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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 8. 1803. -I. i t t , ' :ONUMENTS4 ' ipLKT, XW rint iwf" rble Bed graalt wwu. OSTEOPATHS. BOHTHBl'P. 41S-1S-1T Oaks jd el Waahlogtoa ate. tr txaaBlaalloa tra..-.-.. d lade aateopath la w. Dr. a, ult la. .llln-Hur.c bid. 5. oateoneth, vlhratloa and th saw 4 Third t.- I' fadfla 17. ' MABM, A KIM 409-4 ? r.-irl,' iHNtt. Sea. ta E1U. . rrS. OIL AND GLASS. n (X). -n rw ,aa ul ' siestas, lot Tint at. iliJI A CO.. mm aad Taylor-. palas. all at B.arsa . PRINTING.;. iBS pbintekT .Artistic rlntlag. I hliig., Jfaurlh aad atocrfcxifc 1 A DCNIWAY COMrk"T. arhrtlaf. oing. blaak took nmm Mala 17. r at. ' IAVU CABSOM PrJ"" oarer, lumni owe i. w --. -. .-- ..k snd Morrleoa. Psaee Mam 4l. PHOTOGRAPHS." Bale ISctU pbetograpkle views at r- eeaenlr-SquirdJ.ew ratlr reduced pricel.. . JT4POHU Morriaoa at - PLUMBERS. -tBO -A BADEstACHSa. sanitary .. S4 'oarth at. Soth i .. eanttary prombera, HI S. lomt, bat, . aalBM. Oragoe Paoa. Mala WL H BBOH. 6a SHS Third at. Phone Plusaber a4 heating gin". U2LIC STENOGRAPHER. - UTTJSH- Ceocord bldg.; MelalBTe. RUBBER STAMPS. .- ' up WORKS. H Alder at., psoas Malm r- oer eumpa, seals, etreella, baggag, rwki; od lor caUlosooklo. SB. .ROOFING.. ,.10, guttering, repairing aad (ami J. tail, IH Smtv 1 ytrattor Hoo Higbeat wrtre aadhaad- furaltsr. SIS Be coed paid at a Paein 40. - rCAl'TREATMENTr' .irng pair, daadraff treated; lUaw . .curing, chiropody, fee werh. Mrs. . kh.. 1B6H VoarV eot. Uaerleea. . fa. Pbooe Parloa MS. ' and faca -maaaaca, ianlrrlnf t - ain It. CbrtatWa ch oUt trtWIaa. fraud taMtra..bU(. Mala S4T1. Boaxa, V. i. " . " ' ' -. 7CASES i AND FIXTURES. . iTtaraa Baa to ardar. Tm LaHaa mriut Vm.. PartlaaA - . .. . - .-. tIGNFAINTERSv1 t 4, window Vttartae," ir bairaara. clrrtrle alina and alsn ml all 4 mmo qnli-kt. Faatar A Klelaar, itttk t fcnratt. Phuna bckaat H. t. BFRGEB SON, 14 YamMU at.; Bloa ' all klnda. Phone Paclde E2H2. -, - GTREET P A VINQi: H Coaatrartlon CO., atrret p.Tlnc. eld aloca. - na oreaoaaut aia. r A Co. ad Portia ad. - h A wormM blk. SAFES..' r flAJ-RS ALWAYS BRLIABUL not 1 ,i'T. rJorton and Bockye Jarka. K.l ,- Flitmva. ' Hap. Ire. I'knwa Mala 1S. ..n B. Irt., Atvot. TTblrd It.-7r TT AND SArB OI., 1r aaenta for HRR-.iJ-HAt.L-MARVlN Safea and MANGA--t Hrerl Safe Cle.'a Baak afoa. M Trk at. TZA1I3FER "AND HAULINGLT: f .anteed; laraa, Slory brick, flre-proo( mo- for atoraoe. Offlra US flret at. ,.!.. Pboa. Mala M7. W. BAOIAGS OMSriBUS TBArTRFEB CO., tr. kurb aad Oak eta. I barff rborfcad ' ' frnai boti or realdeaea dtreet to doatlaatloal ' BaaeenaanA therefore aeotd rnab aad aaaoy . . Bare at fdetnta. Prleate. Kzebaaaa SH . , pott, ofrlr S rtrtl it," berweea SUr aad Oak aow pkoaa S9A: ataana aad faraltare .- aimed and nocked aklpotaci eaatawdlaaa brlrk warrbooee wltk, aeparalo area rmaia P.-ont aad Clay eta. 1t r - V - Win TEA Ntftk CO.," 14 North Sixth. w Pboae Mala SB. Uaarr kaeUaf aad aterac 1T RCaIAI. PSt,IT RT-i-Bo. 900 Waafe tnctoa a. Phone Mala ain. - -TOWEL-3UPPLY.- Cl4W TOWELS PA1LI- Coaia. hehi aaap. t pee xmth. Portlaad Lanadry esd Toaroi nrt!ir X.r mm aad-Cewh. Pheaa 110. TYPEWRITERS. KW troewrltora, ell asakea. rented. aoM and rrnairad AMaat aceaey, zai atara. TaL iUT, TELEPHONES. THS eery - aartnotro telepboao hauae. ' BU-B. - Bkvtrte - d Telepaoaa .Maaatai.tBrtBd ooav -eaaTroa-rrrra-at. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. ' KAT PORT!. AND rENXM A WIBB WOBKS, 130 B. Water at. Pnona Seat 2U . KZ CITIZENS GATHER TO TO 60VEBiR Loud in Praise of Candidate and Say He Will Poll Large : : r.--. :-z Vote There. " Lebanon,' "Or., May I. 3l)vernor TtTiiitTiberlaln -P0k;S here -taat rlajht tl otiA nf tba largaat and moat nthuateatlc aadtcrtrca vrer aaspmblcxl In tha opera ) oura In Lebanon. J la cava a clear and Internet iriA" account of bla official acta -ami made fine and laatlnff Imprttaaton 'iiti.ih lita Iturtri TOTa au11tfrkca. raaritrd Ztir,mh.A. aer)l.lmxl him tha peo- plu a eroveriiov and tba paopla'a candi dal for rla?tlon.'-- ' - I - 'I'licra wtnK to bo her no Jlf fortnee of opinion about .'. Gorernor Cham bar lain, ayery On openly aaylnf ha la tha heal (r.vr-my tha , atata avar had. and iimt ho wHi rweiva traraendous vote Tiore Trr all rwrlloa. To dw ha flra out -of burn, heal -a rut . out cTlnd a acar. or to cure v t re, tettor, acaoma and all akin ..! ' iMaaaaaa. IaWltt'a Witch ) ,.! ; m. A ap-Vl for pllea. Oat la t" " N" ramadyv rati aaa such t e4r t aX tor paWltf US TODAY'S MARKETS VVINDDAMAGESTHE WHEAT-CROP Considerable Loss Results From Heavy Blow-Along trie Co ' lumbia River. PLANTS ARE BLOWN ENTIRELY OUT OF SOIL Veretble in Better . Supply and Prket" Are 'Lower Facy Toms toes Come From Florida in Very Good Shape. " "T..-."1.'. V." r " sirWMa-I.TM rlta1 hn. mJ ih Partlaad vboWaal Baaia w 4my mrm; i-iiV"-'-'-- Wla 6oM 'dimut t wnaai. - w . , Wtett aurkrt holdln aloadr. Ballad barlef Uelj to rtaa. , . Mixed Tlawa of altuatloa). . . , ", Car or antra arrlTaa la orntof. . Cw IM Aacla cabaf ofcdd tttrlnaT bMna doara t 10c. rw tomatoM arrlv froa Florid. Uop aaorla f rttlBf rraniir. . Buttrr la aaorlnc all ataadf. , Htlll bo chicken arV arrtflof. Only a fair rail foe at T1. . IutU sltuatkm baslaa W lmprora. Vlad Oaaa Baoa U Waaat. - V.r li.airaUM-wr--B to crop of ttia PaclUe northwaat durtnc tka pt r ii.'n. 