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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1906)
' THE OREGON DAILY i jOURNAU PQRTLAWQ.- MONDAY-' EVENINP, - MAY fr. 1S03 .1 I Ml -I-. . . ' Ij , I HERE IS THE LATEST IN SPORTDOM . EDITED BY .1. A. HORAN U4 ! 8 FINE HORSES FOR THE MOWS 1 ! SeattTe Racegosrs Will Be - Well Treated This Year in tne s ; Way of Class. ; - MANY CAUFORNIANS - HAVE SHIPPED NORTH Eddie-Dnk-Will Act Surff -n4fJUrg! r -T MulhoUand Wifi Tafce Fiwk Skin J. ner Place in Judges' Stand Crack -T Horse WD! Kun in Seattle. : . - -tlonnal Bwcial ".i-Tlra. Oakland. May T. Beyond question . thla year will be tha banner aeaaoa for Seattle, aa far as the ponies are con. Tcerned. Horsemen who have never oc. ..;ora dreamed of going north liara -'shipped thetr expensive stables to Seat tle, .or will do oo within 'tha oourse of . the next few days. It cannot be aald that the. earthquake. " im solely., responsible for 'thla. These men, or at eaat many of them, would have sons north before had it not been 'for tha syndicate betting ring. When the announcement waa first made long before San-Fseacisoo thought of bavin a big temblor, that- Seattle thia year waa to hri.nJr!tVnsOyt-jPi "pelteTed- Oy-?tho--California horseman. ' Later, however, 'through tha assurance of' James F. McElroy. Captain - E. E. ' fain and Judge Horace Egbert, tha horsemen became convinced, and many " - of them made up their minds to ship this ' year to Seattle. Of COuraethe.jfartq. -quake helped -MntT-T-"Mi. . One of tba biggest borseownera to ' ahlp north ts T. Ferguson, owner of the -yffr. psjfinifli-tha- -flacUfoated-nag tail aasjase will limnn Imnm tha bookies at Loa Angeles last "Winter -Ker--gueon Is new In Oakland, and said, ha "would ahlD north next week. leastslx of the biggest book-' makera who In timea pastJba'ejatet cisco, will this year make book In Beat r tl. " They are a bunch of fellows who, . . ' once behind the, betting, game, make desperate efforts to rig up at the ..ense of .their fellow bookies,.- and that always furnishes plenty of fun for tha ." -fans. - Willie Murray, the fDe' and Powe KM." win"Teava lI"TeavaftkT55d for fieattlIT Tuesday night. WL stake during tha paat winter, and will :o north. :-on da plush," aa he calls .the Pullman palace-car. Judge Egbert Sa willing to leave on a moment's notice, and hsratates that If Bnyone objecte to tha claaa of r&cTng or booking method at Seattle thla year he simply cannot - - be pleaaeA wny ra-tnrmrteavi . Frank Skinner, associate judge at Seattle laat year, has gone to New Tork for Rudolph Spreckeia, and his place Id tba stand will be taken by MulhoUand, .-who atarted Jn Seattle -during tha"aec- -ond.joar'a meet. Eddie Juke will thla " " year, aa usual, start the races at Sea- tle.-' i . - Owing to tha fact that many of tha ' horsemen were hard - htt -. during "the earthquake, the-- Southern- Pacific rall . . road has granted all horsemen a ball rate on their animals to Seattle. As Willie Murray aaysv that-will help soma There la a good bit of gOs'aTp here about 'opening the Seattle meeting on June 1, inatead of June IS. ... . . . SEALS WILL PLAY TIGERS IN BENEFIT MATCH .(SprfUr Tispatrk te Tke loarnsl.) ' . Tacoma, May 7. Tacoma fandom'ls seeing fast baseball at the Eleventh " street grounds thla afternoon. Parka Wilson's bunch of Ban Francisco playera .-of the Pacific Coast league finished In - Seattle this morning, and In their hike aouth stopped rft r te 4w-ttnthibWl lion --with- Mike - Lynoh s -Tigers. ,. The proceeds of tbe game will go to the Beala, aoma of Irhom Buffered heavily in '"the earthquake disaster.