The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 07, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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B SSSSg3aaSl fagS;
A four Thousand Dollar Each for
Sixtssn of this Twsnty-Ons
"sand for Other. , ;
: For It of th 21 efndahts Indicted
. Saturday, by the federal grand Jury 'or
. timber uid frauds. PU ha oeen
' Vnlted Bute District Jige Wolver
ton at ft.OO. - Flv of tb indicted mn,
who ar retarded a minor f Igures In
i the alleged eoneptraey, wilt fee roo,nlrd.
to rive bond In the lum 'of tl.00.
: - Th dafoodaota who. will be rqulred
V- to rive bail In the sum of $4,000 are F.
ijf. Welch and Ralph E, Gllchrtat, Pat
rick Culllgan and James O. Jdacpheron
f Alpena, Mich.. H. W. Btone of Ben
liTjon.: M m n.r B. AUen;r .-:er f",'
and H. Judd Palmer of Portland. Ed-
- - xnund Dorran, SV J; Devlo. Malcolm
MoAlpla and John J. Collins of Albany,
. Inarlee M. Elaine, John Combe and M.
V . Brink of Frlnevllle. Baron C. A, M.
chllerhoSa of -Little Roctv Ark." The
minor defendant,' whose ball waa fixed
at t J.006, are Donald F. Bteff of Prlne
' 'villa. J. W. . Hopkins of .Vancouver.
-Washington, W.-W, Brown of Seattle,
v- Thomas H. WetXIn of Albany and Ed
H. White of Portland. i
Several of the Indicted men called
thla moraine at the office of Vnlted
tateei District Attorney Bristol to ar.
ranee to give bail , ., .
' i ' A teletram from "Washington today
. otatea that Secretary Hitchcock says
: that he I exceedingly gratified with the
,-Oregoa grand Jury results and that the
TSOTernment'trrwaejsrwa-: considerably
', strengthened, tn hi opinion, because of
-r- the heavy bond Axed by the court. He
aid that It was the intention- of the
T- department to continue to prosecute
Abase- alleged fraudulent land transac
tions, and he aeon expected further re-
aejnidfli jrest-
rhe we uMaeiUj tnveett.
attorn sloug-the-same line-
m mucKLitN's mm
.iiteESJo close::.
Blue Mountain Range Allotments
. Are Mad by Committee at
r ' 7 End pf Long Session. .
(Seaetal DI.eetcB te The Joern.l)
endletoBT Or- Mey T Thools
stockmen's meeting held .in Pendleton
Saturday and Sunday, attended by hun
dreds of sheepmen and stockmen from
lImtUla:.Morrow, .Wheeler and Grant
counties came to a close al 1 o'clock
thl - morning.: -' After a continuous -
- ton of ! boors hs stockman's commit
- tee finished the work of allotting the
range in the Blue Mountain reserve, at
- ... 1 o'clock last night In allotting sheep
in the reserve, IT.OOe head ' applying
v for' range were rejected. The total
V. 'number allotted was 101,000. The com
mittee allotted 4,171 bead of cattle, re
- Jerting ll head. - :
- Tb allotments recommended by the
- etockmeo ' committee will be aanc
" tloned by D. B. Shelter, superintendent
.' of the Blue Mountain reserve, who Is
. In conference wltn the stockmen here.
: The allotments are apparently satis
factory. - The aheep rejected held no
rights lo rangeln .Uic'reeerr aocordlng
to the sheepmen's unwritten codes.
. (Kpertal Dlspstdi te The Joe real.)
' 'University of Oregon, Eugene, Or.,
.. May T-rDell I- McCarty, a member of
- " the class of . whose bom is at Pen
dleton, has bean sppojnted assistant
" manager of th track (jffm.'Ho-fUl th
position mad vacant by the resignation
of F. I Btockwell. Th selection wtll
ef raMe4 by ' the atnletio ooonciUff a
few days and then MeCarty wlU be In
line for the position of manager next
year. . .'
smdeeot Btvoro Case.
