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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1906)
i ; THE OREGON DAILY -JOURNAU-PORtLANDr MONDAY EVENING. MAY: 7, 1ZZ3. 10 jf new today. iii - Made Convenient tor all t tnls Bank, twtuN there .110 unneceesatT twd tap allowed to en-tee-lnl tle transaction of business with our patron. ..oimt theory la that time la - valuable to alt concerned. - We're conveniently located, offer erery . up-to-date facility for promptness . In banktns and wish to do business with ou. - , ':".' '' For secarlty, note our ,; ,; . RESOURCES "of over $1,500,000 Intereat-bearlne; certincatea Issued for sums of $50 or ttvr that pay rrom 8 t to 4 per cent interest and can be drawn t any time by giving a certain number of days' notice. ... , - Writer today- for Mrr book of ... Portland Trust Company of Oreion S. E. 'cor. M abd Oak st. Phoae Ex. TS - HEN.- I. YHH., .,.'..'.. rt.....Pflaat H. U PITTil'K......i....,.....Vre-Preellent fc LEE PAOET. ...Secrotarj - J.- O. BOLTS A.. . .vir. .a. .AcBlstBnt -Secretary Quarter block near Hawthorne ave- Siue $4 666. - " Half block. East Clay, near Grand venue $11,606. -. . A full block, facing Grand avenue Sl&.ooo. .....-, . . .... Ounrter block on t'nlon are. II!. 000. - Uarter block, E. 7th and Belmont ;:.Aoo. . ... Half block between Union and Grsnd. clone In II 7.800. lUlf blnrk on railroad track, on lm- tax toe on Grand avenue, near Mar- . . - . f. t -ncrVa one mile wt-ot-aarkarnBS .tlnn all .In ..ullllratlnillana. l it ...v. r. ..A iMAla - A In the above tract at from flOO to 1300 ir acre, that I will either sell or ex- . Uiaaa.or. saatl raalrfenna rJB tlXwfc'cr 1 Turttier particulars, see .. Alder -PhondJEaaUfl TWO BLOCKS WATElLER0MI -Ad on- O. W. P. Ry. Tracks, A BOTT TURK ACRK8. " f INK FACTOR T HITK. - . . ONLY $i,000, , . .; rllrPTPALIVlER ' With GBTSKR-HENDRTX CO.. ,. 329 Btark-JtUeadL- : BEAVERT0N .give aurai. all nlaareil3alf.mHe aoiithl or fiiirciao siaiHm. xnis win- maao a beautlfnl home place.- Grourra rich. - SootlwJV Sidewalk from station . to irfacewU-. . ,' .', -i lr. R. M. WILBUR, 1 10 2d St. v v. NEAR WASHINGTON. - ' - Nice, lerel lot, SO x 100. south- front are and all . afreet Improvements made; choice resi lience aistnct on Kearney, near zttn at. Only -one third cash necessary, "balance long time. Cr It KORELL, !ll Washington It SI acres, Fremont and Forty-second a)treeS near-tnrrngfm-S G 112, Journal. ' WEATHER REPORT. A hl preaanre area eeerllee the north Pa cific etataa, and fair traather preralla erery " where west ef the Rorky nonntnlna, except that It la elooUy and. focay-aJoaa ihe ahora Jlne rruaa "V t"l Tlattery armth te Baa IHerrn. - The barem- . eler la ahw hlah orer the Mlaalaalppl Taller. - - - A email d tat urbane la central ut NtiUi J x kola, and the barometer H relatlrrly low In the Atlantic etatra. Iieal ralna hare eeearred . in eaatera New Mexico, and in the rnlf and Atlantic atatea. The temperatnrea are gener ally below normal eTrrrwuere except In Calt- mrnia and Aruoox. where they are ellgblly ah Iwita auarmnll The liMlUmluna are for fair weather In lb la dlrtrlct tonleht aad Toeedax. with rialaa lieraiurea., jneaaay. xnera will Be treats ta hlxht east of the Cascade mowalalne. (Manrratioae taken at a. m:. Paetfie time: . Temp.' .. - .'r ?i-n eroa -rrr Lan1 -fllJf ' (Kiatna. ataawhuaetta.-AS ao lilraaa. llllaola. a . . M 44 V. 50 X .0 54 ...J ' . . : .-M 44 .0 -40 - . 48 , .. - .0 . 4fl . ' W . tO . 44 - " .0 B0 " " .0 M ti Jieneer, t viacax4o. . Vannaa Cttr. Mlaaonrl... M M I Anirelea. 4'alirornla.. New Orlrana. i. lrailalaaa.. New York. New York.. Portland. Oreeon-.'. . . , . Hnaeburs. , 4N-ernnw.... nt. Lania. altnurl.,.,. "v TO ' 23 1 ralt Ike, I tab w Naa KraarliMfo. (.'alffornle.'. 72 Hpekane, Waehrnirtoa. 70 ;Taertna. Waablnaton. . t1-. ... Hd .Walla Walla. Waahingtoa.. T4 '! Wthlnrtoi, D. C.,.. '70 MARRIAGE LICENSES. i I W. W.' I.ytle, Br. Jebna. Oregoa, M: Ethel , B. Meore. 84. '. i Artiiar A. Brtietl. 11: Gertrude 6. Baker, 1 Weddtns Caroa, W. O. Smith a Co., Waaa. ! tnctaa bide, cor. Fourth sad Waahlngtaa eta. - Mlaa Bertha Martin, room til AHaky blog. Btaairlng and goo needlework; leaaaaa glees. ..,-A.r-s BIRTHS. - - ORRY My 1, to Mr. aad Mrs. Rangeral i Korbr. 40 rail Has jtaeet. a daughter. BANrK HER Mar S, te Mr.: and Mra. T. 0. a A. Banarher, 7T Water afreet, a ana.- . meeena, TOO Beat Bwrenth street, north, a nangnier. r.l I TLK April ST. te Mr. and Mrs. William J - M. I.tttle. eao Marbm atreet, a danchter. BHVUT April M. t Mr. an4 Mra. tleorga K. ' Kroet. and North Twenty -second atreet,' a (tanirbter. -: - ' tMHTH May B. te Mr. aad Mrs.' nennte ' Wlrth, 4.11 Kaat Twelfth atreet, a danghier. BOA RK May J. te Mr. and Mra. Joemn Boark. WWilta. Oreaea. a dauckter. - - v - - . PII'F.H Mar I, te Mr. and Mrs. Braeat C Pipe. 4M HMweM atreet.- a eon. JACQf M Aprn ao, te Mr. end Mrn.-Wr-n5. 4 Janinea.' et Horth .raclflc eaaltarlsm, a . danfhler. DEATHS. AIKCN M I. Margaret Aiken. ar-f 1 mentha, l64 terenih atreet: eanae, eniarltla. Hurlal at Lone Ik ceroetery. .Mlt.U-May . Alle B. Mill, sged M rears, 14 Cnlambla atreet; ranaa, , tnbereuloala. Hurlal at lee yie cemelery. " HrlU-r. Pareell, ated M yeera. at St. Indent's aanatertara: eanae. Inteatmal henv errhea Barial at Mnltnnmah eametery. trii'in-Mir i. wiiitam n. nernoMa. aaed IH reara. Ill Raat Tklrtf foanh street; r,ie. earehral heinerrhage. Borlal at Blrsr, w eemelery. ' ' pi Kl rrMiN May 4. rinrenre J. Steffeaanu. aerd t meatba. PIA Mmneanta aeeenei eases, , rwiwali. BSrlal at tree bam, Oregoa. , . A Few Gdod Cheap Acreage UNDERTAKERS. eji afn.aai Edward Holms d Co.. tk leading funeral dlreetora, kin th flneet establishment, ths gaeet (nods, tba asset Tehlelae aad the sassi iaaooabls price. Mnt . broadcloth toescad aaaketa, $26 and $80. The 8 a eat wood good msde, fraa III to' 120. Parlors 320 121 Third street, earaar BaleBoa, rrtuaa. Ores. - - , ., -. ' - g, P., SraUe d Bus, Saaatal dlnifm- aibahaers, curaar Third sad atadlaoa traeta. OfSaa al aaaatf coroaar. Taiepbooe Mala S. Doanlna, MeEataa- a Ollbaatii. aadartakara ad anbalaim: mndtra la aaarr derail.