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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1906)
THE OREGON -DAILY '-JOURNAL', 'PORTLAND. SATURDAY. -EVENING," MAY 5; ' lSOo. 4- c r? SGSKES ME : QEASTATiSID MEGIMS .OP 'EITi : - ' . r . -' ": ; - : : , L . -U W?1 . .... , -v ' '. ','' '" .; J'- ' T ,., i '. :.. -'7-'" r.'f! ' - '1! ' 'i 1 . v, ' l?'V - -1 III--! , f Picture , Shows a Scene of the Theatre District, Looking Down Market Street. v ; V1" Photograph; Show Remnants' Left of -the Great; Rial tp Building; ' X: i IMSSlBEBlllifliCIMiE OREHOLREt!eUIA01tOSES;iIAVE W0RPr-RE01li0S5 - Nt-lfaif yprcsaws Sati8factionar-Work Dons by ThefoTrT ; ; y. Charge, and Says That thrStater Has Done Well irt Every - flace Where Worlc Money 'or1 Help' Was NeededV-'-- - - f .... .. ... . ..... . . , 1 . 'v . . . . i.. jr-v-- ,."..itVoi journal Uttf jrtirrMjnndMit.l"'' - . ocjctjt.siitork,.; Pr..- Ucvl'ie of i th-Red arrived '! Sun Francisco Thurtday JfrtjltjccwUfc W-DIVlna wHl lo- co- -ih reIlf'ltyation afd today gave out the.' following: Interview to a Journal representative ' " '"Iii 'iV estimation thr"worlr la pf ' i creealngr moi( aatlpfactorlly. brlnn re duced to. a syatemaUa baala. . .Placing the work of distribution under the mil I- tarjr -and RH Crosa-onlrot -p- wise -- .' Procedure! The prelim Inarjr-efforts'. will f food and tht next atep wlll be to pro- i . cure employment for refugees. Thone who lost their homes and modpsf earri- t Inge will be sided sp as to enable them to net alone , -Xiie- individual .work will cease toi day. dnd: a . genoral schnio. will be adopted by the combining of the forr-os, " which will serve .to reach "better rosultH. , Major vUuv&l, quartermaster, .and Dr levlne. heart of the Ked Cross, will bo -i'in harge of-Toprf suppllfi.. All'OreaTmcftndltlon. ...Mayor fcihmlts . Hns proven htmseir levei-tteaoed pnd capable in nwirv dnrK 1 i ' ' 1 ilenatloiisiUould be shipped direct to tliim, CrK aod: MaJwMvaJ,. will .., :.catobii4h. icatiorantg lier mil will besejryesl operate- wrth' th. board of education In continuing: in tenta the 412 'classes of school -children which . weTe i lost .'Bad the 600 classes which were saved. ; r "Mr. Curtis of Waablnglon. District of Columbia., head of the .woman's: di vision of the tied Cross society, displays great executive ability In ' the work placed. -in, her eharge.JlMLCu.rtl came with credentials from President Itooso- iiu.ui .vr.n.b i..ihn i vclt and- the secretary of wr . . 1 W U . w. ' W " . vv m , 1 i t UIRII iiu ' f ' ..... - r- PL ' V " v- ' The' work accomplished by the Ore gon relief committee under the dlrc-tlr:fMraT-Marlm-.-McTaots-deserr lng of the highest pralBe.- -ia . . -Dr.. Carll. stationed at the Orlfgon hosprralr-Dri Mackenat. at the Ilarhor View, -and- Ir. ,Kqul. at the Presidio, have done most excellent 'work. ; " "TTttm convinced that Cenerar"lruiis ton s prompt action In the 'patsHtmplm aided materially in preventing a chaotic .. ..r 5:, n 9 ' -MX 1 - 7'. r -7 s,cr J, , J W t j r ... , - , , j F. " s t.-.. A r." :. , 1 aiT , f, j il'.it n - , -- f i 'i shim 'nf i'iniiiSii1altTiiiii r r, 4 ' . f . ---1 it , . Effects of the Terrtfie N Upheaval of the Earth In Van Ness Avenue. MkS) Week .Representatives .of Allied Cbmpanies" off Combine 'Spend - i in Private1 Car and Promise A II Structural' Iron Work Need ; imiXr ed ior ilmmediate iQeiv ery Credit 1st xtended.? : ,Ban Jftanclseo.yMay a.