- The Tacoma r team has been strengthened in tha paat day or ao by new Mayers, and the vls- itore are eaming.the money. Thla la .Wto-ftret game Ht-whtch teams' Ye'pre-t 'Z. .eniipgiiiaxwoieague play-ags Inst - was ansr-zroBAiasoa to wre (Joernal ftpaclsl trvic.) Chicago,.IU, May f . A wiwatltna match that promises to be .of more-Jiian .. usual Interest to followers of tbe game ia wchednled to take place at tha Wa '. verly-theatre-n this city tonight with . Frank Ootch and Ole Donaldson, the k Swedish champion, aa tha principals. It . will be the first time either haa ap peered on the mat in thla city. The two are regarded aa evenly matched, and an interesting and lively bout la expected. , Bog Show Batriea.'. ' neoeived at Hudson's Gun, Store, 119 Third street. Get Information there and . make your entriea. Young Rlen Onr stock bourht with yoa In ind. ' UOW STTUI TO rum tou. - Tc? 4 Cc";n Shop Ucihl.-tcn sir cet QUALITY I! 1IKSI0N DAT SEOES $2.50 $3.50 'jojc . ' Aai . - Saved" V - ffcey wtar I k v .m QUAKER ATHLETES DOj PACIFIC College Men Show the 'Varsity ' ."Performer How to Do - ; Field Stunts. PETERSON PROVED TO BE THE BRIGHT-STAR ewberg En-i thusiasts invades Forest Grove and Makes ' Heavens - Resound With -Plandita-uinmarjr-trf-the- Meet. - .'x.Speclal Dispatch. la The JonrasO Pacific University,- Forest Orove, Or., May ' T. -The-: Quaker track team from Pacific college handed out an unpleas ant surprise to tha cinder-path knights of Pacific university Saturday after- sown, when 'they defeated -the- latter in- I slltutlon on, tha local, oral by a. acore of (3 to SC. Tha 'varsity waa aerloualy Injured by the abeenca of Huston and Weathered, from the con teat. ' Huston la tha 100 and 2 10-yard and Weathered In tha high Jump are big men, and with them In Pacific university would have rubbed tba alien brethren to tba mar- gin. 'They were-debarred by tha captain for playing baseball. Pateraon of Pa- e fie un rverajt y.. .w atlia flazillnglapoi uiin flay. , laking,tbreefustiand a aecond. thus making 10 points. Law rence for the locals and Hod son for tha visitors tied or second honors with IS chaUl marks to" their credit.'" Every event waa closely contested. ' . W. Pem berton of Newberg ran neck, and neck With Pctorann,.Pf irin iinlvrlly crark man. In the 100 and t20?yart and every event waa similarly contested. - A large delegation, from Kewberg came over And rooted uatny-TOflha-vTclors-. Here la a resume of tha field meet In- -the. order -ef wlnntnite: .MflZiielHeYpr-TX-T Johnson Newberg); time, t:)t. 1 00zj ajdda shetejaon U.); time, 0.10 1-5. High Jump-Hosklns, Lewis. Kenwor- thy (Newberg); height, t feet t inches, Shotput Hodson (Newberg), Law rence, Peteraon t Pr V.f. -atBfitSxxrtt feet I lnchea. fxo-yard dash Peteraon " (P. TT.V W. Pemberton, Morris (Newberg); time. dajilPslanJH.odsontNewber).Fr- rln (P, T.). R. Pemberton (Newberg)T height, 10 feet. ' e : 120-yard hurdles Clough (Nawbera). Prldeaux (P, U.), Honklns (Newberg); time, 0:17 if...-i-'-. i Hammer- throw Ijtwrence TP. U.) .' Many (Newberg), Mason (P. TJ.l: dls- tanca, .3 05 feat 0 -irwiiaa. ' - Broad lump Kenworthy (Newberg). Peterson P. U.). Macy (Newberg); dis tance, 20 feet 0ft Inches. ..- T Discus -Lawrence (P. IT.). Howortb (Newberg V, Ken worthy (Newberg): dis tance, 0 feet 10 inches. . Jit mile Macy (Newberg). Fletcher and Brown (Pi U.): time, 2:07.