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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1906)
THE OREGON 'DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND MONDAY EVENING.1 MAY 7. 1908. OIG FIRE SWEEPS SEATTLEiFRMI Arilntrtan - Dock Toeether With , . i - ' : r Contents Burns Causing Loss v I ; - of Quarter Million. VESSELS HAVE NARROW ESCAPE FROM FLAMES Lett to Government in Supplies Will f Be Lerge, at Transport Sherman -4? Was - Loading - for -r Philippines Origin Is Problematical' . -. ... - ii.. . (JlfUIIIll Spa-lal he.l Seattle. Wuh, May Lr-The "Arllng ton dock, on of the .largest, on the . waterfront, - together -with It -content, -,r. jm , completely- -destroyed - by a-r fire which broke out at S:t0 ' o'clock thia --morning, causing a lose f . more - than 1)00,000. .The theory Is that iom work . ross loading the tranapert Sherman was . smoking upstairs In the dock' and when the foreman cam alone threw a cigar .. . '-ette on ttre floor,- causing the fire. Im i mediately after atartlng the fire gained ach headway that before the first -'- piece of -fire apparatua could reach the scene tha entire- dock was a seething -mm -qf--f Ismee. A - general alarm ' brought out the entire, department. The transport Sherman, which flniehed load " tng at the Arlington-dock for Manila - - yesterday, wss taken out Into the stream, under her own ateam. with her '"' rigging on fire and her deck .covered "; with ember. - - '" j j - Teasels Are Saved. '. "The TTorwih.lylng on the-north side ; of the dock, waa also taken off shore. - The firemen had hard work to -save s1iyeft Bhflypa;lWlfcwnlill lay 'just'l above the Corwin. The former's masts and rigging caught Are in numerous places. .--- "'" A number of boxcars standing" on the sidings of the dock will probably ba a total loaa. spiiius feat ttis fire and ssMaSaasBanar? - 'sa --nT-JV' - - mf - -i-uyw . one that was a constant menace--io-th ;.- .firemen and apectatoro- wae the explo- '"" "f w";nt,fr nf rMfrJn'ff and "'""powder stored on the dock. There were .". 1S.00O sacks of oats on tha dock when the fire started, -also - the Sherman's . supplies for. tha trip and many thou. 'sand rounds of Kreg-Jorgenson- sheila, " all on their wsy to the Philippines, thst --- were-destroyed. These were totally 'destroyed. 'The loss to the government will reach I1B8.000. . ; ; ;., ; i JwHl Be Delayed.- .-. l . Quartermaster , Captain . Baboock , . of , ' the Sherman made the following state- : nent "Tha . Sherman pulled out from the goug nlma sua waa 1lug teeatai4nat-JPttt!PILJ after tne alarm' was given under her jnv steam. Bha waa lnchargaofFtratl ymcer H.itsom Tne -ooai was to nave ailed for Manila, on Tuesday morning, ' but her departure will how be delayed " Indefinitely.' rNEWLANDS' RESOLUTION MS REPORTED ADVERSELY ' . ' ' : (Joarsal Speelal Serviee.r . , "Washington, May .7. The senate ' ' committee on ' ftnanoe unanimously re 7 ported adversely on the Xewlands reso lution providing for' the creation of a Joint commission . to consider measurea . , to extend ' financial aid to ' San . Fran Cisco by , guaranteeing improvement bonds saying the proposition ia without the legitimate province of congressional action and Inexpedient -Tha pildeBtgndJtbelJllLjrovjd elexate t sres - f rora T Alaska. DAM ON CACHE CREEK ' GRADUALLY GIVING WAY ' r Mul ftnartal bilm l . ' Sacramento, May 7. The dan formed by tha landslide in . Cache creek Is gradually giving way. Tha first break rcurred last night. There la no danger j of a flood unless tha dam should again reform. , .r. . - Saleim Or.,- May -.7, Dr. . W. D: Mc- ' Karv. who had been ennnectad with tha Oreaon state asylum for tha insane for I lh- aji -i t veam - h.a resignation to take effect aa soon aa tha board of trustees can fill tha vacancy. M ts aesbable that Dr a ffi Tsmleslal will be appointed in Dr. McNarya place. The latter will move to Portland to become a partner of Dr. WcTWHMaraifWUnuy oorresponaenta aaaea. aniecuy aoo,- DrMcNary-wss second assistant 1 will undoubtedly be one of the leading ThysTc!sn at the aylTlm. Good common horse, sense ; will lead any man to realize . 'that good stuff is riot cheap ' and cheap stuff is always ex pensive in the end." r7 This spring our stock is, ' plum full of good stuff, suits from 10 to 925 that are ' wonomical.