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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 5, 18C3. 1? SILENCE OF DUG ' - . , I'JSCIIluE Failure of EIj Boarhound to Give Alarm indicated Assassin of - Master Wae a Friend. CHAUFFEUR CONFESSES AFTER HI3 ARREST Parisian Planned te Rob His Era- V ploytr, to -i Secure ' Money With Which to Marry Girl He Loved and in Escaping Struck Blow. Ymm oeraal Staff Correspondent. I tPuli, May A. Hany arlmee have bmb .detected through the barking of a watch dog, but that the failure of one of theee faithful canine BTunrdtaaa" to raiser an - alarm should furnish the clua by- which tha perpetrator of a murder was dia U rather unusual That, how ever, la oniT one of tha elements -which lends unuaual tnteraat to -tba ciima of tha Rue Saint afaur, which ell Parte la discussing. It contains all tha material for one of thoee. thrilling- atorlaa In which Entile Oaborlau dellahtsd. v J Henri Bed or, tha proprietor of a larva DooKDindinar factory, frequently, worked late In hla of flea over hla accounts, . Ha waa doing that On tha fateful night which' proved to be hla last on earth. At o'clock, a maid aervant. Germalne Parlot. brought In, aa usual, tba big boarhound Plana, which waa kenneled at night In ML Bedore office to guard the safe, -This dog and lta mate, Tom, which guarded tha factory at night. were or great slse-and ferocity. " Nona of tha employee In tba factory dared touch- them. . Tha ' only peraona wbo could come near them without aronsina sua . .- nioir anger, aa me police euoeequeaur t ascenaineo, were M. Boa or niroaeir, nia wife, hie brother Frederic, the girl-Germalne, August Mathteu, hla 'Chauffeur, and hla coachman, Dubois. oeinarSyinaVaaaT553 iTbs maid: servant left M; Bedor short -ly-aftai-f-n-ctocfc -At-te;lS-Oornnthi heard a door alam.' She roused 'Dubola, and they mad an Inveatla-atlon, Tha 'found M-T Bettor rvlnn- daad at tna ftvJ Ha had been Stabbed In the back and again ln 'l the cheaapparentlyby a ' rapier or atiletto. - : . i . . , . " rrr; When tha police arrived on the scene. ine great noarhound In tha room above, which had given aq tongue while his -. , master waa. being dona to death, began .J to bark furiously. "- ' . They found the safe locked and tha .1 kyJn the dead man's pocket On the , table waa tha lamp which M. Bed or had - uaed While examining hla- books. Tha glaaa shade bad befn broken. . Obvloualy ' Mi BSdor had been murdered 4y sorao- One who waa on good terms with the oa Tnat-waa the Jlue- 4he r-wnioH Ite detectives had to)'.' work on. -r-- - -waanxrawr juraatacu Of those whom tha dog's' silence rht under suspicion, tha ehauff eur , alpne- waa unable to give a aatlafactory .account of his movements oh tha night ' af the murder. He was arrested.., -At .. first ha stoutly protested nia Innocence, ' but ultimately he broke down and made -s complete confession. Tbst brought - : -the element of Jove Into tha crime, c- y- HatMen was engaged to be married. i--- to wm tha eocaent of tha girl's par ents ha bad misrepresented hla'flnan- ; clar position. Ha bad declared that be .-, waa In receipt of a large aalary and had " a anug little -sum In tha bank. AS a . matter of fact, be had not saved any thing. - . His prospective father-la-law had complained of the delay 4s tha mar riage, and had told him that If It did not take place- eoo he would break off the match. Thus pressed, ha agreed to marry his fiancee In a fortnight. He decided to make a coup... Relying on tha fact that the boarhound Tom, which guarded tha factory at night, would not batray thla; Pffffnee. .ha oncaaladJlm I Itf Ufitll after tberork . people had left. Then he forced open ' a drawer In -which money was kept to msec petty cash expenses, but found only -to franoa.That was not anon gh ror his purpose, aa he bid himself again -rni - wiuea. .i STnrdered Employer. - , 1 wnen m. ueaor; nia work over. "was returning from tha Office the chauffeur, who was crouching in