior id; oie. Be per lb; shrimp, 10 per lb; perch, 5 per lb; black cod. Te rr lb; tomcod, T pee lh; atrver amett- T- per- Iht - lobetera. IS per-tb) freh mckerI. So Br lb; craw Hah, SSo freab mackerel. Be par w; crwna, xoo par hoalwi tof" bay.-xstr-aitr BX. 3BT per aacx, CLAhlS tlardahea par bo. . ft. 00: rasa cUxe. $1. 00 par boa. SPECIAL TRAIN OF CATTLE TO CHICAGO Largest " Shipment Eyer Made From Pullman Forwarded to the East. - .;v- - iflpeclal niepatch to Th Journal.) Fnllmaa, Waah., May ' 7. On thousand bead ot atock eattl wer (hipped from herd Sunday evening. Th cattl went out hi a (pedal train over tb Oregon Railway and Navigation company' line to Chicago. They wer nvwtly yearling ' teetf, " llthocgh - there were aom- row, ralvee and two-yar-old. Th rattle were bought In th Palouee cpua try from frmer andatoekmeB, whe are forced to Mil a portion of their bard erki to xhortagr of rear. . Tb -atock was Bold by Ha Ice J one ot urangevllle, Idaho, to Iarllngton A o. of Chicago.. Rolbeonk A nihop ot xioecow, laaao, ana s, rnen of Pullman ' gathered no the atock from - the farntera and. brought them to Pullman. W. L. lMifilngtim of Chicago received the atock her and accompanied tb train to Chicago, Th apeetal runs- rrr th O. R. A It... Ore gon abort l.tne nd t'nlon Pacific. The catikt will be aold In th Chicago atock Tarda. Th prtcea paid ranged from 3S for calve to flO for yearling" and fib to f'JO for eowa.' Largaat Shipment tvw Mad. ' Tbla la th larreet ahloment of atoct eat. tie ever made from thla point and (tlractcd much Intereat. Buyer have boon tiding through the . country for weeks gathering up the atock and centering them at convenient nlacea, , to be , bruught here for - hiaillnr. Thouaanda of head of tvn'k eattl are be lea ahlpped out of'eaalern Waahlngton ana nori hern N Idaho, becauae nf lack ot ranae. f4tnrday everlnt -4a eartoed went Ihronak here on the Northern TartAe from the range of Cam prairie and Salmon river In Idamt, and erct 1 train of emptr care nent thronrb . here en tthe K or l hero pactte t Lewlatoa today . to be loaded with cattle, ' " ' Oraln YlalhU Bupply. Chlcaro, May T.-41r1n vl.lhle anpplyf ' Wheat IWreaa of 2 7W,i btiahcl. Corp Pecrena f 61,0V0 baabaie. c- El CATTLE MARKET Arrivals of Half-Finished Stocks -j Begin and Local Market is Weaker. '-T'' HOGS TEN CENTS LOWER - , ON LOSS IN THE EAST Packers Receiving; Larger Shipments ; From There and Lower Prices Are Being- Paid No Wool Sheep Being Sought Plummer Says Ship Ltimbi ...... - - '.Hog. Cattl. Bheep. M.u,'o. .... ... r ; ... SOO A auddB Chang te eoadlttons ka broogbt a weaker Ming to th atU - market. Al ready Not shipments of graaa-fed stock half famlahed cattle have arrived and thla I tb tlm for , quite heavy arrivals 1a that Una. Heavier receipt of poor stocks Is sure to af fet tb prlc . of beat prodncta, say . Uve toek nun. and a decline In value 1 gea erally antlelpaUtL. B Chang noted la to day's price. . ; j, .. The bog market Is weaker and prlcM ar 10c lower. Packer ar getting heavy chip, mente from th st and th recent decline la value ther caused today's drop bar. The cheep market I steady. Thar la at preaent-a -good demand for mmhor- bnt th prlc sac tower. Of this market Secretary Plummer eeye: "Ther wa a good call for lAJiifaa.aarly.ia the week, aU ba aaarka bav em dull later. I therefore- adriae shlppera to aead their stock early." At tha moment there 1 hut llttl call" for wool beco and price In that line ar nom inal. Todar IS horaea arrlvtd,. i. i Ortdal llveatock prlc: .. - Ho Bet - watwa iaA. - ar SKOrvailt blocker and China far, fS.7fi96.B6; tockera frmeBeIeUfefBn1 aoo iccarra. bo.oioto.ou. r.3S! MIIM.BYTri:" Sheep Sbe.rllnaa. 