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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1906)
I ' lees. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY; EVENING, MAY 5, WOMEN OF VOODCRAFT ARE ."jr HIE Vs'." ,..TyX;":p '.mny. g'saTfre 1 " rrrif - 8tm -f- .,-.1,. .'. . 'x f : ; a .777 .... tte V V; r : rr . Ji7 :.;;n,r.l r.:. ; ;,;, : - -. .I,.....f,-' ;,;..,,.,, ,.,.,,. . ; """,' - r: ? -jbif ' S . "'" .m -v i I y-iyyXi ' New Offices; of Grand. Clerk, Women of -Woodcraft. T!i ancompanyinr phoiotrrmpb howa : an Interior viw of tha offioarof-th Kraiid vJerk Of the rranfl lodire, paclflo JurlsUlftioiu rWomen of - Woodcraft, In , tii near borne of tha lodg t "tha eor iir of Tenth gn4JXylor. jitreetaJaJthJH ity. rtnj Brand clerk and irrand tod Ke ot- tha'Paclfld JurlwlictloiC " - Orand Clerk "J, I WrJht haa moved Into hje office and haa a force of 18 clerka boally" engaged tn- carrying on the work of the'-order.-' Eight of theae Jift brousht-fromIeadvlller.wliare-hla Office Wll formerlr. ' '.The rrajid o-narrl. now uuuuiug u soon as quariera can be furnished. A force ot, eight clerka will come with the if rand, guardian. TTli . other" portiona pr "the bunarng are complete with- the exception tf the In- tailor flnlnhlng and TlirnkMug.-Whlch ' will be completed before 4he end of the" ' prrfuwit iiionflr: 1 " :i The, structure la of gray atone, ele gantly finished on tho Interior. The --bnlWing.HrheirTfinlsheiltftnd " furnished. n"wlll represent a t ost of $82,000. . It i will "be ,tje: headquarters of the- grand TOnarrucnoirWBrX" mi , the 1 building wwTJommencifiarJant Hcptenibenmff TMa expected that it will be all complete and InnidtaMi "for, xpeiUftJl():jh public by May 1. hough no formal opening wll take place until the latter' part, of the month. lt"Vaa plahired to Wve a grand dedication on May It. but on ac count of the San- Francisco, disaster and the loss" to the order, there, It was decided . , to "do" away with any formal dedication and use the funds that might hava been required Jor that.purpoae to relieve the suffering of people In San Ing.partlcTpatedn by. tha members of the order the latter, part of . May. . The date;-haa not . been definitely decided OneTMrtlorr of the biilldlng will set apart, a headquarters 'for the grand managers, WhoIlLjne$JLlJth,ere an auall y;rr On- the third floof-tltere- Is a ballroom and auditorium for grand lodge gatherings. :-" "", '""" . CHURe-H- SERV-ICES- .-Ccntral--.Rwain" and ltby"itrt: Rot; , Hrrimcnl; Huodar artaoul, IS in.: Kpworth . ln. : p. m.; m., "Our Uonx! -. in Vrru." HnaaysMe -Ttmhlll ' street .tietweea Thtrtr- , Bfth and Tblrty-nUth . treta; Me. T. B. Mifil. At lO a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. . iMliUttitltioe awrvlcAi .. 