'Tha daaiaa waa woraa tlotts tk nw cosnUra thaa atoaarhan.. iba kick wlad bout ta ailddla of tka waaa wracBin wmmr a. doa -ci aim. field Ja jBaycatlJ raa Uowa atkreir ! - rw". ytronf waa tha wind, j Tb wbaat Bjaraw auuaa . tow todayr-ahkwjk-bo- traaaantiona aemain of a aueilnal order. Tbara M now ni ou wbeat for aala In tna racina dotuwbb mum tii In la In yrrr atmnf kanda. . la ary Srm eoaltloa today aeemiai -oi tba atnan atoraa- aad tka. llbaral uu aotn froa laral aolata and from uuuonua. " - nnlra nrnbahlo that -a edTaae Of tot Will be mad In tka prlea ac rolled barley earl tlia fotiilna -Jtatk. l lour aaJre are QnTfeTalr la tSeTpMTer- rltory, bat the Doremfnt to the anent-eoowa lirtle, II any, nnproremeoi. . u" Mix 'Tlawa as f sitoattoa. Ylrwi aa to tbr ftitura roane of the mtw market are very badly aiixed- a load rroni atreef today, ttome of the dealera era wy arm In tbvlr Idoae -aa ' ta taa prosaaio - out. ooma of tba market aad are aelltni aothlat aader IS today. Utaera , are -aomawnai weaker la their oalnlooa, and their pneoa to. day raie--between 18o aad lSa. Moat aalea made at latter Bcarea, -bewerer. Heaey aap. rii .r. .tin being ahlpped la a aorthera dlreettoa. Thera la no BBnIa-Itt "tha "market at preaeat. keal eold - atara (O ovea atora aa (aa all tbey can aenire. BncB a email TNaaie ax aiw.oio .a the paat few daya. Had It not beea tor tba eaateii and .cot, atorataratock -rla would mow In up to ue a pouno. oid no"" to anpply tba dexaaad at that. . . trawkarrlea Are Bell Vbuer. " - at atrawberrlra from California on Uat alaht'a axareea were In vary bad abepe end thaea wore alaffed oft- to ..tba trade at lower afure. ranry errtpa .ara. Tory alow la romlBC and price) arc Bar at 1.7 end f 1.60 a rrate. unfea evnie ara aoi cmniui any fsater. hot Urxer - artiala are expected the eomlnc wmt from Marhr point... . Today local berrlra XOc. . w. r . A car of or. nice and a car of cabbaae came la thl Bomln- from the eonth. Both - In good ahape. Orangea a trifle higher for atrlctly fancy, but' cabbage la lower, veaerally $2.50 today Better eqmillea" era efcowa la atrlng beam thla auraliaj and the price baa dropped to 10a a pound, - Very fancy tomatoea tha beat aeea too far thla aeaaoa era la, from Florida. .Tbe great dlataace trareled by tie atock did not Impair Ita quality. Price hi jegnlarcolnma. retata Sitaatioa Beglaa to Xraprere. Already the potato .eltoatloa la brglnnlnc' to how aa ImproremenV from tha dailaea at the paat week and dealera ac.m mare -oarer to do jbaaliieoi around current flgorea. Tha eorphia In the eouth la agala being eleenod ap will Oaly a Mr Can for. Teat -Teal la weak, rrea tha beat prodact today being' la hot alight call, area at a reduction f one-half a cent a pound la former , valuta. Becelpte at tba awmaat are not heavy, bat the trade la bearlly atocked and juet at preaeat It la not a queatlon of prleo. Primi hot etlll rather alow, la eoming aad former top fctoarotUl being aialiitalBOd.1 , , : aaparagua OettlBg to war. a--- " ' A drop of e It abown rn tha price of ae. paragna. thla-awa-alng -awing to-the heaelee arrteala from Vocal polnta. Tbere ware a few mail eblpmenta of Callforvta 'great thla morn ing and It bronchi a fair price. Dexaaad eery good for local etoff. ... rtxh -arrtearA -arara- etoalt -- bofh from - tha ColnmMa and Sacramento rlrcre. - Prlrea' aaat. lbe trade , pare . tha following price to front atreet. Pricea paid producer ara lea WHEAT Trnh. T0e red Boaalaa SSe; bla. 70cllr-xVJPu SARLKT eed. Hi. f e-eed. ai.Ws rolled, M.M Wew. laa I2A.50 ORM Whole. 7 00i aracked. SX.0 . per RTf 1 M par OATH Prodaeora price He. f white. (28.00: crar. 127.00. PLOtiB New aaatara Oreroa paten ta, fB.aona Sn; atraUhta. $8.408.o0; export. $A.I0; MliLSTtTrrnVBraa. S1T.S0 per toat mid dllnx. t2.00: abort. aeaaJry,. 30.00 city, tin oo: ehop. SI oo. HAT Prodncere price T1aothe. WTflaiBeTta ralley, faacy, IO.O0JU ooj ordinary, (7.O04B a o: aaatera' Oregon, 14.00Q1B.OO mixed, Mno0 00; eloeer. 8.00eSW: frala. SAaOti i.OOi ebeet, SS.00. Barter, Igg a oltry.,i-T- J '" BOTTEB -rAT r. a. h. . Portlaad Saaal ream. lfSe: aoar. 16S.-. BL'TTta Oltr eraamery, sOet entalda faacy, iOc; orlloary, ITHci atore, 18HS140. BOtiS tio. 1. freak Or. too, candled. 180 p . mtMI New -ran ereaax, data. : Touna America, loc; chedtlar, 16c; California flata, P07JLTBT Mixed ehlckeae.-1 IH- per" Tb; fancy hen, IM li rooatrra, old, IM per tb; - ataga, le per lb: fry. " as L.. h, hrollere.-- SB Bar lb: deeke. -Ifle 17e par Ihl aeeee. 