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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1906)
7-r- TIIE OREGON DAILY JOUJllTA t, PORTLAND, , 1 MONDAY " EVENING, MAY 7. saa XOMIOHH Axvtxuxnt, a-niplr i?"". ..' . sisr The 'The Csllroraia ilrl,T ."TO JulM Tries UtkltwM Kobborr' ."w.'.W""!" lii lUkl Rv. 8. A. Slewert. pastor of the First English, church of tha Evangelical asso ciation, closed his first year work yea terday. ' K w a prosperous pne. Th tnuron nas shown a remarkable growth In membership and Its financial condi tion Is food., Plana are already being laid for the construction of a new house of worship. Mr. Slewert will attend- me annual session of the Oregon con ference, to he held at Salem on May 10. The session will .be presided over by Bishop William Horn. D.U.. Ot Clave- nrt. Ohio. - . .,; ' . The tenth and last lecture In the course given this 'season by the Library association will be tomorrow evening ut i - o'clock In -the- Konrth - rnvti-in " church, FlFst and""tibb streets, 1y the Rev. w. T. Jordan. The subject will be .."Down South In Dixie." Old southern melodies will be-sung by the quartet. ' " of the pleasant features of this '. lecture - will be; the appearance of Mr. Frederic Crelts, the violinist, who has just - returned from. Europe, and will give a solo -on this occasion.. The United States civil eervlce coir- mission hss announced the following , examinations: Aid in the - coast and geafletlo survey at a "salary of 1720 per "Lit ar, draughtsman. . In ths- land : offlc .service at a salary of It per day. mu chanlo .In the weather, bureau service at a salary of 11.20 per year and Par v na ma. service at a salary of 11.(00 per - year, m nose oestring to compete ahouitl anores z. A. Leigb, post of flcs depart ment. . , ... - ..,.--' A host of his life-time friends and Dtlslness sssoctatea erathered vaatenfav afternoon to pay final -respects to Louie Blurrtauer, the deceaerd president of the .iiimauer-rniniLDrug r ompany." Short f mwHrwK Trice wiic held at -thB"rirjme or imon Blumauer, There Dr. Stephen Wise spoke of the exemplary life of the rTormer merchant At the chapel th reading of a prayer and the recltatlon- ...r. Of a versa of "An M Ijn Myn" rrn- yioiea mc miax service ot , milium T. Kelly, ; late traveling xreignt agent ot the New York Central , lln-e. who died May t, were held at the J'.iks temple yesterday afternoon. Ex during-the ritual, of the Elks and D. BoHa.Cohciu. spoke slmply-'or the life .of Jhtbdesxi man The body was .taken est yesterday by M. M. Kelly, brother of the deceased. An automobile owned by Edward ir J3te and driven by 'Chauffeur Smith bumped into a streetcar on Fifth-and "Tsmhlll in front of The Journal office " HlllMnv rnllH nf a .halr.p tn th. - occupants,. the orriy. damage done, was "; broken window glass to h car. -; " The annual camp meeting and confor "TnBWlhrTWrMerhodtst denomination will b held -In Sorern this year. The irfamp meeting will commence May 14 " and the "conference- on May.rlQ. Dr. ''f 'Alexander -Beors "Of ."the:; Seattle . semi nary will preside. , , , t w.)V. iv, .. .... ,. v'r-.-- ;: ,T Jacob Wind,, a- bartenrfer at Frits .u. aaloosv la -at: SUVlneeut's hospital re covering from a broken euikle, sustained by a fall at East Ninth and East Ash streets yesterday morning. tH was on : his way home when he fell upon .the -.