- 20-yard hurdles Prldeaug ' (P. TJ.. Pemberton (Newberg)Maaon4EXJ.; Ume, 0:17 -. - - - 440-yard daah Peterson )P, U.. Hod- son and Clough-(Newberg); time, 0:55 Tha-Judges of events were;-Fletcher, Walker, McNamer and' Zimmerman., Markel of : Pacific waa ..official an nouncer. . . . : . .... .. . SPORTING GOSSIP. Tho totlowlnrmembers oflhe Port land Automobile club enjoyed a run to Forest Grove and Hlllaboro yesterday: Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Brown and son and Mr. and Mrs. Chat ten. In a Pope-Toledo; G E. Graves. M. Rasmussen, Misa Pike and Miss earner. In a White steamer; Dr. and Mra. Ar K. McKay. In am Olds runabout: Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Brown and MHtoaWeraohk BatZadtnaaisJC.: and Mra. R-D. Inman. the Misses -In. man and Mlaa Hatfield, In a Win ton: U. W-Klelser and - a- party of -fiver, In - a Pope-Toledo; Mr. and Mrs, Cousins. In a Franklin; Robert Blodgett and wife and Hi-- Logan and wife, in an tOrient; Will Llpman and Mr. and Mra. I. N. Lipman, lirfffforas. 1 r wrTgOTarniaaSnagetnent-of-ha Fort Krle railway announcea that the road will . be pt'tlnppent'"" " nnn as the front wheels of the locomotive can betocatd. Bovs-re-tBoughrto have stolen (hem to make a wagon.. Frank K. Watkina today - sent hla champion Edgecote Peer to Vancouver. where he will be entered In- the annual bench ahow which will open on Wednes day. Major Taylor will Judge the show. e - The' Portland Kennel club will hold a meeting on Wedneaday evening for tbe purpose of assigning the trophy cups. .;- - ; ' . . ., Any teama desiring -games with tha Peninsula, club may be accommodated by calling up East 24 between 0 and 7 P. m. H. Lee, manager. , .' e v e ,- -, , - -The Brainard Maroons defeated Al bany yesterday by the aoore of IS- to- O. ... . e ' e . - ' ' La Grande waa abut out yesterday by Athens,, the scora being 1 to 0. e - The following is 6j- Grsntland Rica In tha Cleveland Newei - - . t TO THE HOODOO. Avauntrthon grrm and ghastly bnef" r" Betake thyself away .,' For look what 4liou- bast gone and done To Larry LaJoK In shadow and In shine, Te've always helped to pull us down, ' AnJcrlppTe-up our nine. .. . ." " Z T" Why wilt thou not "sklddoo" from bera, And Uckle Connlo MakT Why hang around from year to yesr. And hold our people back? -What have we ever dona to thee " That thou shouldst haunt us aoT . Come, pack your grip and "twenty three." . , ' , , t' It's time for you to go. THE HOOuwa- REPLY. I onlr handle that team rough ""."'. Which bows to me, yon knoW; ' , . Just let them-buck me hsrd enough You bet your life I II go. They've hot to battle; Just the same . : As If 1 waan't there; They've but to flght In every game To drive me to despair.' -The day they laugh and Jeer at me, ' I'll pack my goods and "twenty-three:" e e ' ' The Dajlas Tribunes defeated the In dependence High school nine on Satur day by tbe aoore of If te 14, opposmori made to the CLUBS TRACK TEAM exwaaaBBasSBMaawafaBWsBaaBB , Several Members Do 'Nof "Want - Teams to Compete at the Spokane Meet.' - - - For tha first time n the history of tha Multnomah Amateur Athletlo club a director ha gono on record against tba carrying on of athletics . between friendly athletic clubs. It has leaked out., that the recalcitrant.: member - is Arnold F. Rothnell, and hla atrenuooa objection: waa made at laat Thursday evening's meeting of the directors, whan the proposition, came up to- havaMull- soman repreaenrea at na r-acinc norcn- west rhamplonshlpe of tha A. A. L scheduled at Spokane on, June 2J-. The- matter waa-held tinder adviaa ment and will probably ba aettled at a special meeting of tha board this after noon. Members of the dob those who hava given tbeir time and energies to athletic pursulte for tha honor of Multnomah lor years are' very much incensed over the opposition made to legitimate oxpenaes fur trark taamsv Manaaer Watkina claims that it will ba a setback to tha dub if Multnomah is not represented at Spokane, and that athletes will not care to Join tha club. when it la known that competitions can- nqt bo held with outalde cluba and teama.