11c per lb; tarkeye l17e aar lb: dreeacn. air per id; winane, xtowi,vO oar doa; pureoaa. SS.0 doa. - - - , - aTepa. Weel aad Hide. ' - - Hora Ponu-actx. 190 : amp. 10Cl(14e pet lb; 1W Oreaxm, laHVlDc. - - VtXL, ltwa alio Valley, eoare ta mediae!, t3c; floe, SS) eeatern Oreoa, 1)1 620c. MOHAIB !ew, an!MH. SHKEI'SKINS Shearing. ItOtnc each; ahart weol. VaOe each; medlii) wool, aa)TB eeeh) long woiil, 76jl.OO each. TALLOW Prtaee. per la, tVtOeel Ma. S aad Thittim BAllK 2V,e per brr' BIDES Dry, No. i, id eka. Bad Be, MHQ ITS per tt; dry kip. N. i. to lb lb. 14c; dry calf, Na, J, andcr IM, lbc: aalted hide, leer., aoand. to Ibt hd ., loejllc; eoaa, (UftpUc; atage aad holla, amad. aejle) kip, U to SO Tba, Be, calf, aoand; Oaaer 1 Mm. 111 Ereea, onaaltrd, 1 leee: cull.. 1c er la leeaj iiraeMdre. nlted, each. II zr.ejl.Tkt dry, each, ll.no4Jl.S0; ealt hliin, Baouei goat eklae, eommoa. each, tOQlSel '.agora,' earh, Sac Trufta aad TeewtaMea.. - '' POTATOES nut nrted. POcn par ck; producer.' uric for car lot. TUc per cwt: erdl aarjr. Tr.'asftci-.producere'prlc, 6c; new pe tatrwe, ' 5c per To. " '" V. iujo . .ounin; prioe urrgoa, no (tS.OO; prodacere' price,: N.., I, tz.64 12; aarlle, BttlUe pef lb; anloa art. PHC1H rmilTSr Apple, 3 S0i 3 : ONIONS JebMng price Oregoa, Nov 1,1 ZOO price, l no. i, x.oui ft. a. Ta. oraneea. faacg aarel. $.1 60; eeedllng, a.7. Medlterraa- r.a. aj.uo; banana. ao per Ih; .lemon, choice. t.t0 per boxt faae;. I4.0y4.2fl pee hn: linn Milcaa. -J oar KM: t.naerln II. 3S alaeapplee,- Maxlcaa, 4.00' Unwell. B.,f id.oo; Aregoi Latwhrtto..aa Jb, UUfacaia.1 jl.vl.J tmt acata, , JOURNAL'S r DAILY aed - -. . - - ' By Peareon-Pag a Company. .' Tha market la now' exyerienc- ' lng that uaual aummer drlaya In . 4 gelling out aultabla banana ahlp. - - menu, an If a car cats In rip d thera . Is apt to bo noma delay . - filling orders before tba arrival ' or the next 'car.-- Thla. Is the case right now the entire town being out of bananas. . d t'lorln strawberries have been e arriving for gome , time, but 4 quality la Indifferent. They will ' start shipping the "Dollar" va-. 4 . rlety next week. A few cberrtea , d d ; are arriving, and thera Is promts d " of abundant cropa of all klnda of a fruit, -both In Oregon and 'Waahr d tngtoa; California, too. .; ' d . ;. - . -, '-,. a Taralpa. n.w, TBe par aackl SOctTBc Mckl beet. Ouv-ttll.00 pa( aack; Oreguo radlahes, 20c doa; eablaage. CaUor- nla. I2.W oar cwt: beU peppere, 60a Ih; California t-rm I M WH "; pai nlpe. SKJctiH O0; . au-lug . baua, lOcf""""?" 11 dower, U.Sa- per crata; greea aeaa, Ste per T Hi ; horaeradlah. S17 pet lb; rtiehakea, TSe ' pew doa.; botboua 'll tnee, 1.801.7B box: celery, koe doara; cranberrlea. Jereey, 14.00 per bbl ; Cm bay and Tillamook, lJU.00; aaparaxoa, . tab Ifornla, Tm dc per tb; Oregoa. Mou per doara bum-bee; Well Walla, (1.26 pec-cox; eauaah, IVje; anlnacA, ftca)tl.00 per. box; grrra onlona. Oregva, 124c doea ' baacba Oalirnrnla ennmhrn, II.HIMI doeea. ChlKD rRL'ITS-Applea, era oora ir, 1t ne lb; aprleota. I3jl5e per n; peacnea, lii'tl ISe per lb: each. He par lb leaa: araara. SO to 40. THr: He drop aa each all teen 111 eta.:- alaa; age. Caltforalahuck. 807c per in; Calirnrala whit. c per Ih; datea, goioaa, e par lb; far da, fl.ts aer ld-lh box. ; ..... flrarla.: atata. Eta." " " SCO A B ark Ctibe. " ITMl eewdared. tS.wO; fruit graanlaied, SftJM: dry granalared. .run graoniaieu, eo-oui arj ...i.imi, eoaf. A. fo fat; beet graaalated, SSA0; C, fS.80; goluea 0V )S-xO: D yeDow, bMa, 10a; S hhla, Uci araaa, 80 ad-' ee.eoi - o extra O. (S.lOi eaac oa ack bacta, tea Sfie per ewt tar eaak. AAVaaya; mania, , UBIM ara la, ., (Abo. price apply to aale of tee thaa ear lot. . Car kta at apeeui price eabjeot to aaetaauoaa.f HONEV at aO aee erate. . 00PPEB Packare bVande. tldka. Halt aroem. MMa. ST.OS ear tea; table, dairy, Soa. Sll ; lone." ItO.Ttl; Ita- ... T . , ai.a. uk. k an. J e.ety, oiuk, aau . loo, . ae.owvo.oo, ww. abStot-Urpeal kieno tlAM ft tea;. SO-lh rock. ST.OO, lotw, aaTd: j .. .. 1 ... uriAin ua ceirarta. I we- " . ' BICB TmnerUl Jane a. Na. 1. Set He. t14e;" New Orlean head. Tet AJax. Bcj Creole, Te. . ... HBANH Small white, f .0; .-" larr - whito. t4.00; pink. S3.00: bayoo,' $5.00; Lima, eo.60; Irttran reda, 44e. ' NITS Pea note, tarn bo. Be per WVlrfim, HW per lb ' roaated, S0SHd per lb; coco. note. 8SS0r per do; walaam. 1B01SH pee lb; plnennte, rflISHe per lb; hickory ante. I'm par rnniant, eaarrrn, iobjiv. i raall at, - le ' aer In: eibarta. HSIK per lb: toacy penn. 13HOiSHT alamada. MHO ISKc, i- .,...-.,. -.....,,1;, ' renrta. Oaal Ofl. Zto. ' BOPB Pur Maalla. 14; ataadard, IS; alal. 11a -- .... COAL OIL Pii er Aitral (Aaea, ih P rl; 'witer -white lion : -14--a aU- weodea, 17c par gall teadMght, HO-tlagi raa . Vc per ret - .... . . OAHOUNS Bd Sad, caaea S4.a pat. gU. tree bt ISe pr g.l .. . BEN.IMt Bo-arg.i Zoc per . gai. area bbl. lvteper gal. " T : TCBPtNTlNaV ta eaaaaSaa per gat waa lea bbla 0.1c per aU: .-.j - . . WHITB LEAD Toa-tot. tfi, per Thf SOO-t Uleta. 8c p., b; leee lota. SH per lb. . Winn n&iui iiw.111 oa.ia 1 LINSEED OIL Par raw. In R-bhl lota, BSc t-hbl lot. Me; caae. ode per rT: rraalne kettle- hnilA . h . auw nee ealt ft.hhl lot. Mc. 1-bbl lot, Mc per gait groaod eake. earlot, 30.00 pac ton) lea tba ear lot. S90.O0 Bar. UA, Meata. Turn aad rrorwleaa, - , f.t rBESO. xlBATa dTreat .treat Beef eteera. 4xM per lb: cow, auec per in; aoc. fancy. SHc; ordlaaryr Sei-poor, 7 -per lb; - bulla, S'SSHo per lb; Veal, extra. . 