- pavement-' r -iT-:---r,, -- -i ZZXL-SVr- Chflstensea,--son of Mrr-snd ' "-Mrs. H. P. Chrlstensen, died Saturday -,-nlght at Nehalem.He. was 2 years of age and was a prominent , Elk. ; The ' Elks will conduct the funeral. He Is - survived-By '. a , wife . and , 1-year-old daughter. y- v?.. ; Hy making and selling cakes, the Estacada lodge of Ladles of the Macca bees ralaed $Jt. 50 for the benefit of the Li, San-Francisco sufferera .The cakes. It In number, were sent to the Golden Rule hive of Portland for sale, rr; Charles Ballard will beKhe publish? of the MJlwauklEee.. aPpert tx esubllshed st Mllwaukle, wlthl a short tlme. He formerly published a paper , at Waltsburg and la at" present a mall carrier. .. . - The ball- game-yesterday was delayed for a brief time because of the fall of Bert Treveson from the bleachers '.y the ground, a distance of It feet He was not Injured - by the fall. - - - T"lieap"tneranceSsle on Plants. T5eddingpiartts- a Tspecmnyatrreen houses, T Wllllsms avenue. Geo. Bets, lThemangemnt .Vt. the New TorSj grocery and market. 47-471 .Williams 'A avenue, wishes to thank the public for Its patronage en opening day.; The sales far exceeded their expectancy. The same prices quoted in their ad In The Journal Friday. May 4, noius gooa tnis weea. The telephone number is East 4(0. Plant Roses tif" Delay. Wj have the.largest and best stock la tu' city. You can see It In our Use yaid. Fr onra n rr a m lir streets. Descrtprtv and Illustrated catalogue on request Portland Seed eompany. - , the funeral of A. H. Williams, father of H. A. Williams.-editor of the Esta cada News, who died at the home of his son on ApntlTr-s:-leiajresterdsyJ interment was at epnngwaier cemetery. Flowering .pianta ueranittms, cos mos, lobelia, -popples, carnations, etc. all strong, hardy plants, at reasonable prlcea.- Call or phone Portland Seed company. Front and Tarahill streets. The sum of $10 for' the SarT Francisco sufferers was raised Tuesday-evening at a joint entertainment by the Mil waukie Woodmen circle and brass ban'. : Butser'a lswn -fertiliser rejuvenates the shabby lawn; his sweet pea and lawn grass got gold medal at the fair. Ut Front between TamhiU and Taylot. Watches, diamonds and jewelry en easy payments. 11 down and 60 cents par week. All -mainsprings tl; all watches cleaned $1. Metsger Co,, ill sixth at . Concrete Construction Co, 701 Cham ber of Commerce. . manufacturers of concrete stone blocks. Contractors for all kinds of cement work. Tel, Main 114. Nearly 2t new" members have pledged themselves to join Myracla circle. Wore en cf Woodcraft, which Is to be organ ised at Arista hall this evening. - Wanted Boys and girls for. both our eandy and - cracker factories. Pacific Coast Biscuit. C? Eleventh and Davis. We are still selling eve glasses at tl. a perfect fit guaranteed 'or money re funded. Metsger Co., lit Sixth street Though St Johns has no complete system of fire protection . and both aa to water supply and . apparatus the volun teer companies are. f indlnar - cauaa for complaint, in other respects , the town ' ng an. possible . to decrease the danger from disastrous conflagrations and the general fir ordlnanoa just passed by the council I expected to pro vide the prevention worth several thou send dollars worth of cure In the way of engines and high water pressure. The ordinance gives , the fire board. Composed of the mavor. -marshal and city engineer, absolute power over the situation, and m addition lays down a set of rules for their guidance that are ss wide reaching as those set forth In i-tne- lerwrltera:.reporta Dr- Hawke haa. returned. 08-t. Orer gonlan building. - Telephone Main 1412 E,' Walborn, furniture repairing, poV- lafacWnjrshlppJnf "Free presents with school shoes, "eut prices. Marks Shoe company. , DuStless Roads.! Portland Road OU- inar-Co-41 Sherlock. Jmlldlng. . IUARIER-UILUON- Lett Than Two Thousand Dol- Jar$JJeededjlOlriDj to That Mark. A total of 1 721.50 was added today to the San tm nHaoo reileKT7uiidih the htfnds of the finance committee of the Portland relief committee. This brings the grand total of the fund tip to $!4i,- Itl.tOF- tiesa Wari"Z'.90O remalris lo be raised to bring- the . fund - up to the Quarter-million, mark, .which