'A.. m.. claaa nmitlna 'ri B, to., cbllrtrca'a elaaaes and junior Laau; ... Wrf'tlna: fr mn oalr.- Taylor-ltrt--Dr. , rrB-la "Rnrgette Short. "i Al : a. m.r 4lai-Hi:l t.-a.,-Il'1W - l-n-ace BInre Chrlaf: 12:15 p. m.. Sunday :i. luiiora ana laeir rar. ' Kpwortu Twinty-tlilr t and Irving atreets; np.HewT T. AUtuaoa. Bible acbuul. 10 a. - ni.; morning arvlre, 11 o'clock, "Tha Kingdom :fif IVrovvr and Kror"; Junior Xaguoa -S p. aa.; Kpworth Mfw. 4:48 p. a. I eTanliig aarvica. p. i :4a w riora. FaKoa Mfch'ljfre aveaaaBd Carpft atrceu: UfT. Mninila T. Wir. Prearblnc at ' II a. tfft. and 7:43 p. m.; gnnday school. JO ".-m. : Knwortb lOTgoi-. fl l -n. ra.' -- irre Knat Math aud Mill alirota. Preach. i ma a i iaf, 8lhalo a-hool. 10 a. m. vntrnarr Raat line and Ninth atraata: Rev. WIUUib 11. Ili-iiie. 11.. 1. nrearhlnc at 10:M mn-fHfr--in.T-aoiTaBgla- S.. U. C A. IDMtlng, 3:an p. m.; Junlora and Intrrawdlataa, S p. m.f Kpworth League, i.15 p. m. ! r 4rae Twvlftk and Taylor -atreatai Rev. riarenc 7m - Wilmn. .Frearhinc at , 10:30 ad T:an.pj to. I Sinidn.T xhool. rlaaa meeilnx. BTO a. p. m. i Kwortn Harold Hrr. 4 Vnuminttrm !?. 1 1 Moviig Tlwv j Cpwvrth twafwiw Lragua T p lmmnnp Second and Mead etnwla; Rav. -T. Jl. At a. oi. and 7:30 n. i -ftrvn rhlnr t-WMe-aehaeV -H-aM-VonngTcople'jl nrfrnmm p. . ui. : j . Mount - OII-r-HTnth and : Kvrratt strmtai iTvarnms. n p. to. LnlTmltr I'arh R'T John Brat aim. Unit day achool, 10 a. . 11 ar a., jirHirbln( by -..bV-- OToca. i Mm p, i si, tamper a: bvtura by Mr.- Van Pall. yi. John's Rev. E. ' A. AMtoifS. f rtguaday - 10 a, . -preaching, -U a. n. and 7:30 p. in. R'llwood Elf-Tenth and rsoatllla atreeta; Kev. A. lara. Sunday arBool, 10 a. I 4Hva-hlnr. U a. aa. -and J:S0 p. in. Hint- Tha Whlta TannU. Twolfth a Taylor atrata; Ua. ' J. . WbllnnmlA Brmifber, What Does rr';-ylzy. Stand For w'77': For dood Faith :tyy ' with the public for a quar - ter of century. - ;r " For Purity - v never yet questioned bjr purg food officials. ";' -For Finest Flavor---1 " resulting from use of costli-- eat anU highest, quaiit..of . materials. .'-'W . For tha Ik577t77 Coco and Chocolate mad anywhere at any prlce. For Largest Sales t t7 . of any, superfine Chocolate . .. Bonbons in the world, . . For Protection to -7 7 buyers ;7'.,7. . . in guaranteed uryormity of . " .highest excellence. ; Tkttmmtj Rtcrifl JVafc ,.i IS Walter M. Lowney CJo V-' BOSTOK. '..:v . v .... I. I). 0n aeenrd prayer sMetlng. 10 a. m."i 10:30 -a. as., "tmmia Tha Bwk ot Seyn CouJkU"JllbU. sc hool. 12:10 p.; flII'.l U. e p. si.; poonlar ercntng aprTi-a, 7:30 o'rlork, "Chaaed Our nf tha World WIU Blood- aouiHia aa lour mil: a rlnta- a. m. preachlug,-11 a. . by Key, Ueorga W. GrlfllnV. fr--.. Tliin VantonT,r avanqa indr-KaotUl RT. T. U. Bllaa. At. lO a.