-r-.Theywill-Bar- I isfy you, make you feel sat - isfied withjis. ' This week k new lot of Outing Suits at ?15i : j PanarruTliats"at 5.00. Fine Sailor Straws, at LION ClotliiiiqO) CnsKuhnProD Men's end Boys' Outfitters. ' 166 and l&STnlfrd Street, ; :: "' ,'' Mohawk Building..;- -;. I'Ill PUN. FOR EXHIBIT k ON LARGER SCALB- ChamberreommercsiCofflrnlt' teto Improve, Displayjjf Oregon Products. A meeting of the permanent exhibit committee of the Portland chamber of commerce will be held thla afternoon to conalder ways and means of enlarging and- Improving the Oregon exhibit la the chamber -auditorium.- -The commit tee ia composed of A. H. Devere, W. H. Mitchell, a. U Craig. H.. M. Haller. R. U Dtrrow, M.- IV- Wisdom.-- President R. R. Hoge of tha chamber will appear before the ooramtttee and give his Ideaa on the ' character and extent of a proper exhibit, aa gathered from investigations made by him .on a recent trip to southern- California. . He visited Los Angelas, San Francisco and other places Just before the disaster there and gathered a fund of Informs Hon an the praatwal aide of the ewe Ject ' of - adrerttsttig- a - communltr by showing Its products. Secretary E. . C. Qtltner also made' similar tnvestigar tlonsln southern California a few weeks ago, -The committee will hear all, facts and suggestions that may be laid berorett.s.nd will -then map' out a pian ana rreme recommenaauons tnai will. It is said, favor the InaUlUtltin of one of the finest exhibits in Ihf United eta tea It ia desired that such a great ahowlng of. Oregon products and rssourres shall be . made that every vis itor will be Immediately convinced of the solidity of thla state's attractions. and ui tha truth of every assertion thai has been made In the literature sent out by Portland commercial bodies and tall- "The truth about Oregon ' la : good enough," a favorite phrase of A. L Craig's, can best be proved by looking at the act uai products. In their fresh or preserved state. The recent Are in the Chamber -of Comnwrct building ae-. rlously damaged tha exhibit, which had been - completedJbtut .JC few .montba and. gTpSrTfon of tha materials wiirnaveo be replaced; JOINS ROOSEVELT IN HIS fmHHHUKDJP Attorney-General . Ellis of - Ohio -T-- Will Wage War on the ' . ." '- Oil Trust. (festeel gs'elal Seiiles.t. fnhrmlm i.-f-n-War-Tll tAFHl vtUfli rat Ellle has Joined with Roosevelt In I prosecutions baaed on unlawful methods) used In Ohio by tha Standard to crush today consulting with Roosevelt. i Special counsel s reoort showa .that The Standard operates In this atatel under five different names, which ' the report calls "Pirating, fictitious com paniea, which destroy competition, by uuderseUlng and then prevent, real In dependents from doing business.. WAITSBURG ACADEMY'S --REPRESENTATIVE' WINS '-. (Special Dispatek to Tee lesroaLt - Whitman. College, - Walla Walla, Wash., May 7. Tha eeventh annual In' terscholastlo declamation contest of the hich schools and academies of tha In land ' E mpire waa held In Whitman chapel Friday evening under the auspices of the Whitman, college fac ulty. .- , ' There were, five contestants, first pTaca belfit s.araff to Miss Maud Sha- renresentins waitsourg academy, wno recited a stirring selection, uf a mile run' of the Tale-Harvard- track meet called . "Winning His T." Miss Ethel Maury of tha Ontario high school J cured second place with How Rubey Plsyed." - . Tha other contestants were David Hill, representing Pendleton high school: Miss ' Juanlta Carmlchael of tha Walla Walla high school, - and Mlas ; Bessie Porter of Pendlaton academy. OAKLAND BANKS ARE ' t OVERFLOWING WITrf COIN . . JoaL 8tlal 8erHee. -tTOaKIkhd, CaJ.,- May 1, lnce resum ing business depoalta In - the - Oakland banks are exeeedlng payments by over 120,000,000. Banks are overtaxed and forcer-ara warkinrdTTPtigrrttglrtr Every- bank Reports s.lsge number of nnsnnsi jgeniars nf iyoasi-Tmr--xesrs to coma.. . TREATY AND LEGISLATION TO PRESERVE NIAGARA " '.'"" :, (Joarait Special Servire.) Washington, May 7. The Internation al waterways commission, for the pres ervation of Niagara falls, report was aent to congress today. It recommenda the amount of water to be taken from the liver be limited, and that, a treaty be negotiated with. Canada to limit its diversion.- v .- -.:;-.,-- -.- -t-- j. e . 0. V. HURT LEAVES FOR - i -ft . . . SCENE OF'SHOOTING (Spwlal Dlspsteh tn The Jenrsal.) ' "Corvallla, Or., May 7. O. V. Hurt left here on -the 12:40 o'clock train today Jor Seattle. He is the father-in-law of Joshua Creffleld, the Holy Roller apostle. shot at Seattle thla morning by George Mitchell. The news of Creffleld'e death almoat caused rejoicing 'In thla city.