7c per Ih; ordinary, Oc per lb; poor, 5c ' per lb; mutton, -fancy, seOc per lb; lamba. SOlOc. HAMS, BACON. ETC. Portland pack I local I ham. JO to 14 lua, )4e per lb; 14, to Id lbe. 14Ua per. lb; breaktaat .bacon,-. ldHtiaue per lb: picnic, lOHc per lb: cottaxe, lota per lb; regular abort clean, ammoked. 10 par lb; amukad. 11 pec tb; clear bark, anamoked, 1014 per lb; amoked, llHe per lb; union butt. 10 to IS lb, naamoked, be per lb! amoked, S per lb; rlrarbelllee, anamoked. 11 per lb; uioked.T2e per lb; ahoolder. XOnc prr'fh. LOCAL LARD Kettle leef, 10e, lac per ih- ra iUi nar lb: CO Ih tin. 12ue bar lb: learn rendrred. 10a. 1- per lb; Da, Ufc per lb; couipoond, 10. e. . CANNED (TaLMON Columbia rlTrT. 1-1B tatti, 11.80; S-IB tana, -(o: tancy, t-ia a am,; UJb -fancy Sat. t.; fancy 1-lh o-rU f ATS: A Ua tAlTl. pluB, eD t. tall, $2.0 OO. ru iSH Bock cod, T per tb! Smarter. Sa per Ih; hallbnt. PC per lb: craba. 1.00 par do; atrlped baaa, lHe per lb: eatflah, Tc pet lb; aalmoB, Oolnmbl rlrer. cuaouh. . per u; ateelbaade, 7c per n; herring, be per Tb; aolee. Setper lb; ahrlmp. 10c perIb; perch. Be par lb; black cod, Te er lb; tomcod, Te per b el tree ante It, T Par lb; lobatera, IB per lb; freak mackerel, a per B; craw flab. W ft dot; (bid. c per rbi xtanteon, . loc par lb. ' 0I8TEBS Sboalwatar bay, par gaL H-SB; par aeck, aB-7B. " - , LAMS HardBhen. aer-bOB,1 $S.0O " Taaa eUau, SAW par box. ., ..y, . JULY WHEAT HAS LARGEST - GAIN IN Rises a Half Cent While the May - - . ..II L 1 - oianas oiiiropxomBor Kl Quarter Up at Close. BELATITS WHEAT VALUES. - -Cloee ; Sat: ...... -T7 Cln-" Clot. : Cta rn. - moa. su ; .78? 3lJ- .OOH . .TTH . " M.y.r..T. July September There waa a reremal In the tone of tha Chi cago wheat -market. My prored aomawhat dnller ad waa under- email pressor through The market named with 'slay and 'September He np, while the JUiy was nncnamrea at inni. There we early upward trend lu tb May, taking tb price to Sic: but thl prored tiie eery top and lter selling preaaur soon carried the market off. Tb eloee waa at the low point, 7H,e, the same a Friday. July w aura acttr after the open In and m..A mm ki.k TIIK& It clnaed V hlxber than rrtday at TO-- Tha-gaht In September mounted to fee. .Tba.cio waaimixed a a te Sentiment. - Official austotwnk: H ' ' :, , ,fj : . .- . Owen,. -Klah. Low. Close. Mar JiO. A .XI . . . . .a u.y. a il July. Sept. ,TN4 ,7i ' .77 .78 . TC0R. '' 7TH .17 ' (' ' ,4i -.47-. -A6 May.....; .41V ; .47A ' July...... , .45H .40 r OATS Mar..' -.ftaii .32 '4 July...... . .30 11 - -.i.: hfjix rwui. r Mar...... 14 02 1IV00 14(K Jnl'r...... I.2l " IS. SS 1A0S 14 M . i IS. 10 4 Wilt overroni lndlareetlon and -dyapep. a la: r.iarulate the bowela and cure liver and kidney complaint. It Is. the beat blood en richer and Invtgorator In tha world.- It la purely vegetable, perfectly harmleaa and ahould you be a aufferer frirm disease you will use It if you ara wlae. It. N. ndrewavJMlltor and man ager Coooa and Rockledge Newa Cocoa, Fia,, Wrttes:" "I have uaed your Herbln In my family and find It a moat excel lent rnedlein. lta effects upon myaelf fllftrv urn. an- ihw... ...... .w.w j Wnndard. Clarke Co. - .JL But Littl Wool th blfferenc Sellers All STRIKER-SETTLED ARKET HIGHER Good News ; From Coal Sit l uationFavorable to the List in New YorkGeneral Rise. READING MAKES A -: VERY HEAVY ADVANCE Closes Five and a Quarter Up After Heavy Buyfaif bjrf Shorts--Bajik Statement an Unfavorable Feature - of Trading.7-- ir:r";: -.ift::: ' ' NET OAfNH. Amalxamated ..... Brookl;a ' Smelter IW'cheeapeake St. 1'aul.... ...... Uj Colorado rual... Krle IfalLouleetlle Metropolltaa ..... m.r'ederal Smelter. Oottoo Oil........ Si Norfolk Ont. A Weatera., iw Pennajlranla .... (laa Jl Hock I. land , .. 1 1 Beading. SlalTenneaeea Ooal. ,u SlalTenneaeea Ooal..,.. d S)U. 8. Stael.... -..".. U Ul o preferred...... g KITXOKMES. inioa raciricj. ... Central Loathe'. Baltimore Southern Pacific. ., t By-Walker- r3roa.t - New York. Ifay . The market today epeaed teedy aad I nc lined to be el rung, 'fue feature wa the strength la Beading, and a Her. lb new that the ailaae bad come to tetnia there wa a rush te corer. Many f tba spaclaltlee were strong. The. bad bank elatement caused e.vo little ning. but It did not laet long and the market closed ateedy. Tlx ton of tli whole market la now belter aad tha Important ioeatloa will be tb money market. Relre linear to b"a!ng up, but We eannofTfxpCcf cheap money for aome time. Tor next week w k for a trading market..' The market It apt to drop InttV dul Ineea after the excitement or Tne peat raw tier. Br Loaaa ABnraa: Tha market a-kiMMt l.ia.iitae iwt ilww. tti BV.a n . f . mr. Kl. mnti m nnwii. IA th atreet. but Jia erll effect wera offaet by new that, tha . coal atrtk bd bean ertled Thl waa (II the Important new Item and' removed one of the or epbta hanging over the aiarirett Trader beller that aioner cmull- tloa frdin . thla 1Io oa uouldlmpror, but w . feel they aiuet Improve greatly to nertult of ny xtDded ball pecnlatloa. A furlaar rally .would not be earprtaiag. -.- - - utiKtai qooiartooa: - - .-'V."" Osen.' RtdV Ana cod na Mhilnr Co. ............ . 