- - -'-?- - Ona member aaya that tba club waa too far advanced on tha road of ita auc- caaaful athletlo career to take a back ward -step jiowto- pleasa a, few.'.lancT. fretful, j parlor athletee, whose aole paatlma ia chalking a cue or -piaymg bridge. ... , FOREST GROVE NINE . MEETS ITS WATERLOO (Special Dlspsteh to The Jomwl.) Forest. Qrove Or. May The i'oreat urove bi yesTefcr -a game of'Eas'P rwith -the -HUlaboro '-Athletic club, visitors for tha first eight innings and as a dense nusile to the local clou tern, i He 'was replaced in tha ninth by Moore, who did effective work. Tha visitors pounded Schults out for 12 rune In tha first five .innings. Kopple then took the alab-andhald the "boys in blue" down to one lone hit Hla benders were mora nrysterioue to- tha visitors than the age ox Ann, sna wncn inoy maaa cupmniDni llieyweie unable to1 poke the ball uut of reach of the inf lelders.1 He pounded eut tha longest drive of the dag with a inree-Dagger inip-ueep. cenier. xnia is tha- lineup Forest Oroya. Hillabor. Coppla . .' . . . . r. . as. and p R. Schult. as. and P. .. ..ii ."Huaton McNamer '. . . . . . lb ... ...... Moora W. Schults. t.Zbn.s Bailey vnr .it Homphrrya Mtckla ....... Blake Bacon ... . .i . .. .. .rf . , Freeman Briton V. ....... .c. .......... Siegriat Morcljr.?. . . i . Williams AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' Y:; Won. Loat. PC. .SIX .5X!t .Hi .620 .52 Waahlngtoit - rs ; . .. ..10 . 7 . PhiladefDhla . . .......10 - I T. v Cleveland ... .s, .... ....... . 8 7 New York . ........... . Detroit . . ............. S Chicago amsiiTT7-. T-Ai. St. Louta S 10 Boston...... 6 11 .444 .294 At Ohioago. Chicago . . Cleveland ...............i....O 10 0 r-rrrr7rrr.rrrr7T-.o ia -Walsh and Sullivan; Jobs Batterles- and Bemis. At St. Xrtnls. . . - - v R.H. E. St. Tuls . .......,.. ( 3 Detroit . I 5 4 Batteries Smith, Howell , and Speir; Kllllan, Eubanks and Payne. JATIONAULEACU! Won Lost. PC ...15 6, .760 ,714 New Tork . Chicago : . -. ...... . . Philadelphia , Pittsburg.. Boston 12 0 .517 10 .62 11 .4S0 IM 11 ;;t fr:jwuls . -.rr Cincinnati XBiMtukiynr At Oiaciaoatl. .H. H. Jt Cincinnati 6L Louis 0 0 Batteries Rwan and Livingston; Egan and RauL Umpires ....Carpenter and Klem. , , , . .... . -r At ChIoNro. R. H. E. Chicago .5 7 2 Pittsburg . . . . 1 4 - 1 Batteries Wicker and Klein; Willis and Gibson. ' Umpire Johnstone. 1 At Brooklra. r'- --: ----,- ,. . - r. j i. e. Philadelphia.. .....10 17 1 Brooklyn 272 Batteries Lush and Dooln: Eaaon, Knolls and Bergen. Umpire O Day,... PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. San . Francisco Los 'Angeles Portland . . . . Fresno . i . . . . Oakland . . . Seattle . . ;4 Ata and soyie rtghi. - (Journal Dpeclsl Serrloe. ) " rninfL r'al . Mfiv 7 Tha A n rbunched hits in the tenth inning yester day and won out.. The feature of the ronrtest was a punching match between Doyle and At a. Offlcers ,. stopped ' the melee. Score;. - R. H. E. Los Angeles.. .0 0 1 1 0 01 1 0 20 10 4 Fresno . . m. .0 01002000 0 4 0 2 Batteries Hall and Keger; Fltiger aid, Daahwood and .HogAn. , : Bvea Break at Seattle.. (Speeisl KUptteli te The loarnsl.) Seattle, Wash.. May 7. The Slwaahea and Seals broke even In a double-header yesterday, the locale taking the first through Jonea' Clever pitching, and the Seals the aecond. with Win Cutter on the firing line: Scoreal. , First game R. H. E. Seattle.. 