-r-Hlx men,rep?, reaCnflhg air the allied companies of the stfcel trust, arrived here from the eat .Tuesday. ... The - party, assembled at Chi cago: within, a weekafter the .fire 'and- I started for Ban Francisco In a -private car. ,in tn . yards jor -the American Bteel & .Wiro Co., at Sixteenth and. Poi son, streets .they are camping. Jn.Jhat car, an oasis , of luxury in the- desert ofr ruins. .T r-;,.. r-:-i'r(. :i riid&::. The steel men bring news that atruc tural steel, will be furnished 8an Fran- ..',"'."1 'J 1 .'. " '.. . 'i clsco- for the next thrtte years as fast - ' as., aecdedi t aster tltameajtr be -rf-reted together, for frames , of . the ..buildings already '.planned. ,- More .than that, the .. steel j truat promises too.--r.CeaMta oii past buainess' will "be extended, and . payment of .? new. orders v may - ba de fetred .' to the- longest ' llnilt ; to-' which individual builders' are legitimately n- titled." ' - ".' :: ' ' This- offJcia1! statement was rlejirut by.-vtrM.;!sitorVTheyiBteirfa - that Callfornians'- do - not '.rrallxe 'the"", eaor-.' :. motis damage' sustained, rv. .."-m -r. ; ' killed by tha militia,, the reports have been' greatly . axaggerated.'-'i-,-----i-'''".4.;- f-.-!rr. - Calvttt has '. shown" himself a genius in handling the congested traveL. TB. ,'H. Karrlman will remain in San Francisco Indeflnltety,, taking an active part in the resuscitation of the business life of tha city, r, r .r .7-r ---- - - Jefferson v Myers has put In a great deal of time looking up and aiding un fortunates, -In i. fact Oregon- has done well- In every-place- where work. "money as help i on requlied." : Ralph C, Clyde. N. H. Robinson, wife and baby and William Charlesworth, all from PortTandL'ha'va rlglbtered at Tha UPttrrta I '''omcswjt Uoae. people-wera -In - San . rauclaco at the time of tha fira snd lofit ah their. poaaesalonaJChey a re now camping' In Jefferson . park,. Saa Franciaco.j. ...j.a.-la c-'-i,-- .'Ji..... - ', . , yxarpa Balaaaad,' " . ' ,'"', , (SDeetiCl DUsatcfe te Tbe-JeersaLk - " -' Chehalls, May 6.-r-Hubert Harper, wh- has been, In the county. Jail aver since November charged with stahblnr -W. H. -Tiwrence. was released on bail thisf week. J. A.Veness and O. W. -Vanaa; of Wlnlock going on the ball.. , i -.i-"'. '"'!-' r .-- " -' .' : r I . "In -nnnertlnn illli. nllior lel fWia 1 . "From all I Tn learn of the number I " - ..... k . - .: ....... . - - .- . -. ....... . . .. s . . . . . - ... , - v ' i ..... r i .. i" 1 1 1 , , . ... -'i"eg-i')ljii'')iliyiiujs,iiwysH.iiw ri'"" ryrr'' '"is vtmwmmtiymni.'m vmm nwff r"'''!t'ff"lkia'BMI'"'V"y' ''wawiiwiiwsita 'm.'gysjpwy IfStyupiiMi i i w '.. .... . f - f. v-! v r T ') j i " X i r ' , - (. i ? , , -'ir'v '.. v-.'. . : v ; i 1 1 rr-.,, , , I.,, i-f e.'. :a ...... , .-.- X q2 w ? i ; - v,'a?c , -vtrc,. ,r ir;: 1? - V o .-.'k- II . -.-fr ' . r "J- ' -r is- . .. 7.:t 1 f ' J ' ',,,,ct-.;-:-v; . ' . :7inXJULUJUUUUL 1 " :-..-f.iiVyj 't'.v r.-Y1 '- -!v -. i. ' 'itv- ..!:. ;-r v . "-.'"v. . - m M.rrrr. rrvtr 0 f ;"v i-, -.' v-v li ' v " " ' !'" - '' t J " ' , .: s ; ' ' . , J '. 2ett.a .7 ,: .'.v.'.-,7"T,r,,v .!l;vjr.'H ' V - v .-i. . 4 -V i --r 'C"" ifj:-.'."i' ;..' i'- IX . '.-s-w. v , .. -.. Vrr N H-if.-. I itt '-Vx - -! - ' . .;;:;qfVVH-:.fV' LJUUUJLAJUJUUUULLLUJL !v-,:-.' J The Photographer Stood at' the Feriy.Turnstile and Pointed His Camera Upmarket Street When He T90I1 : This Remarkable, Pidure. Persons Tamiliar With San Francisco SfVill Fail to Recognita This View of What Was J Once - tha L ' " Avenue of the Metropolis of the West. On the teft Are the Ruins of the Great Smith Cash Store. ''and on the Right What Is Left of the Recent New Buildings jFrom :Which'the; .1 Ships Drew the Supplies. - Refugees Are' Seen Hurry:.--1 ; ; Zv.-, ;. 1 ;V, v ".'-.U' r. v';;'" VsJleof. the Sueet't Keep Oat .'of Range of falling BrkksndToUering Walls. , r Vi ' . vi-i-r' V, w" - . . .... -