- saraata aad Plae. Mala u. Lady saalataat. A. B. Raork. andeHikar aad aabalaMr. Kaat TalrteasUi aad LauttUa are. fkwae aU- miTIBTOrW CXJMTIKT. .- Ingle srarea 110. raailtir low T re 11.000. Tka valj oAaetrry la Partlaad wblch ew- Ctaallr atalntalaa aad caraa lor Iota. Vat fuU (broiatlaa r'7 t W. K. Mackanala. War eaatar klork mtr. W. M. Uda. pr Ideal. 'fUNERAL notices. COKaiflMit "tJood HaaMrltaa.' Baaday aanrav Ins, Mai - S. 1'llDtoa S. txmant. raseroi wTll be rb4d; (rvm bit lata rwiaaara, 80S afcMitaaa Ae Tuaaday, -aiay I, II U I. a REAL . ESTATE TRANSFERS. .HarnUDeKarhlen and kaabaad lo mil - - tiwrt. waal H e( kH a. bloex 04. Caretnera' addllloa f 1.400 Aatna I. Bokowaky and wife to Katie nrwinio, mv ad. oiocs la. n uuama AraniM aldlllua. - i0 Kettle I- Palmar a Theodora aotiwelK- - ard. lot IS. Murk 18, Bellwood......". $00 t'nlreretty Lead eontpaay to Bmaia &". . niaarc wis a, a, s sad , . Stock 1, , Poruawulk ,w ....... - 1.SQ0 Pblllp faser aad wife te Mary A. Me imhh. weai nr aorta or noriD- : weat M of eotitbeaat H and the weat a e( anntb of aoatkareat t of cortaeaat aoutbaaet . aactkm 3S, loaraabl 1 arrea. , iut raofe a eaal. Jallua Volheja at aL to Thomla t. Hher-, .... ana wire, k( . biork izt,, wot -Irrlnatoa 900 Title Ouarantaa a Trait company te I.' m. Mania, jo 14, Hw'I la, Buota sc. - Johna ' ; - S-"i0 Betilieo Weeka. fnerdlan. In Cbarlea R. ' iimnpsrai, loll at aad as. Block . Orcaatd Uoaie . 30 Beuhea Week at L te eme, -eaeie twoparty r:T,..r....... . - JSO Peter Brhoieer aad wlra te T. B. Me- . Uaalel. 11.WI ams to aectloa a, tewa - ahlp 1 north, range 3 aaat.... ........ Tf5 Wllho Nlnkkinea aad wife ta Malfl - rinmrnen; awrartra. Kttt s to T.Mock n I. Arlela Park No. S 100 -g"t?t-g Jj Si ADb",lt "-'"i 1 .1. -0 na SIOTX 6, North irounr- I J 100 f.-l). Marat aad wife te-Charlea-1 aeimer. niHimoni 3 a or weat i block M, North Portland . .... riiiliianitrTi'nairMI 4 of lot JS7 Dioea axe Ktalrh'a additive Llllaa Taeaipaaa w Itdward A. Maialiall. T.- Albhia. 1 U. E. Webb and Liuhand lo Haf lrl,k- l -JToUtM 11, block j Wabb'a addition.. 1SS Same to Kmma 11. Htrtrkrott, kit -4, ' ' bnr-arnaainwllllusrrr:vr. '.t got1 Henry Perry and wife foAodrew Eat- barg, lota S. 4 and . block a. Wood- .. lawn Heights" f... 43i T. Arata and wife to frank C, Baker, ' lota T and I. block 130. rltr 30.500 -4rV4, rrannd tn J. il NaJi.. block 4. -Aiiaidala Will ...vv. 10 W. Thlelmana to Mary Thlelnunn, lota . 45 end 46. block 4, Bralnard . "1 Samuel M. Barr aad wife to Carrie M. 'haDraan.lnta 6 and a. black - sao. -1 HiUiartaj'x a.1iHltno- , 1IM Hllrr A. MltrbeU and wife te J. B. W In die. 14 acree la Itobert Cray's donation - " land cbilm. eectlon B, townehln 1 aoutb, TrY.ooa'andwffeoBaraa lot 1. Jilock 19 Sellwood. . 1 Barak B. Npeara and hnalaanu to John W. campDen, Ht 1. Block ZS. Kenwood. -VI I John Barrett and wife to 8. O. klafarrey 'La.a ..laam iu' taii J. Kit IS. block 5, Trcmoot Park. 100 nk !. Bolm and wife to TVlm Lumber - . retaoanj. lot 5 sad S. blork 13. P. T. Smith' addltioa I (. J. Reed et M. te T. W. Leadbetter, ondlelded l- ef block S. Baet Portland 11.0(10 Alliance Treat company. Ltd.. to C. K. Ultssl. lot , block 30, Sunsyalds sd-' " dllloa - s W. J. Bawklns and -wi fa to Llllie B. Olger, lot 10, block s. Lincoln Psrk, Annex ................ , ... SAd Alice W.' Tnompann land htuband to Ma- , tllda Norbr. lot 7. block 2. Etbel i.ynn a aoaiimn. . . . 300 -wo H. Nann and wife te fl.' W. Priest. - M 13. black 4. Alblne addli illt km,,,'. Oenrire W. Brtwn to F. A. Cooper, lots I y,,,. Hnaraatea 'Traat eompan'r' ia Carl 200 Abraham, tot 16. block t. . Sasnratds - . Tblrd addition. ...... ............. v. . ... t - 400 Oak Park Land company to Metta MoT- rla. lot 4 block 1J. Oak Park add I- . tlon No. !.. ,; 1 D. B. Kelly to Genraa F. Barrinser, lota 90. tl and X2. block SI, Mount Tabor . ' Villa .. .. , 400 K. F. Noren and wife to Anna B. Srbel-' ter. lot a block 14. fulnt yiew , ,Y, , 1M Sam to Sylreetor J. Schelter, lot 6, blork 1. I'oint view juu Tbemaa Keama and wife ta Allre B. Hlller. 5 acree In Si4-arre tract deeded ,' ta Tbnmaa Reams by Cotambla Whit- ' ' look and wife 1.300 Nettle L. Palmer to Albert Oroenerk, lotat aad 4. block-so" Kallwood. .... .. 1 ArKha riertrade Van ftennlen ta Joha Ponnerbrnr. lot 4. Work 14l cltr 1 ? J Dueaerbera -a wire 46-'MatyiC.. -' Hliephard. lot 4. block lee. city 10 John H.- WmHa to Annie A. Trnnkham ' et al.. lota R and . Mor 1. ralrfleld;- t John F. Proctor and wife to William P. " Courtney, lot I. .emergent Helabta. . . SuU W. l. U. Moreen and wife te JeMle I. -r Plummer. 100x300 feet berlnnlng SO . . mda nortii of eontbeaat corner of aac- un IS. twnabln 1 north, ranaa t n T."7. r ' -V. ' j ' iL' iih'ri- Dell M. Wilaa enU urt.a paT'lo n rr k tie r. Ralib. lota 12 and 14. block, a, Kb Inn a addition.... JIB W. Hi Smith and wife to John Hoffman,"" -lot IB, block 7, William Arenue-a4- - dittos ..... ,v:h; .T-S.S00; Nina B. Little and bualaa4t Mae I - " lng' Flrat ' sddltloB, .. ...... r. . 4,000 Lena Horhler t H. P. Kimball. SOilS) feet beginning 1.SB0 feet weaf Snd 44 : : - feet south ef aectloa corner of sections - 21. 23. 20 snd 37, towaablp 1 north, - -range 1 east.,.,...'. 1330 TJnlTerelty Land company to EHaaeeth l llman. lot . block St. L'nlreralty Park .. .' 400 Lemuel Andrew and wife to Mra. Llllls . , Tyner, lots 1 snd a. blork SI, J. Jobs' Second addltioa l.tOO Charle R. Jne -ahd wife to Frank H. Walganwt, block t. Wondatnck. . .. . - 1 John H. Wllklna and wife te Andrew C. Watnee, lota I. 4 and S, block 4, far-, rell'a Seeond addltloe do AUaaeder M. Wrieht e A Hoe W. Tbomn- eon, wcet 70 feet of Iota and . and all ef lot T, block J, Btnel Lysa's ad-, dlthte George A. ITardjr to Jobs E. Hsnly. ne- dlrlded 7-s or zi.nt (ncrea in aeriiomr 34 and 35, township 1 northi rang 1 eaat ...... TV 1 Oet year 1nursnc snd abstracts te reel aetata rrom raa Title uuaraatee at inai euuapanr. 