Z P-tsl IXepetch te Tse lovrasL)
rcnaietcuOrAUj .JIn-ii clr
cult court In Pendleton Samuel Ende-
cott commenced, divorce, proceeding
sgalnt Barah J. Endecott. The parties
2"mar5?r,T ,l '0. t Wast f
Ptalnv, Mlsaourt Th pis to tiff charges
oeseruon. - .
...,t v . .....
- - r ' ;. ,
(Journal Special Service.) V' .'A"- '
'"Tv - Danbury, N. H., May 7.By the purcJjaseof .valuable farm
. property here this week Dexterf J-.- Perkiniriieiuaer Danbury's
heaviest taxpayer. Perkins Was one of the last town charges sold
under the old pitiless system of auctioning off little boys. That
was 50 years aeo. He was one of
and his father being ill and unable to provide for his little flock,
appealed to the selectmen. The auction of thejad was advertised
... uy iiic town crier tnrougnout the village as a town charge.
..; From a boy without a cent, without shoes or stockings and with
lagged clothing, Dexter J. Perkins' ambition energy and shrewd-
ness have won lor him the distinction "f ng th rrni;n.nt
r. man iq Danbury. - .
- Jccrsal Spectal Sn-rlns.)
" Plttaborav May T-Whether or not
' man tan forge hi own nam I ques
tion th local courts havs to decide:
V AU clubdom In Pittsburg is talking of
. a rase which grew out of a pool game
,: played at Uo Duqueane club between
Byron Robertson, a wealthy iron broker,
and Kennedy Swing, equally well Mown
',end wealthy. Tb gam had been going
for some time and wa getting slew,
- when wn player . auggestad Uieyplay
v I point 'for tl.n. - P.wlng lost The
gam Sod be promptly draw hi eher
for 1,fi th aeond -National bank.
Lewis County Pomona Grange
. Holds Enthusiastic Meeting
: : . lv at Cowlitz; Wash., ..
Change in the .Method of . Electing
County Commissioners So That
r Only Electors Residing in a District
Can Vote la Aaked. '
. (Joaraal aptelal aerlc. '
Wlnlock. Wash., May T.Ths Lewi
County j'omShann'nflM has closed - a
rousing two days session at Cowllts.
rrv mlls eat of thl place. 'The at
tendance wis unusually large and enthusiastic."---'
r-v-r. -V
Matters of local and state interest
were taken uo and discussed, th farm
ers proving that they are close student
of ' political . movements and .current
events, and many of them displayed
marked talent , as speakers and rea-
Sonera. . - ' . - ; 1 ' .; . .
The following resoiuiions., were
adopted: -. - .
-Resolved. That tt te tnseniisnen
of the Lewis County Pomona' grange
that the present road Jaw of the state
of Washington. Is ' Inadequate to the
needs of the people at large, and we
urge that the stats grange draft a bill
to be presented to the next session of
th Washington legislature, demanding
the repeal of said law and the restora
tion of thaJaw in existence oeiore toe
present law was enacted, or the enact
ment of a law that will more fully and
satisfactorily- meet -theneeds of that
clan of th community whose business
and occupation require constant use of
the highway and who comfort- nnd
success demand good toads.
Resolved. That w are opposed to
th "one man power aa exemplified in
the -present unlimited authority of the
board DfcountX commissioner, and,
that wo sve aa enulUbie township JEi.
"Resolved. That w . favor a change
ty commissioners, so that only electors
residing in th district a commissioner
Is to represent shall be allowed Jo vots
for a candidate for that office."- r
C. W. Free of Alpha wa elected
delegate to lha UIl grange, which wUl
meet In Spokan June I, and T.
fJeerBSl aeeial Bervlee.)
Washington, May T. The Irrigation
mment Into . th .cement-making busi
ness. It has been making cement In a
ouiet way and seems likely to extend
operation In that Una. . To construct
th dams for tho It Irrigation project
under -way, m the, fsf-wesc tlia goTernri
ment -either wa oompeneo to-ship
cement ' f rom Kurope or i from the far
aaatern seaboard or manuf actur its own
produot In th Bait river project la
Arlsona a test has been mad which Is
very - "satisfactory to tho government.