1 0 2000 2 0 11 4 San Kpanclaco.. .0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 7 4 Batteriea Jonea and Blankenship; Hltt and Wilson. Second game (7 Innings) E. Seattle ..0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 2 Sin Frsnrlsco .1 I 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bsttcrlea Belt, Vlckera and Frary; Cutter and Wilson."" Umpire Perrlne. x J ' Preferred Stock Canned eToeds. , Aiisa ft Lewie' Best Brand. ; '- Won. Lost. P H. ....... -I. IS , 4 . .706 fa. !.. 10''. S ' .04 ..........11 S .&7 i..v...10 -14 .417 BASEBALL RESULTS TEURDOr.1 Dallas Collegians Administer,, a Thorough Beating to the , Chemawa Indians. A REDSKINS NO MATCH A .... FOR THE HUSKY MEYER Peninsula Bcata Albinos, Pin era WinlPoi From Hop Golds and Sandy P.oads Prove Too Suong lor West Enders -Keeultan Many Diaraonda. I (Special tnspstek te The Jouraet.) ' Dallae.-tr.r May -7, The- Iellaa col lege baseball team defeated the Chemawa Indiana. Saturday on tha eollega ball grounda by the score of 14 to 0. Tbe game waa faat and exciting from atart to 'finish and Delia a won by hard and bunched hitting. Tha Indiana played gooa Dan, out tne pitcher waa weak; tha locale secured 17 safe hits, one In ning making eight runs. . , The Dallaa ' : battery was ' excellent. Myere held the Indiana aafe . at all Umea. Ills catcher, Shaw,' waa a new man, thla being hla aecond game, but hei played a star, contest. There was a large, crowd. in.. attendance, the largest of the -iestm.Teabo,- the veteran - !n- dlan catcher pronounced the Dallaa team the beat they have played thla aeaaon and giving Meyers the credit of being the . best. pitcher- of any of the college uama. ,-. , - . Willamette play a - here next Satur day. - The- lineup: - CHEMiCvVAr : r Aa R. H. PO. A. B .021222 Casey, Sb." Hear. cf. 6 2 t - .0 0 Waahoerp. ........ 4 0-0 J. I 0 David. 2b. flnealpohma, lb. 0 2 rotail ...40 0 t 24 11 I DALLAS. ' . " H. PO. A. E. J. Boydston, -2b. i....-6 2 .1 t 0 2 Teats,. ,- 1 - I '- 2 1 1 - t C. Boydston,-rf, ..,;,, S O 10 .0. R Shaw. If. ......... 6 0. 11 1 1 Meyer, p 6 1 1 1 I 0 Tv. nnaw vr TVt 5 0 0 t Sibley, cf. . e..... Centon. in. Mortoa, ap. Totaia 7: TT. . . . rr. 45 1 4 17 7 : .z,:. : summary.," ,.,..,'.:..:. Two-base hits "Sibley 2. Morton. - Teats, -J.' Boydston, Poland. Stolen bases Teats. Bear 1. Sacrifice hit eabo,, r Hit by pitched- ball By Meyer, I . eurucK out tiy iMeyer, 9. o? nasnoe, I; by Poland; 1. Time of game One hour and 40 minutes. Umpire IL. J. Campbell. ' "r 'Jowrs Are Tletora. , The5 Powers- baseball - team - defeated the ITc-p Gold Stars In a close game yesterday by a score of 7 to 6. The features of the game . were the batting of the Powers Blurs and the pitching of Con cannon for the Powers, striking out 21" of "the ' Hop Gold men. Tbo lineup: .- ...... . -.Z - -.- Powers llop-Colda Turk as ."....!. Brown Loflell .........'...2b.......... Helser Kennedy ........ . .. . .Helser St. Clair ... Paff ...... ..e Chapin ,3b.....,., Caetro Concannon .p.. ....... Robinaow Shea Kottemann LajoU . . . . . . .rf .......... . Donlln i.ef . t . -. .... .r Donlln ...If Harvey ' Sandy Boada Wlm. Tha-Sandy ' Road - baseball nine - de feated thn, West Ends In a wall-played rame yesterday at tbe latter'a grounda by the score of 10 to 0. Tha lineup: West -femt. -k-T andjz3toad.: rath .Ci . Lock Brodie jTi-.-iii it -p. t Probst Olebrlscb Anderson , ; . ' Boyla , . Butler O.-Smart. Lane ........, 4 Delan T. . .". . .v.T.tb; Oound ...........3b., Vincent .........If...., . Murnane .- Olebrisch .-.Leahy gchutne -r-r-.-. .