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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1906)
J THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENINO. MAY . 1CCJ. . v Uu'G GIRLS HEAR PLEA FOR J1EV0LT BY MLLE. ANDREIEVA k ? o " '-' ' 7Tournal Soecial Service.) ' J Nf w 'orkfay Jl students frontj 3rjurd college, the lemaie seminary armcx 10 voiuniuis university, j t tended a reception last night-in- honor of , Mile. "Andreieva, the lUssian, actress, whom Gorky tried to passoff here as his wife. The reception was held at-lhc ; residence of;.Pr)fssorP?wyvf : luibia university and the gin students were nis invita tion.;"The utmost secrecy-wai-obsciYed. byjhc young women. A dozen other women of Dewey's acquaintanc,wcre 'also present, " r At the reception Mile- Andreieva made a speech and called for recent funds to aid the Russian revolution. After the addressee actress held ; a levee" and. spoke flattenngly of -the charms f American wemen. be did "not-mention Hhepkasantness:w chtion with' Gorky occasioned.. - I f: ' v? -"'." iTV WARRANT RAISED FROM i $3 10 $359,000 BY FORGER Women in Our Hospitals Appalling Increases in the Number of Operations i Performed Each Year How Womea . May .. ; Avoid ThenC r . V . - ' ... . I -. t Tt-V. 'C IV Journal. Special-Service.- ' r '. ' : Kew York'Mav 5. In .-the presentation at;'a recently .opened bank of a warrant on the city treasurer, which had been raised from. . $3 jto.. $359,000, officials Jpi tthe bank .and police department were' astounded by the energy, so audacious and aT thOame.tim'e so'ap parently idiotfc.Hhat'theyr were divided in opinion as'to whether iheptrpetratorrHr plies ia this-city, waa:unbalancedr actuany-trymg a desperate forgery schsm e jto get' hold .-pt-A -vask.sum -of ; moneyvv v " v The warrant Was heId,!buTnoTshedrV was "arrested later. - A frank Confession : that he had presented the warrant did little to enlighten, the officials as -to ..why he' dreamed of carrying :but sucfr wild Pan- :' v':.v . ''- .' ' i: . , r,;..yvvr,.fc.w ,T..,.., , ... - . . - - 1 ' " ."'.;.::,- - . . . S .. .... , . , . . ' . f tg thou se " Stationt . on-i the North Coast. ' ,WIL1. MAKE TRIP BY-i-ri. ,7-T:vTTHE INSIDE PASSAGE New SutioiTaf"EIdred Rock Will J. - Be Placed ta CommiMion and Con- iderable Buoy Work Will Be Done lit Wrangle Narrowi; - 1 m eenent - Lichtshlp No. ; from Umatilla m( la Cflioflel 9. W. Roaialar, tTnlted Stateilnow at tha mouth or tha Columbia la . .... I DlaeMf "In Aommlaiilon at ITtnatllla. Th tender Heather la to: oa ' flocked and I cleaned preparatory to a trail In Aa ,wjiera ha will board ibe llfhthouaa tea- ; denlumblna .JTor tt ajttended tour of 4ha"IIehfnoBa atatJona tn(mtbeetrH '.. Alaaka.' Twiy ataUona will be Tlait . ed and three weeka will be neceaaarjr The Columbine will take the inald - pene The Jflrat atop la to be made ",7r at Treepolnt HKhthouae, whtt auppliea - are to be landed, i Conalderable buoy "'""work Ja contemplated in Wrangle Nar '"""VSrowa:"? The hew light ana Tor atatton : at- Eldred Rock.' near SkA-y. 1 to be. placed' la commtaaion on June J. and the givernUeU reaael will carry "U of the machinery and tha force of median , ilea neceaaary to aaaemble tha plant. . - Colonel Roeaaler, upon hla return, will Mejt all of tha atatlona under 4Uauri- -Oregew eaaat arilnln V mctluu uu 'the " . WerlloU, llshthoua Inspector ofi thla latrict. upon tha return ox tba-Colum lae, wUl alao vlalt the Alaaka ata tlona on the tender Helen. A eloae ln- ' apectlon U ' made -at -ha new ata " tlone at Scobdt 'Cap and Sartacheff, In j;. Dutch, faaaage. . ..