the comr mlttee bopes .ta reach before subscrip tions tsease- coming -ire A there are several benefit performances of various kinds scheduled for this week, the funds of which will "be turned Into the finance eommtttee,T"there " Is "no doubt' lo . the mlnde of the committee but that the desired amount will be easily secured. Practically- an -local - relief - work - is over, only a few of the refugees coming In on the regular trains. Those already In toe city have been well cared for- Th member of the finance commit tee are bnirtty engaged maklng-up their reports, and disposing of the funds In their hands as they are most needed In San Francisco. rhe subscription received today are I as ronowsr .. -.j,.. . 4.. Viola Thayer, I C. eertlfl- fate Ju...rr,l "I.BO Citlsens of Warren, Oregon,.. S5.00 M. McNamsra . JO.OO Employes Portland Flouring Mills' Alblna plant........ U .1JI.00 EmpIoyesBlske-MeFaltTC.'.- 45.00 FIRblfflS-nilOE Ml STRICT You Can't Build a Bonfire In St ; Johns or Boil Tar in . ,.':V7.,;. th Opsn. --;V:- IF A CHIMNEY" IS BAD " " YOU MUST TEAR IT DOWN " f 4 " Shackt Cannot Be Moved and Frame T Building! Can Be Repaired But Once a Year Each Night Shavings Mutt Be Stored in Safe Place. It is provided that no reDalra ehall be made. to a wooden structure In the fire limits of the town. If such an improve ment Increases tha value of the building more than It per cent and that ln-ny event but one permit to Improve a frame building In the fire bounds is to be given In a year unless the structure is dam aged by flre.rr. No frame-bwildtn are shatti be moved from one part" Of the fire dis trict to another unless It Is removed to make way for-a permanent .Improvement Any building that has been damaged by fire to the extent of 4 per cent of Its value must, not lee being glvea-by-tha-l board, be moved without the fire 11m- days have expired constitutes a separate offense for-which the owner can be fined and Imprisoned. Should tKe owner even then prove obdurate the board can cost of th work from .the owner. !-. '-v.iiWoodem Cornice Barred ---? m No wooden cornice shall hereafter be placed Jn the fire limits of ft,--Johns, every" chimney or flue must be of tlTtiiH m m i i tmm tlil.l. mm,l built from the ground up ana""ahj"Ufi-"t safe -flue - may. be torn down -ftjrme board's order and rebuilt at the 'expense of -the 'property wner. Ncrashea .shair lHtJlrdjiLJvodjrn receptacles or with. 1 In 10 feet ot combustible materisi. ana "T6T1 ........ .. Previously- received Grand total r;1:;.;. .1 -n.B0 ,......S247.tO.10 .t74t.ltl.IO WOLLABER Gm NOTICE OF HIS PROMOTION A. B. Wollaber, for eight years first assistant observer In the of flee of -the local weather bureafl, has received- offl- rial -mtlflettn of hie promtlef--t poaftto'trf 1trt -foiecaster-at An- geles. A-host of his friends in this city will be delighted to hear -of his good- fortune.... Louis Ludhols of Bait akeCllv sutteeds Mi. Wulraber trrthe local office. lie started work today. We wish to lay stress on special the it.tht our useiptqd ihe highest elass: of pirating jilTLtliQ F.W.Baltes(,eo. First and Oak Streets Main 165! no one Shall manufacture combustibles In the town or build a" building for the manufacture of combustibles without a pemTt:rTTrllnc1wdes-traPiti fai.tiM leavj saw end planing mills, coat yarns, ve neer- Plants and similar enterprises, end applies ot only tev the lira . limit dis trict- but to theentire town,- waterrront and all. It Is nofthe Intention -of the council, however,--to- discourage such Industries but to regulate them that much of the old danger enay be escaped through the construction of better build Inn and the careful watching by the companies of their rubbish and. lumber piles. - - . ,- - . -r. ....... !' Any workman tnat maxas snavmgs must each