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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1906)
i, v.. - THE OREGON DAILY jOUnilAt. PORTLAND. SATURDAY" EVENING," MAY ' I. I90. AjnrnMBBTs. ABtUSBMBBTS. AMtrSXaOCVT. . CONTRACTORS LIE SUDURD CLEANIflG toxissts Asnnzvnrtt. Helllg.. Pollard's ta 'Ab Americas Millionaire' Refugee Vaudeellle . biuuus..... .....The Hllror Peggar Jrls "Her rattwr's -Crime' Uraag ."T-vaudarllla star.., , Vaudeville . Sigma Sigma, a Junior honorary- so clety of Stanford university., ha sent out a circular, latter to all erurani re questing that . they do everything- In their power to correct the exaggerated reports cwirnln the amount of dam -. ae done . at Stanford by the recent - earthquake. It announoea that the unl verslty wll! open on aohedule time, that . by .: September all the - building a 'used .... laat year will be in perfect condition and- that the machinery 4n the ahopa . and the apparatus of the laboratoiiea - have not. been damaged- Enelna hall, . - the men'a dormitory, la ready for use. 7 as- la Roble hall, the horned of ' the . women. Stanford will loae none of her . . faculty and all of her old students will return. The football field and athletic r-.,-grounds are uninjured and all athletic activities will becontlnued jieLjrear on the same scale aa In the past. ,- i A campaign of destruction of tnfectejl fruit trees was- commenced yesterday - by District. Fruit Inspector J. IL Raid " ' and - Fruit- Inspector - A. " J.- Lewie -of Clackamas county. Pursuant to the law . giving "them'authoflty7toestroy" all , .-. trees not properly sprayea. me in - apeotors and a force of men armed with . axes entered the farm of T. R. A Sell. wood at Mllwaukto and destroyed a portion of his prune orchard. They - also destroyed a lot of tree on the Mln- thorn. Springs tract. . Hr Sell wood la - threatening; to aue for damages. . Trio Inspectors express the hope- that suit J will bs .brought so that the Jaw may be tested. . A; mother's" circle. -a -branch of -the ' - Home . Training association,- waa eatab- T JlShed - yesterday afternoon-rat West Avenue school In Mount Tabor. : This Is the sixth circle formed this year. Prln rPfcl .TA.daJBS , presided., and ad 'Tdreaaed the mothers and Mrs. W. W, V Payne and Mrs. R, H. Tate also, spoke. . Officers were elected aa follows: Chalr- - man, lira. J. C. Elliot King; vlce-chalrv r man, Mrs. ..A,',. H. Harding;, secretary' treasurer, Mlaa M. E. Peaae; members of 4he executive board, Mra. R. H. Tate .'and Miss Mary B Peary. .-,:,' - Acooruini w ini scneuuie wnicn wss twifcaairTaayartMra "Tnil." paator of" the First Preebyterlan church, will return to Portland May It. NO definite announcement to that effect hasJnadeTtandjB1At TTeen beard iron! him a I nee he wag. In -rv Jerusalem. However, it la believed . .. . that he will return' on schedule time. ,.. A special jrieeflng of the" Portland Ad 3Iaa'a-lgiie will" teh eld In ISe. Chain ber of Commerce rooms Monday evening? at I o'clock. It will be the last meeting -r before- the -"Made to pragon ,'' .egpositlon.i - and members are' urged to be present. Every member will be expected -to make a two-minute talk. AIJ window dressers ' In the city are Invited, to be present. -J- County Judge Lionel R.' Webster and -: : County .'Commissioners W.- L, . Llghther .JT1". oa f. C. Barhea.are the guests today " of the Eastern Star grange. - Judge Webster was Invited to address the ; good roads, promising that he would de everything In his power to have the high weye of the county the best to be ''ericav-.-- -Successful lncubatora.