-. . GOULtTAGAIN WIN IN TENNIS CONTEST (Jnaraal Special Service.) '..' London, May 7 In tha amateur court tennis championship contest today Jay Gould beat Fennel, three seta to one... . BOSTON CIGARMAKERSv INAUGURATE BIG STRIKE (J oar ml Special Srv1re. -- Boston. May 7. Twelve hundred cigarmakera struck hero this morning. Forty employers of 600 of them have signed the .scale. ' . - . x Kosewstex for Oo agrees. . 1 . (Joeraal Special Serriee.) Omshs. Msy 7. In a algned article by Victor Roe water, managing editor of tha Omaha Bea, the'announeement Is made that Edward Rose water, who Is now attending the Universal Postal1 con. grass at Rome, will become a candidate for coogreeg ikla (all. - - SIROIID G1TTLE . is.iiorj on Hill and Harriman Clash in Court ' : Over Maegley Junction ; ' Grade.- "Wa propose to show that tha build ing of. this branch Una of the O. R. A K. waa not made In good faith, but only done to annoy and harass the Portland and Seattle railway. The .grade o the O. R. K. at Maegley Junction Is an arbitrary one. made sSmply to block the building of tha new line into rort- UnoVt-..-- ..i..:. -w-...--r: i. Thus did Attorney Charles H. Carey thla morning announce to Judge Arthur L. Fraser the contention of the Portland and - Seattle Railway company In the matter of fixing the grade at the cross- at Maegley- Junction, near - Bt; onna. -W. W. Cotton, chief counsel for ths O. H.aVN.7 resented; the" remarks- of Mr.: JOdre Fraten was seiectea or ooin tha Hill and - Harriman factlna-to- act a -commission- to settto-the-diepute that has arisen over the grade that has been established by the two roads' at the'above named Junction. The sur- eys now made by the Jwo lines only fellow the tracks of one to cross tnose of the other at a height of 14 feet. whereas x) feet are needed for trains to clear.1 Testimony Is being heard by Judgs Fraser In order-to determine If poeatble which line made tha flrst sur vey and established tha flrst grade at the Junction. v . ' r . W. W. Cotton occupied the-witneee atand nearly all morning. Arthur.. 8. Spencer being tha acting chief counsel for the Harriman Interests. Mr. Cotton read .many papers from a mcsslva vol ume, in .which art.recorded the minutes of v the meetings of ths O. R. N. directors He " said that on Anrll 19. tWSrths Fo"rmrto--of -tW'H'klTfman--roae-, began considering the proposed branch of the O. R. A N. from St. Johna to TroutdaJe. He said that the road , waa surveyed long before Hill's north bauk Una was ever heard of. - i ..- vrr - It ia expected that the-- Hill interests the case late this afternoon. This Is the flrst tlmethat a case 6niilsiorf hss eves been tried In Oregon. ILODGEn RENEWS HIS -FIGHT FOR LIBERTY Convicted Slayet of Alice Min- thorn Seeks Another Trial for Various Reasons. 'Before udgsGMrjririHls. aKerhoon" la being argued the motion for a new trial In the ease at the state against George 1 DlodgetV who has been tound-gullty. I of murdering Mrs. -Alice . Mlnthorn, known as Alice Gordon, in room at tha Van Noy hotel on March S3.- Charles F. Lord is tha prisoner's counsel, while District Attorney Manning and his" chief deputy, Qua C. MosSr, pressed, tha charges on behalf ox the state. It Is tha contention of Mr. Lord that the court erred In allowing Miss Max well, the chief wltnees for the ' state, to read the shorthand notes aha had taken during- the alleged oonfesslon of Blodgett to the district- attorney. . The reading of the confession was damsg lng to Blodgett. Mr. Lord holds that while .Miss .Maxwell might have, been allowed to refresh hsr memory from her notes, the " court should not have allowed her W Tead themr eutrti aha said she did not recall tha exact f words spoken daring1 the confession, -J Another . objection raised by the pris oner's counsel la that at the time Man nlng secured the confession of Blodgett the district attorney was acting as grand- Jury- and that-1t Is unlawful to introauce tne anegea eoniession as evi dence during the trial. Lord also malcu tains that tha prlsonsr was not given the benefit of counsel during the hear lng of the- confession. It Is also held that tha constitution and raws of the United States were violated because the life and liberty of Iheatlsonaf- wa a Jaapsrrt lied without due process ot taw, FAILS TO HEED WARNING" : - AND DEATH RESULTS (XomrnTp53arServlce'.T" St Louis,- May 7. Max Jud, -former minister to Austria, and one of the best known chesa nlavers. dlsd hare todav of ment over a chess tournament progress lng here. He had been warned by phyai clans not to participate. - HOUSE COMMITTEE ACTS - 0N.SL0CUM CLAIMS , - (Joarsal Special Service.) Waahington, May 7. The eenate to day considered tha terms of tha rail road .rate bill aa applicable to private cars. The house clalma committee voted, down the proposition to send tha clalma ot. ths heirs of tha.Slooum disaster to tha court of claims. .