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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1906)
r:rvv today, TC; Lee Company " t Incorporated ) CAPITAL 50,000 : Pally i?ald : " TI.AN oT" Fll I lTaDELPHI A. " BOS--ON, KKW YORK. PITT8BURQ, . WASHINGTON. ! C. ..-; INVESTMENTS EEAL ESTATE, :C:NE55 CHANCES r " n' fac t of our having" aatabllBhed a throughour the eaet-grveavws xiepttonal advantage la the handling il klmlt a property nd .Inveet i, which accounts for the epeedy ta obtained when any of our cll- wtan to buy., veil or exchange any of real or prtwinul property, such - ".lues. Real Katatey, ptocks, Bonds, SPECIAL i If you have any mining stock, even! ianatueirVr e:e It for you. No matter what tt i ill) Bring It tn." ' ,' - If you waut to buy anything, we will 1 -It- for-iyolfc - r-- - , v J If yon want to eell anything, wa will ' I a buyer. . If you have money ta lend, we will 'nii ttia right, kind of a borrower fur If you 'mJftytis'blSfnswnUuey, W wr - If you . have anything to. exchajigj, eee ua. - In fact. If there la anything In our line of business that la of rntereat to ou; do not fall to tall. upon ua. We . . 1 save you time, trouble and meney. - u2 J. C. Lee Company OPEN . EVEISIINQS t LAWLOANS-e-C01XECTIONS BIO JUiakr Wg Third and KorriaoB. . - . Phone Kaia SIM.: r.lust Have the .'.And an we to-aell at once 2; acres in Douglas rounty at 11.60 per acre; ulno 320 acres of fine wheat land In "Wa seo county pood -water, level, ex - Tea eaa( jnora UMI dotibla Tour pioaay! ""' Big body of f!naUmber and saw mill going at $18,000. . , Bee ailt koaee, made of"T)eilma leninl. lot 60100. near car line. rooms. Hee us! List! ' Buy of ua . We will treat you right! . . . -' ' Notary public. ' Patents " obtained. , Patents sold. ----.t A Few Money S3 Per Acre Good Buys Quarter block near Hawthorn ave- - riue $4 699. - .. Half block. Eaat Clay, near Grand pyemic- $H, 000. A full block, facing Grand avenue - - fi&.oo. -. -'. Quarter block on. Union ave. 1 12.00. 'giiirw block,- E. 7th and .Belmont f i,l'UU. . r Half blo-k between Union and Grand. . close Iatl7,i;00. t X Jilsw block on railroad track, on Im f proved si feet $10,000. : 0x100 on Grand avenue, neat Mar- . Vet 13,000.. acres one mim wwi oi lucimih .11 4 ulilnilnV ll.aoo. - J , 1 have 16 other 8-acre trecta adjoin- - ---Jn, the abovs tract t from $100 to $200 tr m rr. mv -' y j BEVER; 404 East Alder Phone Eaat 41. -SSMfe'tWiei'ai.'iC II ay. T'l-l'trM '''' 'I S gBBBS j-.Fr- lainisln Real Estate B-Boobs modenn house, corner lot gOxtO, r one block of Hawthorne avenue, fur ' nace and fireplace, all Improvements - - In. Price $4,000. IJberal terms enn be secured. .. " 9 Xoea new - hotnse.-on - Kaat Thlrty-' - fourth, corner lot 100x100, one block ' ef car line. Price $3,500. Easy terms .... '.. of pajrmont. - - , . . -. : - . Choice corner lot, 100x112. on . East , Thirtieth BtfeeLricaJIU0.TJhle la a snap. . aetas, on Eaat Thirty-fourth street. " at a bargain; street Improvements paid. - . . ' j.;;v 04 aeres, within city limits. Price 1 Izoo. .--;v. ' 10 acrea, with house and barn, on alee- -trie car line. Prtcs $800;. half , cash. JUrta la rark TMfw, -4 blocks of Haw- . thorne avenue, at popular prices: $ down. $10 per month. Thla la an op portunity to aecure good property within fltT limita on eaay terms. STEVENSON-BROWN -CO. io nooxm btbbzt. - v-- NorthwesternMutual Life OF MILWADTtlK, TKX FaTMIn-Tl TO P0LJCT-H0LDE1I dnr 'v ilia- .lis wera 11 foliows:-- -- rVaih le. .......... T.TH.Hdae . dividends, etc....... lI.635.M7.Jo . ,. A total ef..... .$20.852.M4.14 T T V--'- Tbe. significance ef the shore (ignrea heconie 7 RMire aparenr woes it la atateo lliat tne eon. rnv umA tolts Holier -holders or thefr renre- ..Z entartves ae average of erer $eo,ewo for seek . eerkiug ia or the year. oum "0tICT HOLDEEg , (II I BATUflED S.T. Lbckwood & Stfn General Agents, Concord Bldg Portland, Or. - " S acres of level land, nsay cleared hear electric line, east aide. ..Only $1(0 r"'r acte. owner In the esst hard up and . yaiiieiiiYi to sen. . inquire , Cederbergh Xeem 314 Commercial (look. Beooad sad If Your Wife NEW TODAY. Resident e Lots V, v :j; CLpisE IN Vi : l.--Cement - walk a. pa rkeel el reete. -eewer and water, nn Kaat Thirtieth, one hlox; nortn or Hawthorn .avenue: neighbor hood of beautiful homes. Kaey term. t'-vr sale by owner,- , 1 . . 1 - , Geo. E. Waggoner ISj ralUng BIda:. -r-Phone' Matrr $$$. WEATHER REPORT. " The north -psclflc alga- prwmrw- ai-e-tlui ihi u adrsiice elu'lr .fs.twsrd, ssd. It is crstral tide aieriiiut ortr Uooiidi. No' rain aaa fillea Is this dl.trlcl, ead It muck coaler le eestrn rfon. mmiii Whlnjri' ud Tdsho. end "light froia occurred la lhar section Uils mornlna. t'osvttli'd cnndltli'M rf ssu..ia auuunra ( aUfornla. and 11h prcwiirs er snatcrn-Tciaa, ont nrr Ulu Buprlr, and en ovr' the' Xr EnslaBd alatm. 1 fei harf.cjuaod light to niodrratrlT hravy ralta Is ArkaoKaa. UUsourt, a-Mlcre Trnacaece aoutlMrii lUluola. lUinteota, the Dakotas, tba pprr. Ohio ull.jt. nut kwor lake rcghta sea ti New Kngiand states. - The tannrraturM ara below normal tu tba uponr lake, rcrloo and la ths.apver Mlaalaalpplaad liiyier HInourl- al- ,1be (nVHcatlona ar for fslr wither In this dlatrict luuday, llh rlilng 1.mralur. Ooaarvatioai tskaa at A a. "., Tactile tint: .-ti. -Traip. aiatlona W.'' MfarprerTp. Baker City. Oregon. 3....";. S . , .0 . Bo. ton. MaaaaphuacttS;.V.eO -' ' Cblcage.' Illlnola 62 fta -ry 5" Pwtw, fv.lor.cto , 7 i Kihiu City.. MLanaH...... 