240 Amalgamated Copper ' Co......... J01A ltari Atehleon, common. .4. ... SP14 hH American Suxer.-eommoa. ........ 1314a 181 America a Sruelt, 'umaats,!.i..".ii.,j.:. , -147 S BBitimore A OUlo,...:il07.;4Tk Caaadlaa" Pacific, common. ....... ISO l.- Clilcago. Milwaukee A St. Paul... 102 Cheeapeake A Ohio. ..r...... ,W Colorado Puel A Iron, common. v. 45 Erle. common r. : . .rr.viiv. 4- S Lootart le A Naeheine. .......... -142 141 Metropolitan Street Hallway .,...'.-1 12 1124 New Tr tmtrsj.-rT., ..r.".i .-, it-.i-r 107 ' l-.-r-rlST'A tTUU7ii mi 90 11 & Ken.ral elmsltae ST Cotton an Si Norfolk A W eaters, enrnmon...., S7 . M New- York. Ontario- A Watrtrrt- 4m4, 4M Pennsyrranla . Railway l4i VM People' Oae, Light A Coke Co. l w2 Beading, eommoa..... 121 124 - Rack Hand, common. 2fl , ; 2&A Southern Pacific.., Tetmeasee Coal A Iron. 141 14S In Ion Piatfle. eommorr. ..,... .. 144 Central t .eat her. common. ...... .v 41 -, United Sletea Steel Co., common.. 804 do praferred. ...,..'i wa: 106 Waba.hs oommoa. ....... ......... ...v 14314 41 son Jfn 20 W TOSJC BAsTX STATEatrHT. Wear " Taek, VXy 8. Bisk atatmnt.- Reaerv, lea V; S..... ......... tS.T1H.x18 ueposiu . ...................... l, ww, row UaH .............. Specl ........... ......... J... -z.Hi"'. u . . a.bHT.TIIO Ijegaia t. Clrcolarloa o.B2.eoo 9M.UUV Incre. TOaTLATO B ATT. STATJEatZHT. Clearing -Balancra ; ...... 67,170.44 COTTON FUTURES TWO , TO FIVE POINTS UP Kew Tork. May . Cotton future eloaed two to fir paints higher. Official quotation; - rs: -..v. ,.....0pen,.-- fHgh?3-f w. Toa. ftroai-?.ff?f.'.V.V K-t . lo.oo noSTtm.m February -.;.. ...10.08 - Ht.dS 10.63 lO-m March.,.. ....; ; ;.'.1l.t4 -11. - JS.SS - II.S4 ... 11.00 11 lO 11.00 11.1) - - io.ea luly ....... .10.Bl 10.llin.M 10.B4 Dt)xI!WBt)aT," - Hfch . JMJ-JO . JUOa IJTxrmFOOI. OEAIT maajut. liTsrpool, jMay 8, Official prieaj Cloae (loa ' Sat. Sat. Mar ... vrw s-ear-w sit iuly,,... . w,....tM id. as itaa MRSPARftfSH FIGHTS .:. EFFORT TO REMOVE HER : .Before County Judge Lionel . R. Web stes yesterday was begun tha trial l the' effort to remove Mrs. Tv C. Fsrrls'h front soling as guSTdlan of Perry Wood Kerr, aged 17 years. Young Kerr waa left 11.000 by h la adopted mother, Mrs. Dora B. Davis, and It Is alleged that Mra. Parrlah loaned bar brother, E. W. Helm, $811 of this money without tak ing proper security; ahe la also said to nave neglected tne general care or tne youth, and to have caused his arrest on the charge of eteallng milk from her doorstep. Mrs. Parrlah haa entered a general - denial to tha charges. Attor neys.' IP."- Logan - and Robert Galloway appear as counsel- for tha boy, while Walter .a,, Hayes is jars, jntrriso s. at torney.. : . .. ij WANT NEW TRAIN FROMr.r PORTLAND TO BIGGS ' ' rSoeelal lis natch to Tb Joursa!.) The Dalles, Or.. May 6. Passenger Agent Cralr and-Freight-Agent Coman met tb Buslneaa Men's aaaoclatlon bare today in connection with putting on a local train from Portland to Bigg. They thought the train would begin running soon, leaving Portland 'at i:l o'clock In the roornlng.'"arTTlnr"Ar'Trm 1aJhrS'St 11:11 o clock, and proceed to Biggs to take np pasaengers from the Columbia Southern, and returning arrive at The Dalles at o'clock In the afternoon and Portland at :16 in the "evening. : It Is expected this accommodation train -will be running tn-a few days. .. , EARTHQUAKE BREAKS v WINDOWS IN KENTUCKY ' (Journal Special Srrrlce. . Sotr erect, Ky... May 6. Two slight earthquake shocks were, felt here last night ' about 1i minutes apart. Win dows were broken la sevaral plao - i 3S Being Sold on Account of, of Views Amohg Buyers and Are Awaiting" Sales -Days'. s FOlLYLMITllll STROOG T0IIEv Livestock Market In General Is in Very Good Shape and Strong . ' Prices Are Being Held. YESTERDAY'S RISE IN ; - HOGS IS HELD OVER No Arrivals Except a Few Horses in-Yardsv During the Paat Twenty-4 Four HourrCattle Tone Good-. - Sheep-Are Steady."'"' ' -------- Portland In Ion Storkrarda w..v ' r. tack receipt : ; . "' Z : ' - Hog. Cattle. Sheep. r. e-k ago Month ago .,.... ..123 60 172 a ear ago - fit 1., With the eiceptloa of 20 horse there wer bo arrlral In Ua llTe.tock- (market today. Tb hog market caniinw. m t,. way Bd packer aeem ry eager to buy area fJL 't adre need -price of yeaterday. AU """' oajra aoaaewaat natter during the paat few day, the trade la u(-frrlag-frora fh lark of auttcleat stock tb keep under ordinary headway. " .'.'I? .Sr " "". a good aa etruy ad all price are really maintained at prra nt. la thl line the trad had been led .40 expect beery ahlomeata mmA 1 K. r . 1 1 ': aitlIla haTiea the prop aadcr la the hp market the trede etlll eea . !..bI,.f,,1 ",km nA r,rm are malnuined In all line axBert anrlae lnmh. fi.- ku""f. ." ba erdrr. Ham lu veal eln- tireciai nreatock price.: nogs-BeafauVn5!! blocker and China fata amu.. j feeder, $.00 . " ,,,7,. .ZZ'--ZZZ: . i. r 'i?t" etrn Oregoa atecr. 4,80f d.TS; Det caw and keifera S.W: - light and medium ateeta. S3. 