4at4Hc: la mho. BUaVSUei wool heep, BH. SUDD I CIIlflG t III HAREHOUSESMREfLtEDHrinwTTrr tr , new klswady at (Special Dlapatch to The Jearnal.) - -- Echo, Or... May T. There I new half a million pounds sf wool stored In in Paclfla toaat Elevator comoany' warehouse at Bcb. Coaalderabln- ba .been hipped, bnt mast of It I being held for th eaWa date, which yi'LJrWBjieop. Tht. wrbou'.Js 4fl. by 2D0 feet auf ItTa nearly BUed with tbi (eeeon dip. Ther will be no ley than on million pound at . out from ther this season. WOOL SHEARING UNDER WAY OperwUoB Seroa at atappnap Tacriaa la. Vhaap Kbipmin. JtBpnlP DUanWh- to TbwonrnaL Y Heppnr.-r4 -aiay f. Shaartag t-- we1r"m der way now and wool Is arriving bere fiat. It will ba held, at th warehouse and aold en th bidding ytem thm soa. ' Tb flrat i flay win B May xn. nor sheep will pe an lp pea iron tnu county thisyeer thaQ laat. Shipment will commence about May It. KZAYT SBXKP oVALXB. (Special rHspatch to Tb Journal ) - -John Dav. Or., liar T. ffn. Jollv. tha eheep buyer, who 1a la Crant county from Kawllnga, Wyoming, report having mir rhiaed 100 . head from Ball Brothara of Prairie Cltv. lie ae cured IMO vaarline weth. era, for which he paid 12.50 per heed. From Pope A McDonald ot Mt. Vernon h aecured BOO head of yearling and dry ewe at ft. AO per cea. rroni J. a. laymr ox mt. Tar bob he cecured 400 bead of mixed yearlings at AGAIN A CHANGE OF F IN THE WHEAT MARKET Shorts Seem Afraid ofMay artd -AreHoldingOffuly,, Is Lower. - RELATIVE WHEAT TALLBS. Ckma Clo Chw -- txwe Mon. . Bat. 1906. Moo. July....) 7 .7WH .WH Beptembcr. .-. r-.T7ii"'.77iJ ... .00W Tbe Chlcaso wheat market araln abowad a change la tone. Tbe May I again la tbe aaceuaiou. : whll tb Jnly and Beptembor - ar oniewhat duller and closed with a loe. Dam-axa- jrCBSjfta iootlnu to b ieard m the. wheat market. The trade a very much afraid of tb M ay, am anarta ia tnat option got out with all waeeible apeed wheeovor glew a. fa tot hi opportunity, l her eeem to be cooalnerable lit in to may ierc in worm vuidi eupiiiy how a deer. Liverpool cam unchanged r th epenlng, but wa a fraction op t th cloning."-- - ' - orriclal euotauons: ' . . Open. High. Low. Cloae May. f ,1H July...,.. - .7S Sept., V- -73 f .SI 14 f ,T4 f .?, 1 .TS'i .7 .,, ,..T74 0.77Vi CORN May.; July.. May., Jnly.. 47 H .44 OATS. . .33. fit :.2H .3314 v , is.otI 15.22 f .31 VB8B PORK Maynvvv-iS.I0 15.12 IS.OT July .13.17: 15.27 15.15 UYUPOOE eiAIX XASXBT. LlTvrpool, .My T.-Thjta- price: .' . W'H KA T . iU Cloe C'loee , Oos tSaln Mow. Mon. Mon. Ht. May a Slid a t,d a td sd SS THdSstSd SS td r ?d July3 DRY WEATHER HURTS EAINJflQRBOVV . (Special Dhrnatch to Th Journal.) - lieppner. Or., May 7. Morrow county ta experiencing a dry d spell now which If not soon 4 broken by. a good rain will have - a very damaging effect on . the e wheat crop., in some parts -or 4 the county tha wheat Is reported 4 to be somewhat stunted already. d 4 This la probably wheat that had 4 4 to b re own after tha btiaaard 4 which passed Aver thla county In March. Wheat which waa not 4 4 ' f rosen by 'this cold snap la In d good condition now and if the 4 " season Is not too. dry from now " 4 4 on It will produce a good yield, d) d Ther Is about 10 per cent more d 4 ' land sowed to wheat In this d 4 county this Tear than last, which. 