-r-CgjneH Incu-1 tora -are very suceeesf ul. They - wnT gold medal at Lewis and Clark exposi tion ' for beat hatch. - If you want- to raise chickens for pleasure or proflt buy a Cornell. They are mads light, work right, give no trouble,-We know from experience, aa we have operated them here. In . odr: Store. If Interested,- call ' and see them. Portland Seed company, western agents. - ' vrV--- ; E. B. J. McAllister will make a special ; address to- women, tomorrow - afternoon at the T, W. C. A. "at home"-from to o'clock. - There will be violin, piano . and vocal' muslo 1 and ' readings. The delightful feature of these weekly -4'afc-homrs".. ils .the aoclaJLgood cheer followed by - a fellowship lunch. All nrtereated if. nYled. , ' if you want to see your dollar mag-nlfr.and- Inrrrasr-spend It .hers. Wt - make any suit In the house to orders) for 115, no more, no leas, arm guarantee - value received for. every dollar. We r have over 3.000 -patterns to select from: 1r n t and -workmanship guaranteed. Unique Tailoring company, - lot Stark street, near Sixth.. i . , . - rhePollh 1 national hoi 7PbgervedtomoTrow wltKhlgh"maaa at pt:-Franets church at .1:10 a. lnLzAu address will be delivered In Polish by : Father SerosM.'hsrnndayansbrrrrt -Hartew stoiy tn evening. - May S.. each year; but the local Poles "decided 7to "celebrate the day on Sunday -with religious services.: . Remonstrances agalnat the improve- ment or Easr washlngtoitreet between East Sixth and East Eighth streets ' were filed yesterday by J. Wealey Ladd. executor of the estate of W. S. Ladd, deceased, and Joseph M. Healy. -No reasons were given -for the remon- : a trance. ...... . - -i .' .East Main street between East Water ' street and I'nlon ' avenue will be Im proved. Although there -was consider--' able objection from ' affected property owners, the limit In whicn-obiectlons to the proceedings could . be filed passed -yesterday and none was presented. Chsrlea V. OalloVay, Democratic nominee for congress from the first dis trict. Is arranging to make an active campaign during the next four week a He has already made a half : dosen speeches. He will address ' a meeting at Corvallla Monday, nlghu. ., - " A banquet and debate will .be given at the Whit Temple Tuesday .evening by Martin's Men of the White Temple. The subject for debate Is, "Resolved, o4merican cob. noma Aim coves an. -OPBaT sat Aire jrioM. Cora Boot Xaam aad Poaobed Bgg.. lftd Baked Pork aad Beaas. ,,l5d ' Spagasitt and Cheese.............. is Bead Cbeese, rotate Salad. ,...,i..ltif Fried Baso Clams ...... 15a . Steamed Idttle Book Clams., .... ,20 ' Clang BouQloai and Toast. 15 Plekled XAmse' Toague, rotate :- alad .-. ..20 Codllsh Ball, Cream Sauce. ...... .lRe" IJver aad Baoo V .15e Strawberries aad Cream. ....lO Strawberry Short Cage...... '.,.,..10 " StwWtrr,a-w--e Coffee; Bread 'aad ButUFanrTotatoee Did You Ever Figure Out bow mocb. money yoa waste every dayf Did yoa eve figure eat bow xaack wore xaoney yo-oomU a arm every Aayf The amoant eaok day may seem too small to oout, bat Just multiply - the dally sum fey the 380 days of toe year, the multiply by the sombes of years you might have feeea saving. Too lata for tegrets. Bat do e waste aay more tixao aa4 saoaey, opea aa aooouat with ua today. SAVINGS BANK TITLE GUARANTEE 1,.&.TRI)STC0.1 240 WASHINGTON STREET ' . 1 ' Corner Second ' f PORTLAND, OREGON . ' That the Business Man Is a Greater Benefactor Than the Prof eaalonal Man. "? The speakers onr the affirmative will be nev. tinatwan sweet and W, P. Baker vn- i.u ncmu& . it. a. .owawiin anu Edgar Anderson. The banquet and de bate Win be held la the lower templet' l ry tna-a-rouey-rfJn the Q. W. p, you go to Oreaham for SI .cents round-trip; Oregon City and - Canemah Park : It rnnis; alijtilnta east nf , ,arwuiam.JflC, eluding Eatacada on the banka -of the Clackamas , river. . to cents.- Cars - from First and Alder for Oregon' City on the odd hour . and every - 40 minutes. For Oreaham and Eutacads, :30. 1.1:10, I SO. l:IOJ:ao: Ticket muat he purchased at th filllce, ij. , ,- . ..vx v Kiinflay, Oiulngs, hn arpaiiiM.