a recess on tha landing, fancied that he had detected ilm and -dashed forward and tried -to paaa bira. But M. Bedor barred tha wav at lha - Tool or ine stairs. - A struggle ensued. -and -the lamp -which hla master was carrying fell to the ground. As M. Bdor-lutchd-at- the awordUck.l.he , cnauneur puingea it into nis body.i . Taxing the key or tha safe from bis groped his way to tha office, relit the lamp at tha etove, unlocked the aafa and abstracted list-In bank notaa and a handful' of gold. - Tha big boarhound Diane, recognising a friend, merely -wagged his tall while this was going an. .After Jocklpg the safe again, ha replaced the key. In M. Bedor'a pocket and made hla way in, the direction of tha court- yard. " ;"; ' . But tha a lamming of a door bad given . the alarm. - But for tha silent testi mony of the boarhound it la doubtful if ha would aver have been suspected. 1 Xa Wasmt Oertaia. tnm the Chleage Bamrd-Hmld. - at rertrees Monroe, Virttnl, one day about . e year . a as aceonpanied by two ladlet approeeaed a ankllvr, whe, with a sua ea kla hanlder, saelns to and fra mi the es- tnnee. TM wirrioT'e appeeranee laineated that k wee new te the eerrt-e. - Caa roe taj ," eiked nne ef the vielters, adtrMhi( ttie reeralt, "where Jeff Parle was -laaprtaoaad berer'-. -. - "Veneer's the -- rd benae," he replied, - Jerktnt s tsnnb ever him aheeldw, "bat 1 doaae wliether they've atlU sot hla ehat. B or sot." The Best Scow A Scouring Soap V..v A Metal Polish Glass Cleaner , ... Bonn' wor.iErrswoES rortlaad Woman Are rinding Belief .at Mat. , i It doea aeem that women have mora than a fair ahare of the aches and palna that affllcfumanltyriney .muar'Tieep up," nuit attend to -duties in epite-af constantly- aching backs, or. headaches, dlssy apalla, bearing down pains; they must stoop tpver, when to stoop means torture. They must walk and. band and work with racking palna and many aches from kidney ilia. Kidneys cause more suffering than any other organ of tha body. Keep tha kidney a well and health la easily maintained.. Bead of a remedy t e kidneys only that bslps and cures tha- kidney a and la endorsed by people you know. - Mrs. A: M. Hollabaugn of 121 Grant street, Portland. Ore., says: "In . Feb ruary, 1101, I gave for publication a atatement endorsing Poan'a Kidney Pills, I am Just aa firm a friend of thia remedy todsy, and am pleased to con firm my-former testimony, For two or three years I had suffered with kid ney complaint and inflammation of the bladder. -There waa eome backache and a dragging down aenaatlon, but the worst symptoms were in . connection with the kidney aeorationa. tha passages being too frequent and accompanied with pain. , Doan's Kidney Pllla prompt-rr-Tnllevadrthrs oondltlohTnanlshed the backache, corrected tha action of tha kidneys and benefited . - ma .1 m. , many waya .'.., -.:'... -v . For aale by all dealers. Price 5ft cents. fostsr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, K sole agent ror ine uniteq etates.. ; Remember tha name - DOAN'S and take no. other. --- CANDIDATES OUSY BAKER Political Arena Crowing; Warmer at Day for Final Contest rDrawi Ne$r.r5 BJGVQTEWILL:BE; rCASl FOR CHAMBERLAIN . .v.tv4 Dominant Parties Are at e Loss jto - Know What Figure the Socialists r; Will Cut end What Their Real Strength ' Is,,; '-il :'-"r"- - ,-'".- (aneelal Dtenatcb te The loumal.t Hkar nil -r . .!. Uav f Pnlltlia In Baker county, which- has been rather quiet since the" primaries, has begun to ightl awrr' besntigJ,"; themselves " J getting around and becoming acquainted with tha voters. George K. ;- Chamberlain. Democratto candidate for governor, wlli receive an enormous vote in - Baker conntyr- Scores of Republicans, old war- norses in tha party, bava voluntarily signified - their' intention of supporting tna present -executive at tba coming election. Tney say that Chamberlain la the best governor Oregon hss aver had and that-a change - at this time would be detrimental to her