4 - lth weather holds good, will 4 4 mean a Very large crop, 4 . 1 A, A dh A While No Changes Are Shown Today in Flour Prices the Predicted Advance" is Getting Very Close and May Occur at Most Any Time. - GREATEST-GAIO IS BROOKLYN Gains Three and a. Half Points Today on Bullish Movement' r, ; . ; In Jew York,, ; , j. COAL SITUATION IS A HELP TO THE READING Latter Up Two and Quarter Over ' Ssturdsy's ClosingBull - Move- ment Again .Being Launched Wall jStreet Thinks Money Will Drop. KIT GAINS. -' , Amalgamated HlBrooklm H Atchlaoa t 1 uanauian- Vi ;."'8t.- Fni.;.v.n- . l'iiLooUvtll -j 7 . 1U v J . tW Lqkm Pacific.... Sur Colorado Fal... Loeooiotlr ..... Reading . . Central Leather. ZlU. H. 8toL pfd MET LOS8BS. Erie ...... r. VI M leeoari. Pnelt 1 1 1 PnnBylvnla ...... Va i Metropolitan ...... Oat. at WeaUra.. Rock laland .. 7 4 Bow them Pacific.. HiU. M. BtU, V (Special Dispatch to Th Journal.) Wall BtrMt, New York, May T The belter 001 situation cuad a hrp rls to Reading and today's do waa SH polnta higher. Brook I) a Rapid Tranalt waa vary active ad dvaatd poinu. Th general liat chaMd higher. Xxpaot Cheaper Money. - la pit of the many advene taftnme with which th bull party la Wall atreet muat con tend, a combination of phyelc! aad political accidents promise to make avowry eo cheap In Wall atreet thl rammer to enable Ihein i oreedN They are la tha humor to onload their tor--- quickly aa pooalbt. but -th fact remain that In order to unload they bar de cided to attempt on mar bull movement. Peace la the coal field I an encouraging feature. Th technical condition of th market la per fect for a bull campaign, for la (ddltloa to tb atock being la th atrongoat poaalbla bauds there I a -very large abort Internal. - Th gold, movement I th key to the (Ituation. Counting tha oiy taet wilt aome from-tha Klondike -t- for June, there should b a total ot ttt.txiO.OCfl be remembered that in order to raboiid' the city, not gold In Ban Francteco, but material norchad lwher will be wanted. ; . .: i ... xora iagiaiatnr naa aueioeeo not tier Boar re of gold. Ther has bee great board kept out renew their loins at a higher figure tI to create ay m pa thy to favor of a repeal of th law. But the moat ntlonal feature ba carcely been mentioned- Owing to tb political agitation to Franc, Catholic ochttle . have appointed 'trust to U their property there od raloveat th moony to- tb United Stele. On ef these trusteee, who la a prominent New York ftnancleT-, Bald -today that he believed f woau com to new Torx lur m veetnwnt nt one when Oovernor Rlggro signs tb repealing act. This with th natural aa of money In Bummer la expected te reduce call lean to 1 per cent tad under. - - orriclal quotations: .MaCBlPI Amal. Copper Co..,..,.. Aienawai, com.... Baltimore A Ohio. com.. vrookiyn Kspld Tranalt. Canadian racirie, com Chi.. Mil. A St. Paul. Colo. Fnel at iron, com.. Erie. com...... Illinois Central... 1-oourrtlle a Nuhvlll. MetronoUtaa St. Rr. .. Mlaeourl Pacific Locotnotir N. Y Ont. A Weat.... Pnnylvnla Rail way. People's O.. L. a 0. Co Readink. com. . . Rock Ialshd. cora Ronthem Pacific...'