4n Waahlngtna atreet. -NOTICE. THE traderalgned will re eel re aealed. bkla for s stock of merenandi. conatiting principally of furnlahlng good ssd earthing, ef tbe IB coke price of $a.I"A. together with ftxtorea. - A caah depnalt ef 10 per sent of the amount bid mtiat srnompany .each ' offer. The right M reeereed te reject any and all btde. Inreatory of property may be seen st aiy office snd the property may bs Inspected at Foreat Oroe. Dated at Portland. Oregon, tbla SStk. del f April, !. - K. U RABIN, Front sad Ankes t., Portland. . Or. 1 HF.RERY fetee not lee that I hare wild my balf Interest m WatklnsBros, grocery te wallet J. Mscomoer. - II A RT ET n. W ATKINS. TUB W. S - Ladd canyon' ranch, t mile wsat - ef Portland.- la now open for aterk. Se er , write J. A. Putney, enperlntsadeut, Sylrsa, ut. wimimw a, . nmj. LOSV AND FOUND. LOST On while Spits ampt will i name of "Bueter. Reward will be glees for kla return te 445 Haaaolo at., city, or for Information leading to his reeoeery. Call Eaat 1US or Main ItZS. ' LOST Saturday. May S, bunch sf keys es keyring. Return ts I 117. care Joarual. LOST Boa toe terrier dog, dark brlndle. whit aoe: bend and collar, crooked tall." Bctura to gas Bros., 13 front t. rswsrs, MEETING NOTICES. B.-r."0.XXKB. The members wf- Pnrtlsnd loilg. No. 142. are1 requeated td meat In eur lodca room roaorraw (llwadarV at l:lo ahara to eondnct the fnharal aeretoas ol eur lata brother, W. B. Obrlataaaea. Via It tag brother Inrlted te aaelat. By order ef the exalted ruler. . J NO.- B. COrTKT, Saeratary, niWTHOKNS irOB.-N. 111 A. k. A A. M. Slated eommunl cation tbla (Monday eraninc at I ' e'rlork. Work In the . A. de gree. H eta"- vmia vrrnnmMww, C. B. MIUJiH. Secretary. HELP WANTED MALE. , i in I-, i. i i. -i -i . , i , , -i - -i - WAVTFTl Gray troomonldrra, , pattera-mak-era, Raakmakera and eoremakera, . Apply ef-B-e Pacillc Ira Steal . Works, Fremont, Seattle. Waeblagtos. MBN and wontea te leara barbae trade la eight weeka; gradnatea earn from $15 te 125 weeklyi expert tnatrnrtaea; catalogue fraa, Mohler Sratem e( Callages, W.Merth mrtl at... Fort la sd. SA1.EHMKN WANTBD Par ena ef the largeat suraetiee hi tba weet; caah adeaared weekly; - rood territory - open. Addruaa Washlngtos Nuraery Co.. Topvenlah, Waah. AOBNTS WANTBD to sell superior, high-grade auraery atnek; complete ontflt runrlahad (reel "eaaa weekly l write today tor choice of lee. - rltory. - Capital City Nursery Company, Salaax. Oregos. - - -.: STRONO able-bodied rien wanted it l. ,! Kara brickyard. B. forty-flint and DlrUloa ata.; take Btcbmbnd car. WANTBD ftrat-claes aollclteea who hare bad - axpaHtaea la howee a keuaa aaseaaalag salary aad eoanmlaaloa te right part lea. son Second at. HARNESS and aaddlemakar wanting good iobs In the ena ii try, address Ohaa. U. Maatlrk A Co.. whoieeale leather, rraat and Oak slrets, " Portland. Oregon, A BARB openrtaolty for a man with some capital; larretlgate and yea will sets lareat. 0 1U, care Journal. - -..- WANTBD Ws want to contract fee 300 a SOO . good Chinees or Japanese to labor in terpen tine wooda. and at raHroad and sawmill work: i we won Id like te eorreepond with reliable pa Ilea who will r tract to furnleb na with - auch labor for a term ef years. Jackson Lum ber (e.. Ixxkhart. Corlagtoa conaty. Alabama. WANTKO Reliable aewepaper casrssaer; steady poeltloa for right partr: elty and eoootrr work: must glee references. Address O, ix '- Agent, Vaneourar. Waah. WAKTr.n Tamlaheva. machine and hands.- Oregon rsrsltsrs Mfg. 0s Macadam road. UK mat urvrlcl ... lleeah- Siatli-. at R el eat Room. 1.25up; room with tmardr 4B epi morna renoTStad; Skcelleat table board. Aa detaes. WANTED Bora ta work In factory. . Pacific Coast. Biscuit Co., Jtb ana nana. 1 WANT a steady, reliable mas of tknte bual- -assssrieBatiuHl sJJr'"JOT. to rignt party, noow oi vtiuiuuia aiuii 10 to 11:30 a. Um Cabin Bakerr Co.. 1U Buh11 t HIT. Ik l' Te 1IHL.1 sUB.r I EF WBlltm , a ease Mir frsm KB per ojt. M.muuux.-nviwv e atcnt das. tlneik DBSTKVtrriON or ban jrancisoo" Bt bonk; large profit; art quick: aa tuple tree. Globe company, 72.1 Cheatnut at., Pklla. DRt'O clerk wanted. B 1M, care JournaL WANTEtl Tmn tV.'..ttc.T .Teeffle " llnemeti moat be good ellmbera. Q 130, cars JonrnaL-j WANTED A good -boy about Id for office . work ; mnat bare reference tlond chance - for bright boyT Addraea O 121Journal. WANTED Seeeral . good painter!, ring. 875 Chapman at. F. : Tab- WANTED Boy about IT; steady work.- I rui.L Hi., lui u,f i... t im. WANTED For United Stitr arms.' able-bodied unmarried men between ages or zigna in. cltlneoe of I nlted Htatea. of- good character and temnerate hablta. -wbe sea apeak, read em write -IHigtleb. Apply to Recruiting Wri goer. Alnawortk Nl Ibtro ssd uas sts., Portland, Oregos.- ,' - WANTED flood steady man to oCHrer milk . I bolt I bnalneeal; wagon atarta .":S0 ,a. ui. T. D. Smith's Pur Milk Dairy.. - Pbone Main - A6S8. . .. . - ' . . 1 ' BUI'S, rfllahl. ahont IT yeara of age. wlw want to learn the bnelneee. Apply at auper- Intendent a office. Old, wortman at Jvingi HELP WANTELWFEMALE. HANSEN'S XADIET AGENCT. 34SU Waablna ton t- cor. Serestb. npetalr. Pbesa. Mala SOOt, Female help wanted. TRB - BOMB LAMBS' . AGENCY Opea Bus days and craning. 15V Fourth at. Phone '- in in 628. r " EXPERIENCED OIRL wanted at SCI Everett to attend store. Call 10 a. m. MACHINE-OPERATORS on ahlrta aad white goods. . The Spencer Co.. 138 10th St. WANTED Experienced girl to. dip chocolate; ateady work, good wagra. Inquire at North rop A Sturgla Co.. North Frost. WANTED Expery-nced atarcber. Grand Lana lry Co.. 17th and Qnlmby at. ' GI RL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK St Schuyler St. - Phone Scott 3483. . , est OIR-. OK WOMAN to tin jmkiiisrgrtJaOTaJia-t hotels 4'Z .orll ltn at.. WANTED Experienced hatrdrreeer and bibb leure. .....ISO Fifth St. - - GIRLS -TO-WORK -ln esnrly- faetorrr - slo rliecolata snd creara dippers; steady em ployment snd good wagea. PaclB Coast Blacult Co., ISth and Darla sts. -r- ENErUlETIC ' LXTrT wtth btialneaa ihUllrx ahort hours: j.lcaaant work; good ealarr. Addreaa E. A. Erlck, geaeral dellrery; city. WANTED flood girl for general bonsewnrk. " 13S 14tB at., between Waahlnstrnr amd AMec MALE AND FEMALE HELP. BOY er yens lady wanted te work ia drug . etnrr; one With riper lone preferred,... Ap ply 100 Grand aes. BELP wasted and supplied, male er female. B. O. Drake, 30614 Waeklagtoa at. PaciO 1I7S. WANTED Mes snd women, 'factory work. Americas la a Co., Foot of 14th at. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE, NEWSPAPER MAN and printer of rood mora la. expedience and ability, want enssagrmrnt roan try weeklyi beat reference. . Addreaa Bos IXAlntock, Washington. WANTED Poaltlos - by ' furnlshtng food man. experienced gent's I lie, cars JouraaL EXPERIENCED JANITOR wants poal . ht of raferesces. Address 1 111, Journal. - '- Mow; cars SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTET-TF',-WeT, -rweeptng. dtlxttarT and , houcerleanlng. Ill Ninth t., N. iPson Psrlflc l. : 1 WANT t lftty?lr?l,a,i't't''' " WANTED Day-work, weeding and Ironing, sweeping; 30e as boar. Phone fad Ac 143,. EXPERIENCED demoostretor want aosttlmx. Pbone Main 1M1. ' WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agent; something sew gesd sallar big wage. Sue McKay bids. AGENTS) WANTED Official Saa - Francisco earthquake book l large pas, atartllng pie- tur-, ek-gaut blading: books free; freight paid. The Bible lieu, 23 Dearborn at., f.hlcage. i AGENTS WANTED EYBRYWBERB Stereo. ample elewe: of Saa Frandaco esrthonabs aerici: rrrnlar price. Addreaa A. H. Mayer, general dellrery, Portland, Or. AGENTS WANTED to sell ear a nr. sery etock: eaak adranced weekly; 'big eea mlaalon and premium: write today. Address t Slice Naraery Co.. Salem. Oraaon. WANTED Several Sret-claa aoltcltora. city as eountiy; big pay to rlgbt partlaa; refer- required. Adores H jxn, care journal. J0l W'ANTEn Rnergetlc snd competent egeat to represent na In nil parts of tbe BorthwsSt; caah week I. Capital City Nureery Co. - ". ' - . -EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. TUB IVrtlssd Kuipwyinasl Ce, toc, Marxians St, rseae racisa Baa. - HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OrflOB. rolt MSN. H. Baenad at. Psoas Mala UM, BJfl POUR BMP. A0BNCT Help BSpplled ( Id North Second at. Phose Mr la Ul. ABLB. MPloVMBNT AQKHCXr-iH- alwnalde at. I bona Main to is. r-WANTED TO RENTr- WANTKDTO BENT HOrSBS. COT-CAOrS. FLATS. ROOM1NO-HOI HUH. STOBSS. BTC. Our rental department has bees ealarasd sad prorld-d with addltloaud staff. Ws larlts Haling from LANDLORDS. . offer ' Beraonal attention to aad wtlneous superrlakiB era all property la true ted ear MRTXAltD TBrST COMPAWT OF ORaWOW, B. B. cor. 14 and Oak eta. Phoae Bs. TS, WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTr.D Ti rent two to Sre-scrs tract, wltb good boose; within Ire cent car limit, . foe I cnieken ream, Teiepnone Eaai . vr aauraaa j a. eaeaia, iwi mmm - WANTED Lot fa sxchanga for etralty ka f er 7 -room nooeo. I' bee Beat BMl. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, sprayisg sad wkltawaahrnf trees, . baaemasu, beras. docks, etc. I largest gasnUae praying estdt en the coast. M. O. ki organ A Co., M Unioa . Phone Bast 1T. BIORBST CASH PBiCC PAID ta -rarnlti..a la aay quantity; alee take aaaaa an commlealea and- guarantee beat reaalta. The Portland . A act Ion Boaana . A. Schsbaam pro., tit First at. phena Mala SaoS. BIOHS8T caah price Paid tor saeead-hasd Fboae Kaat SWT. lis . usaoa see. WB WILL BI'T. SELL OR TRAPS ANT OLD . THING. WESTERN SALTAflB CO.. SU . WASHINGTON. PACiriO Twa. - JOHN BABLB. manefaetnrer ef improved ee e ment poata, waterproof, laatlng, atrong, ebeapt nleaaa Inreatlgate; n apaclalty ef fence poata. Boutbeaet earner Xssi Msdlsoa ssd (Jama eee Portland, . Or. . . . - T- SPOT CASH. V Far furniture and bnuaehold sneds. I'HONB MAIN t4M. WANTED I- or m-Boreepower motor, with or without ahaftlns and sullsys. . . Address kllS. care Journal, WANTTD A second hnd pesnttt roaater: moat . be In perfect condition and rannaM Is price. . Addreaa T. A. B care Journal. WHO-IS U.-Si.-MOBOAN A CO. T WANTIifWrn bay row boat for cash. StatA price and else. J. Lsndlgsa. 184 Sherman. Jobbing ootSt. A. W. a;, n. unllnii nlAWi.c .p,...r aeawhfla. weaker. Call Eaat B24B. RemembW thai Call Eaat 0248. Remember the name E, N. Morgan; 11 yeara Is buali tfTWTIaTIir TUimiSHElTIiOTMSTOR"RENT THS KING, SOS Jerrsrsos st Nicely famlabed room, with gas or electric' llgbt, beat and hatha, la aew build Ins. 10 .60 aad 110 per y monta. . '"Eiagantly ruralahad. ateem heat and bathe. TBB GRAND. 4BH 1 erth Third t geatlemea t.3S per week and an. AM Fifth st LOWER flaU nicely sftirnlsned, good kjcatloa. S03 Jeffereoa. corner Tenth at. - ROOMS, nicely fornlabed and bnth. with without board. 431 Seventh at. HI"' ' .ifa -ji i aaBBmnga -FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING - FOR RENT rural abed housekeeping room. 42S Stark St.-- - - - .---'. THREE HOrBEKEHPlNO BOOMS - tor rent, M Third St. , - v HAVE SOMB VERY NICB fornlabed nooae keeplng rnoma, with alcorn, gaa and hath. Calf 83 Sixth street, or phone Mala SB23. TBB MITCHELL. Flanders sad Booms, koneekaentjig snd transient; seaieat: prices aaosable. 1. tS WEEK ap, class, furnished huoaakaaplng room, with yard, parlor, laundry, bath. tar. Bscs heat. SUB Staatoa st, - V' gar. - gl BO PER WEEK Large, clean, tsrawhed bonsekeeplag-CeoBis; laundry aad bath. 14 Slier ma a Booth Portlaad. 171 ALDER Nice aeuaekeeplng-reoma; gas atoee, bstb. phone, eloae te bualnaaa; reaeenabls. SLBBPINGand buusekeplug-eonm for -rant. See B. B. lilgley, room SO. 327 Vi Waxhlng toa sC LARGE elegantly furnlibed hoeeekeeplns rooms; gas range, barb, running water; II week. " BOSH Alder at. " THE GRAHAM. 64 SH Waah. Rooma ll.TI per weak; aonaekeeplns. 13.60 par Week and up. BOt:SEKKEPINQ- -tants er roow.