75: liekt ToW. Ilti. .Z.u. -.. ouiia, sxt. TILLMAN IN CLASH ITH-BOIESPENftOSE IJouraal Saaetal IihIm t Waehlngton. U B -T i..vrci..r on. .unrnwi inai Oenatora Pannu. and Tillman had a terrific battle of vrorda behind cloaed doors in tba senate Vetterday. Tillman attanlln and ...threatened . to tmh v ..,1.1. -.hinge which wera not to the credit of the Pennayivsaian.,; -'-;T;T: r"'1 ,n had a few affidavits by southern people whlchi he would file at tha aama time u. a OTrnrmawietrHrthlnfTTlImtD could say about him, but thought Tlll - t uinn ain ijLajg wanr . itiHa .. m.. x a i - . i af fldavlta.. -.The aenate adjourned -msTf uchU wncounter. seemed imml. SOME.CURIOUS HOLDUPS From the New York Herald. ;'. V' Most- countries ara nor e. .in mifV. band,t th- we-t who "hold np". trains, but railroad menall over the world tell,.. aata,blrde and flahes that have held uj intra, u eiieciually. x-. dlrtrrber. r.oC Oways llveatock whiolt stray from tha folds on tha traek. In Canada, for In t? ' often run before a trajn .... uivn jrura exnauation. .And In 8iberla It happened at least once that wnuaajr engine was "Tunning St slow .. .. . spiw.nargB-tneenjr an( attacked the engineer. -Fortunately tha "n . was able to drive him back to the trapka, where he was caught under the wheels snd so injured - that -he -waa amairy oiapatcnea, in innia la ,. .1- i.. ruptexT by all . kinds of creatures, from elephants to Insects. -ProbablyS the Uganda railway, la more often dis turbed by animals , than .. any other. Lions especially seem to have a particu lar antipathy for tralna and frequently "hold up" on of them. One beast which waa known to have killed 17 paraoaa at tacked a.-train .not long-ago..: But, as th railway company provides ammuni tion and weapons for just such occa sions, the" beaat "vras" shot. Ostriches often can delay on th South Afstcan lines. , They hare . a coy way of stick ing their heads In the jand ballasting of th track, end It Js necessary either to stop the train or to run ovet-w-brrd; h tnay be wahrsbir possesslon. es caped from a" nearby ostrich farm. V In ' tropical ccnintrtes - insects often succeed In holding travel at a stand atlll. Tha white ant minmr"-' ..a 1 ai mn-WMim.iii. iiiifl- by destroying th wooden portions of th. tracks.... To overcome 'this difficulty sleepers of. Iron or steel are substituted snd th manufactur of them has be come a considerable -'industry In the north Of England and. Scotland. ' A wild swan kept an Important train at a standatlll for some hour. It had become entangled In the telegraph wires in such a way that all., communication waa atop pad and it waa aoraa time be fore tb cause of th trouble wss located and th bird was released. : On would . wonder how live flahea could' Interfere. with moving trains. It not Infrequently happens that they are sucked Into the. watering spparatus for locomotives st country stations. Eels and trout - of considerable - else - hare often -been caught. In tbl way. In In dia during a recent flood a trolley car was stopped by a large flali." Th wa ter had risen in th streets to the height of the car wheal, and th fish, swept slong ' by th current, had . become Jammed between the spokes of a wheel so that it could not turn. .'.. . il 1 r r - ir-T il, aaaana lpa zaae Ooaeasaloa. i From tha Dally Consular Reports.";.' - The Panama government ha granted m concession to th"Unlon Otr "company of CallfornlS to establish and work A pip line acroas th Isthmus of Panama for' the .transmission of crude petro leum. It must be in operation by Aug ost L'HOa, and1 furnish oil st SO cents per barrel to th railway or canal com - Lmlsilon st, any point along the line. It is thought that ths oil will be. a more economical fuel than the coat from Vir ginia, four barrels being equal to, a ton Of coal, which coats 13.70 to 14. The concessional r must pay 500 per month for thavaupport of th publle achool of th canal sons. . The better we become acquainted with aome people tha more we regret It. - Daatba From Apperadieltie - Decrease In' the same ratio that the uae nf Dr. King's New Life Pill increased Thev save you from danger and bring quirk snd paintesa release from consti pation and the Ills growing out of It. Strength snd vigor a. I ways follow their use. Guaranteed by kldmor Drug Co, Mo. Trjr them.- APPRAISERS T.1AKE SETTLELiEOT Loss by - Fir -In Chamber of Commerce Building Fixed : : ; .at Sixty Thousand.; EIGHTH STORY WILL BE REMODELED FOR OFFICES Large Firm ' From '' San Francisco : May Occupy Entire Upper Floor Insursiics"'Distributed Among 12 Companies of America and Europe - Settlement has been reached by tha Ihsurancey companies and tha United Railways company on the damage dona by. tha fire In the Chamber of Commerce building, The appraUera, D. I Wllllama, and Frank P Allen, flxea the . lo at fto.OOO. There la said to be a few email points to be adjuatad. but' the flnar'aum pAW By ttitrouiiuiaiilea will be between ISt.OUO and fS,000.' - . . , Inaurance of $60,000 on the building was divided between the following com panies: Agricultural, Fire aaaoulatlon. German Alliance, German-American, London A Lancashire, National of Hart ford. North Brltlah tfc Mercantile, Pa- elfio Underwriters. Phoenix, aaaoclatlon of Londort, Queen Inaurance company. Royal Inaurance -company and -Union Assurance aaaoclatlon. , " Tha United Railways company will.. It la said, reconstruct the top story of the building Into 40 of flcaa, a leaaa of which la bow .being negotiated by a large con corit . ffi warly haytiigj headquarters In rsn r ranciacu, uui wntcq -wui remgr. to Portland and locate permanently. It Is reported tha rental will be more than doublo the amount paid by the Com. merclal club. The club held the quartera at' A'noroliiarTenTW OTTtOO " per mtmth and the new occupants will. It IS Smio, pay '1,000.: r:-:-.:.. ..