night deposit, these in a safe place, and hay, grain and fodder must be stored In safe places. Spark catchers shall be placed on all stacks and chimneys from steam enginea or boilers and when'necessary moss shall No onen fire shall be started in ine streets or onjhe lots In the fire llro lts7snd only ..outside - these "bounds If H fir la (0 feet from all buildings. pitnh tr or asDhaltunv cannot be burned, boiled or heated within 10 feet of houses,, boats or frame cunnings or any -sort, unless -4t--ls in. a. fireproof building. E reb? (B Watt StmQQm&M Three great special lota of " Cluny. l4ica Curtains, made thebest French and edgingwhite or Ara bianvery - rloh styles; grand value at ' CI nay Cwrtain 9M.J9 ti.00 CI any Chirtaijaat3.Tj KM Cluay Curtaias $JO 20P pairs of full meroer- 1 Ised portlers. In - greens, re4a. blues snd brown; -. heavily fringed, very rich effects; (0 Inches wide by t yds. long; reg. tt.7i values, on nt ale at, pair.... y Bagdad atrtp couch cov ers, I colorings spienaid styleat 10 Inchea wlda by J yards long; great ' est : values we ever of- f ered at this low price: each sr- v.-v r.--,$a.44 Special lot of Orllls, feet or less , wide; complete y -With - corner pieces; t patterns; mc. A rtt value for..$0.4U Magnificent shewing Of high-class drapery materials,- In figured Shalkl silks, figured crepe silks, damasks and armures. Mew brass corners and ornamental places. - , .- ... 'e' V " 1 Custom shade and drapery work our specialty; -beat 'materials " and workmanship, and at the lowest price. All orders prompUy executed. f ..s,.. --,-- ' Wf mre-eol Portland Vudor Porch SliilQss s..rx shade on the market made of Linden fibre strips permits the air to 4relat and keeps trat the sun; well made and finished. Complete with ropes and pulleys best values in town at ' feet y feet leas;, each. .S2.TS eet y S feet lorn, eaek. .S3.SO feet by S feet loaur, oaeli. .$4.50 10 feet y 10 feet lea, esoh. .$6.50 60 cents , less If you put them up yourself. Third Floor Phone Bx- CVVeare sol-Portlna agents for "Oetermoor" Klastlo Felt Mattresses Third Floor. Beds. Springs. Pillow and Comforters, on th third floor. : I' t "TV riV ' J 01 Corset Cover EmI)V 59c 3500 yards Of beautiful new corset-ver ltmbroiderlss on 1 at half it real vtilne EnglUh tyyelet and dotted Swiss itatteras In grand a&sortmcnt gmbrolderlea that would find ready tale at prices to $ 1 Choice C Q of entire lot tit, yard. ..::....-t:....... JVC "3." !--'.- and Jnsertlons;- - very best yard, for, dosen yards. . . . , 8,009 yards of Swiss . Nainsook and . Cambrlq Embroidery and Insertion, suitable for women's and children's wear; very pretty designs, in large . variety, 1H to. 7 Inches wide; value up to (So yard,, v -. at,, yard ......;','.. jC 10.000 yard of Swiss and Cambria Em " broideries," t to t inches wide; -valuesr .. up to 40c tha yard; sr- -""On laldTtomorrowZ aOara" .""Tr: X 10.000 yards of Cambric Embroidery ' and Inaertton, In - beautiful designs; -width-from-- lHtey t-taeheaj5 -value 7c $2.50 Alio vers at $1. 19 1,100 - yards of handsome Batiste AU overs, large and smdll designs, for waists, yoke, summer ' dress - trim mings, etc: values up to a yard; oq sale tomorrow - ' C 1 In - at this low price, yard. '.V..". elel7 Machine-made Torchon Laces and Point : Paris Laces and Insertions; values up to 18o a yard; .. , -.- -..- - on. sale -at, yard................. OC Immense lot of round-thread VsU-Laces designs: values up to 12.00 dossn '--up to I0 yard: an sale at, yard 73c 1.000 yard of ll-lnch ' whit All over" Laces baby Irish.. Cluny.' Valon- J clennes and figured nets, in a very large variety of attractive designs values up in st yru, v . fortho -special low price of, yard. ."vV.";'7.V..'J. ."..v.'.ii.. .'