-sV n wo rtn; wvinpiia pavilion. Round trip ' 25' cents. To Estacada,' .through Eagle Creek valley; tramp in the -woods and fish In the the gstanadw Hotel. ("are, round trip,'- to centa. Tickets muat be purchased at the com pany's oiwce. M B. - A. benefit entertainment for BAnrTrancIaco. aufferara. to-bo--h'eld -at T -.i. I. . , - . ujuiim uwii, writer vviijiams 4avenue ana Russell street, Thursday, May 10. Wil- - laini wood,-Thursday, May IT. Portland's best ' entertainers . from the .Western Academy of Music Including the noted Rosa quartet. Tickets, 21 cents. tephenToneschen Is rrlttcally-IH BO Vincent's hospital, having, been at s removed there yesterday Buffering wlthJ lung .trouble.,-. For the past 11 years Mr, Voneohen. has been- fU1clCjieodJgaWaug the .- WUdHouasaiu tfkhw "ubjecT'orfTetarydr: the 'Ciuetll society,. the local 8wlas organisation.' Rev. Dr. McMillan of Charlottetown. PrlBca -Edward ialand, baa been In Port land slncu . last -Wednesday - visiting friends and will bWlc 04lfrj - e.'olook - maee Sunday morning at St. ) jnary cnurco, AiDina. Dr. Stephen 8. Wise spoke to a large congregation at Temple BcKh Iaranl last night on the single sentence In the at noble examples ' of clean living and urged a blgh atandard -of -morala aa ite freateBtjvlriueanouldjosaess-- . Dr.'Brougher' topics. White Temple. Sunday: 10:30. "The Seven Conflicts of Oenesls;" Lord's .Supper observed; 7:S0, -Chased Out of the World With Blood hounds on-Tour Trail;" -orchestra: great chorus.": : '"T -i " ' ' " ..' Steamer Alliance . sails from Couch street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka at P. m. Sunday, May ticket agency, 121 Third street. r w F. P. Ranmgarrner, agent. -Couch street dock. Main 8U. - First Christian church. Park and Co- tumbta ' k S. Muekley rorilTThe Moor-1 ings or Kalth." 10:10 a. m and -Conquered to Conquer," 1 :0 p. m. r Bret Harte'e .'Tennessee's .Partnar, "Honoa BrlgKe jyalty,i and 'A Con trast Betweea Christ and Paul" are Be. House's subjects, Sunday atFlrt-jCon gregatlonal church. Special muslo, with Sunda f T:xcur8l6hMay-rira8cade Locke jndMturn. atcamer Charlfs R. Spencer, leaving Oak street dock at a. m., returning at p. -m. May i. Stile's popular orchestra 'will furnish the muslo. Round trip $1. ' The state Orange will hold its annual meeting at Albany, beginning Wsdneaday, May II. Arrangements have been made for an unusually large and enthusiastic gathering of grangers. " Butser's lawn fertiliser rejuvenates the shabby lawn; his sweet peaa and lawn grass got gold medal at the fair. Ill Front, between Yamhill and Taylor, ' Concrete Construction Co., 701. Cham ber of Commerce, manufacturers of concrete stone blocks, Contractors for all kinds of cement work. Tel Main lie. . Watchee, dlamonde and Jewelry on eaay payments, tl down and (0 centa par weak. All mainsprings $1; all watohee cleaned 11. Metsger Co., Ill Slxtb et Steamer Csscsde tor San " Pedro . and Ban Francisco,. Saturday May 5, I p. m. Tickets at Oak street dock or Thomp son's Agency, 131 Third street. Wedding invl tat lens, elaee announce ments, calling cards, eta Proper forme and latest styles. Alvln 8. Hawk Co- lttVe Third street anted- Boys -an girls f or-.borb -wtrrt rundy 1 ana " cracker" faetorlea Pacific Coaet Blsoult Co, eleventh and Davis. We are still selling eye glasses at II, Iperfect fit guaranteed or money-' re. funded. Jletager dt Co, 111 BlxtlLstrjat, 1 Dancing,' ' Tabor " Heights 7' Pavilion. every Thureday nd Saturday evening. Ladles free. -... ., ' C. B. Walborn, furniture repairing, pol ishing, peeking,, shipping Tel. Bat I HI. Richards' usual Sunday French din ner with wine, l per cover, t to ':. Dr. . Hawke has returned. " 0l- Ore- gonlan building. Telephone Mala 1111. "Dustlese Rosds." Portland Road Oil' Ing Co., 441 Sherlock- building. . Cedgf park, prise waits tomorrow; danclne afternoon and evenia . - TO GAIfJTinE Such li Declaration Mads to Ex - -cutiys"1 Board by C"A. - 1 