-ir -; zr: No general Increaaa Of TentSIS in 1h building haa been made by ' the United Railways company, but the ratea of WiitkrdW0frt4 If "tnfS "A "ifitltflodf bf rictna have offered advanced pricer xot' moms Bnd w)ll probably close leaaea. Morrta Dros dealers In bondsrformerly ownera of the 0.?"W";. P.icomnany, hsv -Hak-n a leaaon thS -tiisTTpofiryg cupled. by C. K. - Henry - ana w. U. Clemens, fronting On Btark atreet. Rcrnoocnny of tnm upper atorywm be commenced At the earlleat poagible moment. E. L. Williams, the architect, baa .the plan under conalderatkm. , - f . FOUR INSANE MEN TAKEN TO JAIL BY POLICE - " ReCWtfHfof -UC se During-Last Night and -: -Thls- Morning. r1 Four . insane . men were" taken into custody by the -police last night" .and. either confined In the city, prison, await ing action by v the proper authorities, or sent to institutions to be cared for. Thla breaks the local police record for th handling of cases of Insanity in one day. 31 year, was taken. Into custody by Station Officer Burke and Patrol -Driver JTaCe-at-Jlfcii First street From the' station be was removed 5 to th North Pacific sana torium -Shd attended by Dr. G. T. Trom- 1 mil Id. TTh man Is.: not violent. . Nell Idirsonwsa arrcated y rs vtoi man Johnson at Union avenue. and Kast Barnslde - street. ; - Ms is - at - th city prison snd will be turned' over to the county Jailer to await examination by ttmr- tn.onltv - eiaSmmtsatnl. - -T-r- :- t Joseph- Nllaon, who- 4s -xreaumedolU ttucuunt of lil Strang behavior , to na mentally deranged, was taken, into oua tody at 13:30 o'clock this morning by Patrolman Porter at First and Market streetavXhe man either, could not or would not talk 'to the arresting offlder or the ' captain at police headquarters. He will also be oxamlried by the insanity commission. - -t' Jxrz7x:zjzzzzz:sz' - The fourth "insane person "was- John Chong. a Chinaman, who waa- arrested by Patrolman . Ehmsen'. at Park ' and Couch-atreeta.-Ho 4lva at-34 01(aan street," where he la In terra ted in a tailor shop. "-The. Chinese Indicated by. his queer conduct after he was taken .into custody that he Is crasy. ; r PROHIBITION TICKET-NO.' -WITH COilllTY CLER List, of Candidates of That Party to ; - Be , Voted Upon f Next Month. County Clerk Frank 8. Fields tills morning received the ticket of th Pro hibition party, which will be placed upon tbe ballot for tha general election next month. The nominees are: - For slate senator, F. MCKercher, tSi Fast Eight Street North; for represents tives, J. . Wiggins, (80 East Ankeny street; E. G. Eaton, Lenta; A. P. John aom 07 East Tenth atreet North; 1 M. Baldwin, 176 - Twelfth street.'. A. H. Wilde, 334 Perk street; . J. F.. Hanson, Portlsnd; J. A. Harrison, 1001 Esat Alder street; B. H. Bertroche, 101 East Washington street; for county auditor. lE.P..Northrup, 461 Beat Eighteenth atreet;' county -ciera,. l rgr;i, m Yamhill Btwtreoroner, Dr.' W, K.nmoa, 363 Hawthorne avenue; treasurer, Karl A- Miller,- East -Tenth, street; county Judge, Vt. B. Meacham, - 464 Falling street; east stds JttsUoe. E. Or Miller, 1666 Eaat Fifteenth street; east side constable, W. BCroeier, lsee xsast nintn itreex . - John E,' Simmons has fllei declaring that be will be an independent eandldat for sheriff. He ststes that - Jon May 1. 100 -electors met at 61 First atreet snd nominated him for the office. Petitions have been filed asking tl :.t the people. residing in precincts 37 snd altdwed to vote en tbe local op; tlon queatlon at the coming elactlqjv - Talklnff. , the .Bohemian.) - 11 From W3f-"Tou were talking! In your 1eep again last night, dear. Why do you persist In doing ltf v - Huband "Good Lord, Maria, a man ought to be allowed to jAlk sometimes, oughtn't net" , Vh " average woman Is unable to un derstand .why her huaband -doeau't feel sorry for his bachelor friends. . AN AILING GIRL menakkably Quick Cure After a rhyal-t- claa Xad railed to Base the al.. . Miaris at oircx. Kvry-womarr wndnasir properpride In ' her bounty diemls IInimo Her Cheeka and eve are the barometers 0f - neaiin. , rmra intra trio moat trifling oomplalnt will rob briahtneaa and bloom. -'- S'liousanda of women are aeeking the ' ' magld touch of health. Their faces arw aallow, their eyea heavy and a feeling of weight and oppression aurroupd them. They have dyspepsia and may - ' not know It. To cut la misery and to ' fast la worse.