14 t . Loa Angeloa. I .UftM-nla. . . . IW M " .' T. Kcw OrleaiMi. Luaielane.... M ' 1 74 - - .0 w yck. N-w Vrk , 4 - l A- Fortund. ursgt Rchurg. Ooiotl Ht. Lou la, MlMoarlw-n. Halt Ijkc. Vtak ...... an s f t am lemr'flnMfaaaka- Ktirtk.ue. Waablngton . Tacoma. Waahingtoa . . , . Will. Walla, Wt.slngios Waabiajrlon. T. C .'. MARRIAGE LICENSES. '. fharlre II. Bchritt. S3: Ratvlla IlarT, II. . K. O-.-Anmnann. r Angnata haapt, tH. Il.rrr I. Hhaiiion. Ml: Marr A. Bradua. AS. I trt-.n .1.1a OH- .Tr.'ten m- fl.tlrlrlt. 9t . r. W. Wtatcrs, 40; Jnnle L. Chspmaa.- 40.. Wntami vsra- " - v. emus i w, n nrtoa bldg.. FoBrth sad- Wsahlaertea sta. lllw Berths Martin, rooat Sit Allsky Mdg. Stamping and naedleworki( leaaoaa . glw BIRTHS. BTr.VKNS May S. to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stea - rn, 760 Kaat Klsreuth . street. N., a daugb- ter, . ...... I JERICW May H. -to Mr. ind Mrs. Bsei Jarlrh-. 11411 North Fourteenth afreet, a son. KKI.T April . to Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Kelt, OB4 Farad), atrwt. a ana, ri l.lX)M April le Mr. end Mrs.- J.- P. Fallmn, 144 Fifteenth street, s Sob. DEATHS. aPALXPINa MAJS. tluirlea-: lt- mmUIh. sged SI yasrs, OR! vancourer" afreet; cauMF, heart diwaae, . ... Burial at RtrerTlew - tery. KKU.BY May I, W, T. Keller, st t. Vla- retiT a hospttstrt ATTKNTION. atembers l.'nlted tVimmercl.l Trarelera or Ameriee: rnnersi aarrices ot Brother W. H, KeynoMs will he held from Iiunntiis's endertskliur parlors. Raat Alxtu and Eaat Aider ua., Stin.lar. ilar 8. t J a- m. All memnera reqoeated to attend. UNDERTAKERS. Edward Holnias e -Co., the leading feaeral eiieetora. have the flneat establishment, tba Boost gosda, the floeat veblcl and the aaost laaaneahla prlcos. - Fine - eeeadulotkoieeiad raakata, $91 and-$M, The aneat wood cooda wade, -from III U $iu. . Parlors 220 aad 122 Third atreat, coriior almoo, Portland. Oregon. " ' 1. p. Flnley ak rVm. faaeral d tree tore and emhalmera, corner Third end Mad iaoe streets. panning. McBntce A Ollb.ngh. nndertakara and embaloiera: atodera In every detalL, BCTeotk aad Pine. Mala 430. Laay assistant. A. B. ResMtoek. andrrtaker aad embalmer, Baat Tblrteeath aad Umatilla eve. Phone Sell, stood Tl. . . Clark Broa for Sower. ISO Morrtaoa Mm " RITZATIEW CEIIZTIIT, - -a , m. ' Blatle. graeee $10. FsaiUy low $TS $1,000. 2i?L -KiT J rstt CtV'X V?-? sjMter block ltf. W. If. LaQO. prultlvnt. -REAL-ESTATE TRANSFERSn Fidelia Powell and husband to Joha Kea aedy et al., aontk of 10 acres la jwttiM 1A tnwnakii.- 1-anulk-. renv s eaat.--. s.auu mnnd 4-4iMMaid nd wlfo- le atmele H. Footer, weal HTTeeT Bf lot 4. biwh J'l 1 '.mlh.r' addition 1.400- Francta,-CUma sad. wife t Andrew P., i in buu wiisi tut s a wiv m sm sm Irrlng'a addition 2,000 gbrrlff tOeorge P. Lest et el.) to M. C. itaariehi. Jots l to i. It to w ana annlh 2fiO feet of lot 2S. block 1. - Lent a addition. - 6,000 Frank Rlcbet art kl. to Joba F. Hnugnes. . IS. 14 osul 15. block 14. Capilas ddHkHM-sad et hes pcopcrtji . . i Mary Hlcbet to Jolm V. Hougnes. ,tra tee. lot 1, and aoqth 00 fret of lot 12. . block it. AtklaaoB's addlUoav and otliar property Otto B. Krana snd wife to Ha eel v., Knltoa. -lot la, hlork jay.Mouilt.Tsbor " Villa ..t: U. HatehkMoa snd wife to Mil toe Hager. tola 4 and 0, block S. sabdlvlalon C of ' M. Pettoa's tract.... . " Victor Cotteux and wife to Arsd O. Ca- ' - bill. - art US. Maryavllle, except tH -acres ., ... B. N. Brown to James f. Walsh, norths - 00 feet et . lot ... block . 4. .Tabor v . Height. C. L. McKenns and wlte te Mahel C. Frana. lot 6, block 13. Burrsse tract.. Mabel 0. Brans to f. I,. McKenna, lot , block la. Hurras tract..... Mary C. RlarkweU snd huahsad to . Cberks W. Darla. iiH 4. block L 0r-, ehard Homes....... ' fame W.- Troop end wife te Bdarard t'.. Oaha. lota lit. 11 and IX block 1. B. 1,750 -:t; 150 Irrlng'a addition. .." 4,100 Charles L. Wflaon et al. to jr. H. Nsah. i acres beginning st southeast corner f northwest U of section 17. townahla 1 soath. range 3 east................. X.TH0 Alexsmler Waneetnarher . and wife te Jnaenb Teres I et al.. lot S. block 4A. TBuuiiena a adit Ion.. . ...rz. . . ., . . .. . 1.S00 Benben Weeks, gnsrdhtn. - to B. W, . Brown, north 50 feet of lot S. blork Q. Tabor HelgtltS. .. . : f . serilvMed 4-k of north AO fesit sf , blork Q. Tsbor llelghta.., ...'.. JH) rrank u. Minor ana wire to e. v. Mtnor, kvt 7. and aaat f feet of lot S. blork ' 42, Ssnnyalde..-.-. .1 900 Ftrland company Te ftenrge A."-Roas at-SL. lots 21 and 32. block 4. Flrlsnd 1,120 I, IL ' Hnddleaon and wife to W. F. Hasher, lots a to 0. Redllchjon, $.T.1 Frank M. Mnlkey te J. rrlertenthsl. Iota t end t. klark lr. roerb'e endlttna.-. t O. Cllorrle snd wlf to Angelina .. fllh. lots sad 10.. block 30, Wood. ,. . lawn 17S Mnllie Berer and bnaband to Nellie Bob. t . ertann. lots $ snd 4V block , Ida as addition 4MI Manhattan Real Katate compaay to B.. Mwank. andlrlded H of lot . block 0, Bartach Park additive .-. : J23 Col lea F.ndowmeni. aaanrtatioa te same. . ante property.. 225 Ve-tor .C'oltent and wife to John Franklin Horn. 1 acre beginning ' northwest -' bif In. 4 U.mmIIU .n. Jitamsa McBrlde end wife to Kedtr Me'lseii " - et SI., aonip ;n rest lot 1, Mock 1', .'orta Portland : ies.i.vt)'4 av) Seenrltr .S-aelnr A Trnst eompatiV to ' - I trace 1i fallen, kit 7. block 10, M.-"' Jrt lug ,'lrat adilltkra.. , tl VI " 3H t s , trt Bit - ;nJI - .TU .44 .0 I . 4 .0 ! . as . 43 .0 I . as ' 4 .0 1 Is a Better Want Advertiser Running-the HomeMith less Friction Than You itiave RRAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Henry V. Buabmaa and wife te C. M. . lartwilght. 1 acre In sectloa 38, towaalilo 1 north, range 1 east Joseph t'lnrrey to Victor lAnd company. tot zn, nmrv x. riqiitnsoa tana rsa pany'a adiilttou. ,b. William Hvldt et a I. to Victor lsd company, lot .31.. bkx.k$,.llllira',d Park Slier II f to Victor Land compear. 