-j :-;cf t;t Nr Smart . . . . .rf Xlghlaad Sowaa TIahere. lgUanddxleAteiTeJHs&exiIliot: aen baseball team yesterday morning in awell-played-game " a score of 43 to 2. The lineup: . i Highlands.. .e ... ... .' Fishers, Kelt .... Berry McHolland . . ... ..3b. . . . . . ... Sundberg Griffith .... .... ..aa.. . ...... .p. .. Salmon Llllla ...... Bredemeler .. Stoke . . ..... Peteraon ....... R. Powell .F. Powell W. Powell Thompspn . Lancaster . Van Qrden. Hume . .... .".....2b. . .....If... . .... rf . - , . , . vnauenivn Wise Seooad Oame. Pelnsula won Ita aecond game of the season yesterday, defeating the Alblnas by the score of 11 to 10. The lineup: Peninsula.. v Alblna. Bach ......... .....p. ,. Jonea E. Watklns c.. Meier Harris lb. H. Miller Savage-Leer 2b........... Patrick Brown Sb. Bateock Leer-Moore O. Watklns . . ..-.If.-. Moore-Whitney . . .cf . Campbell; .-, i mtf . . . Farrar . . O'Shea L. Miller War - - . aUghlaad .Wise Another. . Highland won from the MultnomaB baseball nine yesterday- afternoon by a score of T to I. The lineup: Highland . f Multnomah. Kelt ,..f,..e. .......... Farmer McHolland ....... lb. , -B. Meer Griffith .se. ...... It. Montag Lillls W. Karrell Bredemeler ...... .p. ...... . C. Montag Thompson 2b. .......... .James Lsncaster ....... .cf. Brady Van Orden Hume. . ...... O. Farrell . . r. Neer I Lower Alblna Sea tea. Albina downed Lower Alblna jester day by the score of-14 to '0. - Lineup: Alblna. - r Lower Alblna. Courtney ....r..e , (illsnn Davis p.. ...... J. - Mueller Morris, O'Connor, .lb.,. ...... ., Jones Adams ......... t ,2b .O. Mueller Waller .v Hogan . . .......2b....,.,, Unknown ...... .ss. ...... ,F. Mueller Williams ..W. Kerne Maloney rf .......... . Brady Richard ....If. . .R Kerns . Bast Portlands Play Ball. The Kaat Portland Grays won from the O. R. A N. team Sunday morning in a closely, plsyed fame on tbe protta GIANTS WIN OUT III ELEVEI1III Stirring Uphill Worlc of Locals " Enables Another Victory to Be Recorded. . HENDERSON AND LISTER STARS OF THE CAME chef Tfarowt Pretty Ball and Scores Home Run Sweeney's Hit euid McLean'a Long Drive Ties -Seorw-Ttrktr-Story- of the Contest. Portland 4. Oakland t. - ' Batter lea HenderaoB-and. MoLean: Reldy and T. I lack St t , s . ; It looks aa If tha Giants are really a lot ef . toymakera. . They do not seem to, car to annex . runs Ml,, tha early innings' ef a game, preferring to Walt until the ninth, tenth or even eleventh Inning to turn 4he trick. On Saturday it waa dona ln the tenth and yesterday it waa completed la the eleventh. . - Yesterday's contest waa the moat in teresting of the series and the moat stubbornly conteated, and tha locale de serve high praise for tbelf gallant up hill Jflf lit - ; - - --i" or ae veu- ltiuiiigs thmXIUata.were un7 able to croea.the plate, and during tnlsT fmr'iA-n.tiBnA...-M..iiUH.u'ia tar. In the eighth Henderson, who had been pitching first-class ball, walked to the plata, cracked the first ball delivered and aent It to tha scoreboard, complet ing the circuit of the .bases before the ball was returned In the Uinta Lister singled. McCredle advanoed him a base and McLean drove him home- with a Inng flu i la, laft. flaUl, Oakland forged. Tone aheHit half of the tentfi: Bui ForlTSnr noi to pa outdone.. ixmanue singled, was sacrificed by Hen. ersonand.,sent j across tha plate by Sweeney's" corking double. , In tha first hall ef the eleventh Hew derson flanked tne CoranniTSfc Listerf singled for Portland and McCredle made first before pevereaux could field the bunt, McLean drove one at Jim Hackett that the young first baseman lurried long enough to allow Lister to aoore the winning run. . ... The Giants played good ball. Lister yl.-t.PO..Starpf.lhodax-la-iha field and at the bat. - Moore did creditable work third.