- ak,-Saaday - afheol; 11 a. m. and T;S0 p. B., preaching; B. X. f., I'-. R- ai, -. ..,... ..-,-;.";.' rirat Gcmaa fourth and Mill atreaia: R'. J... Kralt. 1-iMohiin, - J1:45 a, in.-and 7:3Q r.f BlWe school, 10:48 a. niuf B."T. P. V.. P. .SI. V.'. - u. A-.'.. Bemsid Owasan Rodney aveaae and Morris atraeta; KVt. IT, , Burmann. Preaching, 1 P. at. and 7:30 p. m.; tlundaf arhaol,.B:45 a, m. ; Young People's aiaatlng, 4:44 a. m. .. T Rwadlah ftoyt Und Klftntb , atrets: Rev. Krlc gcbaretrma.f l-raarhlng, 10:S a . aL 'aad 1:30 p.. la.; Sunday school,. J 2 at; r. ' . - RaaaollTllla 8choolhouae Sunday : sehoof. "Ond- Plnrt Qseetlea Kodearor, g:tf s. as. ta Man" ChHatlaa -rtrat Raat Xeuth and Hherawa atrmta; Rv. at 11 a. aa.,-addreaa by Dr. Van Pelt; T0 D. B- eermoa by Kav. B. D. farnawortht-a p. m. Junior IrxlfaTor; t;Wi. ... JLUref C E., T p.. m. : . 8t. Johns-John andTanhoe atreets. Rt Johns; Hay. B. - K. UcVlcker. Sunday acbool 10 a, at.; 11 a. as., praachloa J- L. O.- K., 2:30 p. m.s 8. KU C E S.30 P. bu; S p, ML, Graco-Lnta RT. H.. 0. 1Indraon. naator: preaching at II L a and g D." m.; loung ;rtipte a Alliance, 10 a. au '- T, p. -t ai Suoday acbool. llarwela-tiitrtiTVltar"Wt-TXants-.'- m. and at Artlrana' hall, Sevier atrcet, aear Twerty-aecend. S p. m. . - . Highland Albarta and Sixth atreeta. ' Praacb- Ing, 2:30 p. m., by Rev,: K. M. Bllaa; SumUy bcqooi. :w p. m Oatral Eaalr Ankeay and Twentieth atraeta Rev. W. T. Jordan. At 1Q:30 a. 'Tha Sua. DolafnV Dumtw: 8 a. as.. "Oood Cheer" day acbonl, 12" m. " ' - ' V ' ' ' Cahrary--Baat Blrtth . and rtlraat- stroeta: Rt. A... Lawunce Black. At lo a., an., Bible achool; 11 a. lb., pcracblng; B:80 n. m... Bible rlaas for-yoneg- mrer p. nr.TTeung"Peo-f pice raerirna: t p. m.. prappina. Orace MontaTtHa; Rar. CirmiiTTakef. , At 11 a. "Kelkmsblp With Dlly" la the tTcnlnr, "The Prodigal's , Home and rather.' Nccond HcTentb and EMt .AnkenT etraetet A I iu:ou prca china: Bible acbonl at nnon: Tonne Peoole'a tutoa, fl:V0 Pr OLt aarnoo, 7:30 . a. ..ii EPISCOPAL. TVInlty Nineteenth aad Rrerett atraeta: Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector. Holy common ton a. m. r Sunday -school.- :8t a, as. ( mocnlng praw,. u 9 ctciL rTBDing prayer, j :au pxjpca. at. niaaa -teinaanie aae tier ewaew Rot. 11. M. Raaiaay. llolr coinmunloa. T:30 tH-m. f Rmiday-achoot:- :48 'a.- m.r morning aernce, ii n tux: eramng ecrrice, ?:ao e clock. St. Panl'a Episcopal Woodmcra: C. lu rataar, lay rima p. m.: Sunday achool, S D. as. .1. St. Matthew's Pint and Carathara atraeta pRcy. W. A. M. Brc-k. Holy enmtnuntoa aad aaranLL a m.; Sunday, achool, ; 46 eas.) service ana aanrcaa. i:o p. m. All Salnta' 402 North Twenty-second etreet: Rt. , Robert Hope. Ph.' D t. D. Snnday aerrleaa. 