Hundreds of barrels of cement ar being
turned Out dally at a cost far below the
market price. Many of th government
works are remote from railroads and
cement beds are adjacent to them. So
thoroughly aroused ar th people of the
II states and territories to th neoe
stty for completing these project that
they will Insist . that th government
proceed with th msnnfacttire-of enough
cement to complete th projects
, (poclinrfptck te Theournal.)
Hot Lake, Or.. May . 7. Architect J.
V. Bennea cf Baker City, who has th
tioe.000 contract for building th new
hotel at Hot Lake. I completing the
plans and has called, for bids for sub-J
contracts ana wiu negin construction
work Jun 1.
Dr. Phy, manager cf th sanatorium
and hotel at Hot Lake, states that It
In Ma Intention to inaks this the finest
resort "of Its' kind "In the entire "north
west. No money will be spared to at
tain this object. -
(BimHU MatMteb- to TU lomiL)
AeiVila wA ffis Uo V. A ..iu-i.. .a
ChieVyeeterdayliW all ifainsZ3 wo
section of No. 1 passed through here ocioca tnis morning.
Robertson deposited th check but wa
called to the bank jtec sod .informed
that the signature was not that of Sw
ing. t. ' - I
Robertson protested, declaring h saw
Jwlng sign it, but the -cashier was 0b
durate and showed htm Ewlnrs legal
elgnature. which was wholly different
rrom .the one attached te- the check
Robertson went to Ewlng for an ex
jlanatlcn but It Is alleged that Ewlng
treetfd the who e matter . int..
Rnberaon at onte planed th case In the
hrAa m aa as. ' " "
nr '
Fourteert Tubes Being - Con-
' structed Under Hudson and
- - East Rivers That Are .
rTvExpertment.' 7
(Joornal Sprtt acrrlee.)
New York. May 7. One hundred .mil
lion dollare ar being expended In Mew
York City on an experiment that nobody
Is certain wlU bo wholly successful.
Fourteen tunnels are In course of con
struction under tba Hudson and East
river to give Manhattan' tslsnd direct
conhecTrdn"WItiradolnlng shores. TstastoT (
minds of th engineering world are di
recting tb work. They feel confident
of results, but they have no precedent
to guide them, nor certainty that condi
tions of today will be the same tomor
row, deep under the river. T he great
.k.. .;.hiH,- -...iaf toward trying Publln for a time, th
Selene and engineering, stui, nave
overcome all the eurncuit prooiems or
digging and building under water that
so long delayed 'th tunnel. But the
question 1. will th long, slender tubes,
resting only In beds of soft mud. remain
firm under th weight of heavy train?
Will they stand the- strain of shirting
aahdv' of qusklng mud and .changing
tide and currents? , " '
A feeling of hasard and uncertainty
has arisen In th minds of som of the
financiers who ar deeply Interested In
these undertakings. ,
Proposed New Lumber Rate Is
r fAmongf actor;
(gperial DUeetch te Tfc JearasL)
Tacoma, Wash.. May t. A committee
Of lumber manufacturers her .-as had a
conference with Henry Blakely, general
western-freight -agent pfjuia. JSortnern
Pacific, relative ' to th new , tarura,
which th manufacturer declare wl
destroy th wood working factories of
th northwest. Mr. uiakeiy declares
tb factory man are not burt as badly
a they think they areH aaysth
rates for which the new tartrr is a sun-
stltut were made years ago when the
transcontinental lines were hauling nun-
dreds of empty .cars ssst,
Th ratea war then considered char-
f tty-Tats,"-ld-he, -."but -eopdlUons 4a
the west and th expansion of Dullness
have almost reversed conditions."
Frank B. Col, editor of th Wast
Coast Lumbermen, one of th best In
Ing - matters, aay - tag - lumberman or
Washington ahd Oregon -ahould, go Int
th courts and secure an Injunction to
star nrooeedlngs- until' th rallrtad com-
panie have demonatrated their right
to Increase their already large revenue
at th expen of th lumber intereete.