- 1 CONFER ON RATE BILL WITH THE PRESIDENT (Jeeraal Special Service.) . Waahington, May 7. Senators Carter, Flint, Perkina and Ankeny ' conaulted with Roosevelt In referenoa to the rail road rata bill today. Tha president aent for the senators. ' , fF DPPRATnRS T: AND MINERS CONFER f (Jnarssl Speetal Service.) -Xaw York. May 7. The miners' sub committee begsa a conference at t o'clock this afternoon with tha anthra cite operators' committee. GRAND JURY BEGINS INSURANCE PROBING . (Jnorsat Special Mervto.) .New Tork..iilay 7.-rTha special grand jury called to Investigsite Ineursnce matters began Ita labdfe thla afternoon, WORK IS RESUMED IN h- -SHAMOKIN COLLIERIES '' (JnaraU. aperi.1 Icrii-l okln. Pa., May '7. Emplo; Shamok yes re- sumed work In the collieries in this vl-i Ashland.-Ntnd- no ressop' for m-.lsf rlnlty today, making tepatre preparatory', t htned In rdlspatnhea to-ths office at -EX-to the early, raeumptloa of mining poat 1 rlslva. Superintendent rieida , sw unppy TO GET T11E fJElVS Shows Unfeigned Delight .When Told Creffield Had Been : Killed In. Seattle, " MURDERERJS BROTHER rOF FANATIC'S VICTIM '. - -I '- - a- Leaves .Portland ' to ' Jrack . False Prophet and Slay Him Starr Pro - - pares to Go to Seattle 'and Aid MitchelL. ..'-.::-- Xreorg3Utdi9UZ:whoahpt and killed J L.remeiain.. oeatue liiis morning, is . a brothen of Mrs. Dora Starr, who de serted her husband, Bert Starr, a week ago Saturday and disappeared In com pany with the religious fanatic. Mitchell jives at .CorvaJHs, . where his people tare resiaea ior years past. ,. : - Information secured at the warehouse of the Standard .Oil company, where Starr Is employed; is to ths effect that Mitchell appeared here Just after his slater eloped with Creffleld and visited Burr at the warehouse almoat every day. They were- frequently seen In conference.. Last Wednesday he die- aDDeared and It waa a-enarallv iin'of. stood about the warehouse that he had I tone In search of Creffleld. What hla Intentions were neither he nor Starr In timated ra any way. Thla morning Starr was called by long distance tele phone . andJnXonned that hla brother In-law had found and killed Creffleld In Seattle. Starr, It, 4S said, received the news with undisguised pleasure "and Immedi ately informed the foreman under whom itarwak working hata-would hav to go to Beatue at once.- He left the ware house Immediately afterward and he Is not expected back . there for a week. Starr la still In Portland, but la planning 10 leave lor Seattle tomorrow morning iojio what Jje. can f orJils brother-ln.-lw snd to ... hi. wlfS, who da.s-t.d h.tT477iL picking dandelions In tha. .front ..yard Mitchell Is said to be a oulet snd un- He made no boasts of what he proposed to do and no one. with the possible exception of Starr, knew hla plana until the news of what he had dona reached here. It develops that Esther MitchelL a younger slater of .Mrs.: Starr,: also left her home and followed Creffleld to fle- snd lived with Mrs. Starr. - She preceded Mrs. Starr by two or three day In her flight to Seattle. , INSANE CHINESE TAILOR THINKS-HEXEATJSABMY1 ; John jChong, a local '. Chinese . e UtloOs saianTis-sufferrhr-- from the delusion that ha la at ek tna neaa or a Dig Salvation -4 Army and that a mob la trying e to crucify him. Hs Is now Jn d the bounty JaS 'waiting . to be" e taken to the Insane asylum at"e Salem. The Chtneae was ex- 4 amlned last Saturday by Dr. 12. D. Johnson, who pronounced the e prisoner Insane and nnflt to be e e." 'at large. d Until a guardian haa been ap d e pointed -tha - patrons of the e : Chong tailor shop are frantic e 4 Several have clothing In the ahop e snd theywant to leave the cltyre 4 ..they declare that they aent-the 4) d mended. Others claim that they d have aults that ahould have been e flnIshedK-andTiOWthey-demand e e tne goods .or tne return or the e 7 money they deposited as a first - payment. - - e In tha . meanwhile Chong e crouchea In the corner of hla a cell, fearing the unseen foe. But every once In a while he starts to lead his Salvation Army. WORK OF CONGRESSMAN T30NESirCOMMENDED ' Congressman W. L. Jones'- work In be. half ot tha Columbia river Jetty waa tha aubject or hearty commendation at meetlug today of thsJaoard of governors af-tha-Eortland, -Ton following motion : was unanimously adopted: That aa Congressman W. L. Jonas of Washington it Jhejpnlijneniber of the river and harbor committee from the northwest, and as he haa rendered auch efficient aervlce In behalf of the Co lumbia river, and haa hla heart so thor oughly In tha work, that Mr. Richardson be instructed to address a communica tion to Mr. Jones thanking him tor hla action in thla regard for services ren dcred In this direction, and expreasing hearty appreciation, r .