-THE -OREGOIT SUND A Y'-JOURNAZJ,1 -PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINQ, . MAY 6, 1SC3. - r--( 12 ---- it - NEW TODAY.. ; rOPON CVENlNpS (Incorporated) : CAPITAL 530,000 ; Fully Paid poitTiJi.va Philadelphia; bos- TDJC NEW TORK. PJTT8BURQ. - WASHINGTON, D. C ' MINING INVESTMENTS KEAL ESTATE BUSINESS CHANCES: The fact of our having established - ri... iiimiuImiii - ih at - aires ua . an exceptional advantage In the handling .or ail.kinaa, ot prupriy " mente, whtnh-aocouula for the Speedy ' results obtained when any Of our cll " ents wish to buy. aell or exchange any nt or nersimsl nrooerty. such r -ae-Mtaear-Jleal. Jiatate Stocky JJonda etc , , 4 .. SPECIAL, ru TfyoTTiavany "Tnlnlnc stuck, rven -though you think It ia of no value, bring la to us-and wv'wilt buy, aell or - exchange It for you. ' No matter what it la worthBring It In. ; ; --- If yu wutt buy swythlngy we will find It for you; , . If you want to aell anything, we will Xlrid a buyer. . ' , - ' , If you. have money to lend, we will '. find the fight kind of a borrower for '"if you want to borrow money, we will find a let-ler. r -. V If you bave anything to exchange, 're ua. '' In fact. If there la anything In ou line of business that Is of Interest to you, do not fsll to call upon ua. We will save: you tlm. -trouble and, money. ; The J. C. Lee Company LJWoma t-10-U-ls, lafayette Bldg Blxrth aad -Washing-toa Bts. 1 OPEN BVEINIISQS Quarter block near Hawthorne ave nue ft (00. . Half , block. 'Kast . Clay, near Grand avenue 111,000. -i . .. A. full block, facing Grand avenue iin.ooe. - Otnrr Quarter block. XL.. 7 th. Had Belmont 7.W0. ' v U..l 1.1 n..lr k. 1 TTnlnn mwA "CI rmnA A Few Good cioae in--ii?.soQ."-jr-:; S3TrAMoWzi.vf.-Park Addition I ill 1 1 ui'A.K vll i u i .vu ttavn via "i : proved street $10,000. - - (0x100 on Orand avenoe, near Mar ket 1.1,000. . S acres one mile west of Clackamas e'atlon. all In cultivation 11.000. 1 'avg-18-othgr -ai'i 'trams adjoln- . Ins the above tract at from (100 to 1200 per acre, that I will either sell or ex change for good, residence .property. For f vrUter. partlculara-se " BEVER. 404 East Aider -PhomrEaatr4tl- Residence Lots v CLOSE' IN Cement walks.' parked streets. eewtT and water, on East Thirtieth, one block north of Hawthorne avenue; neighbor- hoot or peautirul homes. . Easy terms. or sate by owner, , Geo E. Waggoner "Tfr rimniTBldg. -TlSone MaIh5SS: 1,40 Neat J5-roonr cottage,-Xurnl- ture includes; gooo neignDornooo: fine, view: lot S 1-1x104 feet lt-foot "v alley, street graded. Bull Run water, ' full basement fruit trees, berries, lawn. J415 Knowles ; avenue. Arbor , ' Lodge station. . . . , .$250 per lotfS oash and $5 per monm; nun nun water. Aajoining Arbor Lodge station. -650 A triangular fraction. 51 feet on front street near Bancroft. $ lOO Lota in Foxchase AddltlonrrlS cajih and fS per month. AHMwrt--cowy ln' the Paanath . . region. . . x." ... .. . .-. BEAVER REALTY CO .- - 494 Ziunker Xxohaage. LOCATION 200 ft on railroad track, 120itcin depth central ' location; price low. ! H E. NOBLE r: COMMERCIAL BLOCK -Announcement-: J. H. Heilbroriner '& Co. Have estabtlahed ah office at Kooms 618-10 Xamaer JBaehange Building, Beo . ond aad Stark streets, where any one .Juteremed In this district may secure free literature a'nd Information pertain ing to . Hood . River, and Mosler fruit lands, ' Xd O. Mayor, formerly with R. L. Tate, haa been placed In char a . An Oli Story ' The a wae sari r'Ht' for tea year para keaHr 4to wlclnal Mt of toe amarty aa4 In smmm eaia Uh apprwlatlia la SMre-tbaa la tmrt ex the In,s4aat. lit BAST l"H'K kaa Ih. bmmH HOVIFH. MJM AikKATKST poealatlM. at CWi)Wl.v lb. nml RAPIDbT, ami the UttKaTKB I OHTUAND Ml 8T aad Witt, a thara. IIOLLADAY'S ADDITION H the (antTafthtrat eentr of ib city, and la Ik, ual UKNIKAHI.g nalaasee dhtrl. ad of lata will tiiauaaa Bt'HINKSII retort, no aot awlenk ihr rClH m-n eoklns Intealsmita and rail and la-,-l In nroM1r, J,-. aelng- Is beli.rlnf, Ttt Crc;ca Kcij Islz'.t Cc?aay gtis st keesi e, rortlasd. NEWTODAY, INVESTMENTS 32540x100. a choice residence on 20th, near Powell at.' &OOoaUlQL.JeaviunO;dJ f lIOO Two line lota and 8-room . nouae near car lines, m Tabor, Jtasy terma. f 3.20O 0x0. cor." Water and Olbba, -room nouae in neat or condition. - 180x100 Hoyt bet list and XJd, a tlrst- claaa residence property,- . Warehouse Property. We have choice warehouse property for eale on lfth. ' 14th., loth and. J. Water at. .. ,.. f ... ., We have a eelect list of farms to ptek from In all parts of the state. ;, , ; ' i5innottd& Sinnott Mi Chamber of Commerce, v CheapJJoraes I have-J-more- -8-roon.. eottagea f or sale the same price. 1800; $100 and $20 per month. I have Just, platted- new -addition to my second addition And am .ready to aell you lota, any else, at a low price, Terma easy. .!., . . .. JOE NASH At BTashvlIla Addition cm the in. Soott cajr una, tooay. ALBINA Overlooking the city, convenient to railroad shops, waterfront, school and ; cars. - Lots for sale cheaplhy ' "'''v "TZojEa'x WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., Asents Sartark-StrPhonePaeifie-OJ 840,000 Quarter - block V cm Fourth, street ; business ..district. 