welfare., if other countlea will give the. Democratic nominee the -vote that Baker -will, hla election in assured. F. M. Rax ton Demoerair eandidat-a tor Joint senator from. Baker. Malheur ana Harney counties, and C H. Brock, uemocrauo - canaidate - ror repEesenU- tlva from Baker county, are atumping the county, speaking ' in the principal towns ana -precincts. Jamea H. Ora bam . of . thia city, . Demoo ratio candl data for congreae, expects to stump me outrun between - now. and June 1, There is muckrdla,satisfaction - among tha Republioana in Baker county- over tha wnmerclful mi tnm thefr pShffC data for congreae, John U Rand, waa turned down in favor of Ellis, tha sue oeasful nominee, and" Orahara expetjta to poll thia dissatisfied vote here as well as tba vote of frienda of numerous other candidates for tha Republican nOmlnatlonwho, failed at tba primaries. April I. .-- . . - v . .. For tha office of Joint enato7. N. Hart of thia city, Republican, and P. M. Baxton, also of Baker, are the candl datea. " Mart la a seasoned politician and haa-tha. advantage of a large Ile4 publican majority In the senatorial dls trlct; . however, Baxton : Is makings a thorough canvass ana, being well ao- Qualnted. will undoubtedly give thaHe publican nominee a hard race. There la a hard fight on for tha office of -county Judge. J, A. Miles Is the Republican nominee and " Judge J7" B. Messlck the DemoeTayOjJuSgtLlleeaIck won tna nomination at .the primaries over the present Incumbent. Judge W. W. Travilllon, by a big vote. He is running on a reform platform, and It ia believed wui be elected. William Smith la the Democratto nominee for circuit Judge of the elahth Judicial district, his Republican opponent being w. a. urowley, also of Baker City. - Both men-ara making a thorough and ayatematie eanvaas of the district. anci born are tonnaeni or success. The Socialist party ' has nominated candidates for eounty Offices since the primaries and tha dominant parties ara at a loss to know Just what figure they win cut in tna election, it Is known that several hundred have registered as Boeiaiiets and independenta, and thia vote will - naturally be - inoreaeed by mends or some disappointed candidate who lost out - at the primaries, henoa lust what their wtrength will be or what Influence they will have on the leaders la not known. 1 Pessimists are the understudies of cynics. Li- tag Soap lUdt T THE OOUf.lA Elaborate Program for Opening t Next Week Prepared--Pomp and Ceremony to Attend. TAURIDE PALACE SCENE - OF FIRST PARLIAMENT i Historic Place Conatructad by Cath erine the' Great Is About Half the ' SUe of the Houae pf Represente- - tives HalL (Jooraal Special Bervlee.1 SfcPetersburgi May-. in- ltthose countries of the civilized world in which tha people know no other than-a con stitutional" form" of government .U la difficult to comprehend the Intense in- tarest with wliiuir the paoptg"nf ' thia country are looking forward to tha as sembling of the .first. Russian parlia ment next week. "1: ." A most elaborate program1' for the opening of the parliament has been pre pared. The ceremony will be attended by the pomp and- circumstance befitting the Importance of tba event. Imperial heralds will paaa through the streets summoning the representatives of ther people, and an Imposing military escort will aooompany the esar to the' Taurids palace, where the parliament will as semble. .- .. ... Watery1 ea relaea. - Curiously enough, tba - old Taurlde palace - has alwaya bean - most closely connected with abeolute autocracy, - Jt was constructed by Catherine II and bestowed upon - Prince . Potamkln, her moalendurinXa.vasitav-r- in-thtarpalacd Prince Potsmkln gave tba historic ban quet at which tha prodigality and- splen dor rivaled the feasts of Nero and the Roman- emperore.-?