-frnit and shade treeer T-eeli andr Clark Camplag Oronnd. Monnt Tabor. Phone Kaat 412H. - UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT I anfurnlahed room, rloee in; rent IS per month. Call SW Sixth at. -ROOMS AND BOARDr 171 ALDER Large front parlor, bath, board II desired, walk log dirt aac. reaaooeUe price. SINGLE front room with board. $20; aide room asltabl for two, ITS each. 443 Jeffereon. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNL ....,. - TURE FOR SALE. S-HOOM bouse for rent, fnrnlrnre for Bale; complete, snd neatly fornlabed. 60S Eaat Morrlaoa L ALL THE FtTRNITL'RB of th Sell wood hotel for st a bargain. Hotsl for raat. ' IMTtTRaat lth St., gellwnod. 1 -FOR RENT HOUSES. ft BARLT" new thoroughly "modern S-meea flat. Including ga and alectrlclty, fnrnac heat, lull -cement basement, la teat plumbing, not nnd cold water, gaa range Installed, flrsplsee. 11 largg reception ball. In addition to 6 rooma; $30 month. Apply to Portland Trust Company of Oregon) xrheng 73. ' NEW a room hooss. gas, electric light, porce- lain balb, -fall baesmsnt, large ground! S blncka from school. 1 block from ear; eaat "aide, north, 15-mlnnte ride from center of ii , .in i aim i-iiiim. ----- n ... aim any I fail nmmei ua, 1 1 11 a KADPERLT TRANSFER CO.. prompt ssd re. . I1bl piano and furnltar nmeere; akw a tee age, phone Main less, of See lie N. Third, FOR RENT Modern S-room houae. Irrlng Ms.. $60. Phens Mala TOl. Ittk aad TBB CONTINENTAL COMPANY 34$ STARK ST. 1NSTJRANCB. BENTALB. SEE LIST." r btwa S rSTllne ; ae cb 1 Idles. - asquirs $08 T-ROOM lion, modern, aoT Sixth et. Apply a, SSH Third at. NEW mod era S-room cottage, 44g Union srs.. nnrth., $20. Phone Eaat 403. - - S-ROOM cottage. Eaat Eighth and Yamhill, $lft; S-room bona. Eaat I'tmklll between Befecth and Eighth. $18. A 10 ROOM bnardlng-hnuae aear th S. P. ear abop. SRth and Powell ala. Pbone Eaat 6063. S-RtKiy rnttage; gaa sad bath; jnet erar- aimed: rgnt in town, as weet Park. TWO MODERN HnrSES One six rooms, one' t'Bone Mala 4404, rorenooa. $22.50 NICE mora medera aoos. CsU 10th eao a.aat.veucs sts. I - luuny: F csmforta,"!" I'"? ta" " f Addreaa O 108, csre JoarnaV. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT Modern room houae, ruat eoea- rleted, TlolUday Park.'- Inquire S6S Waaee. hone Eaat 3074. IIOI'HE te rent at Sellwsod. Emmons A Euv . mous. attoraeya at law, lad Waahlagtoa.- HtHSKS. COTTAGES snd rooming housee tor rest or sale. Hare soma good bargalna, ' Mrs. . Wlhmu't ' Agency, Sult4 Morrlaua I C ThonF Pacific VWT. "- TWO hoose. 104 ssd 10gi 17th nest F Un der at., 1S per month Ssch. IsqaUs Lowaa. gardt. IS Park at. FOR RENT FLATS. MODERN s-roma flat. Including sas aad steel rang; ahadea aa wlooowa. 20 Uaawy. FOR RENT JO New S-roma fist. 15 L'nlon aos., sorts. Bear Hollsday. FOR BBNT T-room modern aew flat, SeTVk Sixth at., aeas Jarkaon. Pbone Paclfl sua. .- A. H. Maag ly, 310 Fourth st, -L. . S-BOOM Sat. newly papered, aorthwaat eorast 13th ssd Eaat Stark; rent raaaoaahle. - MODERN 6-room flat. Including gaa snd at eel range; ahadea ea windows. SOS Halaey. MODERN T-room anpar flat, leteef eoneenl- 4fla N. Ninth, inquire 4V pi, rare at. FOR . RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFIOB rooma. sjafurnlahed leaans aad sample ndaengn bids ssply aim WANT TO SHARK OFFICE ROOM te reduce rinenae;. suitable for ssy Has. K 100, ear ."' JoernaL PART ef abop for real. Inquire SOS FOurtk, aear Salmon. . . PART ef ebon to rent, suitable for painter T plumber. 30S Fourth St. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 1 -seres, S-rssa houae. bare, fruit, spring water; Ooraell road: .S. F. D. - No. 3. Box lie. Mrs. Carrie Eanla. . .. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT la city, SH arrea -liable gardening. Inquire 30S Fourth. -- - - BUSINESS CHANCES. A LIVE." growing Portland bnelneee, rapidly sxpendlng, can ass from la.OtiO te I10.OU0 additional capital. Answer with part lea la re j aa to what baaia would be willing to engage neon If Inreetlgatiaw peeeee aatlaf aatery,. A-1,. drees S 111. rare Journal. , DON'T come here first, bet doa't bay your city property, fruit aad gardes Issd. wheat, stack . or dairy rncss until yea se na. North West Lsnd Co., 3ns Ooodnoagh bldg. P. B. - Ws skm bee nalnaaa chance, ef ell klada, ssd saa locate yea right. N. W. L. 0. -fWrlO-lS M O. MOBOAW gt CO. Ll t term by H. H. waahlngton at. PORTLAND saborbsa dragatere far sake. - Ad dreaa B 4, cars Journal. , .. ... r-v - v -.- SPOT CASH. Far furniture and beoaehold Foods. PHONE MAIN 50&. a 1 WRITE 0 .qntct shnot recent Important de- hatiiirallAnlojnAUcJlwItclL. Signal Co.; buy tock before-big advance. i. rv uurat et tje., sue Mcasy oios. FOR SALE CHEAP One of the beet black smith and WBgon ibops la th Willamette JUtylltock..sjid tool wortbJll...wBk for th aaroc ; other bualnea reoa for aelllng. For particulars addreaa P. 0. Bus -230, CorraUia, Or. . . f F4R-8Af,B A accounts to tsks orer; stock complete; rite beat atore-la the cltyr would exchange Ttr timber, farm lands or desirsble city property, G 117, care JouraaL r WOW SALE A SNAP.- Aniptete reatauraat ontflt. Inrrndlng a double rang, coffee ara, gaa plate and rery r thing necsaaary (or flrat -class restaarant; local low aicellant. Phone Eaat 383. SPECULATORS, writ me for- big barr tea In .. Hunt Switch. Brock before' Switch goes on rood. -I is selling this stock at s bis dls . count. P. O. Box S71. - . FOR SALE. ONE ef the beet legging tob on the river, right on the bank. 1U.000.000 feat nr. l.ono.000 , felled and bucked up; roods made, brand-new donkey, cable, logging too la ssd essip sqslg xnent for 23 men: the camp la now la opera- Z-tloo. The owner, regretn vary much kartna to dianoae or thai, out there are good reason, which will be fully explained br ahonlne - Eaat 3M. : : SH'KNEWt conn pel a the selling pf a good paying restaurant, eooreciionery, ctrara, tooacco ana ice cream stnd: will b sold cheap If takes st ours. Addreaa H 138, cere Joarnnl... $8000 ONE OF TBE BEST basin opportnnl- tie in roriisno; tnorougniy eaisniHaea, n . solutely etable and honorable; beet people . Ita patmna; will bear doaest lnreattgatloa; owner going eaat. O 110, care Journal. FURNITURE aad hardware Mora for sal. Call at 287 First at., er st Coaa Bros., 183 First St., Portland. . . FOR SALE ' ' ...... Blackamtth shop; good established bualnea snd location. Pbone Eaat 500. RrftTAt'RANT and lnnch eounknr ."Tyiiiug- Addreaa toa st. for ssls; 3 years' E 13d, cere JouraaL FOR SALE On account ef sickness, good pay. i In bakery aad confectionery. In on ef the - beat town In stste; so opposition; railroad building within two miles of tewa. Lock Box 144. Core, Or. -ROOM lN-HOf:SS-ee-4 rant In connection, for Bale at s bargain; long Teas ; cheap rent.