"In th flrt piao." say n,.-it win
take an expert to- analyse these, new
rulings, and a shipper -wUl have to go
back to school and study up on cub root,
so as to be able to figure up Wow much
each slied car will contain. This cubic
measure system th road have adopted
will ba a very depressing effect upon
several branches . of th lumber busi
(Jenrnal Special Service.)
Windham Center, Conn., May 7. Miss
Caroline Brown, who' is believed to be
th oldeat .Baptist In America, cele
brated her on hundredth birthday-today-
at the" home of her grand nice In
this town. Miss Brown was born In
Lisbon,' Connecticut, May T, 1(01, and
there she spent th greater part of her
life. She was brought up in the Baptist
feit&aad as soon aa b was old enough-
became a member of th First Baptist
ehureh-at Pckrr4lir-anj4 -for over 30
year remained a member of that
church, leaving It to Join another when
ahe removed to thta place;. Miss Brown
was on of tb original crusaders of th
Woman's Christian Temperance union
tndi"tnr nidm--Mts-RtwoneT-in
the United States. titie is still In very
good health, although affected by a
Iwhlnh his comtuupon her to. the, past
two years. - She stilt takes an active
Interest In all matters that relate to th
Baptist church and - th temperance
(Joeraa! Special genie.
- Cincinnati, May 7, Three - hundred
delegatea from all parts of tb United
State and, Canada ware preaeat today
it the"6pehlng of th biennial conven
tion of th Union of Commercial Tele
graph Operator. President S. J. Small
of Chicago is presiding over the ses
sions,, which probably will continu a
week or 14 days, as a number of mat
ters of Importance! to th order ar to
com up for discussion - and action.
Probably th most, importsnt matter to
receive attention Is a proposed change
In th strike clause, which It Is desired
to make more elastic. The reports of
the several officers show that the past
year has been one of gratifying progress
for the organisation. - Nearly 40 new
local union have been formed and a
number - of . new schedule arranged.
bringing" In "over I50.00ff aryfjar-tnrreas
In wages and securing (a reduction In
hours In every instance. - -
'''. "(Joarail special Service.)
New Brighton, States- Island, May 7.
Charles Shier, Henry H. Roger' confi
dential man and presldenUxt-th Rich
mond Light A Railroad company, was
shot to death by -a burglar In his boms
here today. -. - - - .
(Continued from Page' One.)
southern and western coasts to Hoi way
Firth, rrmoraeieea Neptune I conetantly
werlngv,way th edge of th land,
throwing th debris back into th depth
or. making sandbank, shoels and ether
-cnr.-.- ueiuari vusj sillfMnf mTMM h
.keiMatlAlia S. .1.1 . L
I that Mirmlitm tm ih1r ort .
Erratic' Genius Working - Hard
Upon a New Work Finds
Tim to Criticise, 7"
Vy.... - -s-
Marion Crawford - la Non-Existent
and Jack! London a Salon Photog-
, rapher--Diadaina to . Read, Hamlin
Garland, but Likes Breta Harte,
(Jooraal gpecisl lerrtee.) '
Paris. May i. Ueorg Moor, that er
,tla aenlus who la nnqiiesllnnablT One
of the most extraordinary, men of. let
ters of our time, was found by your cor
respondent today In ' the Continental
hotel, which h vllts frequently for
local color. As avery on know, after
spending several years In London, ahd
author of "Esthr Water." l.a.
now re
turned definitely to Paris, the city of
his love, wher h stuoiea art ana lit
erature . and maJ .lifelong friends
many years aga " :
' Unaffectedly pleased over the succee
of his latest novel. "The Lake." Mr.
Moor I working bard and corrects his
proof In th cafes after the fashion of
the Parisian men' of letters.- H rises
early, rats little, drinks no stimulants,
smokes one etgar a day. Is impatient
with bores, but talks Ilk a torrent when
his Interest has. been aroused. t
Asked his opinion of American men
of letters. George Moor responded In
this wlsej . . .. .: .