74 acres la section S. tnwnaliip l norlh, range 4 asst. and other orooertv game to asm, lot tX block 4, Highland Park ....w v Bdward Petlersou and wife' to Jamea R. 00 t onn.j and wlf. ht 3. blk 10, Clif ford aildlilon. 700 IiHYaa M. Reawn snd bnaband to Mrs. K. j.- I'rice, .iota a ail J. Arlets I'arVAasldltian No. 8. J . ttmltlikon to Edward Joest, part block a. Abend's eddltloe- 1 Get yoer Insurance and ibetraets ts reel estate from the Title Querent A Trnst eoaftnaar. $40 Waablngtoa street. - sorner gassed. -NOTICED KOTirg of Anpolntment tif Eiecntrlx sad to! Imsnnr. 1a the cuunly-court of ms gfitrr of Oregon for th eounty ef-Mnltnomah. la 4 ssstter of th estate of B. mtstar Slnr- rls, Oecessed. Notice is hereby' glreo- that the undenilgned baa been dialy apiiolnted by . the shore entitled ormrt execntrli of tho last ' win and testament of B. Wiatar Morrto. de ceased. AU peraons baring claims against , the estate ef eeld deceased ere berr re quired to pre sent theni elih proper voocher t-within , six months from the date ef this notice, to the nndera'lgned. executrix aa afure- " said, alt the efdee of Tssl Minor, room SI4 ; Worcester blork. hv- the city of Portland, . Multnomah county, state of Oregon. " Dated tkk) fotirteentb day f April.' 1O0S. HANNAH HODKFI MOKBIS. .Kiecntrlx of the lstst Will ef B.ibUr Morris, fteceaaed. UrM pnhllcatlosi Aprtl 14, tSOO, - uiat ptiniirstioa, easy la. isue. THB nnderatgned will receive sealed bids for a - etoek -of aaeeebaadlaereenslstHny prliwlpn lly tf furnishing giious and dotntag. ef the ta- ner -price of e-,i. xogeinrr wim Ttxnrree. $T3.M. located at Forest- tirove. Oregon, nn to 13 o'clock neon of Tuesday, May 8. lOINl. A cash deposit of 10 per cent ef the amount yir-r i--- - -t "i, rkht Is reserved to reject any and nil bids. Inventory ef property may be seen st my .office and the. property auy .be inspected at Forest Grove. - - Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 28th day if April. 1000,. ; ABI.N .v Front aSd Ankeay st.. Portland. Or. . t-HKREnr- give" notice that I have sold my .IS lo tX'atklea Rro. SMMrff to tlltf. 1, Myemnerx THB W. sj fadd rseyoa -ranch, I -mils went of Portland. 1s now. open, ror etor.e. - nee er write J. - A. Pntnay,- superlsteadent, Bftrm, Or. Bates S cents pe" day. , . ' MIMItfKHS Z"6l . BOO i mens. Mi day. C. i March T, 11 s. au. la. room S. M. MEETINO NOTICES. lAtBtNA Idg. So. 101. A. F. A A. ' m. rusted eommunicatioa tnia I Satin-day evening. S o'clock. Vlslt- erdet- w. M. A. J. UANDLAN, gectstary. LOST AND FOUND. TOTJ" CAItWOT FIrr Tn-etrter rots -than-thoee In-Ptedmopt. he nnes place for a home; riedmont ha 'every restriction that protect and enhances yene property Make wp yetn- nsind y.u wlO-ase-PIcrtmont todajBeej 1 uxlay. lxk. oisrs-sv A SCHOOL lout her Tmree. enntalnlnx . $10.85. this nvtrnTns. en or near steel bridge) will Bnder! kindly return to 204 Broadway, or ring np Kaat 604 and get reward 1 . STRAYED away Monday nlgbt. from Fast loth and Marlon sts., Sellwood, light hrladl J cow. redlnm horns; .reward Joe rerora te A. J. Crsftoa, owner. " . DOST A lady's (old watch. Initial "L. M." oa cover. Ileware at all Beat intra St., n. LOST Bracelet with Initials "I. U" on lock. If found kindly j-etara te SOT North lets st. Reward. - . FOI ND On -Hawthorne eve., near Grand are.. cap ofr automobile axle. Peine may be nad y elllim tt stmrnal efflue and paying -tor ioib sn. liOMT- OB aroi.K.t ibme and buggy, almost Mack Iron gray marc, 4 reara old ' 4 white Teet. white atrlD Is forehead, ruhber-tlred. "hlen-whcsl'd. open hnggy and brepst harness. Keceiy . linerai reward ir return to evo Front st. - -- - " : " r- LOST Boston terrier dog. dark brindle, white nose, hand sod collar, crooked tan. ueiura te Ban Bros.. S3 Front at.; reward. - toST Fox terrier J black spot on - ahooleler. black tall, one black and nrawa er; lost near 101b ' and Washington ata. Return to owner and receive $5 reward. S04 N. 24th. - HELP WANTED MALE.- 100 FIREMEN and brakemea oa Oregon and lothcr rallroada experience nnnecraaary; Pro. men SlUV, oecnui miiue'r, euu werii .w blvt btakemen S7ft. become wnouetera ana $190; position awaiting yonng men; state sge: send stamp! nsme position pre ferred. Railway Association, room 44, 237 Monroe St.. Brooklyv.Hew-Iork. WANTED Orsy tronroooldera. patternmak- er, daskmskera and core makers. Apply- cf--m. f.. in, lina-A meel Works. Fremont. "Beallle. Washington. MFX and woeten te lesre kerbee trsd la eight weeks; sduatei" eere fiosa AlA ta. . I-T weekly; expert Instructor ; mtalnga free. Mohler System ef Collegss. g North Feartk at., Portland. . .;: " . . Urgest snrserlea in the west: CBSfa adysnced Weekly I - (rood territory -epea Addnsas Washington " Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh.-Wssh. .. AGKNTg WANTED te sell ennerlnr. nursery stock) complete outllt fun high-grade furnished freet eaak weekly: write today tot csolo of ter ritory. Capital CUy Nursery Company, gektsa. OrsfOB.- .