-Inoulr at 64 North Second at. Pbon PsclSe 1647 . . SAN FRANfllSCQ eartbennke and tbe nppnr h."w iii i aa i bo mr pinr snoo t-- BAYING TO LEA YE PORTLAND ea Import. - aat bwalnesa, will sail wholesale business st a aacriflee. Capital required, $l,50O. Ad. ' drae quickly if you want a good baalneee. ' Addreaa O 10S, ear JournaL WANTED A practical sawmill man with 15,000 to gs.ono to handle a quick-turn desl; can net $25,000 in T months on 'contract smrk portable mill; legitimate proposition. . Ad dreaa H 115, ears JouraaL PARTNER wanted in good Baying restaarant: $100 rennlred. Call at 184 Bnmalds at. Mala 71)10. FOR SALE 22-room rrmntng-hnaae, centrally located, sll aew furniture; paying $100 per . month now; could be mad to nay $150; will ssU for a- limited time for $t0 pay . $800 . down and balance monthly tor $Vm ' raahl. Cnll East 1354. Location $70 U Beat Morrison st. ' , . . , ' . FOR SALE A. new etock ef groceries; good bargain; aa excellent location; owner re tiring from bnalBSse. VIS Jeff arson. MONET -MAKER In sn tabllabd transfer and drays gs rmeinesu. Klnsell, SOS Com' - aaerrtai bis.-Main SS3S. . A SWELL RESTAURANT, eempbrtsly fur ntahed. te rent cheep te s man who known bow te conk- and eater to th eery b-t trad. (Only this kind awed apply.) 107 Tiilid St. GOOD paying restaurant for eel. $150. at 14 Rnmatd at. Phone Main 701. Cell FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR-SALE 4 boentlfnl lorn. 80x100, OolnmMa Heights; fine orchard, 4 room tank beua. well and windmill, newly fenced; ideal annurbaa v home; excellent car sat ileal $1,800; mortgage $or, S yeara: $1,300 net; owner leering city. Address B 180, csre JouraaL - ONLY a few day mors m which yea rsa gat on of those fins lota oa East SAta and Yaiav- ' hill at SO per rent bms than they ara w ee La Pa ttereou k Stewart, 1000 Belmont et. $ ROOM BOUSE AND S LOTS. IS fralt trees. $500. Terms. Pbone East 4016. BOYER, nn rlrer from PnrtlSsd. Located nn. f der N.. P. Irrigating ditch and oa new north sank railroad; fruit gee ea tbe market three weeka earlier thae In aay other aectloa, com manding blgheat prtcea; dally eteamaea from Portland. Sal by the owners. Hoes Lead - Co., Hoeer, Waablngtoe, ONE acre - magnificent location: new 6-room I house, all plaatered, eemeet cellar and out balldlnga: ckai. to 10 room school at Lenta, PC tare to any part or Portlaad: pries sal $1,075, on terma; axtra bargain, ton,. Lenta, Or. ' . '. . t . a. Aedi- I T fi'in rr imi I rmmini nnnits rnr nir nQ"'n , naa 10. 22.1- lo nir Bee . I yea lota FOR, SALE REAL ESTATE. DO TOD want to bur cljy lots or acreage? ff ev, ee e.aat nkle Heal ratate ta. eaat lus , property a epeclalty. 407 HawthCToa are.. , uraan. juni, ACBB TRACTS! . . fll-elssd stmts, wa taejtw eat a, i TERMS flO "PER A ORB CASH J( ll PER jACBS PER MONTH. ' Tea so to taees a ere ee the ssss sac, ax tba same se fare the tat ma a says. Tas . let maa Is year neighbor, but be xt re stricted In majority st testates thai axes a true auberbaa home. Open Wadaaaday aad Saturaay eeealng. a , T- d. a CBOBCHILL 00. SKA, 110 Seeoed St. . MUST aacriflee S-room eottsgs. S lots; ao rea sonable effer refused! la suburbs. Addraea P a, ears Journal, - - FI'LL kW on Tillamook with cement walk Cor SA50. Pboee Mala 40. SVt ACBES and email hoaaa. 1 sera asaall fruit; Rood location Montarllm. frank A. WlUanL . Phone Kaat 4123. . . . Jt.BOo Bnndsom boas, hrssd new, wall ar. ranged. - all modern ImpreTementa, Bna cor ner. Ninth and Rrhuyler, Holladay'a Bddl- . tlon; beet bny en market at price. SOS Fourth, 11,350 Nice new 4 -room cottage; bath. faa and electric llgbt. Mabte atreet be-e-eea Ha ml Ilea are. aed Bey moor, l-'Moek from B car aad school. South Portland; terms. Inquire SOS v Fourth. Pheo .fsclac 2124. Realdesce, Mala SNK. I BUILD kmsMS. eaay-saymenta; hrte ramlahad If desired:' Miller. SIS Commercial bids. F . St. Jchns Property ' FOR SALE CHEAP. -IS ' Iota. 1 ty blocks from posbofflre, srer looktng rlcer; SSM1 per lot. SI lots. Sit blocks from car line; 250 per Int. ' ' ' 1 acre. SO faet feess esrllss; SSSO. - S3 seres sear parting-plant site; 1700 per acre.. . ,' .Lota S30 Sows and 110 per awinth. ' THE HOME BROKERAGE COMPANT. Boom S Breedea blk., Tbird snd Wsshlagtoa. ACRES No. risnd. 1 mils from electric line. 10 miles et ef Portland; tbla Is No. 1 land. lave well and eaar to eleart there le ae rock or sraTsl. I will sen s. io ar su seres at SA6 per acre ea eery easy terms. ' care JeurnaL D 10. 20 ACRES, 4 mils sonth of Oreahamt 13 seres m One atate or euillrattom. ssiaaes can ne lea red ready for the plow -for $10 per acre; f7 - there are AOd pea treea. T years-old: this la eery nn trnit or potato inau. n hi eeii for $1,300 on easy terma. or will exrhsng .for city property. D 108. care JoomsL 12.850: $500 Sows. $23 Owner, phone East S75. flHEAP HOMES f haea S mors n-room cettsgce for sale. hrim'Tricw.--Sr I1" ass's nd 130 par ondaddltlou and. am ready le aell any alee, at s low price: terms Jes bash, .t l..l.lll. aimiiion, oa the Mt. Scott carttas, today. WILLAMETTE bonlsTsrd Iota. 100x100, infra. 