-Sr, .J, .'i-i - ReCOpDS ARE LOST a yraaoiaee Tire Peefaoyed Xpera f f teaaaahlf rnmpaay. J . -; ;tT"... . E.PBaumcartner. local kfjent of th tioa from Oaoree IL..Orarr-pTealdenCitf "the company, to the effect that the Ban Framciaew fire destroyed ell of tha rec rd of'ttie erganlaatlon. - The tfff Ico of erenlnf from Eureka... A atrona; north"-1 cation of iaTfnheBi eaat eala prevailed. on the entire trip, and the'aeaa ran mountain hlh. y The Alliance wa loaded with a Drlacetianeoua cargo and carried (I paanenger. A large force of atevedorea are at work' unload tt? .TfSffl1. " u tn Intention in hiv. . hr asll InmArFAv imnlnr. v Ko 1M.afc'aiatifcJM .4eaMve4hlu4lt ment that it will be neoeaaary. to preaa the ateamer Breakwater into eerrlce to aaalat In traneportlng tha good now on the dock, aa the carryine; capacity of the I 111 i ' l .J 1- OA ' f. AUWlltf l lining! TO Brw iun LIGHTSHIP IN PORT., After SspaaiaiMUc Stvomf XeaA Wtada ".' ' r i 'v aToi-W eaahea fieattle. - bee n . . jecel v ad lie re .thla.- morning r at --. Information ha of the aaf arrival Moran'a ahlpyard. Seaine,- of Lignnhip Ko. (0, in tow of the lighthouse tender Heather.. The Heather with her tow lef t tha- Columbia river bar at I p. m. Thurs day, and bucked atrong.head .winda to Tatooah, reaching Beattl at a. m. tooay It will require Tt day to repair, the lightship. - New bollera are ti ba-lm-f- atalled and a new propeller shipped,-hi addition to a-uTtnr-' '-flying IKig'nrtf hOBTlltmTg til pur large citle one ie eurprlaed to find eneb laxjre proportion of the petlenUlying on those . anowwhlte bed women and g-lrla, who ar either awaitinf or recovering' from aerlona operauona. , Whyahouldthia be toe .ease T. Sim- S' becanae they have neglected thenv rea. Femais trouble are eertainiy on the Increase among the women of this eonntry they creep npon inem tina wares.' bht every one 'those patients in the hospital beds bad plenty oi warning In that bearing-down feel ing, palo at leftor right of the abdomen, nervous exhanatlon, pain in the small of the back, dlsainsss, flatulency, die placement of the organs or irregular ities. All of these Symptoms are Indl- beset with auch iTmptomssadlixiiieaa, lsesitnde,. excitability, irriUbility, nar- 1 all-gone" .Wi fa1li CfolTcArtBg-leitert eannei fail 4e Misa ,H Bnby 1 Mnshrnsb, of , $u Chicago, lad., write ;. Dar ktra. Pink ham - - H I he va baea a great sufferer wltn faragalse periods and female trouble, and about three months ago the doctor, after using the X-I&my DiHtlOG ESCAPE OF PfllSOIJER Was Under Sentence of Death for Murder" buf Eluded Most Vigilant Guards. , , SCRAPEDLHOLE IN FLOOR WHILE SENTRY WATCHED Tied Bedclothes Into Form of Fig ore Which He Placed In Bed Used -Nail to Burrow-in Cement- Dropped Into Cell Underneath, j on me, said 1 Baa an aooese ana wouia nave to have aa operation. - My mother wanted ma to ti-v Lvdie E. FinkJuun's Vecetable Comnonnd as a last resort, and it not only saved ma frpnt anoneraUos ibo niadmeeH body linen Into the ahape of a man and Uraly waO. MrevAlice erryhmr of Sit Boyee Street, Chattanooga, Tcnn.T writes : Pear lira. ttoMbaakz--r '' ' "Three year age Ufa looked dark to na I bad ulceration and Inflammation of tha j fssaal-t tiy t ras in s sarinns iMmiitfiwL My nealtn was eomptetety broken down and the doctor told ma that if I waa not op erated npon I would die within six months. I told nun I 'would have no operation but would try Lydia B. Ftnkham's Vegetable Compound. He tried to lnflueace