- Potamkln received the. guesta .in., a uniform- biasing tth diamonds and a hed-drees so heavy with gem and fold that Us weight hSJ The palace was supposedto be jeaoi- oted-gftenhjrPantheon at Athsna, but it la fas from a pure classlo type, being In reality an odd mixture of Greek and Pompeiian architecture. From the main building,' the fatmde of which is Greek, with - portico -columns-and- tympanum, project the wings which sweep to the rear, inclosing a garden with fountalna aniL statuary. The main entrance is through tba portico, wmcn ia supportoa by six large granite plllarai - . . Tha hail, where tha representative as sembly will be held, occupies the -major portion of tha central wing, the 'entry for members being opposite the main portal and reached by passing through rtdor. It is rectangular In shape, with large seml-Otreuiar aiooye or nay, in-i dosed in, glas. projecting irora one ana of the garden in the rear, it ia nue more than half tha else of- the hall of the house of representatives- at -"Washington, or about-twlce the else of the hail or the British house of commons.-- It is well lighted from above, as well as from tha glass aJeova, and it he seat a of tha ttt membera, somewhKt cramped. rise - tier nnon tier In a eemt-elroular form upon a steeply'jncllned . floor. ut ,-'J I v 9aaorlptloa of HalL" -The' domed walla of tha bay1 act a a 1 immense sounding-board for the tribune of tha Dresident. which stands before lt.:Xlanked . on one aide bnthe ministerial- bench, with feats ror ix membera and aa many aaalatants, and on the other by the deska-or the of ficial -Taporter nd' newspaper- corro spondents. Tha public gallery, over the last row of seats. Is small and would seem to Indicate that the government haa no desire to have the "mob" over awe the assembly. , .a. .. Tha wans or tna nau ara paneiea -in white-. The furniture Is of oak. - Tha membera are. not Dr6vT5ea"wTllf InaTvld ual desks, but alt behind forms," built un In continuous aeml-clrclea. -r The pre cautions that have been taken to have everything firmly fastened down would aeem a Indicate that tumultuous scenes In the now parliament ara anwcipatea. Special -measurea -have neon taxen to deaden the floor to prevent ODStruo- tlonlsts from atopping.theproceeainga by atamplng.Tr-r-x ; r;-,--pi- RARE MONKEYCAPTUREOi IN WILDS OF-THE ORIENT r tr j . (jawmal gpsdat Bervtee.T tAndon. May S. A fine apeclmen of the, Chinese Rhesus monkey, an ex tremely rara hairy-eared, monkey of the maoaqul family; Tiasr been added. tAlha roenr- waa in 18(1 that the first specimen ar rived In the nrdena. and .the then su perintendent, the Uta Mr.' A. D. Bart lstt, noticln that It differed from all other monkeya In many respects, no tably' in Ha powerful build and the ab sence of a tall, took , it to Dr. J. E. Gray of tba Britlah museum, -who de eerlhed - It-aa-new-to-scleaoa. It- H ve4 for two years in tha gardens and when It died Its akaleton nraa examined, with tha result that it waa discovered to be not a naturally tailless animal, but ons that had Its tail 'out off. While alive an examination of tha animal waa fm poestble, as It was too fierce to handle. The arrival or a seoona specimen, in II SO, confirmed the .result of the neorODSv on the first, and tna third specimen, which earn in 1111, also bad a tali. The ' Chinese Rhesus Is larg-er and mora powerful than ita common In dian cousin, and has Ion ear hair, which s ol a generally brownish yellow, with greenish tinge and shadss of red on tha flanks, Tha- face, is - pale flesh color. In- tha winter- the noat beoomee vary denaa to protect It from the rigorous -1, -. . - I,. V .. V . Kl - 1(1.. Dlimafcl VL lis iihuui, 111 .imukm. timw 1 lhM a inml f hlfiAae wflit anlmala. are ' but little known, but they are probably similar In-those of the. common Rhesus. '-. TENT; CATERPILLARS i - INFEST SOUND REGION - (BpeeU! riapatf to Tba loaraal.) -. Tacoma, May 6. Tent oatJrplllara, which created euch widespread devasta tion in the northwest last season, have mads their appearance here again. Park Superintendent Roberta has found many of them Infesting rose bushea, and he declaims