, Opinions of Americans.
"Edgar Allan Po Is unread In America,-
whereas be Is an Integral part of
th ertlatlo II f of Parts. Th pulpit
damned Ma snorals and ' th people
thought It .was oondamnlng Ms litera
ture. The novels of William ,Dean
HoweUs ar pretty, nothing more. Walt
Whitman wrote well because he wrot
with th wtiol languag. Marlon Craw-
fnrs ts non-axlslant- Hm is a aorlbbler-
of-all-work.: jjarttcTJlarly Italian worn, j
ow-mlsht as wllaskm about articles
tn . dally paner aa ahnnt niAwfnrtra
books. I have not read Hamlin Garland.
If haa written nothing great. If he
bad I should know It
Vack Xondon and such as h ar Ilk
salon pictures. Tbey paint women with
fvlolent-dfseaas aod wlU roses In their
hats. -In other words they make col
ored photographs. There Is no tonality
in their pictures. Th -.novels of such
man ar mere Image, ' They represent
sitter exactly a tb sitters wish to
be. . Edgar- Saitua la not read now. XI
Is A very clever man. "f. " . " ?
- 9oa Uko Boolay.
"I ' Tnav no -taste for those books
who" oniTrTBJctr ti
his sides. Hencl do not. Ilk Peter
Dunne's writings. Bret Hart, yes- Th
humor of Brat Hart Is pleasantly dona
I lov him whether In pro or vers.
Now -and than a clever man writes a
lifetime. Sucn la ,'Madam Sovary
by Vlaubert." .
In reply to . my question aa to
whether or -not any, reoont literary pro
duction pleaaod Mr.- More or not, .th
autocrat replied:.
"Y,-there Is on. It Is La Vie d'un
Simple.' written by a peasant about a
peasant' Thar la also a good play
written recently by a man called Synge
of Dublin! It Is Ilka flowing water. It
Is called Th WU of th Saints."
Like Napoleon - the Great, Oeorg
Moor 1s a bundle of . contradictions.
Klndheartcd by nature, h will not beel
tate . to iay to a sensltlv ' and highly
cultured woman. "Madam, do not axpeot
m to write dow to-your level.
-AndLlf yon ask blm why. h attacks
th cherlehed ideal of hi rac. h will
tail you h ts not an Irishman, notwith
standing th fact that hi fathar,
Oeorg Henry Moor, wst.a pronounced
Uriah patriot. He will say almost snap-
l) in ill j , a K.u mil miuiii(iw uvi u u
William McCarbery Meets Death
T" Near .Vancouver His B ody
Is Recovered. -
(gpeeUl Dlapsteh U The Joaraal.)
Vaiu.'QUY?rtW'ah.,May T. William
McCarbeiTi a, rancher reafdTnt on JJi
river-road about -lghir mile west of
this cry, was drowned whll crossing
a small slough In a canoe yssUrday
afternoon at 4 o'clock:' - -
When about half - way - across th
lough th canoe McCarbery was in
began to leak. James Monday, an at
torney of this city, who was standing
near by on the bank, caled to McCar
bery asking him If b wanted help, as
It was seen the boat was sinking fast.
McCarbery replied 'that he was all right.
He had hardly got the words out of bis
mouth when - the canoe turned over,
throwing McCarbery Into th water. ' IT
ank out of sight snd only cam up
once, from all appearance struggling
for life but little. Hi body was found
Dear wher It went down. -
McCarbery Is ald to hav been di
vorced In Portland two years ago. And
It Is thought that his former wife and
their. 4-year-old on reside In th city.