me againat the female orrans. and if not heeded the penalty has to be paid by a danger ous operation. When these symptom! manifest themselves, do not drag along nntll ton are Wired to TO to the hoa- ; '.. V - .w. i .... ... ... v,tt.M.i nt iiinmu in u onerauon u mil i suit iut iwhwhuw wbv WW W . W MIHIIIJ . . BUI UT1 darei ieHreliex ans-waa aetentifly until I used tt for soma tfme. -, - Tour medicine la certainly fine, v I kava induced several friend and neighbors to take tt and 1 tiww more than a OuaM who hod femaietronble and who to-day are a well and strong aa I am' from name: your Vece table Compound." ,"7t?f """.a ' ' ;. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Com- hamyegeUble Compound TisJ" eared tnonssnds oi women zront surgical operations. ' . - ' WlnQmen ai-troubled wither- regular, suppressed or painful periodsrt weakness, displacement or. nxcerauon of the organ, that bearing-down feel inir. Inflammation, backache, bloating ir,r flatnianirr) . wanersl debility, lndf-fvonnd at once remove such troubles. geetion, and narvons prostration, or are 1 Refuse to buy My other medicine, for I yoii need tbe-i sirs,, nnicnam, aangnter-m-iaw of vousneas, sleeplessness, melancholy, kLydia B. Finkhem. invites all sick wo uld wsnt-to-be-lefV- alone ?' feelings, they should remember i there 1 one tried ana true remeay, LjdU 1., Ptiilyui'a VeittaUs . men to write her for advioe, Hemdyies and medicine h ave restored thousands I to health. Address, Lyirnr Mau.. ., ji Wwrs ethers Fsl kan- waterearty- n-June.-; WILL SHIR SUPPUES aTorta. American Oommerclal Company - Bnylng Warerln Thla yort, Representative at- the- North-Ameri can Commercial company are In Port-1 tana negotiating fer the purchaae - or supplies to be shipped td the -atatlona maintained by that company at Dutch Harbor and Pribiloff ialanda. Arrange ments have been made - to have the steam achconer Homer carry a cargo from thla port to the points named. It tm th ininHnn n bv the vessel eail tue latter part ot thla month, and two trip will be neoensary,- On the return voyaa-aa the aeaaon's catch of acal- aklna will be brought to this city. Tho local miners have already received large orders for nour, which wilt furnish the bulk of the Homsr'e argo- Temporary headquarters have been opened in ' the Hotel Oregon la charge of A. D. Da via, J. C. Redpath and James- McMillen ef San yfpdjmo ' 1111 :'' '" p,t'' -i an .Franciaoo: ! . Bailed,, at hiafiii" -I British ateamei" Ocesno- -f or Tstngtatt; arrived., st 10:0 . m., steamer Break water from Baa. Franclaco..- . . Ban FYanclsco. Mav . Balled yeater- 3a y, schooners Mabel Gal for Portland and Wiltism OUen for Aatorla: ,i Aatorla. May 4. SaUed, at 1:1 p.' m, steamer Costa. Rica for Baa Jranciaco. j . Aatorla. May . Condition of the bar at a. in, mooth; wind north;'weathM Ban Francisco, May i. Arrived yes-terday--8teamer Dispatch. - . ' .t London, May l -Arrived April 10--Prenoh ,bark Cambronna, from-.ortland. uregon--. ! -i-f--- ' BhOjOghaJ, May .--Arrived prihr . to April Cff-UareitlneJohn Palmer, from Portland, Oregon.f,.''"":"'""; .v'.:''"'"" njoaiciPiiLiMesHiP'is WILLSICN-CONTRACTSf IHfrtfntm r1 1aimr-MS- aVaSaMtmalilik With Work em Ifttr, m the vs nit Sn. which the books and money were contained, Mr, Gray made the dis covery that- nothing - remained of the records but a pile of ashea and the coin .bad been melted into a conglomerate . mass,' A trial balance for the month ot April, which -president Gray carried in his coat pocket, -is the" onjjnne ef the company's papers still