. C Sdc of Dinncrware 4 " Closing out- stock of - patterns of -Amerloaa-SemK asiwsre laurrns Mwjufvy."; annirlng green floral decorationBrt?res,T ised manufsf wai.lal ml mu tstsa mi :0c Pickle Dishes. . for., each . . ... 154 too Creamers. each. . X5e? -Ha JAn srrfST TtnSla. ' for. ' j . i each I'm: .. ..oX47 tBc covered Vegetable . -pishes i...-..6l4 ?Sc covered Vegetable - - Dishes . .' ...... . .694$ -iSc oval Vegetable heg loe oval Vegetable Dishes ... .. . ...Z3 iSe jovar Vegetable - ; . pishes . . . .....274 SOe Platters, eac too Platters, each... 23$ too covered Butter : . .Dishes.- each . i.;.4Te lto Pitchers, eac b... 14$ $1.78 -Cups and saucers, -do .... .......01.39 74P1 too Pistes.- i-ln.- do.e3 tl Plates, T-ln., dos..T& tL10 Plates, do. . . . . ..54 tl.40 Plates, l-ltw dog. .. -ei'l-X ZtLHQUtt-a'lSJfl, 41 4 0e Independent Buttera. dos. .... .. .' 31 tOe Bauce- Disbee, - - - do.. .-' -3 vdf ac .... a1.11 Bone Plates," AOS. ' i e -eeeeae r 8Te7 5a Wto PAfitt T l9tf Screens: l mudels. at spsslal lew prices this week. 1 f x J 1-inch,-1 Bo - -values . , . . Zl g 4xtt-lnch, -valuea.a8 I4x7-incn. eao values.... a7e) lx4J-lnoh, 44o values.. ..38 t0x4t-tnch. fOo valuea. .. .414 Philadelphia Lawn Mowers, best - made, each. SB. SO to SS9.00 Meier A Frank's Special Ja wn TMofnafiriB:tt:5fflrt uaraen nose,, ee-ioot . lengtns every bose guaranteed S4.88 to ". . . . . $noo , ' Complete stock of Refrlge-. den.. Toole, t.Oas- Stoves - snd Ranges, Hot Plates, Oil Stoves, etc. Basement. - '. . $32.5a Rags at $ 1 3e65 Special "sfay tbUe bargain la Portland's greatest ear-L . peC.1re ,100..Jautifui imiwT nsaign mna ftninr rnmhiastieasi sise, s ise a lnche by n feet taenee regular - em sale at the very- low prtoe of....... I'tlllimn S3SJO yatae.' I I SI3.6SII 500 Axminstcr Rugs $1.98 Great special lot 'of to fine quality Amtnster Rugs. In : Navajo designs and striking oolor combinations; sixes' ifxsu-incnee; every rug tn tne lot 1 The largest and most complete stock of Carpets and Rug on the Pacific slop. Every good grade la all the leading makes. - Carpets, Bugs, Linoleum, Mattings, Oilcloth, etc. Third Floor. ' - - ' 10,000 yards of Chines matting, extra heavy quality; - fancy patterns. In great assortment; . . . , great special value,, atjard, mtU.u.u.u...lDC This -ordtnanca has aomeotherprovl- aldea beatdea those erven and Its strict enforcement, which will be attempted by the board. Is expected to make the town secure even with Its present slight protection so fsr aa water and apparatus a-oea. One-of. hachlefreaonjtPrthe strlctrffrfltna ncehr -th w -etcJSlve-Hgurt ance rates that obtain in tne ousiness district, the prevailing- rat In -the past having been higher than the lgl Inter est nthe: money Jnyested, MORE ROOM NEEDED St, Johae School Must Be Balarged to Meet Immediate Demaads of Pupils. rmntdaiiiuii uoiiitr jia.tqa forxthe building of a suitable city hall "the -Stoiin:3sJuiayeriwlUJisYetaipte a considerable bonded Indebtedness to enable the school district to provide for the numerous chlldren-wh rTresent are being given scant attention,, owing to the - crowded classes In the single building . the, district affords. Last summer a costly addition was built to the old central building and It was believed that the district - would not have to make any more Improvements of this sort for two or three years, but the growth of the town kept on and doaena of families were added each month to the permanent population of the - place. ; At least two additional rooms are needed at present and before the next year 1 begun four . or five rooms will be required, i -:- l - . ' : The ' taxpayers of the district will probably have to vote tlO.OOO In bonds for a new building ana tne enter ques tion at present Is whether this shall be an addition of four or five rooms In the present building, giving It It rooms In all. or whether the children of -North St. John shall be accommodated by the erection of a four-room building there. There are numerous adherent for each nlan. but all will unite on the queatlon ef expending 110.000, for Improvements, as this -need I Imperative and so recog nised. For a time It wae hoped that the legacy of-Mrr'Jns-might be realised on, and money secured for the Improve ment, but this nas proven lmpossioie snd for a couple or years at least the district must raise Its own fund for It Improvement. - " EAST SIDE NOTES.' 