11 a. m. aad g p. m. ; Sunday school, to a at. : ; ; s- m. DsTtd'a Kaat Tlralfth ' aiwr-BMniont alraeta; Bar. ,Ueorga B.. vaa Waters. II. U. Holy conmnnion. S a. a.r siornlng prayer and nrrmon. it e chick; erening prayer and ser mon, 7:30 o'clock: Sunday school. :40 a. m. - St. Mark s Ninth and Qulmby streeW; Rav: i. JC. U.. Slmpaoe. ' At 8 a. m.. . holy com mrnkm; 10 a. is., Sunday achool; 11 o'clock. momma prayer; e acmes.' evening nrarer. tood .Shepherd Sellwood atreet and Tas- marer aicaua.- Albln; Kct. John Dawson. Sunday achool. 1-0 a. m. ; boly acmsianlou and aermon, ii o'clock; evening prayer and eer T:Sf) oVfork. St. Jobn'a Memorial Sellwood: Rev. W. It. Powell. Sunday achool. 11 a. as.: aerrlea and eermoa, T:aa p. J- - PRtSBTTERlAlT. illapsh Mary and Powell atreets; Rct. ronie K. McUiade. D. D. At 1(1:30 a. "The RelaflTe Value Of Human Life"! T:S0 n. a.. "All Thlnra aa Worklna Toaethae for tiood": iz -m.. Sunday achool. Marshall-Street Marshall aad North SaTea- feenth atreeta; Rer. W. flara. Bunds t school, lo a. m.: preaAlng. 11 a. Sad 7:30 p. m.: i. r. e. v. k.. : g. m. . . . YhlrA Vast "ThletMnth - Pin. Key. Andrew I. Montgomery. . Preaching at a. be. ane i :o p. as. - ralyary Eleyenth and (Tav atraeta. Jtt 10:30 a. m., preaching; 7:30 -p. -m. preaching. First Twelfth and Alder atraeta. - Berrlcee Sunday, eooducted by Ear. R. .Nalaoa Allen: preaching at 10:30 a. m. and T:30 p. m.. rounn rirai ami uinna atreeta: KeT. John Rayan Welch. - Prea'chlna at 10:30 a., aa. end I:l p. B. - , nurcn or tne utrenrers wasco arraet and Oraml arenae: . Rev. S. Earl . Ia Kola. At 10:45 a. a.. "The Sunday Theatre," by Bey. H. Ilner; 7:30 p. m.. V'God'a BoUcltuda. Mbunt. Tabor Belmont and Prettrmaa are- aneai kt. g. M. Sharp. Serrlcea at 11 a. at. and T ;4fi p. m. . ' . Kaarview llllard a tenner RevrTr.- Farim- aoo. Sunday achuoi, 3 p. m.; praecblog. 4 p. m. Highland Preeeott and Kaat SUth street. north; Rav. Arden K. : Rorkwood. At 11 a. m.. "The "Salt of the Karth": 7:30 n. si.. ' An. Echo ProW Hood Rlrrr": Sunday achool, lo- a. in.; Jnnlor Rndeavor, ( p. m. ; Senior Endeayor. St4ft d. m. - - v ' - ' I'nlTeralty rark Artisans' temple,. Porta- mouths Rev.WB. Oray. At 11 a. m., "What Hoea ' Chnrrh Memberahlp Meant"; Baailay achool, ID i. a. Uinralwaod Arleta hall: Rev. D. B. flray At. p. m.. preaching ; Sunday achool, 1 ad u ; r. P. S. 0. K., 6:3)1 p. m. first Madltmn and Park , atreeta; Kav. t. 1,. Ilouao. Ik, II. , At 10:30 a. St., -"The Contrast He tweea Chrlat and Psul 'i T:W) p. n., "Honor Brlaht loyally aa Illustrated by Bret Harte'a Tanueeaee a Partrer' "; Sunday school 12 m.l Tr P. S- p. aa. . Sunnyalde Kaat Taylor and . Kaat ThIMy. fourth atreetat Rev. J. t, Slash. ... At II .