- . . LOCAL OPTION WILL BE - THEME OF ALL PASTORS ' At the regular meeting of tha Minis terial association this morning It was agreed by the various members that evsry minister tn Portland should preach May 20 on the local option question. - An address 'wae delivered by J. A. Flynn,-wbo urged the necessity of min isters taking more exercise. He Insisted that a certain form of gymnastics, if properly- followed, , would be beneficial to the preachers. A paper Waa read by Rev. S. C Lapham of tha Second Baptist church on - Psychology .and BeveU tlons." . : ' Tlslt of ths Stork. The atork visited the residence of Acting- Detective John A. Meara, -181 East Taylor street, at an early hour this mom In .and left s present for ths fam tly In the shape.of a baby girl weighing 10 pounda. She is a healthy youngster and has a pair of . leather lungs, so her father says., notifying everybody within a radius of a block of her advent SVoeee Xls Position. Mov Ham. i the Chineae police court interpreter, haa lost his position. How ljtm, a Chinese merchant, -will hereafter be called upon to do such work In the polipe court. The downfall of Moy Is due to his retaining $140-. belonging to Tee Chow, aentence'd to psy a large fine on aocount of his association with CUt Brown. of Stewart station. ,? Overland Trala tVaie. .. .' The Southern Pacific overland train due to arrive In Portland thla. morning is reported seven hours late. .The delay wss (caused on the! dlvtelon., smith of iriOUSTRI AL SIIOl'J IS CorrimercIaJ Club Gives Emphatic Evidence of Cooperation in ' v: Movement . : .. Emphatlo indorsement Of the "Made In Xregon". movement waa given by the board of governors of tha Portland Com martial club at a meeting held by them today. .They discussed the forthoomlng fair and the bearing of tha whole move ment on The Industrial growth and proa parity of the city and state, and issued the following statement: V,J.i "To the People of Ore son It is the confirmed belief of the board of gover nors of the Portland Commercial club that no aentlment haa been presented 10 me people or mis state Which means more ; for Its permanent development fostered by the Portland Admen's league,- heartily waaisted by the Manu facturers' association xf tha northwest. tha -chamber of commerce, :. board of trade and this club, ' ..' ;5 v The dates -chosen arsMiv 1 to ts lnoluslve, snd during this time the mer chants of tha city of Portland will fill tnetr show -windows with ths products of tha manufactories of Oregon and give a moat effective Illustration of the pressnt industrial strength of tha state, and as a result possibilities for addi tional workshops in every avenue of proouotion win ta made -manifest. T0 many who are occupied with their own avueawune mm wui oe somewnai or a kindergarten school, but we feel that many thousands will be gratified by the anowing made of what baa been already accomplished by Oregon, and era trust mat wnac taxee place at Portland from the Uth to tha 16th of May will produce such a lasting Impression that the movement, will spread to every part of me state, ana mat in tna anow windows of the villages, towns and- cities of Ore- SOfl promlnence will be given to TJregoiv made good. Until not only the grown people but ecbool children may become familiar wlth.our products. "An active .and energetio committee is arranging a pian or entertainment. nataifiiizil'.ai speclal rates for the occasion, and we I tarrrrrar land Commercial club and the cttjsens of thla city- and state as well will con-; m.m.r .b. .ii.J. r.-rfln-,ut. toll ; . ; -,- "A recent combination of capital- esti mated at U0.0O0.0OO was perfected to control electrical transportation, light ing and power, with Portland as Its seat of operation. There are other combl- mnnrt'TBex Tlns Every portion: of the state -can be oenentea mrougn increasing ita in dustrial opportunities, and for that rea son the "Mde In Oregon", movement should be encouraged by every Influence that haa a desire to realise greater Oregon," ',' , , . " . PLEA MADE BT WIRTANEH Wilt-BeTrlett 'Oil Charge of Mur " deringj Matt Watilo, His . iTzi Former Friend. : Oosta Wirtanen this morning entered a plea of not guilty Xo the clime ' of murder In the flrst degree. He Is charged with having murdered - Matt Watilo, C f ormef frlehd. Aprtl 127" The t Information