7 east aide push club and many of th residents of the Mount Scott country. A branch of the Portland library ha been opened at lOtt Union avenue for tha benefit of the resident of High- :nffaB4ernoicher;belng-o- branoh library In that entire diatnot. wnicn is far removed : from the city - reading rooms. Later, should conditions and natrbnae-e fustify. thoee behind the In novation expect to secure- funds to open eadingand .periodical., room. , ins tiMM will be in cnarge or. jura. . ux. andwfllbe open : Wednesday snd-Sat urday afternoons. - - a series of SDeclal meetings Is being conduoted at the Highland mission by 1 Rev. -George :W. onrnn ana a large attendance ivas oeen secureajoxjnia hftett venture In east Side mission work. I Tha aneclal - meetings - will, continue . a weekjonger. "May Sdeof Bed Spreads Hemmed Mareellles pattern bedspreads f . - 7A5 regular tl values, or the special low prlooof.... BV Hemmed Marseilles pattern bedspread; the best values; . "." : 'Cl.OS on sale for tnis low pnee. . . . ........ , - V Yrlnged Marseilles patters, bedpTeadr7ihbet ItteH " are on' sale at this low price. .... .r... leaf O Fringed MarseUles bedspreads; the reguUr $1.7 grade, are on eale - - 5 fK -tbt th low price of.rvr ...v. ... tl SO grade of hemmed Marseilles bedspreads, are on . hale at this .; ,. J9 low. price, each ey a e e Colored bedspreads, frlngedrpmrw tolut-T fTT -gf .valu extraordinary at-thl low prtoe... ..; IeJ Sheet and Pillow Cases the largest and most com plete stock in the oltyv Every- good quality In all slses and styles best values guaranteed. Beet- values, in table linen all grades. fc 1 , .- $1.00 nd S..2SS Silk t"69cYartl 1.009 yard of .handsome new LouUlne and Taffeta Silks., - for waist, suits, ate. . very pretty - styles. Including pin ' stripes add checks, Dresdens, plain colors, etctieto black and whit atrip, brown and white, gray and white, gray - and black, hello' ' and white, blue and white, eto.1 regular tl.00 and f n . value at. yard . ..... ,07C 10,000 yard of plaln-oolored Taffeta Sllka. In every eolor on the shade card" quality of taffeta - tlk other store - 7" you Its and tLOO a yard for; - our - specisi , pric xor thl week is, per t -'-f-yard ...3C "Harvard Mill Underwear for women;, high neck and lonr sleeve vestst low neok, quarter-sleeve vesta, knee . length pants, gause Hales, hand finished . with silk crochet; all slses; 65o values a ' for the low price 'of .......................... .4CSC Women's Swiss ribbed vests; high neck and quarter y-leevei-pure white; all sixes; - Ha values, on sale for. ...... . ......... OC Women's Swiss ribbed vests, mercerised and drop .. stitch; low neck and sleeveless; lac yoke; pur white only; all slses; extra special - . for a few day at thl prloe. ......... sIC Wowen's and - children's . summer underwear. In . all grade. ' ; ' ' .7 '.. Men's and BcUndgrww - Men's and boys- summer underwear In all the best styles and grade shirt, drawers and union suit a plendld atock to select from. Agents for the Ramie Linen Mesh Underwear. - - - CDICAGO PAINLESS r jkff ! S' ' : 3035 Waah. SU Cor Fifth St u l -V. r?;' L-Zj. ' ' ... i I ., 'TTSlSSS S ,t-I S III ' Tl II - II PORTLAND -HEIGHTS ASKS : BETTER SEWE Residents Complafn to ; Health - Authorities That Conditions -i - There Are Unsanitary. 