- a., aermon; 1:3n p. m., nreachlng: Sunday achool. lo i. a.; Junior (brlatlaa Rndearvr. 3 p. m. ; Senior' I'hrlallan PndeaTnr, g:15 p., in. Mtaalaalppt Arcane Mlaaiarlnpf arenne hnd Prauioat street: Kav. William U Upabaas, ae tor. Sunday achool, 10 a. at.; sermon It a. si.. "11aloaa That la Kaaa." 7:44 a. au. j -- ' "T. Mi & A. . '!' '" . : y ,T. ."3C T.""A.'-41odltrlnj, Foorth snd Tsts htll atreeta." At 3 p. m.. addreas. on "Male and Female. " by Dr.- Ii. B. Sparer of Oberlln, 4 vnio; orencatra ana apodal mualc; rraei men oniy. ft; At "t -Nlnt- and --Pte-atreeU--at:30 m , 1. M. c. A. men's meeting addraaeed air. a. b. Marcourt oh Tea war. or Hal. vatloa"t apecial mualc byimala.etwmifrae ior mm miiy. Boya' Meeth Dr. O. M.. Babbatt will ad- orcae me meeting ror noys , only at Porbtis Praabyterlas church at 4 p. tn. on "Parity": at earns- hoar Dr. W. P.Bnbberd' at Seeoad liaptiat on virtae'a : Reward '; Rev, B. C tiapham at Highland Onngregatlnaal ea "Man and Uold," and B. C, Hctlow at Calvary Rantlat m 4(tlnea T Tlave Uet " r . aprprma PI rat Society Third atreet near Waahlnatne Conference at 11 a, "i.; 8 P. m. kwture .by Darld .UXelah of San- Pranrlsco -n "Eto- lntkn of rnadonancaa'Tpaychi Wtdlllg Ttf mra. Dopnia n. eaip. tBlWe - Society 80B -Alder atreet,- between nrtn and sixth streate. At 11 a. at., Chll dren'a Proereaalve I.ycenra and conference: I p.- Mr. lrB - P.- Share wilt condoct the aervices, aaaieted . by Mrs. Ladd-rtnnlcan. UTTHZRAR. nan n rat i ai'a ana jerri son atreets; Rev. J. A. I-ea. Serrlcea at 11 in. ana i:o prm.r nonoay acnoot, io a;TB. Lather LeegiA-, T p. .. Betanle Danlab rnlew avesn snd - Mnrrla atreaia; Bey. Ondmnnd QrilL. .Boadazlerrica - Nnrwrglgn Synod EaerTMitli knr Grant atreeU; Key. O. Haogea. Sunday acheij, t:0 VT -iiT ei i n rm ai 1V.M, m. ana.e p. m. . ... - St, Paul'a Oermaa Lutheran Kaat Twelfth and rilnton atreeta; Rev. A. Krauae, paator. aiorning eerviee, ii::ai a. m. : evening sermoa. a p. m. ; cunuay e-nooj a:jw a. aa. ITAMOmCAL AS80aATIOK. Memorial Rev. R. D. Strerl.ier, At . 10 a. m., Bandar acnooi; ll a. m., preaching) 3 p. as., preaching by C. W. Ruth; g:80 a. ". I'"..'! unwiB num. I ..W D. evangelistic aerylce by Re. C. W. Ruth. r irar r.nguan r.aat mxin ana Market streets; Rey. S. A. Slewert. "Preaching, 11 a. m.. The Joy or t nrwtlan service"; 8 p. , "Cbristlaa Baptlam"; Sunday achoeL 1( a. -m.; ioung Feopie'a Alliance, , christiah . acmrci. Plrat Church of Chrlat. Scientist Scottish Rite catbcilral, Morriata and Ixmneitale atreeta, At 11 a. in. and 8 a. at... "Morula and Im mortals"; Sunday school at close ef auralng aarrica, . Second Church of Chrlat. Scientist Rika1 temnle. Stark, and Seventh atraeta. At 11 a. m. and 8 p. -at.,. "Mortals aad Imtnortale"; nunoay acnooi, ll a. m. , .. -'7-' LATTER-DAT - tACTM.' Church of Jeeua Chrlarnf Latter-Da v Saint aw itau . ! Allaar minuini. Third ana Miir rleo atreeta. Serrlcea at 11:30 a. aa. snd p. . m.: Sunday acnooi. 