against Wirtanen waa filed ptU-Zl H. B. ' Adams. The.", prisoner will be tried May 11, the regular Jurors to be called back to hear the trial in case the other Jury work for the May term of the ctrouit court Is completed.' Dan J. Malarkey Is the prisoner's attorney. f i wirtanen la under arrest aa the result of a drunken row, which ended in the shooting of Watilo. The prisoner was a North Portland saloon-keeper, and during the row he waa beaten by those with whom he was fighting. -It Is said that he went to hia room for his re volver. Intending to attack those who had beaten him. . The story Is that, the saloon-keeper was :.sp .blinded Jy2-tha blows that had been rained upon him about the eyes that ha was only able to find hla revolver by feeling about Xor It - . ,- "While coming from -hie -room, it la said, Watilo, who was a most intimate friend of Wirtanen, etepped op to the injurs dTmir'ana1 -wmpraatnr TMerrr him. Not being able to see who was In front of him and mistaking Watilo for " ?- -i"- ii. 7Im? wr-Tn." 1 1 . D U.VU. .HUM . H m I . . ... WESTERN UNION CLERK' TAKES HIS OWN LIFE Leonard L. Kelly, aged IS years, a night clerk In the Western Union tele graph of flee, committed suicide yester day, drinking the contents ot a bottle ef carbolic acid near a boxcar at the foot of Meade atreet The body waa found by two little girls, who notified the polios. - An Investigation was made by Station Officers Parker and Evans and the body 'was removed to the morgue by . Coroner Flniey, - who waa informed of the death. The lips of the deceased were badly burned by the car bono acid he had drunk and a atrong odor of the drug elung to him.'. No motive for the sui cide has been found except temporary Insanity, due to overwork, the dead man being of an extremely, nervous disposi tion. An autopsy revealed that death was due to swalowlnfc tha poison. ' Kelly Is highly praised -by his -superiors as a reliable and conscientious man. He was to have gone to work at midnight Ssturdayr- Instead he went to nTsTibme, X7l. carutherairreat, and-lo" bed. He left home f bout 11 o'clock yesterday morning. Nothing further was sen or heard of him until hfe body was discovered. His aged parents are prostrated. -. "", ... "r BEATTY COMPLAINS AGAINST PICKPOCKETS A comrMalnt waa made thla morning by Ben Beatty, ona ef the police inform ants,-at the Instance of Captain 'Bruin and Ernest Brand, representing the district attorney, ehsrgtng Grant Test and Ernest Engsl with attempted lur csuy.i. By consent. of Henry K. McQInn, attorney for Test and Engel, the case waa postponed until Wednesday morn ing In order to. allow ths district at torney to familiarise himself with the affair.- Test and Engel were arrested flatirr- dsy night by Captain , of Detectives Bruin on complaint of two Til gh school students, who ssid they saw them try ins, M pick pockets.- . . , PKSH CASE IS KEAKQ BY JUDGE I'EBSIER - TetimbhyTht(6oaeedto-l)ecfthj Whether Mrs. Parrish Isa: " . . Good. Guardian.' Mrs. L. o. Parrlsh caused testimony to be Introduced -before County Judgo Lionel R. Webster, this -morning to show that aha had conducted tha guard ianship affairs . of Perry ,Wood .Kerr, aged 17 years, In a business-like man ner.. The boy -was left $1,000 by .his adopted mother. Mrs. Dora B. Davis, and It Is now charged that Mrs. Parrlsh lent her brother, K W. Helm. 81 ot thla money without an order from the county court or without taking- proper security for it D. H. Latham, who went aa surety on Helm's note at the time the 'money was borrowed, was the principal wltneaa at this morning's hearing. , iie 'said that he-did not hold any property in Multno- the owner of 1 shares of the Gold Quarts Mining ' company, "the present marxet value or wnacn was not given. The witness said that he -had several thousand dollars tn a bank and that be owned 1 fO acres - of land - Is : Douglas eounjty. ' .- ...-.!..'. ; Miss Helm, a sister of- the guardian and of the money-borrower, testlfled that Mrs. Parrlah had treated the boy like a mother. To tha statement that he has . been wey treated young " Kerr demure. ' lie aaya that ha has not been treated at all well, and that .ha has been generally neglected. Attorneye John F. Logan and Robert Qallpway appear aa counsel for Kerr: Attorney Walter U. -Hayes appears for MrV Parrlah. - The case Is being argued before Judge Webster this afternoon. - . - - -r - " TRY FOR LIBERTY fan Charged WithT Contempt of Federal Court r?frnTinr T.."" . . - - .. right forj Freedom;" julin J. euliuis may be allowed e g free from his cell In the-Multnomah county Jail tomorrow