820,500 Comer on Yamhill, fsfroTerTartiancr; 1 : r 81750Beautifuf lot 73x100, ,81,350 Choice Corner, lOOx 100, East Twenty-eighth street, near Hoyt. . ,; v,;,..,-,; Western Oregon Trust Co. ;v. ; v.f 291-StarkiStrect ; Cheap Acreage - 21 acres, . Fremont and Forty-second streets, near Irvlngton; 1369 per acre. O 122, Journal. .... . - f780-Two lots, Mallory avenue, Maegly Highland. . , too Lot, Btanton street - near Wll- llnms avenue. gLSO Three lots on southeast corner of Kast 29th and Kast Washington. 11300 Large lot neat cottage, at 51 Williams avenue: terma .IfLeoo lt. Bavler, between . 26th "and f 6,000 Flftr acres at Mount Scotfc- ' Ten acres at Woodstock. Reed; Fields & Tynan Co. 102 Second Street r Phone Main 7094. $17,500 Corner. SOxlOO, on First street with i-atory frame building; rent $174 per month. ....... J. F. O'DONNELL & CO. 207-201 Mohawk Building. Will get you a noma In beaut IfuTlrving- ton. The aianee-ean iwvyawt in monti It installments of 126. This will be jMLying xctit .to. yowsglf. liartman & Thompson CHAMBER OF COMMERCE! South Sun nyside TorcesotsovOfTrid-rtHHgWi thorne avenue;' 1460 to 750: 50 down and 410 a month. Now ia the time to tart vournom " HARTMAN Sk THOMPSON CHAMBER OP COMMERCE.. What to Buy When you buy a lot for speculation, Iwavs huv a business lot The one: I am offering on Union avenue, south of Alnswortn, ior wiu om worm i'j six months front . today, .. Better look this up. 7 1 L B. AYRES 111 Second at, rm. 8. Phone Prlv. Ex. 70 - Own Your Own Borne - ' I can sell you a new modern 8-room house for 82,00,-r-a- 8-room modern house for 83,O0; on East Morrison St., near 16th at (Sunnyslde). Small pay ment down, balance small monthly In euillmenta. - See T, 1 J. gammer, (1C Commercial block. .. . - , San Francisco's 'Great Disaster th Bras, asd Jotr rente ernntWina; alao full areoaat of liut rax. cent eruption at VeaBTloa. By aydney Tyler and Prnfeaaor BalpB n. itt. . eiena ee yoor book ortW no noatal and aave OOe ea Brest MMt.inine iw auo larae Dasee of text and nearly 1ik atrtkrng tlroatrationa. we eueee llrat part ef June for 81-00 each. W, I. Ol-SBkXL CO., IsM Kadsa 8t. Portlaad. FIVE ACRES On car line, Ec fare, rich, black aoll, no gravel, near graded school; fine building alte. Especially adapted for gardening or nursery. ,. '' Price $2;7SO , J. HAMMER . - . 818 Commercial Block. Three Acre Home On east slope of ' Mt ' Tabor, all In high state of cultivation. House, barn, poultry house and ysrdsj well fenced; bearing orchard; pears, apples, cherries, etc; also variety of small fruit. (Why live on a town lot?) ' V X J . rtce ga.ooo, on terms. , , : T. J. HAMMER, 16 Commercial Block tooiv s Auamon iTHE JOURNAL,; HAS OVER 100,00-0 READERS EVERY DAY (26,000 CIRCULATION) AND FOR 15c YOU CAN PLACE A THREE-LINE "WANT" OR "CLASSI HIED'?. AD BEFORE THESE PEOPLE AND GET RESULTS THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU 'NEW-TODAY- LOTS IN BEAUTIFUL -a Beauvoir Heights Woodstock car line.'" IS minutes' rMe fronvtnter of city.- at $160 per lot. Is the beat buy in Portland. Lota full alee. Magnificent view and fins- aoll, no gravel, . Onyour own term. '- J. Frank Porter Boom Washington St., Cor,- Firat PAYNE, PETTEYS & CO. - 311 MOHAWK BUTJJJTjrO. Have a number of cheap lota in numer-oua-addiUona on- the east aide. Good rroDerty In and around Salera to ex change for Portland property. Homes on installments. Wr' have acreage, farm a.-and timber land t. ...Cpma In, ajJ. get prices. ' Hmvthorne Ave. Lots Beautiful building lots one' , block south of car line, -between 44th find 46th at. Your choice for 1260 par lot ' Terms $10 per month. Agent' on the ground today .from J to I p. m. Take Mt. Tabor reservoir, or Mt. 'Scott car. , :f M. E. LEE , u nxn STBsaT I Phena Pacltlo (9. BARGAIN TWO BEAUTIFUL LOTS Near ..Hawthorne ivenue, EOxllt feet each: one block car line tme way, two blocks another. Price only ftii each. worth 350; 85casli,balanceal.60 rr.ontniy. J.. Frank Porter to Waafclagtoa St, cor. rsV oon, t. A BARGAIN 10x100 with fine new building, beauti ful location. ' Rent 1T( per month. - It must bet sold. T mtXD 0. XTaTO, SOI Commercial Block, - Second and ----'Washington Bt " " iHe-oolTier'near West Parkv-gi room. house. .Corners are sure to ad vance In valUe. V "T , .... ... ... nBJl o. traro. :': " ' t Commercial block. Hecond and 1 , 1 Washington St, . $15,000 1" On whole block facing onjGrand ave nue centrally located. -. J -- .IT I V . lVAaCaXXT, WXZTKXX CO, 107-108 Sherlock Bldg. 404 E. Alder St $000 .' 