that it la only by very prompt action . that a areat. visitation of ths peet ean be-avoided duHng theicomlng summer. ' If they are. let go a few days.", said ha today, "in a,. few weeks 4hey -will overrun the city and. destroy all vege tation." . A year ago property ownera aere or ganised and made concerted campaigns against ths - caterpillar, aad thia plan may be resorted to again." Mr. Roberta bellsvea that the visitation Jf not. only local but will be felt all- aver tha sound and lower Columbia river regions ' mm KIT ES AND WE TREAT lUti Established 2S ft von haw vlntafS Mia laara af baaltb ... 1 . v, .,1- undermining jour its tnm, eame te na bafor you baaM a nemoe aad Bhjaical wreck. II roe ara Weak, gloomy and drepondrflt, bare- bad draama, dfpraaaeiL Jadt amhlllna -ass aearxy, vaabla ta roacf ntrate your thoogOtJ, 1c Vim, lfand fltaUty. codm te aa at , ear treatment will etno all dralna tDre yes te etreafth and haalth. Wa bate TK08E WHO RITf ltl TMSArrOnfTED BT TJKgKILLED gPCOIALIITfl Akt IAKNE8TLT HEQUE8TID TO INVE8TI04T8 CUB MZTH0D8 AVO TXaMS WITHOUT DELAY, WHICH HAD THIT 90MB IB THX BEQIXBIBO WOULD HAVB SATED IHEM TIME ABO MOKXX, - . , ; A UFE tONQ CURE FOR BLOOD F0I80W, agnf STgCABXI, eolIS, TLOEKS. ITBIOTVBI, TABIOOCXll, HT DBOCELE, MEKVOUS DECLLNK, WXAKMESS, tu OB CKBOBIO SMSAsXa Or TBI BIDHEYi ABO FROSTATB, ..-.'.:..- . - . arEOIAL - DISEASES Newly aeatraatsd aad chronic eaaea eared. '. Ail burning. Ifrt- lt. mnA .Jilmm.tLn in Jf Lwpb mi rM fttertmA In' f itifl. --VI flOTtl TWI XBTIBE FIELD Of ciAL ABD OHBOBIO. SIEf-IIATEO, OOaLFUOATXD DlilAiia Waixs It roe cannot call. All corraaponaeuce atrictiy foaaaentiai aaa all rapuaa ant In plain eavalopta. Ko samaa, eaaaa letters or photofrtptia ot paueatssubllsbed ar axpua'd." . - - ' " ' WE CHABOE FOB CUBES OBXT. We 4e set eseaet Hf far ear serrlees ealees we are a petlant sound and wall, ao that kf will ea antiraly. ertntad, and will uw again have te be traetad for the aama trouble. 1XVESTIQAT1 ABD LIABB THAT OUS W0EI1 18 At OOOD-Aa-OUB BOMOrOOB. riNAWOIAb-eTAMSlMO If-eOLIB AND OUB LONG EXPERIENCE IS THEATIItO i FECIAL DISEASES OF MIB INSUBXB XOV OF MODEM, gOLEBZIFIO TEIATMEMT B0UB8 a s. m. to Bp. m. ETanlngt. T to B; landaya. 9 a. m. te 11 ST-tOUKSDKPMSARV makea mankind eauaTto aU emergen oies at least, equal to the ordinary dtt '.tiea of .Mfa. ht-, ... .r:. -.-.'i . . .p. , , . n seekBiaeOTaTnragtwitit therw -anould require or your ii"iinins pnynirian ouiiy, experience, skui ana an established reputation for RKLIAUtLITY. we claim the above require ments, which are necessary for successful, treatment of diseases ef mem e VARICOCELE HYDROCELE V WEAK ORGANS ;.NERVi LLCONTACIOUS vBLOOD-POISON RHEUMATISM t 1 BLOOD AND skin v'-V;--:-;; nuAKi 1 r LUNQ'-.-:-;-:t.,...l, LIVER KIDNEY BLADDER AND URINARY DISEASES We Ouaraiiteea Cure In Every CaeWc Under- iTy V: '"."r;-; take or Charge No .Fee ';- V.W-;;;:C; -The doctors nit thia institute are-all regular araduatee, hava-had many years' experience, have been known in Portland for IB years, have a repute- ' tlon to maintain, and will undertake no case unless certain a cure can bo effected. ' ' ; '. . ' -'; '; ' . Consultation free. Letters conOdentlaLT Instructive book for men, mailed ----; If you cannot call at office write IUCWSB1UL - "Office hour rt aTnirtd t isrta.Ttinnaays- and tblidaya-je- a.- m. tolJ.-- PR. V. NORTON DAVIS & CO. , .' "-.