morning. ' Thla member of the firm of K. Dorgan A Co. of Albany, who was declared guilty of udge wolverton and was ;ted fur Bis refussJtanappear before the grand Jury with the books of hla company, Bled a petition In the Unfted .States court this morning -for an order vacating the former order of contempt Judge Wolverton wlU near argumente tomorrow ' morning and de cide TTolIInr Tate atThat UiM. ' " " Throush his attorneys. L. M. Curl and Persy R. Kelly of Albany,""CbIlIns pleada' that his indlotment by the grand Jury on the charge of having fraudulently taken possession of government lands proves''thathls defense for not appear! lng with the books before tne grand jury waa an honest one. Collins pleaded that If he brought the booka tha evi dence would, tend - to. Incriminate, him, end fie relied'' upon th!S defense' td wav him xrom contempt proceedings. .Judge Wolverton, - however, -deelared him guilty and sentenced him to incarcera tion In the Multnomah county Jail until he did produce, the books, Collins ts In Jail yet and the . books have-not been produced. , , ,. , " ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tha lunw-.tuHlli of the Ruasell araoge-g-llpeT-wTiK;h arrived Saturday .evening from- Bn rrancisoo. movea from Couch street dock this morning to the Portland Lumber Manufacturing company, where aha will load a cargo of lumber Xot Callfornia, The German steamer .Kicomedla was moved from the Alaska dock today to the Portland Flour mills to load a cargo of flour for Hongkong and -way porta. - The ateamer Alliance of the California Jc Oregon Coaet Steamahlp company Billed (est night for Eurska and Coos bay with an exceptionally large cargo of general merchandise and SO pea sengers. . , . ' COUNTY'S . CARE ; PAU PER. Ttex-.ii-,. In tha fall Of USt two COUntV commissioners officially, agreed to eur port -a - feeble- old man-who- reared to be ejeft penniless on the chsiity of a nlwly awakened ountry." Multnomah county .by reaaon""of a declaion In the United States court this morning comas Into the undlsputable possession, of a valuable 70-acre tract of land lying about sevsn miles east of tho city of Portland. The decision comes -ae the result of long litigation, the sols heir of this old pioneer having Claimed the property and ' sued for his supposed rights In court. Old John Barnes came Into the . Ore gon country with the earliest settlers. He took - possssslon - of a number - of tracts, of land, among them this 70-acre piece near Portland. In 115. hla health began to fall. His aupply of ready money was scant, although he had land In sections. . - - In September of that year, he talked with . the Multnomah county commis sioners. They sgreed to a proposal to take care of the old pioneer. In con sideration that ha deed ths 70-acre piece to the county of Multnomah these com mlstoners bound the county to take tood cat-r-f -him - during hla - life. - Land when the transfer was made could be DEFENDANTrDEADfPtAlNTlFF SiS-iMISSING;-SUIT DISMISSED --. "One perty la dead; tha other ie loat with an unknown address somewhere In China. I move the dismissal of this suit" -: ' v'"- ' " ' Motion granted." ; ' ' ' In these three little sentence, the suit brought by Chlng Wo against B. F. Jossey rama to a sudden death In thd United States district, court this morn ing. -The knock-out -blow wss delivered by United States District Attorney Bristol on the ground that neither party could be brought Into court. Judge Wolverton declared the ground to be well taken; the dead man could not be haled Into court and the complainant might i - sell have been basking in Chinese hesveni . Judge , Woiverjon Quickly ordered the word "dismissed written across the page the court OUI!DEIt?l$.TIIEIII . THEORY. Ill .. Police j Inclined to 'Think .Tht : Watland Waa Killed In : , :;i' ;; Quarrel. li:' i.'. ACCIDENTAL DEATH J - - HAS BEEN ASSUMED Streetcar Crushed Him, but Some CircumstaAcee Now Lead Officers WBelieve" He Was Dead Before .' Ha Waa Run Over. J ' ' Circumstances - connected with the ', deatli of A-Waland,"auppoeedly killed ' -by a streetcar at Twenty-first street , and Sherlock avenue last night," have " caused the polloe to' believe that tho '. man - may have been murdered.- Ser- ' geant Jones filed a report with Chief , Ontsmaeher last- night -coneernlngthe- man's death; the details given by him are auch that slips wsre issued this ; morning to all mambere of the plain , clothes branch of ths service and Dereo. ' tlve Frank Snow was assigned to work , exclusively on the affair. t t . Car 114 had been standing at the and of - the track on Sherlock avenue for - about three minutes. Jt was in charsa of Motorman T. Blnkley and Conductor -M. C. Spears. When , his watch indl- . cated . 