Th coroner at Vancouver desires In
formation regarding them and will bold
th body pending developments., ,- v
Building la mamata. , , '
' (geerial Dlapatch t The fonraal.) -
- Klamath Falls, Or., May 7. Klamath
Falls H to ha a third bank, -Major
C. E. Worden returned from his winter
horn In Badlands, California, last week
and at one began preparations for th
erection of a 11 (.000 building -at th
corner of Main and Fifth streets. Which
is to, be occupied by th American Bank
A Trust Co., with a capital of $100,000
and no stock for sal. .
i ... 1 istBssm
Dp- Graves
Tooth Powder
Avoid discom fort,, dancer and
unpleasant after taste by refus-t-
ing all other powders or pastes,
washes and soaps. ; Your dentist
will advise you.
la Handy msiai esst ar beetle. SO. ' . '
"T Js
A. .
jyr ' vT
week they
; , v Alfred
Renewal of Terrorist Activity in
Russia--Three Killed by a
. Bomb at Moscow..
- (Jeomal Special Servle.) '
Mosoow. May 7. Vlc-Admtrl Ecu-
baaoff. governor-general of Moscow,
salaoa, Hia foot was wounded, while hii
aloVde-campjuentrxj s yell g tm
assasaTnTwere killed by th bomb,
The : attempted ' assassination . took
place outsld tho carriage entrance to
number oz oystanaers
were Injured and only th poor aim of
th assassin saved, tn governors lire.
J Th governor-general of EkaterlnOslav
was aasaaslnated Saturday evening' oy
six unknown persons,- ' who - shot bim
down with revolvers and eecaped. -
Ooremor-General ZheltomovlakJ of
Baisabotgrad wa . assassinated .tl
morning by a revolutionist .bomb. .'
Canyon City. Or., May 7. Article f
incorporation of th Grant. County Dis
trict AgTtCUlttirsl society have ; been
filed with the county olerk and arrange
ments ar being made for the holding
of a county fair at John Day this fall,
and- annually .thereafter. The capital
Stock of th Society Is 11,000. which Is
composed of 1,000 shares of a par valu
of II each.
B.' C. Trowbridge wag elected presi
dent of th organisation; C P. Johnson,
vlc-prtdnt: B. . J. Bayley, treas
urer; J. B. French, ecretary. Option
hav bean secured on property near
John Day for a fair around,-and work
will be commenced at one putting tb
property In ahape. '
tJeorasl SDeeUl Bervtee.)
Washington. May 7. On account of
th rat bill now "Trader--consideration
by congress. Senator John M. Qearin of
Oregon will not leave tba capital to
make his campaign for reelection until
all Important legislation la disposed of.
Senator Oeartn is making no plans to
tour the stats between now and Jun 4,
when h will bo voted, upon. H ha
about determined ' to submit th matter
to th neoDl upon hia record, though
til-flolslonr.ay be changed la event
an . Immediate vote la . tassn upon u
ntt Pill, . .- - ;
n. fjoarnsl Saeelel Servlee.1
Klamath Falls. Or., May 7. Ths body
of Oeorg Sherman, th 18 -year-old son
of A. Bnermsm; wno aieppear
from hlshom lasf"Mandayrwas found
yeeterday In th sagebrush near Lake
Ewauna. There wa a bullet hole
through th skull and a dry pool -of
blood near by. When - last - seen tb
youth wa accompanied by 'a balfbraed
Indian. Mveiery urrounas in. iuui
and Investigation la being made to de-
tar mine whthr It was a case r auicia
or murder. . ." .i
rSnaclal Dlsestrh te Tl. Jnarnal.)
Pendleton, Or., May T. The commit
tee In charg of- Decoration day observ
ance In Pendleton nas invited juage
George HV . Williams, former mayor of
VA.4l.nj1 t M.IIvaw tha Memorial A&
address. .. . Senator . John M. O carta has
also -. been Invited, but word received
from him states that h cannot promls
to come, . -as It will b Impoaalbl- to
make an engagement until pending leg
islation Is disposed Of. , . , ; , ' .
. . . i (Jnernsl' Special gerrl.) : '
Paris.' May 7- The general election
passed off quietly yesterday, .most '-of
th former deputies being reelected. An
extraordinary number of second ballots
will be necessary In Pari. Th present
vote glva th opposition a majority,
feut th second, ballot on May to 1s ex
pected to reproduo. th result of th
Itoa election. Th government ha so
far gained on seat tn Paris and II
seats in Franc. ' . ..