-" The beading B)peoiaUsta U the BTortBweat. Offlcea In Tan Xfoy Hotel, M Third MW Corner Pine, Portland, Oc iaijajiiiiaiaiyi '.1 4iUSt4 - in " DeanseYourDlocd! The true -way to cure all I Blood Disease Baasetl's Nsllva J Herbs drive 'out pots- Bbawnaetkc, Bcaainih, Bkeajey end Uver. ady. 15a anS II ai Dwg Sum a Hark taamr Wraa ay race Tna Sm Bweean'e Native rlarbeCe. HAIR BALSAM Claama and Wwninaa lha bahk Pmnona a bjirtn"(rioOi. . Bcrar Fat la to Baatore On Hmir ae ate xonuanii y?lor. Oaraa aralp IIhim a k a,ardtl,flHa Tn; " "ra TACOMA NOW BOASTS OF FINE HERD OF BUFFALO , (Bpeeial IHepatch te the JoarnaL) Taeoma, May B. Taooma now claims to Bava the. flneat herd of, buffalo, of any olty in the went, l-hare" nro two bulla,. (our eewa and two calves and all the animals ars In a very healthy and vigorous condition. X eow waa received the flrat of tha week from the Flathead Indian, reservation and was placed with tha others... The animals ere putting. on new coats and appear to be fully ao climated, ' v a '. . , r? A7 US ONLY Years In Portland CONSULTATION FREE WE WILL TREAT ANY SINGLE, UNCOM . PLICATED AILMENT FOR $13.30 ,'.,..0.THB FBB,...:..,,;: AD50LUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED ' Come Today to the SUCCESSFUL Special iatewho number their PERFECT Curea bjr.the THOUSAND tYouwant-" a PERMANENT Cure I We can ACCOMPLISH IT. and ara eoaafl a ef a ataataat Irala whleh la and evereome all- waakneaaM aed bodUTely re- cured tiwuaands ef weak man. THAI WHO. AO00MFUBH A CUBE. -: ararcnlw--ignscntTontTiar"yun for .aymptom. blank." IH Idlood poison rot 1011 THAI TWtlTT haii weaaveaiade tea eeraef blood poleea a eneelalty. Prtaaery.Jicandnryr Tertiary Bleed Pelasa Permanently CuredV-Yoa aaa be treated lathpnie under tam ruaraoir. Capital 4N.Qfft Weeelleit tke must obetl. Date eaaee. If yoa bave asbausted the old method not treatment, and still have ashes and palna. Mucus Patches In Mouth. Sore Throat, Pi tn plea, Copper-Colored Spetax TJloers on any part of the body. Hair at Byebrowa failing- oak, write for proofs of suree. 100-page Book Free. - COOK REMEDY CO, 1345 IJUMIf namiCWtrsj, kts, Scoffs Szafal-Pepsia cspsnles A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation erOeterrlief tba Bla4,l.raod Ilaaaaad Bid- Bays. Be goal BO PAV. Carat quickly end permanently the rorat aa eaiaeS. na saiw et bow long ataaolng. Akaelslaly fcarnlaaa. soidy drngglsls. TKE JAJITaL-PEPSIJ CO. 8enslBafelaa.0asa.-J Oa, L hUntarenml end ihoeld know aoooiiriewonaerrai MARVEL Wnliilaa Sarav I The new Taglaal )elaae. tojre. awe awl irwi, HeeV-.Bat. - M petToneen lent. TCher IlliiatralaA bonk. fall pertleulara and iliraetinna in. valuabU 10 iarHe. Mlkf a I, IA, t, . SBIDM0BB A 00,. HI 7BI10 ITBXXT, Avaw wuwuaa i, VLaaaa w. . .M"i,i:Ml:i'.Hl-i:,.!rri BW 1 n IV II JBrra B BBaATBj JaVlw BvaVaagvan la 1IRO ta.4 aMel BWakM.B wmm,M ;sCS.:r-spte aene. Say ef ew Braad, A 4. nan maa r,rwnl.ra, TaaMmeaUle ' M4 "ReHerrer Ijiillan,-. mm,. r ea 2nn Maik ie.oTMaia. a-Hi w rnibi. Cblebaeaae 1 b eailial On I IT" 1 U I Is SeA BF 1 jr. vim kv ?vfTi- v . but aand uiu te Ft-k fe - - - T I I . 111 11 1 1 1 TRANSPORTATION. NOME ROUTE UENATC2Ju I Beoars Vlaketa Bfsw. . BOTTTBCBABTXBjr aasiwa' ; BOtm. From Seattle at t p. m. for Katehl Ban. -Juneau. Bkagwsy. White Uorse. Dawson and Fairbanks. " B. a City ef Seattle. May 1. 11, II, II. : a' a Humboldt, May , IB. SB. ' S. a Cottage City (via Hltka), May 4. It. aT.agya axooavaiOBra a a Spokane, June 7-Ilj - July B-ll August t. " mm BABf rmAjroxBOO ozaaor. Froni Seattle at B a. m. 1 ; . 8. a Umatilla. May t, 14, IB. a 8. Queen, May i, 13; June .. S. 8. City of Topeka, May II. IB. afosllaBd - OfSee, - WaahlBeTto S. acaia aaa, . O. Bt XXM, Fass. a, n. -Agr"T C D, 1JUNANN, O. P. A, . '.;:' vr -. , ' , Market St. San PrancUco, ALASKA FAiIAHB POFCLiB .BTEAK8BIFS Leave . Baettle' . "JTFTTEaOWy-Arn gf, p. -J DIE100.' ArU B. .' ..' V ' CALLIMO AT ' ITatrbtkaa, rsaaen, Dnaglas, Ralaaa. Skat way, OaaseMa with W. P. A X. note fur , .AtUa. Pewsae, Taaaaa, tiooM, ate. - Tot All BoatLeeetera Alaska Forts. . Call or sand for "Trip Wonderful Alaare," Iadlaa Baakatry," "Tbtaa PoUa." 1KB AlABKA-a . CO.. ' Fraak Waolaar Ce., BBS Oak at. ' " "aTtUUTOrJ REGULATOR LINE" The Dalles, Portland - A slorfa Navipion Co. Boats- leave Portland - and -The-Dattrs dally, except Sunday, at 7 a. m., arriv ing about S B. m. carrying freight and T-issengerar Splendid' accommodatlonst lor oulftis a iiu mnuivi. Jj94kBt of AOdsr st Rortlaad -Foot . Of vaan s, xm auw . Pnoae Main