7 - Realdenta of Portland Heights ar complaining of unsanitary conditions of that vicinity. Several communications from the Portlsnd Heights Clvio Im provement sssoclatlon have been - re- 22-K Gold Crowftg.. $3.00, tS.OO Bridce Teeth., ... ...$3.00, $5.00 Gold Filling. .$1.00 up Silver . Filling . v . . 50c Ow practice Is limited to blik-srads axamina. work. tkio free, estere&es. - Nothing bat the best. 10-rssr m Opea evsaiags aa Suadars. narsntee. LAVENTliAL BQ05 WHOLESALE 7 LIQUOR DEALERS Formerly at I0t-Ill Sacramento Street, oan ranciaco. wai. t07-toe Washlngto St, Oaklaad, OaL Customers Kemlttlng Send Coin. or. Cur- - rency by Rxpresa At the -morning service of the JBell- wood Methodist chnrclr-yesterday the city board of church extension, secured the eongregatlon'a opinion aa to ' the advisability of erecting a new church to cost about 14,400, The majority of the members were in favor of the Im provement, and an effort will -be made to secure the cooperation of the ex tension board. Clerks In St Johns are agitating the early closing - question. At present these clerks work 14 hour a day and the- plan proposed is to have th stores of the place close at 7 p. m. each day of the week except . Saturday.- Tonight, the Ar'ia Improvement tlub will meet and otacusa the proposed an nexation to PorUaod. that la favored bit Do You Wanta-Paino? . W have the ' good makes at prices that get. the business. . Stelnwa " and ten other makes for you i t select from. A ' '." ' We have a number of hlgh - grade second-hand pianos. If you wsnt to save money It will pay you to call on ue. ... -. Dundore Piano Co. - ' STSIWWATDSAXSB. ..' 134 Sixth Si, Opp. Oregeaiaa Blaf. Sheet Musto 'Victor . Talking . Machine. c eelvad by city official but nothing ha been done. There is a. lack of sewerage, espe cially on the south slope of the heights, and the residents, have to depend en tirely on cesspools and septlo tanks. Both' have been found .unsatisfactory. If not tq. the. owner, to the other propr erty owners located below them on th slope. Garbage -la also, dumped in con spicuous places, causing offensive odors and threatening the health of th com munity. - City Health Officer Wheeler received a letter from W. H. Fear, secretary of the Portland . Heights Clvio Improve ment association, today, setting forth the .conditions on the heights and ask trig him to take Imiriedlate step. Dr. Wheeler and Plumbing Inspector Hey will make a tour of that district In the near future ' and will make such recommendation to th board of health aa they deem neoeaaary. Th plumbing Inspector ha already recommended In hi annual report that the sew erase system from Fourth street be extended In 6rder to accommodate the rapidly growing settlement on th south ld of the height. If this sewer Is laid It Is thought by th Inspector that th conditions wm be greatly Improved. Milwaukle Country Club. Memphis and LCulsvlllo races. Tske Sellwond and Oregon. City car at First and Aidty , -,. . One of the Conspicuous Signs on Market Street, Saa Francisco. - TFe Grand Opening of the - New York Mkct & Grocery : 477-479 Williams 'Aveprae, near Eugene, which , ; occurred Saturday, May 5, was a grand success, : r and . the management wishes to thank the public j ni for its patronage. . The prices Quoted in their ad : in The Journal Friday, May .4. hold good all this T' week including next Friday- - Then watch for their ad -May lVfor.BARQAINS- ' i CORRECTION The phone "number in the ad read --Zast640and should hare read EAST 460,--. : DAN M'KINNON. Manarier (Formerly .WitH McKinnon Grocery Co Third St.) 'i , 335 MORRIflON 8TREBT Mbncter Fir err eur.r"!. iirsi.ivs riMRnir avti t.Arr' J on. All i ' dnmagetl by fir end water must I - "- ' ; c :i ' : r 3 T.-i SALK TC.r-