- -- ; 1 STRONG able-bodied ain wanted , at L. B. Kera brickyard. B. . Forty-first bad Dlvlsloa st.; tak Blehmond car. WANTED 9 first-class solicitors who have had experience In house-to-bouse canvassing; eatery and commission to right part le. 300 second at. HARNESS and tsddlemaker wasting good Jobs In tb country, address Cbaa. It. M set ls A Co., wholesale leather. Front and Oak a lists, Portland. Oregon . A RARB opportunity foe a Burn with some capltsl; Investtgst tad yea will sure Inveet. C 110. ear Journal. , - WANTED Boy; steady; --Davis, cor net Frout. - factory - work. -300 r Vivrm We ersnt to enarrset foe BOO to 1100 good Chinese or Japanese te labor rn turnen tine woona. and at rauroan nn nwmin wdtii we won Id like to Correspond with reliable pe tie who will contrsit to furnish ns wilb suck labor for a term of years. Jackson f ,nm - her Co., l-ockhart. Covington county. Alabama. WANTED Sellable news paper esnvaaaer; steady position ror right Prty; city sun ronniry Agent, Vaocoaver. Wash. MATTRR9S-MAKFR WANTED Da via. - - J- 40 - Frees), cee. WANTFD Tarnlahers. machine - end " "hands. Oregon Faraltare Mfg. Co., Macadam road. ... TJNIOV HOTEf,. SI North Stfh et. Rate: . Konai. tl.25 no: room with hoard. It W ep; raoma rnoTatd; eicelleet table board. As- dei sen. ..... . .' . r- WANTED Dairymen to bey stock. Implement. crop snd lease On-acr farm, or reliable .man to take ehsrre of place ea shares. R. 4t y Williamson. Well. Or. . - WANTFD Boys to work la factory. Paclfle Coaat Bleeolt trt.. inn an unvis. WANTKD-Mandolln. guitar snd violin teacher: ont ef town I permanent pos,,,ou; ,sre pein. Addrea lock Box 139. Astoria, Oregon. WANTri Watchman for niannfactnrlng plant. Apply A N car journal., - - - WANTED eTeung man le drlvs (tsUrery wagon. AppljI, 30, cars dnurosi.. I , HELP WANTED-MALB." I WANT a steady, reliable man of large business- experience.- t'banr for edrancement to right party.-.Room 307 Columbia Bids'., 10 t lliDO a. a. - . ...... WANTs, D sVy that worked on bread. Apply! Ug Cabin Bakery Co.. 114 K use 1 1 st. MEN ' AND - WOMEN . AOKNTS ..wanted! r CSB make from (.1 to $S per day.. I'dndo hovel ty Co., &ui l ulon Ave. North. - WANTED Male yaeeaographer familiar with lumber Lualuess. . Address H ItiO, Jowrasl. WANTED-FUrst-clsse painter end peprbnger none but flrst-clnss need a only. A. ..A. ' Church A Co., St Taylor at. "PBSTRCOTIO! OF SAN FRANCISCO" Best ' book; large proflta; set quick; anmnle-froe, Olube company. 730 Chestnut St., I'hlla. HAKNEHS-MAKEBS wlshlug good )rhf In the country address diss. L. klssd.k A Co.. - wholesale, feather, Front and Oak sts.. Port--" land. , PR TO clerk wanted. H 130, care Journal. TJTTT T W AMTPnWPM AT.Tt" ' ""-" ' - ""V BKXPECTAHI.E workUig girl wants a. position . to aiay wltb S lady as comnsnloa or car a .'for children evening for room end board. O 100, care Journal. ... v HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, $43 V4 Waabtn toe eor. SevenOj. upstairs. rooae Mala SouS. Faaiale kelp wanted. THE " HOME IWIDIES'' AOEN'CY Opea Snn- - days and evenings. . 103M Fourth St. Phaa - Male AS34. ' . ' . v EXPERIKNCED GIRL wanted at XS Everett to attend Mors. Call 10 a. at. . . . MACIIINB-OPBRATOBS ea shlrU and whll good. . The Sinnae. Oe.f 135 10th et. IF la need ef nurses, cashiers. - hpokkeepers, hotel, restaurant er colored help, we nave tbem. The Home Isdls' Agency.- CIBX B'Ai'TEDfor general housework St. 6eJ - td-baylef at. Pkooe Scott , BED VENTILATORS Leu frcsh-str hurt de your beds, makee large nnff pillows: .costi -!.! last iq eri.jtt-Maln St WANTED Competent - John. 176 17th etr aklrtmakef.- Mr. St. WANTED Ledy who nnderstandii sewing w hmhrellaa, answering the phone and wrapping . packagea, at ISO Grand are., city. WANTED A refined, motherly woman for enW home place, wltb lady alone: good wages; 1 or same Plsee to mother and - daughter hi nee-foe tight woes.- -H lMvcses Journal, MALE AND FEMALE HELP. BOY or yonng lady wanted te work la drag MoreT one with experience preferred. Ap rrTtlg Begnd-aesr.'- , HELP wanted snd snpplled. msl er female. B. U O. Drake. 306 H Washington st. Paris 170. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WELL-KNOWN Portland colored yonng Bian. ' having suffered loss In 8n Francleco fire, desire employment: O year' experience gen- - with Urge nnsnuaturTngeoMe corn pa ten I. geenrate -end - truetwortby; -4et refer, ence. 1 104. care Journal. W A NTED--By experienced. man. position chsrg of c-mmlssary department .for .rallrnsd frac-pea; 15 yr' espnrlnnce hlljer.snd man weser .genetsl-eaerehndiset Isrge-acojiMlntanee - -srhHewW bonses;- eeet- .cetereeces.- -A4dres II 11. care Journal. WANTEO Position on road for wholesale hoqse; 13 rear' ecuualntanoe In esstern Oregon - . .1, v, ti,.t refnr.nres 1 itiTreaa'TS 1 1 X X rtre Jotu-naL - '- POHITIOV bookkeeping; erperleneed benklng: beat of reference; also steoograpber. -Address H 1U. cars Jonraal. , -V . NEWSPAPER MAX and printer ef good mora la, expei lease aad ability, wsnta maaagenyut country weekly: beet references. Addreaa JU. nuitocx. vtaemngion. - . . WANTKD Position as plnmbers"- helperi ens J ear's experience. Address H. ISu. car oornal. ,-r NO. 1 Poorth at., phono Paclfle 119. - War. I. Petee Gardening. lawn trimming, he-lue rtiitlng. Job work, etc. Prices, by contrsct. l'nd np; by .boar. Z3e;.by dey, $3, 3.35 and $3.80. AN experienced Japanese conk want position; no , ir mi mi in yrivs,e nuiv.. v. . w .nei. Flrat at.. City. . SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE TOl'NtJJ. lady t-tmgtephor, ejipcrlcncei" ln TTegal, general ofOc and educational llnes nlll consider only ftrst-clasa position;, ref erence best. - Addreaa H - 1 10. car Journal. WANTED Dey work sweeping, .dusting end . boneeclesnlng. Ill Ninth st, . N. Phone Psdfle 019. WANT te get gentlemen's plain washing at ISA North 13th at.; private family. "WANTED AGfENTS." an- trnid snlesmeat sale blah class tuwi need apply, splendid enportnnity - xor rigut - men ts - make- $UA0--o. $000 monthly; no . "graft" ecbaoie. Call $ to 10 mornings, .' 4 to 9 and 7 to 0 eveningalteom 10. Lafay ' et'te bldg. WANTED Agent; something saw; goad seller; - big wagee. too McKay bldg.