11:11 o'clock tha motorman started the ear. - It had not moved more than two feet when It struck sn obstacle.-- Tha carmen Investigated as ' - soon aa the current had been turned off -and discovered that Watland lay across me tracK -ana mat the wheel or the car had crushed his skulL' i. Deputy Coroner Myers was -sent -eut-ri- to Inveatlsste -on a report being-made at the coroner's office. Ha ascertained that Watland had made no sound whaf V j ever as the ear bore down on him. ' HS - ' waa struck In auch- a -way that under J:'l ordinary conditions he would have made an outcry. HI arm and shoulder. stwiok by the wheel K-"-t it res diea ills skull. Investigation SergeanrJonee brought out that Watland was aged It years and an employe of the Eastern at Western- Lumber mill: he boarded at Nineteenth and Vaughn st-aats. U- went Into the Sentinel bar at . 1:10 p. m. At this tints he was perfectly " sober.-- , - - In this saloon he met a men named -som TBty are- saloTto have had two drinks ef beer each.--. The party -then left the saloon with -the -announced Intention- of going to" Charles Etkamp's saloon "at Sherlock avenue and Colton ; street 8mith end Watland bad a scuf fle before, leaving tha first saloon but II su believed tu be filendly. - - '- 11 ' Elk&mp's saloon was closed a few rninutes sftsr 11 oi'lwk and ihi prletor, -a teamster- "named - Chase' and Watland -left there. - They separated from Watland close to the csr, they as aery leaving, him In an Intnxlcsted eon, dltlon. - Both men have Informed the coroner that Watland was Intoxicated , and slop t-a abort time In a chair before the saloon waa closed. '', , dOav theiothsi'-SAaad,. nelther'-idmtOT nor motorman saw any vjf - the three persona and heard no conversation aa thef. separated. - A. Peters qn, , mill foremen, hss Informed the . police that Watland was not a drinking man, ' The police have formed the theory that Wat land may have bean dead when the car struck him. -.'. .. ONE WEEK MORE IN JCH TO REGISTER- The- registration - booka will Closer for thla election Tuesday., Maw 15, at l:S 'clock p. m, t'ntll and Including that day County Clerk Fielda wtll be at hie ornee prepared t register alT qualified" voters The managers of both parties are urging all the cltlsens to Iosb tio tlme, but to register at once, . . . , : SUotug; Is Beported. -..;-:r-.. (Josrnal Special Serelce.l Washington, May 7. Consul Bowerts, at Ouadaloupe, French West Indies, re, porta rioting there during elections. . FOR AGED IS - WELL REPAID had In sections fora pair of good boots. John- Barnes was getting s good bar gain.- : ' But 30 . days sfter he had entered Into- this agreement, - October SI, ISM. Z' John Barnes died. He was burled the - next day and Multnomah county took -possession of the land. , . : . Many years afterward an heir to the estate. of John Barnea appeared In the person of Jake Barnea. a cltlsen of Cole- ' rado. He brought auit to oust Muitno ' mah county from ths possession of thla parcel bf land, now worth $7,000. His claims were laid In the United States court because of the fsct that he was ' a cltlsen of another state. .In them he pointed to certain flaws In the transfer of the deed and to other errors hat seemed to exist He asked for an Im mediate ejectment of Multnomah. county. " Judge Wolverton decided this mom Ing that Multnomah county had good claim to the land. Jake Barnes claims were overruled. .Judge Wolverton found . that the transfer wss faulty. aS Jake Barnes declared, but he found that -there had been subsequent legists tlon : which cured the defects, c The exact le " cation of the land ao long in question. J Is ft rods south of section a, township 1 south of range 45 'about tT0 acres. - record where the ease "Chlng We vs. B. F. Josssy" hss so long stood waiting to be tried. - Jossey wss formerly a Chinese In spected He. 'was sued In ths United States court for aassult and battery. Chlng Wo claimed that Jossey had used hint roughly while pretending to be ad ministering he duties of 'an Inspector. Some time sftsrwsrd Jossey commit- led sulcids. . Chlng Wo. having filled a comfortable-slsfd stocking with -the wealth thst he had gleanedr reft for China to apend it His suit against the dead Inspector wss forgotten. ., Hs did not understand, however, thst ths Amerlcsn law requires a suit once brought to be settled or dismissed and it was on .this account thst . United States Attorney Bristol this morning moved i ttrmlnaUoa .