.... Union Pacific, com..... Central Leather, com... V. B. Bteel Co., aom... no piejrvrrw,i Call monev clneed at 4 ner rent.. Total sal for day. 1.184.300 a ha res. Ttinr-AjrarATiari;irrr dear! ox ...fl.144.733.TB ..... lld.SA43 Balance - CREFFIELD KILLED Coollttud (rem -Paxe One.) waa declared and all the family fur niture ot tha believers and all tha cats and dogs wer burned, CrefSeld declar ing It to be th will of Ood. Th wrath of th cltlsens of CorvaUla reached a head when on Jamie, nr i. 20 of -them went1 at Blrrir to thw-Benrh hmisor whard Crafllald and Ma followara war ataylna. and a wore to aweep out th abomination. They carried Creffleld and hla chief sat. Hit. Charles Brooks, across the river. tarred and feathered them and warned them- to leave th vicinity. ; ota Ta aad Tea the ra. Th prophet .and. satellite returned early In th momingJo th Beaoh cottage And removed the cumbrous covering with th aid ' ef friend and Creffleld then went to -.Albany, where he mar ried Maud Hurt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurt, of Corvallls. Tha Creffleld then cam to Portland and stayed at th bom of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Starr. ' Mrs. Starr waa a relative of the new Mr a. Creffleld. who worked upon her to accept th new faith. Btarr had -previously brought his wife t Portland to escape Creffleld, but now he brought a charge against th apostle for estranging his wife and breaking up his home. Creffleld fled and-, waa not captured till July 23, when he waa found In hiding under Mrs. O. V. Hurt's horn In Corvallls. Mrs. Hurt bad fed him till sh was sent to th asylum. He waa convicted In September and sent to th penitentiary for two years. ' - Moiled ea Taos ta Vraywr. - - Holy Rollerlam died down than for a tlm and nothing was heard of it In' a fw horaea th fanatics at 111 continued to debase themselves and to roll on Jhetr fere r prayer. 'Thla waa Pie custom which gave the popular nam to th sect. On of th cardinal prin ciples of . th creed was .nakedness. Creflleld teaching that after purification thla would be natural. He taught that he wa "Joshua th high prlesC and that at some future time he would be Elijah the , restorer. His work w to lead th 11 tribes of Israel back to Jerusalem, where th restoration of -all things would tak place and th mil lennium dawn ont earth. Meanwhile he taught his followers, to 11 v a life of f re lov for th purification of th tr souls. "" Mrs. Starr's young sister, Hester Mitchell, was another victim of th faith; ' Sh was turned over to th Boy' and Girls' Aid soolety and later was, sent to her father- horn In Indiana. ! Her brother la Creffleld's slayer. The others or th disciples wer var iously scattered when Creflleld was sent to prison and It was thought that th faith bad practically died out, although at times Mrs. Starr said that sh felt yet her spiritual (ov for th man. - As , 1 6" 'BA !102U!lfttsilol4ini(e. 1.11 ui't 1.11 IB lOTlJ 107 lOTVC 10TH 72H SI T7H 81 ii . 1IWH 1MK 1BR4 lfd rJ 47 4o 47i 147 I4S 1472 ltTti 143 143 141K 142S4 112 112 J12r 112 SOH POV, snu PO B! 14 til 't eosZ B1T4 47 41 TtI 471 134 1S4U 13X4 134U tJ 02 P2U 12IH4 12I 124 122 K sntj 211 m 3Va SXt4 3H 8SU 144 lio. 144 144 2 41 414 4044 41 Z SB SOU SHU kmtZ I0H lOHSi I05U lOdC I. -AJrtBIBMxrTS.' SEAT ...aeV AC'S trrT fiUVAP a . 1 r a R AH , J 11 -. . . : 1 .... r-w THE ARMORY, TO GUARD AGAINST TICKET- SPECULATION---Mail orders wiU now be received. tro.-ii-" Portland and all points,' when accompanied by express money order postoffice money order or certified check and stamped addressecTenvelope for-rrly.The;ordersvvill be filled in order of their receipt and tickets mailed the purchasers. Address -and make - check - payable- to EILERS PIANO HOUSE, 351. Washington Street, Portland. The regular sale of seats will open at EILERS PIANO HOUSE TOMORROW, May 8, 0 an. v v " 14th nd Tke. HHM Thwntws - Phone Waahingtoa 3 Uw IIVUI5 lutauv Hate 1. Tonight .and . Tomerrew- t-'brht,- :1 - Oetock, JOHM BAIMPOL1S and LILLIAN LAW- BJCNCB la Hall Cain' Great Drama. ' TMB CH R. TIAaN" - 'pjrVstloa Geo. L." Baker " PRIOWI Lower Boor, fl, 7Sc; balcony. The, BOei gaUery. 