- AOatXTB WAXTtU-Ofllrlsl Bas Xe.oetaeo esrthoiiaTiehoiik rTargf Msgs, startling nl tiir-s, elegant binding; hooka free; freight 'twill Tb Bible Mouiva33 pearbora St., AOENTS WANTED ETEBf WHERE Stereo - eeople' views of Saa Prsneteco earthquake series regular prices. Address A. H. Mayer, general delivery. Portland, Or,. AGENTS WANTBD-to-sett eee-hlgb-grade ane. - eery stork; cash advanced weekly; big eoos mlsslona and premiums: write today. Addrses ' Chlce Nursery Co.. Salem, Oregon. WANTED geveral Srst-elaa eollrltnrs. -city or eonntry; big pay to - right partlcsircfer aces required. Address-11 120, cere Jonrnal. WANTED Energetic and competent agent to represent u In all perls of the northwest; casta weekly. Capital City Nursery Co. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THE Portland Employment Cav, SOftUji Motrtsoa St. Phone Paclfle $39. , HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. , FOB MEN. - - ' I ft. Seeead st. Phone Mais IBM. BIO FOUR BMP. AGENCY Help eupplled 6 10 North Second et. . Phone Mr la 191S. ABI,B EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 184 Burnatde at. Phone Main 7010. . SAVE ME--- ,- Tou jnuat hare sometbinsI-. - yow can batter employ yo time than walking all over -f tnwn looking for b boarding. , place."." 7 , rls to res d "the Board and Lodging or Rooms to Rent advertisements - published l-"-mong tho. '' f - YfkllTiM TheJ JoWiaI; ' Than You, She Is Pro, -aWANTEDTO RENT. WANTED TO RENT IfrrTSES. tSOTjAOES. .- FLATS. BO0MI. NO-HOI Ulirt. 8TORIS, ETC. . Onr rental drusrtnient baa bees enlarged ' and provided with additional tff. W lnvlt listing from LANDLORDS, -effer 'pronal- stt.irlon so end ewtleeoes eupervlslua ever all property latrasted see POftTl-AND TRFST COMPANY OF ORBOOB, B. E. eor. $d end Oak sts. Phc- Ex. TS. LOTS BrtilOO, with 15-foot alleys. 4U). $X)0 and $00, In Piedmont ; no prettlcW resldeiiee ,' Irsct In the dig; close in, with In 15 to lit minute from the city; unequalled car eivit: cars leave Necnnd aud WssltlngKm every S ,to 4 luUiules: tak St. Joluis, Woodlawa or TJ car. Investment Co.. 314 Stark at. --WANTED REAL ESTATE. IN these day of. hurry whet a pleasure to have - s cuol. shady end quiet suh-irl, as Piedmont; ' you need not worry about milnslng e csr; cars leave for Piedmont from Washington end Second sts. every $ to 4 minutes, -luteetment Co.. S4stark St. - WANTED Lot Is er 1-room hosae. xebange. for equity pbone -Bnet S541, let WANTED MISCELLANEOUS: IF TiOU went te build a home let- a select re.l dence tract, . yon ahmikl build In Piedmont; ' excellent Ma at from VM. $M0 to $nuo; all' lota AAiIOO, or larger: with 15-foot alley. Investment Ce.i 84 Stark ifa- - . .- PAINTtNO, spraying and- whitewashing tress. basements, bsru.-dock, etc. J. largest gaaollne .spraying nutot on the Coast. M. O. II org so A. Co.; $23 Colon see. Phone Eaat SIT. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for fnrnlf. e tn any quantity ; also take same on commission ' and guarantee beat results. Th Port Is nd " Auction Booms A. grhabaeh prop.. Ill Flrat : et. . 1'hose Mala 565B.. . j - - U1GHF.ST eash price paid for second-hand l'kon East oirii. izb i nios arm. WE WILtrBTT. SrTIX-lR-TRAB ANY OLD "THING. WESTERN - BALV Ao)B - CO.,- 037 ,. S20 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 7SJ3. JOHN DABB.Tnanofctorer -of tmprpved ce- aient ptsT waterproof, laatlnga strong, cheap; .clf""e Investigate; specially or tence posts 7is,ir wnni V" i - Southeixr -eor AtaUlaoa .ASiJUiE!0?! "srs.. Portland. Or. WHO 1$ M. O. MORGAN A CO.. . N. MORGAN, pioneer sprsyer and white washer. Call East - 6241 - Rmmber th - name E. N.Morgan; 11 yssra la la Portland.- .uv. j,.fln "TotaitarsSna' ohserngood - . ' - .'PHONB MAIM 064a. ( WANTED A second hand prannt roaster; must he la perfect condition and reasons hi In Jjirict. . Addreisi T. A. B., care Journal. - - WANTED t er 1 14 -horse power motor, with or without .shafting and pulleys. Address. ' kll8, cere . Journal. , . . , - CITY WARRANTS for sale. Inquire Hcnklc A Harrison. 317 Abtngtnn bldg. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT rV l-THie KINO. SOO Jerreraon St. Nicely fnrutsbed rooms, wnn gaa or electric ngnt. neat ano bslhs, la new building. $SJM aad $10 per month. - THR UlcnELIEU, t NORTH SIXTH ST. ' Elegantly tarnished, steam heat lad hatha. THE ORANDr efty, l orth third et Rooms Tor ' gentlemea $1.33 per week and Bp, --- DOI'BLKl parlor, well furnished: phone and bath; sear Morrison at. - 161 -Lnwnsdnle. TTTR GRAND, " SRT Tamhin St. neatly fnr . nlsbed room, single or en cult. $3.00 per week and np; electric light, free bath snd free phone. c ,: . .. BOOM -for oi eonvenieBt. e or two. private f am nyTsMrrd 401 Seveath at., corner Harrison. large piMiant Tmar-rrTair4ra Fifth at." UNFCBNISUHD rooms; hsth. . phone; 5 minutes fruis p. 0. ae-ehllika. 410 Jef fersoo. . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING THB MTTCHELL. " Flanderf " end -Sevel VtuTTb- Roome, housekeeping and translant; venleot: nrlees ressonsble. - 1 . 1 ii.xaWEn. an. eiesn, rnrnianea aoBsexeeping room, wits; yaro. ptriorr uuuuif , uaiu. lur- I Bsc best. 308 H Stsehns) st. fl.BO PER' WEEK Large, clean, " fnrnlabed houeekeephig-rooms; lsundfy and-bath 181 Sberaua, South Portland. til AI.DER Nice hsnwkeenlmr-rnoms; gas stove, osth, phoss, close to business; reaaonabls. BLEEPING snd housekeeping-room foe rent. See II. H. Hlgley, room SO. 2271$ Waahlng. toa at . - -. - ti - . - - i , .