80x100 on th street, just the place for nice cottages. rmxs a. xoro, - Commercial - Block, Second to and Washington Bt "EAST "SIDE $10,000" Half- block on raHroiidtrgckr On Ini' proved atreet; good revenue. j- , ' . avaVKanT, wmroaiai co, 107-108 Sherlock Bldg. 404 E. Alder St $7,250 Full lot 1 and 8-room house on Mar shall atreet - near . Twenty-nrst street; One location. ,- - "tiAiniimT, WXXTlDia ft CO, 107-108 Sherlock Bldg. . 404 E. Alder 8t $ 1 0,500 - Corner lot on Eleventh and Columbia streets.- with 11-room mooern residence. UH1S1T, WaTXTatBB ft CJO,'- 187-108 Sherlock Bldg. 404 E. Alder St Southeaet corner Third and -Oak Sta J JVVEATHERJREP0RTfc Llgbt showers fell Batnrday along tbe extreme soatliera co.it of California, hut elaewbero In the. Pacific, coart . aad Rocky mountain atataa no nreclultatloa of conaeauesce orcnrrerl, Tbe North Pacific blab preaaure area haa dlrlded Into two parta. one of which haa stored eeetward te the Iiakotas while the other baa remained station!? off tbe W a Winston eoaat Tbe uiaaaun Is hnreat over- Arhwss Slid tbe tnterlnr of northern California Tbe Indication! are for continued fair weather ht tbla -dlawlct Banoay, wits ruing tempera. ior... i Maxlmnm temperatara, 74 desreea; minimum temneratiire, 48 desreea. Blver reading at 8 . m.. 8.8 feet; chance Is peat 84 houra, .1-0.4. Total precipitation, 8 p. m. to p sa., none) . . . . I ... I I .. Uak.sh.Wm 1 M.8T lacliea: normal precipitation since fteptem ber 1, loon, 41. M lncbra; deficiency, 8.18 Inchea. Total enuahlne. May 4, 11 boura, SM mlnutea: poa.lhla,'innhlne. Mar 4. 14 hour. SO mlnutee. . Rarometar (reduced te sea level) at 8 p. m 30 01. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Arvaa U Hayes. M: Matilda Johnaon, 10, O. E. Baxter. Oregoa City, Oregon, 3.1; Ada line Hamilton. 80. - : Poorae rina tad. M; Curiae Ed land. M. Wedding Cards. W. O. Smith Ce.. Wane lagtoa bids., cor. Fourth aad Waealngtea ata, Mlaa sjertha Martin, room 818 Allakr Mda. gtsmplns -SBd- 8ae.. seadkworki-Jeaaooa. glees. Wedding lorltatloea, . elaaa ansouneementa, calling earda, etc. ; proper forma rind la teat trie" ' Alrln B. Hawk Ce.,' 148Mj Third at. UNDERTAKERS. Edward Bolmas Co., the leading funeral elreetora, have tbe Soeat Mtabllabmeat, the gneat goods, tbe 11 neat T.hlclM and tbe sinet reaaoeable Bfiree. fine braaselotk eaated eaak.ta, g3B and g. Tbe Sneat wood sood) made, from 818 to 820. ' Parlors 880 aad 128 Third street,, encase Balmoa, - Pertlasd, t. Ps rtaley Bes. fSBeral strectDVe aad embelaaers, eornar Third and Madleea atreeta Of See of coaaty eoruaef. T.iepbona Mais Si DssntBg. McBstea Otlbaoga, nadertakere and eineeltai era; senders Is eeery detail, eveatk ad Pine. Mala 480. Lady aeeleteot - A. B. MesHtotk. 'sndevtakar asd embalmer. Beat Thlrteeath had VmatllU ses. Psose Sell weod 7t " BJTIBTirW CTMBTEBT. gtatie graeee 810. Pamtlr Iota T8 te 81.00 The only . eestetery k la Portlaad which pee pMu.llr malntalna aad eares tar Iota, ror fall Inforxaatlos apply to W. at M4ckeaste, Wet tsster Mock, alt, W. at latdd, areatdeat. $47 SO - FUNERAL NOTICES: BRTNOtnaV-At - hto UnaXraaManee.1" lit raat . Thlrty-tourtk atreat May 1, luud, William liuorr Krjrsulda, . yaara, 4 monlba ; and 0 daja. Kuorral will take place ttxfay. '.May 9, at S p. a). troia V. B. Dnnuliif't (tiapal, mrn.r of kaat Aider and gaat BUlb atraeta. JTIeaea larttad. DaTr. Cola., aad ' Nttrwldi, Cooa., papers pleaaa ropy..; Oet yoar tnaarane and abatraeta te real aetata from to Tltla Ouaraatae at Treat eoaipaay, 840 WaaSlnstoa atreat. earaer Quoad. NOTICE.-' Til B 'anderatcnad will racalve aaalad bide for a etotk of aMrchaadlae. sooalatuif prlnelpally ef furolablns swda aad clothlDS. ef the la ' voire price of l.87ft, togettaar with flxtoraa, . $73.00, lorated at Poreat (ireve. Orasos, ap to U e'ekwk Dooa of Tueadar, May i. lttMi. " A eaah depo.lt ef 10 per cent ef the aaKmnt "bid ataat accooinaDy earh offer. The rlgbl la reeerred to rejert any and all hide. Inraatory -of property may be aaea it vr office and tbe property may be tnapeeted at rnr-t Orore- - , Dated at Portlaad, Oregoa, this S8U day of Anrll. 190A. - Pront and Ankeny ata.. Portlaad, 6r. I WEREBT ' give notice tbst t-have -sold ay nair iBtereat in w amine Broa. , groeery to Wklter Maeootier. - r HABTBT H. WATKIW8.- TH R W. It. La ild canyon ranch, g miles west ef Portlaad, ta trow opes for stack. Dee ee write J. A. Putney, eupertnteadeat Bylvaa, Or. Bates S easts par gay. - - - -- TO WHOM IT fcAI CONCEBN. Tbla Is s aura tbini for bedbaga, atr.( Jest ,: tbe thing yon want for your botel and rooni- - log bouee; I eaa guarantee It cleans the bed buce oat ef your rooma and awaatena tbem. I rnd tbey neter eome back; tf they do I will sire yos the money back; I eome to year boase aad do. the werft mra.lt. asd I alao rleas. your booaa If yon want ma te, and alto waab yoor lace eurtains sod faseywork. t all at 430 Oulruby at, , rooms I and.. Mrs. aL U Oubola. . . MARGCRRITg CAMP NO. 1440. B. N. ef A.. wto sire a lad Ira' etralce dance In tlielr ball In tbe Abmstna bldg. on Xburaday eveauig. May 10.. Admlaalon 16c. v ........ J' raBraaaaaaaawsaaBsssaraasaBaBBBMBt MEETINO NOTICES. OREGON Cl RCtlJ. Jte. 1T1. W.