Bl. Fortlaad, : SelSAKilburn For Oooe Bay, Baraks and Ban Fraadaee. Naxt aalllag fraal Portland. Batarday, April SB. Next sailing treat Baa Francisco, aios., April B F. L. SBBBItOUOn. AU OraeawtsB Seek mwi m- Twmm aw im ,(. ... ..... .. rf UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF The Great Doctor At No. I62 First St; Cor. Morrison BeailalasdlBg etateewats ea' the effUctad. I gnaraelee a eoaiplata, aafa aad laatlng earn la la e.uekest pcealble tleie, end at tke lowest euat paaalble tar sonant end eaaeeee fel treatan-at I cure catarrh. aethaM. tana. throat, - f ban Ma 111 111. ai naiaaaaa, - eteesaes. Ilar, kldaay and loat Banbeed. FEJlAtB XBOUBLEB AND AZX IBXTAX1 OIBBABEa. My renedlae ara barmlaae, esBpaeed ef roots, harba, bods and bark I aapaeially aelaetad aed Imported direct by. as treat the la tar lac tan IF -TOW ABE AJTUOTFB DOBT 9EXAT. - - SELATS ABB SABOEBOOB. If yea cannot call, writ for aynptaa,klaaft sad ea-eelar, Inrloa 4 ccnta In ataaipe. 1 wwsm . in' I'fsa w rv 1 ual in bmi OOHBUITATIOB FBEE. I.- See, We Ohlnaea Madlolae ret St., Corser Marrlaaa. Factia The 0. Oa.. tesu Ffaw yertleae, Os. , fleMsM BBlwesttUBl LEE YUEN : bto. 3M rvn st, romnAjro, m. ECHINESE PBYSICIANE avtng-teaBdn sine for many yaare aa dcr aotad. doctors ef China. - He eared U aaraaei. chronic .and pricate 4kaaaaa ef SM)a ssd raniadica. the lagrcdi. ante-el wklb- fnlly-aalcctad. My'ram adlae will not destroy your etomack ar aa dangar yaar Ufa wltk n oneratioa. Ion sake ae rlaka. a I aae aw pnlaoua ar eruga. I Inawra qnick rcanlta at the lowest poe albla mat. Call and ao tne If ynn ara a f flirted. - JOBUI.TATIOW nil. ,J-,J-" Dollar PacKaoe Man Medicine Free Ton eea now oetala a Urge dollar sine free package ef Maa Medicine free the oyfol aatlafaetloa, the polae and throb of f bynicbl pleaaare, the keen aeaae ef aa-eenea. Ion. the luxury of life, body-power and body, enrnfarb free. Man laidlclne doae It. Mas . Medlnlna enrae aian wiakaina, -aireena debility, early decay, dlaeouraged aianbond, fnnctlonal fallare, vital weakneaa. brain fag, backache, pre la title, kldaay trouble end aarv Tos can core youreelf at home by Mas Medl. cine, and the full alae dollar parkage will be dellrered ta yon free, plain wrapper, Coaled, with fall dlrectloas now te ne it. The roll alaa dollar package free, en payments ef any kind, ne rocelpta, ae promlaae. ae pipers te aign. It Is free .... -, , ..- All we want te know. Is thai rod ere sot eendlng for It eut ef kite enrloalty, but that yoa want te ha wall, aad become 'your afrong natural aetf ence more. - Man Mrdlcln will do what yoa went It te do; auke yea- a taal smb. Bian-liae. man.pnwernii. Yoor nam and arlitreat win brtsg tt; tn yoe kae te do Is te need and set It. We send It free te eeery dlerowaged one ef the man nea. Inleratate Brmedy CDmpaay, TSO Lack kaiJd- tng. letmlt. Michigan. (MIDtI the nnmetV a9etVevf if eerarVaVraTeCaw Far ante brll nrnnlaM. 0 1 mm, y S RELIEVES IN I C!S!ASwIw I Keck Cms- """ A 7eV..,Z. i anle beara Jvl U J) y r0rNrVVwWrW TRANSPORTATIO::. v CeGo;, S-IQit-aUrb3 ... 1 UniOffRlCIHC 3--Trains to the lrp)r--J . Tbnagb Pnlhaas (taadard aad toarlat alae ln rra Sally W OaMka. Ik Ira Kpokan-: tourUt ilwnlngare. Sally to anaaa tltj-. Thrungk rMllalag ekalreare (aaate hwa) to tba kaat dalljp, rnlon DiH """" . taevat irrlaa. rntrato-Portland. al far - tha kaat via Hnntlngtoa. el. B:1B sat B:SS pa Spokane ftft for Bnatwa J aahliigtea. Walla Walla. " " .v ' ' Iwlatim, Oaeor d'Atene and 'rJ ;" ' " "''' ' 5T7,..NoJ.fb"" 0,,,, :! B.00a ti Z r tke Beat Tlk Huntington, dally B:1B est T:l am ifOUrmH TtfTErttVTStOlifrr For Aatnrla and war enlnta, ronnaetlng wltk . taamar for llwace and Nartk Baeak. etranwr--Kaaaahv A.k-at. dork, laerae I p. a Satlr. eoadari. Baturdaf. 