- McLean and Sweeney -were there with the hite when they were needed; """? - '" f-lTni1 marie the most oiniouit catch of the day, from McLean'a bat. - It was a difficult piece of work. The crowd Jeered Knell, but hie work waa fair. The acore: PORTLAND. - ' A?, ft H. PO. A.-E!. McHale, cf. ( 0 4 0 1 2 DTirvuvj, . , , . . . , Mitchell, lt,..,.. 2 jLiBier. id. - I 10 1 II McCredle. rf. e'e - Mcjueain. c, e ea ' 0 MOOrt, lbr,r.T,,) . r-4 -0 - lxnahue, 2b.-... .4 1 Henderson, p. ...... . t 1 Totals- .nrri1ill- 4 11 (t 11 4 OAKLAND. ? -'"iaa R. H. PO. A. K. Van Haltren. cf. ..... 4 1 0 0 0 0 Kruger, rf. .......... S 0 1 2 0 0 HmnMt.--iTOWsrl- 6 i-S V-0 T. Hackett. e. ....... a l 14 Devereaux, lb. . ...... 4 .1 J. Hackett, lb. ...... S O 2 2 o ir o t o 1 l- o r rancka, ss. ........ . 4 o Markiey, 2b. 4 0 Reldy, p. 4 ' 0 Totals ...II I U 17 . S Ona man out when winning run was made. SCORE BT INNrNGS. Portland. ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 4 Hita 0 112000212 211 Oakland ....1 0010000010 3 Hits . ..,,.1 00X010 Oil 0 0 8CMMART. FStrucSr ouf" Br"Hn"ders6nriffr W Rrldy. 2. - Left on bases Portland, 6 Oakland, 4. Base on balls Off Hender son. 1. Stolen bases Van Haitren, Moore. - Two-base htt a T. Hackett. Lis ter. Kruger, Sweeney. Home run Heu- derson. Sacrifice hits Sweeney, Mc Credle, T. Hackett, Henderson. Tlmeof game two nouxa avnaao minutes lifn- ptreniuieu. BASEBALL MAGNATE'S tlTWSVRECKEO (Special Dispatch te Tbe Jenrasl.) Tacoma, May 7. Saturday nlght-an automobile "driven at high - apeed . by. Oeorge Shreeder, president of tha Ta coma baseball club, and in which was Danny Shea, catcher of the club, and J. J. Connolly, a business man,, ran into a big tree In the yard of Right Rev. Blahop Keator. Shea waa thrown 10 feet, amaahlng through a picket fence and spraining hla back.. Connolly was thrown entirely over the fence and Into a clump of bushes, and Shreeder waa thrown head flrat over the wheel he waa holding and into the fence. Buffering many bruises and a severe scalp wound. The auto wss wrecked. - Shaai however, managed to catch yesterday's game. ' , . m a "-- ' ,''.T - Bash Boss Oeod Work. ' (Soerlsl Dlspstcb te The Journal.) Spokane, Wash., May 7. Rush waa too much for Butte yeaterday and the locale won easily. Score:- "-- - . ... .. . . n Buit .;.r.o ooioooo 12 , 4 . 2 Spokane . . .... 1 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 4 I I Batteries Howard, Schmidt end 8wlndells;-Rueh and-Stanley. Umpire Betley. .... jcbj-mm'.-. ,-. --i.'.P-u..4-. --.." ' ' I. -wiger ISneeial Ulnvatrb te Tne Jonrsil.V Tacoma, Wash., May 7. The Tigers were too foxy for Grays Harbor yester day, cinching the game In tha seventh. The score;'- j ; : . .... ' .... ... R H TT Tacoma . . . . . . . .0 J 0 0 0 0 I 0 6 I J Grave Harbor ..4 2100000 02 S 2 Batteries Finney and Shea;. Duno bnd Boet tiger. Umpire Huston. sionsl diamond .at Vaughn . street Henkle.-the Kaat Portland -southpaw, was very effective, allowing but four scattering hlta, and ' struck out eight men. "Johnson for tha O. R. A N waa hit hardr but fanned sevan of tne Grays. The. ssma team, will play the second 'game of their series neat Bun day morning at Athletlo park. Bcore by Innings: . ( , - ' East Portland....! IMI11 I 1 Hlta IUM11I 110 o. it. n. ...... o a e e i t s e- nits ...,,..,. e i e l j o i o t Batteries Oraya, Hankie and Jodon; (X R. A N., Johnson and Murray. Time of (xae-One tour and 11 minutes. ewasspse GIG ThccnoimoiiS-pQpulai-. "ity of thislsplcndid "has j been won by quality" 'J sistcntly maintained1 Jit Your MASON, EHRMAN & CO. PORTLAND, OREGON for- A eatajsa, aaaej. earn A sBfe. A AVfaB, tkl Establisheci WE WILI. - Come Cure! We If n ka.a