- O. ""TT BiMta Moaday alibt - la - Llene' - halt, eeraee WM llama are. sad Rum.il at., at S e'emck. MABX RANDALL, Clark. LOS V AND FOUND. LOUT. Boatoa terrier dog, dark br India, whits weea, band and Hillary erooke tart. "Batura r-te" Zan Brot;,- Z2 FTOhrSLT"lWararrf""''"-' THB bay aa a wheel who atole ' tbe geeart from tbe rraldenre of P. Haraa on eoulhweet eurnee of 3ith aad Marthall ata. pleaaa re- tura It aa ha wis. Been.. aadseTJEroubl. r Mra Hayes. , LOST Peokettook4aet Petgayi'-eaatatalag- 10 bin ana receipts. - Finder pleaae leave it at . Pioneer Kmployment office, 288 H Boraalde at. aad get reward. Main SOSi - . "HEI,P WANTEDMALE. HANRKN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFlClt. Opes today. ' . Wsata. i. .MECHANICAL. ... : 31wrlatif4iLrr..ab carpeotera.M: 4 brldia carpeniera, $3. Tree fare; I bridge . rarprBtera. IJ.75 to $3. free faree 1 railroad roach painters, 83. free fare; leeomotlTe '. hotlermaker, 86ct tinner, 84. 0 hoora; timber framer, 88.80; bUekamHh helper, gl.80 sod uuam Hawver. small mill. 85: posy aawrer. eh ralar, 82.301 edsennaa, 88.SO; trlmmermaa, 83;. ratctiet-aettrr, 82.80. T SAWMILL WORK. r -, - SO eawBtlll haadas Inelde sad eatslrle, 8jW' - B ear l will take able-bodied men who nerer aaw a aawmlll; ateady work; bo objection - to marriee mea or r.ruiir, ae eoara. ia camp. Fire yardmen, 8X26; inelde machine mea from 82.M to 83.60 1 8 firemen. 830 and board: b ree-boree " teamatera, J 10 and board; bra factory aanda, . WOODSMEN. . - - '10 falleas, 83; . 10 eroaa-coltera or Darken, S2.7r; so pesTey or caBt-nook mea asd Mis .. rnllrra. 82. no: 60 men to bum and cat brn.li. 82 28. This k ill up ta tlie Orand Bonde valley; something new, and free fare. Huok- tender. U.60: chaaer. 82.76: IB backera. . 82.60; ft wooda lahnrara. ItSO; tle-anakars, 12c, Hiutiy ahu bibiaibabiii, Maa and wife or S men. cook and helner. : , 8100, small eoantry hotel; mas and wife, at laborer around mine and cook for is men. I: cook.. HIOl Irr cook, iw: nltbt short' order cook,' 814 week; boantlas-lioaee cook. B4i; pantrymaB. : i; aianwauerj.upo.- c wsanerk; am ' Coal mlnera. 61 ton. bo aae. dry. no strike, ' bop. here; sold mlnera and murkera, H fan paid; brtckrard laboren. 82.26; 8 men to -iwork la railroad supply department aandlmg eonatractlon material, S2. Railroad Work. . Free Pan. men aa ie.rn.iviv, ivm nmun, drlllen, concrete laboren, tie bandlen and hnrken. anlkera.' rlrht-of-war elearers. ex. men. tork station gangs by contract; wagus 82.2o to sn a day. and an rree ran. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT Or r ICS,,' - - 36 N. flecond at.. Bear Bum.lde. .Ws hare sll the Jobs ws adnrtiae. - A MAN with 860Q or 8600 for good legitimate ..proposition;, can .make 8200 ta,nonUuA4- areaa i.iie, can journal. WANTED One s irnamoulders. patten m.k - en.- Oaakmaken and -eeremakere. Apply of. flee Pacific Iroa A, Bteel Works,- rnmoit, neattle, Waahlngtoa. Mm and womea ta laan barber trade Ib elrbt weeka: graduatea ears from 816 to' 82V Mokler Bratri ef Colleges, 86 North Fourth at., Portlaad. SALIWMKN WANTEli-ov-atni sf "ths targest auraerlea In the weet;- caaH advancea week it; -good terrttory apen. Addreas Waahlngtoa Nuraery Co.. Toppenlah. waab. A0BNT8 WANTED to aell an perlor. blgb-grase snraesy atnek; complete outfit rurniebed free; nah week It; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nuraery Company, gateau STRONG able-hndled mea wanted st L. B. Ken brtckrard. R. Forty-flnt sad , Dlrlaloo . ata.; . take Blchmoad ear. . WANTED t flnt-elaea aolldton who. ban bad experience la bonae-to-honae nnvaaalng: aalarr and commauios te right parties, su necoaa at BABNEBS and raddlemaken wanting good Jobs . In the country, addreas Cbaa. L. Maatlck A Co., wholraale leather. Front and Oak Irate, Portland. Oragoa. i A BABB opportonlty for s man with some capital; Inreitlgate and yos will son lavaat. C 110, can Journal. WANTED We want to eon tract for 800 to 800 - good Chrneae or Japaneae to labor In tnrpen , tine woods, aad st railroad arid aawmlll work; we would tike to cnrTeapond with reliable pa- ties who will contract to fnrnlah aa with neb labor for a term of years. Jackeoa tara- bee Co., teekhartrCeelngtesi eesatyvAlahsms. WANTED Bailable sewapaper nuvaaaer; steady pordtloa for right -partjr; elty and eaaatry work! stnet'gm nfenaeas,-- Addreas O. I, Agent Vancouver, Waah. WANTED Varalahen. machine sad hands. . Oregon Faraltnn Mfg. Co, Macadam roan. S ap; room with hoard. 84. 