Cogswell. . '.i.; EXTENSIONS ASKED WHEN MATERIALS ARE AT, HAND Cftjr Engineer Taylor Declares Tim 'Allowed for ' Competition of; City Contracts Is,' Sufficient and Should - Not, Be'Lengthened by the Board. V "Many ' contractora on city "Improve- ments actually He to this board when they say- thsy cannot procure material to finish their wortrand ak f or an ex tension of time on their oontracta. When dlahoneat contractors do such a thing, it disheartens the honest ones and they will all - misrepresent tacts - to -this board. It Is my opinion that we should' draw them up ahirl.And force them to complete their oontracta within the time specified.1 - This was the statement1 made before the city executive board yesterday arter- noon by C. A. Cogswell: in a discussion of the-advisability of lengthening-the time for the completion -of all elty con tracts. R. L. Babln, who Is a member of the street commltteer said that -re cently many contractors bad been ask ins) to have the time extended on their contracts because they were unable procure the necessary- material witn which to do the work. He desired to know of the city englnter and the board If they did not think It advisable to extend the time on contracts. City niigluass Taylas aaid ha, thought the time fixed on all contracts was suf-J f Iclent -- Many of the contractors would frequently wait until the time for the acceptance' of an Improvement before ther began work, and with only a xew days left would petition the board, alleg ing one reason or another, lor. an ex- .lansloa.of tlmsi e inongiu mai 11 contractor on a city Improvement would vv,,"-vw .... . - awarded there Would 4e no difficulty. As a result of tbs discussion, tno board hereafter will not be so lenient wtth mnliautuie and wlienetei ail ex- tension of time le asked the contractor will have to give sufficient reason why his petition should be granted before the time -is extended. - . A resolution was adopted to the efV f eeS-t hat- vhaaeviliMl -oonlractor -oncltK work desires -Jin" extension of . tlme4t4oubUesa adopted. The individual real shall be necessary- for hlm"to make an 20 days before -tlrns on the contract expires. FI RST: SUN DA YJ EXCURSION, The ras-l steamer Chartee B. Speuoe? Will Tomorrow Carry BoraUmlete Seeaery to Caaoade , Iocka and -Be- tbe Ceiso rated Cuatle BoeX. The first river' Sunday excursion of the-season wilt depart from Oak street dock tommorrow morning at o'clock whew the elegantly eqttippejateamer Charles R. Spencer will ateam away for the delightful trip up the Columbia to Cascade -Looks.- Kvery-mlta and atom of the world-famous scenery of the Co. lumbla Is seen on this run, including the now more than ever famous Cas tie Rock, the destruction of which Is how tn progress. "This Is one of the moat-noted. alghta Of Christendom, ap pearing, es-t does -to -haver been fash ioned -ty the hand of some wonderful glsnt sculptor solely . to ' entrance, the human eye. Aside from this huge rock, i rearing its massive head hundreda of feet toward . the clouds, there are the 11,000,000 locks and., and such a wealth ut .mountain scenery aa begg&ra the most -Imaginative pen, Streama of -TJJjratejLjeap ipnd bound -from the pin naclee of the higtv best projectldnirHasIF ng. as In madneea to the depths be low, and the weird, -canyons, crevices nhd rocky cliffs create a panorama of gorgeous grandeur -unparalleled - on arth. Th steamer -will return -to Port- Inn - at jh- en.- Meals, -and .refresh ments mav be had on board. J Round trip . .. -,.:.;:. 