-if ... ... i , LA RGB elegantly fnrBlstied heosekeeplng rooauu - gas r-"ff, pithi. running water; $3 week. "1103 Alder St. : T :..v; TUB GRAHAM, Wsh. Roems $1 75 per en1ns43M--pse-Bii!k. snd up. 4 THE - BUTLER. - 400H Washing ton St. Well, furnished boesekeeping-eoenie, mooerit prices. Pbone Psclnc U4. f S Pl-RASANT nnfurnlshed moms, bath aad ass; . reasonabl rent. 8o7 Sixth st. $9 S ROOMS, enmnletely fornlbed for hoose- haaplas. . Key OM Seventh ! Mala 4839, HOCSBKEBPlNgte"nffI uT rooms ; fro It and shade trees. LwM ' and Clark Camping Grounds, Mosst Tabor I'non East 41 2. THRKB bouaekceplng roeme for rent. Call OUO Seventh at. ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS BOARD WITH BOOM in anlet, modern home; electric light snd bath; rea . Bonnble. 1'hone Bast 4011. 034 Eaat Moc ' rlsoa st, '" - -,, - r 471 .ALDER Largs front parlor, bath, phone, board If desired, walking dlataace, reaaonst price. $00 12TH .Large front rooms; gaa. hath, phone, - walking distance; privets family aad home comforts. .. . -- -' . WANTED A child to heard; reasonable; home. Phone Scott 1340, t good FOR RENT HOUSES.' THB average time of the St. Johns car from Washington st. to Piedmont taveuout It m.n . teey er lea; don't run for "sr to PteJ. monC: cara leav Washmston and Saond every I to 4lnnte. Invest yen t Co., 244 ni.n - . MEW 9 room bouse. g. electric light, norce. - lain bath, fnll basement, large grounds; i blocks from school, 1 block from csr:-eaat elile, north. -laVmlnnle ride f nisnc eealee the elty: $30. Pbone Scott 0307... A COTTAOR -with 4 -rooms downstairs and 2 In attic, alee hath snd cellar: completed last . fall; Ko. al.S Iron St.. one block from 2rend T vs-.-end Division et-.f $13 per month.,. The arrtu investment yo.. no, , rrrst sr. KAPngRLY TRANSFER CO..- prompt sad re. liable plsne knd torn II ore movers; akw stor--ag. . Phone Ms In ln 5. fflce 110 N. Third. FOR BBNT Mndtrn S-room honee. . 10th " nd Irving ate., $50. Phone Mala 701. THB CONTINENTAL COMPA NT . , - V 14$ STARK ST. V INSPBANCB. RENTALS. BEB. LIST. NEW-modera s-room house. In Upper Alhtna . between 3 esrllnes; eo children. Inquire SOS Monroe t. T ROOM bonse, modern, 007 Sixth St. room g. ThJal st. . Apply HEW 'modern s-room ont l sge, 44. Unloa ave aorth., $30. . Phooe Kaat 4tkl. S-ROOM cottage. Eaat Eighth -and Yamhill, $15; d mora bonse. Best Vamhlll between Seventh end f'.lghth, $1S. - A 10-ROOM hosrdtng brnis near the S. P. ear hor, Snth and Powell sis. Thon East Oflns. g-ROOM . rotlsge) gar snd hatb:" 'hist o biuled; right la tews. M Biest I'srk.u baWy FOR RENT HOUSEST 4-ROOM Sst. Msson snd -Eiit-yhr-nppsr. $1; tower, w, goMi intie niuB. roriiauu iru.i " Company, Third and Oak, - - ----- HoCHRa and f lata for rent la ell part of th city. Pbone -Paclfle- W .kU- li.-Le, . M HUth st. JOB RENT a-reom bouse, sere ground;! KiK-uru lumisueo; rem very i ..... - qi I re er address II. AleCbeanfy, CUcksms. . Oregon). ' TB'O 4 room cottages, . st TV) Fourth at. on $3, one $10. Key FOR RENT FLATS. ' 4 ROOM Set. thoroughly modern, Inrlndlr.g gsa and sleetiicltv. bath, hot and cold water. " atstlonsry washtuh. eia., - tiled klt'b;p; T Ditniiles' csraervlce; 33 Russell St. Ap- - ply Portland Trust Company. Third and Oak. FOB BENT T-room modern new .fist, MTV ' Sixth at., sear Jacksoa. Phone Pacific SS5. A. H. Masgly. $10 Fourth et . klill )K K.N S-room fist, including gas and steel . range; shades oa windows. .300 Ilslsey. . IWI1 REN T-aoKen' tl room flsLTrMI J7Bk)S sc north, near HolladsyJ.J U S-ROOM flat. Including; basement, telephone, water. - $18.00; no small children, 030 Mill et. - - FOR BKNT Oroom modern Set.. 126 North - 18th st.. fm-nlshed or , unfurnished. - IlMJulrs 111 North 81st at. ', -ROOM Sat, newly papered, northwest corner 12th and Bast Stark; rent reasonable. MODP.RN B-room flat, tnclndlng gaa and steel rauge; shades on windows. 300 Ilslsey. - - MOB flat chean. rooms all tinted; furnace and gsa range; Ftflh aad Great sis. Inquire a i Portland sfras Or- FOR HENT STORES-OFFI CES NEW store. 35x40 feet. Morris snd Mississippi sr., l modern equipment, good beslurs cor ner, near large school; rent very reasonable. Portland Trust Company, Third and Oak. WILL build 1-story brlrk building-and lease . ft term ef year on lot lOUilt-O. southwest ' 11 '"1 th au - M. B. Lee, OS Blxth et. , Phoee. I OFFICB euotns, anfnrnmlnd rnosse end sansple room ror rent, ooodnongk bldg. Apply k - valor, i. - r.- PART of shop for rent. . Inquire JtOO FourLh. I ear naimon. ' . - .. ... B00MH snd offlrea". Iwls bldg.r Morrison and -P. jeiju u-l .:whitv-3il4 ; sakam blilg. i FOR R r NT- p s ctnns atoreroorn. good -locatloa, good for any business, ysry cheap. - f; Fncha, 149V Flrat et. , . . t 0R- RENT Half of brick weretinose AosailOr ground xioor. j,tin snd tvejny at.r private -switches.- Brsmewiek- A Balks, 4U Third -at. LOWER flat, nicely furnished, good location. S03 Jefferson, corner -Tenth at. HOUSES FOR iRENT FURNI- TURE FOR SALE. ' - ' THR FL'RMTURB of dUiIng mom and kitchen or an ne 14 wood itotei rtc sale at a nargatn. lintel for rent. - 4014 Beet Hneteentb at., Sellwood. .... - V y FCBNITURB of a 4 room cottage for aals; and complete. 7 Faat 13th et. FORRENr-MiSCELtXNE6US rOR RrtNT In 4-itf. H (tm eUUblw tdeiiiar IewQolr SO& jfowwtk FOR ENT FARMS. FOR BENT 8a acres. 8-mom boose, here. fruit. Spring Vrster; Cornell road; R. F. V. . N0..3. Box 110.- Mr. Carrie F.nnl. "" r' 1 1 '" 'ji.-' . I BUSINESS CHANCES. BBAL EKTATB and Uhor agency Jot sale; rent only $111; labor list of -nearly 1.2ih) names and sddreeses; ever 100 of tb best bargain In real est sts and personal property In the city en our book, for sale or trsde; all ata- t toner y end eoHlpment ef highest grade and . everything to tUi wltb. This office cleared -ever $4,000 o" 4 rarmtbe. end Is on a first class footing. A" goes f'$l&0 caah-ooly. Address ll K. Fourth St. MERCHANTS If yon want a ftrxt-ctas open- ing ror general store, oon t rail to e tins; we need one: no roller opening in the .iief STors eo feet front will he rented cbeap; part lr . stocked with new .sooda: .fins location ; thriving town wllh'two onllcgea: flVst-cIans I farmiox and dairy counlry..