stotatail Mia "Un af kollb aedrmlnln nnr .vafm. tmmm t us tofor mm It- roo ar- , glooms sad- dmpondeat. lis re bad . dresnuvdrprMod. lsck soiottloa ssd energy, aoable to concentrate your thoughts, lark Tin. rlgnr and vitality, eeme to as at ones; oar treatment will stop all drains ssd dprreonM all wesksnsss sad posltlrely re store yos te strength end health. Ws hare enred Inousasds of weak smb. TH0BX WHO HATX BXZkT DISAPPOINTED " BT TJNSKTI.LXD BPZCiaUBTB CAKMESILT REaVESTED TO- IWVE8TIOATC CKB sfETHOOS AWp TERMS WITHOUT nrrif v at - nnwa is vni HAnrHTNA - vauT.n vivi lATin T&EJI TIsIB AMD MOBET. A L-IFE LONG CURE FOR BLOOD POIBOH. SKIB BISEAtH, SOBES. TT.CIHS. STIICTTTBE. - TABICOCBtB, - HY DROCELE, .MIBVOVS SEOUBX, WEAXKXSS, PILES OK CHB0HI0 DISEASES OlT THE KIDNEYS ABO PROSTATE. Ing an-i lnft.niin.tlon tnnp.1 in 44 bnora; rnr-s etfpctwf ln T dara. WE COVER THI XfTIRX FIELD OX SPECIAL ABD OHB0B10, SEEB-BEATED, COifPZIOATED DISEASES. WHITE If rou-casoot cill. All corr.eoo-iic strictly - cnSrtntlal -and ell - renUsa seat la plain enr.iopca. Ka, cases letters or pbologrsphs patlsats eublleaea -er i-CHAReedtWBMOHXTr. ears a patient snn aa4 well, se taat he will fee entirely satlatM, an will sever a rail save U bo trMU4 foe the same trouble IB VESTIOATE AVD IE ARB THAT - OUR WORD IS AS OOOD -AS OUR BOND. OCR riBAMCIAL STAHDIKQ IS SOLID ABD OUR lOtl 9 EXPERIENCE IN TREATIN6) SPECIAL DISEASES OP MEW INSURES TOU Or XODERB, SOIENTiriO TREATMENT THAT WILL ACCOMPLISH A CURE, , - HOUBS S a. hi. to ft p. Evenings. to Sr Sundays, S a. an t 12 seoa.: . CT I AI HC -UEDlCAt oomsrsm bsoobtb abto TAmtrx.ii . or AZX AOIB WBIO urrxBXsTO rsoK weak. Bill ABTD ALZ. BIVOOO, S3BT, VXBTOUB v ABTB FBCZAXt IB . BASES. ' We give those afflicted with any of thene distressing maladies the best of help.- We help them back to sound health, OVR TKEAT- MENT curea. - . We Cure In a Weekf. ent. Our rlnr ' n We . do' not experiment. long JUid extenalve experience the clauses of disease to which we limit our prsctice ensbles us ' to make a correct diagnosis and .to apply tne proper remedies to each case. We take constitutional E?i we know that-b medicine thnt will ault one perartn may disagree "Willi nnullier, Hwrngh stifTerlng' from the same dleease. In the vaat majority of lnatancea WE Where Others Have Failed to Cure We Heal Surely aod. Permanently t 1 :r, .. I, - . ..' '. . v ' If yon are sick we advise you to lose ne time In getting treatment. - Our terma are most reasonable, if ynair means are limited we wtll accept weekly or monthly-installments. OR lOL' TAN PA1 WHEN CURED. You cap deposit the price of a cure In ANY BANK In Port land, to be paid to us when yon are entirely .well.;. ..!-.. - - .- . ALL MEDICINES FREE UNTIL" CURED " .Consultation free.- Call or write for qtiestlnn blank. Our home treat ment Is successful, and cures even complicated cases. Book for men sent itree) sealed en application.-. 1 ...... Office hours a. m. to S p. m. Sunday and holidays. It to 11. DR. V. NORTON DAVIS & CO. '.:' leaSIni1 Specialists la tke BTorthwest. . - BstabUshei last. , TAB HOT SOTBX Ba TXZBD ST COB. KBS, rOBTXABB, OB. . x . . . 1 -"";;), An Dealer's ::. tSTRIBUTERS; ahveh.e ema Years In i Portland CONSULTATION FREE TREAT AN Y SINGLE,' UNCOM WCATED AILMENT-FO . FOR THE FEE. ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NOlPAY UNLES9 CURED Today to the SUCCESSFUL Special ists who number, their. PERFECT Cures by the THOUSAND ! You want a - PERMANENT can ACCOMPLISH IT. , acd sr. tomrteas ef a eoastsnt ersle wHIrh" 1 toi bwon a Bervnos sod ehrslcal wreck. AND tbxbts. fobtxabtd, omxoo. . " -f &V .' --. . 1 m DISPENSARY HELP MEN A l