'Milwaukle Country Club. "TtlemphlBndXeulSvTne-racesT j",, j setiwood ndoregotrcityearserTlrst and Aider, rChlf --Deputy -Sheriff. Oeoigs Morden this morning recovered a horse that la Burlingame of. Moore's Crossing. - The horse-had been purchased by liverymen at -the corner -of Front and . Jefferson streets from a man who gave the name of H. Brown,- which la known to be en alias. . Steferred Stock Caaaed woods.' Allen Lwia' Best Brand. ... a rosmra bbcvssxtt. Having to lay upon, my bed for" 14 days from a severely bruised leg, I only found relief when I uaed a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment. I can cheer fully recommend It ae the beat medi cine for bruises ever sent to the afflict ed. It baa new become a positive neces sity upon- myself. D. R. Byrnes, mer chant, Doversvllle, Texaa, tic, tOe and 11.00. Sold by Woodnrd, Clarke dt Co, save mm ' k. ..ase We ritve - saved at least $75 "to,t- every customer who figs' bought s ptafrty-frem tto ihe- past -week-end can ao tne same lor you.u youbuy-at once irom our present stock. Remember you have . the world's best makes to select from. .-.x rv . .!;.'. AND TEN OTHERS. , Dundore Piano (!o. ill SIXTH STREET. ' Opposite Oresonlan Bulldint;. Alio a ' frill line of Sheef' Music, Music .Books, Victor Talking Ma chines, Records, Smalt Instruments, ate etc. ,; ;-: t mm . . TIL1E ARRIVES Peninsula" Leadsln"TSe'c6ndlng -Work of initially. Qna - -. :r'-:,.' Hundred. VACANT. BLOCKS MAY" J BE USED AS fLAZAS Parkins: of Streets, Tearing Down of ; Fences, Cleaning Up of Back Lots - and Burning of Rubbish Goes n ,A11 Over East Side District. , Beat" Side Bepartmaat. - St. Johna and the peninsula le tn hearty-accord with the Initiative One Hundred In Its desire to clean up the suburbs and -bring the era. of civic Improvements closer -to complete real isation, and not only on the day set apart by , the. . committee will the horUon -near St Johns alow with the -crimson of burning rubbish- heaps, but commencing ;next 1 week1 Ksygtematlc effort Is to be made to clear up va-, cant lota and sweep the streets regu- ariy, At a recent meeting ' of the 'newly Draamm commercial , ciuo or Bt. Johna a board of directors was cboaen and the work of the Initiative- One Hundred was heartily suDDorted. , The ooara is-: 1 b. Chlpman, C. W. Fot ter, P.. W. Valentine, A. R. Jobes and R. .W. McKeon..- The club expressed to4,u desire of cooperating In every way possible - with the Initiative - commit tee and - decided to start a ' publicity campalga... for a cleaner -towi The Unlveralty Park board; of trade has also Hned up with the - general that auburb and the adjoining one of Portsmouth are -planning a . neighbor hood campaign almllar to .the one atarted laat year by the women of the district, but . more - extensive In ' Its scope. Through the peninsula there are many Idle lota that would, make admlr- able el a sltssi If the uwieigiowtli was clearett away, and many of these are 1 - . - r ' J.. : . - f ownera. It has been suggeated that aucb tracts be cleared of brush and weeds end serve ae public amusement places until tSjerrrmproved. , " t. 7 - The nearer suburbs-of the east aide nave not yet taken -the Interest "in the cleaning -campaign that ' the peninsula has, but several push club meetings will be held the coming week, at which- the gehiraplanwT!IbejfdnsmeredraiararaUrJa3 dents of the suburbs like Irvlngton, tt Hawthorne Park and PJedmontj,,,,,, long nad a weu-aeveiopea local priae to auatain them and these suburbs are ae beautiful aa any suburb In the city on. either eld of the Willamette. The plan of tearing jdown unalghtly feofea aaA replacing theaa barrlrBnVia wltb roae hedges has been popular during- the laat three summers In the better residence districts of the east side, and gradually the plan of .parking -the- atrip , of lawn between the- curb and -the sidewalk la being 'adopted. J TfiiTpresent Improvement ampalgnGi expected to unite the thousanda of In dividual lovers of a beautiful home- to one g--Ti rprrivfnipnt plan and. tfrereM't rr'wifB h-evytf irtrTTind city burdens. "t W Dr.NrJ.FULTON MTUR0 Sereesarat Is tbe ward thai beet tfeeerlbee hel eerlag dlseaaav saceeaaral tn bnlldlag ap what la today tea largest otOca practlceof aay aeetes- ta -the Mr- . .'