-LalLsnd see, for yonraeir. Apply at drugstore, lit, Angel, Or. DRDIISTORR for sale; the only one tot good town of TOO people; 3 colleges; flrst-cls . opening for drngglst; corner store, electric - light and -telephone;- will make -cheap- -rent: stock at Invoice: owner retiring, j Call tt drugstore. Mt. Angel, Or. . ; OVER 500 lots tn select from In Piedmont; --irvlatna . and - llollsdsy people out seeing Piedmont In la rye numbers- wwreb Pledmfnt "grow; Iota di Jow'aa $S00: "excellenf lota fin $400 end f.VM). Inrcstment Cov. 344 Stark at. PID yon top to -thrnk -what- trwrmlfl -mean ir ea mold take a car every 8 to 4 minutes to a home In a choice anbnrh, inateed of every 15 mtnutea? Piedmont I that anbnrh. We here the beat car service tn the city. Investment Co., 344 .Stark -et. v J0DAT I the time to aee Piedmont. Poa't forget to see Piedmont. . Over M0 lot tb '.elect from. -Make vonr . selection todsv. Take Bti Jukini. Wosllsnn er "U" ear. Cir. leave Second and Washington every three to four lulnutes. Only In to-IS minutes rids.- Invetmut Co., 344 St LTVE.: . iTOwlng . Portlsn irf mnA Inislnese rsnlillv . e'tpsndihg, can "iie" from. $O.Oirto$l0.ii' adilltlunal capital, Answer with particulars as to what beats won Id be willing to engaio npon If investigation Droves satisfactory. Ad- . dress O 111. care Journal. 7Bf.o,jisrTi;--!iJVBSTIOATB.- -- . Sg.OflO .'1 be only drngstore In eollege -town la -the valley, doing a good baalneae. F. FUCilH, 149 First St. - DON'T come here flrat, bnt don't buy yoar city property, fruit -and garden -hind.-wheet.- stock .- of dairy ranches nntll yon see n. North west Lend Co., 900 Goodnongh bldg. P. 8. W also hsve bo sines chance, of all kinds, . snd can locate you right. N. W. L. Co. WHO IS M. G. MORGAN A CO.I. LARGB or smslH roon lug-house for eale on -terms by H..J1, Hlgley, reota SO. 327 - Waablngtoa at. OPPORTUNITY ef lifetime for Investment In -excellent Srat-saortgsge O-per-eent bonds: . $.000 shares atnrk Unit wilt psy dividend thla year free with each $100 worth bond; - don't- -'1'- thl! Lock Box 01. - . PORTLAND enhnrbsn drugstore fee sals. draee B eare Journal. , - Ad- WANTED Man with $500; good salary, payable weekly. P. 0. Box 16. . SPOT CASH. ; For fnrnltnr and household grinds. PHONB MAIN 0055. HAVB yon $100 $3no-u Invest in gnarasteed rr dlrldpnd-psrlpg stock 1 If o, don't fall lo eomtou nlcat with mt. Lock "Bor BT, rTfyT FOR . SI LB $4,000 stock of merchandise In best Willamette valley towaf good hosinesn; best of reason for selling. Address F 130, care Jonrnal. ,.-.r ,u. .... . COMPLETE foor-chalr bar her shop, excellent locstlon; leaae.' reasenable Vent: now doing $150 per month; working two chairs. F lie. care JourrssB ... . . - i . I, . , V iii.i i i i i I $X.eoO BITYS boalnes on Washington. St., now doing better than $1,500 per month; mvnlce about $.1.3t0; party retiring. P 117, Journal. WRITE as qnlck snont recent Important de velopments ef the Hnrat Automatic Switch A Signal Co.: -hey stock before big -advance. J. F. Hurst A Co., 300 McKay bldg. IF YQU want a tmatnes doing from $3S ta $V cssK per dsy for lik answer tble ed. Ad- F 115, rare Journal, FOR SALS CHEAP One of the jtest black , agilth and gn shops la the Wills metis Taller :" stork and tools worth ell we ass for the ssme; ether buelnee reaeon - for elllngJ 'For particulars address P. o. sVjS 310, torva His, Or. ,--. . . . - ,,.M . in Your Office -BUSINESS CHANCES. rt'R.VITL'Rg and hardware store for sale. Call at 2H7 First St.. er at Cohn Br., la lUsL . st, PertUud. FOR S A LB - - - .... Blarkamlth shop: good established bnclnees ' gad locatloa.- Phone Bast 640. - - $500 TAKES s good panlng drug stor; , balance easy term r lust - the thine for -s -do tor: growing lcHatlvn; a few days only. All oc D 11. car JonrnaL BESTACRANT and hinch cosmter ea Wssblng ton st. for sale; 3 year' lease. Address B 130, care Journal. FOB BALK On account of sickness, sadd psy. , ing bakery and confectionery. In one of the. best towne In atste; no opposition; railroad building within two niilee of town. Lock Box 144, Core, Or. ROOMINO-HOCSR ef 115 rooms, with restsn rant In connection, fur Bale at a bargain; T long leaae: cheap- rent, . Inqitir at $4 Borth "Second st. 'Pbeae PadSe 1847 . - : - . - f.TdO 13-ROOM n neat and extra turng wsll house; a gat: very . furnished: must go. talt'SSlH- tlorrtsrm It. ; $7.80v Exceptional valne for money. Don hi " honan-ie rocrns - wioderB. otceHfm eoiirrlrhm, - rn ie property.-- North ldih et.: lot OuxlOu Thla la on the market for tew day ouljr. lxxb Dos es. . FOB BALK A good paying badness ef men s , clothing, furnishing -and shoe. Address a L., car Journal. - J HOTpL MN. A good - paying botei en -the N. P. hv '.Wsshluxtoh. with ground, buildings and fully cril.prd for $1,400. Slckooaa cause of sell ing so cbesei. c k' . . - F. FICHS. 140V, First St. . . . MKRCII ANTS, ATTENTION'. . 1- save excellent orif nlng. . In the ajef-' canllle line from- $1,500 Bp to $40,000. Ja- veetlgste, . r- - , i . . I. Fl'CHS. 1491, Flret st. - g,ooo 4H1BNEB business property, two. storei. t ww iwis.--stwt mouern, m owa.w, psyHMf- over 10 per cent; excellent lor i Ion for tit-. ... crease in valuei 11 yoe are looking, for .an rvcellent investment, this 1 your caaare. sick Box 441. city. - , - MINING-- MEN. . ATTENTION-r-Owner- want 5.w"-4e" Increase capacity -of s developed producing gold mine: thla Will net yea $10.