Intact, i '. : .:: HAS! ROUGH JPASSACE art earner Alllaace n aperies ceo trong . Sorthsast gNds Bnring Satire Trip.' - After an exceptionally rough passage, the ateamer J Alliance arrived Jiere last Colonel 8, W. Roeaaler received a dis patch this morning from .the . authori ties in Washington. D. C authorising Vev?a ,r.V. L:10'!". Con.trUctIo comi.ny-dT..e- Columbia Construction company ' f r rock for the Columbia' river Jetty.TTMe first named company is to furnish b0 00 tone at 41.0 and .the latter tons at The bid of- the -Columbia Construction -company waa ti l S "per ton, but the officers of that company, after a consultation -decided to reduce hqlr bid to rhe loweffgur.vy- - Aatorla,' May . Arrived, at midnight and Jeft up at a.- m., steamer Aurelia from Ban Francisco: sailed at s:49 nw steamers Barraeouta end Atlas for Brooklyn ; Coneessrrian Speaks to Local Democratic Clubs "frlick" onj h VSu bjectTTff" -ri J '--t.-C-,- .-' j;f'r ..- .' ?. ..... - ... --.'-; "Former Congressman -Robert Baker of. the borough of Brooklyn, New York, spoke for air 1iourand- -hair lest-nlght oaJMunlclpal Ownership" to the mem- ber ef the yoona; ,Mw'i and the Mult I wa - IKr-at ittvMr 'Wms.' MPM : M 1 '" ' V : " i '" "' t , ' . . a -. - - f , i ':,- .. ..4.. - N' .2. i ..'Se':!ii' .... was held st Unity ball, which comfortably filled with listeners. The Long Island congressman began by telling of the rise or the movement for' municipal ownership in New York, . and "f the payment by Thomas. XUMxm of 1100,000 to - Republican Chairman ODell aa a bribe. ie said to keep the conservative element of both parties In power. He also apoke of the large bribes that are alleged to be. annually paid the legislature of New York by the insurance companlea. Regarding the recent-merger -of the electric light and power systems on the raclfla coaat, Jit. Baker said that thla wonld result -in--poorer -service - and higher prices. -Heemphasised th: statement by referring to the consolida tion of the aeven gas companies In the city Of Brooklyn, when fs.000,000 worth of property wss watered to-such sn ex tent that 8 per cent dividends were paid on" , f tn compliance with a request from William Horan, the speaker spoke for 10 minutes on the single tax theory of tha late Henry George. -At the clone of thla addreas Colonel C. R Wood spok briefly, -. The, joint meeting- of th two club waa originally called for the pttrpoae of ratifying the stste and county noml nee. Thl was. anns berore. It. was known that Mr. Baker would be pres ent. The ratification exerciaen will held lMXtrrtday evening at XJnity ball and -poth-elubs wlll'be present and par ticlpat. ... J .. :'.!7;, tlo4 iforthr"rifst-itme in the south -of the fouttn aegreeof tT "erder. The ceremonies will take place tomorrow and will be attended- -by delegations- from Cincinnati, Fort Smith, KnoxvlUe, New Orleans, 'Vlckaburg.- Atlanta, Louisville, Little ' Rock, Mobile and other 1 cities. Tomorrow morning the visiters will at tend .mass at the cathedral .and. will b welcomed by Very Rev. Monatgnor John B. Morris. . ';-.J- ; - t - r 7- '. -- Jral Bsedsl lnlM.t BerllnJJay 4. "acts ha've Just come to, light which throw a clear light on th clever manner In which a Polish sol dier named Roslnskesoaped from th prison .in Fosen. Roslnskl .was . under entenoVof death for" murdering and robbing a wealthy landowner. The con demned man was. guarded most care fully. .An-armed sentry patrolled the corridor onto which the cell of Roslnskl opened, and was Inegruoted to keep con stant watch on the . prisoners aoings through s peephole In the cell door. In pit of alt thla Roslnskl escaped and for a while. It seemed Inexplicable how he could do It. Since then, however. csreeful Investigation has brought to light all th facta In the daring escape, JloainaM lied bis bedclothes and spar nlacad lt' in the bed. under which, he crept The sentry- was thus deceived, and actually under th - guard's - eyes Roslnskl scraped a hole In the floor, presnnjblywttftnall.Tr which wa afterwards discovered. He had found a place where the floor had been repaired, and the, material used wa so soft thai he could make a hoielars enoligh'To drop through into the cell underneath. Thla-wa unoccupied, and. tha door, con sequently' vu Dot., locked. - Rosloakl calmly walked .- out and reached the courtyard unobserved In the darkneas. tha'wall was fod lirglirbUtTisnnianrrM to reach the top with the aid of th win- d?wmemT-rw-ppu aown iwhuj uh other side In safety and freedom. His hymnbook - was --found,, - covered 2 with blood, on the top of the wall .ThawUx3iaiOiur'd7a. jnols. Jn . the cell, but fancied -It came from the loweJ tier cells.. At I o'clock.- however, ne called the Inspector and , the flight was discovered. ..Although Roelnski -wore th uniform of' his -regiment,'-the -soldlersi who. scoured the surrounding -country Xpr-rjnjg!!rntles.?WBrc "tble-te?rind th allghtest trace or in cscapea crim inal, Th police muthorltiea throughout Oermany have been notified and re quested to watch out for th fugitive. BEGIN BUILDING OF MODEJL CTOON LAKE t-"-tJoomal epee1l"eef ilcc.V --. Chicago, HL. May The etupendoua work of building a model city - to ac commodate IOO.OOO. people baa been be gun with th clearance of s tract on the shore of Lake Michigan In Lake county,. Indiana. " The new city-la to be built to accommodate the tollers In th mill to be erected by th newly or ganised Indjana Steel company-. - Th plant will cost 110,800,000 and will be f To B6 Frank 'i ' m . . a you have- really never eaten a true soda cracker, "ijuritil'you have eaten Oneeda ISCUlft - - TEe ronly7sodarcracker T7hichis a 1 1 iitt o o d a n d ah7ay& from strange ixands byT a dust tight, moisture & proof package. ' NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY PA aW-WEATrlERLY. J"'"" "L 'V GqaiCokE . 5. ; ' -. - 1 1 '." '. '. ' - ..- . ' " ' -., r'v 'r; - ' I mm J ii;.; : fZ: X JtHCURLOCrt' S Phone East, 244 WE ASSURE OUR.CUSTOMERSJPRpTECTION REGAR0. - i LESS OP'COMBINE". OR . COMPETITION , - WIRE AND IRON FENCING y Barbed Wire, Wire andlwriTencirigr : ... Poultry ; Netting, Etc; ; .. J, PORTLAND WIRE N VORKS. Phone Main 2000 ? 263 FLANDERS ST Near, th largest ef its kind in the world. The city to accommodate th mill workers will be built and conducted .on the line of the -city of Pullman And will contsln libraj-y, - meeting halls, theatre,' gym nasiums and other feature of publlo benefit to be pany. ? ':..,X maintained by th eomf .' Boy .babie learn to talk sooner than girl bablee. but the latter more " than -make -up -for tt In Af terj-ears J i; Lavina the Track of the PnrtlnLNehalem-Tillimn,L tr,TTr,4 Vf.