Jonreal Uperlal Srlre.'
Norfolk, Ve.. May T.The battleship
u, May T.-
Rhod Island, which ran aground on th
New York spit bar Saturday, wa
floated at high tide, last night, having
been pulled off by four naval tugs. .' An
Inquiry will be mad intfl th affair to
getermln th roonlhllltv.
Made in Now York
proverbial that it takes' six
tailors outside or JNew jorK 17
Metropolitan fashions, 1 V
' r ' The agent who sells clothes that bear the label
V " in the margin can show you the correct fashions the
are created. -
Benjamin & Co, are the most
. originators of Men s -Fashions
, In . Kew;. v
Yor If their tailor 7
shops are a block from Broadway -a minute's walk
' from Fifth 'Avenue. . " . ;
Gorrect Clothes ior
If you are thinking: of buying: a piano do not fail to call and
lite whaf we can do for you at this time. 'As stated before,
owintr to the San Francisco disaster the" taming over pi bur
. postponed to July 1. v ;:."'7'.. '; J"? . L.
Prices toeail
ttpw niiiLeiii is. nuw uii eAiiibiiiuu aiiu oncrcu at practicauv
wholesale prices, and remembwianer-cificstes1--!!
honored on all new pianos whether1 cheap or high grade up
'to the 15th; of this monfJuj.Ju. .:; ' ' ..r
SpOy Used Pianos
rVe have Quite a number
exchange and returned irom
Here is a partial list: C A.
Ernest Gab1r-r S85. Light
f ZOO Cable chafer ?tl. j :
L J,"Ali sold on our easy payment plant, if desired, t If any
1 -above-appeals ta you call at
late. A careful investigation
you that here and now is the
rJWe areoffcring the newest nwdtiein Back
and Side Combs and Hair Ornaments of gen- ,
"nine and imitation shell
orations and mountings
Price range is wide
Gage-Miliinery -; :
; Gage Hats are so well and favorably known .
to discriminating dressers that we take much
" pride in announcing a complete showing of
the latest and choicest models created by them. .
; You'll make no mistake Gage Hats embody
- everything you desire a hat to embody. Cash ;
, : ,. or credit-rthe price is the same..'.'- r..".-
Eastern Outfitting Co.
.';': V-'' .'; , ' " Tba Stor. Wbara Your Cradit Is Good . " ; ;."V
P : v Washington and Tcnthj r
La ?Sdrntral
Bailroad eompanr, which -M-ooiwing -a
belt lln through th Orand Rond ral
ley. now has 1 , mile St tho grade
eompiatea ana tn graaing iotom
now, working less than a inll from
Cov. A largo numhsr Ot tie ar now
coming out of th tlmbr, and th force
1 being 4noreaed rapidly men
can be aecured for th work. The Cen.
aral comoany Is making good as rapidly
10 rcucci
;- ';
311 MORRISON St, 6pp,Postoffke
of slisrhtly used pianos taken In
rental at one" half their realTalueJ
Stone $75, Tames A. Gary 575t
100aiddle.118, Hinr? 8 JS5
once,, for tnmorrqwjnay-teitoa..
into piano matters win prove to
time and place to save money.
and amberrtThe i
are pleasing, durable
1 jwmm
$7 to
as irlfebt of way can be secured and men
can be had to do th work. It Is tb In
tention of th company to have th road
so far completed that it- will be able
to handle th greater part of th fruit
crop thl saaaon.
Oose to A teased Drama.
(Journal Spertal gervke.l '"
St .Ptrburg, May 7. Many, mem
ber of parliament ar arriving to par
ticipate In th ceremonle attendant
upon th opening of th douma next
It I rumored that Count Witt will
be appointed Russian ambassador tt .
Paris, j .... 1 , .. . . . , . .
Rammer Co
i A