10 B. aa. ArrlTM TAMH1IX Rivr.n aoiTr For Dtru. Otna city and YawMIl rlTr eolnta, atranare Bulk and Hrabv, Ak-a. do. "? T oa'l. eicapt gnnAay Iwntar par. taaday " : 9 ! m , aallj. . axcapt !" BiTBB"'iiorr. BiFor Lewtatna, Idabo. and war enlnta - from ' Rlearla. Wirt., atrajBera Spokane and lwla ion laare B:40 e. 4.. or a pea arrWal Trals No. 4. dally i-pt Batarday. ArrlTe 4 pv, at. dally ajcapt Friday. ... -." . : - Ticket Ofao. Third and WaMngt tta. rvtrpivnna MallT TIZ. . j - C. W. BTINOBR. City 1Vkt Afaat A. U CRAIG, Oaaaral Ptawaser . EASTvu -SOUTH t?elew Overland Exeraaa Tralna ror ealni.- Huabnra-. Aaa- - . Ban . Franctaee. Stork toe Loa Aural, a, Kl Paao,- htw Urlaawa end -rbv east'. l;30 aW Mvrntns train comerta at Woodbarn dally axcapa . Btmday -wltk train for ViU X- WU 4 '.'. Mount Angol, ailrarton, '- i Brownavilla, - ' prhfiteald, - J - WandUng end Natron.... 3:Spm - T:M am Kugane paaaancar eon-- - nrctn st Woodbura wltk - f - Mount Amrot -and-- Mmt. .. ton local 04. ij sm . ajn:SS pm Corrallla paaaangar....... 7:0pm enenoas paaaaoaaa. . ..... -:on pm , -s:zn an 1 roroat ewe paaaangar. 10:4S pal 1:00 pa ,0ally. IIDally eicapt Bnndey. ' 1 r 'BFFEBSOIt-BTBEET STATION. ' f ' Fof" Pallaa aad Intamedlste eeleu daily 4:15 e. ai. ArrlT Portland locio a. a. ror 11 in a ana rir,.oi iiawage aiinnrnva wnina apply at City Tickat Ofnee. or station. Tlrkcta to Eaatora nolnta and Rorooe: kla japan, i nma, tionoinie ana anarraiin. lngtna ati ta. I'keae Mala Hi.- c w.-aTiNona- A. f. CBAtO. ty Ticket AgaeAcr? wear-Paaa Ageat. - TIMECARD TRAINS' Portland: "'rnlbe Dopot ; ' ';; : 'tate. - " Arrive. Tcllnwatono' Park-KSaaas 1 . A :. ' . mylt. Lonle- Bpoeial for 5 f-nahalla. Centralla, Olyni-. . , . ... -v , pin. Orafa Harbor, Boota 1 . . . gn Tacnraa, Seattle. Br- "'" tana, Lcwlatoa, Butte, Bl- y Unga, Daaccr, Omaha, Kaa- .. aaa City, St. Louia aad Bontkeeat, dally ....... ..v 8.B4 a 4:34 pB) North Coaat Limited, alee- ......... trie llsktcd. tor Tacoma , aaettla, Spokane, - Bollc - Mlnnoapolie. St. Paul-and .. the Kaat. dally ........... 3:00 nra , 1:00 aa Pngot Soond Umltcd. for . . .. ..- ' ; CUrankont, Chabilte, ten- : trails, Tacaiaa aad Seattle '7 -- ly,. gauy :aopm i Twla-City Bun ana fur Ts-. ; coma. Seattle, Spokane, r -';-.. Peeni Bnttt, ar. ram. - ;'. . . . Vllnneanolla. Uncola, 'Bt-', i. Joeaph. Kanaas City. Oma- ha. St. Louis, without ; - ehanga of care. IMreet ewv. ' - nertioae lor - nil : poinie Beat end Bontheeet. daUy.. 11:45 pm 10:54 pw A. D. CHARLTON, AaabHant Oeecral Pa- . eanger Agent, 2S4 Morrleoa street, eoraer Third. Portland, Oregon. . , , AstoriaFcColibia River Railroad Co. TJnloa Depot W Maygera, Balniar. Clate.. Leave. . Arrive. kanle, Weatport. Clifton., Aatorla.T wnrrentoa, Fla eeL HammonA Fort Btevw Oaarnaet racer niaam, e:wem trtsvew cla and Baaakote. ea- preaa dally ................ 1:00 p . BJOpm AUmuw .auu- -J. C. HA TO,- O. F. Bad P. A.. Astoria. Or. C. A. BTBWABT, Coniniercial Agent. Bt Alder street. Fboae Mala sue. - . 11 T9M.wmoicoaiuL.mKf. 9 Overland Tntes Daily y t Oriental Limited, the Fart Mad -' VTA BBATTLB AWO 8POKANB. ' Pally.' . Dally. " Lea re. Arrlra. ' Portland time ackednle Te and from Bpokane, , Bt. FaeL Minneapolis - . . Imloth and all points ' ' ' " " Kaat via Baaiua.i,,,, B:BJ aei, Te tn 11 4 pm 4.M pm To end from Bt. Peal. hflnnaanolta. ' Dslath . . . end all points Baat "' via Bpokane ......... B:1B pel B:OS la Oraat Berth era Steamship Oa. Balling from Seattle for Janea and China pert and Manila, eanylag pee. eansere and freight. . ..... - B. B. Dakota, Jane T. Br-Br- - hiiaa.aata. July BeV BIFFOB TTTIIB XA1BHA (Japan Mall Bteanmaip le S. S. Sklnajie Mnre will ball free a-attle about .stay 14 foe Japee aad Cblna porta, . earrlag - saaneagace . aad freight . .' For tjeketa, retea, berth reserve twee, ete eaU ea ec address K. PICK SOB, 0. V, T. A.. J"v T'- at.. Fertlead, Orageai Fhaae Wa O Steamer CI, D. !;::.::; FAST TtMB. Vt TBI C0tntFM-T"B T'"T JZ'.t 1 1 lycerea Oak-atreet -fc f a. ea. ' vrertneadaye aad rrtoay. arrlwg ai . Dal lee 4 P. m. - Leaeea Ihe Paltee ( 1. S --. ' gaya and- B-ilur.lare. arrt,ln r. . 4 Ofni-e aad nbarf fool tk Main I"'. chaaxm , trzztr - t