10 a. m,- - Reorsanlaed I bmch of Jeans Chrlat of letter. Pay Saints Woodward Hall. Montavllla; Pender, pastor. Sunday achool. 10 a. m.i nraacblne. T:30 n. m..' "Rmaahlne Snectaclma.' .. iJnj. jgjiK-. 1 i;.r J. r: Chrlatlan and Mlaalonarv Alliance Slrfh and Main atreeta; nay. v. u. Hawtelle. - Preeck Ing, 10:80 a. 8.1 Snnday arboal, 12:18 p. m. ; ronnr oennle'a meetlna. 8:30 o. m - eraneel. latlfC ayloa, 7:30 aa. trvtraatAW. ' I " Plrat Seventh aeif Vambill"" atreeta: Rev. W. O. SI lot Jr., - mlnlater;. Rev. T. U Rllot, D.. mlnlater emerltna. . Services at 11 a. m,; Panday aool and. adult dasa. 1Z:30 p. oi. Advent Seennd atreet . betweM Rail 'e,A Uncoln atreeta; Rev. Char lea lleffehdea. Sun. day achool, 10:30 a. m.: preaching aervtce, 11:30 a. at.; pralaa aecvlce, 7 p. ai. ... . ' -' CHRISTIAH." Plrat Park and Columbia atreet; Revr E. .ViH-kler. At 10:38 a. m.. "The Moorinea of Faith"; 7:30 P. m.. "Coaouered to Ooct- . 1 STortanaW Mlaaottrlaas. - --"-- When I wna a drtiarlst. at Livonia.' Mrt.,M writes T, J. Dwyer. now of Oraya ville. Mo,, "three of my customers were rermanently cured of consumption by )r. Klng'a New Discovery, and are well and strong today. One waa trying to aell his property and move, to Alisons, but after iialng New Discovery a abort time ha found It unnecessary to da no. 1 regard Dr. Klng'a New Discovery aa the most - wonderful medicine in gilstenca, Surest Cough and cold cure and Throat nd Lung beater, uuaranteea oy hkiu- more Drug Co. " 100 and 11. Trial bot- U8 .Iraa., ',.,.... ...V"-. ,,.. Saves your time " Saves weary steps ." r Waves' your health Saves your money ; Saves your temper --Saves your-tlothei Saves' your complexion .. 7i yi- h'y i-7t7:.t,'f-7..:7':;r.:;.'77'"-..::.7: It1"rereafln-;7T v7T I$Tahaysready-T Is never too hot 7 7 7 7 Is never too cold 7? --- Uniform temjperature ieqesJochaniiai: No scorching no dirt NEW MODEL ELECTRIC FLAT IRON THE HOUSEHOLD CONVENIENCE .... ...( 7 OF THE AGE STYLES AlID PRICES OF IRONS STYLE NO. 1Regdar household 6-lb. Jit.T? Flat Iron . . -. . . $4;00 STYLE NO. 2NicIcei:platcd3-lb. Smooth- ing Iron, f or dainty -miyyywy$PCf: , : . '- ,.. c- f r ... p :tO-yOUa:7f7 A CUT out-COUPOIL PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COrANY, 7 Seventh and Alder Sts Portland, Or y jGentlemenoa4yeUver to me one Electric Flatiron, No. .....;.... -which I agree to try and,if unsatisfactory to "me,to return to you within 30' ayaonulhejdateujofeHv charge samejto jny accountat $4.00. It is understood that no . charge will be made for the iron-if-Ireturnl withlnr30da)rs. Name ............ .. a4Va4tia r i Address..! ee.a. ........ ELECTRIC CO. Telephone Exchange 13 j Seventh and Alder Streets ylr Sfimiilim iter;" Bible acbool,' 11:18 p. at; Cferlarlia d dearer, 8:80 . B. 'Ceatral East Tweatleth aad Ralmen atreetai Rev. J. r. Gbormley. D, D. - At lo:48 a. ai.. Klahtly Plvldlng the Werfl"; T:48 P. m.. Tsaaeerstloa and feneeatratlea." Rodney Avenue Kodnear avanus and Kantt atreet; Key. V. Klmo Hotilnaon. At 8:43 a. a.. Kime araoni; ll a. m., "uer.Hieaee in us rial - o p. m., T. P. 8. O. B. 1:80 p. m.. Man's Bulioers." . . . . . XXTBODIIT, tOTTTK. First Kev. Kroary M. Mowra. Kanday srhonl. 10 a. m.: sreartalng. II . si., by bv. T. U Puke; Eparerta League, T p. aa.; preaching I i p a if ner. nr. auiofi, . , ' - it. nWM'B HOLTOSB KIBITO.' " Rt. Jnba'a Hellnear Mlaaloa 835 ga read atreet: Bear Main; Re. Jobs T. Olaaara, ttWi every nlfht sad Sunday at 8 and 1;30 p. m C.'C. A. -r. B.Allaky: halt. 'second itW. Ikkd aad Umximmi Iter. Cbarlaa A, Hot, At t p. ai.. BIMa stady and rtlldraa'a laeettiig: 8 p. m.i "What Ooepel Dnee Tear Ufa Preach t". T:30 P- m., "Ilodara Olanta aad How y Orereame Thaia." . : - VVITZBIALI8T. ' - Ptrst Beat Owe aM Klghth atreeta; Rev. W. ". Kiaall. At It a. ai., arrison. "After tba Upheaval, : What Brmalit :j W a. at., Bonday achool. . T" " burn ' mamcb wssioMr'""'"' "Ollva. Bran-I Mlaaloa 1H8 Klrat atreet, near Columhla. Prearhlng every nlfbt at T-.30; Bandaya, p. m.; Sabbatfe school, 1:38 m. - ' itmuaaa." "'. Bwedlah tamaoael Miwteanth and Irving atraeta; Rev, C. 1. Renhard. Rervlcea at 10:80 a.-"B. aad a p. aa.; Buaday achoel. 13: IS. . i '. KTLttamAl DAWM. ! Millennial Daws O. A.- B. hall. Seeoad aad Morrtsoa atreeta. Bervlceg at 1:80 p. - ' mmtO BltTKaiV 1 CH1I8T. ' rirs-Kaat fUteeatg aad Merriaea alaeiv Bee.- ttr C. Shaffer." Bible achool, 10 a. preechlng, 11 a. si.; I. P, 8. V. T p.i sj.j aarnsos If. a . .. Prlenda 'Chorch Kaat Mats and Thirty-fifth streets i Rev. bawle I. Hadlejr. Bsaday aoheot 10 a at:; prearhlng, 11 a. B. , 183 Baeond "The Dl- TH01T0HT. - Chnra ef Peaadiiai lleaw hall, street, sear Morrlaae. .. At It a. a. lne Ceater Within Mas." . inr omrmcR bociitt. Bwedaaborglaa Knights of ' PvtkUa hall, Blevnath aad Alder atreeta; Kav. , Hlran Vrooetaa at Bnasea at 11:30 s. at tXACOV UOKt MI88I0. ' liaht MlaaiAM 11 l'Ml,k mmm Pia hiag every sight- aad Sunday at north. 9 . . Preferred Moah Caaaed mvAm, AUaa ft Lewis' beat Brand.' - Dr. 11BH 1 i ! t Austin C ; maoaa 17, afayee SiNt Orewa aad SslTj 7-"i lpaalal7.