2&e. aeata new alUag at th bos. atflc " Flrt Appearance of Th : . -pa nTnnw r-A we AW Headad by Will A Collins, ta la connection - with a good vaudeville bill. Including LndB Baclgalnptr- Blind Batiteoo. 119CSL w -4V- BaRcr Theatre S Oxagwa Theatre Os X Baker, Kg. IrmhlU aad M Sta,. rhoBe Mala 180T Tha Last- Burl an Rhow of the Season. f Every night thl week. Matinee Wedneaday 7 ' and ' Saturday. "OoKlco Gate's- Brat."- THE CALIFORNIA CIRXS -Brtmfnll - of ' fan and mosle; pretty glrh) and luiniauaa vaudeville ecte. --Two reHtcklag Buriesunea. ... Wedneaday matinee, bargain day, 25c to any et Saturday matinee. IB, 23, SB, BOe; evening price. 2B, to, BO, 74c. Saturday nighty, special cloning performance; a Wo am ateur bXttit. "Don't mlaa the laat Burlesque. BaJrt yk Th Bakg TTltre .Oompajiy la ''Brine KarL" . Empire Theatre! Urb and Worrlao. Phoae Mala 117. MJLTO.f W. SKAVtAff, Mansgar. : ' - Fortlssd's Popular - nayneuee. . . " Tnntgbt, All Week. Matinee Saturday. ' MACK -SWAIN CO. IN THE ORBAT MELODRAMATIC- SU00BB6V "THE INSIDE TRACK" By OLIVER OOD BTBON. A strong reallatle play.v A tory of In trtgse and - crlaie; Jtutlce aad retrtbatloai beautlfnl scenery; excellent company.. Evening prlcee. loe, 23c, 6. 0i Mat inee T loe. ISc, 2Be. - NBIIT WBBK "TBB WORLD." GRAND THEATRE Bra Huatmgtaa A Sawtea A Whlttaid. r SUstto Ssrtor.' ' Tb Tw Ssts. Mastor KareU Xeff. ftraadtoeep. "Week of May 1. Frad Rlvenkal, New Bealand's - Owa Comedian. SnkTMER PRICES Fvsnlngs, Sundays snd bolldadra, 10c, SOc and BOci mst- 10c ao any sent, exewpa nonan. tYRICHBATRE The Lighthouse Robbery IV FOUR ACTS, FUL'LOtT 1MB CROVTiya-CO!TIIt7JOU ('RRFpRMANCS AdmlmloB. 10c; Resarred oWats."20e."st fTWTWTI0WlW T .; 'Corner Faugha aad IwaatF-fmurtb May . , S, 7. Dalted I:M ,-m. Dally,- - Oeajaa Oalled B. m. tunday. Ladie Day Friday. ADhUSSIOB", lo. ORANDSTAKD. 25c CHILDRZR loe. BOX BEATS. 28c. many aa six or seven war sent to th Insan asylum.- .- BsOlled- MSm follower. Creffleld's sentence waa commuted In February and llttl was said about Ms release at the time. However, h soon began to use his Imprisonment to his advantage with his weak-minded follow ers, likening hi two years' abeenc from outside life to Christ' three days In th tomb. - He seemed to prefer now being Christ to Joshua or Elijah and he rallied bis followers, taking then to hla new camp, near Waldport, on (AJnea bay, which he declared to b lra pregnsbl to-enemies. '". ; Unfortunately it aeemed aa Impreg nable to food, becauB of th hostile at titude of th neighbors, and A few days ago a was foroed to break up camp. Thl,-however,-wa after- Mrs. Starr ha again given -way to hla Influence and-left hr horn to Join him there.: Mr. Starr was erased with grief and aald that If ha had tha money to follow her he would go and 'make short work of Creffleld. Her brother got ahead of him and killed him In Seattle. Of WOtJiy Paiwaba:. Creff ld wss about tl year of age, of light complexion. and th son ef wealthy parent living In Sweden. H taught the doctrine ef spiritual lov and told hi disolple they would And their, affin ity only at hta camp meetings. He had in bia laat camp throe men and nine women, who were- left from hla T prater coterie. ; 'The Starr horn, where George Mitch ell lived with his sister snd brother-in-law. I