150; rlrer eiaw ; automobile home. Sella Uoeeett, Ockley Green atattoa, St. Jonas est. TWO roll lots snd bona, psttoa srs.. North Albtna. II,: gardt. SI I ,250: eaay terns. Inquire Lswea- auiev NEW S-ronm house built wltC the best of ma terial, artistically deaignea, aounie linen, ce ment cellar floor, furnace, modern ha thrown l and,., selected wood JtaV all lnld "work, with flue exaabeirataln' flntab. dining room paneled op to the plate-rall. bonee tinted threugbout-caady for naa. at a price lee than it can be donlleeted ts. lot eon- M- setae -the jnoat- cbolcs jpcsimn J tnilaoay ana irnngtnn aaotuonacorner s east Fifteenth' and Hancock sts. Chas.'T,. . Jieaa, of floe phone . East Sli home . phone Eaat 128. - ' A OOOO BITY. - " IT1.00nfor-104 ycres-neav' rlycamor. ts-4 tlon, aT ox Ienia, nnimprorn, an excellent macadamised road ea one aide of property ; ulUble for chicken ranch nnd general farm. ing: $400 caah, balance parable $28 qusrterle withsut rnreeest. - Thl will est remeas long on ear book. Apply st one. R. H. Blos som, SIS Chamber of Comaxete. 13.000 New -inenSra a room bona -on a fall , lot snd In ths finest resilience dlatrn-t on Ilia eaat aldet furnlahed If deal red: $500 down. balance easy monthly paymenta. Pbon today Eaat f375. During wees Pacific 1S3S. FOR SALE T-room hard-flnlebed bonus; Mr. - Tabor, ea - carUn- aroond 100x100: , fralt ..trees snd ga rden : price $1,100; $400 caah; Installments- to salt purchaser. Phone Mala 0026. , I $Z6fl0. -Johnaoe st.r-west aide. 6-rooai koosa. T. - KiaaalL- - . 60S Cosaaaarcial Blk - A S-ROOM HOUSE. ImproTemsnts. Irringtoa, y.i.ioo: eery cneap. u. a. nmita, ew - $71 Waahlngtna at., er Phone Kaat 1546, $3,00018 PER CENT .an your JnreatmemV ea a splendid home. If "yon csre to occupy. It ;rf brings an tncoms of t4 per month at l t time: xnorougniy moo em s-room soiisgs, rail ' brick bsaement; lot 50x100; fruit trees, flow ers snd lawn; taesstlgata quirk; good terms. - - BABOAINS. ' - When dlagnated with old teal estars sum. Sire the lire ones a call. . Wb haea cigar Laiors-aJ.Q npt.jrrocary. tores, to roles: rca-1 tauranta. longing Beuaea. ail aixes saa pnos; an sinua ui latiu aitu itna. YOI'NO DEMENT. 341 Madison at. - SS.O00 V -ATRKS. S blocka from alatW. nn ine ii, w. p., ait in nian stare or cui- tiration; new e-room nous tpitrol. lOTt Third st. - $2.000 NEW, MODERN. 6 room bone en 28 tk t.; fuU lot; halt cash. 107 Third at. $1,806 MfrDERN 6-rnom hooa 1n Bnnnysid; - lot 60x100; half cash. 107 Third at. $1,00010 ACRES, 6 mllee eat. oa tb Barr read; an Idesl place for chicken ranch; $100 cash, remainder monthly, 107 H Third. SO ACRES. . all clear; Third St. aear Woodlawa. $406 per ere; good for a peculation. 1U7H $1,600 , BLOCK, near Union are.; eery . Sne rcxldenc property; small caah pay menL 107 H Third st. $1.600 V. ACRE snd 8 -room bones; St. Johns; conrenlent to ear. 107 Third sL $1.500 m ACRES, near Piedmont, ea Yxs eoorsr ss. 107m Tblrd sL $400 CORNER LOT, en Slat st. smsll essb payment. 107H Tblrd at. 300 FARMS, small tracta snd lota; bargain ea 0. W. P. electric line. O. R. Add! ton. Lesta, Oregoa. Take Mauat Soott ear. Sc. FOR SALE No. 831, ear. of Clay and ISth sts., Portland, Oregon:' ao agent, Pan 11 Gaby, Vaneourar, Wsablngtoa. . OO toda and sse that beautlfnl 6-raoai bone a ra la.ersry..s;sy. uiciuov. Ine flrenlaee. and richly tinted: eaaftrrme. See owner today. 653 Onion in. N. Phone Eaat S466. 160 ACBES. homestead relmqntahnjent for sale; . fnraiabad bouae. bam, orchard, miming wa ter; cheap. Tbla Is a bargain B 103, gare JouraaL $1,75020 ACRES. T Stiles from Portland; jg seres la eultlration, new T-room house, good barn, other oatnuiiaing! s ecreevin orenara. good ' from well, a otocae irons acnooi, a pracka rllBs. . 107H Third st, - - .- - CORNER lot, SSrtno, west side; Idaal mra tlon for Sets. Csll PsclSe 1838. IF YOU wsat to build, bay en year materia hi al tb Americas Ian; yna will ear T$ per cent; fin doers, windows, plaster boards. . ruatie er riding, flooring, etelre, timber ssd kamker. pboa ewaa. padfls 1076. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A Sa stock range, eantsmlng about f arts seres; sll usdar fane; ltutd aeer Ross. ' berg, Oregon, ea S. P. R. R.; tbla Is one th Best stock rsncss is tbs cnostyi I ala Bare another good stork rings containing 1.4JD scree, wnica win ae am at a eery low i. ror partieaisr aonreae . m. Bataer swssr, Baasburg. Oregon. BAYE yna a bouaa for rest? If SB, I let tt with oa. W eea rant It at once. Bast Sid Real , Katate Co, 40T Bawtaeroc are. , . . " ':. s . . . ... . . i s . '. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE, In St. Johns- One 4 room house, muderu. platred wtrnV wmio atire: sl furnl.oMl; euruer kit, luuxim'l S biwka fnim a,-boo I nnd car line; Sue yard . and fenced; price $l,5Ao; one-blf caah. One 4-ruvm houae, uoe-hlf buxk fmnt-4-ar - line. In I'olnt View atallen: let DoxlOUt K-e- i..imaii . awja, ... . r . .-. oom S. Breeder bldg, Tblrd and WaahlngfonT FOR BALE CHEAP 6 and T-room beuaast saod. erni part caaa. 870 OarfiVld ara. lake - Woodlawa car. Pbon Eaat 354L. S-BOOM houae and lot 50x100, oa Kaat 14th at., fur only $850. If joe want a anap, look this up quirk. I 180, care JouraaL . SELLWOOD LOTS. $6 down and $5 s month; - from $76 to $206. - Rail wood Townalta U ' II. P. Palmer, manager. Pbon Beat 4704. $16,000 WILL boy 60x138, centrally located. . Income $3,160 par year: pays 6 par rest on " Sao.OuO; tbla property should treble in eslus .In ths next 10 jeers, being better security:, than any bank, and three time better than loaning money oa real Batata. Mrs. Bona da, Suav Stantoe, corner CommareUI. Alblne. - LARGE Broom colonial cottage. $3,000; $200 down, $20 monthly. Owner, phone Eaat 675. FOR SALE FARMS. Choice Buys : 11 $8.300 40 acree. S tulles sortk of Yaneou.. teri. ajLactns ttearriLall fenced- sndcroee- reueed, good JVi-atory 7-rooni nouae, good bam, S acres variety orchard, moatly apples, - In flrat-ciaaa abapa; , -mliss to scbool. 