(MO .nit tenant I prouucing B'vu oiiiie; uu win net yew fiu.wnt IzfwlSc. 8tH eia aientbe. tltlt UilA Pfqccrtjr: at owner s eipenee; If you know e quarts mine when"1 nA sauamla I T"u see It. yon will not torn this down. Ad dress owner, v. u, nox 91, fort land. FOR SAI.E (Jrocerv. et e bargain; new etoek. cheap rent, good location: nice cash business: bout $800. Phone East SS1S. - SAN FRANCIHCO esrthrmake made 'the oppor-.f-- --4ur4t:irtl0-Invested now pj IW0 per snnnrnv ' ee' cent bn $.;000r ' VnrlneeS est a It- lJw", llshed: reliable: strict Inveetlgation ennrteiU "must be quick. - Address G 103. er Joornsl. - -- HAVINff TO.LEAVB rOR-n,ANDfoe Import---'- ant pusineae, win sou wooiesais oiisincsa at .' m u.riAM ranltal - 1 RitO A J e good bnefn Address G jOS, care Jour ua I. WANTED A new six-room boose with leT" J ' IMVtlOO; fnll basement ; near carllns; payment " , , dowa aad $35, per month. J. X .. Journal I ' WIRELESS TEI.FGBAPHY In a wnnderfnl 'inT. - r ; resa. CsII st SIO Allsky bldg. knd w-sru all "-snoot If. -Investors, there's a. fortune In lt.V HALF Interest good psrln-business, -. Owner. 421 AWngfon bldg. $300.- : FOR SALE REAL, ESTATE. $1. SOo NEW cottage, tieth. gaa and electrle ' , u. 1 'in , v ii . uinn v it. ., ph. phPaeTfm: Senth- Portland t teraie, . sua Feartk sU- . $4,900 HANDSOME keate, new. atodera la every -r-psrtlcalar, -bsetitlful corner, BoUaday'a addU- tton, close te eebool end car. Inquire owner, - 90S Foarth at. Telepbone Mam S990. - - DO YOU want te hay efty lote er a cresset It an, see East Sid Real Estate Co. Best side property e epectahy. 40T Hawthorne arc,. . eer Grand. Pbone Bast -1007. . NEW bonse st Bast lsthsnd Hancock, th " . meet- choice location la Holladar and Irving - ton addltloas: bollt wltb tb beat et snetwlsl, ' Brittle Hy deetgwed.. dnnhle-lined boosee. cs-.-ment cellsr floor, furnaces, modem bathf -rooms, phimhlng. etc; eelected wood for elf Inside work with fine eegsbell atatn finish; six, seven end eight rooms: eaa use money . to advantage end will make reduction of ' $100 ea the flrat house sold. C1IAS. U BOSS. - Office phone Baat 03. Home pbone Tt. ACBB TRACTSt ink SPECIALTY IS AfiRB TWAfTmt ralLaterd Vtreeta, Water te eet sera. .TERMS $10 FEB ACBB CASH, $10 PER ACBB PER MONTH. Yoe go to thee acres ea the eeata car, Ciy th same Be fare th lot Bias psy. The t S3 a a Is your neighbor, bet hs le re stricted la majority of festal so that SMke a tmt snbrbB baas. ... ' Open Wedaeeday aad Satarday aeealags. A. a CHVBCHILL CO.. IMCL 110 Ssoond M... . s... MDST sscrlflc B-rnom cottage. 4 loht; no rea- --ennable- offer re fused r la sabnrb. AdiieeS . .- p p. care Journal. r-- t y- r" I i , s . S-ROOM. HOI'SB AND 3 LOTS. IS fruit trees. ,-. $500. , Terms. Pbone Bast 4010, FOR B ALB 4 hesnrlfnl -Tota trlm. Onbm Height; fine prchrd, 4-room tank noose, well .e, . and windmill, - newly fenced: hlsal enhnrhas t home; excellent ear eerviee;. gl.HOO: mortgage ' ' ' . StstO. S yearn. $1,300 net, uwuci"lcsf lug ettji, Addreae B ISO. care Journal. . JVBP. un river from Portland.-- Located ee- - der N. P. h-rlgstlng dltrb and S aewTiort bank railroad: fruit goes en the market three f-weekT earlier then tn say other section, com manding highest prices;-asliy steamer Tro--. Portland. Sale by the owners, Bovr .Land Co., Hover, Waablngtoa. - Ft'T.L lot on Tillamook wltk cement walk fee - $NS0 Phone Main 40. ONR sere, main iricent"" Vic flonr net heme) ell plastered, cement cellar and ont huildlnra: close to 10 room schoofst Lent. I nc fsre te eny part of Portland: price only f $1,075, e terms; extra bargain... 0. B. Addl- ton, Lenta, Or, - - BU -ACBES and small bonse, 1 acre small frnlt; good kication; Montavllla. Frank A. - WtllsrdV-Pbone Beat 4133..-.. ' $4.900 Handsome home, brand new, well er ranged, all modern Improvements, fine cor- per. Ninth and Schnyler. Holladay'e eddl- - Hon; best buy on market at price. 11)8 Feartk. Phone Pclc 2135, or Mala 3900. " . $1.250 Nice new 4-room cottage) batk, gas and electrle lights. Mable etreet .be. - twees Hamilton are. snd" Seymour, I hWk . from S ear and school. Sooth Portland; terms.. Inquire 200 fourth., Phooe Paclfle SI34. Residence. Mala $990. ' ...... . . $0.2A0 8-reora bouse. at!le.-full.rrmntf . hse-j ment, bath, . pantry, sink, slstlnnsry tubs, , wstee boiler. 2 fli-eplacesc-durnac. gaa and I'lm-trlclty. lighting Sxtnrc. By screen and , ut loo 10 feet, on southeast comer Han- -eock end' Kaat 24tk at.; easy tsrms. ; . . ,... , B. M. LOMBARD. ... -:.'.' BI4 Chamber of Commerce. ' 1 I BUILD koimee. easy payments: lots fnrnlstted -If desired. Miller. SIS Commerclsf bldg. - - - . FOR SALE CHEAP. 10- Vder - W blocks - frew, pcsliiflles. over- - -. looking river; $nfto per lot. . ' 11 lolJ, 8'i blocks from carllne; $150 per , . - "" -r..t . I sere, 100 feet from rsrllAe; $SW. .Sd acres ner packing-plant sit; $700 per- "'' ,-acre. -- ' ". - Ivils $30 dnws snd $10 per month. ..;' THE HOME BHOKKRAOR COMPANY. Boom Brerdea lk., Third and Washington. $ ACBES No. 1 land, t mile from electric line. 10 mile eaat ef Portland; thla la No. 1 land., lay well end easy to clear; there la no rock -or gravel. I will aell 6. 10 or 20 acre at " $05 per sere en- very easy term. 0 loo," ' care Journal. i 20 ACRES, i mile sooth of Ore-sham; 11 acre In fine atnte of -cultivation, ha lance can he - clearetl readv for the plow for $10 per acre; there ere WaV per tree. T veers old: this . 1a very fin frnlt er potato land. , Will sell for $1,200 nn eaay. terma, or will exchange for city nroperty. p 10, eanr J oornal. NEW a. room bonse, $2,800; wi dews, $1 awnthy. Owner, pkeae Ksst gle. , i i raahlartow . Btreeta,