now deserted. Th two -older children, girl of I and I, hav been aent to an aunt In -Newberg, and th baby of T months being cared for by an uncle la one of the suburbs. The neigh bor express much curiosity concerning Mrs. Starr's welcome If sh return. -No sympathy la shown for hsr. Soma say that sh waa insane. SALE TOMORROW j -F"f.rT 'I La AT A ifA A I ' - '' ' .'' ' :'a.aa an.w e esV iwaw eeel : WUKLUO tlKLA til An I lo I t .V - ' S. orn mu a D EL UlASw U J..ecT,0,; LEE z', -r w"-WM.;Fa CONNOR. OgeJVBeT. Jfriday RveaLpgrMay-l Saturday Matinee, May NO PERFOKUANCI PRICESiOO, $2.00, $1.00 FE tows THE BIQ STORE OF -LITTLE-PRICBS-ir quoted here and believe you can not duplicate them" ... anywhere serWhile we give piicsBKOr few things it will pay you to -18 Pounds " ; Dry Granulated Sugar for fl.BO. 40 Sack pur Eastern Buckwheat Flour. LJ-TMundJ)oI'raali.JoiUCJACktrB. :., 5e Pound Gloss or Corn Stareh. 10b l-pound can AssorteJTSoiip;, t?2K ' Two "eaB Minced Sea Clams. :f .' - Can' Baker's or Ohlrardellt'g Cocoa, 1.15 : Saok Rose City Flour, fanoy patent. eogt IS cans 8tar Condensed Cream, 18a sis. West Park and Washington Sts. Phone Main 2596 SAVE MONEY All work guaranteed for tn year. Lady attendant alwaya present All work don absolutely without pain by specialist of from IS to SO years' ex perience. Gold Filling. Bridge Work. Gold Crowns, Artificial Teeth. , BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS StlH Morrison St.. Opp. Maler Flank and Postofflc. MARINE NOTES. . . Astoria, May T. Arrived at and left up at 7 a. m., steamer Czarina, from Ban Francisco., Arrived at 7:41 and left up at a, m.."ateamer Johan Foulsen, from San' Francisco. - - Ban Francisco, - May 7. Arrived las night, steamer Costa Rica and F. A. Astoria, May f. Balled at 7:23 a. m., steamer Casoad. for Ban FrancTsco. Snllsd at t:2f a. m., ateamer Daisy Mitchell, for San Franrlacn. Sailed at 10:41 a. m., barkentln T. P. Emlgh, for San Pedro. ' San Francisco, May . SatlarT yvster- day, ateameruNom City. lor Portland. Steamer Francis H. L-eggett, from As toria, arrived Off Eureka yesterday and reports hsrng lost log raft off Crescent City on May S. Has .returned to search for it San Pedro,' May f. 8Alld, barkentlne Portland, for Columbia rlvr. Astoria, ,May '.-"-Condition of the r at t a. m., smooth; wind northwest; weather eloudy. '. Krthodlsts a Joseph, (Special Olapnteb to The Journal.) ' Joseph. Or May T.- Th district eon. fere nee of the La Grand district, Idaho conference, Methodist Episcopal church, la to meet In Joseph May It, 10, SI. Thl will attract many minister from differ ent parts f eastern Oregon. . - 'MT C Gt' bacK four strength, Twrrvi. i nwty' n,b,t00' I Yf IllJ I usmg BASSE-ITS pnVYI I NATIVE HERBS. iiw4-P ,)f: Costs aiMy tl for thrwt I " tnony back ll f j I iosal carr. . Amo . II 9 J - I ZSoctge. AtDrufpstt' - M .. J - I (in black boxes); U feM." J I I rUasesfi Nliv HerbsCev If -. jyl ' AbttJie stsarxs. " (Wief4gax r-aead an erne' e nix-rv a SHUBERT ireVt- V -S-APPHO- 12 CAMILLE SATURDAY NIOHT ,Or. JOHN L BREWER V I ' Cluvmptoa Wlar-nThot ef-ts Wofca m Ih Mas Who for -Tear BUa . - BBaiaaaixutdl aTla-, nti - Agalas AH Oomers.