.'... ; 1 She Cures the Sick i Thla Is why her efflrea are at all times full. and tbat people aonetlaias wait (at hoars to nr. If won bare asr allmetit.' ehrenle. ee arete. soeb as rfteitmtlaa), la grlpiM, krmrtiltler gnfcer, nkimrrn; aiesiaea . ana eowei troauies, aerve traubias, ete ate., yoa woaM SO well te suit her. She eaa core yoa. j nsiiMoxiALS or FI0?UC SHS HAS .. .,.' W---.'.--:-- cvaso. - rL "Fertlaad, Oct. IT, 1003. Te Whom It May Centers: "I nrfared a luaa time with aerWma atamarh tmable. the dlaeaae haTlng aroareased ao far that I was suable to ratals my food, and flaally found . wster te eanae sausea; in abort, waf entire eretsra was la a serloaaiy depleted eon (lltlon. . On or snoot July 19 last I adrlaed Willi tf. Nn-y J. Pulton, of this city, and was Indoeed to take treatments from ber. aad after taking the twelfth I was discharged. - -1 taa aow eat anything I eVstre, feel perfertly well end am eonetaatly gaining strength. Thla sir- veloas ehaoge I eaa trsrhftiHy aay ta 4ne te Dr. Fulton. ". XTDB VATTOHN. ...i .... ... . Note Mr. Vansha can bo rnmmonlrated with St Joffersoa,- Or.,-or Ma father. Kit Vaughn, eaa he seen st the Mew Grand Central, earns Third eql F landers, this eltyv - . t .-.i . HfuiiM on 100a VI lereaW'To Wbern It May t3"r ''It afforos ate I great plsaaura te Write a word hi pralae ef Vr. ysltoa. I auffared ulli lr Tl, irtrrsraTV agnnr for one weeg with p. In In my whoi.t" T?!? . H , -fcorir. My bnaband ealled In whom we siip- noeea was one er uie neat pnyateiana in the elty. lis waa sot ears, hat thought I had nenralgla. or It might proTa to he galtatohea, left siedlclne and Ihovsht I won 14 be hatter next dr: hnt I graitnally grew woraa; got ae relief from sain tioept ander erlatea. flaring eearo or. ijt. mirnn rnronro menoa er oars, we eeetded te esll her In; so my hnansad went at one and brolit her te the- hoeae. - ITpoa esaeitnatkm ahe pronounce) H a eaee ef acute gaatrltla. and after one treatment 1 waa ahle to get no. rireos airaelf and go ahoat aiy aanal honaeholit ertte. I have now takes a week's .treatment and certainly think her tbe. moat wonderful doctor I er net - MM. O. S. rtt7T01, t . 1 "as Tenth St., PortUnd. Or. Mote Don't forget te Inclose poatise stamp for reply wbea writing te aay of my pat lent a. Dr.N.J. FULTON ' ' SSTtrSOfATS, f ' ' ' ' 315 TWELFTH ST. Cereer Clay, ens hloch from V ear. - eae frets ihta streer ear, a rrom J-"ro car. V VVv- t'lf rv WORLD'S GREATESt'ARTIaVlrx .r fep'AH bernhardtM V j ' V WM. f. CONNOR . c2J3 - ' I I Friday Evening, May 11 . v . v SAPPHO I ' ' V - Sattirday Matinee, May 42 1 1 CAMILLE 1 - N 0 - P B H F O R M A W C R .B A T U R P A Y,Ht Q HT.; THE ARMORY TO GUARD AGAINST TICKET SPECULATION MaU orders win now be received from Portland and all points) when accompanied by express money order, postoffice money order or certified check and stamped addressed envelope for reply. Address and niake check payable to EILERS PIANO HOUSE, 351 Washington Street, Portland. . . ; -. ; . ; REGULAR SALE OF SEATS WILL OPEN at SAME PLACE TUESDAY; MAY 8, 9 a. m Trnrvi!ry''inaigtTeii tntt tM mrTrio'r will at tbe end of the summer be ten fold more attractive than It ever ' haa been before The extension of the water service to -a' dosen dusty suburbs will greatly aid this work, some of the most beautifully altliated euburbs, like Mount Tabor, paving in yesrs ..hefore hern yellow, ' dusty desert before - the middle 1 T DOUBTFUL ABOUTMERGER. Art eta Divided Over. Queetioa of -attOB so BortIand;--- -The Arleta Improvement association will endeavor to determine on Monday evehlng what the attitude of the rest- negation to the city.