60 ap; - rooma reaoTated; excellent table board, Aa ' deiaea. WANTED Da rrytaea fa hay stack, Implement., crop, and leaae 110 acre farm, or nllahle maa lo take rhargg of place ea shares. B. N. WlltlamaoB. Walla. Or. . WANTED Bora te work hi factory. Pacific f Oteat Blacnlt Co., 12th aad Davis. WANTED Mandolin, guitar and violin teacher; out of town; permanent aoeirioa; ran paid. Address Lock Box 120, Astoria, Oregoa. WANTED Watrhmaa .for manofactarlsg pleat. Apply A SO, can Journal. WANTED-eTooBg man to drive delivery wages. apply I, au, can jootbsi. I WANT a steady, reliable man ef large trael- aeea experience, f nance- ror adraneement to right, party. Boom 307 . Columbia Bldg., 10 t 11:30 s. m. WANTED Boy that worked on bread. , Apply ixg capin rtaaery t-o.. lie mwaou at. MEN AND WOMEN AGENTS wanted: . eaa make from 41 to 86 pee day. Pandos Novel tf Co.. ftnAl'nlon Are. North. WANTED Male stenographer famtUar , with lumber Liulacea. ADOiraaa u aos, Juexoai. HELP WANTED MALE. - - '-ir ' "'"I," L "L l i - "" Afcjaa-Iaat DBHTBIJCTlOrf Or OAK FRANCISCO" Beat . book: large pronta; art quick; aanipie irae. Wlobe CMupaoy, 1L Chaataut It., I'tiUa. DKUU elerk waatad. H Us, care Joorual. tV A alTfn nVaTBVaVarDa U a.a.laaaa aa lrno. dlatrlbuU etrroUr, Mmplas, te.; ft canrmMtDir; food pa. &U Adrtliiif Utt- MRN EVERYWHERB Oood nay: Paa elrru ' lata; - tack atsna; ne canraaaloaT; ateady UmtineBtal Dl.tr IDUt log BerTlce, CDIcasa, SALESMAN Kxptrleared In any Una to aell general aba-aa la Oregon. A a aneieallrd, apeclalty proposition. Cornmiaalooa and weekly Inr eipettasa. . Tbe CuoUuental Jewel ry t-'iaitiiand, o. . WANTED Mea everywhere; good pay: to dle- trioaie circulars, ear. matter, tacs siena, ate.; se canvaaalag. Addreaa National Ilia irioocius auraia, twf uaaiaaa jiaaa piog, Chicago, IlllBola. . - . WANTEDKxperleaced road aaleamee: staple . iibo. uon't applr snlees able to ear a larai aalary t . aid eetabtlabed Jobbing hoeae. Ad' areas Ne, 60S Bkas blk., Minneapolis, Mlna MANAUEB WANTED Every sectloa te select sgeam ror "M.meoeneace,- world s graeteai Jaw lawful ganat for drinks or elsara; takas place totbldaea slot uachlnaat played with '. Bickers or enarten; ooe to aeeen neraona -, caa play st oace; gnrahed beaatlful Hke eaah , real .tar l rented er sold on eaar payment. ' aample seat free. - Proposition will plaaaa - yoa If we ertll have opening Is year sectloa. United Sporting Goods Mfg Co., pepsrtaMBt loi, (Alcago, ininoia. BUOEMAKEB wlahtng good Job la the eoantry sddrees Chas. U Mutlck Co., wholaaala ' Wathec, Front sad Oak sts., Portland. WANTED Jllaekemlth, a practical horeeeboer and eaa do Job work, at Moatavtlla Urary aara at Montanua. COMPOfllTOB. WANTED Apply . office.: Bt JohBS. st Bavhtw IBON. MOI.DERS WANTEB Apply Phoenix Iroa Works. East Third at. sad Hawthorne eve. --s WANTED Two . practical electric linemen; . muat be good cUmrjera.-Q UMA cam Joornal WANTE1V-A good boy . about 18 for office work; muat ban refer. neea. Oond chance for bright hoy. Addreea (t 121 Journal. WANTED The following-help: A ftratlaaa - brlcklaysr, good -plaatarer- and strong bur ever 16 to soil Bella, wages fl per ear. Apply Monday at new building oa Northrop t., sear Slat. . WANTED Ahlnnln clerk for floor and feed muat be eanahle of keenlna hooka: Mold and correct fa) figures and pcnmnhlp.Ja4dreoB I ion, - can journal. BOYR. nltable, about 17 yesn of age who - want to lean the bnalaeaa. Apply at rraper- - Intaadentls office. Oldavwartmaa King., TEAMSTFB WANTED. 12.86 per day. Apply MontaTlua uvery Barn, MOBtaviiia. BOT. WANTED, ply 806 Slrst St. JOB PRINTER WANTED One te take charge. appiy neeurw, at. rfonne. . FOB 4 n will learn raae-oc wottiag tMi.J)arheT trade; wagea . walls learning. .. in st. WANTED Bailable maa-te take tntereat an . help work placer mine. Addreas Q 107, ca-a journal. WANTED Photographer for view work, ea coramieeioa. uau Jul aaott ai., soaaay. COOK WANTED at the Caloa Hoase, 61 North -guth st. , WANTED A flnt-claai ' 116, can Journal. plumber, Addreas I HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 8434 Waahtng - toa st. ear. Serestb. spetaln. Pbeae Mafa reiBaK hlp wauti TBE ROMS LADIES AOENCT Onea S - dan and evenings,- fH Fourth st Phone Mala 6828. BXPEBIENCED GIRL, wasted st tfS jtvsntt to attend a tore. . tail lu a. m. MACBINI-OPEBAT0B8 ea shirts aad white goods. Tbe Speacar Co., 126 10th st BED - VENTILATOR Lets - fresh atr Inelde . your beds, makn large puff pllmwa; coats lze; lasts 13 resrs. For saw, zhs Mais Bt, WA NTED Competent -John, ITS 17th St. akrrt maker. . Bt WANTED Ladr who anderatanda sewrns oa ttmbnllae, answering the phone and wrapping package., at iou orena are, city. WANTED A nflned, motherly womaa for rjulet aoms piece, wita lady alone; good wagea; Place to mother and daughter in exchange for light Work. S 160, can Journal. LADIES ro make ssnltary belts: material all' ent raady to. sew; 1130 per down; partlc clars atamped aarekipa, 1 tt rki 7 j-ei cnox . Co., Irpt WANTED A yoong girt te esrdat ta- g.n.ral aoaaewors; email ramuy. Apply tomornw . morning at oaa ley lor at. WANTED Expert. need girl to dip ehncolatea; ateaoy wortf, scna wages. i re mi i re st Kortn ' roe A Stnrgla Co., S North Front. COOKS at the seaalde. camps sad hotels, beat . ot wagea. e waitreaaea sit per; general trrmae work and honaekeepen; no limit. The Home Ladle.' Agency. Itt6 Fojtrth St., apatalra. auua .., WANTED Naraegtrt; good horns and good wagra. ei trans st. WANTED Single' working hoaaekeener. ( -that can brine trade arid hold same, Addraas I 110, care Journal. COOK One tlraon?mecTOking BUS Salmon. Main 1W JO, WANTED Hoaaekeeper for widower's fsmlly; wagn sis. Mn. wiiaoo'a Idlea' Agency, 28 1H Morrlsoa. Phone Paeiac 810, TWO--BXPEBIENCRD RAND I BONERS. Welt uoaat larunoxy. Bt, Jonna. fhoaa Scott 81.03. WANTED An experienced a area te take charge or cmia i jeer oia ; oct or nierencee rc qnlred. Apply 831 Seventh at., corner Main. OIBL for second work and can of 4-rear-otd noy. xao aing sc. , mono Main- son. WANTED Girl; steady work. comer Dsvis. 