- llTiWij s -bTxvaaji tuo oairg- BJrevattd-BisaAdua'B PI AUBsaltS" Happily tltovd aad maady , ; to Shoot Ag-ala. w-, . . Pof th MSI two or IRtee year - knights of th shotgun hav heard but llttl from John 1 Brewer, whoa, nam and fame as a shot, wr th synonym of defeat - to any would-be champion whodaxtdiBet htra la testa bs hi nit tlm ,;, gun. Th unoueatloned ability of thl man, meeting, aa he did, year after-year, th famous ahota of the old world aa wallas th now;- w tea ling- tbetr-tttMni from Mmhs and smashing their records, justly mad htm to be looked upon aa a wonder; but . with what result! No man can stand before the world, for long period In a V position of ' proaitnnor requiring -thtxr -mosrfctirtejTnj "physical af 'weir.ji Tier-. vou - strain, ta, sustain , titles , which . every aspirant tow4Mnors Is striving - to ana tab from him.- without sooner or later breaking down. Mind or body ' must give way. In thla caa it wag th -body. . Th nerves and muscles of John U Brewer's stomach broks down under the tension and th champion becam sufferer from tb agonlea of dyspepala, severe and lasting. At this crisis cam a friend. Benefiting himself, another -crack shot. Dr. O'Connor, persuaded Mr. Brewer to take a doe of Chan a Dys pepsia Cur. Th result wa Immediate, but it is best told by Mr. Brewer him self, who writes: f New York CItv.Aurtfat tS. ittO:,'- Chas Mfg. Co., Nawburgh, N. T. - Dear Sir For year I hav Buffered from indigestion, and, as th trouble gol older, my stomach becam weaker, and I waa more frequently distressed. While suffering from a sever attack a friend Induced m to tak a dose of Chase's Dyspepsia Cur, and th result was most gratifying, rertlef btn-J most-Inatarr- taneous. xner is notninr. tn my opin ion, that cure so promptly and so thoroughly. Sine taking tb prepara tion my atomach la much atrohgar and it ia not , ncary for i m . to b so ' careful aa to dlL For me, ther Is nothing Ilk Chasa'a Dyspepsia Cur, . and I gladly recommend it to all fellow sufferers. 1 tak great pleasure in tee-., tlfylnsr W th merltr -or your medreln and yon may mak such s of .thl let- tor a you se m. -i nanaing you tor tb comfort I hsv obtained. I remain. very truly yours. , J. Le BREWER. - Chsse's Dyspepsia - Cur - (a - liquid ' rsmedy), by regulatlns; digestion. .. re- - stores - appetite, amoition ano general - ha)tlv-fluickly, pleasantly., and PTW-. nently. oonttnnte- overeomo. Why do you auffer with dyspepsia of stomach troubl when yon can be cured? We offer you a remedy that haa never failed. It has cured thouaanda and will Cure yon. ' ,: . "- ' - GUARANTEE: If any sufferer, after : Ing Vth remediT-A- fair trial, la nur benefited, money will be refunded. - I rg A0-cnt bottle at druggiata, or Sent, prepaid, on receipt of price. .-it X m.- urn rrk inktn w tr ' f For sale 'in Portland by WoodardL Oarke V Co. :. .. .r..: "' CARTER'S klrrriE IVER PIUS. SJok ETaidache and xellev all the troabl tamV dent to a billona state of ta eyraaaa. auoh a Ii(tnaa, -Kaaaaa. Innvjalnaee. Dleliea after sating. Pals la tb Bid, aa, While tbalr moat xamartsbtosnneassks bee shown la en ring r ji.-v - c-.f, i imu r - silts ara eowally valnabto la Ooaatlpntloa, nnng eel pre venting th la aanoylngeomplatnt. white they Bia enrTwatlldteoxvtoreo7tbiaaarbtlmnlteth liver aad ragulu the bowel. XvaaUleealf Ache they won Id be almost prtoale to th "mnwhe saffer from thl dlatreeeing eompmlnai bnt fore, xutteiy thlrgoo4niiBd-ee noeewd herAdteoe whooneotry teem wlU Bad the IKti pHwval,. sbtetoManany wytnany wm my, hag todowitbont IM-o. But after elites a4 owitnoatuienx, Al lath nana of ae many Utm that here lew wemakeeiirgrentbonat. Irar yllhreurejtw.. etnera do not- Carter's Llttl tlewr rffl ST very re1 - 1 vary ey to hte. On or two ptHa inek.e . Tbey are MrteUy vegetable and da not t pa rye. hot by tkedf goalie BOOoa fen. l ... - ...