- -THle move was started at a' meeting of the East Bide Improvement association aome weeks ago. and recel vrTh members of that "Organisation. Later Arleta bualness - ms- appeared before the" association and secured the Indorse ment of that body to the annexation pe tition tliey were cireulaUn It developed ofterward that many res idents of Arleta and the Mount Scott dis trict were opposed to annexation to the city,' and -the. session. Monday, evening will be for the -purpose of -deciding whet the majority regard a i the beat action to U.kiT -Those who oppose the merger with the city-assert that they settled Jn Arleta and that, when they moved tig and eight miles from- tbe city they supposed they were beyond the reach Of the annexa tion germ. Those who favor the Tnerger say the district has grown until there are about 10,000 people without adequate water facilltlea, fire protection, sewerage eye teme or police oversight and that the rate of taxation for the school needs of Arleta fat at present aearly-as beavy-aa It would be In the city for the entire as sessment. - In retuca- those opposing an- nexatlon .remark 4ha4lt. would- be , years in any event before sewerage - service and fire protection would be afforded In .the district of Arleta, and that the need of police protection' le far from urgent,. ' .- - ' DISCIPLES AREr ORGANIZED. Cooperative Ohrlstsaa - Oomsanalty Zs ' Started at St. Johns. : : - Tbe Dlaclplee, a Christian cooperative ommunityhaa - been., atarted in St. Johns, and ehould the same growth be experienced that followed the Inaugura tion of 'the aect 10 yeara ago tn Wiscon sin he" formation of tbe congregation at Bt.. Johns meana the growth on the -pe- clnauia of H, rrlffti.n imtri.i onn. muni ty that win endeavor to carry out he Ideaia of Christianity on a trasmesg basis.. i ir -1. .Bev, Chllds Is the head of the movement, and receJ-Uy, closed-a t wo weeks' meeting In St, Johna,-' during which time . be enrolled. 40 menand wemea la the new congregation. A tent has been pitched In the town, and dur ing thaaummer Mr. Chllds will per sonally superintend the new flock. In Wisconsin Mr. Chllda wullt up a community In. Marquette county, and finally the - town prospered so that a Site . waa purchased, named - Endeavor, and In a .few years became one of the busiest towns In central Wisconsin. A college, a brickyard and manufac turing plana of varloua aorta were sue- ceaafully operated - on the cooperative plan, and the business ability of Mr. Chllds - became noted throughout the stats. "The sect has simple beliefs, ap proaching those of tbe Quakers, or Friends, the absolute division of prop erty and the sharing or their fellows' burdens being , the foundation ff their simple creed. ' , - CHILDREN iAREGE,NEROUSe, Oenkral Koim Tabes Soaool snipus (Mve , Ubeeauw te Belief aa6V ..- -Of all the east side schools the Cen tral, In the Mount Tabor district, prob ably ' did more-: for the San Francisco sufferers -than -enyT other, though - the number of pupils standing thla school is eral of the city institutions. The appeal for children's clothing that eame ehortly after the' disaster appealed especially, to the scholars, and from. the. eighth, grade down to the primary' tote there waa an outpouring of garment a A big truck load of children's clothing 'waa aent from the achool to the Portland relief com ml t tee. ., , ... ,j The children alao purchased and do nated more than 100 quarta-of canned- frulta, and raised In eash nearly I10.. i i ' i in i ii Phsntx Insurance K Company of ' --tlIlL. Brooklyn. v Portland,' Me., list; Boston, Masa., 1STI; Chicago, 111, 1 871 J BalUmore, Md 104; Toronto, Canada, 104. In these and all other conflagrations of the paet SO yeara the Phenlg baa paid its losses promptly and without assess ing Its stockholders for a dollar. This record will be maintained In the caae of fan Francisco. Our adjusters are al ready on the way to pay every legitimate claim, . J. IL UNEHAN, j . . . General Agent. Chicago. s23a5"lIeUI4 ThealFe-2? Last Performance Tomtihl 8:13 "An American MaUonairc" Tbc Pollard4.llliutlAn tpera'ConipaTi Paoelea St -soerrTte; romorrow, Monday, Toewlay Mights, May e. it 9, iro, .. t- John lalnselia and Lilliaa tawreaoe ab nan vaiae a ureal iiraaw, , TKS OirmiBTIAir." . , Dtrectloa Geotge L. Baker. . i "."v j inn uaiici. . . SesU are aew sailing at boxofftce the Halllg. BakcrJheatrcS tie Oa B Bakar, (tn. XSBhlll sn Id Bta. - Phone Mala leer LAlT rEXrOkMAWOS TOXIOBT. S:l MONSTER VAUDEVILLE ASSEMBLY Safagaea el the Br aet Sea rtaaslsee .i i : ruaaater. '': 10 BIO. ACTS 10. : , . - Besd4 by the James H. Lee Oonedy Sketch L4 -MaUa tarday.