-- oM m - -rw V. WU, lJJ , CLOSED TOWN EFFORTS j. --vRESULTnT. nGHTS '' eeelt Dispatct t The Jnnresl.) . Clatakanie. Or., - May . There Is., a great deal -ef-soitmnt In Clatakanie over 'th effort of on of the ministers snd several of the cltiaena who ar at tempting to close up the town over the heads of the eouncllmen. Several fights have been the result, which baa been th mean of adding about IU0 to the city treasury. H. McKlel, on of th merchant, was convicted- at JSL Helens of molesting an officer.. i KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS : GATHER AT NASHVILLE - , (..;v;.:...: . f Nashville. Tenn , May 1.1 "No larger f more ; representative 'body of Catholics ever visited Nashville than that now -Ik . MiU Smimi VUlQIILIlll HAS A DROP HEAD, IS BALL-BEARING, HAS EVERY ATTACH 11KNT EVEK-lNVENTEDr-NO-MACHINE ON EARTHrW MORE " OR BETTERtWORK, : IS WARRANTED ABSOLUTELY PERFECT, AND WE SELL IT AT. w ............. . . . , . No better aewintr machine ever was made or ever wUl be'made'. It ii sirhply'perfect thatTa"aII there is to that! vYou never" - saw a bettermachine, and we sell at this low price because we are" not at the expense of peddling it around the country.. WE. SELL A FULL-CABINET. PIANO FINISH BALLrBEARING - MACHINE WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS.THE llEQUAL:bF-ANYl$"10jnitj nargainave notqual elMwhefe3n Odd Fellows Temple 1 first xaaAlderStsrtT - DEALER , IN ALL KINDS. OF HARDWARE, GARDEN AKD CARPENTERS' TOOLS AND? CUTLERY. 5s (nl: LqhqGSuo LJ.U-LJ lJ J I Flflii Pleasant to take and does not i gripe or nauseate Cures -GhrohlcConstipa . Stimulation Without Irritation. '. V ' Orhto Laxative Fruit' Spip is v naw r r; laxative ivruTJ combined with the deli- cious-flavor -of i ruiteya-ad-ia very pleas-i . X 4 1 . TL '11 A " ' 1 I - -.-.--r ne w xs.ej.i.ii iriu nub gripe or sicaen. It la. much more-pleaeant and effective iihaiLPillsTftMfet;jnd 6aline.Waters. as ItdoesMiot. derange .theJStoniach;ror irritate the Kidneys, Li.ver or Bowels.-r . . - ' Constipation. - -Oaxsro JLaxative Fruit Syrup will poei- l . 1 'T'T'l .ir.-r-rf---- -- tively cure chronic crisllpatiori as itTe- stores the natural action of the intestinal " ' tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem ' porary relief but the stomach is npset ; and the bowels are irritated without any " permanent benefit having been derived. The condition of the patient remains un changed. The 8tomach-Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few. daysJUtronger purgative may have to be taken. 'This iswhyJPills and 'Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in ariliinnat ural movement 6fth bdwels andlt imer essary IdkeeptakiBgthemlnd'eflnltflly, - 'Why ORINO jg different. Oanro Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation thatteally" actsuponBll of the digestive organs, Other prepar ationsact uporl'tne lower? bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read, ily be seen that a preparation, that does not act upon all of the digestive organ can not cure ChroniJ Oohstipation,Torpid Liver, Indigestion i3our Stomach, etcl:-- 7 . , For Biliousness and SicR jftIHeadacher-t' : Take ORradXaTAtlvsTFrult Syrup. -IV sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and acts ai a gentle BtimuUnt on the liver and" bweirvrithoatlrTltatiTrg-thesfgans 7" 01ears the Complexion. Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulate! ' the- liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and -clears the complexion of pimples and blotches It is the best lax ative' for women and children as it is mild and pleasant,' and does not gripe or sicken. Pve fuse .substitutes. r; - OUR GUARANTEE ft- Take ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and if you are not satisfied your money will be refunded IVepared'enly by' FOLEY, CO.; Chloece, nu-y:r7r-r--? -rl.r; SOLD AND.RECOMK4ENDED OY - - ' WOODARD, CLARKE CO. AND AND SKIDMORE DRUG CO. - i - iassembllDs hr for th gniplUlca