11, mllee l railroad stallon, on mala const road, grareled; good team worth $300, waxua, harnM, boggy, mower, rake, dlak plow, bar-" t row, mltlrator." all new; pony, 3 cow. 4' nogs. 50 chlrkena, household furniture: 6 ' acres apuda, balance atld; ami Und. beat of ."ll. aandy loam; will giro terma; this Is' a beautiful plsce.. Se It. - .... - 3U0 scree, 4 miles from WsshoogsL 26 mllee from Pnrtlsnd; TO acre ka fine atate of eultlration, several arras timber, balance ea.lly cleared, leral land, sll fenced snd rroaa fanced, . new 14 atory 12-room kouss, - new barn O0wi, family orchard. 3 llrlng aprlnga near bouse, good well, wstsr la banes. good team worth $350, SO head eattle. eral nillch cowa. cream severe tor, all kinds of -farm macbhlnery. bosa, , chlrkena, 40 acres fall grain, balance aseded: ererytbln Is flral claaa order; terma; $0,000 for farm; $7,000 -tncltidlng all personal property; H cash, bal sncs good terms, er will take part In good city property; thl by th heat bny la this county; mist ef soil; Inrestlgste this before "buying. . i $3.oooi AT sens. 8 mil front Wssbongsl; -. 60 seres cleared, some timber, balance eaatly cleared, all fenced, good S-atory 1 boose, large barn, family nachard; near school: heat of . bUck loam soil, S bead horses, 50 bead of - est t Is. 80 anllch row, hog, cblckms, farm wJuplensaatsj. uia, la a-suap,.,.,.. - $.100 10 sere, 1 mllee (rota Yaaoeeeer, 'Berth. JSOf) 26 acres. ' 1U miles from Yaneoarer 1 .000 .10 acres, 3 miles from Ysncnueer, $400 30 seres, S 'miles from Yancourer, WASHINGTON OREllON REALTY CO 358 H Wash. St.. room 13. Portia nd. Or.. " And 300 Mala, gt.. VsncooTsr, Waah. - FARMS 806 farma for' sale, from-1 acre ap before bnymgy- East aide- Bs I Fataii I n , ain lliajlknaaa ana i 160 ACRES m Curry county, $5' per aere. Own- er. rai pono at. STAMP btTnaa""S(l-haga "est loans "of enuntre . lands. - Burr-Psddnn Co., voO Broadway, Oak. : Und. Cal. NOTICE to Homeseekrs snd Ineastors I hsrs choice whest farma. In large or small resets. ' in tb now farsoua Eight-Mils eonntry. In Mi low i.iuuty. a sletrter where fallnre wae ; nerer known, where yon ran buy a hnma at a iBgnsnia pricw, nu-naxe teruia. wBlcK-wtn- . make yon n 10 te 25 par rest oa your - lareatment. I hare ale en me very choice stock farms. . chesn. Yoa will da rourselvaa an Inlustlce I f you hoy -elaewbera without laraatigaUag Jim .SKUvK. ef Oreann. Addreaa M0SE ASHBAUGH, ' Keal aetata. Elgbt-Mlls. Morrow County. Oregon. IFOR SALE A geod. stock ranch of BOO aerea - la eatra Oregon;, kit of good watsg Bnd wooa ; mignx iraoe I or s smsiivr pises thax Is good .and bandr to church and school. For particulars sddress Box S6, Lone Rock, Oregon. 116 ACRES, 3 alee ted. eome baaeerdam, houae.. barn, orchard. 3 eraeka; 10 mllee areat ef v Portland.- Wlngram Baarstl . mate S. FARM FOR SALE 160, a Tee, good buildings, ,00 acres andec ealtlratlon. rrnlt sad berries, aplendid water, aear-town, dally malt: 1.000,. 000 feet of fins pins aaw timber, lot wood: -. a loesly home In th moat delightful Climate on (he Pacific roast. . Addreaa H. I, box . 11T. WoadTllle, Or. -..... . S4A PER ACER 125 aerra. (In fruit farm, le Yamhill eonnty, well lmprorsd; bona, barn snd fruit dryer; good- place for stock; run- ' nlng water ; as acres cleared, 80 la Tarioefl - kinds. of fruit; plenty of wood; rural mall .or phone. , A bargain ' If sold soon, . E, 0. Robertaoa, TO Kaat Sixth North. ' CAU. at too SOS Io.-foi for-TB- bartlruUr a boot -Trheat ld. ' party will tears Wednesday, May S. FOR SALE TIMBER. --WciWant-Timkr Ws hsrs cash buyer far large aad small tract of good timber la Oregon, Waah lag ten a California. - - - ..... . .... Pbon Mala 6308. SIT U reatsa aids. CERTIFIED - gcrlp. -ay t ala pma lawaag : ee. w. u. newBU, sas vasmoer eg wa FOR SALE 8,000 scree tlmoer lsnd ea rood - logging atreaia In Oregon: will rat lB0.0fJ0.OOU . feet ef choice yellow fir. Call for nartlcu- lar at room 615 Mara nam bldg. J. S. Taylor. , . nunaas AniLVAKKIAVl FOR SALE A work horse, sing! ar doable! weigh sheet 1.600. 388 Eaat Moniaoa st. - FOB SALE Bsy mare. yeara ald elty broke: set harness: light road wagon. Call. . Bandar st 14o3 East Coorh; week dars at " -15th and Front. The Adamant Co.- Phone Kaat AISO. . - FOR S A LB Team, 8,000 pounds; 1 team. 8,500 Piund, snd on cheap hatss, 1,200 Bounds, hone Eaat 6548. , Tt " ' t . . TO EXCHANGE. SPOT CASH. For furaltor and household roods, i PHONE MAIM 6666. EXCHANGE 16 acres ' st Rockwsod;. 6-reena plaatered boose, family orchard, 1 bora, 1 ' cow, wagon, farm Implements, hooaehold goods, chick ana, etc.; Vain $1,000; will take , realdenc to amount of $106 aa part pay,. - luTVk Third St. TO EXCHANGE A $65 Elhrra plane eert I fi rsts for s good steal range. Tim extended to Msy $L Address K 101, ears Journal. 80 FOOT launch to sxebangs foe acrssgs. What hare mat 618 McKar bide. J WB will exchange T sere Tight at ststloa on O. W, P. eerlln, only l-nHl B '"t rest. . denes, talus $1,400. 107 Vi Third-et. FOR SALE or i change, Und for city prop- arty. . eoS E. Ttb at. north. ' " "FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUSj- B1LLIARD AND POOL tablss fa rent a te sa la b y paymenta. THE BRUNoWlCK BALKE COLLENDEB CO. . - 46 Third St., Portland. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW AND SECONO. HAND SBWIN0 MACHINES. STANDARD . SEWING MACHINE A0ENCX. B, D. JONES, 360 YAMHILL ST. . WB need fomtrore sad will pay SNill esree. Pbon Fnelfle" 708. Wtera Salrag t 627 Wsablngtoa St. WESTERN ORBOON MINING aV MILLING CO. headquartera; etock for sals ad tafor elation at 308 First st. Pbone Main 1626. BOOKS bought, sold snd ssehangsd al tbe Old Book Store. 326 Yamhill et. SHOWCASES AND FIXTUBBS made to order eerond-hand gooda for tela . Carlson Kail-, Strom, 386 Ooeeb St. Phone Clay STL HOW canes, counter, fli turns bnnghr. sold or xchanged. Western Salvage Co., 62T Wasb Ingtoa st. . PsclSe TBS. WB print yeor name ea 60 calling Cards, proper alas and atyl. 86; 20 bnalaees rnrda. 81. A. W, Sckmale Co.. S2B First. Portlaad. Or. BOLDEN'S RBEUMAT10 CURB- -Snrs rbeumatlam. Sold by all druggaita. ,