- Night pi Ilea Lowes floor, front ef haa, Snet Bight, prlees, lowar floor, barh ef Wee. Bnc; aiitlis bali'isij, tan, gallery, 18e; ill anUneaa, I6e and adc. ITaxt Waak. iurtlnx-MsUbm Tsmerrew-r "vaiuoraia oiria" aunasaiie eompsaiy. Empire TKeatrcSi aad Morrtaoa Pboae Mala 11T. POBTLAKD'B POPHLAB PtATBOCSS. 1 S -a . J V.- MACK SWAIM OOMfAJIT. TnthV big aanaatlonal scenle BKlodrama "THE SILVER DAGGER" A vtTitl ntiwr rtf llf la ud abort Mew Tark feesut lutti-Ml. peciai ccawr , carried eomnleta. Cvn1na prlcn Iftr, flft, 60c. - Mrloat . , nor, roc, aoc. - -f r "The Iaalde fraok." . . . Osraer Vaugha and Twenty-fourth . May a, a. s. 7. a, all Oeajee WW I M p. at. Suaass. Ladle Day riidey., ADMISSIOS. sea. GRANDSTAND. 2e. CHILDBED 10c. BOX BEATS, Z3C Open for the Season FAMILY7SUMMER GARDEN-" Washington Street. Near; City: Park ' : -Entri Strictly firsf-class management, Fine Tine of Liquors, Beers, Sand wiches and Cigars. . '.: CHAS. PILTZ, Proprietor. ,STAR-4WalW THEATRE '"fw'"h Ikw feeb af-ASrH Wills Oslliae. -taasriaa's ftrsateat Travesty Artlata. Mlaa - Mildred , Iody J. W. Clifford Jamas Snrke , Stareaeepe -, ..: 10c to any seat except hesi -loo LAVCNTHAL BROS. , WHOLESALE LIQIJOK DEALCDft Formerly at lot-Ill Sacramento Street, - flan- Francisco, CaL . SOT-SOS Washington Sfc, OaklaaaV OaL Cuatomers Kemlttlng Bend Coin or Cur 'rencF by Express. . - ' -At awiy Cross Ckajea.- At Holy Cross church the patronal feast of the church wilt be most sol emnly celebrated. tomorrow. Most Rev erend Archbishop Christie wlll preside. At' 10:30 there wilt be a solemn high maes with, a sermon ; on the "Holy Cross." In the-, evening at 7:20 there will bs solemn vespers,, benediction. t I B sS-S. 11 wXa' sfS , ' ,,:-:..,- I A. D. KINO & C 1 i f 428 MORRISON 8TRBBT Monsteii Fire . ... . OF SILKS, JJl'SLIKSrCAMBRICS AND LADIES' FANCY C.. J . on. All goods damaged by fire and water muat be eold regsrdleas a ; imTtma actrsr aot . , ; wstkajso-cf sat - - X 7 - IF YOU M18S THIS SALJS .YOTLL HKORICT IT. CIRCUS DS PORTLAND -i.u- TZITT XOOATSD , a .,'- Thurs.. May 10th Friday. May 11th Performance 2 mnd S P-. M. Detiy S IJ-bw Uewrtw mi Ci',t-.. i IimMm atTewiMMNa acsosAW uessi I S feeias SaWeff sgruiesut I Ireklss Teaklers M tectteas tssfh IMsrs let BerJi ef 'erteresss Oessasle SsvUiSr SUU ill HiUMI EVERYTElNG-NEIVrTClSzYlil LYRIC THEATRE ' leery Afteraeea aad Ivealag Partlaae'a Tepular Bteek Hoses.- in. le tmotlonal Vlrlodrama HER FATHER'S CRIT in povn Af-rs. ITOKT OF A CHILD'S tOVE. FOLLOW THE CBOWD C0MI1MU0ITS . . aEAJOBalAMCsW-, -ADKUaatOa: 10a ... kiafc-HVKU BKA1S. 3De . GRAND THEATRE .Vmr ef April SO ..... TUB RIZI.EVg -- Premier root SiuBore, Hayaes aad Xoatgemety. - Tsaw-Sr PeOlativille. --- Meek S Tate. rr-Urn- VeweU. -JKaiter. Harold HstTr resume. wraaauoepea SI MM Eg PHirES Rvenlnga, Senoara a I holidays,' Me, Sic and Sue;-saatlnees, 1 to any aeat, extent hoxea. . CHICAGO PAWLED DENTISTS ' 303TWasn. St, Cor Fifth St. $5 22-K Oold Crowns.. $3.00, f 5X3 Bridge Teeth.. $3.00, $5.CJ Gold FUlingi ,.....$1.00 ir SilTtrFaiinfsti'.r.J.r.-..8.j Oar. practice la limited te high gr art. hiothlas hot . -ajsrSrSj Fyt tTysr "" --maw -wsw-anmoa Oa. with the most biassed sacrament a sermon. A fine musical program haa 1 prepared for both services. Kveryt- welcome. :.:' :s. '.. ' . . . 'tttttt : law mmmnr I 1P1L I X- fcora llVf irVtifliMsrstts m. i a i i i wry