48 Front st, COOK WANTED the Unlaw Boase, 81 North B1X4S St. "v HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCT. . " See earsd Mapdey mornlsg sad call early. - eewe- weaa. - ex. , eorner f ia, apeiain, - MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WOMEN xwokav-camo 880.' ear 820. 'Hotels, reeraareara.' noaraing-nouan, tamiites. - iaii klnda hooeework, good wagea. city. Echo, Grants. . etberal. Alao 10 waitreaaea, dirli- waahen. chambermalda, houeekeepere; Ian mea cooks. dlshwsahera waiters, farmhands, Chinese, Japaneae, wanted. B. O. Drake's, -1064 . Washington, st Pirlflc 1370... BOT or young lady wanted to work la drag ton; one with experience pr.ltrrea. Ap ply 108 Orarid an. " HELP Vented and tntrplled. mat ee female. B, G. Drake. S06V Waahlug-icm at. Fact Be 1X70, WANTED Mea and women, factory work. Americas Can Co., Foot or I4th St. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WELL-KNOWN Portland colored young than. - having suffered mas la nan Fraaciano rm. (leatrea employment: 8 free' experience gen- oral clerical, ahlpptng and- terliulcal work with large mansfacturlng concerns; la compe tent, secants snd trustworthy; beat refkr- - aeeea. G 104. ran JournaL WANTED Br experienced maa, position charge or commissary aepartmenr ror reiiroaq con - tractor: 16 yerf experience buyer and man. agrr gemnai merensnmse; large acausinisore wholes. le bouaea; heat rrferances. Addreas H 110, care Journals . . . AN EXPERIENCED JAPANESE COOK wants nositins la a prints Dome, 'it eu, norm First at. . POSITION 'WANTED as city aa lease a. : Ex perleaced la meebsnlcal una: Beat ( refer' SDcea. AddrassO 116, care Joarnay . SITUATIONS . WANTED MALE. WANTED Position ea road for wholesale house ia yeers aoqualntaucs la eaatera Oregoa terrlturr; btet rafarenccs. Addreas U) 114, ears Journal. - " POSITION hookkeeolne: exnerleaced banking beat of referaBcea; alao ateaograpber. Ad dreas H 111. can Journal. NEW8PAPEB MAN and erlBtee of good eanmleuen and abllltr. waata manag.ia.nt rouutry weekly: beat roferoacss. Addreas Box D, WluluckrWsahlngtoa. NO. 1 Fourth at., ehone Pacific 2108. Wm. J Petn. . Gardening, lawn trimming, hedge cutting. Job work, etc Prices, by contract, 81 and no; by boor, 28e; .by day, 82, 82J9 ana f2.au. AN exnarlenred Jaoaneaa cook wants nosltloa no demand la privets Some. Ma, 40 North nrot st., city. BOOKKEEPKB, experleeced in whoieeale and rotall boalnees antema; reliable, accurate -and energetic; nfereneas. I 101, cars Journal. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT trnegrapber. ex . parlenred Ib oommercln I, timber, rear estate . and Snaadal Unea; familiar with county coantaat, Q 128 Journal, er phoee Bast 1230- WANTBD SltaatloB by a Sag Francisco refe- gee; any kind of light work. - Address 0 124, eare journal. XOUNG mas of: goad character and temperate habits wants work ot say kind: wholraale bouse prarerna. Address I ion, can Journal, SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE YOUNG lady stcnoaTapher, experienced Is legaL general efflce sad educational II r, will consider on it flrst-clsaa peal rion ; ref erenn beet. Addraas H 110, care Journal. WANTED Day work. sweeping, dusting Ninth st, 81. PI sad noaaeciaaaing.,. ill . Pacific 810, WANT to get geatlemeu'a slala washing at ins porta lata at-i pmate ramuy. EXPERIENCED demons ua tor wsata posit toa. Phone Mala 1641. WANTED AGENTS.5 STOCK snd bead as Icemen; only blgh-rlaaa men need apply; pwndld opportunity Tor Mgnt Biea le ataks 2.0 ta 8000 monthly; no "graft" " scheme. Call 8 to 10 morn rose. 4 te 8 and I te t svsnlngs, room 10, Lafay site bldg. WANTED Agents; something new; good Ssllsri AGENTS WANTED Ofgclal San Fnactace artheeaha beefc i larse taagaa. stsrtllns "Uteg -yaneea,-: elegant hladiugr books freer' fi right paia. ibe aUDie liuuie, ia near Dora at., (.svrago. ' " AGENTS 'WANTED EVEBTf WHEBB Rterea- . . scopic . views of Bee rreneteee eertnonake sertea; regular prtces. Addreas A. It,. Mayer, general oeiinry, t errjenu, ur. - AO EN 1 H WAN l r. D to ssfl eov Sllh'-graciS','ilttr eery stock: eaah advanced weekly: big er .. ml as tone aad pramluma; writs today. Address Chlce Nonary Co,. Saleot, Oregon. WANTED Several nrat-chua solicitors, dty er oonnrry; . nig pay . ... to rignx . naruaa;.. xrrrt: J eseas requireo, AO areas a iju. can journal. WANTED Eaergotl and eempeteat agents to represent as In -an. parts or the aortbwest; eaaa weeaiy. uapitai city jnuraery jj. t AGE NIB to handle blggeat money-making 8n exangnraoen; special ararting orrer; exciu aire territory: 876 to 8300 par month. Badgot loam, aixg. f-M-miiwauaee. . wxa. WANTBD Fltat class geaeral agent te-. point ana msnaga sab agests; moat he maa or geoa Character. utra ran particaisra. irpporrunity. Ml Dearnora st-, t nice go. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES." TBS Portland Employ men t Ce., 800 r a;noee-acinejgM. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. - - - FOB MEN. fg It. Second .at - Psoas Mais HIM BIG FOUB BMP. AOENCT Help eupptled tna. is Horta Beeose sr. . nose atria isia. - ABLE EMPLOYMENT AOENCT, 184 Bornalde at. rhooe Mais Tuie. WANTEDTO RENT, WANTED HOUSES TO BaTNT, 6-room . cottage, close te SSd St. Car barn, 616 or leas. : 8 to 12-rnotn house, aottth tide, (loss " In; teaaonable, : t-roeta house. 816. Wslklag dia stases to postofneo.' Adults only. 1 A number of soaan wanted salt able for rooming hoase. 1 close In; weet aide; S to 16 rooma, . 4 and 6-rooia cottages wasted! west side. -Wan ted 6-room cottage: modern; ' 818 or teas. - Eaat aide, bat sot Al blna. Newly married couple. " EDWABDS CO MP AN T,- W A NTED TO BENT PfOfSEB. CO 'AOFS, FLATS.. BOOMING-HOUBES. STORES. ETC. Oar rental department has been enlarged and pronfld wita aaainoaai rtsrr.- Ws Invite Hating from ' LANDLOBDS. offer persoasl attratloa to asd -"-ltlnooee .-axiperrlalimjiTasAU. praerty..lilUiatad-ij Mr. PORTLAND TBtTBT COMPART OP ORBOOR, S. B. ear. Sd sod Oak sts. Pheua Bx. 78. WANTED Tr rent fornlahed cottage or smsll flet from a to 6 voome) eeaaoaabla te good tenant; bo caiiaren, Aaareea w lis, joaraai. gig" or seves-room" furnlsl.l modern house, with rard. Address I 100, Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Wi Vait i fl re or . six -room modern eot- v tage ea the weet aide la good neighborhood. we want two eight-room, monern nouero north ef Washington and weat pf Sixteenth st. We want a good piece ef business prop, erty. worth from S-IO.OUO to 8 40,000, wall rant ed; have cash barer, ... LAMONT A HABBIS. Phone Main 3080. 107H Sixth St WANTED Lot la errbange for soalty Pbobs Bast 8641. la er , -room aooae. WANTED TO BLT LOT sonth of Maflteon St.; Sitf.-r vacant lot or wita oia Buildings on. . B, Lee, 08 Birth St. Phone PaclOc 50. F1NB corner lot In Holllday'S addition; will ax- change tur bouse-and tot.- aae M, A. baa, Oil Sixth at ' WANTED FIN ANCIALr WANTED TO BORROW fXSOO ea - good snimrbaa property at T per cent; no. agests. Address I 112. can Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, spraying and whitewashing trees. basements, bans, docks, etc.; largest gaannas spraying outfit oa the const. M. O, Morgsa A Co., 828 Union sn. Ptwae East 617. HIGHEST CASH PBICB PAID for faraltv a la ny quantity; also take aame en eommisoioa and guarantee best results. The Portlaad A action Rooms. 'A. Scbasaeh prop., lit tint st Phone Mala 8666. HIGHEST cash prtn Paid for seooad-hsad goods. Phone Eaat amr. lze union an. WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TBAPB ANY OLD THING. WKHTKHJI BALVAI'm I.U., SSI- 820 WAnTITNGTON, - PACIFIC 708, JOHN .HABLB, msnafsctnnr ef Improved ee. stent posts, waterproof. Mating, strong, en cap i C" ee innstlgate; a apeclsliy of fence poara. tbesat eorner Eaat Madlaoa sad L'nloa sre Portland, Or. . SPOT CAfUTT For furniture and household goods, PHONB MAIN 6056. WANTED To hoy s good second-hand -Body cart. Address it lis, ran journal. WANTED I or 1 H-horaeoower aaotof. With or without aharting asd pulleys.' Aedreas K119, ears Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A second hand pea not roaster; muat ho la perfect condition snd naaonable la price. Addreas T. A, at, can Joaraai. WILL hay Improved am. iter stock; giro a her of aharas sad price. Addreas 0 can Journal- w ,.-," Ma... WHO IS M, O. MORGAN A CO.t B. N MOBOAN, pioneer sprayer aad white. washer Call Eaat 8248. ksmemher the aama B. N. Morgans 11 years la haa la Portland. WANTED Diamond: moat bs a bargain.. A n awsr, sutllig price, slss sad ouallLy, Ad dreas H 10a. JournaL . WANTBD Flois 60 to TO-roors reoBxIng-hooas " . er hotel: muat be reasonable and wall le ceted; ewnara only need apply, a 127, ears Joaraai. ' : WANTED II) draulle rata d to 10-laeh drtre ' bead; state make, asass had aad pries,. Ad--areas boa 8,- V, lues P. O., Oragoa. WANTBD Two glrle'.er smell lsdtes' bicycles; mast he Bargains. Adarees I 107, Journal. MOTHBB AND- RAUOHTBR. adel . can fog home while ewner Is eat of dty fur summer for aae ef rooma. 1 lis, Joaraai. , WANTED Roller -top drat; must he cheap gnd In good condition. Phone Beat 1022. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ' THB KINO. 808 Jarrerenn at Nicely farnhwed ' rooms, wtth gaa er electric light heat aad hatha,' la asw salldlag, $8.60 asd 810 pet th. THB BICRELIBH, 88A NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly turalabed. steam heat aad hatha. THB OBAND. 