- Blck headache, a feeling of dlstreaa In the dlgeative tract, bit. ----'-' louaneaa, belching, - heartburn, "the blues,"' cold feet and hands these at ' some of the s niptoma. No woman or mun can afford to dla regard the warnlnga of nature. Iya pepala weakens every vital organ and ' .paves tbe way for mora aeriuus dia- j,..." eaaea. ' Told In simple language and In a few worda, here la Ui experience of one, young girl: . -'; U WaU BU New York Cltv. June th.-l 7 Chaaa - Mfr - to. -NawtMjrgh,- ; Dear'eip: I want to.-wrlta te you about a qulok cure obtained by your '" ' Dyspepsia remedy. - My niece Is It years ' ' old, and aha got quite 'alck from limn- . ach trouble. tShe vlaited her physli-lau ' ' four or flvs -times, and be tried uiler.' - J out preacrlptlons.. ' . ., , ... ' I heard of the caae and brouaht over . r7 half of one of your 60-cent bottlea, all, but -waa completely well before It waa uaad ud. I always keen It In tl.a house, and I have relieved a great many..", people by giving them a alnglo doaev lti-: is certainly a great medicine, . ,. ' " Yours truly, - J08EPlCT.I8Cia.Fr".' . 1 Chase's pyapepala Cure (a liquid rem--"' edy), by regulating digestion, restores appetite, ambition and general health Sulckly, pleasantly and permanently, bstlnatd cases overcome.. -- . -r"-- Why do you suffer with dyspepala stomach trouble when you can beeureiT We offer you a remedy that haa never failed. It has cured thousand and will cure vou. ... ... J- - GUARANTEE!: "If any ; sufferer" after" giving the remedy a fair trial d not benentetj, jnoney win pa refunded. lArae 60-rent bottlea at drueaiata. or' sent prepaid, on receipt of price. t'HASfc. MFO. CO.. Brooklyn. N. T. . For wile in Portland by Woodaid, CTarkB fit. " '"- DABTPS- TENDER 1GIJMS IPond Extract kets. biovT L tender gums in perfect health and comfort duringhe paintul teething period, quickly .sooth ing sad .subduing the inflamed condition. ' - -,. . .'." '.-;-.;,"' Hardcrts the gums, prevents jheir bleeding, .'- cvres canker spots snd sore moutaVteaipves bad taste and makes; an rxcel lent -mouth wash..;ior: old or young.- RemoTeS inflamma- al and external.- : .Ttfc Hmtis nt th. jam it tig. On mntlyris ' $nuti iAmflti if, -Wrtrh Hxelfu $rU mtJltfijt lumi aUgfiy-lw r ew- t ttutatn veee tlcohpltr formadt- y er ..- Tt wU dngr J rr;.;'irftW.vhv--.('' JUST: BREATHED IT. JKyomal Cura""CUrTa- ta ruwDs EXTRA! ..... .u ; aUonal Way. , . -. "J;:".. JSodangcrpuOtruiabrral(ioholtc. con'-i.r: coctlons ars taken Into tbe ayatcm when - -Hyomei is used In the treatment of oav"..-: . tarrh. Breathed through the neat pofcket '"' - -Inhalei that cornea with-every outfit, tb;, balaomle healing of . Hyomei penetrates, Z! . toUlavniosti remote ceHs of .the nose, . """' aiyl'nnr.. Itllllna all retflrihal "" germs, healing the Irritated mucoua . . , membrane and effecting a complotesnd '. . ' permanent cure... , , ' .""', . " " . In. a naturals nd. rational 1 way.' byt;. ... medicating th sir you breathe with . Hyomei. every breath -wil..J)ehoallng and ant)sptlCvilka-tha air found uu ItiBUl-laG: mountains where . the pine forests give Off their-fragrant -and: healing balaams. No-medicine taken into the atomacU - Can possibly "reacn ths Temote cells ot.i the air passages,, or give the Immediate relief that tollows the use of Hyomel:??! A few 'days'.'. treatment Is usually all t. that Is Tiecesiary to show how quickly -' this remedy will cure catarrh. . 1. ... - So euccesaful har Hyomei "berttn ttr-rr-r: 'inure nf catarrh among' hala-ouatomafs.-, 1. that Woodard, Clarke ft Co. sell It tinder a positive guarantee thst It-coat Both- IngNunless It gives satisfaction. : . Th ' SlWiUl bottle can be obtained for 6(1 cents. . ' If not eoBTealeat te obtain flromet ef Wood ard, Clarke A Co.. or aome ether drugclat. It will be forwarded from th lahoratorr br nail en receipt of price, - Tb K. T. Boots Co.. . Hromel Ttnflrilng. Ithara. New York. k 1 "a B. A; HARTIilANJAIJEOJO "SUCCEED JUDGE BEAN . . - ' " - ' ' ' .'-,', '""'', i 'tJ"- ' . , . J ':, "f ' Pendleton IVfan ; Receives Ap pointmentFrorri Governor ; Effective June First. : ; ' '(Sneefal Dtapatrh t Th Joarnal.) Pendleton, Or., May 6. G. A, Harfa man thle morning received his appoint-" ment-from - Governor Chamberlain ae- I county Judge i-to ucceed Judge Bean, whose realgnatlon takes eriect dune 1, giving " Judge Hartman'one month - to : aerva before beginning his new .tars -Immediately - afterjudge.Bean . ten dered his -realgnat ion-aa county Judga,. Goverifdr Chamberlain-offered th ap- . polntment to Judge Hart man. However, -ha had not . then decided tl run for ' i m , Ulmn'H!0,lntr 3u" declined- the offer. a a petition 1 nvarnor waa at Who Mnn. day, at a picnic, lie again oftrred the " 4 appointment, the Judge Informing hlra that he . would; accept. - RIOTERS OVERWHELM - -AND INJURE POLICE Paaaalc. N. J.,My 6. -Three hundred " Italian laborera started a riot this morn ing as, a result. 6f contractors putting -' nonunion men at work on buildings ' where a etrlke waa .in progreas. The police ware overwhelmed, la the charge eight rioters were Injured end five offi- cere hurt. "Cltisens aided the police, finally driving the Italians hack snd prescrvins Airdcr until reinforcements ' srrtvftd. One striker snd one policeman t. will llhely. die - . . . 1 i - a . 1, . a