4A4 1 arth Third st geatleaaeei $1.86 per week sad as. BOOM for ex aoneoaleat or two, art rate family; heard 001 aeeoath at, sorsar iUrrh LA BOB pleaaaat froat 468 Fifth at. LOWER flat, nicely furnished, good meatioa. 808 Jeffersoa. eornar Teeth St. FOB BENT Sleeping . room. . with oee of : -range far working womaa., Pboae Beat gSlS. FINK, romfortsblr furalshed rooms at 801 10th St., corner Taylor. in.. t FOB BENT OrBces' snd renms by day, week ' er month. The Benaoa. 201 14xrrlaxxa at riYB let by Mar IS walkaw dla- - taacst Mala 6606. S89 loth at, BOOMS. Blcely tarnished and hath. without hoard. 431 eW Tenia, st with, er : r itl rAIB- FAatlLt Nice aocma. knar 4 If -de . sired; rates- raaaonabta. 81 East Third North. , ' FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING THB MITCHELL. Flea den aad ire as reals nt: 81. SB WEEK BP, elaaa. furalshed Boaeekeepteg rooms, with yard, parlor, laaadry, bath, car aeee host 8o6Uj Sustoa st u ear. - 8I.60 PER WBB8 -., beeaekeepltig-rooD ' Bbarmaa. south s: laaadry aad hath, r 1 Pertlaad. 171 "ALDEB Nice houaskseptng-reoma; gaa store, bath, phoee, close to . bewieess: reasonable, ' LEEPINO and aoosskseplng-rooma for rent H. H, Hlaley. w, xiiq wasaiag. toa st LA BOB elegaatly ftusHrhed hssaakseplss aooi So. range, : aata, ruruuag wtui; .H vs Vj Alder at. THB OBAHAM. MSiA-Wxah-Booms 1-I6 peeu weeki huus.keeplog, f2.so par wees aae ap. $8 8 ROOMS.- eornnl lefelr rarnlabed ft aoeping. Key vol Seventh at. Mala aoxv. H0ITSEKEEPIN9 teats or reoms: fruit snd shade trees. - Lewis - snd Clark Camping . U rounds. Mooat Tshob. Pseaa Bast 412V FIRST FLOOB-ef alee home, furslabed for hoaaekeeplng; e large rooma; modern eon Venleaoaai very naaonable. . Pboae Bast 818. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS for couple er young iinitt; loveiy yen; lots eg trait, raoae aaist 8037. 1108 L'nloa in. ' $ FI'BNISHBD HOrSEKEEPINO BOOMS. : 63 Williams are. rnons scotr eise. S FCKNIRHEp- BOOMS for hoasekeentng: gas a tore, bath, heat, sll eottverrteaees; sdnltet referaocee reqnlred. 81 A - Ring side door bell rasrked The OarUad, 881 Waahlagtea ne.r18th st. froas JO a. av te 4 a. ta. A PRETTY little flat of hoxtaekeepmg roams - csa be secured at 2HS Montatmiery very res sonabls; saodera eoanalsooaa. Phono Mala FROM 82 PER WEEK CP FYi ro la had keeping rooms; gaa ranges, rree pboae a a l porcelain bath. 127 Lowsadale at -- - ROOMS AND BOARD."T -gi ii - -xruruiL n nj t n i i gJirsrrJ FIRST-CLASS BOARD WITH BOOM la Quiet, ii.iw, iwinu ,mmi II. h, .no n.m r . rlaoa at. ' - ' 471 ALDEB Large front parlor, Bath, phone. ' aoara u aeairsa, walking qimaoa. price. 806 I2TH Large froat rooms; gas. bath, phone. walking distance; prints lamiiy saa romforta 8INOLB front room with board. 620; aide room .j nauaDie ror two, siv escn. ess jerxereon. LABI ren lent ear. Bos 104. poatofflce. THE Volunteers of America room and bosrd HlrkLXor. SifaX pw werOLAtJuicIt Jojnevi. aat Ankeny at Phone Bast 261. 140 LOWNSDALB Newly decorated aad for- Bisnea rooms; aoara ir aestrsa; private xa ra lly. Phono Mala 4640. TWO gentlemen, or man snd wife, to bosrd sna room m prirate ramHy: eroee m; aaooera -t'omenmmes. - rttotnr rscixw sar. PLEASANT rooma. nicely furnished, with o- withont hoard. - Mrs. Montelta, XM lain st. FOR ' RENT STORES-OFFICES. NEW store, 28x40 feet, Morris sad Mississippi an.; modern equipment, gooe .business cor ner,' near large school; rant very reasonable. Portlaad Trust Company, Third abd Oak. WILL hnlld S-story brick Building sad lasss ' for term of yean on lot 100x100, aoatbareet corner Fourth and Flanders, to salt tenant. M. B. Lee, 08 Sixth Bt Phone Padfle 60. OFFICB rooms, anfarnlahed rooms asd sample rooms for rear, Ooodaoogh bldg. Apply sat- PART ef shop for rent latrolra SOS Fourth, near salmon. FOB RENT Jtpsclons torsroom. good lorattoe). gono tor any rrssiness, very eases. - r. soeaa, 14BH' First st FOB RENT flslf of brick wsrebonaa 60x200. ground floor. 18th and -Lovaloy ata prlrste . HfUhswicg gj b lie, w inira at. PART of shop to rent, eultable for painter er pmmnsr, vm Fourth st. - .- - TO RRNT. - ' Twe-story brick bulld'ng; low rent te re ponslble party and long lean; goad for factory; caa furnish power. - LAMONT HARRIS, -107H sixth st. Pboae Mala 8038. TO LRT-r-Offlcra In i le trl three ennaecthig m cheap. Addreas I luv, - rooma, heart of elty, cere Journal. FOR RENT FARMS FOR BENT 8 seres, 6-reow honae, barn. fruit spring -water; ( erne II road: R. F, D. So. 2. Bog lis. Mrs. Carrie Esnla. - 40-AC RE farm for asle or rent.1nqolr at 402 runt ex.. Bear rage. . . , FOB BENT SO scree, bouse, ban. orchard. up riree, meap; nouses from g.l to 8160. W. 1. Prlte. 167', First it, room 12. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. roR BENT la XtvY 8A scree .-It.kL. tee gardaalsg. , laemtrg W8 reerta. eooshle. Phone-Beet- 4011. 24 Kaat MoT- 'I s '